Uploaded by Jackline Ayesiza

Educore360 E-Learning Management System Product Description

Table of Contents
ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 1
GLOSSARY OF TERMS AND DEFINITION ............................................................................................................................ 2
PURPOSE AND INTENDED AUDIENCE ............................................................................................................................... 3
INTRODUCTION OF EDUCORE360 ..................................................................................................................................... 4
TYPES OF E-LEARNING CONTENT .................................................................................................................................. 4
Computer-Based Training (CBT)/Web-Based Training (WBT)................................................................................... 4
Game Based Learning/Serious Games ...................................................................................................................... 5
Micro Content ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
Mobile Content ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Simulations and Simulation Games .......................................................................................................................... 7
Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality/Virtual Reality .................................................................................................... 7
Videos/Learning Videos ............................................................................................................................................ 8
TARGET AUDIENCE: ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
TARGET PLATFORMS ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
WHY EDUCORE360? .................................................................................................................................................. 9
PURPOSE OF EDUCORE360 ......................................................................................................................................... 10
QUALITY OF EDUCORE360 .......................................................................................................................................... 10
ADVANTAGES OF EDUCORE360 .................................................................................................................................. 11
OVERALL EDUCORE360 DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................ 12
EDUCORE360 FEATURES ................................................................................................................................................. 13
GENERAL FEATURES .................................................................................................................................................... 14
ADMINISTRATIVE FEATURES ....................................................................................................................................... 20
User Classes and Characteristics ............................................................................................................................. 24
NON-FUNCTIONAL FEATURES OF EDUCORE360 INCLUDE: ............................................................................................ 25
EDUCORE360 SERVER ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................................... 26
SYSTEM SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................................................................. 27
System Architecture .................................................................................................................................................... 27
Server Side Component Diagram ................................................................................................................................ 28
Database Schema ........................................................................................................................................................ 29
Quiz module database schema ............................................................................................................................... 32
EDUCORE360 Network Structure .............................................................................................................................. 35
OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 41
Server ...................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Client Devices .......................................................................................................................................................... 41
Internet Connectivity .............................................................................................................................................. 42
User skills ................................................................................................................................................................ 42
Safety Requirements ............................................................................................................................................... 43
Security Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 43
User Support ........................................................................................................................................................... 43
Local Host .................................................................................................................................................................... 44
Requirements for Hosting EDUCORE360 ................................................................................................................ 44
Cloud Host ................................................................................................................................................................... 45
OFFLINE MODE................................................................................................................................................................ 46
SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................................................................................. 47
SYSTEM SECURITY ....................................................................................................................................................... 47
PROJECT TEAM ................................................................................................................................................................ 49
APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................................................... 51
CMS Content Management System
Enterprise Architecture
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
File Transfer Protocol
Information and Communication Technology
Information, Education, and Communication
Internet Protocol
Intellectual Property Rights
Information Security
International Standards Organization
Internet Service Provider
Information Technology
Information Technology Security
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
LMS Learning Management System
NITA-U National IT Authority- Uganda
Personal Computer
PHP Hypertext Pre-processor
RAM Random Access Memory
SCORM Sharable Content Object Reference Model
Secure Socket Layer
Terms of Service
WWW World Wide Web
An explanation that clarifies what should be done and how to achieve the objectives set out
in policies.
Information Security
Refers to the preservation of confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. In
addition, it may also involve other properties, such as authenticity, accountability, nonrepudiation, and reliability.
Information Security Event
Identified occurrence of a system, service or network state indicating a possible breach of
information security policy or failure of safeguards, or a previously unknown situation that
may be security relevant.
The process and procedure by which records are made available for use.
Content Management System
Online systems that are designed to support classroom learning in academic settings such as
universities and high schools.
Learning Management System
This refers to an electronic registrar which performs various enrolment tasks. It can also be
defined as software that automates the administration of training events.
System Documentation
Written explanations of functions and procedures related to all aspects of an electronic
information system.
A computer or device on a network that manages network resources
Restricted Access
“Restricted Access” is a means of access that entails identification of the person who is
granted certain rights of access. The means of access may also involve the logging of
requests made by the person during a session.
Remote Access Patch
“Remote access” means the ability to access learning materials without having to be
physically present where the materials are kept.
Additional piece of software code developed to address problems or vulnerabilities
(commonly called “bugs”) in software.
Any circumstance or event which is deliberate or unintentional with the potential for
causing harm to a system.
Critical Success Factors
A flaw in the design or configuration of software that has security implications. Vulnerability
can be exploited by a malicious entity to gain greater access or privileges than is authorized.
Key Performance Indicators
Represents a factor that must be present if an objective is to be attained. Specific measure
of an organization’s performance in an area of business. It is a general concept with
different implementations depending on the type of business and goals of the organization.
KPIs are a particular category of Performance Indicators and they provide an organization
with quantifiable measurements of factors the organization deems important for its longterm success.
EduCore360 Product Description Document (PDD) describes the features, functionality and
architecture of the e-Learning Management System (LMS) implemented by 10 (ten)
Consultants at MFI Document Solutions Limited (MFI) on Lumumba Avenue, Kampala, Uganda.
The overall architecture of EduCore360, including the database schema and recommended
operational models are described in the document. The details of both the hardware and
software requirements for operating the EduCore360 are discussed. In addition, the document
details the database schema and technologies used to implement the e-Learning system.
Furthermore, assumptions for optimal operation of the EduCore360 are stated.
A few illustrative interfaces to guide the reader on how to implement some of the tasks are
also presented.
The document is intended for e-Learning system administrators and maintenance technicians.
It will also be used by management of MFI to make decisions on training requirements for
EduCore360 administrators and LMS deployment models.
The document is prepared in-line with the MFI IT solutions team understanding of the local
operational constraints at MFI and diverse clients. The underlying technical description of the
Content Management System (CMS) is based on the customized MOODLE architecture, this is
because the EduCore360 implementation is based on the MOODLE framework.
The document has been prepared by:
Prepared By:
a. Jackline Ayesiza
b. Zawedde Brenda
c. Nabakooza Shebrah
Reviewed by:
d. Wamani Derrick
Any request for clarification on this document should be addressed to the four (4) Lead
Consultants through MFI.
An e-Learning system, also known as an online learning platform, is a computer-based system
that delivers educational content and resources over the internet. It provides an alternative to
traditional classroom-based learning and allows learners to access educational materials from
anywhere and at any time. E-Learning systems are used in a variety of settings, including higher
education, and corporate training environments.
EduCore360 is a web-based e-learning management system designed for educational
institutions, businesses, and training centres to manage and deliver online learning courses. It
is an all-in-one platform that provides everything needed to create, manage, and deliver
courses and trainings online. EduCore360 is scalable, secure, and easy to use, and it offers a
range of features that make it the perfect choice for those looking to implement a successful
e-learning program.
The main purpose of EduCore360 is to provide learners with access to high-quality educational
content, trainings and resources. It can be used to deliver courses, training programs, and selfpaced learning opportunities.
One of the key advantages of EduCore360 is flexibility. Learners can access educational
materials at their own pace and schedule, making it more convenient for those with busy
schedules or geographical constraints. EduCore360 is also more cost-effective than traditional
classroom-based learning, as they do not require the physical infrastructure and resources
associated with traditional education.
Overall, e-Learning systems have become an important tool for delivering education in the 21st
century and have changed the way people learn and acquire knowledge. They are expected to
continue to evolve and become an integral part of education in the future.
E-learning content includes a range of materials that can be more or less sophisticated in the
use of media and level of interactivity. Types of e-learning content are as follows:
Computer-Based Training (CBT)/Web-Based Training (WBT)
Game Based Learning/Serious Games
Micro Content
Mobile Content
Simulations and Simulation Games
Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality/Virtual Reality
Videos/Learning Videos
Computer-Based Training (CBT)/Web-Based Training (WBT)
EduCore360, teachers and coaches will employ different computer-based e-learning methods.
A typical e-learning content format is computer-based training (CBT). Computer-aided learning
using multimedia learning programs and learning software that has been around since the
1980s. The emphasis with this kind of multimedia learning is on self-study independent of fixed
hours and locations.
What are the differences between computer-based training and web-based training?
Computer-based training (CBT)
Computer-based training is usually restricted to certain content.
The participants of a course are provided with content that does not require internet access.
For example, via a CD-ROM or DVD.
Exemplary fields of application for computer-based training are software training, learning
languages, corporate advanced training and child learning programs.
Further synonyms for online learning with the computer are computer-based learning or the
outdated term tele learning.
Web-based training (WBT)
Web-based learning formats such as web-based training (WBT) are the natural
progression of computer-based training.
Participants require internet access for web-based training.
They attend a virtual classroom together.
The learning content is retrieved not from a physical data medium, but rather online
via internet or intranet.
A synchronous or asynchronous computer-based communication and interaction
between participants, other learners and teachers is possible with WBT.
A synonym for web-based training is the term web-based learning (WBL).
Game Based Learning/Serious Games
Game-based learning will allow players to acquire new knowledge using a digital game. Usually
gamers play voluntarily and for leisure alone. Game-based learning will utilize the fun factor of
games for educational purposes. Serious games playfully impart serious learning content. With
game-based learning, the learning objectives are elaborately integrated into the game’s world.
Gamification, by contrast, integrates short, game-typical elements into an, in essence, gameunrelated context. Both kinds of knowledge transfer are expected to increase the learner’s
motivation and intrinsically improve the learning process.
The following, partly synonymous, terms referring to game-based learning are in use:
 game-based learning (GBL)
 digital game-based learning (DGBL)
 serious games
 edutainment
 digital learning games
 educational games
 learning with videogames
The most common games used for game-based learning are learning games. Their content, use
and flow are designed according to educational criteria and, in part, attuned to teaching
curricula. The indicators of a good learning game are:
a motivating storyline
clear rules
active participation and control of the player (self-efficacy experience)
no concrete expectation or direct benefit
Micro Content
Use of utilized small, attractive bits of information and micro moments that help call attention
to new information and incite the recipient to a positive interaction. The content is separated
for users in a maximum of ten tasks. Sometimes smaller bits of content. For instance, when
explaining new features of a machine to employees or implementing a new sales routine. Micro
media and micro content formats consist of small building blocks, such as
small texts
single images
short video or audio sequences
These small learning sequences (micro media) are especially suited for usage in mobile devices,
such as smartphones and tablets. The preferred media for these learning chunks are video
sequences ranging from 3 to 15 minutes in length. Using micro content, companies enable
their employees to organize learning independently, taking into consideration their available
Mobile Content
The term mobile content refers to all digital content accessible by mobile and portable devices.
These include texts, images, videos, music, podcasts and gaming apps.
Mobile content has created an entirely new form of location-independent learning (mobile
learning). New apps, such as e-learning apps or interactive learning apps, enable personalized
learning on smartphones, smartwatches and tablets.
With mobile content, users can integrate small bits of learning into their digital daily routine.
Technologies such as GPS, NFC and augmented reality make interactive mobile learning
convenient and user friendly.
Also, in the context of corporate advanced learning, mobile content is gaining in importance
as an additional learning channel, because mobile content can elaborate on and extend
blended learning units.
Advantages of mobile content
Mobile content allows learning on the go.
Mobile content supports need-based and problem-oriented learning.
Mobile content encourages interaction and communication between learners and
What are the framework conditions of mobile learning?
Storage on mobile devices is limited.
Internet access is not always available at full bandwidth.
Learning environments are usually not free of distractions and attention span is rather
Content representation is restricted by a smaller screen size.
Simulations and Simulation Games
Computer simulations (in short simulations) and simulation games are interactive computer
software with which learners perform virtual experiments in a controlled environment. To that
end the learner enters precise parameters in the e-learning program. The program then
visualizes the reaction of the system over the course of the virtual experiment. The aim of this
virtual skill training is to achieve familiarity with the system and understanding of its effect
causalities. It is prudent to use simulations and simulation games online, in order to train
certain abilities and make process connections comprehensible. Its use is also especially
convenient in instances where a real-life experiment might be too dangerous, expensive or
infeasible due to ethical reasons.
Examples of simulations: In a flight simulator, prospective pilots practice the complex
operating of a plane in a simulated environment. They practice, for example, take-offs
and landings under difficult weather conditions, and the response protocol for
technical difficulties. The advantage over training in the real environment: nobody
comes to any harm.
Examples of simulation games: In a simulation game, the players simulate controlling a
complex social system without any risks or side effects. Examples of this are simulation
games in vocational training (e.g. virtual professional training), simulation games in
class (simulation game school), simulation games in economics (e.g. virtual team
training), and simulation games in higher education (for college students).
For the development of computer simulation software or a simulation game it is instrumental
that the functions of the system to be simulated are known, and can be represented
mathematically depending on user input. Potential input interfaces are, for instance, input
fields or slide controls.
Augmented Reality/Mixed Reality/Virtual Reality
Computer enhanced perception or augmented reality as a learning environment is still in the
early phases of development. However, the potential of learning programs that impart real
solutions in virtual worlds, while making the experience come alive, is enormous. For instance,
prospective physicians can practice gesture-based, difficult operations in interactive virtual
realities. Students can go on excursions to perform scientific experiments and receive the next
procedural step and additional information via a pair of virtual reality glasses. Virtual
information enriches the real environment of the students. For learning languages and better
understanding artwork, too, augmented reality, mixed reality and virtual reality tools are the
means of choice.
Augmented reality (AR): There are several programs available for learning with
augmented reality (augmented reality learning, also known as augmented reality
education). These include augmented reality learning programs, augmented reality
learning software, augmented reality apps and augmented reality games.
Mixed reality (MR): This technology merges the natural perception of the user with
computer- generated reality. Digital content is integrated into the real world.
Virtual reality (VR): Typical virtual reality learning tools are, for instance, virtual reality
apps and learning programs that simulate virtual learning environments.
The advantages of virtual, mixed and augmented reality learning environments are:
They appeal to all senses.
They increase motivation and dedication.
They encourage self-controlled learning.
They promote cooperation.
They improve learning performance and retention in long-term memory.
They make spatial structures comprehensible.
Videos/Learning Videos
Learning with videos is fun, comfortable and takes little time. Accordingly, After all, a picture is
worth a thousand words.
Learning video usage by examples:
Learning videos for children are a growing market (e.g. elementary school learning
videos). Ideally, they are able to present even complex issues in a simple and
comprehensible fashion.
An equally large potential lies with learning videos in corporate advanced training
(advanced training learning videos, education learning videos).
Screencasts explain, by means of digital videos, common questions about software to
Universities record entire lecture series on video and make them accessible to
students online.
YouTube’s streaming service is a popular platform for learning videos on which many
private and commercial users create video tutorials and learning videos. Examples of
these are talking head or sketch videos.
Animations are a special type of learning video. They can skilfully illustrate complex
scientific relations, for example.
How effective is learning with videos?
The advantage of learning videos: a well-made learning video appeals to more senses and
creates a stronger relation to the real world. The targeted use of musical elements also
emphasizes content. Advisable is a length between 7 and 15 minutes. If videos are too long,
they will not hold the viewers’ attention.
The target audience for EduCore360 can vary depending on the specific system and its
intended use. However, some common target audiences for EduCore360 include:
1. Higher education students: EduCore360 will be used to deliver online courses and
programs for students in higher education institutions, such as colleges and
2. Corporate training: EduCore360 will be used by many organisations to deliver training
programs for employees. EduCore360 can be used to provide employees with the
knowledge and skills they need to perform their jobs effectively.
3. Self-paced learners: EduCore360 will also be used by individuals seeking to improve
their skills and knowledge. EduCore360 will provide self-paced learning opportunities
that allow learners to work at their own pace and schedule.
4. Distance learners: EduCore360 also used to provide educational opportunities for
learners in remote or underserved areas, who might not have access to traditional
classroom-based learning.
5. Continuing education: EduCore360 will also be used to provide continuing education
opportunities for professionals, to help them stay current in their field.
6. Language learners: EduCore360 can be used for language learning, providing
interactive materials, exercises and assessments to improve language proficiency.
In general, an e-Learning system targets a diverse group of learners, from students to
professionals, from individuals to organisations and from different ages to different
● iPad Compatible: Yes: The system is accessible on all sorts of Tablets and iPads. For as
long they have latest versions of browsers.
● Android Compatible: Yes: The Moodle Application supports android version 5.1 or
higher for proper functionality.
● Primary Browser: Chrome is preferred but the system is still accessible on other
browsers such as Edge, Firefox, safari. Internet explorer is not supported.
● Operating Systems & Browsers - final content will be functional on: Windows, Ubuntu,
Open-SUSE, Red Hat, Solaris, etc.
EduCore360 will be one of the top learning management systems. It will provide teachers and
trainers with a toolbox to build customised learning platforms. It will be, secure, feature-rich
software platform that runs on any computer server and all common devices to create a webbased virtual learning space containing “courses”.
These course spaces are where teachers, educators or trainers create and arrange a wide array
of resources and activities into a rich learning experience; where enrolled students and
learners interact and work with each other to achieve the learning goals of the course.
With EduCore360, we believe that the best learning management systems must support good
pedagogical practices, be feature-rich, open source, accessible for all, secure and integrate
seamlessly with other platforms.
Accessible – EduCore360 will be WCAG 2.1 AA compliant (version 2). Our integrated content
accessibility checkers also will help you build courses that accommodate all learners.
Secure – EduCore360’s development practices include security by design, and it will enable you
to have complete control over your data to meet your local legislation requirements, including
GDPR compliance. It will also allow organisations or institutions to own their infrastructure.
Flexible and feature-rich – EduCore360 goes beyond the basic content features of most
learning platforms and is rich with activities that support good pedagogical practice and require
students to actively engage with the learning content and each other in a range of modalities.
Integrations – EduCore360 will connect seamlessly with third-party platforms and services;
from plagiarism detection to content repositories.
Hundreds of thousands of organisations, in every education sector, in every country on the
globe, in nearly every language will use EduCore360 to manage their online learning.
The purpose of EduCore360 is to provide an online platform for delivering educational content
and resources to learners. It aims to enhance the learning experience by making education
more accessible, flexible, and convenient.
The goals of EduCore360 includes:
EduCore360 will provide learners with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their
chosen field, regardless of their location or schedule.
EduCore360 can also provide a range of features and tools to support the learning process,
such as interactive materials, assessments, and learning management systems. These tools can
be used to personalise the learning experience, track progress, and provide feedback to
learners and educators.
The quality of an EduCore360 courses will be enhanced by:
LEARNER-CENTRED CONTENT: EduCore360 courses will be relevant and specific to learners’
needs, roles and responsibilities in professional life. Skills, knowledge and information will be
provided to this end.
GRANULARITY: EduCore360 content will be segmented to facilitate the assimilation of new
knowledge and allow flexible scheduling of time for learning.
ENGAGING CONTENT: Instructional methods and techniques will be used creatively to develop
an engaging and motivating learning experience.
INTERACTIVITY: Frequent learner interaction will be needed to sustain attention and promote
PERSONALIZATION: Self-paced courses will be customizable to reflect learners’ interests and
needs; in instructor-led courses, tutors and facilitators will be able to follow learners’ progress
and performance individually.
1. Flexibility: EduCore360 will allow students to learn at their own pace and on their own
2. Cost-effectiveness: EduCore360 will eliminate the need for commuting and other
expenses associated with traditional in-person learning.
3. Accessibility: EduCore360 will reach students in remote or underserved areas, and it
can also accommodate students with disabilities.
4. Variety: EduCore360 will offer a wide range of course options, including multimedia and
interactive content that can make learning more engaging and effective.
5. Self-paced: EduCore360 will be done at a student's own pace, which can be beneficial
for students who need extra time on certain subjects, or who need to move quickly
through subjects they already know.
6. Convenience: EduCore360 will be done from anywhere, which can be especially
beneficial for working professionals and students who have other responsibilities or
7. Easy to update: EduCore360 material will be updated frequently, which keeps the
content current and relevant.
8. Data tracking: EduCore360 will track student progress and provide detailed analytics,
which can be used to improve the learning experience and outcomes.
This section describes the architecture and operational features of the EDUCORE360. The
EDUCORE360 will be based on MOODLE, an open source LMS that is the most widely used
globally MOODLE is an abbreviation for “Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning
The EDUCORE360 is designed to serve educators and students of all categories. MOODLE
framework is also in use by large organizations such as CISCO Systems Inc. and the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU) to run on-line academies.
EDUCORE360 provides a Content Management System at the back-end, which manages
learning material and associated learning activities. EDUCORE360 will be web based and
optimized for mobile devices, enabling remote access to the system.
EDUCORE360 will be platform independent and run on most of the popular operating systems
including: Windows, Linux and Mac OS. It will also be web browser independent because it will
run on all standard web browsers such as Google Chrome, Internet Explorer and Firefox among
others. In the following sections, details of the EDUCORE360 features and functionalities are
EDUCORE360 will use the MOODLE Social Constructionist pedagogy to organize the learning
system framework.
EDUCORE360 will be easy to learn and use for both first time and experienced users.
EDUCORE360 will provide easy generation of PDF documents, quick establishment of courses,
setting and grading of assignments. A course in the EDUCORE360 will be viewed on one sheet
and downloaded as a singled zip file. Course instructors (teachers) can add multiple files very
easily by dragging and dropping on the EDUCORE360 interface.
User Dashboard: EDUCORE360 will provide user dashboards progress tracking and support for
multimedia classes.
Themes EDUCORE360 will include friendly themes, text editor, and support for third party plugins and add-ons (Details are provided in administrator and teacher educator user manuals).
It is worth noting that the EDUCORE360 will be organized into modules, with the following as
core modules;
1. Course management: EDUCORE360 course will have a sequence of resources and
activities grouped into sections. Courses themselves organized into a hierarchical set of
categories within EDUCORE360 site.
2. User management: A user is anyone who uses the EDUCORE360. In order to participate
in a given course, the user will have to be enrolled on the course as either a teacher or
3. Site administration: Providing services of customizing the course and user profiles.
4. The other key modules of the EDUCORE360 are:
plugins modules.
Third party integration through APis with other systems.
In the following sections the key features of EDUCORE360 are:
1. Modern, Easy to Use Interfaces
EDUCORE360 interfaces will be designed to be responsive and accessible even by users in low
resourced environments (I.e., users with lower bandwidth and lower computing resources like
RAM). Furthermore, the EDUCORE360 user interfaces will be designed to be easy to navigate
on both desktop and mobile devices. The EDUCORE360 will use a simple user interface layout
structure and common labels for menus to facilitate learning and navigation of the LMS.
2. Personalized Dashboard
EDUCORE360 will support user profile and course personalization through customization of
course layout to suite the individual user preferences. The course material will be displayed in
calendar time format (weeks) or simply displayed in systematic modules. The dashboards will
also be arranged in such a way that it provides a glance of current tasks and messages. The
dashboard will be structured into three columns. The left column providing a menu to manage
the course(s), i.e. customize course profiles and manage activities. The middle column displays
courses the user is participating in; whereas the right column provides access to support
modules like calendar, upcoming events and private files.
Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 A Typical EDUCORE360 User Dashboard
3. Personalizing a course page
When an educator, trainer or a teacher logs on for the first time, it’s important that they go to
the settings page to edit the course details. Clicking on the settings sub-page enables the
teacher to:
Select the unit where the course is located
Edit the full name of the course
Edit/add the courses short name
Edit/add the course id/code
Type a statement summarizing what a student can expect to find in the course
Select a course display format from among six formats i.e.; Weekly format, Topics
format, LAMS course format, social format, Sharable Content Object Reference Model
(SCORM) format and Weekly format-CSS/No tables
7. Adjust how course modules can be displayed i.e., by setting the number of course
modules to be displayed per page.
8. Decide on the number of weeks the course will run for and these could be based on
the topics of the course.
9. Specify the starting time of the course (in the teacher’s/user’s own time zone). If the
user is using a ‘weekly’ course format; this will affect the display of the weeks. The first
week will start on the date set here. This setting will not affect courses using the ‘social’
or ‘topics’ formats.
Figure 2: Course setting page 1
10. Set how hidden sections in the course are displayed in order for students and any other
people to access them. It will avail two options to the user either collapsing the weeks
or making them completely invisible (Figure 4). However, even if the weeks are
collapsed the users cannot actually see the hidden activities and texts.
11. A special forum called “News” appears in the ‘weekly’ and ‘topics’ course formats. It is
a good place to post notices for all students to see. This setting determines how many
recent items appear on a teacher’s course home page and in the in-news box which
appears down the right-hand side. If the teacher sets it to “0 news items” then the news
box won’t appear.
12. Make available or not available the grade book to students. If a teacher is not interested
in using grades in a course, or just wants to hide the gradebook from students, then
s/he can disable it from display in the Course Settings.
13. Allow the display of activity reports to the users’ pages, which include detailed access
logs. Teachers always have access to these reports, using the button visible on each
person’s profile page. Students’ access to their own reports is controlled by the teacher
via a course setting. For some courses, these reports can be a useful tool for a student
to reflect on their involvement and appearance within the online environment, but for
some courses this may not be necessary.
14. Set the largest size of file that can be uploaded by students in this course, limited by
the site wide setting created by the administrator. It is possible to further restrict this
size through settings within each activity module.
Figure 3: Course setting page 2
15. Set restriction for guest’s access to the course. If access to the course needs to be
restricted, then it needs to set to No or else is Yes is selected guests will have full access
to the course.
16. Set the course’s availability students, depending on preference. For instance, a teacher
may require students to follow sequential progression when learning which cannot
allow them to access the next course until they have completed another one.
17. Force the use of only one language (English) or choose not to force use of one language.
18. Change the displayed roles used in the course by clicking on the Role Renaming option.
For example, a teacher may wish to change ‘Teacher’ to ‘Facilitator’ or ‘Tutor’. Only the
displayed name is changed - the underlying role permissions are not affected.
19. Click the Save changes button to effect any changes after adjusting settings for the
4. Collaborative Tools and Activities
EDUCORE360 will support peer collaboration and learning through discussion forums, wikis,
glossaries, and database activities among others. An activity is a general name for a group of
features in the LMS course. An activity is an action that a learner performs in order to interact
with other students or teacher.
There are different types of activities in EDUCORE360 that can be found when the editing menu
is turned on and the link ‘Add an activity or resource’ is clicked. Figure 4 illustrates the typical
interface in EDUCORE360 when “add activity or resource is clicked”.
Figure 4: Activity Pop-up Menu in EDUCORE360
These activities are briefly described below;
1. Assignments: The assignment activity enables teachers to set assignments, as well as
grade and provide feedback on uploaded files. Assignments allow the teacher to specify
tasks that require students to prepare digital content (in any format) and to submit it
by uploading to the server. Typical assignments include essays, projects, and reports
among others
2. Chat: Allows participants to have a real-time synchronous discussion on given topic.
The chat is often moderated by a teacher or a selected student.
3. Choice: A teacher asks a question and specifies a choice of multiple responses, from
which learners select one option. It can be useful as a quick poll to: stimulate thinking
about a topic, allow the class to vote on an issue or direction for the course, and or to
gather research consent.
4. External tool: Allows participants to interact with Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI)
compliant learning resources and activities on other websites.
5. Lesson: A lesson delivers content in an interesting and flexible way. It consists of a
number of pages. Each page normally ends with a question and a number of possible
answers. Depending on the student’s choice of answer they either progress to the next
page or are taken back to a previous page. Navigation through the lesson can be
straight forward or complex depending largely on the structure of the material being
6. Feedback: Feedback facilitates collection of opinions on the course.
7. Forum: Allows participants to have synchronized discussions.
8. Glossary: Enables participants to create and maintain a list of definitions, such as a
dictionary of key concepts
9. Quiz: Allows the teacher to design and set quizzes tests, which may be automatically
marked and Feedback and/or to correct the answers shown.
10. SCORM: Enables SCORM packages to be included as course content.
11. Survey: Gathers data from students to help teachers learn about their class and reflect
on their own teaching.
12. Wiki: A collection of web pages that anyone can edit or contribute to.
5. Convenient File Management
EDUCORE360 will handle files easily by a drag and drop feature from cloud storage services
including MS SkyDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive. Besides the LMS will provide a simple and
intuitive text editor which is compatible across all browsers and devices, the editor will allow a
user format text and add media files with relative ease.
6. The Intuitive Text Editor
A text editor is a utility used to create content that is displayed as a web page in the LMS. A
number of formatting types will be available to help users create web pages. The text pages
will allow insertion of media applications such as photographs or images. By clicking the
‘Compose a text page’ link. Figure 5 illustrates the layout of a text editor in the EDUCORE360
used in the creation of a web page. Labels in Figure 5 are described below:
1. In space 1 titled ‘Name’ the user labels the page they would like to create
2. In space 2, the user uses the text editor to provide a summary of what the page will
3. In space 3, the user provides contents of the page. The user can also type the content
in a Word processing document and paste it in here directly. The text editor here allows
the user to pick all the formats already placed within the document.
Figure 5: Creating a webpage in EDUCORE360
4. Space 4 allows the page developer to decide whether to display the page name and
description once it is clicked
5. Function 5 saves and returns the user to the course page without fully displaying the
text page.
6. Button 6 saves and displays the full text of the just created page.
Adding files onto a Course in the EDUCORE360
Figure 6: File addition in EDUCORE360 LMS
1. The space in number 1 in Figure 7 is the name of the file to be uploaded onto the
2. Space 2 provides a description of the file that is about to be uploaded
3. Clicking button 3 will open up a pop dialog like the one in Figure 7 which allows a user
to choose a file needed to upload and also describe the name that will be used for
Figure 7: Select file to upload
4. The ‘Create a Folder’ button in number 5, opens a pop-up window which requires the
user to type the name of the folder s/he would like to create
5. Clicking number 5 enables the user to select the files for uploading and dragging them
to the window.
6. NB: The user should always ensure that they are uploading files into the specific folders
that they have created
h) Assignment Module
The assignment module will allow teachers to: set an assignment, define the grading scheme,
collect work from students, review students’ assignments, and provide feedback to students.
The work that students submit is visible only to the teacher and not to the other students
unless a group assignment is selected. Figure 8 shows a screen shot of an activity assignment,
showing participants’ submission and tools the teacher can use to modify the assignment
Figure 8: Assignment Module Interface
EDUCORE360 will have a convenient modern-day communication facility known as a
‘Notification engine’. The engine allows users to send messages and receive alerts on
assignments, forum posts, and deadlines, among others. The engine facilitates both broadcast
and private communication between parties. Notifications are activated during the course or
activity setup. Details of these are provided in the Teachers Training Manual.
a) Customizable Site Design and Layout
EDUCORE360 will be designed with a custom theme. But administrators can easily customize
a new theme to refresh the look and feel of the LMS. The super-administrator can change
theme settings by clicking, Administration > Site administration > Appearance > Themes >
Theme settings. If themes are available, the theme list in Figure 10 will display the available
themes for course and user. The administrator can preview the available themes in
Administration > Site Administration > Appearance > Themes > Themes selector.
Figure 9: Theme setting
b) Secure Authentication and Enrolment
EDUCORE360 will provide user authentication as a means of controlling access to the LMS and
ensure accountability among users. The LMS will also provide options for adding or simply
enrolling users to courses. Enrolment is the process of making users participants in a given
course. At the same time users are usually given a role in the course, which specifies what they
are allowed to do (referred as privileges). The EDUCORE360 uses the user-name and password
approach to authenticate and grant users access to the LMS functions. Figure 11 shows the
typical EDUCORE360 user login interface. The EDUCORE360 users have to provide their
authentication credentials in order to have access.
Figure 10: EDUCORE360 login Interface
NB: For security reasons users are discouraged from checking the “remember username”
check box on the EDUCORE360 login page. Users who forget their passwords can request for
a password reset via the link ‘Forgotten your username and password’ displayed below the
login button.
c) Enrolment Methods
While the general MOODLE framework provides a number of course enrolment options
(MOODLE, 2015), EDUCORE360 will be configured for enhanced security to support only three
enrolment options. These are;
1. Manual enrolment – The manual enrolment will enable the site administrator or course
teacher to add users to the course manually. This option will provide enhanced security
since only verified users are allowed access to the course. However, the main
disadvantage is that it adds more work to the course administrators.
2. Self-enrolment - The self-enrolment option will allow users to enrol themselves into a
course, but access is only granted after the course teachers or administrator has
approved the enrolment request. This option will be ideal when enrolling large number
of users, who might be spread in different geographical locations.
3. Guest access - EDUCORE360 will have a guest access option for courses. If enabled, it
will allow guest users accessing the site to view course materials but not participate in
course activities like discussion forums and submission of assignments. Figure 11
illustrates a typical enrolment window in EDUCORE360 with a number of enrolment
Figure 11: EDUCORE360 Enrolment Options
d) Supports open standards
EDUCORE360 will facilitate the importation and exportation of SCORM courses into LMS.
SCORM is a set of technical standards developed for e-Learning software products. The main
benefit of SCORM is interoperability between e-Learning software products (Advanced
Distributed Learning Initiative, 2015). For example, when designing e-Learning content using
tools like Articulate, Captivate, Camtasia or Raptivity, SCORM enables the designer to upload
content into an LMS. Specifically, the model determines how online learning content and LMS
communicate with each other.
When using SCORM content can be created in an e-Learning authoring tool like the abovementioned ones and then published by the tool in a SCORM format. To the user, a course in
SCORM looks like a simple Zip file when published to SCORM. The Zip package contains all the
files needed to make the e-Learning content run in EDUCORE360.
Course Development and Management Features
This section provides details of course administration in EDUCORE360. Courses in the
EDUCORE360 are organized in a hierarchical structure (Figure 12). Courses are created and
uploaded by the Administrator/manager and are accessible to everyone on the LMS: The
administrator is responsible for creating courses and departmental structures on the LMS.
Figure 12: EDUCORE360 course administration structure
In addition, the administrator of a given institution/organization/ company manages the LMS
users from that place. User management involves; registration of new users, enrolment of
users unto the LMS, updating of user privileges and revocation of user privileges. As illustrated
in Figure 12, the circles represent a course in EDUCORE360 LMS per category as created by an
User Classes and Characteristics
EDUCORE360 has 6 predefined roles. Each role has permissions for a number of actions that
can be carried out in the LMS. For example, an administrator, manager and a course creator
are able to create new courses, whereas all other roles are denied this right. Likewise, a teacher
is allowed to moderate forums, whereas students are only allowed to contribute to them. The
EDUCORE360 administrator can define new categories of users (roles). Below we describe the
different user categories pre-defined in EDUCORE360.
1. Administrator: any user with an administrator role has full access to the entire system
and to all courses in EDUCORE360. The administrator can edit any setting in the LMS.
In EDUCORE360, this role has two Categories; super-administrator and administrator.
The super-administrator has all privileges on the LMS, while administrators are only
responsible for their individual tasks.
2. Course creator: course creators can create new courses, and facilitate (teach) the
courses created. Course creators cannot edit and facilitate courses they did not create.
3. Teacher: teachers can do anything within a course assigned to them, including changing
or, uploading learning materials, creating learning activities and grading students.
4. Non-editing teacher: Non-editing teachers can teach in courses and grade students but
cannot alter any activities
5. Student: students are able to perform allocated tasks within the course. The tasks
include: downloading or viewing learning material, responding to chats and discussion
forum posts, submitting assignments and contacting the teacher.
6. Guest: Guests have minimal privileges and cannot enter text anywhere in the course.
Learning Paths: A Learning Path is a selection of courses tied together for learners to progress
through, mastering a particular subject or program. It allows one to enrol multiple users in multiple
courses at once saving valuable time. It’s an incredibly simple, yet highly-powerful feature. Courses are
largely self-sufficient. The learners finish one course, and they’re automatically added to the next.
Competence based Learning: Competency-based learning begins by identifying specific
competencies or skills, and enables learners to develop mastery of each competency or skill at their
own pace, usually working with a mentor. Learners can develop just the competencies or skills they feel
they need (for which increasingly they may receive a ‘badge’ or some form of validated recognition), or
can combine a whole set of competencies into a full qualification, such as a certificate, diploma or
increasingly a full degree.
Learners work individually, usually online, rather than in cohorts. If learners can demonstrate that
they already have mastery of a particular competency or skill, through a test or some form of prior
learning assessment, they may be allowed to move to the next level of competency without having to
repeat a prescribed course of study for the prior competency. Competency-based learning attempts
to break away from the regularly scheduled classroom model, where students study the same subject
matter at the same speed in a cohort of fellow students.
Non-functional features of the EduCore360 system refers to the system's characteristics that
are not directly related to its functionality but are still important for its overall performance
and usability. These features describe how well the system works and how it can be used in
different environments and scenarios.
Security: This function ensures that the system is secure and protects against
unauthorised access. Highlighting the measures, the system takes to protect user data,
such as encryption and secure login protocols.
Scalability: This function enables the system to manage a large number of users and
courses. The system can accommodate an increasing number of students and courses
as the user base grows without affecting performance.
Usability: This feature makes the system easy to navigate and use for both lecturers and
students. The intuitive user interface and clear navigation of the system, as well as the
availability of a user manual and help resources.
Accessibility: This function allows users with disabilities to access the system and its
functions. Highlighting compliance with accessibility standards such as WCAG and the
availability of accessibility options such as screen readers, keyboard navigation, etc.
Performance: This function ensures that the system loads and runs quickly for all users.
This system uses modern technologies and load tests are carried out to ensure that the
system can handle high traffic without delays.
Reliability: This function ensures that the system is always available and functions
properly. It is illustrated by the fact that the system has redundant servers and
contingency plans to minimise downtime and ensure data availability.
Integration: This function allows the system to be integrated with other software and
systems, such as student information systems and external apps. This can be explained
by the availability of APIs and the ease of integration with other systems.
Localisation: This function allows the system to be used in different languages and
regions. It is exemplified by the system's support for multiple languages and the
availability of localisation options such as date and currency format.
EDUCORE360 running on the Apache server and the following configuration details must be
noted by the system administrator.
1. EDUCORE360 PHP installation is configured with the Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) extension. LDAP is a software protocol for enabling system
administrators to locate organizations, individuals, and other resources such as files
and devices in a network, whether on the public Internet or on a corporate intranet.
2. The LDAP server must have a fixed internet protocol address e.g.
3. When using MS-AD, EDUCORE360 requires a non- privileged user account to bind to
the LDAP server. This is not necessary with certain LDAP servers, but MS-AD requires
this and it would not hurt if a user signs up for it even if the LDAP server does not need
it. The user should make sure that this account and its password do not expire. The
password should be as strong as possible. The user only has to type this password once
when configuring EDUCORE360. The default setting of EDUCORE360 does not use MSAD therefore, users do not need to worry about this constraint.
4. All EDUCORE360 users’ details are in an organizational unit called MOODLE users, which
is right under EDUCORE360 LDAP root.
EDUCORE360 architecture, key features and the associated database schema is discussed.
Given the complexity of the EDUCORE360 with more than 150 tables and hundreds of modules,
only the key features are described to help the LMS administrator and IT support teams have
a fair understanding of the underlying technology framework of the LMS.
System Architecture
EDUCORE360 deployment architecture (Figure 13), will illustrate how the different
components of the LMS are organized and how they interact with each other. As alluded to in
the previous sections, EDUCORE360 will be web-based and designed on a client server
architecture. The LMS will be designed to be accessed over institutional/company
infrastructure or via mobile clients as illustrated in Figure 13. In order to guarantee the
necessary security for both the LMS and its contents, there is need to use firewalls at both the
server side and client side in order to filter traffic and minimize cyber security threats on the
LMS. The server side of the LMS is made up of four (4) key components namely; the operating
system, the apache webserver, the MySQL server and the MOODEL content management
system (CMS). This combination forms the learning management system. EDUCORE360 will be
designed with an Application Programming Interface (API) that supports user authentication
using third party credentials over the external database as illustrated in Figure 13.
EDUCORE360 will provide interfaces (Functions) to perform; user management, course
management, course display settings and reporting. The following are the four services
provided by the LMS:
a) The user management modules provide interfaces for creating users, editing user
profiles, and revocation of user privileges.
b) The course management modules provide for creating courses, editing course settings,
enrolling users onto the course, uploading learning material, enabling activities, and
grading students work.
c) The course display module provides interfaces for customizing the course lay and user
d) The reporting module enables teachers and LMS administrators to monitor user actions
on the LMS.
Figure 13: EDUCORE360 deployment architecture
Server-Side Component Diagram
The server-side component diagram shows the technical elements of LMS as illustrated in
Figure 15. The client devices access the LMS via a web browser using the Hyper Text Transfer
Protocol (HTTP). The LMS on a technical level is made up of, the MOODLE CMS with associated
scripting utilities, a MySQL database, an apache webserver, the operation system, and a LAMP
or WAMP server. The L/W/M –AMP server activities the PHP server, enabling the delivery of
learning contents from the database to the client through the HTTP interface
Figure 14: EDUCORE360 Component Diagram
Database Schema
EDUCORE360 LMS database has about 192 tables, making the database schema very
complicated to work with. The good news is that LMS administrators do not have to understand
it all at once. Some modules can be ignored if they are not of immediate interest to them. This
section illustrates the core database tables in these groups to help system administrators
manage EDUCORE360 database.
The database structure is defined in install.xml files inside the db folder in each plugin. For
example, mod/forum/ db/install.xml contains the database definition for the forum module.
lib/db/install.xml defines the tables used by MOODLE core. The install.xml files contain
comments that should explain the purpose of each table and column. These comments can be
turned into human- readable documents by going to Site administration -> Development ->
XMLDB editor in the user’s MOODLE installation. Below we highlight some of the tables in the
EDUCORE360 database structure.
Configuration module tables config
“name” NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, “value” NVARCHAR (-1) NOT NULL
“Time modified” BIGINT NOT NULL, “plugin” NVARCHAR (100) NULL,
“name” NVARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, “value” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL,
“oldvalue” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL
“plugin” NVARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, “name” NVARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, “value”
Users and their profiles tables user
“auth” NVARCHAR (20) NOT NULL,
“confirmed” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “policyagreed” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “deleted”
“suspended” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “mnethostid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “username”
NVARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, “password” NVARCHAR (32) NOT NULL, “idnumber”
NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, “firstname” NVARCHAR (100) NOT NULL, “lastname”
“emailstop” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “icq” NVARCHAR (15) NOT NULL, “skype” NVARCHAR
(50) NOT NULL, “yahoo” NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, “aim” NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,
“msn” NVARCHAR (50) NOT NULL, “phone1” NVARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, “phone2”
“institution” NVARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, “department” NVARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,
“address” NVARCHAR(70) NOT NULL, “city” NVARCHAR(120) NOT NULL, “country”
NOT NULL, “timezone” NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
“firstaccess” BIGINT NOT NULL, “lastaccess” BIGINT NOT NULL, “lastlogin” BIGINT NOT
NULL, “currentlogin” BIGINT NOT NULL, “lastip” NVARCHAR (45) NOT NULL, “secret”
“picture” BIGINT NOT NULL,
“url” NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
“description” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL, “descriptionformat” SMALLINT NOT NULL,
“mailformat” SMALLINT NOT
NULL, “maildigest” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “maildisplay” SMALLINT NOT NULL,
“htmleditor” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “autosubscribe” SMALLINT NOT NULL,
“trackforums” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “timecreated” BIGINT NOT NULL, “timemodified”
BIGINT NOT NULL, “trustbitmask” BIGINT NOT NULL, “imagealt” NVARCHAR (255)
“screenreader” SMALLINT NOT NULL
“enrolid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “userid” BIGINT NOT NULL,
“timestart” BIGINT NOT NULL, “timeend” BIGINT NOT NULL, “modifierid” BIGINT NOT
NULL, “timecreated” BIGINT NOT NULL, “timemodified” BIGINT NOT NULL
“name” NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
“sortorder” BIGINT NOT NULL
“fieldid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “data” NVARCHAR (-1) NOT NULL,
“dataformat” SMALLINT NOT NULL
“shortname” NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, “name” NVARCHAR (-1) NOT NULL,
“datatype” NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
“description” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL, “descriptionformat” SMALLINT NOT NULL,
“categoryid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “sortorder” BIGINT NOT NULL,
“required” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “locked” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “visible” SMALLINT
“forceunique” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “signup” SMALLINT NOT NULL,
“defaultdata” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL, “defaultdataformat” SMALLINT NOT NULL,
“param1” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL,
“param2” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL, “param3” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL, “param4” NVARCHAR
(-1) NULL, “param5” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL
user_last access
Stores details about the objects and activities the user performs on the LMS
“courseid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “timeaccess” BIGINT NOT NULL
“name” NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, “value” NVARCHAR (1333) NOT NULL
“script” NVARCHAR (128) NOT NULL, “value” NVARCHAR (128) NOT NULL, “userid”
“instance” BIGINT NULL, “iprestriction” NVARCHAR (255) NULL, “validuntil” BIGINT
NULL, “timecreated” BIGINT NULL
The relationships between the different tables described above in the EDUCORE360
LMS in illustrated by the entity relationship diagram illustrated in figure 15.
1. Users Tables
Figure 15: User Profile ER Diagram in EDUCORE360.
Quiz module database schema
Figure 16 below illustrates the different tables in the quiz modules and their relationships.
Figure 16: The ER Diagram for Quiz Module in EDUCORE360
The Roles and Capabilities database schema
The roles and capabilities database schema describe the characteristics of the different entities
and the relationships with each other. The section introduces 3 key concepts namely:
Role: Defines a role, its name, etc. Other parts of the role definition are stored in the role
capabilities and role_ context_levels tables.
Capabilities: Defines the various permissions that can be granted.
Context is a scope in EDUCORE360, for example the whole system, a course, a particular
activity. The type is given by context level, and depending on context level, instance_ id points
to one of a number of different tables. The following are the tables in the module;
1. role_allow_assign
Defines which roles can assign other roles
Defines which roles can override other roles
Defines which roles can switch to other roles
Defines which users are assigned which roles in which contexts
Defines the permission for each capability in either a role definition (if contextid points
to the system context) or a role override (if contextid points to some other context)
Defines the context levels at which each role can be assigned.
Is used to implement the feature where roles can be given different names in different
courses (or, more generally, contexts)
Figure 17: Role module ER diagram
EDUCORE360 Network Structure
The EDUCORE360 at the high level has system component database structures which are
composed of 12 tables, namely; mnet_application, mnet_enrol_assignments,
mnet_enrol_course, mnet_host, mnet_host2service, mnet_log, mnet_rpc, mnet_service,
mnet_service2rpc, mnet_session and mnet_sso_access_control. Figure 19 illustrates the
relationship between the tables.
Figure 18: EDUCORE360 Network Structure ER diagram
a) Backup and restore
The backup and restore module of the EDUCORE360 learning management system has the
following tables: backup_config, backup_courses, backup_files, backup_ids and backup log.
Figure 20 illustrates the relationship between the tables and other modules of the LMS.
Figure 19: ER diagram for Backup and restore module for the EDUCORE360
b) Course Module and Related Table
The course module has seven core tables which are; Course_sections, modules,
course_modules, Course_allowed_ modules, Course, Forum and Groups. Figure 21 illustrates
the Entity Relationship (ER) diagram for this module.
Figure 20: Courses Module ER Diagram
c) EDUCORE360 grading Module database structure
EDUCORE360 uses the MOODLE grading module to provide grading services. The provision of
feedback is one of the key activities in the learning process. The module has 13 core tables that
store content. Figure 21 shows the entity relationship diagram of the grading module tables
for the EDUCORE360.
Figure 21: Grading Module ER Diagram
d) Groups and groupings database structure
The database for groups and grouping module consists of the following tables:
“courseid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “name” NVARCHAR (254) NOT NULL,
“description” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL, “descriptionformat” SMALLINT NOT NULL,
“enrolmentkey” NVARCHAR (50) NULL, “picture” BIGINT NOT NULL,
“hidepicture” SMALLINT NOT NULL, “timecreated” BIGINT NOT NULL, “timemodified”
“groupid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “userid” BIGINT NOT NULL,
“timeadded” BIGINT NOT NULL
“courseid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “name” NVARCHAR (255) NOT NULL,
“description” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL, “descriptionformat” SMALLINT NOT NULL,
“configdata” NVARCHAR (-1) NULL, “timecreated” BIGINT NOT NULL, “timemodified”
“groupingid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “groupid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “timeadded” BIGINT NOT
The entity relationship diagram in Figure 22 illustrates the relationship between the tables in
the groups and grouping module of the EDUCORE360.
Figure 22: Groups and Grouping ER Diagram
Messaging sub-System
system of
composed of the following tables;
the EDUCORE360
“useridfrom” BIGINT NOT NULL, “useridto” BIGINT NOT NULL, “subject” NVARCHAR(1) NULL,
“fullmessage” NVARCHAR(-1) NULL, “fullmessageformat” SMALLINT NULL,
“fullmessagehtml” NVARCHAR(-1) NULL, “smallmessage” NVARCHAR(-1) NULL,
“notification” SMALLINT NULL, “contexturl” NVARCHAR(-1) NULL, “contexturlname”
“contactid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “blocked” SMALLINT NOT NULL
message_processors “id” BIGINT NOT NULL,
“name” NVARCHAR(166) NOT NULL,
message_providers “id” BIGINT NOT NULL,
“name” NVARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, “component” NVARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
“capability” NVARCHAR(255) NULL
“useridfrom” BIGINT NOT NULL, “useridto” BIGINT NOT NULL, “subject” NVARCHAR(1) NULL,
“fullmessage” NVARCHAR(-1) NULL, “fullmessageformat” SMALLINT NULL,
“fullmessagehtml” NVARCHAR(-1) NULL, “smallmessage” NVARCHAR(-1) NULL,
“notification” SMALLINT NULL, “contexturl” NVARCHAR(-1) NULL, “contexturlname”
NVARCHAR(-1) NULL, “timecreated” BIGINT NOT NULL, “timeread” BIGINT NOT NULL
“unreadmessageid” BIGINT NOT NULL, “processorid” BIGINT NOT NULL
This section defines the various requirements that EDUCORE360 needs to operate effectively.
They range from Servers (application and database servers), hardware, Internet connectivity,
user skill set, and security.
The desired minimal specifications are listed in Table 1 below.
Table 1: EDUCORE360 hosting server specification
LMS Application Server
Up to 8,000 users
Dual Core Intel Xeon 2.8 GHz Processors
4x36GB 15K HDD in a RAID 5 Configuration
Linux Red Hat 10
Linux Red Hat Enterprise Adv. server
Linux Fedora
Linux Debian
Ubuntu Server 9.04
Windows 2008 or higher
Database Server
Up to 8,000 users
Dual Core intel xeon 2.8 GHz processors
4x36 GB HDD in a RAID 5 configuration
MySQL Server
Client Devices
The minimum hardware and software requirements for interaction with the EDUCORE360
using a Personal Computer (PC), include the following minimal specifications for the PC as listed
in Table 2.
Table 2: Client Specification
Operating System
Hard Drive
Other accessories
1+ Gigabyte
Window Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Mac OS, Linux
20 Gigabyte
Head Set, Sound card, Microphone
1024x728 pixel resolution
See the details below
To access EDUCORE360, the user device needs to support one or more of the compatible
browsers listed below.
1. On a PC/Windows machine; Internet Explorer 10, Firefox 4 or later version, Google
Chrome 11 or later version, Opera 9 or later version.
2. On Mac; Firefox 4 or later version, Safari 5 or later version, Google Chrome 11 or later
version, Opera 9 or later version.
a) Browser Settings
The security Level should be set at medium, cookies and JavaScript should be enabled.
b) Viewers/Players/Plug-ins
To view or access course content one or more of the following plug-in depending on the type
of content posted in the course need to be installed.
1. Microsoft Word or simple a Word processor is recommended as course instructors who
frequently use Microsoft Word for their course documents
2. Microsoft PowerPoint or any presentation software
3. Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF files
4. Adobe Flash Player for Adobe Flash content
The memory, processor and storage requirements on the client device depends on the type of
content being accessed and the speed of the Internet connection.
Internet Connectivity
Internet connection requirements have to be viewed from both the client side and the server
side. On the client devices like personal computers and tablets, a link throughput of 256kbps
is required for a user to access to multimedia content and live streaming of video content. But
if the content is mainly text-based with optimized Graphics, a link of 32kbps is sufficient.
On the server side the bandwidth requirement is determined based on the number of active
users with running sessions on the server and the type of content they would be accessing. If
an unlimited number of fully developed courses and about 500 users is considered, then the
minimal bandwidth of 500 GB (Gigabyte) per month on the server is required. For ideal
performance, 1-TB (Terabyte) per month would be required for 500 Users.
User skills
All users must be proficient in Microsoft Office applications like Word processors and
Spreadsheets. Learners and course facilitators (teachers) alike would need to be proficient in
Internet and web technologies. The specific skill sets for different user groups are listed in Table
Table 3: User skill sets
User Category
Teacher educator
EDUCORE360 Administrator
Skill set
Skills in content development and content development tools like
EXE are a must have.
Basic computing skills like Word processing, managing Internet
connections and web browsing.
The IT technical personnel must be conversant with client-server
web systems and have excellent understanding of the operation of
CMS. IT support personnel must be proficient in scripting language
like PHP and database technologies especially MySQL, since
EDUCORE360 uses MySQL database. The IT support team must
have excellent skills in management of either Linux based servers
or Windows servers. A good knowledge
of the Apache server is key to support the EDUCORE360 learning
management system.
Safety Requirements
For the LMS to work effectively and efficiently, both the software and the hardware must be
protected from natural and man-made threats. If the LMS is locally hosted, the room hosting
the critical infrastructure like servers and Internet gateways MUST be water and fire proof. The
servers must be placed in a physically secure environment that has controlled access by
authorized personnel. In a local hosting situation, the servers and Internet connectivity devices
must also be installed in air-conditioned rooms.
Security Requirements
In order to guarantee the availability and reliability of the e-learning services delivered through
EDUCORE360, the Internet connection on the LMS servers should have an availability
guarantee of 99.999%. The availability can be enhanced by implementation of mirrored
servers, redundant Internet connection link and regular backup of the LMS contents.
Furthermore, in order to guarantee the integrity of course materials such as student
assessment and their grades and protection of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), EDUCORE360
implements a Role-based access control for all users.
Secondly, course instructors are encouraged to convert Learning material into protected
formats that preserve the Integrity of the content Such as protected PDF files and SCOARM
course formats among others. Furthermore, the EDUCORE360 authentication scheme
enforces the principle of strong password construction by enforcing and validating password
The LMS stores user passwords in encrypted formats to minimize risks of accidental leak
through database compromise. Relatedly, confidentiality of courses and learning materials is
achieved through effective implementation of role-based user privilege management.
User Support
The EDUCORE360 being a MOODLE-based LMS has a large community of users and hence,
users benefit from nearly 24hour support. Furthermore, Eight Tech Consults Ltd will be
available to provide any specific use support beyond the mandatory 3 months after the launch
of EDUCORE360 at a reasonable fee. Eight Tech Consults offers both on-line and on-site
support services.
Proposed EduCore360 Operational Model
This section focuses on the proposed modes of operation for the LMS, they include the local
and the cloud hosted services. The section discusses how each mode is implemented, it
advantages and disadvantages.
Local Host
Requirements for Hosting EDUCORE360
The following consideration must be made when deciding to host the LMS locally at MFI.
a) Availability of appropriate IT infrastructure: this essentially comes down to three key
areas: hardware, software, and network speed. EDUCORE360 needs a highperformance server with sufficient storage and RAM to deliver a great e-learning
experience. Assuming the number of users is 500, the LMS server should, and at a bare
minimum have the following specifications.
1. Hardware:
1. Disk space: 160MB free (minimum) plus as much as users need to store materials.
A minimum of 25 GB is probably realistic.
2. Backups: at least the same again (at a remote location preferably) as above to keep
backups of the site
3. Memory: 1GB (min), 2GB or more is strongly recommended.
The general rule of thumb is that an LMS can support 10 to 20 concurrent users for every 1GB
of RAM, but this will vary depending on the specific hardware and software combination and
the type of use. ‘Concurrent’ means web server processes in memory at the same time (i.e.
users interacting with the system within a window of a few seconds). It does NOT mean people
‘logged in’.
2. Software
EDUCORE360 runs on Linux and Windows computers. Linux and Windows are the most
common choices (and good support is available). Linux is generally regarded as the optimal
platform. The base of EDUCORE360 (MOODLE) is regularly tested with Windows OS, Solaris 10
(Sparc and x64), Mac OS X and Netware 6 operating systems (MOODLE, 2014).
3. Web server
EDUCORE360 uses Apache webserver, but can also be configured to work with Internet
Information Services (IIS) or other tested servers like lightttpd and LiteSpeed if need arises. If
EDUCORE360 fails to install on the web server, the default solution is to configure the web
server to serve PHP files. The server version is not critical but EDUCORE360 administrator need
to know that using the most update web server version minimizes backward compatibility
4. PHP
The minimum version is currently 5.3.2. A number of extensions are required; see the PHP page
for full details. Installation will halt at the environment check if any of the required extensions
are missing.
5. A database
MySQL and PostgreSQL are the primary development databases, they are the most
comprehensively tested and have extensive documentation and support. Oracle and MySQL
are fully supported (note that optional plugins may be untested with these databases) but
documentation and online help are not as comprehensive as MySQL/PostgreSQL. If in doubt
use MySQL (more documentation) or PostgreSQL (better stability/performance). The user will
need the appropriate PHP extension (configured if need be) for a chosen database.
MySQL - minimum version 5.1.33
PostgreSQL - minimum version 8.3
MSSQL - minimum version 9.0
Oracle - minimum version 10.2
SQLite - minimum version 2.0.
Availability of skills to manage the server: If EDUCORE360 is to be hosted locally at MFI,
attention must be paid on training IT administrators to internally support the LMS. The IT
personnel in that case must be familiar with Linux (the preferred Operating System to run the
LMS), MySQL, Apache and PHP.
6. External Access of Locally Hosted LMS
If the LMS is hosted locally, accessing the LMS over the local network is faster than the Internet.
However, from the project conception it is clear that EDUCORE360 will have many remote
users. In such a case the Internet link capacity at MFI must be increased considerably to
dedicated link of minimal of 25MBps. One has to remember that limited bandwidth will
adversely affect the speed of EDUCORE360 and frustrate both the teachers and learners. Given
the costs involved and risks, a local host for EDUCORE360 is NOT recommended.
Cloud Host
The server requirements for Cloud Host are the same. The advantages of cloud hosting include;
a dedicated server with guarantee availability of 99.999%, no need to hire EDUCORE360
system administrators, service reliability among others. Others include easy integration with
existing web services like e-mail and on-line calendars. Therefore, a cloud hosting option for
EDUCORE360 is recommended.
This section defines the various requirements EDUCORE360 will need to operate EDUCORE360
in offline mode. It is not recommended for MOODLE users to adapt the MOODLE offline mode
for large scale use since the underlying technology is still under development. Therefore, any
attempts to deployment a MOODLE based LMS into offline mode must be done by experienced
LMS developers to address the numerous error and support issues that would normally arise.
Accordingly, the consultant does not recommend the three user/client to venture in offline
mode deployment of EDUCORE360 given above reasons.
In general, Offline mode of EDUCORE360 would allow users (both teacher and student) to work
even when they are not connected to the Internet. For EDUCORE360 to work offline;
1. Users must download and install the MOODLE offline client from MOODLE Offline Project
website at http://mooffline.sourceforge.net/ onto their client devices, i.e., laptops, tablet,
2. Then the clients have to be configured to point to the correct LMS server (site). Also, the
LMS server must be configured to synchronize with offline clients. When users first connect
to Offline EDUCORE360, a locally installed utility on any drive will automatically download
all the pages required for it to work offline from the server. From that point onwards, the
user can work with LMS regardless of whether or not they are connected to Internet.
How it works
An offline MOODLE LMS has a client-server architecture as the standard LMS. The client part
consists of a customized Moodle application (utility) that runs on the users’ local device
(computer, tablet or USB). The server part consists of a block to install on a Moodle 2 server.
The instructor of a course creates a snapshot of a course,
Which is a sort of backup of the course. The client has the ability to connect to the server when
the Internet connection is available and download the snapshot of the course to be used in offline mode. It works only with MOODLE framework v.2.2.x., of which EDUCORE360 uses
MOODLE version 2.9. Hence, EDUCORE360 has the capability of being used online.
What kind of data is copied?
The snapshot of the course contains an exact copy of the course, including students’ data
(students’ submissions, grades and discussions among others). All this data is accessible to the
client (although users’ names and emails are anonymized). This means that this tool cannot be
used when private data is stored in the course, otherwise this data becomes public.
Any offline MOODLE based LMS represents, among other things, significant security and
privacy challenges. It also has limited documentation and support. The offline LMS as stated
by the MOODLE community is not yet stable and therefore its use is NOT recommended until
such a time when a stable version is available.
The system architecture of EduCore360 is designed to be web-based and will be developed
using popular web technologies such as open source, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Bootstrap 5, and
HTML 5. The system will use a three-tier architecture that includes a presentation layer, an
application layer, and a database layer.
The presentation layer will be built using HTML 5, Bootstrap 5, and JavaScript. This layer will
handle the user interface and user experience of the system, including user input, data
visualisation, and reporting. The user interface will be responsive and optimised for different
screen sizes, including desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.
The application layer will be built using PHP and will handle the business logic and data
processing of the system. This layer will handle user authentication, user input validation, and
data processing, including calculations, data storage, and retrieval. It will also integrate with
other third-party systems such as Course management, Student enrolment, Discussion forums,
Video lectures, Quizzes and assessments etc.
The database layer will be built using MySQL and will handle the data storage and retrieval of
the system. This layer will store all user data, including employee records, attendance records,
and performance records. The data will be stored in a normalized form to ensure data integrity
and minimize data redundancy. The database layer will also handle data backup and recovery
to ensure that data is secure and available at all times.
In summary, the system architecture of EduCore360 is designed to be highly scalable, secure,
and reliable. It is built using modern web technologies and follows best practices for web
development. The architecture provides a flexible and modular framework that can be easily
extended and customized to meet the specific needs of different organizations. By following
industry best practices, EduCore360 aims to provide a stable and reliable platform that can
help organizations manage their learning and development more efficiently and effectively.
The security of the EduCore360 system is a top priority, and the system is designed to be
highly secure and robust. The system will implement various security measures to ensure the
confidentiality, integrity, and availability of user data.
1. User Authentication: EduCore360 will use a strong authentication mechanism to verify
the identity of users accessing the system. User authentication will be required to
access the system, and the system will implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) to
increase the level of security.
2. Access Control: The system will use role-based access control (RBAC) to limit access to
sensitive data based on user roles and permissions. Access control will ensure that only
authorized users can access sensitive data, minimizing the risk of unauthorized data
3. Encryption: EduCore360 will encrypt user data both at rest and in transit to protect
against unauthorized access. The system will use SSL/TLS protocols to encrypt data in
transit, and it will use industry-standard encryption algorithms such as AES to encrypt
data at rest.
4. Audit Trails: The system will maintain detailed audit trails to track user activity and
detect potential security breaches. The audit trails will capture user login attempts,
data access, and data modifications, providing a clear record of user activity in the
5. Vulnerability Scanning: EduCore360 will undergo regular vulnerability scanning to
identify potential security vulnerabilities and ensure that they are addressed in a timely
manner. The system will also be updated regularly with the latest security patches to
protect against known vulnerabilities.
6. Data Backup and Recovery: The system will have robust data backup and recovery
mechanisms to ensure that user data is available at all times. Data will be backed up
regularly, and backups will be stored offsite to protect against data loss due to disasters
or system failures.
7. Compliance: EduCore360 will be designed to comply with relevant data protection
regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
In summary, EduCore360 will prioritize system security, implementing a range of security
measures to protect user data. The system will use strong authentication, access control,
encryption, audit trails, vulnerability scanning, and data backup and recovery mechanisms to
ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of user data. By prioritizing security,
EduCore360 aims to provide a safe and secure platform for learning and development,
minimizing the risk of data breaches and other security incidents.
Team Composition and Task Assignments
Technical/Managerial Staff
Wamani Derrick
Project manager
Samuel Ochieng
Mugisha Ronald
Achalia Elizabeth
Wamala Musa
Birungi John Bob
Samuel Ochieng
Mugisha Ronald
Birungi John Bob
Ayesiza Jackline
Jonathan Wallas
Achalia Elizabeth
Wamala Musa
UI/UX Designers
Managing the delivery of multiple complex simultaneous system
development projects from design through to release
Capable of understanding and contributing to the technical
solution from design through to code level
Working closely with Development Project Managers and
Business Analysts to produce accurate delivery estimates and
manage the transition from analysis through to design and
Provide regular and effective progress updates to and work
closely with Development Project Managers to ensure the
management of any delivery risks or issues
Define delivery phases of the project including activities, subactivities, and milestones ensuring these are documented and
used as the basis for the project event log, issues and risk log and
any subsequent reporting
Mobile Development & hosting into Google Play Store & Apple
Store for ioS
Coordinate and manage database activities to support Web
Portal development.
Provide functional and technical support to ensure performance,
operation and stability of database systems.
Manage data exporting and importing across database systems.
Provide database connectivity and access support throughout
the organization.
Prepare documentations of all database procedures and
Provide high level support to customers on a daily basis.
Respond to database related queries and issues in a timely
Performing coding assignments.
Reviewing code work for accuracy and functionality.
Creating and implementing design plans.
Analysing code segments regularly.
Delegating tasks to team members.
Keeping up-to-date with industry trends and technology
Conduct research and deconstruct users’ digital interactions and
Come up with UI and UX strategies based on URA target goals.
Create and maintain digital assets, such as interface design files,
wireframes, and interactive mock-ups using {{design and
prototyping tools}}.
Design, build, and maintain highly reusable JavaScript, HTML and
CSS code.
Mugisha Ronald
Birungi John Bob
Jonathan Wallas
Achalia Elizabeth
Wamala Musa
Mugisha Ronald
Birungi John Bob
Jonathan Wallas
Achalia Elizabeth
Wamala Musa
System Analyst
Mugisha Ronald
Samuel Ochieng
Birungi John Bob
Ayesiza Jackline
Wamala Musa
Maimunah Shebrah
System Architect
Preparing and implementing quality assurance policies and
Performing routine inspections and quality tests.
Identifying and resolving workflow and production issues.
Ensuring that standards and safety regulations are observed.
Addressing and discussing issues and proposed solutions with
Documenting quality assurance activities and creating audit
Making recommendations for improvement.
Test Scenarios, Test cases, etc.
Testing Execution
Prioritize requirements from various stakeholders
Communicate, translate, and simplify business requirements to
ensure buy-in from all stakeholders
Assess change-proposals and define solutions to help the
organization achieve its goals
Discover, organize, and clarify business needs and
review/produce specifications for change
Work with the Technical Analyst and development team to
ensure that they understand the specifications
Performing coding assignments.
Reviewing code work for accuracy and functionality.
Creating and implementing design plans.
Analysing code segments regularly.
Delegating tasks to team members.
Keeping up-to-date with industry trends and technology
In addition to project manager and team members, other stakeholders need to be involved at
different stages of the project. In particular, project sponsors (those who set the goal for the
project and allocate resources) should be involved at the start of the project, when resources,
tasks, activities and timelines are defined; they are often in charge of providing the final
approval for project release. Representatives of the target audience are also important
stakeholders and their involvement in the first stages of the process is crucial to ensure that
the course matches the needs of prospective learner.
Backup and Recovery:
Risk Management:
Failover and Backup Development: