ED 124 Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education SLIDESMANIA.COM Lesson 1: Understanding Diversity Purity V. Mata Instructor I SSG Adviser Chairperson, Campus Organization Chairperson, R&D Educ. Dept. mata.purity@ctu.edu.ph SLIDESMANIA.COM Learning Activity No. 1 Find Out How People Feel With your group, share your experiences last semester. Start by completing the phrases below. ü ü SLIDESMANIA.COM “If you really knew me, you’d know that”… The rose (best part) and thorn (worst part) last semester were… Learning Activity No. 1 Find Out How People Feel SLIDESMANIA.COM Answer the following questions: 1. How did you feel about the activity? 2. Are your experiences the same or not? 3. What are the reasons that would explain the differences in your experiences? 4. What have you learned from the activity? What is Diversity? Diversity means more than just acknowledging and/ or tolerating differences. It is a set of conscious practices that involve: Ø Ø Understanding and appreciating interdependence of humanity, cultures, and the natural environment. SLIDESMANIA.COM Practicing mutual respect for qualities and experiences that are different from our own. What is Diversity? Ø Ø Ø Understanding that diversity includes not only ways of being but also ways of knowing. Recognizing that personal, cultural and institutionalized discrimination creates and sustains privileges for some while creating and sustaining disadvantages for others. SLIDESMANIA.COM Building alliances across differences so that we can work together to eradicate all forms of discrimination. What are Sources of Diversity? The Diversity Wheel gives an overview of the dimensions of diversity that are present and active in one’s workplace or environment. It consists of four layers: SLIDESMANIA.COM ü 1st layer – Personality ü 2nd layer – Internal Dimensions ü 3rd layer – External Dimensions ü 4th layer – Organizational Dimensions Personality shows how a person interacts with others and what his/her characteristics are, whether s/he is an introvert, ambivert or extrovert, active or passive, a fast and dynamic doer or a silent and reflective thinker etc., and how all these aspects together affect the way others treat the person. SLIDESMANIA.COM Source:http://www.launikari.eu/blog/developing-sensitivities-to-diversities/ Internal Dimensions are based on six aspects that an individual possibly cannot choose or control him/herself, i.e. they are given: age, gender, sexual orientation, physical ability, ethnicity and race. These aspects influence how the person is treated when s/he is dealing with diversity in communication and interaction with others. SLIDESMANIA.COM Source:http://www.launikari.eu/blog/developing-sensitivities-to-diversities/ External Dimensions depict the outcomes of life experiences and decisions/choices taken. Altogether there are ten different areas (such as education, work experience, income, marital status, … ) through which people can be appreciated or degraded, connected or disconnected depending on how exactly these aspects are seen and applied. SLIDESMANIA.COM Source:http://www.launikari.eu/blog/developing-sensitivities-to-diversities/ Organizational Dimensions include elements that are integrated into work and social interaction in an organization/at a work place. They contain a number of hierarchical as well as functional aspects of working life and how a person relates to them in the context of diversity. SLIDESMANIA.COM Source:http://www.launikari.eu/blog/developing-sensitivities-to-diversities/ Learning Activity No. 2 What is diversity? DIVERSITY What are sources of diversity? SLIDESMANIA.COM How do we promote supportive environments to diverse learners? Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. SLIDESMANIA.COM ― Albert Einstein Credits. Presentation Template: SlidesMania Images: Unsplash Fonts used in this presentation: DM Sans and Lexend Deca SLIDESMANIA.COM Free themes and templates for Google Slides or PowerPoint NOT to be sold as is or modified! SLIDESMANIA.COM Read FAQ on slidesmania.com Do not remove the slidesmania.com text on the sides. Sharing is caring!