TEXAS JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION CENTER 2015-16 BROWN BAG SERIES Latino crime, delinquency and immigration: What we should know before we vote Myrna Cintrón, PhD The Latino population is fast becoming the largest minority group in the United States. This population group is the main reason for immigration’s central topic in the last and in the next election. Latinos are also becoming a large component of both the adult and juvenile justice systems, research findings indicate Latino males, young and adult, are overrepresented in the nation’s federal and state justice systems. This presentation discusses current political environment, research as well as the social, historical, and environmental causes of Latino youth’s involvement in delinquency with implication for the future. DATE & TIME Friday November 20th 3:30 – 5:00 pm LOCATION PVAMU College of Juvenile Justice & Psychology Don Clark Building Training Room #137, 1st Floor