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Heat Transfer Exam Questions

1. Discuss the mechanism of thermal conduction in gases and solids.
2. Discuss the mechanism of heat convection.
3. Two infinite black plates at 500 and 100◦C exchange heat by radiation. Calculate
the heat-transfer rate per unit area. If another perfectly black plate is placed
between the 500 and 100◦C plates, by how much is the heat transfer reduced? What
is the temperature of the center plate?
4. One side of a plane wall is maintained at 100◦C, while the other side is exposed
to a convection environment having T =10◦C and h=10 W/m2 · ◦C. The wall has k
=1.6W/m· ◦C and is 40 cm thick. Calculate the heat-transfer rate through the wall.
5. What is meant by the term one-dimensional when applied to conduction
6. In the section illustrated in Figure below the surface 1-4-7 is insulated. The
convection heat transfer coefficient at surface 1-2-3 is 28 W/m2 · ◦C. The thermal
conductivity of the solid material is 5.2 W/m · ◦C. Using the numerical technique,
compute the temperatures at nodes 1, 2, 4, and 5.
7. Find the heat transfer per unit area through the composite wall in Figure P2-4.
Assume one-dimensional heat flow.
9. The composite strip in Figure below is exposed to the convection environment at
300◦C and h = 40 W/m2 · ◦C. The material properties are kA = 20 W/m · ◦C, kB =
1.2 W/m · ◦C, and kC = 0.5 W/m · ◦C. The strip is mounted on a plate maintained
at the constant temperature of 50◦C. Calculate the heat transfer from the strip to
plate per unit length of strip. Assume two-dimensional heat flow.
10. A certain building wall consists of 6.0 in of concrete [k =1.2 W/m· ◦C], 2.0 in
of fiberglass insulation, and 38 in of gypsum board [k =0.05 W/m· ◦C]. The inside
and outside convection coefficients are 2.0 and 7.0 Btu/h · ft2 · ◦F, respectively.
The outside air temperature is 20◦F, and the inside temperature is 72◦F. Calculate
the overall heat-transfer coefficient for the wall, the R value, and the heat loss per
11. Two pipes are buried in an insulating material having k =0.8 W/m.◦C. One pipe
is 10 cm in diameter and carries a hot fluid at 300 ◦C while the other pipe is 2.8 cm
in diameter and carries a cool fluid at 15◦C. The pipes are parallel and separated by
a distance of 12 cm on centers. Calculate the heat-transfer rate between the pipes
per meter of length.