Constructivism in PBL: Theory & Application

We can apply constructivism theory to PBL and incorporate the variable likeprior knowledge,qualitiy of
problems,tutor performence,group functioning and assessments in a student group.
Lectures which are inspired by constructivismreflect following features e.g
It should involve students in learning process,they should be encouraged asking deep relevant
It should help students to see relevance to their learning.Stories and topic based scenarios are helpful in
introducing the topic.
Encourage application of knowledge and teamwork.Design activities to engage learners into the learning
material e.g solving problems in small groups or watching and discussing video clipsgeneratingexamples
of concepts,advatages and disadvantages of various procedures.
This theory is well applied in clinical settings.there the teacher should appreciate what students know
about a topic prior to extending their knowledge.
They should be encouraged to look for evidence through history and clinical examination for and against
each of their hypothesis.Students should be asked to think out loudi.e comparing and contrasting their
differential diagnoses.
They should be asked probing questions to enhance collaborative learning,and deeper understanding of
They can be offered opportunities to apply their learning soon after they learni.e by grouping them or
giving them individual tasks.Emphasize diverse thinking and encourage students to listen and interact
with other team members and also seek feedback and input from them.
It is a learning theory in which learner construct new knowledge.They add or build their new
experiences on top of their current foundation of understanding.The active
construction of knowledge by learner is pivotal in constructivism.