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Bodyweight Beast: Get Ripped in 30 Days

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RIPPED & chiseled
in 30 days
By Chris Wilson, RKC, CPT
Workout Parameters
This Body-Weight BEAST program is 4 weeks of full body strengthening mixed
with cardiovascular training, resistance conditioning, core development and
metabolic bursting. There are TWO phases, each lasting two weeks offering
specific elements of strength.
Each workout helps to build up your tolerance and ability to endure new
challenges later on in the program. Phases 1 & 2 are comprised of two workouts
each, Workouts A & B, that will be rotated each week. These workouts are all
different. All the variables are constantly manipulated to change your focus from
rep counting, to timed sets, to on-the-minute (OTM) training, ladders and more.
Be sure to carefully read over the notes
section for EACH workout to properly
identify the changes to those above
mentioned variables. Rest periods will be
short on purpose to maximize output,
calorie burning and help turn you into a
legitimate BW BEAST even faster!
Being comfortable in the gym makes us
L-A-Z-Y (yes, say it slowly) and doesn’t
provide us the tools to grow, develop and
excel. Body-Weight BEAST will change
your focus, force you to adapt and take
you to new heights both physically and
If getting RIPPED & CHISELED is on the
agenda then this approach to strength
training is for you!
So WHY are there
‘2 Phases’ in a short
30 day program?
Understanding the approach, the strength variables and what to expect from this
training program.
Phase 1 (weeks 1 & 2):
Like any strong building, it all begins with the foundation. Preparing for any
great challenge should be done thoughtfully and thoroughly. This initial phase
of BW Beast is designed to prime your muscles and prepare your body with
fundamental movements. Consider this a primer for proper neural activation.
Our nervous system is a HUGE part of our success in regards to physical output.
Training your nervous system correctly early on will deliver dramatic results
down the road. Some of the exercises in this phase have probably been done
previously while some will be brand new. But remember that by tweaking the
training variables, we have turned basic exercises into hardcore killers!
Phase 2 (weeks 3 & 4):
Now that you’ve grounded yourself with principle movements & exercises that
targeted every muscle in the body, the goal of this phase is to make you more
explosive. Explosive Strength measures your strength output in a unit of time.
How much strength are you capable of generating in the shortest amount of
Generating explosive force can be lost with too much controlled lifting and
always doing bodybuilding workouts steals away our force production. This is a
necessary element of true strength that should not be neglected but implemented
and harnessed. Again, several of these exercises will be familiar but with some
interesting twists and variations.
Expect to become uncomfortable with
the demands of explosive strength and
working on getting FASTER!
This kind of body weight training will
transfer over very well to barbell and
dumbbell training and even your 1RM.
Yes, that’s correct. Keep reading and
you will understand how that’s even
Strength Types Defined
(and used within this program)
Explosive Strength
Explosive strength is strength per unit of time. This type of time-specific force
depends on the amount of force you can generate in the shortest amount of
time. In terms of strength calculation, it means how fast your body can move
from one point to another. This kind of strength is utilized in free styling in moves,
where the body is suspended in air for few seconds like somersaults and more
commonly plyometric pushups.
NOTE: This kind of strength IS used in Max Effort lifts….without the element of
Explosive Strength, 1RM would not be possible but it can be used to generate
enormous power w/ bodyweight movements as described above.
Strength Endurance
Strength endurance is the amount of force you can generate for an extended
period of time. This is the ability to be as strong as possible, as long as possible.
This type of strength is characterized by being able to perform a movement
repeatedly without being overcome by fatigue. Two different forms of strength
endurance are there; Dynamic and Static.
Dynamic Strength - This type of endurance is normally related with repeated
movements in which sizeable strain is recurring devoid of any disruption
during each cycle of movement. It is also evident in non-cyclic actions
requiring maximum power repetitions with short rest periods in between such
as triple jumps or bowling.
Static Strength - This type of endurance implies isometric tension of varying
magnitude and duration on the body. It can also imply to the strain in holding a
certain posture. This can be a relatively long or short in terms of time because
its magnitude is almost always measured in terms of the amount of force.
Also, this is the most common type of strength gain when body strength is
considered. This would be found when doing hanging L sits, static wall squats
or even a basic plank position.
Stabilization Strength
Stabilization strength involves improving the stability and strength of body’s core.
Without core strength, force production, force transference, and force reduction
will not occur properly. That means you will not be able to generate proper force
and utilize it efficiently. This will lead to altered joint mechanics and eventually
injury. Stabilization strength training involves little joint action to enhance muscle
endurance and deep stabilization of the core.
Relative Strength
In sport, relative strength—or how strong you are in relation to your bodyweight—
is an important, but occasionally overlooked, factor. Relative strength is closely
tied to explosive strength and strength endurance.
Imagine a football lineman who bulks
up in the off-season and improves
his squat, power clean, and bench
press maxes. While his maximal and
explosive strength have improved,
he adds so much weight his vertical
barely budges, and his agility and
speed drill times get worse. When
two-a-days start, he can’t stay with
defenders in pass protection, or get
to the alley when pulling on run plays.
Worst of all, he’s too winded from
the extra weight to actually get better
during practice.
Don’t think that bodybuilders are
exempt from worrying about relative
strength, though. Poor relative
strength will keep you from using
great bodyweight lifts like pull-ups,
push-ups, and one-legged squat
variations. “Ladders” are a classic
method for improving relative
Imagine you can’t perform more
than seven pull-ups in a set, but
want to get better. Using a generic
ladder routine, you’d perform a set
of one pull-up, take a quick rest,
perform two, rest, perform three,
rest, and so on, adding one rep to
each subsequent set until you began
struggling. This could be anywhere
from sets of four to sets of six in this
instance. When you reach that struggle point, you stop—this is one “ladder.”
After this break, start the process over again beginning with a single pull-up. If
you don’t push too hard during the last set of each ladder, you’ll add a great deal
of extra volume to your program with less risk of overtraining.
What to EXPECT from
Body-Weight Training…
and Why Kids are
Stronger than Us
(sort of)
Most powerlifters and bodybuilders spend their time hitting barbell and dumbbell
lifts with very little attention paid to body-weight movements. Technically, there is
nothing wrong with that approach to gaining strength and size. It works very well
for BOTH.
The trouble, however, is that it’s easy to lose track of something we all had as
children: our strength to weight ratio (which was off the charts back in the day).
Playing at the playground with our friends and schoolmates created some of the
best memories for most of us. Whether that was hanging from the monkey bars,
swinging super high into the air, sliding down the fireman pole or climbing on a
cargo net. ALL of that resistance training was with our own body-weight. But
when you’re 9, you are just having fun horsing around and you’re able to go for
hours without fatigue.
Unfortunately when you’re grown and have children of your own, you quickly
realize that some of that stuff is super hard for adults (if not impossible) while
playing with your little ones. It can be a real wake-up call when you go to use the
monkey bars and feel stuck! Kids fly across those rungs but many adults feel as
though concrete bricks are attached to our ankles and within seconds, you drop
to the ground.
As we age, we lose major ground with our strength to weight ratio unless of
course it’s part of the routine. Most of us replace playground recreation with gym
memberships and many of us do what we’re good at and ignore the movements
that challenge us or make us uncomfortable.
We can become VERY strong on certain lifts without making a dent in other
forms of strength.
Here at Critical Bench, we’ve come across some heavy duty Body-Weight
BEASTS who not only have impressive lifts in the gym but can still dominate
on the playground. They’ve continued to make body-weight strengthening a
necessary element in their training along with having a huge bench press, squat
and deadlift.
It’s time to rekindle that magic we all had as young children with relentless
energy on the playground. With Body-Weight BEAST, you’re going to hit the
RESET button and turn on muscles and strength that have laid dormant long
Once you complete this 30 Day Program, you must ask yourself one question:
Are you strong enough to call yourself a Body-Weight BEAST?
Body-Weight BEAST
Get Completely RIPPED & CHISELED in 30 Days
Strength Specialty: Neuro-Foundational Strength
Frequency: 4 Sessions per Week/Days OFF may vary based on the individual
Week 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Workout A
Workout B
Workout A
Workout B
Week 2
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Workout A
Workout B
Workout A
Workout B
Workout A
Just CLICK the exercises to see the video demonstration.
1a) 10 Spiderman Push Ups
1b) 10 Deep Pause Squats (2 sec at bottom)
1c) 5 Burpees
1d) 10 Jump Squats
1e) Side Planks (20 sec holds per)
1f) 10 Floor V Ups
NOTES: Finish the number of reps (or time) before moving on to the
next exercise. Completing all six exercises equals one round. Perform
AMRAP (As Many Rounds as Possible) in a 30-Minute Time Period. There
is no allotted time for rest. If you must rest, save it for the end of a round
(after the Floor V-ups). Do not exceed 90-seconds rest between rounds.
Workout B
Just CLICK the exercises to see the video demonstration.
1a) Running Man (10 seconds MAX effort)
1b) Power Jacks (20 seconds)
20-Minutes OTMs (On the Minute)
2a) 10 Push-Ups (strict)
2b) 5 Negative Pull-Ups (Neutral or Over-Over Grip)
NOTES: Do 10 rounds of 1a and 1b w/ 30-seconds rests between rounds.
Go immediately from 1a to 1b, then rest. Next, you’ll need to pay close
attention to the clock and alternate between Push-ups and Pull-ups.
Every 60-seconds you must complete one full round of 2a and 2b (for 20
minutes total.) The remaining time in that minute is your rest period. The
faster you perform the Push-ups and get right to the Negative Pull-ups the
better. Try to reserve rest for AFTER the Pull-ups only.
Strength Specialty: Explosive Strength
Frequency: 4 Sessions per Week/Days OFF may vary based on the individual
Week 3
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Workout A
Workout B
Workout A
Workout B
Week 4
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Workout A
Workout B
Workout A
Workout B
Workout A
Just CLICK the exercises to see the video demonstration.
1a) Skater Hops (left side to right side = 1 rep)
1b) Hip Extension (hips to the sky)
1c) Double Burpees (2 Push-Ups/2 Jumps = 1 rep)
1d) Off-set Power Push-Ups (hands staggered)
1e) Single Leg Jump Squats (per side-as deep as possible)
NOTES: Start by doing each exercise for 10 reps in round 1, proceed to
9 reps in round 2, 8 reps in round 3 and so on all the way to 1 rep of each.
Try to only rest at the end of each round and do not exceed 60 seconds
rest at any point.
Workout B
Just CLICK the exercises to see the video demonstration.
20 sec on/20 sec off
1) Running Man (Sprint in place)
2) Power Jacks
3) Mountain Climbers
4) Skier Jumps (feet together)
5) Clap Push-Ups
6) Jump Squats
7) Jump Lunge
8) Single Leg Jumps (15 sec per leg)
9) Windshield Wipers
10) Negative Pull-Ups (Neutral or Over-Over Grip)
NOTES: Have your watch close by for this workout. Do EACH exercise
for 20 seconds. Try not to exceed 20 second breaks between any of the
exercises. Your strength endurance will be pushed considerably here.
Take a TWO minute break between rounds. Complete this routine THREE
About the author
Chris Wilson has worked in the fitness
industry for over 15 years. He has
seen and done it all from working the
front desk at health clubs to personal
training to managing entire fitness
facilities. Chris became a Certified
Personal Trainer in 1999 with NASM
and has trained over 15,000 hours with
clients from 10 to over 90 years old.
In 2013 he participated in the Russian
Kettlbell Certification (RKC) workshop
and became an RKC Instructor.
He specializes in all kinds of strength
modalities such as functional exercise
designed to restore balance and
improve body movement patterns to
bodybuilding, powerlifting, strongman
and more recently kettlebell training. Chris is very passionate about exercise
and regularly participates in Tough Mudder and Spartan events as well as the
occasional 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, Adventure Race and even Dragon Boat Races.
He is currently working on his Sports Nutrition certification with the ISSA which
he plans on completing this spring.
Chris now resides in sunny Clearwater Florida with his now pregnant wife
Samantha and their beautiful boy Kellan. He is a HUGE fan of college and pro
football and has a love for animals especially his dogs and cats.
He is not only the Head Strength Coach but a published author and product
creator for CriticalBench.com
Other Products
from Chris Wilson
Anabolic Aftergrowth
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