Docker --> Is helping us to create 100 Laptops/Dessktops with 1 single laptop Docker layers - Exceuting each command in a specific order which is given in the dockerfile Layer 1 Laye2 Layer 3 Flow of docker Dockerfile -> Docker Image ---> Docker Container ->> We can create a machine/vm Virtual machines (Laptop) --> Coding / Deploy software / Deploy your application / Management of the systems [ Linux ] DOCKER BUILD ----> It will convert a dockerfile into an image DOCKER RUN --> Is to create the container from an Image DOCKER PULL [IMAGE ]--> central hub image pull to local laptop DOCKER PUSH [IMAGE ]--> local repo to central repo push DOCKER CREATE -> Components of Docker DOCKER START [ CONTAINER ] ---> It is to start the container DOCKER EXEC [ CONTAINER ]--> To go inside a container and do a debugging FROM ENV HTTP RUN apt-get install httpd && cd ~/conf/ && cat httpd.conf | grep -ix ip -- $HTTP NAGARRO / AIRTEL / AMAZON …. docker run Dockerfile --parameter1 abc -paranmeter2 xyz [ COMMAND LINE INTERFACFACE ] Dockerfile --> CMD ["echo", ${parameter1}] --> abc ENTRYPOINT [ "echo", java -jar hell.jar -abc ] EXITED STATE WHY??? 1. CPU AND MEMORY ARE LESS 2. APPLICATION NOT RUNNING [ DOCKER EXEC ] 3. ACCESS ISSUES [ USER ] 4. WRONG DOCKERFILE 5. image pull back off [ WHEN DOCKER IMAGE IS NOT AVAILABLE ] Every container created in docker host will run defaultly on docker BRIDGE network STEP1 -CLONE THIS STEP2 - Launch your jenkins container 2.1 -> You can use my image --->docker pull praveensingam1994/jenkins-sonar:latest 2.2 -> [ docker-compose up -d ] STEP 3 - Launch Your SONARQUBE STEP 4 - localhost:8083 [ Open jenkins ] STEP 5 - Go to Manage jenkins -> Add a plugin --> DOCKER PIPELINE STEP 6 - GO TO GLOBAL TOOL CONFIG -> ADD DOCKER STEP 7 - REPEAT STEP 5 FOR SONAR --> ADD A PLUGIN NAME SONAR .* STEP 8 -> Launch SONAR at port 9000 and ADD SONAR QUBE SCANNER IN JENKINS STEP 9 -> CREATE A JENKINS JOB AND ADD THE REPO AND ADD THE BUILD STEP AS "Execute SonarQube Scanner" STEP 10 -> Add the properties file sonar.projectKey=SINGAMKEY sonar.login=admin sonar.password= sonar.sources=/var/jenkins_home/workspace/Sonar_Project/productcatalogue sonar.hosturl= [ REPLACE WITH YOUR HOST IP AND PORT ] ************ #sonar.exclusions=stockmanager/**,productcatalogue/**,shopfront/**,**/*.java sonar.exclusions=vendor/**,storage/**,resources/**,**/*.java WEDNESDAY 8 PM- 9 PM [ DOUBTS CLEARING SESSION ] **** IF AND ONLY IF MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE ARE THERE :)