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Global Governance & Interstate System Course Material

Global Governance and Global Interstate System
Contemporary World (Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University)
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Lesson 10
Global Governance and Global Interstate System
Global Governance
Superior countries started to form alliances to
strengthen military security by instilling fear
against their foes and started to compete
economically because of political competition, to
gain worldwide power and influence, this is called
Global Interstate System. Only the modern world
system has become a global system composed of
national societies and their states. Global
governance, on the other hand, is a process which
allows interconnectivity across different border and
sovereign territories. It is a movement towards
political cooperation among transnational actors,
aimed at negotiating response to a problem that affect more than one state. Global governance is one of the
most influencing tools for globalization.
IMF and World Bank
After 1945 the essence of global governance was realized. States started to accept importance of global
trade and beginning to understand the necessity of networking with global organizations to achieve desired
development for their countries. International Financial Institutions (IFIs) established by United Nations
like International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank (WB) are at the forefront. Formation of regional
organizations are widely recognized. Multinational corporations existed to purposely spread opportunities
to those developing countries. Political experts and economic managers, however, argued that it seems
underdeveloped or poor countries tend to provide for developed countries rather than earn and grow on
their own. Dictatorial governments existed in the past were replete of problems about graft practices and
corruptions in governance. While efforts to distribute wealth to alleviate poverty was in essence being
propagated political elites amassed huge amount to established own dynasty.
Factors behind the emergence of global governance
1. Declining power of nation states.
2. Vast flow of all sorts of things through border of nation-states.
3. Mass migration of people and their entry into various nation-states.
4. Increase of criminal elements.
5. Horrendous events within nation-states.
6. Global problems.
7. Global financial problems and panic.
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Effects of globalization to governments
One of the key aspects of state sovereignty is that the government has the complete authority to act on
behalf of the state and other countries can not intervene with its affairs. This is the main reason why
international recognition of all countries to a newly established government especially those begotten by
civil wars or political turmoil is quite very important. Elections provide leadership of the state. But true to
all developing countries, since political divide subsists even after leadership had consummated and
installed, great leaders suffered lots of sacrifices to just prove of his worth. Government is a group of people
who have ultimate authority to act on behalf of a state. Each state has its own right to self-determination.
Every state has inherent right to protect itself. Other countries have no right to intervene in the internal and
external affairs of one country. Each state is autonomous unto itself and responsible within its own system
of government which emanated from the sovereign act of the governed. Globalization enters during extraordinary reasons which ensure that development efforts have been followed so as not to waste financial
grants and/or loans given or awarded to such country. The decisions, the conflict, and the resolution of that
conflict are done through the institutions of government established and codified in that particular state,
whether or not through elections. This situation can be best illustrated by the conflict between present
dispensation and water distribution concessionaire regarding contracts entered into by previous government
which had been found disadvantageous to Filipino people especially those in Metropolitan Manila Areas.
Government used its inherent power to protect and defend sovereign rights of the people. Abused in power
most of the times hinder full development because of whimsical ideas of some capitalists who sucked
bloods even of poor people.
Global economics
Global economy demands the states to conform to the rules of free-market capitalism. This is why Covid19 pandemic in a way could alter decisions to revisit present global set-up if globalization is not just a form
of colonization. In this way mutual-benefits must stay but global economics should provide much clearer
path toward realization of the so-called pure capitalism which mandated equality and fair-play. Government
austerity comes from the developments of organizations that cooperate across countries such as WTO and
regional agreements such as, NAFTA, the European Union (UE), and the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN). United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and NATO are several organizations
that governments of countries around the world and individuals participate in. It is only through
globalization that people, services, and goods get to move freely across the world, in a manner that is linked
and smooth. In this time of Covid-19 pandemic countries all over the world were pressured to close their
borders for containment to prevent further spread of the dreaded virus. United States, United Kingdom,
Australia, and Canada follow suit. Lockdown as purposeful action emerged as a norm and a mechanism to
regulate movements for common good. Such immediate response transcends national boundaries. Other
countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, and Australia first recovered. Citizens became cooperative
with government which led them to overcome the situation very fast. Right dosage of discipline plus strict
adherence to authorities served as right formula.
Institutions that govern international relation
The world system perspective which emerged during the world’s revolution in 1968 and the people from
the third world were seen as direct target for further development. Global laws which originated from
institutions that governed international relations made it possible to ensure global peace which bind
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countries in disputes, hence, bring interconnectivity between countries. The following institutions helped
shape humanity:
1. United Nations. UN was coined by the former US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and was
established on the 24th day of October, 1945. Fifty-one (51) countries committed in maintaining
international peace and security after the Second World War. UN was the successor of the League
of nations established after WW 1. UN have 193 members as of 2018. At present, Antonio Guterres
of Portugal was recognized as Secretary-General appointed by the General Assembly. On our end,
Ambassador Carlos P. Romulo once served as UN Secretary-General.
2. Regional Commissions. Regional commissions play a very significant role in promoting
sustainable development in their respective regions. Composed of group of officials in-charged in
policy making along areas of economy, science, technology, laws, and social fields like protection
of human rights their offices monitor, analyzes, draft reports and provide recommendations to
tY/7mmission on global substantive deliberations and legislative proc
3. ]’/esses. Regional Commissions includes:
2.1 Economic Commissions for Africa (ECA)
2.2 Economic Commissions for Europe (ECE)
2.3 Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)
2.4 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
2.5Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA)
3.North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). It provides unique link between the continents, enabling
them to consult and cooperate in the field of defense and security and conduct multi-national crisis
management operations together. It is an international alliance consisting of 29 member-states from the
North America and Europe. NATO’s primary purpose is to defend member nations from threats from
communist countries. It is an intergovernmental military alliance. The founding members are Belgium,
Canada, Denmark, France, Italy, United Kingdom and United States.
4.North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Is a three (3) country accord negotiated by the
governments of Canada, Mexico, and United States. NAFTA was established in 1994 with a purpose of
removing barriers to the exchange of goods and services among the three countries.
5. International Court of Justice (ICJ). Known as the world’s court was established in 1945 as the principal
judicial organ of the United Nations. ICJ has two (2) functions: first, to settle disagreements with
international law and legal disputes submitted by states and to give advisory on legal questions referred to
it by authorized UN organs and specialized agencies. It is composed of 15 judges elected to nine-year term
6. Red Cross. A leading non-governmental organizations (NGOs) which provides emergency relief such as
food, water, and medical supplies. It monitors treatment of prisoners of wars, those who were wounded
during wars. International Red Cross Headquarter is in Geneva, Switzerland.
Roles and Functions of UN
1. Maintaining peace and building friendship among states.
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2. provide forum where countries could gather and discuss global issues through General Assembly.
3. Reduction of global inequality in terms of economic issues.
4. Managing the planet to solve environmental global problems.
5. Promote higher standards of living, full employment, and economic or social progress.
6. Strengthen democracy; promotes transparency.
7. Prevent conflict, helping parties in conflict to make peace, and create conditions to allow peace to hold
and flourish.
Challenges of Global Governance in the 21 st Century
1. Wealth Distribution- difference of income between the rich and the poor caused tension in society and
global governance.
2. Human Health. Health care- associated infections like Covid-19. World faces a longer term challenge,
that is, a public health workforce that is truly effective in the 21 st century.
3. Addiction. Illegal drugs proliferate especially in poor countries. Poverty stricken communities are most
vulnerable due to insufficiency of foods, unemployment and high population density.
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