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Cladogram Practice: Evolutionary Relationships Worksheet

Name ___________________________ Date ____________ Class period______
What is a cladogram? It is a diagram that depicts evolutionary relationships among groups. It is based on PHYLOGENY, which is the study of evolutionary
relationships. Sometimes a cladogram is called a phylogenetic tree (though technically, there are minor differences between the two).
In the past, biologists would group organisms based solely on their physical appearance. Today, with the advances in genetics and biochemistry, biologists can look
at individuals at the microscopic level to discover their pattern of evolution and group them accordingly - this strategy is called EVOLUTIONARY CLASSIFICATION
CLADISTICS is a form of analysis that looks at features of organisms that are considered "innovations", or newer features that serve some kind of purpose. (Think
of what the word "innovation" means in common language). These features appear in later organisms, but not earlier ones, and are called DERIVED CHARACTERS.
Examine the sample insect cladogram to the right. Each letter on the diagram represents a derived
character: a different (or newer) trait that wasn’t present in previous groups.
Match the letter to its derived character, listed below. Note: this cladogram was created for simplicity and
does not represent the actual phylogeny for insects and their relatives!
1. _______ Wings
2. _______ 6 Legs
3. _______ Segmented Body (body is divided into sections)
4. _______ Double set of wings
5. _______ Jumping legs
6. _______ Crushing mouthparts
7. _______ Legs
8. _______ Curly antennae
1. Think about the characteristics of the following methods of transportation:
bicycle, car, motorcycle, airplane, and on foot.
2. Complete the cladogram below by writing each method of transportation
on the appropriate lines at the top.
List the "derived characters" used in this cladogram:
Create your own: To make a cladogram, you must first look at the animals you
are studying and determine which traits they share and which ones are unique to
each group. For the animals in the table below, write an “X” if the trait is present.
Based on the table, complete the cladogram in the space below.
HINT: To correctly write a genus and species name by hand,
use a capital letter for the first word and lowercase for the
second word. Underline both words. Ex: Carthidea olivacea
***If you are writing just a genus or species name, use the
same rules: genus is capitalized and underlined; species is
lowercase and underlined.
1. What is the genus and species name for the Warbler finch?
2. What is the genus and species name for the Medium
ground finch?
3. At a point in evolutionary time, finches branched from the
common ancestor into what three genera (plural for “genus”)?
4. What genus is the most closely related to the Woodpecker finch? (*hint, it must share a common ancestor)
5. What two species of finches are cactus flower eaters?
6. What would the Large ground finch eat? What would the Mangrove finch eat?
7. In which direction does time pass? (circle one: top of chart to bottom / bottom to top / can’t tell from the chart )
From which genus did the Bonobo evolve?
What are the genus and species names of modern humans?
10. What is most closely related to the Eastern gorilla?
11. From which genus did the Australopiths evolve?
12. Are the Australopiths still living in present day?
13. According to the cladogram, how long ago did the chimpanzee lineage start
to evolve?