MI NI STRYOFYOUTHEXAMANSWERS Q1 : Af t erbei ngr ecr ui t edasI CTex per tyouar et as kedbyt hePer manentSecr et ar y t ohel pdr af tanI CTmas t erpl anf ort heMi ni s t r yofYout h.Whatwoul dbeyour cons i der at i ons ?Whatwoul dyoubas eont os t r at egi z et heI CTact i vi t i esand i ni t i at i vesi nt hemi ni s t r y?6mar ks A1 : Ex ami neesmi ghtdet ai l ont hes t epst ogot hr oughi nor dert owr i t eapr oper I CTmas t erpl an, butt her es houl dbement i onofcons ul t i ngt heMi ni s t r ys t r at egi c pl anandt henat i onal NI CIpl an.I ti sal s oi mpor t antt oconductanI CTneeds as s es s mentandt ohavear ecor dofal l I CTas s et si nt hemi ni s t r yasas t r at egyt o devi s eas oundI CTmas t erpl an. Q2: Thei nt er neti scutof fi nt hewhol eofMi ni s t r yofYout handt hepr obl emcanbe i nt er nal aswel l asex t er nal t ot hemi ni s t r y.Howdoyoumet hodi cal l yaddr es st he i s s ue?Howdoyous ur el yl ocat et hes our ceoft hepr obl em?8mar ks A2: Ex ami neeswi l l needt oex pl ai nt hepos s i bl ei nt er nal pr obl ems , l i keDHCPs er ver r eachabi l i t yandf unct i oni ng, DNSs er verr eachabi l i t yandf unct i oni ng, def aul t gat ewayandNATdevi cer eachabi l i t yandf unct i oni ng.Ex t er nal pr obl emsmi ghtbe t her eachabi l i t ybet weent hei ns t i t ut i onandt hepr ovi deredger out er , r eachabi l i t y beyondt heI SPnet wor k, i s s uest odowi t ht hepubl i cDNS.Ex ami neeswi l l needt o ex pl ai nhoweachpr obl emi scheckeduponateachl evel . Q3: Apr i vat eI Tcompanywashi r edbyt heMi ni s t r yofYout handhasadvi s edt hem t ohaveadomai ncont r ol l erandanact i vedi r ect or yi ns t al l ed.Youar er equi r edt o ex pl ai nt hos et er mst ot hef i nancedi r ect orandt ot hepr ocur ementof f i cerand maket hemunder s t andt her el evanceofhavi ngt hems etupi nt hemi ni s t r y.8 mar ks A3: Ex ami neess houl dbeabl et odes cr i bet hedomai ncont r ol l erast hes er ver whi chi si ns t al l edt ocont r ol ever yus er ’ ss ecur i t yaut hent i cat i onandacces st ot he net wor kr es our ces( appl i cat i ons , pr i nt er s …)whi chcanbel ocat edt odi f f er ent s er ver s .Wi t has i ngl eus er nameandpas s wor dus er sar egr ant edl ogi nper mi s s i ons aswel l s peci f i cacces sr i ght st ocomput err es our ces .Theact i vedi r ect or ys houl d bedes cr i bedast hedat abas eordi r ect or ys t r uct ur es t or i ngdat aandi nf or mat i on aboutt hedomai nornet wor k.Theact i vedi r ect or yhol dsi nf or mat i onaboutus er account s , us ergr oups , comput er sandot herr es our cesands er vi cess uchas pr i nt er s , webmai l s er ver s …. .Theact i veDi r ect or yact sascent r al i z edand s t andar di z eds ys t emt hataut omat esnet wor kmanagementofus erdat a, s ecur i t y, andnet wor kr es our ces . ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 Q4: Youar er equi r edt oas s i s ti nt hedr af t i ngoft echni cal s peci f i cat i onsofl apt ops t obeacqui r edbyt heMi ni s t r yofYout h.Whatwoul dbeyourcons i der at i onswhen youdeci deont heRAMs i z e, pr oces s ors peed, andwei ghtoft hel apt opaswel l as t ypesandnumberofI / Opor t s ?8mar ks A4: Ex ami neesar eex pect edt oex pl ai nhowt hedeci s i onont heRAMs i z edepends ont hememor yr equi r ement soft heappl i cat i onst hathavet or unont hel apt ops . I mageandvi deoedi t i ngappl i cat i onsar ememor ygr eedy.Thepr oces s ors peed al s oi sdeci dedbyt het ypesandnumberofappl i cat i onswhi chhavet or unont he l apt ops .Thewei ghtoft hel apt opi si mpor t antwheni tcomest oi t sus age.I fi ti s mai nl yi nt endedf orof f i ceus e, i tcanaf f or dt owei ghmor e, buti fi thast obe car r i edf orwor ks hopspr es ent at i onandmeet i ngs , i thast obel i ght .Thet ypesand numberofI / Opor t sdependaswel l onwhatt hel apt opi si nt endedt oconnectt o. Ex ami neesneedt ot al kaboutt heneedofhavi ngUSBpor t s , Fi r ewi r epor t s ( I EEE1 394) , COMpor t s , VGApor t s , PCMCI A, Et her netpor t s .Somepor t sar e i ndi s pens abl el i keEt her netpor t sandUSBpor t s , butot her smayi ncr eas e unneces s ar i l yt hepr i ceoft hel apt opl i kei eee1 394por t s . Q5: Youwantt obr i ngi nacons ul t antt odes i gnaMI Ss ys t emf ort heMi ni s t r yof Yout h.Howdoyouex pl ai nt oyours uper i or swhati ti sandt heneedt ohaveonei n t hemi ni s t r y?6mar ks A5: MI Ss t andsf orManagementI nf or mat i onSys t em; i ti sas ys t emt hatpr ovi des i nf or mat i onneededt omanageor gani z at i onsef f ect i vel y.Commonl yMI Si sus ed t or ef ert ot hegr oupofi nf or mat i onmanagementmet hodst i edt ot heaut omat i on ors uppor tofhumandeci s i onmaki ng, e. g.Deci s i onSuppor tSys t ems , Ex per t s ys t ems , andEx ecut i vei nf or mat i ons ys t ems . Q6: Ther ei sagr owi ngt endencyt owar dsvoi ceanddat ai nt egr at i ons ol ut i ons . Whatdoesi tmean?Whatoppor t uni t i eswoul dt hi sr epr es entf ort heMi ni s t r yof Yout h?8mar ks Thet endencyi st oi mpl ementvoi cecommuni cat i onsovernet wor kspr evi ous l y dedi cat edt odat awi t hapr i mar ygoal ofr educi ngt hecos tands i mpl i f yi ngt he t echnol ogy.Ther ear emor eandmor ei mpl ement at i onsofconver gednet wor ks wher evoi ceanddat aar er unni ngoveracommoni nf r as t r uct ur e.As ucces s f ul s t or yi st heVOI P( Voi ceOverI P) , whi chi st het r ans f erofvoi cet r af f i coverpacket net wor ks .Ast hemi ni s t r yi s/ wi l l beconnect edt ot hef i berr i ngwi t hot herpubl i c i ns t i t ut i ons , t heus eofVOI Pwi l l s uppr es st heex pens esofphonecommuni cat i on wi t hi nt hegover nment Q7: AsI CTex per tf ort hemi ni s t r y, oneofyourmaj orr es pons i bi l i t i eswoul dbet o pr ovi des uppor tbyhandl i ngal l har dwar eands of t war ei s s ues .Ex pl ai nwhatyou ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page2 under s t andbyBI OSandhowi t ss et t i ngsar ei nvol vedi nt hegood/ badf unct i oni ng ofyourPC.6mar ks A7: BI OS( bas i ci nput / out puts ys t em)i st hepr ogr amaper s onal comput er ' s mi cr opr oces s orus est ogett hecomput ers ys t ems t ar t edaf t eryout ur ni ton.I t al s omanagesdat af l owbet weent hecomput er ' soper at i ngs ys t emandat t ached devi cess uchast hehar ddi s k, vi deoadapt er, keyboar d, mous e, andpr i nt er.Wi t h BI OS, youroper at i ngs ys t emandi t sappl i cat i onsar ef r eedf r omhavi ngt o under s t andex actdet ai l s( s uchashar dwar eaddr es s es )aboutt heat t ached i nput / out putdevi ces .Whendevi cedet ai l schange, onl yt heBI OSpr ogr amneedst o bechanged.Somet i mest hi schangecanbemadedur i ngyours ys t ems et up.I nany cas e, nei t heryouroper at i ngs ys t emnoranyappl i cat i onsyouus eneedt obe changed.Ex ami neesmayhavet ot al kaboutbas i cs et t i ngsl i keeacht i met hePC boot s , i tmos tl i kel yhast oaut odet ectanddet er mi newhats t or agedevi cesar e i ns t al l edont hes ys t em.Whi l et hi st akesonl yas econdort woonmos ts ys t ems , i f youdef i net hes es peci f i csr at hert hanus eaut odet ect i on, yourboot upwi l l bet hat muchqui cker .Theymayt al kaboutt hei mpor t anceofdi s abl i ngorenabl i ngs ome per i pher al devi ces .Aboutt hepowermanagementi nBI OSs et t i ngsandabout s ecur i t yopt i onsbei ngs eti nBI OS. Net wor k&Sys t emAdmi n_ 2 1 .Ex pl ai nhal fanddupl exmodewi t hr es pectt os wi t chesandhubs Dupl exonas wi t chorhubt el l showt wodevi cescant al kt oeachot her .Hal fDupl ex wi l l onl yal l owonedevi cet ocommuni cat eatat i me.Hal fDupl exi sl i keawal ki e t al k i e, i fs omeonei st aki ngnooneel s ecant al kunt i l t hef i r s tper s oni sf i ni s hed. Ful l dupl exal l owss omeonet os endandr ecei vei nf or mat i onatt hes amet i me.A hubal wayswor ksi nhal fdupl exasal l devi cess har et hes amebr oadcas tdomai n. Swi t chesyoucans et upi nhal forf ul l dupl exasneeded.Mos ti fnotal l s wi t ches comes et upi naut odupl ex , whi chwi l l negot i at eei t herf ul l orhal fdupl exwi t ht he devi cet hati spl uggedi nt oi t . 2.Whati sVLANandI NTERVLAN?Whydoweus et hes et echni ques ? VLAN( Vi r t ual Local Ar eaNet wor k)i sal ogi cal gr oupi ngofnet wor kus er sand r es our cesconnect edt oadmi ni s t r at i vel ydef i nedpor t sonas wi t ch.VLAN' sbr eak upbr oadcas tdomai nsi nl ayer2s wi t chnet wor k.Vi r t ual LANs( VLANs )di vi deone phys i cal net wor ki nt omul t i pl ebr oadcas tdomai ns .But , VLANenabl eds wi t ches cannotbyt hems el ves , f or war dt r af f i cacr os sVLANboundar i es .Soyouneedt o ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page3 haver out i ngbet weent hes eVLANswhi chi scal l edi nt er VLANr out i ng.Youcan achi evet hi sbyus i ngei t heraLayer3s wi t chorar out er . 3.Whati st hepur pos eofhavi ngDNS?HowdoesDNSwor k? I nTCP/ I Pnet wor keachandever ys ys t emont henet wor khasauni queI Paddr es s butwecannotr emembert heI Paddr es sofal l s owegi vet hemamemor abl ename. ADNS( Domai nNameSys t emorSer ver )s er vest hepur pos eoft r ans l at i ngt hi s memor abl enamet oI Paddr es ss ot hatt hecommuni cat i oncanhappen.DNSt he Domai nNameSer vi ceasyouwoul dknowi sus edt ohel pusr es ol veFul l yQual i f i ed Domai nNames( FQDN)t oI Paddr es s es .Ther ear edi f f er entver s i onsofDNS s ys t emsr unni ngal l overt heI nt er netmai nl yr angi ngbet weenWi ndows( whi chus e t heWi ndowsDNSs er ver )andLi nux / Uni x( us i ngBI NDDNSs er vi ces ) . ADNScl i ent" r es ol ves "anI Paddr es sbys endi ngas peci al l yf or mat t edr eques tt oa DNSs er ver .Thecl i enthast oknowt headdr es sofoneormor eDNSs er ver si n advance.Ther epl yf r omt hes er vermaybeadi r ectr epl ywi t ht heI Paddr es s as s oci at edwi t ht hehos t name, ar ef er r al t oanot herDNSs er ver , orar es pons e i ndi cat i ngt her eques t ednamecan' tbef oundi nDNS. Typi cal l y, t her eques twi l l as kt hes er vert o" r ecur s e" , i . e.i fi tcannotans wert he ques t i onf r omi t ' sownl ocal memor y, i ts houl dgoas kot hers er ver sonbehal fof t hecl i ent .Thi sbehavi orhel pst hel ocal s er verbui l dupi t ' sowncacheofaddr es s es f r equent l yl ookedup.Anot herf or mofquer yi scal l edi t er at i vequer y, wher eacl i ent machi nes endsr eques tt oaknownDNSs er ver , i ft hatDNSs er verf ai l t or es ol vet he domai nnamei nt oaI Pt hent hecl i ents endst her eques tt oanot herDNSandt hi s pr oces sgoesonandonunt i l i tgett her equi r edI Pr es ol ut i onbys endi ngs endi ng addr es sr es ol ut i onr eques tt oal l i t sknownDNS.I fever yknownDNSf ai l t ogi vet he I P, t hencl i entgoest ot her ootdomai n. 4.Whati st hedi f f er encebet weendomai n&wor kgr oup? Domai n: 1 )Cent r al i z edAdmi ni s t r at i on. 2)Secur i t yofDat a, Us er&Gr oups 3) Ser ver&Cl i ent sBas ed 4) Wi ndows2000&2003Ser verorAdvanceSuppor tForSer verConf i gur at i on 5) Fi l e, Fol der&Us er&Gr oupPer mi s s i onwecanas s i gn. Wor kgr oup: 1 )NoCent r al i z edAdmi ni s t r at i on. 2)Notmuchs ecur i t yf orDat a, Us er&Gr oups .( DependsonConf i gur at i on) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page4 3)NoSer ver&Cl i entMat t er . . Eachpcr eact sl i keaCl i entaswel l asSer ver . 4)Bas i cal l yWi ndows98&XPi sgoi ngt ous edi nCl i ent ss i de. 5)Wecanas s i gnper mi s s i ont odr i ves&f ol der&f i l esbutmuchs ecur i t yt han Domai n 5.Ex pl ai nandgi veadvant agesas s oci at edwi t ht hef ol l owi ngi nt er netacces s t echnol ogi es : ADSL WI MAX Fi beropt i c ADSL DSLus ess t andar dphonel i net opr ovi dehi ghs peedi nt er netacces s , i ti sl es s ex pens i ve.Wi t hDSLadi f f er entf r equencycanbeus edf ordi gi t al andanal og s i gnal swhi chmeansyoucant al kovert hephonewhi l eupl oadi ngdat a.ADSL ( As ymmet r i cDSL)i st hemos tcommon, i ti shasaf as t erdownl oadt hanupl oad s peed.ADSLus esonechannel f oranal ogPOTS, anot herchannel f orupl oadi ng dat aandanot heronef ordownl oadi ngdat a. WI MAX Wi MAX( Wor l dwi deI nt er oper abi l i t yf orMi cr owaveAcces s ) i sawi r el es sdi gi t al communi cat i onss ys t em, al s oknownasI EEE802. 1 6, t hati si nt endedf orwi r el es s " met r opol i t anar eanet wor ks " .Wi MAXcanpr ovi debr oadbandwi r el es sacces s ( BWA)upt o50kmf orf i x eds t at i ons , and5-1 5kmf ormobi l es t at i ons .I ncont r as t , t heWi Fi / 802. 1 1wi r el es sl ocal ar eanet wor ks t andar di sl i mi t edi nmos tcas est o onl y30-1 00m. Fi beropt i c Fi ber opt i ccommuni cat i oni samet hodoft r ans mi t t i ngi nf or mat i onf r omonepl ace t oanot herbys endi ngpul s esofl i ghtt hr oughanopt i cal f i ber .Thel i ghtf or msan el ect r omagnet i ccar r i erwavet hati smodul at edt ocar r yi nf or mat i on 6.Whati sVPNconnect i on?Howi si tachi eved? VPNsar eoneoft hemos tpopul armet hodsofr emot eacces s .Es s ent i al l yaVPN ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page5 ex t endsaLANbyes t abl i s hi ngar emot econnect i onus i ngapubl i cnet wor ks uchas i nt er net . AVPNpr ovi desapoi ntt opoi ntdedi cat edl i nkbet weent wopoi nt soverapubl i c net wor k.VPNencaps ul at esencr ypt eddat ai ns i deanot herdat agr amt hatcont ai ns r out i ngi nf or mat i on.Theencr ypt eddat ai sencaps ul at edi ns i det hePPPorI PSec pr ot ocol s . AVPNal l owsanyonewi t hani nt er netconnect i ont ous et hei nf r as t r uct ur eoft he publ i cnet wor kt odi al i nt ot hemai nnet wor kandacces sr es our cesasi fheors he wer el oggedont ot henet wor kl ocal l y.I tal s oal l owst wonet wor kst obes ecur el y connect ed.Onceconnect eddat acanbeex changedbet weennet wor ks , i nt hi sway VPNscr eat eWAN. 7.Ex pl ai npr ox ys er verandf i r ewal l asr egar dsnet wor ks ecur i t y Es s ent i al l yaf i r ewal l i sanappl i cat i on, devi ce, s ys t emoragr oupofs ys t emst hat cont r ol st hef l owoft r af f i cbet weent wonet wor ks .Themos tcommonus eofa f i r ewal l i st opr ot ectapr i vat enet wor kf r omapubl i cnet wor ks uchasi nt er net .To pr ot ectt henet wor k, t hr eemai nmet hodsar eus ed; packetf i l t er i ngf i r ewal l ( deal s wi t hpacket satdat al i nkl ayerandnet wor kl ayerus i ngI Paddr es s es , Pr ot ocol I D, Por tnumberandMACaddr es s ) , ci r cui tl evel f i r ewal l , andappl i cat i onl evel f i r ewal l ( pr ovi di nganys of t war ebas ednet wor kt r af f i ct hatat t empt st opas s t hr ought hem) Apr ox ys er verwhi chcanbeacomput erordedi cat edhar dwar edevi cer unni ng pr ox ys er vi ces of t war eact sasani nt er medi ar ybet weenaus eront hei nt er nal net wor kandas er vi ceonex t er nal net wor k, nor mal l yt hei nt er net, t hepr ox ys er ver t akesr eques t sf r omaus erandt henper f or mst hos er eques t sonbehal foft heus er. Tot heex t er nal s ys t emt her eques tl ooksasi tor i gi nat edf r omt hepr ox ys er vernot f r omt heus eront hei nt er nal net wor k.Reas onst oi mpl ementapr ox ys er verar e mai nl y, t oper f or mNATf unct i on, t oal l owi nt er netacces st obecont r ol l ed, and cachi ngofwebpages . 8.WhatI saMACAddr es s ?Howdoesi tdi f f erf r omaI Paddr es s ? MAC( Medi aAcces sCont r ol )addr es s esar egl obal l yuni queaddr es s edt hatar e wr i t t eni nt ohar dwar eatt het i meofmanuf act ur e.TheMACaddr es si sauni que val ueas s oci at edwi t hanet wor kadapt er .MACaddr es s esar eal s oknownas har dwar eaddr es s esorphys i cal addr es s es .Theyuni quel yi dent i f yanadapt erona LAN.MACaddr es s esar e1 2di gi thex adeci mal number s( 48bi t si nl engt h) . ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page6 Wher easMACaddr es s i ngwor ksatt hedat al i nkl ayer , I Paddr es s i ngf unct i onsat t henet wor kl ayer( l ayer3) .I t ' sas l i ghtover s i mpl i f i cat i on, butonecant hi nkofI P addr es s i ngass uppor t i ngt hes of t war ei mpl ement at i onandMACaddr es s esas s uppor t i ngt hehar dwar ei mpl ement at i onoft henet wor ks t ack.TheMACaddr es s gener al l yr emai nsf i x edandf ol l owst henet wor kdevi ce, butt heI Paddr es schanges ast henet wor kdevi cemovesf r omonenet wor kt oanot her . 9.Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenpubl i candpr i vat eI P? Apubl i cI Paddr es sal l owsequi pmentacces s i bl et oever yoneont hei nt er net .A pr i vat eI Paddr es si sf orpr i vat eus ewi t hi nt henet wor kandal l owsmanymor ePCs t obeconnect ed. 1 0. Def i ne Dat aencr ypt i on Publ i cKeyEncr ypt i on Di gi t al s i gnat ur es Dat aencr ypt i onens ur esdat as af et yandver yi mpor t antf orconf i dent i al orcr i t i cal dat a.I tpr ot ectdat af r ombei ngr ead, al t er edorf or gedwhi l et r ans mi s s i on. Publ i ckeyencr ypt i onus epubl i candpr i vat ekeyf orencr ypt i onanddecr ypt i on.I n t hi smechani s m, publ i ckeyi sus edt oencr yptmes s agesandonl yt he cor r es pondi ngpr i vat ekeycanbeus edt odecr yptt hem.Toencr yptames s age, a s enderhast oknowr eci pi ent ’ spubl i ckey. Di gi t al s i gnat ur ei sanat t achmentt oanel ect r oni cmes s ageus edf ors ecur i t y pur pos e.I ti sus edt over i f yt heaut hent i ci t yoft hes ender . 1 1 .Des cr i beEt her nett echnol ogy? Et her nett echnol ogyi sahi ghs peedbr oadcas tbust echnol ogy.I nt hi st ype, al l t he s t at i ons har esas i ngl eet herchannel andr ecei vesever ys i ngl et r ans mi t t eds i gnal . 1 2. Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenwebs er verandappl i cat i ons er ver ? AWebs er vercanbeei t heracomput erpr ogr amoracomput err unni ngapr ogr am t hati sr es pons i bl ef oraccept i ngHTTPr eques t sf r omcl i ent s , s er vi ngbackHTTP r es pons esal ongwi t hopt i onal dat acont ent s , whi chus ual l yar ewebpagess uchas ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page7 HTMLdocument sandl i nkedobj ect soni t .Anappl i cat i ons er veri st heki ndof s of t war eengi net hatwi l l del i vervar i ousappl i cat i onst oanot herdevi ce.I ti st he ki ndofcomput erf oundi nanof f i ceoruni ver s i t ynet wor kt hatal l owsever yonei n t henet wor kt or uns of t war eof foft hes amemachi ne. 1 3. Whati sdi f f er encebet weenI DE, SATAandSCSIhar ddi s k? Foryear st hepar al l el i nt er f acehasbeenwi del yus edi ns t or ages ys t ems .Theneed f ori ncr eas edbandwi dt handf l ex i bi l i t yi ns t or ages ys t emsmadet heSCSIandATA s t andar dsani nef f i ci entopt i on.Apar al l el i nt er f acei sachannel capabl eof t r ans f er r i ngdat ei npar al l el mode-t hati st r ans mi t t i ngmul t i pl ebi t ss i mul t aneous l y. Al mos tal l per s onal comput er scomewi t hatl eas tonepar al l el i nt er f ace.Common par al l el i nt er f acesi ncl udeSCSIandATA. SCSI ( s ku4z ē)Shor tf ors mal l comput ers ys t emi nt er f ace, apar al l el i nt er f aces t andar d us edbyAppl eMaci nt os hcomput er s , PCsandmanyUNI Xs ys t emsf orat t achi ng per i pher al devi cest ocomput er s .Near l yal l Appl eMaci nt os hcomput er s , ex cl udi ng onl yt heear l i es tMacsandt her ecenti Mac, comewi t haSCSIpor tf orat t achi ng devi cess uchasdi s kdr i vesandpr i nt er s .SCSIi nt er f acespr ovi def ordat a t r ans mi s s i onr at es( upt o80megabyt espers econd) .I naddi t i on, youcanat t ach mul t i pl edevi cest oas i ngl eSCSIpor t , s ot hatSCSIi sr eal l yanI / Obusr at hert han s i mpl yani nt er f ace. ATA ( Al s oknownasI DE)i sadi s kdr i vei mpl ement at i ont hati nt egr at est hecont r ol l eron t hedi s kdr i vei t s el f .ATAi sus edt oconnecthar ddi s kdr i ves , CDROMdr i vesand s i mi l arper i pher al sands uppor t s8/ 1 6bi ti nt er f acet hatt r ans f erupt o8. 3MB/ sf or ATA2andupt o1 00MB/ s ( ATA6) . So, whatdopar al l el i nt er f aceshavet odowi t hSAS( Ser i al At t achedSCSI )and SATA( Ser i al ATA) ?Al ot , act ual l y.I ti st hear chi t ect ur al l i mi t at i onsoft hepar al l el i nt er f acest hats er i al t echnol ogi esl i keSASandSATAaddr es s .I ncont r as tt o mul t i pl epar al l el dat as t r eam, dat ai st r ans mi t t eds er i al l y, t hati si nas i ngl es t eam, bywr appi ngmul t i pl ebi t si nt opacket sandi ti sabl et omovet hats i ngl es t r eam f as t ert hanpar al l el t echnol ogy. Ser i al At t achedSCSI( SAS) Abbr evi at edasSAS, Ser i al At t achedSCSI , anevol ut i onofpar al l el SCSIi nt oapoi nt t opoi nts er i al per i pher al i nt er f acei nwhi chcont r ol l er sar el i nkeddi r ect l yt odi s k ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page8 dr i ves .SASi saper f or mancei mpr ovementovert r adi t i onal SCSIbecaus eSAS enabl esmul t i pl edevi ces( upt o1 28)ofdi f f er ents i z esandt ypest obeconnect ed s i mul t aneous l ywi t ht hi nnerandl ongercabl es ; i t sf ul l dupl exs i gnal t r ans mi s s i on s uppor t s3. 0Gb/ s .I naddi t i on, SASdr i vescanbehot pl ugged. Ser i al ATA( SATA) Of t enabbr evi at edasSATA, Ser i al ATAi sanevol ut i onoft hePar al l el ATAphys i cal s t or agei nt er f ace.Ser i al ATAi sas er i al l i nk-as i ngl ecabl ewi t hami ni mumoff our wi r escr eat esapoi nt t opoi ntconnect i onbet weendevi ces .Tr ans f err at esf or Ser i al ATAbegi nat1 50MB/ s . St ar t i ngwi t hSATA, i tex t endst hecapabi l i t i esofATAandof f er st r ans f err at es s t ar t i ngat1 50MB/ sand, af t eryear sofdevel opment , hasmovedt ot hemai ns t r eam ofdi s ki nt er f aces .Thes ucces s ort heSCSIi nt er f acei sSASats peedsofupt o 3Gb/ s .Addi t i onal l y, i tal s oaddr es s espar al l el i nt er f acei s s uess uchasdr i ve addr es s abi l i t yandl i mi t at i onsont henumberofdevi ceperpor tconnect i on. SASdevi cescancommuni cat ewi t hbot hSATAandSCSIdevi ces( t hebackpl anes ofSASdevi cesar ei dent i cal t oSATAdevi ces ) .Akeydi f f er encebet weenSCSIand SASdevi cesi st headdi t i oni nSASdevi cesoft wodat apor t s , eachofwhi ch r es i desi nadi f f er entSASdomai n.Thi senabl escompl et ef ai l overr edundancy.I f onepat hf ai l s , t her ei ss t i l l communi cat i onal ongas epar at eandi ndependentpat h. Cabl es&Connect or s Anot herbi gadvant ageofSATAoverATAi st hecabl i ngandconnect or s .Thes er i al i nt er f acer educest heamountofwi r esneededt ot r ans mi tdat a, maki ngf ormuch s mal l ercabl es i z eandmaki ngi teas i ert or out eandi ns t al l SATAdevi ces .TheI DE cabl esus edi npar al l el ATAs ys t emsar ebul ki ert hanSer i al ATAcabl esandcan onl yex t endt o40cml ong, whi l eSer i al ATAcabl escanex t endupt oonemet er .I n addi t i ont ot hecabl i ng, anewdes i gnofconnect or si sal s ous edt hatr educest he amountofcr os s t al kbet weent hewi r es , andt heconnect ordes i gnal s opr ovi des eas i err out i ngandbet t erai rf l ow. TheBenef i t sofSAS&SATAi nSt or age Ser i al i nt er f acesof f erani mpr ovementoverol derpar al l el SCSI( wi t has er i al ver s i on)i ns t or ageappl i cat i onsandenvi r onment s .Thes ebenef i t si ncl udebet t er per f or mance, bet t ers cal abi l i t y, andal s obet t err el i abi l i t yast hepar al l el i nt er f aces ar eatt hei rl i mi t sofs peedwi t hr el i abl edat at r ans f er s .SASandSATAdr i vescan al s ooper at ei nt hes ameenvi r onmentwhi l eSCSIandATAcannot .Forex ampl e, us i ngf as t erSASdr i vesf orpr i mar ys t or ageandof f l oadi ngol derdat at ocheaper ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page9 SATAdi s ksi nt hes ames ubs ys t em, s omet hi ngt hatcoul dnotbeachi evedwi t h SCSIandATA. 1 4. Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenFTPandTFTP? TheTr i vi al Fi l eTr ans f erPr ot ocol ( TFTP)al l owsal ocal hos tt oobt ai nf i l esf r oma r emot ehos tbutdoesnotpr ovi der el i abi l i t yors ecur i t y.I tus est hef undament al packetdel i ver ys er vi cesof f er edbyUDP. TheFi l eTr ans f erPr ot ocol ( FTP)i st hes t andar dmechani s mpr ovi dedbyTCP/I P f orcopyi ngaf i l ef r omonehos tt oanot her .I tus est hes er vi cesof f er edbyTCPand s oi sr el i abl eands ecur e.I tes t abl i s hest woconnect i ons( vi r t ual ci r cui t s )bet ween t hehos t s , onef ordat at r ans f erandanot herf orcont r ol i nf or mat i on. 1 5. Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngt er ms : Webs i t e Subdomai ns Webhos t Awebs i t ei sas etofdocument spl acedonacomput ert hati sper manent l y connect edt ot heI nt er net .Whenyouas s oci at eadomai nname, l i ke t hes i t ewi z ar d. com, wi t ht hats etofdocument s , ot her scanvi ewt hembys i mpl y us i ngawebbr ows ert ogot ot hatdomai n Awebhos ti ss i mpl yt hecompanyt hatownst hecomput erwher eyoupl aceyour webs i t e.Youneedawebhos tbecaus eyourowncomput eri s n' tper manent l y connect edt ot heI nt er net .Eveni fi ti s( eg, becaus eyounevert ur nof fyour comput er ) , yourbr oadbandpr ovi derwi l l us ual l ynotal l owyout ohos tawebs i t e us i ngt hatconnect i on As ubdomai ni sadomai nt hati spar tofal ar gerdomai n, t heonl ydomai nt hati s n' t al s oas ubdomai ni st her ootdomai n.Forex ampl e, mai l . ex ampl e. comand cal endar . ex ampl e. comar es ubdomai nsoft heex ampl e. comdomai n, whi chi nt ur n i sas ubdomai noft hecomt opl evel domai n( TLD) . 1 6. Des cr i bet het womet hodsofacces s i ngemai l : webmai l andemai l cl i ent Ther ear ebas i cal l yt wodi f f er entwaysyoucanacces syouremai l : us eabr ows ert o ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 0 acces syouremai l ( W ebmai l )orus eaPCemai lcl i ent .Out l ook, Out l ookEx pr es s ( whi chi sf r eeandpr ei ns t al l edonWi ndowss ys t ems ) , andThunder bi r dar e ex ampl esofPCemai lcl i ent s.Emai l cl i ent smus tbedownl oadedandi ns t al l edas news of t war eonyourPC( unl es st heyar epr ei ns t al l ed) .Webmai l appl i cat i onss uch asGoogl eMai l ( GMai l ) , Yahoo!Mai l , Hot Mai l andot her sar et ypi cal l yof f er ed t hr oughhos t i ngs er vi cesorf r eeemai l s er vi ces . Youdonotdownl oadandi ns t al l Webmai l s ys t ems .Thes es er vi cespr ovi deaweb addr es swher eyoucans i gnupf oranemai l account , andt henl ogi nt oyouremai l accountt or et r i evemes s agesus i ngawebbr ows er . Whenyour ecei veanemai l f r oms omeone, i tar r i vesatt heemai l s er verr es pons i bl e f oraccept i ngands t or i ngemai l addr es s edt oyourdomai n( oryouremai l addr es s ) . I fyous i gnedupwi t hGmai l f orex ampl e, Googl ei sr es pons i bl ef oraccept i ngemai l addr es s edt oyouraccount .I fyouhaveawebs i t ehos t eds omewher eandhavea r el at edemai l addr es s , t hehos t i ngs er vi cei sr es pons bi l ef oraccept i ngemai l addr es s edt oyouraccount .Bei ngs omewhats i mi l art ot hewaygr oundmai l ar r i ves atapos tof f i ce, t heemai l mes s ages i t sont heemai l s er verunt i l yout el l i twhatt o dowi t ht hemes s age. Whenyouus ePCemai lcl i entsof t war e, youi ni t i al l yhavet os et upt heus er name, pas s wor d, emai l s er veri ncomi ngandemai l s er verout goi ngaddr es s esf ort he s of t war et oacces syouremai l s er verandr et r i evemes s ages .Whenyous t ar tup t hePCemai lcl i ent , youremai l mes s agesar edownl oaded( unl es syous peci f y ot her wi s e)andyoucanvi ew, f or war d, ordel et et hem.Ot herconf i gur at i onopt i ons al l owyout os ett het i mei nt er val t ocheckf ornewmes s agest hathavear r i ved, and r emovemes s agesf r omt heemai l s er veroncet heyhavebeendownl oaded.Yous et t hes eopt i onsi nyourPCEmai l Cl i ents of t war e. PCemai lcl i entsof t war epr ovi desaconf i gur at i onopt i ont odel et emes s agesf r om t heemai l s er verwhent heyar edownl oaded.Wheat heryouus et hi sopt i onornot , youwi l l wi ndupwi t hal ocal copyoft heemai l mes s ageonyourPC.Conf i gur i ng yourPCemai lcl i entt odel et emes s agesf r omt heemai l s er verpr event syouremai l accountf r omex ceedi ngi t squot a( andpos s i bl yhavi ngyouremai l accounts hut downunt i l your emovet hemes s ages ) . Us i ngWebmai lt ovi ewyouremai l doesnotdownl oadt hemes s agest oyourPC. I ns t ead, youar eus i nganemai l pr ogr amont hes er verdes i gnedf orvi ewi ng, r epl yi ng, del et i ng, ands endi ngemai l di r ect l yf r omt hemai l s er ver .Webmai l i snot des i gnedt obeapl acef ors avi ngors t or i ngemai l f orl ongper i odsoft i mebecaus e hos t i ngaccount sandf r eeemai l account shavemax i mumemai l s t or agel i mi t at i ons . 1 7. Asf araspr ogr ammi ngi sconcer nedwhati st hedi f f er encebet weencal l by ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 1 val ue, cal l byr ef er enceandcal l byaddr es s ? I ncal l byval ueacopyoft hear gumenti spas s edaspar amet er .Sot hecal l er met hodandt hecal l edmet hodar ewor ki ngondi f f er ents et sofdat a.Anychangei n onewi l l notaf f ectanot her .I ncal l byr ef er encet headdr es sofanar gumenti s pas s ed, s oanyki ndofmodi f i cat i oni nonewi l l ber ef l ect edi nt heot her .Cal l by addr es si ss ameascal l byr ef er ence. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 2 MULTI PLECHOI CES( / 20mar ks ) 1 .Whenacommuni cat i onpr obl emex i s t si nas har edEt her netnet wor k, a maj orwayt oel i mi nat et hel ar ges tvar i abl ei st o: ( 2mar ks ) A.Repl aceal lhubswi t hswi t ches B.Connectdi r ect l yt ot hes er verus i ngacr os s overcabl e C.Removenet wor kcabl esoneatat i meunt i l t hepr obl emgoesaway D.Reboott hes er ver sandt r yconnect i ngagai n 2.Whati st hef i r s toct etr angef oracl as sBI Paddr es s ?( 2mar ks ) A.1 271 91 B.128191 C.1 92223 D.1 1 27 E.1 28255 3.Twodevi cesonaLANar eunabl et ocommuni cat e.What2commonI P addr es s i ngpr obl emss houl dbei nves t i gat edf i r s t ?( 2mar ks ) E. Dupl i cat eI Paddr esseshavebeenassi gned F.I PXhasbeeni ns t al l edoverI P G.NoWI NSs er verhasbeendef i nedont henet wor k H.Thesubnetmaski smi sconf i gur ed I . Thecabl emi ghtbel oos e 4.Des cr i bet hebas i cconceptofNameRes ol ut i on.( 2mar ks ) A.Mapsacomput ernamet oanet wor k B.Mapsacomput ernamet oanMACaddr ess C.Mapsacomput ernamet oaWI NSaddr es s D.Pr ovi desamet hodofaut omat i cal l yas s i gni ngcomput ernames E.Pr ovi desamet hodofaut omat i cal l yas s i gni ngacomput ernameand I Paddr es s 5.Youremai l s er veri snotr ecei vi ngSMTPmai l , andyous us pectpr obl ems wi t hTCPpor t25.Whatut i l i t ys houl dbeus edt ot es tyours us pi ci ons ?( 2 mar ks ) A.PI NG B.TELNET C.TRACERT D.NETSTAT ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 3 E.NBTSTAT 6.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngs t andar dss uppor t scommuni cat i onupt o54Mbps ? ( 2mar ks ) A.802. 1 1 X B.802. 1 1 b C.802. 11g D.Bl uet oot h 7.Whi choft hef ol l owi ngi saval i dMACaddr es s ?( 2mar ks ) A.00D056F2B512 B.0063T64H7U78 C.0062DE6FD2 D.000622DE575EEA6 8.Yourpr i nt erappear st obehungandi snotpr i nt i ngj obss entt oi t .Youhave checkedt hepr i nt erandi t ’ sonl i neandhaspaper .Youhavepower edt he pr i nt erof fandbackont onoavai l .Whi cht r oubl es hoot i ngs t eps houl dyou t r ynex t ?( 2mar k) A.Del et eandr ei ns t al l t hepr i nt er B.Unpl ugt hepr i nt erf r omt hewal l out l et , andpl ugi tbacki n C.St opandr est ar tt hepr i nt erspool er D.Mapt hepr i nt ert oLPT2 9.Atwhi chOSIl ayerdoesas wi t choper at e?( 2mar k) A.Layer1 B.Layer2 C.Layer3 D.Layer4 1 0.Whi chi st hecommonnamef orwher ecus t omBI OSs et t i ngsar es t or ed?( 2mar k) A.BI OSmemor y B.CMOS C.CPU D.Har ddr i ve ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 4 Net wor k&Sys t emAdmi n_ 4 1 .Dr awt hef ol l owi ngnet wor kdi agr amus i ngt hei nf or mat i onbel ow: Iamus i ngt hef ol l owi ngI Ps[ Cl as sBpr i vat eI Ps , Publ i cI Ps( 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. 0/ 30) ] , I havet hef ol l owi ngs er ver s[ Ex changes er ver , DHCPs er ver , DNSs er ver ] , one wor ks t at i onandt hef ol l owi ngequi pment s[ Swi t ch, Rout er ] Dr awanet wor kdi agr amt oconnectt heabovedevi ces . As s i gnI Pst ot hes er ver sandr out eri nt er f aces As s i gnI P, s ubnetmas k, def aul tgat ewayandDNSt ot hewor ks t at i on Bywhi cht echni quewoul dyoumaket heEx changes er veravai l abl eon t hei nt er net ? . 2.Whati sAPI PA?Howwoul dyour ecogni zei t ? Aut omat i cPr i vat eI PAddr es s i ng, af eat ur eofMi cr os of tWi ndows , API PAi saDHCP f ai l overmechani s m.Wi t hAPI PA, DHCPcl i ent scanobt ai nI Paddr es s eswhen DHCPs er ver sar enonf unct i onal .API PAex i s t si nal l popul arver s i onsofWi ndows ex ceptWi ndowsNT. WhenaDHCPs er verf ai l s , API PAal l ocat esaddr es s esi nt hepr i vat er ange 1 69. 254. 0. 1t o1 69. 254. 255. 254.Cl i ent sver i f yt hei raddr es si suni queont heLAN us i ngARP.Whent heDHCPs er veri sagai nabl et os er vi cer eques t s , cl i ent supdat e t hei raddr es s esaut omat i cal l y. I nAPI PA, al l devi cesus et hedef aul tnet wor kmas k255. 255. 0. 0andal l r es i deon t hes ames ubnet .API PAi senabl edonal l DHCPcl i ent si nWi ndowsunl es st he comput er ' sRegi s t r yi smodi f i edt odi s abl ei t .API PAcanbeenabl edoni ndi vi dual net wor kadapt er s . 3.Whati sdi f f er encebet weenARPandRARP? Theaddr es sr es ol ut i onpr ot ocol ( ARP)i sus edt oas s oci at et he32bi tI Paddr es s wi t ht he48bi tphys i cal addr es s , us edbyahos torar out ert of i ndt hephys i cal addr es sofanot herhos toni t snet wor kbys endi ngaARPquer ypackett hat i ncl udest heI Paddr es soft her ecei ver . Ther ever s eaddr es sr es ol ut i onpr ot ocol ( RARP)al l owsahos tt odi s coveri t s I nt er netaddr es swheni tknowsonl yi t sphys i cal addr es s . ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 5 4.Whati st heI Pr angef ort hef ol l owi ngnet wor kI D: 1 92. 1 1 5. 1 03. 64/ 27? Thes ubnetmas ki s255. 255. 255. 224 Fi r s tI P: 1 92. 1 1 5. 1 03. 65, Las tI P: 1 92. 1 1 5. 1 03. 94, Br oadcas tI P: 1 92. 1 1 5. 1 03. 95 5.Youneedatl eas t500hos t spernet wor k, wi t ht hef ol l owi ngnet wor kI D: 1 31 . 1 1 2. 0. 0. Howmanynet wor kscanyoucr eat e?Whats ubnetmas kwi l l youus e? Subnetmas k: 255. 255. 254. 0 Numberofs ubnet s : 1 26 Numberofhos t spers ubnet : 51 0 6.Whati saCl as sDI Paddr es s ? Cl as sDI PAddr es si sus edi nI nt er netPr ot ocol ver s i on4( I Pv4) , Cl as sDaddr es s es ar er es er vedf ormul t i cas tappl i cat i onsonl y.Cl as sDI Paddr es s esbegi nwi t ha bi nar y1 1 1 0.Thes t ar tI P: 224. 0. 0. 0andt heendI P: 239. 255. 255. 255 7.Whati sTCPorUDPpor t ?Gi veanexampl eof3knownpor t s A` ` por t ' ' i s` ` vi r t ual s l ot ' ' i nyourTCPandUDPs t ackt hati sus edt omapa connect i onbet weent wohos t s , andal s obet weent heTCP/ UDPl ayerandt he act ual appl i cat i onsr unni ngont hehos t s .Theyar enumber ed065535, wi t ht he r ange01 023bei ngmar kedas` ` r es er ved' ' or` ` pr i vi l eged' ' , andt her es t( 1 02465535) as` ` dynami c' ' or` ` unpr i vi l eged' ' . HTTP( TCPpor t80) , Tel net( TCPpor t23) , DNS( UDPands omet i mesTCPpor t53) 8.Expl ai nNATandt headvant agesofus i ngi t . NATi ss hor tf orNet wor kAddr es sTr ans l at i on.I nanut s hel l , NATal l owsagr oupof comput er st ous eas i ngl eI Paddr es st ocommuni cat ewi t ht heout s i dewor l dor anot hernet wor k.Addi t i onal l yi ts epar at esEx t er nal I Paddr es s esf r omi nt er nal net wor kI Paddr es s es . Adevi ceorpr ogr amus i ngNATs i t sbet weent heI nt er netandt henet wor k.I t r ewr i t esI Paddr es s esandpor tnumber sont hef l ys oever ypacket sappear st obe comi ngf r om( orgoi ngt o)t hes i ngl eI Paddr es soft heNATdevi cei ns t eadoft he act ual s our ceordes t i nat i on.Thi sal l owsmor et hanones ys t emt oacces st he I nt er netatt hes amet i me, andi tal l owsameas ur eofs af et yast heout s i des i t e nevers eest hei nt er nal I Paddr es sf ort hes ys t emi t ' ss endi ngt o.I nt hi sway, NAT al s oact sasas i mpl ef i r ewal l . ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 6 9.Whats et sofI Psaddr es s esatyourdi s pos al t hatyoucanas s i gnt o machi nesonapr i vat enet wor k? 1 0. 0. 0. 0-1 0. 255. 255. 255 1 72. 1 6. 0. 0-1 72. 31 . 255. 255 1 92. 1 68. 0. 0-1 92. 1 68. 255. 255 Net wor k&Sys t emAdmi n_ 7 1 8.Whati st hepur pos eofhavi ngDNS?HowdoesDNSwor k? / 1 0mar ks I nTCP/ I Pnet wor keachandever ysyst emont henet wor khasauni queI Paddr ess butwecannotr emembert heI Paddr essofal lsowegi vet hemamemor abl ename. ADNS( Domai nNameSyst emorSer ver )ser vest hepur poseoft r ansl at i ngt hi s memor abl enamet oI Paddr esssot hatt hecommuni cat i oncanhappen.DNSt he Domai nNameSer vi ceasyouwoul dknowi susedt ohel pusr esol veFul l yQual i f i ed Domai nNames( FQDN)t oI Paddr esses.Ther ear edi f f er entver si onsofDNS syst emsr unni ngal lovert heI nt er netmai nl yr angi ngbet weenWi ndows( whi chuse t heWi ndowsDNSser ver )andLi nux/ Uni x( usi ngBI NDDNSser vi ces) . ADNScl i ent" r esol ves"anI Paddr essbysendi ngaspeci al l yf or mat t edr equestt oa DNSser ver .Thecl i enthast oknowt headdr essofoneormor eDNSser ver si n advance.Ther epl yf r omt heser vermaybeadi r ectr epl ywi t ht heI Paddr ess associ at edwi t ht hehost name, ar ef er r alt oanot herDNSser ver , orar esponse i ndi cat i ngt her equest ednamecan' tbef oundi nDNS. Typi cal l y, t her equestwi l laskt heser vert o" r ecur se" , i . e.i fi tcannotanswert he quest i onf r omi t ' sownl ocalmemor y, i tshoul dgoaskot herser ver sonbehal fof t hecl i ent .Thi sbehavi orhel pst hel ocalser verbui l dupi t ' sowncacheofaddr esses f r equent l yl ookedup.Anot herf or mofquer yi scal l edi t er at i vequer y, wher eacl i ent machi nesendsr equestt oaknownDNSser ver, i ft hatDNSser verf ai lt or esol ve t hedomai nnamei nt oaI Pt hent hecl i entsendst her equestt oanot herDNSand t hi spr ocessgoesonandonunt i li tgett her equi r edI Pr esol ut i onbysendi ng sendi ngaddr essr esol ut i onr equestt oal li t sknownDNS. I fever yknownDNSf ai lt o gi vet heI P, t hencl i entgoest ot her ootdomai n. 1 9.Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngt er ms : / 9mar ks Webs i t e Subdomai ns Webhos t ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 7 Awebsi t ei sasetofdocument spl acedonacomput ert hati sper manent l y connect edt ot heI nt er net .Whenyouassoci at eadomai nname, l i ke t hesi t ewi zar d. com, wi t ht hatsetofdocument s, ot her scanvi ewt hembysi mpl y usi ngawebbr owsert ogot ot hatdomai n Awebhosti ssi mpl yt hecompanyt hatownst hecomput erwher eyoupl aceyour websi t e.Youneedawebhostbecauseyourowncomput eri sn' tper manent l y connect edt ot heI nt er net .Eveni fi ti s( eg, becauseyounevert ur nof fyour comput er ) , yourbr oadbandpr ovi derwi l lusual l ynotal l owyout ohostawebsi t e usi ngt hatconnect i on Asubdomai ni sadomai nt hati spar tofal ar gerdomai n, t heonl ydomai nt hati sn' t al soasubdomai ni st her ootdomai n.Forexampl e, mai l . exampl e. comand cal endar . exampl e. comar esubdomai nsoft heexampl e. comdomai n, whi chi nt ur n i sasubdomai noft hecomt opl eveldomai n( TLD) . 20.Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenwebs er verandappl i cat i ons er ver ? / 8mar k s AWebser vercanbeei t heracomput erpr ogr amoracomput err unni ngapr ogr am t hati sr esponsi bl ef oraccept i ngHTTPr equest sf r omcl i ent s, ser vi ngbackHTTP r esponsesal ongwi t hopt i onaldat acont ent s, whi chusual l yar ewebpagessuchas HTMLdocument sandl i nkedobj ect soni t .Anappl i cat i onser veri st heki ndof sof t war eengi net hatwi l ldel i vervar i ousappl i cat i onst oanot herdevi ce.I ti st he ki ndofcomput erf oundi nanof f i ceoruni ver si t ynet wor kt hatal l owsever yonei n t henet wor kt or unsof t war eof foft hesamemachi ne. 21 .Whati sVPNconnect i on?Howi si tachi eved? / 8mar ks VPNsar eoneoft hemostpopul armet hodsofr emot eaccess.Essent i al l yaVPN ext endsaLANbyest abl i shi ngar emot econnect i onusi ngapubl i cnet wor ksuchas i nt er net . AVPNal l owsanyonewi t hani nt er netconnect i ont ouset hei nf r ast r uct ur eoft he publ i cnet wor kt odi ali nt ot hemai nnet wor kandaccessr esour cesasi fheorshe wer el oggedont ot henet wor kl ocal l y.I tal soal l owst wonet wor kst obesecur el y connect ed.Onceconnect eddat acanbeexchangedbet weennet wor ks, i nt hi sway VPNscr eat eWAN. AVPNpr ovi desapoi ntt opoi ntdedi cat edl i nkbet weent wopoi nt soverapubl i c net wor k.VPNencapsul at esencr ypt eddat ai nsi deanot herdat agr amt hatcont ai ns r out i ngi nf or mat i on.Theencr ypt eddat ai sencapsul at edi nsi det hePPPorI PSec pr ot ocol s. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 8 22.Ex pl ai npr ox ys er verandf i r ewal l asr egar dsnet wor ks ecur i t y/ 8mar ks Essent i al l yaf i r ewal li sanappl i cat i on, devi ce, syst emoragr oupofsyst emst hat cont r ol st hef l owoft r af f i cbet weent wonet wor ks.Themostcommonuseofa f i r ewal li st opr ot ectapr i vat enet wor kf r omapubl i cnet wor ksuchasi nt er net .To pr ot ectt henet wor k, t hr eemai nmet hodsar eused; packetf i l t er i ngf i r ewal l( deal s wi t hpacket satdat al i nkl ayerandnet wor kl ayerusi ngI Paddr esses, Pr ot ocolI D, Por tnumberandMACaddr ess) , ci r cui tl evelf i r ewal l , andappl i cat i onl evel f i r ewal l ( pr ovi di nganysof t war ebasednet wor kt r af f i ct hatat t empt st opass t hr ought hem) Apr oxyser verwhi chcanbeacomput erordedi cat edhar dwar edevi cer unni ng pr oxyser vi cesof t war eact sasani nt er medi ar ybet weenauseront hei nt er nal net wor kandaser vi ceonext er nalnet wor k, nor mal l yt hei nt er net, t hepr oxyser ver t akesr equest sf r omauserandt henper f or mst hoser equest sonbehal foft heuser. Tot heext er nalsyst emt her equestl ooksasi tor i gi nat edf r omt hepr oxyser vernot f r omt heuseront hei nt er nalnet wor k.Reasonst oi mpl ementapr oxyser verar e mai nl y, t oper f or mNATf unct i on, t oal l owi nt er netaccesst obecont r ol l ed, and cachi ngofwebpages. 23.WhatI saMACAddr es s ?Howdoesi tdi f f erf r omanI Paddr es s ?/ 5mar ks MAC( Medi aAccessCont r ol )addr essesar egl obal l yuni queaddr essedt hatar e wr i t t eni nt ohar dwar eatt het i meofmanuf act ur e.TheMACaddr essi sauni que val ueassoci at edwi t hanet wor kadapt er .MACaddr essesar eal soknownas har dwar eaddr essesorphysi caladdr esses.Theyuni quel yi dent i f yanadapt erona LAN.MACaddr essesar e12di gi thexadeci malnumber s( 48bi t si nl engt h) . Wher easMACaddr essi ngwor ksatt hedat al i nkl ayer , I Paddr essi ngf unct i onsat t henet wor kl ayer( l ayer3) .I t ' sasl i ghtover si mpl i f i cat i on, butonecant hi nkofI P addr essi ngassuppor t i ngt hesof t war ei mpl ement at i onandMACaddr essesas suppor t i ngt hehar dwar ei mpl ement at i onoft henet wor kst ack.TheMACaddr ess gener al l yr emai nsf i xedandf ol l owst henet wor kdevi ce, butt heI Paddr esschanges ast henet wor kdevi cemovesf r omonenet wor kt oanot her . 24.Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenpubl i candpr i vat eI P? / 5mar ks Apubl i cI Paddr essal l owsequi pmentaccessi bl et oever yoneont hei nt er net .A pr i vat eI Paddr essi sf orpr i vat eusewi t hi nt henet wor kandal l owsmanymor ePCs t obeconnect ed. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page1 9 Goodl uck! Net wor k&Sys t emAdmi n_ 1 ANSWERS Ques t i on1[ 7mar ks ] Gi veabr i efdes cr i pt i onofOSIr ef er encemodel andex pl ai ni t sval uet odat a communi cat i oni ndus t r y. Ans wer Theex ami neewi l l get4mar ksf ort al ki ngaboutt hel ayer edar chi t ect ur e, s t at i ng t hes evenl ayer s( Phys i cal , Dat aLi nk, Net wor k, Tr ans por t , Ses s i on, Pr es ent at i on, andAppl i cat i on)andgi vi ngateachl evel t hemai nf unct i on Phys i cal ( Movesbi t sbet weendevi ces, Speci f i esvol t age, wi r espeedandpi noutof cabl es) Dat al i nk( Combi nespacket si nt obyt esandbyt esi nt of r ames, Pr ovi desaccesst o medi ausi ngMACaddr ess, Per f or mser r ordet ect i onnotcor r ect i on) Net wor k( Pr ovi desl ogi caladdr essi ngusedf orpat hdet er mi nat i on) Tr ans por t( Pr ovi desr el i abl eorunr el i abl edel i ver y, Per f or mser r orcor r ect i onbef or e r et r ansmi t ) Ses s i on( Keepsdi f f er entappl i cat i ons’ dat asepar at e) Pr es ent at i on( Pr esent sdat a, Handl espr ocessi ngsuchasencr ypt i on) Appl i cat i on( Pr ovi desauseri nt er f ace) Theex ami neewi l l get3mar ksf orex pl ai ni ngt headvant agesofOSImodel : Di vi dest henet wor kcommuni cat i onpr ocessi nt osmal l erandsi mpl ercomponent s Al l owsmul t i pl evendordevel opmentt hr oughst andar di zat i onofnet wor k component s Encour agesi ndust r yst andar di zat i onbydef i ni ngwhatf unct i onsoccurateach l ayerof ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page20 t hemodel Al l owsvar i oust ypesofnet wor khar dwar eandsof t war et ocommuni cat e Pr event schangesi nonel ayerf r omaf f ect i ngot herl ayer s, soi tdoesnothamper Ques t i on2[ 5mar ks ] Whatdoyouunder s t andbyVoi ce/ Dat ai nt egr at i on?Whydoest het echnol ogy accel er at er api dl y?Whati si t smai nl i mi t at i on? Ans wer Theex ami neewi l l get5mar ksf orex pl ai ni ngt hepr oces saspi pi ngvoi ceanddat at hr ough as amenet wor k( I Pnet wor k )orwhati scommonl yknownasConver gence.Thi si mpl i es: Att het r anspor tl evel , dat anet wor ksal socar r yi ngvoi ce, vi deo, andi mages. Att heuser i nt er f acel evel , PCsbecomi ngt el ephonesandmobi l ephonesbecomi ng devi cest hatcanbr owset heWebandsendEmai l . Att hei nf r ast r uct ur el evel , PBXsandot herphoneswi t chesbei ngr epl acedoraugment ed byser ver s. Thet echnol ogyaccel er at esr api dl ybecaus e Compani eshopet ol owert hei rcommuni cat i onscos t sbypumpi ngvoi cet r af f i ct hr ough t heunus eds pacei ndat anet wor ksf ora" f r eer i de. " Managi ngands uppor t i ngone" conver ged"net wor ki smucheas i ert hanmanagi ngt woor t hr ee. Compani escr eat enet wor kedmul t i medi aappl i cat i onst hatcant i et oget herempl oyees , i nt er nal pr oces s es , andex t er nal par t ner si nmor epr oduct i veways( Webi nt egr at edcal l cent er s , mul t i medi aconf er enci ng, uni f i edmes s agi ng…) Themai nl i mi t at i oni st her el i abi l i t yoft heI Pnet wor kedvoi cecommuni cat i on Ques t i on3[ 1 8mar ks ] Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngconcept s : ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page21 Et her net VPN VLAN SSH GSM WI MAX CDMA Rout i ngpr ot ocol Rout edpr ot ocol Ans wer Theex ami neewi l l get2mar ksf oreachcor r ectans wer Et her net : Fr amebas edcomput ernet wor ki ngt echnol ogyf orLAN, s t andar di z edasI EEE 802. 3, def i neswi r i ngands i gnal i ngs t andar dsf ort hePhys i cal Layeroft heOSIr ef er ence model VPN:Avi r t ual pr i vat enet wor k( VPN)i sanet wor kt hatus esapubl i ct el ecommuni cat i on i nf r as t r uct ur e, s uchast heI nt er net , t opr ovi der emot eof f i cesori ndi vi dual us er swi t h s ecur eacces st ot hei ror gani z at i on' snet wor k . VLAN:Avi r t ual LANi sagr oupofhos t swi t hacommons etofr equi r ement st hat communi cat easi ft heywer eat t achedt ot heBr oadcas tdomai n, r egar dl es soft hei r phys i cal l ocat i on.AVLANhast hes ameat t r i but esasaphys i cal LAN, buti tal l owsf orend s t at i onst obegr oupedt oget hereveni ft heyar enotl ocat edont hes amenet wor ks wi t ch. Net wor kr econf i gur at i oncanbedonet hr oughs of t war ei ns t eadofphys i cal l yr el ocat i ng devi ces . SSH:Secur eShel l orSSHi sanet wor kpr ot ocol t hatal l owsdat at obeex changedus i nga s ecur echannel bet weent wonet wor keddevi ces . GSM:Gl obal Sys t emf orMobi l ecommuni cat i onsi st hemos tpopul ars t andar df ormobi l e phonesi nt hewor l d.GSMdi f f er sf r omi t spr edeces s or si nt hatbot hs i gnal i ngands peech channel sar edi gi t al , andt husi scons i der edas econdgener at i on( 2G)mobi l ephones ys t em. Thi shasal s omeantt hatdat acommuni cat i onwaseas yt obui l di nt ot hes ys t em. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page22 WI MAX:Wor l dwi deI nt er oper abi l i t yf orMi cr owaveAccessi sat el ecommuni cat i ons t echnol ogyt hatpr ovi deswi r el es st r ans mi s s i onofdat a.Thet echnol ogyi sbas edont he I EEE802. 1 6s t andar d( al s ocal l edBr oadbandWi r el es sAcces s ) .I tenabl esdel i ver yofl as t mi l ewi r el es sbr oadbandacces sasanal t er nat i vet ocabl eandDSL CDMA:Codedi vi s i onmul t i pl eacces s( CDMA)i sachannel acces smet hodut i l i z edby var i ousr adi ocommuni cat i ont echnol ogi es .CDMAempl oyss pr eads pect r umt echnol ogy andas peci al codi ngs cheme( wher eeacht r ans mi t t eri sas s i gnedacode)t oal l owmul t i pl e us er st obemul t i pl ex edovert hes amephys i cal channel . Rout edpr ot ocol :Ar out edpr ot ocol canber out edbyar out er( meani ngt hati tcanbe f or war dedf r omoner out ert oanot her )Ar out edpr ot ocol cont ai nst hedat ael ement s r equi r edf orapackett obes entout s i deofi t shos tnet wor ks egment .Ex : I P Rout i ngpr ot ocol :Ar out i ngpr ot ocol s endsandr ecei vesr out i ngi nf or mat i onpacket st o andf r omot herr out er s .Ex : RI P Ques t i on4[ 6mar ks ] Di s cus swhatwoul dbeyourcons i der at i onswhi l echoos i ngamongs tWAN t echnol ogi esanddes cr i beanyt woWANt echnol ogi escur r ent l yi nus ei nRwanda. Ans wer Theex ami neewi l l get2mar ksf orex pl ai ni ngt hechoi ceofappr opr i at eWANt echnol ogy whi chi sbas edon: Level ofqual i t yofs er vi ceands ecur i t yof f er edbyt hechos ent echnol ogy Tot al cos tofnet wor kowner s hi pdependi ngont hechos ent echnol ogy Cos tofmember s hi p, mai nt enanceands uppor tdependi ngont hechos en t echnol ogy Bandwi dt hof f er edbyt het echnol ogyandi t smanagement ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page23 Theex ami neewi l l get2mar ksf oreacht echnol ogydes cr i bed Leasedl i nes:Rent i ngdedi cat edl i nesbet weeneach2connect ednodesont heWAN Fr ameRel ay:Fr ameRel ayNet wor ks er vi cesdel i verper manentvi r t ual ci r cui t smaki ng cus t omer sbenef i tf r omwhatl ooksl i keacont i nuous , dedi cat edconnect i onwi t houthavi ng t opayf oraf ul l t i mel eas edl i ne. ATM:Asynchr onousTr ans f erModeadedi cat edconnect i ons wi t chi ngt echnol ogy combi ni ngcons i s t encyi nbandwi dt handdel aywi t ht hef l ex i bi l i t yofpackets wi t chi ng. I PMPLS:( I nt er netPr ot ocol Mul t i Pr ot ocol Label Swi t chi ng)i sas t andar ds bas ed t echnol ogyt hati mpr ovesnet wor kdat af l owwhi l eatt hes amet i mer educi ngt he i nf r as t r uct ur emanagementover head.MPLSs et supas peci f i cpat hf ordat apacket s , enabl edbyal abel i ncor por at edi nt oeachpacket . I PbasedVPN:Tunnel i ngdat aacr os st heI nt er netbet weenconnect ednodes Ques t i on5[ 5mar ks ] Ex pl ai nt heFFDIs t andar di nnet wor ki ngandgi vei t smaj oradvant agesoverot her s i mi l ars t andar ds Ans wer Theex ami neewi l l get5mar ksf ordes cr i bi ngt heFDDIs t andar d Fi berdi s t r i but eddat ai nt er f ace( FDDI )pr ovi desas t andar df ordat at r ans mi s s i oni nal ocal ar eanet wor k Asas t andar dunder l yi ngmedi umi tus esopt i cal f i berandus esadual at t ached, count er r ot at i ngt okenr i ngt opol ogy. I tcanex t endi t sr angeupt o200Km, I ts uppor t sdat ar at eof1 00Mbpsandcangoupt o 200Mbps Ques t i on6[ 1 5mar ks ] Theex ami neewi l l get5mar ksf ori dent i f yi ngs ubnet wor ksandnodest or ecei veI P addr es s es 1 . Pc6Rout er 1( 2I Ps ) 2. Rout er 1 Rout er 2( 2I Ps ) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page24 3.Pc5Rout er 2( 2I Ps ) 4.Rout er 2Rout er 3–Pc4Pc3Pc2–Rout er 4( 6I Ps ) 5. Rout er 3Pc1 6.Rout er 4I SP( I nt er netSer vi cePr ovi der )( 2I Ps ) Theex ami neewi l l get1 0mar ksf ors ubnet t i ngt henet wor k1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 0/ 26andas s i gni ng I Pst oi nt er f aces Subnet 1 : Rout er 2Rout er 3–Pc4Pc3Pc2–Rout er 4( 6I Ps ) Rout er 2: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 / 29 Rout er 3: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 2/ 29 Rout er4: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 3/ 29 Pc4: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 4/ 29 Pc3: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 5/ 29 Pc2: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 6/ 29 Subnet 2: Pc6Rout er 1( 2I Ps ) Rout er 1 : 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 9/ 30 Pc6: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 0/ 30 Subnet 3: Rout er 1 Rout er 2( 2I Ps ) Rout er 1 : 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 3/ 30 Rout er 2: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 4/ 30 Subnet4:Pc5Rout er 2( 2I Ps ) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page25 Rout er 2: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 7/ 30 Pc5: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 1 8/ 30 Subnet 5: Rout er 3Pc1( 2I Ps ) Rout er 3: 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 21/ 30 Pc1 : 1 0. 1 0. 1 0. 22/ 30 Subnet 6: Rout er 4I SP( I nt er netSer vi cePr ovi der )( 2I Ps ) I SP: 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. 1/ 30 Rout er 4: 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. 2/ 30 St or age_ 1 1 .Di f f er ent i at ebet weenRAMandROM? RAM: Read/Wr i t ememor y, Hi ghSpeed, Vol at i l eMemor y. ROM: Readonl ymemor y, LowSpeed, NonVol at i l eMemor y. 2.Def i ne: Snaps hot : As naps hotofdat aobj ectcont ai nsani mageofdat aatapar t i cul ar poi ntoft i me. Hot Spar i ng: As par edevi cei savai l abl et obei ns er t edi nt ot hes ubs ys t em oper at i onwi t houthavi ngt or emoveandr epl aceadevi ce. Hot s wappi ng: Devi cesar eal l owedt ober emovedandi ns er t edi nt oas ys t em wi t houtt ur ni ngof ft hes ys t em. 3.Def i neSCSI ?Whatar et headvant agesofSCSIcompar edt oATAorI DE? ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page26 SCSI( Smal l Comput erSys t emI nt er f ace) SCSIcont r ol l ercar dal l owsupt of i f t eenSCSIdevi cest obeat t achedt ot he comput er TheSCSIcont r ol l erwi l l t akeuponl yas i ngl eI RQ. Readi ngandwr i t i ngoper at i onst oandf r omI DEorATAhar ddr i vest akeupmor eof CPU' sr es our cest hanwhenper f or medwi t hSCSIdr i ves 4.Ex pl ai nRAI Dt echnol ogy?Whatt hepur pos eofar r angi ngdi s ksi nt oar r ays ? Technol ogyt hatgr oupss ever al phys i cal dr i vesi nacomput eri nt oanar r ayt hat youcandef i neasoneormor el ogi cal dr i ve.Eachl ogi cal dr i veappear st ot he oper at i ngs ys t emass i ngl edr i ve.Thi sgr oupi ngenhancest heper f or manceoft he l ogi cal dr i vebeyondt hephys i cal capabi l i t yoft hedr i ves . Adi s kar r ayi sadi s ks t or ages ys t emwhi chcont ai nsmul t i pl edi s kdr i ves , Typi cal l y adi s kar r aypr ovi desi ncr eas edavai l abi l i t y, r es i l i encyandmai nt ai nabi l i t ybyus i ng addi t i onal , r edundantcomponent s( cont r ol l er s , powers uppl i es , f ans , et c. ) , of t enup t ot hepoi ntwhenal l s i ngl epoi nt soff ai l ur ear eel i mi nat edf r omt hedes i gn. Addi t i onal l yt hos ecomponent sar eof t enhot s wappabl e. 5.Whatdoyouunder s t andbyvi r t ual i z at i on?Gi ves omeex ampl eswher e vi r t ual i z at i oni sappl i ed? At echni queofhi di ngt hephys i cal char act er i s t i csofcomput err es our cesf r omt he wayi nwhi chot hers ys t emappl i cat i onorendus eri nt er actwi t ht hos er es our ces . Aggr egat i on, s panni ngorconcat enat i onoft hecombi nedmul t i pl er es our cesi nt o l ar gerr es our cepool s . 6.Whatar et wot ypesofr ecor di ngt echni quesont het apes ? a)Li nearRecor di ng b)Hel i cal ScanRecor di ng. 7.Whatar edi f f er entt ypesofbackups ys t em? a)Of f l i ne b)Onl i ne ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page27 c)NearLi ne 8. Whati st hedi f f er entbet weenmi r r or i ng, Rout i ngandmul t i pat hi ng? RedundancyFunct i onsRel at i ons hi psRol e Mi r r or i ngGener at es2i / ost o2s t or aget ar get sCr eat es2copi esofdat a Rout i ngDet er mi nedbys wi t chesi ndependentofSCSIRecr eat esn/ wr out eaf t era f ai l ur e Mul t i pat hi ngTwoi ni t i at ort oonet ar getSel ect st heLUNi ni t i at orpai rt ous e 9. Whati st heneedf ors epar at enet wor kf ors t or agewhyLANcannotbeus ed? LANhar dwar eandoper at i ngs ys t emsar egear edt ous ert r af f i c, andLANsar e t unedf oraf as tus err es pons et omes s agi ngr eques t s . Wi t haSAN, t hes t or ageuni t scanbes ecur eds epar at el yf r omt hes er ver sand t ot al l yapar tf r omt heus ernet wor kenhanci ngs t or ageacces si ndat abl ocks ( bul k dat at r ans f er s ) , advant ageousf ors er verl es sbackups . . OMBUDSMAN_ OFFI CE_ EXAMS OMBUDSMANOFFI CEANSWERS Q1 : Thei nt er neti scutof fi nt hewhol eofOMBUDSMANOFFI CE. Howdoyou as cer t ai ni ti sei t heri nt er nal orex t er nal ?Howdoyouas cer t ai nwhet heri ti sa DHCPoraDNSi s s ue?1 0mar ks A1 : Ex ami neeswi l l needt oex pl ai nt hepos s i bl ei nt er nal pr obl ems , l i keDHCPs er ver r eachabi l i t yandf unct i oni ng, DNSs er verr eachabi l i t yandf unct i oni ng, def aul t gat ewayandNATdevi cer eachabi l i t yandf unct i oni ng.Ex t er nal pr obl emsmi ghtbe t her eachabi l i t ybet weent hei ns t i t ut i onandt hepr ovi deredger out er , r eachabi l i t y beyondt heI SPnet wor k, i s s uest odowi t ht hepubl i cDNS.Ex ami neeswi l l needt o ex pl ai nhoweachpr obl emi scheckeduponateachl evel .ADHCPpr obl emi s s hownbyt heobt ai nmentofAPI PA( Aut omat i cPr i vat eI PAddr es s i ng)whi ch as s i gnsI Psi nt her ange1 69. 254. X. X.ADNSi s s uei ss hownbypi ngi nganyI P ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page28 ( publ i caswel l aspr i vat e) , butnotbei ngabl et opi ngs omedomai nnames . Q2: TheOMBUDSMANOFFI CEi sacqui r i ngas er vert oi ns t al l adomai ncont r ol l er andanact i vedi r ect or y.Howwoul dyouex pl ai nt ononI Tpeopl e, t hebenef i t sof pur chas i ngt hes er ver ?8mar ks A2: Ex ami neess houl dbeabl et odes cr i bet hedomai ncont r ol l erast hes er ver whi chi si ns t al l edt ocont r ol ever yus er ’ ss ecur i t yaut hent i cat i onandacces st ot he net wor kr es our ces( appl i cat i ons , pr i nt er s , s canner s …)whi chcanbel ocat edt o di f f er ents er ver s .Wi t has i ngl eus er nameandpas s wor dus er sar egr ant edl ogi n per mi s s i onsaswel l s peci f i cacces sr i ght st ocomput err es our ces .Theact i ve di r ect or ys houl dbedes cr i bedast hedat abas eordi r ect or ys t r uct ur es t or i ngdat a andi nf or mat i onaboutt hedomai nornet wor k.Theact i vedi r ect or yhol ds i nf or mat i onaboutus eraccount s , us ergr oups , comput er sandot herr es our cesand s er vi cess uchaspr i nt er s , webmai l s er ver s …. .Wi t hhi s / heraccountaus ercanl og i nt ot hedomai nf r omanywor ks t at i on.Us er sdon’ tneedt obei nf r ontoft hei rPC t oacces sdat acent r al i z edont hes er ver . Q3: Des cr i bet het womet hodsofacces s i ngemai l : webmai l andemai l cl i ent/ 8 mar ks A3: Ther ear ebas i cal l yt wodi f f er entwaysyoucanacces syouremai l : us ea br ows ert oacces syouremai l ( W ebmai l )orus eaPCemai lcl i ent .Out l ook, Out l ook Ex pr es s( whi chi sf r eeandpr ei ns t al l edonWi ndowss ys t ems ) , andThunder bi r dar e ex ampl esofPCemai lcl i ent s.Emai l cl i ent smus tbedownl oadedandi ns t al l edas news of t war eonyourPC( unl es st heyar epr ei ns t al l ed) .Webmai l appl i cat i onss uch asGoogl eMai l ( GMai l ) , Yahoo!Mai l , Hot Mai l andot her sar et ypi cal l yof f er ed t hr oughhos t i ngs er vi cesorf r eeemai l s er vi ces .Youdonotdownl oadandi ns t al l Webmai l s ys t ems .Thes es er vi cespr ovi deawebaddr es swher eyoucans i gnupf or anemai l account , andt henl ogi nt oyouremai l accountt or et r i evemes s agesus i ng awebbr ows er .Whenyour ecei veanemai l f r oms omeone, i tar r i vesatt heemai l s er verr es pons i bl ef oraccept i ngands t or i ngemai l addr es s edt oyourdomai n( or youremai l addr es s ) .I fyous i gnedupwi t hGmai l f orex ampl e, Googl ei sr es pons i bl e f oraccept i ngemai l addr es s edt oyouraccount .I fyouhaveawebs i t ehos t ed s omewher eandhavear el at edemai l addr es s , t hehos t i ngs er vi cei sr es pons bi l ef or accept i ngemai l addr es s edt oyouraccount .Bei ngs omewhats i mi l art ot heway gr oundmai l ar r i vesatapos tof f i ce, t heemai l mes s ages i t sont heemai l s er ver unt i l yout el l i twhatt odowi t ht hemes s age. Whenyouus ePCemai l cl i ents of t war e, youi ni t i al l yhavet os et upt heus er name, pas s wor d, emai l s er veri ncomi ngandemai l s er verout goi ngaddr es s esf ort he s of t war et oacces syouremai l s er verandr et r i evemes s ages .Whenyous t ar tup ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page29 t hePCemai l cl i ent , youremai l mes s agesar edownl oaded( unl es syous peci f y ot her wi s e)andyoucanvi ew, f or war d, ordel et et hem.Ot herconf i gur at i onopt i ons al l owyout os ett het i mei nt er val t ocheckf ornewmes s agest hathavear r i ved, and r emovemes s agesf r omt heemai l s er veroncet heyhavebeendownl oaded.Yous et t hes eopt i onsi nyourPCEmai l Cl i ents of t war e. PCemai l cl i ents of t war epr ovi desaconf i gur at i onopt i ont odel et emes s agesf r om t heemai l s er verwhent heyar edownl oaded.Wheat heryouus et hi sopt i onornot , youwi l l wi ndupwi t hal ocal copyoft heemai l mes s ageonyourPC.Conf i gur i ng yourPCemai l cl i entt odel et emes s agesf r omt heemai l s er verpr event syouremai l accountf r omex ceedi ngi t squot a( andpos s i bl yhavi ngyouremai l accounts hut downunt i l your emovet hemes s ages ) . Us i ngWebmai l t ovi ewyouremai l doesnotdownl oadt hemes s agest oyourPC. I ns t ead, youar eus i nganemai l pr ogr amont hes er verdes i gnedf orvi ewi ng, r epl yi ng, del et i ng, ands endi ngemai l di r ect l yf r omt hemai l s er ver .Webmai l i snot des i gnedt obeapl acef ors avi ngors t or i ngemai l f orl ongper i odsoft i mebecaus e hos t i ngaccount sandf r eeemai l account shavemax i mumemai l s t or agel i mi t at i ons . Q4: Whati sVoi ceoverI Pandwhatar ei t smai nadvant ages ?8mar ks A4: Voi ceoverI nt er netPr ot ocol ( VoI P) , i sat echnol ogyt hatal l owsyout omake voi cecal l sus i ngabr oadbandI nt er netconnect i oni ns t eadofar egul ar( oranal og) phonel i ne. SomeVoI Ps er vi cesof f erf eat ur esands er vi cest hatar enotavai l abl ewi t ha t r adi t i onal phone, orar eavai l abl ebutonl yf oranaddi t i onal f ee.Youmayal s obe abl et oavoi dpayi ngf orbot habr oadbandconnect i onandat r adi t i onal t el ephone l i ne. Q5: WhatI saMACAddr es s ?Howdoesi tdi f f erf r omanI Paddr es s ?/ 8mar ks Q5: MAC( Medi aAcces sCont r ol )addr es s esar egl obal l yuni queaddr es s edt hatar e wr i t t eni nt ohar dwar eatt het i meofmanuf act ur e.TheMACaddr es si sauni que val ueas s oci at edwi t hanet wor kadapt er .MACaddr es s esar eal s oknownas har dwar eaddr es s esorphys i cal addr es s es .Theyuni quel yi dent i f yanadapt erona LAN.MACaddr es s esar e1 2di gi thex adeci mal number s( 48bi t si nl engt h) . ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page30 Wher easMACaddr es s i ngwor ksatt hedat al i nkl ayer , I Paddr es s i ngf unct i onsat t henet wor kl ayer( l ayer3) .I t ' sas l i ghtover s i mpl i f i cat i on, butonecant hi nkofI P addr es s i ngass uppor t i ngt hes of t war ei mpl ement at i onandMACaddr es s esas s uppor t i ngt hehar dwar ei mpl ement at i onoft henet wor ks t ack.TheMACaddr es s gener al l yr emai nsf i x edandf ol l owst henet wor kdevi ce, butt heI Paddr es schanges ast henet wor kdevi cemovesf r omonenet wor kt oanot her . Q6: Whati sdi f f er encebet weenI DE, SATAandSCSIhar ddi s k?8mar ks A6: Foryear st hepar al l el i nt er f acehasbeenwi del yus edi ns t or ages ys t ems .The needf ori ncr eas edbandwi dt handf l ex i bi l i t yi ns t or ages ys t emsmadet heSCSIand ATAs t andar dsani nef f i ci entopt i on.Apar al l el i nt er f acei sachannel capabl eof t r ans f er r i ngdat ei npar al l el mode-t hati st r ans mi t t i ngmul t i pl ebi t ss i mul t aneous l y. Al mos tal l per s onal comput er scomewi t hatl eas tonepar al l el i nt er f ace.Common par al l el i nt er f acesi ncl udeSCSIandATA. SCSI ( s ku4z ē)Shor tf ors mal l comput ers ys t emi nt er f ace, apar al l el i nt er f aces t andar d us edbyAppl eMaci nt os hcomput er s , PCsandmanyUNI Xs ys t emsf orat t achi ng per i pher al devi cest ocomput er s .Near l yal l Appl eMaci nt os hcomput er s , ex cl udi ng onl yt heear l i es tMacsandt her ecenti Mac, comewi t haSCSIpor tf orat t achi ng devi cess uchasdi s kdr i vesandpr i nt er s .SCSIi nt er f acespr ovi def ordat a t r ans mi s s i onr at es( upt o80megabyt espers econd) .I naddi t i on, youcanat t ach mul t i pl edevi cest oas i ngl eSCSIpor t , s ot hatSCSIi sr eal l yanI / Obusr at hert han s i mpl yani nt er f ace. ATA ( Al s oknownasI DE)i sadi s kdr i vei mpl ement at i ont hati nt egr at est hecont r ol l eron t hedi s kdr i vei t s el f .ATAi sus edt oconnecthar ddi s kdr i ves , CDROMdr i vesand s i mi l arper i pher al sands uppor t s8/ 1 6bi ti nt er f acet hatt r ans f erupt o8. 3MB/ sf or ATA2andupt o1 00MB/ s ( ATA6) . So, whatdopar al l el i nt er f aceshavet odowi t hSAS( Ser i al At t achedSCSI )and SATA( Ser i al ATA) ?Al ot , act ual l y.I ti st hear chi t ect ur al l i mi t at i onsoft hepar al l el i nt er f acest hats er i al t echnol ogi esl i keSASandSATAaddr es s .I ncont r as tt o mul t i pl epar al l el dat as t r eam, dat ai st r ans mi t t eds er i al l y, t hati si nas i ngl es t eam, bywr appi ngmul t i pl ebi t si nt opacket sandi ti sabl et omovet hats i ngl es t r eam ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page31 f as t ert hanpar al l el t echnol ogy. Ser i al At t achedSCSI( SAS) Abbr evi at edasSAS, Ser i al At t achedSCSI , anevol ut i onofpar al l el SCSIi nt oapoi nt t opoi nts er i al per i pher al i nt er f acei nwhi chcont r ol l er sar el i nkeddi r ect l yt odi s k dr i ves .SASi saper f or mancei mpr ovementovert r adi t i onal SCSIbecaus eSAS enabl esmul t i pl edevi ces( upt o1 28)ofdi f f er ents i z esandt ypest obeconnect ed s i mul t aneous l ywi t ht hi nnerandl ongercabl es ; i t sf ul l dupl exs i gnal t r ans mi s s i on s uppor t s3. 0Gb/ s .I naddi t i on, SASdr i vescanbehot pl ugged. Ser i al ATA( SATA) Of t enabbr evi at edasSATA, Ser i al ATAi sanevol ut i onoft hePar al l el ATAphys i cal s t or agei nt er f ace.Ser i al ATAi sas er i al l i nk-as i ngl ecabl ewi t hami ni mumoff our wi r escr eat esapoi nt t opoi ntconnect i onbet weendevi ces .Tr ans f err at esf or Ser i al ATAbegi nat1 50MB/ s . St ar t i ngwi t hSATA, i tex t endst hecapabi l i t i esofATAandof f er st r ans f err at es s t ar t i ngat1 50MB/ sand, af t eryear sofdevel opment , hasmovedt ot hemai ns t r eam ofdi s ki nt er f aces .Thes ucces s ort heSCSIi nt er f acei sSASats peedsofupt o 3Gb/ s .Addi t i onal l y, i tal s oaddr es s espar al l el i nt er f acei s s uess uchasdr i ve addr es s abi l i t yandl i mi t at i onsont henumberofdevi ceperpor tconnect i on. SASdevi cescancommuni cat ewi t hbot hSATAandSCSIdevi ces( t hebackpl anes ofSASdevi cesar ei dent i cal t oSATAdevi ces ) .Akeydi f f er encebet weenSCSIand SASdevi cesi st headdi t i oni nSASdevi cesoft wodat apor t s , eachofwhi ch r es i desi nadi f f er entSASdomai n.Thi senabl escompl et ef ai l overr edundancy.I f onepat hf ai l s , t her ei ss t i l l communi cat i onal ongas epar at eandi ndependentpat h. Cabl es&Connect or s Anot herbi gadvant ageofSATAoverATAi st hecabl i ngandconnect or s .Thes er i al i nt er f acer educest heamountofwi r esneededt ot r ans mi tdat a, maki ngf ormuch s mal l ercabl es i z eandmaki ngi teas i ert or out eandi ns t al l SATAdevi ces .TheI DE cabl esus edi npar al l el ATAs ys t emsar ebul ki ert hanSer i al ATAcabl esandcan onl yex t endt o40cml ong, whi l eSer i al ATAcabl escanex t endupt oonemet er .I n addi t i ont ot hecabl i ng, anewdes i gnofconnect or si sal s ous edt hatr educest he amountofcr os s t al kbet weent hewi r es , andt heconnect ordes i gnal s opr ovi des eas i err out i ngandbet t erai rf l ow. TheBenef i t sofSAS&SATAi nSt or age Ser i al i nt er f acesof f erani mpr ovementoverol derpar al l el SCSI( wi t has er i al ver s i on)i ns t or ageappl i cat i onsandenvi r onment s .Thes ebenef i t si ncl udebet t er ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page32 per f or mance, bet t ers cal abi l i t y, andal s obet t err el i abi l i t yast hepar al l el i nt er f aces ar eatt hei rl i mi t sofs peedwi t hr el i abl edat at r ans f er s .SASandSATAdr i vescan al s ooper at ei nt hes ameenvi r onmentwhi l eSCSIandATAcannot .Forex ampl e, us i ngf as t erSASdr i vesf orpr i mar ys t or ageandof f l oadi ngol derdat at ocheaper SATAdi s ksi nt hes ames ubs ys t em, s omet hi ngt hatcoul dnotbeachi evedwi t h SCSIandATA. St or ageengi neert es t 1 .Def i neSCSI ?Whatar et headvant agesofSCSIcompar edt oATAorI DE? Def i nef i berchannel ?Whatar ei t sbenef i t s ? 2.Whati st hepur pos eofdi s kar r ay? Pr obabi l i t yofunavai l abi l i t yofdat as t or edont hedi s kar r ayduet os i ngl epoi nt f ai l ur ei st ot al l yel i mi nat ed. 3.Whati sdi s kar r ay? Setofhi ghper f or mances t or agedi s kst hatcans t or es ever al t er abyt esofdat a. Si ngl edi s kar r aycans uppor tmul t i pl epoi nt sofconnect i ont ot henet wor k. 4.Whati svi r t ual i z at i on? At echni queofhi di ngt hephys i cal char act er i s t i csofcomput err es our cesf r omt he wayi nwhi chot hers ys t emappl i cat i onorendus eri nt er actwi t ht hos er es our ces . Aggr egat i on, s panni ngorconcat enat i onoft hecombi nedmul t i pl er es our cesi nt o l ar gerr es our cepool s . 5.Whati sMul t i pat hI / O? Faul tt ol er antt echni quewher ebyt her ei smor et hanonephys i cal pat hbet weent he CPUi nt hecomput ers ys t emsandi t smai ns t or agedevi cest hr ought hebus es , cont r ol l er s , s wi t chesandot herbr i dgedevi cesconnect i ngt hem. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page33 6.Whati sRAI D? Technol ogyt hatgr oupss ever al phys i cal dr i vesi nacomput eri nt oanar r ayt hat youcandef i neasoneormor el ogi cal dr i ve.Eachl ogi cal dr i veappear st ot he oper at i ngs ys t emass i ngl edr i ve.Thi sgr oupi ngenhancest heper f or manceoft he l ogi cal dr i vebeyondt hephys i cal capabi l i t yoft hedr i ves . 7.Whati ss t r i peuni t s i z e? I ti sdat adi s t r i but i ons chemet hatcompl ementst hewayoper at i ngs ys t emr eques t dat a.Gr anul ar i t yatwhi chdat ai ss t or edononedr i veoft hear r aybef or e s ubs equentdat ai ss t or edont henex tdr i veoft hear r ay.St r i peuni ts i z es houl dbe cl os et ot hes i z eoft hes ys t emI / Or eques t . 8.Howi st hecapaci t yoft heHDDcal cul at ed? NumberofHeadsXNumberofCyl i nder sXSect or spert r ackXSect orSi z e 9.Whati sbadbl ockr eal l ocat i on? Abads ect ori sr emappedorr eal l ocat edt ogoods par ebl ockandt hi si nf or mat i on i ss t or edi nt hei nt er nal t abl eont hehar ddi s kdr i ve.Thebadbl ocksar ei dent i f i ed dur i ngt hemedi at es toft heHDDaswel l asdur i ngvar i oust ypesofr eadwr i t e oper at i onsper f or meddur i ngt heI / Ot es t s .Apar tf r omt henewgener at i onofHDD comeswi t hat echnol ogycal l edBGMS( backgr oundmedi as can)whi ch cont i nuous l ys canst heHDDmedi af ordef ect sandmapst hemwhent hedr i vei s i dl e( t hi si sper f or medaf t ert heHDDi sat t achedt ot hes ys t em) . 1 0.Her eyouget1 0mor ei nt er vi ewques t i onsf ors t or agear eanet wor ki ng Whatar et wot ypesofr ecor di ngt echni quesont het apes ? a)Li nearRecor di ng b)Hel i cal ScanRecor di ng. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page34 1 1 .Whati ss naps hot ? As naps hotofdat aobj ectcont ai nsani mageofdat aatapar t i cul arpoi ntoft i me. 1 2.Whati sHSM? Hi er ar chi cal s t or agemanagement , anappl i cat i ont hatat t empt st omat cht he pr i or i t yofdat awi t ht hecos tofs t or age 1 3.Whati shot s wappi ng? Devi cesar eal l owedt ober emovedandi ns er t edi nt oas ys t emwi t houtt ur ni ngof f t hes ys t em. 1 4.Whati sHot Spar i ng? As par edevi cei savai l abl et obei ns er t edi nt ot hes ubs ys t emoper at i onwi t hout havi ngt or emoveandr epl aceadevi ce. 1 5.Whatar edi f f er entt ypesofbackups ys t em? a)Of f l i ne b)Onl i ne c)NearLi ne 1 6.Whati st hedi f f er entbet weenmi r r or i ng, Rout i ngandmul t i pat hi ng? RedundancyFunct i onsRel at i ons hi psRol e Mi r r or i ngGener at es2i / ost o2s t or aget ar get sCr eat es2copi esofdat a Rout i ngDet er mi nedbys wi t chesi ndependentofSCSIRecr eat esn/ wr out eaf t era f ai l ur e Mul t i pat hi ngTwoi ni t i at ort oonet ar getSel ect st heLUNi ni t i at orpai rt ous e 1 7.Namef ewt ypesofTapes t or age? a)Di gi t al Li nearTape b)AdvancedI nt el l i gentTape c)Li nearTapeOpen ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page35 1 8.Whati st heneedf ors epar at enet wor kf ors t or agewhyLANcannotbeus ed? LANhar dwar eandoper at i ngs ys t emsar egear edt ous ert r af f i c, andLANsar e t unedf oraf as tus err es pons et omes s agi ngr eques t s . Wi t haSAN, t hes t or ageuni t scanbes ecur eds epar at el yf r omt hes er ver sand t ot al l yapar tf r omt heus ernet wor kenhanci ngs t or ageacces si ndat abl ocks ( bul k dat at r ans f er s ) , advant ageousf ors er verl es sbackups . 1 9.Di f f er ent i at ebet weenRAMandROM? RAM: Read/Wr i t ememor y, Hi ghSpeed, Vol at i l eMemor y. ROM: Readonl ymemor y, LowSpeed, NonVol at i l eMemor y. ANSWERSFORI CTSOFFI CERs ANSWERSFORI CTSOFFI CER’ SEXAM Ques t i on1 : a) t hef ourmai nf unct i onofanOSar e: Fi r s t , i tmus tcommuni cat e, orpr ovi deamet hodf orot herpr ogr amst o communi cat e, wi t ht hehar dwar eoft hePC. Second, t heOSmus tcr eat eaus eri nt er f ace—avi s ual r epr es ent at i onoft he comput eront hemoni t ort hatmakess ens et ot hepeopl eus i ngt he comput er . Thi r d, t heOS, vi at heus eri nt er f ace, mus tenabl eus er st odet er mi net he avai l abl ei ns t al l edpr ogr amsandr un, us e, ands hutdownt hepr ogr amof t hei rchoi ce. Four t h, t heOSs houl denabl eus er st oadd, move, anddel et et hei ns t al l ed pr ogr amsanddat a. b)St epsofboot i ngt heoper at i ngs ys t em. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page36 Thet hr eemai ns t agesoft hebootpr oces sar et hepower on, power onsel ft est ( POST) , andOSl oadi ngs t eps . Poweron: yous t ar tt hepr oces sbypower i ngt hes ys t emon, s endi ngcur r entt o t hemot her boar danddr i vedevi ces .TheCPUt hencommuni cat eswi t ht he Sys t emROMchi pands t ar t st heBI OSpr ogr ams . POST: powerons el ft es t .Dur i ngPOST, t heSys t emBI OScommuni cat eswi t h al l es s ent i al har dwar eand, i nes s ence, t el l st hemt oi dent i f yt hems el ves .The keyboar d, mous e, di s kdr i ves , RAM, di s pl ayadapt er , ands oon.t henr un i nt er nal di agnos t i cr out i nesandr epor tbackt ot heBI OS. OSl oads : Dur i ngPOST, t heBI OSal s ol ocat est hes ys t embootdevi ce; s uchas t hef l oppydi s k, CDROM, orhar ddr i vet hatcont ai nst heOSbootf i l es .Oncet he POSTpr oces scompl et ess ucces s f ul l y, t heBI OSt henpas s escont r ol oft he bootpr oces sovert ot hePC’ sOSandt heOSl oadst hes ys t em. c) Sys t emr equi r ement sf orwi ndows98and2000. Component Wi ndows98 Wi ndows2000 Mi n.r equi r ement Recommended. Mi n.r equi r ement Recommendedr eq. CPU 486DX/ 66CPU PI I1 33MHZ PI I1 33MHz PI I350MHz Memor y 24MB 641 28MB 64MB 1 28MB HD 400MB 4GB 2GB 6. 4GB Di s pl ay 640x 480at1 6bi t SVGAorhi gher VGAr es ol ut i on col or s SVGAr es ol ut i on 1 6bi tcol or s d)Compar eandcont r as tLi nuxandWi ndowsOS? ? ? ? ? ? Ques t i on2 a) BI OS: Bas i cI nputOut putSys t em. b)TheBI OSs t ar t st hecomput eraf t eryout ur nont hepowert oyourcomput er . Sof t war epr ogr ams , s uchast heWi ndowsoper at i ngs ys t em, wor kwi t ht heBI OSt o makeyourcomput ermor eus er sf r i endl y. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page37 c)Cl eanI ns t al l : At ypi cal cl eani ns t al l at i onbegi nswi t hacompl et el yempt y har ddi s k .Theadvant aget odoi ngacl eani ns t al l at i oni st hatyoudon’ tcar r y pr obl emsf r omt heol dOSovert ot henewone, butt hedi s advant agei st hat youhavet or ei ns t al l al l appl i cat i onsandr econf i gur et hedes kt opandeach appl i cat i ont ot heus er ’ spr ef er ences .Cl eani ns t al l r emovet heol dOS. Upgr ade: Upgr adei ns t al l at i onsl eavet heol dOSi nt actwi t hal l i t ss et t i ngs andi ns t al l eds of t war e.Thecor eOSf i l esar eover wr i t t enwi t hnewer ver s i onsi nt hes amedi r ect or yus edf ort heol di ns t al l at i on d)Par t i t i oni ngahar ddr i vewi t hFdi s k Boott hePCusi ngt heWi ndows9xbootdi sket t e Typef di skatt hecommandpr ompt . Chooset ocr eat eanewpar t i t i on Chooset heopt i ont ocr eat eapr i mar ypar t i t i on Youar et henaskedi fyouwantt ouset hemaxi mumavai l abl espacef oryournew par t i t i on.ChooseYest opar t i t i ont heent i r edi skwi t hasi ngl epr i mar ypar t i t i on Si ncet hi si st hef i r s tpar t i t i oncr eat edonyournewhar ddr i ve, youar e pr ompt edt os ett hepar t i t i onast heact i vepar t i t i on Fol l owt her emai ni ngpr ompt st ocompl et et hepar t i t i oni ngpr oces s . Oncepar t i t i oni ngi scompl et e, yousi mpl yneedt or eboott hesyst em. Ques t i on3: a)Typesoff i l es ys t ems FAT:Fi l eAl l ocat i onTabl e:I ti saver ys i mpl ef or m off i l es ys t em,i tor gani z esf i l es byl i s t i ngt hem i nat abl e.Abackupcopyi smai nt ai ned,andbot har ekepti nt he r ootdi r ect or y oft he pr i mar y par t i t i on.The FAT f i l es ys t em was or i gi nal l y devel opedf orf l oppydi s ks ,andal lver s i onsofWi ndowss t i l lus eFATf ort hat pur pos e. Ther ear et hr eebas i cvar i et i esoft heFATf i l es ys t em i nus et oday.Al ls t ar twi t h t hel et t er sFAT, f ol l owedbynumber sdes i gnat i ngt henumberofbi t sr equi r edf ora s i ngl eFATent r y: FAT1 2us esa1 2bi tt abl e. FAT1 6wasi nt r oducedwi t hMSDOS3. 0t oenabl es uppor tf orl ar gedr i ves . FAT32i st hepr ef er r edf i l es ys t em f orWi ndows95andl at erver s i onsand s uppor t sl ongf i l enames . NTFS: NewTechnol ogyFi l es ys t em: Li keFAT32, i ts uppor t sl ongf i l enamesandt he us eofs pacesi nnames .Unl i keFAT, NTFSi sopt i mi z edf ormul t i us erenvi r onment s . I tpr ovi desanex t r al eveloff i l es ecur i t y,andi smor er el i abl et hanpr evi ousf i l e s ys t ems .Her ear es omeoft headvant agesofNTFS: ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page38 NTFSs uppor t sver yl ar gevol umes . Bot hf ol der sandf i l escanbes etwi t hs ecur i t yl evel st hatdef i newhocanacces s t hem,t hel evelofacces sper mi t t ed,andwhet herornott hef i l ecanbeacces s ed overanynet wor k.Youcans ets ecur i t yl evel sf ori ndi vi dualus er s , gr oupsofus er s , oral l us er sont hes ys t em. An a dmi ni s t r at orcan s etdi s k quot asl i mi t i ng t he amountofs pace t hatan i ndi vi dual us ercanus ef orper s onal f i l es . b)Fact or si nvol vei nt hes el ect i onoff i l es el ect i on: a) I st he comput er ' ss t or age s ys t em t o be dedi cat ed t oas i ngl e oper at i ng envi r onment , orwi l l t hemachi nebeus edf ort woormor eoper at i ngs ys t ems ? b) Howma nyhar ddr i veswi l l bei ns t al l edont hes ys t em? c) Wh atar et hes i z esoft hedr i vest obeus edont hes ys t em? d) Howl ar gear et heex pect edpar t i t i onsont hehar ddr i ves ? e) Wi l lt heus erneedt omakeus eofanyl egacyappl i cat i onst hatwi l lnots uppor tone oft henewerf i l es ys t ems ? f ) I st heowneri nt er es t edi nus i ngadvancedf i l es ys t em f eat ur esonl yof f er edon newerf i l es ys t ems ? g) Ar et her es ecur i t ycons i der at i onst hatr equi r et heus eofaf i l es ys t em t hatpr ovi des addi t i onal cont r ol soveracces st odi r ect or i esandf i l es ? Que4: a) Def i net hef ol l owi ng i . Boots ect or :Thes ect oronadi s kcont ai ni ngas mal lamountof i nf or mat i ont hatdef i nest hedevi cesl ayout ,i dent i f i est hef i l es ys t em, andal l owst hedr i vet obedecl ar edabootdevi ce i i . Dual boot : Ahar ddi s kors ys t em t hathasbeenconf i gur eds ot hati tcan oper at eus i ngmor et hanas i ngl eoper at i ngs ys t emorf i l es ys t em i i i . Act i vedr i ve:Thi si sadr i vei nwhi cht heoper at i ngs ys t em i si ns t al l edandr unf r om t hi sdr i ve i v. Pr i mar y par t i t i on:The key par t i t i on on a har d di s k.Mos t s ys t emsonl yhaveonepr i mar ypar t i t i on,whi chhol dst heboot s ect orandoper at i ngs ys t em.Thi svol umei sus ual l ydes i gnat ed t heCdr i ve v.Logi caldr i ve:oppos i t et ot heact i vedr i vei ti scr eat edont heex t endedpar t i t i ont hi s i swher eot herappl i cat i onsmaybei ns t al l edandr unf r om b) Ex pl ai ncl ear l ys er i al andpar al l el t r ans mi s s i onofdat a. Par al l el Tr ans mi s s i on ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page39 I npar al l el t r ans mi s s i on, mul t i pl ebi t s( us ual l y8bi t sorabyt e/ char act er )ar es ent s i mul t aneous l yondi f f er entchannel s( wi r es , f r equencychannel s )wi t hi nt he s amecabl e, orr adi opat h, ands ynchr oni zedt oacl ock Ser i al Tr ans mi s s i on I ns er i al t r ans mi s s i on, bi t sar es ents equent i al l yont hes amechannel ( wi r e)whi ch r educescos t sf orwi r ebutal s os l owst hes peedoft r ans mi s s i on.Al s o, f ors er i al t r ans mi s s i on, s omeover headt i mei sneededs i ncebi t smus tbeas s embl edands entas auni tandt hendi s as s embl edatt her ecei ver . Ser i al t r ans mi s s i oncanbeei t hers ynchr onousoras ynchr onous I ncomput i ng, as er i al por ti sas er i al communi cat i onphys i cal i nt er f acet hr oughwhi ch [ 1 ] i nf or mat i ont r ans f er si noroutonebi tatat i me( cont r as tpar al l el por t ) . Apar al l el por ti sat ypeofi nt er f acef oundoncomput er s( per s onal andot her wi s e) f orconnect i ngvar i ousper i pher al s .I ti sal s oknownasapr i nt erpor torCent r oni cs por t .TheI EEE1 284s t andar ddef i nest hebi di r ect i onal ver s i onoft hepor t . USBPor t s Jus taboutanycomput ert hatyoubuyt odaycomeswi t honeormor eUni ver s al Ser i al Busconnect or sont he back.Thes eUSBconnect or sl etyouat t achever yt hi ngf r ommi cet opr i nt er st oyourcomput erqui ckl yand eas i l y.Theoper at i ngs ys t ems uppor t sUSBaswel l , s ot hei ns t al l at i onoft hedevi cedr i ver si squi ckandeas y, t oo.Compar edt oot herwaysofconnect i ngdevi cest oyourcomput er( i ncl udi ngpar al l el por t s , s er i al por t sand s peci al car dst hatyoui ns t al l i ns i det hecomput er ' scas e) , USBdevi cesar ei ncr edi bl ys i mpl e! Thegoal ofUSBi st oendal l oft hes eheadaches .TheUni ver s al Ser i al Busgi vesyouas i ngl e, s t andar di z ed, eas yt ous ewayt oconnectupt o1 27devi cest oacomput er . Jus taboutever yper i pher al madenowcomesi naUSBver s i on.As ampl el i s tofUSBdevi cest hatyoucanbuy t odayi ncl udes : Pr i nt er s Scanner s Mi ce Joys t i cks Fl i ghtyokes Di gi t al camer as Webcams Sci ent i f i cdat aacqui s i t i ondevi ces Modems Speaker s Tel ephones Vi deophones St or agedevi cess uchasZi pdr i ves Net wor kconnect i ons AUTOEXEC. BATi sas ys t emf i l ef oundor i gi nal l yont heMSDOSoper at i ngs ys t em.I ti sa pl ai nt ex tbat chf i l et hati sl ocat edi nt her ootdi r ect or yoft hebootdevi ce.Thenameoft he ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page40 f i l es t andsf or" aut omat i cex ecut i on" , whi chdes cr i besi t sf unct i oni naut omat i cal l y ex ecut i ngcommandsons ys t ems t ar t up; t hepor t mant eauwascoi nedi nr es pons et ot he 8. 3f i l enamel i mi t at i onsoft heFATf i l es ys t emf ami l y Us age AUTOEXEC. BATi sr eadupons t ar t upbyal l ver s i onsofDOS, i ncl udi ngMSDOS ver s i on7. xasus edi nWi ndows95andWi ndows98.Wi ndowsMeonl ypar s es [ 1 ] envi r onmentvar i abl esaspar tofi t sat t empt st or educel egacydependenci es , but [ 2] t hi scanbewor kedar ound. UnderDOS, t hef i l ei sex ecut edoncet heoper at i ngs ys t emhasboot edandaf t ert he CONFI G. SYSf i l ehasbeenpr oces s ed.Wi ndowsNTandi t sdes cendant sWi ndowsXP andWi ndowsVi s t apar s eAUTOEXEC. BATwh enaus erl ogson.Aswi t hWi ndowsMe, [ 3] anyt hi ngot hert hans et t i ngenvi r onmentvar i abl esi si gnor ed. Unl i keCONFI G. SYS, t hecommandsi nAUTOEXEC. BATc anbeent er edatt hei nt er act i vecommandl i ne i nt er pr et er .Theyar ej us ts t andar dcommandst hatt hecomput eroper at orwant st o beex ecut edaut omat i cal l ywhenevert hecomput eri ss t ar t ed, andcani ncl udeot her bat chf i l es . AUTOEXEC. BATi smos tof t enus edt os etenvi r onmentvar i abl ess uchaskeyboar d, s oundcar d, pr i nt er , andt empor ar yf i l el ocat i ons .I ti sal s ous edt oi ni t i at el owl evel s ys t emut i l i t i es , s uchast hef ol l owi ng: Vi r uss canner s Di s kcachi ngs of t war e-SMARTDRV. EXEf r omMi cr os of tt hemos tcommon Mous edr i ver s Keyboar ddr i ver s CDdr i ver s Mi s cel l aneousot herdr i ver s CONFI G. SYSi st hepr i mar yconf i gur at i onf i l ef ort heDOSandOS/ 2oper at i ngs ys t ems .I ti s as peci al f i l et hatcont ai nss et uporconf i gur at i oni ns t r uct i onsf ort hecomput ers ys t em Us age Thecommandsi nt hi sf i l econf i gur eDOSf orus ewi t hdevi cesandappl i cat i onsi n t hes ys t em.Thecommandsal s os etupt hememor ymanager si nt hes ys t em.Af t er pr oces s i ngt heCONFI G. SYSf i l e, DOSpr oceedst ol oadandex ecut et hecommand s hel l s peci f i edi nt heshel l =l i neofCONFI G. SYS, orCOMMAND. COMi ft her ei sno s uchl i ne.Thecommands hel l i nt ur ni sr es pons i bl ef orpr oces s i ngt he AUTOEXEC. BATf i l e. CONFI G. SYSi scompos edmos t l yofname=val ues t at ement swhi chl ookl i kevar i abl e as s i gnment s .I nf actt hes ewi l l ei t herdef i nes omet unabl epar amet er sof t en r es ul t i ngi nr es er vat i onofmemor y, orl oadf i l es , mos t l yTSRsanddevi cedr i ver s , ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page41 i nt omemor y. I nDOS, CONFI G. SYSi sl ocat edi nt her ootdi r ect or yoft hedr i vef r omwhi chDOS wasboot ed.I ns omever s i onsofDOSi tmayhaveanal t er nat ef i l ename, e. g. FDCONFI G. SYSi nFr eeDOS, orDCONFI G. SYSi ns omever s i onsofDRDOS. Bot hCONFI G. SYSandAUTOEXEC. BATcanbef oundi ncl udedi nt her ootf ol derof Wi ndows95, andWi ndows98bootdr i ves , ast heyar ebas edonDOS.Typi cal l y t hes ef i l esar el ef tempt y, wi t hnocont ent , ast heyar enots t r i ct l yr equi r edt or un Wi ndowspr ogr amsf r omt hes ever s i ons . Wi ndowsMEdoesnotevenpar s et heCONFI G. SYSf i l edur i ngt heWi ndowsboot [ 1 ] pr oces s ,, l oadi ngt hos es et t i ngsf r omt heWi ndowsRegi s t r yi ns t ead: HKLM\ Sys t em\ Cur r ent Cont r ol Set \ Cont r ol \ Ses s i onManager \ Envi r onment Publ i cI pi st heI Pwhi chi svi s i bl ei nWANmeanswhi chgoesoutasa r epr es ent at i veofourcomput erbutpr i vat ei psar et hei pswhi chweus ewi t hi na companyoror gani z at i on.Theycanbeus edi nanycompanybutpubl i ci psar e uni que. I ns hor tPubl i cI pi sf orout s i deor gani s at i onandpr i vat ei pi sf ori ns i deor gani s at i on. Def i ni t i onof : s ubnet t i ng Di vi di nganet wor ki nt os mal l ers ubgr oups As ubneti sal ogi cal gr oupi ngofconnect ednet wor kdevi ces .Nodesonas ubnett endt obel ocat ed i ncl os ephys i cal pr ox i mi t yt oeachot heronaLAN.Net wor kdes i gner sempl oys ubnet sasawayt o par t i t i onnet wor ksi nt ol ogi cal s egment sf orgr eat ereas eofadmi ni s t r at i on.Whens ubnet sar e pr oper l yi mpl ement ed, bot ht heper f or manceands ecur i t yofnet wor kscanbei mpr oved.I nI P net wor ki ng, nodesonas ubnets har eacont i guousr angeofI Paddr es snumber s .Amas k( knownas t hes ubnetmas kornet wor kmas k)def i nest heboundar i esofanI Ps ubnet . EXAM-Di r ect orI Tf orRI TA Ex amf orDi r ect orofI nf or mat i onTechnol ogy, I NSTRUCTI ONS Anyuncl earhandwr i t i ngmayl eadt ol os sofmar ks Ti me: 2hour s Ques t i on1 : ( 40mar ks) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page42 CSRmus thaveI Tenabl eds er vi cesatal ls i t esi ncl udi ng30di s t r i ct sandt heheadof f i ce. Duet ot henat ur eofCSRs er vi ces , s t r at egi esmus tbeputi npl acet oens ur et hat : Thes er vi cesar equi ckandeas i l yacces s i bl e. Thes er vi cesar eavai l abl eal l t het i me. Bus i nes spr oces s esar eupt odat et ot hes at i s f act i onofbot hi nt er nalandex t er nal cl i ent soft heI Tdepar t ment . Ther ei sdat ai nt egr i t yandi nf or mat i oni sver ys ecur e. Ast hedi r ect orofI T; 1 . Howwi l l youor gani z et hedepar t mentt oaddr es st heabovechal l enges ? 2. Dr af tanact i onpl anf ort hedepar t mentf oryourf i r s tyearofoper at i on. 3.St at ecl ear l yt her es our cesyour equi r et oens ur et hatyourpl ani si mpl ement ed. 4.Whatar et hepot ent i als ecur i t ychal l engesf orr unni nganat i onwi denet wor kofI T? Sugges ts omepr act i cal waysofaddr es s i ngs uchchal l enges ? Ques t i on2: (30mar ks) Thes oci al s ecur i t yi nCount r yYi sgover nedbyt hef ol l owi ngr ul es : 1 . Tot al cont r i but i onr at ei s1 0%oft heempl oyeeear ni ngspermont h. 2. Ret i r ementagei s60year s . 3.Whenonr et i r es , t hepens i onbenef i t spayment sdependonwhet hert heper s onhas wor kedf orl es st han1 0year sorl onger . 4.I fanempl oyeehaswor kedf or1 0year sormor e, hei sget smont hl ypayment s . Mont hl ypens i onpaymentdependsont heaver ages al ar ydur i ngt hel as t3 year sofempl oyment .Heget s40%oft heaver ages al ar yf ort he1 0year s wor kedpl us1 %f oreachex t r ayearwor kedupt o30year s( i e.Ex t r amax i mum i s20 5. I fhehaswor kedf orl es st han1 0year s , heget sl umps um( onet i mepayment ) . Thel umps umi sbas edont heamountcont r i but edwi t hanaver ageannual i nt er es tof4%. Dr awaf l owchar toft hi ss ys t emt ohel pyoucommuni cat ewi t hyourt eamofs of t war e devel opmentex per t s . Ques t i on3: (1 4mar ks) 1. Br i ef l yex pl ai nt hemeani ngandhoweachoft hef ol l owi ngwor ks:(1mar keach) a) DHCP d)TCP/ I P Ans wer : ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 b)DNS e) RADI US c) ccTLD Page43 Ans wer : a)DHCP: b) DNS: Ani nt er nets er vi cet hatt r ans l at esdomai nnamesi nt oI Paddr es s .Becaus e domai nnamesar eal phabet i c, t hey’ r eeas i ert or emember .Thei nt er nethowever , i s r eal l ybas edonI PAddr es s .Ther ef or e, aDNSs er vi cemus tt r ans l at et henamei nt ot he cor r es pondi ngI Paddr es s . c) ccTLDacount r ycodet opl evel domai ni sani nt er nett opl evel domai ngener al l yus ed orr es er vedf oracount r y, s over ei gns t at e, ordependentt er r i t or yi dent i f i edwi t ha count r ycode. d) TCP/ I PTr ans mi s s i oncont r ol pr ot ocol /i nt er netpr ot ocol i st hebas i ccommuni cat i on l anguageorpr ot ocol i napr i vat eoft hei nt er net .I tcanal s obeus edasa communi cat i onspr ot ocol i napr i vat enet wor k ( ei t herani nt r anetoranex t r anet ) .When youar es etupwi t hdi r ectacces st ot hei nt er net , yourcomput eri spr ovi dedwi t ha copyoft heTCP/ I Ppr ogr amj us tasever yot hercomput ert hatyoumays end mes s agest oorgeti nf or mat i onf r omal s ohasacopyofTCP/ I P. e) RADI US: ( Remot eAut hent i cat i onDi al I nUs erSer vi ce)i sacl i ent / s er verpr ot ocol ands of t war et hatenabl esr emot eacces ss er ver st ocommuni cat ewi t hacent r al s er vert oaut hent i cat edi al –i nus er sandaut hor i z et hei racces st ot her eques t ed s ys t emors er vi ce. Radi usal l owsacompanyt omai nt ai nus erpr of i l esi nacent r al dat abas et hatal l r emot es er vescans har e.I tpr ovi desbet t ers ecur i t y, al l owi ngacompanyt os etup apol i cyt hatcanbeappl i edatas i ngl eadmi ni s t er ednet wor kpoi nt .Havi nga cent r al s er vi ceal s omeanst hati t ’ seas i ert ot r ackus agef orbi l l i ngandf orkeepi ng net wor ks t at i s t i cs . Radi usi sadef act oi ndus t r ys t andar dus edbyanumberofnet wor kpr oduct compani esandi sapr opos edI ETFs t as t andar d. 2. Howmanycl as s esofI Paddr es s esex i s t ?Pl eas enamet hem?[ 5mar ks ] 3.Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenpubl i cI Pandpr i vat eI P? .Gi veanex ampl eof each. [ 4mar ks ] Ans wer : Apubl i cI Paddr es si sanI Paddr es st hatcanbeacces s edovert hei nt er net .Li ke pos t al addr es sus edt odel i verapos t al mai l t oyourhome, apubl i cI Paddr es si st he gl obal l yuni queI Paddr es sas s i gnedt oacomput i ngdevi ce. Youpubl i cI PAddr es scanbef oundatWhati smyI PAddr es spage. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page44 Pr i vat eI PAddr es sont heot herhandi sus edt oas s i gncomput er swi t hi nyourpr i vat e s pacewi t houtl et t i ngt hemdi r ect l yex pos et ot hei nt er net Or Apubl i cI Paddr es si sas s i gnedt oever ycomput ert hatconnect st ot hei nt er netwher e eachI Pi suni que.Publ i cI PAddr es scanbeei t hers t at i cordynami c Whi l eanI Paddr es si scons i der edpr i vat ei ft heI Pnumberf al l swi t hi noneoft heI Paddr es s r angesr es er vedf orpr i vat enet wor kss uchasal ocal ar eanet wor k( LAN) Ques t i on4: (1 6mar ks) 1. Di f f er ent i at ebet weenas er i al por tandapar al l el por t ?( 4mar ks) 2. Def i neUSBpor t ?Andgi veadvant agesofi t ?( 4mar ks) 3. El abor at et hedet ai l eddi f f er encebet weenFATandNTFSFi l es ys t ems .( 4mar ks) 4.Des cr i bet hef ol l owi ng: ( i ) CONFI G. SYSs t ar t upf i l es( 2mar ks) ( i i )AUTOEXEC. BATs t ar t upf i l es( 2mar ks) Answer : Aut oex ec. bati sas ys t emf i l et hatwasor i gi nal l yonDOSt ypeoper at i ngs ys t ems .I t i sapl ai nt ex tbat chf i l ei nt her ootdi r ect or yoft hebootdevi ce.Thenameoft hef i l ei san abbr evi at i onof“ aut omat i cex ecut i on” CONFI G. SYSi st hepr i mar yconf i gur at i onf i l ef orDOSandOS/ 2oper at i ngs ys t ems .I ti sa s peci al ASCI It ex tf i l et hatcont ai nsus er acces s i bl es et uporconf i gur at i ondi r ect i ves eval uat edbyt heoper at i ngs ys t emdur i ngboot . Ex amf orNet wor kandHar dwar eEngi neer s Ex amf orNet wor kandHar dwar eEngi neer s , CSR I ns t r uct i ons : Ti me: 2hour s ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page45 Ans weral l ques t i ons Ques t i on1[ 20Mar ks ] Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngconcept s : 1 . Et her net 2. Fas t Et her net 3.Hal fdupl ex 4.Ful l dupl ex 5. Qual i t yofSer vi ce ( QoS) 6.SI Pand H. 323 7.Rout edpr ot ocol 8.Rout i ng pr ot ocol 9.Vi r t ual pr i vat enet wor k( VPN) 1 0.Vi r t ual Local Ar eaNet wor k( VLAN) Ans wer: 1 . 2. 3.Hal fdupl ex: i sanons i mul t aneous l ywayofcommuni cat i onmeanst hatt her ecei ver andt hes endercan’ tcommuni cat eandex changeatt hes amet i me. Ex: wal ki e, t al ki eandHub 4.Ful l dupl ex: i ti sas i mul t aneous l ywayofcommuni cat i on, meanst hatt her ecei verand s endercancommuni cat eandex changeatt hes amet i me. Ex: Tel ephoneands wi t ch 5. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page46 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 0. 1 1 .s i mpl ex: i ti sonewaycommuni cat i onwher et her ei sonl yas enderandr eci everbut t her ecei vi ngs i decan’ tr epl y. Ques t i on2[ 1 0Mar ks ] I magi net hatCSRus esf i beropt i ccabl et oconnectt ot heI nt er netandt oi t sr emot e s t at i ons .CSRwoul dl i ket ohaveabackupl i nki ncas et hef i berl i negoesdown.The l ocalI SPshaveFr amer el ays er vi ce,dedi cat edl eas edl i ne,I SDN( I SDNwi t hDi alon Demand)andATM.Yours uper vi s oras ksyout omakeachoi ce.Whi chWANs er vi ce woul dyoumos tl i kel ychoos et obackupt hef i berl i ne?Ex pl ai nt her eas onbehi ndyour choi ce?Whatequi pmentyouneedt oconf i gur et her edundantnet wor k? Ques t i on3[ 1 0Mar ks ] a) How doyoudi f f er ent i at eanet wor kI Paddr es sandHos tI Paddr es s ?Gi veal s oa br i efex pl anat i onons ubnetmas ks ?[ 5Mar ks ] b)Howdoesal ayert wodevi ces uchasabr i dgeors wi t chf unct i on?[ 5Mar ks ] Ques t i on4: [ 1 0Mar ks ] a) Whatar et her ol esofbusi ncomput ers ys t em?( 5mar ks ) b)Ex pl ai ns ever al t ypesofbusi nvol vedi ncomput ers ys t emi ncl udi ngchar act er i s t i cs , advant agesanddi s advant ages( 5mar ks ) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page47 Ques t i on5: [ 1 0Mar ks ] a) Whati saBI OS?( 3mar ks ) b)Des cr i besBI OSf unct i ons ?( 3mar ks ) c) Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenanUpgr adeandacl eani ns t al l ?( 4mar ks ) Ques t i on6: [ 1 0Mar ks ] a) Ex pl ai nper i pher al sdevi cesandgi ve3ex ampl es ?( 3mar ks ) b)Whati sacomput ermemor y?( 3mar ks ) c) Gi veandex pl ai n3s t or agedevi ces ?( 3mar ks ) d)Ex pl ai ns t epbys t ept hepr oces sofpar t i t i oni ngaHar dDr i vewi t hFdi s k( 6mar ks ) . ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page48 Ques t i on7[ 1 0Mar ks ] Anal yz et hedi agr ambel owandt henans wert heques t i onsher eaf t er : a) I dent i f yal li nt er f acesofnet wor kdevi cest hatneedst obeal l ocat edI Paddr es s . Thes ei nt er f acesmus tnamedasf ol l ows : Et h1 , Et h2, Et h3, ands oon… b)Suppos et hatyouar et henet wor kadmi ni s t r at oroft hi snet wor kandyouhave r ecei ved t he f ol l owi ng net wor k addr es s :1 50. 1 1 0. 0. 0 and s ubnet mas ki s 255. 255. 0. 0 Yours uper vi s oras ksyout oi ni t i al l yi dent i f yt henumberofs ubnet wor ksyou r eal l yneedsf ort hi snet wor kandt hencr eat est hos es ubnet wor ksbyas s i gni ng t henet wor kaddr es sandt hes ubnetmas kf oreachs egment . Fort hos ei nt er f acest hatyouhavei dent i f i edt hatt heyneedI Paddr es s ,youar e r eques t edt oal l ocat eI Paddr es s ,Subnetmas kanddef aul tgat eway.Thedef aul t gat eways houl dpoi ntt owar dst heI nt er net .However ,f orPCsconnect edt ot he s wi t ch2, t hedef aul tgat ewayi st heRout er 4. Not e: Yous houl dnotbet r oubl edaboutt her out i ngbecaus et her out i ngi snotconcer nedi n t hi sques t i on. Yourans wers houl dbei nt hef ol l owi ngf or mat : ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page49 I nt er f ace name Net wor kI P Addr es s Subnet mas k I PAddr es sf ort hei nt er f ace Def aul t ( et h1 , et h2, …) gat eway Et h1 Et h2 Et h3 Di s t r i ctI CTOf f i cer RWANDAI NFORMATI ONTECHNOLOGYAUTHORI TY ( RI TA) DI STRI CTI CTOFFI CERS WRI TTENEXAMI NATI ON 26TH APRI L2007 ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page50 I NSTRUCTI ONS: 1 . Thi spapercons i s t soff ours ect i ons 2. Ans weranyTwoques t i onsi ns ect i onAandB 3.Ans weral l ques t i onsi ns ect i onCandD 4.Bebr i efandpr eci s e. 5. Dur at i oni s2h30hour s GOODLUCK! ! ! ! ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page51 Sect i onA: Har dwar epar t . Q1 : a) Ex pl ai nt hemai nf unct i onsofanoper at i ngs ys t em( 5mar ks ) b)Ex pl ai nt hei nt er nal pr oces ss t epsofboot i ngt hes ys t em( 5mar ks ) c) Gi ves ys t emr equi r ement sf orwi ndows98andWi ndows2000i ns t al l at i on.( 5mar ks ) d)Compar eandcont r as tWi ndowsandLi nuxoper at i ngs ys t ems .( 5mar ks ) Q2.a)[ 1 0Mar ks ] d)Whati saBI OS?( 3mar ks ) e) Des cr i besBI OSf unct i ons ?( 3mar ks ) f ) Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenanUpgr adeandacl eani ns t al l ?( 4mar ks ) b)[ 1 0Mar ks ] e) Ex pl ai nper i pher al sdevi cesandgi ve3ex ampl es ?( 3mar ks ) f ) Whati sacomput ermemor y?( 3mar ks ) g) Gi veandex pl ai n3s t or agedevi ces ?( 3mar ks ) h)Ex pl ai ns t epbys t ept hepr oces sofpar t i t i oni ngaHar dDr i vewi t hFdi s k( 6mar ks ) . Q3: a) Des cr i bet hedi f f er entt ypesoff i l es ys t ems . b)Whatar et hedi f f er entf act or si nvol vedi nt hes el ect i onoff i l es ys t em t obeus eddur i ngt hei ns t al l at i onofanoper at i ngs ys t em. c) Whatar et her es pons i bi l i t i esofas ys t emadmi ni s t r at or d)Ex pl ai nt hes t epsi nvol vedi nt het r oubl es hoot i ngpr oces s . Q4: a) Def i net hef ol l owi ngt er ms : i .Boots ect or i i .Dual boot i i i .Act i vedr i ve i v.Pr i mar ypar t i t i on v.Logi cal dr i ve b)Ex pl ai ncl ear l ys er i al andpar al l el t r ans mi s s i onofdat a Sect i onB: Net wor ki ng ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page52 Q1 : a) Br i ef l yex pl ai ns evenl ayer soft heOSImodel wi t hex ampl es . b)Ex pl ai ni ndet ai l st heus eofeachoft hef ol l owi ng: i .Br i dge i i .Rout er i i i .Swi t ch i v.Repeat er v.Modem c) Wi t hanex ampl ecl ear l yel abor at et hedi f f er enceofoper at i onbet weenabr i dgeand as wi t chi nnet wor ki ng. Q2: a) Ex pl ai nt hedi f f er entr es pons i bi l i t i esofanet wor kadmi ni s t r at or[ 5Mar ks ] b)Gi veandex pl ai nt hedi f f er entt ypesoft r ans mi s s i onmedi a.[ 5Mar ks ] c) Ex pl ai nt hedi f f er encebet weenPubl i candPr i vat eI Paddr es s , wi t hex ampl e.Wher e doyougetI Paddr es s ?[ 5Mar ks ] d)How doyoudi f f er ent i at eanet wor kI Paddr es sandHos tI Paddr es s ?Gi veal s oa br i efex pl anat i onons ubnetmas ks ?[ 5Mar ks ] Q3: a) Ex pl ai nbr i ef l ys ubnet i ng. b)Des i gnanet wor k ,whi chi ss ubdi vi dedi nt o2s ubnet s .Thenet wor kaddr es si s 1 31 . 1 92. 0. 0.Gi vet heI Paddr es sofeachs ubnetandt hegat eway. c) Gi veandex pl ai ndi f f er entt ypesofpr ot ocol si nnet wor ki ng. d)Gi veandex pl ai ndi f f er entt ypesoft opol ogi es . Q4: a) Des cr i be cl ear l yat wi s t ed pai r cabl e and gi ve out i t s advant ages and di s advant ages .( 5mar ks ) b)Ex pl ai nt hedes i gnofabust opol ogyandgi vei t sadvant agesanddi s advant ages .( 5 mar ks ) c) I magi net hatDi s t r i ctus esf i beropt i ccabl et oconnectt ot heI nt er netandt or emot e gover nmenti ns t i t ut i ons .TheDi s t r i ctwoul dl i ket ohaveabackupl i nki ncas et he f i berl i negoesdown.Thel ocal I SPshaveFr amer el ays er vi ce, dedi cat edl eas edl i ne, I SDN( I SDNwi t hDi alonDemand)andATM.Yours uper vi s oras ksyout omakea choi ce.Whi chWANs er vi cewoul dyoumos tl i kel ychoos et obackupt hef i berl i ne? Ex pl ai nt her eas onbehi ndyourchoi ceandwhatequi pmentyouneedt oconf i gur e t her edundantnet wor k.( 1 0mar ks ) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page53 Sect i onC: SOFTWARE( 20mar ks ) a)Di s t i ngui s hbet weenhi ghl evel l anguagesandmachi nel anguages b)Ex pl ai nbr i ef l yt hef ol l owi ngt er msi npr ogr ammi ng ( i ) Pol ymor phi s m ( i i ) Cl as s es ( i i i ) Var i abl e c) .Wr i t eas i mpl ej avapr ogr amt opr i ntt hewor ds“ HELLOWORLD” d) .Di s t i ngui s hbet weenaCompi l erandani nt er pr et eri npr ogr ammi ng Sect i onD: a) Br i ef l yex pl ai nt her el at i ons hi pbet weent heNI CIpl anandt hegover nmentvi s i on 2020. b)Does t he I CT f ordevel opmentpol i cy of Rwanda addr es st he Mi l l enni um Devel opmentGoal s ?( Ex pl ai nBr i ef l y) . c) Br i ef l yex pl ai nhow I CTcanaddr es st hes oci oeconomi caldevel opmentf orr ur al communi t y. d)Des cr i behow youwoul ddevel opI CTs ect ori nt hedi s t r i ctwhi chi ss t ar t i ngI CT f r oms cr at ch.[ 5mar ks ] WRI TTENEXAMFORTHEPOSI TI ONOFNETWORKSPECI ALI STFOR NATI ONALCOMPUTI NGCENTREATRI TA [ Augus t2006] ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page54 I NSTRUCTI ON 1 . 2. 3. 4. Thi spapercons i s t sofs even( 7)ques t i ons Ans werANYf i veques t i onsbutques t i ons1 ,2and3ar e compul s or y Mar ksf oreachques t i onar ei ndi cat ed Dur at i ont hr ee( 3)hour s Ques t i on1[ 30Mar ks ] Anal yz et hedi agr ambel owandt henans wert heques t i onsher eaf t er : c) Redr awt hi st opol ogy, t heni dent i f yal li nt er f acesofnet wor kdevi cest hatneedst o beal l ocat edI Paddr es s .Thes ei nt er f acesmus tnamedasf ol l ows :Et h1 , Et h2, Et h3, ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page55 ands oon… d)Suppos et hatyouar et henet wor kadmi ni s t r at oroft hi snet wor kandyouhave r ecei ved t he f ol l owi ng net wor k addr es s :1 50. 1 00. 0. 0 and s ubnet mas ki s 255. 255. 0. 0 Yours uper vi s oras ksyout oi ni t i al l yi dent i f yt henumberofs ubnet wor ksyou r eal l yneedsf ort hi snet wor kandt hencr eat est hos es ubnet wor ksbyas s i gni ng t henet wor kaddr es sandt hes ubnetmas kf oreachs egment . Fort hos ei nt er f acest hatyouhavei dent i f i edt hatt heyneedI Paddr es s ,youar e r eques t edt oal l ocat eI Paddr es s ,Subnetmas kanddef aul tgat eway.Thedef aul t gat eways houl dpoi ntt owar dst heI nt er net .However ,f orPCsconnect edt ot he s wi t ch2, t hedef aul tgat ewayi st heRout er 4. Not e: Yous houl dnotbet r oubl edaboutt her out i ngbecaus et her out i ngi snotconcer nedi n t hi sques t i on. Yourans wers houl dbei nt hef ol l owi ngf or mat : I nt er f ace name Net wor kI P Addr es s Subnet mas k I PAddr es sf ort hei nt er f ace Def aul t ( et h1 , et h2, …) gat eway Et h1 Et h2 Et h3 Ques t i on2[ 1 5Mar ks ] Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngconcept s : 1 ) Et her net 2) Fas tEt her net 3)Hal fdupl ex 4)Ful l dupl ex 5) Vi r t ual pr i vat enet wor k( VPN) 6)Vi r t ual Local Ar eaNet wor k( VLAN) 7)Qual i t yofSer vi ce( QoS) 8)SI PandH. 323 9)Rout edpr ot ocol 1 0)Rout i ngpr ot ocol Ques t i on3[ 1 0Mar ks ] ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page56 a)Theex hi bi taboves howst heRI TAnet wor k .Whatar et hebr oadcas taddr es s esf ort he s ubnet swhi char es howni nt heex hi bi t ? b)I magi net hatt wor out er s( R2andR3)ar econnect edvi at hei rs er i ali nt er f acesas i l l us t r at edont heabovedi agr am,butt heyar eunabl et ocommuni cat e.Ther out erR1i s knownt ohavet hecor r ectconf i gur at i on. Whenyouwantt ot r oubl es hoot ,youhaveex ecut edt hef ol l owi ngcommands s how i nt er f aceS0onr out erR1ands howi nt er f aceS1onr out erR2. Theout put soft hes ecommandsl ookl i ket hi s : ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page57 R1#s howi nt er f aceS0 Ser i al 0i sup, l i nepr ot ocol i sdown Har dwar ei sCi s co281 1 I nt er netaddr es si s30. 30. 30. 1 / 24 MTU1 500byt es , BW 1 28Kbi t Rel i abi l i t y255/ 255 Encaps ul at i onHDLC, l oopbacknots et Keepal i ves et( 1 0s ec) R2#s howi nt er f aceS0 Ser i al 1i sup, l i nepr ot ocol i sdown Har dwar ei sCi s co281 1 I nt er netaddr es si s30. 30. 30. 2/ 24 MTU1 500byt es , BW 1 28Kbi t Rel i abi l i t y255/ 255 Encaps ul at i onPPP, l oopbacknots et Keepal i ves et( 1 0s ec) LCPLi s t en Cl os ed: I PCP, CDPCP Gi vent hepar t i al conf i gur at i ons , i dent i f yt hef aul tont her out erR2t hati scaus i ngt hel ack ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page58 ofconnect i vi t y.Mot i vat eyourans wer Ques t i on4[ 1 5Mar ks ] I magi net hatRI TA us esf i beropt i ccabl et o connectt ot heI nt er netand t or emot e gover nmenti ns t i t ut i ons .RI TAwoul dl i ket ohaveabackupl i nki ncas et hef i berl i negoes down.Thel ocalI SPshaveFr amer el ays er vi ce, dedi cat edl eas edl i ne, I SDN( I SDNwi t hDi al onDemand)andATM.Yours uper vi s oras ksyout omakeachoi ce.Whi chWANs er vi ce woul dyoumos tl i kel ychoos et obackupt hef i berl i ne?Ex pl ai nt her eas onbehi ndyour choi ceandwhatequi pmentyouneedt oconf i gur et her edundantnet wor k. Ques t i on5 ( a) How doyoudi f f er ent i at eanet wor kI Paddr es sandHos tI Paddr es s ?Gi veal s oabr i ef ex pl anat i onons ubnetmas ks ?[ 8Mar ks ] ( b)Howdoesal ayert wodevi ces uchasabr i dgeors wi t chf unct i on?[ 7Mar ks ] Ques t i on6 ( a)Whatar et hei nt er i orr out i ngpr ot ocolandex t er i orr out i ngpr ot ocol s ?Ex pl ai ni nbr i ef howt he2t ypesofpr ot ocol sdi f f er ?[ 1 0Mar ks ] ( b)Spanni ngTr eepr ot ocol wasor i gi nal l ydevel opedbyDEC.Whati st her eas onf or Spanni ngTr eet obeus edf ors wi t chedLAN?[ 5Mar ks ] ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page59 Ques t i on7 ( a)Anet wor kadmi ni s t r at orwant sanI Ps t at i cr out et opoi ntt oabackupl i nk , butonl y i ft hes amer out ei snotavai l abl evi aadynami cr out i ngpr ot ocol .Howwoul dt hi s beaccompl i s hed?[ 8Mar ks ] ( b)Ther ei smuchi nt er es tt odayi ns endi ngvoi cet r af f i cacr os sI Pnet wor ks .Gi ve r eas ons why t hi s appr oach mi ghtmake mor e ef f i ci entus e oft r ans mi s s i on capaci t yt hant heci r cui ts wi t chedPCM s chemet hathast r adi t i onal l yhel ds way [ 7Mar ks ] ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page60 PCHARDWAREMAI NTENANCESPECI ALI ST WRI TTENEXAMI NATI ON [Augus t2006] I NSTRUCTI ON 5. 6. 7. 8. Thi spapercons i s t sofs even( 7)ques t i ons Ans werANYf i veques t i ons Eachques t i oncar r yequal mar ks Dur at i ont hr ee( 3)hour s Ques t i on1 : Def i net hef ol l owi ngt er ms : i )SMPS( 4mar ks ) i i )Adapt or s( 4mar ks ) i i i )Sof t war e( 4mar ks ) i v)Har dwar e( 4mar k s ) Ques t i on2: ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page61 a)Di f f er ent i at ePent i umpr oces s orand486pr oces s or ?( 6mar ks ) b)Namet headvant agesofhavi ngUPSonas ys t em?( 6mar ks ) c)Ex pl ai nt hei nt er nal pr oces ss t epsofboot i ngt hes ys t em( 8mar ks ) Ques t i on3: a)Whatar et hef unct i onsoft hef ol l owi ng? i ) I RQs( 3mar ks ) i i ) NI C( 3mar ks ) b)Ex pl ai nwhypr oces s ori sabr ai nofcomput er ?( 5mar ks ) c)Ex pl ai ns omeoft hepr i mar ycons i der at i onsi ndes i gni ngadual boot s ys t em( 9mar ks ) Ques t i on4: a)Whatar et her ol esofbusi ncomput ers ys t em?( 5mar ks ) b)Ex pl ai ns ever al t ypesofbusi nvol vedi ncomput ers ys t emi ncl udi ng char act er i s t i cs , advant agesanddi s advant ages( 5mar ks ) c)Whatar et hef ours et upopt i onsof f er edaf t erWi ndows98Set upf or t hepr epar at i onsoft hei ns t al l at i ondi r ect or y?( 1 0mar ks ) Ques t i on5: a)Di f f er ent i at es er i al por tandpar al l el por t ?( 5mar ks ) b)Def i neUSBpor t ?Andgi veadvant agesofi t ?( 5mar ks ) c)El abor at et hedet ai l eddi f f er encebet weenFATandNTFSFi l e s ys t ems . d)Des cr i bet hef ol l owi ng: ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page62 ( i ) CONFI G. SYSs t ar t upf i l es( 5mar ks ) ( i i )AUTOEXEC. BATs t ar t upf i l es( 5mar ks ) Ques t i on6: a)Whati saBI OS?( 6mar ks ) b)Des cr i besBI OSf unct i ons ?( 6mar ks ) c)Whati st hedi f f er encebet weenanUpgr adeandacl eani ns t al l ?( 8 mar ks ) Ques t i on7: a)Ex pl ai nper i pher al sdevi cesandgi ve3ex ampl es ?( 6mar ks ) b)Whati sacomput ermemor y?( 3mar ks ) c)Gi veandex pl ai n3s t or agedevi ces ?( 3mar ks ) d)Ex pl ai ns t epbys t ept hepr oces sofpar t i t i oni ngaHar dDr i vewi t h Fdi s k( 8mar ks ) . ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page63 WRI TTENEXAMFORTHEPOSI TI ONOFNETWORKSPECI ALI ST Not e: 1 )Ther es er vedt i mef ort hi sex ami s3Hour sand30mi nut es 2)Yous houl dans weronl y6ques t i onsout9ques t i ons 2)Theques t i onsnumber1 , 2and3ar emandat or y 3)Ans wer3mor eques t i onsofyourchoi cef r omt heques t i on4t o9 - Ques t i on1[ 30Mar ks ] Anal yz et hedi agr ambel owandt henans wert heques t i onsher eaf t er : e) Redr awt hi st opol ogy, t heni dent i f yal li nt er f acesofnet wor kdevi cest hatneedst o beal l ocat edI Paddr es s .Thes ei nt er f acesmus tnamedasf ol l ows :Et h1 , Et h2, Et h3, ands oon… ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page64 f ) Suppos et hatyouar et henet wor kadmi ni s t r at oroft hi snet wor kandyouhave r ecei ved t he f ol l owi ng net wor k addr es s :1 50. 1 00. 0. 0 and s ubnet mas ki s 255. 255. 0. 0 Yours uper vi s oras ksyout oi ni t i al l yi dent i f yt henumberofs ubnet wor ksyou r eal l yneedsf ort hi snet wor kandt hencr eat est hos es ubnet wor ksbyas s i gni ng t henet wor kaddr es sandt hes ubnetmas kf oreachs egment . Fort hos ei nt er f acest hatyouhavei dent i f i edt hatt heyneedI Paddr es s ,youar e r eques t edt oal l ocat eI Paddr es s ,Subnetmas kanddef aul tgat eway.Thedef aul t gat eways houl dpoi ntt owar dst heI nt er net .However ,f orPCsconnect edt ot he s wi t ch2, t hedef aul tgat ewayi st heRout er 4. Not e: Yous houl dnotbet r oubl edaboutt her out i ngbecaus et her out i ngi snotconcer nedi n t hi sques t i on. Yourans wers houl dbei nt hef ol l owi ngf or mat : I nt er f ace name Net wor kI P Addr es s Subnet mas k I PAddr es sf ort hei nt er f ace Def aul t ( et h1 , et h2, …) gat eway Et h1 Et h2 Et h3 Ques t i on3[ 1 0Mar ks ] ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page65 a)Theex hi bi taboves howst heRI TAnet wor k .Whatar et hebr oadcas taddr es s esf ort he s ubnet swhi char es howni nt heex hi bi t ? Repons e 1 00. 1 00. 1 00. 255 80. 255. 255. 255 30. 30. 30. 255 1 1 0. 1 1 0. 1 1 0. 95 1 92. 1 68. 1 00. 7 b)I magi net hatt wor out er s( R2andR3)ar econnect edvi at hei rs er i ali nt er f acesas i l l us t r at edont heabovedi agr am,butt heyar eunabl et ocommuni cat e.Ther out erR1i s knownt ohavet hecor r ectconf i gur at i on. Whenyouwantt ot r oubl es hoot ,youhaveex ecut edt hef ol l owi ngcommands s how i nt er f aceS0onr out erR1ands howi nt er f aceS1onr out erR2. Theout put soft hes ecommandsl ookl i ket hi s : R1#s howi nt er f aceS0 Ser i al 0i sup, l i nepr ot ocol i sdown Encaps ul at i onHDLC, l oopbacknot s et Keepal i ves et( 1 0s ec) Har dwar ei sCi s co281 1 I nt er netaddr es si s30. 30. 30. 1 / 24 MTU1 500byt es , BW 1 28Kbi t Rel i abi l i t y255/ 255 ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 R2#s howi nt er f aceS0 Page66 Ser i al 1i sup, l i nepr ot ocol i sdown Har dwar ei sCi s co281 1 I nt er netaddr es si s30. 30. 30. 2/ 24 MTU1 500byt es , BW 1 28Kbi t Rel i abi l i t y255/ 255 Encaps ul at i onPPP, l oopbacknot s et Keepal i ves et( 1 0s ec) LCPLi s t en Cl os ed: I PCP, CDPCP ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page67 Gi vent hepar t i al conf i gur at i ons , i dent i f yt hef aul tont her out erR2t hati scaus i ngt hel ack ofconnect i vi t y.Mot i vat eyourans wer Repons e: TheEncaps ul at i onpr ot ocol s houl dbet hes amei nt he2r out er s WRI TTENEXAMFORTHEPOSI TI ONOFNETWORKSPECI ALI ST Not e: 1 )Ther es er vedt i mef ort hi sex ami s3Hour sand30mi nut es 2)Yous houl dans weronl y6ques t i onsout9ques t i ons 2)Theques t i onsnumber1 , 2and3ar emandat or y 3)Ans wer3mor eques t i onsofyourchoi cef r omt heques t i on4t o9 - Ques t i on1[ 30Mar ks ] Anal yz et hedi agr ambel owandt henans wert heques t i onsher eaf t er : ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page68 g) Redr awt hi st opol ogy, t heni dent i f yal li nt er f acesofnet wor kdevi cest hatneedst o beal l ocat edI Paddr es s .Thes ei nt er f acesmus tnamedasf ol l ows :Et h1 , Et h2, Et h3, ands oon… h)Suppos et hatyouar et henet wor kadmi ni s t r at oroft hi snet wor kandyouhave r ecei ved t he f ol l owi ng net wor k addr es s :1 50. 1 00. 0. 0 and s ubnet mas ki s 255. 255. 0. 0 Yours uper vi s oras ksyout oi ni t i al l yi dent i f yt henumberofs ubnet wor ksyou r eal l yneedsf ort hi snet wor kandt hencr eat est hos es ubnet wor ksbyas s i gni ng t henet wor kaddr es sandt hes ubnetmas kf oreachs egment . Fort hos ei nt er f acest hatyouhavei dent i f i edt hatt heyneedI Paddr es s ,youar e r eques t edt oal l ocat eI Paddr es s ,Subnetmas kanddef aul tgat eway.Thedef aul t gat eways houl dpoi ntt owar dst heI nt er net .However ,f orPCsconnect edt ot he s wi t ch2, t hedef aul tgat ewayi st heRout er 4. Not e: Yous houl dnotbet r oubl edaboutt her out i ngbecaus et her out i ngi snotconcer nedi n t hi sques t i on. Yourans wers houl dbei nt hef ol l owi ngf or mat : I nt er f ace name Net wor kI P Addr es s Subnet mas k I PAddr es sf ort hei nt er f ace Def aul t ( et h1 , et h2, …) gat eway Et h1 Et h2 ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page69 Et h3 Ques t i on2[ 1 5Mar ks ] Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngconcept s : 1 ) Et her net 2) Fas tEt her net 3)Hal fdupl ex 4)Ful l dupl ex 5) Vi r t ual pr i vat enet wor k( VPN) 6)Vi r t ual Local Ar eaNet wor k( VLAN) 7)Qual i t yofSer vi ce( QoS) 8)Rout edpr ot ocol 9)Rout i ngpr ot ocol Ques t i on3[ 1 0Mar ks ] a)Theex hi bi taboves howst heRI TAnet wor k .Whatar et hebr oadcas taddr es s esf ort he s ubnet swhi char es howni nt heex hi bi t ? b)I magi net hatt wor out er s( R2andR3)ar econnect edvi at hei rs er i ali nt er f acesas i l l us t r at edont heabovedi agr am,butt heyar eunabl et ocommuni cat e.Ther out erR1i s knownt ohavet hecor r ectconf i gur at i on. ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page70 Whenyouwantt ot r oubl es hoot ,youhaveex ecut edt hef ol l owi ngcommands s how i nt er f aceS0onr out erR1ands howi nt er f aceS1onr out erR2. Theout put soft hes ecommandsl ookl i ket hi s : ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page71 R1#s howi nt er f aceS0 Ser i al 0i sup, l i nepr ot ocol i sdown Har dwar ei sCi s co281 1 I nt er netaddr es si s30. 30. 30. 1 / 24 MTU1 500byt es , BW 1 28Kbi t Rel i abi l i t y255/ 255 Encaps ul at i onHDLC, l oopbacknots et Keepal i ves et( 1 0s ec) R2#s howi nt er f aceS0 Ser i al 1i sup, l i nepr ot ocol i sdown Har dwar ei sCi s co281 1 I nt er netaddr es si s30. 30. 30. 2/ 24 MTU1 500byt es , BW 1 28Kbi t Rel i abi l i t y255/ 255 Encaps ul at i onPPP, l oopbacknots et Keepal i ves et( 1 0s ec) LCPLi s t en Cl os ed: I PCP, CDPCP ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page72 Gi vent hepar t i al conf i gur at i ons , i dent i f yt hef aul tont her out erR2t hati scaus i ngt hel ackof connect i vi t y.Mot i vat eyourans wer Ques t i on4[ 1 5Mar ks ] I magi net hatRI TAus esf i beropt i ccabl et oconnectt ot heI nt er netandt or emot egover nment i ns t i t ut i ons .RI TAwoul dl i ket ohaveabackupl i nki ncas et hef i berl i negoesdown.Thel ocal I SPs haveFr amer el ays er vi ce, dedi cat edl eas edl i ne, I SDN( I SDNwi t hDi al onDemand)andATM.Your s uper vi s oras ksyout omakeachoi ce.Whi chWANs er vi cewoul dyoumos tl i kel ychoos et o backupt hef i berl i ne?Ex pl ai nt her eas onbehi ndyourchoi ceandwhatequi pmentyouneedt o conf i gur et her edundantnet wor k . Ques t i on5[ 1 5Mar ks ] Howdoyoudi f f er ent i at eanet wor kI Paddr es sandHos tI Paddr es s ?Gi veal s oabr i efex pl anat i on ons ubnetmas ks ? Ques t i on6[ 1 5Mar ks ] Whatar et hei nt er i orr out i ngpr ot ocolandex t er i orr out i ngpr ot ocol s ?Ex pl ai ni nbr i efhow t hey di f f er ? ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page73 Ques t i on7[ 1 5Mar ks ] Anet wor kadmi ni s t r at orwant sanI Ps t at i cr out et opoi ntt oabackupl i nk,butonl yi ft hes ame r out ei snotavai l abl evi aadynami cr out i ngpr ot ocol .Howwoul dt hi sbeaccompl i s hed? Ques t i on8[ 1 5Mar ks ] Howdoesal ayert wodevi ces uchasabr i dgeors wi t chf unct i on? Ques t i on9[ 1 5Mar ks ] Spanni ngTr eepr ot ocol wasor i gi nal l ydevel opedbyDEC.Whati st her eas onSpanni ngTr eei s us edi naswi t chedLAN? ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page74 KI GALII NSTI TUTEOFSCI ENCE, TECHNOLOGYAND MANAGEMENT I CTTRAI NI NGPROGRAMME I NTAKE4–PARTTI ME I CT1 03I / ODevi cesandDi s pl ays I ns t r uct i ons : 1 .Thi spapercont ai nss even( 7)ques t i ons 2. At t emptanyFI VE( 5)ques t i ons 3. Al l ques t i onscar r yequal mar ks( 20mar kseach) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page75 Ques t i on1 a) Ment i on3i nputdevi ces . ( 3mar ks ) b)Ment i on3out putdevi ces ? ( 3mar ks ) c) Ment i on3devi ceswhi char ei nputaswel l asout putdevi ces . ( 3mar ks ) d)Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngt er ms : i . Dat abus ( 2mar ks ) i i . Addr es sbus ( 2mar ks ) i i i .Ex pans i ons l ot( 2mar ks ) e) Ex pl ai nt hef unct i onofaUPSandex pl ai nwhyt heus agei si mpor t ant .( 5mar ks ) Ans wer : a) Gr aphi csTabl es , Camer as , Vi deoCapt ur eHar dwar e, Tr ackbal l s , Bar codeReader , Di gi t al camer a, Gamepad, Joys t i ck , Keyboar d, Mi cr ophone, MI DIkeyboar d, Mous e, Scanner , Webcam, Touchpads , Peni nput , Mi cr ophone, El ect r oni cWhi t eboar d, OMR, OCR, Punch car dr eader , MI CR( Magnet i ci nkchar act err eader ) , magnet i ct apedr i ve b)Moni t or ( LED, LCD, CRTet c) , Pr i nt er s , Pr oj ect or s , Pl ot t er s , LCDPr oj ect orPanel s , comput er out putMi cr of i l m( COM) , Speaker s , HeadPhone, Vi s ual Di s pl ayUni tFi l mRecor der , Mi cr of i che c) Modems , net wor kcar ds , TouchScr een. d)Df df e) UPS( uni nt er r upt i bl epowers uppl y)i sapowers uppl yt hati ncl udesabat t er yt omai nt ai n poweri nt heeventofapowerout age.Typi cal l y, aUPSkeepsacomput err unni ngf or s ever al mi nut esaf t erpowerout age, enabl i ngyout os avedat at hati si nRAMand s hut downpr oper l yt hecomput er . Ques t i on2 a) I nwhi cht wodi f f er entbuss ys t emswast hedat abusdi vi dedi nor dert os t aycompat i bl e wi t hol derex pans i ont echnol ogi esandex pl ai neachoft hembr i ef l y?( 7mar ks ) b)Whi chaddr es s esmus torcanbeconf i gur edwi t hever ydevi ce? ( 8mar ks ) c) Ex pl ai nt hef unct i onoft he8259chi p. ( 5mar ks ) Ques t i on3 a) Whi char et he6s t epsofl as erpr i nt i ngandex pl ai neachoft hem? ( 6mar ks ) b)Howi sani nkj etpr i nt erwor ki ng? ( 8mar ks ) c) Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngt er ms a. dpi ( 3mar ks ) Ans wer : Dot sPerI nchwhi cht echni cal l ymeanspr i nt erdot speri nch. b.ppm ( 3mar ks ) Ans wer : Par t spermi l l i oni smeas ur ementus edt odaybyanycus t omer st omeas ur e qual i t yper f or mance. Ques t i on4 a) Whi char et het womoni t ors ys t emsknownnowadays( s hor tandf ul l t er m) ?( 4mar ks ) b)Des cr i bet headvant agesanddi s advant agesoft het wodi f f er entmoni t ort ypes .( 9mar ks ) c) Ex pl ai nt heTFTt echnol ogyus edi nf l atpanel di s pl ays . ( 7mar ks ) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page76 Ans wer : a) CRT( Cat hoder ayt ube)moni t or s , LCD( l i qui dcr ys t al di s pl ay)moni t or s . b)Advant agesandDi s advant ageofCRT, LED, LCD, Pl as maDi s pl ay CRT Advant ages - Theyoper at eatanyr es ol ut i on, geomet r yandas pectr at i owi t houtt heneedf or r es cal i ngt hei mage. - CRTsr unatt hehi ghes tpi x el r es ol ut i onsgener al l yavai l abl e - Pr oducet hever ynes tcol orandgr ays cal e - Pr oducehi ghes tcont r as t - Ar el es sex pens i vet hatcompar abl edi s pl aysus i ngot herdi s pl ay Di s advant ages - Theyar el ar ge, heavy, andbul ky.Theycons umeal otofel ect r i ci t yandpr oduceal ot ofheat . - CRTgi veof fel ect r i c, magnet i candel ect r omagnet i cf i el ds . - SomeCRTshavear oundeds pher i cal orcyl i ndr i cal s hapes cr een.NewerCRTsar ef l at . - Notbr i ghtasLCDs LED( Li ghtEmi t t i ngDi ode) Advant ages - I ti sver ycheap Ver ys i mpl eel ect r oni cci r cui t s I ti sr el i abl e I ti sef f i ci ent Scr eens i z eupt o90i nches Di s advant ages - Res t r i ct i ont oonl y1 6hex adeci mal f i gur es - Lowqual i t yLEDsmaycaus epol l ut i ont oenvi r onment - Mayr es ul ti nmor eewas t es . LCD( Li qui dCr ys t al Di s pl ays ) Advant ages - Pr oducesver ybr i ghti mages Cons umel es st han1 / 3r dt hepowerofacompar abl eCRT Scr eens i z e: 1 357i nches Requi r el es spowert ooper at ecompar edt opl as ma, butmor et hanOLEDTSs Pr oducecons i der abl yl owerel ect r i c, magnet i cadel ect r omagnet i cf i el dst hanCRT. Di s advant ages - Theas pectr at i oandr es ol ut i onar ef i x ed - Lowercont r actt hanCRTsduet oapoorbl ackl evel - Sl owr es pons et i mes Pl as maDi s pl ay Advant ages - Lar gers cr eens i z eavai l abi l i t y - Bet t ercont r as tr at i o ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page77 - Bet t ercol oraccur acyands at ur at i on - Bet t ermot i ont r acki ng Di s advant ages - Pl as madi s pl aysar emor es us cept i bl ebur ni nors cr eenbur nofs t at i ci mages ; Pl as madi s pl aysr equi r esmor epower Doesnotper f or maswel l athi gheral t i t udes Shor t erdi s pl ayl i f es pant hanLCD. Ques t i on5 Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngdi f f er entt ypesofvi deomemor y: a) FPMRAM b)Vi deoRAM c) EDO d)WRAM ( 5mar ks ) ( 5mar ks ) ( 5mar ks ) ( 5mar ks ) Ques t i on6 a) Whati st hemeani ngofmodemandwhati st hef unct i onofamodem?( 5mar ks ) b)Whi char et he5bas i ci nf or mat i onpr ot ocol sus edbymodems ? ( 7mar ks ) c) Ex pl ai nt het wot er mshal fdupl exandf ul l dupl ex . ( 4mar ks ) d)Whathappensdur i ngt he“ hands haki ng”oft womodems ? ( 4mar ks ) Ques t i on7 a) Ex pl ai nhowaCRTi swor ki ng. ( 7mar ks ) b)Ex pl ai nhowani magef or mat i oni sbui l tonaCRT. ( 7mar ks ) c) Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngt er ms : 2. HRR ( 3mar ks ) 3. VRR ( 3mar ks ) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page78 KI GALII NSTI TUTEOFSCI ENCE, TECHNOLOGYAND MANAGEMENT I CTTRAI NI NGPROGRAMME I NTAKE4–PARTTI ME I CT1 03I / ODevi cesandDi s pl ays I ns t r uct i ons : 4.Thi spapercont ai nss even( 7)ques t i ons 5.At t emptanyFI VE( 5)ques t i ons 6.Al l ques t i onscar r yequal mar ks( 20mar kseach) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page79 Ques t i on1[ 20Mr ks ] a. Ex pl ai nbr i ef l yt her ol eofRAMandROMi ncomput er .( 1 0mar ks ) b.Whati st hedi f f er encebet weencomput eri nputdevi cesandcomput erout put devi ces .Gi ve3di f f er entdevi ceswhi char ecomput eri nputandout putdevi cesat s amet i me.( 1 0mar ks ) Ques t i on2[ 20Mr ks ] A.Whi chs t or agedevi cewoul dyouus et obr i ngapi eceofwor k, whi chyouhavedone onyourcomput erathome, i nt os chool t oenabl eyout ocont i nuewor ki ngoni t her e?( 1 0mar ks ) B.b)Whatar ecomput ers peci f i cat i onswhi chwoul dal l owr ecogni z i ngt hata comput eri smor epower f ul t hant heot her ?( 1 0mar ks ) Ques t i on3[ 20Mr ks ] A.Al l comput er shaveaCPU.Whati st hepr i nci pal f unct i onofacomput er ' sCPU?( 1 0 mar ks ) B.[ 1 0Mr ks ]Whati samodemus edf or ?( 5mar ks ) C.[ 1 0Mr ks ]Whati sachi ps et ?( 5mar ks ) Ans wer : I ncomput ers ys t em, achi ps eti sas etofel ect r oni ccomponent si nani nt egr at ed ci r cui tt hatmanagest hedat af l owbet weent hepr oces s or , memor yandper i pher al s . I ti sf oundonmot her boar d. Chi ps et sar eus ual l ydes i gnedt owor kwi t has peci f i cf ami l yofmi cr opr oces s or s . Becaus ei tcont r ol scommuni cat i onsbet weent hepr oces s orandex t er nal devi ces . Thechi ps etpl aysacr uci al r ol ei ndet er mi ni ngs ys t emper f or mance. Ques t i on4[ 20Mr ks ] Ex pl ai nt her ol eoft hef ol l owi ngpor t s( i nt er f aces ) Ans wer : A.USBpor t( 5mar ks ) B.COMpor t( 5mar ks ) C.Par al l el por t( 5mar ks ) D.Et her netpor t( 5mar ks ) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page80 A. df df B.Ser i al por t ,as ynchr onouspor tont hecomput erus edt oconnectas er al devi cet ot hecomput er andcapabl eoft r ans mi t t i ngonebi tatat i me.Ser i al por t sar et ypi cal l yi dent i f i edonI BM compat i bl ecomput er sasCOM( communi cat i ons )por t s .Forex ampl e, amous emi ghtbe connect edt oCOM1andamodemt oCOM2.Wi t ht hei nt r oduct i onofUSB, Fi r eWi r e, andot her f as t ers ol ut i onss er i al por t sar er ar el yus edwhencompar edt ohowof t ent hey’ vebeenus edi nt he pas t . Fi r eWi r e: Al t er nat i vel yr ef er r edt oasI EEE1 394, Fi r eWi r eI sadi gi t al buswi t habandwi dt h of400800Mbps .I tcanhandl eupt o63uni t sont hes amebus , andi shots wappabl e.I t wasf i r s tdevel opedbyappl ei n1 995. USB: uni ver s al s er i al busi sapl ugandpl ayi nt er f acet hatal l owsacomput ert o communi cat ewi t hpar i pher al andot herdevi ces . C. Par al l el por t: Les scommonl yr ef er r edt oast heCent r oni csi nt er f aceorCent r oni csconnect or af t ert hecompanyt hator i gi nal l ydes i gnedi t , t hepor twasl at erdevel opedbyEps on.Thepar al l el por tI sf oundont hebackofI BMCompat i bl ecomput er sandi sa25pi n( t ypeDB25)comput er i nt er f acecommol yus edt oconnectpr i nt er st ot hecomput er . D.Et her netpor t: Et her netpor ti sanopeni ngoncomput ernet wor kequi pmentt hatet her netcabl es pl ugi nt o.Thes epor t sar eal t er nat i vel ycal l edj acksors ocket s .Et henetpor t sar eal t er nat i vel y cal l edj acksors ocket set her netpor t sacceptcabl esRJ45connect or s . Mos tcomput er si ncl udeonebui l t i net her netpor tf orconnect i ont hedevi cet oawi r ednet wor k. Ques t i on5[ 20Mr ks ] A.Whatar et heex pans i ons l ot sus edf or ?( 1 0mar ks ) B.Whati st hemot her boar d?( 1 0mar ks ) Ques t i on6[ 20Mr ks ] A.Whi char et het womoni t ors ys t emsknownnowadays( s hor tandf ul l t er m) ?( 1 0 mar ks ) B.Des cr i bet headvant agesanddi s advant agesoft het wodi f f er entmoni t ort ypes .( 5 ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page81 mar ks ) C.Ex pl ai nt het wot er mshal fdupl exandf ul l dupl ex( 5mar ks ) Ques t i on7[ 20Mr ks ] A.Ment i on3i nputdevi ces . ( 4mar ks ) B.Ment i on3out putdevi ces ? ( 4mar ks ) C.Ex pl ai nt hef ol l owi ngt er ms : D.Dat abus ( 4mar ks ) E.Addr es sbus ( 4mar ks ) F.Ex pl ai nt hef unct i onofaUPSandex pl ai nwhyt heus agei si mpor t ant .( 4mar ks ) ndadon2020@gmai l . com–0788626468 Page82