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Management Concepts & Skills Quiz

Chapter no. 1
Introducing Management concept and
managerial Skills
Schools of management are as follows :
(a )The classical school
(b) The behaviour school
(c) The quantitative or management science school
(d) All of the above
…………. Focuses on the way to manage work and
organizing more efficiently .
(a) The classical school
(b) The behaviour school
(c) The quantitative or management science school
(d) All of the above
3. school are the area of classical :
(a) Scientific management
(b) Administrative management
(c) Bureaucratic management
(d) All of the above
4 . …………. Mainly focused on the interactions and motivation
of the individual within organization . This school studied the
behaviour of employees in an organization .
(a) The classical
(b) The behaviour school
(c) The quantitative or management science school
(d) All of the above
5 . The great thought of motivation the workers or employees for
better results have come up from …………. Of management .
(a) The classical school
(b) The behaviour school
(c) The quantitative or management science school
(d) All of the above
6 . ……….. school added increasing quality of managerial decision
making with the help pf mathematically and statistics .
(a) The classical school
(b) T he behaviour school
(c) The quantitative or management science school
(d) All of the above
7 . The main area of quantitative or management science school are:
(a) Management science
(b) Operations management
(c) Management information system
(d) All of the above
8 . ……….. proposed an idea of understanding the organization as
a system that transforms inputs into output while in constant
interaction with its environment .
(a) The classical school
(b) The behaviour school
(c) The quantitative or management science school
(d) The systems school
9 . The centre point of ……… is about applying management
principles and processes as per the unique characteristics of
situation .
(a) The quantitative school
(b) The behaviour school
(c) The quantitative or management science school
(d) The systems school
10 . …………. Is an activity which defines the steps of how and
when work will be done effectively and efficiently .
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Staffing
(d) Controlling
11 . ………. Is a recruitment of right people at right place in an
organization .
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Staffing
(d) Controlling
12. ………. Ensures that things fall within the standards defined by
an organization and should not divert from it .
(a) planning
(b) organizing
(c) staffing
(d) controlling
13. Levels of management are :
(a) strategical level
(b) tactical level
(c) operational level
(d) All of the above
14 . The number of people working on lower level are largest than :
(a) Strategical level
(b) Tactical level
(c) Operational level
(d) All of the above
15 . on ……… only few people work as middle level managers .
(a) Strategical level
(b) Tactical level
(c) Operational level
(d) All of the above
16 . At
……….. only few people present .
Strategical level
Tactical level
Operational level
All of the above
17 . Top level includes people like :
(a) Managing Directors (MD )
(b) Chairman
(c) Chief Executive Officers ( CEO)
(d) All of the above
18 . Top level is known as ……….. because all important decision
related to whole organization in taken by top management .
(a) Strategical level
(b) Tactical level
(c) Operational level
(d) All of the above
19 . The functions of top level management are :
(a) Defining goal of an organization or business
(b) Defining missions and vision
(c) Making different long term policies for an organization
(d) All of the above
20 . Middle level of management includes people who are designed
as :
(a) Senior managers
(b) Junior managers
(c) Supervisors
(d) All of the above
21 . Middle level is known as ………. of management .
(a) Strategical level
(b) Tactical level
(c) Operational level
(d) All of the above
22 . The managers working at middle level ……….. managers
manages the whole organization and reach to the goal defined by
top management .
(a) Strategically
(b) Tactically
(c) Operationally
(d) All of the above
23 . ………. Middle level managers perform different management
functions to achieve the vision of organizations as follows :
(a) Planning of their work
(b) Allocating different resources as required
(c) Monitor the progress
(d) All of the above
24 . Lower level known as ……….
(a) Strategical level
(b) Tactical level
(c) Operational level
(d) All of the above
25 . Lower level includes people like
(a) Clerks
(b) Supervisors
(c) Data entry operators
(d) All of the above
26 . The lower level operations could be day to day :
(b) Payments
(c) Purchase
(d) All of the above
27 . The lower level operations could be day to day
(a) Sales
(b) Receipts
(c) Stock taking
(d) All of the above
28 . The functions done at lower level are :
(a) Conduct day to day activities
(b) Monitor daily progress
(c) Reporting to middle level management
(d) All of the above
29 . Administration functions or duties are :
(a) Decision making
(b) Policy making
(c) Making necessary adjustments
(d) All of the above
30 . …….. was main contributor in the scientific school .
(a) Frank Gilbreth
(b) Lillian G
(c) Frederick W . Taylor
(d) Henry Gantt
31 . Salient features of scientific management
(a) Use of scientific methods to accomplishment each and
every task in the best way
(b) The workers should be scientifically selected based on
their skill sets , qualifications and should be trained
(c) Genuine cooperation between workers and management is
(d) All of the above
32 . Scientific management is essential because of following reasons
(a) It uses scientific approach throughout the management
(b) Mathematical models are used to bring an innovation and
radical changes in an organization
(c) Selection and recruitment of the workers was strictly skill
(d) All of the above
33 . ………… was one of the renowned management thinkers . He
was a French meaning engineer .
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Lillian G
(c) Fredrick W. Tylor
(d) Henry Gantt
34 . ………….. major contribution to the management theory is his
14 principles of management that are based on his thoughts and
experiences .
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Lillian Gilbreth
(c) Fredrick W . Taylors
(d) Henry Gantt
35 . Principles proposed by ……… are very useful for the
contemporary managers their work efficiently and effectively .
(a) Henry Fayol
(b) Lillian G
(c) Frederick W . Taylor
(d) Henry Gantt
36 . Principles proposed by Henry Fayol are
(a) Division of work
(b) Authority and responsibility
(c) Discipline
(d) All of the above
37 . Principles proposed by Henry Fayol are
(a) Unity of direction
(b) Remuneration of personnel
(c) Centralization
(d) All of the above
38 . ……… is proved to be a smart technique that allows everybody
to do the job as per their skills or specialization .
(a) Division of work
(b) Authority and responsibility
(c) Discipline
(d) All of the above
39 . ………. Results into better output in terms of work .
(a) Division of work
(b) Authority and responsibility
(c) Discipline
(d) All of the above
40 . if specialization or ……… is not used , the work done cannot
be satisfactory .
(a) Division of work
(b) Authority and responsibility
(c) Discipline
(d) All of the above
41 . ………… is a right for giving orders and the power to ensure
obedience .
(a) Division of work
(b) Authority and responsibility
(c) Discipline
(d) All of the above
42 . ………. is given to a manager ( supervisor) to get the work
done from his or her subordinates .
(a) Division of work
(b) Authority and responsibility
(c) Discipline
(d) All of the above
43 . ……… ensure that once the work or work related orders are
given to the subordinates , they become responsible for that work
and also they need to obey all the instructions and authorized person
Division of work
Authority and responsibility
All of the above
44 . …….. is important not only for the individual but for an
organization too .
(a) Division of work
(b) Authority and responsibility
(c) Discipline
(d) All of the work
45 . ……… mainly focuses on the specific authority that guides
subordinates about what work has to be done and how it has to be
(a) Division of work
(b) Authority and responsibility
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
46 . ……… is about the unity of authority .
(a) Unity of direction
(b) Authority
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
47 . Good ………………. Or salaries motivate people to work
efficiently and make them satisfied and eventually they become
loyal to the organization .
(a) Unity of direction
(b) Remuneration
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
48 . ………. Has got many positive aspects . it helps in organizing
things properly.
(a) Unity of direction
(b) Centralization
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
49 . …….. allows employees to get involved in the process of
making for better results .
(a) Unity of direction
(b) Centralization
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
50 . ……….. organization is generally a hierarchical structure .
There is always a chain of authority instead of a single authority .
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Centralization
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
51 . Generally ……….. flow of chain or direction of chain is from
highest organizational authority to the lowest ranks .
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Centralization
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
52 . As per the need of organization , ………… of authority can
be reduced or authorities may get added to this chain .
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Centralization
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
53 . …………. is concern with the systematic arrangements made
for men , machines and materials .
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Centralization
(c) Discipline
(d) Unity of commands
54 . …….. is an organization is a blend of kindness and justice .
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Order
(c) Equity
(d) Unity of commands
55 . …………. has to be maintained in an organization while
treating the employees .
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Order
(c) Equity
(d) Unity of commands
56 . ………….. refers to the planning , only planning is not
sufficient , it is to be ensured that works is done as per the plan
made .
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Order
(c) Equity
(d) Initiative
57 . management functions or duties are broadly classified into
following categories :
All of the above
58 . ………. Can be defined as the set of steps to do the particular
activity or activities in systematic manner .
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Directing
(d) All of the above
59 . The base of success of any project or goal of an organization is
its ……….
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Directing
(d) All of the above
60 . ………. is very important because remaining all functions of
management are strictly dependant on the planning activity .
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Directing
(d) All of the above
61 . objectives of good plan at department / organizational level are
(a) To achieve the department as well as organizational goal
(b) To create the feasible work schedule and complete work within
time limit .
(c) To utilize resources in proper way by minimizing wastage
(d) All of the above
62 .
are :
objectives of good plan at department / organizational level
For budgeting for different projects or works
Proper delegation of work
Allocating rights and responsibilities
All of the work
63 . Advantages of planning are :
(a) A perfect guideline about how , when and what work has to
be done.
(b) Planning helps in completing goals of organization
(c) Delays in work can be avoided
(d) All of the work
64 . Advantages of planning are :
(a) Work can be done efficiently
(b) Planning minimizes work pressure and deadline tensions
(c) Standardization can be enforced through plans
Al of the above
65 . It is observed that planning generally gets fail because gets fail
because of falling reasons :
(a) Incomplete knowledge of work
(b) Absence of data analysis
(c) Unrealistic nature of plan
(d) All of the above
66 . It is observed that planning generally gets fail because of
following reasons
(a) Absence of feedback of plan
(b) Involvement of people in planning who are not involved in
actual work
(c) Not considering risks and uncertainties
(d) All of the above
67 . The types of plan are :
(a) Operational plans
(b) Tactical plans
(c) Strategical plans
(d) All of the above
68 . The …………… process transforms plans into reality .
(a) Planning
(b) Organizing
(c) Directing
(d) All of the above
69 . ………….. can be defined as the process of establishing the
order use of resources by assigning and coordinating tasks .
All of the above
70 . ……….. activity works within the framework of organization
All of the above
71 . steps for organization process:
(a) Review plans and objectives
(b) Determine the work activities necessary to accomplish
(c) Classify and group the necessary work activities
(d) All of the above
72 .
……….. is division of work .
Work specialization
Chain of command
73 . ………….. is an unbroken line of authority that links all
persons in an organization .
(a) Work specialization
(b) Chain of command
(c) Authority
(d) Delegation
74 . ………….. is the formal and legitimate right of a manager to
make decisions , issue orders and allocate resources to
complete organizations goal.
(a) Work specialization
(b) Chain of command
(c) Delegation
(d) Authority
75 . ………….. is the downward transfer of authority from a
manager to a subordinate .
(a) Work specialization
(b) Chain of command
(c) Delegation
(d) Authority
76 .
……….. can be defined as the management of
interdependent in work situations .
Decision making
77 . …………… activity includes communication among the
different departments which are dependent on each other .
Decision making
78 . ……….. plays very important role as it ensures harmony
among different departments .
Decision making
79 . After plans have been made and the organization has been
established and staffed , the next step is …………
80 . ………. Can be called as “ leading ’’ , “motivating ’’ ,
“actuating ’’ and so on .
81 . ……….. is the process of passing information and
understanding from one person to another , effective
communication systems in the organization becomes backbone of
coordination .
All of the above
82 . ………….. can be defined as the process by which a
manager guides and influences the work of his subordinates .
All of the above
83 . ……… means arousing desire in the minds of workers to
give their best to the enterprise .it is the act of stimulating or
inspiring workers .
All of the above
84 . The qualities of leadership are :
Forward – looking
All of the above
85 . When work diverts from the standards then ……….. is very
much required .
86 . ……. Is defined as the forces that causes an individual to
behave in a specific way .
All of the above
87 . ……….. products best results in terms of productivity .
All of the above
88 . ………. Can be done in several way like rewards , promotions
, bonus , appreciation , hike in salaries , higher designation ,
freedom for decision making for their own work etc .
All of the above
89 . Right of ………….. let the business grows and sustain in the
market .
Decision making
Policy making
Making necessary adjustments
Controlling and ensure the discipline
90 . ……. is the process of solving the problem or in finding out the
new business opportunity .
Decision making
Policy making
Making necessary adjustments
Controlling and ensure the discipline
91 . The example of …………. Could be launching of new product ,
minimizing material wastage while production , recruiting
people , stopping production of a participate products etc .
Decision making
Policy making
Making necessary adjustments
Controlling and ensure the discipline
92 . There are three conditions or factors that affects decision
making as follows
All of the above
93 . Under ……….. type of environment , the manager is not able
to gather the complete information .
All of the above
94 . Under ……………. When decision are made , then we can
understand that manager has perfect knowledge of all the
information needed to make the decision .
All of the above
95 . There is one more condition or case when information is very
poor that managers cannot understand the probabilities and
outcomes of alternatives . this condition is known as ………….
All of the above
96 . Decision making under conditions of …….. is like being a
pioneer entering unexplored territory .
All of the above
97 . In this condition of ……….. managers have to rely heavily on
creativity for solving the problems .
All of the above
98 . Types of personal decision making models are :
Rational /logical
All of the above
99 . decision taken by supervisor could be :
Change in the work schedule or rescheduling
Increase or decrease in production depending on current
Decision regarding rejection of raw material or finished
All of the above
100 . Henry Fayol proposed ………… number of principles of
management .
101. Which factors decide the type or organization :
(a) size of the organization
(b) nature of the product being manufactured
(c) complexity of the problems being faced
(d) all of the above
102 . commonly known forms (types) of organization structures :
Line , military or scalar organization
Line and staff organization
Functional organization
All of the above
103 . ………. Is one of the simplest types of organization .
Line organization
Line and staff organization
Functional organization
All of the above
104 . Line organization is also called as …………. Or scalar
organization .
Military organization
Line and staff organization
Functional organization
All of the above
105 . Applications of line organization :
(a) Small businesses
(b) Automated industries like textile
(c) Military
(d) All of the above
106 . Advantages of line organization are :
Simple and easy
Flexible structure and easy to expand or contract
Easy additional and removal of members
All of the above
107 . Advantages of line organization are:
East communication among employees
Almost no confusions etc
Working speed is fast
High degree of discipline
108 . Disadvantages of line organization are :
Neglects area of specialization of employees
May overload employees
Highly skilled and qualified people are required
All of the above
109 . The line organization is developed step by step to shape as the
Line organization
Line and staff organization
Functional organization
All of the above
110 . The ………….. makes a combination of the line organization
with staff department that helps and advice line departments .
(a) Line organization
(b) Lime and staff organization
(c) Functional organization
All of the above
121 . Disadvantages of project organization :
Temporary nature of organization
Loose bonding in groups
Functions are complicated
All of the above
111 . Advantages of line and staff 0rganization :
(a) Expert advice is available from specialist staff executives
Perfect work division
No work overloading
All of the above
112 . Advantages of line and staff organization :
Improved product quality
Duties are clear to each person
System functions smoothly
All of the above
113 . Disadvantages of line and staff organization :
(a) Increase in cost of product because of increase in staff
(b) More people more confusions are breaking rules and regulation
by line of executives
(c) Unclear functions create confusions
(d) All of the above
114 . The ………. Mainly focuses on the specialized area of the
person and the person does the same job . this is also known as staff
organization type
(a) Line organization
Line and staff organization
Functional organization
All of the above
115 . Merits of functional organization :
Because of specialization , responsibilities are fixed
Expert advice can be removed
Better quality of products can be produced
All of the above
116 . Demerits or disadvantages of functional organization :
(a) Coordination is difficult as many people are working on the
same level
(b) Maintaining discipline is difficult
(c) Assigning of new job is difficult because of specialization
(d) All of the above
117 . ………… are internally formed.
Line organization
Line and staff organization
Functional organization
Project organization
118 . Features of project organization are :
Organizations are internally formed
These organizations are generally temporary
Less number of employees
All of the above
119. Types of project organization :
(a) functional based
(b) project based
(c) matrix based
(d) all of the above
120 . Advantages of project organization:
The scope of work is limited so efficiency is more
Teamwork is not emphasized
This structure reduces communication and decision
All of the above
Chapter 2
Planning and organizing and at Supervisory level
1.______is an activity required before one starts working on a
a) planning
b) manufacturing
c) marketing
c) supervision
2. the main components of the organization are:
a) clearly defined objectives
b) well organized and coordinate group of pepole
c) suitable division of work and labour
d) All of the above
3. the main components of the organization are:
a) predefined and clear policies and procedures.
b) right division of authority and responsibility
c) Effective communication system.
d) All of the above
4. Organization has following charactersistics:
a) Small or large group of pepole
b) Group is leaded by executive leader.
c) Impoertant tool of management is organizations.
d)All of the above
5. organization has following characteristics:
a) Allocate duties and responsibilities to employees
b) organization establishes a relationship between authority and
c) Organization controls the efforts of the group.
d)All of the above
6. Elements of organization are:
a) set of defined objectives.
b) Well organized and coordinating group of pepole.
c) proper division of work and labour.
d) All of the above
7. Elements of organizations are:
a) Clear and well defined policies and procedures.
b) proper division of authority and responcibility
c) An effective system of communication.
d) All of the above
8.Organization can be defined as
a)the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed.
b)Defining and delegating responsibility and authority.
c) Establishing relationships for the purpose of enabling people to
work most efficiently together in accomplishing objectives.
d)All of the above.
9.The principles of organization are:
a) Understanding and formulating of objectives.
b) Association and relation of basic components of the organization.
c) responsibility and authority.
d)All of the above.
10. The principles of organization are:
a)span of control.
b)Division and grouping of work.
c)proper delegation of work.
d)All of the above.
11.Which factors decide the type or organization:
a) size of the organization .
b)Nature of the product being manufactured.
c) Complexity of the problems being faced.
d)All of the above.
12.Commanly known forms(types) of organization structures:
a)Line, military or scalar organization.
b)Line and staff organization.
c)Functional organization .
d)All of the above.
13._________ is one of the simplest types of organization.
a) Line organization.
b)Line and staff organization.
c)Functional organization.
d)All of the above.
14.Line organization is also called as _______ or scalar
a) Military organization.
b)Line and staff organization.
c) Functional organization.
d) All of the above.
15. Applications of Line organization:
a)Small business.
c) Automated industries like textile.
d)All of the above.
16.Advantages of line organization:
a)simple and easy.
b)Flexible structure and easy to expand or contract .
c)Easy addition and removal of members.
d)All of the above.
17.Advantages of line organization are:
a) Easy communication among employees.
b) Almost no confusions exist.
c)Working speed is fast.
d)high degree of discipline.
18.Disadvantages of line organization are:
a)Neglects area of specialization of employees.
b) May overload employees.
c) Highly skilled and qualified people are required.
d) all of the above.
19.The line organization is developed step by step to shapes as the
a)Line organization.
b) Line and staff organization.
c) Functional organization.
d)all of the above.
c) System functions smoothly.
d) All of the above
23. Disadvantages of line and staff organization:
a) Increase in cost of product because of increase in staff.
b) More pepole more confusions and breaking rules and regulation
by line of executies.
c) Unclear functions create confusions.
d) All of the above
24. the_____mainly focuses on the on the specialized area of the
person and the person does the
same job. this is also known as
staff organization type.
a) Line organization.
b) Line and staff organization.
c)functional organization.
d)all of the above.
25.Merits functional organization:
a)Because of specialization,Responsibiltites are fixed.
b)Expert advice can be recived.
c)Bettter quality of product can be produced,
d)all of the above.
26.Demerits or disadvantages of functional organization:
a)Coordination is difficult as many people are working on the same
b)Maintaining disxiple is difficult.
c)Assigning of new job is difficult because of specialization.
d)All of the move
27._____are internally formed.
a)Line Organization.
b)line and staff Organization.
c)Functional Organization.
d)Project Organization.
28.Features of Project Organization are:
a)Organizations are internally formed.
b)These Organizations are generally temporary.
c)Less number of employees.
d)All of the above
29.Types of Project Organization :
a)function based
b)Project based
c)Matrix based
d)All of the above
30.Advantages of project organization:
a)The scope work is limited so efficiency is more.
b)teamwork is not empahasized.
c)this structure reduces communication and decision making.
d)all of the above
20.The _____makes a combination of the line organization with
staff departments that helps and advice line departments.
a)Line Organization.
b)Line and staff Organization.
c)Functional Organization.
d)All of the above.
31.Disadvantages of project Organization:
a)Temporary nature of organization.
b)loose bonding in groups.
c)Functions are complicated
d)all of the above
21. Advantages of line and staff organization:
a)Expert advice is available from specialist staff executive .
b)Perfect work decision.
c)No work overloading.
d)All of the above.
32.Advantages of Departmentaion:
a)Duties and authority are preciesly known so efficiency is more.
b)Persons can be made accountable for the results.
c)Managers are allowed to take intiative and learn new Managerial
d)all of the above
22. Advantages of line and staff organization :
a) Improved product quality.
b) Duties are Clear to each person.
33.Departmentalization can be done on the basis of following
c)customers or Markets
d)all of the above
34.Advantages of departmentation by product:
a)Every product division or department can be made accountable for
profit or loss incurred by it.
b)Evolution of performance of every product line can be done
c)it is possible to find out profitable and non profitable product
d)all of the above.
35.Disadvantages of departmentation by product:
a)Management cost is increased.
b)services are duplicated or repeated.
c)Man power requirements are more.
d)all of the above
36.___is accountability.it is an obligation of a subordinate to his/her
boss to do given work.
d)All of the above
37._______means right(to command )and power to act
d)All of the above
38.___stands for granting of authority to subordinates to accomplish
or perform a particular asssignment to accomplish or perform a
particular assignment while operating within perdecided limits and
standards established.
a)Delegation of authority
c)Effectivee Delegation
d)All of the above
39. Principle of delegation of authority are:
a)parity (equality )between authority and responsibility.
b) responsibility in tarms of results.
c)Principl of unity of command.
d)all of the above
40.The span of control depends on the factors like:
a)Trained and experienced subordinates
b)type of work
c)Capacity of ececutive or manager.
d)all of the above
41.Limitations of span of control:
a)wider span of control may not be manage by executive
b)Inexperienced subordinates amy create problems
c)ego problems my arise
d)all ob the above
42.____means giving right to the right person .
a)Delagation of authority
c)Effective Delagation
d)all of the above
43.___allows executive to give opportiunity to his suboridinates
make work related decision and get developed:
a)Delagation of authority
c)Effective Delagation
d)all of the above
44.absence of_________in units will lead to the failure in achiving
organizational goal.so balancing is foremost:
d)all of the above
45._______means adequate resources,man power and neccesary
authority for smooth functioning of department .
d)all of the above
46._______ of organization means a capacity to tolerate losses of
key persons leaving organization.
d.all of the above
47. _______ensures that in absence of these key persons
organization do not make any losses and run smoothly towards its
d.all of the above
48. To ensure _____ a long term planning related to the required
manpower and training and development for employees is required.
d.all of the above
49. Organizational _______ is mainly about adjusting work
Man power and facilities that are required when temporary changes
occur while working.
d.all of the above
50. _____allows bending and blending without experiencing any
grave setback or delay.
d.all of the above
51. ______ can culminate into strikes or fight among employees and
cause serious consequences to the organization.
a. communication
b. good communication
c. Miscommunication
d.all of the above
52. A ______ assists in taking decision correctly and also
implementing it effectively and efficiently.
a. communication
b. good communication
c. Miscommunication
d.all of the above
53. ________communication could be information or instruction.
a. downward
b. Upward
c. Horizontal
d. Unofficial
54.________ comminucation takes place from top executive to the
lowest grade of employee.
a. downward
b. Upward
c. Horizontal
d. Unofficial
55.______ is from bottom to top.
a. downward comminucation
b. Upward comminucation
c. Horizontal comminucation
d. Unofficial comminucation
56. ____ is generally from lowest grade employee to the top
a. downward communication
b. Upward communication
c. Horizontal communication
d. Unofficial communication
57. _______ could be in the form of suggestions, complaints,
feedback, orientation etc.
a. downward communication
b. Upward communication
c. Horizontal communication
d. Unofficial communication
58. _____takes place among employee who have same level of
a. downward communication
b. Upward communication
c. Horizontal communucation
d. Unofficial communication
59. ________ could be rumors or gossips, Sometimes rumors could
be a truth but it creates a wrong picture. Effective communication
system can help in improving official communication.
a. downward comminucation
b. Upward comminucation
c. Horizontal comminucation
d. Unofficial comminucation
60. A________is an instrument of management use as an aid in the
planning , programming and control of business activity.
a. Finance
b. Capital
c. Budget
d. VAT
61.Type of budgets:
a. Fixed budget
b. Variable budget
c. Functional budget
d. all of the above
62.A______ or static budget shows one plan ,one volume of output
or sales and the related fixes costs.
a. Fixed budget
b. Variable budget
c. Functional budget
d. all of the above
63. The ____ depends upon the ability to perfect income ,sales or
shipments with at least no provision in made for any changes may
occur during period.
a. Fixed budget
b. Variable budget
c. Functional budget
d. all of the above
64. _____ serves a valuable purpose in the planning and control of
certain fixed type of expenditures , e.g, research project, hospital ,
schools , collage ,etc.
a. Fixed budget
b. Variable budget
c. Functional budget
d. all of the above
65. A______ or flexible budget recognizes the unreliability of
income or sales prediction and makes provisions in advance for
variation in production and expenditures in accordance with
variation in sales.
a. Fixed budget
b. Variable budget
c. Functional budget
d. all of the above
66.______ takes in account only those costs, e.g. direct labour and
material, which vary with output and over which the department has
a. Fixed budget
b. Variable budget
c. Functional budget
d. all of the above
67.A____ is one which relates to any of the function of an
Ex: sales,production,cash,etc.
a)Fixed budget
b)Variable budget
c)Functional budget
d)all of the above
68.The frequently used functional budget are :
a)Material and purchase budget
b)Direct labor budget
c)Selling and distribution budget
d)all of the above
69.Production budget is based upon:
a)Sales budget
b)Factory capacity
c)Budgeted stock requirement
d)all of the above
70.Manufacturing budget need the following basis budget or
estimates to meet the plans :
a)Production budget outlining the schedule of product units to be
b)Direct material budget
c) Plant and equipment budget
d)all of the above
71.Labour requirement are determined as follow :
a)Split the product into operation
b)using work study calculate the standard time for each operation
c)from work study calculate total number of hours require for
d)all of the above
Directing And controlling at Supervisory Level
Q1. ___________ function of management allows giving instruction
and guidelines to subordinates for working efficiently.
a)Decision making.
Q2.Personal counseling regarding the work to the works is given by
d)Marketing head.
Q3.__________ are used by supervisor to discipline work force.
b)Disciplinary Standards.
d)Communication Skillls.
Q4._________ of the product has to be maintained for ensuring
customer satisfaction.
Q5.____________ could be found out by comparing actual
performance with standard performance.
d) None.
Q6.____________ is and important part of a Leadership.
Q7.________ and _______ used for planning and scheduling
activity in an organization.
a)PERT and CPM
b)Decision tree and Decision table.
c)Directing and Controlling
Q8.Establishing ______ is important among employees, teams and
Q9.Directing and controlling are important function of _________.
Q10.Monitoring and keeping watch on the activity is known
Chapter no. 4
Safety Management
1. Types of accidents are:
a) Minor b) serious c) fatal d) all of the above
2. Taking shortcut, lack of adequate knowledge are ____
a) Accident because of workers
b) Accident because of management
c) Accident due to layout or designed of working place
d) Accident because of natural disaster
3. Causes of accidents are:
a) Accident because of workers
b) Accident because of management
c) Both a) and b)
d) None
4. Accidents because of management are :
a) Mental Distraction
b) Lack of training to workers
c) Equipment for safety are not provided
d) Both b) and c)
5. Accident due Layout or Design of working place
a) Earthquakes
b) Wrong designs or Layout of working place
c) Oily or Greasy floors
d) Both b) and c)
6. Floods, Earthquakes, Tsunami are ______
a) Accident because of workers
b) Accident because of management
c) Accident due to layout or designed of working place
d) Accident because of natural disaster
7. General causes of accident could be as follow:
a) Accident due to Dangerous machine
b) Unsafe physical condition
c) Moving objects
d) all of the above
8. Which factors does not cause accident due to Dangerous
a) Boiler
b) Unsafe clothing
c) Prime movers
d) Transmission system
9. Unsafe physical conditions occur because of following reason:
a) Absence of proper protecting devices
b) Harmful aerosol
c) No proper ventilations
d) Working with unsafe speed
10. In an industry these accidents are caused because of ______ or
falling objects.
a) Accident due to dangerous machine
b) Moving objects
c) Personal factors
d) None of the above
11. Accident may cause because of Partial or no knowledge of
processes or may because of physical weakness of person working
is called as _____
a) Accident due to dangerous machine
b) Moving objects
c) Personal factors
d) None of the above
12. ____ accident are caused because of not following safety
a) Accident due to dangerous machine
b) Moving objects
c) Personal factors
d) Unsafe acts
13. Unsafe acts occur because of following reasons:
a) Accident due to dangerous machine
b) Moving objects
c) Personal factors
d) None of the above
14. Accident because of electrical factors includes following reason:
a) Absence of proper protecting devices
b) Harmful aerosol
c) No proper ventilation
d) Working with unsafe speed
15. Accident includes injuries because of exposure to :
a) Harmful substance
b) Toxic Gases
c) Dangerous Fumes
d) All of the above
16. Industrial accidents have following types:
a) Machinery
b) Non Machinery
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
17) _____ accidents happen because of insufficient safeguard of
a) Machinery
b) Non Machinery
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
18) Reasons due to which non- machinery accidents may occur:
a) Safe workplace and working conditions
b) Atmospheric conditions
c) Dangerous fumes
d) Unsafe clothing
19) Preventive measures that can be taken related to environment
are ____.
a) Safe workplace and working conditions
b) Atmospheric conditions fumes
c) Dangerous fumes
d) Working with unsafe speed
20) Good layout, reduction in noise level are____. Safe workplace
and working conditions
a) Atmospheric conditions
b) Dangerous fumes
c) Working with unsafe speed
21) _____ has to be kept at secured and separate place which is not
easily accessible.
a) Inflammable material
b) Machine safeguards
c) Both a) and b)
d) None of the above
22) Which of the following condition is not physical condition :
a) Enough illumination
b) Sufficient working space for movement,
c) Good ventilation and height of working place
d) Proper flooring with cleanliness oil free.
22) House- Keeping has to be good is a condition of ______.
a) Safe material handling
b) Personal protection device
c) Safe activities in the organization
d) Good house keeping
23) House-keeping has to be good is the condition of ________.
a)Safe material handling
b) Personal protection devices
c) Safe activities in the organization
d) Good house-keeping
24) Fire extinguisher should be kept at easily accessible place in the
condition of _____.
a) Safe material handling
b) Personal protection devices
c) Safe activities in the organization
d) Good house keeping
25) Base on the past experiences, the danger zone should be
declared and proper precautions need to be taken in the condition of
a) Safe material handling
b) Personal protection devices
c) Safe activities in the organization
d) Good house keeping
26) Good house-keeping includes following conditions:
a) Use of machine that will reduce noise level
b) Separate place for machine that are producing noise
c) Reducing vibration of machine with some technique
d)None of the above
Chapter no. 5
Legislative acts
1._______ Is a person who has completed the 18 year.
d.young person
2. ______ Is a person who has completed the 15 year of age but not
completed 18 year of age.
d.young person
3.______ Is a person who has not completed his 15 year of age.
d.young person
4.either a child or an adolescent is called as ______.
d.young person
5. ______ is electrical energy or any other from of energy, which is
not generated by human or animal agency.
b.Prime mover
c.Transmission machinery
d.none of the above
6. ______ is any engine, motor or other appliance, which generates
or provides power.
d.young person
7._______ is a person employee directly or through any agency ,
whether for wages or not, in any manufacturing process or in
cleaning any part of the machinery or premicess used for
manufacturing process or in any other kind of work incidental , to or
connected with , the manufacturing process.
a. Worker
b. Factory
c. Occupier
d. None of the above
8. _____ of factory means the person who has ultimate control over
the affairs of the factory and where the said affairs are entrusted to a
managing agent, such agent shall be deemed to be occupier of the
d.none of the above
9.Following is the health provision:
a.Fencing of machinery
c.Washing facilities
d.none of the above
10. Taking care while working on machinery in motion is a _____.
a.Health Provision
b.safety provisions
c.Welfare provisions
d.Employment of young persons
11. First-aid appliance is a____.
a.Health Provision
b.safety provisions
c.Welfare provisions
d.Employment of young persons
12. No adult worker shall be required or allowed to work in a
factory on_____.
b.Weekly holiday
d.None of the above
13. When a worker works for____ hours in a day or for more than
48 hours in any week, he shall be entiled to wages at the rate of
twice his ordinary rate of wages.
a.more than 9
b.less than 9
c.more than 8
d.less than 8
14.This provision provides a further restriction to female workers
that no women shall be employed in any factory except
a.7 A.M. and 6 P.M
b.6 A.M and 7 P.M
c.5 A.M and 7 P.M
d.6 A.M and 5 P.M
15. _____ is of temporary nature and the earing capacity is reduced
due to disablement is of permanent nature.
a.Partial disablement
b.total disablement
c. both (a) and (b)
d.none of the above
16. ______ means such disablement whether if a temporary or
permanent nature, which incapacities a workman, forms all work
which he was capable of performing at the time of accident resulting
in such disablement.
a.Parital disablement
b.Total disablement
c.both (a) and (b)
d.none of the above
17. _____ includes any privilege or benefit which is capable of
being estimated in money other than a travelling allowance or any
other contributions paid towards pension etc.
b.Patial disablement
c.Total disablement
d.none of the above
18._______ means any person who is employed in any such
capacity specified in schedule II on monthly wages.
d.none of the above
19.Meaning of _____ is a window ,a minor son, a window mother.
d.none of the above
20. _______ person whose age is below 18 years.
d.none of the above
21. Minimum wages need to be paid in the____.
c.either (a) or (b)