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Biased Survey Questions Assignment

We have talked about data collection and sampling. Once you have a good sample, how do you
ensure that you don’t bias the results with your survey? Read the following blog post about the
five types of biased survey questions:
https://www.nextiva.com/blog/solving-the-biased-survey-questions-problem.html (Links to an
external site.)
For your first post to the discussion board this week (by Friday 9/11), your challenge is to create
a survey question that reflects at least one of these types of bias. Yes, you read that right. You
want to create a biased survey question, not a good survey question. To keep it relevant to our
class, you may create a question about one of the following topics:
The College Experience
Online Learning
Learning Math
Reasons to Vote
Why would I ask you to do this? The fun part is that your peers will read your question and try
to determine what type of bias you embedded in your question. Try to make it non-obvious,
and don’t use an example copied from the blog. Kudos for creativity here!
For the second part of the discussion board assignment, choose at least two classmates’ biased
questions and respond with what you think their intended bias was. Give reasoning/explain
why you thought that was the bias in the question. As a reminder, the five choices from the
blog are:
Absolute Questions
Double-Barreled Questions
Leading Questions
Loaded Questions
(Poorly Designed) Multiple Answer Questions
Please choose classmates’ questions that have zero or one reply when possible, as I want
everyone to get a chance to have their question evaluated. Remember: brief and incomplete
responses will not earn full credit. Due date is Tuesday 9/15 at 9 p.m.
Lastly, when you get responses to the question you created with bias, please follow up with
those students to let them know if they figured out your intended bias. I would like this
discussion to continue as long as you find it interesting, so keep it going!
I hope this will be and challenging and interesting discussion board assignment! The rubric will
be as usual with 10 points for your initial post and 10 points for responses, but with the
modification that you should also reply to anyone who responded to your initial post.