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Electrical Engineering Exercises: Current, Voltage, Power

Series 1
Exercise 1
a) If the current in an electric conductor is 2.4
A, how many coulombs of charge pass any
point in a 30-second interval?
b) Determine the time interval required for a
12-A battery charger to deliver 4800 C.
Exercise 2
The current that enters an element is shown in
Figure 1. Find the charge that enters the
element in the time interval 0 < t < 20 s.
Exercise 5
Given the two diagrams shown in Figure 4,
determine whether the element is absorbing or
supplying power and how much.
Figure 4
Exercise 6
Determine the unknown voltage or current in
Figure 5.
Figure 1
Exercise 3
Five coulombs of charge pass through the
element in Figure 2 from point A to point B.
If the energy absorbed by the element is 120
J, determine the voltage across the element.
Figure 2
Exercise 4
The charge that enters the BOX is shown in
Figure 3. Calculate and sketch the current
flowing into and the power absorbed by the
BOX between 0 and 10 milliseconds.
Figure 5
Exercise 7
Determine the power absorbed or supplied by
the elements in the network in Figure 6.
Figure 6
Exercise 8
Given the two networks shown in Figure 7,
determine the outputs.
Figure 7
Exercise 9
Calculate the
power absorbed by
each element in the
network of Figure
8. Also verify that
the sum of all
powers in the
network is zero.
Figure 3
Figure 8