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Smart Office IoT Design with Cisco Packet Tracer

ITC560 Internet of Things
Packet Tracer Remote IoT Smart Office
Packet Tracer File
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Literature Review.................................................................................................................................... 2
loT Smart Office Model Design.............................................................................................................. 3
Part 1 (a) .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Part 1 (b) ............................................................................................................................................. 4
Budget ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ 12
References ............................................................................................................................................. 14
With the Internet of Things, both people and things have unique identities and can transfer
data over a network without the necessity of two-way human-to-human communication
(Sihombing et al. 2018, p. 147). As a result, the things and technology that underpin the IoT
play a crucial role in both everyday life and professional settings like smart offices. The IoT
and communication technologies are combined with office landscape services to create
"smart offices," which increase productivity, security, and safety. This study proposes and
simulates a network configuration for a smart office model through using Cisco Packet
Tracer software. According to this concept, a smartphone may wirelessly operate a variety of
devices using specified. Additionally, it focuses on security issues by restricting access to
only certain personnel, keeping an eye on the workplace environment for signs of fire, and
recording motion when it is identified and carbon dioxide. Simulation software for designing,
configuring, and troubleshooting the devices is called Cisco Packet Tracer. The literature as
well as practical study methodologies used in the application was drawn from academic
publications. This section demonstrates how the devices are linked and set up to work
Literature Review
The relevant research that concentrated on leveraging IoT to increase security or job
efficiency is provided. The authors Sihombing et al. have talked on the issue of smart device
control complexity (p. 143). They suggested a model utilizing IoT to boost the occupants'
productivity, security, and convenience. The primary technology used is an IoT gateway
connects wirelessly to numerous wireless devices, all of which are linked to a smartphones.
In the model, Cisco Packet Tracer was used.
Kabir et al. 2019 have proposed creating a comprehensive university connection that takes
into account both the expense of installation and the sparse hardware under certain
underdeveloped nations. High levels of safety have been provided by the design, which also
permits future development in accordance with the requirements of the university with the
application of Cisco Packet Tracer tool.
Almalki describes a smart infrastructure model that uses 5G and a virtual network for
implementation (Almalki 2020, p. 2214). The visual simulation program Cisco Packet Tracer
was used to simulate the model. Privacy, fire prevention, and power management are just a
few of the many concerns that the 5G IoT design takes into account. The efficiency of
introducing 5G IoT to structures from a cost and safety standpoint is demonstrated by
analytical model.
The authors (Alfarsi et al. 2021) concentrated on modeling a network for a safe home system
that consists of several IoT devices, including doors, alarms, etc. Cisco Packet Tracer was
employed to replicate it and the main goal was to remotely control every piece of equipment.
Their concept introduced did not actually incorporate safety safeguards to render it a secure
home network, in contrary to the Smart Office model. Because there is no consequence of
employing that network, the model of their network has been demonstrated alone.
The author (Abdi 2018) created a Smart model for the college campus that included a variety
of services, including parking system, smart security, smart offices, and smart classrooms.
Utilizing Cisco Packet Tracer tool, the authors have just reconstructed the smart office as a
component of the model.
In the earlier studies, the researchers were confirming that the smart models could conquer
numerous obstacles and make life easier through mechanization. Smart offices in particular
can solve several issues and enhance the productivity of both employees and supervisors.
loT Smart Office Model Design
The suggested concept is a Smart Office system, where, as illustrated in Fig 1., links
numerous devices and offers convenience, safety, and security. Each device is linked to a
single home gateway. Devices were used to manage the environment, including smartphones.
A switch is used to link a server, a desktop computer, a laptop, and a printer towards the
home network. Two motion detectors are included, one of which has a webcam and is linked
to the home network. Equipment for transporting data between nodes must be present in
every network (Sihombing et al. 2018, p. 301). These components significantly influence the
service's transmission rate, maximum range, interference-shielding capabilities, and price.
Part 1 (a)
Smart devices must be linked to both the Adelaide office and the main office in Melbourne
for this project. The ability to connect through a network will be provided by these smart
gadgets, enabling efficient operation. The screenshots used to configure the devices are
displayed in the report that follows.
First of all I downloaded the file and named it VPK3090_Smitha_ITC560.pkt. A
registration server, tablet, and wireless router have been deployed, registered, activated, and
configured within the first section. The registration server has Internet of Things
functionality enabled (IoT). Together, these three elements are depicted in fig 1.
Figure 1
Part 1 (b)
The Internet Protocol (IP) issued by the server in this example is "," and it
was used to link a number of smart gadgets to the wireless network. Fig 2 depicts these
smart devices, which also featured a ceiling fan, two windows, garage door, a tablet
computer, a wind speed detector, and a lamp. Every one of these devices were equipped
with wireless connections that were AES-encrypted with WPA-PSK and had the passphrase
VPK3090 (student ID). As illustrated in Fig 3, the IoT account being made on the server
and used to link all of these items to the wireless router.
Figure 2
Figure 3
All of the smart gadgets can be viewed out via the tablet because they are all linked to the
same wireless router as the tablet. Every smart device was given the name "StudentID
DeviceName," in which the tablet's Desktop > Web Browser option is used to see the
devices. A DNS was set up throughout the registration server with the location
www.kayhan.com, which is comparable to the server as seen in Fig 4 and allows the
server to reach all equipment as well as transmit information to them.
Figure 4
Various protocols utilized to send a straightforward PDU from the tablet to the distant
server (DTP). Fig 5 portrays a number of these protocols, while extended simulation runs
will reveal more of them.
Figure 5
Through each cloud network, a new department in Medindie has now been included in the
main network in Adelaide. In order to link a PC and a wireless router, the cloud network
would then be linked to a modem that is then linked to a wireless router. The Tablet/PC at
the Medindie office could connect smart devices within Adelaide as they are connected to
the same network. Image of the Medindie 's network.
As aforementioned, the tablet/PC Medindie can be employed to control smart devices
throughout Adelaide, in which the tablet throughout the Medindie office is used to modify
the status of a few devices. The following is a list of the specifics of the change in status:
❖ Turn the Ceiling Fan to Low
❖ Lock the Door
❖ Dim the Lamp
❖ Open the Garage Door
Part 1c
Two old school cars have been added to the initial section, which calls for the activation of
Windows 1, 2, and the ceiling fan, in order to raise the CO2 level in the air. The CO2 levels
have been set to 5, meaning that if they rise over that number, the windows would open and
the ceiling fan would operate at slower speeds. If they fall below that number, however, the
windows will remain open. Fig 7 and 8 illustrate the states of the constituents before the
Carbon dioxide levels are below 5 and thus the levels after the Carbon dioxide levels are
over 5 respectively.
Figure 7
Figure 8
The second scenario makes use of environmental factors. The garage door is opened as
indicated in Fig 9 when there is no wind, and locked or closed as illustrated in Fig 10
when there is wind.
Figure 9
Figure 10
The table below displays the total cost for all the gadgets. The pricing are all derived from
Amazon and eBay because they are standardized shopping sites and buying from us will be
Smart Office Devices
Cost ($)
Total Costs ($)
Smart windows
Garage Door
Smart door
CDO detector
Ceiling Fan
Wind speed detector
Kalgoorlie Router
IoT server
Perth Router
Total Costs:
Table 1: Costs Breakdown
In this paper, a smart IoT-based workplace paradigm is suggested. It allows the user to
operate office equipment remotely from their smartphone. Additionally, it applies security
measures to stop undesirable individuals from entering the workplace, monitors the
atmosphere to guard against fire risks, and records motion when it is noticed. Using the Cisco
Packet Tracer tool, the model is created and its viability is demonstrated. This paper proposes
a smart IoT-based design for offices with the goal of creating an effective work atmosphere
by concentrating on three attributes. The (IoT has made a revolution in improving the
services offered among many sectors, and implementing IoT in such sectors is indeed a fertile
ground for researchers today. The first is utilizing a smartphone to operate every equipment
in the office rather than turning on and off switches. Improving security and safety are the
second and third considerations. Cisco Packet Tracer, that is associated with various IoT
capabilities and functions, is used to simulate this model. The simulation demonstrated that
implementing smart workplaces will result in offering a productive work environment. It is
advised that model performance be developed for upcoming work by include more services
and devices.
Abdi, A 2018, ‘Designing Smart Campus Using Internet of Things’, International Journal of
Computer Science Trends and Technology, vol. 6, viewed 12 December 2021,
Alfarsi, G, Jabbar, J, Tawafak, R, Malik, S, Alsidiri, A & Alsinani, M n.d., Using Cisco
Packet Tracer to simulate Smart Home, viewed 13 January 2023,
Almalki, F n.d., ‘Implementation of 5G IoT Based Smart Buildings using VLAN
Configuration via Cisco Packet Tracer’, International Journal of Electronics Communication
and Computer Engineering, vol. 11, pp. 2249-071.
Kabir, A., Basak, S., Tanim, M. and Islam, A. (n.d.). Smart University Network Module
Implementation by Using Cisco CCNA with Packet Tracer. [online] Journal of Network
Communications and Emerging Technologies. JNCET. Available at:
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Sihombing, O, Zendrato, N, Laia, Y, Nababan, M, Sitanggang, D, Purba, W, Batubara, D,
Aisyah, S, Indra, E & Siregar, S 2018, ‘Smart home design for electronic devices monitoring
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