Q6pczaz- ?e--="-:='St ov1 fur^ a Ilear having Your son or daughter ,,,.is 'We plan to difficulty in certain aieas of his/her classroom' that we may be able begin a screening process for your child so be served in our to offer suggestii*ri ut to how he/she can best school. The screening process may include: L. classroom strategies 2. classroom observations .b^e x" A-1 geL 3. vision, hearingo and health screening 4.reviewoffamilyhistoryandschoolrecords 5. review or update of psychological report the Learning Resource Please contact the classroom teacher or Teacher if You have any questions' Thank You, /'[\,r3, Ha*-4in Ur*#en Learning Resource Teacher Please sign and return this form to your child's classroom teacher' REASON FOR REFERRAL Child's Name: Today's Date: Date of Birth: Child's School: CURRENT ACADE M!C CONCERNS What are your primary concerns about your child? Circle areas of concern: Language Arts: alphabet knowledge; word identification; reading comprehension; reading fluency; weak vocabulary. Other: Mathematics: number sense; calculations; word problems; addition; subtraction; multiplication; division; fractions; percentages; geometry; algebra. Other: Written Expression: poor pencil grasp; poor spacing between letters; poor letter formation; letter reversals; spelling; capitalization; punctuation; sentence structure; grammar; paragraphs; organization of ideas Other: Work/Study Skills: inattention; poor concentration; overactive; restless; impulsive; slow to process information or to respond; disorganized; initiating a new task; transitioning between activities; poor memory or retention of new information; poor motivation Other Communication: poor articulation; receptive language/comprehension; expressive language; stuttering. Other: Comments: ^CI(r-leo-'*4+'41't- ffi ten 3 Disabilities Therapy of special education program? Has the child ever been in any type _Behaviorally Emotionally Disabled .-- lntellectual lmpairment -Learning -speech Other (Please describe) (lf yes' which grade(s)? Has the child ever repeated a grade? -Yes -No school-suspension When? center from daycare from school Has the child ever been: _suspended from sctroot -ln -Expelled -Expelled tried in school? --Behavior modification Have any of the following approaches been report card _-Other (Please describe) program --Qaily/weekly RAL NT c s your child? What are your primary concerns about problems and what has been successful? How have You tried to address these reprimands (Successful: -Yes -No) -No) (successful: -Verbal of Privileges -Yes -_Ruroval punishment (Successful: -Yes -No) -Yes -No) -ehyri.al Give in to the child (Successful: -No) -Yes Avoid the child (Successful: -Yes -No) Time Out (Successful: ' to your child follow directions without you having on average, what percent of the time does 40-60% .-?0-40% yourself? repeat -q0-]l00% --0. -q0-80% directions? -o-20% of the time does your child eventually follow on average, what percent 20% with respect to discipline? -20-40% -40-60% -60-80% -80-LO0% To what extent are you and your SpoUSe consistent of the time Seldom -Never within the past 12 months? Have any of the following stressful events occurred in family Family accident or illness divorced or -Most -Some separated -Death -Parents -Parent 4 changed jobs (Please specify -Changed financial problems moved schools ) -Family -Family -Other From each group, circle any which apply. lndicate at what age problems first appeared: Easily distracted Difficulty staying seated Often blurts out answers to questions Difficulty Difficulty waiting turn Difficulty sustaining attention following instructions Shifts from one activity to another Difficulty playing quietly Often interruPts Talks too much Often loses things Often does not listen Often engages in physically dangerous activities Fidgets At what age did above problems begin? Often Often Often Often loses temper requests angry and resentful blames others for own mistakes refuses to follow adult Often Often Often Often argues with adults annoys others on purpose spiteful or vindictive curses ls often touchy or easily annoyed by others At what age did above problems begin? Unrealistic or persistent worry about possible harm to loved ones Unrealistic worry that a terrible event will separate the child from parent Excessive distress when separated from home or parents Avoidance of being alone Repeated nightmares about separation to sleep alone Excessive physical complaints Refusal to go to school distress in anticipation of separation from parent At what age did above problems begin? Refusal Unrealistic worry about future events Marked self-consciousness Excessive need for reassurance Excessive lnability to relax Unrealistic concern about competence Unrealistic concern about past behavior At what age did above problems begin? appetite Depressed or irritable mood guilt Feelings of worthlessness or inappropriate Feellngs of hopelessness Sleep disturbance Fatigue or loss of energy Suicidal thought or behavior Low self-esteem can't concentrate as well as (s) he used to Decrease or increase in At what age did above problems begin? M EDTCAL/DEVELOPM E NTAL H ISTORY Know Mother's health during pregnancy: -Good Mother's age when the child was born: -Fair -Poor -Don't 5 Did the mother use any of the following during pregnancy? _Never _Once Tobacco: _Never _Once Alcohol: or twice times Over 20 times or twice -3-L9 _3-19 times Over 20 times Medications taken during pregnancy: Was the child born on schedule? 8 mos or earlier Term (8-10 mos) _Don't Know Were there indications of fetal distress during labor or birth? _No _Yes Don't Know Was delivery: _Normal _Breech Caesarian _Forceps _lnduced What was the child's birth weight? Problems with pregnancy, labor, or delivery: Health complications following birth: Were there any early infancy feeding problems: Was the child colicky? _Yes _No _Yes _No Were there early infancy sleep pattern difficulties? Health problems during infancy? _Yes _No _Yes No (lf yes, please describe) (lf yes, please Did the child have any congenital problems (birth defects)? describe) -Yes Was the child an easy baby (didn't cry a lot, followed a schedule _Easy _Average _Difficult How did the baby behave with other Average sociability _More people? -No well)? easy Very Difficult -Very _More sociable than average unsociable than average 6 When (s)he wanted something, how insistent was (s)he? very insistent insistent _Veryinsistent _Pretty Not at all insistent _Very How would you rate the activity level of the child as an infant/toddler? -Average -Not _Active _Average active At what age did (s)he walk? -Less -Not At what age did (s)he speak single words (other than mama or dada)? At what age did (s)he string two or more words together? At what age was (s)he toilet trained? Approximately how long did toilet training take? or Very How would you describe your child's current health? _Poor Good -Fair -Good Current medical problems: active active Current medications: |ro& '*' Qr^& - V*o-Y'_Yes _No (lf yes, please describe) Or*"% (lf yes, please describe) Dr*rda *i E *' Vision problems: Yes (lf yes, please describe) Problems with coordination: -No (lf yes, please problems: describe) Speech _Yes -Yes -No lf yes, please describe Has (s)he had any chronic health problems? -No -Yes -No Hearing problems: pox Which of the following illnesses has the child had? -Mumps -Chicken _Lead poisoning _Seizures -Measles-Whoopingcough -Pneumonia -Encephalitis -Repeated bones _Severe Has the child had any accidents resulting in the following? Ear lnfections _Sutu pumped injury Lacerations res -Head -Stomach injury Lost teeth -Broken -Eye Please list any surgeries and indicate when they were performed 7 Do you suspect that the child uses alcohol or drugs? _No _Yes (lf yes, please describe) (lf yes, please describe) Does the child have any history of abuse? -No -Yes Does the child have any sleeping problems No Yes (lf yes, please describe) lf yes, lf yes, how often? (How lo has (s)he ever been dry for some period of time? Does the child wet the bed: -Yes -No Doesthechildhaveabladdercontrol often? _) -No _Yes (lf yes,how problemduringtheday? -Yes -No Yes Does the child have bowel control problems at night or during the day? yes, please describe) (lf -No Please describe the child's appetite: -Overeats -Average -Undereats TREATMENT HISTORY Medicine for Has the child ever been prescribed any of the following? type? medication _ Other medication for - emotions/behavior _ ADD/ADH D (what Antidepressant Please list Please list past history of psychological treatment (counseling, hospitalization, etc) Please SOCIAL HISTORY describe child's relationship with brother(s)/sister(s)/mother/father: How easily does the child make friends? _Worse _Easier than average than average -Average 8 6-12 mos than 6 mos About how long does your child keep friendships? year _More than 1 -Less Please describe concerns about your child's social relationships: FAMILY HISTORY The child's parents are: _Married _Divorced (For how long (Since Never married The child resides _Mother -) only _Both parents Stepfather with: and and -Mother -Father specify) only Stepmother (Please -Father -Other Father's occupation: Mother's occupation: Stepfather's occupation (lf applica ble) Stepmother's occupation (lf applicable) The current marital situation is: _stable _Unstable (lf unstable, please describe) Has the mother ever been diagnosed with any psychological or psychiatric disorder? No lf yes, please specify: _Yes J_ Has the father ever been diagnosed J_ No with any psychological or psychiatric disorder? Yes lf yes, please specify: Mother's level of education: Father's level of education: Did mother have any learning problems in school? Did mother receive any special education services? type?-) ls _ _Yes J_No _Yes J-No (lf yes, please describe) (lf yes, what there any family history of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on mother's side? _Yes J_No Did father have any learning problems in school? _Yes J_No (lf yes, please describe) 9 J-No Did father receive any special education services? type?-) ls (lf yes, what -Yes there any family history of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder on father's side? J-No -Yes Sibling's names Sex Age Grade Are any of the child's siblings diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder? _J- No -Yes Do any of the siblings have any other learning or psychological problems? lf yes, please describe: - Yes /- No Please use this space for comments: Signature Relationship to child Date 10 Learning Resource Center Enrollment Parental Consent Form Upon careful consideration of all pertinent information regarding my child_, it is my desire to have laced in the Learning Resource Center to work on the areas of concern stated in the Diagnostic/Psychologica I Report. I understand that there is a cost for the program, and agree to make arrangements for payment with the school's business office. While my child is enrolled in the Learning Resource Center program, the school is to keep me informed of my child's academic progress. Parent Conferences will be scheduled as needed and may involve the Educational Consultant, all teachers involved with my child, and the principal, if necessary. Consultation will be made atthe end of the academicyearto determine continued enrollment of my child and to make appropriate recommendations for the following year. that should it be necessary for me to discontinue the Learning Resource Center before it is recommended by the Learning Resource Teacher, that I may do so at any time. understand that I am obligated to fulfill my financial responsibilities for services rendered up to the day the programming was discontinued. I also understand that extra help being given in the classroom, due to the recommendations provided by programming, will no longer be available to my child upon discontinuance of the program. I understand I Parent Signature Date c o 'E (tr E L o .c q) -c o q o @ o U) f o o- @ N @ x C o o) (o g g q) a q) F U) o I + tz L o .t) = L q) -C o a = oC + oooo (, (, (, (, o) o) o, (,) EtrCC oooo CCEC lu ul ut trJ 0) o a -L o .C o (u EE15O (E(g(5(5 LLLL o o -C o a c LLLL (U 'a "at =o) oE (5C ! :(E €|, CO (o0 <uo) NO = o (5l ol EI '=l tr o)l J f< L +* -C o o a 'igo (t OI u + o = .La o !Ll O.= -C# TL G'5() g,H L L oi to) (E o-o tL EO (LI @ Pb CE, al (I,I a 8b.= (l)l bo q) O_o EI .l -() CO (J fr i a o o il -o0 ! () I :l :); o oa) ()(s (EF (E E o s q) (o o =E (E LL U) 0) E (5 Z.h CC)o Ets (50 N(9tif + o C o .-. o -C o_ o) E o I :(5 E l.U tr o t, o o L f (E c .9) a c o L (o L =o d(.) (E() so =_o b(5 o(D op :o- o ALLABOIT MY CHILD Dear Parents, so that I can better meet his or her individual needs. Please lake a I would like to know more about your child moment to complete this get-to-know-you letter and return it to me by Thank you, Child's Name:-___ Parent's Names:___ Phone I'mqil. 1. What motivates your child? 2. What kinds of things upset your child? 3. List five words that best desoribe your child's character and./or 4. My child's areas of strength 5. My child struggles with: personality_ are: 6. How would you rate your child's attitude toward school? 1 2 3 4 7. How would you rate your child's sense of responsibilty? 1 2 3 4 8. Are there any personal or medical problems of which I should be aware? 9. Do you have any additional comments or concerns? 5 5 Thank you for completing this form. I know that together we can help your child be sucoessful. (Parent's signature) (Date)