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English Literature Syllabus - Gateway Community College

Gateway Community College
Eng. 1102 30
Literature 1902
Monday and Wednesday
Lyn Caliendo
Spring 2023
ADA ACCESSIBILITY STATEMENT: Students with Disabilities
Any student who feels s/he may need an adjustment based on the
impact of a documented disability, please contact the office of Student
Accessibility Services at 203 285 2231 in roomS-202 to coordinate
reasonable adjustments. Students then should contact the professor
privately to ensure adjustments are received. Accommodations are not
Norton Introduction To Literature (Portable)
All American Boys, Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely (can get online)
Course Description & Outcomes:
 This course will emphasize critical reading and writing through prose,
poetry, drama and fiction
 Students will demonstrate the use of MLA and literary devices
 Students will demonstrate their understanding of the writing process
and to express their ideas clearly. The students will use proper
paragraph format, punctuation and writing strategies.
 Students will demonstrate college and career ready writing
Course Requirements:
 Students will write a minimum of 3 essays or written assignments
 Students will be able to critique a play or movie
 Students will participate in class discussions
 Cell phones are to be shut off unless you have discussed reason
with professor
No cell phones during class
 No hoods or hats in class without teacher permission for health or
religious reasons
 Be on time
 Work made up in a timely fashion with discussion with Professor
Grading Policy:
 Class participation
 Classwork
 Essays
 Quizzes
Students who are having further difficulty with their course work and need
tutoring assistance are strongly encouraged to contact the Center for
Educational Services. Tutoring is provided free.
Plagiarism, whether intentional or unintentional, is not acceptable in this
course. According to CT State, plagiarism involves:
· Submitting another person’s work as one’s own
· Copying material from the internet (even if you think you won’t get
· Submitting work that was written for another class or another
assignment (even if it was written by you)
· Submitting work from any source that is not properly acknowledged
by quotations, citations, and/or a Works Cited/References page
· Submitting work pieced together from phrases/sentences from
various sources without acknowledgment
· Submitting work that simply rearranges someone else’s words
· Omitting question marks from any directly quoted material
· Failure to use an ellipse – three dots (…) – to indicate omission of
one or more words from an original source
· Any other actions deemed to be plagiarism by the faculty member
A first offense (if minor) will result in a zero for the assignment. A first offense
that is major or a second offense (major or minor) will result in failure of the
course. The instructor and the Academic Coordinator will determine the
severity of the offense.
Instances of plagiarism are always reported to administration and may
become permanent items on a student’s record.
Student Mental Health and Well-Being:
Gateway Community College’s Counseling Center offers free and
confidential counseling services for all students. Services include SolutionFocused Brief Counseling (SFBC), crisis intervention, community referral
support, campus-wide programming to target mental health concerns for
college students, and consultation for faculty and staff.
If you or someone you know need support, please call 203-285-2480, or
email GW-Wellness@gatewayct.edu. Our office hours are Monday -
Friday, 8:00am - 4:30pm. If you are experiencing a crisis after hours, please
call 211 Crisis hotline, or 911 for safety emergencies. For additional support
until you contact our office; Timely Care is a 24/7 medical and mental
health support for all Connecticut State Community College students.
Class Dates:
First day:
Presidents Day (No Class)
Spring Break
Last day of Class
January 23,2023
March 3/13-19 2023
May 3, 2023
I have read and understand the requirements and expectations.