Uploaded by Ivy Tejada

Sacraments of Healing Module

St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
Ivy G. Tejada
Student Activity 1:
A.) Sacred Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:11-21- The Ministry of Reconciliation
Read the text from 2 Corinthians 5:11-21, and answer the questions below.
1. What was the message of Saint Paul to the Corinthians?
Paul message to them is that being an ambassador for Christ is a vital and paramount concern for
every Christian. A person who serves as an envoy or ambassador is one who represents another.
2. What will happen to us if we allow Christ to be with us?
If we allow Christ to into our lives, we will be freed from our sins and be a "new creation." It
implies that we will start fresh, free from sin, and that Jesus has made us right with God.
3. How can you be an ambassadors of Christ?
A person who has devoted his or her life to Christ, been delivered from sin, and been rescued from
the devil's grasp is considered to be an ambassador for Christ. I can be an ambassador for Christ if
I have the following characteristics: competence, character, concern, and wise conversation. The
first task of Christ's ambassadors in the workplace is to do our work with excellence, because our
competence heavily influences our credibility.
Competence entails doing our best work, putting our hearts and souls into it, and delivering
excellent products and services that meet legitimate human needs. A second requirement for
spiritual influence is character. Every human being is made in the image of God and instinctively
respects the characteristics of the God who created us—this is true even for those who do not know
God. When competence and character come together, they create trust, which gives our words
credibility. Concern for others is not an option for Christ's followers. It is what Christians do; it is
the natural result of our relationship with a gracious God.
a.) My Insight: Give your comments/insight about this saying in not less
than 15 sentences. “The Church as a devout mother does not lose her
heart in any Sins at all.”
The church will never be lost in sin because the founder of the church
is Jesus Christ, who is pure and has no sinful actions. The heart of
the church will remain pure, as will the teachings that have been
passed down through generations from the Church's very first
It does not imply that the sinful acts of those who prayed inside the
Church make the place bad, but the Church is our means of
communicating with God. It is the place where we go, when life gives
us a hard time and we seek his advice on what to do.
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
The church is our mother because it protects us from temptation. It
is also where we celebrate the masses for all Catholic events. It will
always devote itself, to bringing goodness to all who believe in and
trust in Jesus Christ.
b.) What have I LEARNED in this module?
I learn in this module all about the sacraments of appointing of the sick and
sacraments of reconciliation.
What have I DONE?
I have done everything that needs to be completed in this module such as
writing in the paper all of my sins that I have done and burning the paper
after it.
How can I IMPROVE?
I can improve by confessing to the Lord everything I've done and everything
I regret doing and choosing. Also, by reflecting on my own actions.
C. Describe and Enumerate:
1. Differentiate the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Sacrament of Anointing of the
Anointing of the sick is used to provide spiritual and even physical strength during illness,
especially near the end of life. It is most likely one of the final sacraments received. The
forgiveness of sins committed after baptism is known as reconciliation.
2. What are the other names for Sacrament of Reconciliation?
Through God's mercy and forgiveness, the Sacrament of Reconciliation brings about a change of
heart. Reconciliation (also known as Confession or Penance) is a sacrament instituted by Jesus
Christ in His love and mercy to forgive sinners for offenses against God.
3. Who can receive the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and who can administer it?
Only a priest or bishop can administer the sacraments of Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick,
but a lay person may give a dying person Holy Communion as "Viaticum, the Last Sacrament of
the Christian".
4. What are the effects of the Sacraments of Reconciliation?
Reconciliation with God, through which the penitent regains grace, is one of the spiritual effects
of the Sacraments of Reconciliation. Reconciliation with the Church and remission of the eternal
punishment incurred by mortal sins. It also increases a person's sense of power. You feel less
helpless, more hopeful, and more positive about yourself. This is true whether your confession is
followed by self-punishment and recrimination or self-forgiveness and acceptance.
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
5. What are the effects of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick?
The Anointing of the Sick has five effects. It unites us to Christ's Passion, fortifies us to bear
suffering, forgives our sins, restores our health if it is conducive to our salvation, and prepares us
for eternal life.
6. Why are the Sacraments of Healing needed by believers?
To cleanse the sick's sins, the sign of the Holy Cross is made on their heads with blessed oil. The
Sacraments of Healing represent the services and healing that Jesus provided during his time on
earth. The Sacraments of Healing enable believers to experience Jesus' healing after his death and
7. How should the faithful respond to Christ’s gifts of the Sacraments?
The faithful should respond to the gifts of the sacraments by doing them as well as knowing about
D. Penance: “Sand Away Your Sins: Do the following faithfully and sincerely, then take a
photo of yourself while you're doing this activity.
1. Have an Examination of Conscience. Recall the sins you have done against God and against
your neighbors.
2. On a piece of paper, write your sins.
3. Do an act of penance for the sins you have done. Ask for forgiveness from God and make
Amends on the faults you have done toward others.
4. Erase the sins you wrote. Crumple, or burn, or tear the paper to pieces.
5. On the clean board or wood, write the good acts you want to do in your life.
6. Be in a moment of silence and reflect on the activity you have done.
St. Paul University Surigao
St. Paul University System
8400 Surigao City, Philippines
7. Write your personal reflection from the activity.
This activity has reminded me of sinful thoughts such as suicide and ending my life. I prayed
earnestly to the Lord for guidance and forgiveness for all of my sinful actions. I wrote "I will
Conquer this" in the wood because whatever promise I make to myself in the future, I will conquer
in order to make it a reality.
Prayer Composition: “We Care for the Sick Persons.” Compose personalized prayer for
the sick person.
Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
you are our only refuge.
We humbly beseech thee to behold, visit, and assist
us in our hour of need.
Please heal thy sick servant,
for whom we pray.
Look upon him with thy mercy's eyes,
and comfort him with thy words.
a sense of thy goodness;
keep him away from temptations
of the adversary;
and grant him patience in his affliction.
In thy good time, heal him,
and give him the ability to lead adwords.
That he may finally dwell with thee in everlasting life;
Through Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.