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48 Laws of Power Cheat Sheet: Gain Influence & Control

The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat
Never outshine the master. Avoid attracting attention to yourself and keep a low profile.
This means being mindful of the impact you have on those around you, especially those
in positions of power. By not drawing attention to yourself, you will avoid making
yourself a target and maintain a harmonious relationship with your superiors.
Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies. Trust is a valuable
commodity, but it can also be a liability if misplaced. Keep your guard up and be
strategic in your relationships, both with friends and enemies.
Conceal your intentions. Keep people guessing what you're up to. By keeping your
plans and motives hidden, you maintain an element of surprise and control in any
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet
situation. Be discreet and play your cards close to the chest.
Always say less than necessary. Speak only when it's necessary and avoid revealing
too much about yourself. By doing so, you keep people guessing, maintain your power
and control the flow of information.
So much depends on reputation - guard it with your life. Your reputation is a valuable
asset, and it's important to protect it at all costs. Be mindful of the image you present to
the world, and avoid behaviors that could damage your reputation.
Court attention at all costs. Attention is a form of power, and it's important to cultivate it
in any way possible. Make yourself seen, heard and remembered, and use it to your
Law 7: Get others to do the work for you, but always take credit. Don't be afraid
to delegate tasks to others, but make sure to take credit for their work. This way, you get
the benefits without having to do the work yourself.
Make other people come to you - use bait if necessary. Draw people in by making
yourself and what you offer irresistible. This way, you are in control of the situation and
can dictate the terms.
Win through your actions, never through argument. Actions speak louder than words,
and it's more effective to show others what you can do rather than just telling them. Use
your actions to win people over and avoid arguments as much as possible.
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet
Infection: avoid stepping into a great man's shoes. Be careful when following in the
footsteps of someone who has already achieved great things. You risk being compared
to them and falling short, so create your own path instead.
Learn to keep people dependent on you. Make others depend on you for their success
and happiness, and you'll have power over them. Provide value and support, and they
will look to you as a source of stability and security.
Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. Take out the key players in any situation,
and the rest will fall into disarray. By removing the key figures, you gain control and
disrupt the balance of power.
Work on the hearts and minds of others. Influence others by appealing to their emotions
and desires. By doing so, you can shape their thoughts and beliefs and make them
more receptive to your ideas.
Pose as a friend, work as a spy. Pretend to be someone's ally and gather information
about them. By doing so, you can stay ahead of the game and use the information to
your advantage.
Crush your enemy totally. When faced with opposition, don't leave any room for
retaliation. Show no mercy and eliminate the enemy completely to avoid any future
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet
Use absence to increase respect and honor. By strategically withdrawing and being less
available, you can increase your power and influence. People will value you more when
they can't have you, and you'll have more control over the situation.
Keep others in suspended terror: cultivate an air of unpredictability. Keep others on their
toes by being unpredictable and unreliable. This will keep them guessing and prevent
them from gaining too much power.
Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerous. Don't isolate yourself
from the world and become too self-sufficient. This makes you vulnerable to attack and
reduces your power.
Know who you're dealing with - do not offend the wrong person. Know the people you're
dealing with and be mindful of their position and power. Avoid offending or angering
those who could harm you, and be strategic in your relationships.
Do not commit to anyone. Avoid making promises or commitments that could limit your
freedom or restrict your options. Keep your options open and maintain your
Play a sucker to catch a sucker - seem dumber than your mark. Pretend to be less
intelligent or experienced than your mark, and use this to your advantage. By doing so,
you can gain the upper hand and manipulate the situation.
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet
Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into power. When faced with a difficult
situation, surrender and use it to your advantage. By doing so, you can gain the upper
hand and turn the situation in your favor.
Concentrate your forces. Focus your resources and energy on one thing at a time. By
doing so, you can achieve your goals more efficiently and effectively.
Play the perfect courtier. Be adaptable and flexible in your relationships, and be able to
adjust to different situations and people. By doing so, you can maintain your power and
influence in any setting.
Re-create yourself. Don't be afraid to change and adapt to new situations. By constantly
evolving and adapting, you can remain relevant and maintain your power and influence.
Keep your hands clean. Avoid becoming involved in unethical or dirty dealings. By
keeping your hands clean, you maintain your reputation and avoid damaging your
Play on people's need to believe to create a cult-like following. Appeal to people's desire
to believe and have faith, and you can create a loyal following. By doing so, you gain
power and influence over others.
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet
Enter action with boldness. Take bold and decisive action, and don't be afraid to take
risks. By doing so, you demonstrate your confidence and strength, and others are more
likely to follow you.
Plan all the way to the end. Have a clear vision of your end goal and plan out all the
steps to achieve it. By having a comprehensive plan, you increase your chances of
success and avoid unexpected obstacles.
Make your accomplishments seem effortless. Make it appear as if your successes came
easily and without much effort. This enhances your image and makes others
underestimate you.
Control the options: get others to play with the cards you deal. Control the options
available to others and limit their choices. By doing so, you maintain the power and
control the outcome.
Play to people's fantasies. Appeal to people's desires and dreams, and they will be
more willing to follow you. By doing so, you can influence and manipulate their actions.
Discover each man's thumbscrew. Find the pressure points of others, and use them to
your advantage. By doing so, you can control and manipulate their behavior.
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet
Be royal in your own fashion: act like a king to be treated like one. Act with confidence
and authority, and others will treat you with respect and deference. By doing so, you
increase your power and influence.
Master the art of timing. Timing is everything, and being able to act at the right moment
can make all the difference. By being aware of timing, you increase your chances of
success and avoid costly mistakes.
Disdain things you cannot have: ignoring them is the best revenge. Don't waste time
and energy on things you can't have, and instead focus on what you can achieve. By
doing so, you avoid frustration and maintain your power and control.
Create compelling spectacles. Create visually stunning and memorable experiences,
and people will be drawn to you and your message. By doing so, you increase your
power and influence over others.
Think as you like but behave like others. Blend in and conform to the norms and
expectations of others, while maintaining your individuality and unique perspective. By
doing so, you can maintain your power and influence, while avoiding unnecessary
Stir up waters to catch fish. Create chaos and disruption, and then use it to your
advantage. By doing so, you can manipulate and control the situation, and achieve your
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet
Despise the free lunch. Nothing in life is truly free, and always be aware of the hidden
costs and motives behind gifts and favors. By doing so, you avoid becoming a pawn in
someone else's game and maintain your power and control.
Avoid stepping into a great man's shoes. Don't try to fill the shoes of someone who has
passed, and instead create your own path and legacy. By doing so, you avoid
comparisons and criticism, and maintain your power and influence.
Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter. Attack the leader or figurehead of an
organization or group, and the rest will become disorganized and vulnerable. By doing
so, you can defeat your enemies and achieve your goals.
Work on the hearts and minds of others. Focus on changing people's attitudes and
beliefs, rather than their actions. By doing so, you can influence and control their
behavior in the long term.
Disarm and infuriate with the mirror effect. Use flattery and mimicry to disarm and
infuriate your enemies. By doing so, you can manipulate and control their behavior, and
gain the upper hand.
Preach the need for change, but never reform too much at once. Gradually implement
change, and avoid making sudden and drastic reforms. By doing so, you avoid
resistance and maintain stability.
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet
Never appear too perfect. Avoid being perceived as too perfect, as it can make others
resentful and envious. By doing so, you avoid making yourself a target and maintain
your power and influence.
Do not go past the mark you aimed for; in victory, learn when to stop. Know when to
stop and avoid overreaching. By doing so, you avoid alienating others and maintain
your power and influence.
Assume formlessness. Be adaptable and flexible, and avoid becoming too predictable
or rigid. By doing so, you increase your chances of success and avoid becoming a
The 48 Laws of Power - Cheat Sheet