2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges Troubleshooting Data Bridges Overview Each Data Bridge application generates its own set of log files that document its activities. Use the table below to determine the name and location of the log files for each Data Bridge application. Data Bridge Application on TCx Sky Log File Name and Location Item Record Data Bridge f:/adxetc/logs/item_oper_databridge/itemb.log[.*] Item Record Data Bridge Producer f:/adxetc/logs/item_prod_bridge/itembp.log[.*] Item Record Data Bridge Receiver f:/adxetc/logs/item_recv_bridge/itembr.log[.*] Operator Data Bridge f:/adxetc/ext/oper_databridge/logs/operb.log[.*] TLog Data Bridge f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge/tlogb.log[.*] Note: These log files roll and then are zipped. The [.*] indicates the extension that is added to the rolled logs. The extension is in YYYY-MM-DD.N.gz format where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day and N is the index for that date. See the section titled Item Record Data Bridge Receiver Logging in the Item Record Data Bridge Receiver - non-TCx Sky section for information on running the Item Record Data Bridge Receiver on a system other than TCx Sky. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 1/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges The log files for launching the Data Bridge application extensions can be found according to the following table: TCx Sky Extension Logs Log file name and location Item Record Data Bridge adxvxlog:ext_logs/item_databridge/item_databridge.log[.ol Item Record Data Bridge Producer adxvxlog:ext_logs/item_prod_bridge/item_prod_bridge.log[. Item Record Data Bridge Receiver adxvxlog:ext_logs/item_recv_bridge/item_recv_bridge.log[. Operator Data Bridge adxvxlog:ext_logs/oper_databridge/oper_databridge.log[.ol TLog Data Bridge adxvxlog:ext_logs/tlog_databridge/tlog_databridge.log[.ol Note: These log files roll only once with the extension of old as indicated above. Common Error Scenarios Item Record Data Bridge ELERA client displays "Item Not Found" when trying to sell an item. This error could happen for a couple of reasons and they are as follows: 1. The item does not exist in any active catalog for the configured node. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 2/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges 2. The item has a childItemId which does not exist in the catalog. If this situation occurs, check the ACE Item Record file for the item in the link chain which doesn't exist. Once it is determined which item(s) need to be modified or added, it can be fixed in one of two ways: 1. Add/Modify item(s) using an ADDMI batch. 2. Add/Modify item(s) in the Item Record file using Data Maintenance. Once the change is complete, perform an initial load. Item Record Data Bridge is running but not functioning The Item Record Data Bridge contacts and logs into the ELERA system at startup. The Item Record Data Bridge does not function until this log in is successful. It will retry the log in every 60 seconds by default unless the property retry.interval is changed in the user.properties file. The initial login has no retry count limit, i.e., forever. The Item Record Data Bridge denotes forever as retrying 2147483647 times, so this number appears in the message Using a value of 2147483647 for login retry count . Check the log file to verify the Item Record Data Bridge was successfully authorized with the ELERA system. Note: All errors that can be retried, either from log in requests or other requests to the ELERA system, use the same retry.interval property. The retry count for all retryable requests (other than the initial log in) to the ELERA system are determined by the propery retry.count , and default to 5. Missing Data after Initial Loading of Item Record Data Bridge Failures during initial load are non-recoverable, meaning that if a failure occurs at any time, the initial load must be restarted to ensure data consistency between the legacy POS system (e.g. ACE) and ELERA Platform. Errors that indicate missing items in ELERA include: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 3/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges ELERA data import fails: This occurs when Item Record Data Bridge fails to receive a response from the Catalogs/Pricelists/Promotions Import REST API of the ELERA Platform or receives an error response. An error response or timeout from ELERA is retried up to the retry.count setting before the error is propagated through Item Record Data Bridge. If the import fails after all retry.count run, the following message will appear in item_db.log: Exception occurred, delete import data for id: {} , where {} is the ELERA import ID that failed to process.` Apache Ignite exceptions: While not expected during normal operation of the Item Record Data Bridge, exceptions from Apache Ignite have org.apache.ignite in the Java stack trace of the logged exception in item_db.log. This indicates inconsistency in the cached Item Record file data used for the ELERA import. Restart the initial load and send the log file containing the exception to the Toshiba Support Center. Other unexpected errors/exceptions: Errors that occur because of a missed custom mapping extension or other software bug result in a Java exception stack trace being written to item_db.log. All processing associated with an initial load stops following the exception. The initial load must be restarted. Operator Data Bridge Updates to ACE operators are not being reflected in ELERA. This is the most common issue with the Operator Data Bridge, and it could happen for a number of different reasons. Here are examples of this issue and possible fixes: 1. Problems processing ACE Operator Authorization file. Depending on what the issue is, you may see these messages in Operator Data Bridge log: Failed to create /cdrive/f_drive/adxetc/ext/oper_databridge/data/eam Or file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 4/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges File not found: C:/ADX_IDT1/EAMOPERA.DAT. Processing aborted. When this occurs, inspect the file listed in the message to ensure that it exists and is not corrupt. When the ACE Operator Authorization file is corrupt, the ACE Data Maintenance cannot open it. 2. "Exception caught, stopping Operator Bridge Application" message in the log. There are several causes for this entry: The system clocks for both the system running the Operator Data Bridge and the system running ELERA have time differences of more than 24 hours. The configured login.username in user.properties is incorrect. The configured tgcp.authorization.secret in user.properties is either incorrect or improperly obfuscated. If any of these are the case, you will see a message similar to this in Operator Data Bridge log: Caused by: sh org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$Unauthorized The configured login.username in user.properties does not have the sufficient authority to import data into ELERA. If this is the case, you will see a message similar to the following in Operator Data Bridge log: Exhausted after delivery attempt: 1 caught: sh org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$Forbidden: 4 TLog Data Bridge TLog Data Bridge Background Application Abends. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 5/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges The TLog Data Bridge background task will fail to start with STATUS=ABENDED , if C:/ADX_IDT1/TDBTLPRP.DAT does not exist. The cause of this error can be verified by looking in the log file, ADXVXLOG:/ext_logs/tlog_databridge/tlog_databridge.log , for the following messages: ... tlog_databridge == ERROR: The TLog Data Bridge Properties file does not ex ... tlog_databridge == Please ensure ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT has been created ... tlog_databridge == The ADX_IPGM:TDBTLPRP.SMP can be used as a sample for c See the configuration information in Post-installation Configuration for TLog Data Bridge for information about this file. TLog Data Bridge is not Mapping Transactions TLog Data Bridge periodically retrieves completed transactions from ELERA for mapping. If the TLog Data Bridge is not mapping transactions, check that: 1. The ELERA authentication credentials properties ( login.username and tgcp.authorization.secret ) are valid. Review the tlogb.log file for messages indicating a login or authentication error. 2. The correct ELERA node id is being used by reviewing the tlogb.log file for this message: Using nodeId: <nodeId> where <nodeId> matches that configured for the ELERA system where transactions are retrieved from. ACE store close procedures are blocked. ELERA clients are expected to be in the signed off state at the time of ACE store close, so the clients do not block the store close procedures. Operational procedures will need to be used to unblock the store close if ELERA clients were left in a state other than signed off. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 6/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges For example: 1. ELERA client signed on but not in transaction. 2. ELERA client signed on and in transaction. 3. ELERA client powered off while in one of the above states. TCx Sky Messages Item Record Data Bridge Detected item record(s) with unknown type. Explanation: One or more item records in the ACE Item Record file are unable to be processed because they have an unknown item type. This occurs because custom item record formats are not fully integrated into the Item Record Data Bridge. TCxSky message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: UnknItmTyp Severity: 3 User response: 1. Review the logs for the message Unknown item type for item code: '<item code>'. to determine all the item codes with unknown type. 2. Contact Toshiba Professional Services to complete integration of the customized ACE Item Record file. An error occurred executing the ELERA Change Plan. Explanation: Item Record Data Bridge is creating a Change Plan to add the ACE-populated item catalog, price list, and promotion set to the configured node. A failure occurred file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 7/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges when attempting to execute this Change Plan. The ACE Item Record file data was transferred successfully to ELERA's {CatalogName} , {PriceListName} and {PromotionSetName} but was not assigned to the configured node. TCx Sky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: ExeChgPln Severity: 2 User Response: If the Change Plan failed to execute: 1. Sign into ELERA UI. 2. Create Change Plan. 3. Add catalog, price list, and promotion sets created by the Item Record Data Bridge to the configured node. 4. Search the log file (/cdrive/f_drive/adxetc/logs/item_[databridge|rcv_bridge]/itemb[r].log) for the following line: Could not execute the changeplan {ChangePlanName}, for {CatalogName} 5. Save the Change Plan. 6. Set the Change Plan to Pending. 7. Execute Change Plan. Note: Please refer to the ELERA Platform Operations Guide for further instructions. An error occurred setting the ELERA Change Plan to Pending. Explanation: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 8/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges Item Record Data Bridge is creating a Change Plan to add the ACE-populated item catalog, price list, and promotion set to the configured node. A failure occurred when attempting to set the Change Plan status to Pending. The ACE Item Record file data was transferred successfully to ELERA's {CatalogName} , {PriceListName} and {PromotionSetName} but was not assigned to the configured node. TCx Sky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: PndChgPln Severity: 2 User Response: If a failure occurs when setting the Change Plan to Pending: 1. Sign into ELERA UI. 2. Create a Change Plan. 3. Add catalog, price list, and promotion sets created by the Item Record Data Bridge to the configured node. 4. Search the log file (/cdrive/f_drive/adxetc/logs/item_[databridge|rcv_bridge]/itemb[r].log) for the following line: Error setting the changeplan {ChangePlanName}, to pending for {Catal 5. Save the Change Plan. 6. Set the Change Plan to Pending. 7. Execute Change Plan. Note: Please refer to the ELERA Platform Operations Guide for further instructions. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 9/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges ADDMI batch processing completed unsuccessfully for: <batch file name> Explanation: An error occurred during ADDMI batch processing. The error could have occurred in the process from the Item Record data processing to sending the data to ELERA. The failing file in the archive directory ( ${BRIDGE_HOME}/data/updates/processed/<date>/ ) with a .err extension. The log file can be used to determine the failure point. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: AdmiBchErr Severity: 3 User Response: 1. Review messages in the Item Record Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/item_databridge (for collapsed mode) or f:/adxetc/logs/item_prod_bridge (for producer mode). 2. Reprocess the file using the instructions above. 3. If the problem is not resolved after reprocessing the file, contact support. Invalid ADDMI update file <addmi update file> . Explanation: The named <addmi update file> file could not be processed. This can be caused by invalid characters (such as those in the extended ASCII range) which lead to an incorrect file format. TCxSky Message: J324 ERROR ON FILE READ Extra Data: AdmiRpFInv Severity: 3 file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 10/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges User Response: 1. Review messages in the Item Record Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/item_databridge (for collapsed mode) or f:/adxetc/logs/item_prod_bridge (for producer mode) to determine the <addmi update file> name. 2. Review and correct the contents of the <addmi update file> to adhere to the format describe above. Invalid ADDMI file entries in <addmi update file> . Explanation: The named <addmi update file> file has invalid entries that were not processed. This can be caused by invalid characters which can lead to an incorrect file format which does not conform to that shown in the Operation section. The list of invalid entries can be found in the log file. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: AdmiRpIInv Severity: 3 User Response: 1. Review messages in the Item Record Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/item_databridge (for collapsed mode) or f:/adxetc/logs/item_prod_bridge (for producer mode) to determine the invalid entries in the <addmi update file> . 2. Review and correct the contents of the <addmi update file> to adhere to the format describe above. One or more Ignite caches were empty while performing an update Explanation: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 11/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges The Item Record file cache is empty or partially missing. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: EmptyCache User Response: 1. Perform an initial load of the Item Record file as described in Triggering a Full Item Record Update. Note: This error message is logged differently on a collapsed system versus on a distributed system. On a collapsed system, this message is logged once for each ADDMI batch. On a distributed system this message can be logged a number of times per batch dependent on the size and contents of the ADDMI batch. There was an exception reading the ADDMI source file. Skipping processing of ADDMI batch: <exception message> Explanation: There was an I/O error reading the ADDMI source file. The ADDMI source file is generated by ACE ADDMI processing, so there may be a problem with the ACE ADDMI batch. The <exception message> contains the specific error message. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: SrcFileErr Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the Item Record Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/item_databridge (for collapsed mode) or f:/adxetc/logs/item_prod_bridge (for producer mode) to find and determine the <addmi update file> of the source file that is failing. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 12/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges 2. Contact support and provide the log file and source file. Item updates made through ADDMI are not visible on ELERA terminals Explanation: The Item Record Data Bridge keeps the legacy Item Record file contents synchronized with the ELERA database. The characteristics (e.g., price, promotions, and so on) of items added at an ELERA terminal are different from the characteristics of the item added at a legacy terminal. This indicates there is a problem with synchronization. User Response: 1. Write down the item code that is not synchronized with the ACE Item Record file. 2. Review messages in the Item Record Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/item_databridge (for collapsed mode) or f:/adxetc/logs/item_prod_bridge (for producer mode) for the item code. 3. Review the archived ADDMI files in ${BRIDGE_HOME}/data/updates/processed/<date>/ and make sure one of them contains the Item Record code. Make note of if the file the item code is found in has a .err extension. 4. Use the ADDMI reprocess procedure on the .err file containing the out-ofsync item code. 5. Contact support if the problem persists. Items in scheduled ADDMI batches are not immediately available on ELERA Explanation: For scheduled ADDMI batches, ACE does not always immediately update the ADDMI control file after the batch runs. The Item Record Data Bridge monitors the ADDMI control file for updates to know when there is an ADDMI batch to process. The Item Record updates contained in these ADDMI batches are not updated in ELERA until ACE updates the control file. User Response: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 13/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges 1. Wait for ACE to release the file. TLog Data Bridge TLog Data Bridge configuration is incomplete. Explanation: The TLog Data Bridge background task will fail to start ( STATUS=ABENDED ) unless its user configuration file C:/ADX_IDT1/TDBTLPRP.DAT exists. TCxSky Background Application Message: Missing required file 'ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT' User Response: 1. Be sure the sample configuration file has been copied from C:/ADX_IPGM to C:/ADX_IDT1 and renamed from TDBTLPRP.SMP to TDBTLPRP.DAT . 2. Restart the TLog Data Bridge background task. 3. Contact support if the problem persists. Error occurred while mapping an ELERA transaction. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge encountered an error while processing an ELERA transaction. The log file can be used to determine the failure point. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: MappingErr Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 14/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges 2. When an exception occurs in TLog Data Bridge the transaction is sent to dead letter queue. 3. Look for the fields Bridge, Transaction Mapper, String Group, TLog String Mapper, Field Mapper if they are available in TLog log file. 4. Once the problem is resolved, re-run the transaction. 5. Contact support if the problem persists. Example: 2022-06-15 18:35:28,546 ERROR [org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.RabbitListenerE Transaction Number: 031320020000_DEV99900031 Bridge: SA Data Bridge Transaction Mapper: Sale Transaction String Group: Payments TLog String Mapper: 'Regular Tender String' Field Mapper: 'TenderAmount' Source: 'Order.payments.paymentTransactions.s Transaction Number: ELERA transaction identifier which can be used to locate the ELERA order in the dead letter queue for re-processing. Bridge : Indicates the name of the bridge yaml file which contains the error. Transaction Mapper : Indicates the tlogTransactions name in the bridge yaml file. String Group : Indicates the tlogStrings name under tlogTransactions in the bridge yaml file. TLog String Mapper : Indicates the name of the TLog string record yaml file (Located in the tlogstrings directory). Field Mapper : The actual field which is being mapped and contains the error. Source : ELERA field which is used to map the TLog Field Mapper. Error occurred while TLog Data Bridge was starting. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge encountered an error while starting up and has exited. The log file can be used to determine the failure point. TCxSky Message: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 15/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: AppFailure Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . 2. Correct the cause of the error indicated in the log file. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. Incorrect port configuration for RabbitMQ. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge is unable to connect to RabbitMQ message broker. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_016 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection? . 2. Verify the property spring.rabbitmq.port in ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT is set to match the value configured for the ELERA RabbitMQ message broker. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. Invalid port configuration for RabbitMQ. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 16/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges Explanation: TLog Data Bridge is unable to connect to RabbitMQ message broker. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_017 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for org.springframework.amqp.AmqpConnectException: java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused (Connection refused) . 2. Verify the property spring.rabbitmq.port in ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT is set to match the value configured for the ELERA RabbitMQ message broker. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. Inconsistent configuration for RabbitMQ. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge is unable to connect to RabbitMQ message broker. TDBErr_023 may be seen in conjunction with this error. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_018 Severity: 2 User Response: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 17/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for org.springframework.amqp.AmqpIOException: java.io.IOException . 2. Verify the properties spring.rabbitmq.port and spring.rabbitmq.useSsl in ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT are set to match the value configured for the ELERA RabbitMQ message broker. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. Incorrect host configuration for RabbitMQ. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge is unable to connect to RabbitMQ message broker. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_019 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for org.springframework.amqp.AmqpIOException: java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host (Host unreachable) . 2. Verify the property spring.rabbitmq.host in ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT is set to match the value configured for the ELERA RabbitMQ message broker. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. Unable to connect to RabbitMQ message broker. Explanation: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 18/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges TLog Data Bridge is unable to connect to RabbitMQ message broker or an established connection has been closed. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_021 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for com.rabbitmq.client.ShutdownSignalException: connection error; protocol method: #method<connection.close>(reply-code=320 . 2. Verify the ELERA RabbitMQ message broker background task is running and is fully initialized. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. Unable to connect to RabbitMQ message broker. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge is unable to connect to RabbitMQ message broker. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_022 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for org.springframework.amqp.AmqpIOException: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 19/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Remote host closed connection during hand... . 2. Verify the ELERA RabbitMQ message broker background task is running and is fully initialized. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. Timeout connecting to RabbitMQ message broker. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge got socket timeout exceptions when connecting to RabbitMQ message broker. TDBErr_019 may be seen in conjunction with this error. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_023 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for org.springframework.amqp.AmqpIOException: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: connect timed out . 2. Verify the property spring.rabbitmq.host in ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT is set to match the value configured for the ELERA RabbitMQ message broker. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. Unable to connect to ELERA services. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge is unable to connect to ELERA services. This error causes the TLog background task to exit. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 20/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_032 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$Unauthorized: 401 : [no body] . 2. Verify the properties login.username and tgcp.authorization.secret in ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT are set to match the value configured for the ELERA services. 3. Verify the ELERA services background task is running and is fully initialized. 4. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 5. Contact support if the problem persists. Unable to connect to ELERA services. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge is unable to connect to ELERA services. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_033 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for com.toshibacommerce.databridge.common.util.DataBridgeNonFatalException: Retries exhausted, Couldn't process the request: . file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 21/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges 2. Verify the ELERA services background task is running and is fully initialized. 3. Contact support if the problem persists. Unable to write TLog entries for mapped transactions. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge is unable to write TLog entries. This error causes the TLog background task to exit. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_128 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for java.lang.RuntimeException: TLog string generated but NOT written for ELERA transaction: . 2. Verify the property rioamvt in ADX_IDT1:VX_CTLPR.DAT is set to a valid, but unused store terminal number. Add the property to the file if it does not exist. 3. If a change was made to the ADX_IDT1:VX_CTLPR.DAT file, reboot the controller. 4. If the problem was resolved without a change to this file, restart the TLog Data Bridge. 5. Contact support if the problem persists. Maximum TLog entry size exceeded (Supermarket Application only). Explanation: TLog Data Bridge was unable to write tlog entries for a mapped transaction because the maximum size supported by SA Checkout Support was exceeded. The maximum size is 64K bytes. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 22/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_129 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for Size of mapped transaction exceeds supported maximum. , followed by Error while processing Transaction Number: <ELERA transaction identifier> . 2. Take note of the ELERA transaction identifier to find the transaction in the dead letter queue. 3. Contact support to determine next steps. TLog Data Bridge exits because keyed file is full. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge exits because it was unable to write terminal record entries for ELERA terminals because the ADX_IDT4:EAMTERMS keyed file is full. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: SysErr_130 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for Terminal Status File write error. Check system messages for 'KEYED FILE IS FULL'. . 2. Increase the size of ADX_IDT4:EAMTERMS . Accomplish this by: Getting the statistics of the current file key and record lengths of ADX_IDT4:EAMTERMS.DAT file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 23/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges Determining how much to increase the file key size. Using the Keyed File Utility in the IPL command processor to convert ADX_IDT4:EAMTERMS.DAT to a direct file and then back to a keyed file with the larger key size. 3. Contact support if the problem persists. TLog Data Bridge exits because it is unable to access 4690 OS files. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge will exit shortly after startup if it can not access the 4690 OS file system. The capability to access 4690 OS files is enabled through the required configuration property rioamvt . TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: SysErr_131 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for the message text, Ensure 'rioamvt' property is set in 'ADX_IDT1:vx_ctlpr.dat' because an exception occurred accessing an OS file. . 2. Configure the rioamvt property in file ADX_IDT1:vx_ctlrpr.dat according to the directions in the TLog Data Bridge Configuration guide. 3. Reboot the system(s) for the property to take effect. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. TLog Data Bridge exits because an ELERA endpoint value is configured incorrectly. Explanation: file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 24/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges TLog Data Bridge exits because it was unable to process an entry in the property elera.endpoints in the ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT property file. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: Config_160 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . Look for Invalid ELERA endpoint value specified in property 'elera.endpoints'. . 2. Review the comma separated value of the property elera.endpoints in ADX_IDT1:TDBTLPRP.DAT and verify the values are numeric between 1 and 999. 3. Restart the TLog Data Bridge background application. 4. Contact support if the problem persists. TLog Data Bridge had an unexpected error. Explanation: TLog Data Bridge experienced an unexpected error. TCxSky Message: J212 JAVA ERROR FROM APPLICATION SERVICES Extra Data: TDBErr_255 Severity: 2 User Response: 1. Review messages in the TLog Data Bridge log files located at f:/adxetc/logs/tlog_databridge . 2. Try to determine the cause of the error and correct the error causing condition. 3. Once the problem is resolved, restart the TLog Data Bridge. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 25/26 2/6/23, 12:26 PM Troubleshooting Data Bridges | Data Bridges 4. Contact support if the problem persists. file:///home/spandana_lakkadi/Downloads/datab-install-1.2-20230206.152612-8/docs/troubleshooting.html 26/26