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Gym Workout Marketing Research Project

Abhishek Rai
Marketing 332
Ashley Cox
Research questions for your overall marketing research project.
Some of the research questions for overall marketing research project are listed below.
1) What is your leading reason to work out?
Get in shape, look better, get strong, lose weight, stay healthy, others.
2) Rank your favorite exercise in the gym?
Free weights, machines, cardio, classes others.
3) Do you desire group workouts or individual workouts?
4) How often do you work out?
Once a week, twice a week, three times a week, four times a week, five times a week, six times a
week, seven times a week.
5) Do you prefer working out during?
Morning, Noon, Evening.
6) What is your body BMI?
7) Are you:
Single, Married, Divorced, Prefer not to say.
8) What is your age?
9) Are you male, female, non-binary, prefer not to say?
Survey items and recruiting message.
I used a method of personalization to execute survey items and implement recruiting message
through personalization. I grabbed the participant’s attention by introducing myself first. It was
easy to steal their attention because many of us workout during same time and are familiar with
each other. I told them what this survey is about and tried to personalize the survey to meet their
goals, according to their observed workout routine.
The recruitment message was framed in following manner. Hi, my name is Abhishek and I am
conducting a survey with Franklin university and Planet Fitness to optimize our workout plans. I
have seen you work really hard daily to achieve your goals and was hoping if you have few
minutes to lend your opinion on optimization of our workouts.
Methods for increasing response rate.
The method that I chose to increase the response rate is “Do it now” technique. I asked Kevida if
I could ask some gym leaving clients to fill out the survey. I asked 20 individuals directly to fill
out the survey right there and then. In addition, I told the participants that it is short and focused
survey that could help them in optimizing their gym experience in a positive manner. In addition,
I made the survey personal and chose people based on their demographics such as younger
generation (The survey would resonate more with this generation).
Sampling Plan
The parameters to be measured during this survey was people favorite workout machine, goals,
age, gender, and BMI. The random sample will be taken during the morning when gym goes
leave the gym after workout. They are more likely to respond to the survey after a good workout
because of feeling of accomplishment of successful workout. A sample of 20 surveys will be
taken that indirectly gathers information on positive optimization of exercises for younger
Identification of type of potential error and method for handling
Sampling error- Sampling error occurs when a result depends on small number of people from a
population. My gym survey is going to have this error and I would like to use probability
sampling technique to handle it.
Noncoverage error- There is a high chance for noncoverage error to occur in this survey because
of low sample. My gym survey is going to handle this error by targeting different demographics
according to their age, gender, race etc.
Response error- Response error could happen if a participant doesn’t understand certain
question. I plan on handling response errors by staying close to the person just so, if they have
any questions, then they could ask me. Response errors are one of the most common errors that a
survey can face. I plan on handling the recording errors by asking precise close ended questions
and adding options such as “prefer not to say.”
Office errors- I am going to handle office errors by double checking my data and information
when I input them on Google analytics.