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Maintenance Technicians Training Catalog

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Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34)
 Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) T1
 Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) T2
 Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) T1+T2
 Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) T4
Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
 Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34) T1
 Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34) T2
 Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34) T1+T2
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120)
 ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) T1
 ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) T2
ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120)
 ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) T1
ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120)
 ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120) T1
Bombardier Differences Course
 Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) to Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25
(GE CF34) T1
 Bombardier CL-600-2C10 (GE CF34) to Bombardier CL-600-2D15/-2D24 (GE CF34)
T1+T2 – Non Part 147 course
 Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24 (GE CF34) to Bombardier CL-600-2E25 (GE
CF34) T1+T2– Non Part 147 course
ATR Differences Course
 ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) to ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) T1
 ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) to ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120) T1
 ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) to ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) T1
 ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) to ATR 72-600 (PW127M) T1+T2 – Non Part 147
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) or
ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120) T1/T2
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25
(GE CF34) T1/T2
ATR 42-300 or ATR 42/72-500 or ATR 72-600
CRJ100/200 or CRJ700/900/1000
PART 145
PART 66/ PART 147
FUEL TANK SAFETY, level 2, initial training
FUEL TANK SAFETY, recurrent training
HUMAN FACTORS, initial training
HUMAN FACTORS, recurrent training
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) or ATR 72100/200 series (PWC PW120) or ATR 72-600:
 Level 1
 Level 2
 Level 3
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE
CF34) :
 Level 1
 Level 2
 Level 3
EWIS target 1, initial training
EWIS target 2, initial training
EWIS target 3, initial training
EWIS target 4, initial training
EWIS target 5, initial training
EWIS target 6, initial training
EWIS targets 7 & 8, initial training
EWIS, recurrent training
Brake-riding : CRJ100/200 or CRJ700/900/1000
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34)
Maintenance type training T1
CRJ 100 – T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
165H00 – 5 weeks
Theoretical training: 96H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 16/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34)
Maintenance type training T2
CRJ 100 – T2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B2 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
155H00 – 5 weeks
Theoretical training: 95H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 27/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34)
Maintenance type training T1+T2
CRJ 100 – T1+T2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B2 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
201H00 – 6 weeks
Theoretical training: 122H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 27/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34)
Maintenance type training T4
CRJ 100 – T4
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This course, level 1, is in accordance to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination standard.
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components according to the
requirements defined in the related documents for Certifying Staff.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Identify safety precautions related to the airframe, its systems and power plant.
- Identify maintenance practices important to the airframe, its systems and power plant
- Define the general layout of the aircraft’s major systems
- Define the general layout and characteristics of the power plants
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 category C, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
33H00 – 1 week
Theoretical training:
Theoretical examination: 02h00
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 27/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
Maintenance type training T1
CRJ 700/900/1000 – T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
199H00 – 6 weeks
Theoretical training: 122H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 16/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
Maintenance type training T2
CRJ 700/900/1000 – T2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B2 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
179H00 – 6 weeks
Theoretical training: 105H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 27/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
Maintenance type training T1+T2
CRJ 700/900/1000 – T1+T2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B2 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
232H00 – 7 weeks
Theoretical training: 138H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 27/01/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120)
Maintenance type training T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2 or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
164H00 – 5 weeks
Theoretical training: 108H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 16/01/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120)
Maintenance type training T2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B2 or B1/B2 or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
136H00 – 4 weeks
Theoretical training: 90H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 27/01/2015
ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120)
Maintenance type training T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2 or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
163H00 – 5 weeks
Theoretical training: 107H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 28/01/2015
ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120)
Maintenance type training T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2 or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
163H00 – 5 weeks
Theoretical training: 107H00
Practical training:
Theoretical examination:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Remarks : If the type training is the first one carried out in the category of similar aircraft, the trainee will
have to realize an OJT in a Part 145 organization.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 28/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) to
Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
Maintenance Differences course T1
CRJ 100 to CRJ700/900/1000
differences course– T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
The aim of this course is to enable the personnel to understand the Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34) by its differences with the Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34).
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
- Hold a Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) maintenance type training T1 or T1/T2
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
TRAINING TIME: 177H00 – 5 weeks + 2 days
Theoretical training: 103H00
Theoretical examination: 3H00
Practical training:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 28/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2C10 (GE CF34) to
Bombardier CL-600-2D15/-2D24 (GE CF34)
Maintenance Differences course T1+T2
CRJ 700 to CRJ 705/900
differences course – T1+T2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
The aim of this course is to enable the personnel to understand the Bombardier CL-600-2D15/-2D24 (GE
CF34) by its differences with the Bombardier CL-600-2C10 (GE CF34).
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B2 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
- Hold a Bombardier CL-600-2C10 (GE CF34) maintenance type training T1 or T2 or T1/T2
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 28/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24 (GE CF34) to
Bombardier CL-600-2E25 (GE CF34)
Maintenance Differences course T1+T2
CRJ 700/705/900 to CRJ 1000
differences course – T1+T2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
The aim of this course is to enable the personnel to understand the Bombardier CL-600-2E25 (GE CF34)
by its differences with the Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24 (GE CF34).
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B2 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
- Hold a Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24 (GE CF34) maintenance type training T1 or T2 or
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 28/01/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) to
ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120)
Maintenance Differences course T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
The aim of this course is to enable the personnel to understand the ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120)
by its differences with the ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120).
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
- Hold an ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) maintenance type training T1 or T1/T2
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
42H00 – 1 week
Theoretical training: 28H30
Theoretical examination: 1H00
Practical training:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 28/01/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) to
ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120)
Maintenance Differences course T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
The aim of this course is to enable the personnel to understand the ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120)
by its differences with the ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120).
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
- Hold an ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) maintenance type training T1 or T1/T2
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
11H15 – 2 days
Theoretical training: 8H00
Theoretical examination: 0H15
Practical training:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 28/01/2015
ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) to
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120)
Maintenance Differences course T1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
The aim of this course is to enable the personnel to understand the ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC
PW120) by its differences with the ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120).
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
- Hold an ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) maintenance type training T1 or T1/T2
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical trainings. Each part can be carried out separately.
38H30 – 1 week
Theoretical training: 29H00
Theoretical examination: 1H20
Practical training:
Practical assessment:
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects of the theoretical knowledge syllabus with a minimum pass
mark of 75%. Practical training ends by a specific practical assessment.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 28/01/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) to ATR 72-600
Maintenance Differences course T1+T2
ATR 42-500 to ATR 72-600
differences course – T1+T2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This is a mechanics/electrics course according to Part-66 appendix III, type training and examination
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components in details. This
includes the operational and functional tests of all systems as well. Furthermore, the operational
documentation is used to ensure that the trainee is able to correctly diagnose failures and take the
necessary corrective action.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
The aim of this course is to enable the personnel to understand the ATR 72-600 by its differences with the
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120).
Upon completion of the course, the trainee shall be able to:
- Perform all maintenance tasks on the systems and up to the level listed in the related regulatory
- Ensure safe certification of line and/or base maintenance, inspections and routine work according
to the maintenance manual and other relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type
of aircraft, for example: troubleshooting, repairs, adjustments, replacements, operational and
functional checks.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold an EASA Part 66 license B1 or B2 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- be able to read, write and communicate at an understandable level in English language.
- Hold an ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) maintenance type training T1 or T2 or T1/T2
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
A theoretical examination will cover all subjects with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 03/04/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120)
or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120)
or ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120)
Maintenance recurrent training T1/T2
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
It is in compliance with EASA PART 145 requirements which requires a continuous training each 2 years.
It allows to maintain knowledge and “certificate of release to service” authorisation.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- Hold a Part-66 license category B1, B2 or B1/B2
- Hold an ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) or
ATR 72-100/200 series (PWX PW120) type training.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Training programme includes :
- Systems revisions : on customer request
- Company feedbacks.
- Airworthiness Directive, RIT and SB.
All technical publications are continuously updated.
It may also include a practical training (AMM, FIM and electrical tester).
The duration is set in accordance with the customer.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 24/03/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) or
Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
Maintenance recurrent training T1/T2
CRJ100 or CRJ 700/900/1000
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns line and/or base maintenance engineers.
It is in compliance with EASA PART 145 requirements which requires a continuous training each 2 years.
It allows to maintain knowledge and “certificate of release to service” authorisation.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- hold a Part-66 license category B1, B2 or B1/B2
- hold a Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25
(GE CF34) type training
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Training programme includes :
- Systems revisions : on customer request
- Company feedbacks.
- Airworthiness Directive, RIT and SB.
All technical publications are continuously updated.
It may also include a practical training (AMM, FIM and electrical tester).
The duration is set in accordance with the customer.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 24/03/2015
ATR 42-300 or ATR 42/72-500 or ATR 72-600
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns any category of personnel involved in aeronautical environment.
The aim of this course is to give a general overview of the aircraft systems.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components.
Duration : 1 week (but it can be reviewed in accordance with customer needs).
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 24/03/2015
CRJ100/200 or CRJ700/900/1000
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This training concerns any category of personnel involved in aeronautical environment.
The aim of this course is to give a general overview of the aircraft systems.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
It describes all the airframe and power plant systems, sub-systems and components.
Duration : 1 week (but it can be reviewed in accordance with customer needs).
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 24/03/2015
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
The course starts with an overview of the Basic Regulation 1592/2002 and the role of EASA. Subsequently,
Annex I to Implementing Rule 2042/2003 and the corresponding AMC and GM materials are covered in
detail. The Technical Requirements (Section A) and the Procedures for Competent Authorities (Section B)
of Part-M are dealt with separately in a structured way.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
It concerns personnel involved in airworthiness and maintenance of civil aircraft:
- Management and personnel of maintenance organizations
- Persons responsible for quality and quality auditors
- Civil aviation authorities airworthiness inspectors
- Any other population involved in PART M
After completion of the training, the trainee should be able to:
- understand EASA PART M’s position in national, European and international regulations
concerning maintenance, and its expected evolution.
- integrate all the detailed requirements of EASA IR PART M
- explain EASA PART M fundamentals and latest developments
- understand the links with PART-145 and in particular the differences in responsibility.
- know how to navigate through the various texts and use the relevant information.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Duration : 7 hours
No examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 24/03/2015
PART 145
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
The course starts with an overview of the Basic Regulation 1592/2002 and the role of EASA. Subsequently,
Annex II to Implementing Rule 2042/2003 and the corresponding AMC and GM materials are covered in
detail. The Technical Requirements (Section A) and the Procedures for Competent Authorities (Section B)
of Part-145 are dealt with separately in a structured way. This makes the training useful for both new and
experienced professionals from industry and authorities.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
It concerns personnel involved in airworthiness and maintenance of civil aircraft:
- Technical management of airlines
- Management of customer maintenance workshops
- Persons responsible for quality and quality auditors
- Civil aviation authorities
- Any other population involved in PART 145
After completion of the training, the trainee should be able to:
- understand EASA PART 145’s position in national, European and international regulations
concerning maintenance, and its expected evolution
- explain EASA PART 145 fundamentals and latest developments
- become familiar with EASA PART 145 detailed requirements
- learn how to find one’s way around the different texts and how to use appropriate information.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Duration : 7 hours
No examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 24/03/2015
PART 66 / PART 147
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
- Large overview of the basic rules 1592/2002 and of the EASA role.
- Applications of the rule 2042/2003, part III and IV, and study of Acceptable Means of Compliance, and
of Guidance Material.
- Technical requirements (Section A) and procedures for competent authority (section B) of PART 66 / 147
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
It concerns personnel involved in the maintenance type training of certifying staff:
- Management of maintenance organizations
- Persons responsible for quality
- Maintenance Training Organisation staff
- Civil aviation authorities in charge of airworthiness or license delivery
- Any other population involved in PART 66 / 147
Objectives : To know the regulatory context of the EASA concerning the training and the qualification of
the staff authorized to deliver the restarting approval, and then understand the PART 66 and 147
regulations to know their implementation details.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Duration : 4 hours
No examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 24/03/2015
Level 1, awareness
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
The course includes :
- the purpose of fuel tank safety program
- the description of concept of fuel tank safety and CDCCL
- short background showing examples of FTS accidents or incidents.
This level is not submitted to a recurrent course.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel representing the maintenance management structure, quality manager
The trainee should, after the completion of the training :
- be familiar with the basic elements of the fuel tank safety issues
- be able to give a simple description of the historical background and the elements requiring a safety
consideration, using common words and showing examples of non conformities
- be able to use typical terms
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Duration : 4 hours
No examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
Level 2, initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
The course includes :
- the purpose of fuel tank safety program
- the description of concept of fuel tank safety and CDCCL
- shorts background showing examples of FTS accidents or incidents
- EWIS presentation
- CDCCL applied to aircrafts specificities: CRJ100/200, CRJ700/900/1000.
This level is submitted to a recurrent course, every two years.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel of the Part-145 approved maintenance organization required to plan,
perform, supervise, inspect and certify the maintenance of aircraft and fuel system components.
The trainee should, after the completion of the training :
- know the history of events related to fuel tank safety issues and the theoretical elements of the
subject, have an overview of the FAA regulations
- be able to apply the knowledge in a logical manner.
- be able to identify the components or parts or the aircraft subject to FTS from the manufacturer’s
- be able to plan the action or apply a Service Bulletin and an Airworthiness Directive.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Duration : 8 hours
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
Continuation course
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
The course is a revision of the initial course which is updated with new systems and new regulations.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel of the Part-145 approved maintenance organization required to plan,
perform, supervise, inspect and certify the maintenance of aircraft and fuel system components.
It is a mean to keep the personal at an acceptable level of knowledge regarding the Fuel Tank Safety
aspects in aircraft and operation.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
The trainee must have already completed the Fuel Tank Safety, level 2, initial training.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Duration : 2 hours
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Our programme is in compliance with the appendix II (Part 145) of commission regulation (EC)
N°2042/2003 and OSAC P54-45 section “implementation plan of the maintenance safety system and
human factors approach in the Part 145 regulation”.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns technicians, assessors, team managers and any personnel in relation with
maintenance activities.
This training will allow trainees :
- To be sensitive to and be aware that human factors in the form of environmental, behavioural, and
ergonomic could cause inadvertent airworthiness escapes that could potentially cause aircraft
safety problem;
- To understand the origin of errors that can be avoided;
- To encourage a positive attitude on procedures to improve safety.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
- Technician, assessor, team manager : 2 days
- Any personnel in relation with maintenance activities : 1 day
Language ______________________________________________________________________
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
continuation training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Our programme is in compliance with the appendix II (Part 145) of commission regulation (EC)
N°2042/2003 and OSAC P54-45 section “implementation plan of the maintenance safety system and
human factors approach in the Part 145 regulation”.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns technicians, assessors, team managers and any personnel in relation with
maintenance activities.
This training ensures that all staff remains current in terms of human factors
It is a way to collect feedback on human factors issues and to keep staff involved in the ongoing human
factors and error management programme
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Having previously carried out the initial course.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Duration is defined by customer and shall be appropriated to meet the objectives.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120)
or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120)
or ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120)
or ATR 72-600
RUN UP, level 1
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This training :
- provides skills with starting and operating the engine and related aircraft systems
- emphasizes recognition of normal and abnormal engine and systems operation
- provides skills for checking engine performance characteristics
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel already qualified on the type of ATR.
After the completion of the training, the trainee should:
- gain proficiency in engine and cockpit management procedures
- be able to use a checklist
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- Hold a Part-66 license category B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- Hold an ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) or
ATR 72-100/200 series (PWX PW120) Type Training or ATR 72-600 training certificate.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical training:
Theoretical training : 3 hours
- Run-up procedures,
- Check-list and start faults,
- Fault scenario / engine faults
- A/C system faults and emergencies
Practical training on Fixed Base Simulator (Simulator without motion)
3 hours (1 student) or 4 hours (2 students)
- Pre-flight check, radio procedures
- Engine runs only on idle, emergencies and faults.
This part of training includes one hour of examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Toulouse (ATR 72-600) or Paris (for all the other types of ATR)
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 29/01/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120)
or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120)
or ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120)
or ATR 72-600
RUN UP, level 2
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This training :
- provides skills with starting and operating the engine and related aircraft systems
- emphasizes recognition of normal and abnormal engine and systems operation
- provides skills for checking engine performance characteristics
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel already qualified on the type of ATR.
After the completion of the training, the trainee should:
- gain proficiency in engine and cockpit management procedures
- be able to use a checklist
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- Hold a Part-66 license category B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- Hold an ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) or
ATR 72-100/200 series (PWX PW120) Type Training or ATR 72-600 training certificate.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical training:
Theoretical training : 3 hours
- Run-up procedures,
- Check-list and start faults,
- Fault scenario / engine faults
- A/C system faults and emergencies
Practical training on Fixed Base Simulator (Simulator without motion)
3 hours (1 student) or 4 hours (2 students)
- Pre-flight check, radio procedures
- Engine runs full power, emergencies and faults.
This part of training includes one hour of examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Toulouse (ATR 72-600) or Paris (for all the other types of ATR)
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 29/01/2015
ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120)
or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120)
or ATR 72-100/200 series (PWC PW120)
or ATR 72-600
RUN UP, level 3
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This training :
- provides skills with starting and operating the engine and related aircraft systems
- emphasizes recognition of normal and abnormal engine and systems operation
- provides skills for checking engine performance characteristics
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel already qualified on the type of ATR.
After the completion of the training, the trainee should:
- gain proficiency in engine and cockpit management procedures
- be able to use a checklist
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- Hold a Part-66 license category B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- Hold an ATR 42-400/500/72-212A (PWC PW120) or ATR 42-200/300 series (PWC PW120) or
ATR 72-100/200 series (PWX PW120) Type Training or ATR 72-600 training certificate.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical training:
Theoretical training : 4 hours
- Run-up procedures, radio procedures, airport map study
- Check-list and start faults,
- Fault scenario / engine faults
- A/C system faults and emergencies
Practical training on Fixed Base Simulator (Simulator without motion)
3 hours (1 student) or 4 hours (2 students)
- Pre-flight check, radio procedures
- Engine runs full power, emergencies and faults, taxiing
This part of training includes one hour of examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Toulouse (ATR 72-600) or Paris (for all the other types of ATR)
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 29/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34)
or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
RUN UP, level 1
CRJ 100
or CRJ 700/705/900/1000
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This training :
- provides skills with starting and operating the engine and related aircraft systems
- emphasizes recognition of normal and abnormal engine and systems operation
- provides skills for checking engine performance characteristics
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel already qualified on the type of CRJ.
After the completion of the training, the trainee should:
- gain proficiency in engine, APU runs and cockpit management procedures
- be able to use a Canadair Regional Jet checklist
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- Hold a Part-66 license category B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- Hold a Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/2-D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE
CF34) Type Training.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical training:
Theoretical training : 3 hours
- Run-up procedures,
- Check-list and start faults,
- Fault scenario / engine faults
- A/C system faults and emergencies
Practical training on Fixed Base Simulator (Simulator without motion)
3 hours (1 student) or 4 hours (2 students)
- Pre-flight check, radio procedures
- Engine runs only on idle, emergencies and faults.
This part of training includes one hour of examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 29/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34)
or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
RUN UP, level 2
CRJ 100
or CRJ 700/705/900/1000
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This training :
- provides skills with starting and operating the engine and related aircraft systems
- emphasizes recognition of normal and abnormal engine and systems operation
- provides skills for checking engine performance characteristics
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel already qualified on the type of CRJ.
After the completion of the training, the trainee should:
- gain proficiency in engine, APU runs and cockpit management procedures
- be able to use a Canadair Regional Jet checklist
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- Hold a Part-66 license category B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- Hold a Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/2-D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE
CF34) Type Training.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical training:
Theoretical training : 3 hours
- Run-up procedures,
- Check-list and start faults,
- Fault scenario / engine faults
- A/C system faults and emergencies
Practical training on Fixed Base Simulator (Simulator without motion)
3 hours (1 student) or 4 hours (2 students)
- Pre-flight check, radio procedures
- Engine runs full power, emergencies and faults.
This part of training includes one hour of examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 29/01/2015
Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34)
or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/-2D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE CF34)
RUN UP, level 3
CRJ 100
or CRJ 700/705/900/1000
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This training :
- provides skills with starting and operating the engine and related aircraft systems
- emphasizes recognition of normal and abnormal engine and systems operation
- provides skills for checking engine performance characteristics
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns personnel already qualified on the type of CRJ.
After the completion of the training, the trainee should:
- gain proficiency in engine, APU runs and cockpit management procedures
- be able to use a Canadair Regional Jet checklist
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Trainees must:
- Hold a Part-66 license category B1 or B1/B2, or equivalent
- Hold a Bombardier CL-600-2B19 (GE CF34) or Bombardier CL-600-2C10/2-D15/-2D24/-2E25 (GE
CF34) Type Training.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
This course includes theoretical and practical training:
Theoretical training : 4 hours
- Run-up procedures, radio procedures, airport map study
- Check-list and start faults,
- Fault scenario / engine faults
- A/C system faults and emergencies
Practical training on Fixed Base Simulator (Simulator without motion)
3 hours (1 student) or 4 hours (2 students)
- Pre-flight check, radio procedures
- Engine runs full power, emergencies and faults, taxiing
This part of training includes one hour of examination.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 29/01/2015
EWIS Target 1
Initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Maintenance personnel involved in the preservation of airworthiness of heavy aircraft have to improve their
basic knowledge and so master the risks directly in touch with the Electric Wiring Interconnection System
(EWIS). They need to be aware that aeroplane EWIS should be maintained with the same level of intensity
as any other system in the aeroplane.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
Line and/or base maintenance engineers or certified engineers performing EWIS maintenance.
The trainee should, after the completion of the training:
- be familiar with technical and regulatory knowledge regarding safety of wiring systems
- know and understand these regulations to facilitate their application
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
The course includes:
- the description of all modules concerned by this target
General Electrical Wiring Interconnection System Practices (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
Wiring Practices Documentation (8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Inspections (13, 16)
Housekeeping (17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)
Wire (23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31)
Connective Devices (32, 33, 34, 35, 36)
Connective Device repair (37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42)
shorts background showing examples of EWIS findings, accidents or incidents
Videos of maintenance practices on connectors, splices and usual tools.
This level is submitted to a recurrent course, every two years.
* In accordance with AMC 20-22 Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008.
Duration: 14 hours (2 days)
Examination ________________________________________________________________
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
EWIS Target 2
Initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Maintenance personnel involved in the preservation of airworthiness of heavy aircraft have to improve their
basic knowledge and so master the risks directly in touch with the Electric Wiring Interconnection System
(EWIS). They need to be aware that aeroplane EWIS should be maintained with the same level of intensity
as any other system in the aeroplane.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
Line and/or base maintenance engineers or certified engineers performing maintenance inspections on
wiring systems.
The trainee should, after the completion of the training:
- be familiar with technical and regulatory knowledge regarding safety of wiring systems
- know and understand these regulations to facilitate their application
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
The course includes:
- the description of all modules concerned by this target
General Electrical Wiring Interconnection System Practices (1, 2, 7)
Wiring Practices Documentation (8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Inspections (13, 14, 15, 16)
Housekeeping (17, 18, 19)
Wire (23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31)
Connective Devices (32, 33, 34, 35, 36)
shorts background showing examples of EWIS findings, accidents or incidents
Videos of maintenance practices on connectors, splices and usual tools.
This level is submitted to a recurrent course, every two years.
* In accordance with AMC 20-22 Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008.
Duration: 10 hours 30 (1 day ½)
Examination ________________________________________________________________
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
EWIS Target 3
Initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Staff in this group is not directly involved in the maintenance and inspection of EWIS but they have the
potential to have an adverse impact on EWIS. Although there is no direct regulatory requirements for EWIS
training, this greatly enhance awareness of the importance of EWIS safety in the overall safe operation of
aeroplanes and help to ensure that proper attention is paid to EWIS issues.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
Part M / Part 21 / part 145 personnel performing electrical/avionic engineering on in-service aeroplane.
The trainee should, after the completion of the training:
- be familiar with technical and regulatory knowledge regarding safety of wiring systems
- know and understand these regulations to facilitate their application
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
The course includes:
- the description of all modules concerned by this target
Wiring Practices Documentation (8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Housekeeping (20, 21, 22)
Wire (23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31)
Connective Devices (32, 33, 34, 35, 36)
shorts background showing examples of EWIS findings, accidents or incidents
Videos of maintenance practices on connectors, splices and usual tools.
This level is submitted to a recurrent course, every two years.
* In accordance with AMC 20-22 Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008.
Duration: 7 hours (1 day)
Examination ________________________________________________________________
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
EWIS Target 4
Initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Staff in this group is not directly involved in the maintenance and inspection of EWIS but they have the
potential to have an adverse impact on EWIS. Although there is no direct regulatory requirements for EWIS
training, this greatly enhance awareness of the importance of EWIS safety in the overall safe operation of
aeroplanes and help to ensure that proper attention is paid to EWIS issues.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
Qualified staff performing general maintenance/inspections not involving wire maintenance (LRU change
is not considered wire maintenance).
The trainee should, after the completion of the training:
- be familiar with technical and regulatory knowledge regarding safety of wiring systems
- know and understand these regulations to facilitate their application
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
The course includes:
- the description of all modules concerned by this target
General Electrical Wiring Interconnection System Practices (1, 2, 7)
Inspections (13, 16)
Housekeeping (17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22)
Wire (27, 31)
shorts background showing examples of EWIS findings, accidents or incidents
Videos of maintenance practices on connectors, splices and usual tools.
This level is submitted to a recurrent course, every two years.
* In accordance with AMC 20-22 Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008.
Duration: 7 hours (1 day)
Examination ________________________________________________________________
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
EWIS Target 5
Initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Staff in this group is not directly involved in the maintenance and inspection of EWIS but they have the
potential to have an adverse impact on EWIS. Although there is no direct regulatory requirements for EWIS
training, this greatly enhance awareness of the importance of EWIS safety in the overall safe operation of
aeroplanes and help to ensure that proper attention is paid to EWIS issues.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
Qualified staff performing other engineering or planning work on in-service aeroplane (Part M/G or Part
145 staff).
The trainee should, after the completion of the training:
- be familiar with technical and regulatory knowledge regarding safety of wiring systems
- know and understand these regulations to facilitate their application
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
The course includes:
- the description of all modules concerned by this target
C. Inspections (13, 14, 15, 16)
D. Housekeeping (20, 21, 22)
E. Wire (27, 31)
shorts background showing examples of EWIS findings, accidents or incidents
Videos of maintenance practices on connectors, splices and usual tools.
This level is submitted to a recurrent course, every two years.
* In accordance with AMC 20-22 Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008.
Duration: 7 hours (1 day)
Examination ________________________________________________________________
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
EWIS Target 6
Initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Staff in this group is not directly involved in the maintenance and inspection of EWIS but they have the
potential to have an adverse impact on EWIS. Although there is no direct regulatory requirements for EWIS
training, this greatly enhance awareness of the importance of EWIS safety in the overall safe operation of
aeroplanes and help to ensure that proper attention is paid to EWIS issues.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
Other service staff with duties in proximity to electrical wiring interconnection systems.
The trainee should, after the completion of the training:
- be familiar with technical and regulatory knowledge regarding safety of wiring systems
- know and understand these regulations to facilitate their application
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
The course includes:
- the description of all modules concerned by this target
General Electrical Wiring Interconnection System Practices (1)
Inspections (16)
Housekeeping (17, 18, 19, 22)
Wire (27)
shorts background showing examples of EWIS findings, accidents or incidents
Videos of maintenance practices on connectors, splices and usual tools.
This level is submitted to a recurrent course, every two years.
* In accordance with AMC 20-22 Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008.
Duration: 6 hours (1 day)
Examination ________________________________________________________________
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
EWIS Target 7 and 8
Initial training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Staff in this group is not directly involved in the maintenance and inspection of EWIS but they have the
potential to have an adverse impact on EWIS. Although there is no direct regulatory requirements for EWIS
training, this greatly enhance awareness of the importance of EWIS safety in the overall safe operation of
aeroplanes and help to ensure that proper attention is paid to EWIS issues.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
Flight deck crew (target 7) and cabin crew (target 8).
The trainee should, after the completion of the training:
- be familiar with technical and regulatory knowledge regarding safety of wiring systems
- know and understand these regulations to facilitate their application
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
The course includes:
- the description of all modules concerned by this target
General Electrical Wiring Interconnection System Practices (1)
Inspections (16)
Housekeeping (17, 18, 19)
Wire (27)
shorts background showing examples of EWIS findings, accidents or incidents
Videos of maintenance practices on connectors, splices and usual tools.
This level is submitted to a recurrent course, every two years.
* In accordance with AMC 20-22 Annex III to ED Decision 2008/007/R of 29/08/2008.
Duration: 6 hours
Examination ________________________________________________________________
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
Recurrent training
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
This course consists of a revision of previously covered material plus new material and revisions to
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
All staff having completed an EWIS initial training.
The trainee will, after the completion of the training:
- Be able to apply new regulations and technics in relation with EWIS
- stay at an acceptable level of knowledge in this matter
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
To have completed the EWIS initial training target 1 for less than 2 years.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
Duration: 2 hours
Examination ________________________________________________________________
The training ends with a written multichoice examination with a minimum pass mark of 75%.
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French /English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Morlaix or customer facilities on request.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015
CRJ 100/200 or CRJ700/900/1000
Course outline __________________________________________________________________
Theoretical training:
- General information on towing taxiing: Presentation of the aircraft and of the various models of
- Technical presentation of the aircraft : brake, APU and radio.
- Theory of towing, “duties” in the cockpit, use of Jeppesen.
- Exercises
- Check-list presentation
Practical training: handling and towing, check-list application.
This practical part is possible in a simulator (fixe base) or in an aircraft.
Concern & Objectives ____________________________________________________________
This course concerns Airport Ground Assistant.
This training gives to the participants the fundamental principles of equipment and staff safety during the
operations of aircraft brake-riding:
- lawful procedures and “rules of art” applicable to aircraft towing and push-back
- security instructions
- principles of application of safety measures relative to the circulation on the airport.
Prerequisites ___________________________________________________________________
Good knowledge of airport radio procedures, taxiway and parking recommended.
Training programme _____________________________________________________________
- Theoretical training : 7 hours
- Practical training : 2 hours
Language ______________________________________________________________________
French / English
Course location _________________________________________________________________
Theoretical training :
Practical training :
Morlaix or customer facilities on request
Morlaix (CRJ100/200 or CRJ700/1000 simulator) or customer facilities on request,
depending on aircraft availability.
Supporting documentation ________________________________________________________
All provided by HOP!-TRAINING by Icare.
Updated on 26/03/2015