Davao Doctors College, Inc. General Malvar St., Davao City Nursing Program Nursing Management of a Patient in INTRAPARTUM STAGE A Case Study Presented to the Nursing Clinical Instructors of Davao Doctors College, Inc. In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in NRG203: Care of Mother, Child, And Adolescent (Well Clients) Liray, Jovemea K. Mangansakan, Bai Shanna Iryna U. Maranga, Shekinah A. Melorin, John Jr. C. Moreno, Daryll M. Osi, Safriya G. Ouano, Paul Jhielou A. Paña, Ilyka Fe V. Piamonte, Iver Clyve B. Sabay, Nathalie Joyce I. September 13, 2021 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Goals and Objectives General Objective Specific Objectives 5 5 6 Patient’s Profile i. Biographic Data ii. Clinical Data iii. Health Histories I. Past Health History II. Present Health History III. Family History 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 Health Assessment General Survey 9 9 Review on Anatomy and Physiology 13 Course in the Ward/Treatment/Interventions Medical Management 1) Doctor’s Progress Notes 2) Laboratory/Diagnostic Examinations (tabular) 17 17 17 19 Nursing Management i. Nursing Care Plan ii. Nurse’s Notes iii. Clinical Reasoning Questions iv. Discharge Planning 24 24 38 48 49 References 53 Introduction Pregnancy is a stage of life in women that brings several changes of the overall physiological health, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health. Along with the conception of the mother is the responsibility in the duration of pregnancy, on labor and delivery, the responsibility that awaits in the care for the newborn from infancy up to the growth and development of the child. It is not only a concern for the conceiving mother but it also involves the family, the people around the pregnant woman, and herself. The people that surround the pregnant woman could also contribute to the health of the conceiving mother as they can influence the pregnant woman in several aspects, thus also affecting the developing fetus. There are several factors needed to consider during pregnancy. One of it is to maintain the health of the pregnant woman and sustain her needs different from her normal needs before being pregnant. Anything that the pregnant woman does can affect the baby directly or indirectly such as exercises, taking in nutrients, proper clothing, and following medication or taking certain drugs. With this, regular monitoring the woman’s condition is needed to further track the health and the progress of pregnancy. Additionally, it would provide a baseline data of the appropriate interventions for possible conditions that may arise in the duration of pregnancy. Differentiating the normal from the abnormal signs can be helpful to help the pregnant woman, restore her health, enhance or maintain it in consideration to her own health and the baby as well. A goal for caring for these pregnant women is to ensure a safe pregnancy especially in the intrapartum stage where labor and delivery are the highlights of the event which can greatly affect the mother and the child in this transition of life. The World Health Organization has already recorded a number of 808 women who died every day in 2017 due to complications during childbirth. The primary factors that affect these deaths are mostly preventable such as haemorrhage, hypertension, infections, and indirect causes that are chiefly due to pre-existing conditions and its interaction to the women during pregnancy. Further, this maternal mortality recorded by WHO during 2017 is a decline by 38% from 2000. Numerically, from 342 deaths to 211 deaths per 100,000 live births, according to UN inter-agency estimates. In percentage, this is a decline of 2.9% annually. South Asia has the highest reduction of maternal mortality rate of 59% or from 395 to 163 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. These are considered as improvements despite the growing population in the world. However, there are still over 800 women who die each day due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and 20% of these 800 suffer from infections, injuries, and disabilities. Nationally, the country in the same year with the aforementioned global data has the same behavior of decline in maternal mortality rate. In 2017, the Philippines recorded a gradual decrease from 156 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2003 down to 121 deaths per 100,000 live births in the year it was recorded. The country contributed to the global decline of maternal mortality rate. Additionally, when talking about the causes of maternal mortality, the latest data provided by the Department of Health in 2010 showed that complications during pregnancy in the course of labor and puerperium, hypertension, postpartum hemorrhage, and pregnancy with abortive outcomes are the top 4 contributing factors. UNICEF also provided data that 4 out of 10 deaths are due to complications and widespread infections and 7 out of 10 deaths occur during childbirth or within a day after delivery. Locally, Davao region has placed at 8th rank when it comes to infant mortality in 2018 with a rate of 12.4, based on per 1,000 live births. The leading cause for infant mortality rate during the time was bacterial sepsis that affected the newborn. It is followed by respiratory distress, pneumonia, and the remainder of perinatal conditions. Lastly, Davao region ranked 11 at the maternal mortality rate record of the same year with a rate of 0.9 based on per 1,000 live births. These data provided means that there is still a prevalence of maternal death if not taken seriously. Maternal deaths and newborn complications should be addressed in order to continue the generations to come and save more innocent lives. Based on the reports and data presented, there is still a need to shift the attention towards maternal care especially during labor and delivery. Mothers are suffering from complications and newborns are greatly affected. With that, ideas about further studying pregnancies and the events during labor and delivery would be very useful and beneficial in response to the issue. Preventing these mortalities from happening would take a single step towards proper maternal intrapartum care. In connection with this, a need to study the case about intrapartum situations, assessments of the events of labor, and delivery, further evaluation, and planning for care was concluded. A subject in this case analysis has undergone pregnancy and experienced significant events that contributed to the labor and delivery. Discussions about the status of the subject throughout pregnancy towards delivery have been analyzed. In studying this case, appropriate nursing interventions regarding pregnancy especially in the intrapartum stage would already start the step in addressing the prevention of complications during labor and delivery. As student nurses, it would provide a foundation of a scenario where it can be applied in the real life setting as to promoting maternal health. Moreover, it would provide insights that might be useful in carrying out healthcare in the future and possible applications of enhanced care that would improve the conditions of these types of situations. In an effort to combat and prevent complications and conflicts during pregnancy, this case analysis was carried out to at the very least expose the members in what labor and delivery in the intrapartum stage would be like. Goals and Objectives General Objective The Bachelor of Science in Nursing, 12-B, Group 7 seeks to immerse themselves in conducting a case analysis with a subject with relevant background and information of the said case to be analyzed. Along with the case analysis is the brainstorming of ideas related to the subject’s situation in order to come up with nursing interventions appropriate for the subject. A health plan regarding the subject’s background and health status will be formed to further the proper health education and nursing actions in response to the situation. All of these will help us, student nurses, in shaping our minds in critical thinking, displaying a proper attitude, and the demonstration of nursing skills towards the issue and the subject. Specific Objectives Within the span of the case analysis, achieving the goal will be made possible. Specifically, the group aims to achieve the following: a. Identify the subject for the case analysis with a background about the said issue concerning pregnancy b. Obtain and understand the general data about the client c. Work with the group members in analyzing the client’s provided background information and disseminate the tasks to accommodate the needs of the client d. Present an introduction of the case scenario containing significant and relevant information e. Outline the general and specific objectives to guide the group in attaining their goals f. Collect the client’s profile information to obtain a baseline data g. Present the client’s past and present health history h. Perform a general survey of the client i. Conduct a physical assessment in a cephalocaudal manner or from head to toe j. Study the client’s anatomy and physiology status k. Outline the client’s pathophysiology including its etiology, symptomatology and provide a schematic diagram and narrative, if there are any l. Provide the nursing management in the wars, treatments, and intervention m. Perform a drug study of the client’s medications and identify any need of surgical methods n. Create a Nursing Care Plan based on the client’s condition with correct data about the cues and scientific basis in coming up with a diagnosis o. Create Nursing Notes out from the Nursing Care Plan p. Provide Clinical Reasoning Questions and Discharge Plan for the client q. Cite references used in the case analysis in giving credits to the supporting details and ideas all throughout this case analysis. Patient’s Profile i. ii. Biographic Data Name : M. Y. Age : 29 y. o. Gender : Female Birthday : June 19, 1992 Address : Not specifically stated Place of Birth : Mati, Davao Oriental Civil Status : Not specifically stated Nationality : Filipino Religion : NA Educational Attainment : Not specifically stated Occupation : Not specifically stated Family Income Socioeconomic status : Not specifically stated : Not specifically stated Clinical Data Chief Complaint : contractions and feeling somewhat uncomfortable Date of Admission : August 22, 2021 Time of Admission : 7:35 AM Manner of Admission : Ambulatory Hospital : Davao Doctors Hospital Ward : Not specifically stated Room and Bed No. : 3002 Attending Physician : Dr. Bonna Case Type : Not specifically stated Tentative Diagnosis : Labor Final Diagnoses : Labor Vital Signs upon Admission : BP: 90/60 mmHg HR: 101 bpm RR: 17 cpm T: 37.6°C FHT: 133 – 155 bpm IE upon admission: 80% effaced and 5 cm dilated Abdomen: term uterus, fundal height 39 cm, cephalic, otherwise soft, non-tender iii. Health Histories I. Past Health History Patient M. had no other reported diseases except for allergy to shrimps and chicken. Levocitirizine dihydrochloride (Allerzet) 5mg OD 1 tab at HS PRN as ordered for she’s allergic to shrimp and chicken. The patient had her menarche at 12 years of age. She also had a regular menstruation and she usually changes her pads 3 to 4 times a day and is soaked in the first 2 days and moderate to light flow in the succeeding days. LMP was 39 weeks. The patient also had no significant past medical or surgical history, no history of sexually transmitted infections, and no history of uncomplicated pregnancy. II. Present Health History She reported that she was able to complete the two doses of her immunization given at their health care center. The patient had her regular prenatal check-ups like during 1st trimester, she had a regular prenatal check up every month. On her 2nd trimester, quickening was felt at 18 weeks AOG and continues to perceive fetal movements. 2 doses of tetanus toxoid were administered. Anomaly scan was done at 12 weeks AOG. No history of pedal edema, epigastric pain, blurring of vision and headache, No leaking or bleeding per vagina. On her 3rd trimester, she continued to perceive fetal movements. Calcium and Ferrous sulfate tablets were taken. III. Family History Her family history revealed no heredo-familial diseases for both of her parents. Health Assessment General Survey A 29 year old pregnant client came into the admitting unit complaining about having contractions and an uncomfortable feeling. As she was assisted for the assessment, she appeared restless and her mouth was noticed dry. After the assessment, her AOG was noted 39 weeks and it was her second pregnancy. Vitals signs are as follows; blood pressure 90/60 mmHg, heart rate 101 bpm, respiratory rate 17 cpm and temperature was 37.6 C°. She was then assisted for the vaginal examination conducted by her OB to verify the true signs of labor. It was also revealed that the patient has regular contractions which are 4-5 minutes apart and last for 40 seconds. After Leopold’s maneuver was performed, she was transferred into the labor area for contraction and monitoring of the FHT and later was attached to an Electronic Fetal Machine. The fetal heart tone was 133-155 bpm. After an hour, her perineum was checked as she complained having uncertain liquid that leaked out from her, and light-yellowish in color with some specks on it was revealed during the second internal examination. The patient has frequent, strong to palpation contractions,and she is trembling, nauseous and having an uncontrollable urge to push when transferred to the delivery room. After such, the patient was able to deliver a healthy baby boy normally. Apgar was scored as 8 at birth and 5 after 5 mins. Patient sustained a second degree repaired perineal laceration and sutures were applied. Skin The patient has a brown-colored complexion. Pallor is noted. Melasma is visible on the face. Palmar erythema was also noted. Head, Eyes, Ears, The head is rounded, normocephalic and Nose and Throat symmetrical. The pupils of the eyes are black and equal in size.The nose has no presence of discharge or flaring. Neck The neck muscles are equal in size, no palpable nodules. Breast Breasts and chest are symmetrical. No dimpling and discoloration noted, nipples and areolas are dark in color. Respiratory Difficulty breathing was experienced once in a while. Lungs have normal breath sounds without dyspnea. Cardiovascular Clear to auscultation in all lobs. No signs of crackles, wheezing, stridor. Gastrointestinal Patient is able to digest foods normally. Abdomen The abdomen is globular and visible linea nigra and stretch marks were noted. Abdomen has audible bowel sounds. Term uterus, fundal height 39 cm, cephalic, soft, non-tender Urinary Negative results for chlamydia, gonorrhea, urine culture. Genital IE upon admission: 80% effaced and 5 cm dilated Second IE, 8cm dilated. Peripheral/Vascular Neck veins are visible, and no enlargement noted. Musculoskeletal Lower extremities have presence of +1 edema. Back pain was noted especially during uterine contractions. Extremities have a good range of motion. Client experienced leg pain and varicosities were noted. Capillary refill actively returns to its normal color in less than 2 seconds. Neurologic The patient is conscious and coherent upon interaction and was able to follow the command for movement during the assessment and examination. Endocrine No abnormalities noted. Hematologic Tests for HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis are negative. antibody screen negative. Positive in Rh (D). Hemoglobin 12.1 g/dL, complete blood count and glucose screening at 24-28 weeks: 100 mg/dl was done. Blood type is O+ Psychiatric She seldom eats the food being served. Does not eat meals on time. No other unusualities were noticed. Review on Anatomy and Physiology Course in the Ward/Treatment/Interventions Medical Management 1) Doctor’s Progress Notes DATE PHYSICIAN’S ORDER 8/5/22 ➜ Please admit under the service of Dr.Bonna RATIONALE ➜ VS q4 Check vital signs every 4 hours to monitor the condition of the patient and to be alert for any changes in the patient’s condition. ➜ I & O shift To ensure that the patient has proper intake of fluid and other nutrients and also to determine whether there is adequate output of urine as well as normal defecation. ➜ NPO To prevent aspiration and to prepare patient for labor. ➜ Hook to EFM and Monitor progress of labor, watch out for any unusualities and refer Used to determine the condition and well-being of the baby throughout the process. LABS: Used to evaluate your overall health and detect a wide range of disorders, including anemia, infection and leukemia. CBC Urinalysis It is used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes. Blood Typing, HBsAg RAT, To determine the blood type and to screen for antigens that might be infected with viruses. Ultrasound To scan the fetus and to view organs and other tissues for abnormalities or information. HIV, Hepatitis B, syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, urine culture Screening tests done in order to inspect for infections that causes virus. Glucose Screening To determine the glucose level in the body. 2) Laboratory/Diagnostic Examinations (tabular) PROCED URE PURPOSE NORMAL RANGE CBC To detect any range of disorders and conditions. A CBC is a test to measure and study red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Hemoglobin 120-140 Hemoglobin 122 Hematocrit 0.37 - 0.45 Hematocrit 0.3 Erythrocytes 4.5 - 5.0 Erythrocytes 4.2 Leukocytes 4.5 - 11 Leukocytes 11 Thrombocyte s 140 - 440 Thrombocyt es 169.00 Neutrophil 0.55 - 0.65 Neutrophil 0.58 Lymphocytes 0.35 - 0.45 Lymphocyte s 0.44 8/22/21 At 7:35 AM Monocytes 0.06 - 0.12 Eosinophils 0.02 - 0.04 Basophils 0 - 0.02 Erethrocyte Sendimentati on Rate (ESR) <20 mm/hr RESULT Monocytes 0.0 Eosinophils 0.02 Basophils 0.0 Erethrocyte Sendimentat ion Rate (ESR) 18 mm/hr NURSING MANAGEMENT Explain test procedure. Explain that slight discomfort may be felt when the skin is punctured. Encourage to avoid stress if possible because altered physiologic status influences and changes normal hematologic values. Explain that fasting is not necessary. However, fatty meals may alter some test results as a result of lipidemia. Monitor the puncture site for oozing or hematoma formation. Instruct to resume normal activities and diet. Urinalysis 8/22/21 At 9:28 AM also known as urine testing, is used to detect abnormaliti es such as an excess of protein, blood, pus, germs, or sugar. It helps to find problems that need treatment, including infections or kidney problems Appearance Clear Appearance Cloudy Specific Gravity 1.005 - 1.025 Specific Gravity 1.010 pH 5.00 - 7.00 pH 6.00 Glucose Negative Glucose Negative Bilirubin Negative Bilirubin Negative Ketone Negative Ketone Negative Occult Blood Negative Protein Negative Occult Blood 2+ Nitrite Negative Leukocyte Esterase Negative WBC ≤5 per hpf RBC ≤2 per hpf Squamous Epithelial ≤5 per hpf Bacteria Protein 3+ Nitrite Negative Leukocyte Esterase 1+ WBC 20 - 40 RBC 10 - 20 Squamous Epithelial 6 - 10 Make sure that the patient has void before the procedure to get rid of the first urine. Instruct the patient to void directly into a clean, dry container.Sterile, disposable containers are recommended. Cover all specimens tightly, label properly and send immediately to the laboratory. Observe standard precautions when handling urine specimens. None Crystals None Casts None Yeast None Blood Typing A test used to determines a person’s blood type Bacteria Many Crystals None Casts None Yeast None O+ Nurses must take and label blood samples Checking, administering and documenting transfusions Monitoring of the patient HBsAg 8/22/21 At 7:35 AM test to determine if a person has a recent or chronic infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV). Reactive ≥1.00 Non-Reactiv e <1.00 Non-Reactiv e Samples with an Index Value of less than 1.00 are considered non-reactive (negative) for HBsAg. HIV 8/22/21 At 7:35 AM Syphilis 8/22/21 At 7:35 AM Chlamydi a 8/22/21 At 7:35 AM Determines whether the patient is infected with HIV , a virus that weakens your immune system and can lead to acquired immunodefi ciency syndrome (AIDS) Negative Negative Nurses need to prevent HIV infection by teaching patients how to eliminate or reduce risky behaviors Used to confirm a syphilis infection. This blood test checks for syphilis antibodies Negative Negative If the screening results were negative or normal, it means no syphilis infection was found. Done to see whether symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) are caused by a chlamydia infection. Negative Negative Meaning that no chlamydia cells were found in your sample. A positive result means that chlamydia bacteria were found and that you are likely infected with the disease Gonorrhe a 8/22/21 At 7:35 AM Urine culture 8/22/21 At 7:35 AM Glucose screening Used to find out whether the patient has gonorrhea infection. Negative Negative Meaning that the lab found no evidence of gonorrhea. Detects and identifies bacteria and yeast in the urine, which may be causing a urinary tract infection (UTI). Negative Negative Negative urine culture: A culture that is reported as “no growth in 24 or 48 hours” usually indicates that there is no infection. Test that measures the glucose level in your body <140 mg/dl <10,000 colonies/ml 100 mg/dl It is the responsibility of the nurse to perform blood glucose screening. Understand the patient's condition. Explain the procedure to the patient. Overall, the results of laboratory examinations indicate normal findings. Nursing Management i. Nursing Care Plan ii. Nurse’s Notes iii. Clinical Reasoning Questions Ethico-Moral-Legal: You were assisting in the delivery room for patient Kelly, a young woman giving birth to her 1st baby and has no health issue. She had several pushes and baby starts to crown.A Doctor is sitting on a stool between Kelly’s legs. While She’s pushing the doctor stands up and takes a big sharp scissors and said to you “I think it’s time for episiotomy now” Kelly cranes her head up and asks” What’s wrong Doctor?’ Doctor responded “Listen Kelly, you are pushing but your baby can’t come out because there is too little space for him to come out”. After these words there is another contraction and you ask Kelly to give a push. The Doctor takes a medical cloth and approaches her holding the scissors. Kelly cries desperately “No Doctor, Don’t cut me”. Ethico-Moral Reasoning As nurses, we aim to provide the best possible and appropriate care to our patients. We also assume the role of being a nurse advocate in which we work on behalf of patients to maintain quality of care and protect patients' rights. We intervene when there is a care concern, and following the proper channels, work to resolve any patient care issues. Given the scenario where Kelly the patient verbally refuses to have an episiotomy, as nurses we can only provide her with all the facts regarding the procedure and inform her of the advantages and disadvantages of having or not having the procedure. We as professionals and being part of the medical team cannot override our patient’s right to autonomy or their right to decide for themselves. By respecting her wish we also uphold the ethical principle of accountability which requires nurses to follow an ethical conduct code based on the principles of fidelity and respect for the dignity, worth, and self-determination of patients. iv. Discharge Planning 1. Medication ● NSAIDs , such as ibuprofen, help decrease swelling, pain, and fever. This medicine is available with or without a doctor's order. NSAIDs can cause stomach bleeding or kidney problems in certain people. If you take blood thinner medicine, always ask your healthcare provider if NSAIDs are safe for you. Always read the medicine label and follow directions. ● Stool softeners make it easier for you to have a bowel movement. You may need this medicine to treat or prevent constipation. ● Take your medicine as directed. Contact your healthcare provider if you think your medicine is not helping or if you have side effects. Tell him or her if you are allergic to any medicine. Keep a list of the medicines, vitamins, and herbs you take. Include the amounts, and when and why you take them. Bring the list or the pill bottles to follow-up visits. Carry your medicine list with you in case of an emergency. 2. Exercise · · Instruct client to balance activities with adequate rest periods. Educate the client on proper body mechanics to prevent muscle strain and enable the client to relax. · Encourage the client to ambulate and assume regular · Encourage deep breathing exercises. 3. Treatment · Discussing the purpose of treatments to be done and continued at home and continue monitoring blood pressure. · Tell the patient to continue submitting themself to diagnostic examination to ensure that she is not having any complications. · Tell the patient to follow the advice of a physician or any other health care provider. 4. Hygiene Breast • Wash breast daily at bath or shower time • wear supportive bra • wash hands before and after every feeding • Insert clean OS squares or piece of cloth in the brassiere to absorb moisture when there is considerable breast discharge. Uterus • By 10-14 days postpartum, cannot be palpated abdominally • Breast feeding hastens involution of the uterus • The fundus must be firm, if it is not firm, lightly massage the abdomen until fundus is firm • Empty bladder frequently, it delays involution of the uterus. Bladder • May complain of frequent urination in small amounts: explain this is due to urinary • Voiding may be initiated by pouring warm and cool water alternately over the vulva • Encourage the client to go to the comfort room for every 4 to 6 hours Lochia • Instruct to report any abnormal progression of lochia, excessive bleeding, foul-smelling lochia or large blood clots to their physician immediately. • Lochia should never exceed a moderate amount, such as 4 to 8 saturated perineal pads daily with an average of 6. 5. Outpatient (Check-Up) WHEN TO CALL THE DOCTOR: · Your leg feels warm, tender, and painful. It may look swollen and red. · You have a fever. · You are urinating very little, or not at all. · You have heavy vaginal bleeding that fills 1 or more sanitary pads in 1 hour. · You feel weak, dizzy, or faint. · Your abdominal or perineal pain does not go away or gets worse. · You feel depressed. · You have questions or concerns about your condition or care. 6. Diet Eat a nutritious, low-fat, and well-balanced diet to provide your body with the energy it needs. · Drink fluids (8 glasses/day) Drink a full glass every time you sit down to feed the baby. · Don’t diet- Your physician can advise you on how many calories you need · to stay healthy. You will soon learn to avoid foods which cause baby fussiness and gas (spicy foods, broccoli, etc.). 7. Spirituality · Encourage the patient to pray always and ask for God’s continuous healing. References Smith, J. (2019, May 29). Postpartum discharge instructions: Howard County General Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine. Postpartum Discharge Instructions | Howard County General Hospital, Johns Hopkins Medicine. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/howard_county_general_hospital/services/mothe rs_and_babies/taking_baby_home/postpartum-discharge-instructions.html. Vaginal delivery (discharge care) - what you need to know. Drugs.com. (n.d.). Retrieved September 11, 2021, from https://www.drugs.com/cg/vaginal-delivery-discharge-care.html. Bearak, J., Popinchalk, A., Ganatra, B., Moller, A., Tunçalp, Ö, Beavin, C., . . . Alkema, L. (2020). Unintended pregnancy and abortion by income, region, and the legal status of abortion: Estimates from a comprehensive model for 1990–2019. The Lancet Global Health, 8(9). doi:10.1016/s2214-109x(20)30315-6 Gita-Carlos, R. (2021, June 29). Addressing teenage pregnancies declared as 'national priority'. Retrieved from https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1145373 Jaymalin, M. (2021, February 12). Rise in teenage pregnancies apparently due to seduction, sexual abuse – popcom. Retrieved from https://www.onenews.ph/articles/rise-in-teenage-pregnancies-apparently-due-to-se duction-sexual-abuse-popcom Mirasol, P. (2021, March 31). The Philippines is Getting Fat: Obesity rates increase as poor nutrition persists. Retrieved September 04, 2021, from https://www.bworldonline.com/the-philippines-is-getting-fat-obesity-rates-increaseas-poor-nutrition-persists/ Philippines: Rape rate | STATISTA. (2021, June 21). Retrieved https://www.statista.com/statistics/1170674/philippines-rape-rate/ from