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Champions Program Agreement & SMART Goal Worksheet

2022-2023 Champions Participation Agreement
Date: _____________
Print Student First & Last Name:
Print Student Preferred Name:
Student School Email:
As a mentee, I agree to the following:
☐ Participate in Champions for both semesters of the 2022-2023 school year.
☐ Work with my mentor to discuss my goals and my plan for meeting them
☐ Review my progress and make adjustments as I work towards my goals
☐ Meet with my mentor at least six times during the semester
☐ Work with my mentor to complete progress reports
☐ Student/Champion Signature:
As a mentor, I agree to the following:
☐ Provide guidance, encouragement, and oversight as they work towards their identified goals
☐ Review their progress and meet with them a minimum of six times during the semester
☐ Assist with the completion of monthly progress reports
☐ Print Mentor Name:
☐ Mentor Signature:
As the Parent or Guardian, I agree to do the following:
I, ______________________________________, agree to allow my student to participate in Champions
of Wayne for the 2022-2023 school year. I understand that if a Champions of Wayne program
administrator determines that my child has achieved their approved goal by the end of each semester,
they will receive a $200 reward for their efforts. The $200 reward will be in the form of a check made
payable to the student. I further agree to do everything I can to help my child reach their goal. In case of
any dispute as to whether my child has achieved their goal, the determination of a program administrator
shall be final and binding.
Additionally, I give consent for images (photographs or videotapes), sound recordings, and other
identifying information of my child to be used by Champions of Wayne. I recognize that these materials
may be used in a public way. I also understand that the intended use of such images and identifying
information (name, age, graduation year, GPA, etc.) may be used for advertising, marketing, fundraising,
and general program publicity.
Parent or Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Champions of Wayne
Email: tgccow@gmail.com | Office: Room 249
Use the S.M.A.R.T goal method to set meaningful goals you can achieve!
SPECIFIC: To reach your goal, it needs to be specific and well-defined
☐What exactly do you want to accomplish?
☐ Avoid unclear goals, or goals that are too broad
MEASURABLE: Identify milestones to track your progress.
☐What and how will you track along the way?
☐How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal?
ATTAINABLE: Is the goal realistic or can you reach it by the target date? A good goal should be challenging,
but it shouldn’t overwhelm you. Increasing your overall G.P.A from a 2.0 to a 4.0 by the end of the semester is
not attainable. However, increasing your G.P.A from a 2.0 to a 2.3 is.
☐Is this goal achievable?
☐Is it possible to meet my goal with effort by the target date?
RELEVANT: It the goal worth your time? How will you focus, what will you spend your time on? Realistic is
often used in place of Relevant. Can you realistically complete the goal?
☐Is this goal worth my time and effort?
☐Is it a priority?
TIME-BOUND: It must have a deadline because goals with deadlines take priority. People tend to lose focus of
goals that don’t have deadlines.
☐What is the target date or due date?
☐Are there any checkpoints along the way?
Here is an example of a S.M.A.R.T. Goal in action!
What exactly are
you going to
My goal is:
I would like to earn at least an A- in
my math class
How will you
measure your
progress? How
will you know
that you met
your goal?
I will track the
progress I make
towards by goal
Submitting homework on time
Getting at least a B on Exams
Review progress at the end of the
each card marking
Is it within your
power to
My goal is
My previous grade was a C+ last
semester, because of transportation
issues which caused low attendance.
I won’t have transportation problems
this semester so I will be able to
improve my grade.
Why is achieving Achieving this
goal is important
your goal
to me because?
important to
I want to obtain the incentive
I want to graduate with a 3.5 g.p.a
I want to receive credits necessary to
move to 10th grade
How much time
do you have to
achieve your
The end of the 1st semester
I will complete monthly progress
reports to make sure that I’m on track.
My goal will be
achieved by?
earn an A in my Math class and maintain at least a B in all of my other classes
Dec 20, 2022 I will ____________________________________________________________________
By ___________,
I will not miss any homework assignments, and get at least a B on all my exams
I know I can achieve this goal because __________________________________________________
Check progress monthly
I want to obtain the incentive and complete credits necessary to
This goal is important because _______________________________________________________________
I review my monthly progress reports and receive my semester grade
I will know I've met my goal when ________________________________________________________
Use the following template to document your S.M.A.R.T Goals!
What exactly are
you going to
My goal is:
How will you
measure your
progress? How
will you know
that you met
your goal?
I will track the
progress I make
towards by goal by:
Is it within your
power to
My goal is
attainable because:
Why is
achieving your
goal important
to you?
Achieving this goal
is important to me
How much time
do you have to
achieve your
My goal will be
achieved by?
By ___________, I will ____________________________________________________________________
I know I can achieve this goal because __________________________________________________
This goal is important because _______________________________________________________________
I will know I've met my goal when ________________________________________________________
The goals listed below are two vague. Look at how they have been transformed into a S.M.A.R.T.
Goal: I want to be a better student
I want to improve my overall GPA from 2.8 to 3.0.
I will pass all of my classes with at least a B+ or better.
I will meet with a tutor every week to help me focus on my weak areas.
I'd like to earn the Champions Incentive
I still have six weeks until midterms. This leaves me plenty of time to meet
with my teacher and decide if I need to take any additional steps.
Goal: I want to get good grades
I want to get an A- in Math
I will earn at least A- on all my final exams
I received a B+ last semester, even though I had 6 missing assignments. If I
complete all my assignments and receive high scores on them, I should be
able to meet my goal
I'd like to be able to receive scholarships for college.
I still have 8 weeks until midterms.