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Infectious-Disease-Questions (1)

1. A child is diagnosed with chicken pox. The nurse collects data regarding the child. Which
finding is characteristic of chicken pox?
A. Macular rash on the trunk and scalp
B. Pseudomembrane formation in the throat
C. Maculopapular or petechial rash on the extremities
D. Small, red spots with a bluish-white center and red base
2. The nurse reviews the home care instructions with a parent of a 3-year-old with pertussis.
Which statement by the parent indicates a need for further teaching?
A. "I know that my child will make a loud whooping sound."
B. "I understand this whooping cough is viral and I have to let it run its course."
C. "I understand that I need to watch for respiratory distress signs with pertussis."
D. "I can reduce the environmental factors that can trigger coughing, like dust and smoke."
3. The nurse reviews the home care instructions with a parent of a 3-year-old with pertussis.
Which statement by the parent indicates a need for further teaching?
A. Ten days after using the antibiotic ointment
B. One week after using the antibiotic ointment
C. As soon as the antibiotic ointment is started
D. Forty-eight hours after using the antibiotic ointment
4. A child seen in the clinic is found to have rubeola (measles) and the mother asks the nurse
how to care for the child. Which instruction should the nurse provide to the mother?
A. Keep the child in a room with dim lights.
B. Give the child warm baths to help prevent itching.
C. Allow the child to play outdoors because sunlight will help the rash.
D. Take the child's temperature every 4 hours and administer 1 baby aspirin for fever.
5. The nurse is caring for a hospitalized child with a diagnosis of rubella (German measles). The
nurse reviews the primary health care provider's progress notes and reads that the child has
developed Forchheimer sign. Based on this documentation, which should the nurse expect to
note in the child?
A. Swelling of the parotid gland
B. Petechiae spots located on the palate
C. A fiery red edematous rash on the cheeks
D. Small blue-white spots noted on the buccal mucosa
6. What type of precautions are necessary when caring for a toddler with varicella?
a. Contact
b. Protective
c. Airborne infection
d. Large droplet infection
7. A mother brings her child to the health care clinic because the child has developed lesions
located around the mouth and nose, and mild impetigo is diagnosed. The nurse reinforces
instructions to the mother regarding care of the child. Which statement by the mother indicates
the need for further teaching?
A. "The impetigo is extremely contagious."
B. "My child will need to be treated with oral antibiotics."
C. "The crusts on the lesions need to be soaked and carefully removed."
D. "The lesions should be washed gently three times a day with a warm, soapy washcloth."
8. A child is diagnosed with scarlet fever. The nurse collects data regarding the child. Which is
characteristic of scarlet fever?
A. Pastia's sign
B. Abdominal pain and flaccid paralysis
C. Dense pseudoformation membrane in the throat
D. Foul-smelling and mucopurulent nasal drainage
9. The nurse reinforces instructions to the mother of a child diagnosed with pediculosis (head
lice). Permethrin has been prescribed. Which statement by the mother regarding the use of the
medication indicates a need for further teaching?
A. "I need to purchase the medication from the pharmacy."
B. "After rinsing out the medication, I need to avoid washing my child's hair for 24 hours."
C. "I need to shampoo my child's hair, apply the medication, and leave the medication on for 24
D. “I need to shampoo my child’s hair, apply the medication, leave it on for 10 minutes,
and then rinse it out.”
10. A parent calls the clinic nurse to schedule an appointment for her child's diphtheria, tetanus,
and pertussis vaccination. The parent tells the nurse that her child had a swelling at the injection
site and low-grade fever after the last diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTaP) vaccination.
Which instructions should the nurse give to the parent to lessen this type of reaction to the
upcoming vaccination?
A. To give the child a sugary juice drink before coming to the clinic appointment
B. To request that the injection be given with a shorter needle than the one used before
C. To administer an appropriate dose of Tylenol 45 minutes before the appointment
D. To bring a dose of Tylenol to the appointment and administer it before leaving the clinic
11. How many times a day should diapers be changed??
A. 8-9 times a day
B. when the diaper is full
C. at least 6 times daily
D. 3-4 times daily
12. What is the appropriate treatment for scabies in children?
A. Antibiotics
B. Hydrocortisone (steroid) cream
C. 1% permethrin or pyrethrins shampoo
D. Permethrin 5% Cream (Elimite)
13. The nurse is reinforcing home-care instructions to the parents of a 3-year-old child with
scabies. Which statement by a parent indicates the need for further teaching?
A. "I understand that I need to leave the scabicide on for 4 hours before washing it off."
B. "I will need to seal up all my child's nonwashable toys in a plastic bag for at least 4 days."
C. "I realize that everyone who has come in contact with my child will need to be treated for
D. "I know I need to wash all the clothing and bedding in hot water with detergent and dry in a
hot dryer."
14. The mother of a toddler with mumps asks the nurse what she needs to watch for in her child
with this disease. The nurse bases the response on the understanding that mumps is which type of
communicable disease?
A. Skin rash caused by a virus
B. Skin rash caused by a bacteria
C. Respiratory disease caused by virus involving the lymph nodes
D. Respiratory disease caused by a virus involving the parotid gland
15. A 6-month-old infant receives a diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis (DTaP)
immunization at the well-baby clinic. The parent returns home and calls the clinic to report that
the infant has developed swelling and redness at the site of injection. Which instruction by the
nurse is appropriate?
A. Monitor the infant for a fever.
B. Bring the infant back to the clinic.
C. Apply an ice pack to the injection site.
D. Leave the injection site alone, because this always occurs.
16. A child was sent to the school nurse because of a rash. The nurse noted the rash was present
on the trunk, extremities, and face. The childs cheeks were bright red. With what is the nurse
aware this type of rash is consistent?
a. Measles
b. Roseola
c. Varicella
d. Fifth disease
17. The nurse explains to the parents that their child is in the prodromal stage of varicella. What
does this mean?
a. The child is now immune to varicella.
b. The child has varicella but has not yet broken out.
c. The child is infected with varicella but is not contagious.
d. The child does not have varicella but has been exposed to it.
18. A child is admitted to the pediatric unit with a diagnosis of cellulitis on the right upper thigh.
history reveals the child had a 2-cm laceration on the right thigh prior to infection. When
explaining the chain
of infection, how does the nurse identify this laceration?
a. Reservoir
b. Portal of entry
c. Portal of exit
d. Cector
19. The nurse reviews measures to prevent tick bites with a parent of a child with Rocky
Mountain spotted fever. Which statement by the parent indicates a need for further teaching?
A. "I will have my child wear long sleeves and long pants to keep covered up."
B. "I will have my child stay on well-worn paths and not stray into tall grass."
C. "I will check my child for ticks after being exposed to a high -risk tick-infected
D. "I will have my child wear dark colored clothing so the tick will not be
attracted to the colors."
20. The nurse reinforces home care instructions to the parents of a child hospitalized with
pertussis. The child is in the convalescent stage and is being prepared for discharge. Which
statement by the parents indicates a need for further teaching?
A. "We need to encourage adequate fluid intake."
B. "Coughing spells may be triggered by dust or smoke."
C. "We need to maintain respiratory precautions and a quiet environment for at
least 2 weeks."
D. "Good hand-washing techniques need to be instituted to prevent spreading the
disease to others."