MASS ER I C H E L M S G REG N U C K O L S M IC HAEL Z O U R D O S ERIC T R E X L E R M O NTHLY A PP LICATIONS IN S TRENGTH S PO R T Everything There is to Know About High- Versus Low-Load Training Plus a new study that may have implications for long-term adherence with low-load training. p.7 VOLU ME 6 , I SSU E 1 0 O C T OB E R 2022 The Reviewers Eric Helms Eric Helms is a coach, athlete, author, and educator. He is a coach for drug-free strength and physique competitors at all levels as a part of team 3D Muscle Journey where he is also the Chief Science Officer. Eric regularly publishes peer-reviewed articles in exercise science and nutrition journals on physique and strength sport, in addition to contributing to the 3DMJ blog. He’s taught undergraduateand graduate-level nutrition and exercise science and speaks internationally at academic and commercial conferences. He has a B.S. in fitness and wellness, an M.S. in exercise science, a second Master’s in sports nutrition, a Ph.D. in strength and conditioning, and is a research fellow for the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand at Auckland University of Technology. Eric earned pro status as a natural bodybuilder with the PNBA in 2011 and competes in numerous strength sports. Greg Nuckols Greg Nuckols has over a decade of experience under the bar and a B.S. in exercise and sports science. Greg earned his M.A. in exercise and sport science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He’s held three all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220lb and 242lb classes. He’s trained hundreds of athletes and regular folks, both online and in-person. He’s written for many of the major magazines and websites in the fitness industry, including Men’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness,, T-Nation, and Furthermore, he’s had the opportunity to work with and learn from numerous record holders, champion athletes, and collegiate and professional strength and conditioning coaches through his previous job as Chief Content Director for Juggernaut Training Systems and current full-time work on Michael C. Zourdos Michael (Mike) C. Zourdos, Ph.D., CSCS, has specializations in strength and conditioning and skeletal muscle physiology. He earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology from The Florida State University (FSU) in 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Jeong-Su Kim. Prior to attending FSU, Mike received his B.S. in exercise science from Marietta College and M.S. in applied health physiology from Salisbury University. Mike served as the head powerlifting coach of FSU’s 2011 and 2012 state championship teams. He also competes as a powerlifter in the USAPL, and among his best competition lifts is a 230kg (507lbs) raw squat at a body weight of 76kg. Mike owns the company Training Revolution, LLC., where he has coached more than 100 lifters, including a USAPL open division national champion. Eric Trexler Eric Trexler is a pro natural bodybuilder and a sports nutrition researcher. Eric has a PhD in Human Movement Science from UNC Chapel Hill, and has published dozens of peer-reviewed research papers on various exercise and nutrition strategies for getting bigger, stronger, and leaner. In addition, Eric has several years of University-level teaching experience, and has been involved in coaching since 2009. Eric is the Director of Education at Stronger By Science. Table of Contents 7 BY MI CHAEL C. ZOUR DOS Everything There is to Know About High- Versus Low-Load Training There has been a plethora of research comparing high- and low-load training over the past decade. This article breaks down everything you could want to know about those comparisons, while also tackling a new study that may have implications for long-term adherence with low-load training. 33 BY ER I C T R EXL ER Key Models and Theories for Effective Coaching Coaching is not a program delivery service, but a highly interactive profession requiring a comprehensive set of skills and perspectives. Every client is different, but this article covers a few key theories and frameworks that set the stage for effective coaching practices. 50 BY ER I C HEL MS Bodybuilding Contest Recovery - What do we Know? The recovery phase after a physique competition is challenging, both physically and mentally. There is no contest in the near future to focus on, and the physiological adaptations to chronic energy restriction and intense drive to eat persist for some time, even after increasing calories. But is there research to inform best practices for this phase? 65 BY MI CHAEL C. ZOUR DOS Does Benching First in a Workout Improve Lower Body Performance? Postactivation potentiation studies typically have individuals perform a few heavy squat or bench reps to improve volume performance on the same exercise. A new study examined if a few heavy bench reps could potentiate lower body performance. Did the idea work? This article breaks it down. 78 BY ER I C T R EXL ER Putting Metabolic Adaptation Into Perspective It’s widely accepted that metabolic adaptation exists. But how impactful and persistent is it, and how much does it vary from person to person? That’s precisely what this article seeks to cover. 94 BY GR EG NUCKOL S & ER IC TREX LER Research Briefs In the Research Briefs section, Greg Nuckols and Eric Trexler share quick summaries of recent studies. Briefs are short and sweet, skimmable, and focused on the need-to-know information from each study. 144 BY MI CHAEL C. ZOUR DOS VIDEO: Two-A-Days Part I Training twice per day is pretty awesome, but is it necessary? This video evaluates the evidence for splitting your training into two sessions per day to augment hypertrophy and strength. The practice may have efficacy, but conditions apply. 146 BY ER I C HEL MS VIDEO: Practical Long Muscle Length Training As more research emerges, it becomes increasingly apparent that training which puts a muscle in a more lengthened position seems to induce greater hypertrophy. In this video, we’ll go over some of the research which supports this concept, the different types of ways this has been shown in research, the potential considerations of implementing long muscle length training, and then finally, practical applications. Specifically, form modification, exercise selection, partial range of motion training, and microcycle-level programming are discussed. Letter From the Reviewers V olume 6, Issue 10 of MASS has arrived, and it is absolutely packed with practical, evidence-based content. This month’s issue features thirteen study reviews and two video lectures covering some of the most popular topics and frequently asked questions in the fitness world. In this month’s cover story, Dr. Zourdos takes on a frequently discussed (and debated) topic: high-load versus low-load training. In the process of reviewing a brand new study, Dr. Zourdos thoroughly summarizes the existing literature on high- and lowload training for strength and hypertrophy outcomes, explores the research related to perceptual and affective responses to different loading paradigms, and provides practical examples of implementing both high- and low-load training into a program. Of course, the cover story isn’t the only full-length, training-focused study review this month. Dr. Zourdos also reviews a new study on a somewhat atypical approach to post-activation potentiation. While most studies on the topic assess localized effects, this new study sought to determine if upper-body exercise could acutely enhance performance in a subsequent test of lower-body strength and power performance. On the nutrition side, Dr. Helms and Dr. Trexler both contributed full-length reviews this month. In one such article, Dr. Trexler reviews a new study about metabolic adaptation in former elite athletes. His article takes a close, evidence-based look at who experiences metabolic adaptation, how long it seems to persist after active weight loss, and how much it actually impacts successful attainment of body composition goals. While metabolic adaptation is a familiar topic for anyone who has implemented a particularly aggressive weight loss diet, it’s just as important to explore the process of recovering after the diet. Fortunately, Dr. Helms covers a new scoping review about recovery from aggressive diets, such as those implemented by physique athletes during contest preparation. More specifically, his article addresses the short-term and long-term factors that may facilitate, expedite, or delay recovery from this unique physiological state. Dr. Trexler’s other full-length article doesn’t quite fit in the training or nutrition categories, as it addresses evidence-based coaching strategies. In this article, he reviews a new study exploring the key elements of a person-centered approach to coaching, while proposing a cohesive set of conceptual models to guide an effective coaching practice. While this article directly focuses on coaching, the theories and models discussed are relevant to other applications of leadership or management, and are even helpful for people who “coach” themselves. 5 Greg and Dr. Trexler teamed up on this month’s Research Briefs, collectively bringing you eight study reviews on a diverse selection of training and nutrition topics. This month’s briefs cover protein quality, the relationship between meal energy density and satiety regulation, the effects of vegan diets on bone health, artificial and non-nutritive sweeteners, training for strength endurance, high-load versus low-load training during energy deficits, optimal exercise selection for triceps hypertrophy, and the potential for aerobic exercise to boost long-term hypertrophy responses to resistance training. We also have two excellent video lectures this month. In the first, Dr. Zourdos evaluates the evidence for splitting your training into two sessions per day to augment hypertrophy and strength. In the second, Dr. Helms discusses how to effectively incorporate exercises that emphasize training at long muscle lengths into your program. As always, be sure to check out the audio roundtables and join us in the Facebook group. Lastly, if you need some CEUs to maintain your current certifications, be sure to take advantage of our continuing education opportunities for NSCA, ACSM, NASM, and ACE. We hope you have a great month, and we thank you for being a part of MASS. Sincerely, The MASS Team Eric Helms, Greg Nuckols, Mike Zourdos, and Eric Trexler 6 COVER STORY Studies Reviewed: Affective and Perceptual Responses During an 8-Week resistance Training to Failure Intervention at Low vs. High Loads in Untrained Women. Anderson et al. (2022) and Low-Load vs. High-Load Resistance Training to Failure on One Repetition Maximum Strength and Body Composition in Untrained Women. Dinyer et al. (2019) Everything There is to Know About High- Versus Low-Load Training BY MICHAEL C. ZOURDOS There has been a plethora of research comparing high- and lowload training over the past decade. This article breaks down everything you could want to know about those comparisons, while also tackling a new study that may have implications for long-term adherence with low-load training. 7 COVER STORY KEY POINTS 1. Researchers split untrained men into two groups. Both groups performed leg extensions, seated shoulder presses, leg curls, and lat pulldowns for eight weeks. One group performed three sets to failure at 30% of 1RM (low-load group), and the other performed three sets to failure at 80% of 1RM (high-load group). 2. The researchers assessed 1RM strength and body composition pre-, mid-, and post-study. Effort-based rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was assessed after each set and each session (sRPE). The affective response was assessed via the feeling scale after each session, as was the intention to complete the same exercise within the next week or month. 3. Both groups tended to improve strength but not body composition, and there were no group differences for either measure. Further, there were no group differences for either RPE measure or the affective response at any time point. Additionally, feeling scale ratings were positively related to intention to train. 4. All measures were unaffected by the load. Importantly, since lifters similarly enjoyed high- and low-load training, this might mean that lifters would not have an issue adhering to low-load failure training over the long-term. However, the findings from this study were not in lockstep with the literature. Overall, it seems that higher loads are preferable for strength, but hypertrophy occurs mostly independent of loading. BA C KGRO UN D Five years ago, an often-cited meta-analysis from Schoenfeld et al (3) found that strength gains were augmented with high- (>60% of one-repetition maximum (1RM)) versus low(≤60% of 1RM) load training, but muscle growth was similar between training loads. Since then, more data (4, 5) seem to confirm those findings, suggesting that lifters can choose their preferred loading paradigm (high or low loads) and maximize hypertrophy. However, lifters must consider how other factors, such as fatigue, may influence long-term adherence with low loads. Ribeiro et al. (6) found that trained men reported high session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) scores and greater ratings of “displeasure” after low-load (25-30RM) than after highload (8-12RM) training to failure. This study prompted me to write an article titled, “Most People Find Low-Load Training to Failure Miserable.” In this article, I questioned the utility of using low loads as a sole method of long-term training, since lifters seem to enjoy it less, which may lead to decreased adherence. However, in that article’s “Next Steps,” I called for a longitudinal study to assess acute perceptual responses to see if enjoyment increases over time with low-load 8 COVER STORY training. This article reviews two papers from Anderson et al (1) and Dinyer et al (2), which were part of the same study that attempted to tackle my previous proposal. The reviewed study (1, 2) split 23 untrained women into high- (n = 12, 80% of 1RM) and low- (n = 11, 30% of 1RM) load training groups for eight weeks. Both groups performed 2-3 sets of machine-based exercises (leg extensions, seated shoulder presses, leg curls, and lat pulldowns) to failure twice per week. The researchers assessed body composition and 1RM strength on each exercise before and after the training program. Effort-based RPE was assessed after each set, and sRPE was assessed immediately after each session. Feeling scale ratings (-5 – very bad to +5 very good) and intention to exercise within the next week and next month (0% no intention to 100% - strong intention) were assessed immediately, 15 minutes, and 60 minutes after each training session. Findings showed no significant differences between groups for strength gains, body composition changes, set RPE, sRPE, feeling scale ratings, or intention to exercise at any time point. Set RPE and sRPE scores tended to increase over time across both groups. Feeling scale ratings were positively related to intention to exercise at various points throughout the study (i.e., more pleasure related to greater intention to exercise again). These findings suggest that untrained lifters can gain strength to a similar degree with both high- and low-load training. Further, these individuals had similar perceptual and affective responses to training, suggesting that long-term training adherence may not be compromised with low-load train- ing. However, we should consider that some individuals may prefer one type of training, and that some exercises may be more tolerable with long-term low-load failure training. Moreover, there is a large body of literature comparing high and low-load training in recent years; thus, this article is also a good opportunity to thoroughly examine the topic as a whole. Therefore, this article will: 1. Thoroughly review the existing literature on high- and low-load training for strength and hypertrophy outcomes. 2. Determine if the presently reviewed study’s findings are in agreement with the previous literature. 3. Examine the research related to the perceptual and affective response to different loading paradigms and determine how these findings may influence long-term adherence. 4. Provide practical examples of implementing both high- and low-load training into a program. Purpose and Hypotheses Purpose As an overarching note, this review covers two different published papers (1, 2) that came from data collected during a single study. The researchers published the strength and body composition data in one paper (2) and the perceptual and affective responses in another (1). Therefore, going forward in this article, I will refer to both papers together as “the study” or “the presently reviewed study.” 9 The presently reviewed study compared longterm strength and body composition outcomes between high load (80% of 1RM) and low load (30% of 1RM) in untrained women. It also compared the perceptual and affective responses and intention to exercise between the training protocols. Hypotheses The researchers hypothesized the following: 1. Strength gains would not be significantly different between groups. 2. Body composition would improve to a similar degree in both groups. 3. There would be no significant differences between groups for perceptual or affective responses. 4. There would be a positive relationship between affective responses and intention to exercise. Subjects and Methods Subjects 23 untrained women between the ages of 1827 completed the study. Additional subject details are presented in Table 1. Study Protocol This study was a parallel-groups design in which the researchers split 23 untrained women into high-load and low-load training groups for 12 weeks. Subjects completed 2-3 sets to failure twice per week during weeks 2-4 and 6-11, while weeks 1, 5, and 12 served as pre-, mid-, and post-study testing. Subjects trained four machine-based exercises (leg extension, seated shoulder press, leg curl, and lat pulldown) during each session. The highload group used 80% of 1RM, while the lowload group used 30% of 1RM, with the load in each group being adjusted in weeks 6-11 based on the mid-study 1RM testing. Outcome Measures Longitudinal outcome measures included 1RM strength, bone- and fat-free mass, and body fat percentage. The researchers also compared volume load and time under tension. Further, the researchers assessed set RPE, sRPE, feeling scale ratings (affective response), and intention to perform the same training session within the next week or the next month. Further description and the time points when each outcome measure was assessed can be seen in Table 2. 10 Findings The only significant differences between groups were for volume load and time under tension. There were no significant group differences for strength gains, body composition changes, set RPE or sRPE, the affective response, or intention to exercise. Volume, Time Under Tension, Body Composition, and Strength The low-load group performed significantly more volume and had a greater time under tension when the researchers averaged all training sessions together (p < 0.05). In addition, strength increased significantly from pre- to mid-study and from mid- to poststudy in both groups (p < 0.05), but with no significant differences between groups. Neither group significantly improved either metric of body composition (p > 0.05). However, subjects in the low-load group tended to increase bone- and fat-free mass (+1.1 kg) more than subjects in the highload group (+0.1 kg) The findings for 1RM strength can be seen in Figure 1. 11 12 Set and Session RPE There were no significant group differences for set RPE or sRPE. However, both RPE metrics tended to increase over time. For example, when both groups were combined, set RPEs were significantly greater during sessions 1 Similar to set RPE, there were also no between-group differences for sRPE, but when both groups were combined and both sessions per week were averaged, sRPE did tend to increase over time. The significant differences are in Table 4. and 2 of weeks 4 and 8 compared to the corre- Affective Response sponding sessions in week 1 (Table 3). There were no significant group differences 13 for scores on the feeling scale. However, feeling scale scores tended to be lower (less pleasurable) immediately following training than at 15 and 60 minutes post-training (Table 5). Intention to Exercise There were no significant group differences for intention to exercise at any time point. Further, when researchers combined all subjects and averaged the responses at all time points throughout the study, subjects had an intention of 81 ± 4% and 68 ± 5% to participate in resistance training to failure in the next month and week, respectively. Feeling scale ratings were also positively related to intention to exercise when both groups were combined at various points throughout the study (i.e., more pleasure related to greater intention to exercise again). Specifically, feeling scale scores immediately post-training in week 1 were significantly related to intent to exercise within the next month (r = 0.416, p = 0.049) and feeling scale scores 15 minutes post-training during week 4 were significantly related to intent to exercise within the next week (r = 0.497, p = 0.016) and next month (r = 0.485, p = 0.019). Finally, feeling scale scores at all time points (immediately, 15 minutes, and 60 minutes post-training) were significantly related to the intention to exercise within the next week and next month. The relationships between feeling scale scores and intention to exercise in week eight can be seen in Figure 2AB. Findings from Anderson et al. (1). Dots represent feeling scale scores and y-axis represents intention to exercise within the next week (Panel A) and within the next month (Panel B). Squares = Individual feeling scale scores for immediately post-training. Open Circles = Individual feeling scale scores for 15 minutes post-training. Triangles = Individual feeling scale scores for 60 minutes post-training.*Significant relationship. Interpretation The previous section presented findings from two papers, Anderson et al (1) and Dinyer et al (2), which reported different outcomes from the same study. Overall, Anderson et al (1) found that untrained women reported low-load, high rep training to cause similar fatigue to highload, moderate rep training. Further, the researchers reported that the women had a similar intent to train within the next week or month, regardless of which protocol they performed. Additionally, Dinyer et al found that strength gains and body composition changes were not significantly different between high- and lowload training. Together these findings suggest that lifters can use high or low loads for strength and potentially hypertrophy based upon preference. Further, similar sRPE and affective responses indicate that adherence to both loading zones might be similar over time. Previously, Ribeiro et al (6 - MASS Review) found that men reported higher sRPE following low-load versus high-load training; thus, the lack of group differences in this study for the perceptual and affective responses are intriguing. Aside from the presently reviewed study, there is a relatively large body of literature comparing low- versus high-load training over the past decade, especially within the past 5-6 years. So, before getting back into both facets (performance and perceptual/af- 14 fective) of the presently reviewed study, let’s take a deep dive into the totality of the high versus low-load literature. Therefore, this interpretation is split into four parts: 1. I will thoroughly review how muscle hypertrophy, strength, and endurance are affected by high and low load training, including how moderating factors (sex, proximity to failure, and upper or lower body) influence the responses. 2. I will review the present study’s performance findings to determine how they fit with the total body of literature. 3. I’ll review the previous data on the perceptual and affective response to highand low-load training, followed by a discussion of how the reviewed study fits with the literature. 4. I’ll provide practical examples of how to incorporate high- and low-load training into your training. It’s going to be a long Interpretation, so let’s get started. Main Findings to Date on Strength and Hypertrophy In the last six years, there have been five meta-analyses and a systematic review evaluating high- versus low-load training. Specifically, four of the meta-analyses examined both strength and hypertrophy outcomes (3, 4, 7, 8), one meta-analysis examined only hypertrophy, including fiber type-specific outcomes (9), while the systematic review discussed both strength and hypertrophy (5). Additionally, three (10, 11, 12) narrative reviews have covered high versus low-load training within the last five years. Before continuing, I would like to provide a working definition of high- versus low-load training; however, that’s difficult as meta-analyses used different criteria to categorize low- and high-load training. Further, some looked at training load as a continuum from 30-90% of 1RM (5), while others categorized training load as low, moderate, or high (4, 8). Therefore, even though the categorization can be much more specific, for simplicity, I’ll generally refer to highand low-load training as training at >60% of 1RM and ≤60% of 1RM (3) unless otherwise stated. However, no matter the categorization, the consensus in this literature is quite clear: muscle hypertrophy can be maximized independently of training load, while higher loads are needed to maximize strength gains. Table 6 summarizes all six meta-analyses/systematic reviews and distinguishes how each paper categorized high-, low-, and in some cases, moderate-load training. STRENGTH GAINS ARE GREATER WITH MODERATE- AND HIGHLOAD TRAINING, AND HYPERTROPHY DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE SIGNIFICANTLY AFFECTED BY TRAINING LOAD 15 16 The overarching theme of the meta-analyses is that strength gains are greater with moderate- and high-load training, and hypertrophy does not appear to be significantly affected by training load. Although it’s well-known that higher loads generally lead to greater strength outcomes, it’s worth noting that the first meta-analysis on the topic (7) did not quite find significance (p = 0.09) for strength. However, that meta-analysis included only 10 studies, and all were on untrained individuals. Future meta-analyses that analyzed strength had more total studies and included both trained and untrained subjects. Therefore, it seems that the lack of significant difference (although close) for high loads to lead to greater strength gains is due to the literature being underdeveloped at the time of the first meta-analysis. In other words, a meta-analysis is only as useful as the studies it includes, and when the first one was conducted there wasn’t nearly as much data to analyze. On balance, the meta-analyses reveal that hypertrophy seems to be unaffected by training load. I agree with that position, and it’s the opinion I primarily espouse. However, there’s enough ambiguity in the literature that I think the hypertrophy findings warrant a closer look. For example, the Grgic 2020 (9) meta-analysis found a small effect size (0.30) and p-value that was close to significance (0.089), favoring high-load training for hypertrophy of type II muscle fibers. However, Grgic’s model only included five studies (13, 14, 15, 16, 17), and only one of them (17) found a significant difference (p = 0.039) between groups for type II fiber hypertrophy. Further, although Lopez et al (4) reported no significant difference between high, moderate, and low loads for hypertro- 17 phy the authors did state the following, “the results of the consistency model indicate that moderate-load (84.5%) and high-load resistance training (75.8%) are the best load for muscle hypertrophy in overall and high-quality subgroup analyses, respectively.” In other words, when comparing high- versus lowload (19 total comparisons) and moderateversus low-load (7 comparisons) it seemed that high and moderate loads were, on average, more likely to lead to larger increases in muscle growth than low-load training. A forest plot from Lopez’s meta-analysis comparing high- and moderate-load training versus low-load training for hypertrophy can be seen in Figure 3. 80% or 30% of 1RM training for six weeks. Moreover, narrative reviews from Grgic and Schoenfeld (10) and Fisher et al (12) suggest that load does not seem to affect muscle hypertrophy, especially when volume is equated between training protocols. Finally, the Carvalho meta-analysis (8), only included volume-equated studies and showed only high p values for all of its hypertrophy comparisons (p values = 0.559 - 0.938). Therefore, even though the Lopez et al (4) meta-analysis suggests the possibility that high-load training may provide additional hypertrophic benefits, I think the most appropriate interpretation is that, on the group level, muscle growth is maximized independently of training load. To be clear, the plot from Lopez is not convincing that high-load training leads to greater muscle growth. However, Lopez’s (4) note that higher loads tended to be better on average along with the Grgic meta (9) (albeit only five studies) suggests that the data might lean ever so slightly in the high load direction, but not to a degree which we can be confident. Moderating Factors In reality, there’s evidence on both sides for hypertrophy. Specifically, Schuenke et al (17) found a 25.6% and 23.4% greater increase in type I and type IIa fiber cross-sectional area, respectively, among untrained women training with 6-10RM loads than those training with 25-30RM loads. However, Franco et al (18 - MASS Review) found that untrained women gained more fat-free leg mass with 25-30 reps per set (+4.6%) than with 8-10 reps per set (+1.5%). Lastly, Stefanski et al (19 - MASS Review) found a similar increase in biceps muscle thickness among untrained women completing sets with either A few of the meta-analyses (4, 8) examined if factors such as training sex, training status, training upper or lower body training, and proximity to failure moderated the findings. For example, Lopez et al (4) reported that untrained individuals tended to experience more hypertrophy (p = 0.033) than trained individuals with low-load training compared to high-load training. Further, Lopez found that men tended to gain more strength than women with high-load training, but women tended to gain more strength than men with moderate-load training. In their sub-analyses, Carvalho et al found that when training not to failure, strength gains (p = 0.049) and hypertrophy (p = 0.002) were greater with high-load than with moderate-load training. In other words, when training with high loads, it seems to be preferable to train shy of failure. Notably, the Carvalho meta-analysis only included one study (20) which directly 18 compared failure versus non-failure training; thus, Carvalho did not meta-analyze if training to failure was necessary with low loads. Low Load Training To Failure Despite the Carvalho meta-analysis (8) not comparing failure versus non-failure training, a few studies provide insight into the necessity of failure training with low loads to maximize hypertrophy. If you’re familiar with my MASS content on training to failure, you may be rolling your eyes at this point and thinking, “here comes Zourdos again telling us to train 149 reps shy of failure.” If that’s you, then you can breathe a sigh of relief as I’m not here to do that this time. There are four studies providing insight into low-load non-failure training, and they include Lasevicius et al 2022 (20 - MASS Review), Terada et al 2022 (21 - MASS Review), Ikezoe et al 2020 (22), and Kapsis et al 2022 (23 - MASS Review). Lasevicius used a within-subjects design (one leg performed each condition) and had subjects perform leg extensions not to failure or to failure at 30% of 1RM for eight weeks. The researchers reported that quadriceps cross-sectional area increased by +7.7%% in the failure condition but only by 2.6% in the non-failure condition. Terada et al (21) compared pec and triceps hypertrophy over eight weeks in untrained men bench pressing at 80% of 1RM (8 reps per set), training to failure at 40% of 1RM, or benching to a 20% velocity loss threshold at 40% of 1RM. The difference between groups wasn’t significant, but the 80% (+4.4mm; +14.5%) and 40% to failure (+4.9mm; +16.8%) groups tended to increase triceps muscle thickness more than the 40% not to failure group (+2.4mm; +8.1%). Therefore, based upon the findings of Lasevicius et al and Terada et al there seems to be an added benefit to low-load training when it’s performed to failure. The Ikezoe et al (22) and Kapsis et al (23) studies did not compare low-load non-failure training to low-load failure training; rather, they compared low- and high-load non-failure training. Ikezoe et al (22) found no significant differences in quadriceps muscle thickness in healthy men after leg extension training of either 12 (sets) × 8 (reps) at 30% of 1RM versus 3 × 8 at 80% of 1RM for eight weeks. While Ikezoe did not report significant group differences, it should be noted that the low-load group performed nine more sets than the high-load group. Of course, it cannot be known if hypertrophy would have been the same if sets were equated. However, it’s possible that if training far from failure with low loads then additional volume is needed for muscle growth to be similar to high-load training. Lastly, Kapsis et al (23) had both women and men perform circuit training for 12 weeks. Each session consisted of four rounds of five exercises. Each round consisted of one set performed for 30 seconds at either 30% or 70% of 1RM. The researchers reported that increases in lean body mass were not significantly different between groups (30%: +1.11 kg; 70%: +1.25kg). Overall, the current body of evidence may lean toward performing low-load training to failure, or at least closer to failure, to maximize hypertrophic benefits. However, it’s premature to make definitive conclusions on the necessity of failure training or how close to failure 19 one needs to train with low loads. The lack of ability to draw conclusions is partly because the majority of non-failure low load studies have had subjects train really far (>7 RIR) from failure; thus, we cannot know if failure training would be necessary compared to a more moderate number of RIR (i.e., 2-5 RIR). Muscular Endurance There isn’t a ton of data comparing high and low loads for muscular endurance; however, a new study from Fliss et al (24) was published just two days after the commencement of this article. Therefore, to be comprehensive, I wanted to briefly touch on the Fliss study. Fliss et al had untrained women perform unilateral dumbbell biceps preacher curl training and unilateral leg extensions for 10 weeks. This study was a within-subjects design, so the women performed training with one arm and one leg at a load corresponding to 80% of 1RM (6-12 reps per set) while the other side of the body performed sets with a load corresponding to 30% of 1RM (20-30 reps). The researchers assessed both absolute and relative muscular endurance. Relative muscular endurance tests the number of reps performed with a percentage of 1RM that corresponds to that specific day’s max. For example, if someone wants to test reps performed with 60% of 1RM and on that specific day their squat max is 100kg, then they would use 60kg to test muscular endurance. However, if their squat max is 105kg a week later, they would need to use 63kg to test their relative muscular endurance. To test absolute muscular endurance, this individual would always use their starting load, which was 60kg. Fliss had the women perform rel- ative and absolute muscular endurance tests at pre- and post-study with both heavy (80% and 90% of 1RM) and light (30% and 60% of 1RM) loads. The main findings were that changes in leg extension muscular endurance tended to be specific to the training protocol. In other words, on average, the leg training at 80% of 1RM increased heavy-load absolute muscular endurance significantly more than the 30% leg; however, the 30% leg tended to improve absolute muscular endurance more with light-loads. One other note about lowload training and muscular endurance is that Terada et al (21) found that absolute muscular endurance at 40% of 1RM improved to a similar degree following bench press training to failure at 40% of 1RM and bench press training to a 20% velocity loss at 40% of 1RM. Therefore, it seems that low-load training to failure or not to failure is effective at producing improvements in muscular endurance at low loads. However, similar to low loads being inferior to high loads for strength gains, low loads also seem inadequate for increasing absolute muscular endurance at heavy loads, which, in part, demonstrates the principle of specificity. For more on the principle of specificity as it relates to muscular endurance, please see Greg’s research briefs from this month. Where Does The Presently Reviewed Study Fit? So now that we have thoroughly reviewed the literature on performance outcomes with high- and low-load training, does the presently reviewed study (1, 2) agree with the consensus positions? As a reminder, the reviewed study was a non-volume-equated study com- 20 paring high- (n = 12, 80% of 1RM) and low(n = 11, 30% of 1RM) load training groups for eight weeks in untrained women. Both groups performed 2-3 sets of machine-based exercises (leg extensions, seated shoulder presses, leg curls, and lat pulldowns) to failure twice per week. Strength, on all exercises, was tested at pre-, mid-, and post-study as were fat-free mass and body-fat percentage. Both groups increased strength, but strength gains were not significantly different between groups. Further, neither group improved measures of body composition. These findings suggest that low loads are just as effective as high loads for increasing strength in untrained women and that muscle growth (although assessed indirectly) did not occur in either group. Further, fat-free mass increased by 1.1 kg in the low-load group but only by 0.1 kg in the high-load group. A 1 kg difference between groups certainly could be meaningful; however, it’s hard to read too much into it since the totality of literature suggests that muscle growth is not different between high- and low-load training. First, the strength findings conflict with the total body of literature. Of the six meta-analyses and systematic reviews, only the very first one (7) did not find strength gains to be significantly greater with high-load training, but it was close (p = 0.09). That meta-analysis was officially published in 2016 but was published online in 2014, and the study’s search procedures ceased in 2013. In other words, it came out too early to include some data (25), which has shown strength to be increased more with high load training among untrained women. It’s possible that there were no group differences for strength gains because the subjects were untrained; thus, they could progress with low-loading. Despite the plethora of research examining long-term strength and hypertrophy outcomes following high- and low-load training, there are far fewer studies comparing these training paradigms for perceptual and affective responses. Therefore, before diving into the existing literature on these topics, let’s briefly explain the perceptual and affective responses and why they are necessary measures to assess. In the presently reviewed study, there was no significant main time effect (change over time collapsed across groups) for bone- and fat-free mass, but it was close (p = 0.079). Overall, I’m not sure that performance findings from the presently reviewed study add much to the literature, and I’m comfortable siding with the consensus of the meta-analyses that high and low loads lead to similar hypertrophy. However, high loads are needed to maximize strength gains. Main Findings on Perceptual and Affective Responses The perceptual response to training is traditionally assessed via effort-based RPE, which I’ve written about effort-based RPE before. In brief, effort-based RPE is assessed either after every set or after the entire session (e.g., sRPE) when used in resistance training. The presently reviewed study (1) used the original Borg 6-20 scale (26); however, the Borg 0-10 scale (27) is also commonly used to assess sRPE. Both scales are anchored on 21 the low end with a descriptor of “little to no effort” and on the high end with “maximal effort.” In general, if two protocols lead to similar hypertrophy and strength outcomes, but lifters deem that one of the protocols took less effort, then the implication is that lifters will recover more quickly from the lower effort protocol and possibly increase their longterm adherence to training. Similar to the perceptual response, the affective response can also be assessed via a simple scale and has been suggested to have longterm adherence implications. In the presently reviewed study, the affective response was assessed via the -5 (very bad) to +5 (very good) feeling scale. Negative ratings on the scale are seen as “displeasure” while positive ratings are viewed as a “pleasurable” experience. More broadly, feeling scale responses may encompass a variety of feelings related to mood, emotion, and someone’s general psychological state (28, 29 – MASS Review). It seems intuitive that feeling scale ratings of greater pleasure (more positive) would be related to a greater intention to exercise, and they were in the presently reviewed study. However, Ekkekakis (28) indicated in a review paper that ratings of displeasure might indicate a feeling of accomplishment and pride; thus, we shouldn’t be so quick to classify negative feeling scale ratings as a sign that the lifter wouldn’t want to continue with the training program. When comparing sRPE between high- and low-load training, some research has shown low-load training to elicit a greater sRPE (6, 30, 31), and some research has indicated high-load training to elicit a greater sRPE (32, 33, 34, 35). For example, Pritchett et al (30) found that 20 recreationally trained men reported a significantly higher sRPE following three sets on six exercises to failure at 60% than at 90% of 1RM. In agreement with Prichett (30), Shimano et al (31) found that both trained and untrained individuals reported higher sRPE following one set to failure at 60% of 1RM on the squat, bench press, and curl compared to one set to failure at both 80% and 90% of 1RM. Further, Ribeiro et al (6 - MASS Review) found that trained men reported higher sRPE, greater discomfort (on a 0-10 Likert scale), and lower feeling scale ratings (more displeasure) when following three sets to failure with a 25-30RM load on the bench press, hack squat, and lat-pulldown versus three sets to failure with an 8-12RM load. Based upon the above, I previously questioned the utility of using solely (more later on mixing high and low loads) low-load training to maximize hypertrophy because I theorized adherence and long-term enjoyment might be lower. Other research has found that higher loads lead to a greater perceptual response than lower loads; however, those findings are likely a product of the higher load condition training closer to failure. For example, in a crossover design, Gearhart (32) had trained men and women perform 1 × 5 at 90% of 1RM in one condition and 1 × 15 at 30% of 1RM in another condition on seven different exercises. Subjects reported RPE after each rep in the 90% condition and after every three reps in the 30% condition. When all RPE scores were averaged together on each exercise, the RPE was significantly higher in the 90% condition. However, 90% of 1RM for 22 five reps is far closer to failure or at failure (or past failure on some exercises), while 15 reps at 30% might have left some individuals with roughly 15 repetitions in reserve (RIR). Other studies have also found higher RPE following high- versus low-load training (33, 34, 35), but all have had subjects train closer to failure in the high-load condition. Overall, load lifted may play some role in the acute perceptual and affective response, but at both high and low loads per set effort, independent of load, may be the determining factor. For instance, the previously discussed Lasevicius et al (20 – MASS Review) study had some subjects perform unilateral leg extensions to failure at 80% of 1RM on one leg and perform leg extensions shy of failure at 80% on the other leg. Another group of subjects performed unilateral leg extensions to failure and non-failure at 30% of 1RM. Importantly, in each group, the researchers had the non-failure leg perform more sets to equate volume load with the failure leg. The researchers assessed sRPE 30 minutes after each session. The subjects reported significantly higher sRPEs in both failure conditions with no difference between high-load failure and lowload failure conditions. These findings from Lasevicius can be seen in Figure 4, which is from a previous article written by Greg. Where Does The Presently Reviewed Study Fit? Findings from the presently reviewed study (1, 2) are, in part, at odds with the current consensus. First, the researchers found that both set and sRPE were not significantly different between high- and low-load training. This lack of difference is despite both groups training to failure and the low-load group performing significantly more volume load and spending more time under tension. 23 As previously noted, Ribeiro et al (6) found that sRPE was significantly higher with low load than with high-load training when lifers performed both protocols to failure and sets were equated. Further, Ribeiro reported that subjects had feeling scale scores of displeasure after low-load failure training and scores of pleasure after high-load training. Yet, the presently reviewed study found similar scores of pleasure (Table 5) after both protocols. The other findings from Dinyer et al (2) were that sRPE values tended to increase over the study while feeling scale ratings tended to decrease. Although the researchers did not statistically analyze it, Figure 4 from Lasevicius et al (20) shows that sRPE values did not seem to change, on average, from the beginning to the end of the study. Speculatively, the increase in sRPE in Dinyer could be due to accumulated fatigue since the subjects were untrained, while Lasevicius’ subjects were trained, but we cannot be sure. However, the decline in feeling scale ratings over time (Table 5) along with the increase in sRPE (Table 4), makes sense. In other words, the women tended to express lower ratings of pleasure when they perceived more effort. Perhaps the most critical finding of the presently reviewed study is that feeling scale scores at all time points (immediately, 15 minutes, and 60 minutes post-training) were positively related to the intention to exercise within the next week and month (Figure 2AB). My previous hesitation in recommending low loads over the long term was due to a potential lack of adherence; however, the presently reviewed study suggests that my position may have been unfounded. Interestingly, previous research has not always found feeling scale scores to be predictive of intent to exercise in the future. Specifically, Focht et al (36) observed trained women to record higher (more pleasurable) feeling scale scores following training at 40% of 1RM than at 70% of 1RM. However, despite lower feeling scale scores, subjects had a greater intention to exercise following the 70% of 1RM condition in the future. Importantly, when intent to exercise is assessed, researchers ask how likely someone is to perform the same exercise session again within the next week or month. So, even though subjects did not find the moderate-load 70% of 1RM training as pleasurable as the low-load 40% training, they indicated a greater likelihood to repeat the training. One explanation is that feeling scale scores pick up on various factors related to mood, emotion, physical fatigue, and a sense of accomplishment; thus, subjects may have been more fatigued after the 70% condition. However, that fatigue did not deter them from wanting to repeat the session. Additionally, the subjects in Focht’s study were trained; thus, it’s possible they knew that higher loads were preferable for strength gains; thus, their greater desire to continue performing the 70% training was partly based upon wanting to maximize improvement. Ultimately, the presently reviewed findings are not in lockstep with previous literature; however, there isn’t much data on the longterm affective response to high- and low-load training. Therefore, I am not yet wholly convinced that using solely low loads over the long-term is a viable strategy, especially if low loads need to be performed to failure (or 24 at least closer to failure than when using high loads) to maximize muscle growth, which is still open for debate. Importantly, and as with most training concepts, training with high or low loads is not an all or none principle; instead, it can be intertwined into the same training program. Practical Implementation If one thing is clear from this article, both high- (and moderate-) and low-load training have merit. Sure, if you’re interested in maximizing your squat or bench press strength, you must train heavy at some point. However, even someone interested in top-end strength could still use low load training for hypertrophy, especially on assistance work. Further, if you’re a physique athlete or just interested in generally growing muscle, then either low or high loads should work just fine. As noted earlier, a lifter doesn’t have to make a binary choice between low or high loads. I think we too often think training decisions are a binary choice. For example, research has debated if it’s better to prescribe load with RIR or velocity; however, as I’ve pointed out before, those concepts can be intertwined, and the specific situation might dictate which autoregulation strategy is used. Further, suppose one training strategy does tend to work better than another. In that case, we often become antagonistic toward the inferior approach, but it’s important to remember that it might work to some degree. Besides, research mostly looks at mean data, and in most studies, at least a few individuals respond better to the “inferior” protocol. In the present context, high-load training leads to better strength gains than low-load train- JUST BECAUSE SOME ARE USING LOW LOADS DOES NOT MEAN THEY WON’T GAIN ANY STRENGTH ing, but in research low-load training groups still get stronger. In fact, many of the strength tests in research are 1RM strength, and low loads are not specific to 1RM testing. For example, in the Fliss study (24), absolute muscular endurance (reps performed) improved more with low-load training than with highload training. In other words, adaptations tend to be specific to the training protocol. Besides, if someone is just generally training to gain muscle, then 1RM strength is not of great importance to the person. Therefore, just because some are using low loads does not mean they won’t gain any strength. The specific training phase or exercise may also dictate whether high- or low-load training is used. For example, if a powerlifter is in an intensity block close to a meet, the lifter likely wouldn’t use low-load training since it’s too unspecific to their current goal. However, if a powerlifter is in a volume block six months out from a meet, they might include some low-load training to accumulate volume. Specifically, a powerlifter may utilize low loads on assistance movements like curls, triceps extensions, or rows while training in a more traditional 6-15 hypertrophy rep range on the competition lifts. Another outside-of- 25 the-box example would be for a powerlifter to work up to a heavy squat or bench press single (e.g., 1 rep at 1 RIR) a couple of times per week and then back off to 40% of 1RM for their volume work. The bottom line is that there are many ways to intertwine the different loading schemes. Ultimately, suppose someone is training for general purposes (e.g., hypertrophy, body composition, general health, and fitness), their training should meet the main tenets of an appropriate program. In that case, the details (i.e., high or low loads, periodization type, programming strategies) can be filled with what they enjoy and will sustain. For example, if an individual likes the exhaustive feeling of performing low loads to failure but is worried that it will become too much over time, they should include various loading schemes. For others who have a specific goal (i.e., powerlifting, physique, etc.), the programming details will need to be filled with a strategy that will best prepare the lifer for that goal; however, this often includes various loading paradigms. Besides, even if you’re a powerlifter, performing sets of 20 reps on curls is still fun. To finish up this monster of an article are tables showing examples of how to intertwine high- and low-load training. Table 7 demonstrates using heavy singles on the main lifts and low loads on the back-off sets. You’ll notice that the squat and bench press frequency is twice per week and sessions on the same exercise are separated by 72 hours. I chose a frequency of twice per 26 week as opposed to three times per week and to spread out the sessions in case there’s any lingering fatigue for a couple of days from the low-load training. Of course, lifters can perform more assistance work after the main lifts and on an off day, but this table is a simple example of isolating the concept of heavy singles followed by performing volume with low-load training. Table 8 shows how to integrate high, moderate, and low loads throughout a week. This table also shows that the main lifts (squat and deadlift in this example) are trained with moderate to high loads, and some assistance work is programmed with low loads. When intertwining multiple training strategies, some nuanced details must be manipulated to make everything work, and that is no exception here. For example, on Wednesday, I did not include squats to consider that there might still be some general fatigue from the low-load, high rep failure training on Monday; thus, I utilized leg press as the main lift. Further, Wednesday is largely devoid of low-load training also to account for lingering fatigue from Monday. There is low load non-failure training for one exercise on Wednesday (seated row). Even though non-failure low load training may be suboptimal for muscle growth, it still does something and is an easy way to add some volume if fatigue lingers from Monday’s session. Friday’s heavy squats and deadlifts are placed as far as possible (96 hours) away from the low-load failure training to ensure the lifter is fresh. For example, walking lunges don’t specify that the 20 steps are to actual failure because that’s extraordinarily difficult on walking lunges. Further, low-load assistance movements have a 10 rep range spread (20-30 RM) because, in practice, it may be difficult to know your 20RM, 25RM, or 30RM load. Further, a lifter may end up getting more or fewer reps than predicted on some assistance movements since lifters typically don’t keep the movement pattern as strict on those movements (i.e., rows, curls, etc.) as they do on the main lifts. Therefore, just generally aiming for that rep range should be sufficient to perform low-load training to failure effectively. Lastly, Table 8 is just a conceptual example, and there are many ways to intertwine highand low-load training. Additionally, someone could include many other exercises instead of those chosen. Next Steps The last time I covered low- versus high-load training, I called for a long-term study on high- versus low-load training that assessed the perceptual and affective response. Well, we got that study, but I’m still unfulfilled. I think the next step is replicating the presently reviewed study using trained individuals. Further, in a dream world, I’d like to see two replications in trained individuals, one that uses a compound exercise that recruits a lot of musculature like the squat and another that uses single-joint exercises only (e.g., biceps curls and triceps extensions). 27 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS 1. Anderson et al (1) and Dinyer et al (2) found that long-term strength and body composition changes were not different between groups of untrained women performing low-load (30% of 1RM) and high-load (80% of 1RM) training to failure. Further, this study found that the perceptual and affective responses to high and low loads were not significantly different. 2. The totality of literature in this area suggests that high loads are needed to maximize strength, but muscle growth can be maximized independently of load as long as load is ≥30% of 1RM. 3. Overall, using high or low loads does not have to be a binary choice for coaches and lifters. All loading schemes can and probably should be intertwined. For example, a powerlifter could use high loads on the main lifts but low loads on assistance work to accumulate volume and facilitate hypertrophy. 4. For general training purposes, if someone enjoys one style of training to another and can adhere to that style over the long-term, I would encourage them to train as they see fit. 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In the present study, the researchers conducted “stimulated recall interviews” with several alpine ski coaches to explore the role of humility in personcentered coaching. 2. Interview results confirmed the researchers’ hypothesis that humility plays an important role in facilitating a person-centered approach to coaching, and enabled the researchers to propose the “POWA” conceptual model of humility (Perspective, Other-centered focus, Willingness to learn, and Accurate selfassessment). 3. Every client is different, but combining POWA with effective goal-setting guidance, self-determination theory (SDT), and the COM-B (capability, opportunity, motivation, behavior) model of behavior change provides a strong and generalizable foundation for effective coaching (and general leadership) practices. M any MASS readers are currently trainers or coaches, and others may consider coaching at some point in the future. If you’re a current coach (or an aspiring coach, or a leader or manager of any kind), it’s important to ask yourself a critical question: who is this really about? If we take an objective look at the fitness industry, a lot of coaches see themselves as the star of the coach-client relationship, and make their coaching services mostly (or all) about themselves. However, the concept of person-centered or other-centered coaching offers us a better path. Ideally, a coach understands that their role is to serve and support their client, acts in the best interest of their client, and acknowledges that their client is a whole person, not just an athlete or competitor. That sounds nice from a conceptual perspective, but you might be wondering what types of characteristics, actions, and viewpoints enable someone to effectively facilitate a person-centered approach in their coaching. The authors of the presently reviewed study (1) were wondering the exact same thing. In this study, the researchers recruited five alpine ski coaches (four males and one female) who self-identified as being “person-centered” coaches. All five were very experienced, followed the same person-centered training pathway, and were confirmed to practice in a person-centered manner by their employers and colleagues. Each coach took a client through a typical coaching session (three to six hours in duration), while the client wore a recording device (audio and video) fixed to their chest. Within 48 hours of the coaching session, the research team reviewed the footage, extracted key clips, and conducted a 60-90 minute semi-structured interview with each coach. After coding and reviewing transcripts of the interviews, the researchers found that humility was a key characteristic underpinning a person-centered approach to 34 coaching. Further, they identified four key themes in the practice of experienced, person-centered coaches. These themes enabled the researchers to propose the POWA (Perspective, Other-centered focus, Willingness to learn, and Accurate self-assessment) model of humility, which is specifically related to effective coaching practices. If you’re a coach, manager, or leader, you’ll need a variety of complementary skills to translate a great plan into effective action. This article will explore the practical applications of the POWA model, while tying in other evidence-based theories and frameworks to help coaches more effectively navigate communication, goal-setting, motivation support, and behavior change. Purpose and Hypotheses Purpose The purpose of the presently reviewed study was to explore, via structured interviews, two primary research questions: 1) “What causal mechanisms facilitate the manifestation of person-centered intent in coach behavior?” and 2) “To what extent does humility underpin a person-centered approach to coaching?” Hypotheses The researchers hypothesized that humility is “an integral component of idealized influence” that “provides a fitting framework for person-centered coaching,” and that “person-centered intentions are governed by humility.” Subjects and Methods Subjects Five alpine ski coaches (four male, one female, aged 33-50 years old) participated in the presently reviewed study. The selection of this sample was very unique compared to the typical MASS study. In most studies that we review, the researchers are aiming to get as random a sample as they feasibly can; recruitment efforts utilize very passive processes that aim to minimize any influence or bias from the research team, with the intention of finding individuals who are representative of the broader population. In the present study, the researchers were specifically seeking out experienced coaches who utilize and emphasize a person-centered approach in their coaching. As the researchers stated: “all coaches followed the same coach education pathway that is explicitly learner-centered, and conversations with employers and professional colleagues reinforced the appropriateness of participant sampling.” In addition, the lead researcher knew all of the participants for over 10 years, so the research team was very certain that they had found coaches who adopt a person-centered focus in their practice. These coaches were very experienced. All held international-level credentials and had 16-30 years of coaching experience. In addition, four of the five had been working as coach educators (i.e., training and educating other coaches) for 18-25 years; the fifth had been doing so for eight years, but was considered an expert by their peers and employer. In summary, this study used a pretty intensive 35 recruitment and selection process for study participants. In some contexts and scenarios, this could be a massive study limitation, but I don’t believe it’s a major issue for this particular study. Methods For this study, data collection occurred in the French Alps. It was a qualitative study; rather than gathering numerical measurements or questionnaire responses, the researchers conducted long-form interviews with the coaches to obtain a deeper understanding of their thoughts, actions, and perspectives. The researchers utilized a really interesting approach to the interviews, which is called “stimulated recall.” As the researchers put it: “Stimulated recall interview is an introspective research procedure that uses audio and video footage to assist the recall and interpretation of experience and is suggested as an effective way to facilitate immersion and specificity of recall.” To implement this approach, the researchers had each coach lead a full coaching session (lasting between three to six hours) with a client, and fixed a GoPro camera to the client’s chest. The cameras were positioned with the intention of being as unobtrusive as possible, with the goal of blending in with the client’s typical ski apparel. By making the session feel as natural as possible (rather than having a member of the research team join the session or asking the coach to wear extra recording gear), the researchers hoped to minimize the risk of influencing or biasing the coaches’ actions. The cameras captured audio and video footage of the entire coaching session, which was then reviewed and edited by the research team (in order to extract and focus on the most important elements). These shortened videos were used to guide semi-structured interviews, which consisted of the researchers asking some questions and showing some video clips to facilitate better recall of the coaching session. The interviews were 60-90 minutes in duration, and took place within 48 hours of the coaching session. They were recorded, which enables the research team to revisit and analyze the responses without relying on memory. The following questions served as a starting point for the semi-structured interviews: 1. “Was there a reason for that particular behavior/exchange/gesture etc.?” 2. “Why did you behave in that way, was it a conscious decision or just something you do?” 3. “Can you tell me what was going through your mind at that moment?” After completion, the research team completed a “thematic analysis” of the interviews. First, they transcribed the interviews verbatim and re-read the transcripts. Then, they coded the responses and aimed to identify overarching themes and subthemes to gain a more structured and systematized understanding of the survey responses. Findings Here’s where we reach a fork in the road. On one hand, we could adopt a very narrow scope of focus for the current article; that would involve getting deep into the weeds to 36 explore individual quotes from the interviews in order to appraise and audit the researchers’ perspectives and conclusions pertaining to the quotes provided. On the other hand, we could adopt a broader scope of focus; that would involve summarizing the key themes and findings extracted from the interviews, and allocating more focus toward practical application and combining some key theories and conceptual frameworks to guide coaching practices. I have elected to pursue the latter option in this article, and I suspect at least 98% of readers are happy to hear that. Through careful and thorough analysis of interview responses, the researchers were able to broadly confirm their hypothesis that humility was a key virtue or characteristic underpinning the practices of person-centered coaches. Digging deeper, they identified four major themes. The first theme was other-centeredness. Put simply, the coaches understood that they weren’t the star of the show – their focus was on making decisions that benefit the client rather than themselves, and providing instruction based on the unique and immediate needs of the client. Multiple subthemes emerged within this topic. By facilitating learning through structured autonomy, clients were placed at the center of their own learning process, which allowed them to play an active role in that process. By building trust, coaches were acknowledging that understanding their clients and working to earn their trust was a critical prerequisite for facilitating client success. By using humor, coaches were acknowledging that client comfort is an important element of coach-client interac- tions, and that humor is a tool that can ease concerns, favorably influence the tone of a conversation, and make certain instructions or lessons more memorable (and, by extension, more effective for the client). Finally, by implementing accurate social assessment, the coaches were able to more effectively guide their conversations and interactions with clients. This concept is closely related to emotional intelligence and empathic accuracy. The general idea is that coaches make an effort to “read” the client, and to use that assessment to dictate how they interact. I’m sure we’ve all had experiences where we said a joke at the wrong time, tried to cheer someone up before they were ready for it, or upset someone by making light of a situation that was important to them, while we (incorrectly) perceived it as fairly inconsequential. In other words, someone who is truly focused on their client will make an effort to “read the room,” meet the client where they’re at, and adjust the tone and direction of the conversation based on verbal and nonverbal feedback. The second theme was accurate self-assessment. This involved two major subthemes: accurate awareness of role, and accurate awareness of abilities. A person-centered coach understands that the role of coach and client are inherently different, and the coach has a duty to effectively serve the client. Ideally, a coach has sufficient self-awareness to understand that they’re in a position of authority within the coach-client relationship, while also having sufficient humility to understand that their job is to work to ensure the best possible outcomes for the client. In other words, a coach must have a sense of 37 self-value that encourages them to live up to their role and duty as a coach, without having an inflated opinion of themself or serving their own self-interests. Aside from a coach’s awareness of their role, they must also have accurate awareness of their abilities. If they overstate their abilities (or bring attention to their abilities at inappropriate times), it could be perceived as arrogance. However, if they convincingly understate their abilities, it could undermine their credibility in the eyes of the client. Ideally, a coach will truly understand their strengths and weaknesses, and discuss them with transparency when it’s necessary and relevant to do so. The third theme was willingness to learn. This one is pretty straightforward – an effective coach has the humility to admit when they’ve made a mistake, admit when they don’t know an answer, or share relatable stories about contextually relevant struggles of their own. From a client’s perspective, it can be very discouraging to believe that your coach has never struggled with anything, while you’re running into several challenges that feel insurmountable. A little bit of openness, transparency, and humility goes a long way in this regard. A good coach is always willing to entertain questions, explain thought processes, and consider new ideas when conversing with their clients. The fourth theme was perspective – more specifically, the ability to step back, look at the big picture, and adopt a “wide-angled” perspective. This type of perspective allocates a sufficient amount of focus to the long-term development and interests of the client, rather than being entirely focused on short-term, decontextualized objectives or the minutiae of day-to-day coaching tasks. For example, a coach with a short-term, self-focused perspective might simply give a client a generic food plan when asked. A coach interested in fostering autonomy, competence, and self-efficacy might instead suggest a collaborative exercise that refines skills related to portion size estimation, macronutrient tracking, food preparation, and meal planning. The generic food plan is a quick fix, while the latter strategy builds an important set of skills for the future. A coach with a short-term, self-focused perspective might coach in a manner that keeps clients dependent on them, such that a client will feel a need to stick around for a long time. In contrast, a coach interested in fostering long-term development will coach in a way that makes them less necessary over time, such that the client acquires the skills, knowledge, experience, and confidence to take matters into their own hands. A good coach doesn’t deliver a scattered assortment of quick-fix directives, but explains how something is done, why it’s done, and how it fits within the context of long-term development. As the researchers explain: “Perspective of this kind allows the coach to help the learner rationalize their progress, negotiate realistic goals, manage expectations, and maintain motivation.” After identifying these major themes, the researchers formulated the POWA model of humility, which is summarized in Figure 1. Very importantly, the researchers also highlighted the need for a balanced approach to coaching. A coach should be other-centered and focused on the client’s best interests, but 38 that doesn’t mean they should let clients walk all over them – boundaries are important, and sometimes a coach has to deliver the instruction or interventions that a client needs, rather than the one the client wants. A coach should achieve a balanced self-assessment; they shouldn’t be arrogant or egotistical, but also shouldn’t be so self-denigrating as to undermine their own credibility. A coach should be willing to learn, but within reasonable limits – they shouldn’t act as if they already know everything, but they also shouldn’t act as if they know nothing at all. Finally, a coach should be sure to maintain a perspective that keeps the “big picture” and long-term development in mind, but not to the extent that it detracts from the importance of day-to-day tasks and short-term objectives that foster incremental development. This concept of “balance” in the POWA model is depicted in Figure 2. Interpretation It’s difficult to deliver the results of a qualitative study without interpreting as you go. So, rather than rehashing the Findings section, I want to focus on tying some important topics together. As I read through this paper, I noticed some pretty substantial overlap with other important theories and frameworks within the realm of coaching, psychology, and behavior change. As a result, I intend to present a cohesive set of 39 models that support a solid, comprehensive foundation for effective coaching. But before I get into the specifics, I want to address a few limitations, and I also want to explain why it’s valuable to use these types of models and theories in the first place. Let’s begin with the limitations. Compared to the typical study reviewed in MASS, the methods and design of the present study require us to grant a few more assumptions than we’re accustomed to. The researchers essentially hand-picked a sample of person-centered coaches for this study, and they carried out the study under the implicit assumptions that: 1) person-centered coaching is generally an advisable approach to coaching; 2) the selected coaches are very good at what they do; 3) the selected coaches represent good examples of how the typical person-centered coach operates; and 4) the selected coaches did not meaningfully modify their behavior based on the knowledge that their coaching sessions were being recorded. This is an interesting scenario, because the selective, “hands-on” nature of the recruitment and enrollment process would generally be viewed as a negative thing for generalizability (i.e., it reduces the likelihood that this sample of coaches is truly representative of the broader population of coaches). However, it simultaneously strengthens our ability to grant a few of the previously listed assumptions; by actively recruiting from a group of coaches that they personally know, the researchers can more confidently assure readers that the coaches are effective, well-respected by their peers, and representative of the person-centered coaching approach. So, we should inter- pret the findings in light of these limitations, but I don’t believe they dramatically detract from the internal validity of the study. Now, moving on – why do we bother with all these models and theoretical frameworks pertaining to psychology and behavior change in the first place? If you’re old enough to be reading MASS, you’ve probably already figured out that people can be different. Very different. As a result, it’s impossible to construct the “perfect coaching playbook,” or a nice little flowchart that enables you to effectively navigate all elements of coaching. There is no singular approach that will work optimally for every single client you’ll encounter, and all models pertaining to human psychology and behavior are inherently limited. However, these types of models and conceptual frameworks help us set a foundation for how we approach our coaching – it’s a starting point from which we invariably customize and adjust as we better understand each client and their unique characteristics and circumstances. There is plenty of spirited debate across multiple academic fields about which exact models and frameworks are “most correct,” and I’m in no place to unilaterally settle those scores within this article. Rather, I’d like to present and discuss some key evidence-based models that form the basis of my coaching, and might be helpful to MASS readers who find themselves in coaching roles (or other leadership positions). Coaching is a profession requiring a multifaceted set of skills; a coach needs to construct and deliver effective programs, communicate well, and help a client identify goals, sustain 40 motivation, and change behaviors along the way. When it comes to developing exercise and nutrition programs, we won’t discuss that here – we’ve got a few hundred MASS articles covering the ins and outs of training and nutrition. So, let’s shift our focus to the other elements of effective coaching, and some conceptual frameworks to work from. Goal Setting When you start working with a new client, it can sometimes be tempting to speed through the goal setting process. Coaches often specialize and focus on a particular training population, which leads to a lot of categorization and oversimplification of client goals. For example, your client might tell you in a very straightforward manner that their goal is fat loss. “Sounds great,” you say. “I get plenty of folks with fat loss goals. You’re in good hands.” Notice how this response violates the spirit of person-centered coaching and the POWA model – rather than focusing on the perspective of the client, the answer focuses on the coach’s experience and treats the client like a category rather than a unique person. For some coaches, the goal-setting process ends there and is rarely (if ever) revisited. For others, they might take it a step further and set one or more SMART goals, as is commonly taught to up-and-coming personal trainers. However, I would contend that coaches do themselves a disservice when they take this approach to goal setting. First, as Dr. Helms covered in a previous MASS article, the SMART goal framework leaves a lot to be desired, in spite of its widespread adoption and popularity. Second, I would exercise great caution before sorting goals into broad categories that lack nuance. For example, fat loss goals take many forms. Are you focusing on fat loss because of a concerning visit to the doctor? Because you’d like to feel more confident about your physique? Because you want to win a bodybuilding competition? Because you want to get into a different powerlifting weight class? The basic nuts and bolts of a fat loss plan might be similar across this wide range of scenarios, but they certainly wouldn’t be coached in an identical manner. In the spirit of person-centered coaching and the POWA model of humility, it’s valuable to explore each client’s goal in a more nuanced way. Doing so will help the client explore their goal more deeply (which might be an illuminating experience for them), while also building trust and rapport by demonstrating that you value their goals and are interested in understanding them as a person. This process will also enable you to communicate with them more effectively, tailor their programs in a more individualized manner, and better understand their motivations and challenges along the way. In lieu of the SMART goal framework, I would recommend working from the goal hierarchy framework described by Höchli et al (2). I have described this framework in more detail elsewhere, but the concept can be summarized pretty concisely. The general idea is that we should focus on a structured hierarchy of interconnected goals rather than focusing on an assortment of seemingly independent goals. The goal hierarchy is anchored by a superordinate goal, which is a broad, overarching goal that is vaguely reminiscent of a value. Ideally, 41 a superordinate goal should clearly reflect what’s important to you, and should reflect an idealized and aspirational version of one’s self. In many cases, the superordinate goal tells us why we’re even bothering with all of this goal striving in the first place. Just below the superordinate goal in the goal hierarchy, we’ll find a number of intermediate goals. These are less abstract than superordinate goals, but still reflect relatively general courses of action that lead someone toward their superordinate goal. The lowest level of the goal hierarchy consists of subordinate goals, which are more like the SMART goals we’re used to encountering in the fitness world. They tend to be very specific, and often include quantitative targets and details about how and when certains tasks will be completed in order to make progress toward the intermediate goals they support. Höchli et al provide an example of a goal hierarchy, which is depicted in Figure 3. Motivation Goal hierarchies are great because they get a client thinking deeply about self-actualization, or striving to become the best (from their perspective) version of themselves. A well-constructed and well-aligned goal hierarchy also sets the stage for suitable motivations levels; I believe a great goal hierarchy is necessary, but not sufficient, for motivation during goal pursuit. It’s hard to muster up a high level of motivation for a goal that fails to excite you or align with your values, but even a great goal hierarchy will require some additional thought and support when it comes to sustaining motivation over time. When we combine the concept of self-actualization with the autonomy-supporting elements of the POWA framework, all signs point to leveraging self-determination theory as a helpful framework for supporting sustained motivation over time. We’ve talked about self-determination the- 42 ory several times before (one, two, three), so I’ll keep it brief in this article. In short, self-determination theory (3) argues that people have an inherent drive toward self-improvement and achievement of a more idealized version of themselves, but they will struggle to aggressively pursue this process when they lack the foundational conditions necessary. The foundational conditions refer to three psychological needs, which have been defined by Patrick et al (4): relatedness (“the need to feel close to and understood by important others”), autonomy (“the need to feel choiceful and volitional, as the originator of one’s actions”), and competence (“the need to feel capable of achieving desired outcomes”). When these psychological needs are sufficiently met, individuals feel empowered, enthusiastic, and motivated to pursue goals that take them closer to their perceived version of their best self (Figure 4). Self-determination theory also distinguishes between different types of motivation (5) that exist on a spectrum (Figure 5). The lowest-quality form of motivation is amotivation, or a complete absence of motivation. The second lowest-quality form is extrinsic motivation, which might take many coaches by surprise. Many coaches seem to operate under the assumption that their job is to provide the extrinsic motivation, while the client’s job is to cultivate the intrinsic motivation. Self-determination theory offers us a better perspective to operate from; it suggests that a coach’s job is to operate in a manner that facilitates a transition from lower forms of motivation to higher forms of motivation, ultimately leading to sustained cultivation of intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation comes from within, but it’s absolutely affected by external factors, and the words and actions of a coach are among the most impactful external factors. 43 One appealing aspect of self-determination theory is that it aligns very well with the POWA framework discussed in the present article. As you go through different themes and subthemes, you see clear connections to key psychological needs. When a coach has a willingness to learn and makes accurate self-assessments of their role and abilities, clients feel like their voice really matters. They feel like they’re working with a coach to solve problems rather than receiving a constant stream of one-sided directives, and that fosters a sense of relatedness. The POWA model also includes subthemes of humor and trust-building, which further solidifies the sense of relatedness. One critical subtheme of other-centeredness in the POWA model is supporting client learning through structured autonomy which, as you might have guessed, is directly supportive of client autonomy. Finally, by adopting a client-centered and wide-angled perspective that emphasizes long-term development and skill acquisition, clients are more likely to build up the skills they need to develop a sense of competence, and less likely to be discouraged by shortterm struggles or setbacks. A second appealing aspect of self-determination theory is that it seems to work quite well for coaches in athletic settings, where it has been correlated with a wide range of positive outcomes including satisfaction of psychological needs, intrinsic motivation, general well-being, positive affect, life satisfaction, self-esteem, performance and achievement, effort, and athlete-coach relationship quality (6). You might be sold on the general premise of self-determination theory, while still feeling uncertain about exactly how you would apply it as a coach. Fortunately, we’ve got a whole MASS article on how a coach might work to support their athletes by leveraging self-determination theory. However, the shortened version is quite simple: use the POWA model to dictate your coaching perspective and interactions, make sure your client is pursuing a goal hierarchy that leads to self-actualization, provide autonomy-supporting feedback (7), seek to form trust and rapport with your clients, and focus on helping them build a robust skill set that will set them up for successful long-term goal striving. Behavior change Having a great goal hierarchy and well-supported psychological needs can be viewed as necessary, but not sufficient, for promoting behavior change. There are other factors influencing behavior change, which is where the COM-B model comes into play. COM-B is an acronym that stands for capability, opportunity, motivation, and behavior. As defined by Michie et al (8), capability refers to having the skills, knowledge, psychological capacity, and physical capacity to engage in a given activity. Opportunity refers to “all the factors that lie outside the individual that make the behavior possible or prompt it.” For example, this is where access to resources, a suitable environment, and social support would come into play. Motivation refers to “all those brain processes that energize and direct behavior, not just goals and conscious decision-making.” As it is presently defined, the motivation component includes goals (which is compatible with the concept of a well-aligned goal hierarchy), but encompasses much more than goals alone, 44 which is compatible with self-determination theory. The COM-B model posits that capability, opportunity, and motivation all directly impact behavior. While opportunity and capability directly influence behavior, they also indirectly influence behavior by directly influencing motivation (Figure 6). This mediating relationship makes motivation the centerpiece of the COM-B model, which is why it ties in so well with self-determination theory. As stated by Willmott et al (9): “According to the COM-B model, for a given behavior to occur, at a given moment, one must have the capability and opportunity to engage in the behavior, and the strength of motivation to engage in the behavior must be greater than for any other competing behavior.” In this sense, modification of behavior can be prompted by intentional modification of factors influencing capability, opportunity, or motivation (10). A well-crafted goal hierarchy identifies key behaviors that ought to be changed, while the COM-B model helps us identify impactful barriers when an individual is facing challenges during the behavior change process. When an individual is struggling with behavior change (or engaging in behaviors that are incompatible with their stated goals), it’s helpful to work through the items independently. Are they lacking sufficient prerequisites pertaining to capability? Are they lacking social or environmental support or infrastructure necessary for sufficient opportunity? Have they slipped to a lower category of the motivation spectrum? As you can see, the COM-B model is a tool for identifying where barriers or challenges exist, such that one can devise a strategy to rectify or overcome the observed obstacle to support successful behavior change. Ideally, a coach would use the POWA framework to dictate how they approach and converse about the subject, while adopting a wide-angled, longterm perspective and allowing clients to learn through structured autonomy whenever possible. Finally, to assuage any concerns pertaining to the relevance of the COM-B model, it’s important to note that research directly supports its application within the realm of physical activity and eating behaviors (9). Summary To wrap up this section, I want to summarize how all of these pieces fit together into a cohesive coaching framework. But before 45 I do that, I want to reiterate that every single client is different. The art of coaching is the art of individualization, which pertains to all elements of the coaching process (not just the nuts and bolts of program design). Some clients might be overwhelmed by too much autonomy, or might perceive that you’re being lazy by outsourcing too many decisions to them. Some clients might perceive strategies to build trust and rapport as a bit invasive, and would prefer a coach-client relationship that’s more formal than friendly. Some clients might dislike collaborative goal-setting, as it could prompt them to divulge thoughts or feelings that they aren’t comfortable sharing, or it might seem as if you’re guiding them to a goal that serves your interests rather than theirs. So, the following framework is merely a generalized starting point; a great deal of customization and individualization may be required on a client-by-client basis. First, coaches can lean on the POWA framework to form the basis of their overall perspective toward coaching and communication. This solidifies a commitment to person-centered coaching, working with your client’s best interests in mind, and maintaining the humility required to be an effective and supportive coach. This carries into the process of developing a goal hierarchy, which prompts clients to do some introspection, while also allowing you to build trust and rapport while learning more about their personality and values. A wellaligned goal hierarchy identifies what an individual’s idealized self looks like, while also setting the stage for intrinsic motivation. That’s where self-determination theory comes into play – by supporting key psychological needs (competence, relatedness, and autonomy), a coach can help clients cultivate and sustain the intrinsic motivation that prompts goal-striving behaviors (identified in the goal hierarchy) that bring them 46 incrementally closer to self-actualization. The POWA framework provides excellent guidance for acting and communicating in a manner that lends support to the psychological needs outlined in self-determination theory, ultimately promoting development of high-quality motivation. The COM-B model recognizes that motivation plays a pivotal role in behavior change, but there are other factors (namely capability and opportunity) that influence both motivation and behavior. With the POWA framework and goal hierarchy concept serving as backdrops to one’s coaching approach, Figure 7 depicts how coaches may choose to merge elements of self-determination theory and the COM-B model of behavior change into a cohesive framework. After a client gets rolling for a while, challenges are inevitable. This framework allows a pretty effective procedure for troubleshooting when challenges emerge. First, one might identify the specific behavior at the center of the issue. From there, they can work to determine if there are specific issues related to capability or opportunity, as described in the COM-B model. For example, it’s possible that the issue may be resolved with a fairly simple environmental modification, utilization of a new tool, or refining a particular skill. If not, it then makes sense to shift attention toward motivation. When exploring motivation, it’s worthwhile to consider whether or not the key psychological needs of self-determination theory (competence, autonomy, and relatedness) are being sufficiently supported. One should also consider if they have been coaching in accordance with the key themes identified in the POWA framework; if not, they might actually be detracting from psychological needs support. If no apparent issues are identified with regards to the POWA framework or psychological needs support, it’s quite possible that the goal hierarchy is no longer well-aligned. Peoples’ goals, desires, priorities, and perspectives change over time, and goal hierarchies need to be updated to reflect these changes. If a person is pursuing a goal hierarchy that no longer aligns with their values and priorities, it will be hard to sustain intrinsic motivation, even if all psychological needs are being supported pretty well. In summary, this unified framework gives us a great starting point for helping clients identify goals and get started with goal-striving behavior change, while also providing a great troubleshooting tool when challenges arise. This is by no means the “correct” or “only” way to approach coaching, but it’s a cohesive framework that is compatible with the available evidence, and you could certainly do worse. Next Steps Given that this study has introduced a brand new conceptual framework (the POWA model of humility), the next steps are basically all of the steps. The first step in this type of research line is to synthesize the ideas and put the model together, which is what the presently reviewed study accomplished. The next steps involve waiting to see if other researchers take enough of an interest in the idea to follow up with more research. If so, the subsequent steps involve exploring whether or 47 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS As a coach, it’s important to orient your communications, actions, and perspectives in a person-centered manner. To be maximally helpful, you should offer assistance in the goal-setting process, and continuously work to support the key psychological needs of your clients. This fosters the intrinsic motivation required for successful goal-striving and behavior change, but you should also be mindful of external factors that influence your clients’ opportunities and capabilities for behavior change, providing guidance and support as needed. We can merge all of these factors into a cohesive framework that draws upon the POWA model, the goal hierarchy concept, self-determination theory, and the COM-B model of behavior change. This framework serves as a starting point for your general approach to coaching; from there, you’ll need to customize your approach to suit the unique needs of each individual client. not this concept generalizes to other scenarios. For example, the present study included a hand-picked sample of coaches who had pre-existing relationships with the research team; will these same observations hold true in a less meticulously curated sample? Will the framework translate to other sports or activities? Will it translate to scenarios where a coach is working with several athletes at the same time, rather than one-on-one coaching contexts? Will it translate to more general applications of leadership or management outside of the world of sports and athletics? Time will tell, but we’ll need a lot more research to carry this line of research forward and elucidate the answers to these questions. In the meantime, the POWA model appears to provide an intuitive framework that should help coaches reinforce a person-centered approach to their work, which is likely to carry plenty of upsides and minimal downsides when applied in the balanced manner depicted in Figure 2. 48 References 1. Garner P, Roberts WM, Baker C, Côté J. Characteristics Of A Person-Centred Coaching Approach. Int J Sports Sci Coach. 2022 Aug 1;17(4):722–33. 2. Höchli B, Brügger A, Messner C. How Focusing on Superordinate Goals Motivates Broad, Long-Term Goal Pursuit: A Theoretical Perspective. Front Psychol. 2018 Oct 2;9:1879. 3. Ryan RM, Deci EL. Self-Determination Theory And The Facilitation Of Intrinsic Motivation, Social Development, And Well-Being. Am Psychol. 2000 Jan;55(1):68–78. 4. Patrick H, Williams GC. Self-Determination Theory: Its Application To Health Behavior And Complementarity With Motivational Interviewing. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2012;9:18. 5. Ryan RM, Deci EL, Vansteenkiste M, Soenens B. Building A Science Of Motivated Persons: Self-Determination Theory’s Empirical Approach To Human Experience And The Regulation Of Behavior. Motiv Sci. 2021;7:97–110. 6. Mossman LH, Slemp GR, Lewis KJ, Colla RH, O’Halloran P. Autonomy Support In Sport And Exercise Settings: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. Int Rev Sport Exerc Psychol. 2022 Feb 2; ePub ahead of print. 7. Mouratidis A, Lens W, Vansteenkiste M. How You Provide Corrective Feedback Makes A Difference: The Motivating Role Of Communicating In An Autonomy-Supporting Way. J Sport Exerc Psychol. 2010 Oct;32(5):619–37. 8. Michie S, van Stralen MM, West R. The Behaviour Change Wheel: A New Method For Characterising And Designing Behaviour Change Interventions. Implement Sci IS. 2011 Apr 23;6:42. 9. Willmott TJ, Pang B, Rundle-Thiele S. Capability, Opportunity, And Motivation: An Across Contexts Empirical Examination Of The COM-B Model. BMC Public Health. 2021 May 29;21:1014. 10. Timlin D, McCormack JM, Simpson EE. Using The COM-B Model To Identify Barriers And Facilitators Towards Adoption Of A Diet Associated With Cognitive Function (MIND Diet). Public Health Nutr. 24(7):1657–70. █ 49 Study Reviewed: After the Spotlight: Are Evidence-Based Recommendations for Refeeding Post-Contest Energy Restriction Available for Physique Athletes? A Scoping Review. ChicaLatorre et al. (2022) Bodybuilding Contest Recovery - What do we Know? BY ERIC HELMS The recovery phase after a physique competition is challenging, both physically and mentally. There is no contest in the near future to focus on, and the physiological adaptations to chronic energy restriction and intense drive to eat persist for some time, even after increasing calories. But is there research to inform best practices for this phase? 50 KEY POINTS 1. Scoping reviews gauge the breadth of data on a topic, identify gaps, and summarize findings. This scoping review targeted the post-physique contest recovery strategies and recovery timelines of drug-free competitors. 2. The 12 studies included were all observational. Athletes in this review either sharply increased energy intake and quickly gained weight or followed a spectrum of “reverse diets” ranging from slower to faster controlled increases in energy and weight. 3. While direct comparisons of strategies don’t exist yet, we know for recovery to occur, fat (and lean) mass and energy availability need to increase. But, overshooting baseline fat mass can create psychological stress and make subsequent seasons more challenging. T he concept of reverse dieting gets a lot of press online and there are a fair number of case studies and case series in which the post-show recovery phase of physique competitors is well-described. Based on these two facts, you’d think we have pretty solid evidence-based guidance on post-show recovery nutrition strategies. Right? That’s exactly the question that the authors of the present scoping review (1) asked. To back up a second, a scoping review is a specific type of review that, like a systematic review, has a meticulous search strategy that follows set guidelines. However, unlike systematic reviews, which answer narrow research questions like “how much protein is beneficial for strength gains?” and may include meta-analyses, scoping reviews attempt to answer broader questions related to the scope of a body of evidence to identify gaps in knowledge, opportunities for future research, and to describe its breadth. The authors of the present review collated all the studies available on drug-free physique competitors in which their dietary and training approaches were tracked during both the dieting and recovery phases, along with physiological and psychological markers of recovery to answer the question in this paper’s title: “are evidence-based recommendations for refeeding post-contest energy restriction available for physique athletes?” In this article I describe how the authors conducted this review, what they found, their conclusions, recommendations, and, finally, my take on what approach physique competitors should take post-contest. Purpose and Hypotheses Purpose The purpose of this scoping review was to “summarize the strategies of post-physique contest recovery and characterize the timeline in which physiological restoration occurs.” Hypotheses As is customary for scoping reviews, the researchers did not directly state a hypothesis. 51 Methods If you’ve been reading MASS for a while, you have read our articles summarizing systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and even some narrative reviews. However, this is the first pure scoping review we’ve written an article on (Mike actually reviewed a scoping review with a meta analysis, but the focus was more on the meta), and you might not have come across a scoping review previously, as they are a little less common in our field than other review types. Scoping reviews have the purpose of identifying gaps in knowledge, clarifying concepts, or investigating research practices. Essentially, they do what they sound like they do: assess the scope of a body of research (2). Similarly to systematic reviews, they start by identifying a research question, then systematically searching the literature to identify all of the published studies pertinent to that question using strategically selected keywords. Unlike systematic reviews, however, scoping reviews typically answer more “open ended” questions (like the present question “are evidence-based recommendations for post-contest recovery available?”) rather than questions with more definitive answers (e.g., “does training volume have a dose response relationship with hypertrophy?”). Given that, this review’s search terms were all related to physique contest preparation, recovery, refeeding, metabolic adaptation, and the like. Importantly, for a study to be included it had to include one or more adult drug-free physique competitors, be short or long term, peer reviewed, and discuss post-contest recovery. Studies that did not include “dietary measures, assessments, recommendations, or nutrition-associated consequences related to post-contest recovery” or were on enhanced competitors were excluded. As shown in Figure 1, this search yielded 12 total studies. Findings Overview of studies All 12 studies had observational designs and included one or more physique athletes across competitive phases. Six were single participant case studies, five were case series of small cohorts of 2-15 competitors, and one was a large scale prospective cohort study of 50 participants, 27 of whom were physique competitors, and the remaining were a non-competing control group. A total of 70 52 (n = 26 male, n = 44 female) competitors between the ages of 20-50 years were observed during the recovery period across these 12 studies. The post-contest observation phases varied in duration, ranging from four days to a year and a half post-contest. Body composition Body composition was assessed in 11 out of the 12 studies, and in the single participant case studies was measured with two to four different assessment techniques (e.g., bioimpedance, DXA, skinfolds, Bod Pod, ultrasound, etc.). In the four studies (3, 4, 5, 6) where the post-contest phase was observed for less than or up to two months, a regain of fat mass toward baseline was observed in all athletes. In six studies (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) where the post-contest phase was observed for nine weeks or longer, the regain of fat mass reached or exceeded baseline levels prior to dieting between nine weeks and six months post-contest. Finally, in the remaining study which assessed body composition changes (13), the last measurement occurred 8-10 weeks post-contest and all competitors regained some amount of fat mass with two of the seven reaching their self-reported pre-diet body mass (pre-diet fat mass was not collected). Dietary approach to recovery Dietary data was reported in all studies, primarily via food logs (n = 10) and also through a combination of 24-hour dietary recalls and food logs (n = 2). In six studies (3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11), the participants had relatively aggressive increases in caloric intake and there was no mention of an attempt at a gradual reintroduction of calories or slow regain of body mass, or what might be colloquially considered “reverse dieting”. However, in four case studies (6, 7, 9, 12) a reverse diet was explicitly mentioned or described as the post-contest approach. Furthermore, in one case series (13) three of the seven competitors followed a reverse diet approach. Finally, there was a case report of refeeding syndrome in a bodybuilder (14), that retrospectively reported the bodybuilder’s dietary approach, and then noted their clinical symptoms leading to the diagnosis of refeeding syndrome and subsequent recovery during their four day hospital stay. No assessment of body composition, psychology, or endocrine status occurred. Refeeding syndrome describes the potentially fatal fluid and electrolyte shifts that are rare, but can occur in malnourished clinical patients (typically) from artificial refeeding (15). I’m pretty sure this study was added in peer review, as it only appears in the tabulated summary of studies, but is not in the reference list or discussed. While refeeding syndrome is certainly of grave clinical importance, this study probably shouldn’t have been included in the scoping review as it doesn’t help to answer the question. Thus, like the authors, I won’t be discussing it in depth. However, that’s not a dismissal of refeeding syndrome’s potential likelihood of occurrence. Extreme dieting practices with very low energy intakes and highly restricted food sources resulting in extreme weight loss in short periods of time followed by rapid reintroduction of food can, in rare cases, lead to refeeding syndrome in non-clinical populations, such as bodybuilders. For this reason, these practices should be 53 avoided and evidence-based contest preparation approaches should be followed. Indicators of recovery and their timeline Measurements of recovery included energy expenditure, metabolic and sex hormone concentrations, menstrual function, and psychometric scores, which were measured and observationally linked to body composition or dietary changes during post-contest recovery. In single participant case studies, these links were typically qualitative, as the authors of these studies noted that certain markers of recovery coincided with changes in variables (e.g., a certain amount of time had passed or amount of body mass was gained before hormonal recovery was indicated). However, in some of the studies with multiple participants, quantitative statistical associations between recovery markers and other variables were reported. When resting metabolic rate (RMR) was reported, it was typically assessed via indirect calorimetry, and when RMR suppression was observed during contest preparation, subsequent restoration during the recovery phase occurred in as little as 4-6 weeks for some competitors, while other athletes required ~6 months. A mixture of blood and salivary assessment of hormone concentrations was reported across studies, and not all studies tested the same hormones. However, speaking broadly, cortisol, sex-hormone binding globulin, and insulin were the fastest hormones to recover, generally getting back to baseline in 4-6 weeks. Other metabolic hormones, such as ghrelin, leptin, and thyroid hormones and other sex hormones, such as testosterone and estradiol, took 4-6 months to recover. Men- strual function was tracked across 33 female competitors in four studies (7, 8, 12, 13), and 31 of these competitors experienced some degree of menstrual cycle irregularity. In Hulmi and colleagues’ study of 27 female physique competitors (8), seven were still experiencing amenorrhea up to four months post-contest. In a case series of seven competitors, the athlete with the greatest increase in energy intake (roughly doubling), body mass (22% increase), and fat mass saw a return of her menstrual cycle (and restoration of RMR) in 10 weeks (13). In another case study in which the athlete followed a regimented, slow reverse diet, the athlete’s menstrual cycle did not return until 71 weeks post-contest (12). Finally, an array of psychometric testing batteries related to eating behavior, mood state, body image, and stress and anxiety were implemented. Use of different tests prevents a definitive statement about the time course of specific aspects of psychological recovery; however, anxiety, weight phobia, compulsive self-monitoring, body image concerns, and mood disturbance scores peaked around competition and within 1-2 months following competition. While there was variability depending on the specific psychometric test, psychological recovery generally occurred within ~2-6 months. As mentioned, a few studies with multiple participants reported quantitative relationships between recovery markers and other variables. Longstrom and colleagues reported statistically significant relationships regarding post-contest recovery (13): notably, fat mass was strongly associated with the change in resting metabolic rate (τ = 0.90; p = 0.001) 54 and increases in body fat percentage were strongly associated with increases in leptin (τ = 0.88; p = 0.003). A study led by our very own Dr. Trexler (4) reported that testosterone levels among male competitors were inversely associated (p ≤ 0.05; r = -0.81--0.88) with increases in body fat and weight. Notably, testosterone still increased at the group level as body fat and weight increased post contest, so this may indicate that while weight and fat gain coincide with hormonal recovery, very rapid increases in fat mass might slow testosterone recovery in some individuals. It’s also entirely possible that this finding was simply a spurious correlation, or that it identified a transient, short-term alteration in testosterone responses that’s fairly inconsequential in the long run (this study only looked at a brief time window in the immediate post-competition period). The broader literature quite clearly suggests that full restoration of baseline testosterone levels occurs over long time scales (multiple months), during a time span in which fat regain appears to play a permissive role in overall recovery from the preceding diet. Trexler and colleagues also reported 55 that increases in RMR were associated (p ≤ 0.05) with increases in body fat percentage (r = 0.59) and post-contest protein intake (r = 0.60). Table 1 is a summary of all the reviewed studies, with relevant information about the athletes, the time course of observation, the observed outcomes, and the conclusions and recommendations of the authors. Interpretation Based on the reviewed research, the authors wrote a conclusion with recommendations for future research and guidance for post-contest recovery. Unsurprisingly, given that all the studies reviewed were observational, the authors recommended that randomized controlled trials be carried out that control and manipulate energy intake to truly compare various post-contest dietary strategies. While I fully agree with this recommendation, I feel obligated to point out that the lack of intervention-based data on this topic is not for lack of trying. If you click the reference link to the case series by Longstrom and colleagues (13), and scroll down to the acknowledgements section, you’ll see that the authors thanked “Eric Helms from Auckland University of Technology for his insightful discussion and input when designing this study.” I don’t point this out solely due to my never ending egotistical desire for recognition and crippling need for external validation - that’s only 90% of it - but also because the input I provided on study design was on a controlled trial. Unfortunately, adherence to a structured nutritional plan post-contest is incredibly challenging, especially when it involves quelling the intense desire to eat everything in sight, and instead following a gradual reverse dieting approach. Thus, what was initially planned as a controlled trial became an observation of various degrees of adherence to less and more gradual approaches to post-contest refeeding. Obviously, this inability to get even a modicum of adherence has implications for practice. On that note, let’s talk about what the authors recommended for post-contest recovery. First the authors characterized what was generally observed, that “a gradual return to baseline measures occurs for body composition, RMR, and endocrine measures during post-contest recovery, so long as the athlete increases energy availability and body fat mass” (emphasis mine). Further, they note that full recovery occurs in most cases within six months, but with a lot of inter-individual variability. They finish by providing three potential strategies for post-contest recovery, which, by their estimation, should all be explored as they could plausibly be effective based on the limited available evidence: 1. “A structured gradual increase in dietary intake aimed at reaching maintenance energy levels.” 2. “An acute ad libitum increase in dietary intake immediately post-contest to facilitate continued dietary adherence, followed by a structured gradual increase in intake toward maintenance energy levels.” 3. “An immediate return to maintenance dietary intake.” To be clear, the authors did a fantastic job 56 THE AUTHORS OBSERVED, THAT “A GRADUAL RETURN TO BASELINE MEASURES OCCURS FOR BODY COMPOSITION, RMR, AND ENDOCRINE MEASURES DURING POSTCONTEST RECOVERY, SO LONG AS THE ATHLETE INCREASES ENERGY AVAILABILITY AND BODY FAT MASS” summarizing and reviewing the literature, and this was a very well-written review. I found myself agreeing with the vast majority of what was written, with the exception of these three recommendations. Each concludes with “maintenance energy levels/dietary intake,” which is confusing, because the authors specifically pointed out that recovery occurs as long as fat mass increases. As written, the only strategy which would accomplish an increase in fat mass is number two, as an ad libitum intake post contest always results in a surplus energy intake and fat mass gain. The other two strategies would not accomplish fat mass gain. In fact, strategy one would result in further weight loss until maintenance energy levels were gradually attained. Now, to be fair, maybe I’m not being charitable enough in my interpretation of the authors’ intended meaning. I think it’s likely that the authors meant “baseline maintenance energy levels/dietary intake.” In other words, I think the authors mean that all three strategies should eventually get you back to your normal, pre-contest energy requirements (and therefore, eventually to a similar body and fat mass), and it’s only the speed and pattern of the increase in calories that differs between approaches. Certainly, this would comport with their recommendation that fat mass needs to increase for recovery to occur. Assuming that is what the authors meant, I fully agree that these are strategies worth exploring. Now, for the rest of this interpretation, I could delve into the specifics of each study for pages and pages, given the detail in the case studies and series, and my personal interest in this topic. Indeed, both Dr. Trexler and myself have written about how contest prep affects competitors generally, and the specific effects of prep on female competitors multiple times (here, here, and here). Additionally, Dr. Trexler has written articles on how to deal with metabolic adaptation, how metabolic phenotypes relate to reverse dieting, and strategies to restore menstrual function in exercising women, and I have a two-part video series on post-contest recovery. However, rather than retread old ground, I’m going to specifically address the three strategies the authors propose (assuming they mean baseline energy levels), and give you my take on each. A gradual increase to baseline maintenance energy This approach is probably closest to what people colloquially describe as a “reverse diet.” Notably, “gradual” can mean a lot of 57 things, so a reverse diet could operate on a spectrum from being an extremely slow or relatively quick process. It could start with a competitor still in a deficit (albeit smaller), or at estimated maintenance, or at varying degrees of a surplus. Among the studies that were reviewed, there are four examples with adequate reporting along this spectrum, with varying degrees of recovery success, seemingly based on the speed of the reverse. For example, on the slower side, Longstrom and colleagues (13) noted that three of their participants specifically followed a reverse dieting approach, resulting in minimal weight gain at the 8-10 week post-show time point (2 to 5% increases in body mass), coinciding with small decrements in dry fat free mass (-0.5 to -1kg), and negligible changes in RMR (-6% to +4%). Likewise, Pardue and colleagues (9) also specifically described the slow reverse dieting approach of a male bodybuilder who added 10–30g of carbohydrate and/or 4–10g of fat along with 5-10 minute reductions in cardio on a weekly basis post-show, resulting in a return to his pre-diet DXA-based body fat after 5 months (13.8%). Recovery in this athlete was decent, but incomplete, and took the entirety of the 5 month time period. All measurements were trending back to baseline and many were fully restored, but not all. Notably, anaerobic power, RMR, testosterone, and thyroid hormone were not fully restored. Similarly, Halliday and colleagues (12) described the reverse dieting approach (in all but name) of a figure competitor who was “more cautious” than previously studied competitors in the post-show phase and “slowly increased energy intake….in an ef- fort to limit a rapid increase in fat mass…. by diligently increasing energy intake slowly and limiting days ‘off’ the diet.” Like the athlete observed by Pardue, this figure competitor did not return to baseline levels of body weight and fat until 5 months post-competition. Notably, her baseline, habitual levels of body fat were also very low, at ~15%. Furthermore, her energy availability immediately dropped below recommended lower end thresholds (16) of ~30kcal/kg of lean mass at the initiation of prep, and stayed relatively low, not getting over 35kcal/kg of lean mass until week 10 of recovery. Subsequently, the last menstrual cycle occurred in week 11 of 20 of the dieting phase, and menstrual function did not return until 71 weeks post-contest (you read that right), when the athlete’s body fat had been maintained for multiple months at ~20%. In contrast to these slower reverse dieting approaches, Tinsley and colleagues (7) observed a more aggressive, but still graded approach whereby a figure competitor increased their body mass ~1% per week for 9 weeks after a two-show, 25-week competition prep phase. This relatively fast weekly increase in body mass occurred with a ~8-9% increase in total fat mass stores per week as well, and at the conclusion of the nine week recovery period, the competitor was roughly back at their baseline body mass. Importantly, they not only fully restored but actually exceeded their RMR and fat free mass values compared to their values prior to their last show. Additionally, the competitor had only one menstrual cycle during the observation phase, but self-reported that 3 months 58 after their last show their menses returned. Uncontrolled eating scores were highest 1 month after the final show (notably higher than during the diet), but were trending down to their baseline levels at the ninth week of recovery (~15% higher than baseline). Grip strength and anaerobic power were still suppressed, however. Finally, Newmire and colleagues reported that one of the two bikini competitors in their case series followed a reverse diet (6); however, they did not track recovery markers during this period. To conclude, out of all six competitors who followed a reverse diet-esque strategy across the four studies with adequate reporting, the most successful recovery happened in the competitor with the most aggressive strategy, reported by Tinsley (7), where they were back at their pre-diet weight within ~2 months. In the other examples where the competitors’ weight regain occurred at half this rate or slower, recovery was incomplete for longer, delaying the start of a productive offseason. An initial ad libitum period, followed by a gradual increase to baseline maintenance energy There are plenty of studies of bodybuilders consuming large amounts of calories in an ad libitum fashion post-contest, and subsequently rapidly regaining body weight. But, I’m not aware of any studies that observed this being done for an intentionally limited time period, followed by a more gradual approach afterwards as a recovery strategy. With that said, I like this approach (with some caveats), and I have a fair amount of anecdotal experience with it. For those who aren’t familiar with competitive bodybuilding, it’s customary to go out to eat after your show and eat a lot. Truly, the things I’ve seen (and done early in my career) at post-show feeds would astound and disgust the uninitiated, as it can truly get out of control. On the other hand, some reverse dieting approaches ask you to forgo these celebratory meals completely, or to be extremely rigid about what you have. There is certainly a middle ground in my experience. At 3DMJ we typically take an approach we call the “recovery diet” post-competition, whereby we encourage our athletes to celebrate with their family and friends the night of the show, but to make their best attempt at imitating a regular person who isn’t starving. We typically provide some broad, qualitative guidance, such as having an appetizer or a dessert, but not both, not eating off other people’s plates, and only ordering a single meal (I know, we’re fascists). We then typically provide the guidance of eating “three square meals” the following day to close out the weekend, without tracking, which can be meals eaten out, with similar guidance of imitating a non-starving person (avoid midnight snack runs, ordering multiple meals, eating from other people’s plates, etc.). Then, starting on Monday after the show weekend (most competitions happen on Saturdays), we take a more regimented approach where some form of tracking is recommended, and we encourage a more “normal” frequency of eating out, but at a reasonably aggressive pace, as we want them in a surplus and regaining weight. In fact, we recommend a similar timeline as observed in the study by Tinsley: getting to ~5-10% over stage weight ~1-2 months post 59 show (these ranges allow for a lot of individualization). Again, while I have no empirical evidence to suggest that this is the best approach, I can say it certainly worked better for us compared to half a decade ago where we tried more conservative, gradual, controlled, reverse dieting approaches. Back then, stress was higher, adherence was lower, relationships with food and body image were worse, and, ultimately, body weight increased rapidly in many cases anyway, but our competitors felt like failures when it happened, rather than weight regain being contextualized as a necessary and ultimately healthy process. I do, however, want to emphasize the importance of providing some guidance around the post-show meal and initial days immediately after the contest. Like I mentioned in the findings, while it’s rare and only possible in extreme dieting and post-contest binge eating scenarios, refeeding syndrome has happened in some cases. Thus, having some loose guard rails to avoid this possibly fatal outcome is a good idea. On a lighter note, it’s possible that avoiding very rapid weight regain in a short period might also result in better recovery of some hormonal markers (4), although I would like to see this finding replicated before I take it as fact. An immediate return to baseline maintenance energy This is an interesting approach as well, because theoretically it would result in relatively rapid weight regain that would taper off slowly as you approached your offseason weight and body composition. This would be a relatively large increase in calories from the end of prep, and would be easier to adhere to than more strict approaches. By definition, however, this approach wouldn’t cause substantial overshooting of your baseline body composition. Most importantly, it would meet both recovery requirements of increasing fat mass and energy availability. In fact, as I think about it, another similar strategy that would address the latter requirement directly would be jumping right to your estimated calories that would put your energy availability at 35-45kcal/kg of fat free mass. Unfortunately, like the previous strategy, we don’t have empirical data that I’m aware of on physique athletes basically jumping right to their offseason calories (or offseason maintenance calories more specifically). However, I’ve met and talked to a number of competitors over the years who have taken this approach. Generally, they put fat back on quickly, feel good after a handful of weeks, and are back to making progress pretty quickly. Further, they seem to get the food focus “out of their system” faster than reverse dieters, but it’s hard to know if this is cause or effect. Many of the folks I’ve known to do this are simply more interested in getting back to making gains, so they switch to “offseason mode” mentally right after their show, as they aren’t that focused on how lean they are. This is in stark contrast to the competitors who are typically attracted to (false) reverse dieting marketing narratives about making the next diet easier because of a “super charged” metabolism which emphasizes staying pretty lean and getting to eat more. These folks tend to be more attached to their competition levels of leanness and, unfortunately, often suffer for it. But I don’t know if 60 your typical competitor who is really attracted to the concept of a reverse diet can just easily shift their mindset to this approach. To conclude, I agree with the authors. So long as fat mass and energy availability are restored, recovery will occur. Thus, each of these three approaches which accomplish this (once again assuming they mean baseline energy levels) is worthy of further study. Furthermore, it is likely that each could be more effective in different individuals, and at different points in their careers. Most competitors experience a push and pull between trying not to overshoot their baseline body fat levels, making their next season even harder, and not being too rigid and staying too lean, causing mental stress and hampering their recovery, delaying the start of a productive offseason. Depending on where the individual is currently at, they may benefit from more aggressive or more conservative approaches. Next Steps MOST COMPETITORS EXPERIENCE A PUSH AND PULL BETWEEN TRYING NOT TO OVERSHOOT THEIR BASELINE BODY FAT LEVELS, MAKING THEIR NEXT SEASON EVEN HARDER, AND NOT BEING TOO RIGID AND STAYING TOO LEAN, CAUSING MENTAL STRESS AND HAMPERING THEIR RECOVERY over, based on how quickly they increased energy intake and body and fat mass, they could be grouped and the impact on recovery markers could be compared. As I alluded to at the end of the interpretation, I agree that we need to evaluate the three strategies the authors identified. Likewise, I agree that in a perfect world, this would occur via multiple intervention trials in well-controlled conditions. However, I simply don’t think this is realistic given how challenging it is to follow regimented eating patterns post contest for most competitors. Thus, probably the best approach would be a quasi-experimental design where a bunch of competitors were recruited and observed during recovery who stated a priori that they planned to follow one of the strategies outlined by the authors for recovery. Then, after the recovery phase was 61 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS While this review might seem like it didn’t provide definitive guidance, the authors made the extremely important statement that for recovery to occur, both fat mass and energy availability need to increase. This should be taken to heart by competitors, especially when confronted with the narratives associated with more extreme versions of reverse dieting, where very slow and gradual increases in calories are recommended, with the aim of only minimally increasing body fat. Don’t be fooled, these approaches will not result in recovery, but will delay the start of a productive offseason, and that’s only if you can adhere to them, which most people can’t. 62 References 1. 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Physiological, Psychological and Performance-Related Changes Following Physique Competition: A Case-Series. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2020 Apr 25;5(2):27. 14. Lapinskienė I, Mikulevičienė G, Laubner G, Badaras R. Consequences of an extreme diet in the professional sport: Refeeding syndrome to a bodybuilder. Clin Nutr ESPEN. 2018 Feb;23:253-255. 15. Mehanna HM, Moledina J, Travis J. Refeeding syndrome: what it is, and how to prevent and treat it. BMJ. 2008 Jun 28;336(7659):1495-8. 16. Burke LM, Lundy B, Fahrenholtz IL, Melin AK. Pitfalls of Conducting and Interpreting Estimates of Energy Availability in Free-Living Athletes. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2018 Jul 1;28(4):350-363. █ 64 Study Reviewed: May a Nonlocalized Postactivation Performance Enhancement Exist Between the Upper and Lower Body in Trained Men. Bartolomei et al. (2022) Does Benching First in a Workout Improve Lower Body Performance? BY MICHAEL C. ZOURDOS Postactivation potentiation studies typically have individuals perform a few heavy squat or bench reps to improve volume performance on the same exercise. A new study examined if a few heavy bench reps could potentiate lower body performance. Did the idea work? This article breaks it down. 65 KEY POINTS 1. Researchers tested the effects of two upper body postactivation potentiation (PAP) protocols on isometric leg press force, countermovement jump power, and EMG. The PAP exercise protocols were: 1) 5 × 1 at 90% of 1RM on the bench press, 2) 5 × 1 at 30% of 1RM on the bench press, and 3) control condition (no-PAP). 2. Countermovement jump power (+1.6%) and vastus medialis EMG (+4.4%) increased from pre- to post-PAP exercise only in the 90% of 1RM condition. These findings suggest that high load, but not explosive, upper body PAP exercise may provide a non-localized performance enhancement. 3. Although the high load PAP exercise improved countermovement jump performance, the benefit was small. Additionally, the PAP exercise did not enhance isometric leg press force. So far, there is not yet convincing evidence of a non-localized benefit of PAP for strength or volume performance. Thus, I would stick to localized PAP prescriptions such as heavy squats to potentiate squat volume performance. T raditionally, postactivation potentiation (PAP) research has focused on improving jumping and sprinting performance. Specifically, PAP research has typically explored the effect of performing heavy contractions on a resistance training exercise to increase acute explosive or strength performance. For example, Esformes and Bampouras (2) found that PAP exercise consisting of three sets of squats with a three repetition maximum (RM) load improved countermovement jump performance 10 minutes later in male Rugby players. Recently, PAP research has explored lifting performance. Specifically, Conrado de Freitas (3 - MASS Review) found 1 (set) × 2 (reps) on squat at 90% of 1RM improved squat reps to failure at 70% of 1RM five minutes later. Additionally, Alves et al (4 - MASS Review) found that PAP exercise of 1 × 3 at 90% of 1RM bench press increased reps to failure at 75% of 1RM. The concept of PAP is simple, time-efficient, and practical, but until recently, only a localized PAP effect had been investigated. However, is it possible that PAP exercise performed on one muscle group can improve performance on an unrelated muscle group? The presently reviewed study from Bartolomei et al (1) examined if upper body PAP exercise could improve lower body performance, and if absolute strength and muscle thickness (chest and quad) were related to a performance enhancement. In a crossover design, 13 trained men performed three conditions. Two conditions consisted of PAP protocols, and the other was a control condition (no-PAP). In all three conditions, subjects were pre-tested on various outcome measures (bench press throw power, countermovement jump power, leg extension isometric force and rate of force development, and vastus lateralis and medialis EMG). Then, subjects performed the PAP exercise or 15 minutes 66 of quiet-standing (no-PAP condition) and repeated all outcomes measures 8-18 minutes following PAP or standing (post-testing). In one PAP condition, subjects benched 5 × 1 at 90% of 1RM, and in the other PAP condition, subjects performed 5 × 1 at 30% of 1RM on the bench press throw. The only statistically significant changes were increases in countermovement jump power (+1.6%) and vastus medialis EMG activity (+4.4%) from pre- to post-testing in the 90% PAP condition and a significant decrease (-8.2%; p = 0.020) in vastus medialis EMG in the 30% of 1RM PAP condition. Further, neither absolute strength nor muscle thickness were significantly related to performance changes. These findings suggest that heavy bench, but not explosive benching, can improve acute jumping performance and lower body muscle activation, but not maximal strength performance. However, the increase in jump performance was minimal; thus, I don’t think lifters should implement an upper body PAP exercise and expect a lower body performance improvement. This article will aim to: 1. Review the present findings. 2. Discuss what mechanisms could potentially lead to upper body PAP exercise eliciting a lower body performance improvement and determine if future research in this area is warranted. 3. Provide an up-to-date review of the PAP and lifting literature. 4. Determine in what situations PAP may be appropriate and how to implement the practice. Purpose and Hypotheses Purpose The presently reviewed study sought to determine if upper body (bench press) PAP exercise performed with a high-load (90%) or a low-load (30%) could elicit lower body performance improvements 8-18 minutes later. Additionally, the researchers also examined if pectoralis (chest) and vastus lateralis (quadriceps muscle) muscle thickness and 1RM strength influenced the effect of PAP on performance. Hypotheses The researchers hypothesized that both PAP conditions would improve all outcome measures from pre- to post-testing. Further, the researchers predicted that there would be a positive relationship between muscle thickness and bench press 1RM with changes in outcome measures. In other words, they expected PAP-induced performance enhancement to be greater in those that were bigger and stronger. Subjects and Methods Subjects The presently reviewed study was completed by 13 trained men between the ages of 1835 years who could bench press at least their body mass. Additional subject details are presented in Table 1. Study Protocol The reviewed study was a counterbalanced crossover design with three conditions separated by exactly one week. Subjects report- 67 ed to the laboratory for a total of four visits. During the first visit, the researchers determined subjects’ 1RM bench press, anthropometrics, and pec and vastus lateralis muscle thicknesses. In all three conditions, subjects completed two trials of pre-testing for bench press barbell throw power, countermovement jump power, isometric leg extension force and rate of force development, and EMG of the vastus medialis and lateralis (tested during the leg extension). Subjects then performed a 15-minute intervention consisting of either PAP exercise in two conditions or quiet-standing in the non-PAP condition. Eight minutes following each 15-minute intervention, post-testing began. Researchers tested bench press throw power at 8 and 10 minutes post-PAP, countermovement jump power was tested at 12 and 14 minutes postPAP, and leg extension isometric force was tested at 16 and 18 minutes post-PAP. The three condition-specific 15-minute interventions were: 1. PAP exercise consisting of the free-weight bench press for 5 × 1 at 90% of 1RM with three minutes rest between sets. 2. PAP exercise consisting of the free-weight bench press for 5 × 1 at 30% of 1RM with three minutes rest between sets. 3. 15 minutes of quiet standing (no-PAP condition). The procedures during each condition can be seen in Figure 1. Outcome Measures The researchers examined if outcome measures changed from pre- to post-intervention and if there was a significant difference in the magnitude of change between outcome measures. Further, the researchers examined whether there were significant correlations between baseline 1RM bench press strength and muscle thickness and pre- to post-changes in countermovement jump power. 68 Findings There was a significant condition × time interaction for countermovement jump power (p = 0.049) and vastus medialis EMG (p = 0.024), indicating that the change in these metrics was significantly different when comparing all three conditions. These differences were driven by significant increases from pre- to post-testing in countermovement jump power (+1.6%’ p = 0.024) and vastus medialis EMG (+4.4%; p = 0.032) only in the 90% of 1RM PAP condition. The only other significant change from pre- to post-testing was a significant decrease (-8.2%; p = 0.020) in vastus medialis EMG in the 30% of 1RM PAP condition. There were no significant relationships between bench press 1RM (r = -0.24 to 0.25; p = 0.423 to 0.50) with the change in any outcome measures. Further pec muscle thickness measurement (r = 0.41; p = 0.24) and vastus lateralis muscle thickness (r = 0.38; p = 0.27) were not significantly related to the change in countermovement jump power. The mean values at pre- and post-testing for all outcome measures can be seen in Table 2, and the percentage changes are in Figure 2. 69 Interpretation Overall, I like the concept of PAP due to its simplicity and practicality. Specifically, data have shown that heavy squat doubles (3) and bench press triples (4) increased reps to failure at 60%-70% of 1RM on the same exercise performed 5-10 minutes later. Therefore, a lifter could work up to a few heavy reps (~85-90% at 2-3 RIR) at the beginning of their training session, improving their volume performance 10 minutes later. The presently reviewed study (1) took a slightly different approach, examining if PAP exercise improved performance on an unrelated muscle group (i.e., non-localized performance enhancement). However, the findings of this study were mixed at best. Nevertheless, if upper body PAP exercise does improve lower body performance, there would be practical programming implications. Therefore, this interpretation will review the present study’s findings, discuss a potential mechanism for PAP-induced, non-localized performance enhancement, review the PAP and lifting literature to date, and discuss the implementation of PAP. Presently Reviewed Study’s Findings and Potential Mechanism The reviewed study from Bartolomei et al (1) could be viewed in two ways. First, one could suggest that subjects improved performance in the 90% of 1RM PAP condition. After all, there was a significant improvement in countermovement jump power and vastus medialis EMG from pre- to post-PAP, and a significant condition × time interaction. Therefore, you could point to these findings and argue that a few heavy bench press singles might potentiate lower body performance. However, I’m inclined to interpret the findings more conservatively. Notably, the actual lifting-related performance measures (isometric leg press force and rate of force development) did not significantly improve from pre- to post-PAP in either condition. Further, it’s questionable whether the significant improvements for countermovement jump power and EMG are meaningful. Specifically, the increase in countermovement jump power in the 90% condition was small (+1.6%), and the condition × time interaction p-value was barely significant (p = 0.049). In short, most of the findings are non-significant, the PAP exercise did not improve strength (albeit isometric), and the countermovement jump power changes were small. The other main outcome of this study was that baseline strength and muscle thickness were not significantly related to changes in countermovement jump performance. Investigating for a localized PAP effect seems logical and intuitive. However, it’s not intuitive why the researchers were investigating a non-localized PAP effect. The rationale for this research question centers around catecholamine release from the PAP exercise. Specifically, catecholamine (epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine) release is purported to enhance arousal and muscle force production (6). These catecholamines are released from the adrenal glands, and in resistance training research, they are measured in the periphery (i.e., in circulation). Further, acute training-induced catecholamine increases are positively related to training volume 70 (5). When released into the bloodstream, these catecholamines, which serve as neurotransmitters, bind to receptors on skeletal muscle and facilitate the sodium-potassium pump. In turn, the sodium-potassium pump plays a role in facilitating the interaction of the contractile filaments (actin and myosin), increasing force production. Indeed, French et al (6) found that in a group of 10 trained men, the five subjects who maintained force the best over 6 × 10 on squats at 80% of 1RM also maintained greater levels of catecholamines from set-toset than the five who saw the greatest reduction in force production from set-to-set. The data from French et al (6) could signal that increasing catecholamine levels before training might improve force production. Therefore, it seems the researchers were attempting to increase circulating levels of catecholamines prior to the performance test, but to do so with low volume exercise to avoid unnecessary fatigue. However, perhaps the primary exercise-related benefit of an acute increase in catecholamines is to distribute blood flow to the muscle (6). This distribution of blood flow to muscle tissue is positive. However, it would mostly help with endurance or volume-related lifting (e.g., reps to failure), neither of which were tested in the presently reviewed study. Ultimately, acute catecholamine release may be beneficial, but this release seems more likely to aid the maintenance of force production over multiple contractions rather than directly improving maximal isometric force. Previous PAP and Lifting Data Only two previous studies have examined a non-localized effect of PAP exercise on lifting performance. Further, four studies that are directly applicable have investigated a local effect. The two non-localized studies are from Cuenca-Fernandez et al 2017 (7), and the other is from Bartolomei et al 2022 (8). Cuenca-Fernandez had 15 collegiate swimmers (7 women and 8 men) perform a baseline explosive pushup and squat jump test on a force plate to test impulse. Then, the athletes performed four different conditions of PAP exercise, followed by post-testing on the pushup and squat jump at 5, 8, 12, and 20 minutes post-PAP exercise. The four conditions were: 1. 4 squat reps at 90% of 1RM 2. 4 bench press reps at 90% of 1RM 3. 4 squat and bench press reps at 90% of 1RM 4. Quiet-standing (no-PAP) Cuenca-Fernandez reported no significant change in pushup impulse from pre- to post-testing. However, squat jump impulse significantly improved from pre- to post-testing in all four conditions with no condition differences. These findings mean that subjects improved squat jump performance even in the non-PAP condition, which consisted of only four minutes of quiet-standing. Although squat jump performance improved following the bench press PAP exercise, subjects also experienced a performance improvement in the no-PAP condition. Thus, it cannot be concluded that a non-localized PAP effect exists. A possible explanation for squat jump increasing in all four conditions is that the pre-testing squat jump and pushups tests simply served as a warm-up for the subjects. 71 The second study from Bartolomei et al 2022 (8) split 24 trained men into two groups (upper body and lower body), and there were two conditions (high intensity and power) within each group. In both conditions, each group tested bench press barbell throw power at 30% of 1RM and countermovement jump power, then performed their group- and condition-specific PAP exercise. After the PAP exercise, both groups retested bench press throw and countermovement jump power. The upper body group had PAP interventions of 5 × 1 at 90% of 1RM (high intensity) on the bench press and 5 × 4 at 30% of 1RM (power) on the bench press barbell throw. The lower body group had PAP interventions consisting of 5 × 1 at 90% of 1RM (high intensity) on the squat and 5 × 4 jumps (power) onto a 40 cm box. Interestingly, there was a group × time interaction (p = 0.012) for countermovement jump power in the high intensity condition. This group × time interaction was driven by a significant increase from pre- to post-testing in the upper body group (p = 0.025). In other words, this study found that non-localized performance improvement occurred due to PAP. However, similar to the present study, the increase in countermovement jump power following the high intensity bench press condition was only 1.6%. Overall, two out of the three studies on non-localized PAP, both from Bartolomei (1, 8), have shown that PAP exercise of 5 × 1 at 90% of 1RM on the bench press elicits a small (1.6%) improvement in countermovement jump power. In my opinion, this is just enough evidence to warrant anoth- 72 er study in this area. However, as a coach, I’m not clamoring to include non-localized PAP in any athletes’ programs, because no study has shown an increase in strength or volume performance, and the positive findings are small and from the same researcher. To be clear, there’s nothing wrong with the same researcher finding similar results in two studies, but there are different conditions between labs. Thus, replication from another lab would be preferable. The remainder of the directly relevant PAP literature is related to localized performance enhancement. This remaining literature consists of four studies (3, 4, 9, 10). These studies have examined reps performed on the squat (3) or bench press (4, 9) following heavy loading on the same exercise or examined isometric force following eccentric overload (10). All four of those studies are summarized in Table 3. It’s not particularly useful to rehash each study in Table 3 since we’ve reviewed three (3, 9, 10), and have a video discussing them all. Therefore, for my most up-to-date review of these studies, I would recommend checking out this article and this video, but I will provide a brief overview of these studies’ general findings. For a localized performance enhancement, the research suggests that a lifter should perform 2-3 sets of submaximal doubles or triples between 85-90% of 1RM on the squat or bench press. Then, a lifter might enhance performance on reps to failure sets at a moderate load (65-75%) on the same exercise 5-15 minutes later. I say “might” be enhanced because although Alves et al (4) found that subjects added one rep per set on the bench press following PAP exercise, Kryztofik et al (9) did not find that PAP exercise improved bench press reps to failure. Conrado de Freitas et al (3) had the most impressive results, finding PAP exercise added 6.5 reps, on average, to the subjects’ squat reps to failure on only the first set during four sets to failure at 70% of 1RM. Overall, I do think PAP has merit, and as noted earlier, it’s a practical and time-efficient strategy, but I think Alves’ results are more realistic than Conrado de Freitas’ findings. The presently reviewed study (1) did not report significant relationships between baseline strength levels or muscle thickness with improvements in countermovement jump power. Previous research (11, 12) has indicated that individuals with greater strength levels, specifically those with more than three years of experience (13), benefit more from PAP exercise. However, none of the studies in Table 3 related to lifting performance examined if baseline strength or muscle size were related to a PAP-induced performance enhancement. The presently reviewed study employed a small sample size (13 subjects) of trained men whose training experience was 5.2 ± 3.5 years, and their 1RM bench press was 99.5 ± 10.5 kg. While there is some variation around the mean in each of those values, it’s not particularly large. Those with higher strength levels may benefit more from PAP; however, the initial step to answering that question would be to compare a cohort of well-trained individuals (>5 years of experience) versus novice trainees (<1 year of experience). With a large sample size and a wide range of training experience between two cohorts, researchers would 73 be more likely to observe the effect of baseline strength or muscle size on PAP-induced performance enhancement in resistance training if it does exist. Practical Implementation of PAP Even though I don’t personally believe a lifter should expect a massive benefit from PAP, I do think it’s worth a try for some, due to its practicality. For example, if a lifter has a bench press or squat volume day, they could first do up to a couple singles or doubles at 85-90% of 1RM and then back off and perform their volume work. If the volume sets are to failure, then the lifter might complete an extra rep or so on each set. If the sets aren’t to failure, then the lifter might have more RIR than normal. For instance, let’s say a lifter can typically squat 4 × 10 at 70% and with RIRs on each set of 3, 2, 2, and 1. Then, if the lifter performs PAP exercise before the same workout, the lifter may find the 4 × 10 at 70% easier and record RIRs of 4, 3, 3, and 2. In this example of increasing RIR, it’s possible the lifter could then complete an additional set. In other words, PAP isn’t just for failure sets; rather, I would think of it as a strategy that can make your volume work feel easier, no matter how you structure the volume work. Additionally, even if someone doesn’t experience performance enhancement from PAP exercise, they still may experience strength gains from performing a set or two of heavy singles or doubles once a week before their volume work. Suppose PAP exercise can result in a non-localized performance improvement. In that case, PAP exercise should most likely be heavy (i.e., a few singles or doubles at 85-90% of 1RM), as both Bartolomei studies found that the small but significant, non-local performance enhancement occurred following 90% but not 30% of 1RM PAP protocols. As noted earlier, I’m not sure I would implement this just yet since no study has shown a non-localized positive effect on strength or volume performance. Further, the benefits of PAP can be individual, with some experiencing a performance improvement and some becoming fatigued from the PAP exercise and experiencing a performance impairment (11). In the above paragraph, I noted that some people might be fatigued by PAP exercise and therefore experience a performance decrement. This fatigue is possibly due to the uniform training protocols or rest times used in most research. For example, if a PAP exercise of 3 × 1 at 90% is prescribed, some lifters might end each set at 2-3 RIR. However, others might be at a 1 RIR on the first and 0 RIR on the last set. In that case, the lifters closer to failure may be more fatigued and less likely to experience performance enhancement. Therefore, I would recommend performing a few sets of heavy singles or doubles to a 2-3 RIR and not worrying so much about the percentage of 1RM. Besides, if you’re not feeling great one day, then 90% of 1RM could be a 0 RIR when it is usually a 2 RIR. In short, it’s a good policy to autoregulate the load for PAP exercise as the point is to improve subsequent performance, not fatigue yourself. Additionally, it’s been well-established that lifters experience performance improvements at different times following the PAP exercise (9, 13, 14). In other words, if performance is tested at 5, 10, and 15 minutes following 74 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS 1. Bartolomei et al (1) found that PAP exercise consisting of 5 × 1 bench press with a high load (90% of 1RM), but not low load (30% of 1RM), resulted in small but statistically significant improvements in countermovement jump power and vastus lateralis EMG activity. 2. Despite the small benefits, the PAP exercise did not improve isometric leg extension force, and no study to date has found PAP exercise to have a nonlocalized effect on maximal strength or volume performance. 3. Ultimately, there isn’t enough evidence in the literature to warrant chasing a nonlocalized PAP effect. However, working up to a few sets of 1-3 reps at a 2-3 RIR (i.e., 3 × 2 at 85% of 1RM) on the squat or bench press may improve volume performance on the same exercise about 10 minutes later. This prescription for a localized PAP effect isn’t a make-or-break strategy, but it’s simple and practical and might be worth a shot. the PAP exercise, some may improve performance at one of those times, and others may benefit at a different point. In practice, this may take a little trial and error. So, just because you don’t feel great five minutes postPAP doesn’t mean 10 minutes post-PAP isn’t a viable option. Next Steps Since there are only three studies on non-localized PAP exercise, more research is warranted. Importantly, none of those three studies have examined volume performance. As discussed earlier, the release of catecholamines increases blood flow to the muscle, which would be most beneficial for repeated contractions (i.e., volume performance). Therefore, if catecholamine release is an important mechanism of action for non-local PAP, then examining volume performance rather than max strength may be a better outcome measure. So, a non-local study simi- lar to one of the lifting studies from Table 3 would be the immediate next step. Specifically, a crossover design study in which individuals performed a PAP exercise of 3 × 1 at 90% of 1RM on the bench press in one condition and no-PAP in the other condition, followed by four sets to failure at 70% on the squat would be a good start. Of course, this study could also use squat as the PAP exercise and bench press as the performance test. Lastly, future research should also aim to include both well-trained and novice participants to investigate if baseline strength and muscle size are related to a PAP-induced performance enhancement. 75 References 1. Bartolomei S, De Luca R, Marcora SM. May a Nonlocalized Postactivation Performance Enhancement Exist Between the Upper and Lower Body in Trained Men?. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2022 May 9:10-519. 2. Esformes JI, Bampouras TM. Effect of back squat depth on lower-body postactivation potentiation. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2013 Nov 1;27(11):29973000. 3. De Freitas MC, Rossi FE, Colognesi LA, De Oliveira JV, Zanchi NE, Lira FS, Cholewa JM, Gobbo LA. Postactivation potentiation improves acute resistance exercise performance and muscular force in trained men. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2021 May 1;35(5):1357-63. 4. Alves RR, Viana RB, Silva MH, Guimarães TC, Vieira CA, de AT Santos D, Gentil PR. Postactivation potentiation improves performance in a resistance training session in trained men. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2021 Dec 1;35(12):32969. 5. Pullinen T, Nicol C, MacDonald E, Komi PV. Plasma catecholamine responses to four resistance exercise tests in men and women. European journal of applied physiology and occupational physiology. 1999 Jun;80(2):125-31. 6. French DN, Kraemer WJ, Volek JS, Spiering BA, Judelson DA, Hoffman JR, Maresh CM. Anticipatory responses of catecholamines on muscle force production. Journal of Applied Physiology. 2007 Jan;102(1):94-102. 7. Cuenca-Fernández F, Smith IC, Jordan MJ, MacIntosh BR, López-Contreras G, Arellano R, Herzog W. Nonlocalized postactivation performance enhancement (PAPE) effects in trained athletes: a pilot study. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2017;42(10):1122-5. 8. Bartolomei S, Lanzoni IM, Fantozzi S, Cortesi M. A Comparison between Non-Localized Post-Activation Performance Enhancements Following Resistance Exercise for the Upper and the Lower Body. Applied Sciences. 2022 Feb 4;12(3):1639. 9. Krzysztofik M, Wilk M, Filip A, Zmijewski P, Zajac A, Tufano JJ. Can post-activation performance enhancement (PAPE) improve resistance training volume during the bench press exercise?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 Apr;17(7):2554. 10. Beato M, Stiff A, Coratella G. Effects of postactivation potentiation after an eccentric overload bout on countermovement jump and lower-limb muscle strength. The Journal of 76 Strength & Conditioning Research. 2021 Jul 1;35(7):1825-32. 11. Seitz LB, de Villarreal ES, Haff GG. The temporal profile of postactivation potentiation is related to strength level. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2014 Mar 1;28(3):706-15. 12. Seitz LB, Haff GG. Factors modulating post-activation potentiation of jump, sprint, throw, and upper-body ballistic performances: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Sports medicine. 2016 Feb;46(2):231-40. 13. Wilson JM, Duncan NM, Marin PJ, Brown LE, Loenneke JP, Wilson SM, Jo E, Lowery RP, Ugrinowitsch C. Meta-analysis of postactivation potentiation and power: effects of conditioning activity, volume, gender, rest periods, and training status. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2013 Mar 1;27(3):854-9. 14. Gouvea AL, Fernandes IA, Cesar EP, Silva WA, Gomes PS. The effects of rest intervals on jumping performance: A meta-analysis on post-activation potentiation studies. Journal of sports sciences. 2013 Mar 1;31(5):459-67. █ 77 Study Reviewed: Effects Of A 4-Month Active Weight Loss Phase Followed By Weight Loss Maintenance On Adaptive Thermogenesis In Resting Energy Expenditure In Former Elite Athletes. Nunes et al. (2022) Putting Metabolic Adaptation Into Perspective BY ERIC TREXLER It’s widely accepted that metabolic adaptation exists. But how impactful and persistent is it, and how much does it vary from person to person? That’s precisely what this article seeks to cover. 78 KEY POINTS 1. Former elite athletes successfully completed a 4-month weight loss phase with an 8-month maintenance period. Individuals with the “thrifty” metabolic phenotype experienced less weight loss than “spendthrift” individuals, but they still lost 3.5kg, kept it off, and achieved a lower mean body-fat percentage than spendthrift participants. 2. Empirical data continue to confirm that many people experience physiologically meaningful magnitudes of metabolic adaptation, but it’s a very heterogeneous effect that varies considerably from person to person. 3. Most importantly, metabolic adaptation is not an insurmountable roadblock or a strong predictor of weight regain. We can unburden ourselves from worries about metabolic adaptation if we simply expect it and account for it, either by altering our calorie intake, activity level, or rate of weight loss. W e’ve covered metabolic adaptation (and related topics, such as low energy availability and relative energy deficiency) several times in MASS. Nonetheless, important questions persist, and for good reason. You could argue that this particular line of research stretches back to (at least) the 1940s, with the publication of the Minnesota Starvation Experiment. While metabolic adaptation is of considerable importance to people with goals pertaining to weight management, studies were few and far between in the decades that followed, and generally employed very different approaches to measuring and quantifying the most relevant variables. The metabolic adaptation literature started picking up some steam in the 1990s, but the pace of progress has really spiked in the last few years – when you check the references for this article, you’ll see that much of the research I cite has been published within the last 2-3 years. As new research becomes available, we get new opportunities to assess some of the biggest questions surrounding metabolic adaptation: who experiences it, how long does it persist, and how much does it actually matter? The presently reviewed study (1) implemented a comprehensive lifestyle intervention to induce weight loss in former elite athletes with overweight or obesity. The intervention involved a 4-month active weight loss phase (aiming for a 300-500 kcal/day energy deficit), followed by an 8-month maintenance phase, for a total intervention duration of one year. Participants successfully lost an average of 4.3kg, and maintained the entirety of this weight loss. Participants experienced a statistically significant, adaptive reduction in resting energy expenditure (mean ± standard error; -85 ± 29 kcal/day), which remained significant throughout the maintenance phase (-72 ± 31 kcal/day). Metabolic adaptation did not affect every participant equally; the researchers were able to stratify the groups by met- 79 abolic phenotype, with “thrifty” individuals experiencing greater metabolic adaptation and energy conservation than “spendthrift” individuals. Interestingly, the thrifty participants had higher daily energy expenditure at baseline, despite having very similar weight values and lower body-fat percentage values in comparison to the spendthrift group. These thrifty participants lost significantly less weight than spendthrift individuals, but they still still lost 3.5kg, kept it off, and achieved a lower mean body-fat percentage than the spendthrift participants by the end of the study. As you can see, this study offers plenty of useful information to dig into, and we’ve only scratched the surface. Read on to explore who experiences metabolic adaptation, how long it seems to persist after active weight loss, and how much it actually impacts successful attainment of body composition goals. Purpose and Hypotheses Purpose The purpose of the presently reviewed study was to investigate: 1) “if [adaptive thermogenesis] remains significant during a [weight loss] maintenance period, i.e., under a neutral energy balance, comparing with a control group,” and 2) “if the degree of energy conservation is related with changes in body composition, weight-related hormones, or the percentage of energy restriction.” Hypotheses The authors did not directly state hypotheses. Subjects and Methods Subjects A total of 94 former elite athletes who had either represented Portugal in international-level competition or competed in high-level professional soccer participated in the present study. In order to participate, these former athletes needed to be between the ages of 18-65, have a BMI of at least 25 kg/m2, be willing to complete the intervention (which included diet modification, physical activity modification, and a number of in-person study visits), be weight-stable for at least three months prior to the study, and be “inactive.” The researchers considered subjects to be too active for study inclusion if they completed at least 20 min of vigorous physical activity three or more days per week, or completed at least 30 min of moderate physical activity five or more days per week. At baseline, participants had an average (mean ± standard deviation) age of 43.0 ± 9.4 years and an average BMI of 31.1 ± 4.3 kg/m2, and the sample was 34% female. Methods The presently reviewed study was a secondary analysis of previously collected data from the Champ4life Study. A full overview of the study design and methods can be found here, but the basic overview is that this was a comprehensive, year-long randomized controlled trial. Upon enrollment, participants were randomly allocated to either the intervention group or the control group. The intervention was an extremely thorough and well-rounded weight loss program that was designed to induce weight loss in the first four months, then facilitate weight maintenance in months five through twelve. 80 The intervention was largely guided by the basic principles of self-determination theory, and included several different components. Participants received ongoing nutrition guidance (including multiple nutrition appointments) that aimed to facilitate a 300-500 kcal/ day caloric deficit during the active weight loss, and neutral energy balance during the weight maintenance period. On top of that, there were numerous educational sessions designed to provide participants with knowledge and skills related to successful weight loss (nutrition, physical activity, self-monitoring, and behavior change), and ample opportunities for social support. Participants were provided with pedometers and encouraged to practice multiple forms of self-monitoring throughout the intervention (monitoring of body weight, step counts, physical activity behaviors, and eating behaviors). The control group completed all of the necessary testing visits at baseline, four months, and 12 months, but generally maintained their typical diet and exercise habits. In order to incentivize continued participation, the control group was essentially a waiting list; participants assigned to this group were granted access to the full 12-month program after the actual study was complete. Key variables including body composition, energy expenditure, and hormone levels were assessed at baseline, after month four (the end of active weight loss), and after month 12 (the end of the maintenance period). Body composition was measured via DXA. Resting metabolic rate was measured via indirect calorimetry and physical activity energy expenditure was estimated using accelerome- ters. Based on the assumption that the thermic effect of food accounts for 10% of total energy expenditure, the researchers were able to combine resting expenditure, physical activity expenditure, and the estimated thermic effect of feeding to calculate total daily energy expenditure. In addition, the researchers calculated energy balance over time by calculating the change in stored body energy (based on body composition testing). Using calculated values for energy expenditure and energy balance, the researchers were therefore able to make inferences about energy intake without relying on the accuracy of self-reported food logs, given that energy balance is equal to energy intake minus energy expenditure. They also used calculations to make inferences about dietary adherence, based on changes in calculated energy intake and the prescribed magnitude of caloric restriction. Key hormones of interest included insulin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroid hormones (T3 and T4), and leptin. As for the statistical analyses, a number of comparisons were made. The researchers sought to assess changes over time within the intervention group, while also comparing them to the control group. The researchers also compared measured resting energy expenditure to predicted resting energy expenditure, as a means of assessing the magnitude of adaptive thermogenesis (metabolic adaptation). Finally, the researchers stratified the intervention group based on metabolic phenotype for some additional comparisons between subgroups. In the present study, participants were categorized as having a thrifty metabolic phenotype (n = 11) if their calcu- 81 lated value for adaptive thermogenesis (the adjusted difference between their measured and predicted resting metabolic rate, indicating greater conservation of energy and more resistance to weight loss) was greater than the typical error of 103 kcal/day (note: this typical error value accounts for the technical error of measurement and within-subject variability). Participants who had positive values for adaptive thermogenesis (n = 25) were categorized as having a spendthrift metabolic phenotype. Findings As you would expect, the moderate weight loss intervention (aiming for a 300-500 kcal/ day energy deficit for four months) led to moderate amounts of weight loss. Energy balance during the weight loss phase was calculated to be -270 kcal/day, on average, in the intervention group, while it was +14 kcal/day in the control group. In addition, the intervention was very effective for long-term maintenance, with identical mean weight values at four months and twelve months in the intervention group. Weight remained fairly stable throughout the entire year within the control group, although they did gain about a kilogram over that time span. Body composition values are presented in Table 1. Both groups had similar resting energy expenditure values at baseline, and measured values were extremely close to predicted values for both groups (within 5kcal). In the intervention group, statistically significant adaptive thermogenesis was observed at the end of the active weight loss phase (mean ± standard error; -85 ± 29 kcal/day). By the end of the weight maintenance period, this adap- 82 tive thermogenesis had shrunk a tiny bit in magnitude, but remained statistically significant at -72 ± 31 kcal/day. The control group actually experienced a statistically significant positive value for adaptive thermogenesis (i.e., there appeared to be an adaptive increase in energy expenditure). This increase of 81 ± 31 kcal/day is most likely reflective of being in positive energy balance, given that the control group gained a bit of weight toward the end of the study period. Metabolic rate data are presented in Table 2. The researchers identified some interesting observations when stratifying the intervention group based on metabolic phenotypes. While the spendthrift group lost an average of 6.4kg during the weight loss phase, the thrifty group lost 3.5kg. Furthermore, the spendthrift group lost an additional 0.4kg during the maintenance phase, whereas the thrifty group maintained a stable body weight. While one might assume that a thrifty phenotype is associated with lower energy expenditure and higher body weight and body-fat percentage at baseline, that’s actually not the case. The thrifty individuals were only 31.4% body-fat at a weight of 92.0kg at baseline, whereas the spendthrift individuals were 35.5% body-fat at a weight of 91.7kg. In addition, baseline total daily energy expenditure was significantly greater in the thrifty group, by an average of 396 kcal/day (I think – see the “Criticisms and Statistical Musings” section for more information). It’s uncertain how biological sex breakdowns in each subgroup might have affected this, but these values are derived from models that mathematically adjust for the influence of sex. As a result, it’s very hard to make the claim that people with spendthrift phenotypes were enjoying powerful benefits that allowed them to passively stay leaner or consume disproportionately higher calorie 83 intakes at baseline based on the data reported. Body composition comparisons between the thrifty and spendthrift subgroups are presented in Table 3. served for thyroid-stimulating hormone, T3, or T4. However, hormone values were not meaningfully correlated with adaptive thermogenesis values. Dietary adherence was 89%; the prescribed caloric restriction value was 17.5%, and the participants achieved 13.6% caloric restriction. The calculated caloric restriction value was negatively correlated with adaptive thermogenesis (in kcal/day), indicating that larger magnitudes of energy restriction led to larger magnitudes of energy conservation (R = -0.325, p = 0.036). When comparing thrifty and spendthrift groups, there were no significant differences in dietary adherence or the calculated caloric restriction value. The intervention group experienced statistically significant reductions in insulin and leptin levels, while no significant changes were ob- Criticisms and Statistical Musings I wouldn’t necessarily call these criticisms or statistical musings, but I have one clarification and one important caveat to share in this section. The caveat is that this paper, like many others, frames adaptive thermogenesis as a drop in resting energy expenditure. We commonly break total daily energy expenditure down into four components: resting energy expenditure, exercise activity thermogenesis, non-exercise activity thermogenesis, and the thermic effect 84 of feeding. While resting energy expenditure is impacted by metabolic adaptation, non-exercise activity thermogenesis is the component that experiences the largest magnitude of change (2). However, resting energy expenditure is substantially easier and more affordable to measure than non-exercise activity thermogenesis or total daily energy expenditure, so much of the metabolic adaptation literature focuses on resting energy expenditure by default. It’d be great for all of these studies to provide extremely precise values for all energy expenditure components, but it’s rarely feasible to do so, and that’s no fault of these authors – some stuff is just very challenging and expensive to measure. I think resting energy expenditure, in the context of this study, serves as a suitable “proxy” that should correlate quite well with overall metabolic adaptation (summed across multiple energy expenditure components), but this is a limitation to keep in mind. Also, it’s important to recognize that the magnitudes of adaptive thermogenesis reported in this paper are almost certainly underestimating the total magnitude of energy conservation, as they only capture the conservation occurring in the resting component of energy expenditure. during at least 3 months (inclusion criteria), we considered an [energy balance] = 0, and therefore [energy intake] = [energy expenditure].” However, that’s not all of the confusion to address. If you read the results section of the paper, they actually report that baseline energy intake was lower in the thrifty group than the spendthrift group, this time providing exact values (-396 ± 174 kcal/day, p = 0.031). This statement directly contradicts the statement in the abstract, so I emailed the authors for clarification. They were extremely helpful and responsive, and confirmed that the abstract was correct. As a result, I’m assuming that the magnitude is correct (396 kcal/day), but that the direction of the relationship was mistakenly inverted in the results section. In summary, total daily energy expenditure was higher in the thrifty group at baseline, and it seems that we can comfortably assume that the average magnitude of the difference between subgroups was 396 kcal/day. To be clear, this was a small oversight and we shouldn’t hold it against the authors or view their work more negatively – this kind of thing happens all the time, and I really appreciate their responsiveness and willingness to clarify. The clarification refers to the reported observation that total daily energy expenditure was higher in thrifty participants than spendthrift participants at baseline, by an average of (I think) 396 kcal/day. If you read the abstract, you might be a bit confused because the researchers reported that the thrifty group had higher energy intake at baseline, without mentioning expenditure. However, they clarify in the methods section: “For the baseline [energy intake], as participants were weight-stable Interpretation In the introduction section, I alluded to three of the most pertinent and commonly asked questions related to metabolic adaptation: who experiences it, how long does it persist, and how much does it actually matter? In keeping with this general structure, we’ll address each of these questions in order by integrating the presently reviewed findings with the broader literature that came before it. 85 Who experiences metabolic adaptation? A recent meta-analysis by Nunes et al points out that the metabolic adaptation literature is characterized by high levels of heterogeneity (3). Some of the variation in results pertains to methodological differences between studies, but some of it also pertains to individual-level differences from person to person within the same study. The concept of metabolic phenotypes offers a helpful heuristic to categorize individuals as thrifty or spendthrift based on their metabolic responses to overfeeding and underfeeding, which seems to serve as a predictive tool related to metabolic adaptation. We’ve covered metabolic phenotypes previously in MASS; a paper by Hollstein et al categorized thrifty and spendthrift individuals based on their metabolic response to shortterm fasting, and found that this categorization predicted differential metabolic responses to short-term overfeeding as well (4). Naturally, one might have concerns about whether or not these acute measurements actually pertain to long-term weight regulation. Results of a study by Reinhardt et al suggest they do, as individuals who experienced larger drops in energy expenditure during short-term fasting (and smaller increases during overfeeding) also achieved less weight loss during a 6-week diet intervention (5). The results of the presently reviewed study provide additional longitudinal data to help us paint a clearer picture of metabolic phenotypes. Thrifty individuals experience greater reductions in energy expenditure during short-term fasting and longitudinal weight loss, but they tend to have relatively similar weight and body composition characteristics at baseline (in comparison to their spendthrift counterparts). While it’s tempting to assume that thrifty individuals have low energy expenditure all the time, the present study (1) and the previous study by Hollstein (4) both suggest that thrifty individuals actually have higher energy expenditure than spendthrift individuals at baseline. Having a thrifty metabolic phenotype doesn’t seem to necessarily lead you toward a higher baseline body weight or body-fat percentage, nor does it suggest that you’ll need to eat disproportionately fewer calories at your “natural” body weight in comparison to someone with a spendthrift metabolic phenotype. Rather, metabolic phenotypes tell us about how your body is likely to respond to underfeeding and overfeeding. In other words, we can’t look at a sample of people and assume that individuals with higher body-fat will have lower energy expenditure or will necessarily have a thrifty metabolic phenotype. In contrast, it seems that we can predict that a person with a thrifty metabolic phenotype will experience a little more friction during intentional weight loss, and will be less resistant to fat gain (and experience smaller increases in energy expenditure) during overfeeding. If we consider the dual-intervention point model (Figure 1), as previously described by Speakman et al (6) and reviewed by Dr. Helms, we can imagine a thrifty individual as having a larger gap between their baseline body weight and their upper intervention point, but a smaller gap between their baseline body weight and their lower intervention point. As a result, they can gain considerable amounts of weight before any attenuation 86 mechanisms kick in, whereas weight loss efforts are quite promptly met by factors that attenuate further weight reductions. However, there aren’t major weight and body composition differences between metabolic phenotypes at baseline, likely because people are sitting around their “natural weight” that rests comfortably between both intervention points. As a side note, this observation casts very serious doubts on most common applications of reverse dieting. How long does metabolic adaptation persist? This is another area of the metabolic adaptation literature in which considerable heterogeneity exists (3). Unfortunately, this heteroge- neity is difficult to minimize because studies are largely attempting to take a snapshot of resting energy expenditure at a single point in time, but resting energy expenditure is meaningfully influenced by acute (very short-term) energy balance (7) and physical activity levels (8). Previous research has suggested that transitioning from active weight loss (negative energy balance) to weight maintenance (neutral energy balance) partially, but not fully, reverses adaptive reductions in resting metabolic rate (7). The present findings lean in that general direction, although the magnitude of reversal was quite small in this study. You could spend a full article digging into 87 this particular question, but Dulloo (9) provides a great model for metabolic adaptation reversal that is very compatible with the current body of evidence. The model proposes that there are two distinct components of metabolic adaptation, or adaptive thermogenesis: a non-specific component, which is dictated by the presence of a current energy deficit, and an adipose-specific component, which is dictated by a loss of fat mass from baseline. The model proposes that metabolic adaptation will be partially attenuated by switching from active fat loss to maintenance, but will likely persist to some extent until a considerable amount of fat mass is regained (perhaps all of it). If we merge this with the dual-intervention point model and observational research on physique athletes (10), we can further speculate that the adipose-specific component of metabolic adaptation is particularly pronounced when people are absolutely shredded, and necessarily far below their lower intervention point. How much does metabolic adaptation actually matter? As noted previously, being particularly susceptible to metabolic adaptation (i.e., having a thrifty metabolic phenotype) doesn’t necessarily lead to maintaining a higher body weight or body-fat percentage. Without intentional weight loss or weight gain efforts, most people passively stay comfortably between their upper and lower intervention points, and the exact location is largely dictated by behavioral and environmental factors. One can reasonably assume that spendthrift individuals have more “safeguards” in place to attenuate weight gain when behavioral and environmental factors favor more positive energy balance, but metabolic phenotypes don’t seem particularly predictive of baseline weight or body composition. In contrast, when we shift our focus toward intentional weight loss, phenotypic differences become more apparent. In the present study, it seems that having a thrifty phenotype and experiencing a greater magnitude of metabolic adaptation contributed to some extra weight loss difficulty. While the spendthrift subgroup lost 6.4kg of weight (5.2kg of fat), the thrifty group lost only 3.5kg of weight (2.5kg of fat). However, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First, metabolic adaptation didn’t make weight loss impossible; the thrifty group still lost weight and fat mass, it just wasn’t as much as observed in the spendthrift group. Second, baseline differences make it a little complicated to make direct, “apples to apples” comparisons. The spendthrift group experienced larger drops in fat mass and body-fat percentage, but the thrifty group ended the study with slightly lower fat mass and higher fat-free mass values than the spendthrift group. As a result, it’s hard to say that having a thrifty phenotype was a huge detriment for attainment of the stated body composition goals in this particular study. Finally, and most importantly, these subgroup data aren’t presented in a way that enables us to obtain a thorough and detailed understanding of the independent impact of metabolic adaptation. The degree of metabolic adaptation was calculated as a continuous variable (i.e., you might have experienced 90, 105, or 160 kcal/day of adaptation), but 88 it was collapsed into a dichotomous variable (i.e., “high” [thrifty] or “low” [spendthrift]). This allows us to make broad comparisons of one phenotype versus the other, but we lose some detail and granularity in determining how specific factors contributed to extra weight loss friction. For example, the researchers found that the degree of caloric restriction was associated with magnitude of metabolic adaptation in the full sample (more caloric restriction was correlated with greater metabolic adaptation), but they found no significant difference in the degree of caloric restriction when comparing the subgroups experiencing higher versus lower magnitudes of metabolic adaptation. The calculated magnitude of metabolic adaptation in this study fails to explain the entire difference in fat loss between groups, but the data aren’t reported in a way that allows us to easily quantify the independent impact of metabolic adaptation, or identify which other factors contributed to friction in the weight loss process. Fortunately, we can lean on some previous studies that did aim to quantify the independent impact of metabolic adaptation, using units that are very straightforward for the purposes of practical application. For example, a 2021 study (11) found that metabolic adaptation was associated with less weight loss during a diet intervention. Participants lost an average of 14 ± 4 kg (13 ± 3% of initial body mass), and a statistically significant adaptation of resting energy expenditure was observed at the group level (-92 ± 110 kcal/day, p < 0.001). However, the researchers found that as an individual’s magnitude of metabolic adaptation increased by 50 kcal/day, observed weight loss only tended to drop by 0.5kg. Based on the group-level means and standard deviations, it appears that even those experiencing pronounced metabolic adaptation generally achieved successful weight loss outcomes, and the small amount of friction added by metabolic adaptation should be easily overcome by making some very modest calorie adjustments during the weight loss phase. A 2022 study (12) found that metabolic adaptation delayed the time required to reach weight loss goals. Participants lost an average of 12.5 ± 3.1 kg (16.1% ± 3.4% of initial body mass) over 155.1 ± 49.2 days. Once again, a statistically significant adaptation of resting energy expenditure was observed at the group level (-46 ± 113 kcal/day, p = 0.002). However, the researchers found that as an individual’s magnitude of metabolic adaptation increased by 10 kcal/day, the time to reach one’s weight loss goal only increased by a single day. Again, based on the group-level summary data, it appears that even those experiencing pronounced metabolic adaptation generally achieved successful weight loss outcomes, and the small amount of friction added by metabolic adaptation should be easily overcome by extending the timeline of the weight loss phase a little bit. So, metabolic adaptation makes weight loss a bit more challenging, but we can overcome these challenges with very straightforward and modest adjustments. The same research group published a study in 2020 that focused on weight regain (13). In the study, participants initially lost an average of 12 ± 2.6 kg, and a statistically sig- 89 nificant adaptation of resting energy expenditure was observed at the group level (-54 ± 105 kcal/day; p < 0.001). One year later they had regained 52% ± 38% of the lost weight on average, and by the 2-year mark they had regained 89% ± 54% of the lost weight. In terms of the weight loss phase, the amount of fat that an individual lost was correlated with the magnitude of metabolic adaptation they experienced. However, metabolic adaptation was not predictive of weight regain at the 1-year or 2-year time points. These findings are consistent with the results of the Biggest Loser Study, as reported by Fothergill et al (14). While substantial metabolic adaptation was observed after dramatic weight loss, the magnitude of metabolic adaptation was not predictive of weight regain six years later. In fact, the most successful weight maintainers were the individuals with the greatest magnitude of metabolic adaptation at the end of the six-year follow-up period, suggesting that the persistence of metabolic adaptation reflected the persistence of fat mass reduction. Collectively, the available research suggests that metabolic adaptation is not reliably predictive of future weight regain. In summary, an individual’s baseline metabolic rate tells us extremely little about their propensity for subsequent weight change (15), and while a thrifty phenotype (and, by extension, greater metabolic adaptation) appears to predict some extra friction in the weight loss process, successful weight loss is still observed. So, people who experience greater metabolic adaptation experience weight loss success, but may require larger caloric reductions or longer weight loss timelines to per- fectly match the weight loss of their spendthrift counterparts. Furthermore, the fact that someone experiences greater metabolic adaptation during weight loss doesn’t appear to tell us much at all about their likelihood of maintaining their weight loss over time. To be clear, we know some of the things that appear to influence successful weight loss and subsequent maintenance; they include adherence to lifestyle modifications (16), eating behavior characteristics (17), satiety-promoting strategies (18), lean mass retention (19), regular self-monitoring (20), and plenty of physical activity (20). The literature suggests that these factors are far, far more impactful than metabolic adaptation, despite the fact that metabolic adaptation gets so much attention and causes so much worry among dieters. So, rather than worrying about avoiding or reversing metabolic adaptation, we should focus on identifying, quantifying, and accounting for it. RATHER THAN WORRYING ABOUT AVOIDING OR REVERSING METABOLIC ADAPTATION, WE SHOULD FOCUS ON IDENTIFYING, QUANTIFYING, AND ACCOUNTING FOR IT 90 APPLICATION AND TAKEAWAYS Metabolic adaptation exists, varies considerably from person to person, and can impact the magnitude and rate of weight loss achieved during a standardized weight loss intervention. Metabolic phenotypes offer a helpful heuristic to categorize individuals as thrifty or spendthrift based on their metabolic responses to overfeeding and underfeeding. Research clearly demonstrates that thrifty individuals (who experience larger magnitudes of metabolic adaptation) can make satisfactory progress toward weight loss, and they can probably overcome the challenges of metabolic adaptation by making appropriate calorie adjustments or extending their weight loss timeline. Metabolic adaptation adds friction to the weight loss process, but is by no means an insurmountable roadblock. With this in mind, we need not worry about avoiding or reversing metabolic adaptation; instead, we should focus on identifying, quantifying, and accounting for metabolic adaptation by making some very feasible and straightforward adjustments. Next Steps We have multiple studies indicating that metabolic adaptation can slow the rate of weight loss, or lead to less cumulative weight loss, over the course of a standardized weight loss intervention. However, it appears that this can be overcome in a very straightforward manner, by simply implementing appropriate calorie adjustments or extending the timeline of the intervention. While this is a somewhat unconventional approach to study design, I’d love to see a large study that explores metabolic phenotypes using an ecologically valid and sustainable approach to weight loss, while standardizing the outcome rather than the intervention. For example, in tightly controlled conditions, the researchers would guide all study participants toward a standardized weight loss target (for example, a percentage of body weight loss). When thrifty individuals run into challenges, they adjust calorie intake and, if necessary, allow for some extra weeks of dieting to get to the desired goal. Ideally, the intervention would include high protein intake (≥1.6 g/kg of body weight [in kg] per day, or ≥2.0 g/kg of fat-free mass [in kg] per day) and resistance training to attenuate the loss of lean mass. Within this type of design, I’d be very interested to see exactly how much more aggressively interventions would need to ramp up in order to usher thrifty individuals to the same endpoints achieved by spendthrift individuals. I’d also like to see if thrifty individuals experience extra friction along the way, such as disproportionate changes in hormone levels, hunger levels, and subjective outcomes pertaining to symptoms of relative energy deficiency. As a final step, it’d be very informative to observe weight regain after the intervention, while aiming to identify key variables that correlate with successful weight maintenance. I suspect we’d find that the weight loss process is a little more challenging and a little less pleasant for thrifty individuals, but that they can feasibly achieve the same outcomes as spendthrift individuals. I also suspect that weight regain would largely be predicted by variables related to behavioral outcomes and appetite regulation rather than metabolic rate. 91 References 1. Nunes CL, Jesus F, Francisco R, Hopkins M, Sardinha LB, Martins P, et al. 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Am J Clin Nutr. 2020 Mar 1;111(3):536–44. 20. Thomas JG, Bond DS, Phelan S, Hill JO, Wing RR. Weight-Loss Maintenance For 10 Years In The National Weight Control Registry. Am J Prev Med. 2014 Jan;46(1):17–23. █ 93 Research Briefs BY GREG NUCKOLS & ERIC TREXLER In the Research Briefs section, Greg Nuckols and Eric Trexler shares quick summaries of recent studies. Briefs are short and sweet, skimmable, and focused on the needto-know information from each study. 95 102 107 115 119 126 Does High-Rep Training Actually Improve Strength Endurance More Than Heavier Training? Do Raw Eggs and Cooked Eggs Have Different Impacts on Muscle Protein Synthesis? Is Heavier Training or Higher-Rep Training Better in an Energy Deficit? Adding Nuance to the Relationship Between Energy Density and Calorie Intake Can Cardio (Eventually) Make You Bigger? Do Vegan Diets Negatively Impact Bone Health? 130 Are Overhead Triceps Extensions Better than Pushdowns for Hypertrophy? 138 Reassessing the Impact of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners on Metabolic Health and the Gut Microbiome 94 Study Reviewed: Influence of Total Repetitions Per Set on Local Muscular Endurance: A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression. Hackett et al. (2022) Does High-Rep Training Actually Improve Strength Endurance More Than Heavier Training? BY GREG NUCKOLS Within exercise science, the “principle of specificity” goes mostly unquestioned, and for good reason. In general, if you want to improve a particular aspect of performance, your training should closely resemble the type of performance you’d like to improve (and the evidence bears this out). If you want to get stronger, lift heavy. If you want to improve velocity and power output, do training that requires high velocity and power outputs. There are at least a dozen other examples of the principle of specificity in action. The principle of specificity isn’t a completely unerring north star, but it’s an incredibly useful heuristic. However, when a heuristic works too well, too often, I think there’s a tendency to become increasingly reliant on the heuristic, in place of critical thinking and careful data analysis. Notably, I think over-reliance on the principle of specificity has over-simplified the way that many people think about training to improve strength endurance. If you ask 100 fitness professionals how to improve strength endurance, you’ll probably get at least 80-90 answers along the lines of, “do lighter, higher rep training.” That’s a perfectly logical answer, given the principle of specificity – strength endurance has been defined as, “the ability to maintain submaximal muscle actions,” so it stands to reason that improving muscular endurance would involve training that requires you to perform more submaximal muscle actions. However, when you actually dig into the data, you’ll find that the actual answer depends pretty heavily on how you define and measure strength endurance, since “strength endurance” is a surprisingly nuanced concept. It’s not clear-cut that high-rep training is always best. A recent meta-analysis by Hackett and colleagues (1) beautifully illustrates this nuance. The researchers started by identifying all studies meeting these inclusion criteria: 1. The studies needed to directly compare the effects of two different rep ranges on measures of strength endurance, following a dynamic resistance training intervention lasting at least four weeks 2. The studies needed to be peer-reviewed, and use adult subjects with no known med- 95 ical conditions or musculoskeletal injuries 3. The studies needed to assess muscular endurance via a reps-to-failure test, using either the same percentage of pre-training 1RM at pre- and post-training testing sessions, or using the same percentage of moment-in-time 1RM at both testing sessions. Furthermore, studies would be excluded if the intervention involved any supplement besides protein, if the training intervention involved training modalities other than resistance training, or if the details of the training intervention didn’t allow groups to be neatly classified as the “higher-rep group” and “lower-rep group” within each study. The researchers performed two primary meta-analyses. The two meta-analyses assessed the impact of lower- versus higher-rep training on strength endurance a) when pre- and post-training assessments of strength endurance were both performed with the same per- centage of the subjects’ pre-training 1RMs, and b) when pre- and post-training assessments of strength endurance were performance with the same percentage of the subjects’ moment-in-time 1RMs. In other words, if a subject trained for 8 weeks, increased their squat from 125kg to 150kg, and performed reps-to-failure tests with 70% of 125kg preand post-training, their data would be included in the first meta-analysis. For the rest of this article, I’ll refer to this as an increase in “absolute strength endurance.” If they performed a reps-to-failure test with 70% of 125kg at pre-training, and with 70% of 150kg post-training, their data would be included in the second meta-analysis. For the rest of this article, I’ll refer to this as an increase in “relative strength endurance.” Six studies were included in the first meta-analysis on absolute strength endurance, and nine studies were included in the second meta-analysis on relative strength endurance. 96 The researchers found that higher- and lower-rep training were similarly effective for improving absolute strength endurance (Figure 1). Conversely, higher-rep training was considerably more effective than lower-rep training for improving relative strength endurance (Figure 2). Furthermore, the researchers performed a meta-regression (with segmental linear regression) to assess the point at which performing more reps in a set no longer led to further increases in relative strength endurance. They found that the breakpoint was 24 reps per set, with a 95% confidence interval spanning from 11 to 39 reps per set (Figure 3). Finally, the researchers performed moderator analyses to see if any subject or training characteristics were predictive of larger or smaller increases in absolute and relative strength endurance. The only noteworthy result was that gains in maximal strength were predictive of smaller gains in relative strength endurance (or even losses in relative strength endurance; β = -0.89; p = 0.002), but that changes in maximal strength weren’t predictive of changes in absolute strength endurance (β = 0.06; p = 0.76). The basic finding of this study is that if you want to be able to perform more reps with a particular percentage of your 1RM, even as your 1RM changes over time, it certainly makes sense to train with higher reps. How- 97 ever, if you want to improve your strength endurance performance with a particular absolute load, you don’t necessarily need to do higher-rep “strength endurance” training. I think an illustration will clarify the difference. Let’s assume you currently squat 300 pounds, and you want to be able to squat as many reps as possible in a single set with 225 pounds. Right now, you might be able to complete 10 reps. If you do higher-rep, lower-load training over a number of months, your squat 1RM might only increase to 320 pounds, but the local aerobic and anaerobic capacity of your prime movers should increase considerably. You should be expected to complete more than 10 reps with 225, because 225 now represents a lower percentage of your momentin-time 1RM (70% now, versus 75% of your pre-training 1RM), but without increases in local aerobic and anaerobic capacity of your prime movers, you might only be expected to complete about 12 reps with 225. However, since your prime movers are more highly conditioned now, you might be able to complete 18 reps with 225 – a large improvement in strength endurance performance, relative to your absolute strength levels. Conversely, you might do lower-rep, higher-load training over a number of months, and increase your 1RM to 400 pounds. With this large increase in strength, 225 only represents 56% of your current 1RM, so you might be able to crank out 18 reps, even if the relative aerobic and aerobic conditioning of your prime movers hasn’t meaningfully changed. So, you might say that both approaches were similarly effective for improving your strength endurance. 98 However, if your goal was to maximize the number of reps you can perform with 75% of your 1RM, this little experiment would have very different results. In both cases, you could complete 10 reps with 75% of your 1RM at baseline. Following lighter, high-rep training, you may be able to complete 15 reps with 75% of your current 1RM (240 pounds; 75% of 320). Following heavier, low-rep training, you may only be able to complete 8 reps with 75% of your current 1RM (300 pounds; 75% of 400). With this metric of strength endurance, you’d conclude that higher-rep training was considerably more effective for improving strength endurance. If you disambiguate absolute and relative strength endurance, the results are considerably clearer. With higher-rep training, you experience a small increase in strength (+20 pounds), a larger increase in relative strength endurance (+6 reps at the same percentage of 1RM), and an even larger increase in absolute strength endurance (+8 reps with a fixed load). With lower-rep training, you experience a large increase in strength (+100 pounds), a small reduction in relative strength endurance (-2 reps at the same percentage of 1RM), but the same increase in absolute strength endurance that was observed with higher-rep training (+8 reps with a fixed load). Ultimately, when evaluating the effects of a particular approach to training on strength endurance, it’s worth asking which metric(s) of strength endurance matter the most for you. I’d argue that in most contexts, assessing absolute strength endurance – rep performance with absolute load (or with a fixed percentage of your pre-training 1RM) – is more representative of the carryover you can expect between the gym and competitive or “real world” scenarios. For example, if a strongman contest has a max reps event for log press or deadlift, all competitors in each weight class use the same load – you don’t get penalized with a heavier load if you’re stronger than your competitors. So, you can gain an advantage by either having better relative strength endurance than your peers, or by simply being a lot stronger than your peers. Similarly, the muscular fatigue you experience in most athletic or “real world” scenarios comes as a result of simply moving your body around for a prolonged period of time. Assuming your body mass doesn’t fluctuate wildly, your body will be less challenging to move around for a prolonged period of time if local aerobic and anaerobic capacity improves (increases in relative strength endurance), but it will also be less challenging to move around for a prolonged period of time if your body mass represents a much smaller percentage of your maximal capacity to generate force. So, unless you simply want to be able to perform a ton of reps at 60% of your 1RM (as an example) for its own sake, I’d argue that lighter, highrep training isn’t actually better than heavier, lower-rep training in most contexts. In most contexts, I’d contend that absolute strength endurance is a more useful metric than relative strength endurance. Before moving on to applications, I’d just like to make two more quick notes about the present meta-analysis. First, if you want to do high-rep “strength endurance training” to increase your reps-to-failure performance at 99 a given percentage of your moment-in-time 1RM, you don’t necessarily need to do ultra high-rep training. The meta-regression found that sets of ~20-30 reps are likely sufficient to maximize gains in relative strength endurance. So, you could do sets of 50 reps if you feel particularly masochistic, but sets of 2030 reps are likely sufficient. Second, there probably is a point at which low-rep training becomes too low-rep to be particularly useful for improving absolute strength endurance. If you look back at Figure 1, you can see that for seven strength measures from five different studies, lower-rep and higher-rep training were similarly effective for improving absolute strength endurance – the individual effect sizes are all trivial-to-small, and the individual confidence intervals all crossed the “zero effect” line. However, one measure from one study sticks out like a sore thumb – changes in knee extension strength endurance, from the study by Mattocks and colleagues (2). In that study, higher-rep training was considerably more effective than lower-rep training for improving absolute strength endurance. This could just be a fluke, but it’s noteworthy that the Mattocks study was the only study included in this meta-analysis where the low-rep group was performing single-rep sets. Sets of 3 reps were just as effective as sets of 10 reps in the study by Schoenfeld and colleagues (3), but single-rep sets were trounced by 10-rep sets in the Mattocks study. So, while heavier, lower-rep training seems to be effective for improving absolute strength endurance, it’s certainly possible that absolute strength endurance could be negatively affected when training gets too heavy and the reps get too low. However, it seems like that may only be a concern if you’re living on a diet of exclusively single-rep sets. Finally, let’s step away from the research and into the real world. This present meta-analysis purposefully set up a dichotomy to examine the effects of lower-rep versus higher-rep training on strength endurance. If you’re trying to isolate the effect of a particular variable, that’s precisely how you need to conduct your analysis. However, in the real world, you don’t have to choose one or the other – if you want to maximize gains in absolute strength endurance, I can’t think of a good reason why you wouldn’t do both: some heavier, lower-rep training to increase maximal strength, and some lighter, higher-rep training to increase relative strength endurance. If you’re training for the goal of maximizing strength endurance, I’d recommend structuring your training in one of three ways: 1. Use a reverse linear periodization approach, starting with heavy training to increase your 1RMs, followed by lighter, higher-rep training to maintain strength while maximizing relative strength endurance. 2. Use an approach employing daily undulating periodization, with heavy, low-rep training in one training session per week (for each lift), and lighter, higher-rep training in one training session per week (for each lift). 3. Use a hybrid approach, with shades of Westside or the Hatfield method. You could either do some heavy training and 100 some high-rep training for most exercises within most training sessions, or you could train your compound lifts heavy with sets of 3-8 reps, but opt for 20-30 rep sets for most accessory exercises. Ultimately, if we consider a strength-endurance curve (Figure 4), training designed to maximize absolute strength will pull up on the left side of the curve, while training designed to maximize relative strength endurance will pull up on the right side of the curve. You can’t maximize absolute strength endurance without doing both. References 1. Hackett DA, Ghayomzadeh M, Farrell SN, Davies TB, Sabag A. Influence of total repetitions per set on local muscular endurance: A systematic review with metaanalysis and meta-regression. Science & Sports. 2020 Sep-Oct; 37(5-6):405-420. 2. Mattocks KT, Buckner SL, Jessee MB, Dankel SJ, Mouser JG, Loenneke JP. Practicing the Test Produces Strength Equivalent to Higher Volume Training. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017 Sep;49(9):1945-1954. doi: 10.1249/ MSS.0000000000001300. PMID: 28463902. 3. Schoenfeld BJ, Contreras B, Vigotsky AD, Peterson M. Differential Effects of Heavy Versus Moderate Loads on Measures of Strength and Hypertrophy in ResistanceTrained Men. J Sports Sci Med. 2016 Dec 1;15(4):715-722. PMID: 27928218; PMCID: PMC5131226. 101 Study Reviewed: Raw Eggs to Support Post-Exercise Recovery in Healthy Young Men: Did Rocky Get It Right or Wrong? Fuchs et al. (2022) Do Raw Eggs and Cooked Eggs Have Different Impacts on Muscle Protein Synthesis? BY ERIC TREXLER I’m not sure how well this generalizes across age groups and generations, but when people my age (or older) see someone crack an egg into a glass and drink it, some very specific themes come to mind. This act connotes a laser-focused dedication to training, and brings back memories of all our favorite training montages from muscle-bound films of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. While raw egg consumption isn’t a rarity in some cultures, it carries very specific connotations in American culture, such that the title of the presently reviewed article directly acknowledges Rocky Balboa, the fictitious boxer whose egg-related habits reinforced his commitment and turned the stomachs of some American viewers. Interestingly enough, the cinematic connotations of raw egg consumption translated to the real world to some extent, and many people seem to implicitly accept that there is some inherent advantage to raw egg consumption. Some view it as a major sacrifice (in many cultures, cooked egg variations are seen as far more palatable and safer than raw egg), and assume that there must be some payoff for this sacrifice. Researchers have also taken an interest in the comparison of raw versus cooked eggs, but their perspective is actually reversed; the common belief is that raw eggs are meaningfully inferior to cooked eggs, when viewed from a protein-focused perspective. This brings us to the idea of protein quality. Over the past several decades, many different scales and metrics have been proposed for the purpose of quantifying the nutritional quality of specific protein sources, and there are noteworthy differences between each individual scoring system (2). However, protein quality scales generally consider two high-priority factors: amino acid composition, and digestibility. Obviously a raw egg and a cooked egg are both eggs, so amino acid composition is not a distinguishing characteristic between the two options. When it comes to digestibility, that’s where things get interesting. A study by Evenepoel et al found that the ileal digestibility (in humans) of cooked egg protein was 90.9%, whereas the digestibility of raw egg protein was only 51.3% (3). They concluded “that the assimilation of cooked egg protein is efficient, albeit 102 incomplete, and that the true ileal digestibility of egg protein is significantly enhanced by heat-pretreatment.” In theory, this finding would suggest that regardless of amino acid composition, raw eggs would be a poorer choice than cooked eggs for promoting muscle protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy over time, given that we can only utilize the amino acids that are digested and absorbed for muscle building purposes. The presently reviewed study (1) put this idea directly to the test. The researchers enrolled 45 healthy, resistance trained young men between the ages of 18 and 35 in the present study. After enrollment, the participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: raw eggs, boiled eggs, or a control breakfast. Participants completed a full-body resistance training session after an overnight fast, followed by post-exercise ingestion of their assigned meal. The raw egg group consumed five raw eggs (~30g of protein), the boiled egg group consumed five boiled eggs (~30g of protein), and the control breakfast group consumed a buttered croissant with orange juice (~5g of protein). All three experimental meals had similar energy content, and were consumed very shortly after the end of the exercise bout. The resistance training session consisted of four sets of 8-10 repetitions (using 80% of 1RM) for both the leg press and leg extension exercise, followed by two sets of 8-10 repetitions (using 80% of 1RM) for upper-body exercises, which included the chest press, horizontal row, vertical pulldown and shoulder press. Blood samples and muscle biopsies (of the vastus lateralis) were taken over the course of the five-hour obser- vation period, which enabled the researchers to observe changes in blood amino acid levels and muscle protein synthesis rates. In terms of blood amino acid responses, the researchers looked at several different outcomes (for example, peak values and area-under-curve values for leucine, branched-chain amino acids, and essential amino acids). Results all generally pointed in the same direction: both egg meals led to larger and more robust increases across the board (which isn’t surprising, given the comparison of meals containing 30g of protein to a control meal containing only 5g of protein). Similarly, in line with concerns about the digestibility of raw egg protein, the boiled egg meal consistently outperformed the raw egg meal in terms of amino acid responses; the boiled egg meal led to significantly higher peak values and area-under-curve values for these key amino acid outcomes. Given that leucine stimulates muscle protein synthesis, and that essential amino acids are required for the actual synthesis of new muscle proteins, you might intuitively assume that the boiled egg group also experienced significantly greater rates of muscle protein synthesis compared to the raw egg group – but you’d be wrong. All three groups had similar rates of muscle protein synthesis at baseline. From 0-2 hours after meal ingestion, all three groups experienced significant elevations, and there were no differences between groups. From 2-5 hours after ingestion, muscle protein synthesis rates were significantly higher in the raw and boiled egg groups when compared to the control group. However, there were no significant differences between the raw and boiled egg 103 groups. When combining the data across all five hours, the researchers found that all three groups experienced significant elevations from baseline, with no significant differences between any of the three groups (although there was a clear visual pattern by which values were higher in both egg groups than the control group). Results for myofibrillar protein synthesis rates are presented in Figure 1. This is a point I’ve covered before in MASS, so I won’t belabor it too much. Nonetheless, it bears repeating: we (the fitness world) have a tendency to make very strong claims about protein sources that rely on a chain of assumptions linking amino acid profile and digestibility to plasma amino acid responses, which we link to muscle protein synthesis responses, which we link to hypertrophy responses over time. If we didn’t intuitively start with this chain of assumptions, we’d never arrive at it based on the empirical evidence – it has failed us time and time again, and an excellent review article by Witard et al (4) identifies several reasons for the breakdowns in this chain of assumptions. Given the repeated failures of this approach to protein optimization, it’s time to heavily revise it. To be clear, I’m not suggesting that the elements forming this chain aren’t related; they clearly are. However, the pervasive emphasis on optimization has led to erroneous applications of the relationship between these elements. Many people seem to operate under the assumption that if we optimize amino acid composition, and optimize digestibility, and optimize absorption kinetics, and optimize muscle protein synthesis rates, then we’ll optimize muscle hypertrophy. In this 104 framework, every little detail matters, and planning a day of eating becomes as complex as micromanaging an investment portfolio. It encourages you to agonize over every detail, questioning the return-on-investment of every calculated adjustment. However, as I covered in a previous MASS article, the empirical data tell us over and over that the return on investment is negligible, or even zero, in most contexts. Rather than focusing on granular details pertaining to amino acid composition, digestibility, absorption kinetics, or even muscle protein synthesis responses in acute feeding studies, we should zoom out and shift our attention toward the “big picture” factors. We should be aiming to provide a robust stimulus for muscle protein synthesis by following an effective resistance training program, and we should view protein intake as a modifiable factor that plays a permissive role in allowing maximal adaptive responses to that training stimulus. Based on the totality of the protein literature (as discussed here, here, here, here, here, here, and here), we can maximize our return-on-investment by following some very simple principles, without any need for (or meaningful benefit from) micromanaging our protein feeding strategies. We should be aiming for sufficient daily protein intake, which is typically in the range of 1.6-2.2 g/kg of total body mass per day, or around 2-2.75 g/kg of fat-free mass per day. We should be dividing that into 3-6 daily servings that are relatively similar in size, and spread relatively evenly throughout the day. If you want to take a small leap of faith in the direction of optimization, you could make a case for narrowing this guideline even further, and shooting for 4-5 servings per day instead of 3-6. You should be selecting a mixture of dietary protein sources that, on the whole, does not lead to insufficient intakes of any particular essential amino acid. Unless you eat a vegan diet or get the vast majority of your protein from vegan sources, this is probably an irrelevant guideline. Even if your diet is totally vegan, this guideline can easily be achieved by incorporating some higher-quality vegan proteins (like soy and mycoprotein), and/or by making sure you’ve got a decent mixture of complementary protein sources in your typical diet. As for digestibility, you should be fine as long as you’re following fairly standard cooking and food preparation guidelines for whatever protein sources you’re eating, and not inducing regular stomach discomfort and gastrointestinal symptoms that would be reflective of major digestion issues. If you enjoy micromanaging your protein feeding strategies, I’m not here to deprive you of a good time. I understand the draw, so by all means, go for it. There’s nothing wrong with having fun digging into the details of a topic you are interested in. However, the available research suggests that any such endeavor is a high-effort, low-reward strategy that’s unlikely to bear meaningfully more fruit than applying some very basic approaches to managing one’s protein intake. References 1. Fuchs CJ, Hermans WJH, Smeets JSJ, Senden JM, van Kranenburg J, Gorissen SHM, et al. Raw Eggs to Support Post- 105 Exercise Recovery in Healthy Young Men: Did Rocky Get It Right or Wrong? J Nutr. 2022 Aug 9; ePub ahead of print. 2. Hoffman JR, Falvo MJ. Protein – Which is Best? J Sports Sci Med. 2004 Sep 1;3(3):118–30. 3. Evenepoel P, Geypens B, Luypaerts A, Hiele M, Ghoos Y, Rutgeerts P. Digestibility of Cooked and Raw Egg Protein in Humans as Assessed by Stable Isotope Techniques. J Nutr. 1998 Oct 1;128(10):1716–22. 4. Witard OC, Bannock L, Tipton KD. Making Sense of Muscle Protein Synthesis: A Focus on Muscle Growth During Resistance Training. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 2022 Jan 1;32(1):49-61. 106 Study Reviewed: The Effects of Training Load During Dietary Intervention Upon Fat Loss: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Carlson et al. (2022) Is Heavier Training or Higher-Rep Training Better in an Energy Deficit? BY GREG NUCKOLS In the fitness community, there’s a lot of debate about the optimal approach to training when you’re in an energy deficit. Some people argue that you should focus on maintaining training loads while potentially dialing back training volume, while others contend that you should focus on keeping training volume high, even if exercise loading needs to be reduced. Both “sides” of this debate have logical arguments to support their position, but they also lack direct human research to back up their suppositions. As surprising as it may seem, until very recently, there simply weren’t any longitudinal studies testing the effects of different resistance training protocols on changes in body composition during an energy deficit (that I’m aware of, at least). However, a new study by Carlson and colleagues (1) finally provides us with a bit of data that’s relevant to this debate. Unfortunately, I don’t think it brings us any closer to a definitive answer about ideal training practices in a deficit. The study by Carlson and colleagues is a large (130 subjects) trial, employing a randomized crossover design. Middle-aged subjects with at least six months of training experience completed the study. You can see more information about the participants in Table 1. The study employed a four-week period of heavier (~80% of 1RM; <10 reps per set) resistance training and a four-week period of lighter resistance training (~60% of 1RM; <20 reps per set) resistance training, with an eight-week washout period between the intervention periods. The order of heavier training and lighter training was randomly assigned for each subject. The periods of heavier and lighter resistance training were identical, beyond the training loads employed. Subjects performed the same exercises, for a single set of each exercise, with each set taken slightly past momentary concentric failure (subjects performed two forced reps at the end of each set). When subjects completed more than 10 reps in a set when training with heavier loads, or more than 20 reps in a set when training with lighter loads, training loads would be increased by 5%. During the washout period, subjects returned to their customary resistance training program – all subjects were recruited from the same gym chain, which 107 employs supervised, fairly standardized training programs for all of its members. The training employed during the washout period was similar to the training performed during the two experimental training periods (the 4 week periods of heavier and lighter training), except that subjects trained with loads of approximately 70% of 1RM. During the experimental training periods, subjects’ daily energy expenditure was estimated using standard equations that consider body composition and activity levels, and subjects were instructed to consume 20% fewer calories than their estimated maintenance needs, while aiming for 1.5 grams of protein per kilo of body mass. Subjects logged their meals in MyFitnessPal, and trainers were available to answer questions subjects might have about how to comply with their nutritional targets. At the start of the study, and following each training phase, body composition was assessed via BodPod, and leg press, chest press, and pulldown 1RM strength were estimated from 7-10RM tests using the Epley equation [1RM = weight lifted × (1 + (0.033 × number of reps performed))]. The study design is illustrated in Figure 1. Overall, both approaches to training produced nearly identical results. Subjects didn’t lose a ton of fat or gain a ton of lean mass in either condition, as you should expect, since each training period was just four weeks. If you wanted to squint really hard, it might appear that heavier training was slightly better for fat loss (-0.67kg of fat mass, versus -0.55kg of fat mass following lighter training), while lighter training was slightly better for gaining/retaining lean mass (+0.22kg of lean mass, versus +0.06kg of lean mass following heavier training), but between-group differences were absolutely tiny in practical terms (I don’t think anyone’s going to get worked up about a difference of 0.12kg of fat mass, or 0.16kg of lean mass, especially when assessed via BodPod), and were no- 108 where close to statistical significance. Gains in strength were also similar between groups. Furthermore, there were virtually no changes in strength or body composition during the eight-week washout period. You can see these results in Tables 2 and 3, and Figures 2-4. Overall, I thought this was a very well-done study (1). I suspect that some readers will be disappointed that it didn’t have any big, flashy findings, suggesting that one style of training was vastly superior. However, null results are just as valuable as statistically significant results showing large differences. If two approaches to training produce different results, we want to know, so we can recommend the generally superior approach. Con- versely, if two approaches to training produce similar results, we also want to know, so we don’t limit our options when making training decisions. It’s worth noting that the present study illustrates one of the barriers to research with an intentional component of weight gain or weight loss: it’s really hard to put subjects in a controlled energy deficit or surplus of a predictable magnitude. In a vacuum, you would have expected subjects to lose about 1.5-2kg of fat during each intervention period – humans burn around 2500kcal per day, on average, so a 20% reduction should work out to an energy deficit of ~500kcal/day, which should result in about 0.4-0.5kg of fat loss per week. However, equations used to estimate daily energy 109 expenditure have considerable capacity for estimation error (2), human subjects rarely perfectly adhere to dietary targets, and metabolic adaptation implies that reducing energy intake by 500kcal/day isn’t necessarily equivalent to generating an energy deficit of 500kcal/day (since changes in the thermic effect of feeding, spontaneous activity levels, and basal metabolism can reduce energy expenditure when you enter an energy deficit). As a result, the average reductions in fat mass were very modest, and some subjects even gained weight. You might be inclined to fault the researchers for insufficient dietary control, but I’d caution against that. If you want to perfectly control subjects’ diets, that necessarily involves designing a study that would be prohibitively expensive – you’d need subjects to live in a metabolic ward (to ensure they weren’t eating outside food), and all meals for all subjects would need to be prepared by research assistants over a period of months. Unless governments decide that optimizing resistance training in an energy deficit is of critical importance to public health, there’s simply never going to be enough funding to see a study like that completed (with a decent sample size in a young and otherwise healthy population, at least). 110 Furthermore, enhanced control also involves a decrease in ecological validity. When fitness professionals give people advice, they’re giving advice to autonomous human beings who will make decisions for themselves, and who won’t robotically adhere to every detail of their training and nutrition plan. In other words, when you give people advice about how to train in an energy deficit, the people who listen to you will behave similarly to the subjects in this study – in aggregate, their behaviors will likely be directionally consistent with your advice, but they also won’t perfectly adhere to all of your recommendations. In other words, the effect of a particular set of behaviors isn’t necessarily identical to the effect 111 of advising people to engage in a particular set of behaviors. So, this study doesn’t necessarily tell us “here are the results of these two styles of training when subjects are in exactly a 20% energy deficit,” but it does tell us, “here are the results of these two styles of training when subjects are instructed to achieve a 20% energy deficit.” Being able to make the first type of statement is very useful when you’re attempting to calculate super precise effect estimates and delineate mechanisms, but the second type of statement is far more informative about the “real world” results of training and dietary recommendations. While the present study suggests that heavier and lighter training are similarly efficacious in an energy deficit, I don’t expect this study to dampen the debate around the topic. Proponents of lighter training in an energy deficit contend that reductions in muscle mass are downstream of reductions in volume load that occur as a diet progresses (5). Proponents of heavier training suggest that training heavy will help you better-maintain strength levels during a diet, thus allowing you to continue exposing the muscles to higher absolute levels of mechanical tension, resulting in smaller losses in muscle mass. Ultimately, the subjects in the present study didn’t lose a ton of fat, and they slightly increased both lean mass and strength performance. So, I suspect that proponents of heavier and lighter training will simply argue that the nutritional intervention in the present study wasn’t intense enough or long enough for their preferred style of training to “win out.” However, I will note that the present study does provide a bit of evidence against one of the purported benefits of lighter training in an energy deficit. With lighter training, you’re performing more mechanical work per set, so the energy cost of training should be a bit higher. Thus, the thinking goes, lighter training will burn more calories, resulting in a larger energy deficit and greater fat loss. In a vacuum, that’s probably true, but remember that advice isn’t always perfectly adhered to. When people burn more calories via exercise, they tend to consume a few extra calories and experience a reduction in other components of energy expenditure to partially compensate for the additional exercise energy expenditure. So, while energy expenditure should theoretically be a bit higher with lighter training, that doesn’t necessarily mean that lighter training will spontaneously generate a larger energy deficit than heavier training. When reading the present study, I was struck by the fact that gains in strength and losses in fat mass were at least nominally larger during both four-week intervention periods than the eight-week washout period, and gains in lean mass were similar during the intervention periods and washout period (meaning per-week gains in lean mass were larger during the intervention periods). Subjects weren’t aiming to be in an energy deficit during the eightweek control period, and body composition changes over time bear that out (Figure 3). Furthermore, the training protocol during the washout period was very similar to the training protocols during the washout period. So, all else being equal, you should anticipate that gains in strength and lean mass should have been larger during the washout period than the intervention periods; instead, gains were nominally larger during the intervention 112 period than the washout periods. What could explain those results? One possibility is that subjects engaged in some unquantified behavior modifications during the intervention periods, because they knew they were being studied. Of course, they were also being studied during the washout period, but I can certainly imagine that the subjects may have thought that the intervention periods simply mattered more, and acted accordingly. In other words, there may have been a Hawthorne effect in play. Another possibility is that novelty per se may have contributed to the results. During the washout period, subjects trained with loads equal to ~70% of 1RM, which shouldn’t produce results that are meaningfully worse than training at 60% or 80% of 1RM. However, before the study, subjects had already been training at 70% of 1RM for a number of months or years, following the standardized program of the gym chain. It may be that the subjects had almost fully habituated to training at one particular intensity, such that slightly changing the training stimulus was sufficient to cause further gains in strength and lean mass. Ultimately, I don’t think there’s a single, tidy explanation for these findings, but they tickled my brain enough to warrant a mention in this research brief. To wrap things up, let’s bring this article full circle. I framed this article by mentioning that there’s a healthy, ongoing discussion about the style of training that works best in an energy deficit. This study certainly won’t end that discussion (we need follow-up research using different populations, longer or larger energy deficits, higher-volume train- ing protocols, etc.), but I think the individual subject data in the present study may be instructive. Referring back to Figure 2, you can see the individual changes in body composition for each subject, as a result of both training protocols. Some subjects simply did much better with heavier training, and some subjects simply did much better with lighter training. Now, some of those intra-individual differences are probably at least partially attributable to measurement error and random noise, but that cuts both ways (i.e. some of the intra-individual differences would have been smaller than the data suggests as-reported, but some would have also been even larger than the data suggests as-reported). I wouldn’t be surprised if folks have observed that they do better when training with either higher or lower loads in a deficit, assumed their experience was the universal experience, and then cobbled together some plausible-sounding explanations to explain their personal anecdote. We should also remember that “no difference on average” isn’t necessarily the same as “no difference for individuals.” I don’t think training intensity (i.e. the rep ranges you train in and the percentage of 1RM you use) has much of an effect on body composition outcomes in an energy deficit since it doesn’t have much of an effect on hypertrophy outcomes when trainees aren’t in a purposeful energy deficit (3), on average. However, we also know that training intensity can have a large impact on the amount of hypertrophy an individual experiences (4), and I suspect that also applies to folks who are aiming to preserve lean mass while losing fat in a calorie deficit. Ultimately, heavier training or lighter training may be markedly 113 more beneficial for you in an energy deficit. For now, good old fashion trial-and-error is the only way to find out which approach will give you better results. Physiol. 2022 May;122(5):1129-1151. doi: 10.1007/s00421-022-04896-5. Epub 2022 Feb 11. PMID: 35146569; PMCID: PMC9012799. References 1. Carlson L, Gschneidner D, Steele J, Fisher JP. The Effects of Training Load During Dietary Intervention Upon Fat Loss: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2022 Aug 23:1-11. doi: 10.1080/02701367.2022.2097625. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35998256. 2. Amaro-Gahete FJ, Jurado-Fasoli L, Dela-O A, Gutierrez Á, Castillo MJ, Ruiz JR. Accuracy and Validity of Resting Energy Expenditure Predictive Equations in Middle-Aged Adults. Nutrients. 2018 Nov 2;10(11):1635. doi: 10.3390/nu10111635. PMID: 30400196; PMCID: PMC6266118. 3. Lopez P, Radaelli R, Taaffe DR, Newton RU, Galvão DA, Trajano GS, Teodoro JL, Kraemer WJ, Häkkinen K, Pinto RS. Resistance Training Load Effects on Muscle Hypertrophy and Strength Gain: Systematic Review and Network Metaanalysis. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2021 Jun 1;53(6):1206-1216. doi: 10.1249/ MSS.0000000000002585. 4. Carneiro MAS, de Oliveira Júnior GN, Sousa JFR, Martins FM, Santagnello SB, Souza MVC, Orsatti FL. Different load intensity transition schemes to avoid plateau and no-response in lean body mass gain in postmenopausal women. Sport Sci Health. 2022. s11332-022-00907-2 5. Roth C, Schoenfeld BJ, Behringer M. Lean mass sparing in resistance-trained athletes during caloric restriction: the role of resistance training volume. Eur J Appl 114 Study Reviewed: Time To Revisit The Passive Overconsumption Hypothesis? Humans Show Sensitivity To Calories In Energy-Rich Meals. Flynn et al. (2022) Adding Nuance to the Relationship Between Energy Density and Calorie Intake BY ERIC TREXLER If you’ve been a MASS subscriber for a while, you’ve heard the term “energy density” many times before. Dr. Helms had an excellent two-part video series on the topic back in Volume 3 (one, two), and it comes up just about every time he or I discuss satiety or hunger management (for example, here and here). Energy density is a very straightforward metric: if you divide the energy content of a meal (in kilocalories) by the mass of the meal (in grams), you get the energy density. Foods with low energy density tend to have relatively higher content of water and fiber, on average, when compared to foods with higher energy density. Foods with low energy density fill our plates (and our stomachs) without delivering a huge caloric load; as a result, they tend to be associated with comparatively greater satiety, better hunger management, and lower energy intake. By extension, dieters pursuing weight loss goals are often advised to seek out foods with low energy density, and to reduce consumption of foods with higher energy density. The first part of Dr. Helms’ video series provides several examples of the energy density of individual foods, but a few examples (in kcal/g units) include lettuce (0.15), watermelon (0.30), grapes (0.69), skinless chicken breast (1.10), white bread (2.64), peanuts (6.00), and olive oil (8.85). Imagine a hypothetical scenario in which you’re participating in a research study. In one study condition, you show up to the lab several hours after your most recent meal, you’re given a limitless amount of watermelon, and you’re encouraged to eat until you’re satisfied. In a second study condition, the procedures are identical, but you receive a limitless amount of cheesecake instead of watermelon. The most basic application of energy density is very simple: you’re probably going to consume more total calories during the cheesecake visit than the watermelon visit. But what is actually dictating your consumption? It doesn’t appear to be the mass or volume of food alone – you’d probably eat a larger mass and volume of watermelon than cheesecake, despite the fact that the cheesecake provides more calories. However, it also doesn’t appear to be calorie content alone – if that were the case, you’d simply eat the same amount of total energy at each visit, which would 115 require tremendous amounts of watermelon intake to make the calories you consumed during the cheesecake visit. The presently reviewed study by Flynn and colleagues (1) explored this concept via retrospective analysis of previously collected data. They first analyzed the data from a paper by Hall et al (2), which explored the effects of ultra-processed food intake on energy consumption and weight gain in tightly controlled conditions. If that vaguely rings a bell, it’s because our very own Dr. Helms reviewed that study when it was first published, back in Volume 3 of MASS. They also analyzed data from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey, specifically looking at the 2000-2001 data from participants between the ages of 19-64 years old (3). This was an enormous survey intended to document the eating habits and nutritional status of the UK population, which contributed data from 1,724 individuals for the presently reviewed analysis. These two data sets allowed the researchers to separately look at tightly controlled, labbased data and a huge sample of data from free-living individuals, and their analysis aimed to assess the relationship between the energy density of a meal and the number of total calories consumed at the meal. Both data sets led to similar conclusions. When the overall energy density of a meal is low, food volume seems to be the predominant satiation signal dictating the amount of food consumed. The physical amount of space within a person’s stomach is inherently limited, and food intake is discontinued once a certain volume of food intake is achieved in order to avoid the discomfort associated with being overly full. The body senses that this point is reached based largely on the degree of gastric distention, without much influence at all from the total amount of energy consumed. However, there is an inflection point (probably between an energy density value of 1.25 and 2.25, give or take) beyond which food volume is no longer the predominant satiation signal. As the overall energy density of the meal gets higher, energy content becomes the major satiation signal dictating the amount of food consumed. In fact, meal size (in grams) tends to go down as energy density becomes very high. The researchers posit that the body integrates biological signals identifying high intakes of carbohydrate, fat, protein, and total energy, and eventually signals the discontinuation of the meal in order to avoid discomfort and “soporific” (drowsiness-inducing) effects related to excessive acute energy intake. The proposed two-component model of meal size is depicted in Figure 1. It’s important to recognize that this model is not, and does not claim to be, the singular model that explains the entirety of human meal size selection and energy intake. As the authors note, it makes no effort to directly account for macronutrient content, cravings, hedonic eating, or the many other complicating factors that can influence eating behaviors. Nonetheless, it fills an important gap in the literature. There are many different paradigms used to explore the effects of energy density on meal size and energy intake. For example, there are preload test meal studies (e.g., participants are fed a small snack shortly before a meal to see how it impacts eating behavior), short-term ad libitum studies (<10 days in du- 116 ration), and longer-term ad libitum studies. Across these different study paradigms, the relationship between energy density, energy intake, and meal size seemed very inconsistent, as noted by the authors of the present study. However, when viewing these different bodies of literature through the prism of the two-component model depicted in Figure 1, the apparent discrepancies in previous studies were largely resolved. Collectively, the literature suggests that food volume is the key satiation signal when meal energy density is below ~1.75 kcal/g, while calorie content is the key satiation signal when meal energy density is above ~1.75 kcal/g. Aside from filling a gap in the literature, this study also provides some guidance for practical application. When seeking out foods with low energy density, it seems like 1.75 kcal/g is a decent number to aim below. This isn’t a perfectly rigid threshold, of course, but it serves as a decent guide. In addition, if you’re trying to leverage low energy density meals as a strategy to manage hunger during a weight loss diet, it probably makes sense 117 to focus more on the overall energy density of the meal rather than individual foods. For example, if swapping in one food with low energy density drops the overall energy density of a meal from 4.0 to 3.0, you’re still in a situation where food volume is not the predominant satiation signal, and the relative impact of this strategy will probably be modest in magnitude. In contrast, a similar food swap that brings the overall energy density of a meal from 2.5 to 1.5, or from 2.0 to 1.0, is likely to have a comparatively larger impact as the predominant satiation signal switches from calorie content to food volume. This single strategy isn’t likely to single-handedly revolutionize the way you diet, but it can probably be combined with other satiety-related strategies to have a helpful cumulative impact. As stated previously, some practical strategies that may facilitate better hunger management during energy restriction involve adopting an acceptance-oriented approach to hunger, avoiding hyperpalatable meals, emphasizing unprocessed or minimally processed foods, incorporating some harder food textures, eating more mindfully, avoiding distractions while eating, and taking time to savor the aromas and flavors of our meal. Manipulating meal-level energy density is just one more tool to add to the toolbox. References 1. Flynn AN, Hall KD, Courville AB, Rogers PJ, Brunstrom JM. Time To Revisit The Passive Overconsumption Hypothesis? Humans Show Sensitivity To Calories In Energy-Rich Meals. Am J Clin Nutr. 2022 Aug 1;116(2):581–8. 2. Hall KD, Ayuketah A, Brychta R, Cai H, Cassimatis T, Chen KY, et al. UltraProcessed Diets Cause Excess Calorie Intake and Weight Gain: An Inpatient Randomized Controlled Trial of Ad Libitum Food Intake. Cell Metab. 2019 Jul 2;30(1):67-77.e3. 3. Swan G. Findings From The Latest National Diet And Nutrition Survey. Proc Nutr Soc. 2004 Nov;63(4):505–12. 118 Study Reviewed: Short-Term Aerobic Conditioning Prior to Resistance Training Augments Muscle Hypertrophy and Satellite Cell Content in Healthy Young Men and Women. Thomas et al. (2022) Can Cardio (Eventually) Make You Bigger? BY GREG NUCKOLS When we discuss aerobic training in MASS, we’re usually discussing how to best mitigate the interference effect (the finding that a combination of resistance training and aerobic training may lead to less muscle growth and smaller strength gains than resistance training alone). However, a recent study found that, under the right circumstances, aerobic training might actually increase muscle growth. So, let’s dig into the study, and examine whether cardio may actually be a useful tool to improve hypertrophy results in the long run. The present study by Thomas and colleagues compared the effects of aerobic training and resistance training versus resistance training alone (1), much like a typical concurrent training study, but it didn’t involve a concurrent training intervention. Rather, one condition involved six weeks of aerobic training followed by 10 weeks of resistance training, and one condition only involved the 10-week resistance training intervention. In a typical concurrent training study, the resistance and aerobic training would be performed at the same time. Fourteen young, recreationally active subjects completed the present study. For each subject, one leg was randomized into the aerobic + resistance training intervention, with the other leg completing just the resistance training portion of the intervention. Thus, each subject could serve as their own control. For the first six weeks of the study, subjects performed moderate-intensity single-legged cycling three times per week, for 45 minutes per session, with their leg that had been randomized into the intervention with an aerobic training component. The resistance training-only legs did not undergo any structured exercise intervention during these first six weeks. Then, for the next 10 weeks, subjects completed a standard bilateral resistance training intervention, consisting of squats, leg press, knee extensions, hamstring curls, and calf raises for sets of 10-12 reps, with the last set taken to failure. This isn’t explicitly spelled out in the study, but training loads were presumably increased when the subjects completed more than 12 reps on their last set, in order to keep the subjects within the desired rep range. Muscle biopsies to assess fiber 119 size, capillary density, satellite cell content, and myonuclei content were performed at the start of the study, following the aerobic training portion of the intervention, and following the resistance training portion of the intervention. Furthermore, following both the aerobic training and resistance training portions of the intervention, squat and leg press 1RM were assessed, and leg fat-free mass was assessed via DEXA. The design of the study is depicted in Figure 1. Overall, capillary density increased to a greater extent in the legs performing six weeks of aerobic training before the resistance training intervention. Capillary density was assessed two ways: capillaries per fiber (C/Fi), and capillaries per unit of fiber perimeter (CFPE). is generally the more informative measure, since it accounts for not just the number of capillaries, but also the size of the muscle fibers. The benefits of aerobic training were more apparent for measures of CFPE than C/Fi (Figure 2). Increases in type I fiber cross-sectional area, type II fiber cross-sectional area, and mean fiber area were generally larger in the legs performing aerobic training prior to the resistance training intervention (0.05 < p < 0.10 for all comparisons; Figure 3). The legs performing aerobic training before the resistance training intervention tended to experience larger increases in satellite cell and myonuclear content as well. Overall, increases in leg fat-free mass didn’t differ between conditions, and subjects experienced large increases in squat and leg press 1RM strength (Figure 4). Finally, the researchers separated out “high responders” and “low responders” (the 10 legs experiencing the largest change in particular outcomes, and the 10 legs experiencing the smallest change in particular outcomes) for a series of exploratory analyses. They found that a) the legs experiencing the largest changes in satellite cell content generally experienced more hypertrophy than 120 the legs experiencing the smallest changes in satellite cell content, b) the legs experiencing the most hypertrophy had greater capillary density than the legs experiencing the least hypertrophy, c) the legs with the greatest capillary density prior to resistance training experienced more hypertrophy than the legs with the lowest capillary density prior to resistance training, and d) the legs experiencing the most hypertrophy generally experienced larger increases in satellite cell content than the legs experiencing the least hypertrophy (Figure 5). Overall, this study suggests that a higher degree of local aerobic fitness pre-training may augment skeletal muscle hypertrophy fol- lowing a resistance training intervention. The authors specifically suggest that increases in capillary density are particularly important, which comports with prior research. A 24week study by Snijders and colleagues found that baseline levels of capillary density were predictive of training responses in older men (2). The men with greater capillary density at baseline experienced larger increases in satellite cell content and fiber hypertrophy than the men with lower capillary density. The present study found that these results generalize to younger subjects, and the present study also suggests that increases in capillary density due to prior aerobic training can also augment hypertrophy and satellite cell responses (i.e., it’s not simply a matter of peo- 121 122 ple with innately higher levels of capillary density experiencing more hypertrophy). For the past five years, the Snijders study has been in the back of my mind. We focus a lot on factors that can increase rates of muscle growth, but I don’t think we adequately consider the factors that limit muscle growth. Sooner or later, we all reach the point where rates of muscle growth slow way, way down. Why does this happen? Local aerobic fitness and capillary density have always seemed like logical answers to me. At the most basic level, the size of organisms and individual cellular structures within organisms are strongly associated with energy requirements and rates of energy production (3). As muscle fibers grow, all of the “stuff” (contractile proteins, organelles, metabolic machinery, etc.) inside of the muscle fibers gets further away (on average) from the capillaries providing oxygen, ener- 123 getic substrates, and signaling molecules to the muscle fibers, and clearing waste products from the muscle fibers. So, to avoid an intracellular energy crisis, it makes sense that fibers either need to a) stop growing, or b) experience an increase in capillary density to allow for further growth. Of course, both the Snijders study (2) and the present study by Thomas and colleagues (1) don’t fully validate my little pet theory. They both examined rates of muscle growth in individuals who weren’t already resistance-trained, after all; they weren’t focused on increasing the hypertrophic potential for lifters who’d already hit a wall. However, I do think they suggest that capillary density and local aerobic fitness are more important for muscle growth than (I suspect) a lot of people realize. Furthermore, it’s worth acknowledging that the results of the present study probably aren’t fully attributable to the increases in capillary density observed during the aerobic training intervention. For example, a prior study by Kazior and colleagues employed a standard concurrent training intervention, and the concurrent training group experienced considerably more hypertrophy than the resistance training-only group (4). However, the changes in capillary density observed in that study were pretty underwhelming, suggesting that some other aspect of aerobic fitness (or the training intervention itself) contributed to the findings. In any biological system, a particular observed outcome (in this case, muscle hypertrophy) is the result of dozens of inputs and competing cellular signaling pathways. So, even if increases in capillary density are a factor that could augment hypertrophy results, that certainly doesn’t imply that there aren’t other adaptations to aerobic training that can also improve hypertrophy outcomes. The obvious question is, “what can we actually do with these findings?” We’re in an awkward situation where the results of aerobic training seem to have a positive impact on hypertrophy, but aerobic training itself generally has a neutral-to-negative impact on hypertrophy in resistance-trained individuals. As I see it, there are two potential options: 1. You could try alternating periods of concurrent training and periods where you only perform resistance training. During the periods of concurrent training, it’s alright if your rate of muscle growth slows down a bit, because the goal is to make your next training period consisting solely of resistance training more effective. Ideally, you should include aerobic training modalities that train both the lower body (cycling, jogging, etc.) and the upper body (arm cycling, swimming, etc.) so that most major muscle groups receive a local aerobic training stimulus. 2. Work in more high-rep training for accessory exercises. Since high-rep training leads to disproportionate increases in relative strength endurance (as I discuss in one of my other briefs this month), it presumably causes some of the same local aerobic adaptations as more traditional forms of cardio. So, if you’re training for hypertrophy, instead of doing sets of ~612 reps for most exercises, you could stick to sets of ~6-12 reps for the primary com- 124 pound exercises you use to gauge progress, but opt for sets of ~25-30 reps for your accessory exercises. Set-for-set, this approach should be similarly effective for hypertrophy in the short term (on average), and it may set the stage for greater hypertrophy in the long run. To be clear, I’m not positive that either of these approaches to training will definitely lead to greater muscle growth in the long run, but they’re my best guesses for how trained lifters might apply the findings of the present study. More importantly, I’m really excited about this line of research moving forward. I think it has the potential to not only tell us how to make training more effective in the short term, but also to help us learn more about why muscles eventually stop growing in the long term. 3. Gillooly JF, Brown JH, West GB, Savage VM, Charnov EL. Effects of size and temperature on metabolic rate. Science. 2001 Sep 21;293(5538):2248-51. doi: 10.1126/science.1061967. Erratum in: Science 2001 Nov 16;294(5546):1463. PMID: 11567137. 4. Kazior Z, Willis SJ, Moberg M, Apró W, Calbet JA, Holmberg HC, Blomstrand E. Endurance Exercise Enhances the Effect of Strength Training on Muscle Fiber Size and Protein Expression of Akt and mTOR. PLoS One. 2016 Feb 17;11(2):e0149082. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0149082. PMID: 26885978; PMCID: PMC4757413. References 1. Thomas ACQ, Brown A, Hatt AA, Manta K, Costa-Parke A, Kamal M, Joanisse S, McGlory C, Phillips SM, Kumbhare D, Parise G. Short-term aerobic conditioning prior to resistance training augments muscle hypertrophy and satellite cell content in healthy young men and women. FASEB J. 2022 Sep;36(9):e22500. doi: 10.1096/fj.202200398RR. PMID: 35971745. 2. Snijders T, Nederveen JP, Joanisse S, Leenders M, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJ, Parise G. Muscle fibre capillarization is a critical factor in muscle fibre hypertrophy during resistance exercise training in older men. J Cachexia Sarcopenia Muscle. 2017 Apr;8(2):267-276. doi: 10.1002/ jcsm.12137. Epub 2016 Aug 4. PMID: 27897408; PMCID: PMC5377411. 125 Study Reviewed: Self-Reported Resistance Training Is Associated With Better HR-pQCT Derived Bone Microarchitecture In Vegan People. Wakolbinger-Habel et al. (2022) Do Vegan Diets Negatively Impact Bone Health? BY ERIC TREXLER When it comes to bones, the fitness world is finally coming around. For a long time, fitness-minded folks generally disregarded bone health until it became immediately relevant to them at the individual level (for example, after a fracture or osteoporosis diagnosis). Bones were widely regarded as inert structures that give our body shape, rather than dynamic, adaptive tissues with multifaceted physiological functions and roles in human health. There appears to be increasing awareness of, or at least increasing emphasis on, three important facts: 1) bone health is an important component of human health, 2) taking care of our bones can lead to substantial benefits as we age, and 3) bones are adaptive tissues that respond to training and nutritional stimuli. However, this begs the question – are we doing the right things to take care of our bones? As Greg has covered previously, resistance training is an important stimulus for bone strength, density, and overall health. That’s great, and there’s absolutely no question that public-facing guidelines pertaining to bone health should involve a major emphasis on load-bearing exercise for those who are able to participate in such activities, with a particular emphasis on resistance training. However, you’ve probably heard plenty of guidance that is very nutrition-focused, and tends to prioritize consumption of dairy foods or individual nutrients that are commonly found in fortified dairy foods (specifically, calcium and vitamin D). For individuals who do not consume moderate or high amounts of dairy products, such as individuals who have lactose intolerance or adhere to a vegan diet, this may prompt concerns pertaining to bone health. Indeed, the International Osteoporosis Foundation has identified protein, vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin B6, vitamin D, calcium, magnesium, and zinc as key nutrients of interest for bone health, and there are credible concerns about whether or not vegan diets provide adequate amounts of some of these nutrients in sufficiently bioavailable forms. These concerns are reinforced by meta-analyses linking vegan diets to lower bone mineral density (2) and increased fracture risk (3). So, it seems like adherence to a vegan diet could potentially be a risk factor for adverse 126 bone outcomes, while resistance training could reduce risks related to adverse bone outcomes. With these observations in mind, you might be wondering, “how might resistance training alter risk in vegans?” That’s exactly what the presently reviewed study explored (1). This was an observational study in which the researchers enrolled 43 healthy, nonobese male (n = 21) and female (n = 22) participants who had adhered to a vegan diet for at least five years (the average was around 10 years), in addition to 45 healthy, nonobese male (n = 22) and female (n = 23) participants who had adhered to an omnivorous diet for at least five years. Within each group, there was a mixture of people who did and did not report participating in regular, progressive resistance training at least once a week. There were 20 vegan lifters and 25 omnivorous lifters in the sample. The primary goals of the study were to explore differences in dietary intake of key nutrients related to bone health, and to explore differences in bone microarchitecture using state-of-the-art imaging techniques (high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography; HR-pQCt). The researchers reported a ton of outcomes in the full text, but in line with the purpose of the Research Briefs section, I’ll merely hit the highlights here. Compared to omnivores, vegans had significantly lower BMI values at baseline, but significantly higher intakes of total energy, cobalamin, folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin K, and magnesium. In contrast, vegans had significantly lower intakes of protein (in grams per kilogram) and calcium. Biomarkers of bone turnover were within normal ranges for both groups, although circulating calcium levels were significantly higher in the omnivore group. Notably, there is no question that supplementation habits influenced these outcomes, and vegans got considerable assistance with their vitamin B12 and vitamin D levels from supplementation 127 and fortified foods. There were 32 vegans who reported the use of dietary supplements, compared to only 12 omnivores. A number of bone architecture variables were assessed. Generally speaking, bone architecture was better (representing lower risk for bone-related adverse outcomes) in omnivores than vegans, and better in lifters than non-lifters. However, things got much more interesting when exploring specific combinations of both factors. The gap between lifters and non-lifters was larger in the vegan group, such that lifting was associated with an even larger positive effect on bone architecture for vegans than for omnivores, relatively speaking. When comparing non-lifters, omnivores had significantly better bone architecture than vegans. However, these differences were substantially attenuated by resistance training, such that bone architecture in vegan lifters was quite similar to bone architecture in omnivorous lifters. Bone architecture data, stratified by subgroups, are presented in Table 1. For this particular research brief, the conclusions are short and sweet. Vegan diets are a totally viable alternative to omnivorous diets. However, individuals on a vegan diet should be particularly mindful of participating in regular resistance training, if possible. This is generally good advice for health and wellness across all dietary categories, but as shown in the presently reviewed study, it has particularly high importance in the context of the typical vegan diet. Vegans who do not participate in resistance training appear to present with poorer bone architecture that may increase risk for adverse bone-related health outcomes. However, this disadvantage ap- pears to be markedly attenuated by resistance training. It’d be great to see this observational finding confirmed in a long-term prospective cohort study, but the present findings are plausible, intuitive, and mechanistically supported. They also direct vegans toward an intervention that is advisable regardless of the robustness of the present findings – mounting evidence suggests that resistance training is a helpful tool for supporting general health and wellness (4), vegan or otherwise. It’s clearly a good idea for people to engage in some amount of resistance training if they’re able to, and this appears to be of heightened importance for vegans. In addition, you’ll want to pay extra attention to certain nutrients of interest whenever you eliminate one or more entire food groups from a diet. Dr. Helms provides excellent guidance for plantbased diets in his two-part series (one, two), which walks through the process of structuring effective plant-based diets for lifters. As the present study shows, dietary supplements and fortified foods can go a very long way in filling any gaps that may be observed in a typical vegan diet. This doesn’t mean that a long list of supplements is necessarily required, but merely that supplementation and food fortification offer some very easy and convenient pathways to incorporating nutrients that may be harder to come by on vegan diets. As discussed in a previous MASS article, individuals on vegan diets (or heavily plant-based diets) should be mindful of iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iodine, zinc, calcium, and protein intake. In many cases, adequate intakes of these key nutrients can be achieved on a vegan diet that contains a mixture of thoughtful- 128 ly selected conventional and fortified foods, but supplementation is also a viable option. A very simple multivitamin can go a very long way in these scenarios, in addition to being a little more mindful of achieving adequate daily protein intakes. When adequate protein intake is achieved, vegan diets can very effectively support muscle protein synthesis and hypertrophy. Furthermore, when vegans engage in resistance training and effectively cover their micronutrient bases, it appears they can enjoy their diet without inherently accepting tradeoffs that necessarily threaten their long-term bone health. References 1. Wakolbinger-Habel R, Reinweber M, König J, Pokan R, König D, Pietschmann P, et al. Self-Reported Resistance Training Is Associated With Better HR-pQCT Derived Bone Microarchitecture In Vegan People. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2022 Aug 4; ePub ahead of print. 2. Li T, Li Y, Wu S. Comparison Of Human Bone Mineral Densities In Subjects On Plant-Based And Omnivorous Diets: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. Arch Osteoporos. 2021 Jun 18;16(1):95. 3. Iguacel I, Miguel-Berges ML, GómezBruton A, Moreno LA, Julián C. Veganism, Vegetarianism, Bone Mineral Density, And Fracture Risk: A Systematic Review And Meta-Analysis. Nutr Rev. 2019 Jan 1;77(1):1–18. 4. Westcott WL. Resistance Training Is Medicine: Effects Of Strength Training On Health. Curr Sports Med Rep. 2012 Aug;11(4):209–16. 129 Study Reviewed: Triceps Brachii Hypertrophy is Substantially Greater After Elbow Extension Training Performed in the Overhead Versus Neutral Arm Position. Maeo et al. (2022) Are Overhead Triceps Extensions Better than Pushdowns for Hypertrophy? BY GREG NUCKOLS We’ve written about the effects of range of motion on muscle growth quite a few times in MASS, tentatively concluding that the beneficial hypertrophy effects of training through a full range of motion are primarily driven by the impact of training at longer muscle lengths. In other words, training through a full range of motion is generally more effective than employing a partial range of motion where the prime movers are only trained at short muscle lengths, but employing a partial range of motion where the prime movers are trained at long muscle lengths seems to be just as effective as training through a full range of motion (2). If training at longer muscle lengths is the critical factor, that opens the door to a new question: are exercise variations that allow you to train at longer muscle lengths inherently better for hypertrophy than exercise variations that force you to train at shorter muscle lengths? A previous study by Maeo and colleagues (3) seemed to answer this question with a resounding, “yes.” It compared the effects of seated versus lying hamstring curls. Since there are multiple biarticular muscles crossing the knee and hip, manipulating hip angles changes the muscle lengths of several knee flexors, without affecting knee flexion range of motion. Namely, seated hamstring curls train three of the four heads of the hamstrings at longer muscle lengths than lying hamstring curls. In keeping with the hypothesis that training at longer muscle lengths is better for hypertrophy, all three biarticular heads of the hamstrings (the long head of the biceps femoris, the semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus) experienced more hypertrophy following seated hamstrings curls than lying hamstring curls, whereas the sole monoarticular head of the hamstrings (the short head of the biceps femoris) experienced roughly the same amount of hypertrophy following both seated and lying hamstrings curls. A recent study by the same group of researchers aimed to see if this same principle would generalize to another muscle group: the triceps (1). Employing a within-subject unilateral design, 21 healthy but untrained subjects completed 12 weeks of triceps training – one arm performed overhead triceps extensions on a cable machine, and one arm performed cable pushdowns. Both arms trained through 130 90 degrees of elbow flexion, and subjects performed 5 sets of 10 reps for each exercise with a controlled cadence (2-second eccentrics and 2-second concentrics), twice per week. Training loads increased by 5% when a subject could complete all five sets of 10 reps with a particular load. 1RM strength was assessed pre- and post-training, and triceps muscle volume was assessed pre- and post-training via MRI. The researchers hypothesized that overhead triceps extensions would result in more growth of the long head of the triceps since overhead triceps exten- sions train the long head of the triceps at longer muscle lengths (Figure 1). Furthermore, they hypothesized that both triceps exercises would produce similar growth for the monoarticular heads of the triceps (the lateral and middle heads), since shoulder position shouldn’t influence the muscle lengths of the two monoarticular heads. Relative increases in training loads (Figure 2) and 1RM strength were similar between arms, though the arms performing pushdowns trained with heavier absolute loads throughout the study. 131 In keeping with the researchers’ hypothesis, overhead triceps extensions led to larger increases in muscle volume for the long head of the triceps (+28.5% versus +19.6%; p <0.001). However, in conflict with the researchers’ hypothesis, overhead triceps extensions also led to larger increases in muscle volume for the lateral and middle heads of the triceps (+14.6% versus 10.5%; p = 0.002). You can see these results in Figure 3. Before digging into the results of the present study, it’s worth mentioning a prior study in- vestigating the effects of pushdowns versus overhead triceps extensions. A 2018 study by Stasinaki and colleagues assessed hypertrophy in only the long head of the triceps, also employing a within-subject design (4). One arm performed pushdowns with an elbow range of motion spanning from 10 to 90 degrees of elbow flexion, and the other arm performed overhead triceps extensions with a elbow range of motion spanning from 150 to 70 degrees of elbow flexion. In other words, the arms performing pushdowns trained at muscle lengths that were comparable to the 132 long head of the triceps (closer to the elbow), while pushdowns were non-significantly better for growing the proximal region (closer to the shoulder). I think there are three factors that could explain why the results differed between these two studies. pushdown arms in the present study, but the arms performing overhead triceps extensions trained at even longer muscle lengths (for the long head of the triceps) than the arms performing overhead triceps extensions in the present study. Unlike the present study, the study by Stasinaki and colleagues found that overall increases in cross-sectional area for the long head of the triceps was similar following both training interventions. Overhead triceps extensions were non-significantly better for growing the distal region of the First, there may have just been some issues with measurement error in the study by Stasinaki and colleagues (4). The present study by Maeo and colleagues (1) measured changes in triceps size using MRI, which produces crisp, clear images. The Stasinaki study used B-mode ultrasound, which certainly can produce clear images, but image quality varies between ultrasound devices. Figure 1 in the Stasinaki study shows a representative scan with the ultrasound device used in the study, and it’s pretty clear that some judgment calls would need to be made for determining the boundaries of the long head of the triceps. Second, in the Stasinaki study, subjects always completed all sets of pushdowns before they performed overhead triceps extensions. In the present study by Maeo and colleagues, subjects alternated which arm was trained first. So, it’s possible that subjects in the Stasinaki study simply trained a bit harder when performing pushdowns, since they always trained pushdowns when they were fresh. Third, and most importantly, it’s possible that the overhead triceps extensions in the Stasinaki study were performed at too long of muscle lengths. When muscle fibers are stretched to more than about 150% of resting length, there are too few actin-myosin crossbridges to create much active tension. The present study by Maeo and colleagues presents some muscle modeling results, suggesting 133 that the long head of the triceps is effectively “tapped out” once you reach 90 degrees of elbow flexion in an overhead triceps extension (Figure 1). Since subjects trained overhead triceps extensions from 150 to 70 degrees of elbow flexion in the Stasinaki study, it’s likely that the long head of the triceps was barely producing any active force throughout most of the range of motion being trained. In other words, instead of increasing the training stress on the long head of the triceps, the overhead triceps extensions performed in the Stasinaki study may have reduced the training stress on the long head of the triceps, by putting it in an over-stretched position. Turning our attention to the study at hand, I’m not going to say much more about the finding that overhead triceps extensions were more effective for promoting hypertrophy in the long head of the triceps. That comports with prior research, finding that training at longer muscle lengths is generally superior for hypertrophy. However, I do want to discuss the finding that overhead triceps extensions also led to more muscle growth in the lateral and middle heads of the triceps, because it’s both a very strong and a very surprising finding. First, it’s worth explaining why it’s a strong finding. Since exercise selection didn’t affect the muscle lengths of the lateral and middle head of the triceps, a lot of people (including the authors) expected that overhead triceps extensions and pushdowns would be similarly effective for growing the monoarticular heads of the triceps. So, I’ve seen quite a few people on social media writing this finding off as a fluke that we shouldn’t put much stock in. However, purely from a scientific and statistical perspective, this finding has a lot going for it. First, the study design itself is great – with a within-subject unilateral design, each subject can serve as their own control, so your results won’t be impacted by things like a failure of your randomization protocol. Basically, both of your “groups” are guaranteed to have the same lifestyles, genetics, nutrition, etc. (i.e., your right arm doesn’t sleep more or eat better than your left arm), which isn’t necessarily guaranteed with a parallel-groups design. Second, hypertrophy was assessed via MRI, which is the gold standard for assessing changes in whole muscle size in vivo. Third, the p-value for the comparison of monoarticular triceps hypertrophy was very low (p = 0.002), implying that overhead triceps extensions didn’t just lead to more growth of the middle and lateral heads of the triceps on average – overhead triceps extensions predictably led to more growth for the vast majority of individuals. In absolute terms, the volume of the middle and lateral heads of the triceps increased by 42.1 ± 33.4cm3 in the arms doing overhead triceps extensions, and by 30.4 ± 26.9cm3 in the arms doing pushdowns. If this study employed a parallel-groups design, that difference between groups wouldn’t be statistically significant with 21 subjects per group. If you run an unpaired t-test on those change scores, you’ll come up with a p-value of 0.22. However, since the p-value for this comparison was very low (p = 0.002), that means that overhead triceps extensions consistently produced superior results in this study. For more on why consistency matters when you’re dealing with correlated, paired data, see the 134 “criticisms and statistical musings” section of this prior MASS article. But, in short, both the magnitude and consistency of a finding matter when evaluating how durable the finding is likely to be. If an intervention produces 40% more muscle growth, on average, but it only produces more muscle growth for 60% of individuals, you might not be dealing with a particularly reliable and generalizable finding. However, if another intervention produces 40% more muscle growth, on average, but it produces more muscle growth for 90% of individuals, there’s a very good chance that it is truly a generalizably superior intervention. Now, let’s turn our attention to potential explanations for this finding. The middle and lateral heads of the triceps were trained at the same muscle lengths by both exercises, and the general resistance curves would be been similar for both exercises (hardest at the start of the concentric when the arm is parallel to the floor, and easiest at lockout), but overhead triceps extensions reliably produced more muscle growth in the monoarticular heads of the triceps. What could explain these results? The authors of the study put forth two potential explanations, and I’d like to add a third (which, admittedly, may be a bit of a stretch). Their first explanation is purely mechanical: overhead triceps extensions put the long head of the triceps in a very lengthened position, where it isn’t capable of producing much active force. Therefore, the middle and lateral heads of the triceps would have needed to generate more force (especially at the start of the concentric) during overhead triceps extensions to “make up for” the diminished contributions of the long head. This explanation initially makes intuitive sense, but the more I’ve thought about it, the less plausible it seems. Quite simply, the nervous system doesn’t generally have issues recruiting monoarticular muscles for single-joint exercises. The subjects were training to failure or near failure on all of their sets, so the monoarticular heads of the triceps would have already been producing as much force as they were capable of (given the per-set rep targets) with both exercises. Since the long head of the triceps couldn’t produce as much force during overhead triceps extensions, the subjects just performed overhead triceps extensions with a lower load (Figure 2). Basically, reducing the force output of the long head of the triceps didn’t make the monoarticular heads of the triceps produce even more force; it just reduced total force output. The authors’ second explanation is that overhead triceps extensions may have increased hypoxic stress for all heads of the triceps. Way back in Volume 1 of MASS, I wrote about a study by Goto and colleagues which suggested that “constant tension” training may lead to greater muscle growth by increasing hypoxic stress during training (5). There’s also some evidence suggesting that training in low-oxygen environments may lead to greater muscle growth due to a similar mechanism (6). The precise ways in which hypoxia increases muscle hypertrophy isn’t fully elucidated, but I do think this hypothesis has some legs. When your arms are overhead, they receive less arterial blood flow (because the flow of blood is being counteracted by gravity; when your arms are to your side, gravi- 135 ty instead aids in arterial blood flow), which could lead to greater hypoxia. So, via this potential mechanism, overhead triceps extensions may lead to greater muscle growth of the monoarticular heads of the triceps for a reason that’s completely unrelated to training at longer versus shorter muscle lengths. My third tentative explanation is that changing the length of the long head of the triceps may have actually affected tension in the monoarticular heads of the triceps, since all three heads of the triceps share the same distal tendon. Instead of individually inserting directly at the elbow, all three heads of the triceps insert on a wide, flat tendon (an aponeurosis), which then inserts at the elbow. The long head of the triceps inserts on the medial side of this tendon, so putting a stretch on the long head of the triceps might medially displace the aponeurosis slightly, which would effectively place the fibers of the lateral heads of the triceps in a position where fiber lengths would be slightly longer with the same degree of elbow flexion. Alternatively, if passive force on the triceps tendon increases, activation of the monoarticular heads of the triceps may increase slightly due to tendon-associated reflex arcs. With that said, I do think the hypoxia explanation is a far more plausible primary explanation for these findings. Ultimately, I think this study is a useful lesson in not getting too seduced by reductionism and single-factor thinking. The skepticism I’ve seen toward this study’s results essentially boils down to “nothing was done to put more tension on the monoarticular heads of the triceps, and the monoarticular heads of the triceps were trained at the same muscle lengths with both exercises, so the results must be wrong.” In other words, if you assume that only one or two factors could possibly influence muscle growth, and a study result conflicts with those assumptions, the result shouldn’t be trusted. However, I think it’s far more helpful to instead assume that your assumptions may have been faulty – maybe there are simply other factors that influence hypertrophy. Only time will tell, but for now, if you have lagging triceps, I think it’s probably worth giving overhead triceps extensions a shot (if they’re not already in your program). References 1. Maeo S, Wu Y, Huang M, Sakurai H, Kusagawa Y, Sugiyama T, Kanehisa H, Isaka T. Triceps brachii hypertrophy is substantially greater after elbow extension training performed in the overhead versus neutral arm position. Eur J Sport Sci. 2022 Aug 11:1-11. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2022.2100279. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35819335. 2. Pedrosa GF, Lima FV, Schoenfeld BJ, Lacerda LT, Simões MG, Pereira MR, Diniz RCR, Chagas MH. Partial range of motion training elicits favorable improvements in muscular adaptations when carried out at long muscle lengths. Eur J Sport Sci. 2022 Aug;22(8):1250-1260. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2021.1927199. Epub 2021 May 23. PMID: 33977835. 3. Maeo S, Huang M, Wu Y, Sakurai H, Kusagawa Y, Sugiyama T, Kanehisa H, Isaka T. Greater Hamstrings Muscle Hypertrophy but Similar Damage 136 Protection after Training at Long versus Short Muscle Lengths. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2021 Apr 1;53(4):825-837. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000002523. PMID: 33009197; PMCID: PMC7969179. 4. Stasinaki A-N, Zaras N, Methenitis S, Tsitkanou S, Krase A, Kavvoura A, Terzis G. Triceps Brachii Muscle Strength and Architectural Adaptations with Resistance Training Exercises at Short or Long Fascicle Length. Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology. 2018; 3(2):28. jfmk3020028 5. Goto M, Maeda C, Hirayama T, Terada S, Nirengi S, Kurosawa Y, Nagano A, Hamaoka T. Partial Range of Motion Exercise Is Effective for Facilitating Muscle Hypertrophy and Function Through Sustained Intramuscular Hypoxia in Young Trained Men. J Strength Cond Res. 2019 May;33(5):1286-1294. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000002051. PMID: 31034463. 6. Ramos-Campo DJ, Scott BR, Alcaraz PE, Rubio-Arias JA. The efficacy of resistance training in hypoxia to enhance strength and muscle growth: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur J Sport Sci. 2018 Feb;18(1):92-103. doi: 10.1080/17461391.2017.1388850. Epub 2017 Oct 18. PMID: 29045191. 137 Study Reviewed: Personalized Microbiome-Driven Effects Of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners On Human Glucose Tolerance. Suez et al. (2022) Reassessing the Impact of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners on Metabolic Health and the Gut Microbiome BY ERIC TREXLER Skepticism about non-nutritive sweeteners, often discussed as “artificial sweeteners,” is a tradition as old as time (or, more accurately, as old as artificial sweeteners). There are multiple intuitive factors contributing to this widespread and pervasive skepticism. First, the term “artificial” is in the name; if you’re at all susceptible to the “appeal to nature” logical fallacy, skepticism is virtually automatic. Second, artificial sweeteners seem like a bit of a cheat code. While some taste better than others, and some artificially sweetened alternatives fall short of the sugar-sweetened foods or beverages they aim to imitate, there are many cases where artificial sweeteners seem too good to be true. Dieting is generally viewed as difficult and unpleasant, so it feels very unnatural to enjoy an effective swap or substitution that doesn’t involve a major sacrifice or downside. I suspect a lot of people who switch to diet beverages in place of sugar-sweetened beverages are pleasantly surprised by the swap, but inherently assume that there must be some associated cost that they’re either 1) unknowingly paying for now, or 2) bound to pay for later. What exactly are those costs, you might ask? For a while, cancer was the most notable and widespread concern pertaining to artificial sweeteners among the general population. There’s no question that plenty of folks still harbor this concern, but the data have largely assuaged those concerns in recent decades (2). Another classic concern pertains to food cravings; it was commonly theorized that the sweet taste of artificial sweeteners would cause the body to expect sugar, which it obviously wasn’t receiving. The theory postulates that this fuels cravings for sugar, such that the body senses the “trick” you tried to pull and seeks out the sugary foods and beverages it’s owed. Again, plenty of folks still subscribe to this theory, but it’s pretty incompatible with the most recent and most reliable evidence available (3), and contradicted by some direct experimental evidence that Dr. Helms previously covered in MASS. The newest wave of concerns focuses primarily on two hot topics: the gut microbiome, and glycemic control. The gut microbiome has received considerable interest in recent years, as researchers are just beginning 138 to scratch the surface of the many complexities of this poorly understood microbial environment. It’s clear that the gut microbiome is very fickle and ever-changing, but the clinical ramifications of these constant fluctuations are relatively unknown. This leads to a pretty chaotic atmosphere surrounding the gut microbiome research, and more specifically how it’s conveyed to the general public. The gut microbiome seems to respond (via some sort of change) to just about everything, and in fact, it even responds to “nothing.” Research examining typical day-to-day variation, within the same individual, in the absence of any intentional intervention, indicates that this is a remarkably volatile environment characterized by frequent, transient, and enormous changes (4). As a result, it’s very easy to find a study indicating that just about any intervention is associated with a change in the gut microbiome, and there’s plenty of wiggle room to spin that change as a positive, negative, or neutral thing. Variables quantifying glycemic control certainly aren’t as fickle as gut microbiome outcomes, but they are certainly subject to considerable variability. Furthermore, as discussed in a previous MASS article, these outcomes are currently in the crosshairs of many biohackers intent on “optimizing” even the most granular aspects of glycemic control. As a result, there is growing interest in whether or not artificial sweeteners may modulate acute and chronic insulin and glucose responses to feeding. For example, some research has hinted that the sweet taste of artificial sweeteners can acutely induce a cephalic phase insulin response in the absence of glucose, but the evidence is currently a bit mixed (5). Some have speculated that regular non-nutritive sweeteners may have chronic, deleterious effects on glycemic control by a variety of mechanisms, including alteration of the cephalic phase insulin response (5) or alteration of the gut microbiome (6). These concerns are amplified by observational research linking artificial sweetener consumption to obesity and diabetes, but reverse causality is a potential confounding variable, given that people with obesity or diabetes are more likely to pursue artificial sweeteners as part of a program to lose weight or reduce sugar intake (5). The presently reviewed study (1) was a large, comprehensive project that investigated the impact of non-nutritive sweetener intake on gut microbiome composition and glycemic control. The researchers enrolled 120 healthy adults who did not previously consume non-nutritive sweeteners to participate in the study. Participants were randomly assigned to ingest an experimental treatment daily for two weeks: saccharin + glucose vehicle, sucralose + glucose vehicle, aspartame + glucose vehicle, stevia + glucose vehicle, glucose vehicle only (placebo), or no treatment (control). If you’re wondering what a “glucose vehicle” is, you’ll notice that artificial sweetener packets usually contain a small amount of carbohydrate to add bulk and texture to the product; that’s the glucose vehicle, and the amount (5g) was standardized for all treatment groups (except for the no-supplement control group, obviously). Every day during the supplementation period, participants consumed their assigned treatment, 139 which was dosed to be lower than the acceptable daily intake. Before, during, and after supplementation, they examined glycemic control via self-administered oral glucose tolerance tests (at home, unsupervised), which was made possible via continuous glucose monitors. The researchers also took stool samples to examine microbiome changes, in addition to a long list of additional outcomes. They also did stool transplants, by which fecal samples (containing the gut microbes of human participants) were transplanted into mice, in order to see if those gut microbes would alter glycemic control in the rodents receiving transplants. In short, the researchers found that sucralose and saccharin impaired glycemic responses, as measured via self-administered oral glucose tolerance tests. This result is depicted in Figure 1. The researchers observed that all of the non-nutritive sweeteners tested induce changes to the microbiome, and they found that fecal transplants allowed them to repro- 140 duce the human glycemic alterations in the rodent transplant recipients. As you might expect, this study generated a lot of buzz in the fitness community, and had some regular non-nutritive sweetener users rethinking their dietary choices. However, I don’t think we should overreact to this study. This is a large, ambitious, and well-conducted study, and the researchers rightfully deserve credit for that. However, these sucralose findings contradict a previously reviewed study reporting non-significant impacts on glycemic control and gut microbiome composition (7), so it might be advisable to wait for confirmation of these findings (via successful replication) before drawing firm conclusions. In addition, there are some important limitations to highlight. First, this study was conducted in a very specialized population: people who don’t consume any non-nutritive sweeteners. You might be skeptical of that statement; after all, what percentage of the population actually consumes diet beverages and artificially sweetened dietary supplements? In reality, non-nutritive sweeteners have become pervasive in the modern food supply, and most people don’t even know that they regularly consume non-nutritive sweeteners. For the present study, 120 participants were enrolled from 2018-2020, but the researchers had to screen 1,375 individuals in order to enroll this sample. They noted that “the vast majority of ineligible candidates were found to consume non-nutritive sweeteners, in many cases unknowingly.” This suggests that the researchers recruited a group of individuals with fairly unique dietary habits, which might not be representative of the general population. In addition, the oral glucose tolerance tests were self-administered using continuous glucose monitors. As discussed in a previous MASS article, these continuous glucose monitors aren’t exactly “gold standard” measurement tools, even when used correctly. Furthermore, administering an oral glucose tolerance test is a pretty nuanced procedure. They can be influenced by insufficient fasting time beforehand, excessive fasting time beforehand, physical activity or nutrient intake in close proximity to the test, or even being super stressed out about consuming an artificial sweetener you’ve been intentionally avoiding (it’s possible that some of these non-nutritive sweetener users were actually non-nutritive sweetener avoiders, and the researchers noted that treatment blinding was not feasible due to taste differences). Of the 1080 glucose tolerance tests that were expected, nearly 100 were missing or discarded for a variety of reasons related to insufficient test quality. Furthermore, it probably goes without saying that glucose tolerance tests are not dichotomously “perfect” or “so bad they must be thrown out entirely” – given the unsupervised nature of these tests, we have to interpret them with some degree of caution. Aside from those details, there is a far more important limitation: from my perspective, the reported differences in glucose responses (taken at face value) don’t appear to be clinically relevant. There are subtle differences in the glucose curves, but we aren’t seeing catastrophic metabolic derangement in these data. At worst, you could look at these data and say, “sure, this isn’t so bad after two weeks of ingestion, but imagine what would happen 141 over the long term.” But we don’t have to imagine – those longitudinal data exist, and they don’t tell a particularly scary story. If the reported alterations in oral glucose tolerance and gut microbiome composition are clinically relevant, we should get some hints of that from the longitudinal trials investigating non-nutritive sweetener intake. For example, a 2022 meta-analysis by McGlynn et al (3) pooled the results from 17 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in adult men and women. For interventions lasting 3-52 weeks in duration, beverages with non-nutritive sweeteners were associated with reduced weight, BMI, body-fat percentage, and liver fat when replacing sugar-sweetened beverages. The observed benefits of beverages with non-nutritive sweeteners were similar to water consumption, and impacts on glycemic control were negligible. A 2020 meta-analysis restricted its focus to studies on patients with type 1 or type 2 diabetes (8). While fewer studies were available, nine RCTs spanning 4-10 months in duration failed to provide any convincing evidence of substantial harms or benefits for patients with diabetes. In both meta-analyses, adverse event reports related to the actual treatments were effectively negligible in terms of quantity and severity. Similarly, a 2020 review by Pang et al (9) noted that: “Meta-analyses of RCTs or RCTs and prospective cohort studies suggest that artificial sweeteners may have a neutral effect on body weight and glycemic control, respectively, or may have a beneficial effect on long-term body weight regulation.” If non-nutritive sweeteners were causing clinically relevant perturbations in glycemic con- trol, I’d expect to see far more troubling results in the longitudinal trials to date. To be clear, I’m certainly not suggesting that we know everything there is to know about all non-nutritive sweeteners, and that they are physiologically inert substances that will never impact any clinical outcome at any level of intake. Indeed, each individual non-nutritive sweetener needs to be rigorously investigated in relation to a wide range of clinical outcomes, and there’s a somewhat surprising lack of data for many of these sweeteners. We also need to learn a lot about the gut microbiome before we can purport to make strong claims about the clinical relevance of transient shifts in composition. Based on the available literature, the ratio of favorable to unfavorable findings (in terms of frequency and magnitude of reported effects) has not convinced me to place any strict limitations on my personal consumption of any particular non-nutritive sweetener. However, risk tolerance is a personal matter; if you prefer to avoid non-nutritive sweeteners until more research unequivocally convinces you of their safety, that’s a totally justifiable stance to take. References 1. Suez J, Cohen Y, Valdés-Mas R, Mor U, Dori-Bachash M, Federici S, et al. Personalized Microbiome-Driven Effects Of Non-Nutritive Sweeteners On Human Glucose Tolerance. Cell. 2022 Sep 1;185(18):3307-3328.e19. 2. Marinovich M, Galli CL, Bosetti C, Gallus S, La Vecchia C. Aspartame, Low-Calorie Sweeteners And Disease: Regulatory Safety And Epidemiological Issues. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Oct;60:109–15. 142 3. McGlynn ND, Khan TA, Wang L, Zhang R, Chiavaroli L, Au-Yeung F, et al. Association of Low- and No-Calorie Sweetened Beverages as a Replacement for SugarSweetened Beverages With Body Weight and Cardiometabolic Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Mar 14;5(3):e222092. 4. Vandeputte D, De Commer L, Tito RY, Kathagen G, Sabino J, Vermeire S, et al. Temporal Variability In Quantitative Human Gut Microbiome Profiles And Implications For Clinical Research. Nat Commun. 2021 Nov 18;12(1):6740. 5. Wilk K, Korytek W, Pelczyńska M, Moszak M, Bogdański P. The Effect of Artificial Sweeteners Use on Sweet Taste Perception and Weight Loss Efficacy: A Review. Nutrients. 2022 Mar 16;14(6):1261. 6. Suez J, Korem T, Zeevi D, ZilbermanSchapira G, Thaiss CA, Maza O, et al. Artificial Sweeteners Induce Glucose Intolerance By Altering The Gut Microbiota. Nature. 2014 Oct 9;514(7521):181–6. 7. Thomson P, Santibañez R, Aguirre C, Galgani JE, Garrido D. Short-Term Impact Of Sucralose Consumption On The Metabolic Response And Gut Microbiome Of Healthy Adults. Br J Nutr. 2019 Oct 28;122(8):856–62. 8. Lohner S, Kuellenberg de Gaudry D, Toews I, Ferenci T, Meerpohl JJ. Non‐ nutritive Sweeteners For Diabetes Mellitus. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 May 25;5(5):CD012885. 9. Pang MD, Goossens GH, Blaak EE. The Impact of Artificial Sweeteners on Body Weight Control and Glucose Homeostasis. Front Nutr. 2021 Jan 7;7:598340. 143 VIDEO: Two-A-Days Part I BY MICHAEL C. ZOURDOS Training twice per day is pretty awesome, but is it necessary? This video evaluates the evidence for splitting your training into two sessions per day to augment hypertrophy and strength. The practice may have efficacy, but conditions apply. Click to watch Michael's presentation. 144 Relevant MASS Videos and Articles 1. Is It Better to Split Your Workout Into Multiple Daily Sessions. Volume 1 Issue 6. 2. How do Twice-Daily Training Sessions Affect Hypertrophy and Strength Gains? 5 Issue 4 3. Is Training Twice A Day For You? Volume 6 Issue 3. References 1. Bartolomei S, Malagoli Lanzoni I, Di Michele R. Two vs. One Resistance Exercise Sessions in One Day: Acute Effects on Recovery and Performance. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport. 2022 Jan 15:1-6. 2. Storey A, Wong S, Smith HK, Marshall P. Divergent muscle functional and architectural responses to two successive high intensity resistance exercise sessions in competitive weightlifters and resistance trained adults. European journal of applied physiology. 2012 Oct;112(10):3629-39. 3. Häkkinen K, Pakarinen A. Serum hormones in male strength athletes during intensive short term strength training. Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. 1991;63(3-4):194-9. doi: 10.1007/ BF00233847. PMID: 1761007. 4. Häkkinen K, Kallinen M. Distribution of strength training volume into one or two daily sessions and neuromuscular adaptations in female athletes. Electromyogr Clin Neurophysiol. 1994 Mar;34(2):117-24. PMID: 8187678. 5. Hartman MJ, Clark B, Bembens DA, Kilgore JL, Bemben MG. Comparisons between twicedaily and once-daily training sessions in male weight lifters. Int J Sports Physiol Perform. 2007 Jun;2(2):159-69. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2.2.159. PMID: 19124903. 6. Shiau K, Tsao TH, Yang CB. Effects of Single Versus Multiple Bouts of Resistance Training on Maximal Strength and Anaerobic Performance. J Hum Kinet. 2018 Jun 13;62:231-240. doi: 10.1515/hukin-2017-0122. PMID: 29922394; PMCID: PMC6006538. 7. Corrêa DA, Brigatto FA, Braz TV, DE Carmargo JB, Aoki MS, Marchetti PH, Lopes CR. Twice-daily sessions result in a greater muscle strength and a similar muscle hypertrophy compared to once-daily session in resistance-trained men. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2022 Mar;62(3):324-336. PMID: 33634677. █ 145 VIDEO: Practical Long Muscle Length Training BY ERIC HELMS As more research emerges, it becomes increasingly apparent that training which puts a muscle in a more lengthened position seems to induce greater hypertrophy. In this video, we’ll go over some of the research which supports this concept, the different types of ways this has been shown in research, the potential considerations of implementing long muscle length training, and then finally, practical applications. Specifically, form modification, exercise selection, partial range of motion training, and microcycle-level programming are discussed. Click to watch Eric's presentation. 146 Relevant MASS Videos and Articles . 1. The Effects of Range of Motion on Muscle Growth: The Current State of the Literature. Volume 4, Issue 3. 2. Matching Resistance Curves and Strength Curves: Great in Theory, but Iffy in Practice. Volume 4, Issue 4. 3. Seated Hamstrings Curls Cause More Growth Than Lying Hamstrings Curls. Volume 4, Issue 12. 4. Partial Range of Motion Training Might Increase Muscle Growth (If You Do the Right Type of Partials). Volume 5, Issue 7. 5. Partial Range of Motion Training Can Work ... With the Right Kind of Partials. Volume 5, Issue 11. 6. Can Stretching Directly Cause Muscle Growth? Volume 6, Issue 7. References 1. Sato S, Yoshida R, Kiyono R, Yahata K, Yasaka K, Nunes JP, et al. Elbow Joint Angles in Elbow Flexor Unilateral Resistance Exercise Training Determine Its Effects on Muscle Strength and Thickness of Trained and Non-trained Arms. Front Physiol. 2021 Sep 16;12:734509. 2. Pettitt RW, Symons DJ, Eisenman PA, Taylor JE, White AT. Eccentric strain at long muscle length evokes the repeated bout effect. J Strength Cond Res. 2005 Nov;19(4):918-24. █ 147 Just Missed the Cut Every month we consider hundreds of new papers, and they can’t all be included in MASS. Therefore, here are a few pieces of research that just missed the cut. It’s our hope that with the knowledge gained from reading MASS along with our interpreting research guide you’ll be able to tackle these on your own. If you want to peruse our full journal sweep, you can find it here, and you can find our historical archive here. 1. de Paiva et al. Effects Of Probiotic Supplementation On Performance Of Resistance And Aerobic Exercises: A Systematic Review 2. van der Heijden et al. Alternative Dietary Protein Sources To Support Healthy And Active Skeletal Muscle Aging 3. Hidayat et al. Is Replacing Red Meat With Other Protein Sources Associated With Lower Risks Of Coronary Heart Disease And All-Cause Mortality? A Meta-Analysis Of Prospective Studies 4. Pinckaers et al. Potato Protein Ingestion Increases Muscle Protein Synthesis Rates At Rest And During Recovery From Exercise In Humans 5. Moore et al. Walking Or Body Weight Squat ‘activity Snacks’ Increase Dietary Amino Acid Utilization For Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis During Prolonged Sitting 6. Leduc et al. The Effect Of Acute Sleep Extension Vs Active Recovery On Post Exercise Recovery Kinetics In Rugby Union Players 7. Wardenaar et al. Accuracy And Reliability Of College Athletes’ Scoring Of Artificial Urine Color Samples To Determine Hydration Status 8. González-Valero et al. Could The Complying With WHO Physical Activity Recommendations Improve Stress, Burnout Syndrome, And Resilience? A Cross-Sectional Study With Physical Education Teachers 9. Lin et al. The Effect Of Sleep Restriction, With Or Without Exercise, On Skeletal Muscle Transcriptomic Profiles In Healthy Young Males 10. Wirnitzer et al. Dietary Intake Of Vegan And Non-Vegan Endurance Runners—Results From The NURMI Study (Step 2) 11. Cheng et al. Healthy Eating Index Diet Quality In Randomized Weight Loss Trials: A Systematic Review 12. Sun et al. Meal Skipping And Shorter Meal Intervals Are Associated With Increased Risk Of All-Cause And Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Among U.S. Adults 13. Wilhelmsen et al. Acute Effects Of Prior Dietary Fat Ingestion On Postprandial Metabolic Responses To Protein And Carbohydrate Co-Ingestion In Overweight And Obese Men: A Randomised Crossover Trial 14. Moesgaard et al. Myonuclear Addition Is Associated With Sex-Specific Fiber Hypertrophy And Occurs In Relation To Fiber Perimeter Not Cross-Sectional Area 148 15. Rappelt et al. Similar Strength Gains At Lower Perceived Efforts Via Cluster Set Versus Traditional Home-Based Online Training: A Six Weeks Randomized Controlled Trial 16. Gorzi et al. Deceptive Intensities: An Exploratory Strategy For Overcoming Early Central Fatigue In Resistance Training 17. Lim et al. An Evidence-Based Narrative Review Of Mechanisms Of Resistance Exercise– Induced Human Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy 18. Davies et al. Effect Of Set-Structure On Upper-Body Muscular Hypertrophy And Performance In Recreationally-Trained Male And Female 19. Ruple et al. Comparisons Between Skeletal Muscle Imaging Techniques And Histology In Tracking Midthigh Hypertrophic Adaptations Following 10 Wk Of Resistance Training 20. Handford et al. The Need For Eccentric Speed: A Narrative Review Of The Effects Of Accelerated Eccentric Actions During Resistance-Based Training 21. Bastos et al. Set To Fail: Affective Dynamics In A Resistance Training Program Designed To Reach Muscle Concentric Failure 22. Ben-Zeev et al. The Effect Of Exercise On Neurogenesis In The Brain 23. Macaulay et al. Effects Of A 12-Week Periodized Resistance Training Program On Resting Brain Activity And Cerebrovascular Function: A Nonrandomized Pilot Trial 149 Thanks for reading MASS. The next issue will be released to subscribers on November 1, 2022. Copy editing by Lauren Colenso-Semple Graphics and layout by Kat Whitfield 150