COLLEGE OF COMPUTER STUDIES CCS0021L (INFORMATION MANAGEMENT) [F3-FORMATIVE] Formative Assessment 3 EXERCISE 5 INTRODUCTION TO SQL Student Name / Group Name: Members (if Group): Name Medina, Don Carlo Miguel Neyra Section: BFM21 Professor: Mam Beth Sta. Ana I. Role PROGRAM OUTCOME/S (PO) ADDRESSED BY THE LABORATORY EXERCISE a. Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques and tools necessary for the IT profession. [PO: I] II. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOME/S (CLO) ADDRESSED BY THE LABORATORY EXERCISE • Create SQL statements that retrieve information requirements of the organization needed for reports generation. [CLO: 4] CCS0021L-Information Management Page 2 of 51 III. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME/S (ILO) OF THE LABORATORY EXERCISE At the end of this exercise, students must be able to: • • Understand SQL Developer to execute SQL Statement Explore the SQL Environment using SQL IV. BACKGROUND INFORMATION SQL ENVIRONMENT Catalog • A set of schemas that constitute the description of a database Schema • The structure that contains descriptions of objects created by a user (base tables, views, constraints) Data Definition Language (DDL) • Commands that define a database, including creating, altering, and dropping tables and establishing constraints Data Manipulation Language (DML) • Commands that maintain and query a database Data Control Language (DCL) • Commands that control a database, including administering privileges and committing data COMMANDS SQL LANGUAGE SELECT DATA MANIPULATION LANGUAGE (DML) INSERT UPDATE DELETE MERGE CCS0021L-Information Management Page 3 of 51 CREATE DATA DEFIINITION LANGUAGE (DDL) ALTER DROP RENAME TRUNCATE COMMENT GRANT DATA CONTROL LANGUAGE (DCL) REVOKE COMMIT TRANSACTION CONTROL ROLLBACK SAVEPOINT SQL DATA TYPES CCS0021L-Information Management Page 4 of 51 V. LABORATORY ACTIVITY How to Create an Autonomous Database Pre-requisite: You should have completed the sign-up process and can login to your Oracle cloud Account. In the main interface of the Oracle Cloud account, click on the hamburger icon on the upper left corner of the site. See Figure 18 CCS0021L-Information Management Page 5 of 51 Figure 18 Then click on Oracle Database, and click Autonomous Database. See Figure 19 Figure 19 CCS0021L-Information Management Page 6 of 51 3. Then click on Create Autonomous Database. See Figure 20. Figure 20 4. Then set the following settings (Figure 21) Compartment Name: Don’t change default settings here Display Name: Db1LastNameFirstName or you can name any name you like Database Name: Db1LastNameFirstName or you can name any name you like Choose a workload type: Transaction Processing Choose a deployment type: Shared Infrastructure CCS0021L-Information Management Page 7 of 51 Figure 21 5. Scroll Down. Then select the settings seen in Figure 22. Then on the Create administrator credentials part, write a password and confirm the password. Please take note of the passwords you are doing. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 8 of 51 Figure 22 6. Then scroll down. Choose the settings found in Figure 23. Then click Create Autonomous Database. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 9 of 51 Figure 23 7. You will be taken to this site. For now the status is Provisioning. Give it time to set up and load until the status becomes ‘Available’ or you can refresh the page. See Figure 24 and 25. CCS0021L-Information Management Figure 24 Page 10 of 51 Figure 25 CCS0021L-Information Management Page 11 of 51 How to Access Apex and Create a Database User and Workspace Pre requisite: You can access your Oracle Cloud account, and you have create an Autonomous Database (Please refer to the previous page) 1. On your Autonomous Database Details, click on the Tools tab 2. Then Click on Open Apex. 3. Then login to Administration Services by writing the password (this is the password you have chosen during creation of the Autonomous Database, Refer to figure 22). Then click on Sign In to Administration. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 12 of 51 4. Then Click on Create Workspace (If this is your first time). 5. Then create a Database User that will use the database. Write the password and workspace name. Please take note. Usually the Database User and the WorkSpace Name are the the same. Then click Create Workspace. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 13 of 51 6. Then it will take you to this site. To use the newly created database user, sign out of the administrator account by clicking the AD on the upper right corner. Then click Sign out. 7. Then click Return to Sign In page. 8. Then write the newly created workspace, username and password. Then click sign in. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 14 of 51 8. Now you have successfully accessed the APEX, created a database user and created a workspace. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 15 of 51 How to populate the workspace using the newly created database user Pre-requisite: You have successfully created a new database user and workspace 1. After logging in to the account of the database user. Click on the SQL Workshop down arrow 2. Click on SQL Scripts 3. Then click Upload 4. Click on Choose File and Find the hrcreate.txt file provided by your teacher. The Script name is optional. Then click upload. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 16 of 51 5. Then click on the Play button. 6. Then click run now 7. Then you should be getting this screen: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 17 of 51 Male sure it shows 25 statements processed, 26 Successful and 0 with Errors. 8. Click the SQL Workshop down arrow and choose Object Browser to see the tables created. 9. You should be seeing this below. In the object browser you will see different tables. They are Countries, Departments, Employees, Jobs, Job_history, Locations, and Regions. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 18 of 51 10. Repeat Steps 1-3 of ‘How to populate the workspace using the newly created database user’. Then upload the file hrpopulate.txt provided by your teacher. Click upload. 11. Then make sure you click the Play button of the hrpopulate.txt. 12. Then Click run now CCS0021L-Information Management Page 19 of 51 13. Make sure that these are the statements processed 14. Then go back to Object browser to see the result. 15. Open the departments table by clicking on it. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 20 of 51 16. Click on the Data tab 17. And you will see that the departments table has data on it because of hrpopulate script. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 21 of 51 QUESTION AND ANSWER 1. What is difference between SQL Developer and SQL *plus? SQL*plus is a command line tool, SQL Developer is a GUI interface to your DB. You can call SQL*PLUS from command line and easily execute scripts so it's simple to automate tasks. SQL Developer will display db content in a nice layout, allows you to edit data etc. SQL Plus is a command-line interface (CLI) tool that allows users to enter SQL commands and view the results. It is typically used by developers and database administrators to perform tasks such as creating and modifying database objects, running queries, and managing data. It is included as part of the Oracle Database installation and does not require a separate download. SQL Developer, on the other hand, is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool that provides a more user-friendly environment for working with an Oracle database. It allows users to perform many of the same tasks as SQL Plus, but with a more intuitive interface. SQL Developer also provides additional features such as a SQL editor with syntax highlighting and code completion, a data grid for viewing query results, and support for working with multiple databases. It is a separate download from the Oracle website and it's free. In summary, SQL Plus is a command-line tool for developers and DBAs to perform tasks with SQL command, SQL Developer is a GUI based tool for developers, DBAs and other users with more functionalities and user-friendly interface. I. REFERENCES • • Hoffer, Jeff (2016). Modern Database Management 12th edition. Pearson Education Limited Young, M. (2010). Oracle Data Modeling and Relational Database Design, Vol. 1 Student Guide, Oracle. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 22 of 51 EXERCISE 6 DATA DEFINITION LANGUAGE Student Name / Group Name: Members (if Group): Name Medina, Don Carlo Miguel Neyra Section: BFM21 Professor: Mam Beth Sta. Ana I. Role PROGRAM OUTCOME/S (PO) ADDRESSED BY THE LABORATORY EXERCISE b. Apply knowledge through the use of current techniques and tools necessary for the IT profession. [PO: I] II. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOME/S (CLO) ADDRESSED BY THE LABORATORY EXERCISE • Create SQL statements that retrieve information requirements of the organization needed for reports generation. [CLO: 4] CCS0021L-Information Management Page 23 of 51 III. INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME/S (ILO) OF THE LABORATORY EXERCISE At the end of this exercise, students must be able to: • Use SQL commands to manage tables • Establish referential integrity using IV. BACKGROUND INFORMATION • This statement is one of the DDL statements that are a subset of the SQL statements used to create, modify, or remove Oracle database structures. Syntax: CREATE TABLE [schema.]table (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [, …]); Constraints The Oracle server uses constraints to prevent invalid data entry into tables. You can use constraints to do the following: • Enforce rules on the data in a table whenever a row is inserted, updated, or deleted from that table. The constraint must be satisfied for the operation to succeed. • Prevent the deletion of a table if there are dependencies from other tables. • Provide rules for Oracle tools, such as Oracle Developer. Data Integrity Constraints Constraint Description NOT NULL Specifies that the column cannot contain a null value UNIQUE Specifies a column or combination of columns whose values must be unique for all rows in the table PRIMARY KEY Uniquely identifies each row of the table FOREIGN KEY Establishes and enforces a referential integrity between the column and a column of the referenced table such that values in one table match values in another table. Defining Constraints Syntax: CHECKCREATE TABLE [sc h Se mpae. c] t ai fbil ee s a condition that must be true (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [column_constraint], … [table_constraint] [, …]); • Column-level constraint syntax: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 24 of 51 Syntax: column [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] constraint_type, • Table-level constraint syntax: Syntax: column, … [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] constraint_type (column, …), Creating a Table Using a Subquery • Match the number of specified columns to the number of subquery columns. • Define columns with column names and default values. Syntax: CREATE TABLE table [(column, column…)] AS subquery; Read-Only Tables You can use the ALTER TABLE syntax to: • Put a table into read-only mode, which prevents DDL or DML changes during table maintenance • Put the table back into read/write mode Syntax: ALTER TABLE table READ ONLY; ALTER TABLE table READ WRITE; Dropping a Table • Moves a table to the recycle bin • Removes the table and all its data entirely if the PURGE clause is specified Syntax: DROP TABLE table [PURGE]; Inserting Data into the Table • With this syntax, only one row is inserted at a time Syntax: INSERT INTO table [(column [, column…])] VALUES (value [, value…]); • Copying rows from another table Syntax: INSERT INTO table [(column [, column…])] subquery; ALTER TABLE Statement Syntax: ALTER TABLE table ADD(column datatype [DEFAULT expr] CCS0021L-Information Management Page 25 of 51 [, column datatype]…); ALTER TABLE table MODIFY (column datatype [DEFAULT expr] [, column datatype]…); ALTER TABLE table DROP (column); Adding a Constraint Syntax: ALTER TABLE table ADD(CONSTRAINT constraint_name] type column_name; Dropping a Constraint Syntax: ALTER TABLE table DROP PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE (column) | CONSTRAINT constraint [CASCADE]; FLASHBACK TABLE Statement Syntax: FLASHBACK TABLE [schema.]table [, [schema.]table]… TO {TIMESTAMP | SCN} expr; CCS0021L-Information Management Page 26 of 51 V. GRADING SYSTEM / RUBRIC Criteria Creation of Tables (1-10 Changes made on the Tables Total CCS0021L-Information Management Descriptions Points All the tables in the ERD are properly made and complete The use of correct Data Definition Language to change the characteristics of the table are correct 100% 50 50 Page 27 of 51 VI. LABORATORY ACTIVITY DO THE FOLLOWING: How to connect SQL Developer to Oracle Cloud Account Pre-requisite: • You have the application SQL developer application. (To download please click on this site: Once downloaded, no need to install, find the sqldeveloper.exe and run it.) • You have an Oracle cloud account, you have a database user and workspace set up and you can access the administration account of your Cloud account. If you do not have these, please do the required steps before doing this. 1. The first thing to do is to get your Database Wallet. You will be needing this later in SQL developer. Login to your oracle cloud account and go to your autonomous database account. Click on the display name of your Autonomous Database. 2. Click on the DB Connection CCS0021L-Information Management Page 28 of 51 3. Choose Instance Wallet and click Download Wallet. 4. Write a password and confirm the password for this wallet. Make sure you remember the password because you will be needing it later in SQL developer. Then click Download Wallet. Make sure you know where you saved the wallet you have downloaded. 5. Then run SQL developer. This is the loading interface of Oracle SQL Developer. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 29 of 51 This is the interface of Oracle SQL developer. 6. Click the New Connection Icon (the green Plus icon) on the Connections pane. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 30 of 51 7. Write in the Name the name of the User or any name (this is just the label of your connection) , in this case its UserJohnSantos. Write the username and password of the database user. In this case its UserJohnSantos and its password 8. On the Connection Type choose: Cloud Wallet CCS0021L-Information Management Page 31 of 51 9. On the configuration file, click on Browse…Look for the cloud wallet you have downloaded earlier. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 32 of 51 10. Once the wallet is chosen, click on Test button 11. The status should be Success CCS0021L-Information Management Page 33 of 51 12. Then Click Save 13. You will be seeing it on the Connection Name part 14. Then click Connect. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 34 of 51 15. Its going to ask you to input your password again. Type it in and click Ok. 16. You will see in the Connections pane a plug icon, meaning your SQL developer has successfully connected to your Oracle Cloud account 17. We can verify it by clicking the + icon 18. Click on the + icon of the Tables (Filtered) 19. You will see the same tables you had in the Oracle Cloud. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 35 of 51 Given the Entity Relationship Diagram below both Logical and Relational Diagram: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 36 of 51 Create the tables given in the ERD using Oracle Cloud Account in your SQL developer. The attributes and the relationships are found on the diagrams For each number, copy the source code and paste it here together with the screenshot of the what the table looks like by its Columns 1. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the Customer table. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 37 of 51 2. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the Item table. 3. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the ItemProduct table. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 38 of 51 4. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the Orders table. 5. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the Product table. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 39 of 51 6. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the Requests table. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 40 of 51 7. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the Shipment table. 8. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the ShipmentItem table. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 41 of 51 9. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the Supplier table. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 42 of 51 10. Source code and screenshot of the table for creating the SupplierItem table. CCS0021L-Information Management Page 43 of 51 11. Write a DDL code the add new columns on the Customer table. The new column’s name are Address, Postal Code, Province, Zip Code. The new columns are all data type Vachar2(100). Copy and paste the source code and screenshot of the updated table below: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 44 of 51 12. Change the Quantity attribute to QTY in the item Table. Copy and paste the source code and screenshot of the updated table below: 13. Rename the following tables: ItemProduct to DetailsOfProduct ShipmentItem to ShipmentDetails SupplierItem to SuppliersInvoice Copy and paste the source code and screenshot of the updated table below: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 45 of 51 ShipmentDetails SuppliersInvoice DetailsOfProduct 14. Increase the number of characters on the attribute ProductCategory in the Product table. Increase it from 500 to 600. Copy and paste the source code and screenshot of the updated table below: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 46 of 51 15. Type in Commit on the worksheet, to save the changes made. Copy and paste the code below: 16. Create a new table. Name the table TempTable. Create two attributes of your own, one of the attributes is an identifier. Copy and paste the source code and screenshot of the updated table below: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 47 of 51 17. Delete the table TempTable. Copy the code you have used and take a screenshot of the your Recycle bin and paste it here: 18. Restore the table TempTable back to the Tables Schema. Copy and paste the source code and screenshot of the updated table below: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 48 of 51 19. Make the table TempTable to an uneditable table. Copy and paste the source code and screenshot of the updated table below: 20. Create a comment on the column Customerid of the Customer table. Copy and paste the code below: CCS0021L-Information Management Page 49 of 51 I. QUESTION AND ANSWER 1. What is the purpose of Data Definition Language in SQL? Data Definition Language (DDL) is used to create and modify the structure of objects in a database using predefined commands and a specific syntax. These database objects include tables, sequences, locations, aliases, schemas, and indexes. Data definition language (DDL) refers to the set of SQL commands that can create and manipulate the structures of a database. DDL statements are used to create, change, and remove objects including indexes, triggers, tables, and views. II. REFERENCES • Hoffer, J.A., Prescott, M.B., McFadden, F.R. (2007). Modern Database Management 8th Edition. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall CCS0021L-Information Management Page 50 of 51 CCS0021L-Information Management Page 51 of 51