CMG3701 61979376 UNIQUE NO: 221906 ASSIGNMENT 01 QUESTION 1 1.1 Extrinsic Motivation – Involve completing a task or exhibiting a behaviour because of outside causes such as avoiding punishment or receiving a reward. (Phil Sennett, 2021) 1.2.1 Establishing inclusion – creating a learning atmosphere in which learners and educators feel respected by and connected to each other. 1.2.2 Developing attitude – creating a learning atmosphere in which learners will not be afraid to fail in their attempts at new learning experiences. 1.2.3 Enhancing meaning – creating challenging, thought – provoking learner experiences that include learner perspectives and values. 1.2.4 Engendering competence – creating an understanding that learners are effective at learning something they value. 1.3. The way an educator arranges a classroom communicates messages about his or her expectation of how the room should be used. Careful use of the physical space could make a considerable difference to classroom behaviour (UNISA 2006:34). When organising the physical layout of the classroom, the educator must keep the following considerations in mind (Louisell & Descamps 2001: 224) Visibility Flexibility Aesthetics Accessibility Comfort An effective seating arrangement should give the educator close proximity to all learners. Several formations are possible (UNISA 2006:35) Horizontal rows Clusters of four and circle arrangement Stack formation While the various arrangements will not guarantee learner participation, it is important to consider classroom space as part of planning for instruction, as space can play an important role in creating an optimal learning environment. A basic classroom may include the following decorative elements (Marzano, cited in UNISA 2006: 35) A calendar. A place for school announcement and school spirit paraphernalia. A place for posting expectations regarding the correct format for assignments. A place for listing daily assignments or the daily schedule. A place for displaying information about current topics. A place to display learners „work. 1.4. Howard Gardner (in Pettigrew & Ackhurst 1999: 183) proposes a theory of intelligence that suggests that we have multiple intelligence. Intelligence 1. Linguistic 2. Logicalmathematical 3. Spatial-visual 4. Bodily- kinaesthetic 5. Interpersonal Description The capacity to use words effectively. It includes the ability to manipulate the syntax or structure of language and the practical uses of language. The capacity to use numbers effectively and to reason well, it includes sensitivity to logical patterns and relationships, statements and propositions, functions and other related abstractions. The capacity to perceive the spatial-visual world accurately and to perform transformations on those perceptions. It includes sensitivity to colour, line, shape, form, space and the relationships that exist between these elements. The capacity to use one‟s whole body to express ideas and feelings and facility in using one‟s hands to produce or transform things. It includes physical skills such as coordination, balance, dexterity, strength, flexibility and speed. The capacity to perceive and make distinctions between the moods, intentions, motivations and feelings of other people. It Application in the classroom This intelligence is catered for, as the vast majority of educational materials and learning-teaching activities are linguistic by nature. This can be addressed within a lesson. The use of graphic organisers and flow charts indicating the relationship between the various activities and different parts of the lesson will ensure that this intelligence is catered for. This can be incorporated by manipulating the physical environment. The educator can display pictures and posters around the room relating to the topic. The key to catering for this intelligence is to find or make time to allow learners who need this type of stimulation to physically move around during a work period. This intelligence is by definition incorporated into the classroom environment through the use of the entire includes sensitivity to facial expressions, voice and gestures; the capacity for discriminating among many different kinds of interpersonal cues and the ability to respond effectively to these cues. cooperative group work concept. 1.5. Cooperative learning – cooperative learning is an instructional method in which students work in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal with the guidance of the teacher. (Ada Rigacci, 2020) QUESTION 2 2.1. Suitable learning environments should be created that will foster intercultural contact, as casual contact will not necessarily bring about improved intercultural relationships. The educator should create a teaching-learning situation in his or her classroom that will allow optimal learning in acclimate of safety, care and acceptance. Some of the tasks of the educator in creating an environment for socialising and intercultural interaction include the following: Identify and eradicate any practices, procedures and uses that discriminate against ethnic minorities. Watch for the labelling of learners from other cultures. Expect and communicate the expectation of high academic results from all learners, irrespective of culture, race, gender or religion. Ensure that learning experiences relate to the learner‟s own cultural experience. Promote closer interaction between home and school. Be sensitive to the fact that cognitive learning styles are culturally dependent. Use of a variety of teaching styles, methods, strategies and techniques. Create the correct ethos and atmosphere in your class by cooperative and supportive rather than competitive and unsupportive. Close self-analysis and introspection about your own feelings on racism is necessary before you are able to be objective and non-judgemental about other cultures Purposefully learn as much as possible from learners about their different cultures and languages. Avoid stereotyping. Provide opportunities for all your learners to demonstrate initiative and leadership in different situations. Identify and apply culturally friendly reward systems in your class. Evaluate all teaching-learning materials to ensure that they are factually correct and fair forwards all cultures. Understand that multicultural education is a continuous, dynamic and lifelong learning process. 2.2. – Create a supportive group atmosphere Cottrel (2003: 102) identifies the following aspects that will contribute to a supportive group atmosphere: Remember that people (learners) have feelings – they have anxieties about being criticised. Address anxieties directly – in the first session brainstorm how everyone in the group feels about being in the group. Make ground rules about time usage, participation and appropriate behaviour. Investigate group strengths. A supportive atmosphere will be greatly enhanced by a relaxed environment. - Create an effective group environment. Cottrell (2003: 103) sets the following conditions for an effective group environment: Set clear agendas and boundries. Check progress. Allocate tasks clearly Decide on group roles for each session. - Being an effective group member The responsibility for the group lies with each member. If a problem arises, each member shares responsibility for sorting out the problem so that the group can work effectively (Cottrell 2003: 103). All the members should therefore. Be encouraging Listen to each other Help the flow Build on other members „ideas Include everyone Indicate agreement Admit mistakes Offer information Use body language for positive participation Make suggestion Sum up for the group 2.3. A positive classroom climate can be established through building positive relationship by Providing effective instruction, help learners experience more success than failure, recognise and reward desirable behaviour, send a preventative” I – message” communicating desirable behaviour, give early attention to potentially disruptive learners, change circumstances that may produce misbehaviour, use physical closeness to prevent misbehaviour, ignore minor disruptions and recognise desirable behaviours, send a non-verbal message requesting a change in behaviour, ask for status or rule to redirect behaviour, request a change of behaviour, Isolate the learner to keep a minor disruption from escalating, send an “I – message” communicating the effects of undesirable behaviour, conduct a conference: no-lose conflict-resolution approach, conduct a conference to develop a behaviour- improvement contract, implement a class “assertive discipline” plan, send the learner for “timeout” to another classroom, involve the parents in changing learner behaviour, involve the principal in changing learner behaviour, request that the learner be removed from the classroom. BIBLIOGRAPHY Louisell & Descamps (2001: 224): The teacher as classroom manager. Marzano, cited in UNISA ( 2006: 35): The teacher as classroom manager. Phil Sennett,( 2021): Understanding intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, University of Rochester. Ada Rigacci, (2020): University of the people Cottrell (2003: 103): An educator‟guide to effective classroom management. Howard Gardner (in Pettigrew & Ackhurst 1999: 183): An educator‟guide to effective classroom management. I (full names): ……………………………………………………………………………………… Student number: …61979376………………… Module code: …CMG3701…… Declare that…I Mbiselo Piet Tshabadira 1. I understand what plagiarism entails and am aware of the University’s policy in this regard. 2. I declare that this assignment is my own, original work. Where I used someone else’s work, whether a printed source, the internet or any other source, I give the proper acknowledgement and include a complete reference list. 3. I did not use another current or previous student’s work, submitting it as my own. 4. I did not allow and will not allow anyone to copy my work with the intention of submitting it as his or her own work. 19 April 2022 Signature ………………………… Date: ………………………….