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Achieving Happiness: A Guide to Positive Thinking & Well-being

What is happiness? Well, this happens to be my favorite topic. Happiness is when your positive
thoughts become stronger than your negative thoughts. We have to train our mind to think positive
thoughts in all situations that might be happening around us. Practice by looking at the positives of
every situation. And I assure you that there is a positive to every situation you just have to look for it.
This is not easy and takes time to build the habit which allows you to feel happy at any given time.
The best thing we can do is build habits that make us happy. For example, going to the gym, talking
to your friends, going on a trip, etc. For each person its varies what makes them happy. Being happy
is a state which you can activate if you have good control over your mind. By simply changing your
physiology you can change the way you feel! Next time you’re feeling low go out for a walk or a jog
in the park and you will totally forget about the blues.
One of the game changer for me in terms of happiness has been meditation. Doing meditation on a
daily basis for 20 mins (10 mins if I am short on time) has had a great influence on my temperament.
It has helped me remain calm under high pressure situations and to think clearly.
Another thing is exercise. Going to the gym to be specific. It works like a therapy. If I am having a bad
day, nice long workout at the gym becomes a stress buster and reboots my system. I recommend
this habit for everyone. This is something that will pay off in your old age and will keep you looking
10 years younger!!
I am a strong believer that we are because of our habits. If we change just our habits, we can also
change a lot of things about us. There might be many habits we currently do that are not serving us.
It’s up to us to find them out and slowly start eliminating them from our lives if we want to become
better. E.g Drinking, smoking, etc. Secondly it’s also important to invest in yourself. This can mean
taking trainings that would improve your mindset or improve your capability in a certain area.
Warren buffet has said that best investment you can do is investment in yourself. Because
investment in yourself can payout in many folds. It can help you become financially independent
because the knowledge you gain can help you earn more and increase your capabilities in the job
that you do.
There are so many factors in creating happiness. There is mental health, physical health and spiritual
health. It’s important to focus on all these areas if you want to feel happy. Mental health can mean
sleeping adequately and not stressing out about situations. Physical health is related to diet,
nutrition and getting the required exercise to keep you physically fit. Spiritual health comes from
knowing your purpose in life. This comes after you become comfortable with who you are. This
requires a lot of soul searching and experience. Meditation can help to a great extent.
If you want to be truly happy then you need to learn to love yourself. When we watch cricket or any
other sports we always cheer for our favorite team to win. But do you ever cheer for yourself to
win? Cheer for yourself every now and then. Be your biggest fan ! If you want others people to like
you then first you must like yourself. This will reflect in your personality and people will
automatically be attracted toward you. There is no pill we can take that will make you happy! Its an
ongoing process where sometimes we might get low and feel like giving up. The trick is to catch
yourself when you think those thoughts and change them to more positive thoughts that uplift you.
Always keep a watch on the words you use while talking to others. Words we use have immense
power in changing the way we feel. If someone asks you how are you doing today? Always use
words that symbolize greatness, such as amazing, fantastic, brilliant and magnificent! Just by using
such words it can change the way you and others around you feel in that given moment. Learn to
harness the power of words and you can harness the law of attraction. The law of attractions says
whatever we think about we attract that in our lives. You can try this out for yourself. E.g if you think
about I don’t want to be late today. You will end up being late. As the law of attraction doesn’t
understand “don’t” or “no”. It hears “late” and you end up being late to work. Next time tell yourself
that I will be early or on time today. 9/10 times you will be early or on time to work.
Let me end with my favorite quote by a world famous performance coach Tony Robbins – Life is
always happening for us, its up to us to find the benefit in life. And if we find the benefit in life then
our life can be magnificent!!