HTML(Part-1) Prepared by Khushal Rajani What is HTML ? • In 1980 Tim Berners Lee found the HTML. • HTML stands for Hyper Text Mark-up Language • HTML is computer language that is used to create documents on the World Wide Web (Simply means it is used to create webpages) • HTML is not a programming language but a Mark-up language, that uses <tags>(mark-up) like this to describes the structure of Web pages. • Tags are the building blocks of HTML pages. • E.g of tags are <p>, <head>, <title>, <table> and so on. • Browsers do not display the HTML tags, but use them to render the content of the page Structure of a Web page What is Mark-up Language ? • A markup language is a computer language that uses tags to define elements within a document. It is human-readable, meaning markup files contain standard words, rather than typical programming syntax. While several markup languages exist, the two most popular are HTML and XML. What is Mark Up Language ? • HTML is a markup language used for creating webpages. The contents of each webpage are defined by HTML tags. Basic page tags, such as <head>, <body>, and <div> define sections of the page, while tags such as <table>, <form>, <image>, and <a> define elements within the page. Structure of HTML Document <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <h1>Page Heading</h1> <p> paragraph</p> </body> </html> Structure of HTML Document(Explained) • The <!DOCTYPE html> declaration defines this document to be HTML5 • The <html> element is the root element of an HTML page. • The <head> element contains information about the document • The <title> element specifies a title for the document • The <body> element contains the visible page content HTML Tags • HTML tags are element names surrounded by angle brackets: – Syntax: <tagname> Content goes here...</tagname> • In HTML two types of tags are available 1. Two sided tags This type of tags are come in pairs like <p> and </p> The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag The end tag is written like the start tag, but with a forward slash inserted before the tag name 2. One sided tags You don't have to close these type of tags i.e. <img/>, <br/>, <hr/> HTML Tags(Continue) • HTML tag also has attributes. – Syntax: <tagname attributes>Content...</tagname> • Attributes means properties of tag. • You can change tag's behavior by changing value of an attribute – i.e: <body bgcolor=”red”> In above example bgcolor is an attribute of body tag. Normally webpage has white coloured background, but by using bgcolor attribute we can change the background colour of our webpage, in above example we changed webpage colour to the red <head> tag • The HEAD tag defines an HTML document header. • The header contains information about the document rather than information to be displayed in the document. • The head tag contain <title> , <script>, <style> and <link> tags. • Syntax: <head> ...... </head> <title> tag • The title tag specified the title of the document. • This title appears in the title bar of the browser windows. • If no title is specified, the default title depends on the browser being used. • This tag used within <head> tag • Example: <html> <head> <title>F.Y. B.C.A.</title> </head> </html> <body> Tag • The <body> tag defines the document's body. • The <body> element contains all the contents of an HTML document, such as text, hyperlinks, images, tables, lists, etc. • Attributes: Attributes of body tag Attribute Value Description alink color-name/ hexadecimalcode Specifies the color of an active link in a document link color-name/ hexadecimalcode Specifies the color of unvisited links in a document vlink color-name/ hexadecimalcode Specifies the color of visited links in a document text color-name/ hexadecimalcode Specifies the color of the text in a document bgcolor color-name/ hexadecimalcode Specifies the background color of a document background path of image Specifies a background image for a document FORMATTING TAGS <p> Tag • The <p> tag defines a paragraph. • Syntax: • Attributes: Attribute Value Description align left/ center/ Specifies the alignment of a heading right title text Shows tooltip when you hover on the heading <p> Tag(Continue...) • Example: <p align=“center”>center text</p> <p align=“left”>Left text</p> <p align=“right”>Right text</p> • Output: center text Left Text Right Text <br> Tag • It means line breaking. • Line breaking <br> element specifies that a new line must be started at the next line. • Example: • Output: Hey, How are you? <hr> tag • • • • <hr> stands for horizontal rule. The <hr> tag creates horizontal line in an HTML page. The <hr> element can be used to separate content in an html page. Attributes Attribute Value Description Size int(Pixel values) Specifies the thickness of line Color color name/ hexcode of color Specifies the color of line <hr> (continue...) • Example: • Output: <font> Tag • The font tags lets you change the color, size and type(face) of the font. • All text between the <font> and </font> tags is displayed with the specified font characteristics. • Syntax: – <font color=”{color-name/hex-code}” face={font-type} size=”{1-7}> {your content goes here} </font> <font> Continue • Attributes: Attribute Value Description color color-name/ Specifies the color of text hexadecim-al color code face font_family(font_na Specifies the font type of text me) size int(1-7) Specifies the relative size of the font, in a range from 1 to 7,with a default size of 3. <font> Tag Continue.... • Example: – <font color=”red” face=”comic sans ms” size=”7”>Hello World!</font> • Output: Hello World! Formatting Tags • Formatting tags will determine how content appear on webpage. • HTML uses elements like <b> ,<i>, <u> etc. tags for formatting output, like bold or italic text. Text Formatting Tags List HTML 4.0 and previous version of HTML <b> HTML 5.0 <i> <em> <u> <ins> <strike> <del> <strong> <big> <small> <b> and <strrong> • <b> and <strong> displays text in bold face. • Syntax: – <b>......</b> – <strong>......</strong> • Example: – Computer is invented by <b>Charles Babage</b>. – Computer only understands <strong>Binary language</strong>. • Output: – Computer is invented by Charles Babage. – Computer only understands Binary language. <i> and <em> • <i> and <em> display text in italic. • It means words should be slants its meaning. • Syntax: – <i>......</i> – <em>......</em> • Example: – <i>This text is italic</i> – <em>This text is emphasized</em> • Output: – This text is italic – This text is emphasized <u> and <ins> • The U tag underline the text it encloses. • Gaps between words in the enclosed text are also underlined. • Syntax: – <u>....</u> – <ins>......</ins> • Example: – <u>underlined text</u> – <ins>inserted text</ins> • Output: – underlined text – inserted text <strike> and <del> • The strike tag display text with a line(strike) through it. • <del> used to show deleted text • Syntax: – <strike>....</strike> – <del>.....</del> • Example: – Example of <strike>STRIKE</strike> tag. – My favourire colour is <del>Red</del> Blue. <big> • The big tag increases the font size from its curreunt value by 1. • Syntax: – <big>….</big> • Example: – My name is <big> Shaunak Purohit</big> • Output: – My name is Shaunak Purohit <small> • The small tag reduces the font size from its curreunt value by 1. • Syntax: – <small>….</small> • Example: – Example of <small>small</small> tag • Output: – Example of small tag. <sub> • The sub tag displays text as subscript. • A subscript appears slightly below the baseline(bottom edge) and in a smaller font. • Syntax: – <sub>…</sub> • example – H<sub>2</sub>o • Output – H2O <sup> • The sup tag displays text as subscript. • A superscript appears slightly above the top of the preceding text and in a smaller font • Syntax: – <sup>…</sup> • example – E=mc<sup>2</sup> • Output – E=mc2 Heading Tags or <Hx> tags • There are SIX level of headings in HTML.(i.e. <h1> to <h6>) • <h1> to <h6> used to define heading • The highest level of heading is <H1> , followed by <H2> and up to <H6> • So <h1> defines the most important heading. <h6> defines the least important heading. • A heading element implies font changes, paragraph breaks before and after ,and white space necessary to render the headings. Heading Tags (continue....) • Syntax: – <Hx [align=“{Heading alignment}”] [title=“{information tooltip}”]> {Heading goes here} </Hx> • Attribute: Attribute Value Description align left/ center/ Specifies the alignment of a heading right title text Shows tooletip when you hover on the heading Heading Tags (continue...) • Example: <h1>Hello World!</h1> <h2>Hello World!</h2> <h3>Hello World!</h3> <h4>Hello World!</h4> <h5>Hello World!</h5> <h6>Hello World!</h6> <pre> Tag • The preformatted text element present block of text in fixed-width font, and so is suitable for text that has been formatted on screen (e.g .notepad). • Syntax: – <pre> preformatted text </pre> • Example: – <pre> This is preformatted text </pre> <marquee> • The HTML <marquee> tag is used for scrolling piece of text or image displayed either horizontally across or vertically down your web site page depending on the settings. • Attributes: Attribute Value Description behavior scroll/ slide/ alternate • Scroll: makes the marquee test start completely off one side of the browser window , scroll all the way across and completely off the opposite side, then start again. • Slide: cause the text to scroll in from one side of the browser window, then stick at the end of its scroll cycle. • alternate: means bounce back and forth within the marquee. bgcolor color-name/Hex-value Specifies background color for marquee <marquee> (Continue....) Attribute Value Descripton direction left/right/up/ down Specifies direction of marquee text height value in px/ value% Specifies height of marquee width value in px/ value% Specifies width of marquee hspace value in px/ value% It is used to specify the number of pixel free space at the left and right hand sides of the <marquee> so that text that flows around the <marquee> doesn’t push up against the sides. vspace value in px/ value% It is used to specify the number of pixel free space at the up and downhand sides of the <marquee> so that text that flows around the <marquee> doesn’t push up against the sides. <marquee> (Continue....) Attribute Value Descripton loop Number / Infinite specifies how many times a marquee will loop when activated. scrollamount int This specifies the number of pixels between each successive. Draw of the marquee text, that is the amount for the text to move between each draw. Default value of scroll amount is 6. Scrolldelay Specifies the number of milliseconds between each successive draw of the marquee text. That is, it controls the speed at which text draw takes place. Default value of scrolldelay is 85. int The List Tags What is list ? • When we want to mention a list of items, there are two methods of doing so. • We can number them as 1,2,3,…etc. • Or we can list them one below the other without numbers. • When we list them without numbers, it is called an unordered list. • When we number them, it is call an ordered list. Unordered List • • • • • The tag for a bulleted list is <ul> & </ul> Here ul stands for Unordered List. To put item inside list you have to use <li>Item</li> inside <ul> & </ul> Here li stands for List Item. Syntax: <ul [type={list-type}]> <li>Item1</li> <li>Item2</li> <li>Item3</li> . . . </ul> Unordered List (Continue....) Attribute Value type square/circle/disc Descripton Used to change the bullets of the list Ordered List • • • • • The tag for a numbered list is <ol> & </ol> Here ol stands for Ordered List. To put item inside list you have to use <li>Item</li> insidel <ol> & </ol> Here li stands for List Item. Syntax <ol [type={list-type} start={number} reversed]> <li>Item1</li> <li>Item2</li> <li>Item3</li> . . . </ol> Ordered List (Continue....) • Type Attribute: – Instead of numeral, we can have letters A,B,C…..or a,b,c…,etc. – We can set it using type attribute. It has following possible values. Values Meaning 1 Number A Upper case letters A,B,C.. a Lower case letters a,b,c.. I Upper case roman numerals ,I,II,III,…etc. I Lower case roman numerals I,ii,iii…..etc. Ordered List (Continue....) Attribute Value Descripton start number Used to give your startin index reversed null Used to display list numbers in reverse order Definition Lists • The tag for this list is <dl> & </dl>. • Each term is surrounded with the <dt> tag and each description is surrounded with the <dd> tag • Here dd stands for Definition List, dt stands for Definition Title and dd stands for Definition Detail. <dl> <dt>Electron</dt> <dd>Carries negative electric charge</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>Proton</dt> <dd>Carries negative positive charge</dd> </dl> Image handaling Adding images • You can add images using <img> tag. • <img> is one sided tag so you don't have to close it or you can simply close it by using”/” before “>”. i.e. <img/> Adding images(Continue....) • Attributes: Attribute Value Description src path of file Here you have to put location of file alt text When image is not loaded properly this text will be displayed to users.(Also if you give the wrong path in src this text will be appear to the user) border pixel It will show border around image height pixel/ % Defines height of image width pixel/ % Defines width of image Adding images(Continue....) Attribute Value Description hspace pixel Defines horizontal margin vspace pixel Defines vertical margin Hyperlinks <a> tag • The <a> tag defines a hyperlink, which is used to link from one page to another. • Here a stands for anchor tag. • The most important attribute of the <a> element is the href attribute, which indicates the link's destination. • By default, links will appear as follows in all browsers: – An unvisited link is underlined and blue – A visited link is underlined and purple – An active link is underlined and red • You can also move in same page using name attribute(This functionality known as bookmark) <a> tag(Continue....) • Main Attributes: Attribute Value Description href location of document Specifies the URL of the page the link goes to / #bookmark-name name text target _blank _parent _self(default value) _top framename Specifies the name of an anchor Specifies where to open the linked document <a> tag(Continue....) • Target attribute: Value Description _blank Opens the linked document in a new window or tab _self Opens the linked document in the same frame as it was clicked (this is default) _parent Opens the linked document in the parent frame _top Opens the linked document in the full body of the window framename Opens the linked document in a named frame <a> tag(Continue....) • Normal Hyperlink Creation: <a href=””>Open Google</a> • Bookmark vs Hyperlink: Hyperlink Bookmark One page to other page linking One option to other option linking within the same page Set link by href option with other page url Set bookmark by href option with #symbol. Example: <a href=“test.html”> Example: <a href=“#cpu”> <a> tag(Continue....) • Example of bookmark: <a href=”#p3”>Move to paragraph - 3</a> <h1>Paragraph - 1</h1> <p>This is paragraph 1.</p> <h1>Paragraph - 2</h1> <p>This is paragraph 2.</p> <a name=”p3”><h1>Paragraph - 3</h1></a> <p>This is paragraph 3.</p> End of HTML Part - 1