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40-Day Bible Reading Plan: Scripture & Summaries

“40 Days”- Bib le Re ad in g Plan
1- 1/1
2- 1/2
3- 1/3
4- 1/4
5- 1/5
6- 1/6
7- 1/7
8- 1/8
9- 1/9
10- 1/10
11- 1/11
12- 1/12
13- 1/13
14- 1/14
15- 1/15
16- 1/16
17- 1/17
18- 1/18
19- 1/19
20- 1/20
21- 1/21
22- 1/22
23- 1/23
24- 1/24
25- 1/25
26- 1/26
27- 1/27
28- 1/28
29- 1/29
30- 1/30
31- 1/31
32- 2/1
33- 2/2
34- 2/3
35- 2/4
36- 2/5
37- 2/6
38- 2/7
39- 2/8
40- 2/9
Genesis 1-2
Genesis 3
Genesis 15; 17:15-27
Genesis 21:1-7; 22
Exodus 3-4
Exodus 20
Joshua 1
1 Sam. 16-17
1 Kings. 3; 8:1-9:9
1 Kings 18
2 Kings 25
Daniel 2-3
Ezra 3
Isaiah 9, 53, 61
Luke 1-2
John 1:1-18
Luke 4:14-44
Matthew 5-7
John 3
John 5
John 11
John 15
John 17
Matthew 26-27
John 20
Luke 24
Acts 2
Acts 9
Acts 16
Acts 26
Romans 3,6
Romans 7-8
1 Corinthians 13
1 Corinthians 15
Galatians 5
Ephesians 4-6
Phil. 1:18-2:18
Colossians 3:1-17
James 1
Revelation 21-22
The Creation Account
The Beginning of Sin
God’s Covenant with Abraham
Abrahams Faith
God Calls Moses
The Ten Commandments
Conquering the Promised Land
David and Goliath
Solomon’s Wisdom and the Temple
The Prophet Elijah
The Siege of Jerusalem
Daniel in Babylon; The Fiery Furnace
Rebuilding the Temple
Isaiah’s Prophecy
The Birth of Jesus
Who Jesus Is
Jesus Begins His Ministry
The Core of Jesus’ Teaching
God’s Love for the World
Jesus’ Miracles and Authority
Jesus’ Power Over Death
The Christian Life Defined
Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer
The Arrest & Crucifixion of Jesus
The Resurrection of Jesus
The Ascension of Jesus
The Coming of the Holy Spirit
The Conversion of Saul
The Gospel Spreads to Europe
Paul’s Defense of the Christian Faith
Sin, Faith, Alive in Christ
The Battle With Sin; Life in the Spirit
The Way of Love
The Power of the Resurrection
Freedom in Christ
Biblical Living
Christ’s Example
Putting on the New Self
Pure Religion
The New Heaven and Earth
Why 40 Days?
First of all 40 days is significant biblically. In the introduction to his Purpose Driven Life, Rick
Warren writes “Whenever God wanted to prepare someone for his purposes, he took 40 days:
‐ Noah’s life was transformed by 40 days of rain.
‐ Moses was transformed by 40 days on Mount Sinai.
‐ The spies were transformed by 40 days in the Promised Land.
‐ David was transformed by Goliath’s 40‐day challenge.
‐ Elijah was transformed when God gave him 40 days of strength from a single meal.
‐ The entire city of Ninevah was transformed when God gave the people 40 days to change.
‐ Jesus was empowered by 40 days in the wilderness.
‐ The disciples were transformed by 40 days with Jesus after his resurrection.”
Second, Forty days is short enough of a time to make it easily attainable, but it’s long enough of a
time to help create a habit. Hopefully this is something we will stick with after all the New’s Years
resolutions have faded.
The 40 days Bible reading plan is kind of a bird’s eye tour though the Bible hitting some of the
highlights. These readings are bite‐sized chunks with the longest at 3 chapters.
I hope that you’ll join with us in seeking to know God and his will for our lives!