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What did William Henry Seward want to do

What did William Henry Seward want to do?
William Henry Seward was a prominent American politician in the mid-19th
century who wanted to expand the United States' territorial influence. He was
a strong supporter of Manifest Destiny and was known for his advocacy of
westward expansion, acquisition of new territories, and promotion of American
business interests abroad.
Seward played a key role in the United States' acquisition of Alaska from
Russia in 1867. He believed that the purchase of Alaska would give the United
States access to valuable resources such as fish, timber, and minerals, and
expand its territory to the north. He was heavily criticized at the time for the
purchase, which was known as "Seward's Folly," but the acquisition ultimately
proved to be a wise investment.
In addition to Alaska, Seward was also instrumental in expanding American
influence in the Pacific and Asia. He negotiated a number of treaties and trade
agreements with Japan, China, and other Asian nations, opening up new
markets for American goods and establishing diplomatic relations.
Overall, William Henry Seward was a visionary politician who saw the
potential for American expansion and worked to make it a reality through
strategic diplomacy and territorial acquisitions.