Uploaded by Aoife Maguire

Assignment Submission: Lesson Plans for Primary Education

DCU School of STEM Education, Innovation & Global Studies
Assignment Submission
Student Name(s): Aoife Maguire
Student Number(s): 21411366
Bachelor of Education
Project Title:
Module code:
Damien Burke
Project Due Date: 13th March - 31st March 2023
I declare that this material, which I now submit for assessment, is entirely my own work and has not been taken
from the work of others, save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text
of my work. I understand that plagiarism, collusion, and copying is a grave and serious offence in the university
and accept the penalties that would be imposed should I engage in plagiarism, collusion, or copying. I have read
and understood the Assignment Regulations set out in the module documentation. I have identified and included
the source of all facts, ideas, opinions, viewpoints of others in the assignment references. Direct quotations from
books, journal articles, internet sources, module text, or any other source whatsoever are acknowledged and the
source cited are identified in the assignment references.
I have not copied or paraphrased an extract of any length from any source without identifying the source and
using quotation marks as appropriate. Any images, audio recordings, video or other materials have likewise been
originated and produced by me or are fully acknowledged and identified.
This assignment, or any part of it, has not been previously submitted by me or any other person for assessment
on this or any other course of study. I have read and understood the referencing guidelines found
at https://www.dcu.ie/library/citing-referencing and/or recommended in the assignment guidelines.
I understand that I may be required to discuss with the module lecturer/s the contents of this submission.
I/me/my incorporates we/us/our in the case of group work, which is signed by all of us.
Signed:__Aoife Maguire _______________________
Bachelor of Education, Year 2 / Professional Master of Education (Primary Education), Year 1
Progressional Scheme
Professional Placement, Primary Education, DCU Institute of Education
Subject area: Maths
Class level/s: 4th Class
Strands: Measures
Strand units / Elements: Weight
Number of lessons: 5
Length of lessons: 40 minutes
Time period: 1 week
Theme / Enquiry question / Key idea:
The key ideas are:
 Estimating
 Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division while working with weight promotes children’s understandings of the relationships
between number, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
 Explaining, justifying and reasoning with their mathematical responses are ways in which children learn to communicate their mathematics
 Using everyday objects and incorporating them with mathematics allows children to see the links between
Linkage and integration (optional for BEd2 / PMEP1 students):
 Linkage with Number in mathematics – decimals, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
 Integration with Literacy – oral language development through engaging in discussion about weight
 Integration with Geography – Human environments
Broad learning outcomes:
The students will be enabled to remember to write down measurements using the 3 methods
The students will be enabled to add and subtract the measurements from each other correctly with digits in correct units
The students will be able to complete both word equations and digit equations
Children’s previous related learning:
 Students will already be familiar with the use of decimals from previous learning
 Students will be confident in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of regular number
Progressional sequence (What?)
Teaching and Learning
Assessment (How do we
Teaching and learning content / Skills / Key
Approaches (How?)
concepts / Language:
Activities / Classroom
organisation including
Resources (With what?)
Introducing weight:
 Begin with asking students to define
what weight is and get them asking
questions as to how weight is used.
 Students will be introduced to working
with kg and g as the unit of measurement
and how to convert from grams to kg to
decimal writing, the students will
complete conversions of measurement on
the IWB.
 They will use the correct language when
describing the weight of different objects.
E.g heavier than, same as and lighter than
 Studnets will then complete a worksheet
with the different weight measurements
on it.
Talk and Discussion: listening,
questioning, brainstorming,
think, pair, share
Observations which will
focus on the children’s
engagement with the key
ideas listed above.
Interactive White board
Worksheets on ‘weight’
Learning: group work
Questioning which will
promote mathematical
Active Learning: hands on
Key questions will encourage
children to mathematize
Using local environment: use
of pupil environment and lived
experience – becoming involved
in the experiment of weighing
the food items
Teacher observation of the
students completing their
worksheet and being engaged
in the lesson.
Skills: observing, predicting, investigating and
experimenting, estimating and measuring,
recording and communicating
Language: heavier than, lighter than, same as
Key concepts: Problem Solving through
applying logic and rationality to given situations
Exploring estimation as part of weight:
 The teacher will introduce a 1kg bag as a
control for the students.
 The students will then estimate the
weight of other food items by using the
terms ‘heavier than 1kg, the same as 1kg
and lighter than 1kg’. The students will
then record their estimations.
Talk and Discussion: listening,
questioning, brainstorming,
think, pair, share – estimating
Interactive White Board
Estimation/Recording sheets
Teacher observation of
language used to describe
different items.
Weighing Scales
The students will then be asked to come
up and measure the foods under the
They will record the actual weight of
each food item beside their estimations.
Using the language associated with
weight, students will be asked to create
sentences describing the weight of one
item against another.
Food items such as oranges,
pasta, sugar, tea, apples,
the weight of different food
Learning: group work –
working together when
estimating the weight of
different food items.
Skills: observing, predicting, investigating,
analysing, recording and communicating,
Language: heavier than, lighter than and the
same as
Using number in weight:
The teacher will discuss how to read the
scales correctly and how to add
measurements correctly, ensuring them to
keep the same units together
The teacher will show examples of
adding the different methods of
measurement and the students will help
complete the equations
The students will complete a worksheet
on the addition of the different
measurements of weight
The students will explain the usage of
weight in everyday life.
The teacher will model the first question
of subtraction for the class and explain
step by step that subtraction in weight is
Talk and discussion:
listening, questioning and
think, pair, share, estimating
and measuring, analysing
Active Learning: hands on
Use of local environment:
use of pupil environment and
lived experience
learning: groupwork
Teacher designated tasks:
the children will complete
exercises where they will be
adding and subtracting
different measurements for
one another.
The students will complete a
series of revision questions
which will cover what was
learned during the week
Interactive White Board
Worksheet on Addition and
Maths Textbook
the same as any other subtraction sums
and you keep the same units under one
The students will then complete a
worksheet on subtraction
The teacher will ensure that the students
understand how to convert to decimals
and will then introduce them to
multiplication and division in weight
The teacher will explain that when
multiplying and dividing weight, you
first need to convert the measurement to
decimal form and then it is like any other
multiplication or division question.
The teacher will explain the importance
of the decimal point
The students will then practice this from
exercises in their textbook
Skills through content: measuring and
Bachelor of Education, Year 2 / Professional Master of Education (Primary Education), Year 1
Progressional Scheme
Professional Placement, Primary Education, DCU Institute of Education
Class level/s: 4th Class
Strands: Life, society, work and culture in the past
Time period: 3 weeks
No. of Lessons: 4
Length of lessons: 1 hour
Strand units / Elements: Life in Norman Ireland
Number of lessons: 4
Length of lessons: 60 minutes
Subject area: History
Theme / Enquiry question / Key idea:
What have the Normans ever done for us? (Who were the Normans?, Why did they come to Ireland?, What was a Norman Castle like? What was
life like in Norman Ireland?)
Linkage and integration (optional for BEd2 / PMEP1 students):
 Integration: Children create a Norman Castle based of images of them (Visual Arts), Children can create a comic strip/storyboard based on
the timeline of the story.
 Linkage: mapping and locating skills (Geography), literacy skills for reading the stories (Literacy)
Broad learning outcomes:
 To investigate Norman life through historical enquiry
 To investigate the impact the Norman invasion had on life in Ireland
 To promote understanding of the Normans and the appreciation of their legacy
 To provide opportunities for children to communicate their historical understanding and evaluate their learning
Children’s previous related learning:
Progressional sequence (What?)
Teaching and learning content /
Skills / Key concepts / Language:
Enquiry Question: Who were the
Normans and why did they come to
 Know who the Normans were
Teaching and Learning Approaches
Activities / Classroom organisation
including differentiation
Children locate where the Normans
originally came from on a map.
(Whole Class)
Assessment (How do we
Teacher Observation
understanding of the
timeline of events will
be evaluated by the
Resources (With what?)
Map of Europe
Whiteboards and markers
Images of the Bayeux
Be able to locate where they
came from on a map
Know the origin story of
Dermot McMorrow inviting
over the Normans
Describe what the painting of
Aoife and Strongbows
wedding can tell of us of the
time period
 Mapping and locating skills
 Using evidence
 Developing Enquiry Questions
Children create their own concept
map based on the use of the
Bayeux Tapestry (Groupwork)
Students respond to the story
stimulus of Dermot McMorrow and
the painting of Aoife and
Strongbow’s wedding and create
their own comic strip/storyboard
based on the timeline of the story.
(Whole Class and Group Work)
Students in engage in a card sort
game for why the Norman invasion
was successful (Group Work)
comic strip and card
sort game.
Children evaluate
their questions and
consider to what
extent they were able
to answer them.
Story of Dermot McMorrow
Image of the painting of
Aoife and Strongbow’s
Card sort game on why the
Norman invasion was
Examples of a comic
 Origin story, Normandy, High
Enquiry Question: What was a
Norman Castle like?
 Describe the distinctive
features of Norman castles and
what they were used for
 Recognise the reasoning for
the locations of different
 Using evidence
 Interpreting and analysing
 Historical empathy
Using their enquiry questions,
children will examine the features
of Norman castles, maintained and
organised through differentiated
sources (different images of
castles) and share their findings
(Group Work and Whole Class)
Drawing on their finding students
will discuss using a map where
they would build their castle and
use reasoning. (Group Work and
Whole Class)
Students will create their own
Norman Castle based on the
features and images they have
discussed throughout the lesson
(Whole Class and Group Work)
Teacher Observation
Peer assessment
through discussion
Individual assessment
based on their input in
the creation of their
Images of Norman castles to
Maps of locality
Construction paper
Motte and bailey, defence,
chapel, civilisation, castles
Enquiry Question: What was life
like in Norman Ireland?
 Describe the variety of
Norman Food and how it
 Examine the Feudal system
and how it was used
Using evidence
Cause and effect
Historical Empathy
Change and Continuity
 Feudal System, Cause and
Effect, Conquest
The students will examine the types
of food the Normans had through a
variety of images
Teacher introduces excerpts of the
story of Aoife and Strongbow and
the students discuss the effect of
the marriage (Whole Class)
The teacher introduces the students
to the Feudal system through a
sorting game and the students
discuss the hierarchy of power in
Norman Ireland (Whole Class and
Group Work)
Children consider the impact and
the differences the Norman
invasion brought with it and
identify elements of continuity
today (Whole Class)
Children will evaluate
any previous
questions they had
and consider to what
extent they are able to
answer them
Teacher Observation
Peer assessment
through discussion
Examples of norman spices,
food and clothing
Feudal system timeline
Whiteboards and markers
Excerpts of Strongbpw and
Aoife by Morgan Lwyellan
Bachelor of Education, Year 2 / Professional Master of Education (Primary Education), Year 1
Progressional Scheme
Professional Placement, Primary Education, DCU Institute of Education
Subject area: Literacy
Strands: Reading, Writing, Oral Language
Number of lessons: 5
Class level/s: 4th Class
Time period: 3 weeks
Strand units / Elements:
Receptiveness to language
Competence and confidence in using language
Developing cognitive abilities through language
Emotional and imaginative development through language
Length of lessons: 40 minutes
Theme / Enquiry question / Key idea:
Exploring literacy and comprehension skills in strategies in reading and writing using chapters 12-14 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.
Reading lessons will follow a before/during/after reading structure; writing lessons will follow a writing workshop structure (mini lesson/independent
writing + conferencing/share session); oral language and discussion will be embedded throughout
Linkage and integration (optional for BEd2 / PMEP1 students):
Science – Living things – animal habitats
Geography – Location
Broad learning outcomes:
Engagement, listening and attention (OL.1)/ Engagement (R.1/W.1): Demonstrate and engagement and enjoyment in the reading of the narrative
text The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe demonstrate individuality in the composition of their own narratives
Motivation and choice (W.2): Choose and craft the focus of their own narratives in writing lessons; share ongoing narrative writing with peers
Vocabulary (R.6/OL.5): Explain and use new vocabulary encountered in the context of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe
Writing process and creating text (W.7): Demonstrate an ability to plan a narrative text using the character as a starting point
Children’s previous related learning:
The class teacher has already introduced this novel, so the students will have prior knowledge
Progressional sequence (What?)
Teaching and Learning Approaches
Assessment (How do we
Resources (With what?)
Teaching and learning content / Skills
/ Key concepts / Language:
The following high-utility words from
the text will be explicitly pre-taught to
aid comprehension and add to oral
vocabulary (links will be made with
morphology where appropriate)
Purpose, Genre and Voice:
Reading lessons:
Identify, discuss and respond to the key
features of the narrative text structure
demonstrated in pages of the novel e.g.
Writing lessons:
Craft mini lesson (1): Describing
character traits and feelings (e.g writers
imagine what is going on in the
characters head)
Craft mini lesson 2: Describing
character appearances (e.g. writers
carefully choose the words they use a
reader visualise what they look like)
Craft mini lesson (3): Using alliteration
in writing (examples from mentor text)
Activities / Classroom organisation
including differentiation
Explicit teaching drawing on the
following sequence: word used in
context, child friendly definition,
multiple example of use
Revision games at the end of
lessons (charades/vo-back-ulary)
Reading: The key features of
narrative text structure will be
introduced in the context of reading
o Asking questions after
reading regarding e.g. the
o Explaining key terms in the
context of the discussion and
recording them on the
anchor chart e.g. character,
o Graphic organiser – students
will complete a graphic
organiser on the features of
narrative text – setting and
Writing: These features will be further
developed in the following craft mini-lessons
(part of the writing workshop); each will be
introduced using the gradual release of
Teacher questioning
Teacher observation
while children use
words in pairs/groups
Teacher observation of
children’s response to
vocabulary game
Visuals for each
Words on flashcard
Teacher observation/
questioning during
Teacher conferencing
Analysis of children’s
writing in copies
Share learning intentions
Copies of the novel
Anchor Chart
responsibility and recorded on an anchor chart
for example:
O Explain: Writers reveal information about
their characters – what they think, what sort of
characters they are.
o Demonstrate: Use The Lion, The witch and
the wardrobe as a mentor text to demonstrate
how writers reveal information about their
o Guided: Children find more examples from
the novel and share; students examine their
initial drafts, identify potential for using this
strategy and share)
o Independent: Children invited to work on
characterisation during independent writing
o Reflect and set goals: Students offer
examples of character development during the
author’s chair at the end of lessons
Response and author’s intent –
Discuss and explain – with evidence
from the text – personal reactions to the
Share their own work from each craft
mini-lesson on the author’s chair. Offer
feedback and interpretations of each
other’s work
Discussion: Appropriate questions for
discussion in pairs/groups/whole-class
will be set each day.
Written response: Character profile of
Responding to each other’s writing:
Children will share their writing on the
author’s chair; Teacher modelling
feedback; Peer feedback to support
revision, children will share their
● Teacher
● Teacher analysis of student’s
character profiles
Anchor Chart
organsier for the
character profile
writing in pairs as appropriate towards
the end of the writing lessons
Baitsiléir Oideachais, Bliain 2 / Máistreacht Ghairmiúil san Oideachas (Bunoideachas), Bliain 1
Scéim Fhorchéimnithe
Socrúchán Gairmiúil, Bunoideachas, Institiúid Oideachais, Ollscoil Chathair Bhaile Átha Cliath
Ábhar: Gaeilge
Rang(anna): Rang a ceathar
Tréimhse ama:
Snáitheanna: Léitheoireacht, Scríobhneoireacht, Teanag ó Bhéal
Snáithaonaid / Gnéithe: Cumarsáide/Tuiscint/Fiosrú agus Úsáid
Líon ceachtanna: 5
Fad na gceachtanna: 40 nóim
Téama / Ceist ar bhonn fiosraithe / Eochairsmaoineamh:
An Aimsir: Na Séasún
Nascanna agus comtháthú (roghnach do mhic léinn B Oid2 / MG OB1 SS1):
 Béarla: Scileanna litearthachta sa léitheoireacht agus sa scríobhneoireacht
 Tíreolaíocht: An Aimsir
 Dramaíocht: ag aisteoireacht na haimsire
Torthaí foghlama leathana:
Teanga Ó Bhéal
● Focail agus frásaí Gaeilge a úsáid laistigh de ghníomhaíochtaí páirteacha. (Cumarsáid: TF3: Gnásanna sóisialta agus feasacht ar dhaoine eile)
● Ciall a bhaint as focail/frásaí nua trí úsáid a bhaint as réimse straitéisí ar nós gheáitsí agus thuin chainte an chainteora, focail ghaolmhara, pictiúr, gníomhaíochtaí,
mímeanna nó ón gcomhthéacs nó trí éisteacht le cur síos ar an bhfocal. (Tuiscint: TF5: Stór focal)
● Réimse de straitéisí a roghnú agus a chur i bhfeidhm chun réimse leathan d'fhocail agus de fhrásaí a shealbhú ó fhoinsí éagsúla, ar nós litríochta,
téacsanna sainábhair agus teangacha eile.
● A thuiscint go gcuirtear brí in iúl trí chiall a bhaint as focail
● Éisteacht le téacs agus na sonraí is tábhachtaí a thabhairt chun cuimhne
● Réimse leathan de straitéisí stór focal agus eolas ar chomhchiallaigh, frithchiallaigh , comhainmneacha , táthmhíreanna agus fréamhfhocaila úsáid go
solúbtha agus go muiníneach chun focail/frásaí nua i dtéacsanna a phlé agus chun brí a bhaint astu.
● Páirt a ghlacadh sa scríbhneoireacht pháirteach, agus taitneamh a bhaint aisti
cúpla abairt a scríobh bunaithe ar an séasúr is fearr leo bunaithe ar an stór focal atá foghlamtha acu
A gcuid pictiúr agus scríbhneoireacht phearsanta a roinnt le daoine eile agus iad a phlé, le tacaíocht
Aitheantas d'fhoghlaim roimh ré:
beidh stór focal éigin ag na scoláirí ar an aimsir cheana féin agus beidh eolas acu ar bhunstruchtúr na habairte
Plean forchéimnithe agus
Ábhar teagaisc agus foghlama /
Eochairchoincheapa / Scileanna /
Modhanna teagasic agus foghlama
Gníomhaíochtaí / Eagrúchán Ranga /
Teanga ó Bhéal:
An Aimsir postaer: (lch 122 & 123 Abair
liom) freagair ceisteanna bunaithe ar an
aimsir i ngach séasúr.
Teanga: san earrach, sa samhradh, san
fhormór, sa gheimhreadh, bíonn..... B'fheidir
go mbeidh.
Aimsir - scammalach, ag cur sneachta,
tintreach, baisteach ag titim, an ghrian.
stór focal a bhaineann leis an aimsir
- ag fás, feirmeoir, bó agus lao, duilleoga ag
Ag múineadh forainm réamhfhoclach 'ar'
Ag múineadh na haimsire láithreach briathra neamhrialta
Bingo Aimsire - an bhfuil
báisteach/ghrian/tintreach/scamalach ag
Cluiche Kim - cén aimsir atá in easnamh?
Ról-imirt - Cén séasúr atá mé?
An bhfuil sé fuar?....
Cluiche Cartaí - aimsigh an tsiombail
chomhoiriúnaithe agus abair an focal ar an
gcárta os ard
Straitéisí Teagaisc
Modh Díreach & Aithris agus athrá
Scaoileadh Céimseach na Freagrachta(SCF):
Múinteoir & Rang/Múinteoir & Leath an
Ranga/ Múinteoir agus Grúpa/ Beirteanna
Dírbhreathnú an Mhúinteora
Ceistiúchán an Mhúinteora
Tascanna atá deartha ag an
Fráma scrib́ hneoireachta, Fráma abairte
SCF: scéal, ról-imirt, cluiche cártaí, fráma
abairte, fráma scrib́ hneoireachta
Measúnú don FhoghlaimFillteán Measúnaithe:
Measúnú ar obair ó bhéal
agus obair scrió fa na bpáistí
Cur Chuige Cumarsáideach Tréimhse
Réamhchumarsáide: Ionchur teanga (abairtí
agus foclóir); Cleachtadh teanga
Féinmheasúnú- Ordóga suas
ordóga síos
Tréimhse Chumarsáide
Páistí ag úsáid na teanga – obair bheirte, obair
Tréimhse Iarchumarsáide
Dul siar agus traschur na foghlama
Sa ghrúpáil (m.sh grúpaí
Sa tacaió cht (cúntóir
riachtanas speisialta, cúntóir
fócloir: an focal a athrá i ndiaidh an mhúinteora
agus é a chur i gcomhthéacs
Clár Tenaga:
 Abair liom F
 An Postaer Aimsire
 Bingó Aimsire
luaschártaí aimsire
Cluiche Kim
Cluiche Cartaí
Sna torthaí foghlama Sa luas
Sa chur i láthair
Sna háiseanna
Sa cheisteanna
Léitheoireacht i gcomhpháirt: an comhrá
ar leathanach 125 - abair liom faoin aimsir
Tuiscint: léamh aonair ar an tuiscint agus
ceisteanna a fhreagairt bunaithe air
Léitheoireacht i gcomhpháirt:
Eagrúchán Ranga
Ceisteanna roimh léamh: clúdach, blurba a
phlé; ceisteanna a dhéanann nasc leis an
léitheoir, nasc leis an leabhar, nasc leis an
domhan mór
Obair Ghrúpa (OG) Obair
Bheirte (OB) Múinteoir agus
Rang (M+R)
Foclóir: clúdach tosaigh, clúdach cúil,
teideal, ceannlitir, lánstad. Aird a dhiŕ iú ar
fhocail radhairc, focail fuaime agus focail
suime, Feasacht fóineolaíocht:
Fónaic: Na fuaimeanna a chleachtadh ó bhéal
agus i scríbhinn, samplaí eile den fhuaim i
gcomhthéacs focal a thabhairt, fuaimeanna a
aimsiú i dtéacsanna, biongó, cluichí
Feasacht fóineolaíocht: Samplaí eile den
fhuaim a aimsiú sa téacs, ag plé rim
́ na
bhfocal, ag cuntas an líon siollaí atá san
Fócloir: an focal a athrá i ndiaidh an mhúinteora
agus é a chur i gcomhthéacs
Múinteoir agus grúpa (M+G)
Obair aonair (OA)
Abair liom f – Cómhra pg.
Tuiscint pg 124
Luascartaí aimsire
 cleachtadh abairtí simplí a scríobh ag
baint úsáide as briathra na haimsire
láithreach (beir, clois, ith, tabhair,
ag baint úsáide as an réamhfhocal 'ar'
agus ag líonadh isteach na bearnaí i
foirm cheart an bhriathair a úsáid le
linn ceisteanna a chur agus a
fhreagairt san aimsir láithreach
 Tuiscint: ag freagairt ceisteanna
bunaithe ar alt atá léite acu ag baint
úsáide as an bhformáid cheart
Scríbhneoireacht Chruthaitheach:
 ag sreangú faoin séasúr is fearr leo
agus ag úsáid an stór focal agus an
ghramadach a foghlaimíodh san
ábhar seo. M.s Is é an samhradh an
seasún is fearr mar bíonn an ghrian
ag taitneamh gach lá.
Tuiscint: ceisteanna iomlána bunaithe ar an téacs
a léamh. Lean struchtúr na habairte samplach
Gníomhaíocht: iarrfar ar dhaltaí gníomhaíocht a
dhéanamh ag baint úsáide as formáid cheart an
bhriathair. Beidh ar dhaltaí an briathar a chur san
aimsir láithreach agus an forainm ceart a úsáid.
Scríbhneoireacht chruthaitheach: cruthóidh na
daltaí bileog oibre bunaithe ar an gceann is fearr
leo. Ag baint úsáide as an stór focal agus as an
struchtúr abairtí atá foghlamtha acu le linn na
gceachtanna seo, críochnóidh na scoláirí alt gairid
ar an séasúr is fearr leo. Cruthóidh siad freisin
léiriú amhairc den séasúr ar an mbileog oibre
Eagrúchán Ranga:
Obair ranga (OR)
Obair ghrúpa (OG)
Múinteoir + rang (M+R)
Múinteoir + grúpa (M+G)
Obair aonair (OA)
Beirteanna oscailte + beirteanna
Abair Liom F - gníomhaíocht ar
bhriathar agus forainm
rámhfhoclach pg 126&127
Tuiscint ar leathanach 124
bileog oibre ar an séasúr is fearr