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Macbeth: Foil Characters Analysis - Macbeth vs. Banquo

Foil Character
A character who contrasts with another
character (usually the protagonist) to
highlight particular qualities of the
other character.
Main Character
Character Traits
• Brave and strong warrior. Captain tells us of
his success in the battle against Macdonald
and Norway.
• Starts out kind. Too kind for lady Macbeth's
• Ambitious. Ambition leads to poor
judgement and kills Duncan.
• Tyrannical and Evil. Takes to bloodshed
without hesitation. Betrays Banquo by
killing him, along with Macduff's family later
• Imaginative? Hallucinates and sees things
that aren't there. Hears things that aren't
there, etc
In Macbeth who do we
think is foil to Macbeth? And Why?
Character Traits
• General in the Scottish army and considered
to be valiant by Duncan.
• Curious. After hearing the witches prophecy
about Macbeth, wants to hear his own.
• Loyal. Stays loyal to Duncan and Macbeth
until the time of his death.
• Cautious: Cautious when first approaching
the witches. Is very careful around Macbeth
after the murder of Duncan.
• Quick witted: Realizes dark forces are at
work after the first prophecy and suspects
Macbeth of foul play.
• Intuitive: Can read others emotions well.
Knows Macbeth is bothered by the
prophecies even though he is told other
• Macbeth is said to be Thane of Glamis (which
he already is).
• Macbeth is said to be Thane of Cawdor.
• Macbeth "shalt be king“.
• Banquo shall get kings but never be one.
How Macbeth reacted:
• Started to worry a lot about the prophecy.
Very shocked.
• Wanted to know more. "Stay, you imperfect
speakers..." (Act 1, Scene 3).
• Got more and more paranoid/ambitious. He
felt like he needed to take matters into his
own hands.
• Kills Duncan.
How Banquo reacted:
• Becomes very unnerved and suspicious by the
prophecy. Thinks the Witches are a
hallucination at first.
• Realizes dark forces are coming into play.
" The instruments of darkness tells us truths..
to betray us." (Act 1 Scene 3)
• Decides it's better to not act on these
prophecies but to let them play out.
Why two prophecies?
• The reason why there are two prophecies
instead of just one is because they both
contradict one another.
• It also creates conflict between Macbeth and
Banquo because since Banquo's sons will
become king, Macbeth has a "fruitless crown".
• It also shows how each character is
different in the ways that
they react to their prophecies.
Watch the Throne
• The throne of Scotland has a major affect on all
the characters in the play.
• The crown or the idea of power is a motive that
affects many characters and their decisions. Some
characters crave it and others are killed for it.
• This is what really sets the characters of Macbeth
and Banquo apart.
• Banquo has the qualities of a good king but does
not crave the power. On the contrast, Macbeth
has the qualities of a bad king and craves that
"No one man should have all that power"
1st Effect on the play: Macbeth's Decision
• Because of the Banquo's
prophecy, Macbeth decides to
kill Banquo and his son, Fleance.
• Macbeth doesn't want to lose
his crown and Banquo's
prophecy gets in the way of that
• This decision reflects on the
contrast between Banquo and
Macbeth's characters because
this is where Macbeth becomes
truly evil.
2nd Effect on the play: Good vs. Evil
• In the case of Macbeth and Banquo, evil
triumphs good because good does nothing to
stop evil.
• Because Banquo is too cautious, he does not
take action on his suspicions of Macbeth's
treachery. He believes that if he lets the
prophecies play out, they will come true.
• This leads to Banquo's downfall/death.
• The overall effect of this foil between the two
characters is that it highlights their main
differences and enhances their own