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JESTPE S4T final 10262021

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Insulation Coordination Design for Grid-Connected Solid-State Transformers
Article in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics · November 2021
DOI: 10.1109/JESTPE.2021.3125708
9 authors, including:
Chunmeng Xu
Jia Wei
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology
Liran Zheng
Maryam Saeedifard
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology
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Insulation Coordination Design for GridConnected Solid-State Transformers
Chunmeng Xu, Member, IEEE, Jia Wei, Member, IEEE, Liran Zheng, Member, IEEE, Xiangyu Han,
Member, IEEE, Maryam Saeedifard, Senior Member, IEEE, Rajendra Prasad Kandula, Member, IEEE,
Karthik Kandasamy, Member, IEEE, Deepak Divan, Life Fellow, IEEE, Lukas Graber, Senior
Member, IEEE
Abstract—The deployment of solid-state transformers (SSTs) in
medium-voltage distribution systems is facing various challenges,
especially the challenge of insulation coordination design against
grid-originated lightning impulses. In this paper, two challenges in
existing insulation coordination designs for grid-connected SSTs
are identified. One challenge is the mismatch between metal-oxide
varistor (MOV) protective levels and SST insulation strength, the
other challenge is the incompatibility of standard impulse test on
SST protective structures. To address the MOV selection
challenge, a novel lightning protection scheme is designed to
protect a single-stage SST where the semiconductor modules are
directly exposed to external lightning impulses. The in-lab
lightning impulse tests are performed to verify the overvoltage
attenuation performance of the prototyped lightning protection
scheme. To address the impulse test challenge, the surge withstand
capability of the protected SST is comprehensively evaluated with
a complete set of insulation coordination design procedures
beyond the BIL test. After these two challenges are addressed, a
discussion is presented on substituting conventional transformers
with the protected SSTs into insulation-coordinated distribution
systems to facilitate the field deployment of SSTs.
Index Terms—Basic insulation level (BIL), energy router,
transformer (MFT),
varistor (MOV), power electronic transformer (PET), solid-state
transformer (SST).
OLID-STATE transformers (SSTs) provide a promising
solution to achieve voltage transformations in a compact
and flexible manner [1, 2]. Recent advancements in power
semiconductor devices have expedited the deployments of these
power electronic transformers (PETs) in medium-voltage (MV)
distribution-level grids [3, 4]. Multiple SST and PET
prototypes are targeting to replace their line-frequency
transformer (LFT) counterparts for increased flexibility and
controllability in MV systems [5-8]. Nevertheless, several
practical challenges currently exist for large-scale field
deployments of SSTs [2, 9].
A major deployment challenge for grid-connected SSTs is
Manuscript received July 31, 2021; revised September 26, 2021; accepted
Oct 16, 2021. Date of publication XX XX, XXXX; date of current version XX
XX, XXXX. The information, data, or work presented herein was funded by
the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), U.S. Department
the fault protection [6, 10]. As illustrated in Fig. 1, various
types of faults can happen to a grid-connected SST and
numerous strategies have been proposed to protect SSTs under
these fault conditions [11-13]. The SSTs can maintain
operations under single phase to ground faults [14] and
overload conditions [15] on the load side or the lowvoltage (LV) side. The SSTs can also detect and mitigate their
internal faults like open-circuit faults [16, 17] and short-circuit
faults [18]. However, the SST protection against grid-side or
medium-voltage (MV) side faults is less studied in literature.
The overcurrent surges brought by ground faults can be
interrupted with circuit breakers or get limited by the SST
itself [19]. Comparatively, the overvoltage impulses are more
challenging to be handled by SSTs which are constructed with
voltage-sensitive semiconductor devices [20].
Although multiple studies in literature have chosen
overvoltage suppressors like metal-oxide varistors (MOVs) to
attenuate lightning and switching impulses [10, 11, 21], their
analyses on MOVs are lack of experimental verification and
thus neglecting many real-world phenomena of MOVs.
Moreover, the existing studies on SST insulation designs focus
primarily on the medium-frequency transformers (MFTs) [22,
23] without considering the grid-front semiconductor modules.
As illustrated in Fig. 1, the grid-front semiconductor devices are
exposed to the external surges before the isolation MFT in an
SST. If the grid-front semiconductor devices fail under a
lightning event, the overall SST becomes malfunctional no
matter whether the isolation MFT has a qualified basic lightning
impulse insulation level (BIL) or not. As of now, there is no
study focusing on the lightning protection scheme to help the
overall SST pass the lightning impulse tests. Therefore, the
challenges of insulation coordination designs for SSTs have not
been fully addressed in literature yet.
In this paper, two knowledge gaps are identified in the SST
insulation coordination designs: one is the mismatch between
the MOV protective levels and the SST insulation strength that
may cause breakdown damages in SSTs; the other is the
incompatibility of standard impulse test procedures on SST
protective structures that may fail to provide BIL ratings for
of Energy, under Award Number DE-AR0000899 in the CIRCUITS program
monitored by Dr. Isik Kizilyalli. (Corresponding author: Chunmeng Xu.)
The authors are with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332 USA (email:
Grid (MV) Side
Inside Solid-State Transformer
Load (LV)
1. Lightning impulse
2. Ground fault
3. Switching impulse
Inside converter:
4. Internal fault
5. Overload
6. Short circuit
Fig. 1. The typical faults that may happen to a grid-connected single-phase
SST. The illustrated SST topology is a 7.2 kV three-port single-stage modular
soft-switching SST (M-S4T) as reported in [24].
SSTs. To tackle the first challenge, a novel lightning protection
scheme (LPS) is constructed to provide sufficiently low
protective levels under lightning impulses. To tackle the second
challenge, this study discusses how to comprehensively
evaluate the surge withstand capability of an LPS-protectedSST without a standard-defined BIL rating. A flowchart of
insulation coordination design for SSTs is generalized in this
paper and a guideline on substituting LFTs with SSTs in
insulation-coordinated distribution systems is proposed. To the
author’s knowledge, it is the first time in literature that the
insulation coordination designs for SSTs are verified with the
experimental results of lightning impulse tests.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II
identifies the two challenges in SST insulation coordination
designs. Section III mitigates the first MOV selection challenge
by proposing a new LPS circuit for a 7.2 kV SST with
parameter design principles and frequency-dependent models.
Section IV validates the overvoltage attenuation performance
of the LPS prototype through in-lab lightning impulse tests.
Section V tackles the second impulse test challenge by
proposing a new set of insulation coordination design
procedures for SSTs. Section VI concludes the paper.
A. Standard Impulse Tests and BIL Ratings for LFTs
Insulation coordination, by its definition, refers to the
selection of the equipment insulation strength that is consistent
with the estimated external voltage stresses to obtain an
acceptable risk of failure [25]. A widely accepted parameter to
represent the standardized insulation strength of LFTs is the
BIL rating [26, 27]. According to the IEEE Std. C57.98 [26],
the BIL ratings of LFTs should be determined through impulse
tests with a full-wave lightning impulse. This full-wave
lightning impulse resembles a lightning disturbance that travels
along the transmission line before reaching a transformer [26].
The voltage of a full-wave lightning impulse should rise from
zero to its crest value in 1.2 μs and then decay to half of its crest
value at 50 μs, so that it is generally referred to as the 1.2/50 μs
lightning impulse in literature [28].
Inductive filter
(magnetic core)
Impulse generator
Fig. 2. (a) A standard impulse test circuit for an LFT and (b) a common
configuration with an impulse generator, a MOV, a grid-front filter and an SST
in the lightning impulse protection studies of [11, 21].
The impulse generator circuit in Fig. 2 could generate the
standard 1.2/50 μs lightning impulse vLI at its output [29]. When
performing impulse tests on an LFT, the terminals of the LFT
are directly connected to the output of the impulse generator, so
that the same vLI can be measured from the LFT terminal as
illustrated in Fig. 2(a). For a 7.2 kV LFT under test, if the LFT
terminals do not exhibit any disruptive discharge that distorts
the vLI until 95 kV peak, the impulse test is considered as passed
and a 95 kV BIL rating is assigned to the LFT. On the other
hand, if the terminal-to-terminal insulation of this 7.2 kV LFT
fails before the 95 kV peak, the LFT terminal voltage will
collapse and the standard 1.2/50 μs waveshape is no longer
maintained. In short, the LFT impulse test codes [26] require
that a 1.2/50 μs lightning impulse must be measured from the
LFT terminal in order to determine the BIL rating of the LFT
under test.
B. MOV Selection and Impulse Test Challenges for SSTs
The first challenge on SST insulation coordination designs
happens when the breakdown voltage Vbr of an SST is even
lower than the maximum protective level VPL,max of a MOV. In
this study, the 7.2 kV SST to be protected has its Vbr at 15 kV.
The 15 kV is a conservatively estimated value on the insulation
strength of five cascaded submodules in this SST, because each
submodule is constructed with 3.3 kV SiC MOSFETs [30].
After adding a 10% voltage margin from the theoretically
maximum insulation strength of five cascaded submodules at
16.5 kV, the assumed breakdown voltage of this 7.2 kV SST is
15 kV or approximately 2 pu (the per-unit base is the SST
system voltage Vs).
On the other side, the protective levels VPL (also known as
clamping voltage) of distribution-class MOVs are proportional
to their maximum continuous operating voltage VM [31]. The
ratio of protective level VPL/VM is at least 2.32 ~ 2.48 under
front-of-wave (FOW) overvoltage surges, or 2.1 ~ 2.2 under
8/20 μs current impulse, or 1.7 ~ 1.85 under switching
impulse [32]. If choosing the VM of a MOV as equal to the Vs of
an SST according to the IEEE Std. C62.22 [32], the maximum
protective level VPL,max of the selected MOV during
overvoltage-clamping processes can be approximated as:
𝑉𝑃𝐿,π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ ≥ πΎπΉπ‘‚π‘Š 𝑉𝑀 = πΎπΉπ‘‚π‘Š 𝑉𝑠 ≈ 2.4𝑉𝑠
AC bus xfmr valve Converter DC bus
arrester winding unit DC bus arrester
Breakdown of power modules
(without MOV) – “BROKEN”
reactor arrester
, standard 1.2/50μs lightning
impulse in LFT BIL tests – “PASS”
DC cable
, discharge waveform
AC bus
Time [μs]
LCL filter
Dual active bridge
Fig. 3. Comparison on the standard lightning impulse vLI from LFT impulse
tests (peaks at BIL rating VBIL), a broken-down SST’s voltage waveform under
lightning impulse test with MOV protections (peaks at the breakdown voltage
Vbr of the SST), and a MOV-clamped voltage vmov under lightning impulse test
for the MOV-protected-SST (peaks at maximum protective level VPL,max of the
where KFOW is the ratio of protective level under the FOW
overvoltage surges, the “worst-case scenario” of overvoltage
protection. In reality, most commercial MOVs have much
higher values of KFOW, like 3.65 for MOVs used in [11] and 4.4
for MOVs selected in this study. For adhering to the industrial
standards, an average value of KFOW = 2.4 within the standarddefined range of 2.32 – 2.48 [32] is used in the following
According to (1), if an SST has a breakdown voltage Vbr
being less than 2.4 times of its system voltage Vs, this SST is
subject to the overvoltage damages brought by a parallelconnected MOV. For the 7.2 kV SST with a Vbr of 15 kV in this
study, it will be damaged by a 7.2 kV-rated MOV in the circuit
of Fig. 2(b) due to the following voltage relationship:
𝑉𝑃𝐿,π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ ≈ 2.4𝑉𝑠 > 2𝑉𝑠 ≈ π‘‰π‘π‘Ÿ
In short, this mismatch between SST insulation strength and
MOV protective levels constitutes the MOV selection challenge
for SST insulation coordination designs. In order to tackle this
MOV selection challenge, a customized lightning protection
scheme (LPS) is proposed for the 7.2 kV SST in Section III and
then tested with a lightning impulse generator in Section IV in
this paper.
The second challenge on SSTs insulation coordination
designs comes from the conflicts among the LFT-compatible
impulse test standards, the BIL rating, and the surge withstand
capabilities of SSTs. As introduced above, a 7.2 kV LFT needs
to pass the standard impulse tests to obtain a 95 kV BIL rating.
Noteworthy to mention, the standard requires the LFT to be
tested without any surge arrester in the circuit as Fig. 2(a). In
contrast, it is almost impossible for a 7.2 kV SST to survive a
95 kV impulse without any protective device in the circuit,
considering the breakdown voltage of SST semiconductor
modules is normally 1.5 ~ 2.5 times of the continuous operating
voltage [9]. A broken-down SST will exhibit a “front-chopped”
voltage waveform (“BROKEN” curve in Fig. 3) with vigorous
short-circuit phenomena like overheating and sparking. After
MOVs and filters are included in the SST impulse test circuit
like Fig. 2(b), these surge suppressors will also clamp down the
LC filter
DC-link inductor
Fig. 4. (a) Typical HVDC converter station topology (single-phase equivalent
circuit) provided in IEC60071-5 with suggested arrester locations [33];
(b) Typical three-stage voltage-source SST topology with AC-side arrester
location reported in literature [10, 34]; (c) the single-stage, current-source MS4T with the LPS protection proposed in this paper.
original 1.2/50 μs waveshape (“CLAMPED” curve in Fig. 3)
through resistive dissipation based on the V-I characteristics of
surge suppressors.
Although the “surviving SST” scenario (“CLAMPED”
curve) is still distinguishable from the “broken-down SST”
scenario (“BROKEN” curve) in Fig. 3, neither of them qualifies
as the desired 1.2/50 μs waveform to pass a successful lightning
impulse test according to [26]. If the clamped vmov is measured
from an SST impulse test, the LFT test codes will consider the
SST as “failed” because the original 1.2/50 μs waveshape has
been distorted. As a result, a BIL rating cannot be assigned to a
“failed” SST test, although this SST has survived the 95 kV
lightning impulse with its protective devices. Without a testconfirmed BIL rating, the 7.2 kV SST is not accepted by
industrial standards to replace a 7.2 kV LFT into an insulationcoordinated distribution system. This is the direct consequence
caused by the impulse test challenge for SSTs. This impulse test
challenge will be discussed further in Section IV and Section V
in this paper.
C. Comparison with existing studies
Prior to this study, there have been mainly three categories of
insulation coordination studies on power converters. The first
category is the system-level coordination of withstand voltage
in HVDC converter stations that has been standardized by
IEC 60071-5 and lEC 60099-9 [33, 35, 36]. The second
category is the component-level coordination of protective
levels between the SST and the surge protection devices [34,
37, 38]. The third category is the structure-level coordination of
dielectric strength, clearance and creepage among insulation
layers within the power converters [39, 40].
In this study, the discussions on the MOV selection challenge
provide the first publicly-available lightning impulse test results
among the component-level coordination studies in SSTs. The
discussions on the impulse test challenge evaluate the
feasibility of BIL tests on SSTs for the first time in literature.
Comparatively, the BIL tests for HVDC converters are not
considered in their insulation coordination designs due to the
existence of winding-based converter transformers at the AC
grid interface. By referring to the general standards with LFTs
(i.e., IEEE Std C62.82.1 [25] and IEC 60071-1 [41]) instead of
the specialized ones with converters (i.e., IEC 60071-5 [33]),
this study actually sets a higher goal for insulation coordination
designs in SSTs than most other power converters. This is the
unique motivation and the main innovation of this study, which
reflects the practical challenges for SSTs to be deployed in
conventional AC distribution systems.
Comparatively, the single-stage current-source M-S4T
topology being protected in this study requires the highest level
of overvoltage surge protection as compared to the IECstandard HVDC station topology or the common three-stage
SSTs. As illustrated in Fig. 4(a), the AC-DC converter in an
HVDC station has no direct exposure to the external surges
because it is bounded by the inductance of converter
transformer, the smoothing reactor, and the DC-link
capacitor [33]. In this way, the requirements of surge withstand
capabilities in HVDC converters are much lower than the surge
capabilities in converter transformers. As illustrated in Fig. 4(b),
the dual active bridge in three-stage voltage-source SSTs is
interfaced by a DC-link capacitor, a rectifier, and a LCL filter
to the grid-front MOV [10, 34, 42].
Different from the HVDC station topology or the three-stage
voltage-source SSTs, the semiconductor devices in the M-S4T
prototype are more exposed to external disturbances. As
illustrated in Fig. 4(c), the grid-originated overvoltage surges
will reach the SiC MOSFETs right after the input LC filter,
which makes the overvoltage attenuation in this single-stage MS4T much more challenging than the protections for HVDC
converters or three-stage SSTs. Moreover, the input capacitive
filter in this current-source M-S4T cannot provide the same
degree of overvoltage attenuation as the DC-link capacitor in
voltage-source converters. In a sense, this M-S4T topology
becomes the “worst-case scenario” for SST protections and thus
it is selected as the case study in this paper.
A. SST Topology
The SST to be protected in this study is a 7.2 kV, 50 kVA
single-phase single-stage M-S4T with the prototype photo
shown in Fig. 5 and the submodule topology shown in
Fig. 6 [43]. The MV-side SiC MOSFETs used in the 7.2 kV MS4T prototype are customized modules with 3.3 kV rating and
reverse-blocking features [30]. This M-S4T topology allows
modular cascading with five submodules and the bidirectional
power flow according to [8]. The M-S4T utilizes the singlestage current-source topology without AC-DC rectifier or DCAC inverter at the grid-front interface. Compared to three-stage
SST topologies, this single-stage M-S4T topology offers higher
efficiency, higher power density and lower electromagnetic
interference [43].
Besides the semiconductor devices, the MV-side LC filter is
also a vital component that should be protected by the LPS
under lightning impulses. In the M-S4T prototype, the filtering
bridge xfmr bridge
Front view
Back view
Fig. 5. Photo of the 7.2 kV M-S4T prototype [24].
One S4T submodule
Scheme (LPS)
MV filter
MV bridge
HF xfmr
LV bridge
LV filter
Fig. 6. Schematic of the S4T-LPS insulation coordination with the submodule
topology of the 7.2 kV M-S4T.
capacitance Cf is chosen for clamping the peak-to-peak voltage
ripple around 10% [24]. For suppressing the surge currents into
the M-S4T, a filtering inductor Lf with parasitic resistance of Rf
is used as shown in Fig. 7. This surge-suppressing air-core
inductor is a separate component from the ripple-reducing
magnetic-core inductor as illustrated in Fig. 6. Because the
magnetic-core inductor is rated at only 7 A (50 kVA by
7.2 kV), its magnetic core will easily get saturated under
hundreds of amperes of surge currents during lightning impulse
tests. Therefore, a separate surge-suppressing inductor is
designed to have an air core for the anti-saturation purpose, and
its optimal inductance will be determined in the next section.
In this paper, the LPS circuit is designed independently from
the M-S4T internal structure as long as the M-S4T input voltage
was kept below Vbr during the lightning impulse tests. The
remaining discussions of stress propagations and voltage
balancing problems inside the M-S4T structure belong to the
regime of converter internal faults, which have been studied
in [10, 44] and are not the focus of this paper.
B. LPS Design Principles and Parameter Selections
The design principles of the LPS circuits are presented in this
section. Fig. 7 illustrates the single-layer structure of an LPS
with its on-state equivalent circuit. The major task of LPS
design is to select an appropriate VM value of the MOV so that
the maximum voltage over the M-S4T input VSST,max is less than
the breakdown limit of M-S4T (VSST,max < Vbr) during lightning
impulse tests.
Fig. 7. (a) A single-layer structure of LPS with a MOV, a switch or spark gap
to isolate the MOV under nominal voltage, and the LC filter of the S4T; (b) is
the equivalent circuit of single-layer LPS during impulse tests for MOV
parameter selections.
Fig. 8. Proposed LPS circuit with two layers of MOVs and inductors.
To find the maximum voltage over the M-S4T input during
impulse tests, assuming the MOV can be simplified as a step
voltage source with the step level of VPL,max during the current
discharging process like the vmov in Fig. 4. In Fig. 7(b), the
voltage over Cf can be derived as:
= 𝑉𝑃𝐿,π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ [1 − (π‘π‘œπ‘  πœ” + 𝑠 𝑛 πœ” ) 𝑒 −𝛼 ] (3)
where 𝛼 = 𝑓 /2𝐿𝑓 . Assuming the parasitic resistance Rf of aircore inductor Lf is negligible, the vsst expression can be
simplified with 𝑓 → 0, 𝛼 → 0:
≈ 𝑉𝑃𝐿,π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ [1 − π‘π‘œπ‘  πœ” ]
The maximum voltage over the M-S4T filtering capacitor
VSST,max should be kept below Vbr to avoid any damage to the MS4T as expressed in (5). Additionally, the VSST,max is
proportional to the maximum protective level VPL,max of MOV:
𝑉𝑆𝑆𝑇,π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ = 2𝑉𝑃𝐿,π‘šπ‘Žπ‘₯ = 2πΎπΉπ‘‚π‘Š 𝑉𝑀 ≤ π‘‰π‘π‘Ÿ
Therefore, the selection criterion of MOV rating VM so as to
stay below the M-S4T insulation strength Vbr is:
𝑉𝑀 ≤
(or spark gap)
1 πΎπ‘π‘Ÿ
1 2
𝑉 =
7.2 = 3 π‘˜π‘‰
2 πΎπΉπ‘‚π‘Š 𝑠 2 2.4
where Kbr is the ratio between M-S4T breakdown voltage Vbr
and M-S4T rated voltage Vs, that is, πΎπ‘π‘Ÿ = π‘‰π‘π‘Ÿ /𝑉𝑠 . Considering
the πΎπ‘π‘Ÿ ≈ 2, πΎπΉπ‘‚π‘Š ≈ 2.4 and 𝑉𝑠 = 7.2 kV, the upper limit of
MOV rated voltage is 3 kV according to (6). Referring to the
IEEE Std. C62.22 [32], the closed VM rating below 3 kV is
2.55 kV. Therefore, a 2.55 kV-rated MOV is selected for the
proposed LPS circuit to substitute the 7.2 kV-rated MOV that
is discussed in Section II.B.
However, the biggest problem of installing a 2.55 kV-rated
MOV in parallel to a 7.2 kV-rated M-S4T is the unwanted
Fig. 9. Frequency-dependent model of the gapped MOV used in LPS
current conduction under the system voltage. A 2.55 kV-rated
MOV can discharge as large as 5 kA under the 10.2 kV system
peak voltage [32]. In order to disconnect the 2.55 kV-rated
MOV from the 7.2 kV system voltage under M-S4T normal
operations, an actively-switching power module or a passivelyswitching spark gap must be connected in series with the MOV
like Fig. 7(a).
The switch or the spark gap in Fig. 7(a) will inevitably bring
the switching-on delays in the MOV operations and the
overvoltage rise in vsst. A solution to minimize the overvoltage
rise during switching-on delays is to add another layer of MOV
in the LPS circuit like Fig. 8. The newly-added MOV M1 should
withstand the 7.2 kV system voltage by itself (𝑉𝑀 ≥ 7.2 kV).
When a lightning impulse comes, the M1 can act immediately
and clamp the overvoltage to an intermediate level, such as
35 kV when using a 7.65 kV-rated MOV [32]. Next, the M2 (a
2.55 kV-rated MOV) starts conducting after the switching-on
delay and further attenuates the overvoltage below 15 kV. The
inter-MOV inductor L1 will take the voltage difference between
M1 and M2, and then the input filtering inductor L2 will further
suppress the surge current and reduce the overvoltage from M2
to Cf.
The inductances of air-core inductors L1 and L2 are selected
to balance the current sharing between the two MOVs. The
lower-voltage-rated M2 has a lower resistance to naturally
discharge more current during the parallel conduction of M1 and
M2. Also, the M2 has a lower energy rating because the energy
rating of a MOV is proportional to its VM value [31].
Collectively, the M2 has a higher possibility of failure than M1
if the current sharing is uncontrolled. In order to determine the
minimal inductance of L1 and L2 that achieves the proper current
sharing among two MOVs, a frequency-dependent model of
LPS circuit is built to comprehensively represent the MOV
behaviors, especially the steep front effect that leads to the high
protective levels of MOVs in real-world scenarios.
C. Frequency Modeling and LPS Simulation
Improved from the traditional approach of modeling MOVs
as nonlinear resistors, the frequency-dependent model of
MOVs can better capture the steep front effect that causes a
higher protective level at a steeper-front surge [32, 45]. In this
paper, the comprehensive model of gapped MOVs is proposed
to include the switch (or spark gap) in series with the M2 as
shown in Fig. 9. This model demonstrates the steep front effect
by directing the current flowing through two nonlinear resistors
A0 and A1 with regards to the front time of input surges. The
more current flowing into A0 at a steeper-front surge will cause
a higher protective level of the overall MOV, because A0
exhibits a higher voltage drop at a given current than A1
according to (7) and (8) below:
/ 4.96
1.284 × ( 0 )
, 𝐼𝐴0 < 3400 𝐴
0.7836 × ( 0 )
/ 0. 6
, 𝐼𝐴0 > 3400 𝐴
= 0.9596 × ( 1 )
where π‘‰π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘“ = 𝑉𝑃𝐿, 0π‘˜π΄ /1.6. The VPL,10kA is the MOV protective
levels measured under 10 kA-peak current impulse in standard
8/20 μs waveshape. The πΌπ‘Ÿπ‘’π‘“ is selected as 1 A. The threshold
value of 3400 A is determined through curve-fitting to the V-I
characteristics of A0 and A1 as given in IEEE Std. C62.22 [32].
Besides the nonlinear components A0 and A1, the remaining
components in Fig. 9 represent the parasitics in a gapped MOV.
As suggested by [31], these parasitics are computed as follows:
𝐿M0 = 0.2
= 15 [μH];
= 100
= 65 [Ω];
/ 9.
= 100 [pF]
Fig. 10. Simulated current sharing among two MOVs of LPS circuit with
different inductance values of air-core inductors. These curves are used as the
parameter selection guidance for air-core inductors in the LPS circuit.
Lower-rated, Gapped MOV
Voltage [pu]
(i) Spark gap V-I
[10 kA, 1.4 pu]
A. LPS Prototype for the M-S4T
One difficulty of prototyping the proposed LPS circuit is to
implement the switch in the M2 branch. Using an active switch
[40 kA, 1.8 pu]
[20 kA, 1.6 pu]
(iii) V-I curve of a
gapped MOV
where d is the height of MOV in meters and n is the number of
parallel columns of metal-oxide stack in the MOV.
As reported in [46], the selected M2 for M-S4T protection has
a VM of 2.55 kV, a VPL,10kA value of 10.2 kV and a turning-on
threshold voltage of 12 kV. The selected M1 has a VM of 12.7 kV
and a VPL,10kA value of 38.5 kV. The reason for choosing a
higher-rated M1 is to get a higher energy rating in M1.
Meanwhile, as the LPS output voltage is determined by the
protective levels of M2, increasing the VM1 from
1.0 pu (7.65 kV) to 1.7 pu (12.7 kV) will only change the LPS
output voltage slightly by 2.3% according to simulation results.
The current sharing between two MOVs is simulated with the
inductance of L1 and L2 being swept from 1 μH to 1 mH under
the impulse test settings in Fig. 10. According to Fig. 10, when
the inter-MOV inductance is close to 1 μH, it is mainly the M2
that discharge the surge current from the impulse generator and
the peak current through M2 hits as high as 1800 A. By
increasing the inductance value, more current is deviated from
the M2 to flow through the M1. The crossover point of current
sharing happens at the inductance of 50 μH. At an inductance
of 150 μH, the peak current discharged by M1 is about two times
of the peak current discharged through M2, which matches up
with the ideal VM ratios of two MOVs. Therefore, an inductance
value of 150 μH is selected for the optimal current sharing
between two MOVs in the LPS prototype.
(ii) ZnO stack V-I
Discharge Current
(log scale)
1 mA
10 kA
Fig. 11. Illustrative V-I curve of the lower-rated gapped MOV M2
(VM = 2.55 kV) used in the LPS prototype [32, 47]. The per-unit base is the MS4T rating (also the system voltage) of 7.2 kV.
gives very high controllability but quite low reliability, because
the switch auxiliary components like gate drivers need the same
surge withstand capability to survive the impulse tests. The
other solution is to use passive switches like spark gaps with
high voltage ratings [32]. Cascading a spark gap with a gapless
metal-oxide (mostly zinc-oxide, ZnO) stack constitutes a seriesgapped MOV, which is the selected product for the LPS
prototype in this study.
The working principle of a series-gapped MOV is shown in
Fig. 11. The illustrated MOV is the 2.55 kV-rated M2. Different
from a gapless MOV with a continuous V-I curve as shown in
the curve (ii) of Fig. 11, a gapped MOV has a discontinuity in
its V-I curve that is caused by the sparkover event inside its
spark gap. This sparkover event switches the V-I curve of M2
from the spark gap path (curve (i)) to the ZnO stack
path (curve (ii)) with physically determined switching-on
delays. In this way, the M2 can safely withstand the 7.2 kV
system voltage following the spark gap curve (curve (i)) when
its applied voltage is below 1.7 pu or 12 kV (“OFF” state). The
M2 can also provide very low clamped voltage in current
discharging processes following the ZnO stack curve
(curve (ii)) when its applied voltage rises above 1.7 pu or
12 kV (“ON” state) [46]. The resulted V-I curve of M2 is shown
as curve (iii) in Fig. 11.
0.35 m
1.0 m
Fig. 14. Measured 1.2/50 μs lightning impulse with 90 kV peak under the noload condition of the impulse generator.
1.0 m
Fig. 12. Constructed LPS prototype with gapped MOVs, air-core inductors, and
the M-S4T capacitive filter [46].
SST input
Fig. 13. Lightning impulse test setup with the LPS prototype and the capacitive
filter of M-S4T [46].
A constructed LPS prototype for M-S4T protection is shown
in Fig. 12. In the LPS prototype, M1 has a VM value of 12.7 kV
and M2 has a VM value of 2.55 kV [47]. Both MOVs come from
Eaton® UltraSILTM series which have proprietary insulation
ceramic ring assemblies functioning as the spark gaps.
Improved from the concept circuit of Fig. 7, the M1 selected for
the LPS prototype is also a gapped MOV like M2 to evaluate the
LPS performance under the worst-case scenario. That is, the M1
also has a switching-on delay that may increase the LPS output
voltage during impulse tests. The air-core inductors, L1 and L2,
have the inductance of 152 μH and the parasitic capacitance of
8.83 pF [46]. They are wound with 30 kV-rated power cables
to avoid insulation failures during lightning impulse tests. The
capacitive filter of M-S4T is constituted by five pairs of 4.5 μF
capacitors with electronic-grade, gapless MOVs as backup
protection. The constructed LPS prototype has the most
conservative creepage and clearance design and thus its form
factor has not been optimized yet.
B. Lightning Impulse Test Setup
In the test setup shown in Fig. 13, an impulse generator was
used to generate a 90 kV-peak standard lightning impulse like
Fig. 14 when the LPS prototype was not connected to the
impulse generator. The Fig. 15(a) shows this no-load condition
of the impulse generator. In order to demonstrate the voltage
attenuation progressively over the LPS prototype, its three
Fig. 15. Lightning impulse test circuit to demonstrate the progressive
overvoltage attenuation over the LPS prototype: (a) Test 1 – no-load condition,
(b) Test 2 – M1 was connected, (c) Test 3 – M1 and M2 were connected,
(d) Test 4 – M1, M2, and the input capacitive filter of M-S4T was connected and
the final output of LPS was measured [46].
branches were introduced into the impulse test circuit one after
another as in circuits shown from Fig. 15(b) to Fig. 15(d). More
details about the lightning impulse test setup can be found
in [46].
C. Test Results
The lightning impulse test results have demonstrated the
layer-by-layer overvoltage attenuation throughout the LPS
prototype as illustrated in Fig. 16.
As shown in Fig. 16(a), the standard 1.2/50 μs lightning
impulse with 90 kV generated in Test 1 (Fig. 15(a)) was frontchopped by the M1 at 48 kV and then maintained around 20 kV
for several microseconds in Test 3 (Fig. 15(c)). Even though the
sparkover delay was 0.5 μs and the voltage clamping duration
was less than 5 μs, both the 48 kV sparkover voltage and the
20 kV discharge voltage of the M1 could have destroyed the
downstream M-S4T if the M1 were used alone. This
experimental observation had confirmed the dangers of using a
single MOV to protect the M-S4T as discussed in Section II.
At almost the same time that the M1 turned on, the M2 sparked
over at 15 kV (0.3 μs of sparkover delay) and then quickly
transited to a discharge voltage around 6.5 kV. The VM1 stayed
at 6.5 kV for an long period of time (i.e., 50 μs) with
Nonlinear conduction
through ZnO stack
Matched 𝑉𝑓, π‘’π‘Žπ‘˜
(2% error)
Fig. 16. Experimental (a) voltage waveforms and (b) current waveforms from
lightning impulse tests with different subcircuits of LPS prototype connected
to the impulse generator.
negligible decreases in its magnitude, which confirmed the
theoretical approach to use a step voltage source for presenting
the VM in Fig. 7.
With an almost-flat 6.5 kV discharge voltage over M2 for the
first 50 μs, the LC oscillation at the M-S4T filter side generated
a peak voltage of 13 kV, which was two times of the 6.5 kV
discharge voltage as predicted in (5). Also, the LC oscillation
helped to attenuate the sparkover noises that slightly overrode
the 15 kV limit in VM2. The final output voltage of the LPS
prototype, Vf, kept its voltage magnitude within 15 kV to avoid
damaging the downstream M-S4T as illustrated in Fig. 16(a).
In Fig. 16(b), the peak current through VM1 was about 2 times
of the peak current flowing through VM2, which matched up
with the simulated current sharing under 𝐿 = 150 μH in
Fig. 10. The measured current waveforms in Fig. 16(b) also
illustrated how the MOVs clamped the overvoltage surges from
the impulse generator by discharging a large current to the
ground. The measured no-load output current of an impulse
generator ILI was only a few amps in Test 1 (Fig. 15(a)). In this
way, the 300 J pre-charged energy in the impulse
generator (within C1 of Fig. 2) was outputted in the 1.2/50 μs
standard waveshape with 90 kV output voltage and negligible
output current. To the opposite, after connecting the MOVs in
Test 2 to Test 4 (Fig. 15 (b) to (d)), the same 300 J pre-charged
energy in the impulse generator was discharged through a large
output current and a reduced output voltage, like VM1 and IM1
compared to VLI and ILI.
If taking the flag of failure as the “chopped output voltage
and boosted ground current” during impulse tests according to
the IEEE Std. C57.98 [26], the LPS would automatically be
Fig. 17. Verification of the frequency-dependent model of LPS prototype with
references to experimental (a) 𝑀 voltage and (b) M-S4T capacitive filter
voltage (equivalently the 𝑆𝑆𝑇 ).
considered as “failed” the impulse tests despite no insulation
failure had ever occurred in the LPS. If the M-S4T prototype
were connected with the LPS under the impulse test, the LPSprotected-S4T would also be considered as “failed” the test
according to existing LFT standards. This conflict between
standard-defined test protocols and in-lab SST test phenomena
illustrated the “impulse test challenge for SSTs” as mentioned
in Section II.B. To tackle this challenge, new procedures of
insulation coordination designs for SSTs without using a
conventional BIL rating will be proposed in the next chapter.
D. Discussions
The frequency-dependent model of the LPS circuit
constructed in Section III.C can be verified with the impulse
test results. Fig. 17 presents the comparisons between the
impulse test results and the simulated waveforms when the LPS
is connected with the capacitive filter of M-S4T as in
Fig. 15(d). It can be found that the simulated waveforms match
closely with the lightning impulse test results. The simulated
peak voltage at M-S4T capacitive filter Vf is 13.2 kV, which
stays within 2% error range from the measured Vf of 13.0 kV.
Therefore, the accuracy of the frequency-dependent model for
the LPS prototype has been verified accordingly.
In the previous sections, the LPS prototype has been
designed, constructed and tested in lightning impulse test.
However, even if the LPS-protected-S4T can survive the
lightning impulse tests that had 90 kV-peak 1.2/50 μs impulse
at no-load condition, neither the LPS prototype nor the LPSprotected-S4T could be assigned a BIL rating of 90 kV.
Because the 90 kV-peak 1.2/50 μs waveshape got inevitably
distorted by the LPS in the test circuit. Without a 1.2/50 μs
voltage waveform being measured from the device under test,
BIL rating of LFT
(1) External
(2) Insulation
strength of LFT
μs range
μs to ms range
s to min range
B2. Select submodule w/
breakdown voltage Vb
B1. Select LFT
(4) Protective levels of (5) Protective levels of
surge arrester
A. Select external stress like:
Lightning impulse (1.2/50 μs voltage wave)
(3) Range of
Strength of
C1. Perform 1.2/50 μs
lightning impulse tests
onto the LFT
C2. Find number of
cascading submodule N
D1. Measure BIL rating
of LFT
D2. Calculate breakdown
voltage of SST: × π‘‰π‘
E1. Select MOV
E2. Design LPS
F1. Read protective
levels of the MOV from
its datasheet
F2.1 Build frequency
dependent model of LPS
F2.1 Measure lightning
impulse protective level
of LPS by 1.2/50 μs test
A. Insulation Coordination Design Flowchart for SSTs
In its fundamental form, the process of insulation
coordination design for power equipment is a comparison
between the external voltage stress and the internal insulation
strength as illustrated in Fig. 18 [25, 27, 51]. The criteria of
insulation coordination design are that if the external stress
overwhelms the insulation strength, proper surge protective
devices like MOVs should be installed to attenuate the external
stress [27, 52]. For example, the external lightning impulse and
switching impulse stresses in Fig. 18 (curve (1)) are possibly
higher than the insulation strength of an LFT (curve (2)). In this
case, a MOV is needed to clamp down the external stress to its
protective levels (curve (4)), which constantly stay lower than
the insulation strength of the LFT (curve (2)). Similarly, the
insulation coordination design criteria for SSTs require the LPS
to provide sufficiently low protective levels after clamping
down the same external stress (curve (5)), especially under fastfront overvoltage region like the lightning impulses.
The step-by-step flowchart in Fig. 19 shows both insulation
coordination design processes: one is for LFTs as defined in the
industrial standards and the other is for SSTs as proposed in this
paper. The insulation coordination design process for LFTs is a
standard approach generalized from IEEE standards and IEC
Fig. 18. Illustration of insulation coordination design criteria for LFTs and
SSTs to survive different types of overvoltage surges.
the BIL rating cannot be calibrated, and the surge withstand
capability of LPS-protected-S4T cannot get represented by the
BIL rating.
Therefore, it is neither logical nor possible to use the same
LFT standards for impulse test on SSTs or any other power
electronic converter serving both “transformer” and
“converter” functions. In this section, a new insulation design
flowchart is proposed to evaluate the lightning impulse
withstand capabilities of the LPS-protected-SSTs without a BIL
rating. This flowchart supports the future insulation
coordination design procedures for SSTs. Also, the
considerations of substituting LFTs with LPS-protected-SSTs
in the insulation-coordinated distribution systems will be
preliminarily discussed in this section.
G1. Evaluate protective
ratios of LFT-MOV
coordination by
empirical equations as
provided in standards
G2. Calculate protective
ratios of SST-LPS
I1. Check self-restoring
insulation issues like
clearance, parasitics and
partial discharge
I2. Check self-restoring
insulation issues like
clearance, parasitics and
partial discharge
J1. Insulation coordination
design for LFT
J2. Insulation coordination
design for SST
Procedure for Transformer Insulation Coordination Design:
1. Determination of external voltage stresses
2. Selection of transformer insulation strength
3. Application of surge-protective devices
4. Evaluation of protective ratios and self-restoring insulation
Fig. 19. Procedures for insulation coordination designs of LFTs and SSTs.
Procedures for LFTs are generalized from IEEE standards [25, 32, 48-50].
Procedures for SSTs are proposed to facilitate the future standardization of SST
insulation coordination designs.
standards including [25, 32, 48-50]. The proposed SST process
is an analogy to the standard LFT process with two
modifications. One modification is in Part 2: the SST insulation
strength can be determined through theoretical analyses before
performing destructive breakdown tests on SSTs. The other
modification is in Part 3: an LPS is chosen as the main
protective device for SSTs to replace the single, normal-rated
Starting from Part 1 in Fig. 19, the external stress faced by
SSTs is the 1.2/50 μs lightning overvoltage impulse for the
insulation coordination design in this study. In Part 2, the
insulation strength of an LFT is usually determined
experimentally through standard lightning impulse tests to get
the BIL ratings as described above. To the opposite, it is
meaningless to perform LFT-equivalent impulse tests on an
unprotected SST at this step, because the semiconductor
modules will get damaged by the BIL-equivalent overvoltage.
Without performing destructive tests, the insulation strength of
an unprotected SST can be estimated through calculations. For
a general SST that cascades N submodules with a breakdown
voltage of Vb in each submodule, a reasonable assumption about
the maximum insulation strength of SST is × π‘‰π‘ . Just like the
16.5 kV insulation strength for the M-S4T cascading five
submodules with 3.3 kV MOSFETs.
Surge protective devices are selected in Part 3 of both LFT
and SST design processes. The steps for LFTs are much more
straightforward than the steps for SSTs, because LFTs can
choose off-the-shelf MOV products and read MOV protective
levels from their datasheets. Comparatively, SSTs need
customized protective devices like an LPS. The lightning
impulse protective levels of an LPS should be estimated by the
frequency-dependent modeling and then confirmed by the inlab 1.2/50 μs lightning impulse tests.
After establishing the S4T – LPS coordination from Step B
to Step F2.3, the protective ratio (PR) of this S4T – LPS
coordination is calculated in Step G2 and then compared to the
PR criterion in Step H2. The PR criterion includes empirically
defined boundary values to ensure sufficient protective margins
in insulation coordination designs [25]. From the lightning
impulse tests presented in Section IV.C, the lightning protective
ratio PRL of S4T – LPS coordination can be calculated as:
S4T theoretical insulation strength
LPS lightning impulse protective level
16.5 kV
= 1.26 > 1.2
13.0 kV
The S4T-LPS coordination qualifies as acceptable
coordination with regards to the lightning impulse protection,
because the value of PRL,S4T-LPS,exp is larger than the standardized
boundary value of 1.2 [26, 32]. If the protective ratio of S4T –
LPS coordination fails this PR criterion, the design process
should flow back to Step E2 and change the structure and
components inside the LPS. The design process cannot flow
back to Step B2 for increasing the insulation strength of M-S4T,
because it means more submodules to be added and then the
total volume and weight of M-S4T will be increased.
If the PR criterion is successfully met in Step H2, the M-S4T
insulation coordination design process will proceed to Step I2
and start checking the self-restoring insulation issues that are
related with clearance, parasitics and partial discharge [22,
53, 54].
In summary, without a BIL value representing the lightning
impulse withstand capability of an SST, the SST insulation
Fig. 20. Preferred deployment approach of using an LPS-protected-SST to
replace a MOV-protected-LFT in distribution systems from the perspective of
insulation coordination designs.
coordination design should go through the full process with
simulation and experiment as generalized in Fig. 19 to get the
PR value for representing the level of surge protection.
B. Deployment of LPS-Protected-SST in Distribution Systems
From the perspective of insulation coordination, an M-S4T
should not be used as a direct replacement for an LFT in
distribution systems because the single, normal-rated MOV
cannot effectively protect the M-S4T as described above.
Instead, it should be the LPS-protected-S4T replacing the
MOV-protected-LFT as shown in Fig. 20. This replacement
suggestion is based on the following analyses. To begin with,
suppose the BIL ratings in the system of Fig. 20 have been
coordinated properly following this relationship [49, 51]:
𝑉𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒,𝐡 𝐿 ≥ π‘‰π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘˜π‘’π‘Ÿ,𝐡 𝐿 > 𝑉𝐿𝐹𝑇,𝐡 𝐿 ≫ 𝑉𝑀𝑂𝑉,𝑃𝐿
where 𝑉𝑀𝑂𝑉,𝑃𝐿 refers to the protective levels of the MOV.
According to this chain of insulation coordination of (11), the
MOV should react to the overvoltage surges at a much lower
voltage than the transformer BIL rating to protect the LFT.
Next, the LFT, the circuit breaker, and the transmission line
may fail consecutively if the overvoltage levels still exceed
their respective BIL ratings and MOV protective limits (the
MOVs for the circuit breaker and the transmission line are not
shown in Fig. 20). In this way, the “risk of failures” of power
equipment within this distribution substation is properly
coordinated and effectively controlled.
If an SST wants to replace the LFT inside this voltage
coordination chain, the protective devices should be changed
from the MOV to the LPS at the same time to avoid the
challenge of mismatched protective levels. The new insulation
coordination chain for the field-deployed SST becomes:
𝑉𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒,𝐡 𝐿 ≥ π‘‰π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘˜π‘’π‘Ÿ,𝐡 𝐿 ≫ 𝑉𝑆𝑆𝑇,π‘π‘Ÿ > 𝑉𝐿𝑃𝑆,𝑃𝐿
Different from (11), the (12) shows that the inherent
breakdown voltage of an SST 𝑉𝑆𝑆𝑇,π‘π‘Ÿ is much lower than the
BIL rating of circuit breaker (suppose the circuit breaker is not
the solid-state type) [27]. The SST insulation strength is slightly
higher than the protective levels of its LPS device. This
difference in voltage coordination relationships leads to
different failure analyses of the two systems. In the LFT-based
system of Fig. 20, the failure rate of LFT is independent of its
protective MOV, and the LFT could still withstand a
considerate level of overvoltage after its protective MOV fails.
As a contrast, the SST in Fig. 20 has so limited overvoltage
margin by itself that the overall surge withstand capability and
failure rate of the LPS-protected-S4T is majorly determined by
its LPS. Once its LPS device fails, the M-S4T cannot withstand
most of the overvoltage impulses by itself. In this way, the
reliability of LPS becomes extremely important. This is one of
the reasons that a higher-rated MOV M1 has been chosen for the
LPS prototype to achieve higher reliability and a longer life
This paper has addressed two challenges on insulation
coordination designs for grid-connected SSTs. The first
challenge is the higher lightning impulse protective levels of a
MOV than the insulation strength of an SST. The solution to
this first challenge is the proposed LPS circuit with sufficiently
low protective levels. Design principles and frequencydependent models of the LPS circuit are established to adjust
the protective levels and the current sharing among MOVs.
With the impulse generator set to output a standard 90 kV-peak
1.2/50 μs impulse during in-lab tests, the final output voltage of
the LPS prototype is only 13 kV, which is 15% lower than the
M-S4T breakdown voltage of 15 kV. With an experimentallyconfirmed protective ratio of 1.26, the S4T – LPS coordination
is qualified as the acceptable insulation coordination with
sufficient protective margin. The second challenge is the
incompatibility between impulse test codes and SST protective
devices, which causes that a BIL rating cannot be assigned to
the LPS-protected-SST. The solution to this conflict is the
proposed insulation coordination design flowchart for SSTs,
which completely evaluates the surge withstand capability of
SSTs under lightning impulses. Without a BIL rating as the
reference, the insulation coordination designs for SSTs need the
protective ratio of the S4T-LPS coordination to demonstrate the
degree of surge protection. Last but not least, the guidance on
substituting MOV-protected-LFT by an LPS-protected-SST is
also provided to control the risk of failure of SSTs and facilitate
the SST field deployment in the insulation-coordinated
distribution systems.
The information, data, or work presented herein was funded
by the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E),
U.S. Department of Energy, under Award Number DEAR0000899 in the CIRCUITS program monitored by Dr. Isik
Kizilyalli. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein
do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
government or any agency thereof.
The authors would like to thank Brandon Royal in the Center
for Distributed Energy at Georgia Tech on assembling the LPS
prototype. The authors would also like to thank Prof. Peter
Zeller from the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
for his expert advice on MOV structures and applications
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Chunmeng Xu (S’16–M’21) received the B.S.
degree in electrical engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong
University, Xi'an, China in 2016, the M.S. and the
Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering
from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
USA in 2019 and 2021 respectively. She is currently
a Research Scientist with ABB Raleigh Research
Center, Raleigh, NC, USA. Her research interests
include solid state circuit breakers, multiphysical
design and prototyping, and advanced switchgear for
DC system protections.
Jia Wei (S'16–M’21) received the B.S. degree in
electrical and computer engineering from Ohio State
University, Columbus, OH, USA in 2015 and the
M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering
from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
USA in 2016. He is currently working toward the
Ph.D. in electrical and computer engineering at
Georgia Institute of Technology. His research
interests include novel dielectric materials and gas
discharge theories.
Liran Zheng (S’17–M’21) received the B.S. degree
in control engineering from Tsinghua University,
Beijing, China, in 2016, and the M.S. degree in
electrical and computer engineering from Georgia
Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA, in 2018,
where he is currently working towards the Ph.D.
degree with the Center for Distributed Energy.
He was a Visiting Student with the Center for
Power Electronics Systems, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA, USA,
and The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, in summer 2015 and
fall 2014, respectively. His research interests include power electronics and
distributed energy resources.
Xiangyu Han (S’15–M’20) received the B.Eng
degree in electrical engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong
University, Xi'an, China, in 2014 and the Ph.D. degree
in the electrical and computer Engineering from
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA,
in 2020. He is currently a Senior Electronic Design
Engineer with Tesla, Pala Alto, CA, USA. His
research interests include wide-bandgap power
devices and applications of power electronics in
power systems.
is funded by clean-tech venture capital firm Khosla Ventures and investor Bill
Gates. He currently serves as the Chief Scientist and Founder of Varentec. He
is also the Scientific Founder of two additional companies—Innovolt, based in
Atlanta, which makes next-generation power protection and asset management
devices and where he serves on the Board, and Soft Switching Technologies
Corporation, where he served as the CEO and developed a range of devices to
help manufacturing facilities ride-through power disturbances. He has also been
a Professor in electric engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
Madison, WI, USA. He has more than 250 papers and holds 50 issued and
pending patents.
Dr. Divan is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. He is
the first recipient of the IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award, and
a past President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society
Maryam Saeedifard (SM’11) received the Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from the University
of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, in 2008.
She is currently as Associate Professor in the
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Prior joining Georgia Tech, she was an Assistant
Professor in the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
USA. Her research interests include power electronics
and applications of power electronics in power systems.
Lukas Graber (S’02–M’03–SM’11) received the
Diploma and doctorate degrees in electrical
engineering from ETH Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland, in
2002 and 2009, respectively.
He is currently an Associate Professor in the
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Before he joined Georgia Tech, in 2015, he was with
the Center for Advanced Power Systems, Florida
State University—initially as a Postdoctoral Research
Associate and later as a Research Faculty Member. His research interests
include superconducting power cables and fault current limiters, cryogenic
power electronics, supercritical dielectric materials, ultrafast mechanical
switchgear, short-circuit forces in substations, and grounding aspects of power
distribution on future all-electric ships. He is a member of the CIGRE, CSA,
and Electrosuisse. He serves on the Board of Directors for CSA, an Editor for
select issues of the IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, and
contributes to standard committees, taskforces, as well as study committees
within IEEE and CIGRE.
Rajendra Prasad Kandula (S’10–M’14) received
the B.E degree in electrical engineering from NIT,
Nagpur, India in 2002, the M.E degree from IISC,
Bangalore, India in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering from Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA in 2014.
He worked for three years in, Bharat Heavy
Electricals Limited (BHEL) R&D, Hyderabad, as
Design Engineer in the area of industrial drives and
PV applications. He worked at Varentec, Santa Clara,
as a Principal Engineer, mainly working in the area of development of power
flow controllers and hybrid transformers for meshed transmission systems. He
is currently working as a Chief Engineer with Center for Distributed Energy,
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA. His main research interests include applications
of power electronics for utility applications such as hybrid transformers, solid
state transformers, hybrid filters, grid-forming converters, etc.
Karthik Kandasamy (S’11–M’16) received the B.E.
degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from
PSG College of Technology, Anna University (India)
in 2008, and the M.Sc. degree in Power Engineering
and the Ph.D. degree in the field of Power Electronics
from Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
in 2011 and 2016 respectively.
He was associated with the Rolls-Royce@Nanyang
Technological University (Singapore), the Center for
Distributed Energy at Georgia Institute of Technology
(USA) and McMaster University (Canada) as a PostDoctoral Fellow. He is currently working as a Power Electronics Engineer with
Adamson Systems Inc. (Canada), in design and development of high density
power supply and amplifier systems for professional touring loudspeakers. His
research interests lie in the field of wide bandgap devices, soft-switching power
converters and control.
Deepak Divan (S’78–M’78–SM’91–F’98–LF’20)
received the B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute
of Technology, Kanpur, India, in 1975, and the M.Sc.
and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Calgary,
Calgary, AB, Canada, in 1979 and 1983,
respectively, all in electrical engineering.
He is currently the John E. Pippin Chair Professor
and the Director of the Center for Distributed Energy,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA.
From 2011 to 2015, he was the President and CTO of
Varentec, Santa Clara, CA, USA, a company focused on grid edge control that
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