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Online Food Order System Project Synopsis

Project Synopsis on
Submitted to
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Nepal Engineering College
in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of B.E. in Computer
Dikshya Regmi (014-326)
Date Submitted: August 15th, Tuesday
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2-4
Problem Statement ................................................................................................. 2-5
Objective ................................................................................................................ 2-5
Aims ....................................................................................................................... 2-6
Motivation .............................................................................................................. 2-7
Scope ...................................................................................................................... 2-7
Feasibility study ..................................................................................................... 2-7
Evaluation of existing system and procedure: ............................................................... 2-7
Economy feasibility: ...................................................................................................... 2-8
Technical feasibility: ...................................................................................................... 2-8
Operational feasibility .................................................................................................... 2-8
Literature Review........................................................................................................... 2-9
System Design ............................................................................................................. 3-11
Expected output ........................................................................................................... 4-13
Conclusion ................................................................................................................... 5-14
References ............................................................................................................................ 6-15
Online Food Ordering System is a part of e-commerce. E-commerce or business
through net means distributing, buying, selling, marketing, and servicing of products
or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks.
Thus if we own a restaurant we need to Upload menu online to attract potential
The online food ordering system gives restaurants the ability to increase sales and
expand their business by giving customers the facility to order food online. With an
online restaurant menu ordering system, customers can place orders online 24*7.
Thus it is a simple, fast and convenient food ordering system giving an edge over the
competition at an affordable price.
The restaurants’ can even customize online restaurant menu and upload images
easily. Having restaurant menu on internet, potential customers can easily access it
and place order at their convenience. Online food ordering system is a website
designed primarily for use in the food delivery. This system will allow restaurants to
increase scope of business by reducing the labor cost involved. The system also
allows to quickly and easily manage an online menu which customers can browse and
use to place orders with just few clicks. Restaurant employees then use these orders
through an easy to navigate graphical interface for efficient processing.
This project is aimed at developing a online ordering system for use in the food
service industry which will allow the restaurants to quickly and easily manage an
online menu which customer can browse and use to place orders with just a few
clicks. There will be a system administrator who will have the right to add
and manage user accounts, a manager who will be managing product and orders.
Keyword: Online-Food Ordering, PHP, MYSQL.
1. Introduction
An online food ordering system
is a web-based application that stimulates the
foodies (customers) to put food orders through internet by locating their favorite
restaurant or nearest one. This application is based on the PHP [1] platform
It is known globally that, in today’s market, it is extremely difficult to start a new
small-scale business and live-through the competition from the well-established and
settled owners. In fast paced time of today, when everyone is squeezed for time, the
majority of people are finicky when it comes to placing a food order. The customers
of today are not only attracted because placing an order online is very convenient but
also because they have visibility into the items offered, price and extremely
simplified navigation for the order.
Manual listing of orders by the waiters/waitresses may result to slow response in
customer service. Hence, if the restaurant uses this system, manipulation of orders to
the customers be so easy and quick by just choosing the desired menu available in the
Online ordering system here, greatly simplifies the ordering process for both the
customer and the restaurant. System presents an interactive and up-to-date menu with
all available options in an easy to use manner. Customer can choose items to place an
order which will land in the Cart. Customer can view all the order details in the cart
before checking out. At the end, customer gets order confirmation details. Once the
order is placed it is entered in the database and retrieved in pretty much real time.
This allows Restaurant Employees to quickly go through the orders as they are
received and process all orders efficiently and effectively with minimal delays and
Problem Statement
For placing any orders customers have to visit hotels or restaurants to know about
food items and then place order and pay, for that process time and manual work is
required. While placing an order over the phone, customer lacks the physical copy of
the menu item, lack of visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly. Every
restaurant needs certain employees to take the order over phone or in-person, to offer
a rich dining experience and process the payment. In today’s market, labor rates are
increasing day by day making it difficult to find employees when needed. Hence, to
solve this issue, “Online Food Order System, is proposed originally designed for
small scale business like Cafe, Fast Food restaurants.
The system greatly simplifies the ordering process for both the customer and the
restaurant and also greatly lightens the load on the restaurants. The system will also
automatically calculate and displays the final bill so the bills will ready to print
without having any error because the information for that item will be already
The objective of this project is to study how the online food ordering website works
and the process of the system followed by the users.
To develop an application which gives provision to the restaurant owners to
flourish their business by uploading
menus at no cost and will invariably
lead to higher customer retention and acquisition rates.
To ensure customer satisfaction.
To increase efficiency and improve services provided to the customers
through better application of technology.
It is designed to increase efficiency, save money and time.
It shows the correct menu and enable the customers to order items that are
To avoid long queues at the counter.
To accommodate huge amount of orders at a time
To improve the communication between the client and the server
Its main aim is to simplify and improve the efficiency of the ordering process for both
customer and restaurant, minimize manual data entry and ensure data accuracy and
security during order placement process. Customers will also be able to view product
menus and there ingredients and be able to have a visual confirmation that the order
was place correctly. This software is developed to help computer science students to
learn about the Web application to build a complete working application. Following
givens are the aims of this project:
Reduce time-consuming phone orders and eliminate illegible fax orders.
No more busy phones or the requirement for extra phone lines.
An edge over the competition at an affordable price.
Broader customer reaches across regions.
Builds a customer database.
Provides a channel for marketing and promotion lowering your advertising
Helps in improved service.
Greater customer satisfaction
The motivation for designing this application came because I personally do not like
waiting for long in the restaurants or to have to call restaurant to place an order
especially when I am too hungry and also some people hesitate to ask detailed
information of the menus like price and etc even I don’t like and also it will help us
to avoid the long queues at the counter.
We believe that online food ordering website will become even more popular in the
future for the obvious reason that they save users, time and money by listing the food
menus with best price and services.
Feasibility study
A feasibility study is a test of a system proposal. According to its workability,
impacts on the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of the
resources its main task done during feasibility study are:
Evaluation of existing system and procedure:
For placing any orders customers have to visit hotels or restaurants to know about
food items and then place order and pay, for that process time and manual work is
required. While placing an order over the phone, customer lacks the physical copy of
the menu item, lack of visual confirmation that the order was placed correctly.
Economy feasibility:
We have estimated that the cost for the development of this website will be minimum
which will benefits the developers.
Technical feasibility:
Technical feasibility this project will be focused on gaining an understanding of the
present technical resources of the organization and their applicability to the expected
needs of the proposed system. It is an evaluation of the hardware and software and
how it meets the needs of the proposed system. The systems project is considered
technically feasible if the internal technical capability is sufficient to support the
project requirements.
Operational feasibility:
Operational feasibility is the measure of how well the project will support the
customer and the service provider during the operational phase.
2. Literature Review
Online Food Ordering System is the system where we can order the food item
through internet with just one click, which can make our daily life easy and faster.
Presently the customers spend an average of 1 hour per day going to the restaurant,
selecting their food and paying. Some restaurants have the provision of customers
making a call to the restaurant in advance to order a item to be ready for them for
pick or to be delivered to them. Some of the customers don’t always get the selection
they want because the restaurants run out of certain items or because there is no
provision of ordering custom foods.
Previous works:
Through our research we determined that the system that exits in today’s date is not
so efficient like if we want to order a food then we need to call to a restaurant than
ask for the menu and price and soon, that is too long process and not trust worthy too
and there may be lots of confusion which may not build a good relation between
restaurant and the customer. We are not saying that this process is totally wrong or
useless but we can make it better and trust worthy through internet (Online food
ordering) system. Where we can see food menus with its actual price, which will
avoid a long quotes and confusions of both restaurants and the customers too.
Some of the online food ordering sites in Nepal:
Service available- 11:00am to 8:30pm only.
Places restaurant and bar:
Service available- 9:00am to 10:30pm only.
And so on. Above mentioned sites receives the order through internet and deliver the
order but available service is not enough. The online system should be available 24*7
so that people can order at any time. So, the goal of this site/project is to provide
service 24*7.
3. System Design
In this project we decided to make a food ordering website. Where there is admin,
who will provide id and password to the restaurant and then restaurant contact the
admin and receives the id and password and then after restaurant logged into the
system they can start doing their job ie; inserting the food items with actual price.
Here all the customers can visit the page and place an order. Customer can also set
the time for delivery.
This system will be completely web based and will be developed using PHP. We will
have one home page where multiple options allow the user to choose different food
items with the actual price. There will be a system administrator who will have the
right to add and manage user accounts, a manager who will be managing product and
orders. Following are the system design of the system:
• Create an account.
• Manage their account.
• Log in to the system.
• Navigate the restaurant’s menu.
• Select an item from the menu.
• Add an item to their current order.
• Review their current order.
• Provide payment details.
• Place an order.
• Receive confirmation.
Fig:-use case diagram
Operating system: Windows XP / windows 7
Technology: PHP
Database: MYSQL
4. Expected output
After the completion of the project we are expecting the following outputs which will
minimize the problems as well as solve the existing problem.
To automatically compute the bill.
Lightens the load on the restaurants
Ensure customer satisfaction.
Remove confusions.
No more busy phones or the requirement for extra phone lines.
Accommodate huge amount of orders at a time.
Improve the communication between the client and the server
Expected to be efficient in terms of time and money.
Expected to provide better services.
5. Conclusion
Hence we have conclude that this project can be beneficial in daily life of people and
will save a lot of time by showing the list of food menus with the accurate price of
different restaurants with daily updates and also this will help us to avoid long queues
at the counter.
6. References
[1] Adam Trachtenberg, PHP cook Book, 2003
Michael Morrison , Head First PHP and MYSQL, 2008