Download IC CAPS Groups for Fall 2014

Designing Happiness
Explore and discuss practices that promote personal happiness
Balancing Alcohol & Substance Abuse To Improve College Success
Examine how your alcohol or drug use enhances or detracts from your health, happiness and success
Mindful Meditation: Stress Management
Experience how meditation can reduce stress and enhance relaxation. Beginner’s welcome!
Taking off the Mask: The Power of Vulnerability
Cultivate a deeper connection personally and socially by learning to embrace who you are
Body Image & Eating Issues Support
Discuss personal feelings about food, eating and your body
Unlocking Greatness
Helping you connect more authentically to yourself and others. For women only
Managing Your Mood
Learn skills to identify, manage, and express emotions effectively for yourself and your relationships
Braving the Calm After the Storm: Grief
Helping you reflect on the death of loved ones in an intentional manner
Creating REALationships
Gain insight and practice for creating more satisfying authentic relationships with everyone
Sexual Assault Survivors
Helping you cope with anxiety, sadness, guilt or anger and gives you chance to feel supported
Connect with Creativity
Connect with other new students and help each other adjust to a new place
Understanding Self & Others
Release feelings, develop insights, and create connections and trust
Peaceful Minds
Learn tools to help to deal with social, academic, and emotional challenges.
Wellness Wednesdays
Weekly lunchtime series to help you succeed in college
How to Change Anything
Learn proven methods for helping you move forward regardless of what you’d like to change