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Alberta: Sense of the Land - 4th Grade Social Studies Lesson

TPACK Lesson Plan for ​Social Studies
Name: ​Anika Siewecke
​Grade: ​4
Lesson Topic: ​Alberta: A Sense of the Land
Provincial Learning Objectives and ISTE Student Standard(s):
ISTE Student Standards (2016):
✓ ​Knowledge Constructor
Learning Objectives:
● 4.1.3 - examine, critically, how geology and paleontology contribute to knowledge of
Alberta's physical geography by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and
How did archeologists and paleontologists discover the presence of dinosaurs in Alberta?
What geological features make Alberta unique (e.g., hoodoos, Rocky Mountains, foothills, oil
● 4.1.4 - analyze how Albertans interact with their environment by exploring and reflecting
upon the following questions and issues:
In what ways does the Royal Tyrrell Museum contribute to scientific knowledge regarding
Alberta's fossil heritage?
Connection to Horizon Method: ​ ​Deeper Learning Approaches
By having students use the available mobile technologies in the classroom, learners are able to experience
challenge-based learning, and inquiry-based learning, which encourage creative problem-solving and
actively implementing solutions. This will be done through their dinosaur research. This lesson is allow
students to use their school domains restricted search engine to connect the curriculum with modern,
real-life applications.
This would be roughly the third lesson to this unit. The hook of the lesson will be a YouTube video called
“The Alberta Story: Hunting Dinosaurs in Drumheller”. (Behaviourism) The video discusses what
paleontologists do to find bones, the badlands/hoodoos, how dinosaurs are still being discovered because
of erosion and a little information is shared about the Royal Tyrrell Museum. But before I play the video I
want to have a class discussion to encourage the students to access their background
knowledge(Cognitivism) :
Has anyone been to the Tyrrell Museum before? Share your experience.
What do you call someone who digs for dinosaurs?
Let's brainstorm some dinosaurs
Students will then be given a sheet that contains questions with some specific links where answers can be
found. By using google classroom, learners can access their own document and submit it without having to
print their work.
Eight ​Corresponding​ Pedagogical Continua:
TPACK Lesson Plan Template Created by CMS Instructional Technology Team
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
3.0 Unported License
TPACK Lesson Plan for ​Social Studies
More Teacher Centered d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞ More Student Centered
The lesson will be mostly student centered with the teacher circulating to offer support or challenges along the
Type of Learning d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞ Alternate Type of Learning
(e.g., convergent)
(e.g., divergent)
This activity focuses more on convergent thinking as I have specific questions that I am looking for the
students to answer. However, divergent thinking can come into play as students choose their own ways of
discovering the information.
Fewer Prior Experiences d⃞d⃞dd
⃞ ⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞ More Prior Experiences
Prior to working on this activity, we have used the search engine for a science lesson on recycling so the
learners have used the technology in another class. In terms of content, students who have more knowledge of
dinosaurs will have an advantage.
Surface Comprehension d⃞d⃞d⃞ d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞ Deep Knowledge
By using both a visual YouTube aid and the independent research assignment we are tapping into both
behaviourism and cognitivism. Placing this lesson in the middle of this continua.
Shorter Duration Plan ​d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞ Longer Duration Plan
This lesson should take no more than 1 scheduled class as the other sections in the program of studies are
More Structured Learning dd
⃞ ⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞ Less Structured Learning
Students can choose the location in the class to do their research to cater to different learners. The guiding
research question add structure to the lesson.
Whole Group d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞Small Groupd⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞d⃞ Individualized
Students will complete their research on their own.
No Additional
Multiple Additional
Resources Required
Students require access to a chromebook, iPad etc. Classroom would require the projecting ability to display
the video for everyone to see.
Assessment Plan: Check off which apply/notes on how
✓​ ​Informal
__________ Formal
✓​ ​Formative
__________ Summative
Notes: ​Informal Assessment- this will be used to record children's learning behaviour while they watch
short video and during the class discussion.
Formative Assessment- the research sheet is a way to monitor student learning which is relatively low
stake. It is used as a check in to see if students found or collected the correct information.
Technology for Learners Being Used:
Technology for Teacher Being Used:
TPACK Lesson Plan Template Created by CMS Instructional Technology Team
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
3.0 Unported License
TPACK Lesson Plan for ​Social Studies
device with internet access
smartboard or computer input connection
Briefly reflect on the lesson below. Discuss what went well, and what can be
revised for next time.
This will be completed after delivering the lesson for the first time.
Go over your formative assessment data. What does it tell you about what and
how kids learned in your lesson? Did the lesson meet the goals of the learning
objectives? Why or why not?
This will be completed after delivering the lesson for the first time.
Sample Complete Research:
Name: __Martin Woods_______________
Date:____Oct. 10_________
What is the difference between a paleontologist and an archeologist?
Palaeontology is the study of fossils. Archeology is the study of human artifacts or remains.
For the following questions please use the link:
2. Pick one dinosaur found in Alberta.
3. What are three facts about the dinosaur you picked?
plant eater
Duck billed dinosaur
Had skin like leather
For the following questions please use the link: ​http://www.tyrrellmuseum.com/research.htm
4. Name two Scientists who work at the Tyrrell Museum.
Craig Scott
Andrew Neuman
5. What are the two methods of collecting fossils? (Extra points for explaining each)
Surface Collecting
Excavating. Means to dig up
6. What happens if you find a fossil in Alberta by surface collecting?
You can keep it but you aren't allowed to sell it.
7. How does the Government of Alberta protect fossils?
There is a law called Historical Resources Act. Punishment is $50,000 or a year in jail!
TPACK Lesson Plan Template Created by CMS Instructional Technology Team
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
3.0 Unported License