Uploaded by Melissa Brioso

Latino Literature Evolution: Trans-American Exchanges to 20th Century

Over the past two decades (dequeids), Latino/a literature has become increasingly
recognized as part of world literature.
The way people live has brought genres that focus on current situations.
Organization of the Companion
As my partner mentioned in the last class, this book is divided into 3 parts.
The first part of this book examines (examines) these(dis ) developments in Latino
literature from the early days of trans-American exchanges(ec chenges) to the grim
reality of Latino humiliation (jiumilieshon) throughout the first half of the 20th century.
Early nineteenth-century poetry is full of travel narratives, but, in addition, it presents
the hopeful idea that the republics would unite against European tyranny (tírani). The
book gives us details of this alliance that could not be carried out and assures us that it
was not going to work because the United States saw itself as an empire of freedom and
superior to the rest of the Americas.
In 1840 the United States expanded throughout the continent, taking over the northern
half of Mexico in a war of conquest (the U.S.-Mexican War of 1846-1848).
As a result, all of Latin America began to fear the United States. It was with this
invasion that the racialization of Mexicans in the territories that the United States took
over began.
As the United States continued to expand across the continent, themes (zims) of
national inclusion became the central theme of Latino literature written in English.
Although English was used by many writers as a linguistic means of hopeful
incorporation into the United States.
Transamerican: That crosses America.