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Anodic Stripping Voltammetry Presentation

• An electrochemical technique, used in analytical
• Information about an analyte is obtained by
monitoring the current at an electrode as a
function of potential applied to that electrode.
• The plot between the measured current and the
applied potential is known as Voltammogram.
• Application - quantitative analysis of trace of
metals (μg/L levels or less)
• Measurement of current under conditions of
complete concentration polarization.
• The rate of oxidation or reduction of the
analyte is limited by the rate of mass transfer of
the analyte to the electrode surface.
• To enhance the polarization, the working
electrodes are relatively small with surface areas
of a few square millimetres at the most and, in
some applications, only a few square
• A minimal consumption of analyte.
• For analytical purposes several types of voltammetry
techniques are available.
• Stripping voltammetry is very significant these days
particularly for the determination of metals in the
• Linear Sweep Voltammetry is the simplest technique.
• The electrode potential is varied at a constant rate (20 –
100 mV/s) throughout the scan and the resulting
current is measured.
• The scanning starts before the discharging potential and
stops afterwards.
• Detection limits range at mg/l levels.
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• Voltammetric method for quantitative
determination of specific ionic species.
• It is one of the most sensitive, convenient, and
cost effective analytical method for detection
and quantitation of metal contaminants in rivers,
lakes, process streams and drinking water.
• Several metals such as Cu, Pb and Cd can be
analyzed simultaneously.
• ASV can be thought of as a small scale
electroplating experiment.
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• Incorporates three electrodes:
– a working electrode,
– an auxiliary electrode (sometimes called the
counter electrode), and
– a reference electrode.
Working Electrode - ASV
• It is the indicating electrode in an
electrochemical system on which the reaction of
interest is occurring.
• Common working electrodes can consist of
inert metals such as gold, silver or platinum,
inert carbon such as glassy carbon or pyrolytic
carbon, and mercury drop and film electrodes.
• For most standard tests, the working electrode is
a mercury film electrode.
Working Electrode - ASV
• The mercury film is formed over a glassy carbon
• This film forms an amalgam with the analyte of interest,
which upon oxidation results in a sharp peak.
• In cases where the analyte of interest has an oxidizing
potential above that of mercury, or where a mercury
electrode would be otherwise unsuitable, a solid, inert
metal such as silver, gold, or platinum may also be used.
Auxiliary Electrode - ASV
• Also called the counter electrode.
• The auxiliary electrode's potential is opposite in
sign to that of the working electrode, but its
current and potential are not measured.
• Rather, it is used to ensure that current does not
run through the reference electrode (three
electrode system), which would disturb the
reference electrode's potential.
Auxiliary Electrode - ASV
• The auxiliary electrode passes all the current
needed to balance the current observed at the
working electrode.
• It serves as a source or sink for electrons so that
current can be passed from the external circuit
through the cell. In general, neither its true
potential nor current is ever measured or known.
• Auxiliary electrodes are often fabricated from
electrochemically inert materials such as gold,
platinum, or carbon.
Reference Electrode - ASV
• Has a stable and well-known electrode potential.
• It can be taken as the reference standard against
which the potentials of the other electrodes
present in the cell can be measured.
• Its only role is to act as reference in measuring
and controlling the working electrodes potential
and at no point does it pass any current.
• Generally Ag/AgCl is used.
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
Concentrate metal ions by reduction:
– The metals, as ions in solution, are plated onto an
electrode by applying a negative potential (deposition
potential) for a specific period of time.
– The deposition serves to concentrate the metal ions
from the solution onto the electrode in the metallic
– If the electrode is Hg, the metals often form an
– This pre-concentration leads to low detection limits.
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• Stripping
– After deposition, the potential is scanned toward
positive potentials. Current peaks appear at potentials
corresponding to the oxidation of metals as they are
oxidized (stripped) from the electrode back into the
– The current is measured during the stripping step.
– The peak height or area can be correlated with the
concentration of the metal ions in the solution. It is
necessary to calibrate the procedure with standard
solutions containing known quantities of the metal
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• Consider a sample containing copper and cadmium (the
two analytes).
• First concentrated in a mercury working electrode and then
sequentially reduced back to their metal ions and the
current time curves reported.
• The first stage is to reduce the metal ion to the metal that
will form an amalgam with the mercury working-electrode.
• This can be depicted by the following equation.
Mn+ + ne- + Hg  M(Hg)
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• If a mixture of cations are present, the working
electrode should be maintained at a potential 0.3
- 0.5 V more negative than the standard
potential of that metal most difficult to reduce.
• The deposition of all the metal components of
the mixture will be determined by the magnitude
of the respective mass transport of each.
• The speed of deposition can be accelerated by
electrode rotation or by vigorously stirring the
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• The concentration of the reduced metal(s) in the mercury will
be given by
C Hg
il t d
• il: limiting current for the deposition (reduction) of the metal
• td: deposition time period
• n: the number of moles of electrons transferred in the half
• F: the Faraday constant (96,487 coulombs/mole of e-)
• VHg: volume of the mercury electrode
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• The time of the deposition will vary with a number of
factors including the analyte concentration and the
electronic parameters, but the conditions should be
adjusted so that the deposition takes from one to ten
• The pre-concentration step can then be followed by a
change in the electrolyte composition to make it more
amenable to the stripping procedure and this process
takes place in the rest period.
• Electrode rotation or stirring should be arrested during
this procedure.
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• In the third stage the metals are stripped from the mercury by
applying an appropriate voltage/time program. When the applied
working electrode potential reaches the standard metal-metal ion
redox potential the metal is stripped from the amalgam
according to the following equation.
M(Hg)  Mn+ + ne- + Hg
• In the current time curve, peaks are observed for the analytes,
cadmium and copper. The peak potential of each metal is
characteristic of the analyte and can be used to identify the
metal. The height of each metal peak (ip) is proportional to the
concentration of the metal in the test solution.
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• If a thin-film mercury electrode is employed, under which
circumstances the metal is rapidly depleted from the
amalgam, then the expression for the peak current (ip) is
given by,
ip 
n 2 F2 v1/2AlCHg
• A: area of the film
• l: length of the film
• v: potential scan rate
Differential Pulse ASV
- Several metals in scan
- Extremely sensitive
- Hydrogen wave
- Mercury oxidation wave
Anodic Stripping Voltammetry
• Very sensitive and reproducible method for trace metal ion
• Useful for the analysis of very dilute solutions, 10-11 M.
• Concentration limits of detection for many metals are in
the low ppb to high ppt range
• Approximately 12-15 metal ions can be analyzed for by this
• The stripping peak currents and peak widths are a function
of the size, coverage and distribution of the metal phase on
the electrode surface (Hg or alternate).