LCL-Filter Design for Grid-Connected Three-Phase Inverter Using Space Vector PWM SeungGyu Seo, Yongsoo Cho, and Kyo-Beum Lee Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Ajou University Suwon, Korea,, Abstract—This paper proposes a LCL-filter design for gridconnected three-phase inverter using space vector pulse width modulation (SVM). There is a variety of studies in progress. However, the existing methods have an error because they are not applicable in SVM. This paper presents the design method of LCL-filter that optimized for SVM switching operation. The LCL-filter design procedure performed step by step. Inverterside inductor was obtained by mathematical analysis of the ripple components of the grid current according to the switching state. Filter capacitor was chosen by consideration of the reactive power absorption ratio. Grid-side inductor was designed by ripple attenuation factor of the output current. The effectiveness of the described design method of LCL-filter is verified by simulation. Keywords—LCL filter; 2-level inverter; Space vector pulse width modulation (SVM) I. INTRODUCTION Recently, there is growing interest in renewable energy such as solar power and wind power in order to replace the fossil energy and nuclear energy. These renewable energy systems are used grid-connected inverter such as Fig. 1. However, output currents of the inverter have not only the fundamental wave but also an integral multiple of the switching frequency [1]. Thus harmonic components are limited by standards such as IEEE-519 and IEEE-1547 [2]-[3]. In order to satisfy the standard, L-filter has been used in gridconnected system. However, if the system capacity increases, the capacity of L-filter is increased to reduce the harmonic component. Increase of capacity leads to rise a size and price of the filter. In addition, the large inductance is causing the problem of reduction of the dynamic response speed and the voltage drop. On the other hand, LCL-filter can reduce the filter cost and volume. Because the harmonic reduction effects of LCL-filter is better than L-filter. Although the LCL-filter have these advantages, the LCL-filter has a drawback that design process is complicated [4]-[5]. Furthermore, if resonance occurs in the output current due to the bad filter design, it is necessary to compensate the resonance such as using an active damping [6]. Papers related to the LCL-filter design are focused on the influence of the additional LC parameters [7]-[8]. However, additional LC parameters are determined by the inverter-side Fig. 1: Grid-connected three-phase inverter system inductor L1. To accurately design the inverter-side inductor is very important. In addition, a switching method of system is important for design filter. The current ripple that decides an inverter-side inductor is influenced by switching method. There are many switching techniques for controlling a three-phase grid-connected inverter, such as sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM), discontinuous pulse width modulation (DPWM), and space vector pulse width modulation (SVM). Therefore, optimized design method of LCL-filter is necessary in accordance with a switching method. This paper proposes the design method of LCL-filter optimized SVM switching operation. The SVM method is implemented using the offset injection method. It is possible to design the inverter-side inductor through the analysis of output currents, in the case of using only the L-filter. The grid-side inductor can be designed through a current ripple attenuation rate. Current ripple attenuation is defined as a ratio of the inverter-side’s output current THD and the grid-side output current THD. The filter capacitor is designed suitably in consideration of the absorption of reactive power. In order to confirm the performance of the designed LCL-filter, the proposed filter design method is verified by the obtained results through simulations. II. LCL-FILTER DESIGN A. Three-phase Inverter System of SVM Method The SVM method is the most widely used method for switching a three-phase inverter [9]. In addition, the SVM 978-1-5090-1210-7/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE Vdc 2 − * van * vbn * vcn Ts Vdc 2 vas* Vdc 2 vbs* vcs* Sa 0 1 1 1 Sb 0 0 1 1 Sc 0 0 0 1 1 Ta 1 Tb 1 Tc 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Fig. 3: effective time of the tree-phase pole voltage voffset − Vdc 2 ωt 0 π 3 2π 3 π 4π 3 5π 3 2π Fig. 2: Offset and reference voltage of SVM method method is easily implemented through the offset injection method. The reference phase voltage can be expressed as vas* = M i vbs* = M i vcs* = M i Vdc 3 Vdc 3 Vdc 3 sin(ωt ) sin(ωt − 2π / 3) . (1) sin(ωt + 2π / 3) where v*as, v*bs, and v*cs are the reference phase voltages, Mi is the modulation index and Vdc is the dc link voltage. The offset voltage makes the absolute value of max reference voltage and the minimum reference voltage equally. As a result, injected offset voltage method can operate at SVM. The injected offset voltage that allows the SVM operation can be defined as voffset M iVdc 2 3 M iVdc 2 3 = M iVdc 2 3 M iVdc 2 3 2π 2π π ) + sin(ωt + )), 0 ≤ ω t ≤ 3 3 6 2π π π (sin(ωt ) + sin(ωt − )), ≤ ω t ≤ 3 6 2 .(2) π 2π 5π (sin(ωt + ) + sin(ωt )), ≤ ω t ≤ 3 2 6 2π 2π 5π (sin(ωt − ) + sin(ωt + )), ≤ωt ≤π 3 3 6 (sin(ωt − * * * , vbn , and vcn obtained Finally, the reference pole voltage van as follows : Fig. 4: Three-phase inverter output phase voltage * van = vas* + voffset * vbn = vbs* + voffset (3) * vcn = vcs* + voffset As shown in Fig. 2, the reference pole voltage is made by the sum of reference phase voltage and offset voltage. For that reason, a modulation index range extended. B. Inverter-side Inductor Design The design method of the inverter-side filter inductor Li can be determined through a current ripple factor. The current ripple factor RF is able to be expressed by the ratio of the rated current in the system Irate and the current ripple Iripple. RF is expressed as RF = I ripple I rate . (4) It is possible to obtain an inductance value of the filter by using the equation (4). The ripple current flowing in Li is determined on the basis of the level and the effective time of the inverter output phase voltages. The effective time is determined according to the switching operation. The effective time can be confirmed by Fig. 3. ea ea Fig. 6: Current ripple in the sector II, III Fig. 5: Current ripple in the sector I, IV Fig. 3 shows the effective time of each phase switches in a one-period. The switching operation is determined through the comparison of the magnitude between triangular carrier wave and reference pole voltage. For that reason, effective time can be calculated as Ta = Ts 2 * van + 0.5 V dc ea (ω t ) = M i * Ts vbn + 0.5 2 Vdc * T v Tc = s cn + 0.5 . 2 Vdc (5) Tb = Ta, Tb, Tc is effective time of each phase switch and Ts is control period. The output phase voltage can be divided into four regions in the half cycle. Fig. 4 shows that the waveform of the output TABLE I. Region EFFECTIVE TIME OF EACH PHASE OUTPUT VOLTAGE Output voltage phase voltage and the average voltage are divided into four regions. The voltage in inductor is represented by the difference between the inverter output phase voltage and the grid phase voltage. The grid phase voltage ea can be obtained as follows: Vdc 3 sin(ωt ) , 0 < ω t < π (6) As shown in Fig. 4, the output phase voltage of the inverter has a five voltage level. The applied voltage in inductor varies depending on the time. Therefore, it is possible to obtain the current ripple by using applied voltage at inductor and effective time. The inductor current is changed according to the output phase voltage. In addition, its magnitude is determined by output phase voltage waveform. The output phase voltage is divided in four regions. These four regions are symmetric each other. Thus, it is possible to determine the RMS value of the current ripple in the region I and II. The output phase voltages (-2/3 Vdc, -1/3 Vdc, 0 Vdc, 1/3 Vdc, and 2/3 Vdc) have influence on the effective time. The determined effective time is shown in Table. 1. Effective time 0Vdc T0 Tb I 1/3Vdc T1 Ta−Tb II −1/3Vdc 0Vdc 2/3Vdc T2 T0 T1 Tc−Ta Tb Ta−Tc III 1/3Vdc 0Vdc 2/3Vdc T2 T0 T1 Tc−Tb Tc Ta−Tb IV 1/3Vdc 0Vdc 1/3Vdc T2 T0 T1 Tb−Tc Tc Ta−Tc −1/3Vdc T2 Tb−Ta Fig. 5 and 6 show the shape of the current ripple in response to the inverter output phase voltage of each region. In the half period of the region I and IV, the maximum value of the current ripple is determined by inserting 0 Vdc during the T0, (1/3) Vdc during the T1, and (−1/3)Vdc during the T2. The level of the inverter output phase voltage which determines the maximum value of the current ripple is (1/3) Vdc. It can be confirmed through Fig. 5. The maximum value of the current ripple in the region II and III is similar with the region I and IV. It is determined by inserting 0 Vdc during T0, (2/3) Vdc during T1, and (1/3) Vdc during T2. The level of the inverter output phase voltage which determines the maximum value of the current ripple is (2/3) Vdc and (1/3) Vdc. However, (1/3) Vdc contribute to the maximum value of the current ripple when it is greater than the ea. It can be confirmed through Fig. 6. Therefore, the maximum value of the current ripple in each region is can be defined as 1 1 1 Δimax1 (ωt ) = Vdc − ea (ω t ) ⋅ (Ta − Tb ) − ea (ωt ) ⋅ Tb L3 L Δimax 2 (ωt ) = + Inverter side current 2ms / div (a) 12 1 Vdc − ea (ω t ) ⋅ (Ta − Tc ) − ea (ωt ) ⋅ Tb (7) L3 L Current ripple 2ms / div 2 1 1 1 ω − + Vdc − ea (ω t ) ⋅ (Tc − Tb ) . V e t ( ) dc a 2L 3 3 (b) The maximum value of the determined current ripple has a symmetrical structure. As shown in Fig. 7, it shows the current ripple and zoomed current ripple. The zoomed current ripple looks like a triangular wave of high frequency. Therefore, the absolute value of the current ripple is required to determine the RMS value of the current ripple which is approximated to triangular waveform with high frequency. For that reason, it is possible to calculate the RMS value of the current ripple when integrate the RMS value of the triangular wave [10]. The RMS value of the current ripple can be expressed as I ripple = π 2 π6 2 2 2 0 Δimax1 (θ )dθ + π Δimax 2 (θ )dθ . 3π 6 5µ s / div (c) Fig. 7: Output current waveform using a L-filter in one period: (a) inverter-side current, (b) current ripple, (c) zoomed current ripple I rate = (8) Li = 1.719 ⋅ Ts ⋅ Vdc L( Mi ) . ⋅ 4 π3 Li ⋅10 (9) 3 2Zb = M iVdc . 2 6 f n Lb (10) The Li can be obtained from (4), (9), and (10). The Li can be indicated as Substituting (6) and (7) into (8), the following equation is are derived: I ripple = M iVdc 3.43788 6 ⋅ Ts ⋅ f n ⋅ Lb L( Mi ) ⋅ . π RF ⋅ Mi ⋅104 (11) The modulation index Mi and base inductance Lb are expressed as Equation (7) is expressed by the Li, Vdc, Ts, Mi, and L(Mi). 3 4 2 −23.13Vdc ⋅ Mi + 8.15Vdc ⋅ Mi + 17.56Vdc ⋅ Mi 2 2 2 − 0.784 Mi Vdc ( 4 − 6.9282 Mi + 3 Mi ) 2 2 − 0.738Mi Vdc ( 2 − 6.9282 Mi + 6 Mi ) + 0.1995Mi Vdc 2 ( 4 − 6.9282 Mi + 3 Mi 2 ) 2 2 2 where: L( Mi) = + 4.136Mi Vdc ( 2 − 6.9282 Mi + 6 Mi ) . − 2.214 Mi 3 Vdc 2 ( 2 − 6.9282 Mi + 6 Mi 2 ) + 0.2877 Mi 3 Vdc 2 4 − 6.9282 Mi + 3 Mi 2 ( ) 2 2 + 0.372 Vdc ( 4 − 6.9282 Mi + 3 Mi ) − 0.526 Vdc 2 ( 4 − 6.9282 Mi + 3 Mi 2 ) The rated current of the system is determined by 2 En . Vdc (12) En2 . 2π f n Pn (13) Mi = Lb = Table. 2: System parameters Parameter Rated output power Grid line-to-line voltage DC-link voltage Grid frequency Switching frequency Target current THDi Target current THDg Li Cf Lg Value 3 kW 220 Vrms 400 V 60 Hz 7.8 kHz 12 % 2.6 % 1.4 mH 4.4 μF 709 μH Set a initial parameter Calculate a base value Select a design goal Inductor-side current THD Grid-side current THD Design a Li Design a Lg Design a Cf fn < fres< ½ fsw Check a filter performance Fig. 9: Current waveform of the LCL-filter in simulation: (a) inverter-side current, (b) grid-side current, (c) FFT analysis of inverter-side current, and (d) FFT analysis of grid-side current Design LCLfilter E. Resonant Frequency The resonance frequency fres is determined by the designed filter parameters. It can be expressed by Fig. 8: LCL-filter design diagram C. Filter Capacitor Design The based capacitance Cb at rating condition and the filter capacitance Cf can be defined as Cb = 1 . 2π f n Z b C f = xCb . (14) (15) where En is the grid line voltage, Pn is the three-phase power and fn is the line frequency. When the absorption rate of reactive power is too large, because of increasing the current passing the inverter-side inductor, loss is increased. On the other hand, when absorption rate of reactive power is too small, additional inductor is required in inverter-side inductor and grid-side inductor. Therefore, it is general to set an appropriate value within 5 % [11]. D. Grid-side Inductor Design The Lg is determined between the basic current ripple reduction ratio r and Li. The value of Lg is determined as Lg = rLi . (16) The r can be determined by using through the relationship between the inverter-side current ripple ii and the grid-side current ig ripple [11]. f res = 1 2π Li + Lg Li Lg C f . (17) The LCL-filter has a resonant component, unlike the L-filter. In order to avoid resonance in the resonance frequency band, the resonance frequency is limited between 10 times of the line frequency and 1/2 of the switching frequency fsw [12]. F. Systematic Filter Design Fig. 8 is the algorithm for designing the LCL-filter. The first step is to set an initial parameter such as Pn, fn, fsw, Vdc, and ea. In the next step, calculation of a base impedance, base inductance, and base capacitance is conducted. The LCL-filter parameter is obtained by using (11), (15) and (16) with selected target THD. After that, the resonance frequency is confirmed. When the resonance frequency has a problem in this procedure, system repeat the previous step. Lastly, system check a filter performance. III. SIMULATION RESULTS The performance of the designed LCL-filter verified through PSIM simulation. Table. 2 shows the system parameters. In order to design the target THD of the inverterside current to 12%, the inverter-side filter inductor is determined 1.4 mH by equation (11). The filter capacitance can be designed to 4.4 μF when setting the reactive power absorption rate to 2.67 %. In order to achieve the THD 2.6 %, the grid-side inductor can be designed to 709 μH. As shown in Fig. 9(a), the THD of ii is confirmed to 12.18 %. Finally, the output current of the designed LCL-filter ig is described in Fig. 9(b) as THD of ig is 2.41 %. Therefore, the proposed design method is confirmed the accuracy with an error 0.19 %. Fig. 9(c) and (d) show the FFT analysis waveform of the current in each part. Harmonics are generated at integer multiples of the switching frequency. Additionally, ig was confirmed that the harmonics is substantially suppressed. IV. CONCLUSION This paper proposed the LCL-filter design for gridconnected three-phase inverter by using the SVM. 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