Learning Component Sub-Learning Component Date Code : : : : Empowerment Technologies I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students should be able to: 1. 2. 3. II. Content: A. Concept: B. Instructional Materials: Laptop, Desktop Computer LCD Projector Visual Aids/PPT KAHOOT.IT C. Reference/s: https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/siddiqueibrahim37/network-topologyppt III. Procedures: A. Preparatory Activities: Daily Routine: Opening prayer Greetings Checking of attendance and Assignment. 4. Review: ETHERNET CABLE Visual Prompting: TRACE THE MAZE MECHANICS: The class will be divided into 5 groups, and each group should have one representative The teacher will project a Maze containing five (5) computers and one(1) switch Each representative will choose a computer projected on the board and trace the route of the line going to another location. The teacher will ask the students to identify what kinds of internet cabling used base on the game. Motivation: “VIDEO PRESENTATION” 1. 2. 3. Motive Questions: 1. Based on the video clip presented, what have you observed? 2. How does this network connection helpful in our daily life? B. Development/Presentation Guide Questions 1. Are you familiar with the word TOPOLOGY? What comes to your mind when you hear this word? 2. What is a Network Topology? a. Physical arrangement (cabling arrangement) of the devices on a Local Area Network. The teacher will flash a picture/diagram that describe the lesson and explain its purposes. Unlocking Difficulties: CROSSWORD PUZZLE… the teacher will introduce the terms and definitions of the lesson using a crossword puzzle. 3. Does anybody know the different types of network topologies? a. Star, Ring, Bus, Mesh, trees and Hybrid Describe each network topology (star, ring, bus, mesh and tree hybrid topologies) C. Application: Group Activity: Scenario: You are planning to put up a computer shop, with 10 computers in a studio type space in Mandaluyong. Through human Modelling, Simulate the appropriate network topologies applicable in this set-up. IV. Evaluation: The student will have a short game quiz in KAHOOT.IT to evaluate their learning. Student’s Activity will be evaluated according to the given criteria. Rubric CRITERIA A. STRUCTURE/ CONTENT Exemplary Performance 25 Effective Performance 20 Above Average 15 Below Average 10 Low Performance 5 The student followed the instructions without errors. The student followed the instruction with 1-3 errors. The student followed the instruction with 4-5 errors. The student followed the instruction 610 errors. The student followed the instruction with more than 10 errors. The student created the activity with a unique ideas The student created the activity with an impressive ideas The student created the activity with a simple ideas The student created the activity with few ideas The student created the activity with no idea The student finished and presented the project in a short period of time. The student finished and presented the project 1-2 days before deadline date. The student finished and presented the project on deadline date. The student finished and presented the project 1-2 days after the deadline date. The student finished and presented the project 3 or more days after the deadline. All members participate with the activity. 1-2 members did not participate with the activity. 3-4 members did not participate with the activity 5-6 members did not participate with the activity Only few participate with the activity 25 points B. CREATIVITY 15 points C. PROMPTNESS 5 points D. TEAMWORK 5 points Total V. Assignment/Agreement: Research and Browse the advantages and disadvantages of Network Topologies visit the link below. https://www.slideshare.net/mobile/siddiqueibrahim37/network-topologyppt Prepared by: ___