22 JAN SERVICE ORDER OF SERVICE 1. RUN-THROUGH (7:45) 2. CALL TO WORSHIP 3. WORSHIP 4. WELCOME 5. BIRTHDAY 6. NOTICES 7. OFFERING 8. SPEED FRIENDING 9. ALPHA 10. BENEDICTION WE WILL BE DOING RUN-THROUGH SO WE CAN TAKE A MOMENT TO KNOW WHAT WE WILL BE DOING. THIS WILL ALLOW US TO BE PREPARED AND ALLOW GOD TO MINSTER THROUGH US. "FAILING TO PREPARE IS PREPARING TO FAIL" LEADER 1st service: ALL 2nd service: To Be Determined on Sunday WORSHIP 1. This Is Living Now x Hillsong 2. This I Believe x Hillsong https://open.spotify.com/playlist/049RN7JlUQ bv7gKZxU4A8j?si=36145513e6b04d12 NOTICES ● ● PAIR OF FRIENDS ALPHA TOPIC Cross Culture is coming back- anyone who is interested should talk to us after the service We are doing Alpha so invite friends Find someone you don't know or hardly speak to and spend 2mins getting to know each other https://player.vimeo.com/video/294791472 There are 3 pause prompts with questions for you to discuss with your small group. BENEDICTION NO. KIDS 1ST SERVICE NO KIDS 2ND SERVICE PLACE TO IMPROVE