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Chapter 71: Yun Mengshi’s Fear
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Snow Cloud Group
Yun Bixue sat in the Human Resource department and sipped on her tea
elegantly. Recently, she had arranged for a room for herself with windows that
overlooked the entire building. To outsiders, she was only the manager of the
HR department. In the company, she could monitor their entire operations.
Knock knock! A knocking sound came from outside.
“Come in!”
“Elder Sister Yun, there’s someone outside who claims to be your younger
sister and wants to see you.” Wang Man was a fresh graduate from University
T. She was diligent, energetic, and efficient. Yun Bixue had transferred her to
the HR department to be her assistant.
Yun Bixue put down the cup of tea in her hands and raised her brows. “Oh,
Yun Mengshi is actually showing up on her own accord?” Yun Bixue hadn’t
had the chance to deal with her after what she did to their grandfather that
day. It was great that her cousin had turned up—now she could settle things
once and for all.
Wang Man watched as Yun Bixue’s face turned cold and asked, “Sister Yun,
should I chase her out?”
“No need, let her in!” Yun Bixue tapped on her table, her expression dark.
When Yun Mengshi arrived at Yun Bixue’s office, she timidly greeted her.
“Elder Sister!”
Yun Bixue scoffed, “Yun Mengshi, should I praise your courage? How dare
you still come and see me after doing such a thing!”
Yun Mengshi tightly clenched her fists. “Elder Sister, it wasn’t me… I didn’t
expect Grandfather’s illness to relapse. That day you were injured and
hospitalized. We didn’t know what to do so we visited Grandfather!”
“Yun Mengshi, if I’m not mistaken, you must have raised those threats by
then!” Yun Bixue said with a sneer as she glared at Yun Mengshi.
Yun Mengshi shuddered, and her eyes welled up with tears. Soon after, she
started crying pitifully. “Elder Sister, I don’t know what you’re saying. I was
only there to see Grandfather. I really didn’t think that this would happen…
After I returned home that day, our house looked as if it an intruder had turned
it upside down. Elder Sister, how could you do such a thing?”
Bam! Yun Bixue slammed the table loudly, and she suddenly stood up. “Yun
Mengshi, are you here just to throw accusations?”
Shocked, Yun Mengshi took a step back and shook her head. “No, Elder
Sister, I’m not… I only wish that you’d think of our Yun family… Don’t let other
people treat us as a joke.”
Yun Bixue laughed out of her anger. “Yun Mengshi, you truly are audacious. I
think you must have forgotten!” As she spoke, she marched towards Yun
Bixue. Grabbing her collar, she flung her to the table by the side and held her
A ‘bang!’ sounded—Yun Mengshi’s head was being pressed on the table.
“Elder Sister, it hurts… Elder Sister, please don’t do this…” Yun Mengshi
started crying quietly. At this moment, she began to feel afraid and could only
feel the pain suffocating her. She had forgotten her purpose in coming here.
Yun Bixue sneered beside Yun Mengshi’s ear. “Yun Mengshi, I’ve put up with
you many times, but don’t think that I’m good-natured. Who do you think you
are, that you dare to preach to me?!” Back in the Yun family home, Yun
Mengshi had always pulled off her petty tricks, but Yun Bixue hadn’t felt
inclined to fight back. Now that she had changed for the worse, Yun Bixue
could only teach her a lesson.
With that, Yun Bixue picked up a fruit knife lying by the side, and she pressed
it against Yun Mengshi’s face. “What do you think, will my knife accidentally
cut your face?”
Yun Mengshi truly felt frightened. Meeting that wild look in her cousin’s eyes,
Yun Mengshi knew that Yun Bixue was capable of anything now. “Elder
Sister, you can’t do this to me!” she cried out while sobbing discreetly.
Just at this moment, the office door opened suddenly, and a few people
barged in. They were Su Lengxian, Su Lenghan, and Meng Xinyan.
“Elder Brother, look! How could there be such an evil woman in this world
who’d harm her own sister?!” Su Lengxian yelled, directing it at her brother.
Chapter 72: Uninvited Guest
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Su Lenghan had witnessed the entire scene before him, and his elegant eyes
shone with disbelief. “Yun Bixue, why?” He never knew that Yun Bixue could
be so ruthless.
When Yun Bixue saw the people who had barged in, a gleam of coldness
flashed across her eyes, and she chuckled. Lowering her head, she spoke
into Yun Mengshi’s ear, “Yun Mengshi, your ploys have improved!” The
iciness in her voice made Yun Mengshi shiver.
At this moment, her neck hurt, and she felt out of breath. She could feel her
sight turning black, and she felt terrified.
After Yun Bixue released Yun Mengshi, she crossed her arms and swept a
cold glance at the people outside the door. “I never knew that my office would
become a hot spot that everyone would fight to visit. Don’t you know that you
shouldn’t simply trespass into someone else’s office?!”
Su Lengxian yelled, “Yun Bixue, you’re so vicious, yet this company is still
willing to hire you! Everyone take a good look, this is how Yun Bixue injures
her own sister!”
Yun Bixue smirked. “Oh? You said I’m harming my own sister. Mengshi, quick
clarify this. Didn’t you rush here looking for me because you feel indebted to
“I… I…”
Watching this scene, Su Lenghan inhaled deeply, feeling as though
something was suppressing his heart and making him flustered. “Yun Bixue,
how could you treat your sister like this? You weren’t like this in the past.”
Yun Bixue coldly shifted her gaze onto the gloating Su Lengxian and then met
Su Lenghan’s disappointed eyes. “Su Lenghan, did you come to my office to
preach as well? I know that you’ve never trusted me before, and you never
tried to understand me.” Suddenly, Yun Bixue felt that it was emotionally
draining to face Su Lenghan.
Su Lengxian loathed the current Yun Bixue. In the past, she had a gentle
personality that could be easily manipulated. However, she now acted
arrogantly and the longer Su Lengxian looked at Yun Bixue, the angrier she
felt. “Yun Bixue, because you’re such an evil woman, my older brother will
never fall for someone like you. You can just give up. My older brother even
saved you that day, and yet you’re speaking to him like that. You don’t know
any better, and we shouldn’t have offered to help. We should have let you
“Lengxian, don’t say that. Miss Yun is only displeased because Mengshi paid
a visit to their grandfather.” Keeping her head down, Meng Xinyan spoke
softly while tugging on Su Lengxian’s sleeve.
“It’s all because of Grandfather. Why can’t he meet Mengshi? She is so
shameless. I bet she has malicious intentions and bewitched Old Master Yun
so she could inherit the family fortune exclusively.” Su Lengxian looked at Yun
Bixue and felt all manner of disgust towards her.
Yun Bixue scoffed, “Even if that’s the case, what can any of you do about it?
Don’t forget, this is a Yun family matter, and no outsiders have a part to play
in it. Who are you and on what grounds are you intervening with our Yun
family’s affairs?!”
Meng Xinyan watched Yun Bixue and felt that just by simply standing still, the
latter exuded a unique aura that was both dazzling and attractive. She
couldn’t help but regret bringing Lenghan here.
As Su Lenghan listened, he felt his heart twist. “Yun Bixue, I really misjudged
you in the past!” Right now, he knew without a doubt that he’d made the right
choice in choosing Xinyan. His recent concern for Yun Bixue had all been in
Right at that moment, several employees had gathered outside the office
door. Yun Bixue immediately picked up her jacket and put it on and then
gracefully strutted out of the office. “If I lose anything from my office today, I’ll
call the police to investigate.”
Watching Yun Bixue leave, Su Lengxian stamped her feet in exasperation.
At this moment, Yun Mengshi stared at the handsome Su Lenghan in shock.
She recalled the words that Yun Bixue spoke into her ear and shuddered. Yun
Bixue was inciting her to fight for Su Lenghan!
Chapter 73: Inciting Yun Mengshi
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
The next day when Yun Bixue arrived at work, her employees pointed at her
as they talked behind her back. Just within a morning, all the employees who
had been busy gossiping instead of working were dismissed. Those at the
receptionist area who had let Su Lenghan and the others into her office were
also fired.
The company was in an uproar. It was shocking that Yun Bixue had such a
powerful influence.
Yun Bixue reviewed the report in her hands and smiled gracefully. Yesterday,
Meng Xinyan had used Yun Mengshi to instigate a conflict between Su
Lenghan and herself, making him feel disappointed by her. Thus, she decided
to return the favor and use Yun Mengshi to annoy Meng Xinyan.
Yun Mengshi was truly fond of Su Lenghan, but she had never been triggered
enough to reveal it. Yun Bixue had only incited her briefly yesterday, and she
believed that this decision would soon bear fruit in the near future.
After that episode, the company’s employees treated her with much more
respect as she came and left from work. Yun Bixue offered no explanations
and anticipated the results of the game that she was playing.
After getting off work that day, Yun Bixue arrived at Jorya Times, where Yun
Mengshi sat waiting for her.
Yun Bixue noticed that the marks on Yun Mengshi’s face had disappeared
and nodded in satisfaction. Since she intended to make Yun Mengshi a key
chess piece in her game, she definitely had to look pretty.
“Elder Sister!” Nowadays, whenever Yun Mengshi saw Yun Bixue, she would
feel alarmed. She felt her elder sister had become rather insane and morbid,
but thinking of what her sister had relayed to her, she couldn’t help but feel
“Yes, let’s go. As your elder sister, I’ve never bought you any pretty clothes.
Let’s stroll through this shopping mall, and I’ll buy you something nice,” Yun
Bixue said through her smile, putting on the look of a loving older sister.
However, Yun Mengshi only felt that Yun Bixue emitted an aura of insanity. It
made her hair stand on end.
Yun Bixue looked at Yun Mengshi who simply continued to sit there, and she
knitted her brows impatiently. “Why are you still sitting here? Do you not like
your elder sister buying clothes for you?”
Yun Mengshi shook her head frantically, “No!”
“Then let’s go!” Yun Bixue led the way, and Yun Mengshi followed behind
cautiously. In her heart, she was jealous and detested Yun Bixue, but with the
tempting prospect of benefits right before her eyes, she could only endure
Yun Bixue finally chose a pale yellow dress and a white shawl to lay over it.
She asked Yun Mengshi to try it on before picking out a few accessories for
After Yun Mengshi was done, she stood before Yun Bixue. Watching the
latter’s eyes glitter brightly, she felt increasingly uneasy in her heart.
“My sister is indeed very pretty. Sigh, when I was together with Lenghan, he
often said that he loved seeing me dress like this, looking pure and gentle.
Yaoyao used to egg me on too, telling me that men would only take an
interest when a girl looked very gentle. It will especially ignite a sense of
protection within them. Sigh, such a pity that I didn’t understand back then. It’s
too late for me to learn now, I’m already too old.”
Yun Mengshi listened by the side and then turned over to look at herself in the
mirror. She looked so beautiful and alluring that even she couldn’t believe it.
She could hardly contain the excitement in her heart. With such an
appearance, she would certainly capture even more hearts.
“Sigh, when Lenghan pampers someone, it could make a girl drown in his
warmth and care. I don’t need to tell you that, you’ve seen it for yourself as
well. Too bad Meng Xinyan saw me as someone offensive. By managing to
snatch Lenghan away from me, it demonstrated how strong her charms were.
Since nobody has managed to steal him away from Meng Xinyan, she is
undoubtedly the top socialite…” Yun Bixue spoke bitterly at the side.
Yun Mengshi had been listening attentively, and an image of Su Lenghan
floated into her mind involuntarily. He was such an exquisite and elegant man,
and also so gentle and thoughtful. She then thought back on the bits and
pieces of what she’d seen of him, and her heart felt more attracted to him.
Suddenly Yun Mengshi saw a familiar figure through the mirror. When she
snapped her head back and saw that person once again, her complexion
Yun Bixue followed the direction of her gaze—it was her youngest uncle and a
young woman. Her uncle was hugging the young woman at that moment, and
they flirted with each other from time to time.
“Baby, choose something from this place, and I’ll buy it for you.”
“Hmph, so annoying. Won’t it just end up ripped apart by you?” The young
woman draped herself meekly all over Yun Muzhong, and her amorous voice
could almost make one weak in the knees.
“It’s all because my baby is too beautiful. I’ll buy you more today.” Yun
Muzhong slapped the woman’s butt as his hands started to wander around
her body.
“Aren’t you worried that the old hag at your home will find out?” The woman
struggled and broke free from Yun Muzhong’s embrace.
“Don’t mention that shrew. She’s nowhere as gentle as you. Wasn’t I forced
by the old lady to marry her? That ugly old woman, hmph…” The mention of
Yang Siru made Yun Muzhong feel rather resentful.
Whereas, Yun Bixue was on cloud nine. Besides her elation, her yields today
were considerable. Men were truly all the same; the usually wooden uncle
actually had such a side to him. It was an eye-opener.
She looked back at Yun Mengshi and saw her face was ghastly white, her
body stiff as if she was standing unsteadily. Yun Mengshi clenched her fists
tightly, as though she refused to believe it.
Yun Bixue pretended as if she didn’t recognize the couple. “Mengshi, did you
see that? All men like that kind of girl—gentle and deceivingly kind. If you
acted like that, men would like you too. I truly have good taste. When you
wear this outside, everyone will be mesmerized by you.” As she spoke, Yun
Bixue showered Yun Mengshi with compliments.
Yun Bixue broke Yun Mengshi’s train of thought, and she snapped out of her
daze. As she met Yun Bixue’s eyes, she was filled with confusion. Had Yun
Bixue really not recognized that man?
It was best that she didn’t know. She didn’t wish for anything to happen to her
family and only questioned whether she should inform her mother. At this
moment, Yun Mengshi seemed absent-minded.
Finally, Yun Bixue purchased the whole set of clothes for Yun Mengshi with
her card. It cost more than ten thousand yuan.
“Elder Sister, thank you for today.”
“No problem. Next time just bring home a suitable brother-in-law.” Yun Bixue’s
words seemed to carry another meaning.
Watching Yun Bixue’s sprightly steps ahead of her, Yun Mengshi’s feet felt
heavy by comparison. Her thoughts were chaotic; she never thought that the
day would come where her father would actually betray her mother. Was what
Yun Bixue said really true—did all men like that type of woman?
Then would she also be able to have Su Lenghan? However, the one she
desired the most was Young Master Xie—the addictive and intoxicating
Young Master Xie.
The Shen Family Home
Old Master Shen’s health had only just slightly recovered before he heard the
news that an accident had happened to the Jia family.
“Why would something happen out of the blue?”
“This time, the family of the worker who was killed from the mining accident
are not giving in and looking past the issue. They want to sue the Jia family,”
Shen Wenqi explained as he poured Old Master Shen a cup of water.
“This is a simple matter to handle, let the Jia family silence them with money!”
The Jia family’s mining business was a source of income for the Shen family
and couldn’t be allowed to fall through.
Shen Wenqi frowned. “Hearing the Jia family’s tone, it seems like the matter
can’t be resolved so simply. The family has even banded with the previous
families to demand justice.”
hapter 74: Sharp and Fierce
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Old Master Shen suddenly sat up in shock. “There were never any issues in
the past. Why are things so problematic this time? What kind of household
cannot be censored with money?” Old Master Shen said in disbelief, his
expression changing.
Shen Wenqi suppressed his feelings. “Dad, I think there’s more to this matter.
We never used to have any problems and with so many mining businesses,
why is it only the Jia family’s business that has the workers’ families kicking up
a fuss?”
“There is no point in saying all this now. Quickly go investigate and get
Zhengyao to handle this. The issue must be contained. Oh right, reduce the
amount of contact with the Jia family for the time being. Even if anything
should happen, they won’t come barging at our Shen family.” With that, Old
Master Shen leaned by the bedside in dismay, and his head started to throb.
Shen Zhengyao was having fun outside when he received a call from his
father. He spewed out some curses. Why were so many things happening to
the Shen family lately?
“Young Master Shen, stay!” The woman sitting on the bed hugged Shen
Zhengyao’s waist and fawned over him.
“I can’t today. Something cropped up at home. Be good; I’ll accompany you
another day.” As he spoke, he hurriedly put on his clothes and then left.
After seeing Shen Zhengyao leave, the woman hid the alluring smile on her
face and calmly made a call.
Upon receiving the news, Yang Mei personally visited Yun Bixue and relayed
the news of the Shen family to her.
Yun Bixue sipped on her tea elegantly, and a dangerous glint surfaced in her
eyes. “Very good. Let the Jia family get thrown around for a while. After
they’ve been pushed to the peak of the storm, the Shen family wouldn’t dare
to aggravate the Jia family, which will drive a wedge between the two families.
After which, the matter of striking back will be effortless for us.”
The Shen family wanted Yun Bixue and her grandfather dead in order to take
over the entire Yun family. Shouldn’t they also consider whether Yun Bixue
would be agreeable to this?
Everyone who had ever harmed the Yun family would be trampled under her
feet so that none of the other families would ever dare to undermine her family
When Yun Mengshi returned home, her mind seemed somewhat unhinged.
Yang Siru sat on the couch, applying a mask while watching television.
Seeing that her daughter had come home, her eyes glowed with wonder.
“Wow, this here is my most beautiful daughter. So pretty, even I almost
couldn’t recognize you.” Yang Siru felt the most pride for her daughter.
Watching the glimmer in Yang Siru’s eyes, Yun Mengshi’s heart felt even
heavier. “Mom, why isn’t Dad around?”
“That idiot. He’s been busy with work and apparently disappeared. He said
he’d be working after hours today and there’s no need to wait for him for
dinner.” Yang Siru didn’t suspect anything. For many years, she had been
familiar with Yun Muzhong’s personality and knew that he was soft and easy
to manipulate.
Her face pale, Yun Mengshi bit her lips and took in a deep breath. “Mom, you
should pay less attention to your clothes and masks, and be more considerate
of Dad instead. Take better care of his feelings.”
Yang Siru had just praised her daughter, but her face was now painted with
displeasure. “Mengshi, did you get off the wrong side of the bed today? I’m
enjoying my life. Why the need to cling onto that idiot for the entire day? Your
dad is useless, but you still want me to help him improve?” Yang Siru was
used to displaying such arrogance and aloofness for so many years.
Ultimately, her first consideration was still herself.
Yun Mengshi clenched her jaw. Lowering her head, she hesitated before
finally speaking, “Mom, I saw Dad today.”
Yang Siru showed a doubtful expression. “You saw Dad? Isn’t he busy at
work? How could you have seen him?”
“I…” Yun Mengshi paused, unsure how to begin. Suddenly, an old lady’s voice
came from the floor above them. “Mengshi, you’re back. Your outfit is pretty
Yun Mengshi was flattered. She knew that the old lady was known to be
critical. For her to acknowledge that it looked good, she must truly look
exceptional today.
Yun Mengshi instantly forgot what she’d intended to say and she relished in
the gorgeous attire she was wearing. When she recovered from her
daydream, Yang Siru was already sucking up to Old Lady Shen. Their
conversation had been interrupted, and she no longer had the courage to
bring it up again.
With regards to the video game company that Yun Bixue had invested in and
established—and managed by Duan Qiushu—after it released its first game, it
generated an explosive response. The turnover on the first day already
exceeded a million yuan, and the daily sales showed an accelerating trend.
Duan Qiushu also abruptly joined the ranks of the affluent.
However, Duan Qiushu was neither arrogant nor worried, and he was instead
calm and collected. Yun Bixue praised him for his stellar performance, but
Duan Qiushu only shook his head. “This version of the game can be better. I
will continue to develop it.”
“Okay, we’ve made a lot of profit this time, so I’m giving you a few days of
leave. Go home to visit your family. You can withdraw the annual salary that I
paid you in advance. Go home and buy what your parents need.” What Yun
Bixue admired about Duan Qiushu was his character. He was righteous and
never greedy.
Duan Qiushu looked at Yun Bixue with gratitude and said, “I already told my
parents. They’re really thankful for you and relayed their well-being. They
want me to stay here and work hard.”
Yun Bixue giggled. She shifted her focus from the video game graphics to
Duan Qiushu and said, “In the future, you will be the boss of this company.
You’ll call the shots for the schedules and operations of the company. I’m
merely a shareholder, waiting to collect the yearly dividends.”
Shortly after speaking, Yun Bixue received a call, and she wrinkled her brows.
“Uncle Liu, so you’re saying that someone has been gathering unfavorable
information on Limo, and they intend to broadcast it live during his
inauguration speech tomorrow?”
“Yes, Miss. Someone intends to go against Young Master Xie. They said that
the affluent families are joining up to elect someone else to eradicate Young
Master Xie who is an outsider. This is also one of the rules of Ning An City.”
The corners of Yun Bixue’s lips curled up into a sharp curve. “Have you found
out which families are involved?”
After ending the call, Yun Bixue left in a hurry. Anxious, Duan Qiushu asked,
“Where are you going? I’ll go with you.”
“No need. It’s at the Luxury Emperor Neon Tower. You probably wouldn’t want
to go too!”
Neon Tower was a place where people could squander money at the Luxury
Emperor and was also an entertainment zone.
When Yun Bixue entered the building alongside Yang Mei and Xie Shiyi, a
waiter approached them and asked, “May I know if Miss requires any
“Second floor, section A.” Since these people wanted to ambush Xie Limo,
she wouldn’t hesitate to repay their intentions. As these thoughts ran through
her head, the look in her eyes turned more and more malicious.
“Yes, Miss, please come with me.”
Entering the private rooms in section A, Yun Bixue realized it was full of
people—Su Lengxian, Yun Mengshi, Jia Dongkun, Shen Jingcui, and several
other unfamiliar faces.
Jia Dongkun had too much to drink, and after seeing the three ladies enter the
room, he rose up unsteadily. “Su Lengxian, you even invited these beauties.
So thoughtful. Come, drink with your master.” As he spoke, he carried his
wine glass and stumbled forward.
Yun Bixue glanced at Su Lengxian coldly and hurled away Jia Dongkun. She
sat on the couch, emitting a sense of indolence and dominance. “Enjoying life
Su Lengxian said scornfully, “Yun Bixue, what are you doing here? The
alcohol here is pretty pricey. Your Yun family has already gone bust, so don’t
tell me you can afford to drink the alcohol from here.” She hadn’t expected
Yun Bixue to turn up and was feeling annoyed.
“Miss Su doesn’t need to fret over whether I can afford it or not.” Xie Shiyi
caught the signal in Yun Bixue’s eyes. Marching forward solemnly, she
respectfully poured some wine for Yun Bixue.
Xie Shiyi thought that Yun Bixue would abandon her, but she had received her
Young Madam’s grace and was still fortunate to be able to take care of her.
Keeping her gratitude close to her heart, she was exceptionally respectful in
her work.
Chapter 75: Yun Bixue Gone Mad
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Jia Dongkun watched as the beauty before his eyes ignored him and even sat
on his seat. He strode over immediately and knocked over the wine bottles
beside him. A ‘bang!’ sounded as the glass shattered and he tried to use his
dirty hands to fondle Yun Bixue.
Yun Bixue smacked Jia Dongkun’s hand away. “Get lost.”
The crisp slap reddened the back of Jia Dongkun’s hand, and it started to
swell up. It was obvious how much force Yun Bixue had just applied.
“Hey, missy, stop acting as if you like it rough. The Yun family is already in
shambles, and yet you’re still acting up against me. Haha, but I do like feisty
ladies like you, so exciting. Tsk, tsk…”
The Du family brothers cheered on at the side. “Brother Dongkun, seeing how
distant this beauty is, she doesn’t seem to fancy you!”
Another woman beside them snickered shyly, “Hehe. Elder Brother Jia, Miss
Yun has already hooked up with Young Master Xie, why would she drink with
you? She has her own backers and is indeed quite the big shot.”
“That’s right, who dares to offend Young Master Xie? The thought of it is
already terrifying!” another woman spoke, and she gazed at Yun Bixue
By this point, Jia Dongkun was tipsy, and since everyone was throwing in their
own insults, he grew increasingly muddled. “Bah! How dare the ruined Yun
family put down my Jia family? Do you even know who backs my family?
Haha, Young Master Xie? He’s just an outsider who thinks he can wield
control over Ning An City…!” Jia Dongkun yelled in anger.
Seeing that Yun Bixue had turned up without an invitation, Su Lengxian was
already displeased. However, watching how the crowd mocked Yun Bixue,
there was no doubt that she felt ecstatic.” Jia Dongkun, Miss Yun and my
elder brother used to be together, but the person he liked was Meng Xinyan
and definitely not her. Rumor has it that she had many suitors when she was
in university. But because she rejected them all, everyone decided that the
one who can finally capture her heart is a real man.”
“Ah, the person that Miss Yun has set her eyes on is Young Master Xie!”
“How impressive can Young Master Xie be? My ice beauty, you should come
with me. I’ll make sure to give you a life of luxury. Haha…” As he spoke, the
stench of alcohol gushed out of his mouth.
Yun Bixue watched the crowd’s behavior coldly, and she scoffed. They were
truly birds of the same feather. Tonight, because they dared to harm Xie Limo
and herself, she would let everyone witness what she was capable of.
Before her eyes, Jia Dongkun attempted to reach for her with his lecherous
hands again. Yun Bixue picked up a glass bottle and slammed it against the
table. A crisp crashing sound reverberated, stunning everyone in the room.
The glass fragments scattered all over the floor, splashing alcohol
everywhere. The initially bustling room was instantly engulfed in absolute
Bang! The sound of a second bottle being smashed against the table was
heard. Yun Bixue propped a leg on the table and held the remnants of the
glass bottle in her hand.
“Want to see more? Then repeat everything that you just said!” Yun Bixue
voice was piercingly cold as her penetrating gaze swept across everyone in
the room.
Everyone was momentarily stupefied by Yun Bixue’s murderous aura. Gracing
the scene were pampered children from affluent families who had never seen
such violence. Horrified, they held their tongues. They all had a hunch that if
they spoke, they would end up like that glass bottle.
Yun Bixue sneered, “Why aren’t you talking? Jia Dongkun, is it? Your family
can’t even be considered royalty. At best, it got rich through unscrupulous
means, and yet you’re still trying to brag.”
Jia Dongkun recovered from his shock and trembled, almost sobering up
completely. Being ridiculed by Yun Bixue and then looking at his peers’
expressions, he called out immediately, “Haha, you want to play with me?
Let’s see if you can handle it. Call the others, I want to see who can look more
imposing.” With that, he kicked away the stool by his side and grabbed a glass
bottle, almost slamming it on Yun Bixue’s head.
In that moment, everyone snapped out of their trances and suddenly felt
emboldened. Why were they afraid of Yun Bixue? She was merely boasting
about her power and wouldn’t really dare to try anything. They were all
members of royal families.
“Elder Brother, you’re so great!”
“Brother Jia, that’s a good point. What’s so great about hooking up with Young
Master Xie? We don’t even know how many lovers Young Master Xie has
had. It might amount to nothing tomorrow, haha!”
Yun Bixue narrowed her eyes sharply. Seeing that Jia Dongkun’s bottle was
about to crash down on her head, she twisted her body slightly and reached
out with one hand. In an instant, she gripped onto Jia Dongkun’s wrist. A
‘snap!’sound rang clearly; she’d twisted Jia Dongkun’s wrist and broken it.
“Ah…!” An agonized voice cried out. Everyone was reeling in disbelief.
Yun Bixue cackled coldly right after. Pressing Jia Dongkun’s dirty hand on the
table covered with glass shards, she then slammed the broken bottle into the
back of that hand.
“Ah… Ah…!” A harrowing scream came out of Jia Dongkun’s mouth. His body
was shivering in pain, and the glass bottle had penetrated half of his hand. He
was bleeding profusely.
“Ahhh!” Some ladies couldn’t handle such a scene and started screaming.
They dashed cowardly to the door to escape, but the doorknob simply refused
to budge.
Yun Bixue curled her lips and laughed. Shortly after they entered, Yang Mei
had left to lock the door from outside. Tonight, no one was allowed to think
about escaping.
“It’s too late to feel afraid now. If you wish to hurt Xie Limo and me, let’s see if
you have what it takes!” Yun Bixue said flatly as she looked around, but her
eyes were cold.
She recalled that the families of these people were ganging up to bring Xie
Limo down. If they succeeded, Xie Limo’s political career would come to an
end, and he would most likely be banished from Ning An City by its citizens.
She remembered how she had experienced a period of pain and desolation. If
it weren’t for Xie Limo, she wouldn’t have received any warmth and wouldn’t
have come back from death’s door every time. Perhaps without Xie Limo, she
would already be dead. Therefore, she had to protect that warmth that she
kept in her heart. Even if her hands were stained with fresh blood, she
wouldn’t have any second thoughts.
Someone tried to make a call, and Xie Shiyi threw the phone to the ground.
They all lunged at Xie Shiyi to try to fight her, but none of them was a match
for her.
Trembling, Su Lengxian said, “Yun Bixue, you’re so ruthless. My elder brother
won’t let you off.”
“Your elder brother? Ah, he’s worse than me. Who cares if he lets me off or
not? Today, I’m warning you all that I’ll destroy anyone before they can lay a
finger on Xie Limo!” Yun Bixue gnashed her teeth as she spoke viciously.
“Ah… Hand… Hand… Mercy…” Jia Dongkun pleaded breathlessly, his hand
hurting beyond words.
“So now you feel fear. Go back and tell your family this: if they try to hurt Xie
Limo, I’ll repay the favor to every single one of you, you, and you…” Yun
Bixue pointed at each of them one by one.
“Miss Yun, our families will never do anything to Young Master Xie.”
“Yes, yes, ours too…”
Seeing the crowd’s attitude change so drastically from before, Yun Bixue
laughed. “Those words you just spoke, I heard them loud and clear. Don’t
ever think about taking them back.”
Chapter 76: A Small Punishment
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
“Yun Bixue, don’t go overboard!” Although deep down Su Lengxian was
afraid, she still felt secure. She thought that with her elder brother around, Yun
Bixue wouldn’t dare to mistreat her.
With a slapping sound, Yun Bixue mercilessly hit her face.
Su Lengxian covered half of her face and looked at Yun Bixue in disbelief.
“You dare to hit me?”
“Of course I dare to hit you. Su Lengxian, for so many years you’ve pulled
tons of tricks and bad-mouthed me. It’s all because of you that your brother
and I landed in this state now!” After slapping Su Lengxian, Yun Bixue felt
pleased deep down. She had long disliked Su Lengxian but had put up with
her time and time again. With the opportunity right in front of her, it would be a
waste not to hit her.
Su Lengxian yelled, “Let’s go all out!” With that, she lunged forward,
attempting to pull at Yun Bixue’s hair.
To Yun Bixue’s surprise, Su Lengxian caught her hair, and the excruciating
pain made her gasp. Enduring the pain, she reached out her hands and
clutched firmly onto Su Lengxian’s neck, strangling her.
“Cough, cough…” Su Lengxian was choking through her pain, but her hand
continued to tug strongly at Yun Bixue’s hair.
Yun Bixue felt as if her hair was getting ripped off her head and her hands
tightened their grip. “Su Lengxian, if you don’t wish to die, then let me go.”
“Cough, cough…” Su Lengxian felt like she was suffocating. Her vision
gradually turned darker and darker, and her hands lost its force.
Just when she feared that she was going to die, Yun Bixue instead let go of
her grip. Her whole body abruptly collapsed onto the ground as she fought to
catch her breath. She desperately needed to breathe in fresh air.
Earlier, she had really felt that Yun Bixue was acting with the intent to kill. Yun
Bixue was never like this, how could she have become so horrifying?
Yun Bixue tidied her hair and rubbed her wrists. Looking at the bewildered
looks on everyone’s faces, she laughed coldly, “If there’s anyone else who’d
like to declare their intentions to hurt Xie Limo and me, make yourself known.
If you can be that fearless, then I can only admire your courage.”
After one sweeping look, no one answered. Inside the quiet room, only Jia
Dongkun’s moaning and Su Lengxian’s loud breathing could be heard.
“Oh right, the people who were mocking Xie Limo and me earlier on, you’d
better own up now. I’ll give you one minute. If you’re unwilling to slap yourself,
then you slap someone else. Whoever hits the hardest, I will let them leave
depending on my satisfaction.” Yun Bixue felt that experiencing such
superiority was amazing. No wonder everyone fought to climb high on the
social ladder, wishing to dominate over others.
“Since you rejected both options, then I will count to three. On the count of
three, I might consider slapping you with the glass bottles! One, two—”
Before Yun Bixue had finished counting to three, the room reverberated with
slapping sounds.
“Ah, you b*tch Wang, you really hit me! I’m going to cut your face!”
“Yes, I did hit you. You always dress so pretentiously as if you’re so sweet
and kind-hearted, but you’re just a cheap person down to your core!”
“Elder Brother Du, come quickly and help me…”
“Ah, you’re not a man! How dare you hit a woman…? I’m going to kill you!”
The scene immediately turned chaotic, and Yun Bixue watched the spectacle
with great satisfaction. Suddenly, from out of her peripheral vision, she noticed
a woman who had remained silent throughout. It was Shen Jingcui. She
looked plain and had almost no presence.
Suddenly, she saw the jade pendant hanging on her ear. Yun Bixue’s eyes lit
up, and she was just about to stand up.
Bang! The room’s door was flung open. The manager of the Luxury Emperor
entered, followed by five or six security guards.
“What happened?” Manager Sun looked at the scene before his eyes and his
head pounded. These guests were backed by Ning An City’s affluent families.
For them to encounter trouble on the grounds of the Luxury Emperor, it would
be too troublesome to handle.
When he saw that someone had arrived, Jia Dongkun immediately bawled
and whined, “Quick, it’s Yun Bixue…! She wants to murder us…! My hand…
Ah… My hand…!” After seeing his rescuers, his courage started to climb.
Young Master Du who had just delivered a tight slap hid his hand
straightaway. “That’s right, Manager Sun. Take a look! Miss Yun is so gutsy,
attacking the children of royalty.”
“Manager Sun, get someone to arrest her. Otherwise, my Su family will not let
you off.” ”
“And the Zheng family too…”
Yun Bixue scoffed and then lazily rose from her seat. “Manager Sun, you
witnessed it too. They were slapping each other, so what does that have to do
with me?” While she spoke, she gave Jia Dongkun a kick. Sneering at him,
she said, “He’s actually not that manly, he even ended up peeing in his pants!”
Everyone did smell a pungent aroma and looked at Jia Dongkun with even
greater contempt.
Upon recognizing that she was Yun Bixue, Manager Son put on an awkward
expression but still approached her courteously. “I see Miss Yun has arrived.
You should have informed me that you were coming, and I would have
arranged the best room for you. There was no need for you to be ridiculed
here.” What a joke, the Luxury Emperor secretly belonged to Young Master
Xie! Although he was resistant to scoldings, he was also just here to make a
living. The person before him was under the protection of Young Master Xie,
and he didn’t dare to offend her.
Yun Bixue walked righteously towards the room entrance. “Yes, Manager
Sun, you should know what happened. I heard some people talking bad about
Xie Limo, and they said he wasn’t worthy. They wanted to chase him out of
Ning An City so that he couldn’t have power over it. Tsk, tsk. Ning An City’s
royalty is indeed rich and overbearing. Such confident words.” As she spoke,
she gave an ambiguous look over at Shen Jingcui who was standing in a dark
There was truly more than meets the eye to this woman. It seemed like the
Shen family had to reassess their understanding of her.
After hearing that it was a matter regarding Young Master Xie, Manager Sun
fumed and almost kicked up a storm. After he sent away Yun Bixue, he
personally handled the matter.
The crowd who had initially wanted to punish Yun Bixue could only be
escorted out of the Luxury Emperor feeling resigned. The reason was that
their injuries had nothing to do with Yun Bixue and had ensued from hitting
each other. They could only swallow their anger this time.
Before they could even seek revenge from their respective families, a whole
set of photos had been sent to the Jia, Du, Shen, Zheng and other families.
The heads of each family instantly seethed with anger, and they came
together to discuss how to seek justice for their child. The families had already
formed an alliance, but because of these photos, they started questioning
each others’ motives. It was unacceptable for the children of their own families
to be hit by someone else, regardless of whether they were valued.
When Su Lengxian arrived home, she dashed into her elder brother’s room
right away. With a slam, she opened the door. When she saw the scene
inside, she froze in her steps.
She widened her eyes and gawked at the sight before her. “Brother…
Brother… You… You…” The brother who was elegant and respectable in her
eyes was half-dressed and in his embrace was a naked Meng Xinyan.
This scene pierced her heart, causing it to ache. It shouldn’t be like this, it
should never be like this. Even though she knew, but why did this moment feel
so unbearable?
Compared to Yun Bixue, Su Lengxian was fond of Meng Xinyan. However, at
this moment, she felt that she had been wrong—Meng Xinyan had also stolen
her older brother away from her.
“Get lost!” Su Lenghan frowned as he looked at Su Lengxian standing by the
Chapter 77: An Odd Feeling
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
After Su Lengxian snapped out of her shock, she spun around and ran
“Miss, Miss…” A maid felt that something was wrong and chased after Su
Meng Xinyan stretched out her smooth arms and wrapped them around Su
Lenghan’s neck. At this moment, her eyes were enchanting, and her skin
looked flushed. Her whole body melted into Su Lenghan’s embrace.
“Lenghan!” Meng Xinyan’s tone turned delicate and impatient.
After Su Lengxian’s interruption, Su Lenghan lowered his head and gazed at
Meng Xinyan in his arms. However, another distinct figure came to mind, and
it was completely different from the person before his eyes.
He shook his head, and his darkly elegant eyes brightened. “Xinyan, get up
first.” His voice sounded distant, and it was as if he’d spilled a basin of cold
water over Meng Xinyan’s head.
Upset, Meng Xinyan raised her eyes and met Su Lenghan’s faintly cold gaze.
Her heart pounded, and when she regained her calm, she realized that Su
Lenghan had maintained his calm and indifferent demeanor ever since she
purposefully seduced him. When she finally progressed after much difficulty,
Su Lengxian had instead on barging in. She should have locked the door
“Lenghan!” Meng Xinyan called out helplessly.
Su Lenghan’s heart softened. Standing up, he picked up the clothes laying by
the side and put them on her. “Put on your clothes first then come out. I’m
worried that something might happen to Lengxian.”
Meng Xinyan nodded. Thinking back to Su Lengxian’s earlier expression, she
felt odd. Wasn’t it normal for Lenghan and her to do this? Instead, Su
Lengxian had worn a heartbroken look. Could it be…
Meng Xinyan was startled by her own thoughts. She hurriedly put on her
clothes and went downstairs.
Su Lengxian had run outside aimlessly. She went straight to a bar and started
downing alcohol bottle by bottle.
“Miss, is something making you sad? Perhaps you’d feel better if you vented.”
A man stood beside the bartender, and he looked dashing. His voice sounded
sweet, and it was pleasing to the ears.
Su Lengxian was initially irritated but seeing the handsome man before her
eyes, she chuckled. “Haha. Something making me sad? Who said that
something was making me sad? I feel ecstatic.” As she spoke, she gulped
down another glass of alcohol.
The suave man narrowed his eyes and picked up the glass beside him. “Since
you’re happy, I’ll drink with you.”
“Ha, who do you think you are, wishing to drink with me? You are not
qualified.” Her mind was brimming with thoughts of her brother. She couldn’t
accept witnessing such a scene at all, but she had no clue why she felt this
The bartender laughed. “Miss, this is my friend and not an employee here.
He’s only here to help me while on a break. He’s never shown interest in
anyone else besides you, although many people have tried to approach him.
He cares about you, and that just shows how special you are.” The bartender
especially emphasized these words.
Su Lengxian felt a little tipsy, and her neck was rather sore. The handsome
man dipped a towel in alcohol and gently applied it to her neck.
This moment of kindness made her rather dazed. “Elder brother.” With that,
she hugged the man by his waist.
“Enough, you’re drunk. I’ll send you to your room to rest.” As he spoke, he
lugged Su Lengxian to a room at the back.
When Yun Bizue left the Luxury Emperor, she boarded the car immediately.
Xie Shiyi stepped on the accelerator, and the car took off speedily.
Under the night sky, she could see the lights of the other villas illuminating
them from afar. These lights that embodied a sense of home could apparently
brighten up her lonely heart in the dark.
Without losing the sharpness in her eyes, she realized that this was now her
home. It was no longer a place where the wicked Yun family resided, and
there was only warmth left now.
At the lane, Yun Bixue requested for Xie Shiyi to stop the car and to send
Yang Mei back. She strolled along the long lane towards the villa, taking one
step at a time. Breathing in the fresh air, she dispelled all the depressing
thoughts she’d felt today.
After taking just a few steps, she spotted a figure before her. Her body froze,
and she paused in her steps. That figure who stood silently at the doorstep
was Xie Limo.
Yun Bixue was heartened. Quickening her pace, she walked forward and
called out gently, “Limo.”
The moment Xie Limo saw Yun Bixue, his heart felt at ease, and his exquisite
face glowed softly. “You’re back.”
Yun Bixue nodded vigorously and hooked her arm into Xie Limo’s instinctively,
“Yes, I’m home.” However, she didn’t expect to Xie Limo to feel so cold.
Her heart felt a slight ache. It was already dark and chilly; he must have
waited outside for her for a long time.
Xie Limo didn’t ask where Yun Bixue had been, neither did Yun Bixue mention
it. After entering the house, Xie Limo gently tidied her stray strands of hair.
“Look, you’re already an adult yet you don’t know how to take care of
yourself.” His tone sounded mostly affectionate.
Yun Bixue was reminded of Su Lengxian, and she knew that no matter how
much she fixed her hair, it would still be messy. She snickered, “There must
have been strong winds today, and it messed up my hair.”
Xie Limo ignored her shoddy excuse and started to heat up their ready-made
meals. The two ate together, and he then concentrated on preparing
documents in his office.
Tomorrow was the day of his inauguration. Every leader of Ning An City would
have to make a speech during the ceremony; it was to take responsibility for
the citizens of Ning An City as well as to signify the start of their acceptance of
him as their leader.
Yun Bixue didn’t bother Xie Limo but instead lay on the bed after taking a
shower. Her heart felt uneasy, and she finally picked up her phone. “Yang
Mei, the arrangements for tomorrow have been settled, right? There won’t be
any issues, right?”
On the other end, Yang Mei’s respectful voice sounded. “Rest assured, Miss. I
have sent out three of the Yun family’s men of sacrifice. There will also be
decommissioned soldiers from the special forces to manage the scene
“Okay.” Yun Bixue nodded. She knitted her brows, as though something had
popped up in her mind, and she continued to instruct her, “No reporters will be
allowed inside tomorrow. Search for one or two reliable media outlets and
grant them an exclusive interview.” It would be a live telecast tomorrow, and
she couldn’t afford to take things lightly.
“What’s the situation with the royal families?”
“It was initially an impenetrable collusion, but because of what happened
tonight, they’ve lost their focus. They definitely won’t accomplish their goals
tomorrow.” Yang Mei provided Yun Bixue with the latest updates.
After enquiring on other matters and ensuring that everything was in place,
Yun Bixue finally drifted to sleep.
After daybreak, Yun Bixue woke up to use the bathroom. As she opened her
eyes slowly, she realized that no one was lying on the bed beside her. She
flicked on the lights in a daze and then walked towards the study room.
At the study room entrance, she noted Xie Limo was still hard at work. She
said while yawning, “Sleep earlier. You have a battle to fight tomorrow.”
When Xie Limo lifted his head, he was met with such a sight—a beautiful and
alluring woman was wearing an eye mask and pajamas with panda prints.
She looked adorable, and his heart instantly softened. It was as if all his
fatigue had dispersed because of her.
He felt a tickle in his heart as he approached Yun Bixue and grabbed her by
the waist. “Why aren’t you resting well? You’re just like a kitten.” He caressed
her hair as he spoke.
“Ouch~” Yun Bixue’s head was still too sore, and she couldn’t help but cry out.
Chapter 78: Breaking News
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Xie Limo could feel the person in his embrace shiver at that moment. He
thought of the news that his subordinates at Luxury Emperor had reported to
him and the initial warmth and gentleness in his eyes turned into a cold gaze.
“Go back to sleep. I’ll be done soon.” Xie Limo turned to look at the
incomplete pile of documents on his desk and persuaded Yun Bixue to go
back to sleep first.
Yun Bixue rubbed her eyes forcefully and yawned. Withdrawing from Xie
Limo’s arms, she walked over to his table, took a look at the documents and
asked, “I’ll help you tidy up. Let’s sleep together after this.” After saying this,
Yun Bixue’s mind cleared up, and she desperately wanted to hide in a hole.
Why did those words sound so suggestive?
Stealing a glance at Xie Limo, she found him standing there elegantly with
one hand in his pocket. His expression glowed brightly, and it looked enticing
under the lights. His gentle warmth seemed to be piercing through her heart.
“Yes, we’ll sleep together later.” He dragged his words, making Yun Bixue’s
face heat up again.
After tidying up the documents, Yun Bixue didn’t see any signs of his speech
transcript. “Didn’t you prepare a script for tomorrow’s speech?”
Xie Limo paused his typing and laughed gently. “Does my dear think that her
husband still requires a script?”
Yun Bixue looked at the confident and well-prepared Xie Limo and shook her
head. She said with certainty, “My husband is exceptional. Of course, he
doesn’t need one. He’s different from the others.”
Watching her radiant smile, Xie Limo couldn’t help but tease her. “Such a glib
tongue. Aren’t you sleepy?” ”
“Not anymore. In the future, I can be your better half.” As she spoke, Yun
Bixue’s eyes glistened, and she blinked.
Xie Limo’s heart sank, and he reached out his hand to place Yun Bixue in his
lap. “You can just take good care of yourself. If you create any trouble, I’m still
the one who has to clear up after you.”
Yun Bixue straightened her back and pouted, unconvinced by his words. “I
can protect my husband too.”
Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue’s puckered lips and couldn’t resist lowering his
head and planting a kiss on them. After that kiss, he eagerly pressed a hand
behind Yun Bixue’s head and caressed her back with the other.
Yun Bixue quivered from the electricity running through her, and she relished
in the gentle kiss.
Xie Limo felt bittersweet. After meeting his wife, his self-control had gotten
weaker. He used to have pure thoughts but right now, he was reluctant to let
go of her.
His soft and distinct aura slowly engulfed Yun Bixue, and in her blank state of
mind, she could only lean onto him. She gradually learned to reciprocate, and
the kiss grew longer and deeper.
In the midst of their mutual longing, the kiss set off sparks, and Xie Limo lifted
up Yun Bixue as she leaned into his embrace. She suddenly snapped out of it
and gently pushed Xie Limo away. “Limo, tomorrow is an important day for
you. We can’t…”
If Xie Limo’s body were to show any intimate marks, or if someone found out
about it, they would use it against Xie Limo. Moreover, it was already late, and
he had yet to rest. She couldn’t tire him out.
Xie Limo noticed the deep worry and concern in Yun Bixue’s eyes, and he
broke into laughter. He settled Yun Bixue on the bed and then rubbed the
middle of his forehead. “My wife is indeed thoughtful. If there wasn’t a speech
tomorrow, would you be ready?”
Yun Bixue understood what Xie Limo was implying and pulled the covers over
her face. How could he say such words so straightforwardly?
Covering her head, she could hear Xie Limo’s laughter from beyond the
blanket. It was melodious, and it cheered her up.
Regarding the matters on the following day, the two of them had a discussion.
The next day when Yun Bixue woke up, Xie Limo had already left. Xie Shiyi
served Yun Bixue her breakfast and mentioned that Limo had already driven
off at four in the morning.
After breakfast, Yun Bixue instructed Xie Shiyi to prepare a set of reporter’s
attire. After much contemplation, she decided that entering as a reporter could
grant her a closer view of Xie Limo and allow her to spend the day with him.
“Young Madam, it will be a restricted event today. Everyone is required to
have an entry permit.”
“Yes, I already informed Limo yesterday. I’ll follow the group of reporters that
Xie Liu arranged into the venue.”
Even before reaching the venue, a horde of reporters had gathered outside,
and some even tried to enter. However, with more than twenty bodyguards
positioned in two rows, none of the reporters could enter, and they could only
work from outside. Some were desperate and tried to use force, but the
guards simply blocked them from going in.
“We are reporters from Dongtu Society, and we hold ourselves accountable
for the citizens of Ning An City. We wish to broadcast Young Master Xie’s
entire inauguration speech. You won’t be able to take on the responsibility if
you delay our work.”
“We are reporters from Tianshi and according to the past customs, today’s
session must be broadcasted live. Why are you keeping all the reporters
outside? Does Young Master Xie’s inauguration contain any hidden motives
that we can’t report?”
“On what basis can you allow only two companies in? This is discrimination!
How can he still be our parent-official?”
The scene rose to a clamor as many civilians crowded outside. The large
screens along both sides of the road were ready. They aired scenes of
preparation recorded by the reporters and also interviews of some service
After getting ready, Yun Bixue entered the venue. Pausing at the entrance,
she lowered her cap and addressed everyone, “Aren’t reporters from Dongtu
Society responsible for daily sporting programmes? Reporters from Tianshi
are in charge of entertainment programmes… However, this is the most
important political event of Ning An City. Naturally, it would be covered by the
reporters taking charge of the city news. Everyone, apologies but this is
today’s regulations.” With that, Yun Bixue entered the venue, accompanied by
Xie Shiyi.
“Who was that?”
“I didn’t take a good look.”
“She looks rather imposing.”
“We can just insert the fact that Young Master Xie stopped reporters from
entering the venue into our reports. This could be considered as material to be
“Good idea.”
Just as the crowd deliberated over how to formulate the article, they received
a photo on their phones. Their eyes lit up right away. Since they failed to
enter, they definitely couldn’t miss such breaking news.
The horde of reporters who had been crowding outside dispersed
immediately. They rushed to the venue, afraid that they would fail to report the
news if they turned up late.
In a Room on the Third Floor of the Luxury Emperor
When Su Lengxian woke up with a hangover, she noticed the unfamiliar
environment around her. Her expression changed, and she sat up at once.
She’d just discovered the man lying beside her.
After she figured out the scenario, she screamed.
Su Lengxian widened her eyes. “You… You…” At this moment, her mind was
all muddled. The episodes from the past few days had all been challenging
her endurance.
“Xian Xian, you’re awake.” The handsome man sat up cheerfully and
attempted to embrace Su Lengxian.
“You… Who are you?” Su Lengxian’s face turned even whiter than paper. In
that moment, she could only stutter, seemingly unable to find her voice.
Chapter 79: Magnificent and Elegant
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
The handsome man revealed the criss-cross marks on his skin and spoke as
if he’d been wronged, “Xian Xian, this is what you left on my body last night.
You pulled me along as you did this… And that… How could you not
remember anything?”
Su Lengxian looked at the marks on the man’s body and the scratches on his
back, it was evident that they had been engraved by her nails in the midst of
their passion. She then looked at her freshly manicured nails; several of them
had been broken. She started to panic. “It wasn’t me. You’re just spouting
nonsense…” Su Lengxian shook her head frantically, unwilling to believe it, or
perhaps she subconsciously wanted to avoid something.
Su Lengxian’s face was ghastly pale as she shook her head. Pulling the
covers to hide her body, she couldn’t deny the soreness she felt. It hurt every
time she moved but right now, she couldn’t be bothered with the pain. Looking
around, she found the place increasingly familiar, yet she felt more and more
flustered. She was at a loss of what to do, and her mind was all over the
Looking hurt, the man stared at Su Lengxian in disbelief. “Xian Xian, you
weren’t this heartless yesterday. Last night, you grabbed me with such
passion. Look, these scratches were all done by you… Did you forget
“Shut up, stop speaking! Stop speaking! You’re lying to me! Tell me, how
much money do you want…? I’ll pay you. What happened today can’t be
leaked.” Yes, it definitely couldn’t be revealed. She was the darling of the Su
family, how could she have done this? She was resolute. Besides feeling the
soreness, she was at a loss of what to do.
“Xian Xian, so this is what you think of me. Last night, you were still calling me
‘Elder Brother’. Forget it… I’ll leave now and treat everything as just a dream.”
The man’s gaze revealed his sorrow and affection.
Su Lengxian met the man’s deep gaze and was stunned, “You—you like me?”
“I’ve always admired you. When you were feeling down yesterday, I prepared
a drink for you, and then joined you while you drank. When you got drunk, I
sent you to this room, but you refused to let go of me… You kept calling me
‘Elder Brother’ and said that… that… you also adored me… In that kind of
situation, how could I bear to push you away? Afterward, you…” As he
recounted the events of last night, he showed her all the ‘evidence’ on his
‘Elder Brother’—These two words were like explosives that forced Su
Lengxian awake. Yes, she had been very upset yesterday and had wanted
her elder brother to avenge her. However, seeing him being intimate with
Meng Xinyan, she couldn’t take it and went to a bar. In the end…
Thinking of her elder brother, Su Lengxian was terribly heartbroken. She
looked at the handsome man and wanted to speak. However, before she
could open her mouth, a loud ‘bang’ sounded, and the door was pried open
from the outside.
“Move away…” Click…
“Hurry, quick, take a photo…”
“Make sure not to miss this…”
“You’re blocking me, move away quickly…”
From the instant the door opened, cameras, video recorders, and even
phones started taking photos incessantly. The entire room was apparently
being captured from every single angle.
Su Lengxian was still stupefied, and the continuous flashing blinded her eyes.
Hugging the covers, she wanted to hide, but the man tenderly wrapped her in
his arms. “Don’t be afraid, I’m here.”
Seeing them hugging further confirmed the reporters’ suspicions. Some of
them rushed forward to interrogate her, “Miss Su, as the daughter of the Su
family, why are you sleeping in the Luxury Emperor? Who is this man? Could
Miss Su explain this?”
“Miss Su, I heard that the Su family has yet to arrange for your marriage. All
along, you never had a boyfriend. Is this man in front of us your secret lover?”
“Miss Su, could it be that you also have some secrets that can’t be divulged?”
Most of the reporters were aggressive, and this time, Su Lengxian couldn’t
give a convincing explanations. Her head throbbed even more, and ultimately,
she was pushed to her limits. Turning back, she reached for the pillow beside
her and threw it vigorously. She berated the crowd, “Get lost. Who allowed
you people to enter? On what basis are you interrogating me? I am the
daughter of the Su family and my elder brother won’t let you get away with
this…! Get lost…! Get lost…! Get lost..!.” Su Lengxian’s head pounded. She
was shouting, her body shuddering with anger.
The video recorders had taped every moment. When she had thrown the
pillow forcefully earlier, the covers slipped off from her shoulders and revealed
a smooth patch of skin, almost making an indecent exposure. The reporters
seized the opportunity and snapped away. This was mind-blowing news, and
if they were to broadcast this, they would strike a fortune. Their rewards this
month could be equivalent to a years’ income. Thus, the more Su Lengxian
threw a tantrum, the more elated the reporters felt.
At the conference hall, only selected reporters from two companies were
permitted entry. Yun Bixue also carried a reporter’s tag and walked in. She
looked around the entire conference hall, and there were thousands of
cameras, all to ensure that the whole inauguration ceremony could be
broadcasted live to the citizens of Ning An City.
Security guards patrolled to and fro on the first to third floors of the conference
halls. The entire viewing deck was filled with Ning An City’s officials of all
ranks. Everyone sat upright and still, with their name tags hanging at the front.
Some were having quiet discussions while others watched the stage.
Yun Bixue explored the conference hall but didn’t see any signs of Xie Limo.
She then pressed on the hidden communication device on her ear and tapped
a tiny switch on it. Speaking to Yang Mei, she asked, “Is everything ready?”
“Miss, everything is in order. All the computer systems and live television
broadcasting stations will be controlled by us throughout the session. Should
any incidents arise, we will cut off the transmission.”
Following that, Yun Bixue spoke to her family’s men of sacrifice on the phone.
“Zhou Wu, get Yang Wen and Yang Qiu to keep a close eye on the
conference hall. They must ensure Xie Limo’s safety. You are responsible for
the electrical system. If any incidents arise, destroy all the electrical sources
and shut down all the lights.” She was concerned that even with the tightest
security, there would still be someone who would find a way to shoot him. If
the lights were switched off in an emergency, the assassinator wouldn’t be
able to aim properly. This could be considered a solution.
She continued to give more instructions and finally sat in the reporter’s seat.
Although it was Xie Limo’s inauguration speech, Yun Bixue started feeling
tense herself, as if she’d joined a war and was about to fight a battle. She
involuntarily sniggered and shook her head.
She took a look at the time on the clock. It was ten minutes past eight. The
conference would start in just twenty minutes.
Time passed slowly, and there was still three minutes until half past eight. Xie
Limo had donned a white suit, and he walked up to the podium. From the
moment he made his entrance, all the lights shone on him.
Cries of astonishment could be heard amidst the crowd, and the venue then
became absolutely silent, as though they were gravely afraid to disturb the
elegant and exquisite Young Master Xie.
His white suit further accentuated his alluring smooth skin, and his aura was
enchanting. He moved gracefully as though he was treading on fresh flowers.
A sense of mystery flowed along with his serenity. He was already
magnificent, but at this moment, his coldness was further accompanied by
insurmountable beauty. The white suit made it seem like he possessed the
whole world’s grandeur and collected its radiance. Everything appeared dull
compared to him.
Chapter 80: Gunshot
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Although Yun Bixue met Xie Limo almost every day, she couldn’t help but be
amazed by him. Especially when he glanced over with his gentle gaze—her
heart started pounding.
The moment he noticed Yun Bixue, the initially aloof Xie Limo curled up his
pale pink lips, forming a slight arch. It seemed to decorate his entire being
with colorful warmth. He looked as soft as a flower in the snow, as it slowly
The host of the conference was also distracted by him, and after snapping out
of it, he immediately announced into the microphone, “Let us welcome the
leader of Ning An City for the current term—Xie Limo, Mr. Xie.”
With that sentence, the crowd regained their composure, and the venue
erupted into thunderous applause.
The speech began sharply at half past eight. Xie Limo stood right in the
middle of the stage, facing the microphone on the table. He flashed a leisurely
smile and looked magnificent. “People of Ning An City, greetings. I am Xie
Limo, and I am honored to be standing here and giving my speech…”
“I promise, that the economy of Ning An City will triple over the next four
years, that using advanced technology in the agriculture industry will bring
“I promise, that regardless of your status as part of the royal family or a
common civilian, you will receive just and equal treatment In Ning An City…”
“The news reflects the civilians and it brings together the reality of the
“Will comprehensively undertake all of Ning An City’s civilians’ practical
“I promise that Ning An City will stay ahead of other cities in the entire Country
A in future…”
The speech this time around was groundbreaking and one of a kind compared
to the previous successions in Ning An City. The crowd was instantly
astounded as passion welled up in their hearts, making the citizens fervent.
Moreover, no one had dared to commit to a threefold increase in economic
growth; this was difficult to accomplish at Ning An City. Furthermore, none of
the previous leaders had promised just treatment for both the royal families
and common civilians. Additionally, undertaking the civilians’ practical matters
was simply brilliant.
The word ‘promise’ couldn’t be spoken by just anyone, and not just anyone
dared to use it. By adopting that particular word in his speech, Xie Limo had
already captured the hearts of the people through the live broadcasting.
His crisp voice sounded firm as it resounded throughout the hub of the
conference hall. It also appeared to have been etched into the crowd’s hearts
as their enthusiasm seemed unending.
Yun Bixue watched and listened from below with enthusiasm. She was the
first to applaud because she felt so proud of him. This was her husband. He
was outstanding and even doted on her excessively. He was her saving
More people joined the applause, and the crowd started cheering and
clapping in unison. Regardless of how many were satisfied and how many
were not—at least for this moment—deep down in their hearts, they had been
Every one appointed as a leader would wish for the economy of Ning An City
to flourish, regardless of whether they had any ulterior motives.
Many in the hall offered a standing ovation. At that time, they were full of
expectations for how Ning An City would turn out with Xie Limo leading them.
After completing his speech, Xie Limo looked below at the emotional Yun
Bixue. His gaze turned warm, and his eyes were filled with gentleness. At
such a crucial moment, it was his wife who’d accompanied him and clapped
for him. Was there anything else that could make him so heartened and
“Thank you, everyone!” With these three words, Xie Limo took a bow and
proceeded to exit the stage. Suddenly, the reporter seated beside Yun Bixue
stood up and yelled, “Young Master Xie, your speech has been pleasing to
the ears, but how do you explain the information that I have in my hands? You
abused your authority to remove the dean from his position! It seems like
Young Master Xie will also go also out just for a woman…! Also this, Young
Master Xie hired someone to destroy all the cameras of the reporters…!
Young Master Xie—”
The abrupt voice interrupted the applause. Yun Bixue responded first, and she
lunged forward, flinging him over her shoulder and slamming him hard on the
ground. In her fury, she’d applied her entire force.
Bang! “Ah…!” With that, the reporter who’d just been speaking lost
consciousness. He was in great pain.
Just as the reporter shouted out his first accusation, the signals had already
been tactically cut off by Yang Mei. The live broadcasting channel was now
simply airing a blank screen.
Everyone had believed that the reception was poor. The conference was at its
climax, and the transmission simply stopped. The people almost destroyed
their televisions in their exasperation.
Yun Bixue picked up the microphone and said, “Mr. Xie’s speech was
refreshing even to the ears of the reporters. I believe everyone is full of
anticipation for the future of Ning An City. Best wishes to Mr. Xie.”
Throughout her commentary, she made no mention of the reporter that had
just passed out. Yun Bixue also stood right on that person’s hand, her high
heels digging into him mercilessly. She pressed down even harder after she
The other reporters who had come with Reporter Wang shivered in unison,
and they quietly inched away from Yun Bixue. Although they were also
unclear about what happened, they suspected that Reporter Wang could have
been bribed by someone else. Reporter Wang had failed to consider the
circumstances when he chose to attack Young Master Xie during a live
Right after Yun Bixue concluded perfectly, the sound of a gun going off rang
through the walls of the venue. Xie Limo dodged to the side, and the bullet hit
the wall, going through it.
“Ahh…!” As the lights of the conference hall switched off, the venue was
thrown into a state of chaos. The crowd dashed out in a hurry, their footsteps
moving non-stop.
Yun Bixue had planned for such a mess so that in this disorder, the
assassinator would naturally be unable to take a proper aim. Based on her
judgment, she ran onto the stage. She wanted to protect Xie Limo.
However, after taking just a few uneasy steps, she fell into a mysterious and
warm embrace, and a clear voice rang out beside her ear. “Silly, I’m fine.” The
tone sounded tender and affectionate.
Since the electricity and transmission signals had been disrupted, the
outsiders knew nothing about what happened inside the venue. Finally, the
chaos was contained by the special forces and security guards. They caught
one assassin, but the rest escaped.
Although the duration of the speech had been short, it had left a deep
impression in everyone’s hearts. It could be considered to have ended fairly
However, Yun Bixue was enraged. She didn’t even want to think about what
she would do if the bullet had really landed on Xie Limo’s body. After much
adversity, she finally had a loving home and had found someone who
cherished and protected her. She must defend her own happiness and protect
Xie Limo.
After the news channel aired a blank screen, everyone could only switch to
another channel. A breaking piece of news caught everybody’s attention—
”Miss Su and her secret lover slept together at Luxury Emperor… Although
Miss Su has denied it, all the evidence points towards one truth… Miss Su
also failed to identify her lover’s status and name. Our early suspicion is that it
was Miss Su’s one night stand…” The news of Su Lengxian appearing at
Luxury Emperor was instantly known by everyone. They all knew that the Su
family was one of the royal families of Ning An City. The Su Family
Organization ran many large consortiums, and in particular, Young Master Su
was the dream man of every spinster. He was magnificent and elegant,
upright and exquisite, and there had been recent rumors of his engagement
with the top socialite—Meng Xinyan.
The Su family had always been a noble family and never generated any
detrimental news. The issue caused by Miss Su seemed to be an
unintentional slap to the faces of the entire Su family.
Chapter 81: Breaking News on Miss Su
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
When the news regarding Su Lengxian broke out, the conference hall was
engulfed in darkness and Yun Bixue was in Xie Limo’s embrace.
Xie Limo held onto Yun Bixue and leaned down to escort her away from the
central area. Maneuvering in the dark, they reached a hidden spot backstage.
The sounds of gunshots echoed non-stop.
Yun Bixue’s face turned pale—it was her first time ever hearing the real sound
of a gunshot.
Xie Limo felt that there was something amiss with Yun Bixue, and he sighed
softly. Planting a kiss on her hair, he murmured, “Don’t be afraid, I’m right
here. We won’t be exposed in this place, so take it easy. I’m right here.”
For reasons unknown, as Yun Bixue listened to Xie Limo, her heart felt more
composed. It was as if Xie Limo’s presence was as effective as a tranquilizer.
Yun Bixue hugged Xie Limo’s waist and nodded. “Yes, I’m not worried, and
I’m not scared—as long as you’re safe.” He was right beside her, physically
unhurt, and she no longer had to feel fearful. With the transmission sources
cut off, she couldn’t contact Yang Mei and the three men of sacrifice.
Hearing Yun Bixue’s words, Xie Limo felt a wave of emotions surge through
him, causing ripples in his heart. As these feelings flowed through, his heart
melted. This dainty lady had shown such brutality while wearing a calm
demeanor, and now she was lying affectionately in his arms. It was hard for
him not to love her tenderly and dearly.
He didn’t know when, but he felt that she had already found her place in his
After about half an hour, the situation had been contained, and the electricity
and signals were restored. Thankfully, there were no deaths, and only about
ten officials had injuries, who were sent to the hospital immediately.
Xie Limo stayed to restore order and Yun Bixue lingered beside him to assist.
Their coordination was unrivaled.
By the time all matters had been resolved, it was already past one in the
afternoon. Exhausted, Yun Bixue spoke to Zhou Wu over the phone, “Have
you found any leads?”
“Even the special forces couldn’t find anything unusual on site. However, we
did find some tiny traces from where the gun had been shot. There was a
strand of long hair and another strand of short hair, and also some blood
“Great, that should be sufficient. You must get to the bottom of this. I want to
know who’s sick enough of living that they would dare to harm Limo!” A
ghastly and murderous look flashed through Yun Bixue’s eyes. Anyone who
tried to assassinate Xie Limo would instantly become her foe.
She needed to protect her own happiness. If she managed to identify the
assassin this time, she would be the first to exact punishment. Regardless of
who they were, she would kill them to serve as a warning to those prepared to
create trouble.
“Also, pay close attention to the movements of the Jia, Shen, Du, and Chen
family… If there are any suspicious activities, report to me.” That day, these
people had planned to cause harm to Xie Limo. It was hard to say that they
hadn’t been involved in today’s incident.
When Xie Limo was done, he looked over at the upset Yun Bixue and walked
over, his heart feeling tender. “You must be hungry. Since the matters here
have been resolved, I’ll bring you home to eat.”
“Will it be dangerous outside?”
“Don’t worry. The special forces have controlled the scene outside, and my
car is also a specially-made, bullet-proof vehicle. There are also hidden
guards and other guards shadowing us, so nothing will happen. In the
meantime, the public security of Ning An City will be tightened.”
Yun Bixue nodded and finally left with Xie Limo. The surrounding people had
been occupied with treating the injured and restoring the venue. None of them
noticed that Xie Limo held Yun Bixue’s hand as they left.
Even if anyone caught on, they also knew about their relationship. After all,
Young Master Xie had personally confessed their close ties some time back.
As such, no one paid any excessive attention to them.
Because of today’s crisis, Xie Limo and Yun Bixue tightly held each other’s
hands. They especially cherished their home today, and both wanted to
protect everything that they shared.
When Su Lengxian’s news broke out, countless people were discussing about
it. Even the families of common civilians grew familiar with the Su family.
“Oh my, it was actually the Miss from the Su family. This… This can’t be fake,
“Look carefully, was this faked?”
“Look at the quality, it’s so clear. It’s definitely real. Tsk, really! Miss Su
appears elegant on the outside, but deep down, she’s truly cheap. Look at her
body, there are still marks. Tsk, tsk…”
“Exactly, she really is shameless. For the Su family to produce such a lady,
hmph! This is such an eye-opener.”
“She’s rich, so she can have fun. Of course, she can afford to have one-night
stands. Look at these photos—look at her figure. She could be a model!”
“Tsk, getting all starry-eyed again. Why would she fall for you? She’s still Miss
Su from the Su family.”
“I still thought of her as my dream lover, but she turned out to be such trash!”
After the news of Su Lengxian broke out, it was considered a sizzling-hot
scandal across Ning An City. Everyone agreed that Su Lengxian had truly
been unlucky. Her story had been aired right when everyone was waiting in
front of the television to watch the news. Therefore, almost everyone in the
city across all ages had learned about it.
The number of visits to any website related to the Su family raised by ten-fold.
Even the ratings for news channels rose steadily, and the newspapers kept
being reprinted.
“Quick! If this explosive progress continues, we’ll be able to hit our work quota
before the end of the quarter!” The director of the newspaper bureau reviewed
the sales figures and exclaimed excitedly. To them, they were not bothered by
whether or not the Su family had been involved. Only earth-shattering news
stories were meaningful to them.
With Young Master Xie taking over the leadership of Ning An City, news
concerning the issues of the common civilians have been reported which
focused on the truth. The influential families now no longer dared to suppress
these news agencies. Because of this, they were all supportive of Young
Master Xie.
The negative news further contrasted against Young Master Xie’s positive
energy. Although Young Master Xie’s speech was not broadcasted fully and
had met with some hiccups, it was conclusively explained that the signals had
been disrupted that day. This explanation had been widely accepted by all.
Because of this piece of news, the Su family was thrown into a state of chaos,
and everyone was in terrible shape.
Su Lengxian’s mother had fainted from her fury, and her father was irascible,
refusing to acknowledge her as his daughter and evicted her from home.
A slight hint of worry graced Su Lenghan’s exquisite brows. He hadn’t rested
these past few days as he busied himself with suppressing Su Lengxian’s
news. Ever since the incident, Su Lengxian was nowhere to be found.
The Su Family Organization’s stocks fell continuously, and its impact on the
entire organization was severe. Almost all the responsibilities fell on Su
Lenghan. He had to stabilize the situation with the organization and also
grapple with the consequences of his sister’s news.
“Young Master Su, you should go back and rest!” Zhao Wei looked at Young
Master Su who had been toiling away recently and couldn’t help pleading.
“I’m fine. Since you’re off work now, you should go back first.” Su Lenghan
spoke without raising his head, his attention on the assortment of documents
and reports on his desk.
Zhao Wei felt nostalgic for the past; if Miss Yun were still by Young Master
Su’s side, she wouldn’t let him fight alone. It had already been several days,
but the Meng family had yet to lend a helping hand to the Su family.
As an outsider, he could clearly tell those who were good and who truly felt
bad for Young Master Su. However, could Young Master Su himself tell the
After some hesitation, Zhao Wei left Su Lenghan’s office. Shortly after, he
ordered some takeaway and placed it on Su Lenghan’s desk. “Young Master
Su, it’s been a day since you last ate. Your stomach won’t be able to take it.
You should at least eat a little!”
Chapter 82: The Contrast Between Yun and Meng
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Su Lenghan continued working on the matters at hand and replied without
even lifting his head, “Okay, leave it there!” He was so overwhelmed with work
that he barely had time to look up.
Zhao Wei watched Young Master Su busying away and felt his heart ache for
him. He tried to persuade him again, “Young Master Su, your body belongs to
you. Work may be important, but you should take good care of yourself.”
Looking back on everything between Young Master Su, Miss Yun, and Miss
Meng, he then understood. It wasn’t easy for a man to meet someone who
cared for him and cherished him.
Back in the days when Miss Yun was around, she would never let him starve
nor eat a box of cold takeaway food. She would either prepare a warm meal
personally or take Young Master Su out to a restaurant.
Reminiscing on those moments, he’d felt a sense of warmth radiating in the
entire office. He even felt envious at one point, wanting to also fall in love.
Thinking of this, Zhao Wei sighed softly and shook his head.
Su Lenghan coincidentally raised his head and saw the odd look on Zhao
Wei’s face. He asked plainly, “Why? Are you bothered by something?”
Zhao Wei shook his head and replied, “I was reminded of Miss Yun. She used
to cook for Young Master Su.” Right after speaking, Zhao Wei knew that he
had made a mistake and stopped.
“Sorry, Young Master Su. I misspoke.”
Su Lenghan’s exquisite brows knitted, and he leaned his head back on his
chair. His eyes closed sleepily, and his slender fingers gently rubbed between
his brows to soothe away the soreness. Although he was tired and cold, he
still emanated elegance and grandeur effortlessly. It was as if he had an inner
radiance, making one unable to look away.
“Lenghan, I made your favorite braised ribs just for you. The flavor might be
lacking, but it still tastes like home.”
“Lenghan, your stomach is weak. Let’s go, it’s too late now. Come have a
warm meal with me.”
“Lenghan, you work too hard and too passionately. You shouldn’t be sad over
these matters. Even if the whole world abandons you, you still have me! I’ll
stay with you. There’s a saying that goes ‘If you do not abandon me, I will
always be at your side until the end of our lives…'”
“Lenghan, you didn’t pick up my calls all day. I’m a little upset, but I know that
you’re busy at work, so I understand… Take good care of yourself…”
Shutting his eyes, he felt like the whole office was full of her presence—as if
she had left a part of her behind. The feelings in his heart were unfamiliar, and
he felt something constantly tugging at his heart. He just couldn’t put his finger
on what it was.
Opening his eyes, he looked around the empty and cold office. Su Lenghan
sighed quietly and said, “Do not mention her again in future. The past is the
past.” Since he had already decided on Meng Xinyan, he would be faithful to
Thinking about Meng Xinyan, he was reminded of the Meng family. During this
period, he had been swamped with working on the company’s situation and
the Su family’s matters, so he’d forgotten to contact Xinyan. She must be
Picking up the phone beside him, he started dialing. “Du, du… Sorry, the
number you have dialed is unavailable… Du, du… Sorry, the number you
have dialed is unavailable…” The message then repeated itself three more
Furrowing his brows, Su Lenghan raised his wrist to check the time. A strange
look flashed through his elegant and alluring eyes.
Zhao Wei raised his head and looked at him. “Young Master Su, are you
calling Miss Meng?”
Su Lenghan nodded.
Zhao Wei’s expression darkened, and he hesitated, unsure if he should reveal
Zhao Wei had been by his side for many years, so Su Lenghan could easily
read his mind. He asked bluntly, “You can just say what’s going through your
head. There’s no one else here.”
“Young Master Su, I just can’t put up with it. In the past, whenever you faced
any adversities, Miss Yun would be with you, caring for you and cheering you
up. On the other hand, the Meng family has gone overboard this time.
Something happened to Miss Su, but throughout this period, the Meng family
has never offered their aid. Miss Meng used to visit you everyday but ever
since the incident, the Meng family has yet to show up. I don’t think they’ve
even called to offer a word of consolation… Watching you eat takeaway meals
all the time, I…” By principle, he shouldn’t interfere, but over this long period,
he felt indignant on Young Master Su’s behalf.
Su Lenghan listened to Zhao Wei’s words, and his face turned contemplative
as waves of emotions welled up in his heart. He rose and walked towards the
window. Looking at the night scenery outside, his heart suddenly felt fatigued.
“Zhao Wei, do you think I made a mistake?”
Zhao Wei shook his head. “I would never question any of Young Master Su’s
decisions. Young Master Su might be right, but a romantic couple will be
together for a lifetime. They should support each other, care for each other,
and not blindly demand things from each other. If there is no warmth and
concern, but only selfish self-preservation, could it still be called a home?” In
the end, he was not Young Master Su; he could only verbalize the thoughts in
his head.
Su Lenghan stuck his right hand into his pocket, looking elegant and relaxed.
He turned back and laughed leisurely. “Zhao Wei, you could be a professional
relationship coach. Okay, I hear you loud and clear. Go back first and rest.”
After Zhao Wei left, Su Lenghan remained by the window as he gazed at the
night view. He looked lost in his thoughts, and his back view appeared lonely.
In Su Lenghan’s head, he couldn’t shake off the small traces of Yun Bixue, or
the comparison to Meng Xinyan.
Somewhere In a Condominium
Su Lengxian hid in the house and tossed everything around aggressively. She
flung the books in the study room and threw the cushions to the floor before
stomping on them. It was as if this was the only way she could relieve the
indignation she felt inside.
“Creak…” The door opened, and a handsome man entered. It was Zhou
Yang, the man who was in the same bed as Su Lengxian that day.
“It’s been a while. Are you still angry?” Zhou Yang cheerfully carried over a
bag of food to Su Lengxian, his lips curling in a smile.
Su Lengxian grabbed the bag and picked up the dim sum inside. Ripping
open the packaging, she ate them right away. She had raged for the entire
day and had long been tired.
Zhou Yang walked over and tidied up the cluttered house. “You don’t plan on
returning to the Su family home?”
“What, return home? Hmph, didn’t you see the news? They refuse to
acknowledge me as their daughter.” As she spoke, her words revealed the
resentment in her heart.
“I heard that your older brother has been looking for you,” Zhou Yang said. He
could still remember how she called out for her elder brother back then. A glint
of light flashed across his eyes, hidden from Su Lengxian’s sight.
“Elder Brother!” Su Lengxian mumbled. That’s right, her elder brother would
never neglect her. She would search for her brother, and he would definitely
help her. He’d kill those reporters for their irresponsible slander. She was now
a laughing stock—everyone must be mocking her! She didn’t dare to leave the
“Oh right, why were you so heartbroken? Your older brother is engaged to
Meng Xinyan, but when the reporters tried to interrogate the Meng family,
none of them came forward. They denied knowing any daughters from the Su
family and only acknowledged the son of the Su family…”
Su Lengxian threw the bag of dim sum harshly on the ground. “Hmph, who
does Meng Xinyan think she is? She was the one urging me to harass Yun
Bixue in the first place! Yun Bixue only got lucky back at the Luxury Emperor.”
Having spent the past few days with Zhou Yang, she could put some of her
trust in him.
Chapter 83: The Meng Family’s Plans
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
As Zhou Yang listened to Su Lengxian’s angry words, his lips curled up into a
smile. Turning to her, he said, “Even if you despise her, don’t forget that your
elder brother likes her. Even if the Meng family is in the wrong, your brother
deserted the Yun family in the first place and chose the Meng family.”
Su Lengxian’s face grew increasingly contorted and she spat out, “Who said
my elder brother doesn’t listen to me? If it wasn’t for me, my elder brother
wouldn’t have treated Yun Bixue with such aloofness in the first place! Hmph,
whoever I approve of, my elder brother naturally will too. My elder brother still
listens to me!” By the end of her speech, Su Lengxian’s voice had risen in
The good-natured Zhou Yang went forward and hugged Su Lengxian and
spoke in a gentle tone, “Yes, my lady. Your elder brother listens to you very
well. If you think highly of the Meng family, your brother will marry the
daughter of the Meng family. If you disapprove of the Meng family, your
brother will not marry her. Is that fine?”
Su Lengxian sniffed, “That’s more like it.”
“The Su family has been the center of social attention recently. I heard that
your elder brother has lost weight because of you. Are you really not going
back to take a look?”
Su Lengxian felt worried and glanced towards Zhou Yang. Squinting her eyes,
she said, “Has my elder brother really lost weight?”
Zhou Yang nodded sincerely. “That’s right. Your parents threatened to sever
ties with you, and your brother has been balancing the Su Family
Organization’s matters on one end and searching for you on the other end.
The Meng family has turned a blind eye and put in no effort to help. I thought
that Miss Meng was rather fond of your brother, but after so long, there hasn’t
been any news of her visiting your brother or helping out the Su family. Sigh,
the true worth of an individual is indeed known in the face of adversity!”
Zhou Yang seemingly casual comments carried a deeper meaning, and Su
Lengxian took them to heart as she listened. This time, she finally had another
reason to vent her anger to the media.
She channeled all the anger welling up within her onto the Meng family.
Suddenly, her head shot up sinisterly. “Zhou Yang, this is all because of you.
If it weren’t for you, none of this would have happened in the first place.” As
she spoke, she shoved the person in front of her.
Zhou Yang shrugged his shoulders innocently. “My lady, your words are
unfair. You were the one who got blackout drunk, pulled me and then did that
to me… That…”
Seeing how Zhou Yang looked all wronged, Su Lengxian yelled, “Stop talking,
I don’t want to hear it!”
The Meng Family Home
As the night wore on, Chen Pei watched her daughter sitting quietly and
walked over to her. “Xinyan, your father is trying to do what’s right for our
Meng family. You have to understand him.”
Meng Xinyan clutched the phone in her hands and was rather distracted.
“Mom, I know about Father’s concerns, but this is just about Miss Su and isn’t
related to Lenghan at all. I heard that he’s exhausted and suffering. He’s
single-handedly supporting the Su family—that’s not an easy feat!”
Chen Pei’s eyes lit up, and she sat by her daughter to persuade her. “Xinyan,
you’re too kind-hearted. The Su family wanted to be associated with our Meng
family through marriage, and that was always a questionable decision. The Su
family is at best an affluent family, but our Meng family is an aristocratic
household. You may find Young Master Su decent, but if he hadn’t pulled any
tricks, could he have securely taken his position as the organization’s
“But Mom, I truly think that he’s wonderful. He’s been trying to call me these
past few days, but I didn’t answer. My heart…” She felt uneasy deep in her
“Xinyan, when it comes to men, you cannot afford to spoil them. You must
stay like this and play hard to get. If he knows that you’re easily attainable, he
will only cherish you less. Has he become less thoughtful and kind?” Chen Pei
stared into her daughter’s eyes, attempting to convince her.
Meng Xinyan thought about it. It was indeed true; when he first courted her,
he had been especially attentive. However, she was the one who always
visited him in the end.
“Mom, I get what you mean.”
“Yes, my daughter is smart. You have to let Su Lenghan know where you
stand. If he truly wishes to join the Meng family through this marriage, he
needs to demonstrate his sincerity. He shouldn’t assume that my daughter is
so readily available and that he’ll gain some standing after the marriage.” In
reality, after Chen Pei had a discussion with Meng Xinyan’s father, they were
already not feeling favorable towards the Su family. Since they had already
established connections with Tian Jing City, they naturally wanted their
daughter to be supported by a family from that city.
Noticing how her daughter seemed to have let down her guard, Chen Pei
continued to fire away. “Xinyan, think about it. Initially, Miss Yun was also nice
to Su Lenghan and was exceptionally devoted. However, he still chose you in
the end. Men, they’re all the same deep down inside. The more challenging it
is to conquer, the more they want to have it. Don’t forget, when the Yun family
was ruined, he abandoned them and came to our family instead. You should
know that he approached you because of our family. After what happened
with the Su family, he’s more likely to try currying favor with our family…”
Chen Pei spoke ‘earnestly’ and felt satisfied with her daughter’s responses. In
recent times, the Meng family had neither made an appearance nor offered a
statement, and the media had failed to single out any of the Meng family’s
weaknesses. The stocks of those businesses under the Meng family remained
stable and unaffected.
For the Su family to have raised such an ignorant daughter, how simple could
they be? From the bottom of her heart, Chen Pei looked down on the Su
family and was interested solely in Tian Jing City. It was, however, too late for
her to regret her actions.
Finally, after her mother’s persuasion, Meng Xinyan nodded. “Mom, I will
listen to you and watch Lenghan’s actions.” Some time before this, he had
been treating her rather coldly and was seemingly still attentive towards Yun
Bixue. She felt especially anxious about that.
Just as she made her way to the bathroom, Meng Xintong walked past the
second floor and heard their conversation. The corner of her lips arched up
mockingly. Chen Pei was indeed a snob; it was so obvious that she despised
the Su family. Back then, Chen Pei desired the Meng family’s riches and thus
seduced Meng Xintong’s father intentionally, hurting her mother as a result.
She had always buried her hatred towards Chen Pei deep in her heart—she
definitely wouldn’t let her off so easily.
A glint of coldness flashed across Meng Xintong’s eyes, and she left without a
sound. No one knew that she had overheard their conversation that day.
On the same day, Su Lenghan was in his office as usual when his phone
suddenly rang. “Hello?”
“Is this Young Master Su?”
It was an unfamiliar voice, and he couldn’t identify the caller’s gender. It
sounded as though the voice had been altered. Su Lenghan frowned and
asked, “Who are you?”
“You do not need to care about who I am. I’m here to inform you of a certain
piece of news. The Meng family intends to desert the Su family and start anew
by connecting with Tian Jing City. Young Master Su must grab tightly to this
family of high standing and be well prepared!”
Su Lenghan was taken aback. “Who are you? Why are you telling me this?”
“You do not need to care about who I am. I am helping you by informing you.”
Su Lenghan couldn’t calm down his racing heart for a long time. He felt
extremely drained, yet couldn’t fall asleep. After lighting up the cigarette in his
hand, the smoke lingered around in his office, seemingly clearing up his mind.
In the past, he never touched alcohol and cigarettes. However, in this trying
period, he had been using them to bolster his spirits.
The Meng family! Su Lenghan suddenly thought of Yun Bixue. Back then, he
had dumped her and gone for the Meng family, deserting the Yun family in the
process. Had she also experienced the same feelings that he felt now?
It was only then Su Lenghan realized that he hadn’t seen her in a long time.
His heart began to feel increasingly lonely and empty. He looked at his
spacious office but only felt even more hollow.
Chapter 84: The Investigated Information
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
After the day of the speech, Yun Bixue was seething with anger and her
complexion was pale for the next few days. In the end, Yun Bixue only
brightened up after Yang Mei placed the information on the investigation on
the table.
After reviewing the information, Yun Bixue tightly clenched her fists and her
lips curled up into a faint yet bloodthirsty curve. For daring to hurt Xie Limo,
just wait for her revenge.
At night, Yun Bixue returned home early. Xie Limo wasn’t back yet and so she
personally whipped up a meal.
“Young Madam, we can do that for you,” Xie Shiyi said respectfully after
watching Yun Bixue bustling around in the kitchen.
Yun Bixue shook her head. “Xie Shiyi, you don’t need to be so worried. I can
do it. You may leave.”
“Yes.” Recently, Xie Shiyi had been obeying all of the Young Madam’s
commands. After the car accident, she had been deported to the overseas
headquarters. If it hadn’t been for Young Madam, the Xie family would have
already forsaken her. To a loyal household servant, this was more
excruciating than death.
Thus, she once again returned to Young Madam and was especially glad.
Furthermore, before her return, Young Master Xie had given the order that her
future master would be Young Madam. She had to place her safety as top
priority and dedicate her loyalty to her.
Yun Bixue hummed while cooking. To her, this was her home, and cooking for
Limo was a form of enjoyment. Furthermore, he had been swamped with work
recently and came home drained every day. He hadn’t been eating properly
and her heart ached for him.
Yun Bixue became lost in her thoughts. Yes, her heart ached. Unknowingly,
she had placed him on a pedestal. She used to crave for a home and now that
she possessed one, she treasured it immensely.
When Xie Limo returned, he smelled the aroma of food just as he was
removing his clothes. As he walked into the kitchen, he saw a silhouette
scrambling around inside. A look of profound warmth spread across his face
and his eyes glittered. A faint loving smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
Yun Bixue felt a presence behind her and glanced back, her brows arching up
as she smiled. “You’re back! Go and rest first. There’s only the congee left to
be cooked. It’ll take a while to be done.”
A gleam of light flashed across Xie Limo’s alluring and charming eyes before
he stepped forward to hug Yun Bixue by the waist. Lowering his head, he
gently kissed her lips and caressed her lightly, generating a rush of electricity
that made her tremble.
Yun Bixue almost lost her balance. Gently pushing Xie Limo aside, she
lowered her head—her earlobes were red. “My body smells like grease. Go
change first and then come down.” Every piece of clothing on Xie Limo was
expensive. The Xie family hired a personal tailoring team and every piece,
regardless of workmanship or material, was top-notch. They were also
commercially unavailable and did not have a brand label attached. However,
she understood that the cost was hefty.
Xie Limo admired the shy and flushed expression that Yun Bixue displayed
because of him. Showing a gentle and affectionate smile, he said, “Okay.” He
then stroked her hair and finally left the kitchen. Returning to his bedroom, he
changed out of his shirt into a comfortable set of clothes and walked down
Yun Bixue set the congee on the table properly. Seeing Xie Limo wearing
comfortable home clothes, she couldn’t help feeling affected. Her husband’s
body naturally had the proportions of a mannequin and he looked stunning in
everything. The color white especially accentuated his magnificent and
elegant aura.
Ever since she saw him wearing white that day, she would intentionally buy
clothes in the same color. Back then she had yet to learn that her husband’s
clothes were all specially tailor-made.
However, she still enjoyed watching him. Whenever Xie Limo put on the
clothes she bought for him, the seemingly ordinary outfit would look stunning.
Xie Limo lowered his head and observed the shining look in Yun Bixue’s eyes.
His heart softened as a tinge of elation bubbled up. He was glad that he could
attract his wife’s attention with his appearance.
“It’s all done. Come and eat!” Yun Bixue happily passed the chopsticks to Xie
Limo and then sat down for the meal.
Xie Limo received the chopsticks but placed it to the side. He then
concentrated on picking up the fried prawns and removing the shells. After
placing them in a bowl, he passed them over to Yun Bixue. “Eat, but don’t eat
too much.” He had only just discovered that his wife liked prawns but did not
like to deshell them.
Yun Bixue picked up the deshelled prawns without holding back and ate them.
Because she felt highly satisfied, her whole mouth was now dirty.
Xie Limo wiped off the grease around her lips. “Eating just like a child.”
Although he said those words, his tone was filled with deep indulgence.
This reminded Yun Bixue of when she was young, when her parents were still
around. She had enjoyed the warmth of having a family and her parents’ love
back then. She recalled how they used to spoil her in a similar way, but it had
already been many years since she had been able to experience this feeling
Thus, she felt afraid—afraid that she would lose him, especially on the day of
the inauguration speech. When the sound of the gunshot rang, she could feel
her heart almost stopping. Luckily, she could see him beside her in great
health now.
So from now on, she knew she had to grow stronger.
After eating, she cleaned the utensils and the two of them entered the study
room. Yun Bixue passed the investigated information to Xie Limo. “I had this
investigated recently. The Jia family must be truly desperate this time to dare
treat you that way.”
Xie Limo caressed Yun Bixue’s hair in a pampering manner and said, “The Jia
family wouldn’t have dared to execute this if they were acting alone.”
Yun Bixue frowned and asked, “Did the Shen family instigate them?”
“It might not be the Shen family’s instigation. It could also be because the Jia
family became the center of social attention for the mining accident. To
remove all suspicion from them, the Shen family orchestrated all of this to
point the accident to me…”
“So the Jia family believed that as long as they killed you and found a local
resident to become the leader, they could then control the media and no one
could act against them again? What a well-thought-out plan!”
Xie Limo’s slender fingers lightly tapped on the surface of the table; his eyes
surged with darkness. “These rotten apples should have been dealt with a
long time ago. Rest assured, my dear, I will handle this myself. You only need
to relax and be a good wife.” As he spoke, he gently pulled Yun Bixue into his
He had actually checked on the matter a while back but didn’t want to worry
her and so he skimmed over the details. However, he didn’t expect that her
reason for bustling around these past few days was to investigate on this
He didn’t know how to not pamper her when she acted like this.
And with his agility, the bullet still wouldn’t be able to hit him even if it came
from outside. The speed of the bullet was still slower than his dexterity. In
addition, he’d also put on a bulletproof vest.
In his embrace, Yun Bixue lifted her head and asked dully, “But I don’t want to
just stand to the side. I want to do something to protect you.”
Xie Limo felt a tremor run through his chest, and he smiled joyfully. “Okay, I
know how you feel. However, there are plenty of rich and influential families in
Ning An City. If you want to target one of them, you need to have a
comprehensive plan. Otherwise, your actions will cause a butterfly effect.”
After thinking it over, Yun Bixue nodded. “I understand. You have your own
things to consider. After all, these rich and influential families are joining
forces to hurt you and that’s indeed disadvantageous. So we should find a
way to destroy them by searching for unfavourable evidence tied to those
families. Whether it’s employing threats or temptations, we have to make sure
they’re truthful.” As Yun Bixue spoke, her eyes darkened and her fists
clenched tighter.
Chapter 85: Spoiling And Indulgence
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Hearing his wife defend him to such an extent, Xie Limo found his mood
improving tremendously. He hugged her even tighter, his arms enveloping her
closely. “My wife is defending her husband so passionately, I feel so happy.”
Yun Bixue extended her finger and poked Xie Limo’s chest lightly. “You’re my
husband. It’s only natural that I’ll defend you. I am someone who doesn’t allow
others to attack my loved ones. No one can hurt my family.”
Xie Limo looked at her childish demeanor, and his heart almost melted. He
said lovingly, “Yes, I am your family.” It wasn’t a bad feeling at all.
Ever since they collected their marriage certificates, his wife had constantly
been showering him with surprises. As a result, he too started to anticipate
good things to come in their marriage.
Yun Bixue lay contently in Xie Limo’s embrace. Listening to his heartbeat, she
said softly, “Limo, to tell you the truth, other than Grandfather, there’s no one
else I consider as family in the Yun household.” Since her confrontation with
Old Lady Shen, what little semblance of a family she had with them had been
Xie Limo silently sighed. Caressing her head, he said, “I know.” He knew that
his wife had endured a lot of hardship in the past, so he tried to give her all the
love, care, and warmth that he could.
“In the future, I will be your family, and no one can hurt you.” He would
shoulder everything for her, and rid her of all her loneliness and sorrow.
“Oh yes, Limo, regarding the He family, what’s your plan? We can’t let them
get off so easily. Yes, we need to take things one step at a time to tackle the
schemes of those rich families, but we should first make an example of the He
family to intimidate the rest of them,” Yun Bixue said coldly. After all she’d
been through, she had long since grown out of her innocent way of thinking.
She understood that given the current circumstances, she needed to be
“Rest easy. The He family is finished for good this time, and the Shen family’s
plan will fail. Since the He family has to surrender their mining portfolio to the
government, that will cut off one of the Shen family’s sources of financial
income. We need to keep in mind that we have someone important in the
Shen family. As long as he helps us, the Shen family has no chance to turn
the tables on us.”
Yun Bixue thought for a while, frowning. Confused, she asked, “You’re talking
about Old Master Shen’s illegitimate son—the third son, Shen Wenluo? Isn’t
he on the Shen family’s side?”
Xie Limo raised his eyebrows. His expression was calm and relaxed as he
clarified, “The word is that he’s an illegitimate son, but what if he isn’t Old
Master Shen’s son? What will come of it then?” He was steadily guiding his
wife’s sharpness and wit, believing that with time, she would be able to protect
herself without his interference.
No matter how ruthless she did things, as long as he has her back, no one
would dare to say otherwise.
Yun Bixue’s eyes brightened. “You’re saying that there’s a huge likelihood
that… Shen Wenluo’s father isn’t Old Master Shen?” If that were true, it would
be the best-case scenario.
Both Old Master Shen and the Old Lady Shen at her house were at the core,
cruel and ruthless people. They would stop at nothing for their goals. She
suspected that Old Lady Shen was involved with both Grandfather’s
hospitalization as well as the Yun family’s matters. Despite marrying into the
Yun family, this old woman’s heart had always been with the Shen family.
All these years, the Shen family had used this vicious Old Lady Shen to take
advantage of the Yun family for their own benefits.
Yun Bixue seemed to realize something and said, “Limo, I saw Shen Jingcui
at the Luxury Emperor the other day. That woman is something else.”
Yun Bixue bringing up this matter reminded Xie Limo of what Manager Sun
reported to him on that day. He rubbed his forehead resignedly, and sighed
softly, “That day, weren’t you afraid of getting injured?”
Yun Bixue understood what he was talking about. Shaking her head, she said,
“I’m not afraid. At the time, I only wished to end them all in one stroke. They
dared to sabotage you behind your back, and thus, they are my enemies.”
“According to Manager Sun, the situation that day was extremely messy, and
he had a hard time cleaning things up. You were very fierce.” Despite what he
was saying, Xie Limo’s tone was filled with love and indulgence.
Yun Bixue blinked. “Weren’t you at the scene? That’s why I wasn’t afraid. I
just wanted to teach them a lesson and didn’t care for anything else.”
Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue’s adorable demeanor and couldn’t resist kissing
her on the forehead. “You’ve done well, my dear. In the future, no matter what
you do, know that you don’t need to worry. Your husband will back you up.”
He wondered what Su Lenghan was thinking when he chose Miss Meng over
Yun Bixue.
Yet he was also glad that he was the one who encountered the unpolished
gem when others could not identify it. His wife was practically a treasure. The
more he learned about her, the more he found her suitable.
When Xie Liu went to visit Young Master Xie, he heard his laughter from
outside the study room. Xie Liu felt a little emotional. Ever since Young Master
Xie started spending time together with Young Madam, the young master had
started smiling much more often.
Xie Limo immediately detected the slight change in the atmosphere due to Xie
Liu’s presence. “Xie Liu, come in!”
Yun Bixue was feeling sleepy, so she left the study room to the two of them.
Su Lenghan hadn’t returned to the Su family villa in a long time. Seeing him
home today, his mother was delighted. “Lenghan, you’ve returned!”
“Mother, has your condition improved? I’m sorry that I didn’t visit you when
you were hospitalized.”
Looking at her haggard son, his mother felt a lump in her throat. “Lenghan, I
know it’s been tough for you out there. I don’t want to imagine what would
become of the Su family if you weren’t here.”
“Mother, looking after the Su family is my responsibility. I wouldn’t call it tough.
I only wish for your good health.”
Looking at the tiredness on Su Lenghan’s face, his mother felt a bit worried.
She tried to probe, “Lenghan, I know that the Meng family has chosen to keep
their hands away from the matter this time. Could it be that Miss Meng has
been avoiding you as well?”
Looking at his mother’s concerned expression, Su Lenghan couldn’t bear to
lie to her. He remained silent.
His mother sighed softly and said, “Sigh, since you’ve chosen your path, you
should follow it through. All women like to hear nice things. I’ve met with Miss
Meng that one time, and I believe that she does indeed have feelings for you.
You should take some time away from the company and be with her. Things
could turn out for the better that way.”
Su Lenghan’s elegant eyebrows frowned slightly. After a moment, he asked
calmly, “Mother, do you think that I made the wrong decision?”
His mother knew that he was talking about the Yun family and the Meng
family. She gently patted the back of his hand and said, “Lenghan, you did the
right thing. Given the Yun family’s circumstances at the time, it was the right
decision to choose the Meng family. I know that you did this for the sake of the
Su family. However, looking at it now, looking at how tired you are, I think your
responsibilities to the Su family has been restricting your freedom. If it weren’t
for the Su family, maybe you would still be together with Yun Bixue. She’s a
good girl.”
“Mother, my feelings for Xinyan are true.” He was sure that his heart had
chosen Xinyan. The Yun family bankruptcy might have had a part to play in
his choice, but the main reason was that he felt that Meng Xinyan was
talented, good-looking, gentle, and charming. It was easy for him to fall for
However, now that his mother asked him, everything he’d once felt became
faint. He could no longer discern what his feelings were back then.
Chapter 86: Where Does The Heart Lie?
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Su Lenghan’s expression suddenly grew cloudy. He’d been too busy these
days. So busy that he had forgotten what he felt when he started to like her.
As for Meng Xinyan, she had yet to contact him, and neither had she
answered any of his calls. His emotion had changed from worry to
disappointment, then to unenthusiasm, and finally numbness.
It seemed as though everything had changed. It was different from the
beginning, fraught with problems that could not be articulated easily.
Looking at the confusion in Su Lenghan’s eyes, his mother sighed softly.
“Child, you’re outstanding and intelligent, but I fear that you can’t judge
matters of the heart clearly.”
His mother did not feel good about the current situation. Back then, that girl
Yun Bixue had come over and begged her, and then tried to find her again
afterward. However, she had avoided seeing Yun Bixue for the sake of the Su
In the past, Yun Bixue had won the respect of Lenghan’s father. However, he
had done nothing to help the situation of the Yun family’s bankruptcy. That girl
Yun Bixue was sure to be harboring some ill feelings.
“Could it be that mother wants me to go and find Yun Bixue?” Su Lenghan
shook his head. He believed that the only thing he felt towards Yun Bixue was
guilt, and not much—if any—in the name of love.
His mother shook her head. “What I meant to say was that since you have
already chosen Miss Meng, then you should uphold the responsibilities of a
man. You need to understand her and love her. Those are all things that
women pursue in life.”
After thinking for a moment, Su Lenghan said, “Mother, there’s also a portion
of women that pursue a wealthy life, isn’t there?”
His mother’s expression changed to shock. Looking intently at her cold son,
she asked, “Lenghan, why do you have these kinds of thoughts?” Her shock
came out of worry that her son may never be interested in a relationship ever
again. However, the Su family only had a single heir—Su Lenghan. She had
been hoping to have a grandson soon and was very much invested in her
son’s marriage.
Su Lenghan rubbed his tired forehead and sat down beside her. He said,
“Mother, I’ve heard that the Meng family has plans to arrange a marriage with
Tian Jing City.”
“Lenghan, rumors shouldn’t be trusted. Miss Meng does have feelings for you.
From where I stand, if you don’t fight for it or put in any effort at all, Miss Meng
will feel neglected. Women have their pride too, so if that’s the case, she will
naturally turn to someone else. If you treat her better, she will willingly want to
be with you.”
That day, Su Lenghan sat and listened to his mother talk for a long time.
Afterward, he drove to the Meng family home himself and waited for Meng
Xinyan at the Meng family’s door.
Every day he would wait at the gates of the Meng family house, only to be told
by the guard that Miss Meng wasn’t at home. Yet he kept waiting for an hour
every day. After an hour, he would drive away. He would go there come rain
or shine.
After a week, Meng Xinyan almost ran out herself. She saw her love standing
outside, and she desperately wanted to dive into his embrace.
“Xinyan, you must hold back. You see, Mother was right all along. You can’t
treat men too well. Just look at him now, waiting for you every day. However,
this is hardly enough. There needs to be more trials for him.” Chen Pei hadn’t
expected Young Master Su’s patience and ability. Regardless of his
background, he was an outstanding individual, and he was rich as well.
However, everything he had paled in comparison to Tian Jing City. No matter
how affluent Ning An City was, it couldn’t compare to Tian Jing City.
If her outstanding daughter could somehow be connected to Tian Jing City,
the Meng family would no longer be just another ancient family of Ning An
City. When the time came, she would be extremely influential.
Thinking this, Chen Pei started to feel good about herself. All this was done to
set the stage for her son. No matter how excellent a daughter, they will
eventually marry into another family. The ones who inherit the Meng family will
be the sons, and naturally, she had to give more attention to her son.
However, Meng Xinyan was oblivious to her mother’s schemes. Her mind was
only on Su Lenghan. She pressed her hand against the window glass,
wanting to have a clearer look at him. She really missed him.
“Mom, I want to go out. It’s raining outside! I must go.”
“Xinyan, listen to Mother, don’t go out. Wait for one more week. Just one more
week. After another week, I won’t say anything regardless of what you want to
do. I’ll also let your father help the Su family.”
Meng Xinyan naturally had no second thoughts. She had been born with a
silver spoon in her mouth, and everyone doted on her. She listened to
everything her mother said and believed in her words.
Not much later, Ning An City’s newspaper reported, “Young Master Su
expresses his love for Miss Meng. Regardless of rain or shine, he stands
waiting for his belle each day… Their engagement has turned to little more
than rumors… Miss Meng is secretly meeting with a rich young master from
Tian Jing City… The Meng family has plans for a marriage with a rich young
master from Tian Jing City.”
Once this news had been broadcasted, it caught the public’s attention once
again. Recently, the headlines had been all about the Su family. People had
started to forget about what happened to Miss Su, but after the broadcast,
everyone’s attention turned to the Su family again.
Those who were secretly in love with Young Master Su whispered that Meng
Xinyan was despicable. Those on the side of Meng Xinyan said that she was
a goddess who deserved much better than Su Lenghan. There were even
some who guessed that the Meng family were snobbish and had started to
look down on the Su family.
Su Lenghan crossed the street wearing a pair of sunglasses and bought a
newspaper. After looking at the headline, he pursed his lips slightly. The
sunglasses covered his eyes, and his expression couldn’t be discerned
Zhao Wei, Su Lenghan’s personal secretary, said angrily, “Young Master Su,
all these news reporters have too much time on their hands! All they do is
report these things with zero value or substance.”
“No matter, regardless of what they say, they are entitled to say it. Put the
new batch of clothing from the Su family company on the shelves. This
ongoing trend will have much a better effect than putting up advertisements.”
“Yes.” Zhao Wei couldn’t help but be impressed at Young Master Su. As a
businessman, he did indeed have the sharpest mind. Since Young Master Su
had taken over the Su family company, no matter how many crises they were
met with, the Su family company was able to withstand them. On the contrary,
their business was actually expanding gradually, so much so that they were
now almost an international enterprise.
Furthermore, under Young Master Su’s deliberate control, the Su family
company’s stock value had also raised tremendously.
As for Meng Xinyan, who had been waiting with all her heart, she had not
seen Su Lenghan for a second week, and instead saw the now-trending news
headlines. Her expression grew very ugly. “What is the meaning of all this?”
she demanded, slamming the newspaper angrily onto the desk.
Chen Pei also had a sour look on her face as she said, “These news reporters
really don’t know when to stop! They even dared to talk about us, the Meng
“There are certain things that you don’t know, Madam. Young Master Xie is in
charge of Ning An City now, and he has given ample freedom to the news
outlets and the media. As long as they have photos, they will dare to talk
about anything.”
In the meantime, Meng Xinyan was rushing to go outside with a reckless
“Xinyan, where are you going?”
Meng Xinyan had left without any hesitation and hadn’t bothered to answer
Chen Pei’s question.
At a cafe somewhere.
Meng Xintong entered Ya Jian’s room wearing a hat. “Miss Yun!”
“Meng Xintong, you’ve come. Please have a seat.” Meng Xintong was Meng
Xinyan’s elder sister who shared a father, but her presence was hardly—if at
all—felt in the Meng family now.
“Miss Yun, I’ve come to ask a favor from you. Please help me cut ties with the
Meng family.” She was desperate enough to find Yun Bixue for help. She
knew that the only one who could help her was Yun Bixue.
Yun Bixue lightly stirred the coffee in her cup with a spoon, and then said
calmly, “Meng Xintong, you’ve done well this time, much to my satisfaction.
However, I’m curious as to why you want to leave the Meng family. From what
I know, they don’t ask much of you.”
Chapter 87: Meng Xintong’s Plea For Help
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
As Yun Bixue said that, she remembered what she had tasked Meng Xintong
to do. Meng Xinyan had set a trap for her the other day; she had asked Yun
Mengshi to find Yun Bixue, and then she brought Su Lengxian and Su
Lenghan over to expose her violent and cruel side to Su Lenghan.
Yun Bixue was only playing her part back then. After experiencing so many
things, she was no longer someone softhearted. Of course, she would seek
revenge on the people that offended her. Meng Xinyan had purposefully come
to provoke and annoy her. Naturally, Yun Bixue would give her a taste of her
own medicine.
The good thing was that the data she found was useful. The Meng family had
another Miss Meng, Meng Xintong, who was the offspring of the first wife. It
was just that the turtle-dove had taken over the nest of a magpie.
She had felt pity towards Meng Xintong from the start. However, Yun Bixue
had only approached Meng Xintong and spoken of her view and goals—she
left the choice up to Meng Xintong. To her surprise, Meng Xintong really did
want to help her, or perhaps Meng Xintong was really trying to help herself.
Hearing Yun Bixue’s question, Meng Xintong’s lips curled into a self-mocking
smile. She said calmly, “Chen Pei is not someone to be underestimated. After
rising to power from her position as a mistress, she can’t really go overboard.
All these years, they have all forgotten that there’s another Miss Meng in the
Meng family. The title of ‘Miss Meng’ only refers to Meng Xinyan. But I don’t
care for any of this. Even so, they refuse to leave me be. As a ‘Miss Meng’, as
long as the blood running in my veins belongs to the Meng family, then I will
be sacrificed to an arranged marriage for the Meng family. It all amounts to
letting the Meng family gain even more power.” Meng Xintong’s hands
clasped the teacup tightly as she said all this, and her face was slightly pale.
Yun Bixue looked at her expression and reached a few conclusions. She
raised her eyebrows and asked, “Is Chen Pei in such a hurry to marry you
“It’s not that she’s in a hurry. The problem is that she doesn’t even care about
her own daughter, much less about me. She only cares about making things
easier for her son.”
Yun Bixue now understood enough of the situation. A strange light flashed
across her eyes. “I think your brother is still in junior middle school. Is she
really that impatient? She should take care not to be too clever for her own
“Regardless of what she thinks, I can only ask you for help now. I don’t want
to have to marry someone that the family arranged for me. I don’t want to end
up like my mother.” That’s right—all these years, Meng Xintong had hidden in
the shadows, accommodating Chen Pei, and letting everyone forget her. She
did all this because she didn’t want to be a pawn given to an arranged
But she was still too naive—she might have underestimated Chen Pei’s
Yun Bixue’s gaze met with Meng Xintong’s anxiety and determination. Her
expression grew serious. After sipping some coffee, she said clearly and
succinctly, “I can help you. However, as long as you remain a member of the
Meng family, you cannot remove yourself from them. Are you willing to live out
the rest of your days as a nameless person? Are you willing to endure the fact
that you can never be with the man you love in public?”
After hearing this, Meng Xintong’s heart skipped a beat. She raised her head
quickly, “How… How did you know?” She thought that she had kept her
relationship with Lin a well-hidden secret. How did Yun Bixue know about it?
She really believed that she had concealed the matter quite well.
All of Meng Xintong’s reactions were seen by Yun Bixue. She sighed. Looking
at Meng Xintong now, she was reminded of her previous innocent and foolish
self. The other girl was too young after all. “Meng Xintong, you’re clever, so I
will make things clear. Before I approached you, I thoroughly researched
everyone in the Meng family. Since I was able to find out this much, those
looking for the same information must be able to find them too. You can’t hide
it from everyone. Therefore, what you need to do is not to run from the matter,
but face it head on.”
hapter 88: Apathy And Alienation
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Meng Xintong thought for a good while and her expression changed. She said
calmly, “I’m not sure what matter Miss Yun wants me to face head-on.”
“Have you considered staying in the Meng family instead of leaving? Let the
world know about you. Then you can control the entire Meng family, and then
your fate will be in your own hands.”
Listening to Yun Bixue’s words, Meng Xintong’s hands trembled slightly,
almost dropping her. Her eyes were wide with disbelief, and she could almost
hear her own heart pumping. “How, how would that be possible?”
Yun Bixue smiled faintly. “Why wouldn’t it be? Are you willing to just sit by and
watch as the Meng family falls into the hands of those people, who will then
go to all sorts of lengths to get rid of you? Kick you aside once you outlive
your usefulness? Are you willing to part ways with Young Master Lin?
According to my research, the Lin family is quite well-off. They have a
harmonious and warm family, and Mr. Lin is also an outstanding student. He’s
talented and filial, and his morals are decent as well. Are you really willing to
miss all of that, just because of that tiny bit of fear in your heart?” Yun Bixue
pressured her with questions.
An inner struggle started within Meng Xintong. She’d had these kinds of
thoughts before, but she never dared to overly dwell on them. She feared that
those thoughts would drive her to do something crazy. However, everything
sounded natural when they were being said by Yun Bixue.
After talking for a while, Yun Bixue sensed that Meng Xintong’s stance had
started to sway. She hurriedly added, “If need be, I will help you. I will ensure
that you won’t lose. Think about your mother. Think about how they treated
The morning had passed, and the two of them reached an agreement. Just
like how they had arrived to meet up, they both left separately and discreetly.
It appeared that no one else knew about their meet-up.
In the meantime, Meng Xinyan was anxiously looking for Su Lenghan. She
needed to explain the situation to him, to prevent his possible
misunderstanding due to the news reports.
However, when she arrived at the Su Family Organization, the receptionists at
the front desk were less than enthusiastic towards her. “Sorry, Miss Meng,
Young Master Su is absent.”
Meng Xinyan’s face was a little pale from her anxiety, and she looked slightly
flustered too. “He’s usually always in his office, why is he absent today?”
“Miss Meng, I have just called his office. Secretary Zhao has told me that
Young Master Su is indeed absent!”
“I’ll go find him myself!” Meng Xinyan declared as she started heading for the
lift that led to Su Lenghan’s office.
“I’m very sorry, Miss Meng. Since you do not have an appointment or are
under Young Master Su’s orders, you can’t enter the CEO’s office.” The
receptionist maintained his professional smile, but his tone was filled with
Meng Xinyan’s gentle features grew cold. “Are you new around here? Don’t
you know that I am Young Master Su’s fiancée? I don’t need to book an
appointment to see Young Master Su.” She felt a little panicked. She hadn’t
been able to reach Lenghan through his cell phone earlier, and she still
couldn’t meet him despite coming to the company.
Just as she was panicking, Su Lenghan entered elegantly and gracefully from
the front door. Seeing Meng Xinyan, he was taken aback.
“Lenghan.” After finally seeing the person occupying her mind all this time,
Meng Xinyan felt a bit of sadness, but a lot more longing. She had so much to
say to him, yet she didn’t know where to begin.
Su Lenghan looked at her flustered and worn figure and nodded. “You have
Meng Xinyan was shocked. She hurried forward. “Lenghan, don’t trust what
you’ve seen on the news. That isn’t true. You must believe me, I… ” How was
she going to explain all this? Her mind was very confused now, and she didn’t
know how to deal with the apathy and alienation in Su Lenghan’s voice.
Chapter 89: Pleading For His Trust
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
The best debutante of days past had shed all her previous grandeur and was
just as anxious as a commoner now. “Lenghan, you need to trust me, you
have to trust me.” Meng Xinyan only felt a deep sadness in her heart now. Su
Lenghan’s apathy was too much for her to bear.
He wasn’t like this in the past. He had been so gentle to her. After basking in
his love and care, how could she accept his coldness now?
He should have hugged her. Instead, his eyes were cold, as though she was a
“Lenghan, please say something. Don’t be like this. I feel very sad,” said Meng
Xinyan as she fought back her tears. She didn’t care much for how she looked
now—all she could think about was Su Lenghan.
Su Lenghan looked at the haggard and weak Meng Xinyan and finally gave in.
He sighed softly and said, “This isn’t the place to talk. Follow me to my office!”
Meng Xinyan hurriedly dried her tears that were on the verge of falling and
caught up with Su Lenghan’s footsteps. Entering the VIP lift, she kept her
eyes on Su Lenghan who appeared distant. She wanted to say something but
was only met with the urge to cry.
Ever since she could remember, she had been raised as a debutante. She
had always cared for her public image. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have been
dubbed the best debutante in Ning An City. She was a goddess in many
people’s eyes.
However, all she could think about now was him. She could no longer hide her
emotions. She just wanted to act out her feelings instinctively, even if that
meant crying.
With a ‘ding!’, the elevator doors opened. Su Lenghan exited the elevator with
grace and elegance. Meng Xinyan recovered from her thoughts and hurriedly
followed in her heels. In her haste, she missed a step and sprained her ankle;
she drew a sharp breath from the pain.
Su Lenghan turned around and saw Meng Xinyan following him with her
sprained ankle. He pursed his thin lips and walked up to her. Lifting her with
his arms, he carried her into his office.
Meng Xinyan lay cleverly in Su Lenghan’s embrace and breathed a sigh of
relief. She knew that she still had a place in his heart.
Entering the office, Su Lenghan placed Meng Xinyan on the sofa. He dialed a
number on his cell phone and requested for the Su’s family doctor to tend to
Meng Xinyan’s ankle.
Meng Xinyan asked with caution, “Lenghan, do you believe what they’ve been
reporting in the news?”
Su Lenghan shut his eyes and said softly, “Xinyan, I’ve been very tired
recently.” There wasn’t any hint of discontent nor blame in his voice. It really
did seem like he was exhausted, with a few worries in mind.
However, this kind of response was devastating to Meng Xinyan. She was
absolutely flustered. With eyes wide open, she went up to him, ignoring the
pain in her ankle. She hugged him tightly and leaned against his chest.
“Lenghan, I will keep you company, and I’ll make sure that you’re well rested.
It’s all my fault. The news reports had it all wrong, they really did! My parents
stopped me from seeing you. Surely you know that I can’t say no to my
parents’ orders… I didn’t mean to meet with that person. My father told me
that he was a friend of his, and he asked me to go over all of a sudden…
Lenghan, everything I’m telling you is the truth. You have to trust me!”
Meng Xinyan stumbled over her words as she hugged Su Lenghan even
tighter. She rested her head against his heart, just as she did when they first
got together. It seemed that this was the only way they could find that warmth
they had felt at the beginning of their relationship.
After considering it for a long while, Su Lenghan extended his hand and
returned Meng Xinyan’s embrace. Taking in her scent, his disappointment
only grew stronger.
Sensing that Su Lenghan was starting to get lost in his own thoughts, Meng
Xinyan went on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. She kissed him
gently, tracing the outline of his lips with her tongue.
Time passed slowly, and eventually, Su Lenghan hugged Meng Xinyan,
cupped her head, and fervently returned her kiss.
Chapter 90: The Burning Flames Between the Two of Them
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
The kiss may not seem sweet, but it was intense. It was as though Su
Lenghan was trying to vent his feelings, and Meng Xinyan tried to
accommodate him. It appeared as if this was the only way for him to express
his feelings deep down.
In a moment, the kiss ignited the fire within them, and they quickly abandoned
themselves to passion. Unknowingly, they started discarding their clothes. Su
Lenghan’s cold aura also turned fiery, and he picked up Meng Xinyan, who
was slightly panting. Opening the office door, it led to a resting place that had
a bed. He placed Meng Xinyan down and hovered over her.
As he looked down at this beautiful woman, another person’s silhouette
flashed across his mind instead. He frowned and shook his head, erasing Yun
Bixue’s figure from his mind, and then leaned down to kiss Meng Xinyan.
Panting noises sounded continuously, as though a woman was moaning. The
door blocked out all the sounds of lustful passion behind it.
After it was over, Su Lenghan sat down, and his gaze had turned cold. After
lighting up a cigarette, the smoke lingered around as if it could soothe him.
He had just experienced something deeply joyous, yet why did his heart still
feel lonely and empty? It was as if it could never be filled up and even
contained a tinge of irritation.
Meng Xinyan was exuding an air of contentment. As she watched Su Lenghan
sitting while smoking, she purred, “Lenghan!” Her tone was brimming with
endless ecstasy—she was obviously satisfied with what just happened.
She knew that he was perfect in every way. This was her man, and after
performing that deed together, nothing could ever make her feel uneasy
In the past, she had attempted to seduce him. However, Su Lenghan always
appeared indifferent and reserved, and it made her feel helpless.
However, she hadn’t expected that to happen earlier. She knew that he still
loved her. Her mother was right—by playing hard to get, he would eventually
become more devoted.
While Meng Xinyan was daydreaming, Su Lenghan turned back and glanced
at her, then gently caressed her cheeks. “Sleep for a while. I’ll wake you up
when it’s time for dinner.”
Meng Xinyan flashed him a flirtatious smile. “Lenghan, will you accompany
“Be good. I still have a lot of documents to deal with in the office. There have
been too many things going on recently, and I’ve been swamped. You rest
As she listened to Su Lenghan’s gentle tone, Meng Xinyan had no other
thoughts and nodded. She had indeed felt tired, and her body was sore.
However, it was all worth it.
Putting on his clothes, Su Lenghan had wanted to start on his work, but the
office door suddenly swung open. “Elder Brother, I—”
Initially, Su Lengxian had been feeling guilty and sorry towards her elder
brother, and she entered the building wearing a cap. After all, she possessed
a Su Family Organization VIP card too. She’d also secretly made a copy of his
set of keys when he wasn’t paying attention.
To avoid being exposed, she came in stealthily. However, a thick air of
passion permeated the office, and she was unfamiliar with this scent.
Her expression changed drastically. She looked at her elder brother, whose
gaze was locked onto that door. Who was this shameless sl*t who dared to
seduce her brother in the office?
Su Lengxian had forgotten her purpose in coming here, and she bolted
towards that door without a care.
Su Lenghan snapped out of his shock and realized that this person was his
sister, Su Lengxian. He had been searching for her for so long. Seeing that
she was quickly heading towards the door, he strode forward. Just before Su
Lengxian opened the door, he grabbed her hand. “Lengxian, what are you
“Elder Brother, I want to see which sl*t just dared to seduce you! Elder
Brother, this is an office!” After experiencing that incident, Su Lengxian now
looked sinister, and even her words contained animosity and a feeling of
Chapter 91: The Dispute Between the Su Siblings
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Su Lenghan looked at his sister who now looked so sinister. His head
throbbed, and he knitted his exquisite brows. His grip on Su Lengxian’s hand
grew increasingly tighter. “Lengxian, stop messing around. This is my office.”
Su Lengxian couldn’t seem to take in any of her brothers words. Her mind was
a mess, and she yelled, “Elder Brother, which sl*t dared to seduce you in the
Su Lengxian kept calling out ‘sl*t’ every time she opened her mouth, and it
made Su Lenghan’s face darken. “Lengxian, you’re my younger sister. Don’t
be rude. The newspapers have been covering your news recently. I looked
everywhere, but I still couldn’t find you! Where have you been? Don’t you
know Mom and Dad are very worried about you?”
“Hmph, they’re worried about me? They just wish they didn’t have such a
daughter!” Su Lengxian cried loudly. She felt as though her heart was on fire,
and she couldn’t vent out her anger.
“Nonsense! Mom and Dad only said that out of anger. How could they not be
worried about you? If they weren’t worried, why did they pamper you for the
past twenty years?” Su Lenghan looked solemnly at Su Lengxian—what
happened to his sister who used to be so lovely and obedient?
Su Lengxian lifted up her head and looked at her elder brother’s enraged
expression. Her heart sank. “Elder Brother, you’ve never used to scold me in
the past. Is it because I did something wrong? I have no idea what happened
that day at the Luxury Emperor. It wasn’t my fault! It was those reporters—
they did it on purpose! Elder Brother, can’t you avenge me?” At that moment,
Su Lengxian had forgotten what she’d come here for.
“Lengxian, can’t you just admit you did something wrong? You go calm down,
and I’ll cover everything up for you. It will be alright when the rumors die
“I don’t want to, Elder Brother. You’re my brother, and you should avenge
me!” Su Lengxian shrieked.
When Su Lengxian entered the office and started calling her names, Meng
Xinyan had already woken up. A hint of fury flashed across her eyes, and she
was extremely displeased with Su Lenghan’s sister.
After pondering for a while, the corners of Meng Xinyan’s lips curved up into a
smile. She put on her clothes, intentionally revealing the marks imprinted on
her neck from their act of passion—she looked entirely disheveled.
She slowly opened the door and acted as if she had just woken up. She
cautiously asked, “Lengxian? Is that you? You’re back! You have no idea how
worried your elder brother was about you. He hasn’t been resting well.” With
that, she rushed forward and held Su Lengxian’s hands affectionately.
Su Lengxian flung away her hands at once, her eyes widening in disbelief.
“You-you… You and Elder Brother?” At that moment, she recalled the scene
that she had witnessed that day. The red marks on Meng Xinyan’s neck stung
her eyes, and she was feeling highly distressed.
Meng Xinyan is truly cunning! “Elder Brother, she must have seduced you!
This shameless sl*t, how shameless…”
‘Pak!’ Just as Su Lengxian finished her words, Su Lenghan slapped her.
Su Lengxian was in disbelief. “Elder Brother, did you just hit me? You hit me
just for someone like her?” With that, tears started streaming down Su
Lengxian’s face. Her brother had spoiled her since a young age, and she had
always believed that her elder brother belonged to her. She never thought that
he would eventually be snatched away by Meng Xinyan and would hit
someone for her.
This was a truth that she couldn’t willingly accept.
Feeling resentful and disappointed, Su Lenghan said, “Lengxian, look at what
you’ve become. Are you still the same lovely and obedient girl from before?
Xinyan is your future sister-in-law, so how can you be so ignorant? Have all
those years of Mom and Dad’s teachings gone to waste?”
Chapter 92: Rejuvenating Feelings
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Meng Xinyan was secretly glad when she witnessed this scene, but she
instead tried to gently coax Su Lenghan, as though unaffected by his sister’s
words. “Lenghan, you should stop blaming Lengxian. She must have been
upset. After all, what happened at the Luxury Emperor greatly affected her
and the Su family. She must feel sad too.”
These words weren’t comforting at all and instead aggravated the situation.
Su Lenghan’s face turned even darker.
Su Lengxian screamed, “Sister-in-law, hah! I will never acknowledge her as
my sister-in-law! She’s shameless, she intentionally seduced my brother, and
her thoughts must be even more vicious. And her Meng family didn’t even
offer any help during this incident.”
Meng Xinyan lowered her head in grief, and her tears flowed silently. Her
delicate appearance made one’s heart ache. “Lenghan, it’s my fault.”
Su Lenghan gently pulled Meng Xinyan into his arms and comforted her
gently, “Xinyan, this has nothing to do with you. Don’t be sad. You’ve always
been so kind and soft-hearted.” After all, she was someone that he liked.
Seeing Meng Xinyan like this, he felt bad. Furthermore, it was his sister’s
Seeing such a sight, Su Lengxian couldn’t take it anymore. She gave a cry of
grief before slamming the door and running out, bawling while she ran. When
her elder brother was with Yun Bixue, she had plotted to break them apart and
even obeyed Meng Xinyan’s orders. She had naively believed that Meng
Xinyan had treated her as a friend.
However, she realized that she had been a fool for doing everything for her
and for being Meng Xinyan’s cannon fodder. In the end, after her elder brother
got together with Meng Xinyan, the latter instead abandoned her and treated
her in such a manner.
After Su Lengxian ran away, Su Lenghan grew worried and was about to
chase after her. However, Meng Xinyan abruptly collapsed and grabbed onto
Su Lenghan’s sleeve.
Su Lenghan reflexively turned back and asked, “Xinyan, what happened to
Meng Xinyan shook her head weakly and said, “Lenghan, I’m fine. Go after
Lengxian, don’t let her do anything silly. She’s still young!”
Su Lenghan’s initially guilty heart felt weary at this moment, and it dispersed
the tangled emotions he was feeling. He calmly said, “She’s no longer a kid;
she should be taking responsibility for her own actions. You rest first.” Yes, he
couldn’t indulge in his sister’s ways anymore. She was no longer a child;
giving in to her would only harm her.
The next day, the news outlets reported on the Su family’s situation all over
again. Su Lengxian once again came under the spotlight, and there were also
updated reports relating to the top socialite, Meng Xinyan, and Su Lenghan.
Everyone couldn’t seem to distinguish which news was real or fake.
“Didn’t Miss Meng meet up with the Young Masters from Tian Jing City? Why
is she together with Young Master Su again?”
“Probably everything on the news was fake. Didn’t you see that the Meng and
Su family are still on good terms? I heard that Miss Meng stayed an entire day
at Young Master Su’s office!”
“The news changes every day. Also, Su Lengxian… Why did Miss Su run out
from the Su Family Organization?”
“Still addressing her as ‘Miss Su’? This is the moral character of the youngest
daughter of the Su family. I feel sick just looking at her!”
“I don’t even know who that lover of hers is.”
Although the rumors once again revolved around the Su family, Meng Xinyan
and Su Lenghan were together this time, which shut down all the rumors that
were detrimental to the Su Family Organization. The stock prices started
soaring, and its internal operations were progressing well.
This allowed Su Lenghan to heave a sigh of relief. His relationship with Meng
Xinyan also started to recover.
After the calmness of the next few days, the Jia family were suddenly caught
up in reports of a mining accident. The instigators gathered outside the doors
of the Jia family home, and the family members could not endure it. It was a
clamorous mess every day, and they were even ambushed by the reporters.
Ultimately, the families of the victims of the mining accidents collectively filed
a complaint towards the Jia family, pushing them to the center of social
attention again. It generated such an uproar that even the officials from Tian
Jing City came down for an investigation.
Young Master Xie ordered these officials to return, and he personally handled
the situation. For a period of time, all that the news covered were the issues of
the Jia family.
Chapter 93: The Jia Family’s Dilemma
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
For a consecutively long consecutive period of time, the Jia family had
remained at the center of social attention. The civilians spoke ill about them
and cast them aside. It drove the Jia family up the wall.
“Dad, I really want to kill these reporters. They’re just like a horde of flies,
buzzing around us all day.” Jia Dongkun didn’t dare to leave the house now.
He stayed at home the entire day, missing the beautiful women outside.
After remaining hidden for a long time, it started to feel unbearable.
“He’s right! My dear, quickly think of a solution. If this continues, we’ll be
crowded to death,” Mother Jia complained as she watched her entertainment
program while wearing a facial mask.
“It’s so irritating. It’s been so long, but it’s still not dying down. Does this mean
that our Jia family can only let it be?”
Father Jia was reading the newspapers while listening to his family’s
complaints. The fury in his heart gradually built up. Watching his son and his
sloppy demeanor, he vented his anger and kicked him. “Useless! You only
fool around every day! Look at what you’ve done to our Jia family!”
Jia Dongkun fell flat on his face after being inexplicably kicked by his father.
Looking at his father’s ghastly pale face, he hurriedly got up and asked, “Dad,
what did I do to make you angry at me?”
Father Jia panted with rage. “You’re still asking about what you did? I’m livid,
as you can see! If it weren’t for you, how could our Jia family end up in this
“Dad, I didn’t do anything… The most I did was pick up some girls. How would
that bother anyone?” Jia Dongkun replied softly.
“Look at yourself! It’s infuriating! How can I leave the Jia family in your
hands?” With that, he picked up the walking stick beside him and wanted to
whack Jia Dongkun with it.
Hearing that, Mother Jia was displeased. She frantically defended her son and
yelled, “It still boils down to the fact that you’re incapable and unable to protect
the Jia family! You’re only venting your anger on your son!”
Father Jia pointed at the two of them. “What do you know as a mere
housewife? If this idiot hadn’t gotten caught offending Yun Bixue and indirectly
provoking Young Master Xie, would our Jia family still be in this state?”
“What does that have to do with my son? You were the one who wanted to
deal with Young Master Xie right from the start. Why are you blaming your son
now? You’re just incapable, hmph!”
“You, you…” Father Jia almost passed out from exasperation.
Jia Dongkun tactfully rushed over to offer some comfort. After all, this
household was still under the ruling of his father. “Dad, why are you worried?
We only followed the Shen family’s instructions, and they reassured us that
nothing would go wrong. Now that our Jia family is in a mess, why hasn’t the
Shen family lent us a helping hand?”
Mother Jia also couldn’t help but feel dissatisfied. “That’s right. What are the
Shen family treating us as? We were merely their tool. And they truly are
calculating—the profits of the mining business come from the Shen family and
after what happened, they used us as their shield. Such a well-thought-out
plan.” After gaining some riches, she naturally forgot that everything she had
now was bestowed upon by the Shen family. Since there were no longer any
more benefits, she simply started criticizing the Shen family.
“Sigh, I’ve tried looking for Old Master Shen regarding this matter. He said we
were currently the center of social attention and should bear with it for now. In
the meantime, we should take care not to meet as often.”
“You’re being naive! Old Master Shen is ditching our Jia family and leaving us
in the lurch.”
Father Jia shook his head. “That’s impossible. The source of the Shen family’s
wealth depends on our Jia family. They cannot just let it be.”
Mother Jia cared only about benefits and money, and not about such matters.
“Why is it impossible? This incident generated such a huge fuss yet the Shen
family still hasn’t shown up. Aren’t they just letting us shoulder all the blame?
Previously, the Shen family was also hit with a horde of issues, and the
reporters were all trying to ambush them. Those scandals finally died down
after a great deal of difficulty. How could they be willing to invite trouble to
themselves again? You must be muddle-headed to still believe in the Shen
family. Hmph!”
Father Jia pondered. As he listened to her words, his face also darkened.
Chapter 94: Cannot Offend Young Master Xie and Yun Bixue
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
The more Father Jia thought, the more he felt that things were amiss. Old
Master Shen’s attitude had been drastically different from before, and this
puzzled him. He broke into a cold sweat, at a loss on what to do.
As he paced anxiously around in circles, he noticed the reporters outside. He
couldn’t leave the house; once he left, he would be targeted and subjected to
interrogation. These reporters were getting more and more brazen.
Recalling Young Master Xie and Miss Yun, Father Jia’s forehead started
breaking out into a cold sweat. The couple weren’t people they could trifle
with—they were capable of all kinds of means.
Someone had reported to him what his son did that day at the Luxury
Emperor. At that moment, he still refused to fully believe it, but now, he
thought that Miss Yun was definitely not an easy target.
Could it be that Young Master Xie was also seeking revenge on the Jia family
this time too? He knew that Young Master Xie pampered his wife, but he was
spoiling her to the core. With Young Master Xie’s keen enthusiasm to enact
changes after taking on his new role, Father Jia wished that the Jia family
would not be affected.
Without even being clear of Young Master Xie’s background, his son had
dared to commit such an act. It was all because Old Master Shen had
intentionally offered up the Jia family as cannon fodder. “Sigh, you’re just too
stupid. You’ve offended both Young Master Xie and Yun Bixue. What are you
going to do in the future?”
“My dear, is it really so serious?”
“You don’t know the lengths that Young Master Xie can go to. He’s just taken
on his new role, but everything is still running smoothly under his jurisdiction.
The prestigious and influential families attempted to overturn Young Master
Xie to prevent him from wielding control over Ning An City, but look at the
situation now. He’s still ruling over all the matters quite capably. I already said
that he’s not someone that we can offend. What should we do now?” Father
Jia paced around in circles.
“My dear, hurry and make a call. Go ask your friends and seek help from
everyone. The Jia family can’t collapse!” It was only now that Mother Jia
realized the gravity of the situation. She had been too used to being the wife
of a wealthy family and had never lived a day of poverty. The Jia family must
be protected.
“That’s right, Dad, quickly make the calls. I’ll call my friends and ask around
too.” Although Jia Dongkun was stupid, he knew that all his money came from
the Jia family. Without money, how could he still pick up girls?
However, regardless of the number of calls they made, almost none of them
picked up the phone.
Finally, a close friend answered his call and spoke sincerely, “Brother Jia,
what happened to your Jia family this time is truly too serious. It even alerted
Tian Jing City. If Young Master Xie hadn’t personally stepped in, the Jia family
would be sealed away after an investigation. We won’t be able to help!”
Someone else offered a suggestion. “Only Young Master Xie can handle this
matter. However, your son managed to offend Young Master Xie, so dealing
with it now won’t be an easy feat. We all know that Young Master Xie is wellknown for being protective of his loved ones. Nobody is reckless enough to
provoke him, let alone his wife. Your son is truly daring!”
After ending the call, Father Jia felt as though he had aged instantaneously.
Sitting down, he was at a loss on what to do.
Even though he called the Shen family, no one picked up the phone. They
must have done it on purpose; the Shen family intended to leave the Jia family
in the lurch. What could they do now? He truly couldn’t come up with any
In the past, such matters were suppressed through bribery, but with the
mining matter growing more and more intense, it couldn’t be contained at all.
He had no clue why the victims’ families were acting so fervently. There must
be someone backing them up.
The Jia family were like cats on a hot tin roof. Many of Ning An City’s
prestigious and influential families were also closely monitoring this issue to
see how Young Master Xie would handle it. This would also directly influence
the beacon in everyone’s hearts.
At this moment, in Young Master Xie’s villa.
Yun Bixue ate the dishes that Young Master Xie had prepared and nodded
with praise. “Limo, your culinary skills are improving.”
Xie Limo lovingly caressed Yun Bixue’s hair. “I should say that my dear is
getting easier to satisfy.” Seeing that she was enjoying her meal, he felt more
lighthearted himself. Regardless of how tired he felt in the day, as long as he
returned home in the evening to see his wife, his feelings would brighten up.
Chapter 95: Pamper
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue listened to Xie Limo’s pampering words and smiled sweetly. She
picked up a rib and sent it to the side of Xie Limo’s mouth. “I’ve said this
before. It’s easy to provide for me.”
A hint of gentle indulgence flashed across Xie Limo’s alluring eyes. “Yes, it is
indeed easy to provide for you, my dear. Those other people didn’t appreciate
you.” He had been paying attention to the recent events revolving around the
Su family, and he’d naturally pulled some strings behind the scenes. The
mastermind behind the plot would have to face the consequences for his
He would never take notice of insignificant figures like Su Lengxian. However,
he had investigated that time when Yun Bixue was sent to his room at the
Luxury Emperor—it was Su Lengxian who had devised the plan. She had
been sent to the wrong room.
Thinking about how another man could have done that to his wife… A hint of
malevolence flashed within Xie Limo’s eyes. Su Lengxian would have to deal
with much more than she had already experienced. Zhou Yang was thus
assigned to her.
He believed that this would be a marvelous gift for Su Lengxian.
Yun Bixue was enjoying her meal, and when she looked up, she met the
piercing coldness in Xie Limo’s eyes. “Limo, are you scheming against
someone again?”
Xie Limo leaned back lazily against the sofa and curled his lips into a smile.
“What does my wife think?” Under his guidance, the capabilities of his wife
had improved dramatically.
A thought popped up in Yun Bixue’s head, and she recalled the recent
incident regarding the Su family. She asked, “Limo, you couldn’t have been
involved with what happened to the Su family, right?”
“Do you think I still need to raise a finger? The Su and Meng families already
share many disputes in the first place.”
Yun Bixue nodded. Xie Limo was right. She had seen the recent news and
didn’t know if she should feel relieved or be sighing. It was fortunate that she
was together with Xie Limo; he was indeed a wonderful husband who was
meticulous in his care towards her.
Many times, she had suspected whether this was all real. However, the
indulgence in Xie Limo’s eyes had never seemed like a pretense at all.
He had given her a home, a warm home. She would be a brilliant wife and
would hold this home very close to her heart.
“Oh right, Limo, I think we’ve reached a crucial moment with the Jia family, so
we can now target the Shen family. Once the Shen family collapses, my
grandma will no longer be able to act like a tyrant.”
Xie Limo noticed a grain of rice on the side of Yun Bixue’s mouth and reached
out a slender hand to gently wipe it away. He asked softly, “Have you
decided?” As long as she wanted to do something, he would support her
without a second thought.
Yun Bixue nodded. “Yes, I’ve decided. But, Limo, will this affect your political
“No worries. With the influential families making a breakthrough, it’ll be easier
for me to strike as well. We have conclusive evidence against the Jia family
and nobody in Ning An City would dare to criticize this matter.”
“Everyone out there is saying that you indulge in me.”
“You’re my wife. Who else should I pamper, if not you? Just enjoy your meal!”
Before meeting her, he had been used to being alone. It was only after
meeting her that he realized that he could grow accustomed to spoiling
someone. Moreover, he enjoyed doing so and would never get tired of it.
Yun Bixue’s heart felt warm. He could so easily touch her heart.
This time, Yun Bixue ate more. On the pretext that she might have indigestion,
Xie Limo brought her out for a stroll. The couple walked hand-in-hand around
the villa’s neighborhood. It was peaceful, and a warm atmosphere surrounded
Yun Bixue inhaled lightly and walked slowly, relaxing her entire body. “Limo, I
used to imagine that one day, I would hold the hand of my loved one as we
strolled together. I won’t request for wealth, only happiness. It would be
enough with just the two of us, and now, you’re the one who’s given me such
a life.”
Chapter 96: Mother is Coming to Ning An City
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Xie Limo tightened his grasp on Yun Bixue’s hand. He knew that she had
suffered a fair bit in the past, but with him around, no one would dare to take
advantage of her in the future. Even he couldn’t bear to reprimand her, how
could others do so?
Everyone in the Xie family knew that Young Master Xie was exceptionally
protective of his loved ones.
As the couple strolled around, Yun Bixue talked about her past to Xie Limo.
She only chose to discuss her pleasant memories; she did not want Xie Limo
to feel depressed over her bitter experiences.
“Limo, Old Lady Shen—who is also my grandma—hasn’t been looking for me
recently. Did the two of you come to an agreement?” It had been a long time,
and she was growing suspicious. This was not her grandmother’s usual style.
Thinking about that old lady, Xie Limo pursed his thin lips and replied plainly,
“My dear, you don’t need to worry about irrelevant people.” That Old Lady
Shen wasn’t even Yun Bixue’s blood-related grandmother, and so he would
show no mercy in his actions. If Old Lady Shen still wished to be a tyrant in
the Yun family, she needed to step up her game.
His wife may care about family ties, but he did not. The only person he cared
about was his wife. The Yun family did not signify much to him.
Old Master Yun was the only exception. Old Master Yun spoiled his
granddaughter, and for the sake of his wife, Xie Limo naturally regarded him
as his own grandfather.
He had made arrangements for Old Master Yun’s discharge from the hospital
a long time ago. There were people guarding over him, so he didn’t need to
suffer when he returned to the Yun family home. Old Lady Shen wouldn’t be
able to do anything even if she wanted to.
Hearing Xie Limo’s words, Yun Bixue knew that he must have done a lot for
After more than an hour, the couple returned home. Xie Limo looked at his cell
phone on the table; his mother had called. He glanced at Yun Bixue before
picking up the phone to return the call.
“It’s already so late, why didn’t you pick up the phone? I’m not interrupting
you, right?” As his mother, she had been elated when she learned that her
son had a wife. She had also been eagerly anticipating the day she could
meet her daughter-in-law.
The corners of Xie Limo’s lips curved up into a rare warm smile. “What do you
think, Mother?”
“It would be my fault if it was. I should have picked a proper time to call you. I
want to see my daughter-in-law. There’s no need for you to hide anything, I
won’t bite.”
Xie Limo looked up at his dainty wife who was busying away. A tinge of
warmth lit up in his alluring eyes, and he said softly, “Mother, I’m afraid that
she might not be used to it yet.”
The woman on the other end of the phone laughed gently, “You’re just like
your father. It’s only been a short while, but you’re already so protective of
your wife. But I truly am eager to see her, and the two of you should hurry up
and give birth to a son.”
At the mention of this, Xie Limo’s brows twitched, as if he was preoccupied in
some thoughts. He replied plainly, “No hurry.”
“That’s true. But since you’ve already collected your wedding certificate, you
need to hold a wedding too. Our Xie family cannot do her wrong.”
“Mother, rest assured, that will be taken care of.”
“Have you two discussed when to hold the wedding? Luckily, I’m free to take
charge of the planning with your father. As for that group of elders, you don’t
need to worry!” With the mention of those elders, the woman’s tone grew
“Yes, I’ll be sure to discuss with her on what kind of wedding ceremony she
prefers.” Xie Limo would naturally think of his wife and consider her feelings
first. He didn’t understand the expectations of women, but he wanted to
provide the best for her.
“Wait for me to reach Ning An City, and we can discuss it together.” With that,
the woman started explaining her plans excitedly.
Xie Limo rubbed his brows with resignation. His mother indeed acted fast—
she had even arranged a flight on her private airplane. It was impossible for
her not to come.
Chapter 97: A Little Nervous
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Xie Limo sighed softly. “Mother, are you sure you want to come?”
“I know you dote on your wife. Rest assured, I will also love my daughter-inlaw dearly. I can even take care of the both of you when I’m there.” Even
through the phone, the woman’s voice sounded cheerful and ecstatic.
After ending the call, Xie Limo watched Yun Bixue, who was still bustling
away, and walked over to gently wrap his arms around her body. He rested
his head on hers and planted a light peck on her forehead. He said, “Mother
says she wants to come over to see you.”
“Ah!” Yun Bixue was startled. She lifted up her head and widened her bright
eyes, her mouth forming an ‘O’ shape.
Looking at the silly expression on her face, he couldn’t imagine how imposing
she usually looked on the days when she dealt with the Jia and Shen families.
His heart melted into a puddle as he watched her; she looked like the kitten
they’d raised at home in the past. He reached out to caress her hair. “Why are
you so shocked?”
After Yun Bixue snapped out of her shock, she abruptly pushed Xie Limo
away and said frantically, “Hurry, the house hasn’t been tidied up! No, there
are still so many things to buy.”
Watching Yun Bixue hastily rushing up to the second floor, Xie Limo shook his
head. Tucking his hands into his pockets, his aura was laid-back yet elegant.
He chuckled, “Enough, no need to run around. The earliest she’ll arrive will
still be two days later. Mother will definitely be prepared.”
“Limo, in that case, what do I really need to prepare? My heart is pounding
right now!” Yun Bixue covered her chest; her heart was hammering due to her
A tremor shot through Xie Limo’s chest as he laughed. “There’s nothing to
prepare. Mother is only here to see you, so the one who needs to prepare is
her. You only need to stay close to your husband.”
Yun Bixue was feeling rather doubtful as she went downstairs to Xie Limo’s
side. She batted her eyelids while asking, “Really? Are you lying to me? I
have no experience, so you have to let me know.”
“Yes, it’s true. But, then again, my mother’s personality is pretty energetic.
You’ll need to adapt to it.”
“Then, do you think your mother will like me?”
“Of course she will. She’ll naturally like someone that her son has chosen.”
Yun Bixue had never experienced such a feeling before. When she met Su
Lenghan’s parents in the past, she only felt slightly out-of-place at most, but
never nervous. What was wrong with her this time? “But I still feel worried.”
On the contrary, Xie Limo enjoyed watching his wife behaving in such an
adorable and muddled manner. Her restlessness was a testament to how
highly she regarded her relationship with his mother. It made him feel relieved.
Xie Limo gently patted Yun Bixue’s back. “Rest assured, I’m here. Don’t
worry, you have to trust your husband.”
Yun Bixue hesitated for a moment before she nodded. Indeed, with him
around, everything had become much simpler.
Finally, after some discussion, the couple decided to go shopping the next day
to at least make some preparations. It was initially a task for Xie Shiyi, but Yun
Bixue felt that she should make the trip personally for his mother. Only then
could they demonstrate their respect and filial piety towards the elder.
Before they retired for the night, Yun Bixue gave Yang Mei a call to inquire on
the progress for several matters. She learned that Yun Muzhong had been
stepping out of the house regularly, and there had been some friction with
Yang Siru.
Yun Mengshi knew that her father had an extra-marital affair, but chose to
remain silent.
Yun Bixue hooked her lips up into a smile. “Let’s add some fuel to the fire.
Reveal parts of the news to Yang Siru, so she’ll start fighting with Yun
Muzhong. Also, find a chance for Yun Mengshi to get close to Su Lenghan.
The matter with the Jia family is almost completed—get the news agencies to
reveal that IP address belonging to the Shen family…” After planning out
everything, these groups of people would be fully occupied with dealing with
these issues. They wouldn’t have the time to bother her. And naturally, she
would be free to prepare for her mother-in-law’s visit.
The most important thing was that she wanted to show her mother-in-law a
stellar performance and keep her company while she was here.
Chapter 98: Preparation
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
After accounting for some matters with Yang Mei, Yun Bixue darted up to the
study room and occupied the seat where Xie Limo usually sat. She grabbed a
sheet of paper and listed out the items she needed to buy, as well as the
dishes she had to prepare for every meal.
After taking a shower, Xie Limo headed to the bedroom but didn’t see his wife
around. Walking out of the room, he noticed that the lights in the study room
were still switched on, and he went over. Looking at how his wife was deep in
thought, he couldn’t help but let out a chuckle.
Watching how adorable and muddled she appeared, his heart stirred, sending
waves and ripples through it.
He leaned lazily against the door and silently studied his wife. It was as if he
couldn’t get enough of her, even though he didn’t know what she was writing
about that made her so engrossed.
Yun Bixue felt jittery as she wrote. Reviewing what she had jotted down, she
crossed out everything and started writing again. She did this repeatedly,
forgetting about her husband. In her heart, she was only thinking about her
mother-in-law, and she wanted to present herself well.
She might not have a mother, but she would be good to Xie Limo’s mother.
Finally, it was nine at night when Xie Limo checked the time. He shook his
head and chuckled resignedly. Walking to a spot behind Yun Bixue, his
exquisite eyes glistened when he noticed the things that she was writing on
the paper. He laughed softly, “My dear, could you read out everything you just
wrote for your husband?”
Yun Bixue was startled and frantically covered the piece of paper in her
hands. “Nothing is written on it.” She was just like a child, fearing that he
would mock her.
After spending some time by Xie Limo’s side, she realized that he was a
genius who seemingly knew everything. She, however, paled in comparison to
Xie Limo leaned forward slightly and pinched a corner of the paper with his
slender fingers. He spoke clearly, “My dear, I’ve already read through it.”
Yun Bixue could only release her grip and muttered under her breath, “You’re
not allowed to tease me.” Her husband possessed a photographic memory;
since he had already seen it, there was no point in her covering it up.
At this moment, she realized that she would be fully in his embrace if she tried
leaning backward. She smelled that faint and distinct fragrance that belonged
only to him, and she felt intoxicated. She shook her head wildly, trying to
discard the thoughts in her mind.
However, the harder she tried, the more absent-minded she felt. She recalled
the time she saw his jade-like skin and how her eyes had almost popped out
of her head. He had a chiseled body, and she simply couldn’t describe it with
mere words.
On the piece of paper, Xie Limo examined the list of items to be bought, the
dishes to be prepared, and the things to take note of, and his lips curled into a
gentle smile. She was truly his wife; how could he not pamper her?
When Xie Limo lowered his head, he saw his wife spacing out. He asked
gently, “My dear, what are you thinking about?”
Without a second thought, Yun Bixue answered, “Thinking about you!” After
she said it, she desperately wanted to bite her tongue off and hide in a hole.
She lowered her head more and more, and her face flushed. Even her
earlobes started turning red from embarrassment.
Xie Limo’s exquisite aura grew warmer. After being together for so long, his
wife was still so bashful. He needed to come up with a solution; if his mother
arrived and saw such a sight, what would she think?
With that thought in mind, Xie Limo cast the piece of paper aside and lightly
wrapped his arm around Yun Bixue’s waist. He lowered his head slightly and
gently kissed her forehead. He teased, “So you have been thinking about me!”
Yun Bixue’s heart jumped uncontrollably. Just as she was about to shake her
head, she looked up and met Xie Limo’s alluring gaze. Her soul felt like it was
caught in a trap, and her mind went blank. She involuntarily moaned his
name, “Limo!”
Chapter 99: Yang Siru’s Suspicions
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Xie Limo had originally just wanted to stop his wife from blushing, but seeing
the glazed look in her eyes, his heart fluttered. A tempting ripple flashed
through his exquisite eyes, and he gently tightened the grip on his arm,
gradually bringing Yun Bixue closer and closer. Finally, he lowered his head
and began to kiss her, slowly tasting her sweetness.
Yun Bixue reached out to clutch Xie Limo’s shirt, allowing her body to dissolve
in his embrace. She shut her eyes, relishing in his fleeting and enchanting
ambiance. Her dainty face was dyed a crimson red, and she looked
extraordinarily beautiful.
Xie Limo caressed her delicate and pale cheeks as he lightly kissed her. After
her body relaxed, he used his tongue to tickle her lips, seeking entrance. He
transferred his scent to her, stirring her up and spreading his fragrance within
It was an intense kiss that encompassed their feelings of tender love and
warmth. It slowly grew passionate, as the kisses traveled up and down her
Xie Limo’s alluring eyes turned as deep as the ocean. He desperately wanted
to keep a piece of his wife within him.
Xie Limo only released Yun Bixue after her body started trembling. He settled
her within his embrace, allowing her to catch her breath.
Yun Bixue leaned into Xie Limo’s embrace. She listened to the sound of his
heartbeat and closed her eyes. She never knew that a kiss could disorientate
her and make her mind go blank.
The first time she held hands, had her heart intoxicated, as well as her first
kiss—these acts were all done with him. Thinking back on this, she realized
that her past memories were becoming increasingly faint. The only thing she
could remember was the warmth that Xie Limo offered her.
She felt more and more fortunate that she had met Xie Limo, and that he was
her husband.
At this moment, at the Yun family home.
Old Lady Shen came down from the second floor and noticed Yang Siru
howling over the phone. She screamed in displeasure, “Siru, it’s midnight!
Why are you still shouting?!”
Yang Siru looked at the phone call that had just ended and immediately
whined, “Mom, Muzhong hasn’t been coming home for such a long time, and
he’s always working overtime. Is he really that busy? I don’t recall ever seeing
him like this.”
Old Lady Shen’s astute eyes brightened, and she replied, “Siru, it’s a good
thing that he’s working hard. You’re also aware of the current predicament
troubling our Yun family. If Muzhong weren’t so caught up with work, you
wouldn’t be able to spend any money.”
Although Yang Siru was annoyed, she couldn’t be defiant when facing Old
Lady Shen. She could only answer, “Mom, Muzhong was never like this in the
past. I suspect that he might be having an affair.”
“Nonsense!” Old Lady Shen tapped her walking stick. She abruptly raised her
voice abruptly and continued, “Don’t you know Muzhong’s personality? For so
many years, he’s been at your beck and call. If he wanted to have an affair, he
would have done it a long time ago. Isn’t it just because of the current
situation? It’s normal for him to work hard for our Yun family, so stop
overthinking things.”
Yang Siru had wanted to persist, but seeing how determined Old Lady Shen
was, she could only contain her fury.
At this moment, the door flung open, and Yun Mengshi entered cheerfully.
Yang Siru found a source to vent out her anger and screamed, “You stupid
girl! It’s already so late, don’t you know how to come home? Were you
messing around outside? Look at yourself. Do you still treat this place as your
home? Take a look at what time it is now…”
Yun Mengshi had initially been feeling joyful, but the moment she stepped into
the house, she received a harsh scolding from her mother. For a moment, she
couldn’t endure it; her mother had never treated her like that.
“Mom, I only went out to meet a friend.”
“You only know how to lie. Do you think I don’t know? You must have been
fooling around outside.”
After listening to the implied accusation, Old Lady Shen’s forehead twitched
incessantly. With a worn-out tone, she yelled, “Enough, it’s late! Everyone,
just stop it!”
Chapter 100: Fantasy
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Just as Yang Siru was about to unleash her fury, she was interrupted by Old
Lady Shen again. Her heart felt bitterly stifled.
Yang Siru knew how shrewd Old Lady Shen could be. The old woman meant
every word she said, and Yang Siru had suffered her fair share of grievances
in the past. However, she had always poured out her displeasure on Yun
Yun Muzhong had a timid personality. He neither retaliated when hit nor
argued back when criticized. If he didn’t return home today, she wouldn’t be
able to release all her anger. She felt that she was close to going berserk.
“Mom, Yun Mengshi is still your granddaughter after all. It’s already so late
and she only just got back. I’m only worried about her. She’s been all dolled
up recently, and I don’t want her to be deceived by those rich playboys.”
Yun Mengshi’s face turned pale, and she stomped her feet. “Mom, what are
you saying?” As she spoke, she clutched tightly onto her handbag and peered
at Yang Siru in disbelief. She was her mother—she had never treated her like
this before.
Old Lady Shen’s head throbbed. More and more issues had been piling up
recently—her maternal family was in a state of chaos, and even the Yun
family was entangled in many issues. She couldn’t enjoy even a moment of
peace. Slamming down with her walking stick, she said, “It’s already late,
don’t you want to sleep? Yun Mengshi is my granddaughter, and I naturally
care and dote on her. She has already matured, so there’s no need for her to
report her whereabouts to you.”
Watching how Yang Siru was instantly stupefied, Old Lady Shen continued
speaking, “Enough, stop making things difficult. Isn’t it just because Muzhong
isn’t back yet? He’s really swamped with work, but you can simply call him
and ask him to come home. There’s no need to be like this.”
Yang Siru replied anxiously, “Mom, don’t you know that he hasn’t been
coming back no matter how much I call?”
“Just inform him that I’m feeling unwell. He will definitely return.”
Yang Siru beamed as she approached Old Lady Shen to support her. She
said, “Thank you, Mom.” When Yun Muzhong returned, she would deal with
him. She felt uneasy. Could the rumors be true? Was Yun Muzhong really
keeping a mistress outside?
Yun Mengshi’s face turned even paler. Her eyes widened suddenly, and she
watched Yang Siru and Old Lady Shen as they walked up to the second floor.
She opened her mouth, but no words came out of it.
She was aware that her father was having an affair. She had seen proof of it
once when Yun Bixue brought her to the shopping mall. Since he hadn’t been
coming home lately, it already proved her right.
Her mother hadn’t found out about it yet. She had just been scolded, so she
decided that it would be better to not disclose the news today. Even though it
involved her parents, she was ultimately still self-centered.
Grabbing her bag, she hurried to her room. Thinking of the person she met
today, the corners of her lips curled up to show a sweet smile. Young Master
Su was truly lovely and was so gentle and elegant.
Her thoughts had never been skewed towards that direction before, but Yun
Bixue had turned her attention towards him. Yun Bixue failed to entice Young
Master Su, and if she could make him fall for her, it would confirm that she
was more charming than her elder sister!
Just wait, she would surely get together with Young Master Su. She
fantasized about the day when she could hook her arm through Young Master
Su’s. If Yun Bixue learned about this, she would undoubtedly be devastated.
In the midst of her fantasies, Yun Mengshi fell into a deep slumber.
Since the Jia family was at their wits’ end, they had no choice but to seek help
from the Shen family. However, the Shen family had turned a blind eye and
had already abandoned the Jia family.
Old Master Shen’s reason was that his family could always buy back the Jia
family’s mining business, but he couldn’t compromise the Shen family’s
reputation by dealing with the Jia family.
However, to Old Master Shen’s surprise, a shocking piece of news had been
blasted all over the Internet. The IP address that first attempted to eradicate
the Jia family belonged to the Shen family, and the transactions between the
two families were published too.
There was an entire list of outgoing transactions, and they were all performed
by the Jia family to the Shen family.
All the netizens could tell at a glance—the Jia family was a money-making tool
for the Shen family.
Chapter 101: The Jia Family Accepts an Interview
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
The netizens were enraged. The Shen family was indeed stealthy. They were
part of the influential families of Ning An City, yet they dared to commit such a
vile act. They exploited the Jia family for money and even neglected the safety
measures at the mines.
For a long time, when there were any casualties from mining accidents in Ning
An City, it was always the Jia family who sought to pacify the families
involved. Although the Jia family was mostly in the wrong, the Shen family
was despicable for cowardly avoiding the issue and manipulating the Jia
Everyone was more baffled about why the accident at the Jia family’s mining
business had been exposed by the Shen family. Could it be that the Shen
family were trying to sacrifice the Jia family to save themselves, or did they
have another plot in mind?
Regardless of why the Shen family chose to expose the Jia family, everyone
collectively viewed the Shen family in a negative light, and their displeasure
grew by the day. They had already disliked the rich in the first place, and this
time, they desperately wanted to step all over the Shen family. The other
influential families were also adding fuel to the fire.
If the Shen family collapsed, the statuses of the influential families in Ning An
City would be freshly partitioned once again.
Regarding this matter, the number of times the video had been spread was
shocking. The citizens of Ning An City were all fixated on the mining issue
involving the Jia and Shen families.
“The Shen family is truly despicable! We can’t work with them in the future.”
“We wouldn’t even know if we’re being deceived by the Shen family.”
“Those from the Jia family are so dumb. Why did they choose the Shen family
as their backer?”
“Don’t forget how the Shen family expanded in the beginning.”
“When the Shen family needed them, they supported the Jia family, but when
they were no longer necessary, they got kicked away. The Shen family
certainly planned things well.”
While everyone was busy making wild guesses, Father Jia saw the IP address
and flipped the table over in a fit of anger. His trust in Old Master Shen had all
been in vain; the Shen family had ultimately pulled off such a move.
He’d always thought that it was all because he had offended Young Master
Xie and Miss Yun, but he hadn’t expected that his backer had been exploiting
his family.
The Jia family had been loyal and devoted to the Shen family. After being
betrayed in such a manner, the entire Jia family instantly directed their fury at
the Shen family.
Jia Dongkun was incredulous as he read the news online. “Dad, the Shen
family is too much! Aren’t they treating us like fools?”
The veins on Father Jia’s forehead popped out. “Since the Shen family is
being so heartless, they shouldn’t blame me for being ruthless to them.”
“That’s right! Even if our Jia family cannot match up to the Shen family, we
can’t just continue to be bullied like this.” Jia Dongkun tactfully defended his
father’s words.
Father Jia pondered for a while. Noticing that some reporters were still
gathered outside, he instructed Jia Dongkun, “Dongkun, let the reporters
come in. Tell them I’m accepting interviews.” Since the matter had already
progressed to this stage, the Jia family would no longer avoid it. He only
wished for the media to report the situation accurately so it could worsen
everyone’s resentment towards the Shen family. By doing so, the Jia family
could possibly still be protected.
Jia Dongkun immediately bolted over to open the door, and all the reporters
rushed in, as if afraid that the Jia family would change their mind and lock
them outside again if they had acted too slowly.
Moreover, the quicker they ran, the longer the duration of the interview, and
the more materials could be written. They were also relying on this piece of
news to collect their commissions.
Luckily, they had persevered and waited outside the door. After lingering for
such a long time, they could finally enter. Good things do come to those who
work hard!
“May I ask how Mr. Jia views this matter?”
“Mr. Jia, are the rumors online true? Do the earnings of the Jia family’s mining
business go to the Shen family? Is the Shen family the backer of the Jia
family? In that case, why has the Shen family turned a blind eye to the Jia
family recently, and even exposed such news? Are the two families in some
sort of conflict?”
“Mr. Jia, why were you willing to be manipulated by the Shen family? Could
you please explain?”
The horde of reporters bombarded him with their questions. Their overall tone
was aggressive, and the cameras flashed incessantly.
Chapter 102: The Center of Public Attention
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Facing the reporter’s belligerent words, Father Jia remained silent and sat
calmly. The helpers and guards of the Jia family stepped forward to block off
the reporters from Father Jia.
“Everyone, take turns to ask your questions. Sir has accepted your interview
and will thus answer the important questions.”
“Everyone, quiet! Take turns to ask!”
After the reporters had finally quieted down, Father Jia slowly lifted his head
and said, “I will only answer the most pressing questions. I will accept three
questions, and you may begin to ask now. After three questions, I will not
answer anymore.”
The reporters glanced at each other. This was something unheard of to them.
A reporter lightly croaked, “Mr. Jia, rumor has it that the Jia family established
its mining business to supply money to the Shen family. The real proprietor of
the mining business is the Shen family. Is this true?” ”
Father Jia nodded. “That is true.” His tone was collected but dispirited. This
used to be a secret that the Jia family would have carried to their graves, and
they had been wary of everyone else because of it. They didn’t even divulge
this to their most trusted friends. He had never expected that he would
ultimately reveal this secret so simply to the reporters.
The affairs of the world were indeed ever-changing.
Seeing how Father Jia was preparing to answer, the reporters grew flurried
and quickly asked another question. “Mr. Jia, did Old Master Shen disregard
and expose the Jia family because of a dispute over benefits? Or is the Shen
family kicking the Jia family to the curb?”
Father Jia listened to the reporters’ words and snorted, “Your guess is as
good as mine.”
What kind of answer was this? The reporters couldn’t wrap their heads around
what Father Jia was trying to imply in his words. No matter how many times
they asked again, Father Jia refused to explain.
The last question enquired about the Shen family’s plot regarding the mining
business. Father Jia droned on about how the Shen family supported them
and how they took advantage of the Jia family.
Such restricted news stunned everyone at the scene, and they gaped in
shock. There had been such a mind-blowing piece of news all along.
The reporters held their breaths as they listened, gravely afraid that missing a
sentence or a word would tarnish their reports.
After the third question, the reporters dropped everything and ran back oneby-one to rush out their reports. Such astonishing news would definitely cause
an uproar.
Ever since Young Master Xie took on his new role, the reporters’ days were
becoming more and more comfortable. There were constantly so many mindboggling news stories, and the rewards they received had been plentiful.
After the reporters left, the Jia family home appeared empty all of a sudden.
Father Jia abruptly slumped back on the sofa, wearing a worn-out expression.
The Jia family had prospered for decades. Would they have to return to their
original state of being an average household?
That could be good in its own way. Rather than keeping a secret and
squandering each day away, it might be better to return to their initial ordinary
and simple days.
However, Mother Jia couldn’t endure living such an impoverished life. She
blamed Father Jia and fought with him every day.
The news that had been kept tightly under wraps was revealed personally by
Father Jia, and therefore it contained the greatest truth. Once the news was
published, it caused mayhem all over Ning An City.
This was especially so for the Shen family. The coverage on them had just
reduced, but they were thrown to the center of public attention once again.
This time, the scrutiny on them was even more severe. The Shen family could
never successfully conceal such a scandal no matter how hard they tried.
Their status as one of the influential families of the first generation was
crumbling. Their counterparts in Ning An City were also criticizing the Shen
family for their shameless act, and they did not want to be associated with
“This will be the death of me!” Old Master Shen yelled vehemently when he
read the news. He ultimately could not take the blow and passed out.
The Shen family was thrown into a state of chaos. Everyone frantically tried to
send Old Master Shen to the hospital, but right when they left the villa, the
reporters blocked their paths. Some other troublemakers were even smashing
things around with a club.
Chapter 103: The Shen family in a State of Chaos
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
After being extorted by the rabid family members of the victims from the
mining incident and then also being intercepted by the reporters, nobody from
the Shen family dared to leave the house anymore. They could only resort to
calling the ambulance to send Old Master Shen to the hospital. However, it
was too late; Old Master Shen had already suffered a stroke.
“If you had sent him here earlier, Old Master Shen would have been fine. You
were late by just a few minutes.”
As the doctor announced the physical condition of Old Master Shen, Shen
Wenqi—the eldest son of the Shen family—felt his mind cloud over. He stared
at the doctor in disbelief.
He lurched forward and seized the doctor’s coat. “Doctor, quickly examine the
old master! It can’t be true, his body is still so sturdy! How could this happen?”
The Shen family was in such a mess these days, and they still depended on
Old Master Shen to take care of matters. With this sudden loss of the
backbone of the household, he could only feel flustered. In the past,
regardless of what happened, Old Master Shen was there to contain it. What
could they do now?
“Sorry, Mr. Shen. We’ve tried our best. What you can all do is nurse the
patient back to health.”
Shen Wenqi staggered backward. Although his ways were cunning and
wicked, he was compliant to the Old Master’s words. It was because he was
aware that with his capabilities, the Shen family could only prosper if the Old
Master was still around. However, even before he could get ready, Old Master
Shen Zhengyao went forward to prop Shen Wenqi up and said, “Dad,
Grandfather will be fine. He will definitely get better. We’ll hire top-grade
doctors, and there will surely be a solution. Medicine has advanced
significantly in recent times. This is merely a small case of a stroke.”
Shen Wenqi shook his head weakly. “Where can we find such top-grade
doctors? Do you think we can hire just anyone?”
Shen Zhengyao looked at the VIP room in front of him and fixed his gaze
there. He spoke, “Dad, I remember that Old Master Yun recovered after the
top-grade doctors attended to him.”
Shen Wenqi’s eyes glowed instantaneously. “You mean the Yun family?”
Shen Zhengyao nodded.
The two of them understood that they really had to seek help from Yun Bixue
to save Old Master Yun, but would she be willing to assist them? However, if
Old Lady Shen personally made the request, would Yun Bixue be able to
reject her grandmother? Could she choose to be unfilial?
Thinking of Yun Bixue, the two of them unknowingly felt rather apprehensive.
Yun Bixue was no longer the same eldest daughter of the Yun family from
Nonetheless, despite how difficult it might be, they still had to give it a try. With
Old Master Shen around, the Shen family would not collapse so easily.
The two of them plodded away with heavy thoughts in their heads. Some of
the nurses and doctors no longer greeted them respectfully when they saw
them. Instead, they showed a hint of contempt after seeing the Shen family
walk past.
The nurses started to discuss amongst themselves. “Did you see that? They
belong to the Shen family, that cold-blooded group of people.”
“I really couldn’t tell. The people from the Shen family are so nasty, we should
stay away from them.” ”
“They look so dignified. They’re also considered an influential family too, but
their morals are so lacking.”
“Since they’re loaded, they wouldn’t take the lives of others seriously.”
Shen Wenqi and his son could hear the whispers coming from everyone near
them. Even if they were fuming, they couldn’t act out. They used to be so high
and mighty in the past, but now they felt that they couldn’t even stand tall.
When they returned to the Shen family home, there were already police
officers waiting outside. They summoned the two of them to the police station
to record an affidavit for the mining incident.
Amidst the chaos in the Shen family, Old Lady Shen learned of the news, and
her complexion turned white. It was her maternal family, so she didn’t want
anything to happen to it. She had a hunch that there was more than met the
eye regarding this situation.
Just as Old Lady Shen was making her way downstairs, a loud clamor
sounded from the living room. With one look, she realized that Yun Muzhong
had come home. Yang Siru was arguing with him, and her face was flushed
with agitation.
No matter how unhappy Yang Siru had been in the past, Yun Muzhong had
never raised his voice at her. However, he wasn’t showing any mercy in his
fight with Yang Siru this time.
hapter 104: Old Lady Shen’s Irritation
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
“You haven’t come home for so long! Have you been fooling around? Ah…
Are you abandoning this home? Yun Muzhong, d*mn you!”
The longer Yun Muzhong looked at the old hag, the more repulsed he felt.
None of her looks, figure, or temper could compare to the other women. He
absolutely couldn’t understand how he had managed to stand her for so many
years. “Shut up, what are you blabbering on about?” Thinking about his gentle
and considerate mistresses, and then taking another look at the old hag, Yun
Muzhong increasingly felt that he had wasted the past few years. If he’d done
this earlier, he could be leading the enjoyable life that he was currently living
Yang Siru widened her eyes in disbelief, her eyes almost popping out of their
sockets. Her rage caused her blood to rush to her head. “Fine, Yun Muzhong!
You dare to scream and yell at me, and talk to me in that manner! Spill, did a
foxy woman outside seduce you so much that you forgot about your home?
Yun Muzhong grew progressively tired of this conversation. He had returned
only to visit his mother.
“This is ridiculous. I’m only back to visit Mom. I have many things to settle at
work, and I can’t delay them.”
Yang Siru almost failed to recognize the current Yun Muzhong; he was worlds
apart from his old cowardly self. “You must have a mistress.”
“The Yun family is already in such dire straits. Could you stop raising a
ruckus? Other people would be mocking us if they saw this.”
“Ha… Other people would be mocking me? Don’t forget how you chased after
me in the beginning. How could you just kick me to the curb? Ah…!”
Old Lady Shen’s mind throbbed with anxiety. She had initially been feeling
rather cool-headed, but everything was all messed up now. What was going
on? “Stop arguing! It’s good that Yun Muzhong is back, so why can’t the two
of you speak nicely? Siru, you have been waiting anxiously for Muzhong to
return. I made him come back, but you choose to argue with him instead. It
would be better if he didn’t come home.”
Yang Siru felt wronged. “Mom, you saw it too. He was the one who spoke to
me so rudely. I’ve contributed so much to him and to this family for so many
years, but he’s turning against me just like that.”
Yun Muzhong heaved a sigh of relief and asked Old Lady Shen with deep
concern, “Mom, are you feeling alright?”
Old Lady Shen marched down the stairs amidst the chaotic scene and
stumbled, almost falling down. Yun Muzhong dashed forward to support her
and scolded Yang Siru, “Is this how you take care of Mom? If something
happens to her, you will suffer the consequences.”
“Wow, Yun Muzhong, you’re really threatening me! Mom, look at this! He must
have been enticed by his mistress.”
“You only care about the mistress. You also insulted Eldest Sister-in-Law in
the same way back then. Can’t you be more refined?”
Yun Mengshi had initially planned to leave the house, but the moment she
opened her room’s door, she saw Yun Muzhong and Yang Siru chewing each
others’ heads off. Not wishing to be entangled in their fight, she could only
retreat back into her room.
However, even by listening to the hushed cries sounding from outside, she felt
exceedingly irked. They used to be a loving family. Why did it end up like this?
Moreover, she noticed that it was time for her to leave. She still had pressing
matters to deal with outside.
Old Lady Shen wheezed incessantly, and for a moment, she couldn’t catch
her breath and almost fainted. Yun Muzhong spotted her actions with his keen
eyes and held onto her. “Mom, what happened?”
“You two should stop arguing! The Shen family has met with such a major
scandal. Quickly think of how we can tide over this.” Despite hustling for many
years, she had never dealt with an issue as tricky as the one the Yun family
was dealing with. She had a hunch that a consistent schemer was pulling the
strings behind the scenes. However, she had no clue who it could be.
She would never expect that person to be Yun Bixue. At this point in time, the
schemer was shopping in the mall with Xie Limo.
Chapter 105: The Couple Shops Together
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
This was Xie Limo’s first time shopping with a woman. Previously, every
single item in his home was handcrafted by the Xie family’s personal team of
specialists. This included all his clothes that were tailor-made by professionals
and were of a much greater quality than those found in the malls.
Nonetheless, seeing how this dainty woman was walking happily in front of
him, Xie Limo reveled in such a feeling. Since she enjoyed this, he would
surely accompany her.
They entered a shop selling nightgowns. Yun Bixue spotted a pink piece and
gestured towards Xie Limo by waving her hands. “Limo, look at this. What do
you think of this?”
Xie Limo nodded. “Yes, it’s fine.” He wasn’t very adept at selecting female
clothing. The clothes that he’d given to her at the start of their relationship had
all been customized by tailors that Xie Shiyi commissioned.
The saleslady gawked at the couple who were standing so close together, and
her heart raced so quickly that she felt it jump out of her chest. Although they
both wore a cap and sunglasses, she could still identify them. The man who
was easy on the eyes and looked so alluring was the Young Master Xie who
had appeared on television.
She almost jumped while trying to contain her excitement. She was indeed
lucky to have met the leader of Ning An City here!
Ah… She couldn’t take it anymore. Her heart could no longer hold up. Young
Master Xie’s grace could enrapture an entire city, and one simply couldn’t look
His smiles towards the girl beside him were so gentle and tender. This woman
should be the one and only Miss Yun, who had been at the center of public
attention some time back!
Yun Bixue took no notice of the saleslady and concentrated only on viewing
the gowns. “What about this?”
“This is fine too.”
“Give me some comments!” Yun Bixue pouted as she whined in frustration. If
they were all fine, which piece should she buy?
“As long as you like them, I have no other opinions.” She would be the one
wearing these clothes, so the main point would be that she liked putting them
on herself.
“Don’t you have any opinions even though I’m the one wearing it?”
Xie Limo chuckled and pulled her closer to his body. He lowered his head
slightly and whispered into her ear, “No matter what my wife wears, I’ll still
think she looks great.”
Yun Bixue blushed and bickered back with a wry expression, “Isn’t it normal
for most people to want their wives to dress properly so that they’ll be more
Flabbergasted by her words, Xie Limo suddenly grinned and his exquisite
eyes lit up as they overflowed with brilliance. “My dear, do you think that your
husband needs to be like that too?”
Yun Bixue thought it over. He was right—he was always so loving, so doting,
and he had been indulging her right from the beginning. It was as if he would
always feel content as long as she was happy.
Unknowingly, Yun Bixue had already fallen deep into this form of indulgence.
Deep down in her heart, the thought that her husband was the best grew
stronger and stronger.
“Limo, I’m buying these for your mother, and we can’t do a sloppy job. We
have to get new bathrobes, sleeping clothes and casual attire, and also
replace things like bed sheets and covers…” Yun Bixue recalled the list of
items and felt that there were just too many things to buy.
“There’s no hurry, so just take your time. Even if you’re tired from shopping, I
can instruct Xie Shiyi to purchase them.” In fact, to grant her more time to
prepare, he had already requested from his mother to delay her arrival. If they
had followed through with his mother’s plans, she would have acted fast and
arrived by tomorrow on her private plane.
He didn’t want to frighten his wife.
Yun Bixue rejected him resolutely. “No, I’ll buy them personally.” After saying
this, she continued browsing earnestly again.
After choosing a few nightgowns, Xie Limo fished out a credit card, which
shocked the saleslady so much that she accepted it with trembling hands. She
had been manning the shop for over a decade. She had heard of this
legendary Gold Card but had never seen it. This was her first time looking at
As Yun Bixue walked arm-in-arm with Xie Limo up to the second floor, she
had not expected to meet Su Lenghan and Meng Xinyan. The two of them
were at the mall too!
Chapter 106: Young Master Xie Vs. Young Master Su
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
As Yun Bixue watched the couple walk past her, her eyes flickered.
Surprisingly, she only felt a fleeting moment of something stirring within her
but then regained her peace shortly after. She was no longer as devastated
as she felt in the beginning.
She couldn’t help but feel emotional after realizing this. Time was indeed
intriguing; it could make one forget and wash everything away to the past.
Yun Bixue had originally been linking arms with Xie Limo, but in that moment,
her husband gently withdrew his arm and placed it around her shoulders
instead. This new position offered a different significance.
Yun Bixue felt her body warming up as she looked at Xie Limo. With his
sunglasses on, she couldn’t make out the expression in his eyes. However,
when she noticed the arch at the corner of his lips, she knew that his gaze
must be warm and gentle too.
Meng Xinyan found the couple’s uninhibited display of affection unpleasant to
her eyes. She thought back to how Su Lenghan had been treating her so
indifferently recently and her anger built up within her.
How did Yun Bixue manage to find Young Master Xie—who treated her so
tenderly—even after being ditched by Su Lenghan?
She herself didn’t even possess the confidence that she could make Young
Master Xie fall for her, so how did Yun Bixue do it?
During this period of time, Meng Xinyan had been having battles in her mind
and was no longer the sweet-tempered top socialite that she used to be. Her
jealousy had started to grow within her.
Looking over at Su Lenghan, she realized that he had already sighted Yun
Bixue. She let go of her grip on his shoulder and smiled softly as she said,
“Lenghan, isn’t that Yun Bixue? Such a coincidence, I didn’t expect to meet
her here.”
Su Lenghan seemed distracted, and as he listened to Meng Xinyan’s words,
his expression twitched slightly. Watching how joyful she looked now, he
should be feeling happy for her. Instead, he felt an emptiness in his heart, as if
something was missing.
Before they could say a single word, Yun Bixue graciously removed her
sunglasses and smiled at them. “Such a coincidence to meet my old friends
here. Are you shopping too?” She spoke in a genial manner, as though they
were purely friends and she was truly comfortable with them.
The more Yun Bixue behaved like that, the more enraged Meng Xinyan felt.
She especially despised how Lenghan looked at Yun Bixue. She had given up
everything for Su Lenghan; just like holding onto a piece of driftwood in a body
of water, she would not give up and let herself nor the relationship sink.
She was still bothered by Yun Bixue even though the latter already had the
marvelous Young Master Xie by her side. Since the two of them had
previously had mutual feelings for each other, it was possible that Yun Bixue
would return to Lenghan one day. If that ever happened… Thinking of such a
possibility, Meng Xinyan’s face turned pale.
She had been increasingly worried about her personal gains and losses
recently, and thus, she could hardly keep her calm when facing adversity.
Meng Xinyan flashed a smile that she deemed was sweet and radiant, and
said, “Yes, Lenghan and I are preparing to get married soon, so we have a lot
to buy.”
Although Meng Xinyan thought it was a romantic gesture, Su Lenghan wasn’t
playing along. He remained indifferent and dull.
Yun Bixue graciously beamed at them. “Young Master Su, congratulations!”
She showed no hints of discomfort throughout this exchange.
A flash of light brightened up Xie Limo’s exquisite eyes, and he said
mysteriously, “Young Master Su, remember to inform us after setting the date.
You used to be friends with Xue-er, and as friends, we’ll naturally be generous
with your wedding gift.”
‘Xue-er’—these two words were so sweet and so pleasing to the ears. This
pet name made them feel warm and fuzzy inside.
Yun Bixue’s heart quivered. Her face turned red, and it spread to her
earlobes. He had never called her that name before, but deep down, she liked
it so much that she felt as if a flower had bloomed in her heart.
Su Lenghan felt a buzz ringing through his mind. Those two words pierced
through the most painful parts of his heart.
Chapter 107: Display of Affection
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Su Lenghan felt a huge chunk of memories rushing back into his head. These
memories that he had chosen to ignore and forget suddenly surged into his
mind, and he almost couldn’t take it.
“Lenghan, you always call me ‘Bixue’. Can’t you give me a pet name?”
He recalled how she used to throw childish tantrums occasionally, and he’d
detested it. “The others don’t know about our relationship yet, so I can’t call
you like that.”
While they were watching television, he recalled how she muttered under her
breath, “Some people get called ‘Ling-er’ and ‘Qiu-er’. It sounds nice.”
“You’re already more than 20 years old, yet you still want such immature
names. You’ll only be mocked by the others. You have to grow up.”
“My university roommates have pet names too.”
“We represent the Su and Yun family. We’re different.”
Reminiscing about the past, Su Lenghan felt a sharp pain through his chest.
He realized that he must have treated her very coldly, just like how Meng
Xinyan had been aloof to him initially, and he had to chase her for so long.
Men indeed cherished what they couldn’t attain the most.
He couldn’t pinpoint his exact feelings at this moment. Could it be regret?
No… He would never allow himself to feel regret. The Yun family had been in
dire straits, and for his own family’s sake, he could only abandon them to
choose the Meng family. Moreover, he was fond of Xinyan. Why would he
regret it?
Su Lenghan suppressed the feelings flooding through his heart, and the
changes in his expressions vanished instantaneously. Nobody could even tell
that he had been feeling peculiar.
With regards to what Xie Limo said, he only nodded to show his
Xie Limo paid no attention to Su Lenghan’s attitude. With his wife by his side,
everything that he did was simply to support Yun Bixue.
He glanced askance at Meng Xinyan and never looked at her again. He
couldn’t bear to see how she blindly agreed to every word that Su Lenghan
Back in the past, the elders in his family had consistently attempted to offer
him women similar to Meng Xinyan.
Feeling irritated, he didn’t even bother to take a second look at her. In
comparison, his wife was far superior. He really couldn’t understand how Su
Lenghan had been using his wits.
If Su Lenghan continued his ways, the Su family business would undoubtedly
take a beating too.
However, all of this was none of his concern.
As Yun Bixue watched Su Lenghan, she felt that he had changed immensely.
He used to be exquisite and elegant and had emanated a charming aura. Yet,
he appeared somber and distant now, and it made the atmosphere
As for Meng Xinyan, she had played a part in sabotaging her. Since Meng
Xinyan had planned on messing with her, she naturally had to retaliate.
However, the way Su Lenghan was reacted to it was beyond her
After snagging the one he loved, logically, he should be rejoicing. The way he
behaved now was truly puzzling.
Well, Yun Bixue definitely wouldn’t be able to comprehend the thoughts of a
man like Su Lenghan.
Xie Limo removed his sunglasses and smiled tenderly at Yun Bixue. “Are you
tired from walking? Let’s go over there to rest. What do you want to eat? I’ll
buy it for you later.”
Yun Bixue got caught up in Xie Limo’s sudden attack of indulgence and
couldn’t resist it at all.
She felt her heart warming up, and her soul felt intoxicated as she met his
shining and exquisite gaze. She murmured, “No, I’m not tired. I still have to
buy those things for your mother later!”
Her tone sounded unintentionally flirtatious. As she leaned into his arms, she
completely forgot about the two prominent third wheels who were just beside
Chapter 108: Gentle Care
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
As Meng Xinyan watched the scene before her, she clenched her jaw out of
jealousy and her face contorted. Why? Why is Young Master Xie so caring
towards Yun Bixue?
The rage within Meng Xinyan escalated bit by bit.
The scene that Su Lenghan had just witnessed stung his eyes for a second,
but he thought nothing more of it.
On another day, when this scene would flash back in his head abruptly, he
would be suffering from endless regrets.
If he had reconsidered his choices back then, and paid attention to what his
heart told him, would it be less difficult for him to redeem himself by then?
However, no matter how much anguish he felt at that point in time, it was of
no use.
Xie Limo peeked at the couple’s reactions through the corners of his eyes,
and his lips curved up faintly. On the other hand, as he gazed at Yun Bixue,
his eyes showed unparalleled affection.
“Okay, we’ll continue shopping, but we’re going to rest once we get tired.” As
he spoke, he wrapped his arm around Yun Bixue’s shoulders and guided her
forward gently and tenderly.
As they strode past Su Lenghan and Meng Xinyan, Xie Limo exuded a sharp
and imposing aura. “Young Master Su, Miss Meng, please continue shopping.
I will accompany Xue-er.”
Meng Xinyan almost chewed through her teeth. Why was Yun Bixue so
When Yun Bixue snapped out of her daze, she realized that she had forgotten
about the couple just now.
As she watched how Meng Xinyan desperately wanted to eat her alive, Yun
Bixue beamed. She lightly poked a finger at Xie Limo’s waist. “Limo, did you
do that on purpose? Meng Xinyan looked like she wanted to bite my head off.”
A hint of alluring light flashed across Xie Limo’s eyes, and he softly replied,
“My dear, you’ve wrongly accused me. Am I not like this on a normal day
Yun Bixue thought it over He was right; he always pampered her every day,
so there wasn’t really anything special about today. No, wait. “Limo, you don’t
normally call me ‘Xue-er’.”
“Could it be that my dear doesn’t like it?”
Yun Bixue’s face blushed. She couldn’t bring herself to admit that she did.
Picking up her pace, she arrived at a boutique. As she browsed through the
clothes, she tried to borrow some time to quell the fire she felt inside her.
What was going on with her? Why could she never contain herself every time
her husband seduced her with his charms and melodious voice?
She had to concede that her husband’s voice was indeed uniquely
compelling. His mellow tones enthralled her, and his voice tickled the deepest
parts of her heart like a feather, sending ripples through her.
Both Su Lenghan and Meng Xinyan couldn’t help but watch the silhouettes of
the couple as they left. To everyone, they looked like a well-suited pair.
Meng Xinyan was reminded of the recent problems in her relationship with Su
Lenghan, and feelings of sorrow and jealousy welled up in her heart. She had
never desired for things to be like that, but she always failed to control herself.
Furthermore, she didn’t know why, but her father was suddenly paying more
attention to Meng Xintong. She was clueless to the tricks that Meng Xintong
had pulled, but she seemed to be glowing. She had never been a valued
member of the family, and the outsiders weren’t even aware that the Meng
family had another older daughter.
One day, someone had even addressed Meng Xinyan as ‘the second
daughter of the Meng family’, and she threw a fit right away. Su Lengxian was
also a devious and tricky opponent.
The more she deliberated, the more distressed she felt.
She tugged at Su Lenghan’s arm and murmured, “Lenghan, let’s go over and
take a look too!”
Su Lenghan’s body stiffened. In the past, he hadn’t thought much of Meng
Xinyan’s voice, but now he felt that something was off and seemingly
unnatural. It was exceedingly different from the coquettish tone that Yun Bixue
and Xie Limo had used earlier.
“Lenghan, what’s wrong?”
Su Lenghan shook his head. “Nothing.” Perhaps he was reading too much
into it.
There had been too many things going on at the same time, and he was truly
worn out. He was supposed to attend a meeting today, but with Meng Xinyan
pestering him to go on a shopping trip, he could only delay it. Otherwise,
Meng Xinyan would be suspicious of him.
Moreover, with the recent episodes plaguing the Su family, the matter
revolving around Lengxian could only be suppressed so long as the outsiders
focused on the positive relationship between the Su and Meng families.
Chapter 109: Deceiving the Second Daughter of the Meng Family!
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Meng Xinyan didn’t know why, but she could not bear to see how blissful Yun
Bixue looked. She dragged Su Lenghan along and followed after her.
She didn’t realize that jealousy had overtaken her.
After Meng Xinyan and Su Lenghan entered the same boutique as Yun Bixue,
they saw how closely she was standing next to Xie Limo. The two of them
seemed to be discussing some clothes.
She also discovered that Xie Limo was always attentive and his gaze was
constantly on Yun Bixue.
Thinking back, every time she demanded Su Lenghan to join her on a
shopping trip, she had always selected her clothes herself. He would be sitting
elsewhere, watching her indifferently and blindly giving his approval. It
basically felt like she was shopping alone and he was reluctant to be there.
The longer she stared, the more it burned her eyes, and the more it became
an eyesore for her. Meng Xinyan’s chest started to puff up and down with
When Xie Limo left to pay for the items, Yun Bixue noticed that Meng Xinyan
and Su Lenghan had entered the same shop. She flashed a cordial smile at
them and continued browsing through the shop.
Yun Bixue took notice of a dress on a mannequin, and her eyes lit up
immediately. The dress was simple and comfortable, yet also elegant, long,
and graceful. “Excuse me, is there an L size for this?”
Meng Xinyan suddenly marched over. “Excuse me, I think this dress is pretty.
Please wrap it up for me.”
Yun Bixue was startled. Did Meng Xinyan get up on the wrong side of the
bed? Why was she looking so bitter?
The sales attendant cheerfully acknowledged her and apologized sincerely to
Yun Bixue, “I’m sorry, Miss. This dress has been purchased by this customer.
This is a limited edition, and there is only one size.”
Yun Bixue felt that it was such a pity, but a crafty smile flashed across her
eyes. Looking at Meng Xinyan, she asked, “Second Daughter of the Meng
Family, do you really like this dress? Don’t you prefer those with short skirts?”
Being addressed as the second daughter of her family was exactly her
weakness. She turned back and replied, “I like this style of clothing now. I
think it looks great.”
Yun Bixue was inwardly having a laughing fit, and she said to Su Lenghan
who was sitting on the couch, “Young Master Su, your fiancée said that she
likes this dress. She should look gorgeous with this on her. You should get her
to wear this for you. A lady should make herself beautiful for her sweetheart,
isn’t that right?”
Su Lenghan looked at Yun Bixue’s brilliant smile, and his composure shook. It
had been a long time since he had seen such a radiant smile. His heart felt
Meng Xinyan smiled in a flirtatious manner. “Don’t worry, Miss Yun. I’ll be sure
to do that. Lenghan treats me so well, so I’ll naturally change in front of him
when we return.”
Meng Xinyan strongly emphasized the five words ‘change in front of him’, as
though pointing something out.
Yun Bixue caught on instinctively. Her heart felt somewhat uneasy, but that
feeling also dispersed in an instant. Withdrawing her smile, she shook her
head. She had Limo by her side now; no one else mattered to her.
When Xie Limo returned after making payment, he witnessed this scene. He
approached the sales attendant and conveyed a few sentences, and she
pulled out a set of data right away.
Xie Limo squinted his eyes and whipped out his phone to make a call. “Get
the designer, Jean, to personally come up with the latest autumn styles for
Old Madam, and then deliver them to Young Madam.”
Afterward, he spoke gently to Yun Bixue with a smile, “Xue-er, this dress looks
more suitable for my mother, but since there’s someone else who likes it, I’ll
get the designer to come up with a new style. It will be the same if you gift it to
my mother later.”
As Meng Xinyan listened, she staggered and almost lost her balance. In a
burst of anger, her blood rushed towards her head, and her face flushed.
This… The dress that she just snatched cost more than 10 billion yuan, and it
was a dress for a middle-aged woman! She widened her eyes blankly and
glared at the dress in her hands, almost spilling out a mouthful of blood.
Chapter 110: The Top Socialite Loses it!
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue was having a whale of a time deep down. Her husband was
She noticed a hint of light flash through his alluring eyes. He was being so
two-faced. “I genuinely believed that your mother would like that dress, and I
was planning to get it. But, Miss Meng also claimed that she liked it too and
was even going to wear it at home for her fiancé.”
“I never knew she had such a fetish!
“Come to think of it, she must have something unique about her to be able to
become the top socialite.
“Since the two of them are getting married soon, this could be our small act of
consideration towards them. We can’t possibly snatch it away!” As she spoke,
she sighed while shaking her head.
She heavily emphasized the part regarding the fetish, implying that Meng
Xinyan possessed a unique taste by having a penchant for middle-aged
women’s clothes.
And she even liked putting on these middle-aged women’s clothes in the
comfort of their home solely for her fiancé… Ahh, it was truly difficult for one to
agree with such a fetish.
Meng Xinyan almost chewed through her teeth. She glared darkly at the
couple in front of her, and her eyes almost popped out of their sockets. They
were too despicable! She had dealt with shameless people before, but none
as shameless as these two! Yun Bixue must have done it on purpose. Meng
Xinyan was livid…
Su Lenghan had simply been lounging on the couch and was lost in his
thoughts. At this moment, he overheard Yun Bixue and Xie Limo’s
conversation, and when he looked over at Meng Xinyan, she was wearing an
odd expression.
As Xie Limo listened to his wife’s words and watched how she was cleverly
defending herself from being taken advantage of, his heart was brimming with
Xie Limo’s pale pink lips hooked up into an enchanting curve, and his eyes
brightened with indulgence. He said, “In an ever-changing world, anything is
possible. Xue-er, you shouldn’t be surprised. Coincidentally, I know of such a
designer who can come up with such styles.
“If Miss Meng is interested, I can request for the designer to design a gown for
your wedding, and I’ll give it to you as a wedding present.”
“Yes, I’m sure Miss Meng would like that.” Yun Bixue almost burst into
laughter. Her husband was truly two-faced. He had even wanted to design
Meng Xinyan’s gown, and it was to be a gaudy design meant for older women.
Meng Xinyan was already in a terrible mood, and with such a provocation, her
blood rushed to her head. “Yun Bixue, don’t go too far. If it weren’t for you, I
wouldn’t be needlessly spending this money. You’re sabotaging me on
Meng Xinyan’s shrill voice resounded throughout the entire shop, and the
overbearing way she yelled at Yun Bixue shocked a lot of people. Some sales
attendants immediately recognized her as the top socialite.
This was mind-blowing news, and they fished out their phones to secretly
record the scene.
Su Lenghan stood up abruptly, and his elegant aura became dark.
His gaze was quiet and deep, and it was glued onto Meng Xinyan. He tried to
grab Meng Xinyan’s hand, but she flung him away. “Su Lenghan, you saw
how they bullied me, but you didn’t even try to help me! Take a look at how
they’re treating me!”
Meng Xinyan was dim-witted and essentially just an airhead. She had been
taken over by a fit of anger.
Su Lenghan noticed that the sales attendants had started filming covertly. His
face froze, and his head started throbbing.
Why was Meng Xinyan behaving like this? She used to be gentle and
forgiving, but looking at her now, it was truly absurd. All these beautiful
adjectives couldn’t be used to describe her anymore.
“Xinyan!” Su Lenghan simply said, and his voice had turned cold. However, it
made Meng Xinyan’s heart skip a beat.
“Young Master Su, there’s no need to be concerned about this. Xue-er has
always been generous and tolerant. We will give the dress to Miss Meng.” Xie
Limo’s timely comment thoroughly ticked her off.
Chapter 111: The Second Daughter of the Meng Family Gets Slapped
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Meng Xinyan almost jumped. She wouldn’t dare to touch Young Master Xie
but found Yun Bixue an eyesore. “Yun Bixue, don’t think that I’m not aware of
your tricks.
“You’re despicable and shameless! Aren’t you just jealous of me? You used to
be in love with Lenghan, but he ditched you for me. So you kept a grudge, and
you’re constantly taking it out on me!”
Yun Bixue blinked calmly and then spoke in an innocent tone, “Oh no, Miss
Meng, why would I be jealous of you? I was here first with Limo, and you
followed after us. It was obviously you who was shadowing us!”
Although she didn’t sound like it, she was feeling thrilled deep down. She
couldn’t comprehend what was going through Meng Xinyan’s head.
Limo used to drone on about how Young Master Su had poor judgment, and
looking at how things turned out, he was certainly a letdown.
Su Lenghan noticed the disappointment in Yun Bixue’s eyes. His heart
trembled and his expression changed. Why did his heart feel barren when he
saw her look of dissatisfaction?
Meng Xinyan couldn’t retort back and her face flushed. At this moment, she
looked nothing like how a top socialite should, and instead resembled a shrew
at the market.
Xie Limo didn’t care about such unworthy figures, but seeing how his wife
seemed to be relishing in the moment, he played along with her. Tormenting
this brainless woman together was also a form of entertainment.
Meng Xinyan couldn’t find the words to refute what Yun Bixue had said.
However, she had decided to bring Yun Bixue down with her today. The entire
series of events was truly making her explode. “Yun Bixue, why are you
jealous of me? Haha!
“Isn’t it because the Su family originally decided on you as the fiancée, but Su
Lenghan ultimately dumped you and chose me. This just shows that you’re
nothing impressive either. You’re merely a rejected piece of goods—”
‘Pak!’ The sound of a slap rang out. Even before Meng Xinyan was done
speaking, a tight slap was delivered to her cheek.
Meng Xinyan’s head buzzed, and she blanked out. Covering her face, she
turned back in disbelief. “Lenghan, did you hit me?”
She had been overly pampered since her childhood, and the entire Ning An
City looked upon her as a goddess. She had never suffered any form of
humiliation, let alone being hit by another person.
In the beginning, Su Lenghan had loved her tenderly and gave her anything
she desired. However, everything had changed now.
Su Lenghan looked at his hand which was trembling slightly. He himself
couldn’t believe that he’d slapped her, although he truly had an outburst of
anger just now.
Hadn’t she always been considerate and gentle? Why would she say such
She knew that the matters between the Su and Yun families had always been
kept under wraps, and in order to keep the secret, he had never even held
Yun Bixue’s hand.
However, with Meng Xinyan revealing it before everyone, what would become
of the Su family?
Had she even thought of what the citizens of Ning An City would think? The
Su family would become the center of social attention and discussion once
“Xinyan!” Calling out this name was heartbreaking, and his voice even
seemed to carry along a tinge of melancholy and inexplicable misery.
At this time, Meng Xinyan was already bawling, and her crazed state was
immediately reduced to that of a delicate woman who had suffered greatly.
Without a care, she covered her face and dashed out in tears.
Su Lenghan shot Yun Bixue an apologetic look before giving chase.
Yun Bixue shrugged, acting as though she had nothing to do with it, and that it
was purely due to Meng Xinyan’s foolishness.
Yun Bixue lifted her head gently and looked at Xie Limo as she said softly,
“Now you know everything.”
She was referring to her past with Su Lenghan.
Xie Limo’s gaze flickered, and he quietly sighed. Caressing Yun Bixue’s hair,
he said, “Such a silly girl!”
Chapter 112: His Heartache
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Xie Limo felt more and more sorry for his wife. He knew that she must have
been through a lot. Patting her head, he didn’t speak anymore.
Yun Bixue could still feel his understanding, patience, and tender love towards
her, and waves of warmth rippled through her heart. If this had been in the
past, she would have been flustered if she met Meng Xinyan and Su Lenghan.
She wouldn’t be as calm and collected as she was now.
During this confrontation, the deepest parts of her heart were actually in
conflict. However, perhaps it was because Xie Limo was by her side, but
she’d felt a sense of security…
She didn’t know when it began, but she had already started to rely on him.
She watched the tender love and indulgence written in Xie Limo’s eyes. Such
sincerity, she was truly fortunate.
“Limo, let’s continue shopping. Let’s finish buying everything we need today.”
She couldn’t let others influence her business. She could still differentiate
between the more pressing matters at hand now.
Xie Limo smiled affectionately. “Sure.”
However, when Xie Limo looked at everyone else in the shop, he appeared
somber again. His magnetic aura turned alarmingly cold. “I hope the events of
today will not be leaked out.”
He’d merely said a few simple and grim words, but his sentence froze the
faces of all the sales attendants. They nodded frantically. “Don’t worry, Young
Master Xie.” Facing such a menacing threat, they thoroughly crumbled.
They recalled the series of events that happened to the Jia family—many of
them had secretly speculated that it was all because they had gotten into Miss
Yun’s bad books. With that thought in mind, they shivered and reassured
Young Master Xie repeatedly.
Afterward, accompanied by Xie Limo, Yun Bixue bought all the items she
needed. Xie Limo elegantly carried the varying sizes of bags as he wandered
alongside Yun Bixue. He seemingly did not appear impatient at all.
Many of the ladies and young masters sauntering in the mall looked at the
couple with green eyes. The ladies watched how patient her boyfriend was,
regularly checking on his girlfriend, and they then looked at their own
boyfriends. The contrast was indeed infuriating.
The couple strolled around until noon, when it was almost time for lunch. With
the bags in one hand, Xie Limo held Yun Bixue’s hand in the other. He kept
reminding her frequently, “Beware of the escalator.”
Yun Bixue’s heart felt fuzzy. Her displeasure from meeting Meng Xinyan had
also dissipated under Xie Limo’s gentle care.
After exiting the mall, the large screen on the building was coincidentally airing
news about the Jia and Shen family.
“Jia Zhenping initiated and accepted an interview, and answered three of the
reporters’ questions… Mr. Jia personally confirmed that all their actions had
been ordered by the Jia family… All the profits from the mining business go to
the Shen family…”
After the reporter completed his statement, the screen switched to the scene
where Jia Zhenping was being interviewed. Every answer appeared to be
factual. The scene on the screen changed again, and it was now airing news
on Old Master Shen’s hospitalization, as well as how the Shen’s family had
rejected the interviews.
Yun Bixue watched with relish and her smile gradually widened. She was
satisfied with the current situation and was increasingly reassured by the way
Yang Mei handled her work.
The results were wonderful. She believed that those people would be too
preoccupied with settling these issues, and would not be able to interrupt her
efforts in building a good relationship with her mother-in-law.
Moreover, this was merely the beginning for her. By being a part of the plot to
murder Limo, the Shen family had already caused her to reach her threshold.
She would definitely eradicate the Shen family.
Xie Limo noticed the radiant smile on Yun Bixue’s face and his mood
brightened up too. “Since you’re already out today, you shouldn’t fret over
other matters. Move everything into the car later. Let’s find a place to have
“Okay.” By spending time with her husband, her body would always
involuntarily feel more at ease.
Chapter 113: The Influential Family with a Thousand-Year History
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
After moving the items into the car, Xie Limo and Yun Bixue searched for a
restaurant and went in for a meal.
Just as Xie Limo was putting some food into Yun Bixue’s bowl, she received a
call. She looked at the screen of her phone, and her brows knitted solemnly.
Xie Limo continued picking up more food for Yun Bixue, his movements
elegant, and didn’t interrupt her train of thought. He had many things he
wished she would judge correctly. It was because he wanted his wife to be
sufficiently powerful—if she could learn to protect herself, then he could finally
feel at ease.
Yun Bixue hesitated but still picked up the call. “Hello?”
“Is that Bixue? I’m your youngest uncle. When are you free? Come home to
“Youngest Uncle, I’m busy with work matters right nows so I don’t have any
free time at the moment. I’ll come visit one day when I can.”
Did Yun Muzhong return home? According to Yang Mei’s updates, Yun
Muzhong had constantly been spending time with his mistresses these past
few days.
“Your grandmother misses you, and your younger sister does as well…”
“I know. Don’t worry, Youngest Uncle. I will return after a few days.”
As she spoke, Yun Bixue’s lips curled up into an icy smile. To return would
naturally mean to infuriate Old Lady Shen and Yang Siru.
If they liked being tormented, she would gladly work on that more frequently.
Yun Muzhong looked at the line that had ended and sighed.
“How was it?” Old Lady Shen tapped her walking stick by the side.
“She mentioned that she would come back in a few days’ time.”
Old Lady Shen was fuming. “Hmph, that better be true. Does she really think
that she left the Yun family? And I can’t seem to contact that old man no
matter how hard I try. If Yun Bixue’s performance doesn’t satisfy me this time,
I’ll just have to restrain her using public opinion!”
“Great Aunt, the matters regarding the Shen family still needs to be handled
by Young Master Xie,” Shen Zhengyao explained. He had no choice but to
seek help from this old lady.
“Don’t worry. Based on how much Young Master Xie cares about that girl,
Bixue, as long as she stops being obstinate, it will greatly simplify matters.”
Old Lady Shen was involuntarily reminded of the first time she clashed with
Xie Limo. That kid was young, but was also forceful and compelling. He could
generate solutions to all kinds of situations and was not an easy target.
Although he spoke those words, Shen Zhengyao still put on an apprehensive
expression. The Shen family was now acting as a fuel to light a fire between
the different families.
He thought about how the Shen family had always been an affluent and
influential family throughout his entire life, and he had always been the
notorious Young Master from the Shen family.
However, after experiencing their current predicament, the Shen family could
no longer compare to its former glory in every aspect, including reputation.
Whether or not the Shen family could survive was still a question that had yet
to be answered!
When Old Master Shen woke up, he too had chided Shen Wenqi and blamed
him for making the unauthorized decision of taking part in the influential
families’ plot of murdering Young Master Xie.
He remembered a line that his grandfather had said, “I asked you not to be
rash. I’ve told you about the Xie family’s background, but you chose not to
heed my words.
“They’re an influential family with a history dating back to a thousand years.
They’ve been living in seclusion overseas and have their own way of
grooming their subsequent generations. Do you think you could kill him with
that botched idea? Ah… Aren’t you just sacrificing the Shen family?”
Old Master Shen poured a torrent of abuse onto Shen Wenqi. He hadn’t
expected Young Master Xie to be such a formidable figure. Back then when
Young Master Xie was giving out his inauguration speech, they had hired the
internationally acclaimed sniper. However, it unexpectedly still ended with Xie
Limo leaving without a scratch.
Ever since that incident, the influential families—regardless of their sons or
daughters, or family businesses—that had a part to play in the plot had all
received a blow without any warning. This was undoubtedly associated with
Young Master Xie, but no one had any proof.
Everyone knew that Young Master Xie was terrifying, and no one dared to
strike again.
Chapter 114: The Jia and Shen Families Start Fighting
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
When Shen Zhengyao was still spacing out, the sounds of Yun Muzhong and
Yang Siru brawling rang through the house.
Shen Zhengyao watched the two of them and felt incredulous. All along, they
had always gotten along harmoniously. That was especially so for the
youngest uncle from his great aunt’s family. He had always been well-natured,
and no matter how huge of a ruckus his aunt created, his youngest uncle—
Yun Muzhong—was always tolerant of her.
However, hearing Yun Muzhong call her out as a shrew during the spat
evidently pointed at a huge issue. To only now be irked by Yang Siru in his
forties; that was uncalled for. Something must have happened.
“Zhengyao, don’t worry. I’ll settle this. Is your grandfather doing well?”
“Great Aunt, rest assured. My father has been taking great care of
Old Lady Shen finally heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s great then.” As long as
her elderly brother was still around, the Shen family would not collapse
completely and would remain as her backer.
“Yun Muzhong, where are you going again, huh?”
“With an unreasonable shrew like you at home, of course I would want to
“Yun Muzhong, you dare… You have the audacity to… Ah…!” Yang Siru
chased after Yun Muzhong and yanked at his shirt.
Yun Muzhong flung her away instantly, and Yang Siru almost slammed
against the stairs. Almost losing her balance, she began to wail.
Old Lady Shen’s head started to throb at this sight. In the past, she would
have definitely thrown Yang Siru out of the house long ago. However, with so
many issues plaguing the Shen and Yun family now, it was a period when she
most certainly needed the Yang family’s support. She could not afford to make
another mistake.
“Muzhong, stand right there! Wait at home!”
Old Lady Shen instructed him. Although Yun Muzhong felt agonized, he could
not leave. He paused in his steps and returned to the house.
“Zhengyao, look at your youngest uncle. He’s truly different from you. He must
look like a joke to you now.”
“Great Aunt, we’re all family. There’s nobody I see as a joke here. But I think
there might be something wrong with Youngest Uncle. Is he…” Despite not
completing his sentence, he still managed to alert Old Lady Shen.
A sharp hint of light flashed across her eyes. Could Yun Muzhong really be
keeping a mistress outside? It seemed that she really had to do a proper
investigation. Although she still had doubts, she couldn’t help but pay attention
to Shen Zhengyao’s sincere words.
With the Shen family already in trouble, she definitely didn’t wish for anything
to happen within the Yun family. The more Old Lady Shen thought about it,
the more uneasy she felt.
After Shen Zhengyao took his leave, Old Lady Shen sent her people to check
on Yun Muzhong’s past activities—those he had interacted with during this
period, and whether there were any females involved.
Yun Mengshi would also return home occasionally. Yang Siru would berate
her the moment she got home, so she simply decided to stay away.
Also, because Father Jia had accepted the interview and revealed all those
details, the Jia and Shen families had thoroughly severed their ties.
The two families had started fighting unreservedly. The Jia family, in
particular, had indeed gone all-out. After all, they were already ruined, and
they didn’t fear falling further.
If they met someone from the Shen family, even the cowardly Jia Dongkun
would throw some punches or simply lash out at them.
The Shen family retaliated by engaging a secret agent to beat up Jia
Dongkun. The grudges between the two families piled up, and eventually, it
almost became irreconcilable. The Jia family had ultimately spilled almost all
the details regarding the matter.
Finally, under Young Master Xie’s orders, all the departments started taking
action. They sometimes invited the Jia family to the investigation department
for a chat, and the Shen family to the police station for a discussion.
The different departments of Ning An City were all toiling away, and the Shen
family was racking their brains for a solution. Shen Zhengyao personally
requested to meet Young Master Xie, but to no avail. He was also
unsuccessful even when he asked to meet Yun Bixue.
Chapter 115: You Are The Most Beautiful
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
That night, Yun Bixue had been in a deep slumber. As she slowly opened her
eyes, she saw Xie Limo rising to answer a phone call. She started rubbing her
eyes, but when she heard Xie Limo addressing his mother, she became clearheaded immediately.
She felt nervous yet expectant—even uneasy—as all kinds of thought started
popping into her head.
She then ransacked her drawers in search of something.
After ending the call, Xie Limo noticed that his wife was no longer lying in bed.
He saw her small silhouette looking for something and shook his head
resignedly. He asked tenderly, “It’s already so late. What are you trying to
“I’m looking for my makeup and taking out the clothes that I’ll be wearing.” Xie
Limo’s mother was coming, and she must leave a positive impression.
Watching how silly his wife looked, Xie Limo’s eyes lit up. “You look great just
like that. You don’t need makeup.”
Yun Bixue blinked her eyes and looked at Xie Limo doubtfully. “Am I pretty?”
When comparing herself to her alluring and exquisite husband, she could only
feel mad at the drastic contrast. He was beautiful, but she was immensely less
Xie Limo’s eyes shone brightly. It felt like whirlpools had formed in his eyes
and it sucked Yun Bixue in. He gently stepped forward and caressed her
head. “In my heart, my wife is naturally the most beautiful.”
There was no pretense in his words. He thought that life was indeed
fascinating—he used to be surrounded by countless beauties but had never
wavered. Now, he was willing to pamper her and even felt that he was too
fortunate to have met her.
Watching the seriousness and gentleness in Xie Limo’s face, Yun Bixue felt a
sweetness in her heart. Pretending to be upset, she said, “You’re lying to me.
If you want to meet the most beautiful person, you should look in the
mirror.Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Xie Limo is.” Yun
Bixue started teasing him by mimicking the lines from the fairy tale.
Xie Limo burst into a fit of laughter. Gently bopping Yun Bixue’s nose, he said,
“So playful.”
Seeing how she let go of everything and was revealing her relaxed side, he
was willing to pamper and indulge her. She was similar to a child, but even if
she were a child, he would continue to do so.
“Oh right, Limo. Is your mother arriving soon?” Yun Bixue didn’t realize that
she was treating Xie Limo more and more like her family, and their
interactions were becoming more natural and harmonious.
“Yes, the private plane should arrive tomorrow morning. I’ll take you there to
pick up her up.”
It was good for his mother to meet her. After all, he and Yun Bixue were
already married, but he had yet to give her a grand wedding ceremony. This
naturally would require his mother’s assistance to prepare, and she would
offer her the greatest indulgence on behalf of the Xie family.
He did not wish for his wife to suffer any form of indignation.
Yun Bixue knew that the Xie family was affluent, and having their own private
plane was not surprising. She asked curiously, “Where is the private plane
“There’s an area in the eastern suburbs in Ning An City, and it’s just for my
private use. There are personal lots for the planes.” The Xie family had
amassed a thousand years worth of riches, and each generation grew richer
than the previous one. Money was not particularly attractive to the Jia family
now and was only a representation of numbers. Thus, no matter where they
settled down, the Xie family would surely establish a certain area for their
private use.
“Okay.” Yun Bixue did not probe into the finer details and believed that Xie
Limo had already prepared everything.
Xie Limo could tell that she was feeling nervous. Although he had asked his
mother to delay her arrival, it seemed that she had yet to calm down. Forget
it—they had to meet eventually. “Enough, don’t worry. Rest earlier so you’ll
have more energy for tomorrow.”
“I’m going to take out everything first to prepare. Then it won’t be too much of
a rush.”
Xie Limo watched the determination in Yun Bixue’s expression and sighed
gently. “Tomorrow morning, I’ll ask Xie Shiyi to lead a professional team to
help you prepare. You just need to be there.”
Chapter 116: No Need to Impress
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
After hearing what Xie Limo said, she melted into a puddle again. Her eyes
glistened as she looked at Xie Limo and said, “Limo, you’re wonderful.”
Xie Limo smiled softly. It felt like a myriad of flowers had bloomed
simultaneously, and he seemed to be filled with all the grandeur in the world.
“This makes me wonderful?” Really! He had done so much for her, and she
had never been so touched. He merely requested for Xie Shiyi to lead a team
to help her prepare and she was now so moved.
Such a young lady was so easy to please.
Yun Bixue nodded fervently. “Of course. It would be even more wonderful if
you could help me when Mother-in-Law arrives.”
Xie Limo shook his head. Everything she did had been revolving around his
mother. He tucked his hands into the pockets of his pants and chuckled
resignedly. It seemed like he was still one step behind his mother. Should he
be feeling jealous?
“What do you want to know? I’ve already told you everything.” For the past
two days, she had clung to his side as she hounded him with questions. As
long as she asked, he would offer his replies, but she was still jittery.
Xie Limo hoped that when his mother arrived, his wife would not be
intimidated. When his mother’s bright personality shone through, she was
really… Recalling that, Xie Limo’s lips curved up into a gentle smile.
Yun Bixue suddenly thought of something and asked, “Oh right, what’s your
mother’s personality like?”
Xie Limo’s exquisite brows twitched. “Why are you asking that?” It was
obvious that Xie Limo wasn’t following Yun Bixue’s line of thought.
Feeling bashful, Yun Bixue said, “Well… I want to impress Mother-in-law while
she’s here.”
The hands that were holding onto the newspapers stiffened, and Xie Limo
lifted his head to look at his wife solemnly. He noticed the odd, frustrated
expression on his wife’s face and he involuntarily rubbed the center of his
brows. “You’re thinking of presenting yourself to follow what Mother likes?”
Yun Bixue nodded in embarrassment. “I have to make Mother-in-Law like me
no matter what.”
Xie Limo’s chest rumbled—it was the first time he let out a hearty chuckle.
With one swift movement, he grabbed Yun Bixue and pulled her into his
embrace. Inhaling her scent from the top of her head, he said gently, “My
dear, I think you have it wrong. The person you should impress most is me,
and not my mother. As long as I like you, my mother will too.”
Yun Bixue pouted and replied, “So if I don’t get into your good books, you
won’t be nice to me anymore? You won’t like me anymore?”
Xie Limo tenderly bopped Yun Bixue’s nose. “Of course not.” No matter what,
she was still his wife, and he would still give in to her as always.
Yun Bixue wrapped her arms around Xie Limo’s neck and said, “Then no, the
person I need to impress is not you.”
“Enough, it’s already late. You should sleep now. You have to wake up early
“Yes.” Yun Bixue nodded. As she stood up, she inadvertently rubbed against
his body, and it made Xie Limo gasp.
He shook his head and laughed resignedly. He had always possessed
admirable self-control, but would always lose himself every time he dealt with
his wife.
Yun Bixue blushed instantly. She felt the changes throughout his body, and
she rushed to lie on the bed. Wrapping herself in the blankets, she covered
her face to conceal her flushed cheeks.
Watching her shy reaction, Xie Limo’s heart softened, and he lay down beside
The two of them shared the same blanket, but Yun Bixue instead felt a rich
atmosphere in the air. Her heart started beating faster.
Just as she was lost in her thoughts, Xie Limo flipped over and covered her in
his embrace.
Feeling how tense her body was, Xie Limo sighed lightly. He turned over and
hovered above her. Looking down at her clear eyes, his slender fingers gently
tidied the stray strands of her hair.
Chapter 117: Astonishing
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue felt the cooling sensation from Xie Limo’s palms. Her breath
hitched, and her heart thudded faster and faster. Lying beneath him, she
looked into Xie Limo’s eyes, which slowly grew clearer. He was as beautiful as
a painting—his looks were exquisite.
Xie Limo tidied Yun Bixue’s hair and gently moved his fingers. He grazed
them against Yun Bixue’s cheeks, as if caressing some treasure that he
cherished deeply.
The places where Xie Limo’s palm touched felt as though they were electrified
and her heart trembled along.
She had been physically prepared for this moment. Although she was
nervous, she knew what was coming next, and thus she willingly steeled
herself. He was her husband, and he was also someone brilliant who treated
her well. She should have already… As if a certain thought had flashed
through her head, Yun Bixue’s ears turned faintly red.
Xie Limo quietly stared at Yun Bixue. It seemed as if he only saw her in the
entire world through his alluring eyes.
Time slowly trickled past, but Xie Limo didn’t seem to have had his fill yet.
Finally, he lowered his head gently and planted a tender kiss on Yun Bixue’s
forehead. “Good night, my dear. Rest early. I’ll take you to meet Mother
She was his wife, and thus he wanted the most important figures in his family
to meet her.
Yun Bixue saw that Xie Limo had already flipped over and he lay down beside
her. He pulled her into his embrace, and Yun Bixue snuggled against him
submissively as she found a comfortable position within his arms.
She quietly heaved a sigh of relief, but she felt somewhat disappointed in her
heart. She had no idea why—could she had been anticipating it?
Xie Limo exceptionally adored and cherished Yun Bixue, and so he’d made it
clear from the start. He would give her ample time to prepare herself so that
she would be completely ready to receive him.
She didn’t know when, but the two of them had grown from being unfamiliar
with each other to being coordinated in sleeping with the other in their arms. If
Xie Limo went away for work, the two of them would feel that something was
amiss when they went to bed at night.
They had to admit that it was fascinating to developing new habits.
The next morning, when Yun Bixue woke up to check the time, it was already
half past seven. She was certain she had set the alarm clock for half past five.
Yun Bixue woke up looking disheveled and grabbed the clock. She started to
weep—she had set the time, but the alarm hadn’t gone off at all.
Xie Limo was leaning leisurely against the door. He watched Yun Bixue’s
disoriented figure and said elegantly, “I was afraid you wouldn’t have a good
rest last night, so I switched it off.”
“Ah… Why did you switch it off? Sob… There’s not enough time.” At that
moment, Yun Bixue looked aggrieved and appeared to be reprimanding him.
Xie Limo hugged her to offer comfort and said, “Enough, don’t worry. Mother
will only be here around 10. There’s no need for you to rush. I made breakfast
so go eat and then Xie Shiyi’s team will doll you up. There’s still plenty of
After listening to Xie Limo’s explanation, Yun Bixue felt her heart settle down.
As long as Xie Limo was by her side, it felt as though every issue would be
solved, and they would be dealt with so systematically.
After breakfast, Xie Shiyi led her team as they began massaging, dressing,
and putting makeup on Yun Bixue.
When the final touches had been completed, Yun Bixue looked at herself in
the mirror. She was in disbelief—was this person her? Even she herself felt
stunned. She had to acknowledge that the skills of Xie Shiyi’s team were truly
too advanced.
When Yun Bixue left the room, she saw Xie Limo waiting on the couch. She
said softly, “Limo.”
Xie Limo heard her voice and abruptly raised his head. His alluring eyes lit up
with astonishment.
Chapter 118: The Mother- and Daughter-In-Law Meets
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue had donned a dress the color of a lagoon and covered it with a
coat. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail, and she wore a pair of
diamond-studded high heels. It made her look exquisite and refined.
When she noticed Xie Limo, she merely smiled gently but somehow looked as
gorgeous as a flower. Her entire appearance was alluring.
A subtle light flashed through Xie Limo’s eyes, and he stretched out his hand.
The gentleness in his gaze seemed to disregard everything else in the world.
Yun Bixue slowly trotted over to Xie Limo’s side on her heels, and she placed
her hand into his palm. He tightly held onto her hand.
She entrusted her whole heart to this very pair of slender hands, and they had
given her a home.
Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue affectionately and said, “You’re so beautiful
today. Are you ready?”
Being complimented by Xie Limo, Yun Bixue felt a sweetness welling up in her
heart. She nodded and replied, “I’m ready. Let’s go and pick up your mother.”
“She’s also your mother.”
Xie Limo drove alongside Yun Bixue, and after more than half an hour, they
arrived at an expansive private parking lot for airplanes. There were hundreds
of workers surrounding them.
When all of them noticed Xie Limo, they collectively greeted him with respect,
“Young Master Xie!”
Their voices were filled with admiration and also sincerity.
Xie Limo seemed to have sensed Yun Bixue’s skepticism, and he lowered his
head slightly to give an explanation close to her ear, “Ten of the commanders
here belong to the Xie family. The rest have received training in Country A
and have been appointed here.”
Yun Bixue nodded. She now felt even more doubtful towards the Xie family—
what kind of influential family could wield such powerful authority?
After a while, the airplane landed.
Yun Bixue’s breath hitched. Shortly after, the airplane doors opened, and a
row of men dressed sharply in suits filed out. A dignified and poised woman
followed after. She was dressed in a full suit of wine red, and she emanated
an air of competence amidst her elegance. Her eyes lightly slanted upwards.
Her hands were soft and tender like a newborn, and her skin was pale and
delicate. The way she walked was imposing.
Her slanted eyes shifted, and they seemed to contain a look of delight. She
strode over to Xie Limo and Yun Bixue and said, “You must be Yun Bixue, my
son’s wife and also my daughter-in-law! Hello, my name is Ji Qiongxin, Xie
Limo’s mother. You can follow after my son and call me that too.” After
speaking, she pulled out a jade bangle from her body and reached for Yun
Bixue. She slipped on the bangle right away and examined it from various
angles, seemingly very pleased with it.
Startled, Yun Bixue tried to collect herself. Xie Limo’s mother was truly
unpredictable. After she snapped out of her shock, she didn’t even know how
to address her.
“Aunty, this is too precious.” Although she was well-informed, she’d still never
seen a jade bangle of such quality. She presumed it must be very costly.
“Just call me ‘Mother’. No need for so many rules when it comes to family.” Ji
Qiongxin took a closer look at Yun Bixue, and her heart felt lighter. She would
naturally adore the person that her son liked. This child was delicate and
pretty; her personality must be great too.
Xie Limo stepped in just in time to help Yun Bixue from her embarrassment.
“Mother, don’t frighten her.”
“Look at you! Okay, treat your wife well yourself. Keep this bangle on. Take it
as my gift to you for our first meeting.” For her son to somehow find someone
he liked and get married to her, she felt that the load on her chest had finally
been lifted.
Yun Bixue looked up at Xie Limo, and he gently said, “Since Mother gave it to
you, keep it on. You need to know that.” As he spoke, he caressed Yun
Bixue’s hair.
They displayed their love for each other before his mother without any
Chapter 119: The Mother-in-Law’s Enthusiasm
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Seeing this side of her son, a glint of surprise flashed across Ji Qiongxin’s
slanted eyes, and then her imposing aura dissipated and became more
gentle. Her eyes also glowed softly. Since ancient times, the Xie family had
always been devoted to love.
It seemed like her son truly indulged in this daughter-in-law of hers.
Yun Bixue noticed that Ji Qiongxin was staring at her, and her face flushed
instantaneously. This… Xie Limo really had no restraints even when facing his
“Aunty, he…” Yun Bixue tried to explain, but didn’t know where to begin.
Ji Qiongxin excitedly exclaimed, “Bixue, you’re truly special! For a long time,
my son was just like a block of ice—no one could thaw his heart—but in front
of you, he’s being so gentle. It’s comparable to what his father was like back
in those days. You’re really amazing.” As she spoke, she approached Yun
Bixue and held onto her hands affectionately.
Yun Bixue felt her brain malfunctioning—she really couldn’t keep up with Xie
Limo and his mother’s train of thoughts. They were really unpredictable!
“Aunty, he’s always been good to me.” Yun Bixue felt that ever since she met
Xie Limo, he had constantly been by her side to help her out. After they got
together, he had showered her with boundless care. It was so different from
what Ji Qiongxin had described. Could he have been cold and distant in the
“Oh no, you have no idea. He used to make his father so anxious when he
stayed away from the ladies. With so many beauties around him, he didn’t
even bat an eyelid and merely looked at them indifferently. It was frightening.
However, he definitely has great taste—yes, pretty good.” The longer Ji
Qiongxin looked, the more satisfied she felt. Watching how the couple were
behaving sweetly and in such a genuine manner, she could finally let go of
some of her troubles.
She’d felt concerned that there might have been another reason for their
hastiness in collecting the wedding certificate. In the end, it had been because
of their affections for each other. Moreover, Yun Bixue appeared to be a
decent person too.
When she returned home, she would surely boast about it to Limo’s father.
Her son had good judgment in picking their daughter-in-law, just like how his
father had been in the past.
Yun Bixue was startled. Xie Limo had such a past and had seen many
beauties? Then why did he still like her?
Xie Limo observed that his mother was fond of Yun Bixue and the corners of
his lips curved up slightly. “Mother, it’s rather chilly outside. Let’s continue our
conversation at home!”
“Yes, let’s go home and chat. Look at him—he really dotes on you. You’re
wearing so little, and he’s worried that you might feel cold. He’s more
thoughtful than his father.” Ji Qiongxin felt as if she was on cloud nine and as
she looked up at the skies, it looked even bluer than ever. Everything she laid
her eyes on seemed pleasant.
Yun Bixue was muddle-headed and couldn’t respond in time. She had already
put on the bangle and couldn’t reject it anymore.
After returning home, Yun Bixue wanted to prepare a meal, but Ji Qiongxin
was worried that she would be exhausted. “Let Limo do it. Daughters-in-law
are meant to be doted on. Let’s have fun and chat.”
Xie Limo returned after parking the car and overheard his mother’s words just
as he entered the house. He shook his head resignedly and chuckled as he
said, “My dear, accompany my mother for some chit-chat then. The dishes will
be ready in a while.” As he spoke, he removed his blazer and rolled up his
sleeves as he entered the kitchen.
Yun Bixue watched Xie Limo step into the kitchen, her gaze following him all
the way. She desperately wanted to go in and help. They’d prepared to make
so many dishes, and he would feel worn out making them alone.
Ji Qiongxin observed this calmly, and her heart felt happier and happier.
However, to avoid being detected by others, she could only endure it. It was
great that her daughter-in-law felt concerned about her son.
“Here, Bixue, eat this grape.” As she spoke, she peeled away the skin of the
grape and passed it to Yun Bixue.
Yun Bixue looked at the grape her mother-in-law handed close to her mouth,
and she truly couldn’t respond in time. Was Mother feeding her? Shouldn’t
she be showing respect to her instead? Why was the opposite thing
happening now?
“Aunty, you shouldn’t do this. Let me peel an orange for you.”
hapter 120: The Feelings A Mother Gives
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue was just about to get up when Ji Qiongxin pushed her back onto
the couch. “Don’t busy yourself, you can’t get tired. What do you like to eat?
I’ll prepare it for you.”
Yun Bixue could feel her mother-in-law’s enthusiasm and kindness, but she
felt very uneasy at not doing anything at all.
After the pickled fish had been served, Xie Limo pulled Yun Bixue over to the
side. “Mother, watch the television if you’re bored. I can’t manage by myself,
and I need Bixue’s help.”
Hearing Xie Limo’s words, Yun Bixue finally heaved a sigh of relief. She
rushed into the kitchen with Xie Limo.
Ji Qiongxin pretended to be unhappy and whined, “Child, why don’t you feel
bad for my daughter-in-law? What if she feels tired?”
“Mother, enough. She’s not used to you being like that. She’ll feel intimidated.”
Xie Limo had been familiar with his mother’s temperament since his
childhood. She usually appeared indifferent like a goddess, but after getting to
know someone, she would be fully devoted to treating them well.
His mother regarded only a few people like that. One of them was his father,
and the other was him. Now, she was treating her daughter-in-law that way
He felt glad deep down. Bixue had lacked motherly love since her childhood,
and he felt more thrilled than anyone else at knowing that his mother treated
her well. However, Bixue would definitely not be able to adapt to her initial
display of over-enthusiasm.
Thus, they both needed time and space to accommodate and adjust to each
other’s personalities.
Ji Qiongxin pondered and nodded. “You’re right. Go and get busy. I’ll watch
some tv and update myself on Ning An City’s affairs.”
When Xie Limo entered the kitchen, Yun Bixue was patting down on her chest
and exhaling audibly. He stepped forward and encased her in his arms from
the back. “Why? Do you not like Mother?”
“No, I think your mother is truly great. For a moment, I felt that I was
experiencing motherly love, but for some reason, I feel afraid, like I shouldn’t
try to welcome these feelings. Hey, do you think I’m a coward?” She’d always
heard that the relationships between mothers and their daughters-in-law were
difficult to manage, but she genuinely felt so fortunate to have met not only a
husband who pampered her, but also a wonderful mother-in-law.
Her mother-in-law’s concern and gentleness could certainly melt her heart,
and it made her feel as though she was re-experiencing her mother’s love.
Xie Limo gave a soft sigh and hugged her even more tightly. After the two of
them got together, he learned about her past. Therefore, he pampered and
doted on her, showering her with all the love that she had lacked.
However, he still couldn’t replace the form of indulgence that could only be
offered by her parents. He only wished for her to be happy.
Yun Bixue enjoyed the warmth from his embrace and quickly suppressed her
feelings. She turned around and said, “Limo, it’s almost noon. Mother must be
starving, so let’s hurry and get cooking!”
Xie Limo nodded, and the couple worked harmoniously. After a while, eight
dishes, and a century egg congee were completed.
“Aunty, the dishes are done. But I’m not sure if they’ll suit your taste.” Yun
Bixue passed the chopsticks to Ji Qiongxin before scooping a bowl of rice and
placing it before her.
Ji Qiongxin’s eyes lit up. “Yes, these are all things that I like.”
Xie Limo chuckled by the side. “Mother, you have no idea. Ever since she
found out that you were coming, she’s been so nervous. She asked me about
everything—about what you liked to eat and your favorite color. She insisted
on buying everything personally, saying that it’s only respectful to select
everything in person.”
Yun Bixue lowered her head in embarrassment and eyed Xie Limo with
disapproval. Should he be saying that?
Xie Limo met the challenge and complaint in Yun Bixue’s dainty eyes. An
indulging glint of light flashed across his exquisite eyes, and he continued,
“Mother, you shouldn’t tease her. She’s shy. Yesterday, she was even looking
everywhere to prepare her makeup.”
Chapter 121: Preparing Transparent Lingerie
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Hearing those words, Ji Qiongxin’s felt touched. In the Xie family, it was
indeed uncommon to possess such a pure heart.
She reached out her hand and gently patted Yun Bixue’s hands. “Such a good
child. Don’t burden yourself. You have already married Limo and are part of
family now. There is no need to be so ceremonious between us. Treat me like
your mother. There aren’t that many rules between our family members.”
Yun Bixue listened and her eyes teared up. “Thank you Aunty.”
“We are family, no need to say thanks. Sigh, Limo, this child is not apt in
expressing herself. Be more patient.
“However, he truly cares for you. He had talked about your background to me
before. You, too, did not have your parents by your side while you grew up
and had suffered greatly.
“In the future, I will be your mother. If you have suffered any indignation, just
let me know. If Limo bullies you, I will teach him a lesson on your behalf.”
Ji Qiongxin tried her best to make her tone sound mellow. It was an
exceptional chance to have met a child like Yun Bixue.
How one treated his parents actually depended on his sincerity.
Yun Bixue smiled sweetly and replied Ji Qiongxin, “Aunty, he treats me very
well. He would never mistreat me.” In her heart, Xie Limo was the best.
Ji Qiongxin glanced at her son and giggled, “You heard that? Your wife
praised you.”
Xie Limo nodded. “Mother, I know.”
He understood what his mother had implied through her words—she wanted
him to cherish his wife, for it was rare for such a woman to come by.
The family chatted and ate. They were having a ball of a time.
After the meal, Xie Limo went to do the dishes. Yun Bixue and Ji Qiongxin
watched the television together, and the former updated the latter on the
current affairs of Ning An City based on the contents of the news.
Ji Qiongxin watched the news on the Shen and Jia family. After listening to
Yun Bixue’s explanation, a hint of coldness and disdain flashed across her
slanted eyes. “They are merely a small and crippled family, yet they still want
to create such a big fuss. They really overestimate their capabilities. Don’t
worry, with Limo around, he will definitely restore everything.”
Yun Bixue was at a loss of how to answer her. The Shen family also had a
century-long heritage, but in her mother-in-law’s eyes, they were simply not
One could tell after some thought that the Xie Limo was a truly formidable
household. However, she did not probe nor felt curious. She only reiterated
firmly to herself that she must get stronger. Only that way could she be worthy
of standing beside Limo.
“This is Duan Qiushu.”
After speaking, the television aired all the progress and achievements of the
video game company. When Duan Qiushu was interviewed, he mentioned
that he had been blessed by a benefactor and could hence enjoy the glory of
Ji Qiongxin watched and commented, “This child knows that he should be
grateful. I can tell that he is a righteous person from one look. Great, he is
Yun Bixue felt delighted too. This video game company was one that she had
invested in. It had expanded too rapidly beyond her expectations. She had
indeed judged him well; Duan Qiushu had such capabilities in him.
After watching the news, Xie Limo was done washing the dishes. He
announced that he had already prepared the room for Ji Qiongxin.
Ji Qiongxin said to Yun Bixue, “Bixue, quickly go take a bath. After that, come
to my room. I have brought something nice for you. Only you are allowed to
Ji Qiongxin sounded mysterious, and it made Yun Bixue feel rather doubtful.
However, she still took a quick shower obediently.
Xie Limo shook his head and chuckled resignedly. He had no idea what his
mother was getting at. He entered the study room. There was still a lot of work
to be completed.
After Yun Bixue took her shower, she wore her pyjamas and entered Ji
Qiongxin’s room. When she noticed Ji Qiongxin holding dearly onto several
pieces of transparent lingerie, she was shocked.
“Bixue, quick, quickly come over. This is what I have prepared for you. Put this
on today.”
Chapter 122: Temptations
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue almost passed out after hearing Ji Qiongxin’s words. This lingerie
was meant to be worn by her?
Yun Bixue watched in astonishment as Ji Qiongxin arranged the lingerie onto
the bed. Even her head started to spin.
This… This were truly a test for her heart. She was utterly stupefied.
These transparent things that were frilled with lace and that had barely any
cloth made her blush with just one look. To let her put them on, this… It was
really made her woozy.
Ji Qiongxin did not seem to have noticed Yun Bixue’s reactions and happily
chirped, “Bixue, my brilliant child, quickly take a seat. Don’t you love these
lingerie too? I think they are very pretty.”
Yun Bixue watched the elated expression on Ji Qiongxin’s face, and how she
was looking at her, as if she was desperately seeking approval. As her junior,
Yun Bixue truly could not deny her senior. She could only nod and reply, “Yes,
Aunty, they are pretty.”
After receiving approval, Ji Qiongxin relaxed. She placed the lingerie before
Yun Bixue repeatedly, as though showing off a gem. “Yes, you will look
bewitching. Bixue, let me tell you. Before I came, I specially requested for a
designer to design this. The best seamstress then made this. There are no
others like this piece.
When you put it on, you will surely enchant my son. Hahaha!” The more Ji
Qiongxin imagined, the more ecstatic she felt.
Yun Bixue was speechless and in a daze. Her mother-in-law appeared so odd
at that moment. Had she been too bored?
Thinking about how she needed to face Xie Limo in these clothes, Yun
Bixue’s face blushed intensely immediately. She shook her head; she
definitely could not wear this.
“Thank you for your kind offer, Aunty. I still have a lot of lingerie that Xie Shiyi
had bought previously. There are many designs. This… Is rather impractical.”
She deliberated over the vocabulary to use, afraid that she would hurt her kind
“Can what Xie Shiyi bought be compared to this? The material is top-grade. It
feels nice to the touch. Have a feel.”
The longer Yun Bixue listened, the redder she turned. Looking at the
anticipating look in Ji Qiongxin’s eyes, she really could not bear to reject
Noticing how Yun Bixue seemed to have loosened up, Ji Qiongxin heaved a
deep sigh. Intentionally pretending to be upset, she said, “I have always
wanted to have a grandson. I feel depressed looking at others carrying their
I have waited and waited, and Limo finally got married. That’s great. I need to
quickly arrange for the parents from both sides to meet to discuss the matters
of the wedding.
I am just waiting to hold my grandson in my arms. Bixue, I know you are a
lovely child. I am depending on you.” Ji Qiongxin spoke, putting on a pitiful
Yun Bixue agreed in the midst of her confusion. After she regained her
composure, she saw how Ji Qiongxin was happily singing away, and could not
bear to disappoint her.
However, she had yet to do it with Limo. In fact, she had not been ready at the
start. After she had prepared herself, she had felt rather nervous. Limo had
always considered her feelings and hence neither took the initiative, nor
addressed the obvious issue. The two of them had hence dragged it out.
“Bixue, my lovely child. Quickly put it on. Put it on and return to your room to
Yun Bixue was startled. “Aunty, put it on now?”
Ji Qiongxin nodded. “Yes, put it on here. Don’t worry, we are all ladies. I won’t
peek. After you put that on, wear this on top to return to your room.”
Finally, after Ji Qiongxin’s repeated urging, Yun Bixue could only put those
clothes on. She thought that she would remove them after she entered her
When Yun Bixue returned to her room in those clothes, Ji Qiongxin’s hushed
voice sounded throughout the study room. “Limo, look at yourself. You only
know to work. Your wife is feeling unwell but you’re not aware of it and did not
comfort her. I noticed that she looked so upset and was on the verge of
Chapter 123: The Intimacy Between The Married Couple
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
After hearing what his mother said, Xie Limo dropped everything. His entire
mind was swamped with Yun Bixue. Was she feeling unwell?
Thinking of how she was on the brink of tears and yet he had not noticed, his
heart started to ache. Without a second thought, he rose abruptly and darted
to the bedroom.
Upon seeing such a sight, Ji Qiongxin’s eyes revealed a glimpse of a smile in
accomplishment. Her smile made her slanted eyes narrow, almost closing
them. A grandson— she was waiting to embrace a grandson.
When Xie Limo entered the bedroom and saw the scene before him, he
exhaled a cold breath and his body instantaneously stiffened. At that moment,
waves of darkness also rolled through his exquisite eyes.
Yun Bixue had initially intended to silently take off the red transparent lingerie,
but as she removed one of the straps, she heard footsteps. When she turned
back, she met Xie Limo’s deep gaze. Her mouth slightly gaped open and her
face turned crimson. She looked extraordinarily beautiful.
Yun Bixue would never know that at that point in time, her whole body was
radiating a captivating glow. This was what men considered as ‘fatal
Her body was partly hidden and partly discernible, and that instead enticed
him more and intensified the fire within his heart.
Being stared at so intently by Xie Limo, Yun Bixue felt as though an unusual
gush of electricity had flowed through her body. She had yet to recover from
her shock.
Xie Limo had already sauntered over slow towards her. The air started filling
up with a seemingly calm and beautiful ambiance, and the unique faint scent
belonging only to Xie Limo began to slowly engulf her.
His cold and elegant aura turned dark, as though something was swirling
within him.
Yun Bixue had been sitting by the bedside. When Xie Limo strode over, she
fitted right within his shadows casted by the overhead lights. Her entire sight
was filled up by only him.
Yun Bixue watched his face which was filled with incomparable magnificence.
For a moment, she was enchanted and felt rather giddy. She did not know
where to place her hands, and even forgot to use the blankets to cover
herself. “Limo.”
Right after opening her mouth, Yun Bixue almost bit onto her tongue. Her
voice had sounded sweet and delicate, and it carried a minute hint of
Xie Limo’s heart was quivering uncontrollably. This time, his emotions had
overtaken him. There were some things he did not wish to control nor
suppress, and could not stop.
After meeting her, a beast had appeared in his heart. He gently lowered his
body and embraced Yun Bixue in one sweeping movement.
Yun Bixue felt his cold fingers landing on her skin. The two of them shuddered
simultaneously, and electricity surged between them.
Xie Limo sighed softly, “My dear,” and gently kissed Yun Bixue’s lips. He
slowly sought for an entrance into her mouth, savoring her sweetness.
Yun Bixue tilted her head up and started to respond slowly. She was greedily
taking in his cold flavor, and was truly obsessed with that. She did not know
when, but she realized that she had already opened up her heart to him.
The kiss ignited the spark between them, and it grew irrepressible. It was like
the blossoming of a flower; their hearts were bursting at the same time.
Unknowingly, the two of them had collapsed onto the bed and were intensely
making out.
Xie Limo had not known that he could feel so uncontrollable. He desperately
wanted to keep all of her within himself and within his body.
Some feelings could be suppressed continually, but if it were to gush out one
day, it would be like crashing waves and an erupting volcano. It would be
The clothes were discarded and the couple were cleanly undressed. The two
of them were drowning in the waves of their passion, as they maneuvered
In between her pain, Yun Bixue’s mind was brimming with sparks and her
head went blank. Regardless of how profound Xie Limo’s ardor was, he was
still gentle, taking into consideration her feelings.
From now onwards, Yun Bixue belonged to him, and likewise, Xie Limo
belonged to her.
Chapter 124: Affectionate
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
The sounds of Yun Bixue’s moans rang beside Xie Limo’s ears, and it was
testing his self-control. He lowered his head and gently caressed her beautiful
face. A hint of darkness flashed across his exquisite eyes and he softly kissed
her lips. He muttered under his breath, “What a little seductress.” He sighed
tenderly to himself; how could he not love her when she was being like that?
In the midst of their lustful affection, Yun Bixue looked up at Xie Limo. At this
moment, his allurement could make one breathless. During their passion, she
could hardly resist his charms.
Feeling his fervor, Yun Bixue whined pitifully, “Limo.”
Xie Limo sighed affectionately and placed her fingers on his lips, gently
kissing on it. See the traces of himself on her body, a sense of satisfaction
welled up in his heart. Tonight, she had truly become his.
“Are you tired?” He knew how forceful he had been earlier. Once some
feelings were no longer restricted, they would be like burning flames, unable
to be subside.
Yun Bixue’s face was flushed and she pouted. How could she say those
words so easily? However, seeing the marks on Xie Limo’s body, her dazzling
eyes widened. These… Were all these marks made by her?
Yun Bixue gently grazed the marks, with her heart in pain.
Little did she know, such an action felt like a tickle to his heart. Xie Limo
inhaled and grabbed onto Yun Bixue’s hands suddenly. He spoke warmly and
tenderly, “My dear, this is how you have incited me.”
Afterward, he no longer held back. Another round of intense passion
permeated the entire room. The lustful scent floated around, making the room
full of desire.
Finally, Yun Bixue was truly worn out. Exhausted, she found a comfortable
position within Xie Limo’s embrace and fell asleep.
Looking at how clingy his wife was, Xie Limo’s lips curled up into a pleasant
curve. However, noticing how tired her face looked, and recalling that it was
her first time, he could not contain himself. He lovingly planted a kiss between
her brows. “Good night. Have a good rest, my dear.”
This night, Xie Limo felt blissfully happy. Noticing that the door had already
been closed, he recalled everything that had happened and could not help but
chuckle. Although his mother had been trying to act as their matchmaker, they
had also finally conquered that stage. Hence, he should be thanking his
mother after all.
A good night’s rest.
When Yun Bixue awoke the next day, it was already after eight and she was
surprised. Just as she wanted to leave the bed, her body ached with every
movement, as if it was being torn apart.
Xie Limo sat by the side reading the newspaper and frantically pulled Yun
Bixue into his arms. “What happened? Are you feeling unwell somewhere?”
His worry was apparent from his anxious tone.
Yun Bixue remembered last night’s passion and her ears turned red. In actual
fact, he had given her utmost warmth and happiness last night. However, she
also recalled how she intense she had been when she lost control, and
desperately wanted to stay concealed under the blankets.
Xie Limo giggled and tidied Yun Bixue’s hair. “Enough. You’ll get used to it in
the future, yeah?”
“You’re still teasing me.” As she spoke, Yun Bixue reached out to pound on
Xie Limo’s chest.
“My dear, if you move again, I cannot assure you that I won’t do something
After Xie Limo spoke, Yun Bixue dared not make any more wild movements.
Looking at the clock that read after eight, she exclaimed, “Oh no. I intended to
make breakfast for Mother when she is here. Oh right, why did you wake up
so late today too?”
“Mother had left to buy some things and wanted me to sleep longer with you.
She instructed me not to wear you out.”
hapter 125: Considerate
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue suddenly covered her face with the blankets. Sob… She did not
want to face anyone. Her mother-in-law, Ji Qiongxin, must have learned about
everything. How could she still leave the bedroom later? Sob…
Yun Bixue had not realized that aside from her usual calm demeanor, she
only revealed the dainty side of herself in front of Xie Limo. She only felt shy
and embarrassed before him.
Xie Limo watched Yun Bixue changed from her original comfortable state to
covering herself with the blankets. He leaned forward, attempting to gently
remove the blankets that Yun Bixue clung onto. “What happened?”
“Sob… How can I still face anyone? Aunty knows everything.” Just thinking
about it made her feel embarrassed.
Hearing the muffled whines coming from beneath the blankets, Xie Limo
laughed abruptly. This episode had been arranged by his mother, but from her
expression, it seemed that she had not realized it.
Xie Limo coaxed tenderly, “It’s okay. Nobody knows, and nobody can tease
you. Be good. Get up first, it won’t be comfortable if you’re covered under the
The more gentle Xie Limo was, the more stubborn Yun Bixue became. “No, I
am not going out.”
“When Mother returns later, I will inform her that you are still sleeping.”
Yun Bixue tore out of the blankets suddenly. “Please don’t.” That way, it would
leave a bad impression of herself. She would look so lazy, snoozing even
after eight o’clock.
Xie Limo lightly touched her reddened cheeks. They were like ripe apples and
had such a pretty vibrant red color. They had bloomed just for him. Xie Limo
lowered his head and kissed her cheeks. He said softly, “Okay, I won’t tell.
Last night had been tiring. Go take a bath first and breakfast will be ready in a
Yun Bixue only just noticed Xie Limo’s attire—they were clean and
comfortable home clothes, and they emitted an refreshing aura. “You have
already taken a bath?”
“Yes. I was afraid of rousing you in the morning and went to bathe in the
bathroom downstairs.” After his bath, he had returned to accompany her. He
knew that his wife had been hurt before and suffered from a lack of sense of
security. He hence sat by the bed, hoping that the first thing she saw would be
him when she awoke, and would not let her imagination run wild.
Yun Bixue would never learn of his considerations for her. Looking at the care
and love in his eyes, her heart started to feel warm again. She had always
been grateful to be able to meet Xie Limo. She had never dreamed that she
could ever enjoy such a sweet and warm day, but now she had. She would
hence firmly hold onto everything.
“I want to prepare breakfast for Aunty. I have already treated her as my
mother deep down.”
Xie Limo lowered his head and kissed Yun Bixue’s lips. Noticing the marks on
her collarbone, his gaze turned intoxicating. “Yes, I know. There will be many
more chances in future. I will carry you to the bathroom first.” After he spoke,
he reached out to hoist Yun Bixue out from the blankets.
“I can do it myself.” She was undressed, and if he were to carry her in that
state, last night’s event would repeat again.
Xie Limo laughed softly. “Enough, I have already seen everything last night.
Moreover, are you sure you can walk by yourself now?”
Ultimately, Yun Bixue could only give in to Xie Limo’s gentle embrace as he
carried her into the bathroom. She flatly refused to allow Xie Limo to help her
shower. She was not that weak, and was definitely not fragile.
After Yun Bixue took a hot bath, her body had relaxed and she felt
comfortable. The soreness she felt had also reduced by half. Putting on her
clothes, she went downstairs. Xie Limo had already prepared breakfast and
had warmed up a glass of milk for her.
Looking at the scrumptious breakfast on the table, Yun Bixue was puzzled.
“Are these edible?”
At that moment, Ji Qiongxin had exited the kitchen and chirped, “These are
nutritious. Some had been prepared personally by Limo. Eat more, you are
too skinny. That child is not adequate at expressing his thoughts. Rather than
saying he feels bad for his wife, he instead indirectly said that he would
prepare more food for his wife. As his mother, I really cannot comprehend his
thoughts. Come, Bixue. Sit down and eat.”
Chapter 126: She is His Weak Spot
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue watched Ji Qiongxin’s vibrant smile and felt rather guilty. “Aunty, I
have inconvenienced you. I should have been the one getting up and
preparing breakfast.”
“What are you talking about? I had nothing to do anyway. I am glad to be able
to prepare food for you.” Ji Qiongxin was not that particular, and she did not
bear any grudges in her heart. As long as her family was contented, she
would feel glad.
Xie Limo supported Yun Bixue to sit down, and passed the pair of chopsticks
into her hands. “Eat more, these were all prepared for you.”
Yun Bixue lowered her head and lightly stomped on his feet. Did he see her
as a pig? Why did he ask her to eat more? However, she could not refute at
all in front of Ji Qiongxin.
Nonetheless, she took a look at the spread on the table, then met Xie Limo’s
gentle gaze and her mother-in-law—Ji Qiongxin’s—look of concern. She
recalled all her past experiences and her eyes welled up in tears. She
genuinely cherished her present, and was exceptionally grateful for Xie Limo.
It was him who had given her everything that she had now.
Her tears glistened incessantly.
“Why are you just holding your chopsticks? Quick, take a bite. Although these
eggs are nothing novel, you should eat them everyday. Limo mentioned that
you dislike oily food, so I prepared eggs hard-boiled in tea.”
Yun Bixue nodded and before she could reach out to take it, Xie Limo’s hands
were one step ahead of her. “It’s too hot, as I just took it out from the pot. Let
me peel it for you.”
Although Xie Limo had always taken good care of her on the usual days when
he was at home, Ji Qiongxin was now in front of them. She looked at Ji
Qiongxin awkwardly and in embarrassment, and realized she had her head
lowered while enjoying her congee. She seemed to not have found it unusual.
After Xie Limo peeled an egg, he passed it to Yun Bixue. It all seemed natural,
and his actions were highly elegant.
Sometimes, Yun Bixue felt that regardless of what Xie Limo did, it would
appear pleasing to the eyes.
Ji Qiongxin watched the scene and felt pleased. “Bixue, you can feel relaxed
regardless of what happens in the future. With Limo around, the sky will not
Ji Qiongxin’s words carried another meaning; she was implying her
confidence in the Xie family.
Xie Limo knew his mother well and instinctively knew that she could have
learned something new this morning. “Mother, did you meet someone, or did
something happen when you stepped out to buy your things?”
“According to the morning news, the Shen and Jia families are in conflict, and
it is creating a huge commotion. The news reported that the Shen family had
once sent someone to kill Bixue, and they had been in cahoots to deal with
you right at the beginning.” As the matriarch of the Xie family, her wits were
unparalleled. With just the slightest clues, she could simply decipher the entire
However, Ji Qiongxin was also resolute. Even if she knew of such matters,
she still would not bat an eyelid. She had already completely let go of such
matters since Limo was young, and allowed him to mature individually.
Moreover, the Shen and Jia families’ existence were like an ant’s—they were
simply insignificant to the Xie family.
“Mother, you do not need to fret. I know what to do regarding that matter.” As
he spoke, his eyes shone with a glimpse of menace. The worst mistake that
the Shen family committed was to join Old Lady Shen in tackling Yun Bixue at
the start.
Hence, the Shen family would be annihilated no matter what. He now offered
the Shen family a chance to bounce back, but it was also to blow up the
matter even more. It also served to send a warning signal to the other
influential families, urging them to stop plotting against his wife.
To Xie Limo, Yun Bixue was his weak spot. Harming her would result in their
own demise.
Although the two families were in heated animosity and had become a
laughing stock to the entire Ning An City, the other influential families could
not help but reevaluate the capabilities of their ruler as they watched from the
During this period of time, all the schemes of the influential families had been
defeated. The union of Xie Limo and Yun Bixue was simply overwhelming.
The means adopted by the married couple truly caught their opponents offguard.
Chapter 127: Simple and Happy Days
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue rested at home for two days, and her relationship with Ji Qiongxin
had grown stronger. When Xie Limo returned home at night, he would see his
mother and wife lounging on the couch, watching historical period dramas.
The two of them offered their comments from time to time, and shared joy and
tears over the drama’s plot.
He shook his head resignedly. He truly did not comprehend the world of
Ji Qiongxin noticed Xie Limo and waved at him. “Quick, go to the kitchen and
prepare the meal.” She then pulled her daughter-in-law back to continue
watching the drama.
Yun Bixue shot Xie Limo a helpless look. Xie Limo’s gaze appeared faint,
implying that he wanted her to compensate him tonight.
Recalling back on that sensual scene, Yun Bixue was shy and her face turned
red instantly. She never knew that her Mr Right, Xie Limo, was virtually a
beast in bed, maneuvering every inch of her body.
He appeared alluring and elegant, just like an angel in the sky. She was the
only one who had ever seen that passionate side of him—the him that had
been enshrouded in a veil of lust. He was bewitching.
After dinner and taking a bath, Yun Bixue got into bed and fell into slumber
early. However, she was wrapped into a warm and delicate embrace shortly
Yun Bixue came into contact with his smooth skin, and she felt nervous
immediately. Noticing the dangerous waves of darkness in Xie Limo’s eyes,
she said coquettishly, ” Limo, I am tired.”
Xie Limo kissed Yun Bixue’s lips and said, “Mother said you have taken a nap
in the afternoon and shouldn’t feel sleepy at night.” He now knew that women
deserved to be loved and pampered, but in certain aspects, he could not also
be blindly gentle. He needed to be more dominating.
In this particular aspect, Xie Limo was indeed sufficiently dominating. It was
because the person he had met was her, and he felt that he increasingly
couldn’t let her go anymore.
In a moment, Yun Bixue’s pyjamas were ripped and scattered all over the
Before she could even say anything, waves of intense passion crashed
through her, making her mind blank. She felt that she was floating amongst
the clouds and could only clutched on tightly to Xie Limo.
At the peak of their affection, Xie Limo lowered his head and gently kissed
Yun Bixue’s cheek. He whispered in her ear, “Bixue, you are mine. You can
only be by my side.” At this moment, Xie Limo seemed to have shed off his
mask of elegance, and became heartfelt but domineering.
As Yun Bixue listened to his words, her heart quivered intensely. She had
never heard Xie Limo speak such heartfelt and domineering words. These
words could not be considered as heartfelt, and they seemed to be hinting at
a dominating declaration. Nonetheless, she was still contented deep down.
She was his and nobody could snatch her away.
For the next few days, Yun Bixue relayed instructions to Yang Mei, and spent
her days at home with Ji Qiongxin. The latter never inquired Yun Bixue about
her private matters and the two of them simply laughed and chatted over
frivolous subjects.
Yun Bixue increasingly felt that it was highly relaxing to hang out with her
On the other hand, the Shen family had been crushed and reduced to
shambles within this period of time. They desperately wanted to meet her, but
she simply refused. Old Lady Shen had initially still attempted to throw her
weight around and commanded that Yun Bixue returned home. However, she
did not know that Yun Bixue was no longer the same person as the past who
allowed herself to be manipulated.
Moreover, Xie Limo had already offered Yun Bixue thorough protection. When
Old Lady Shen tried to make a move, a series of unfortunate events would
befall on her, making her swamped in dealing with it. After she could finally
respond to it, it would already be halfway through the episode.
Hence, Yun Bixue could simply enjoy her pleasant life without a worry.
One day, the two of them were bored at home, and Yun Bixue decided to
accompany Ji Qiongxin on a shopping spree. Little did they imagine that they
would meet Su Lenghan and Meng Xinyan at the plaza. When she saw the
couple, she shuddered. It was indeed a small world!
Chapter 128: The Sound of a Slap
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Ji Qiongxin was conversing with Yun Bixue, but after noticing her lack of reply,
she glanced sideways and saw the odd expression on Yun Bixue’s face. She
then followed her line of sight.
Two women in their twenties stood ahead of them, engaged in a
confrontation. Seeing their actions and demeanor, they seemed to be in
Ji Qiongxin patted Yun Bixue’s hand and said, “I can easily tell that these two
are trouble-makers, their personalities must be unpleasant and pretentious.
You should stay away from people like that.”
Yun Bixue understood that Ji Qiongxin meant well, and she nodded with a
smile. “Aunty, I understand.”
“Good. How many women nowadays are as kind-hearted as you? You’re so
sensible and obedient.” Although Ji Qiongxin did not know the two women,
she felt that both were eyesores that were simply tainting her sight.
She took another look at her daughter-in-law. She felt increasingly satisfied
the more she saw her.
Yun Bixue’s heart felt warm, and she felt rather touched. Back in the days
when she was together with Su Lenghan, she had also met Mother Su.
Although she had appeared amiable as well, Yun Bixue always felt that
something was missing. Mother Su was always indifferent with her and
sometimes abused her seniority.
After what happened to the Yun family, Mother Su had grown even more
distant towards her. Although she didn’t completely shut Yun Bixue out like Su
Lengxian had, Mother Su’s attitude was still enough to hurt her.
After meeting Ji Qiongxin, she finally realized what that missing feeling was
back then. It was the feeling of sincerity. She could tell from the way Mother
Su had regarded her in the past that she was taking into consideration the
value of Yun Bixue’s background. On the other hand, Ji Qiongxin looked at
her as an individual. She treated her well and regarded her as family. She
gave off a wholesome motherly impression.
However, everything was in the past. She now had the outstanding Young
Master Xie and also a brilliant mother-in-law. Thinking back once again, she
felt that her past wasn’t even worthy of being retained in her memories.
She sometimes felt that the reason why human beings suffered from pain and
sorrow was because the heavens would eventually have better arrangements
for them.
Thinking about her gentle yet dominating Young Master Xie, the corners of
Yun Bixue’s lips curled up into a sweet smile. “Aunty, Limo will be home for
lunch today. Let’s go shop for groceries.”
“Okay. That’s right, let’s go!”
“Aunty, I actually know those two women.” Since Ji Qiongxin was so kind to
her, she felt that she shouldn’t conceal certain matters from her.
Ji Qiongxin held Yun Bixue’s hands tightly and said, “Bixue, I can tell from one
glance that the two of them must have done you wrong in the past. But the
past is the past—there’s no need to dwell on what happened.”
At this moment, Yun Bixue felt exceptionally grateful towards Ji Qiongxin. She
was thankful for her understanding and patience.
Just as the two of them turned around to walk to the side, Su Lengxian
noticed Yun Bixue and yelled. Dashing towards Yun Bixue, she was just about
to shove her. “Yun Bixue, you sl*t! Tell me, did you do all those things back
then? Huh?!”
Before her hands could even touch Yun Bixue, another pair of hands firmly
grasped hers, almost breaking her fingers. She looked up and met a pair of
piercingly cold eyes. Her body involuntarily shuddered.
“Who are you? How dare you grab my hand? Let go!”
Right after Su Lengxian spoke, a tight slap was delivered to her face. Pak! Su
Lengxian’s face was instantly decorated with the marks of a hand print.
Ji Qiongxin was the matriarch of the Xie family. She was superior in terms of
capabilities and wits, but most importantly, she was also highly skilled at
martial arts and had practiced all sorts of techniques. Due to her status, she
needed to possess the ability to defend herself and attack her enemies.
Chapter 129: The Glorious Mother-in-law
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Before she could respond, Su Lengxian was slapped out of her wits. She
could only feel an incessant ringing in her ear, and the taste of blood in her
Meng Xinyan watched from the side, and her mouth gaped open from
shock.Who was this woman, and why are her skills so remarkable?
Yun Bixue was startled too. Her eyes brightened, and her respect towards her
mother-in-law swelled. She looked so amazing! She never knew her motherin-law possessed such impressive martial arts skills.
After delivering the slap, Ji Qiongxin retrieved a handkerchief from her sleeves
and wiped her hands. She then threw it away, her movements looking
elegant. “Who do you think you are, to have the cheek to be impudent in front
of me? You even dared to yell at my daughter-in-law. The next time this
happens, I won’t slap you. I’ll take your life!”
Ji Qiongxin’s words were laden with biting iciness. Her aura appeared even
more imposing, making one tremble with fear.
Su Lengxian was muddle-headed after receiving the slap. As Meng Xinyan
listened to those words, her body started breaking out into a cold sweat.
Especially when Ji Qiongxin’s gaze swept over her—she shuddered in panic.
At that moment, she felt a profound fear in her heart. Her legs felt as if they
were tied down, and she didn’t dare to make a move. She had provoked Su
Lengxian earlier on and had her transfer her anger towards Yun Bixue.
What did she say just now? Is this beautiful and commanding woman Yun
Bixue’s mother-in-law? Mother-in-law? This woman?
Meng Xinyan’s mind was unable to process everything, and she looked at Yun
Bixue with jealousy.
Even Su Lenghan’s mother had never treated her that well.
“Aunty, people like that aren’t worth lifting a finger for.” Yun Bixue narrowed
her eyes slightly as a dangerous glint flashed through them. After what
happened to Su Lengxian, she still dared to run amok in public. It seemed like
the issue hadn’t impacted her enough; she must go back and step up her
Ji Qiongxin nodded. “Indeed, they’re not worthy of my interference. My hands
are dirty now, so I should wash them properly later. I foresee that I’ll have to
scrub off a layer of skin.”
The two of them were about to walk off when Su Lengxian snapped out of her
shock. She flew into a rage. “Ahh…! Ahh…! Who do you think you are that
you dare to hit me?”
Pak! Pak! A series of slapping sounds rang out again. This time, Su
Lengxian’s face was swollen.
“Your mouth is so filthy. It’s been a long time since I flexed my muscles. For
an idiot to send herself right to my doorstep, she’s just asking for it!” Ji
Qiongxin had no qualms about her actions—the Xie family was powerful, and
she was also a matriarch who had never suffered a hint of wrongdoing.
Everyone treated her with the utmost respect, and even those old farts in the
family had to bow to her whenever they met.
She could never allow such an insignificant figure to push her around.
After slapping her, Ji Qiongxin performed a shoulder throw and slammed Su
Lengxian onto the ground. This time, Su Lengxian actually spat out a mouthful
of blood and a tooth.
Meng Xinyan observed all this and nearly passed out. She had never before
witnessed such a violent scene!
It was terrifying!
Afterward, Ji Qiongxin looked condescendingly at Su Lengxian who was
groaning in pain. “Such an idiot. You’re just being exploited, yet you still don’t
realize it. Did you see that? That ugly woman has been manipulating you to
make you deal with us. Ultimately, she sees you as a joke, and you’ll only be
beaten up eventually. Do you understand?”
Although Su Lengxian was lying on the ground in pain, she still saw Meng
Xinyan in perfect condition. That’s right, she had looked for Meng Xinyan to
interrogate her earlier, but her every word had been refuted. Meng Xinyan had
even intentionally brought back matters of the past, and also how she’d been
caught with Zhou Yang by the reporters. Meng Xinyan had suggested that it
was all likely linked to Yun Bixue. She wasn’t clear why, but her anger grew
uncontrollable at that instant.
As she thought of this, Su Lengxian gazed at Meng Xinyan with a look full of
deep hatred.
Chapter 130: Worse than Pretentious and Hypocritical
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Meng Xinyan—everything that happened to her thus far was truly because of
Meng Xinyan.
At that point in time, the badly battered Su Lengxian calmed down and wised
up. She recalled how the plot to send the drunk Yun Bixue into a stranger’s
room had also been initiated by Meng Xinyan. Yun Bixue had been fortunate
enough that the workers had sent her to the wrong room. This strange
combination of circumstances had paved the way for Xie Limo and Yun
Bixue’s relationship.
Meng Xinyan must have known that her brother doted on her, and had
therefore pulled some tricks to let the reporters uncover her night at Luxury
Emperor. As a result of this incident, she fell from grace, ruining her status as
the elegant daughter of the Su family. Moreover, right after she returned
home, she had witnessed Meng Xinyan climbing into her brother’s bed…
She had been confused. Her initial intentions were to look for Meng Xinyan
but instead had been provoked by her stream of words. In the end, the one
who got fooled was still her, and Meng Xinyan had watched her gloatingly.
Undoubtedly, Meng Xinyan’s eyes were actually beaming with fear, but to Su
Lengxian, they appeared to be filled with glee. Furthermore, even after being
slapped, Meng Xinyan had yet to offer her a helping hand.
As a matter of fact, Ji Qiongxin usually disdained from dealing with such lowly
individuals. They were simply not formidable foes. In addition, it was obvious
from a glance that Su Lengxian was a simple-minded idiot, and just a few
words could bring her down.
This was just to give Meng Xinyan a taste of her own medicine.
After Meng Xinyan heard what this terrifying woman had just said, she met Su
Lengxian’s eyes that were brimming with hatred. She almost felt the urge to
Yun Bixue nearly hugged Ji Qiongxin in the midst of her excitement. Her
mother-in-law was amazing—she had been so domineering and cool. She
really liked it!
“Aunty, does your hand hurt?” The only thing that Yun Bixue worried about
was that her mother-in-law’s hand was hurt after stepping in just now.
This particular show of concern from Yun Bixue almost made Su Lengxian
pass out from fury. She had actually asked after the well-being of the
“No, it doesn’t hurt. Don’t worry. It’s been a long time since I hit someone, so it
felt quite enjoyable to move and stretch my muscles. However, if there are
others who still try to jump forward, I can continue to fight back.” Ji Qiongxin
hinted heavily with her words, and she swept a subtle gaze over at Meng
Meng Xinyan shuddered several times. This time, she really took off and
simply abandoned Su Lengxian on the ground.
Just as Yun Bixue and Ji Qiongxin were about to leave, Yun Bixue looked
back. Su Lengxian had already fainted and was lying unconscious on the
ground, with no one batting an eyelid.
Yun Bixue and Ji Qiongxin continued shopping happily. The episode that had
transpired had instead served as a catalyst for the couple’s relationship.
Ji Qiongxin spoke to Yun Bixue sincerely, “Bixue, are the citizens of Ning An
City all blind? How could such a person become the best debutante? Tsk tsk,
she’s not even worthy of bringing you your shoes.”
“Aunty, you flatter me! But then again, I never did like her.”
“That sort of person only knows how to pretend. Isn’t it trendy to describe
someone as pretentious and hypocritical nowadays? I think that even using
those words to describe that Meng-something would only taint their
Yun Bixue listened to her mother-in-law defending her, and her heart felt
exceptionally at peace. Her mother-in-law matched her perfectly, and she was
skillful at seeing through people.
“Aunty, how could you tell what kind of person she was just from one look?”
Regarding that aspect, Yun Bixue was truly in awe. She would need to hone
herself for years to achieve such precise perception skills. If only she had
possessed such an ability from the start, she wouldn’t have believed Miao Zifu
and Chu Fei’er, and perhaps An Yexuan and her would…?
No, no. With such thoughts coming to mind, Yun Bixue hurriedly shook her
head. Regardless of who it was, none of them could match up to Xie Limo in
her eyes.
Unknowingly, his gentleness and warmth had certainly healed all the wounds
in her heart.
Chapter 131: I Trust Him
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Ji Qiongxin noticed Yun Bixue’s uncertainty, so she nodded and said, “That’s
right. I can make out what kind of person she is in one glance. And I could
almost fully decipher the personalities of those two individuals.” In order to
survive in the Xie family, one first needed to have a sharp eye when it came to
perceiving people. The Xie family was a large household with thousands of
years of history, and many of its members were brilliant. They concealed their
expressions well, and their means of trickery were remarkable. Even so, she
had to scrutinize the slightest of actions from every individual’s to make a
The two people from before were indeed inadequate. Dealing with them was
merely child’s play, yet they still dared to parade around her.
As if recalling something, Ji Qiongxin quickly exclaimed, “Bixue, Limo is really
great at reading people. Rest assured, he would never be deceived by such
pretentious and hypocritical b*tches. If a person like that stood before Limo,
their true personalities and conduct would be instantly exposed. Only idiots
would be taken in and be dazzled by them.”
Hearing such words from her mother-in-law, Yun Bixue let out a snicker.
However, thinking about it, her mother-in-law was right. Every time she went
out with Xie Limo, she would steal a few glances at the beautiful women they
met. However, Xie Limo had never taken a second glance at them, merely
treating them as if they were ignorant fools. She recalled that she had once
voiced her doubts about his taste, yet Xie Limo only looked resigned as he
punished her with a kiss. “You have no conscience. Do you think that you’re
She didn’t dare to speak another word after hearing that sentence.
While thinking of Xie Limo, Yun Bixue would always give off a natural aura of
warmth and gentleness.
“Aunty, I trust him!” Yes, she indeed believed in Xie Limo.
“That’s right. The most important thing to staying together as a married couple
is to have mutual trust and consideration. Limo is dedicated to his
relationships. As his mother, I have yet to see him treat someone else with
such delicacy.” Seeing how the two of them were sweet as honey, she could
have peace of mind.
Both mother and daughter-in-law dragged around their shopping haul, and as
they waited by the road for Xie Limo to pick them up, Ji Qiongxin discussed
visiting Yun Bixue’s grandfather.
“Bixue, although you and Limo are already married, the usual procedures of
engagement and wedding ceremony have not been carried out. Since we
have already accepted you as our daughter-in-law, these procedures have to
be carried out. We cannot have you suffer any bit of wrongdoing. Limo agrees
with this too and agreed to let me plan the arrangements. I would also like to
have a discussion with your grandfather about the engagement and wedding
“Aunty, I’ve already asked my grandfather, and he’ll agree to anything as long
as I’m happy. Besides, Limo cares for me sincerely, and Grandfather is not
particular about the details.” Under Xie Limo’s arrangements, her grandfather
had been staying in a small villa surrounded by verdant hills and limpid water.
He was accompanied by guards and servants and could visit the farm
whenever he was bored.
With nobody to disrupt his peace, her grandfather had fewer things to worry
over. His health had slowly improved, and she was most grateful to Xie Limo
for this.
Ji Qiongxin shook her head. “Even if he’s not fussy, we have to make it
sensational. Especially the wedding ceremony—we have to organize the
wedding of the century.”
Watching Ji Qiongxin become increasingly enthusiastic as she spoke, Yun
Bixue listened with a smile. Finally, after Ji Qiongxin’s persistence, they
agreed to visit her grandfather in two days.
After waiting for some time, she turned back and inadvertently noticed
something. Through the glass windows, she saw a couple sitting in a car.
They were Su Lenghan and Yun Mengshi.
Were the two of them really sitting together? Indeed, Yun Mengshi hadn’t let
her down and had truly managed to seduce Su Lenghan. She knew Yun
Mengshi well—if she had taken the first step, she would definitely have
something planned next.
If she had seen Su Lenghan with another woman in the past, she would have
been bitter and upset. However, she felt rather delighted now. She was
looking forward to the clash between Meng Xinyan and Yun Mengshi.
Chapter 132: The Bitterness in His Heart
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
From where Yun Bixue stood, she could clearly discern their behavior through
the glass windows of the car. Yun Mengshi’s bashful expression matched well
with Su Lenghan’s elegant appearance; people not in the know would even
mistake the two of them as a couple!
It was such a pity that Su Lenghan’s fiancée had fled and his sister had
collapsed in the mall. If the reporters caught wind of this, she predicted that
they would have more materials to report on again.
In recent days, she had grown increasingly disappointed with Su Lenghan.
She failed to comprehend how she had fallen for someone like him in the
past. Was it because of the marriage arrangement between the two of them,
or was it due to his gentle nature? Perhaps it had been neither. Back then,
she had harbored sorrow within her heart and had desired to find a place she
could belong to and call home.
At that moment, Yun Bixue only felt relieved. Perhaps she’d never had much
affection towards Su Lenghan in the first place. She’d only felt that way
because it was natural and she had grown used to it.
Her lips curved up into a self-mocking smile, and she no longer looked inside
the car. She turned away, but just as she did so, a flash of light suddenly
shone. A glint of danger flashed across her eyes, and she instinctively
followed the source of the flash. She discovered several people stealthily
snapping pictures behind the glass windows. She didn’t know if they were
reporters or merely normal citizens, or they could even be the paparazzi.
Regardless of their identities, once this piece of news was released—even if it
was only published online—it would surely cause an uproar.
Right then, Su Lenghan must have noticed someone secretly taking pictures
of them inside the car, and his expression froze instantaneously. He
straightened up and walked out, with Yun Mengshi hurrying out and nestling
up against him, as if afraid that other people might not be aware that they
were together. Such an idiot.
Sure enough, once the couple appeared, the people surrounding them started
snapping away wildly.
Su Lenghan had wanted to stop them, but after noticing Yun Bixue from afar,
his expression turned cold, and his eyes flickered intermittently.
Yun Bixue’s gaze had initially met his, but suddenly she noticed Xie Limo’s
car, and she switched her focus solely on the car slowly pulling up towards
her. Her eyes emitted a look of gentle affection—it was a side to her that Su
Lenghan had never seen before.
Yun Bixue had forgotten about the couple that she had just seen. She focused
her attention solely on Xie Limo. She had missed him after not seeing him for
a day. Perhaps it was because of their consummation, but Yun Bixue’s
fondness towards Xie Limo had grown even deeper.
Xie Limo opened the car door and received the shopping bags from Ji
Qiongxin’s and Yun Bixue’s hands. He placed them in the trunk, and both
ladies quickly got in the car.
Su Lenghan watched as this peaceful and wonderful scene unfolded. He
could only feel it penetrating through him, piercing his eyes and making his
heart bitter.
Yun Mengshi seemingly had impaired judgment. She saw Xie Limo’s
silhouette and felt her heart start to thump rapidly. That was Young Master
Xie! It was the Young Master Xie who had constantly appeared in her dreams.
“Lenghan, that was my older sister right? She was together with Young
Master Xie.” Yun Mengshi’s words sounded rather envious and dreamy, and it
made Su Lenghan snap out of his daze instantly.
Su Lenghan watched the surrounding onlookers as they took their pictures,
and he yelled, “Whoever doesn’t leave their phones and cameras behind and
plans on releasing those photos, there will no longer be a place for you in
Ning An City after today.”
As a result of the incessant exposés by the reporters, the Su family were
already the center of societal attention. Being the scion of the Su family, he
naturally had to be swift and strict in his actions. He couldn’t allow the
reporters to repeatedly incite trouble. There had already been a couple of
incidents, and they couldn’t afford a third one. This was his final straw.
Just as Su Lenghan completed his sentence, four bodyguards appeared and
encircled the surrounding crowd. They forced the onlookers to leave their
phones and camera films behind, before allowing them to take their leave.
However, Su Lengxian never considered that shortly after, the news that
made the headlines would still be related to the Su family. This time, it
involved his fiancée and his younger sister. There was a photo accompanying
the news, and it was of his sister, Su Lengxian, who was passed out on the
hapter 133: Discussing about Young Master Su and His Woman
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Based on various kinds of assumptions, everyone began to make their own
theories on how Young Master Su’s younger sister had passed out on the
ground—and even had a trace of blood beside her—yet his fiancée was
nowhere to be seen. Two photos had been published. In the first, the two of
them were obviously in a heated debate, but there was only one person left
collapsed on the ground in the second photo.
“What kind of top debutante is this? She’s a disgrace to Ning An City! Her
heart is so malicious that she even left her future sister-in-law lying passed out
on the ground.”
“To me, that second daughter of the Meng family is two-faced. She might be
the reason Miss Su ended up like that in the first place.”
“Ah… How could that be?”
“Think about it. Who knew in the past that Meng Xinyan was the second
daughter of the Meng family? I’ve heard that she has an elder sister, Meng
Xintong, who is the true eldest daughter of the family. It was Meng Xinyan and
her mother who seized that position…”
“Such a story! No wonder we have to address her as the second daughter of
the Meng family nowadays. So she still had an elder sister.”
“I still remember how she insisted that she was the only daughter in the Meng
family when she accepted the reporters’ interview. She pretended to be
perfect back then but thinking about it now, it just sounds revolting.”
“Well, a pretentious b*tch will always be a pretentious b*tch. How decent can
a daughter from an affair be? They’re the same deep down in their bones—
deceitful and cunning. You’ve all been fooled by her appearance in the past.”
Recently, the reporters of Ning An City had the support of the newly appointed
ruler—Young Master Xie—and so they dared to flagrantly expose any news
relating to the Meng and Su family. Thus, all the scandals relating to the Meng
family would end up revealed from the smallest of clues. Everyone attempted
to take a shot at their own interpretations.
The news this time around was sufficiently mind-boggling. It pushed Meng
Xinyan towards a negative light, and the impact was detrimental to her
reputation. The image that she had built up and sustained over the years had
almost been ruined from all the public speculations and criticisms.
In a bookshop, a woman was reading a newspaper, and she overheard the
discussion of the people around her. Putting on her sunglasses, she left. She
was the eldest daughter of the Meng family, Meng Xintong.
After leaving the bookshop, she said to no one, “Thank you, Yun Bixue.” It
was precisely because she got acquainted with Yun Bixue that she found the
courage and strength to fight for herself. Now, she was reclaiming what
belonged to her bit by bit.
In recent times, she had been on the radar of the citizens, and Chen Pei no
longer dared to willfully arrange her marriage. Many had learned that Chen
Pei gained her status through an extra-marital affair, and she feared being
reduced to having a wicked image.
As long as she had sufficient time, she would be able to oust both the
pretentious mother and daughter. Like Miss Yun had said, she had no place to
retreat. For all her loved ones, she could only move forward.
The newspaper reports focusing on Meng Xinyan and Su Lengxian suddenly
sparked off everyone’s imagination regarding the relationship between the
Meng and Su families. Someone even seized the opportunity and wrote an
article titled “Discussing Young Master Su and His Three Women”,
investigating the relationship between Su Lenghan and Meng Xinyan, Su
Lengxian, and Yun Mengshi.
Although the photos from that day had been deleted, it didn’t stop everyone
from making groundless accusations based on the evidence told by word of
It was needless to say how large a commotion that article brought about. Twothirds of Ning An City were closely perusing that article, and they were all
relishing in it. It was as if they were taking the article as a report on serious
In a villa somewhere else, Yun Bixue sat on the couch as she read the article
published in the newspapers. She chuckled.
“Bixue, what are you so happy about?”
“Aunty, come and take a look. The author of this article is too talented. That
day, we met two of the three women highlighted here, and the other one is the
daughter of my youngest uncle. In name, she could be considered my
younger sister.” The relationship between Ji Qiongxin and Yun Bixue had
blossomed, and they were now like mother and daughter. Yun Bixue spoke
her mind, and like a family, they trusted and respected each other.
Chapter 134: Young Master Xie is Jealous
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Listening to how her daughter-in-law spoke, Ji Qiongxin knew that it must be
something interesting. She quickly put down the fruits that she was cutting on
the table and moved closer to Yun Bixue’s side. She began to read the article
in the newspaper.
Every time she read the different theories on their relationships, Ji Qiongxin
would snicker as well. “The author of this article indeed has a flair for writing,
and an exceptional one. However, who is this ‘Young Master Su’? Whoever
has taken a liking to that Miss Meng must have poor judgment.”
“Aunty, I think so too. No one can compare to Limo now.” In Yun Bixue’s
heart, no one else was as important to her as Xie Limo was.
Listening to the tone of defense and pride in Yun Bixue’s words, Ji Qiongxin
pressed her lips and smiled. Ever since she started staying with her son and
daughter-in-law, she had felt younger.
Pondering for a while, Yun Bixue explained, “Aunty, Young Master Su’s real
name is Su Lenghan, and he’s also the next heir to the Su family. The Su
family is one of the affluent and prestigious families of Ning An City. In the
past, he and I had a verbal agreement to marry each other. However, after
seeing my Yun family go bankrupt, and how my grandfather was gravely ill, he
chose the Meng family.”
Ji Qiongxin tightened her grip on the newspapers and lightly embraced Yun
Bixue. “Poor child. No one will ever dare to take advantage of you again in the
future. You have Limo and me, and we are your family. We will stay together
“Aunty, thank you.”
“After meeting your grandfather and settling the marriage arrangements with
him, you’ll have to address me as ‘Mother’.” After spending time with Yun
Bixue, Ji Qiongxin grew increasingly fond of her daughter-in-law and even
sincerely treated her as her own daughter. She didn’t have her own daughter
anyway, and Limo was her son. A daughter was indeed more considerate.
Yun Bixue’s ears reddened and her eyes brightened up. She had a family to
call her own now, and those feelings of loneliness that she used to possess
no longer lingered.
At night, Xie Limo sat by the head of the bed, while Yun Bixue leaned on his
thighs. He was currently drying her hair with a hairdryer. He’d started doing
this because he was afraid that she might catch a cold from damp hair.
However, he was already used to taking care of her.
He watched her as she looked at her phone and laughed, not knowing what
she was amused about. Xie Limo shook his head with resignation and asked,
“Why are you in such a good mood today?”
“Didn’t you read the news? It’s mind-blowing! The comments section have all
exploded with messages about Young Master Su and his three women. Ah,
and here I thought Su Lenghan had found such a compatible lover. It would
have been wonderful if it were true, and I wouldn’t have much to say. I’m only
feeling sentimental nowadays.”
Xie Limo took the phone in her hands and placed it on the table beside them.
He continued drying her hair. “Lying down and using your phone isn’t good for
your eyes.”
“Hmm, Limo, are you upset?” Yun Bixue suddenly realized that her husband
was acting rather awkward tonight.
Yun Bixue turned around and smiled gently. Tugging on Xie Limo’s sleeve,
her brows curved and she asked, “Limo, are you jealous?”
Xie Limo coughed softly and replied, “Be good and stop playing around. Your
hair isn’t dry yet.”
“Limo, if you’re jealous, I won’t tease you. I’ll only be glad. My husband is
finally feeling jealous over his wife.”
“Have I not shown my jealousy to you before?”
Yun Bixue shook her head and said, “No, I used to think that you were like an
almighty being, a god to many. Now, you’ve joined the mortals and have been
influenced by earthly behaviors.”
Xie Limo’s exquisite gaze softened and he caressed her hair. “You’re my wife.
How could I not care? I was only used to pampering you in the past. And I’m
confident in my wife, so her judgment wouldn’t be that poor, right?”
Chapter 135: Touched
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue pouted. Her husband’s IQ and EQ were both impressive. If he
hadn’t given in to her, her words wouldn’t have stood a chance against his.
However, the changes she felt within her heart were truly fascinating. Taking
one step at a time, Xie Limo had slowly crept into her heart, and before she
realized it, he had already been etched deeply inside. She instead thanked
the heavens for letting her meet her husband, and she was grateful that he’d
taken a liking to her.
“Enough about me. There are so many young ladies in Ning An City who
regard you as their hero now.”
Xie Limo’s chest rumbled, and he smiled gently. “My dear, you can’t be
bothered by this too, right? Don’t worry; this hero belongs only to you.” As he
spoke, Xie Limo placed the hairdryer to the side and lowered his head to kiss
Yun Bixue.
“Oh… This morning, we just…” His energy level was just too high. The meek
sheep had now transformed into a wolf—a hungry and insatiable wolf.
Xie Limo swallowed the words that Yun Bixue was just about to say. Her body
grew limp and melted into a puddle. She could only lean onto him, taking in
the passion that he offered.
As they took delight in each other, they felt the deep love that ran through
After the euphoria, Yun Bixue was left exhausted, and she leaned into Xie
Limo’s embrace and fell asleep. Smelling his body’s light scent, she blissfully
took a deep breath. She didn’t know why, but even if her husband was
drenched in sweat, he would still emanate a light fragrance. It was enchanting,
and it differed from the perfumes that were currently trendy. It was a scent that
his body naturally emanated. It solely belonged to him, just like how he’d said
that he belonged to her.
The corners of Yun Bixue’s lips lifted up into a sweet smile. Just like that, she
fell asleep.
Xie Limo watched the kitten-like lady in his arms, and his heart grew tender.
He saw the smile on her lips, and his gaze turned warm and gentle. He gently
planted a kiss on her forehead. He wondered what kind of dream she was
having to make her so pleased.
When she woke up the next morning, Yun Bixue noticed that Xie Limo was
still in bed. Yawning, she mumbled, “Don’t you need to work today?” On his
usual working days, he would always rise early.
“Not today. I’m going to keep you company.”
“Okay.” In her daze, Yun Bixue wanted to continue sleeping. He had been too
vigorous last night. She was still feeling tired even now.
Just as she was about to return to sleep, Yun Bixue suddenly recalled
something and abruptly sat up. “Oh right. Aunty said that we’d be visiting
Grandfather today.”
“You’re getting flustered again. Why are you always so mixed-up when it
comes to your personal matters? Everything has been prepared, and there’s
no need to be anxious. Even after breakfast, it’ll only be after nine o’clock.
You can leave after ten.”
“Okay.” Yun Bixue’s heart warmed up. She felt that Xie Limo would always
take matters into his own hand on her behalf. Indeed, her grandfather was
most alert after ten. He would be chatty and seeking a companion for a game
of chess.
She would frequently visit her grandfather during the weekends with Xie Limo.
Each time, Xie Limo would patiently play chess with her grandfather, amusing
him greatly. When she saw her grandfather in such a joyful state, her heart
could also feel more relieved.
“Limo, why are you so nice to me?”
“Silly, you’re my wife. Who else should I dote on, if not you?” As he spoke, Xie
Limo caressed her head. His wife’s personality had drastically changed.
Sometimes her cool-headed appearance would make others label her as a
cold-eyed beauty, and other times her dominating aura could frighten some
people. Sometimes she would be adorably muddle-headed, and other times,
her lack of security would make her so dependent on him.
Regardless of how many sides to her there were, she always behaved like a
child in front of him. Thus, he was willing to continuously pamper and dote on
her, and shield her from any storm.
Yun Bixue could feel Xie Limo’s warmth and comfort, and she sniffled. Sigh,
he never fails to make me feel touched.
Chapter 136: So Many Gifts
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Under Xie Limo’s care and indulgence, Yun Bixue got dressed, washed up,
and had her breakfast.
Ji Qiongxin took out all the gifts that they were going to bring along, and Xie
Limo personally moved them into the car. When Yun Bixue noticed the
tremendous amount of things to be loaded inside, she was truly flabbergasted.
After she snapped out of her shock, she asked, “Aunty, are we bringing all of
these with us?”
“Bixue, these few gifts may not match up to your standards, but Ning An City
certainly doesn’t offer anything wonderful. If we used an airplane to transport
the gifts from our house, it would definitely alert the elders and invite trouble.
So you see…” Ji Qiongxin wrung her hands, feeling extremely embarrassed.
These gifts were indeed not presentable. No wonder her daughter-in-law
appeared somewhat reluctant.
Yun Bixue frantically waved her hands and said, “No, Aunty! I’m definitely not
complaining that we have too few gifts! Instead, I feel that this is all too much.
We definitely don’t need to bring along so many things, do we?” The body of
the elongated car was filled to the brim. Any random item retrieved from inside
it would be costly, and the thought of that really made her dizzy.
Ji Qiongxin widened her eyes and replied, “Too much? How could this be too
much? I think it’s simply too little and worried that you’d be unhappy.
However, I have instructed others to bring back some gifts from overseas, and
I can just top up what we have here when they return.” She felt truly ashamed.
Such gifts were definitely not acceptable to her Xie family, but her daughter-inlaw was indeed kind and forgiving to try and console her.
Ji Qiongxin naturally considered the value of the gifts based on her own
judgment, but little did she imagine that they were all too extravagant in Yun
Bixue’s eyes.
She insisted that there were too many gifts. She wanted to remove some of
them since there was no need for so many things. Her grandfather would
surely be unable to use all of them. However, Ji Qiongxin maintained her
stance and persisted that she knew how it felt to receive too little gifts.
Finally, Yun Bixue was left feeling helpless and couldn’t even imagine what
kind of household the Xie family was. To her, an astronomical price tag was
merely spare change to the members of the Xie family. It was an odd feeling.
After shifting everything around, Xie Limo looked at Yun Bixue, who was still
in a daze. He walked over and pulled her into a hug and said softly, “Mother
has already prepared everything. And also, the more you say that the items
are too much, the more guilty she’ll feel about how her gifts aren’t
presentable.” As the next heir of the Xie family, he was naturally aware of how
his family’s household was like. However, his wife couldn’t comprehend it, and
so he could understand her feelings.
Yun Bixue lightly pinched Xie Limo’s waist and whispered, “Did you know
about this already?” Her gaze was full of reproach.
Seeing her pout, Xie Limo recalled the times of their passion. His body
stiffened, and he let out a wry laugh. He had truly fallen into his wife’s
clutches. He used to be indifferent, but after meeting her, he became totally
powerless. His rationale had long disappeared.
Yun Bixue met Xie Limo’s gaze. She felt herself being sucked into his deep
and exquisite warmth, and her body softened undetectably. The two of them
enjoyed passionate intercourse every night; how could she still not recognize
that look in his eyes?
Yun Bixue blushed and hurriedly escaped. She dashed towards Ji Qiongxin—
who was in the middle of checking on the gifts—and said, “Aunty, let’s go.”
“Okay, okay. Let’s drive and meet your grandfather.”
Despite the car silently yet lavishly whisking through the roads, many were still
surprised by what they saw. Although extremely low-profile, those
knowledgeable about cars would know that this particular one had been
manufactured by factories from all over the world. Even the most prestigious
families might not have what it took to purchase it. Who could this be? Was he
someone that powerful?
In reality, Xie Limo had no intentions to use this car at all. But, since he
couldn’t stop his mother from preparing too many items, only the elongated
body of this car would have the space to fit everything. In addition, this was
just another typical car in his mother’s eyes, and there was nothing special
about it.
hapter 137: The Intrepid Luxury Car!
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
“Wow, did you see that? My eyes aren’t failing me, right? There’s actually
someone in Ning An City who can drive such a luxurious car! Quickly, pinch
me, pinch me! I’m not dreaming, am I?”
“A nouveau riche… No, no… It’s too insulting to use ‘nouveau riche’. This is
just blinding my eyes. Hurry up and chase after them! I want to see…” If she
could curry favor with such a person, it would truly be a blessing.
“That’s an authentic luxury car. Sisters, take a quick look at me. Is my makeup
messy? Hurry up, I want to create a chance encounter. Once he takes a liking
to me, hehe…”
“None of the centuries-old prestigious families of Ning An City would be able
to afford that car. Who could it be, who could afford to drive such a car?”
In an instant, all who were in the know gravitated towards the elongated luxury
car. However, with Xie Limo’s superb driving skills, none of them could catch
From a tiny camera installed within the car, Yun Bixue could see the scenery
from the front, back, and sides of the car clearly. She noticed the cars behind
them wildly speeding up from the back of her car, and she felt somewhat
confused. She initially thought that someone was plotting to destroy
something, but after monitoring the situation for a prolonged period of time,
she couldn’t help but feel shocked, “Limo, are those people out of their
In the back seat, Ji Qiongxin said, “Bixue, don’t worry. Dealing with these
people will be a piece of cake. With Limo driving, no one will ever be able to
catch up. Although this car is nothing outstanding, its model and inner
machinery aren’t things that other cars can compare to.”
It was only then that Yun Bixue realized the speed at which the car was
traveling, and she was taken aback. Even at such a high speed, the car still
remained stable. Is this world real? She covered her chest, unable to handle it
all in one go.
Xie Limo was driving leisurely when he instinctively picked up the change in
Yun Bixue’s expressions. A tinge of distress flashed across his exquisite eyes,
and he gently assured her, “Don’t worry. After we lose them and reach the
Great Green Road, everything will be fine.”
It was amazing how fast Yun Bixue’s emotions returned to normal after just
one sentence from Xie Limo. She asked worriedly, “Won’t we be fined if we
drive at this speed?”
Ji Qiongxin was shocked. “Who dares to issue a fine to the Xie family? Don’t
they want to keep their lives?”
Feeling a slight headache coming in, Xie Limo sighed, “My dear mother, this is
Ning An City.”
Ji Qiongxin seemed to be deep in thought, and she nodded after some time.
“Many individuals from the political scene in Country A have forgotten about
our Xie family. Limo, if they don’t abide by your words, you should knock
some sense into them if necessary.” Ji Qiongxin’s words were laced with
authority, and she did not avoid speaking around Yun Bixue.
Yun Bixue was definitely not a fool. Ever since her mother-in-law had arrived,
her understanding of the Xie family had grown deeper. She unfailingly
regarded his household as an impressive one.
Her mother-in-law, Ji Qiongxin, always meant what she said and would never
put on a fake front. This meant that the Xie family might truly be a formidable
household and not merely an impressive one.
Xie Limo noticed that Yun Bixue had lowered her head and was lost in her
thoughts, and a gentle ripple of emotions went through his heart. With regards
to the Xie family, he didn’t want to keep it a secret, but he knew quite well that
his wife wasn’t someone interested in his wealth and riches. She merely
wanted a simple and cozy home. He’d kept it from her to prevent scaring her
off. It had been difficult enough to meet his wife, and he couldn’t afford to
frighten her away.
As they arrived somewhere outside the garden of a villa, a signal light flashed
from inside the car, and the gates opened. The car halted within the yard.
With a press of a button inside the car, the car automatically changed its
entire appearance—it now looked broken down and dirty.
After retrieving everything from inside the car, Old Master Yun lumbered out
with his walking stick. Seeing so many gifts, he too was taken aback. Although
Bixue had previously given him a heads up that the young lad’s mother would
be coming, he hadn’t expected her to bring along so many gifts. Despite
having experienced and growing accustomed to all sorts of scenes, his eyes
widened so much that they almost popped out of their sockets.
Chapter 138: Blissful Because of Him
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Ji Qiongxin noticed Yun Bixue’s grandfather coming out and went forward to
greet him. “Hello Uncle, I’m Xie Limo’s mother, and we’ve come to visit you
today. These gifts may be lacking, but as a mother, I am sincerely fond of that
lass, Bixue. Therefore, I’m here to discuss with you about the two children’s
To Yun Bixue’s grandfather, Ji Qiongxin’s words were full of respect. This was
because Xie Limo had informed her beforehand that in the Yun family, only
Old Master Yun treated Yun Bixue with sincerity.
Therefore, she had also categorized Old Master Yun as part of her family.
Sparing the formalities, she went straight to the point.
Old Master Yun blanked out and then chuckled, “Great, great!” He repeated
the word twice in a row, demonstrating how pleased he felt.
Seeing that her grandfather was delighted, Yun Bixue’s lips curled up into a
smile. It had been a long time since he’d felt such happiness. Limo had given
her this moment, and she felt grateful and blessed.
Xie Limo instructed the workers in the garden to help shift the items into the
house. Noticing that Yun Bixue had remained motionless, he approached her
and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He gently asked, “What
happened? Are you feeling sick?”
As he looked down into her eyes that were glistening with tears, his heart
grew incredibly soft. “Silly.”
Yun Bixue pouted and complained, “Calling me silly again.”
“I know you’re glad. Don’t worry, your grandfather will live healthily to a ripe
old age, and he’ll also meet someone whom he deserves.” As he spoke, his
words seemed to be hinting at something else. A trace of light flashed across
his exquisite eyes before it instantly disappeared.
Yun Bixue had a sudden realization. “Are you talking about Aunt Zhou?”
Previously, when she had visited Grandfather with Xie Limo, she’d thought
nothing of it. She always felt that Aunt Zhou’s concern for her grandfather was
truly sincere, and it allowed her to put her mind at ease.
With Xie Limo’s comment, an idea surfaced. If Aunt Zhou really stayed by her
grandfather’s side, she would naturally be happy as his granddaughter. Ever
since her blood-related grandmother had passed away, her grandfather’s
heart had turned cold. For the sake of his family, he had no choice but to
marry the daughter of the Shen family, who was Old Lady Shen. Since then,
he had never enjoyed himself in any activity and placed all his focus on her
and the Yun family.
“Very smart. However, we cannot interfere nor influence the two of them.
Their relationship is between them. Remember that age doesn’t matter.”
Waves of emotions flowed through Yun Bixue’s heart as it lifted and sank. It
was somehow difficult to picture—Grandfather was already more than 70
years old, and Aunt Zhou was over 50. The couple had an age gap of almost
20 years. Could they really end up together?
Keeping the idea in her heart, Yun Bixue appeared stunned. She then tugged
on Xie Limo’s sleeve and asked, “Limo, did you already plan this out?” It
seemed as if Aunt Zhou had also been selected by Xie Limo from the Xie
family’s wide spectrum of relationships. Aunt Zhou fitted the bill—she was
down to earth, kind-hearted, and intelligent. It seemed like she had been
specially crafted just for Grandfather.
Xie Limo didn’t deny it. Smiling gently, he said, “My wife is so smart.”
Yun Bixue felt that Xie Limo had done too much for her, yet she didn’t know
how to return the favor.
“My dear, if you don’t know how to make it up to your husband, then just
remember to devote yourself to me at night.” Xie Limo lowered his head
slightly to whisper lightly into Yun Bixue’s ear.
His voice was as melodious as an antique zither, and it was just as
enthralling. Like a feather, it tickled her heart, which shuddered gently. Yun
Bixue’s earlobes turned crimson, and she immediately dashed into the house.
Xie Limo watched Yun Bixue’s silhouette, his eyes brimming with gentleness
and a great deal of indulgence.
When Yun Bixue entered the house, she saw her mother-in-law and her
grandfather in a discussion over an unknown topic. The scene appeared
warm and joyous. Aunt Zhou also stayed by Grandfather’s side and took care
of him with genuine sincerity. She would also glance at Grandfather
occasionally with a smile on her face.
This image was truly wonderful; she captured it within her heart.
Chapter 139: Don’t Want Her To Suffer Any Wrongs
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Ji Qiongxin saw Yun Bixue entering the house and waved happily at her.
“Bixue, come here quickly. Your grandfather is telling us stories about your
Yun Bixue watched the loving and warm smile spread across Ji Qiongxin’s
face. The fondness she felt towards her was clearly written in her eyes, and
she absentmindedly thought that she was seeing her own mother. She was
filled with a warmth as brilliant as the sun; Yun Bixue couldn’t help but
gravitate towards her.
Her body did indeed follow the instructions of her heart, and she sat by Ji
Qiongxin’s side.
Ji Qiongxin held her hands and spoke to Old Master Yun, “Uncle, rest
assured. We will be one family in the future. I sincerely regard Bixue as my
own daughter.”
Old Master Yun watched how lovely his granddaughter looked in front of Ji
Qiongxin and sighed, “In the blink of an eye, this child has grown up. And now
she’s together with Limo, that chap. With a mother-in-law like you, I have no
As Yun Bixue listened to her grandfather’s words, her eyes stung with tears.
In the Yun family, one could say that she and her grandfather depended
greatly on each other. This day, her grandfather was feeling happy for her, but
why was she feeling bittersweet in her heart? She kept feeling as though she
would be leaving him.
Just as her thoughts tumbled within her, Xie Limo entered the room. He
whipped out a set of chess from one of the gift boxes in the house and said to
Old Master Yun, “Grandfather, after you’re done talking to Mother, let me play
a game of chess with you.”
When Old Master Yun saw that the chess set was entirely made of jade, he
shot up to his feet in shock. With just a touch, he could discern that this was
the highest grade of jade. Such a chess set was priceless. This kid was
indeed decent; he had actually gotten his hands on one.
“Good kid. Simply taking into consideration this chess set, you’ve certainly
been thoughtful. I can thoroughly rest assured and entrust Bixue to you. With
matters regarding the marriage, your mother has spoken to me. This old man
has no objections.”
Xie Limo spoke humbly, “Grandfather, Bixue and I registered for our marriage
yet we didn’t discuss it with you. I was the one who failed to consider every
detail. However, Bixue is a gem deep in my heart, and every formality that she
deserves will not be overlooked. Although we registered our marriage first, we
will still follow the procedures of an engagement and a wedding ceremony. I
don’t want her to suffer any wrongs,” Xie Limo spoke solemnly and earnestly,
as though swearing an oath.
Yun Bixue had never heard Xie Limo speak so sweetly before. However, after
hearing what he’d said to her grandfather, her heart trembled uncontrollably.
To be fortunate enough to meet him, everything had been worth it.
Afterward, Xie Limo played chess with Grandfather. Aunt Zhou, together with
several helpers, kept busy in the kitchen as they prepared the meal. Thus,
Yun Bixue and Ji Qiongxin offered a helping hand.
This time, Yun Bixue intentionally tried to get closer to Aunt Zhou. By cooking
together and chatting in the kitchen, one’s personality could be discovered
through many minute details. In addition, every time the topic of Grandfather’s
past was brought up, Aunt Zhou would reveal a joyful expression.
If any of his past sufferings were mentioned, Aunt Zhou’s brows would hold a
hint of sympathy and sorrow.
These involuntary actions had all been noticed by Yun Bixue. She inwardly
heaved a sigh of relief. The only thing she wasn’t sure of was how her
grandfather felt.
During the meal, Ji Qiongxin offered a red packet to Yun Bixue. At the same
time, in front of the elders, Yun Bixue also changed how she addressed Ji
Qiongxin to ‘Mother’.
“Sigh… Sigh…” At that moment, Ji Qiongxin felt just like how any other
mother would. The feelings in her heart were indescribable, and she only felt
like embracing this child before her who called her ‘Mother’.
The sweet voice had simply reached the depths of her heart.
Everyone was beyond delighted with this engagement, and the dining table
was overflowing with joy and harmony.
Old Master Yun wasn’t fond of those trendy and prestigious engagement
ceremonies. He found them somewhat off-putting.
On the contrary, he was more comfortable with the current arrangement—a
low-profile engagement ceremony between two families. This time, he could
feel entirely at ease that his granddaughter had finally found a good man.
Chapter 140: Young Master Xie’s Promise
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
“Haha… That Kiddo Xie isn’t bad, he’s not bad at all.” Old Master Yun had
noticed that when they ate, Xie Limo would take great care of his
granddaughter, while still having an occasional chat with himself. Xie Limo
was rather humorous and chatting with him greatly lifted Old Master Yun’s
As a result, Old Master Yun’s impression of Xie Limo became better and
better. He frequently laughed throughout the meal.
Yun Bixue was influenced by her grandfather’s great mood, and she wore a
smile on her face the entire time too. From what she could remember, he
hadn’t been this happy in a long while.
Sitting at grandfather’s side, granny Ji Qiongxin was too shy to enjoy her
meal. Yun Bixue had taken the initiative to carefully put various pieces of food
into her bowl, and she sweetly said, “Mother, this one’s tasty. You should
have a bit more.”
Ji Qiongxin’s heart was filled with a soft and mellow feeling of warmth. As she
looked at her daughter-in-law, everything felt right. She also took great
pleasure at hearing Yun Bixue address her as ‘Mother’.
The family was enjoying themselves harmoniously.
Ji Qiongxin said, “Father-in-law, this time the child’s father is absent due to
matters at home. Please don’t take offense to it. I will ask him to take some
time to visit you once I get back.”
“There’s no rush. I feel relieved after seeing you. Yun Bixue didn’t have her
parents when she was young. You could almost say that she and I relied
solely on each other to pass our days. She has always been mature for her
age—resilient and quick to take care of others, so much so that I felt sad for
her. But this is how things have become. During that time, the entire Yun
family was busy, and she had to learn how to take care of herself. She’s kind
at heart, and everyone likes her. But the Yun family is too complicated. She’s
experienced little kinship and suffered much injustice. I knew what she had to
endure, but I couldn’t do much for her… But I do know that she really wants a
family. She just wants a warm family. But now that she’s found that Kiddo Xie
and has such a great mother-in-law in you, I don’t care about anything other
than her happiness.” Old Master Yun was happy and thus, began to reminisce
about the past.
Xie Limo listened closely while peeling the shell off a prawn, but then his hand
halted in mid-motion. Although he had known about her past life, hearing it
from Old Master Yun made his chest tighten.
Upon hearing that her daughter-in-law was treated so unjustly, Ji Qiongxin’s
gaze grew cold. Those people in the Yun family must be an energetic bunch.
She would talk to Limo at the next opportunity to make sure that they suffered
the consequences—then nobody could bully her daughter-in-law.
Yun Bixue listened to her grandfather’s laments as tears flashed in her eyes.
“Grandfather, I’m doing rather well now. Why are you bringing this up now?”
“Alright, alright. Today’s a happy occasion. I’ll stop talking about these matters
of the past. As long as you’re happy in the days ahead, I will be at ease.”
“Grandfather, you must be happy in the days ahead too. We’re all in Ning An
City, so we’ll visit you a lot in the future.”
Xie Limo grasped Yun Bixue’s hand gently under the table. His exquisite hand
held onto Yun Bixue’s with a fierce warmth, one that could almost melt her
heart in an instant.
Yun Bixue turned towards Xie Limo and met his gaze filled with worry and
heartache. She gave him a smile—now that she had him by her side, the past
didn’t matter to her anymore. A person’s experience was very valuable, and it
was something that could aid them in climbing even higher in the future.
It was exactly because she had experienced so much, understood so much,
and learned to be strong, that she was able to wait until the moment she met
him. Yun Bixue’s eyes were filled with warmth and gratitude.
“Grandfather, I hereby raise a toast to you. I promise that I will treat Yun Bixue
well in the future. I’ll keep this promise until the day I die.” Although he wasn’t
good at saying such words of promise, he had repeated it twice for her. The
first time was when they were about to collect their marriage certificate, and
he said that he wouldn’t give his wife a chance to regret it. The second time
was now, promising Grandfather that he would treat her well.
He seldom made any promises. But once he did, it would last a lifetime.
Chapter 141: The Sealing of Shen Family
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Yun Bixue listened to his promise and her heart quivered intensely. She had
almost no control over the tears that ran down her face. How would she be
able to thank him, to repay his kindness. No matter what happened from here
onwards, she was contented that she had the chance to hear those words.
Old Master Yun was also extremely pleased with what he had heard. All these
years, there wasn’t one in which he was as happy as today. “Alright, Kiddo
Xie, my daughter has keen eyes to have met you. I will accept your toast.”
Xie Limo’s unparalleled charming eye shined. Smiling elegantly, he said,
“Grandfather, my eyesights are keen too.”
As Ji Qiongxin looked on at the scene, she too was overcome with emotions.
As a mother, she understood her son well. Although she didn’t pay much
attention to how they started their relationship, it was clear to them that Limo
really treasured Bixue.
She didn’t worry about anything right now. But the Xie family was too
enormous. They had a long road ahead of them and would need to care and
trust each other in time to come. She had worried that the Xie family would be
a burden to the two children, but after witnessing their feelings for each other,
she was relieved.
In the afternoon, the family started making dumplings. Xie Limo had again
been asked by Old Master Yun to play chess. Yun Bixue wasn’t sure what her
grandfather wanted to tell Xie Limo, so she accompanied her mother-in-law
and Aunt Zhou to make dumplings, without help from the servants in the
“Bixue, your dumplings are beautiful, even more so than those sold in
boutique shops.” When Ji Qiongxin saw Yun Bixue making dumplings for the
first time, she could not help but heap praises on her.
Yun Bixue smiled and explained, “Mum, when I was young, everyone made
dumplings when there were occasions. I also wanted to have some, so I
secretly learned from the Aunt in the house. Sometimes when there’s no one
at home, I will make some dumplings for myself too. I had taken the trouble to
study some culinary skills as well, this is nothing.”
Although Yun Bixue didn’t mean to, Ji Qiongxin felt bad for Yun Bixue. This
kid really did suffer a lot in the past. She made the decision to make sure that
the Xie family would treat this kid well in the future
During dinner time, Ji Qiongxin discussed with Old Master Yun about bringing
Xie Limo’s father along in subsequent visits. Together, they would pick a
suitable day for the two children’s wedding.
Old Master Yun agreed.
After finishing the dumplings, Yun Bixue prepared to bid farewell to
grandfather and return to her place. However, when she opened the gates of
the villa, she was surprised by a few uninvited guests.
The two leading the group were Old Lady Shen and Shen Wenqi.
Shen Wenqi had originally appeared a little slumped and down, but when he
saw Old Master Yun, his eyes flashed. Almost disregarding his image, he
rushed forward and hugged Old Master Yun. He then knelt down on the floor
and cried, “Uncle, please save the Shen family! The Shen family had received
summons from the court, and is close to being sequestrated. Our credit cards
have been frozen… What should the Shen family do now… Uncle…”
Shen Wenqi’s actions shocked everyone at the scene. This was the eldest
son of Old Master Shen, the chairman of their company. It was indeed rather
sad to see him in such a state.
Yun Bixue’s eyes narrowed, and her lips curled coldly. Not everyone was able
to know that grandfather was here. Looking at the situation, Old Lady Shen
had purposefully arranged such an act. Was she hoping to take grandfather
Hmph, Yun Bixue was kind and good tempered towards the kins who loved
her. As for this kind of people, she had no problems being ruthless.
The Shen family had been let off easy; only their house was sealed. She still
had other plans for them. She wouldn’t let anyone who wanted to place Limo
in harm off easily.
Old Master Yun also looked at Shen Wenqi with impatience. He shouted
sternly, “Hurry and get up. You’re a man in his fifties, don’t make a scene.”
Chapter 142: Protecting Daughter-In-Law
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Although Old Master Yun’s words were directed at Shen Wenqi, his gaze was
fixed on Old Lady Shen. His gaze was deep and cold.
Old Master Yun was very angry. No one was to ruin the day. He had been too
kind to these people in the past, so much so that they dared bullying his
granddaughter to such a degree.
Old Lady Shen’s heart skipped a beat when Old Master Yun’s gaze landed on
her, and she felt a sense of unease.
However as she wrapped her head around the situation, she realized that she
was perfectly entitled to stand here today as Old Master Yun’s official partner.
Shen Wenqi was originally an extremely proud person, even a bit lofty at
times. However in recent times, given the blows that Shen family has suffered,
he was actually indeed close to falling apart.
It was no use to plead with Old Lady Shen, as she did not yet have the Yun
family under her command. Old Master Yun was still alive. At last, after
discussing with his aunt, he disregarded everything and came crying for Old
Master Yun’s help. Old Master Yun was really his last hope.
Old Master Yun didn’t want to express his anger on such a joyous day, but he
couldn’t hold back his anger. He hit Shen Wenqi’s body with the cane in his
hand, and scolded, “Get up, you’re making a scene. What’s the use crying? If
you continue to cry, I’ll have you expelled from this premise.”
Shen Wenqi had been immersed in his crying. After being hit and threatened
by Old Master Yun, his crying breath was stuck in his throat, and it was
difficult to go either way.
Upon seeing Old Master Yun’s commanding presence concentrated in his
gaze, Old Lady Shen did not dare to meet it. She could only avert her eyes
towards Yun Bixue. Under the pretense of a caring tone, she said, “Bixue, so
you are here as well. What should I say about you? Hiding your grandfather
here. If outsiders learn about this, how would they speak of you? While you
don’t care for your own reputation…”
“Shut your mouth!” Old Master Yun shouted angrily as Old Lady Shen was
getting into her speech. Old Lady Shen was so scared that she took a step
All these years, regardless of how discontented he had felt towards her, he
had not shouted at her as he just did. Furthermore, it was in the presence of
the youngsters. She felt deeply embarrassed.
Yun Bixue’s eyes gleamed with a dangerous light, piercing Old Lady Shen like
a blade. She was about to utter a few sarcastic remarks.
However, Ji Qiongxin’s actions were faster as she jumped forward. She
pointed her finger at Old Lady Shen, and started shouting, “Where did this dog
come from? Such a shameless dog, she even dares to bark in such a place.
You even have the nerve to speak about my daughter-in-law. Who do you
think you are? Take a good look at yourself, it’s unsightly… Ah, why are you
still standing here… Can’t you tell that you’re not welcomed here? Look at
how annoying you are… Stinky old lady… So old, yet you keep running
around outside… like you’ve never seen the world before…”
Ji Qiongxin rattled on, with one hand on her waist, the other pointing at Old
Lady Shen. Her sharp gaze bore into Old Lady Shen.
As the lady of Xie family, Ji Qiongxin knew exactly how to deal with all kinds of
people. As for this Old Lady Shen today, such scoldings were the most
Old Lady Shen was the daughter of the Shen family’s direct bloodline, and
was an elder. She had thought of herself as a sly old fox and that no one was
a match for her. However, in the eyes of Ji Qiongxin, she was just a small fry.
Chapter 143: Old Lady Shen Faints
Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios
Ji Qiongxin had handled the situation perfectly. By not letting Yun Bixue do
anything, she prevented others from having a chance to say anything about
Yun Bixue. As for herself, being Yun Bixue’s mother-in-law, she had not met
with Old Lady Shen before. As a result, she pretended to not know about Old
Lady Shen at all, just taking her to be a vile old woman from the streets.
Even if someone told her after the matter, she could respond innocently by
saying that she was unaware of the situation. To her, she only saw someone
bullying her daughter-in-law, and felt angry. Turns out that all the fault lied with
Old Lady Shen instead of her.
As for Old Lady Shen, she had never suffered such humiliation. She was
furious and her blood pressure climbed. In the end, her face was flushed and
she fainted, falling onto the floor.
Looking at Old Lady Shen faint, Ji Qiongxin pretended to step back weakly.
She exclaimed, “Ah, I only said a few things to her, how did she faint?”
Yun Bixue found herself liking this mother-in-law more than ever. She rushed
towards Ji Qiongxin and supported her by the arm. Then she said to the
onlookers, “Hurry up and send her to the hospital! Old Lady Shen has high
blood pressure and rarely steps outside of the house. If she stands for a long
time, she’ll faint. Don’t any of you know about this?”
It was only then that the rest of the crowd realized what had happened. It was
true that the elderly frequently suffered from health problems. They didn’t dare
to wait any longer and rushed her to the hospital in a hurry.
Shen Wenqi was dumbfounded too. What was all this? Aunt had come to
support him, why was she now being sent to the hospital?
As he was stupefied by what had happened, Old Master Yun kicked him aside
and said, “That’s your aunt, and she has health issues. Yet you still bring her
outside. With the Shen family as it is now, you wouldn’t want others to say that
you’re unfilial, right? Hurry, go look after her!”
Shen Wenqi left, still unsure of what had happened. When he finally realized
what had happened, it was too late. It would be difficult for him to find another
opportunity like this. What’s more, after this incident, Old Master Yun was sure
to be on his guard the next time.
And thus, Yun Bixue was happy for the entire day, while Old Lady Shen had
been sent to the hospital. The atmosphere at the Shen family was icy cold.
Old Master Shen’s grandson Shen Zhengyao was feeling depressed and
gathered a few friends for a meal. After the meal, Shen Zhengyao tried to pay
the bill with his credit card, but even after multiple attempts, the card was still
The stewardess looked at the previously well-off Young Master Shen, and felt
a bit impatient. She said, “Young Master Shen, this card of yours has failed
Shen Zhengyao grew furious too. “There’s still hundreds of thousands of
credit on this card, why did it fail? It’s the machine that’s the problem!” he said,
landing a blow on the counter.
Realizing that he was not back, his friends came to check on him. Just as they
arrived, they saw him being furious at the stewardess. They hurried to calm
him down. “Zhengyao, you’re a good-tempered person, and you know how to
treat girls well. What’s the problem today? Has anyone offended you?”
“That’s right, who dares to offend Young Master Shen?”
“Zhengyao, if there’s anything, tell us. There’s no need to vent your anger at a
girl, is there?”
Despite what they were saying, they were actually trying to make a fool of
Shen Zhengyao. In the past, the Shen family was on the roster of the
wealthiest people in Ning An City. They had to act in accordance with
Zhengyao’s wishes then. But times had changed, and the Shen family was not
what it used to be. It was all reported in the news.
Although Zhengyao still brought up that his sister Yun Bixue was now Young
Master Xie’s wife, they were not fools. Yun Bixue wasn’t on good terms with
the Shen family. Additionally, the relationship that Yun Bixue had with Young
Master Xie had little to do with the Shen family. To put things bluntly, the Shen
family had absolutely no blood ties with Yun Bixue.
Chapter 144: Young Master Shen Can’t Afford The Bill
Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios
His friends knew exactly what the Shen family was going through. It was
already a godsend that Miss Yun didn’t try to harm the Shen family. To hope
that Yun Bixue would help the Shen family was a fat hope indeed.
The entire Ning An City knew that one would be a fool to get on the bad side
of Miss Yun Bixue. Young Master Xie doted on her like none other. If anyone
were to land themselves on her bad side, Young Master Xie would probably
punish that person severely as a warning to others.
No matter how you looked at it, his friends were mocking him.
Shen Zhengyao was irritated immensely by the mocking, and he resorted to
venting his anger at the cashier. He slammed his fist onto the counter,
accusing, “I’ve told you that your machine is malfunctioning. A couple hundred
thousand must be more than enough to pay for the bill. You must be under the
impression that the Shen family has fallen from grace, and that anyone can
bully us now. You need to remember that a starving camel is still bigger than a
horse. Let me see the boss, if you don’t want to work here, just quit!”
Although Shen Zhengyao’s words were directed at the cashier on the surface,
the words were actually directed at his friends. Even if the Shen family had
fallen from grace, it would be unwise for them to underestimate him. Their
families were still incomparable to the Shen family.
The cashier was frightened to tears. She had only started her job recently,
and had no experience with such situations.
His friends didn’t like where the situation was going. One of them said, “Let it
go Zhengyao, even if you can’t pay the bill, don’t vent your anger at a woman.
It’s unbecoming of a man. I’ll pay for the meal today.”
“That’s right, Zhengyao. What you’re doing is wrong. If you don’t have money,
we’ll help you. It’s just a money problem isn’t it? That’s easy to resolve!”
“Zhengyao, we have a lot of money amongst us. Money is the least of our
troubles, haha…”
“Here, stewardess, use this card. I’ll foot the bill!”
The chatter amongst them really kicked Shen Zhengyao’s anger into the next
gear. In the past, all of them used to curry favor with him, and he had never
endured such humiliation before. He disregarded his image and punched the
head of one of them.
“Pang!” The scion standing in front fell to the floor.
The others had not quite registered what had happened, and asked, “What
the heck, Zhengyao? What are you doing?”
“Zhengyao, you called us here! Don’t start hitting people just because you
can’t afford to pay!”
In a few moments, the scions had teamed up against Shen Zhengyao and had
started raining their fists on him. The outnumbered Shen Zhengyao ended up
on the ground, beaten severely. If it wasn’t for the cashier who had been
scared into calling the police, the beating would have probably continued.
Once again, the Shen family ended up on the headlines. The story was that
Young Master Shen had started to put the cashier on the spot due to being
unable to afford the bills, and the scions, unable to bear his actions, tried to
save the casher, which ended up in the fight.
It was finally decided that each person would pay for their own share of the
bill. Even so, Shen Zhengyao’s portion cost around ten thousand dollars,
which he couldn’t afford in his present situation.
Old Master Shen’s recovery had seen some progress, but an unknown nurse
had spilled the beans about Shen Zhengyao’s incident. Old Master Shen
fainted from anger again as soon as he heard the news. The hospital rushed
to save his life.
Yun Bixue received word of the incident from both Yang Mei’s report and the
news. Her lips curled faintly into a smile. The Shen family had caused all this
by themselves. She had no intention of relenting from her plans.
Ji Qiongxin looked at her daughter-in-law, and went up to sit next to her. She
said, “Bixue, this is the law of the jungle, it is the natural way of things. We
must be ruthless towards our enemies. If there’s kindness in your heart, you’ll
no longer be in the driver’s seat. What’s more, the Shen family had done
many nasty actions in the past, and the citizens of Ning An City are all
rejoicing now. You don’t need to be troubled over their current plight.”
Chapter 145: Deep Romance Fills the House
Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios
Yun Bixue listened to the caring words from her mother-in-law, and warmth
filled her heart. She said, “Mother, I’m not troubled. I’m just lamenting the
ease at which a wealthy family crumbles.”
“It’s the law of the jungle. In the future, if you meet anyone who dares to bully
you, retaliate right away. It doesn’t matter if they’re from a wealthy family. Rest
assured that no matter what you do, the Xie family will be your support. It’s
just Ning An City, you can do whatever you want.”
“Thanks Mum.”
“There’s no need to thank me now that you’re addressing me as Mum. Words
of thanks don’t need to be said within a family.”
Yun Bixue nodded her head.
Before she went to sleep, Yun Bixue was checking out all the news about the
Shen family there was on her cell phone. Especially the one about Young
Master Shen, which had almost become a joke of Ning An City.
Xie Limo had finished bathing and entered the room wearing a bathrobe.
Looking at his wife who was smiling, his beautiful eyes were filled with doting.
He walked up to the bed and put Yun Bixue in his embrace. Kissing her on the
cheek lightly, he asked, “What are you looking at? You’re so engrossed with
Yun Bixue smelled the unique fragrance of Xie Limo coming off him and sank
into a trance. When she looked up, she saw Xie Limo’s open bathrobe and his
chest. His skin was gem-like, shining, captivating. Especially Xie Limo’s eyes,
they were exuding such tremendous charm.
Yun Bixue gulped. Even after being together for such a long time, she found
her losing herself from his beauty from time to time.
Xie Limo looked at the entranced Yun Bixue and found a soft feeling in his
heart. He kissed her on the lips, and asked, “Eh? What are you looking at?”
Yun Bixue answered reflexively, “Looking at you.”
Xie Limo’s spirits lifted greatly. “So my wife misses her husband?” he said. His
embrace grew tighter, almost wanting to sink her body into his.
Yun Bixue looked at the tumbling light in Xie Limo’s eyes, and she knew what
was going to happen next. “Limo.”
“Yes, my wife, I’m here.” he answered. Xie Limo turned his body around and
placed Yun Bixue under him. His cool hands has started searching for sparks.
Yun Bixue felt as though electricity ran through her entire body. She could
only clasp her hands tightly around Xie Limo’s neck, for her body had all but
melted under Xie Limo’s touch. Her soft tender voice made Xie Limo lose
control over himself.
“Yes, I’m here.” Xie Limo kissed Yun Bixue’s lips, and his eyes were filled with
enough gentleness to drown a person.
Their lips locked, and Yun Bixue ended up with her face flushed, panting.
Looking at his wife that had blossomed for him, Xie Limo’s eyes were filled
with charm. He said, “Dear, you can sleep for the rest of tomorrow.”
After meeting her, he experienced the taste of sex for the first time. It was
then that he understood that no matter how aloof he was, he couldn’t
suppress his lust for her.
At last, Yun Bixue was drained of her strength after experiencing multiple
highs and lows. She puckered her lips and said coquettishly, “Limo, I’m tired.”
“Dear, I know you can still endure more.”
Yun Bixue felt exasperated. Who knew that the Young Master Xie who was
calm and collected above all else was such an insatiable wolf when it came to
such matters. Even as a wolf, he was so charming.
“Limo, can you hold back for the time being? There’s still things to do
“But I won’t tire you. You can just sleep for the entire day tomorrow.”
And so he continued. Yun Bixue feel into a deep sleep at the end. Still holding
her soft smooth body in his embrace, Xie Limo sighed softly. He kissed her
forehead lovingly, and fell into slumber with her in his embrace.
Chapter 146: Young Master Xie’s Power
Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios
The next day, Xie Limo was afraid that Yun Bixue couldn’t rest well, so he
turned off all the alarms. He also instructed the servants to not disturb her.
A meaningful look was all he needed to give to his mother to let Ji Qiongxin
know what she needed to do. She said softly, “Don’t worry, I know that you
dote on her. I will have the servants make her meal, and she can eat
whenever she wakes up. There won’t be anyone to disturb her.”
As Yun Bixue spent the entire day sleeping, Xie Limo had gathered all the
evidence against the Shen family swiftly. He planned to use the Shen family
as an example to warn the other wealthy families who might be harboring
plans of their own.
After the meeting, all the relevant personnels of the Shen family were
investigated. The court had ample evidence, and everyone involved in the
incident of the Shen family had been put behind bars for the time being.
Old Master Shen was bedridden. However, just as the officials were going to
catch people at the Shen family, a fire broke out. After the fire, many were
injured or killed.
The other wealthy families had been keeping an eye on the Shen family. After
seeing what had become of the Shen family, they were scared. They started
to have overnight family discussions, even together with other wealthy families
on what they ought to do next.
They were afraid that Young Master Xie was exacting revenge.
When Jia Dongkun heard what had happened to the Shen family, he was
taken aback as well. He shivered while whispering, “It’s so frightening.”
Jia Dongkun’s mother cared a great deal for her son. She hugged her son
who had become a bundle of nerves in worry. She asked, “What’s wrong,
“Mum, you need to save me. Yun Bixue and Young Master Xie won’t let me
off the hook so easily…” Every time he remembered how he had wanted to
cause harm to Yun Bixue at Luxury Emperor, he shivered in fear. If he had
known that things would end up as they had beforehand, he would never have
dared to speak to Yun Bixue rudely.
He was so silly…
Su Lenghan had been extremely busy during this period of time as well. He
was very irritated, and there was barely any time for him to relax.
Ever since Su Lengxian had woken up, she kept throwing tantrums, forcing
him to take action to uphold justice in her name. In particular, taking actions
against Meng Xinyan.
“Brother, I’m your biological sister. You can’t treat me in such a manner. Meng
Xinyan had tried to harm me on purpose. I had fainted and she fled the scene
without a care. Brother, you had always doted on me the most, haven’t you?
Can you please discipline…”
Su Lengxian had artificial teeth implanted, but she still struggled to form
words. Her face was unrecognizable too.
Su Lenghan shook his head and said, “Lengxian, she’s your sister-in-law.
There must have been some kind of understanding. You should rest for the
time being. I will deal with the matter as soon as I finish my work.”
Su Lengxian burst into tears. She cried, “Brother, are you biased towards that
bitch? Brother, you’re always protecting her…”
Su Lenghan’s gaze grew cold. He said, “Lengxian, she’s your sister-in-law.
Don’t be so rude with your words.”
“Brother, she’s in your good books now, but you don’t know that she had done
a lot of vile things in the past. That day at Luxury Emperor, she had intended
to harm Yun Bixue. Yun Bixue was lucky though… The incident on the media
was also directed by her behind the scenes… Meng Xinyan also tried to harm
her biological sister… Brother, don’t be fooled by her appearance…”
Su Lenghan’s hand that was holding the financial statement paused. He
raised his head and stared intensely at Su Lengxian
Su Lengxian’s heart skipped a beat. It was the first time that her brother had
looked at her in this way. She panicked and said, “Brother, I’ve said nothing
but the truth.”
Su Lenghan punctuated every word of the sentence as he said, “You mean
that it was Meng Xinyan who harmed Yun Bixue?”
hapter 147: Sense Of Loss In His Heart
Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios
When Su Lenghan asked the question, his clear elegant eyes were filled with
a dark dim light. The darkness was chilling.
Su Lengxian had never seen her brother like this before. In order strip Meng
Xinyan’s pretense, to have her brother punish Meng Xinyan, to vent her
anger, she nodded her head firmly in response. She said, “Brother, everything
I’ve told you is true. You can investigate the matter yourself to verify. In order
to set up Yun Bixue, Meng Xinyan had done quite a number of things. Just the
ones that I’m aware of are quite a number by themselves. Brother, you must
not be fooled by her appearance.”
Su Lenghan looked at his sister who appeared quite confident. His gaze
dimmed again as he sank into thought for a long while.
Su Lengxian looked at her brother who had fallen silent and continued to push
her case. She said, “Brother, Meng Xinyan had her sights set on you since the
very beginning, and had planned to steal you from Yun Bixue. That was why
she had approached me and collected information about you. Using that
information, she set up a few encounters with you, to get you to fall for her.
Brother… you must not allow yourself to be fooled by her any longer… Just
look at her. Ever since she secured her relationship with you, she started to
treat me anyway she pleased. She’s so selfish and hypocritical, so much so
that she’s able to abandon your sister by the roadside…”
After a slight pause, Su Lengxian continued, “Brother, no matter how much
she dislikes me, it does not change the fact that I’m a member of the Su
family. I represent the Su family. You treat her as a family member, but is that
the case for her? Whenever the Su family had been useful to them, they were
never shy to ask your for favors. However, when we needed the help from the
Meng family, they hid from us. Remember that time the Meng family just stood
along the sidelines? Meng Xinyan still dreams of playing up to scions of Tian
Jing City… Brother, have you forgotten about all of those things? Brother, the
Su family should be the priority of your considerations… You represent the Su
Su Lenghan’s gaze remained dim while he listened. Putting down the financial
statement, he slumped into the chair. He looked both mentally and physically
exhausted. After massaging his temples and his forehead for a moment, he
sighed softly, “Lengxian, you’re tired, go back early and rest!”
Su Lengxian’s voice suddenly raised. She said, “Brother, are you reluctant to
part ways with her? You really are protective of her. Yun Bixue treated you so
well in the past, but you didn’t reciprocate at all. After Yun Bixue, Meng Xinyan
took the Su family for granted… That’s how you men are, you all think that the
one that you can’t obtain is the best… ” Although Su Lengxian didn’t think
highly of Yun Bixue, but Meng Xinyan couldn’t even match up to a shred of
Yun Bixue in her opinion.
Before Meng Xinyan there had been no comparison, so she overlooked just
how good Yun Bixue was.
Now that she thought about it, if her brother really had to marry one of them,
then she’d much rather that person be Yun Bixue. She was so foolish in the
past, and had been fooled by Meng Xinyan’s appearance. She must make
sure that her brother doesn’t make the same mistake as her.
Remembering Yun Bixue, Su Lenghan’s gaze softened slightly. However,
once he thought about the scene where Yun Bixue and Xie Limo were
together, his felt emptiness and loneliness in his heart.
He had to admit that he couldn’t match Xie Limo’s affection for Yun Bixue.
Now that he thought about it, that scene also pained his eyes and heart.
He caressed his chest, and felt a tinge of melancholy and sense of loss. Could
it be that he’s only remembering her good side after losing her?
He knew that some of the things that his sister had told him could be true. The
more time her spent with Meng Xinyan, the more he felt that the happy feeling
at the beginning of their relationship seemed like an illusion. There were many
times that Meng Xinyan had left him disappointed.
However, he could no longer afford to go back on their relationship. The Su
family and the Meng family’s interests are now intertwined with the betrothal,
so he can’t make any decision on a whim.
Chapter 148: The Fall of the Shen family
Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios
Su Lenghan said wearily, “Lengxian, I know about the things that you have
told me. Leave me alone for now.”
“Brother, aren’t you going to to anything? Are you still going to protect Meng
B*tc… Meng Xinyan.” She wanted to say Meng B*tch, but she was afraid that
would cause her brother to not listen to her any longer and send her away.
Su Lenghan sighed softly, “Lengqian, she’s your sister-in-law!”
“Brother, you have said that line countless times. But is she behaving like my
sister-in-law? Brother, you’re not doubting my words, are you?”
Su Lenghan looked at Su Lengxian who appeared a bit hysterical. He said in
frustration, “Lengqian, I do believe you. I have my own way of dealing of the
matter. I’m tired. Please go back home!”
Looking at her brother who appeared very impatient, Su Lengxian felt very
sad. In the past, everyone doted on her. Now, on top of the fact that outsiders
no longer treat her as the eldest daughter in the Su family, even her brother
no longer dotes on her. Additionally, she had not met with her parents ever
since she has returned.
She was in so much pain, yet she didn’t know how to deal with it. She knew
that all of this was caused by that Meng B*tch. If it wasn’t for her, she would
not have ended up like this.
Ever since brother was together with Meng Xinyan, everything in the Su family
She couldn’t just do nothing. Massaging her face that was still sore, her gaze
darkened. She would never allow that Meng B*tch to have her way. Suddenly
she had a flash of brilliance. There’s still this person called Yun Mengshi.
Su Lengxian smile smugly to herself after having thought of Yun Mengshi.
She wanted to make life difficult for Meng B*tch no matter what. As long as
Yun Mengshi was around, she could help Yun Mengshi and her brother
develop feelings for each other. Meng B*tch will have little chance in
controlling her brother then.
One has to admit that Su Lengxian had a rather peculiar mentality. No matter
which woman was in a relationship with her brother, she feel jealously and
anger towards that woman. She will find all sorts of excuses to sabotage that
relationship, and she does so without even the slightest guilt. It was hard to
say if it was fortunate for Su Lenghan to have a sister like her.
After the office fell silent, Su Lenghan’s mind was filled with Su Lengxian’s
words. He couldn’t help but compare Meng Xinyan with Yun Bixue.
The more he compared the two of them, the more sense of loss he felt. He
had just watched from the sidelines when the Yun family needed his help the
most. Now he wasn’t sure if he had made the right call.
The Yun family didn’t have any trouble now. On the contrary, they were doing
rather well. An Yexuan had not only stopped trying to make things difficult for
the Yun family, but instead instructed the people under his power to help them
before returning to Tian Jing City.
Shen Zhengyao had been beaten badly. After being discharged from the
hospital, he could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the changes that the
Shen family had undergone.
There were a few bystanders standing around at the entrance of the Shen
family who had come to gloat. After seeing Shen Zhengyao, they said
mockingly, “Well, if it isn’t the grandson of the Shen family? We could barely
recognize you.”
“Not just anyone can recognize the grandson of the Shen family.”
“Yikes, look at his badly battered face. I wouldn’t have believed what was said
on the news if I didn’t see it for myself!”
“That’s right! This grandson of the Shen family was so arrogant back then!”
Shen Zhengyao’s face was filled with rage upon hearing such remarks, but it
would be unwise to flare up now. He must think of a plan. After thinking for a
while, he decided that the best course of action was to plead pardon with
Young Master Xie. Young Master Xie was the most powerful figure within Ning
An City. The Shen family would continue to have problems until Young Master
Xie decides to forgive them.
Yun Bixue was having tea in a cafe close by. Seeing the commotion at the
gates of the Shen family, her lips curled into a smile. Then she called Xie
Xie Limo was having a meeting. However, when he saw that it was his wife
calling him, he left the meeting room without hesitation and answered the call.
hapter 149: Wife’s Instructions
Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios
Xie Limo’s light cherry colored lips curled into a gentle smile. He said, “Dear.”
Yun Bixue stared at Shen Zhengyao through the glass window. Her gaze
grew cold and said softly, “Limo, are you busy now?” She had known that she
acted too hastily right after she dialed the number. She was worried that Xie
Limo was busy.
Xie Limo smile elegantly. He replied gently, “There’s not much to be busy
about, what’s the matter?” His voice was filled with care and worry.
Hearing Xie Limo’s gentle reply, Yun Bixue’s cold gaze became warm and
gentle. She replied gently, “Nothing much. I’m having tea near the Shen
family’s place now. Shen Zhengyao has stood outside the gates for quite
some times now. I suspect that he will go looking for your help.”
Xie Limo’s beautiful eyes glittering with an enchanting light. He smiled and
asked, “Are you worried that I will extend a helping hand towards him?”
“That’s not it. You won’t help him if he asks you for sure. I’m worried that he
will do something in desperation. After all, Shen Zhengyao had grown up
under the care of Old Master Shen. The people of the Shen family are all born
with an innate ruthlessness. You should take care.”
Yun Bixue’s words were filled with worry for Xie Limo.
Xie Limo’s heart warmed, and he said elegantly, “I understand. Rest assured,
as long as I’m still around, the Shen family can’t do anything. I will have my
men watch over them.”
“Alright, I can stop worrying then. Continue with you work, I will be home
“Alright, ask Xie Shiyi to keep you safe. Don’t walk around alone.”
Yun Bixue smiled and answered coquettishly, “Alright.”
Hearing her soft warm reply, his heart tightened. He remembered the times
when she laid in his arms at home, where she appeared so fragile and
beautiful. He could not help but smile. No matter how well he was able to keep
up his calm image in the face of outsiders, he couldn’t do it in front of his wife.
His emotions were always swayed by her, but he was willing. For his wife,
everything was worth it.
No matter how busy and tired he was, as soon as he returns home and sees
her sweet smile, all the fatigue will dissipate.
After hanging up, Xie Limo returned to the meeting room elegantly. Everyone
in the meeting room was waiting in absolute silence. No one dared to grumble
or question his authority.
When Xie Limo first started taking charge of Ning An City, many refused to
comply with his orders. They had tried to make things difficult for Xie Limo,
hoping that he will step down in the face of the problems. For all of them, no
matter what kind of background they had, were either demoted or had
something happen to their family. Some were also found of be corrupt and
subsequently jailed.
When they realized what had happened, almost all the officials within Ning An
City had been replaced. After they understood what had happened, it was too
late for them to regret their actions.
After witnessing Young Master Xie’s capabilities, everyone was secretly afraid
of him. As a result, they dared not raise any opposing opinion to his decisions
ever since.
There were still some that tried to sought opportunities admits the crisis. They
tried to report Young Master Xie’s actions to people in power in Tian Jing City
in order to control Young Master Xie’s actions. However, it was ineffective.
Not only did their complaints achieve nothing, they were reported to be
plotting something against officials. Evidence were found and they had their
homes sealed.
Everyone was obedient ever since, and dare not harbor any plans. Even so,
the new officials that Young Master Xie employed where those he trusted
deeply, and not those people who once plotted against him.
Chapter 150: The Terrifying Fox
Translator: AtlasStudios Editor: AtlasStudios
Xie Limo’s cold gaze swept across everyone in the meeting room. As he did,
he captured everyone’s look and expressions. His exquisite jade-like hand
lightly tapped on the top of the table, and he did not speak a single word.
Everyone in the meeting room all felt a weight of mountains bearing down on
them. The atmosphere was oppressive, and those with a guilty conscience
even felt unable to catch their breaths.
Just as some of them began breaking into a sweat, Xie Limo finally collected
his stares and everyone lightly heaved a sigh of relief. However, even before
they could take a breather, Xie Limo released the pen he grasped in his hand.
The sounds it produced made everyone alarmed again, and they dared not
make a noise even as they breathed.
Until Xie Limo announced coldly and elegantly, “The meeting continues.”
Everyong could finally let out their breaths. They widened their eyes and
listened attentively, gravely afraid that they would be unable to bear the
consequences of missing a sentence or getting caught by Young Master Xie
for being distracted.
After spending a long time together, all of them were aware that Young Master
Xie was indeed an overwhelmingly terrifying fox.
In the end, the meeting did not change even with the interrupting episode. It
instead knocked some sense into everyone, and the meeting proceed
extremely smoothly.
Shen Zhengyao wished to meet Young Master Xie, but he could not turn up
empty handed. Ultimately, he searched for one of his previous lovers, and
pulled all kinds of tricks to obtain some money.
He rubbed off the lipstick on his face and shook it off his hands. With the sum
of money, he approached the shopping mall.
Yun Bixue instructed Xie Shiyi to drive the car, and to tail after Shen
Zhengyao at an appropriate pace. In actual fact, she had been rather bored,
and merely wanted to see what kinds of trouble would Shen Zhengyao
generate again. She wanted to kill some time and also upgrade her skills. She
could perhaps pick up some tricks and techniques from Shen Zhengyao. It
was always good to learn more things.
She wanted to stand by Xie Limo’s side in the future, accompanying him
through all sorts of storms.
Ever since she took a guess at how magnificent and unfathomable the Xie
family was, she had begun to get ready. She understood that regardless of
her abilities or means, she was still inadequate. Hence, she wanted to work
hard to become stronger, just like her granny Ji Qiongxin, swift and
dominating. She treated different sorts of people with varying types of
methods, and would never allow herself to be taken advantage of.
The previous time when Old Lady Shen had been put at a disadvantage, she
could only swallow it down when she eventually woke up. The other person
had innocently commented that she did not know Old Lady Shen. She had
thought that she was only there to look for trouble, and she was only trying to
protect her own daughter-in-law.
In particular, Old Master Yun had strongly asserted that Old Lady Shen had
fainted on her own accord. Hence, Old Lady Shen had no platforms to vent
her anger, and passed out twice from her fury. After she woke up during her
hospitalized, she returned home and directly unleashed her rage on Yang
Because of Yun Muzhong’s matter, Yang Siru had also been awfully irritated.
Her heart was suffocating from her suspicions, and she also could not find
someone to lose her temper at. She wanted to meet Yun Muzhong but
practically failed to do so, unless Old Lady Shen ordered him to return.
However, he would also leave again on the same day.
Her gang of sisters outside had secretly divulged that they had seen Yun
Muzhong together with a young and dainty model. She had still been in
disbelief. However, even if she had not witnessed it, the recent series of event
made her unable to not suspect him, and even confirm her suspicions.
Old Lady Shen watched as Yang Siru held onto the remote control and
watched her drama before the table. From time to time, she would
occasionally chastise her.
As Old Lady Shen watched, she felt extremely unhappy. She started berating
her, “Yang Siru, how are you behaving like someone’s daughter-in-law? When
the kid Muzhong is at home, you begin to rage at him. Isn’t it great now? As
his mother, I cannot even see my own son. You are still fooling around. Do
you think you are capable now, that you don’t even have respect for me, the
old grandmother?”