Joint Military Intelligence College November 1997 DVP-2600-1828-97 DEFENSE AND INTELLIGENCE ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS DEFENSE AND INTELLIGENCE ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS INT E LLI GE I JO E C O L L E GE LIG TEL ENCE IN IT UN RI CA ENCY AG DEFENS E 1962 ED PCN 28034 RY NC N T M I L I TA Occasional Paper Number Two STA ME TES OF A Thi sdoc umenti smadeav ai l abl et hr ought hedec l as s i f i c at i onef f or t s andr es ear c hofJ ohnGr eenewal d,J r . ,c r eat orof : T h eB l a c kV a u l t TheBl ac kVaul ti st hel ar ges tonl i neFr eedom ofI nf or mat i onAc t( FOI A) doc umentc l ear i nghous ei nt hewor l d.Ther es ear c hef f or t sher ear e r es pons i bl ef ort hedec l as s i f i c at i onofhundr edsoft hous andsofpages r el eas edbyt heU. S.Gov er nment&Mi l i t ar y . Di scovert heTr ut hat :ht t p: / / www. t hebl ackvaul t . com The Joint Military Intelligence College supports and encourages research on intelligence issues that distills lessons and improves support to policy-level and operational consumers. DEFENSE AND INTELLIGENCE ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS JOINT MILITARY INTELLIGENCE COLLEGE WASHINGTON, DC NOVEMBER 1997 This document has been approved for unrestricted public release by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) CONTENTS Foreword................................................................................... V Abbreviations and Acronyms.................................................... 1 Codes for Geopolitical Areas.................................................... 230 Geopolitical Areas by Codes...................................................... 239 iii DEFENSE AND INTELLIGENCE ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS Foreword This comprehensive list of intelligence abbreviations and acronyms includes those used presently, as well as those in use for approximately the last ten years. Sources for this list include the last DIA Lexicon published in 1991, numerous glossaries from Unified Command and Combat Support Agency documents, and contributions, from the faculty of the Joint Military Intelligence College. The expansion of any item may vary somewhat from one organization to another, but this list will hopefully contribute to greater standardization. This editor is indebted to kSgt Hannah Reddy (USA) and SSgt Angela Wimbush (USAF) of the College, who spent many hours in collating this list. Debbie Linesberry of the U.S. Special Operations Command collaborated by adding that command’s most frequently used acronyms. 2LT Vincent Littrell (USAF) and SFC Mark McCurry (USA) helped ensure that the list contains as few errors as possible, and the editor extends his thanks for that dedicated assistance. All users are invited to submit additions and corrections. To promote the usefulness of the list, older or superseded acronyms will be discarded only if their retention would create confusion. This list is also published under the JMIC home page on Intelink, where it will be updated regularly. Readers are urged to send new acronyms or abbreviations by mail to: Defense Intelligence Agency, Joint Military Intelligence College, MC Attn: Dr. R. Swenson, Bolling AFB, Washington, DC 20340-5100: by Ingternet to, or by Fax to (202) 231-2171. Dr. Russell G. Swenson, Editor and Director, Office of Applied Research V ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS A A2 AA AAA AAAOB AABNCP AAC AACB AACE AACOMS AACS AAD AADC AADCCS AADP AADS AAE AAF AAFES AAFIF AAG AAI AAIFF AAM AAO AAR AAS AASLT AATS AAVS AAW AAWC AB AB2 ABC ABCCC ABCOMM Air Force Intelligence Staff Officer (component level) (1) Attack Assessment; (2) Attrition Analysis; (3) Antiaircraft; (4) Avenue of Approach; (5) Automatic Associator (1) Antiaircraft Artillery; (2) Air Avenue of Approach Antiaircraft Artillery Order of Battle Advanced Airborne National Command Post Alaskan Air Command Aeronautics and Astronautics Coordinating Board Army Alternate Command and Control Element Army Area Communications System Attitude and Antenna Control Subsystem Airborne Assault Division (1) Army Air Defense Command; (2) Area Air Defense Commander Area Air Defense Command and Control System Area Air Defense Plan Antiaircraft Defense System Army Acquisition Executive Army Airfield Army & Air Force Exchange Service Automated Air Facilities Information File Army Artillery Group Air-to-Air Intercept Air-to-Air Identification Friend or Foe Air-to-Air Missile Analysis of the Area of Operations (1) Active Array Radar; (2) After Action Report Analyst Automation Segment Air Assault Automated Architecture Tool Suite Aerospace Audiovisual Service Anti Air Warfare Anti Air Warfare Commander Air Base Air Battle Command System (ABCS) Brigade and Below Airborne Corps Airborne Battlefield Command and Control Center Alternate/Backup Communications 1 ABCS ABIC ABIT ABM ABMA ABN/Abn ABNCP ABR ABW AC A/C A2C2 AC-130 AC2SMAN AC2MP ACA ACAAM ACACS ACAT ACC ACCB ACCHAN ACCIS ACCISS ACCO ACCS ACDA ACDS ACDUTRA ACE ACES ACEVAL ACF ACFT ACI Army Battle Command System Army Battlefield Interface Concept (1) Airborne Imagery Transmission; (2) Airborne Information Transmission Program (1) Antiballistic Missile; (2) Automatic Building Machines Army Ballistic Missile Agency Airborne (1) Airborne Command Post; (2) Airborne National Command Post Available Bit Rate Air Base Wing (1) Air Crew; (2) Active Component; (3) Air Conditioning; (4) Alternating Current Aircraft Army Airspace Communications and Control AFSOF Spectre Gunship Alaskan Command and Control System Military Automated Network Army Command and Control Master Plan (1) Alternate Command Authority; (2) Airspace Control Authority Air Courses of Action Assessment Model Army Command and Area Communications System Acquisition Category (1) Access Control Center; (2) Air Control Center; (3) Aviation Component Commander, (4) Air Component Commander, (5) Air Combat Command; (6) Army Component Command Army Configuration Control Board Allied Command Channel Allied Command and Control Information System (1) Automated Command and Control Intelligence Support System; (2) Alaskan C2 Intelligence Support System Army Central Control Office (1) Airborne Command and Control Squadron; (2) Airborne Command and Control System; (3) Advanced Communications Control System Arms Control and Disarmament Agency Advanced Combat Direction system Active Duty Training (1) Allied Command, Europe; (2) Advance Communications Element; (3) Aviation Combat Element; (4) Analysis Control Element; (5) Assistant Corps of Engineers; (6) Airborne Command Element Automated Command and Control Evaluation System Air Combat Evaluation Alternate Command Facility Aircraft Airborne Controlled Intercept 2 ACINT ACIS ACL ACLANT ACO ACOC ACOM ACOS ACOS/I ACOUSTINT ACP ACPERS ACQ ACR ACS ACS/I ACSA ACSB ACSC ACSI ACT ACTD ACTEDS ACTS ACUS ACV ACW AD A/D ADA ADACP ADAPCP ADAPT ADARS ADATS ADBT Acoustic Intelligence Arms Control Intelligence Staff Access Control List Allied Commander Atlantic (1) Access Control Officer; (2) Airspace Control Officer (1) Area Communications Operations Center; (2) Air Combat Operations Center Atlantic Command Assistant Chief of Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence (Navy) Acoustical Intelligence (1) Alternate Command Post; (2) Assault CP; (3) Allied Communications Publications; (4) Airspace Control Plan Army Civilian Personnel System Acquisition (1) Armored Cavalry Regiment; (2) Automated Change Recognition (1) Afloat Correlation System; (2) Aerial Common Sensor; (3) AUTODIN Switching Center; (4) Airborne COMINT System; (5) Assistant Chief of Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence Allied Communications Security Agency Amphibious Contingency Support Briefs Air Command and Staff College Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence, HQ USAF (1) Air Combat Tactics; (2) Advanced Concepts and Technology Program Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration Army Civilian Training, Education, & Development System (1) Advanced Communications Technology; (2) Advanced Communications Technology Satellite (1) Area Common User Systems; (2) Army Common User System (1) Armored Command Vehicle; (2) Air Cushion Vehicle; (3) Armored Combat Vehicle (1) Aircraft Control and Warning; (2) Anticarrier Warfare; (3) Air Control Wing (1) Air Defense; (2) Destroyer Tender; (3) Air Division; (4) Artillery Division; (5) Active Duty Analog/Digital Air Defense Artillery Alcohol & Drug Abuse Control Program Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention & Control Program Automated Decisionmaking and Program Timeline Army Defense Acquisition Regulation Supplement Air Defense Antitank System Advanced Data Base Technology 3 ADC (1) Aide-de-Camp; (2) Air Direction Center; (3) Assistant Division Commander; (4) Air Data Computer; (5) Air Defense Coordinator ADCAP Advanced Capability ADCC Air Defense Command Center ADCCP Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures ADCOM (1) Aerospace Defense Command (now SPACECOM); (2) Administrative Command ADCON Administrative Control ADCSOPS Assistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans ADD (1) Air Defense District; (2) Assistant Deputy Director (DIA) ADDIS Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery System ADDISS Advanced Deployable Digital Imagery Support System ADDO Associate Deputy Director of Operations ADDO(MA) Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Military Affairs (DIA) ADDO(MS) Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Military Support (NSA) ADDS Army Data Distribution System ADDU Additional Duty ADE (1) Audio Deception Emitter; (2) Aerial Delivery Equipment ADEW Airborne Directed Energy Weapons ADF Automatic Direction Finding ADFH Air Deployable Forward Headquarters ADG Deperming Ship ADI Air Defense Initiative ADIC Aerospace Defense Intelligence Center ADIEC Army Deployable Imagery Exploitation Capability ADIO Additional Duty Intelligence Officer ADISS Advanced Defense Intelligence Support System ADIZ Air Defense Identification Zone ADL (1) Ada Design Language; (2) Armistice Demarcation Line ADLP Advanced Datalink Protocol ADM (1) Atomic Demolition Munitions; (2) Advanced Development Model; (3) Acquisition Decision Memorandum Admin Administration/Administrative ADN ACE DGZ Number (NATO) ADNET Antidrug Network ADOC Air Defense Operations Center ADP (1) Automated Data Processing; (2) Airborne Data Processing ADP-MIS Automated Data Processing Management Information System 4 ADP-T ADPCM ADPE ADPS ADPSSM ADPSSO ADPSSP ADRG ADRI ADS ADSS ADSTAR ADSW ADT ADTLP ADTOC ADTS ADV ADVAL ADVON ADW ADX ADZ AE AEAO AEB AEC AEDS AEELS AEICC AEM AEMS AEN AEOS AEROFLOT AES AESC AETC AETCAE AEV (1) Automated Data Processing and Associated Telecommunications; (2) Automated Data Processing and Associated Training Adaptive Differential Pulse-Code Modulation Automated Data Processing Equipment (1) ASARS Deployable Processing Station; (2) Automated Data Processing System Automated Data Processing Systems Security Manual ADP Special Security Officer Automated Data Processing System Security Program Advanced Digitized Raster Graphics Arc Digital Raster Imagery (1) Automated Data System; (2) Air Defense Sector; (3) Airlift Defensive System; (4) Acoustic SOF Detection System; (5) Advanced Distributed Simulation Aerospace Defense Systems Subcommittee Advanced Document Storage & Retrieval System Active Duty for Special Work (1) Active Duty For Training; (2) Additional Duty Training Army Doctrine and Training Literature Program Air Defense Tactical Operations Center Adversary Threat Squadron Advance(d) Air Defense Evaluation Test Advanced Echelon Air Defense Warning Air Defense Exercise Air Defense Zone (1) Atomic Energy; (2) Assault Echelon; (3) Ammunition Ship; (4) Aerial Exploitation; Application Entity Airborne Emergency Action Officer Aerial Exploitation Battalion ASARS Exploitation Cell Atomic Energy Detection System (1) Automatic ELINT Emitter Location System; (2) Airborne ELINT Emitter Location System Area Emergency Information Coordination Center Missile Tender Automated Edge Measurement System Arbitrary ELINT Notation Advanced Electro-Optical Sensor Former Soviet Union Civil Airline (1) Atomic Energy Site; (2) Airborne ELINT System Aerospace Environmental Support Center Air Education and Training Command Army Europe Technical Control and Analysis Element Armored Engineer Vehicle 5 AEW AEW&C AF AFAC AF ACSI AFAITC AFAL AFAMPE AFAMRL AFAP AFARN AFAS AFATDS AFB AFC AFC4A AFCA AFCC AFCEA AFCENT AFCS AFCSC AFDB AFDD AFDIGS AFDL AFDM AFDT AFEOC AFEWC AFFIS AFFOR AFGCCS AFGL AFGWC AFGWC/FNOC AFGWS AFIA AFIC Airborne Early Warning Airborne Early Warning and Control (1) Air Force; (2) Armed Forces; (3) Stores Ship Airborne Forward Air Controller Air Force Chief of Staff Intelligence Armed Forces Air Intelligence Training Center (Goodfellow AFB, TX). Air Force Armament Laboratory USAF Automated Message Processing Exchange Air Force Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory Artillery-Fired Atomic Projectile Air Force Air Request Net Advanced Field Artillery System Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (1) Air Force Base; (2) Airframe Bulletin; (3) Antifriction Bearing (1) Automatic Frequency Control; (2) All-source Fusion Center (Marine Corps) USAF Command, Control, Communications and Computer Agency Air Force Collection Assets (1) Air Force Communications Command; (2) Air ForceComponent Command Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association Allied Forces Central Europe (NATO) (1) Automatic Flight Control System; (2) Army Facility Component System Air Force Cryptologic Support Center Auxiliary Floating Drydock (large) Air Force Doctrine Document Air Force Digital Graphic Systems Auxiliary Floating Drydock (small) Auxiliary Floating Drydock (medium) AEELS Fixed Downlink Terminal Air Force Emergency Operations Center Air Force Electronic Warfare Center Airfield Facilities Information System Air Force (Component) Forces USAF Global Command and Control System Air Force Geophysics Laboratory Air Force Global Weather Central Air Force Global Weather Center/Fleet Numerical Operations Center Air Force Ground Weather Stations Air Force Intelligence Agency (1) Air Force Information Center; (2) Air Force Intelligence Command; (3) Air Force Intelligence Center 6 AFICE AFICP AFIES AFIISP AFIO AFIP AFIS AFISA AFIT AFITC AFIWC AFLAN AFLANT AFLC AFLE AFLO AFM AFMD/GF AFMC AFMIC AFMPC AFMSIS AFMSS AFNET AFNORTH AFNORTHWEST AFOC AFOE AFOSI AFOSP AFOSR AFOTEC AFR AFRES AFS AFSAA AFSAC AFSAT AFSATCOM AFSC AFSCOORD AFSCF AFSCN Air Forces Iceland Air Force Intelligence Communications Plan Armed Forces Imagery Exploitation System Air Force Intelligence Information Systems Plan Association of Former Intelligence Officers Air Force Intelligence Plan Air Force Intelligence Service/Study Air Force Intelligence Support Agency Air Force Institute of Technology Air Force Intelligence Training Center Air Force Information Warfare Center AFSOC Local/Wide Area Network U.S. Air Forces, Atlantic Air Force Logistics Command Air Force Liaison Element Air Force Liaison Office Air Force Manual Air Forces of the Military District/Group of Forces Air Force Materiel Command Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center Air Force Military Personnel Center Air Force Modeling and Simulation Information System Air Force Mission Support System (1) Air Force Network; (2) Air Force Data Network Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO) (1) Allied Forces Northwest Europe (NATO); (2) Air Forces Northwest Region Air Force Operations Center Assault Follow-On Echelon Air Force Office of Special Investigations Air Force Office of Security Police Air Force Office of Scientific Research Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (1) Air Force Reserve; (2) Air Force Regulation Air Force Reserve (1) Air Force Station; (2) Combat Stores Ship Air Force Studies and Analyses Agency Air Force Special Activities Center Air Force Satellite Air Force Satellite Communications System (1) Air Force Systems Command; (2) Air Force Specialty Code; (3) Armed Forces Staff College Assistant Fire Support Coordinator Air Force Satellite Control Facility Air Force Satellite Control Network 7 AFSIP AFSOB AFSOC AFSOD AFSOE AFSOF AFSOS AFSOUTH AFSOUTHCOM AFSPACECOM AFSPC AFSPCIP AFSPOC AFSSE AFSST AFSTC AFTAC AFTACIES AFTF AFTFWC AFV AF/VC AFWAL AFWARNS AFWCCS AFWL AG AGARD AGB AGC AGCCS AGDS AGE AGEF AGEH AGER AGES AGF AGHS AGI AGL AGM AGMR Air Force Satellite Intelligence Program Air Force Special Operations Base Air Force Special Operations Command Air Force Special Operations Detachment Air Force Special Operations Element Air Force Special Operations Forces Air Force Special Operations School Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO) Air Force Southern Command Air Force Space Command Air Force Space Command Air Force Space Command Intelligence Plan Air Force Space Operations Center Air Force Space Surveillance Element Air Force Space Support Team Air Force Space Technology Center Air Force Technical Applications Center Air Force Tactical Imagery Exploitation System Air Force Task Force Air Force Tactical Fighter Weapons Center Armored Fighting Vehicle Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Air Force Wright Aeronautical Laboratory Air Force Warning System Air Force Wing Command and Control System Air Force Weapons Laboratory (1) Adjutant General; (2) Miscellaneous Auxiliary Ship Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (NATO) Icebreaker Automatic Gain Control Army’s Global Command and Control System Deep Submergence Support Ship Experimental Auxiliary Frigate Research Ship Experimental Auxiliary (Hydrofoil) Intelligence Research Ship Advanced Ground Exploitation System Miscellaneous Command Ship Patrol Combatant Support Ship Intelligence Collection Ship (1) Buoy Tender; (2) Above Ground Level (1) Air-to-Ground Missile; (2) Missile Range Instrumentation Ship Major Communications Relay Ship 8 AGMS AGOR AGOS AGP AGR AGS AGT AGZ AH AHFEWS AI A3I AIA AIAA AIA/IRD AIAWS AIB AIC AICBM AID AIDES AIDS AIF AIFV AIG AIIC AIIF AIIRS AIM AIMD AIMP Armored Ground Mobility System Oceanographic Research Ship (1) Ocean Surveillance Ship; (2) Air-Ground Operations School (NATO); (3) Air-Ground Operations System Patrol Craft Tender Army Guard Reserve (1) Hydrographic Survey Ship; (2) FSU Automatic Grenade Launcher Agent Actual Ground Zero (1) Hospital Ship; (2) Alternate Headquarters Army High Frequency Electronic Warfare System (1) Airborne Intercept; (2) Air Intelligence; (3) Artificial Intelligence; (4) Air Interdiction; (5) Airborne Interceptors; (6) Area of Interest; (7) All-Source Intelligence Accelerated Architecture Acquisition Initiative (1) Army Intelligence Agency; (2) ACE Intelligence Architecture; (3) ACE Interface Architecture; (4) Air Intelligence Agency American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Air Intelligence Agency/Intelligence Reserve Detachment Automated Intelligence Analyst Workstation Atlantic Intelligence Board (1) Atlantic Intelligence Command; (2) Afloat Intelligence Center Anti-Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (1) U.S. Agency for International Development; (2) Aerospace Information Digest; (3) Army Information Digest; (4) Accident, Incident, Deficiencies; (5) Active Integral Defense (1) Analyst Intelligence Information Display and Exploitation System; (2) Automated Intelligence Display and Exploitation System (1) Acoustic Intelligence Data System; (2) Advanced Identification System; (3) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (1) Automated Installations Intelligence File; (2) Army Industrial Fund; (3) Airfield Installation File; (4) Air Intelligence Flight; (5) Automated Installation File Armored Infantry Fighting Vehicle (1) Address Indicator Group; (2) Air Intelligence Group Advanced Imagery Interpretation Course Automated Installation Intelligence File Automated Intelligence Information Retrieval System (1) Air Intercept Missile; (2) Active Inert Missile; (3) ADCOM Intelligence Memorandum Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department (1) Army Intelligence Management Plan; (2) Army Intelligence Master Plan; (3) Advanced Imagery Management Program; (4) Automated Information Management Program 9 AIMTB AIN AIO AIOEC AIP AIPR AIR AIRA AIRCENT AIRCOM AIRCOMTERM AIRES AIRES II AIREW AIRK AIRLO AIRREQRECON AIR AIRS AIRTAPS AIS AISA AISS AIST AITE AIU AIWO AIWS AJ AJCC AJFP AJNPE A/JSIC AK AKA AKDC AKD/RCU AKL AKM AKMC Artificial Intelligence Module Testbed Advanced Intelligence Network Air Intelligence Officer Association of Iron Ore Exporting Countries (1) Architecture Implementation Plan; (2) Anti-Surface-Warfare Improvement Program Automated Information Processing Request American Institute for Research Air Attache (1) Air Forces Central Region (NATO); (2) Allied Air Forces Central Europe Air Command Airborne Communications Terminal Advanced Imagery Requirements and Exploitation System Airborne Reconnaissance Electronic System II Airborne Infrared Early Warning Area Interswitch Rekeying Key Air Liaison Officer Air Request Reconnaissance (1) Replenishment Oiler; (2) American Institute of Research (1) Advanced Inertial Reference Sphere; (2) Automated Information Retrieval Systems Aerial Imagery Reconnaissance Tracking and Plotting System (1) Automated Indicator System; (2) Advanced Indications Structure; (3) Advanced Indications System; (4) Army Intelligence Survey; (5) Automated Information System; (6) Air Intelligence Squadron Automated Intelligence Support Activity Automated Information Systems Security Air Intelligence Support Team Advanced Indications Technology Experiment Army Interrogation Unit Air Intelligence Warning Officer Advanced Interdiction Weapon System Antijamming Alternate Joint Communications Center Adaptive Joint Force Package Airborne Joint Nuclear Planning Element Alternate JSIC (1) Cargo Ship; (2) FSU Kalashnikov Family of Assault Rifles; (3) Automatic Remote Rekeying Also Known As Automatic Key Distribution Center Automatic Key Distribution/Rekeying Control Unit Light Cargo Ship (1) Apogee Kick Motor; (2) AK-47 Assault Rifle Automated Key Management Center 10 AKMS AKR AKTCAE ALAIRCOM ALARM ALASAT ALASCOM ALB ALBM ALC ALCATS ALCC ALCE ALCM ALCOM ALCOP ALCOR ALCS ALD ALE ALERT ALES ALF ALFA ALL ALMS ALO ALOC(S) ALPS ALRAAM ALRP-S ALRPG ALS ALSA ALSS ALT ALTAlR ALTREV ALUSNA ALUSNLO ALWT ALWTIC Automated Key Management System Vehicle Cargo Ship Army Korea Technical Control And Analysis Element Alaskan Air Command Alert, Locate and Report Missiles Air-Launched Antisatellite Alaskan Communications Inc. Air-Land Battle Doctrine (FM 100-5) Air-Launched Ballistic Missile Accounting Legend Code Automated Lines of Communication and Target System Airlift Control Center Airlift Control Element Air-Launched Cruise Missile Alaskan Command Alternate Command Post ARPA Lincoln C-Band Observable Radar Airborne Launch Control System Airlift Division (1) AIRES Lifecycle Extension; (2) Automated Link Establishment Attack and Launch Early Report to Theater (AF) AIRES Life Extension System Auxiliary Landing Field Advanced Liaison Forward Area Airborne Laser Laboratory Automated Logistics Management System (1) Air Liaison Officer; (2) Authorized Level of Organization Air Line(s) of Communication Accidental Launch Protection System Air-Launched Long-Range Air-to-Air Missile Army Long-Range Plan for Space Army Long-Range Planning Guidance (1) Active Laser Seeker; (2) Airborne Link Segment Air-Land-Sea Application (Center) Advanced Location Strike System (1) Alternate; (2) Altitude ARPA Long-Range Tracking and Instrumentation Radar Altitude Reservation American Legation U.S. Naval Attache American Legation U.S. Naval Liaison Officer Advanced Lightweight Torpedo Annual Land Warfare Technical Intelligence Conference 11 AM AMAB AMASS AMBISS AMC AMCC AMC/IN AMCIT AMCM AMD AMDT AME AMEMB AMETS AMF AMH AMHA AMHS AMIDS AMIM AMIP AMIRS AMIS AMM Ammo AMMS AMOPES AMOPS AMOS AMP AMPDS AMPE AMPHI AMPHIB AMPL AMPS AMRAAM (1) Ante Meridian (Before Noon); (2) Amplitude Modulation; (3) Asset Manager; (4) Aerographers Mate Air Mobile Assault Brigade (1) Advanced Marine Airborne SlGlNT System; (2) Advanced Marine Air Support System Automated Map-Based Intelligence Support System (1) Airspace Management and Control; (2) Army Materiel Command (Formerly DARCOM); (3) Air Mobility Command; (4) Air Mission Commander (1) Ashore Mobile Contingency Communications; (2) Ashore Mobile Command Center AMC Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence American Citizen Airborne Mine Countermeasures Activated Metal Decoy AEELS Mobile Downlink Terminal Airspace Management Element American Embassy Artillery Meteorological System Allied Command Europe Mobile Force (NATO) Automated Message Handling Army Management Headquarters Activity Automated Message Handling System Airborne Mine Detection System Army Modernization Information Memorandum Army Model Improvement Plan Army Multispectral Imagery Requirements Study Advanced Microwave Imaging Sensor Army Modernization Memorandum Ammunition (1) Allowance Material Management System; (2) Acquisition Milestone Management System Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System Army Mobilization Operations and Planning System Air Force Maui Optical System (1) Amplification; (2) Army Modernization Plan; (3) Acquisition Master Plan Automated Message Processing Dissemination System Automated Message Processing Exchange Aerial Mission Photographic Indoctrination Amphibious Amplitude (1) Automated Mission Planning System; (2) Automated Message Processing System; (3) Aim Point System Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile 12 AMRWS AMS AMSAT AMSC AMS-H AMSSA AMST AMT AMTF AMTP AMU AMW AN ANALIT ANC ANCC ANDVT ANEX ANFO ANG ANGB ANGLlCO ANL ANLYS ANMCC ANMIC ANR ANRPC ANSI ANVIS AN/VRC ANZUS AO AOA AOB AOBTS AOC AOCC AOCS AOE AOFDA Advanced Remote Miniaturized Weather Station (1) Automated Message System; (2) Auto-Manual System; (3) Autonomous Message Switch; (4) Advanced Mapping Spectrometer Amateur Radio Satellite Advanced Military Spaceflight Capability Advanced Missile System Heavy Assured Mission Support Space Architecture Advanced Medium STOL Transport ACTS Mobile Terminal Airmobile Task Force Army Mission Training Plan Astronaut Maneuvering Unit Amphibious Warfare (1) Net Tender; (2) Army/Navy Analyst-to-Analyst Message Format African National Congress (1) Ashore Navy Communications Capability; (2) Automated Network Control Center Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal Analyst-to-Analyst Exchange Message Format Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil Air National Guard Army National Guard Base Air and Naval Gunfire Liaison Company Net-Laying Ship Analysis Alternate National Military Command Center Alternate National Military Intelligence Center (1) Alaskan NORAD Region; (2) Active Noise Reduction Association of Natural Rubber-Producing Countries American National Standards Institute Aviator’s Night Vision Imaging System Army Navy Vehicle Radio Communications Australia, New Zealand, United States (1) Action Officer; (2) Oiler; (3) Authenticator Organization; (4) Area of Operations; (5) Aerial Observer (1) Amphibious Objective Area; (2) Angle of Attack; (3) Angle of Arrival; (4) Airborne Optical Adjunct (1) Air Order of Battle; (2) Advanced Operational Base Air Order of Battle Textual Summary (1) Air Officer Commanding (U.K.); (2) Air Operations Center; (3) Army Operations Center Area Operations Control Center Aviation Officers Candidate School Fast Combat Support Ship U.S. AID Office for Foreign Disaster Assistance 13 AOG AOI AOIC AOIR AOL AO&M/NM AOO AOP AOR AOS AOSG AOSS AOT AOTF AP AP-I APB APC APCC APFSDS APHIS APL APM APMS APO APOD APOE APORTS APP APPS Appl Approx APPS APS APT APU APVO APW Gasoline Tanker (1) Area of Influence; (2) Area of Interest Assistant Officer in Charge (1) ACE Operational Intelligence Requirements; (2) Area of Intelligence Responsibility Area of Limitation Administration, Operations, and Maintenance/Network Management Air Operations Order (1) Area of Probability; (2) Air Operations Plan Area of Responsibility (1) Special Liquids Tanker; (2) Amphibious Objective Study; (3) Area of Separation Amphibious Operation Support Graphic Automated Office Support System Transport Oiler Acoustic-Optic Tunable Filter (1) Armor-Piercing; (2) Air Police; (3) Transport Ship; (4) Associated Press; (5) Ammonium Perchlorate; (6) Antipersonnel; (7) Application Processor Armor Piercing Incendiary (1) Self-Propelled Barracks Ship; (2) All Points Bulletin; (3) Antipersonnel Bomb; (4) Acquisition Program Baseline (1) Armored Personnel Carrier; (2) Area of Positive Control; (3) Adaptive Predictive Coding Alternate Processing and Correlation Center Armor-Piercing, Fin-Stabilized, Discarding Sabot USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (1) Barracks Craft (non self-propelled); (2) Applied Physics Laboratory (Johns Hopkins University) Army Program Memorandum (1) Automated Production Management System; (2) Advanced Precision Measurement System (1) Army Post Office; (2) Air Post Office Aerial Port of Debarkation Aerial Port of Embarkation Aerial Ports File (JOPES) Application Applications Application Approximately Analytical Photogrammetric Position System (1) ASARS-II Processing Segment; (2) Air Planning System (1) Automatic Picture Transmission; (2) Airport Auxiliary Power Unit FSU Air Defense Aviation American Prisoner of War 14 AQF AR ARABSAT ARB ARC ARCENT ARCENT-K ARCENT-SA ARCH ARCOM ARDC AREC ARCS ARD ARDF ARDM AREPT ARF ARFCOS ARFOR ARG ARIS ARL ARL-I ARLANT ARLEA ARLO ARM ARMA ARMISE ARMLO ARMS ARNG ARO ARP ARPA ARPAC ARPANET ARPS Advanced QUICKFIX (1) Advanced Readiness; (2) Army Regulation; (3) Action Required; (4) Repair Ship; (5) Agent Report; (6) Army Reserve; (7) Army Arab Satellite (Communications Organization) Battle Damage Repair Ship (1) Cable Ship; (2) Acquisition Review Committee; (3) Armored Reconnaissance Carrier; (4) Air Reserve Component U.S. Army Forces Central Command USACENT forward element-Kuwait USACENT forward element-Saudi Arabia Architecture Army Command Air Research and Development Command Air Element Coordinator (1) Automated Reproduction and Collating System; (2) Acquisition Radar and Control System Auxiliary Repair Drydock Airborne Radio Direction Finding Auxiliary Repair Drydock Agent Report Airborne Relay Facility Armed Forces Courier Service Army Force(s) (1) Amphibious Readiness Group; (2) Internal Combustion Engine Repair Ship Advanced Range Instrumentation Ship (1) Landing Craft Repair Ship; (2) Airborne Reconnaissance Low; (3) Army Research Lab; (4) Aerial Reconnaissance Liaison Airborne Reconnaissance Low-Imagery U.S. Army Forces, LANTCOM Army Logistics Evaluation Agency Air Reconnaissance Liaison Officer (1) Antiradiation Missile; (2) Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Army Attache Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element Army Liaison Officer Automated Resource Management System Army National Guard (1) Area Records Officer; (2) Auxiliary Readout Alert Response Plan Advanced Research Projects Agency Army Pacific Advanced Research Projects Agency Network Advanced Radar Processing System 15 ARPV Advanced Remotely Piloted Vehicle ARR Radiological Repair Ship ARRC (1) ACE Rapid Reaction Corps; (2) Allied Rapid Reaction Corps ARRN Andean Ridge Radar Network ARRS Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Service ARS (1) Salvage and Rescue Ship; (2) Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance; (3) Airborne Receiver System; (4) Air Rescue Service ARSA (1) Annual Reevaluation of Safe Areas; (2) Airborne Reconnaissance and Surveillance Architecture ARSGS Airborne Reconnaissance SIGINT Ground Systems ARSO Assistant Regional Security Officer ARSOA Army Special Operations Aviation ARSOC Army Special Operations Command ARSOF Army Special Operations Forces ARSOFE Army Special Operations Forces, Europe ARSOFSUPCOM Army Special Operations Forces Support Command ARSOTF Army Special Operations Task Force ARSP Advanced Reconnaissance Support Program ARSPACE Army Space Command ARSPACECOM Army Space Command ARSPOC Army Space Operations Center ARSST Army Space Command Space Support Team ARSTAF Army Staff ART (1) Aerial Reconnaissance Team; (2) Amateur Radio Transceiver ARTADS Army Tactical Data System ARTAS-K Army Training and Support-Kuwait (former name for ARCENT-K) ARTBASS Army Training Battle Simulation Systems ARTCC Air Route Traffic and Control Center ARTEP (1) Army Readiness Training Evaluation Program; (2) Army Training and Evaluation Program ARTISS Advanced Requirements Tasking Information and Support System ARTPP Airborne Reconnaissance Technology Program Plan ARTS Automated Remote Tracking Station ARTY Artillery ARV (1) Armored Recovery Vehicle; (2) Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle; (3) Aircraft Repair Ship ARW Air Refueling Wing 16 AS ASA ASA ASAB ASAC ASAP ASAR ASARC ASARS ASART ASAS ASAS-AS ASAS-E ASAS-SS ASAS-W ASAT ASB ASC ASCAMP ASCII ASCC ASCII ASCM ASCON ASD ASD (C3I) ASD (C4I) ASD (ISA) ASD (S&R) ASD (SO/LIC) ASDC ASDEP ASDIA ASDIAZ ASDIAZO ASDIC (1) Submarine Tender; (2) Air Surveillance; (3) Analysis Subsystem; (4) Air Station; (5) Anti Spoofing; (6) Advanced Sensors Army Space Agency (M&RA)Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) All-Source Analysis Branch All-Source Analysis Center (1) As Soon As Possible; (2) Advanced Sensor Applications Program Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Army Systems Acquisition Review Council Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System (1) AEELS Support Analysis Reporting Terminal; (2) Analysis Support and Reporting Terminal All-Source Analysis System All-Source Analysis System All-Source Workstation All-Source Analysis System-Extended All-Source Analysis System Single-Source Workstation All-Source Analysis System WARRIOR (1) Antisatellite; (2) Antisatellite Treaty; (3) Advance Satellite Antenna Technology (1) Air Surveillance Broadcast; (2) Army Science Board (1) AUTODlN Switching Center; (2) Army Service Component; (3) Army Space Command; (4) Advanced Systems Course Advanced Single-Channel Manpack American Standard Code for Information Interchange (1) Air Standardization Coordinating Committee; (2) Alternate Space Control Center American National Standard Code for Information Interchange Antiship Cruise Missile Automatic Switched Communications Network Assistant Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence) Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence) Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Requirements Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict Advanced Space Data Corporation Army Space Exploitation Demonstration Programs All-Source Document Index All-Source Document Index Automated File-Compartmented All-Source Document Index Automated File-ORCON Armed Services Documents Intelligence Center 17 ASDS ASDV ASE ASEAN ASED ASEDP ASEMA ASF ASFC ASG ASGOBS ASI ASIC ASICC ASIDS ASIP ASIPS ASIS ASIT ASM ASMD ASMT ASN (RDA) ASOC ASOG ASOS ASP ASPAC ASPADOC ASPB ASPIC ASPJ ASPO ASPS ASR ASRP ASRRS ASSC ASSET (1) Automated SlGlNT Dissemination System; (2) Advanced SEAL Delivery System Auxiliary SEAL Delivery Vehicle (1) Aircraft Survivability Equipment; (2) Airborne Support Element Association of Southeast Asian Nations Army Space Exploitation Demonstration Army Space Exploitation Demonstration Program Army Special Electronic Mission Aircraft All-Source Format All-Source Fusion Center Area Support Group Army Standard Ground Order of Battle System (1) Additional Skill Indicator; (2) U.S. Army Space Institute; (3) All-Source Intelligence All-Source Intelligence Center All-Source Intelligence Coordinating Center Airborne Secondary Imagery Dissemination System All-Source Imagery Processor Army Standard Intelligence Plotter System Army Space Initiatives Study Adaptable Surface Interface Terminal (1) Air-to-Surface Missile; (2) Antiship Missile; (3) Attache Support Message Antiship Missile Defense Assessment Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) Air Support Operations Center Air Support Operations Group Air Support Operations Squadron Ammunition Supply Point Asian and Pacific Council Alternate Space Defense Operations Command Assault Patrol Support Boat (Riverine Warfare Craft) Armed Services Personnel Interrogation Center Airborne/Advanced Self-Protection Jammer Army Space Program Office All-Source Production Section (1) Submarine Rescue Ship; (2) Airport Surveillance Radar; (3) Adaptive Situation Recognizer (1) Airborne SlGlNT Reconnaissance Program; (2) Airborne SIOP Reconnaissance Plan Army Survivable, Recovery and Reconstitution System Alternate Space Surveillance Center All Source Satellite Evaluation Tool 18 ASSIST ASSM ASSOTW ASSR ASST ASSW ASTAG ASTEC ASTERIX ASTMP ASTP ASU ASUW ASU SWA ASUWC ASV ASW ASWC ASWCCS ASWOC ASWTF AT ATA ATAC ATACC ATACMS ATACMS ER ATACS ATAF ATARS ATAS ATB ATBM ATC ATCAE (1) Army System for Standard Intelligence Support Terminals; (2) Automated Special Security Terminals; (3) Automated Special Security Information System; (4) Automated Information System Security Incident Support Team Antiship Surface Missile Airfields and Seaplane Stations of the World Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (1) Antiship Surveillance and Tracking; (2) Assistant Antisurface Ship Warfare Army Service and Technology Advisory Group Advanced Satellite Technology and Extremely High Frequency Communications Automated Analyst Support Tools Army Science and Technology Master Plan APOLLO-SOYUZ Test Program (1) FSU Airborne Self-Propelled Antitank Gun; (2) Approved for Service Use Antisurface Warfare Administrative Support Unit Southwest Asia Antisurface Warfare Commander Armored Support Vehicle (1) Antisubmarine Warfare; (2) Aircrew Survival Weapon Antisubmarine Warfare Commander Antisubmarine Warfare Command and Control System Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Center Antisubmarine Warfare Task Force (1) Antitank; (2) Air Transit; (3) Simple Antenna (Electronic Component); (4) Air Technician; (5) Awaiting Transportation; (6) Antiterrorism, (7) Annual Training (1) Actual Time of Arrival; (2) Ocean Tug; (3) Air Transport Association; (4) Advanced Tactical Aircraft; (5) Air Traffic Agency ASAP Technical Advisory Committee Advanced Tactical Air Command Center (U.S.) Army Tactical Missile System Army Tactical Missile System Extended Range (1) Analyst-to-Analyst Communications Service; (2) Army Tactical Communications System Allied Tactical Air Force (NATO) Advanced Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance System (1) Air-To-Air Stinger; (2) Automatic Terrain Avoidance System (1) Air Technical Battalion; (2) Advanced Technology Bomber Antitactical Ballistic Missile (1) Air Traffic Control; (2) Air Training Command, USAF; (3) Air Target Chart; (4) Mini-Armored Troop Carrier (Riverine Warfare Craft) Army Technical Control and Analysis Element 19 ATCC ATCCS ATCH ATCU ATD ATDB ATD/IFD ATDL ATDS ATE ATETS ATF ATFD ATGIN ATGL ATGM ATH ATI ATIC ATIMS ATL ATLIS atm ATM A-TM ATMDE ATMG ATMOS ATMP ATO ATOC AFTOCONF ATOL ATOS ATP ATP-FO ATP/RMBUX ATR ATRS Air Traffic Control Center Army Tactical Command and Control System ASW Torpedo-Carrying Helicopter Airfield Traffic Control Unit (1) Actual Time of Departure; (2) Advanced Technology Demonstration ACE Target Data Base Advanced Technology Demonstration/Integrated Feasibility Demonstration Automated Tactical Data Link Airborne Tactical Data System Automatic Test Equipment Atomic Heat and Powerplant (1) Advanced Tactical Fighter; (2) Amphibious Task Force; (3) Fleet Ocean Tug; (4) Aviation Turbine Fuel; (5) After the Fact Automated Tactical Fusion Division Atomic Ground Intercept Antitank Guided Launcher Antitank Guided Missile Above The Horizon Automated Tactical Intelligence Aircraft Technical Intelligence Conference Advanced Technical Information Management System ACE Threat List Airborne Tracking Laser Identification System Atmosphere (1) Antitank Missile; (2) Air Target Materials; (3) Air Target Mosaic; (4) Antitactical Missile; (5) Asynchronous Transfer Mode; (6) Air Tasking Message Alpha Team (Special Forces Operational Detachment) Army Theater Missile Defense Element Arms Transfer Management Group Atmospheric Trace Molecules Spectroscopy Air Target Materials Program (1) Air Tasking Order; (2) Abort-To-Orbit Allied Tactical Operations Center (NATO) Air Tasking Order Confirmation Assisted Takeoff & Landing Atlantic Theater Operational Intelligence System (1) Allied Tactical Publication (NATO); (2) Advanced Technology Program; (3) Advanced Tracking Prototype; (4) Advanced Tactical Planner Automated Tracking Prototype Follow-On Advance Tracking Prototype/Rocky Mountain Basic UNIX Automatic Target Recognition Advanced Tactical Reconnaissance System 20 ATS ATSS AT&T ATT ATTCS ATTD ATTE ATTG ATTN/Attn ATTP ATWC AU AUD AUGTDA AUM AUS AUSA AUSCANUKUS AUSD AutoID AUTODIN AUTOSEC AUTOSEVOCOM AUTOVON AUTUMN FORGE AUXCP AV AVCS AVF AVGAS AVHRR AVIM AVLB AVMF AVMT AVN AVP AVR AVSAT AVSCOM AVT AVUM (1) Salvage and Rescue Ship; (2) Automated Tasking System; (3) Audit Trail Server; (4) Applications Technology Satellite Alaskan Transportable Satellite System American Telephone and Telegraph Technical Assistance Training Team Army Tactical Command and Control System Advanced Technology Transition Demonstration Assistant Theater Topographic Engineer Automated Tactical Target Graphic Attention (to the attention of) ACOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Atmospheric Tactical Warning Connectivity Air University Arbitrary Unit Designator Augmentation Table of Distribution and Allowances Air-to-Underwater Missile Army of the United States Association of the United States Army Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Defense Automatic Identification Automatic Digital Network Automation Security Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network Automatic Voice Network NATO Exercise Auxiliary Command Post (1) Armored Vehicle; (2) Audio-Visual; (3) Air Vehicle; (4) Auxiliary Vector Attitude and Velocity Control System All-Volunteer Force Aviation Gasoline Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer Aviation Intermediate Maintenance Armored Vehicle-Launched Bridge FSU Naval Aviation Aviation Maintenance Trainer Aviation Authorized Vendor Program Aircraft Rescue Vehicle Aviation Satellite System Aviation System Command Auxiliary Aircraft Landing Training Ship Aviation Unit Maintenance 21 AW AWACS AWADS AWARS AWC AWDS AWE AWESS I AWGN AWIS AWN AWOP AWS AWSS AWT AWWIMS AWX AXAF AXP AXT AZ (1) Air Warning; (2) Automatic Weapon(s); (3) Water Tanker; (4) All-Weather Airborne Warning and Control System Adverse Weather Aerial Delivery System All-Weather Reconnaissance System (1) Air War College; (2) Army War College; (3) Air Warfare Center Automated Weather Distribution System Advanced Warfighting Experiment Automatic Weapon Effect Signature Simulator Additive White Gaussian Noise (1) Army WWMCCS Information System; (2) Aircraft Wireless Intercom System Automated Weather Network (1) Absent Without Pay; (2) Automated Weaponeering Optimization Program (1) Air Weather Service; (2) Advance Warning System; (3) Analyst Workstation Area Weapon Scoring System Water Transport Automated Worldwide Warning Indicator Monitoring System All-Weather Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility Allied Exercise Publication Training Ship Azimuth 22 B BA BAA BAC BAD BADGE FINDER BADGE KEEPER BAE BAG BAI BALTAP BAN BANDIT BAO BAOR BARB BARCS BAS BASIC BASOPS BASS BAT-D BATF BATO BATS BAWB BB BBBG BBLS BBO BBS B2C2 BCA BC2A BCBL BCC BCDSS BCE BCI BCR BCS (1) Budget Authority; (2) Budget Activity Broad Agency Announcement (1) Budget Activity Code; (2) Broad Area Coverage Baseline Assessment Document Proper Name of System Proper Name of System Battlefield Area Evaluation Battalion Artillery Group (1) Battlefield Air Interdiction; (2) Backup Aircraft Inventory; (3) Battlefield Artificial Intelligence Baltic Approaches (NATO Naval Command) Base Area Network Bragg Area Network for Digital Intelligence Transmission Basic Attack Option British Army of the Rhine Beacon-Aided Radar Bombing Battlefield Area Reconnaissance System (1) Broad Area Search; (2) Battlefield Automated Systems; (3) Billet Access System Battle Area Surveillance & Integrated Communications Base Operations Battlefield Surveillance System Battlefield Deception Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Balloon-Assisted Take-Off Ballistic Aerial Target System Bomber Activity Weekly Brief Battleship Battleship Battle Group Barrels Booster Burnout Brigade/Battalion Simulation Brigade and Below Command and Control System Broadcast Control Authority Bosnia Command and Control Augmentation Battle Command Battle Lab Base Communications Center Battle Command Decision Support System Battlefield Coordination Element Bit-Count Integrity (1) Battlefield Communications Review; (2) Baseline Change Request Broadcast Control Station 23 BCT BCTP BCV Bd BDA BDA/PSA BDE/Bde BDM BDP BDS BDSP BE BEMT BENELUX BER BES BETA BEYOND DUTY BF BFA BFACS BF(S)BL BFCS BFE BFI BFM BFMA BFOV BG BGN BGPHES BGW BGWU BH B-H BI BIACC BIC BICC BICES BICM BIDS BIF (1) Base Consolidated Telecommunications; (2) Betac Command Team Battle Command Training Program Battle Command Vehicle Baud (1) Battle Damage Assessment; (2) Bomb Damage Assessment Bomb Damage Assessment/Post Strike Assessment Brigade Budget Decision Memorandum Battlefield Development Plan (1) Base Development Survey; (2) Bulk Data Service Battle Dress System Project Basic Encyclopedia Basic Electronic Maintenance Trainer Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg Bit Error Rate Budget Estimate Submission Battlefield Exploitation and Target Acquisition Proper Name of System Battle Force Battlefield Function Area BFA Control System Battle Focus (Support) Battle Lab Ballistic Framing Camera System Blacker Front End Battlefield Interdiction Basic Flight Maneuvers Battlefield Functional Mission Area Broad Field of View (1) Battle Group; (2) Brigadier General Board on Geographic Names Battle Group Passive Horizon Extension System Battlefield Guided Weapon Battle Group Workup Busy Hour Bosnia-Hercegovina Background Investigation Basic Integrated Aircraft Command and Control Battlefield Information Center Battlefield Information Coordination Center Battlefield Information Collection and Exploitation Systems (NATO) Battlefield Intelligence Collection Model Battlefield Information Distribution System Basic Imagery File 24 BIFF BIIB BIIR BIM BIOLDEF BIOLOPS BIOLWPN BISS BIT BITE BITS BIU Bks BKS BL BLDG BLEST BLEU BLIP BLOS BLSS BLT BLUE FLAG BM BMATT BM/C2 BM/C3 BMC BMCT BMD BMDO BMDSCOM BMEWS BMG BMNT BMP BMSS BN/Bn BND BOA BOCCA BOIP Bistatic Identification Friend or Foe Basic Imagery Interpretation Brief Basic Imagery Interpretation Report Ballistic Intercept Missile Biological Defense Biological Operations Biological Weapons Baseline Intelligence Summary Supplement Binary Digit Built-In Test Equipment Base Information Transfer System Bus Interface Unit Barracks Broadcast Keying Station Bomb Line Building Berm-Loaded Explosive Simulation Technique Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union Background Limited IR Photography Beyond Line-of-Sight Base Level Self-Sufficiency Spares Battalion Landing Team ACC command and control exercise (1) FSU Truck-Mounted Multiple Rocket Launcher; (2) Ballistic Missile Briefcase Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal Battle Management/Command and Control Battle Management/Command, Control, and Communications Battle Management Cell Beginning of Morning Civil Twilight (1) Ballistic Missile Defense; (2) FSU Airborne Combat Vehicle (1) Ballistic Missile Defense Organization; (2) Ballistic Missile Defense Office U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command Ballistic Missile Early Warning System Basic Mission Guidance Beginning of Morning Nautical Twilight FSU Armored Infantry Combat Vehicle Ballistic Missile Systems Subcommittee Battalion Bundesrepublik Nachrichtendienst (German Intelligence Service) Broad Ocean Area Board for Coordination of Civil Aircraft (NATO) Basis of Issue Plan 25 BOMREP BOQ BOS BP BPA BPE BPF BPI BPPBS BPR BPS BPSK BR B/R BR/Br BRAC BRDM BRET BRI BRIXMIS BRL BRP BRS BRU BS BSA BSD BSS BSSC BSSG BST BSTS BT BTA BTF BTG BTI BTR BTRY BTU BTW Bombing Report Bachelor Officers’ Quarters (1) Battlefield Operating System; (2) Base Operating Support (1) Battle Position; (2) Bandpass (1) Battlefield Psychological Activities; (2) Blanket Purchase Agreement Beacon Precision Enlarger Bandpass Filter Bits Per Inch Biennial Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System Business Process Reengineering (1) Basic Psychological Operations Study; (2) Bits Per Second; (3) Beachman Processing System Burst Pulse Shift Key Blade Rate Bridge/Router Branch Base Realignment and Closure (Commission) FSU Wheeled Amphibious Armored Reconnaissance Vehicle Bistatic Reflected Energy Target Basic Rate Interface British Commanders-In-Chief Military Liaison Mission Bomb Release Line Bomb Release Point (1) Beachman Reporting System; (2) Backup and Recovery System (3) Beach Reconnaissance System Bomb Release Unit Broadcast Service Brigade Support Area (1) Battlefield Surveillance Device; (2) Battlefield Surveillance Display Broadcast Satellite Service Battle Staff Support Center Brigade Service Support Group (1) Battle Staff Team; (2) Betac Support Team (1) Boost Surveillance and Tracking System; (2) Boost Phase Surveillance and Tracking System Basic Training Best Technical Approach Battalion Task Force Basic Target Graphic Balanced Technology Initiative FSU Armored Personnel Carrier (1) Battery; (2) Field Artillery British Thermal Unit By The Way 26 BUD/S BUIC BUNT BUR BVITS BVR BW B&W BWC BWP BZ Basic Underwater Demolition/Sea-Air-Land (SEAL) Back-Up Intercept Control British Underground Nuclear Test Bottom Up Review Baseline Video Imagery Transmission System Beyond Visual Range (1) Biological Warfare; (2) Bandwidth; (3) Beamwidth; (4) Bomb Wing Black and White Biological Weapons Convention Basic Working Paper Buffer Zone 27 C C C1 C2 C2S2LAN C2W C3 C3OB C3S C4 C4ISR C4S C5 C6 CA CAA CAB CAC CACDA CACM CACTIS CAD CADES CADIZ CADOB CADS CADST CAE CAF CAFMS CAG CAI CAIF (1) Crisis; (2) Confidential; (3) Coniferous Combined Staff Personnel Officer (1) Command and Control; (2) Combined or Coalition Forces Intelligence Staff Command and Control Support System LAN Command & Control Warfare Command, Control, and Communications C3 Order of Battle Command, Control, and Communications Systems Command, Control, Communications, and Computers Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Command, Control, Communications, and Computer System Combined Staff Strategic Planning and Policy Officer Combined Staff Command, Control and Communications Systems Officer (1) Cryptanalysis; (2) Heavy Cruiser; (3) Civil Affairs; (4) Combat Assessment; (5) Controlling Authority; (6) COMSEC Account; (7) Command Authority; (8) Counterair (1) Concepts Analysis Agency (U.S. Army); (2) Combined Arms Army (FSU); (3) Command Arrangement Agreement (1) Current Analysis Branch; (2) Civil Affairs Brigade; (3) Civil Affairs Battalion (1) Combined Arms Center; (2) Collection Advisory Center; (3) Control and Analysis Center; (4) Crisis Action Center; (5) Civil Affairs Command; (6) Civil Applications Committee; (7) U.S. Army Combined Arms Command Combined Arms Combat Development Activity Central American Common Market Community/Computer Automated Counterterrorism Intelligence System (1) Computer-Assisted Design; (2) Conceptual Architecture Document COMIREX Advanced Exploitation System (1) Canadian Air Defense Identification Zone; (2) Coastal Air Defense Identification Zone Consolidated Air Defense Order of Battle Containerized Ammunition Distribution System Civil Affairs Direct Support Team Computer Aided Engineering (1) Crisis Augmentation Facility; (2) Combat Air Forces Computer-Assisted Force Management System (1) Carrier Air Group; (2) Collective Address Group; (3) Commander, Air Group Computer-Aided Instruction Command Automated Intelligence File 28 CAIMS CAJIT CaLANdar CALS CALT CAM CAMO CAMPS CAMS CANDOB CANR CAN CANT CANUK CANUS CANUS LANDOP CAO CAO(SOP) CAOC CAOCC CAP CAPSULE JACK CAR CARC CARDA CARE CARG CARGRU CARIBJIC CARIBROC CARICOM CARIFTA CARL CARP CARS Conventional Ammunition Information Management System Central America Joint Intelligence Team Da Vinci E-Mail Application Computer-Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support Civil Affairs Liaison Team (1) Computer-Assisted Modeling; (2) Computer Aided Manufacturing Computer-Aided Manual Operation (1) Computer-Aided Management Planning System; (2) Computer-Aided Mission Planning System; (3) Compartmented All-Source Analysis System Message Processing System (1) COMIREX Automated Management System; (2) Communications Area Master Station Consolidated Aerospace Defense Order of Battle Canadian NORAD Region Coastal Air Navigation Supplement Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear Test US Canada, United Kingdom, United States Canadian - United States Canada-United States Land Operations Plan (1) Crisis Action Organization; (2) Chief Administrative Officer; (3) Central Action Office Coordination of Atomic Operations (Standard Operating Procedure) Combined Air Operations Center Combined Air Operations Coordination Center (1) Combat Air Patrol; (2) Civil Air Patrol; (3) Countermeasures Advisory Panel; (4) Crisis Action Planning; (5) Crisis Action Procedures; (6) Capabilities Proper Name of System (1) Canadian Airborne Regiment; (2) Chief, Army Reserve Corrective Action Review Committee (1) Continental Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment; (2) CONUS Airborne Reconnaissance for Damage Assessment Cooperative for American Relief Everywhere, Inc. Crisis Action Review Group Carrier Group Caribbean Joint Intelligence Center Caribbean Regional Operations Center Caribbean Common Market Caribbean Free Trade Association Category Assignment Responsibility List Computed Air Release Point (1) Contingency Airborne Reconnaissance System; (2) Common Automated Recovery System 29 CARVE CARVER CAS CASC CASE CASIC CASLAN CASS CAST CAT CAT-1 CATF CATIS CATIS/IESS CATS CATSS CAV CAVU CAWS CB C-band CBD CBF CBI CBI/T CBJB CBM CBO CBR CBRN CBRS CBS CBT Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, and Effect Criticality, Accessibility, Recuperability, Vulnerability, Effects and Recognizability (1) Close Air Support; (2) Calibrated Air Speed; (3) Collision Avoidance System; (4) Crisis Action System; (5) Crisis Action Staff; (6) Combined Arms and Services Staff School Crisis Action Support Cell Computer-Assisted Software Engineering Combined All-Source Intelligence Center Command Automated Software Local Area Network (1) Collection Analysis Support Subsystem; (2) Command Activated Sonobuoy System (1) Catalogue of Approved Scientific and Technical Intelligence Tasks; (2) Canadian Air/Sea Transport Group; (3) Computer-Assisted Self Training; (4) Computer Assisted Satellite Track (1) Conventional Arms Transfer; (2) Crisis Action Team; (3) Combined Arms Team; (4) Crisis Augmentation Team; (5) Category RECategory-1 Receive Equipment (1) Commander, Amphibious Task Force; (2) Civil Affairs Task Force (1) Computer-Aided Tactical Information System; (2) Computer-Aided Tactical Intelligence System Computer-Aided Tactical Information System/Imagery Exploitation Support System (1) Combined Arms Training Systems; (2) Combat Airlift Tactics’ School Cartographic Applications for Tactical and Strategic Systems Cavalry Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited Commercial Analyst Work Station Chemical, Biological 3.9 to 6.2 GHz Communications Band Commerce Business Daily Common Budget Framework (1) Complete Background Investigation; (2) Computer Based Instruction Computer-Based Instruction/Training Congressional Budget Justification Book Confidence Building Measure(s) Congressional Budget Office (1) Chemical, Biological, and Radiological; (2) Case Based Reasoning; (3) Constant Bit Rate Caribbean Basin Radar Network Concept Based Requirements System Combat Battle Simulation (1) Computer-Based Training; (2) Combating Terrorism 30 CBTDEV CBTI CBU CBW CBZ CC C-C3 CCA CCB CCC CCD CCE CCEB CCEP CCF CCF-SS CCG CCG-NB CCGD CCGP CCHC CCI CCIC CCIP CCIR CCIRID CCIRM CCIS CCISCMO CCISS CCITT CCJ1 CCJ2 CCJ3 CCJ4/J7 CCJ5 Combat Developer Combat Intelligence Cluster Bomb Unit Chemical and Biological Warfare Confidence Building Zone (1) Command Center; (2) Command Ship; (3) Cloud Cover; (4) Collection Center; (5) Computer Compatible; (6) Communications Controller; (7) Commander Counter Command, Control, and Communications Communications Control Authority Configuration Control Board (1) CARDA Control Center; (2) Consolidated Command Center; (3) Command and Control Center (1) Conference of the Committee on Disarmament; (2) Charged Coupled Device; (3) Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception Contingency Communications Element Combined Communications Electronic Board Commercial COMSEC Endorsement Program Collection Coordination Facility Collection Coordination Facility-Support System (1) Combat Control Group; (2) Crisis Coordination Group; (3) Combat Communications Group Communications Control Ground-Narrowband Commander, Coast Guard District Combat Communications Group Headquarters Commandant Controlled Cryptographic Item Concentrated Counterdrugs Intelligence Collection Command Center Improvement Program International Radio Consultative Committee (French Acronym) Charge-Coupled Infrared Imaging Device Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirements Management (1) Command, Control, and Intelligence Support; (2) Common Channel Intelligence Signaling Community Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures Office Command & Control Intelligence Support Squadron Consultative Committee for International Telephone and Telegraph USCENTCOM Manpower, Personnel, and Administration Directorate USCENTCOM Intelligence Directorate USCENTCOM Operations Directorate USCENTCOM Logistics and Security Assistance Directorate USCENTCOM Plans and Policy Directorate 31 CCJ6 CCJA CCM C3CM CCMF CCN CCO CCO/SCO CCP CCPC CCPDS CCPDS-R CCS CCS2 CCSA CCSC CCT CCTC CCTF CCTP CCTS CCTT CCTV CCTW CCWT CD C&D CDA CDC CD-ROM CDAS C-Day CDB CDCS USCENTCOM Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems Directorate USCENTCOM Staff Judge Advocate (1) Cross-Country Movement; (2) Counter-Countermeasure Command, Control, and Communications Countermeasures Consolidated Collection Management Facility Crisis Communications Network (CIA) (1) Communication Collection Outstation; (2) COMINT Collection Outstation; (3) Circuit Control Officer; (4) Chief, Combat Operations Central Control Office/Sub-Control Office (1) Consolidated Cryptologic Program; (2) Communications Checkpoint; (3) Contingency Communications Package Critical Collection Problems Committee Command Center Processing and Display System Command Center Processing and Display System Replacement (1) Collection Capabilities Statement (HUMINT); (2) COMINT Collection Subsystem (3) Combat Control Squadron; (4) Communications Control Set; (5) Command and Control Systems; (6) Constellation Control Station Command and Control Subordinate System USCENTCOM Scientific and Technical Advisor Cryptologic Combat Support Console (1) Combat Control Team; (2) Combat Coordination Team Command and Control Technical Center (1) Contingency Communications Test Facility; (2) Combined Coalition Task Force Continuously Computed Target Point Combat Crew Training Squadron Close Combat Tactical Trainer Closed Circuit Television Combat Control Training Wing Command Center Watch Team (1) Controlled Dissemination; (2) Certificate of Destruction; (3) Civil Defense; (4) Coastal Defense; (5) Calendar Day; (6) Committee on Disarmament; (7) Collateral Damage; (8) Compact Disc; (9) Command Ship; (10) Counter Drug; (11) Command Director; (12) Combat Developments; (13) Community/Service-Developed Cover and Deception Congressionally Directed Action (1) Career Development Course; (2) Combat Direction Center; (3) Combat Development Center Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory Central Data and Applications Support Day in Which Movement From Origin Begins Central Data Base Communications Distribution Control Segment 32 CDE CDEC CDF CDI CDIP CDIS CDIST CDL CDLF CDM CDMA CDP CDPS CDR CDRL CDRUSAJFKSWC CDRUSELEMNORAD CDRWESTCOM CDS CDSE CDSORG CDST CDT CDTS CDU CDV CE C&E C-E CEAO CEC CECOM CED CEE CEI (1) Conference on Disarmament in Europe; (2) Compound Damage Expectancy; (3) Center of Distance Education Captured Document Exploitation Center Central Document File Compact Disc Interactive (1) Consolidated Defense Intelligence Program; (2) Council of Defense Intelligence Producers (1) Communications Data Interface System; (2) Counterdrug Intelligence System Canadian Department of Industry, Science, and Technology Common (high bandwidth) Data Link Consolidated Domestic Launch Forecast Common Digital Map Code Division Multiple Access (1) Central Data Processor; (2) Company Distributing Point Coherent Data Processing System (1) Critical Design Review; (2) Commander Contract Data Requirements List Commander, United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center Commander, U.S. Element NORAD Commander, U.S. Army Western Command (1) Chief of Defence Staff (Canadian); (2) Combat Delivery System; (3) Cryptographic Device Services; (4) Combat Direction System Cryptologic Direct Support Element Civil Direction of Shipping Organization C3CM Data Support Team (1) Central Daylight Time; (2) Communications Data Terminal Computer-Directed Training System Control Display Unit Compressed Digital Video (1) Circular Error; (2) Cost Effectiveness; (3) Civil Engineer; (4) Communications-Electronics; (5) Corps of Engineers (U.S. Army); (6) Current Exploitation; (7) Counterespionage; (8) Command Element; (9) Collection Emphasis Collection and Exploitation Communications Electronics West African Economic Community (1) Cooperative Engagement Capability; (2) Consolidated Expenditure Center Communications and Electronics Command (1) Collection, Exploitation, and Dissemination; (2) Captured Enemy Document Captured Enemy Equipment Communications Electronic Instructions 33 CEL CELT CEM CEMA CENTAF CENTAG CENTAM CENTCOM CENTJIC CENTLANT CENTO CEO CEOI CEP CEPG CEPIR CEPR CER CERP CERT CES CESM CEST CETA CEWI CF C6F C7F CFA CFB CFC CCFC CFD CFE CFER CFE-U CFI&I CFIS Celestial Current Emitter Location Testbed Concepts Evaluation Model Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (1) Central Region Air Forces (NATO); (2) U.S. Air Force Component, USCENTCOM Central Army Group (NATO) Central America U.S. Central Command Joint Intelligence Center USCENTCOM Central Sub-Area of Eastern Atlantic Area Central Treaty Organization (1) Communications Electronic Officer (USMC); (2) Chief Executive Officer Communications Electronics Operations Instructions (1) Circular Error Probable; (2) Construction Electrician (Power); (3) Common Electronic Parts; (4) Civil Emergency Planning; (5) Committee for Energy Policy of OECD; (6) Capital Equipment Plan; (7) Concept Evaluation Program Combined Exercise Planning Group Current Exploitation Photographic Interpretation Report Compromising Emanation Performance Requirement (1) Cryptographic Equipment Room; (2) Communication Equipment Room (1) Combined Economic Reporting Program; (2) Capital Equipment Replacement Program Computer Security Emergency Response Team Concept Exploration Studies Cryptologic Electronic Warfare Support Measures Contingency Exploitation Support Team Chinese-English Translation Assistance Combat Electronic Warfare Intelligence Canadian Forces Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet (1) Combined Field Army (Korea); (2) Covering Force Area; (3) Combined Force Air Component Commander Canadian Forces Base (1) Combined Field Command (Korea); (2) Combined Forces Command (ROK/US); (3) Combined Federal Campaign Commander in Chief, ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command Common Fill Device (1) Conventional Forces Europe; (2) Communications Front-End CFE Replacement Communications Front-End-Upgrade Center for Integration and Interoperability Combined Forces Command Information System, (CFC) 34 CFL CFMS CFP CFR CFSO CFSR CFV cg CG CGEUSA CGF CGFMFLANT CGM CGN CGS CGSC CGUSARPAC cGy/hr CH CHAALS CHAALS-X CHABNCP CHAMPUS CHARS CHB CHBDL CHCMSA CHCSS CHG CHGN CHIP CHJUSMAGK CHJUSMAGPHIL CHJUSMAGTHAI CHMAAGDOMREP CHMDO JAPAN CHN CHODC INDIA CHOP C-HUMINT (1) Coordinated Fire Line; (2) Cease-Fire Line Combat Fuels Management System (1) Contingency Force Pool; (2) Concept Formulation Process Commander Force Reconnaissance Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations Contract Funds Status Report Cavalry Fighting Vehicle Center of Gravity (1) Guided-Missile Cruiser; (2) Consolidated Guidance; (3) Commanding General; (4) Coast Guard; (4) Chairman’s Guidance Commanding General, 8th US Army Central Group of Forces (FSU Forces in Czechoslovakia) Commanding General, Fleet Marine Forces Atlantic Computer Graphics Metafile Guided Missile Cruiser Nuclear Powered (1) Coast & Geodetic Survey; (2) Common Ground Station; (3) CONUS Ground Station Command and General Staff College (U.S. Army) Commanding General U.S. Army Pacific CentiGray hour (1) Aviation Cruiser; (2) Channel; (3) Communication Helmet Communications High Accuracy Airborne Location System CHAALS Exploitation Chief, Airborne Command Post Civilian Health And Medical Program of the Uniformed Services Characters Cargo Handling Battalion Communications High Bandwidth Data Link Chief, Cruise Missile Support Activity (1) Chief, Central Security Service; (2) Chief, Cryptologic Support Service Guided-Missile Aviation Cruiser Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aviation Cruiser Communications Handbook for Intelligence Planners Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Korea Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Philippines Chief, Joint U.S. Military Assistance Group, Thailand Chief, Military Assistance and Advisory Group, Dominican Republic Chief, Military Defense Office, Japan Nuclear-Powered Aviation Cruiser Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation, India (1) Change of Operational Command; (2) Change of Operational Control Counter Human Resources Intelligence 35 CHUSMLO CI C2I C3I C4I C4I2 CIA CIAC CIAD CIAP CIARDSCIA CIAS CIB CIC C3IC CICAC CICC CIC Server CICWS CID CIDBS CIDC CIE CIEF CIF CIFAX C4IFTW CIG CIGSS CIHS CIK CIIC CIID CILMS CILO CILOP CIM CIMAS CIMEX Chief, U.S. Military Liaison Office (1) Counterintelligence; (2) Counterinsurgency; (3) Current Intelligence Command, Control, & Intelligence Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence Command, Control, Communications, Computers, & Intelligence Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence and Information Central Intelligence Agency Computer Incident Assessment Capability (1) Combat Intelligence Applications Division; (2) Command Intelligence Architecture Document (1) CIA Program; (2) Command Intelligence Architecture/Planning Program Retirement and Disability System Counterintelligence Analysis Section Combat Infantryman’s Badge (1) Combat Information Center; (2) Combat Intelligence Center; (3) Combined Intelligence Center Coalition Coordination and Communications Integration Center Counterintelligence Control and Analysis Center Consolidated Intelligence Communications Center Combined Intelligence Center Server Combined Intelligence Center Workstation (1) Criminal Investigation Division; (2) Combat Intelligence Division Combined Intelligence Center Integrated Database Server Combined Interview and Debriefing Center Communication Intercept and Exploitation Consolidated Imagery Exploitation Facility (1) Corps Interrogation Facility; (2) Consolidated Intelligence Facility Enciphered Facsimile C4I For The Warrior (1) Computer Image Generation; (2) Combined Intelligence Group Common Imagery Ground Surface System Classified Information Handling System Crypto-Ignition Key Current Intelligence and Indications Center Command Intelligence Implementation Document Covert Infrared Lighting and Marking System Counterintelligence Liaison Office(r) Conversion in Lieu of Procurement Corporate Information Management CENTCOM Iranian Military Activities Summary Civil Military Exercise (NATO) 36 C-IMINT CIMOC CIMP CIN CINC CINCACOM CINCAFLANT CINCAL CINCARLANT CINCCENT CINCCFC CINCEASTLANT CINCENT CINCEUR CINCFOR CINCFORSCOM CINCHAN CINCIBERLANT CINCLANT CINCLANTFLT CINCLANTFLTDETSO CINCMAC CINCNORAD CINCNORTH CINCONAD CINCPAC CINCPACAF CINCPACFLT CINCPACREP CINCSAC CINCSOC CINCSO CINCSOUTH CINCSPACE CINCSPECOMME CINCTAC CINCTRANS CINCTRANSCOM CINCUKAIR CINCUNC CINCUSACOM CINCUSAFE CINCUSAREUR Counter Imagery Intelligence Civil Military Operations Center COMSEC Interoperability Master Plan Cargo Increment Number (1) Commander in Chief; (2) Commander of a Combatant Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command Commander in Chief, United States Air Forces, Atlantic Commander in Chief, Alaska Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Atlantic Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Central Europe (NATO) Commander in Chief, Combined Forces Command, Korea Commander in Chief, Eastern Atlantic (NATO) Commander in Chief, Allied Forces, Central Europe Commander in Chief, U.S. Forces Europe Commander in Chief, Forces Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Army Forces Commander in Chief, Channel (NATO) Commander in Chief, Iberian Atlantic Area Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet Detachment SOUTHCOM Commander in Chief, Military Airlift Command (archaic) Commander in Chief, North American Air Defense Command Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Northern Europe (NATO) Commander in Chief, Continental Air Defense Command Commander in Chief, Pacific Command Commander in Chief, Pacific Air Force Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet Commander in Chief, Pacific Representative Commander in Chief, Strategic Air Command Commander in Chief, Special Operations Command Commander in Chief, Southern Command Commander in Chief, Allied Forces Southern Europe (NATO) Commander in Chief, U.S. Space Command Commander in Chief, Specified Command, Middle East Commander in Chief, Tactical Air Command Commander in Chief, Unified Transportation Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Transportation Command Commander in Chief, United Kingdom Air Defense Region (NATO) Commander in Chief, United Nations Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Air Forces, Europe Commander in Chief, United States Army, Europe 37 CINCUSARPAC CINCUSNAVEUR CINCWESTLANT CINF CINSGCY CIO CIOC CIOP CIP CIPE CIPEC CIPHONY CIPL CIPMS CIPR CIPS C2IPS CIR CIRC CIRCOL CIRIS CIRK CIRL CIRT CIRVlS CIS CISA CISC C3ISC CI/SCM CISD CISE CISO CISPOTREP Commander in Chief, United States Army, Pacific Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe Commander in Chief, Western Atlantic (NATO) Community Imagery Needs Forecast Counterinsurgency (1) Central Imagery Office; (2) Chief Information Officer (1) Combined Intelligence Operations Center (Korea); (2) Combat Intelligence Operations Center (1) Controlled Intelligence Operational Proposal; (2) CIO Program (1) Consolidated Intelligence Program; (2) Country Information Package; (3) Critical Intelligence Parameter; (4) Combined Interoperability Program; (5) Crypto-Ignition Plug; (6) Correlation and Integration Processor (US) CENTCOM Imagery Production Element Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries Enciphered Telephone ClNC’s Integrated Priority List Career Intelligence Professional Management System (1) Consolidated Intelligence Production Requirement; (2) Counterintelligence Production Registry Counterintelligence Periodic Summary C2 Information Processing System (1) Central Intelligence Report; (2) Continuing Intelligence Requirement Central Information Reference and Control Central Information Reference and Control On-Line System Consolidated Intelligence Resources Information System Common Interswitch Rekeying Key Current Intelligence Requirements List Computer Security Incident Response Team Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings (1) Country Intelligence Study; (2) Communications Intercept System; (3) Compensated Imaging System; (4) Canadian Intelligence Service; (5) Chief, Intelligence and Security (Canadian); (6) Combat Instruction Set; (7) Combat Information System; (8) Commonwealth of Independent States; (9) Combat Intelligence System C4I Integration Support Activity Counterintelligence Support Cell C3I Systems Committee Counterintelligence and Security Countermeasures Command Intelligence Strategy Document (1) (US) CENTCOM Intelligence Support Element; (2) Corps Intelligence Support Element (1) Counterintelligence Support Officer; (2) Counterintelligence Staff Officer CI Spot Report 38 CISR C4ISR CIT CITA CITS CIV CIVC CIVIC CISION CIW CIWC CIWG CIWS C&J CJB CJCS CJCSI CJIATF-E CJIATF-W CJIT CJTF CJTF-AK CJTF-FA CK CKG CL C-LAMP CLASS Class C&LB CLF CLMD CLNC CLO CLOCE CLS CLSC CLSP CL/TECH cm CM Communications Intelligence Security Regulation Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Counterintelligence Team Combat Intelligence and Targeting on Arrival CENTCOM Imagery Transmission System Civilian Carrier Intelligence Center Civilian Vulnerability Indicator Code Enciphered Television (1) Consolidated Intelligence Watch; (2) CMOC Intelligence Watch CIW Commander Cooperative Interaction Working Group Close-In Weapon System Collection and Jamming Congressional Justification Book Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force-East Commander, Joint Interagency Task Force-West Combined Joint Interrogation Team Commander, Joint Task Force Commander, Joint Task Force-Alaska Commander, Joint Task Force-Full Accounting Compartment Key Cooperative Key Generation Light Cruiser Community Laser Measurement Program Close Air Support System Classification/Classified Coasts and Landing Beaches Commander, Landing Force COMSEC Local Management Device Clearance (1) Counterdrug Liaison Officer; (2) Chief Logistics Officer Contingency Lines of Communication, Europe (1) Contractor Logistics Support; (2) Clandestine Lighting System COMSEC Logistics Support Center Composite Launch Sequence Plan Clear Language Technical Report Centimeter (1) Memorandum by the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; (2) Collection Management; (3) Countermeasure(s); (4) Cruise Missile; (5) Collection Manager; (6) Collection Management Division; (7) Countermine; (8) Countermine Activities 39 CMA CMAA CMAFB CMAFS CMAH CMAS C-MASINT CMB CMC C/MC CMCA CMCC CMCDS CMCI CMCM CMCS CMD CMDC CMDR CM&D CME CMEA CMEC CMF CMFC CMIC CMISE CML CMO CMOC CMOS CMOTF CMP CMPF CMPS CMR CMRS CMS (1) Countermission Analysis; (2) Collection Management Authority; (3) Community Management Account (1) Command Master at Arms; (2) Chief Master at Arms Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station CINC Mobile Alternate Headquarters Cheyenne Mountain Air Station Counter-Measures and Signature Intelligence Collection Management Branch (1) Cheyenne Mountain Complex; (2) Commandant, U.S Marine Corps; (3) Command Master Chief Command Master Chief Cruise Missile Carrier Aircraft (1) Commander in Chief, Mobile Command Center; (2) Component Mobile Command Center Community Multilateral Counterterrorism Database System Computed Mission Coverage Index Commandant, U.S. Marine Corp Memorandum (1) COMSEC Material Control System; (2) COMINT Mission Control System (1) Collection Management Division; (2) Command Command Cell Commander Collection Management and Dissemination Communications Monitoring Equipment Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Captured Material Exploitation Center Combat Mission Folder Combined Marine Forces Command Combined Military Interrogation Center Corps Military Intelligence Support Element Chemical (1) Collection Management Office; (2) Civil Military Operations; (3) Central MASINT Office (1) Cheyenne Mountain Operations Center; (2) Civil Military Operations Center; (3) Central MASINT Operations Cell Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Civil Military Operations Task Force (1) Combat Mission Planning; (2) Configuration Management Plan Confidential Military Purpose Funds Compartmented Mode Processing System Crisis Management Room Collection Management Requirements System (1) Combat Mission Section; (2) Command and Management System; (3) Community Management Staff; (4) Collection Management System; (5) Common Mapping Standard 40 CMS/RMG CMSA CMSI CMSS CMST CMT CMTC CMTC-IS CMTS CMW/CMWS CN CNA CNAC CNAD CNAVSPACECOM CNC CNCS CN-CMS CNES CNET C3NET CNFJ CNFK CNFM CNI CNIC CNIN CNIPS CNK CNMI CNN CNO C/No CNOC CNOM CNOR CNR CNRIU CNS Community Management Staff, Resource Management Group Cruise Missile Support Activity Civilian Multi-Spectral Imagery Collection Management Support System (1) Collection Management Support Terminal; (2) Collection Management System Tools (1) Crisis Management Team; (2) Critical Mobile Target Combat Maneuver Training Center CMTC-Instrumentation System (1) Critical Mobile Target Server; (2) Compliance Monitoring Tracking System Compartmented Mode Workstation Counternarcotics (1) Center for Naval Analysis; (2) Coordinates Not Available; (3) Critical Node Analysis (1) Customs National Air Command, Oklahoma City; (2) Customs National Aviation Center Conference on NATO Armament Directors Commander, Navy Space Command (1) Counternarcotics Center; (2) Computerized Numerical Control Cryptonet Control Station Counternarcotics Command and Management System Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (French National Space Agency) (1) Chief of Naval Education and Training; (2) Centre National d’Etudes Des Telecommunications Command, Control, and Communications Networks Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Japan Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Marianas (1) Communicating NATO Intentions; (2) Communications, Navigation, or Identification Combined Naval Intelligence Center Composite Network, Front-End Internal Network Counternarcotics Information Processing System Cryptonet Key Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Cable News Network Chief of Naval Operations Ratio of carrier to noise in a 1Hz bandwidth (1) Counternarcotics Operations Center; (2) Combined Naval Operations Center Chief of Naval Operations Memorandum Command Not Operationally Ready (1) Chief of Naval Research; (2) Combat Net Radio Combat Net Radio Interface Unit Commercial Network Survivability 41 CNSWTG CNTL CNVFD CNWDI CO CO3 CO6 CO7 COA COB COBE COBOL COC COCOM COD CODIS COE COEA COFIR COFs CofS COG COI COIC COIN COINS COINS-II COIR COIS COLISEUM COLL COLLECT COLOP COLT COM COMA COMACC COMAAFCE COMAFFOR COMAFOSI Commander, Naval Special Warfare Task Group Command Nuclear Target List Color Night Vision Fusion Device Critical Nuclear Weapons Design Information (1) Commanding Officer; (2) Company Combined Staff Public and Governmental Affairs Officer Combined Staff Judge Advocate Combined Staff Command Surgeon Course of Action (1) Close of Business; (2) Collated Operating Base; (3) Chief of Base; (4) Command Operating Budget Cosmic Background Explorer Common Business Oriented Language Combat Operations Center (1) Coordinating Committee; (2) Combatant Command Carrier On-board Delivery Continuity of Defense Intelligence Systems Common Operating Environment Cost and Operational Effectiveness Analysis Compendium of Future Intelligence Requirements Central Operating Facilities Chief of Staff (1) Combined Operations Group; (2) Continuity of Government; (3) Center of Gravity Communities of Interest Combat Operations Intelligence Center (USAFE) Counterinsurgency (1) Consolidated On-Line Intelligence System; (2) Community On-Line Intelligence Network Systems Community On-Line Intelligence System-II Commander’s Operational Intelligence Requirements Combat Operations Intelligence System Community On-Line Intelligence System for End Users and Managers Collection Collection Collection Opportunity (messages) Combat Observation and Laser Team (1) Computer Output to Microform; (2) Chief of Mission (U.S. Embassy); (3) Collection Operations Management; (4) Commander Court of Military Appeals Commander, Air Combat Command Commander, Allied Air Forces Central Europe Commander, Air Force Forces Commander, Air Force Office of Special Investigations 42 COMAFSOC COMAFSPACE COMALCOM COMAMC COMARSPACECOM COMASPC COMAINT COMAIR-BALTAP COMAIRSOUTH COMALCOM COMALF COMANR COMANTDEF-COM COMARFOR COMARSOC COMARSOF COMATF COMBALTAP COMBAT DF COMBENE-CHAN COMBISCLANT COMCANLANT COMCARGRU COMCENTAG COMCENTLANT COMCM COMCO COMCRUDESGRU COMDT COGARD COMECON COMEDCENT COMEDEAST COMEDNOREAST COMEDOC COMEDS COMEDSOUEAST COMEX COMFAIRKEF COMFIVEATAF COMFLDCOMDASA COMFOURATAF COMGIB COMGIBMED COMGTMODEFCOM COMICEDEFOR Commander, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command Commander, Air Force Space Command Commander, Alaskan Command Commander, Air Mobility Command Commander, Army Space Command Commander, Air Force Space Command Command Maintenance Commander, Allied Air Forces, Baltic Approaches Commander, Allied Air Forces, Southern Europe Commander, Alaskan Command Commander of Airlift Forces Commander, Alaskan NORAD Region Commander, Antilles Defense Command Commander, Army Forces Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Command Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Forces Commander, Amphibious Task Force Commander, Allied Forces, Baltic Approaches Combat Direction Finding Commander, Benelux Sub-Area Channel Commander, Bay of Biscay Submarine Area Commander, Canadian Atlantic Submarine Area Commander Carrier Group Commander, Central Army Group, Central Europe Commander, Central Submarine Area Communication Countermeasures & Deception Canadian SSO Commander Cruiser Destroyer Group Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard Council for Mutual Economic Assistance Commander, Central Mediterranean Area Commander, Eastern Mediterranean Area Commander, Northeast Mediterranean Area Commander, Western Mediterranean Area CONUS Meteorological Data System Commander, Southeast Mediterranean Area (1) Committee on Exchanges; (2) Communications Exercise Commander, Fleet Air Keflavik Commander, Fifth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southern Europe Commander, Field Command, Defense Atomic Support Agency Commander, Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force Central Europe Naval Commander, Gibraltar Commander, Gibraltar Mediterranean Command Commander, Guantanamo Defense Command Commander, Iceland Defense Force 43 COMIDEASTFOR COMINEWARCOM COMINT COMINTADTSK COMIREX COMIS COMJAM COMJSOC COMJSOTF COMJTF COMJUWATF COML COMLANDFOR COMLANDJUT COMLANDNORWAY COMLANDSOUTH COMLANDZEALAND COMLANTAREA COMLOGNET COMM COMM(S) COMMAIRCHAN COMMAIRNORLANT COMMARBASPAC COMMARDEZSECAK COMMARFOR COMMARFORJAPAN COMMARFORK COMMARFORPAC COMMARFORSOUTH COMMCEN COMMDET COMMO COMMS CTR COMMZ COMNAVAIR COMNAVAIRLANT COMNAVAIRPAC COMNAVBALTAP COMNAVFOR COMNAVFORK COMNAVINTCOM COMNAVLOG COMNAVMARIANAS COMNAVNON Commander, Middle East Force (USN) Commander, Mine Warfare Command Communications Intelligence COMINT Advisory Tasking Message Committee on Imagery Requirements and Exploitation Collection Management Information System Communications Jamming Commander, Joint Special Operations Command Commander, Joint Special Operations Task Force Commander, Joint Task Force Commander, Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Commercial Commander, Land Forces Commander, Allied Land Forces, Schleswig-Holstein & Jutland Commander, Allied Land Forces, Norway Commander, Allied Land Forces, Southern Europe Commander, Allied Land Forces, New Zealand Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area Combat Logistics Network (1) Communication; (2) Commercial Communication(s) Commander, Allied Maritime Air Force, Channel Maritime Air Commander, Northern Submarine Area Commander, Marine Corps Base, Pacific Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone Sector, Alaska Commander, Marine Forces Commander, Marine Forces, Japan Commander, Marine Forces, Korea Commander Marine Corps Forces, Pacific Commander, Marine Corps Forces, South Communications Center Communications Detachment Communications Communications Center Communications Zone Commander, Naval Air Forces Commander, Naval Air Forces, Atlantic Commander, Naval Air Forces, Pacific Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Baltic Approaches Commander, Naval Forces Commander, Naval Forces, Korea Commander, Naval Intelligence Command Commander, Naval Logistics Commander, Naval Forces, Marianas Commander, Allied Naval Forces, North Norway 44 COMNAVSCAP COMNAVSEASYSCOM COMNAVSECGRU COMNAVSOF COMNAVSPACECOM COMNAVSPECWARCOM COMNAVSURF COMNAVSURFLANT COMNAVSURFPAC COMNORECHAN COMNORLANT COMNORTHAG COMNSWU COMOCEANLANT COMOCEANSYSLANT COMOCEANSYSPAC COMOPS COMP COMPACAF COMPASS COMPATWINGSLANT COMPHIBGRU COMPLYMCHAN COMPUINT COMPUSEC COMPW COMPWING COMS COMSAT COMSC COMSEC COMSECONDFLT COMSEVENTHFLT COMSIXATAF COMSIXTHFLT COMSOC COMSOC-K COMSOCEUR COMSOCLANT COMSOCPAC COMSOCSOUTH COMSOTFE COMSPOT COMSTAT Commander, Allied Naval Forces, Scandinavian Approaches Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command Commander, Naval Security Group Commander, Naval Special Operations Forces Commander, Naval Space Command Commander, Naval Special Warfare Command Commander, Naval Surface Forces Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet Commander, Naval Surface Force, Pacific Commander, Northern Submarine Area, Channel Commander, Northern Submarine Area Commander, Northern Army Group, Central Europe Commander, Naval Special Warfare Unit Commander, Ocean Atlantic Commander, Oceanographic Systems Atlantic Commander, Oceanographic Systems Pacific Company Communications Operations Summary Compatible Commander, Pacific Air Forces Computerized Movement Planning and Status System Commander, Patrol Wings Atlantic Commander, Amphibious Group Commander, Plymouth Submarine Area, Channel Computer Intelligence Computer Security Composite Wing Composite Wing Collection Operations Management System (HUMINT) Communications Satellite Commander, Military Sealift Command Communications Security Commander, U.S. Second Fleet Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet Commander, Sixth Allied Tactical Air Force, Southeastern Europe Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet Commander, Special Operations Command Commander, Special Operations Command, Korea Commander, Special Operations Command, Europe Commander, Special Operations Command, Atlantic Commander, Special Operations Command, Pacific Commander, Special Operations Command, Southern Command Commander, Support Operations Task Force, Europe Communications Spot Report Communication Status Report 45 COMSTRATCOMWING ONE COMSTRICKFLANT COMSTRIKFLTLANT COMSTRIKFORSOUTH COMSTS COMSUBACLANT COMSUBEASTLANT COMSUBGRU COMSUBGRU 8/CTF MED COMSUBLANT COMSUBMED COMSUBPAC COMSUBWESTLANT COMSUPNAVFOR COMTAFNORNOR COMTAFSONOR COMTASKFORNON COMTECHREP COMTHIRDFLT COMTRAPAC COMTWOATAF COMUKADR COMUSAFAK COMUSAFFOR COMUSAFJ COMUSAFK COMUSAFTF COMUSARAK COMUSARCENT COMUSARFOR COMUSARSO COMUSARSPACE COMUSARTF COMUSASOC COMUSFOR KOREA COMUSFK COMUSFORAZ COMUSFORCARIB COMUSFORCNTY COMUSJ COMUSJAPAN COMUSJTF COMUSJUWTF Commander, Strategic Communications Wing One Commander, Striking Fleet Atlantic (Afloat) Commander, Striking Fleet, Atlantic Commander, Striking Force, South Commander, Military Sea Transportation Service Commander, Submarine Forces, Allied Command, Atlantic Commander, Submarine Force, Eastern Atlantic Commander, Submarine Group Commander Submarine Group (Mediterranean)/Commander Task Force Mediterranean Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet Commander, Submarines, Mediterranean Commander, Submarine Forces, Pacific Commander, Submarine Force, Western Atlantic Area Commander, Supporting Naval Forces Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, North Norway Commander, Allied Tactical Air Force, South Norway Commander, Allied Task Force, North Norway Complementary Technical Report Commander, Third Fleet Commander, Training Command, Pacific Commander, Second Allied Tactical Air Force, Central Europe Commander, UK NATO Air Defense Region Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Alaska Commander, United States Air Force Forces Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Japan Commander, U.S. Air Forces, Korea Commander, United States Air Force Task Force Commander, U.S. Army Forces, Alaska Commander, U.S. Army Forces Central Command Commander, United States Army Forces Commander, United States Army Forces Southern Command Commander, U.S. Army Space Command Commander, United States Army Task Force Commander, U.S. Army Special Operations Command Commander, U.S. Forces Korea Commander, U.S. Forces, Korea Commander, U.S. Forces, Azores Commander, U.S. Forces, Caribbean Commander US Forces Country Commander, U.S. Forces, Japan Commander, U.S. Forces, Japan (also COMUSJ) Commander, United States Joint Task Force Commander, United States Joint Unconventional WarfareTask Force 46 COMUSKOREA COMUSLANDFOR COMUSMACTHAI COMUSMARCENT COMUSMARDEZLANT COMUSMARDEZPAC COMUSMARFOR COMUSMARTF COMUSMILGP COMUSNAVAK COMUSNAVCENT COMUSNAVEUR COMUSNAVFOR COMUSNAVPHIL COMUSNAVSO COMUSNAVTF COMZEALAND CON CONAD CONDECA CONF CONFIG CONG CONGEN CONGINT ConNMJIC CONOBJTR CONOP(S) CONOPS CONPG CONPLAN CONR CONTEXT CONTRACONUS CONUSA CONVL COOP COORD COP COPG COPRA COPRL Commander, U.S. Forces, Korea (also COMUSK) Commander, United States Land Forces Commander, United States Military Assistance Command, Thailand Commander, U.S. Marine Forces Central Command Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone, Atlantic Commander, U.S. Maritime Defense Zone, Pacific Commander, United States Marine Forces Commander, United States Marine Task Force Commander, United States Military Group Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Alaska Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Central Command Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe Commander, United States Naval Forces Commander, U.S. Naval Forces, Philippines Commander, U.S. Naval Forces South Commander, United States Naval Task Force Commander, Allied Land Forces, New Zealand Control(led) Continental Air Defense Command Central America Defense Council Confidential Configuration Congress Consul General Congressional Interest Contingency NMJIC Conscientious Objector Concept of Operation(s) (1) United States Army Intelligence Command Continental (United States) Operations; (2) Concept of Operations Chairman, Operational Nuclear Planning Group (1) Concept Plan; (2) Contingency Plan CONUS NORAD Region Conferencing and Text Manipulation System Against, Opposite (Prefix) Continental United States Continental United States Army Conventional Continuity of Operations Plan Coordination (1) Command Observation Post; (2) Crashout Package Chairman, Operational Planners Group Comparative Postwar Recovery Analysis Command Operations Priority Requirements List 47 COPSTRAT COR CORCEN CORE CORL CORM CORPS SAM CORTRAIN COS cos COSAL COSCOM COSIN COSA COSP COSPO COTP COTR COTS COUNTERMASINT COVCOM CoVRT CP C&P C-P CPA CPAT CPB CPBS CPC CPE CPFL CPI CPIA CPIC CPM CPMIEC CPNET Continuity of Operations Plan (USSTRATCOM) (1) Command Operationally Ready; (2) Central Office of Record; (3) Contracting Officer’s Representative Correlation Center Contingency Response (Program) (1) Collection Opportunity Requirements List; (2) Chief of Receive Location Commission on Roles and Missions Corps Surface-to-Air Missile Corps/Division Training Coordination Program (1) Combat Operations Staff; (2) Chief of Station; (3) Chief of Staff; (4) Communications Segment Cosine Consolidated Ship/Squadron Allowance Corps Support Command Control Staff Instructions Commander, Oceanographic Systems, Atlantic Commander, Oceanographic Systems, Pacific Community Open Source Program Office Cotangent Captain of the Port Contracting Officer’s Technical Representative (1) Commercial Off-the-Shelf; (2) Container Offloading Transfer System Counter Measurements and Signature Intelligence Covert Communications Commanders (and Staff) Visualization Research Tool (1) Contingency Planning; (2) Command Post; (3) Character Position; (4) Communications Processor; (5) Central Processor; (6) Career Program; (7) Counterproliferation Characteristics and Performance Counterproliferation (1) Chairman’s Program Assessment; (2) Collection Planning Aid; (3) CJCS Preparedness Assessment Collection Planning and Targeting Charged Particle Beam (1) Capabilities Programming and Budgeting System; (2) Consolidated Program and Budgeting System (1) Coastal Patrol Boat; (2) Collection and Processing Center; (3) Central Processing Center (1) Circular Probable Error; (2) Central Production Element Contingency Planning Facilities List Communications Processor and Interface Chemical Propulsion Information Agency Coastal Patrol and Interdiction Craft Cycles Per Minute China Precision Machinery Import Export Corporation Custom Product Network 48 CPO CPP CPR CPS CPSB CPSS CPSU CPT CPU CPX CP OSCAR CP TANGO CQB C-QUIP CR CRAF CRB CRBIF CRC CRDC CRDL CRE CREST CRF CRIMP CRIS CRISCON C-RISTA CRITIC CRITICOM CRJOIC CRL CRM CRMA CRMO CRMP CRMS CRN (1) Command Project Officer; (2) Chief Petty Officer Communist Party of the Philippines (1) Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation; (2) Chairman’s Program Recommendations (1) Collection Problem Set; (2) Correlation Processing Subsystem; (3) Characters Per Second; (4) COMSEC Parent Switch; (5) Craft Positioning System Career Program Selection Board Computer Systems Squadron Communist Party of the Soviet Union Command Post Terminal (1) Central Processing Unit; (2) Communications Processing Unit; (3) Computer Processing Unit Command Post Exercise Command Post Operations Support Center and Rear Command Post Tactical Air, Naval, Ground Operations Close Quarter Battle Combined Quarterly Intelligence Production Listing (1) Crisis Relocation; (2) Combat Radius; (3) Collection Request; (4) Close Range; (5) Collections Requirement Civil Reserve Air Fleet Contingency Reference Book Crisis Basis Imagery File (1) Command and Reporting Center; (2) Control and Reporting Center; (3) CONUS Replacement Center United States Army Chemical Research & Development Center Collateral Recurring Document Listing (1) Combat Readiness Evaluation; (2) Control and Reporting Element Covert Reconnaissance/Strike (1) Crisis Response Force; (2) Cable Reports File Crisis Management Plan Command Resources Information System Crisis Condition (I&W System) Counter-Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition (1) Critical Intelligence; (2) Critical Intelligence Message; (3) Critical Intelligence Communication Critical Intelligence Communications Network Central Region Joint Operational Intelligence Center Certificate Revocation List Collection Requirements Management Collection Requirements Management Architecture/Application Collection Requirements Management Office(r) Collection Requirements Management Program or Plan Collection Requirements Management System Combat Radio Net 49 CROF CROM CRP CRRC CRRES CRRS CRS CRT CRTA CRUDESGRU CRWG CRYPTO CS CS1 CSA CSABE CSAF CSAFM CSAM CSAR CSAW CSB CSBR CSC CSCE CSCG CSCI CSCR CSDS CSCT CSE CSE-SS CSEL CSENCNET CSF Crete Remote Operating Facility Continuous Read-Only Memory (1) Control and Reporting Post; (2) COMSEC Resources Program Combat Rubber Raiding Craft Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite Customer Requirements Registration System (1) COMIREX Requirements Structure; (2) Combined Recording Site; (3) Comprehensive Retrieval Subsystem; (4) Catholic Relief Service; (5) Congressional Research Service; (6) Community Relations Service (1) Cathode Ray Tube (Terminal); (2) Combat Readiness Training; (3) Crisis Response Team Chief of Rocket Troops and Artillery Cruiser-Destroyer Group Current Requirements Working Group (1) Cryptography/Cryptographic; (2) Cryptologic (1) Combat Support; (2) Communications Subsystem; (3) Constant Source; (4) Chief of Staff; (5) Central Servers; (6) Coalition Support Critical-Sensitive Level 1 (1) Chief of Staff, U.S. Army; (2) Central Supplies Agency of NATO; (3) Corps Support Activity; (4) Combat Support Agency(ies) Central and South African Basic Encyclopedia Chief of Staff, U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff, Air Force Memorandum Chief of Staff, Army Memorandum Combat Search and Rescue Cryptologic Support to Amphibious Warfare (1) Close Silo Basing; (2) Collection Support Brief (HUMINT); (3) Current Situation Branch Commander, Special Boat Squadron (1) Community Support Center; (2) Customer Support Center; (3) Combat Support Cell Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe Communications Security Control Group (1) Commercial Satellite Communications Initiative; (2) Computer Software Configuration Interface Computer System Change Request Command Spatial Display System Combat Support Coordination Team (1) Cryptologic Support Element(s); (2) Command Support Element; (3) Client Server Environment; (4) Canadian SIGINT Establishment; (5) Communi-cations Security Element Client Server Environment-System Services Combat Survivor-Evader Locator Satellite Education Network Command Support Functions 50 CSFOCI CSG CSG-SOCOM CSGN CSI C-SIGINT CSIS CSMA/CD CSMO C3SMP CSMR CSOC CSP CSP/HOL CSPAR CSPO CSR CSRD CSRS CSS CSSA CSSCS CSSD CSSE CSSO CSSP CSSOC CSSR CSST CST CSTC CSTIP CSTOL CSTVRP CT Force Protection Operations (1) Cryptologic Support Group; (2) Chairman’s Staff Group; (3) Combat Support Group; (4) Corps Support Group Cryptologic Support Group/USSOCOM Nuclear Strike Cruiser Commercial Satellite Interconnectivity Counter Signals Intelligence Canadian Security and Investigative Service Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection Cryptologic Support to Military Operations Command, Control, Communications System Master Plan Coarse Spatial Resolution, Multispectral Consolidated Space Operations Center (1) Communications Support Processor; (2) Crisis Staffing Procedures; (3) Contingency Support Package Communications Support Processor/High Order Language (1) Central Strategic Processing, Analysis, and Reporting; (2) CINC’s Preparedness Assessment Report Consolidated SAFE Project Office (1) Current Situation Room; (2) Coastal Surveillance Radar; (3) Controlled Supply Rate; (4) Collection Support Requirement; (5) Combat Search & Rescue Communication-Computer Systems Requirement Document Civil Service Retirement System (1) Communications Security System; (2) Communications Support System; (3) Central Security Service; (4) Combat Service Support; (5) Collateral Support System; (6) Contingency Support Study; (7) Communications System Segment; (8) Common Sensor System; (9) COMSEC Subordinate Switch; (10) Combat Surveillance Service; (11) Continuous Signature Service; (12) Coded Switch System; (13) Command Specific Server Cryptologic Shore Support Activity (1) Combat Service Support Control System; (2) Combat Service Support Computer System Combat Service Support Detachment Combat Service Support Element Contractor Special Security Officer Combined Services Support Program Combat Service Support Operations Center CSS Replacement Combat Service Support Team (1) Central Standard Time; (2) Coastal Survey Team; (3) Coalition Support Team Consolidated Space Test Center Combined Strategic Intelligence Training Program Cargo Short Take-Off & Landing Computer Security Technical Vulnerability Reporting Program (1) Training Cruiser; (2) Counterterrorism; (3) Combating Terrorism; (4) Cryptologic Technician 51 CTA CTAI CTAK CTAPS CTB CTBT CTC CTD CTDR CT&E CTE CTEA CTF/JTF CTF-B CTF-BM CTF-C2 CTF PC II CTG CTH CTIA CTIS CTL CTLZ CTOC CTOCSE CTOL CTP CTR CTRL CTS CTSCR CTT CTTA CTT-H CTTP CTU CU CUBB CUBIC CUCV (1) Central Technical Authority; (2) Common Table of Allowances Continuous-Tone Aerial Imagery Cypher-Text Auto-Key Contingency Theater Automated Planning System Comprehensive Test Ban Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (1) Combat Targeting Center; (2) Counterterrorism Center; (3) Combat Training Center (1) Collective Training Directorate; (2) Charge Transfer Device Commercial Training Device Requirements Certification Test and Evaluation Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Cost and Training Effectiveness Analysis (1) Crisis Task Force; (2) Commander Task Force; (3) Central Training Flight; (4) Combined Task Force; (5) Joint Task Force; (6) Consolidated Training Facility Combined Task Force-Bomber Combined Task Force-Battle Management Combined Task Force Director of Intelligence CTF Provide Comfort II Commander, Task Group Aviation Training Cruiser Counter Technical Intelligence Activities Commander’s Tactical Information System Critical Task List Control Zone Corps Tactical Operations Center CTOC Support Element Conventional Take-Off and Landing Consolidated Telecommunications Program Center Control (1) Course Training Standards; (2) Communications Technology Satellite Critical Time-Sensitive Collection Requirement (1) Commanders’ Tactical Terminal; (2) Common Task Test; (3) Combat Control Team Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority Commanders’ Tactical Terminal-Hybrid (1) USCENTCOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Manual; (2) Component Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Manual Commander Task Unit Channel Unit Collateral Users Bulletin Board Common User Baseline for the Intelligence Community Commercial Utility Cargo Vehicle 52 CUDIXS CUL CURR CUSRPG CUWTF CV CUP CVA CVAN CVBF CVBG CVG CVGN CVH CVHG CVHGN CVHN CVIC CVL CVLGN CVLN CVN CVRT CVS CVSD CVT CVTS CVW CW C/W CWC CWG CWI CWIS CWO CWS CWT C2X CY CYCLOPS CZ Common-User Digital Information Exchange System Combined User Language Current Canadian-U.S. Regional Planning Group (NATO) Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force (1) Multipurpose Aircraft Carrier; (2) Carrier Vehicle; (3) Aircraft Carrier COMSEC Utility Program Clandestine Vulnerability Analysis CINCPAC Voice Alert Network Carrier Battle Force Carrier Battle Group Guided-Missile Aircraft Carrier Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aircraft Carrier V/STOL Aircraft Carrier Guided-Missile V/STOL Aircraft Carrier Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile V/STOL Aircraft Carrier Nuclear-Powered V/STOL Aircraft Carrier Carrier-Based Intelligence Center Light Aircraft Carrier Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Light Aircraft Carrier Nuclear-Powered Light Aircraft Carrier Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier Combat Vehicle (Reconnaissance, Tracked) (1) Antisubmarine Aircraft Carrier; (2) Commercial Vendor Services Continuously Variable-Slope Delta Modulation Training Aircraft Carrier Compressed Video Transmission Service Carrier Air Wing (1) Chemical Warfare; (2) Carrier Wave; (3) Continuous Wave; (4) CONSTANT WATCH; (5) Composite Wing; (6) Commonwealth Crisis/Wartime (1) Composite Warfare Commander; (2) Conventional Weapons Guide Coordinates Working Group Conventional Weapons Index Crisis Window Information System (1) Communications Watch Office; (2) Chief Warrant Officer (1) Compartmented Work Station; (2) Collateral Workstation (ASAS) Chemical Weapons Treaty CCTF C2 OBI/CI Support Element Calendar Year Fleet Support Message (1) Combat Zone; (2) Convergent Zone 53 D 5D D D2 DA D/A DAA DAB DABM DABS DAC DACCO DACCS DACOM DACOS DACOS/I DACT DACU DAD DAES DAF DAG DAIRSDIA DAISY DAJDIA DALASP DALATS DAMA DAMI DAMPL DAO DAP DAPA DAR DARC DARO DARP DARPA DARS Demand-Driven Direct Digital Dissemination (1) Deciduous; (2) Density Data Distribution (1) Department of the Army; (2) Long-Range Aviation (USSR); (3) Double Agent; (4) Direct Action Digital/Analog Designated Approval Authority Defense Acquisition Board Defense Against Ballistic Missiles (Now SDI) Dynamic Air Blast Simulator (1) Development Assistance Committee of OECD; (2) Department of Army Civilian; (3) Discretionary Access Control Department of the Army Central Control Office Digital Access Cross-Connect System/Switch Data Communications Deputy Assistant Chief of Station Deputy Assistant Chief of Staff-Intelligence Dissimilar Air Combat Tactics (1) Device Access Control Unit; (2) Device Attachment Control Unit Dual Air Density Defense Acquisition Executive Summary Department of the Air Force (1) Defense Special Security Communications Systems Address Group; (2) Divisional Artillery Group (FSU) Advanced Imagery Reproduction System Daily Summary Office Symbol for JMITC Defense Advanced Language and Area Studies Program Data Logging and Transmission System Demand Assigned Multiple Access Department of the Army Military Intelligence Department of the Army Master Priority List Defense Attache Office Designated Acquisition Program Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor Designated Area for Recovery District Area Command Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Program Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (1) Daily Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance; (2) Daily Apportionment and Reconnaissance Scheduling; (3) Daily Aerial Reconnaissance Syndicate 54 DARSC DARSP DART DARTS DAS DASC DASD DASD(I&S) DASH DASPA DASR DASVA DAT DATAINT DATEXT DATPS DATS DATT DAWN DAWS DAYLT dB DB DBA DBAS DBBL DBC DBCTRL DBD dBi DBIDI DBK dB/K dBm DBMAINT DBMS DBQ DBS dBSM dBw DC Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Steering Committee Defense Academic Research Support Program (1) Developmental Air Reports Tracker; (2) Deployable Automated Remote Terminal Digital Antijam Radio Teletype System (1) Defense Attache System; (2) Data Acquisition Segment Direct Air Support Center (1) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense; (2) Direct Access Storage Device Deputy ASD (Intelligence and Security) Deployable Automated Support Host Defense Attache System Property Accounting Defense Analysis Special Report Defense Attache System Vehicle Accounting Direct Action Team Data Intelligence Data Extract Diver Active Thermal Protection System Data Automated Tower Simulation Defense Attache Defense Attache Worldwide Network Defense Automated Warning System Daylight Decibel Data Base Data Base Administrator Data Base Applications System Dismounted Battlespace Battle Lab Data Base Correlation Data Base Control Data Burst Device Decibel (referenced to isotropic radiator) Data Base of Imagery-Derived Information Dominant Battlefield Knowledge Decibels per Degrees Kelvin Decibels (referred to 1 milliwatt) Data Base Administrator Data Base Management System Data Base Query (1) Data Broadcast System (also known as SCAMPI); (2) Direct Broadcast Service Decibels Per Square Meter Decibels Referenced to One Watt of Power (1) District Commissioner; (2) Damage Control; (3) Defense Council; (4) Direct Current 55 DCA DCAEUR DCAOC DCAPSS DCAS DCCC DCE D-Cell DCF DCG DCGS DCI DCIA DCIB DCID DCII DCI&S DCIIS DCINC DCIP DCL DCM DCMM DCMS DCN DCO DCOS DCOSIPR DCP DCR DCRSI DCS DCS/I DCS/IN DCSCA DCSEC DCSI DCSIM DCSI/DCSINT DCSINT (1) Defense Communications Agency; (2) Defense Cooperation Agreement; (3) Defensive Counter Air Defense Communications Agency Europe DCA Operations Control Center Dual Criteria Aimpoint Selection System (1) Deployable Consolidated Applications Server; (2) Deployable Communications Applications Shelter Defense Collection Coordination Center (1) Defensive Counter Espionage; (2) Data Communications Equipment Deployment Cell DOCS Certification Facility Deputy Commanding General Distributed Common Ground System Director of Central Intelligence Director, Central Intelligence Agency Defense Counterintelligence Board Director of Central Intelligence Directive Defense Central Index of Investigations Director of Counterintelligence and Security Defense CI Integrated Information System Deputy Commander in Chief Defense Counterdrug Intelligence Program Direct Communications Link Deputy Chief of Mission Database Creation and Management Module Database Creation and Management Segment Defense Communications Network (1) Defense Communications Office; (2) Deputy Commander for Operations (USAFE); (3) Dial Central Office; (4) Deputy Commanding Officer Deputy Chief of Staff Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence Plans and Requirements (1) Disaster Control Plan; (2) Decision Coordinating Paper; (3) Defense Cryptologic Program Data Change Request Digital Cassette Recording System (Improved) (1) Defense Communications System; (2) Deputy Chief of Staff; (3) Defense Courier Service Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence Defense Communications System Central Area Deputy Chief of Staff, Security Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence Deputy Chief of Staff, Information Management Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence (USAREUR) Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (U.S. Army) 56 DCSLOG DCSO DCSOPS DCSP DCSPER DCS/SSI DCSTOP DCTN DD D&D DDAC D/DARO D-Day DDC DDCI DDCMP DDDDD DDG DDGN DDH DDHG DDHGN DDHN DDI DDL DDN DDO DDP DDPO DDR&E DDRS DDS DDS/RL DDSP DDSS DDT DDU DE DE-U DE/EW DEA DEACON Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics Deputy Commander for Space Operations Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations & Plans Design Controlled Spare Part(s) Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel Deputy Chief of Staff for Safety, Security, and Intelligence Damage Criteria Study Target Data Base Defense Commercial Telecommunications/Teleconferencing Network (1) Destroyer; (2) Deputy Director; (3) Department of Defense; (4) Differential Doppler Denial and Deception Foreign Denial and Deception Analysis Committee Director, DARO Day in which a particular operation begins (1) Defense Documentation Center; (2) Data Distribution Center Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Digital Data Communications Message Protocol Demand-Driven Direct Digital Dissemination System Guided Missile Destroyer Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Destroyer Aviation Destroyer (ASW) Guided-Missile Aviation Destroyer Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aviation Destroyer Nuclear-Powered Aviation Destroyer Deputy Director of Intelligence Direct Data Link (1) Defense Data Network; (2) Defense Dissemination Network (1) Deputy Director of Operations; (2) Deputy Duty Officer Defense Dissemination Program Defense Dissemination Program Office Director, Defense Research and Engineering Defense Data Repository System (1) Defense Dissemination System; (2) Dry Deck Shelter; (3) Dual Driver Service (courier) Defense Dissemination System/Receive Location Defense Development Sharing Project Document Dissemination and Storage Segment (1) Training Destroyer; (2) Distributed Decision-Aid Terminal Distant Device Unit (1) Damage Expectancy; (2) Directed Energy; (3) Directorate for Estimates (DIA) Dissemination Element-Upgrade Directed Energy/Electronic Warfare Drug Enforcement Administration Defense Estimates Analytical Computer On-Line Network 57 DEB DEC DEC (VAX) DECCO DECM DECON DEDAC DEDDF DEF DEFCON DEFCOS DEFPLAN DEFSMAC Deg DEGRAD DELORME DEMEX DEMOD DEMONS DEMPC DENAS DEP DEPCOMNAVCENT DEPCOMUSNAVCENT DEPREP DEPSECDEF DEPT DES DESA DESC DESIGN DESIST DESS DESRON DET/Det DEW DEWLINE DF DFAD DFDS DFED DFH (1) Digital European Backbone; (2) Defense Estimative Brief; (3) Debris (Orbital) Digital Equipment Corporation Digital Equipment Corporation (Virtual Address Extension) Defense Commercial Contracting Office (now DITCO) (1) Defense Electronic Countermeasures; (2) Deceptive Electronic Countermeasures Decontaminate(ion) Deception and Denial Analysis Committee Digital Elevation Data Dubbing Facility Defense (1) Defense Condition; (2) Defense Readiness Condition Defense Courier System Defense Plan Defense Special Missile and Astronautics Center Degree Degradation a Digital Mapping Computer Program Demonstration Exercise Demodulator Demonstration System Data Exploitation, Mission Planning, Communications/Center Daily European Naval Activity Summary (1) Deflection Error Probable; (2) Defense Estimate for Production; (3) Deployed Deputy COMNAVCENT Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command Deployment Report Deputy Secretary of Defense Department (1) Digital Exploitation System; (2) Data Encryption Standard Defense Evaluation Support Activity Defense Electronics Supply Center Designator (U.S. Navy) Decision Support and Information System for Terrorism Defense Exploitation Support System Destroyer Squadron Detachment (1) Distant Early Warning; (2) Directed Energy Weapon Distant Early Warning Line (1) Direction Finding; (2) Disposition Form; (3) Deuterium Floride Digitized Feature Analysis Data Data Facility Dataset Services Digitized Features Data Deployed Forward Headquarters 58 DFLP DFM DFOV DFRIF DFS DFT DG DGCL DGCS DGCT DGIAP DGIF DGIS DGITS DGS DGU DGZ DH-7 DHCA DHFN DHS DI DIA DIA/CS DIAAPR DIAC DIAI DIAIAPPR DIAL DIAL-J DIALO DIALOG DIAM DIAMCP DIANM DIAOB DIAOLS DIAPF DIAR DIATP DIATS DIB (1) Defense Foreign Language Program; (2) Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine Deterrent Force Modules Dual Field of View Defense Freight Railway Interchange Fleet Direction Finding Subsystem (1) Deployed for Training Team; (2) Deployment for Training Defense Guidance Ground Mobile Forces Control Link Downsized Ground Control Station Downsized Ground Control Terminal Defense General Intelligence Applications Program Deployable Ground Intercept Facility Director General Intelligence and Security Digital Graphics Information Tailoring System Deployable Ground Station Downgrade to Unclassified (1) Desired Ground Zero; (2) Designated Ground Zero deHavilland Dash 7 (Drug Interdiction Aircraft) Data Handling Capability Analysis Direct Hire Foreign National Defense HUMINT Service (1) Director of Intelligence (USEUCOM); (2) Directorate for Foreign Intelligence (DIA) (1) Defense Intelligence Agency; (2) Defense Intelligence Assessment Defense Intelligence Agency/Command Support Defense Intelligence Agency Appraisal Defense Intelligence Analysis Center DIA Instruction DIA Intelligence Appraisal Defense Intelligence Agency Liaison DIA Liaison Office for Japan DIA Liaison Office DIA Information Retrieval System Defense Intelligence Agency Manual DIA Master Contingency Plan DIA Analytical Memorandum Defense Intelligence Air Order of Battle DIA On-Line System DIA Part File DIA Regulation DIA Tactical Program DIA Terrorism Summary (1) Defense Intelligence Board; (2) Defense Intelligence Brief; (3) Directory Information Base 59 DIC DICBM DICP DID DIDHS DIDOP DIDS DIDSRS DIE DIEB DIEC DIEPS DIEM DIEOB DIFAR DIFAX DIFM DIFR DIGITS DIGOB DIH DIHEST DII DIIN DIIP DIIPS DIIS DILC DIM DIMES DIMMD DIMOB DIMSS DIN DINAH DINOB DINSUM (1) Defense Intelligence Community; (2) Difference in Condition; (3) Defense Intelligence College (Now JMIC); (4) Defense Intelligence Commentary Depressed Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Defense Intelligence Counterdrug Program (1) Data Line Description; (2) Defense Intelligence Digest (Now Military Intelligence Digest); (3) Data Item Description Deployable Intelligence Data Handling System Digital Image Data Output Product Defense Intelligence Dissemination System Defense Intelligence Dissemination, Storage and Retrieval System Defense Intelligence Estimate Defense Intelligence Executive Board Deployable Imagery Exploitation Capability Digital Imagery Exploitation and Production System Defense Intelligence Estimates Memorandum Defense Intelligence Electronic Order of Battle (1) Directional Frequency Analysis and Recording System; (2) Directional Frequency and Ranging (1) Defense Intelligence Facsimile; (2) Defense Intelligence Security Facsimile Network Defense Intelligence Functional Manager Defense Intelligence Facility Report Digital Geographic Information Tailoring System Defense Intelligence Ground Order of Battle Daily Intelligence Highlights Direct Induced High-Explosives Simulation Technique Defense Information Infrastructure Defense Imagery Intelligence Notice Defense Intelligence Interoperability Panel Digital Imagery Interactive Processing System DIA Integrated Intelligence System Dedicated Intelligence Loop Circuit Defense Intelligence Memorandum Digital Image Manipulation & Enhancement System Diver Integral Magnetic Mine Detector Defense Intelligence Missile Order of Battle DSN Integrated Management Support System (1) Defense Intelligence Notice; (2) Defense Intelligence Network; (3) AUTODIN Desktop Interface to AUTODIN Host Defense Intelligence Naval Order of Battle Defense Intelligence Summary 60 DIO DIOB DIOBS DIOP DIP DIPC DIPFAC DIPOLES DIPP DIPS DIR DIRCM DIRES DIRINT DIRLAUTH DIRNSA DIRNSA/CHCSS DIROI DIRS DIS DISA DISA-EUR DISA-PAC DISA WESTHEM DISAM DISC DISC4 DISCAS DISE DISECS DISES DISIDS DISMOB DISN DISNET DISO (1) Defense Intelligence Officer (DIA); (2) District Intelligence Officer (U.S. Navy); (3) Defence Intelligence Organisation (Australian) Defense Intelligence Order of Battle Defense Intelligence Order of Battle System Defense Intelligence Objectives and Priorities (1) Defense Intelligence Plan; (2) Defense Imagery Program Defense Intelligence Production Council/Conference (1) U.S. Diplomatic Facilities Graphic; (2) Diplomatic Facility Defense Intelligence Photoreconnaissance On-Line Exploitation System Defense Intelligence Projection for Planning (1) Defense Intelligence Production Schedule; (2) Digital Imagery Processing System; (3) Def Intelligence Production Study (1) Defense Intelligence Report; (2) Directive; (3) Defense Imagery Report; (4) Director; (5) Direction Direct Infrared Countermeasures Defense Imagery Requirements and Exploitation System Director of Intelligence Direct Liaison Authorized Director, National Security Agency Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service Directorate Operating Instruction (1) Defense Intelligence Reference Series; (2) Defense Imagery Reference Series (1) Defence Intelligence Staff (U.K.); (2) Defense Investigative Service; (3) Defense Intelligence Summary; (4) Daily Intelligence Summary; (5) Distributive Interactive Simulation; (6) Data Integration System; (7) Defense Information System Defense Information Systems Agency Defense Information Systems Agency-Europe DISA-Pacific DISA Western Hemisphere Defense Institute of Security Assistance Management Daily Intelligence Summary Cable Director of Information Systems Command, Control, Communications and Computers Defense Intelligence Special Career Automated System Deployable Intelligence Support Element Defense Intelligence Space Exploitation and Correlation System Defense Intelligence Senior Executive Service Display and Information Distribution System/Subsystem Defense Intelligence Strategic Missile Order of Battle Defense Information Systems Network Defense Integrated Secure Network Defense Intelligence Support Office 61 DISOB DISP DISPEWT DISR DISS DISSEM DISSO DIST DISTAFF DISTS DISTP DISUM DIT DITB DITCO DITDS DITEQ DITFOR DITS DITSUM DIV DIVARTY DIVISION DIW DIWO DIWS DJ2 DJS DJSM DJTF DJTFAC DLA DLAB DLEA DLED DLI DLIFLC DLO DLPT DLTV D&M Defense Intelligence Space Order of Battle Defense Industrial Security Program Defense Intelligence Space Electronic Warfare Threat Data Base (1) Daily Indicator Status Report; (2) Defense Indications Status Report (1) Digest of Intelligence and Security Services; (2) Dissemination Dissemination Deputy Information Systems Security Officer Digital Imagery Support Terminal Directing Staff (NATO Commands, JECG) Defense Intelligence Secure Telephone System Defense Intelligence Special Technologies Program (1) Daily Intelligence Summary; (2) Defense Intelligence Summary Defense Intelligence Thesaurus Digital Imagery Test Bed Defense Information Technology Contracting Office (formerly DECCO) Defense Intelligence Threat Data System Defense Intelligence Thesaurus Equivalency List Defense Intelligence Technical Forum Digital Imagery Transmission System Defense Intelligence Terrorism Summary (1) Division; (2) Defense Intelligence Videocassette Division Artillery Enciphered Television Dead in Water Duty Intelligence Watch Officer (1) Digital Imagery Workstation Suite; (2) Defense Indications and Warning System; (3) DOD Intelligence Warning System Deputy Director of Intelligence Director, Joint Staff DJS Memorandum Deployable Joint Task Force DJTF Augmentation Cell Defense Logistics Agency Defense Language Aptitude Battery Drug Law Enforcement Agency Dedicated Loop Encryption Device Defense Language Institute Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center Defense Liaison Office Defense Language Proficiency Test Daylight Television Detection and Monitoring 62 DM DMA DMAAC DMACSC DMAHTC DMAI DMAL DMAR DMB DMC&GP DMD DMDG DME DMED DMFE DMI DMOB DMOS DMPC DMPI DMS DMSP DMZ DN DNA DNAS DNC DNCC DND DNI DNSIX DNVT DO DOA DOAT DOB DOC DOCC DOCEX DOCKLAMP DOCS (1) Dissemination Manager; (2) Decompression Monitor (1) Defense Mapping Agency; (2) Direct Memory Access Defense Mapping Agency Aerospace Center Defense Mapping Agency Combat Support Center DMA Hydrographic and Topographic Center Defense Mapping Agency Instruction Defense Mapping Agency Liaison Deferred Maintenance and Repair DODIIS Management Board Defense MC&G Program Digital Message Device Digital Message Device Group Distance Measuring Equipment Digital Message Entry Device DAWS Message Front End Directorate of Military Intelligence Defensive Missile Order of Battle Daily Maritime OPINTEL Summary Deployment Media Production Center Project Desired Mean Point of Impact (1) Data Management System; (2) Defense Message System Defense Meteorological Satellite (or Support) Program Demilitarized Zone (1) Data Net; (2) Duplicate Negative; (3) Department of the Navy (1) Defense Nuclear Agency; (2) Deoxyribonucleic Acid (1) DODIIS Network Access System; (2) Data Network Access System (1) Director, Naval Communications; (2) Digital Nautical Chart Data Network Control Center Department of National Defence (Canada) Director of Naval Intelligence DODIIS Network Security for Information Exchange Digital Non-Secure Voice Terminal Director of Operations (1) Department of the Army; (2) Date of Arrival; (3) Director of Administration; (4) Dead on Arrival JAC Counterterrorism/Counterintelligence Analysis Branch (1) Depth of Burst; (2) Date of Birth; (3) Defense Order of Battle Department of Commerce (1) Defense Communications Agency Operations Center Complex; (2) Deep Operations Coordination Cell; (3) DISA Operational Control Complex (1) Document Exploitation; (2) Document Exploitation Center Defense Attache System Message Channel DSCS Operations Control System 63 DoD, DOD DODCI DODCSC DODD DODEX DODFCIP DODFDCO DODFIP DODIIS DODIIS SCINET DODIMS DODIPP DODNACC DODSATCOM DOD SAT COM DODSI DODSPECREP DOD TCSEC DOE DOF DOI DOJ DOMS DOMSAT DON DOO DOPS DOS DOSCOM DoSIP DOSTN DOT DP DPAC DPAE DPAS DPC DPF (1) Department of Defense; (2) Date of Death; (3) Date of Departure DoD Computer Institute Department of Defense Computer Security Center DoD Directive DoDIIS Extended DoD Foreign Counterintelligence Program Department of Defense Foreign Disclosure Coordinating Office DoD Futures Intelligence Program DoD Intelligence Information System DoDIIS Sensitive Compartmented Information Network DoD Intelligence Management System DoD Intelligence Production Program Department of Defense National Agency Check Center DoD Satellite Communications Program DOD Satellite Communications Department of Defense Security Institute DoD Special Representative DOD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria Department of Energy Disposition of Forces (1) Date of Information; (2) Duration of Illumination; (3) Director of Intelligence; (4) Imagery Division (JAC); (5) Director of Operations and Intelligence; (6) DSSCS Operating Instruction; (7) Date of Intercept Department of Justice Directorate of Military Support Domestic Satellite Department of the Navy Daily Operations Order (NATO) DIA Outline Plotting System (1) Department of State; (2) Date of Separation; (3) Disk Operating System; (4) Direct Operating System Division Support Command Department of State Intelligence Program Department of State Telecommunications Network Department of Transportation (1) Duplicate Positive; (2) Development Program; (3) Displaced Person; (4) Delegated Production; (5) Directorate of Production; (6) Data Processing; (7) Decision Point; (8) Director of Personnel Defense Program Analysis Center Director, Program Analysis and Evaluation (1) Digital Patch and Access System; (2) Defense Priorities and Allocations System Defense Planning Committee (NATO) Digital Processing Facility 64 DPG Defense Planning Guidance DPI Desired Point of Impact DPIC (1) Decentralized Pacific Imagery Processing and Interpretation Center; (2) Defense Photographic Interpretation Center DPICM Dual-Purpose Improved Conventional Munitions DPKO Department of Peacekeeping Operations DPL Degausser Products List DPM Dissemination Program Manager DPOB Date, Place of Birth DPOM Directorate of Plans, Operations, and Mobilization DPOMIS Directorate of Plans, Operations, Mobilization, Intelligence, and Security DPP (1) Delegated Production Program; (2) Deliberate Planning Process; (3) Distributed Production Program DPPC Deployable Print Production Center DPPDB Digital Point Positioning Database DPPG Defense Policy and Planning Guidance DPQ Defense Planning Questionnaire (NATO) DPRB Defense Planning and Resources Board DPRK Democratic People’s Republic of Korea DPS (1) Delegated Production System; (2) Data Processing Set; (3) Department of Public Safety DPSK Digital Pulse Shift Key DR (1) Director; (2) Dissemination Requirement; (3) Directorate of Resources; (4) Detection Radar DRA Defense Research Assessment DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory DRASH Deployable Rapid Assembly Shelters DRB Defense Resources Board DRC (1) Defense Review Committee (NATO); (2) Defense Research Comment; (3) Data Reduction Center DR&E Defense Research and Engineering DRIC Defense Resource Identification Code DRM Defense Research Memorandum DRO Departmental Requirements Officer DRP Disaster Relief Program DRS (1) Data Relay Satellite; (2) DoD Imagery Requirements Structure; (3) Data Retrieval Subsystem; (4) Data Reconstruction System DRSA Defense Reconnaissance Support Activities DRSEM Deployable Receive Segment Engineering Model DRSN Defense Red Switch Network 65 DRSP DRU DRZ DS DS&T DSA D&SA DSAA D&SABL DSARC DSAT DSB DSC DSCIS DSCS DSC-SLEP DSCSOC DSDIO DSE DSEC DSFOB DSG DSI DSIATP DSIIB DSIMS DSI/TCCS DSM DSN DSNET DSNET 1 DSNET 2 DSNET 3 DSO DSP DSPO DSR DSRA DSRP DSRV (1) Defense Reconnaissance Support Program; (2) Defense Red Switched Program Direct Reporting Unit Deep Reconnaissance Zone (1) Defense Suppression; (2) Direct Support Director of Science and Technology (1) Defense Supply Agency; (2) Direct Service Activities (SIGINT); (3) Directed Search Area; (4) Division Support Area; (5) Defense Security Agency (ROK); (6) Digital Signature Algorithm Depth & Simultaneous Attack Defense Security Assistance Agency Depth & Simultaneous Attack Battle Lab Defense Systems Acquisition Review Council (1) Developmental Submarine Analysis Terminal; (2) Defense Satellite Defense Science Board Defense Satellite Communications Daily Space Command Intelligence Summary Defense Satellite Communications System Defense Satellite Communications System Service Life Enhancement Program Defense Satellite Communications System Operations Center Director, Strategic Defense Initiative (1) Direct Support Element; (2) Division Support Element Directorate of Security Daily Strategic Forces Order of Battle Defense Steering Group Defense Simulation Internet Defense Sensor Imagery Application Training Programs Direct Support Imagery Interpretation Brief Deployable SouthCom Intelligence Management System Defense Simulation Internet/Theater Command and Control System Data Systems Modernization (1) Defense Switched Network; (2) Deep Space Network Defense Integrated Secure Network Defense Integrated Secure Network 1 (SECRET level) Defense Integrated Secure Network 2 (TOP SECRET level) Defense Integrated Secure Network 3 (TS/SCI level) Direct Support Operator/Operations Defense Support Program Defense Special Projects Office (1) Defense Source Register; (2) Data Service Request DODSPECREP-Alameda Defense Space Reconnaissance Program Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle 66 DSS DSSCC DSSCS DSSCS/DIN DSSR DSSS DST DSTE DSTF DSTP DSTS DSU DSV DSVT DT DTA DTC DTC-2 DTD DT&E DTE DTED DTG DTI DTIC DTIO DTIR DTLOMS DTLS DTM DTMF DTNSRDC DTOC DTOCSE DTOLM DTD DTP (1) Decision Support System; (2) Devices, Simulators and Simulations Defense Special Security Communications Center Defense Special Secure Communications System Defense Special Security Communications System/Digital Intelligence Network Deep Space Surveillance Radar Defense Special Security System (1) Daylight Savings Time; (2) Decision Support Template; (3) Decision Support Tools; (4) Direct Support Team; (5) Digital Support Team Digital Subscriber Terminal Equipment Decision Support Task Force Director, Strategic Target Planning Deep Space Tracking System (1) Direct Support Unit; (2) Disk Storage Unit; (3) Data Service Unit (DCTN) Deep Submergence Vehicle (1) Digital Subscriber Voice Terminal; (2) Digital Secure Voice Terminal (1) Developmental Test; (2) Directorate for Science and Technology Directorate of Threat Analysis (1) Digital Tape Cassette; (2) Desktop Computer Desktop Computer-2 (Navy) Digital Terrain Data Developmental Test and Evaluation Data Terminal Equipment Digital Terrain Elevation Data Date-Time Group Doppler-Time-Intensity Defense Technical Information Center Deputy Target Intelligence Officer Defense Technical Intelligence Report Doctrine, Training, Leadership, Organization, Material, Soldiers Descriptive Top-Level Specification (1) Data Transfer Module; (2) Digital Transfer Module; (3) Digital Target Materials Dual-Tone Multi-Frequency David W. Taylor Naval Ship Research & Development Center Division Tactical Operations Center Division Tactical Operations Center Support Element Doctrine, Training, Organization, Leader Development and Material Data Transfer Device Drug Testing Program 67 DTS DTSA DTSG DTSS DTU DTUC DUCA DUG DUPLEX DVO DVM DVTC D/TWP DTWS DU DUA DUSD(AT) DUSD(P) DV DVI DVITS DVO DWIO DWIP DWS DWT DZ/LZ DZ/LZ/RZ DZS (1) Diplomatic Telecommunications System/Service; (2) Data Transmission System; (3) Direct Transmission System; (4) Dedicated Transmission Service Defense Technology Security Administration Digital Technology Subworking Group Digital Topographic Support System Data Transfer Unit Data Transfer Unit Cartridge Distributed Users Coverage Antennas Deep Underground Simultaneous Transmit and Receive Direct View Optics Digital Voice Module Digital Voice Transmit Communications Director, Tactical Warfare Programs Digital Topographic Work Station (1) Decision Unit; (2) Depleted Uranium Directory User Agent Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Advanced Technology) Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Policy) Distinguished Visitor Digital Video Interactive Digital Video Imagery Transmission System Defense Visit Offices Duty Watch Intelligence Officer (Canadian) Defense-Wide Intelligence Plan Disaster Warning System (1) Deadweight Ton; (2) Division Wing Team Drop Zone/Landing Zone Drop/Landing/Recovery Zone Drop Zone Study 68 E e E EA E&A E3 EAC EACTPC EACIC EAD EADSIM EAM EAMA EAMAS EAP EAS EASTLANT EASTPAC EATTG EBS EC ECA ECAC ECB ECC ECCM ECDB ECG ECI ECM ECMA ECMC ECMO ECO ECOA ECOWAS ECP ECPL Elipticity Evaporites (soil type) (1) Emergency Action(s); (2) Electronic Attack; (3) Executive Agent (1) Exploitation and Analysis; (2) Engineering and Administration (1) End-to-End Encryption; (2) Emergency and Extraordinary Expenses (1) Emergency Action Console; (2) Echelons Above Corps Echelon-Above-Corps Theater Production Center Echelon-Above-Corps Intelligence Center (1) Echelon Above Division; (2) Earliest Arrival Date; (3) Extended Air Defense Extended Air Defense Simulation (1) Emergency Action Message; (2) Event Analysis Matrix African States Associated with the EEC Emergency Action Message Authentication System (1) Emergency Action Procedure; (2) Emergency Action Plan Emergency Action System Eastern Atlantic Command (NATO) Eastern Pacific Enhanced Automated Tactical Target Graphics Emergency Broadcast System (1) European Community; (2) Expenditure Center; (3) Electronic Combat (1) Enemy Capability Assessment; (2) Earth Central Angle; (3) Enemy Courses of Action Electromagnetic Compatibility Analysis Center Echelons Corps and Below (1) Eurasian Communist Countries; (2) European Communist Countries; (3) European Community Commission Electronic Counter-Countermeasures EISS Consolidated Database Emergency Coordination Group External Communications Interface (1) Electronic Countermeasures; (2) European Common Market European Computer Manufacturer’s Association Enhanced Crisis Management Capability European Collection Management Office Electronic Collection Outstations Enemy Courses of Action Economic Community of West African States (1) Emergency Communications Plan; (2) Entry Control Point Endorsed Data Encryption Standard Products List 69 ECS ECSC ECSM ECSO ECU ED EDA E-DAY EDI EDL EDM EDMS EDN EDP EDPSELINT E-DRB EDRE E&E EEA EEC EECT EEFI EEI EELS EELV EENT EEO EEOB EEOC EES EFCS EFD EFS EFTA EFTO EFVS EGA EGADS EGIS EHF EI EIA (1) Electronic Combat Support; (2) European Communications Satellite European Coal and Steel Community (1) Special Assistant for Security Matters; (2) Enhanced Capability Stand-Off Munition European Command Special Operations Environmental Control Unit (GSM) (1) European Capability Datum; (2) EUCOM Directive Emergency Dissemination Authority(ies) Start Day of an Exercise European Defense Initiative Electric Discharge Laser Engineering Development Model Electronic Dissemination Management System Emergency Data Network (1) Electronic Data Processing; (2) ELINT Data Processor Data Processing System Expanded Defense (Planning &) Resources Board Emergency Deployment Readiness Exercises Escape and Evasion Essential Elements of Analysis (1) European Economic Community; (2) East European Countries; (3) Enhanced Explosives Charge End of Evening Civil Twilight Essential Elements of Friendly Information Essential Elements of Information Early Entry Lethality and Survivability Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle End Evening Nautical Twilight Equal Employment Opportunity Enemy Electronic Order of Battle Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Emergency Evacuation Study Electronic Filmless Camera System Electronic Fill Device (1) Electronic Filing System; (2) Proper Name of System European Free Trade Association Encrypted for Transmission Only Electronic Fighting Vehicle System Enhanced Graphics Adapter Electronic Generation, Accounting, and Distribution System East German Intelligence Service Extremely High Frequency Effectiveness Index Electronics Industry Association 70 EIB EIC EIDB EIDS EIF EIG EIP EIRP EIS EISI EISS EITO EKMS ELDO ELECTRO-OPINT ELECTRO-OPTINT ELEV ELF ELI Elm ELMT ELINT ELISA ELNET ELNOT ELOS ELS ELSEC ELSET ELT ELT 3000 ELV EM E-Mail EMA EMAP EMATS EMC EMCS EMCON EMCP (1) European Investment Bank; (2) External Intelligence Bureau Economic Intelligence Committee EISS Integrated Database Electronic Information Delivery System (1) ECMC Interface Facility; (2) Enhanced Interface Facility Explosive Incendiary Grenade ELlNT Improvement Program Effective Isotropic Radiated Power Enhanced Imagery System (1) Electrical Interface-SWPS/lDHS 2000; (2) Electrical IDHS-90/SWPS Interface EUCOM Intelligence Support System EUCOM Intelligence Training Office EKIP Enhanced Korean Information Package Electronic Key Management System (1) European Space Vehicle Launcher Development Organization; (2) European Launcher Development Organization Electro-Optical Intelligence Element Electro-Optical Intelligence Elevation Extremely Low Frequency Emitter Location & Identification Element Element Electronic Intelligence Electronic Intelligence Search & Analysis European Liaison Network ELINT Notation Extended Line of Sight Emitter Location System Electronic Security (1) Element Set; (2) Proper Name of System (1) Emergency Locator Transmitter; (2) Electronic Light Table Electronic Light Table for UNIX-based system Expendable Launch Vehicle (1) Electromagnetic; (2) Enlisted Member; (3) Environmental Monitoring Electronic Mail European Monetary Agreement Electromagnetic Analysis Program Emergency Message Automatic Transmission System Electromagnetic Compatibility ELINT Mission Control System Emission Control Electromagnetic Compatibility Program 71 EMD E&MD EMGTN EMHS EMI EMIDS EMINT E-MIPE EMIS EMIT EMP EMR EMSEC EMT EMTR EMUT En ENDEX E-NET Engr ENL ENMCC ENSCD ENSCE ENSIT ENTNAC EO EOA EOB EOBS EOC EOD EOINT EOP E-OPTINT EORSAT EOS EOSAT EOSS EOTDA EOW EP EP-3 Engineering and Manufacturing Development Engineering and Manufacturing Development Equivalent Megatonnage EUCOM Message Handling System Electromagnetic Interference Experiment for Management Information Data Systems Emissions Intelligence Enhanced MIPE Early Mission Identification System Emergency Message Initiation Terminal Electromagnetic Pulse Electromagnetic Reconnaissance Emanations/Emissions Security (1) Emergency Management Team; (2) Equivalent Megatonnage Eastern Missile Test Range Enhanced Manpack UHF Terminal Enemy End Date of an Exercise Ethernet Engineer Enlisted Expanded National Military Command Center Enemy Situation and Correlation Division Enemy Situation Correlation Element Enemy Situation Entrance National Agency Check (1) Electro-Optical; (2) Executive Order; (3) Escape Orbit; (4) End Office Early Operational Assessment (1) Electronic Order of Battle; (2) Executive Office Building; (3) Enemy Order of Battle Electronic Order of Battle Server Emergency Operations Center (1) Explosive Ordnance Disposal; (2) Erasable Optical Disks Electro-Optical Intelligence Emergency Operating Procedures Electro-Optical Intelligence ELINT Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite Earth Observation Satellite Earth Observation Satellite Electro-Optic Sensor System Electro-Optical Tactical Decision Aids Electro-Optic Warfare (1) ELINT Processor; (2) Electronic Protection U.S. Navy Reconnaissance Aircraft 72 EPA EPAC EPAMS EPAT EPDS EPF EPIC EPIRB EPL EPLRS EPMO EPR EPROM EPS EPW EPWG EPUU EQV ER ERA ERADCOM ERAST ERBM ERCS ERADCOM ERDAS ERF ERIN ERINT ERIR ERIS EROS ERP ERPHO ERRS ERS ERSSO ERT ERTM ERTS ERTZ ERW (1) Environmental Protection Agency; (2) Evasion Plan of Action Eastern Pacific Exercise Planning and Message System Earliest Possible Arrival Time (1) Electronic Processing and Dissemination System; (2) ELINT Processing and Dissemination System Exploitation Products File El Paso Intelligence Center Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (1) ELINT Parameters List; (2) Evaluated Products List Enhanced Position Location and Reporting System European Production Management Office (1) Extended Planning Annex; (2) Enlisted Performance Report Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (1) ELINT Processing System; (2) Electronic Publication System; (3) Exploitation Problem Set; (4) Encapsulated Postscript (1) Earth Penetrator Weapon; (2) Enemy Prisoner of War Exploitation Plans Working Group Enhanced PLRS User Units Equivalent (1) Enhanced Radiation; (2) Electronic Reconnaissance; (3) Eastern Region; (4) EAGLE REACH (1) Extended Range Ammunition; (2) Equal Rights Amendment Electronic Research and Development Command Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology Extended Range Ballistic Missile Emergency Rocket Communications System Electronic Research and Development Command Earth Resources Data Analysis System Early Reinforcing Force Electronic Radio Intercept Network (USCS) Extended Range Intercept Missile Electronic Reconnaissance Intercept Report Exo-atmospheric Reentry Vehicle Interception System Earth Resources Observational System Effective Radiated Power Earth Resources Photographic Satellite Emergency Regional Reporting System (1) Emergency Relocation Site; (2) Earth Resources Satellite Emergency Reaction Special Security Officer Executive Reference Time Electronic Intelligence Request Tasking Message Earth Resources Technology Satellite Equipment Radiation TEMPEST Zone Enhanced Radiation Weapon 73 ES ESA ESAA ESAC ESAF ESAMS ESAR ESC ESD ESF ESG ESI ESIAC ESJ ESM ESMC ESMT ESP ESR ESRO ESS ESSA ESSM Est ESV ESW ET ETA ETAC ETAP ETAWG ETC ETD ETDS ETF ETHICS ETI (1) Emplacement Site; (2) Exploitation Support; (3) Electronic Warfare Support; (4) Expert System; (5) Electronic Support (1) European Space Agency; (2) Electronically Steered Antenna European Special Activities Area (U.S. Air Force) El Salvador Analysis Cell European Special Activities Facility Enhanced Surface-to-Air Missile Simulation Enhanced Synthetic Aperture Radar Electronic Security Command (U.S. Air Force) (1) Electronic Systems Division; (2) Ephemeris Support Data; (3) Exploitation Support Section (JSIPS) (1) Environmental Scale Factor; (2) Extended Superframe Formatted (1) Electronic Security Group; (2) Exploitation Steering Group Extremely Sensitive Information Electronic Satellite Image Analysis Center Escort Jamming (1) Electronic Warfare Support Measures: (2) Electronic Support Measures; (3) Electronic Security Measures Eastern Space and Missile Center External Supply Management Tools Emergency Special Measures ELINT Summary Report European Space Research Organization (1) Electronic Security Squadron; (2) ELINT Support System; (3) Exploitation Support Segment; (4) Exercise Support Subsystem; (5) Electronic Switching System; (6) Exploitation Support Section (JSIPS) (1) Expert System for Situation Assessment; (2) Environmental Satellite Service Administration Electronic Shop, Shelter-Mounted Estimated Earth Satellite Vehicle Electronic Security Wing (1) Enhanced Terminal; (2) Earth Terminal; (3) Embedded Training (1) Estimated Time of Arrival; (2) Equivalent Target Area Enlisted Terminal Attack Controllers Education Training Awareness Program ELINT Technical Analysis Working Group (1) Estimated Time of Completion; (2) Et Cetera (1) Estimated Time of Departure; (2) Effective Transfer Date Elapsed Time Distribution System Enhanced Tactical Fighter European Theater High Capacity Intelligence Communications System Estimated Time of Impact 74 ETIBS ETII ETIWCS ETL ETO ETP ETPL ETR ETRAC ETRO ETS ETSC ETSS ETTP ETUT EU EUCI EUCOM EUCOM/JIC EUDAC EUF EUL EUMETSAT EURATOM EUSA EUSC EUTE EUTELSAT EUV EUVE EV EVA EVC EVO EVR EVS EW EW/GCI EWAC EWAS Enhanced Tactical Information Broadcast Service External-to-Internal Interface European Theater Intelligence Warning and Communications System (1) Endorsed Tools List; (2) Engineer Topographic Laboratories (1) European Theater of Operations; (2) Earth-To-Orbit (1) Extended Tether Program; (2) Enhanced Thermal Protection Endorsed TEMPEST Products List (1) Estimated Time of Return; (2) Eastern Test Range Enhanced Tactical Radar Correlator Estimated Time Return to Operation (1) European Telephone System; (2) Estimated Time of Separation; (3) Expiration of Term of Service; (4) Earth Technology Satellite; (5) Engineer Test Satellite Electronic and Telecommunications Subcommittee Electronic Telecommunications Switching System EUCOM Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Enhanced Tactical User Terminal Expenditure Unit Endorsed for Unclassified Cryptographic Information U.S. European Command (1) U.S. European Command/Joint Intelligence Command; (2) EUCOM Joint Intelligence Center European Defense Analysis Center ECME User Facility Economically Useful Life European Meteorological Satellite (Organization) European Atomic Energy Community Eighth U.S. Army (Korea) Effective United States Controlled Early User Test & Evaluation European Telecommunications Satellite (Organization) Extreme Ultraviolet Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Enforcement Vector Extra-Vehicular Activity DoD Evasion Chart Event Verification Officer Enemy Vulnerability Report Electronic Visual Communications (1) Electronic Warfare; (2) Early Warning Early Warning/Ground Control Intercept Electronic Warfare Anechoic Chamber Electronic Workorder Accounting System 75 EWC (1) Electronic Warfare Center; (2) Electronic Warfare Coordinator EWCC Electronic Warfare Coordination Center EWCM Electronic Warfare Coordination Module EWCS Electronic Warfare Control System EWIR Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming EWIRS Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming System EWMIS Electronic Warfare Management Information System EWMS EW Mission Summary EWO (1) Electronic Warfare Officer; (2) Emergency War Order EWOPFAC Electronic Warfare Operating Facility EWR (1) Early Warning Radar; (2) Electronic Warfare Reprogramming EWRL Electronic Warfare Reprogrammable Library EWS Electronic Warfare Support EWSE EW Support Element EWSM Electronic Warfare Support Measures EWSO EW Staff Officer EXCRIT Exercise Critique System EXDEF Exercise Deficiency Program EXCAP Exercise Capability (simulator) EXCOM Community Executive Committee ExDir/ICA Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs EXDIS Exclusive Distribution (Pneumatic Tube Message Precedence) EXEC Executive EXERTAS Exercise Timeline Analysis System EXFIL Exfiltration EXO Exoatmosheric EXOPLAN Exercise Operations Plan EXPER Experience EXPL Exploitation EXPLAN Exercise Plan ExPReS Expoitation Process Reengineering Study EXRAND Exploitation Research and Development (COMIREX) EXSCEN Exercise Scenario System EXSUBCOM Exploitation Subcommittee (COMIREX) EXSUM Executive Summary EXTAC Experimental Tactics 76 F F FA FAA FAAD C3I FAADS FAAR FAARP FAAS FAC FACP FACSFAC FAD FADOC FADS FAE FAF FAFIC FAI FAIO FAISA FAISS FALD FAM FAME FAMP FAMS FAMSIM FANS FANT FAO FAPC FARP FARRFAA FARRP FAS FAST FAST-I (1) Fahrenheit; (2) Frequency (1) Frontal Aviation (FSU); (2) Field Artillery; (3) Forward Area; (4) Functional Architecture; (5) Frequency Agile; (6) Full Accounting; (7) Feasibility Assessment (1) Federal Aviation Agency; (2) Federal Aviation Administration; (3) Foreign Assistance Act Forward Area Air Defense Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence Forward Area Air Defense System Forward Area Alerting Radar Forward Area Armament and Refuel Point Foreign Affairs Administrative Support (1) Forward Air Control (Controller); (2) Facilities (1) Forward Air Control Post; (2) Forward Air Control Party Fleet Air Control and Surveillance Facility (1) Fleet Air Defense; (2) Force Activity Designator; (3) Field Arbitrary Designators Future Air Defense Operation Concept Foreign Area Data System Fuel Air Explosive Fast Access Format Federal Armed Forces Intelligence Center (FRG) Fuel Air Incendiary Concussion Bomb Field Artillery Intelligence Officer FORSCOM Automated Intelligence Support Activity FORSCOM Automated Intelligence Support System Field Administration and Logistics Division Functional Area Model FORSCOM Automated Modernization Effort Foreign Army Materiel Production Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center Analytical Maritime Summary Family of Simulation Friendly Allied Nation Support Network French Atmospheric Nuclear Test (1) Foreign Area Officer; (2) Forward Area of Operations; (3) Food and Agricultural Organization (UN) Food and Agriculture Planning Committee (NATO) Forward Area Refuel Point Air Replacement Radar Forward Area Rearming and Refueling Point (1) (U.S.) Foreign Agriculture Service; (2) Frequency Assignment Subcommittee (1) Fleet Antiterrorist Support Teams; (2) Forward Area Support Team; (3) Forward Area Support Terminal Forward Area SID and TRAP-Improved 77 FAST/I2 FASTC FASTFAX FASTL FAV FAX FB FBA FBH FBI FBIS FBM FBR FBS FC FCA FCB FCC FCE FCFS FCG FCG2 FCI FCIAD FCIP FCISD FCITP FCITTP FCLP FCO FCRC FCS FCSE FCT FCZ FD F/d FDB FDBM FDBPS Improved FAST/I Foreign Aerospace Science and Technology Center (archaic, now NAIC) Tactical Digital Facsimile Future Analytic Strategic Target List (1) Field Assistance Visit; (2) Fast Attack Vehicle Facsimile Fighter Bomber Fighter Bomber Attack Force Beachhead Federal Bureau of Investigation Foreign Broadcast Information Service Fleet Ballistic Missile Fast Breeder Reactor (1) Forward-Based Systems; (2) Federal Border Service (1) Fire Control; (2) Fractional Coverage Foreign Counterintelligence Activity Functional Control Board (1) Fleet Command Center; (2) Federal Communications Commission; (3) Fighter Control Center; (4) Fire Coordination Center Forward Control Element First Come, First Served Foreign Clearance Guide (military) FORSCOM G2 Foreign Counterintelligence FORSCOM Component Intelligence Architecture Document Foreign Counterintelligence Program FORSCOM Component Intelligence Strategy Document Foreign Counterintelligence and International Terrorism Program (FBI) FORSCOM Component Intelligence Tactics, Techniques and Procedures FORSCOM Command Language Program Facility Control Office Federal Contract Research Center (1) Fire Control System; (2) Flight Control System; (3) (U.S.) Foreign Commercial Service Forward Control Support Element Foreign Comparative Test Forward Combat Zone Functional Design Ratio of focal-length to diameter (of reflector type antennas) Fleet Database Functional Data Base Manager Fleet Data Base Production System 78 FDC FDDAC FDDI FDDS FDIU FDM FDMA FDO FDOA FDR FDT&E FDU FDW FDX FEA FEAF FEBA Fed FEDS FEDSIM FEL FEMA FEMD FEMP FEP FERS FET FETVD FEWS FEWSG FF FFA FFAR FFED FFG FFGH FFGN FFH FFHGN FFHN FFL FFLG FFM FFN Fire Direction Center Foreign Denial and Deception Analysis Committee Fiber Distributed Data Interface Flag Data Display System Fill Device Interface Unit Frequency Division Multiplexing Frequency Division Multiple Access Foreign Disclosure Officer Frequency Difference of Arrival Foreign Disclosure Representative Force Development Test & Experimentation Force Design Update Forward Deployed Workstation Full Duplex Front End Analysis Far Eastern Air Forces Forward Edge of the Battle Area Federal Reserve System Front End Distribution System Federal Computer Performance Evaluation and Simulation Center Free Electron Laser Federal Emergency Management Agency Far East Military District Front End Message Processors (1) Front End Processor; (2) FLTSATCOM EHF Package Federal Employees Retirement System Field Effect Transistor Far East Theater of Military Operations Future Early Warning System Fleet Electronic Warfare Support Group Frigate Free-Fire Area Folding-Fin Aerial Rocket FIREFINDER Elevation Data Guided-Missile Frigate Guided-Missile Aviation Frigate Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Frigate Aviation Frigate Nuclear-Powered Guided-Missile Aviation Frigate Nuclear-Powered Aviation Frigate Corvette Guided-Missile Corvette Full Face Mask Fleet Flash Net 79 FFR FFS FFT FGHQ FGN FH FH/DS FI FI&SS FIA FIC FICEURLANT FICM FICPAC FID FIDB FIE FIG FIIC FIIU FIM FIN FINPLAN FIO FIP FIPC FIPS FIR FIRCAP FIRE FIRF FIRMS FIROPS FIRST FIRSTEURLANT FIRSTPAC FIS FISA FISAP FISINT FISS FIST Radar Picket Frigate (1) Fixed Field Site; (2) Formatted File System Training Frigate Fighter Group Headquarters (Canada) Foreign Frequency Hopping Frequency Hopping/Direct Sequence (1) Finished Intelligence; (2) Foreign Intelligence Foreign Intelligence and Security Service(s) Foreign Intelligence Agency (1) Fleet Intelligence Center; (2) FORSCOM Intelligence Center Fleet Intelligence Center, Europe and Atlantic Fleet Intelligence Collection Manual Fleet Intelligence Center, Pacific (1) Foreign Internal Defense; (2) Force Integration Division Fundamental Intelligence Database Foreign Intelligence Element Figure Force Imagery Interpretation Center Force Imagery Interpretation Unit Force Integration Master Planner (1) Fixed-Site Intelligence Network; (2) Financial Financial Plan Foreign Intelligence Officer (1) Force Improvement Plan; (2) Federal Information Processing Foreign Intelligence Priorities Committee (1) Federal Information Processing Standard; (2) Fleet Intelligence Production System Field Investigative Region Foreign Intelligence Requirement Capabilities and Priorities Fused Intelligence Report in Europe Future Information Requirements Forecast Foreign Intelligence Relations Management System Freedom of Air Operations Fleet Intelligence Reserve Support Team Fleet Intelligence Reserve Support Team, Atlantic Fleet Intelligence Reserve Support Team, Pacific (1) Foreign Instrumentation Signals; (2) Foreign Intelligence Service Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act FMFPac Intelligence Sub-Architecture Plan (1) Foreign Instrumentation and Signature Intelligence; (2) Foreign Instrumentation Signals Intelligence Foreign Intelligence and Security Services (1) Fleet Imagery Support Terminal; (2) Fire Support Team 80 FIST-T FITCPAC FITD FITWING FLA FLAGE FLC FLEETSATCOM FLENUMOCEANCEN FLEX FLI FLIR FLO FLOT FLR FLRA FLSG FLT FLTBCST FLTCINC FLTSAT FLTSATCOM FLTSEVOCOM FM FMA FMAO FMAR FMAS FMC FME FMEC FMEP FMF FMFLANT FMFM FMFPAC FMIB FMIG FMIS FMLM FMOCC FMP FMPCP Transportable FIST Fleet Intelligence Training Center, Pacific FORSCOM Intelligence Training Detachment Fighter Wing Foreign Launch Assessment Flexible Lightweight Agile Guided Experiment Foreign Language Committee Fleet Satellite Communications Fleet Numerical Oceanography Center (U.S. Navy) Force-Level Execution System Force-Level Information Forward-Looking Infrared (Radar) Foreign Liaison Office Forward Line of Troops Forward-Looking Radar Federal Labor Relations Authority Force Logistics Support Group Fleet; Flight Fleet Broadcast Fleet Commander in Chief Fleet Satellite Fleet Satellite Communications System Fleet Secure Voice (1) Frequency Modulation; (2) Foreign Materiel; (3) File Maintenance; (4) Factory Marking(s); (5) Functional Manager; (6) Field Manual; (7) From; (8) Comptroller (1) Foreign Materiel Acquisition; (2) Foreign Media Analysis Foreign Materiel Acquisition Operation Foreign Materiel Acquisition Requirement Foreign Media Analysis Subsystem (1) Field Maintenance Center; (2) Force Mobile Command Foreign Materiel Exploitation Foreign Materiel Exploitation Catalogue Foreign Materiel Exploitation Program Fleet Marine Force(s) Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic Fleet Marine Field Manual Fleet Marine Force, Pacific Foreign Materiel Intelligence Board Foreign Materiel Intelligence Group Force Management Information System French Military Liaison Mission Fleet Mobile Operations Command Center Foreign Materiel Program Foreign Military Personnel Contact Program 81 FMPRB FMRL FMs FMS FMSF FMTV FN FNOC FNU FO F/O FOA FOAMP FOAP FOB FOBS FOC FOCI FOCUS FOD FOFA FofF FOG FOGM FOI FOIA FOL FOLAN FOLPEN FOM FOMA FOMCAT FOMP FONS FOP FORDTIS FORECON FORGE FORMAT FORMDEPS FORMICA FORMMS Foreign Military Program Review Board Foreign Materiel Requirements List Defense Intelligence Functional Managers Foreign Military Sales Foreign Military Sales Financing Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles Foreign National Fleet Numerical Oceanographic Center First Name Unknown Forward Observer Fiber-Optics (1) Field Operating Agency; (2) Forward Operating Area Foreign Aerospace Materiel Production Foreign Aircraft Production (1) Forward Operating Base; (2) Foreign Order of Battle Fractional Orbital Bombardment System (1) Final Operational Capabilities; (2) Full Operational Capability; (3) FORSCOM Operations Center; (4) Full Operating Capacity Foreign Owned, Controlled or Influenced (1) Interagency Review of Defense Attache Offices; (2) FORSCOM Objective Communications System Foreign Object Damage Follow-on Forces Attack Field of Fire Fiber-Optics Guided Fiber-Optic Guided Missile Freedom of Information Freedom of Information Act (1) Forward Operating Location; (2) Family of Loudspeakers Fiber-Optic Local Area Network Foliage-Penetrating Figure of Merit Foreign Military Assistance Foreign Materiel Catalogue Foreign Missile Production Fleet Operational Needs Statement for Intelligence Forward Observation Post Foreign Disclosure Technical Information System Force Reconnaissance Force Generation Foreign Materiel FORSCOM Mobilization and Deployment Planning System Foreign Military Intelligence Collection Activity Foreign Materiel Management System 82 FORSCOM FORSTAT FORT FORTRAN FOSCAS FOSD FOSIC FOSIC-E FOSICLANT FOSICPAC FOSIF FOSIF Rota FOSIF/WESTPAC FOTARS FOT&E FOTELSYS FOTRS FOUO FOV FP FPA FPB FPE FPF FPI FPIR FPL FPN FPO fps FPTOC FPU FQ&P FRAG FRAGO FRD FREQ FRG FRIES FRIF FROG FROKA U.S. Forces Command Force Status and Identity Report Force Trends Data Base Formula Translator Foreign Ship Construction and Shipyards Family of Sabotage Devices Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center, Europe Fleet Ocean Surveillance Intelligence Center, Atlantic Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Center, Pacific Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Facility Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Facility, Rota Fleet Ocean Surveillance Information Facility, Western Pacific Follow-On Tactical Reconnaissance System Follow-On Test and Evaluation Foreign Telecommunications Systems Follow-On Tactical Reconnaissance System For Official Use Only Field of View (1) Fire Position; (2) Field Post; (3) Force Package (1) Federal Preparedness Agency; (2) Focal Plane Array; (3) Force Projection Army Fast Patrol Boat Force Planning Estimate Final Protection Fire (1) Foreign Positive Intelligence; (2) Federal Process Improvement Force Protection Information Report Fire Protective Line Field Post Number Fleet Post Office Feet Per Second Force Projection Tactical Operations Center Floating Point Unit Flying Qualities and Performance Fragmentary Order Fragmentary Order (1) Federal Research Division (Library of Congress); (2) Formerly Restricted Data; (3) Functional Requirements Document Frequency Federal Republic of Germany Fast Rope Insertion Extraction System Finished Recurring Intelligence File Free Rocket Over Ground First Republic of Korea Army 83 FROSS FRPG FRR FRS FRY FRYM FS F3S FSAIS FSB FSBS FSCC FSCL FSCOORD FSD FSE FSHB FSI FSIC FSK FSM FSO FSOC FSOF FSP FSRS FSS FSSG FSST FST FSTC FSTS FSU FSV FSVS FSWDS FT FT-1 FTA FTAM FTC FTD Foreign Reliance on Space Systems Facility Reference Point Graphic Frequency Resource Records (1) Fleet Readiness Squadron; (2) Federal Research Service; (3) Forward Recording Site Former Republic of Yugoslavia Former Republic of Yugoslavia-Macedonia (1) File Server; (2) Fire Support Field Station Support System FICEURLANT SCI Analyst Information System (1) Fleet Satellite Broadcast (of FLTSATCOM); (2) Forward Staging Base; (3) Fire Support Base Fleet Submarine Broadcast System Fire Support Coordination Center Fire Support Coordination Line Fire Support Coordinator (1) Field Support Division; (2) Forward Support Detachment Fire Support Element Fallout Safe Height of Burst Foreign Service Institute Forward Sensor Interface and Control (1) Field Station, Korea; (2) Frequency Shift Keying Federated States of Micronesia (1) Foreign Service Officer; (2) Fire Support Officer Fairchild Satellite Operations Center Forward Special Operations Facility Fire Support Plan Functional Security Requirements Specification (1) Fast Sealift Ship; (2) FAISS SID System; (3) Fixed Satellite Services Force Service Support Group (USMC) Forward Space Support in Theater (1) Future Strategic Targets; (2) Future Soviet Tank Foreign Science and Technology Center (archaic; now NGIC) Federal Security Telephone Service Former Soviet Union Fire Support Vehicle Future Secure Voice System Fixed-Site Warning & Detection System (1) Fort; (2) Foot Fractional T-1 (1) Field Training Area; (2) Functions, Tasks, and Activities File Transfer Access Management (1) Fast Time Constant (ECCM); (2) Federal Trade Commission Foreign Technology Division (USAF) 84 FTDB Foreign Technology Data Base FTI Fixed Target Indicator FTL Future Target List FTLS (1) Future Target List-Strategic; (2) Formal Top-Level Specification FTM Full-Time Manning FTP File Transfer Protocol FTPS FORSCOM Topographic Production System (Facility) FTR Fighter FTS (1) Fleet Telecommunications System; (2) Federal Telecommunications System; (3) Federal Telephone System; (4) Flight Training Squadron FTS 2000 Federal Telephone System 2000 FTSC Fleet Technical Support Center FTU Forecast Tactical Unit FTX Field Training Exercise FU Forecast Unit FUD Full Unit Designator FUE First Unit Equipped FUNT French Underground Nuclear Test FUSS Fleet Undersea Surveillance System FUWOB Forward Unconventional Warfare Operations Base FV Fighting Vehicle FVS Foreign Visits System FW (1) Fighter Wing; (2) Fixed-Wing FWAIS Free-World Air Intelligence Study FWAOB Free-World Air Order of Battle Fwd Forward FWE Foreign Weapons Evaluation FWIC Fighter Weapon School Intelligence Course FWVP Fallout Wind Vector Plot FY Fiscal Year FYDP (1) Fiscal Year Defense Program/Plan; (2) Five-Year Defense Program; (3) Future Years Defense Program FYI For Your Information FYIP Five-Year Intelligence Plan FYMOP Five-Year Master Objectives Plan FYP Five-Year Plan (FSU) FYROM Federal Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 85 G G G1 G2 or G-2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G8 GA GaAs GACC GAD GADT GAF GAFIA GALE GALS GAMO GAO GAS GAT GATT GB GBCS(-L or -H) GBI GBL GBMD GBR GBS GBU GC GCA GCC GCCS GCDCAL GCE GCI GCN GCNTTY Gain Assistant Chief of Staff, G1 (Personnel) (1) Assistant Chief of Staff, G2 (Intelligence); (2) Army or Ground Directorate of Intelligence; (3) General Corps Staff Intelligence Officer Assistant Chief of Staff, G3 (Operations and Plans) Assistant Chief of Staff, G4 (Logistics) Assistant Chief of Staff, G5 (Civil Affairs) Director(ate) of C4 Director(ate) of Resource Management Ground Attack Gallium Arsenide Ground Attack Coordination Center Guards Artillery Division Ground/Air Defense Threat Ground Alert Facility (of PAC ABNCP) German Armed Forces Intelligence Agency Generic Area Limitation Environment FSU Satellite (“Horizon”) Ground and Amphibious Military Operations General Accounting Office (1) Gray Area Systems; (2) Getaway Special (1) Government Acceptance Test; (2) Guidance, Apportionment, and Targeting General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (UN) (1) Gigabyte; (2) Guardband Ground-Based Common Sensor (-Light or -Heavy) Ground-Based Interceptor Ground-Based Laser Global Ballistic Missile Defense Ground-Based Radar Global Broadcast System Guided Bomb Unit Gun Camera Ground Controlled Approach (1) Government Control Center; (2) Ground Component Commander; (3) Gulf Cooperation Council; (4) Global Control Center (1) Ground Command and Control System; (2) Global Command and Control System Great Circle Distance Calculator Ground Combat Element Ground-Controlled Intercept Ground Communications Network Ground Communications Network Teletype 86 GCP GCP-E GCS GCSS GDA GDBI GDBMS GDIC GDIP GDIPP GDL GDOP GDP GDPS GDRS GDS GDSS GDT Gen GEM GEN GENIC GENREP GENSER GEO GEODIS GEODSS GEOFILE GEOREF GEOSAT GEP GEPS GES GFAC GFCP GFE GFTD GFR GGI&S GHz Ground-Controlled Processor Ground-Controlled Processor-ELINT (1) Graphics Compatibility System; (2) Ground Control Station; (3) Global Connectivity Services; (4) Global Communications System Global Combat Support System Gimbaled Dish Antenna Generic Data Base Interface Generic Data Base Management Server General Defense Intelligence Community General Defense Intelligence Program General Defense Intelligence Proposed Program Gas Dynamic Laser Geometric Dilution of Precision (1) General Defense Plan; (2) Gross Defense Product; (3) Ground Defense Position; (4) Gross Domestic Product Ground Data Processing System Ground Data Reduction System (1) General Declassification Schedule; (2) FSU Guards; (3) Group Decision Support Global Decision Support System Ground Data Terminal General Ground Effects Machine (1) Generation; (2) General German National Intelligence Cell (NATO) General Reports General Service (Communications) Geosynchronous Earth Orbit Geographic Display Ground-Based Electro-Optical Deep-Space Surveillance System (1) Geographic Locations Code File System; (2) Geolocation File (JOPES) Global Reference System, a worldwide position reference system that may be applied to any map or chart graduated in latitude and longitude regardless of projection. Geological Satellite Ground Entry Point Generic Electronic Publishing System Ground Entry Station Ground Forward Air Controller Generic Front-End Communications Package Government Furnished Equipment Global Force Trends Data Base Gap Filler Radar Global Geospatial and Information Services Gigahertz 87 GIGSTER GIIPS GIITS GIN GIPD GIPMIS GIPS GIPSY GIS GIST GITAC GITC GITS GIUK GKNT GKS GL GLCM GLLD GLMX GLOBIXS GLOMR GLONASS GM GMD GMF GMFP GMFSC GMI GMIPP GMIT GMRD GMS GMT GMTI GNC GND GNP GNS GNST GO() NSA Video Teleconferencing System Geographic Installation Intelligence Production Specifications General Intelligence Imagery Training System Greenland-Iceland-Norway (1) General Intelligence Production Detachment; (2) General Intelligence Production Division General Intelligence Production Management Information System Geographic Installation Intelligence Production Specifications Graphics Information or Presentation System Geographical Information System Graphical Intelligence Support Terminal General Intelligence Training Advisory Committee General Intelligence Training Center General Intelligence Training System Greenland-Iceland-United Kingdom State Committee for Science and Technology (FSU) Graphics Kernel System Grenade Launcher Ground-Launched Cruise Missile U.S. Ground Laser Locator Designator (for COPPERHEAD) Geological Multi-Source Exploitation (System) Global Information Exchange System Global Low-Orbiting Message Relay Global Navigation Satellite System Guided Missile Global Missile Defense Ground Mobile Forces Global Military Force Policy Ground Mobile Force Satellite Communications (1) General Medical Intelligence; (2) General Military Intelligence General Military Intelligence Production Plan Ground Military Intelligence Team (ROK) Guards Motorized Rifle Division (FSU) (1) Ground Mobile System; (2) Geostationary Meteorological Satellite; (3) Ground Mission Supervisor Greenwich Mean Time (Zulu) Ground Moving Target Indicator GNAS Gateway Network Access System Global Navigation Chart Ground Gross National Product Global Network Segment Glossary of Naval Ship Types Government of (Name of Country) 88 G-O G-OINS G-OIS GOB GOC GOCO GOES GOLDS GOLDWING GOMS GOP GOR GORB GOS GOSC GOSIA GOSIP GOSPLAN GOSSNAB GOTS GP GPALS GPEE GPF gph GP NAF GPNDS GPO GPS GPSCS GR GRAD GRANITE SENTRY GRID GRIPF GRD GREEN FLAG GRG GRO GROFIS GRP GRT Office of Law Enforcement and Defense Operations (USCG) Intelligence Division (USCG/G-O) Investigations and Security Division (USCG/G-O) Ground Order of Battle (1) General Officer Commanding (UK); (2) Government of Canada; (3) Global Operations Center Government Owned Contractor Operated Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites General On-Line Display System Army HF Radio; HF communications system for meteorological and other operations Geostationary Operational Meteorological Satellite Generated Option Plan General Operational Requirement General Officer Review Board Grade of Service General Officer Steering Committee Government Open System Interconnect Architecture Government Open Systems Interconnected Profile State Planning Committee (FSU) State Committee for Material-Technical Supply (FSU) Government Off-the-Shelf (1) Group; (2) General Purpose Global Protection Against Limited Strikes General Purpose Encryption Equipment (1) General Purpose Forces; (2) Ground Processing Facility Gallons Per Hour General Purpose Numbered Air Force Global Positioning & Nuclear Detection System Government Printing Office (1) Global Positioning System; (2) Grid Producing Source; (3) Geographical Positioning System; (4) Ground Processing Stations General Purpose Satellite Communications System (1) Graphical Reporting; (2) Gateway Router Graduate Proper Name of System Brand of Portable PC GUARDRAIL Integrated Processing Facility Ground Resolved Distance ACC live-fly electronic combat exercise Gridded Reference Graphic Gamma Ray Observatory Ground Forces Intelligence Study Glass Reinforced Plastic Gross Registered Tonnage 89 GRU GS GSA GSD GSE GSF GSFC GSFG GSFM GSICS GSM GSOAF GSP GSR GSRS GSS GST GSTS GSTN GSU G/T GTA GTAB GTD GTN GTS GTC GTTC GUI GW G/W GWC GWEN GWIC GWIP GWP GW/R GWS GYRO GZ FSU General Staff Intelligence Organization (1) General Staff, (2) General Support; (3) Geological Survey; (4) General Schedule; (5) General Service; (6) Government Service (Federal Civil Service); (7) Ground Station; (8) Government Civilian General Services Administration (1) Ground Sample Distance; (2) Graphical Situation Display Ground Support Equipment (1) Ground Support Fighter (FSU); (2) Group of Soviet Forces; (3) Ground Station Facility Goddard Space Flight Center Group of Soviet Forces Germany Group of Soviet Forces Mongolia General Support Interim Contractor Support (1) Ground Support Module (JSTARS); (2) Ground Station Module GGI&S Special Operations Applications Facility General Strike Plan (1) General Support Reinforcing; (2) Ground Surveillance Radar U.S. General Support Rocket System (1) Global Support System; (2) General System Specification (1) Ground Sensor Terminal; (2) Ground Station Terminal; (3) Ground Support Terminal Ground-Based Surveillance and Tracking System General Switched Telephone Network Geographically Separated Unit Ratio of Antenna Gain to Noise Temperature Government Training Aid Global Transportation Analysis Bulletin Guards Tank Division (FSU) Global Transportation Network Global Telecommunications Service Gas Turbine Compressor Goodfellow Technical Training Center Graphics User Interface (1) Guided Weapon; (2) Gateway; (3) Guerrilla Warfare Gateway Global Weather Control Ground Wave Emergency Network Great Wall Industries Corporation (China) Global Weather Intercept Program General Work Plan Gateway/Router Gaps, Weaknesses, and Shortfalls (also GW&S) Gyroscope or Gyroscopic Ground Zero 90 H H H2O HA HAA HAB HAC HACC HAE HAHO HAIS HAL HALE HALO HANE HANG HARDLOOK HARDS HARM HARV HAS HASC HATS HATMD HAV HAWS HAZCON HAZMAT HB HBWP HC HCA HCC HCF HCI/DV/AEX HCR HCS HCU HD HDL HDM Symbol for the magnetic field of the propagated radio wave Critical life-essential liquid, commonly known as water Humanitarian Assistance Helicopter Alighting Area (1) High Altitude Burst; (2) High Altitude Bombing; (3) High Air Burst; (4) Hardened Aircraft Bunker (1) House Appropriations Committee; (2) Historical Area Coverage Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Center High-Altitude Endurance High-Altitude High-Opening Hawaiian Air Intelligence System Helicopter Light Attack High-Altitude Long-Endurance High-Altitude Low-Opening High-Altitude Nuclear Effects Hawaii Air National Guard Special Data Analysis Product of NAVSPACECOM/N24 High-Altitude Radiation Detection System High-Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (AGM-88A) Harassment Vehicle (Drone) Hardened Aircraft Shelter House Armed Services Committee Heuristic Automated Transportation System High-Altitude Theater Missile Defense (1) High Acceleration Vehicle; (2) Heavy Armored Vehicle (non-tactical) Hawaii Area Wideband System Hazardous Condition Hazardous Materials High Burst Host-Based Word Processing HUMINT Committee Humanitarian and Civic Assistance HUMINT Contingency Cell High Command of Forces Human-Computer Interface/Data Visualization/Automated Expansion HUMINT Collection Requirement Helicopter Combat/Search and Rescue High Capacity Computer Unit Horizontal Ground Distance Harry Diamond Laboratories Hierarchical Development Methodology 91 HDO HDX HX HE HEAT HEC HEDI HEF HEI HEL HELIP HELRATS HELSTF HELW HELWING HEMP HEMT HEO HEP HERO HERT HES HESS HEST HET HF HFE HFA HF/DF HFE HFEA HFP HH HHC HHD HHS HHW HIL HI-PAR HI-RES HIC HICOM HIDSS Humanitarian Demining Operations Half Duplex Half Duplex High Explosive High-Explosive AntiTank Helicopter Element Coordinator High Endoatmospheric Defense Interceptor Hostile Establishment File High-Explosive Incendiary High-Energy Laser HAWK European Limited Improvement Program High Energy Laser Radar Acquisition & Tracking System High-Energy Laser Systems Test Facility High-Energy Laser Weapons Helicopter Wing High-Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse High-Electron-Mobility Transistor (1) High-Earth-Orbit; (2) Highly Elliptical Orbit High-Explosive Plastic (1) Hazards of Electromagnetic Radiation To Ordnance; (2) Historical Evaluation and Research Organization Headquarters Emergency Relocation Team Hardcopy Exploitation Systems Hangul English Support System High-Explosive Simulation Technique Heavy Equipment Transporter (1) High Frequency; (2) Height Finder; (3) Hydrogen Fluoride Human Factors Engineering High-Frequency Antenna High-Frequency Direction-Finding Heavy-Fuel Engine Human Factors Engineering Assessment Host Front-End Protocol Hand-Held Headquarters and Headquarters Company Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment (1) Headquarters and Headquarter Services; (2) Hasty Hide Shelter Higher High Water High Interest List High-Performance Precision-Approach Radar High-Resolution High-Intensity Conflict High Command (CINCPACFLT Voice Network) Helmet-Integrated Display & Sight System 92 HIFAR HIMAD HIMS HIP HIRMS HIROCC HIS HISP HIT HITS HJ HL HLA HLA/DZ HLA/DZS HLLV HL-UAV HLW HLZ HM HMC HMCII HMF HMI HMMWV HMS HMTV HN HNAF HNIS HNS HNSC HOB HOBO HOC HOCNET HOE HOIS HOJ HOL HOM HOTA High-Frequency Fixed-Array Radar (1) High- to Medium-Altitude Defense; (2) High to Medium Altitude Adjustment HUMINT Information Management System Howitzer Improvement Program Human Intelligence Requirements Management System Hawaiian Islands Regional Operational Control Center (1) Honeywell Information System; (2) Hostile Intelligence Services Hostile Intelligence Service Profiler System High-Interest Track (1) Human Intelligence Tasking System; (2) Hawaii Information Transfer System HONEST JOHN (U.S. Surface-to-Surface Rocket) Hand-Launched Helicopter Landing Areas Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone Helicopter Landing Area/Drop Zone Study Heavy-Lift Launch Vehicle Hand-Launched Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Higher Low Water Helicopter Landing Zone Helicopter Mine Warfare HUMINT Management Center Higher Military Command, Interior and Islands (Greece) Handbook of Military Forces (1) Host-Message Interface; (2) Human-Machine Interface High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (1) Her Majesty’s Ship; (2) HUMINT Management System Head-Mounted Thermal Vision Host Nation Host Nation Armed Forces Host Nation Intelligence Support Host Nation Support House National Security Committee Height of Burst Homing Optical Bomb (1) History of Coverage; (2) HUMINT Operations Cell HUMINT Operational Communications Network Homing Overlay Experiment Hostile Intelligence Service(s) Home on Jam High-Order Language (1) Head of Media; (2) Head of Mission HUMINT Operational Tasking Authority 93 HOTOL HOTPHOTOREP HOTSIT how HP HPA HPG HPM HPT HPSC HPSCI HQ/HQS HQDA HQJTF HQMC HQMRHITS HQ USAF HR hr HR/MR HRC HRCS HRMS HRPT HRR HRS HRTV HRU HRV HS HSD HSE HSE-E HSE-SOCOM HSI H-SIP HSLLADS HSMS HSS HTACC HTKP HTLD HTOHL HTML HUD Horizontal Takeoff & Landing Hot Photographic Interpretation Report Hot Situation Message Howitzer (1) Headquarters Pamphlet; (2) Horsepower High-Power Amplifier Hardcopy Products Group High-Power Microwave (1) High-Payoff Target; (2) High-Priority Target High-Performance Computing Research System House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence Headquarters Headquarters, Department of the Army Headquarters, Joint Task Force Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps Quarterly Management Report Headquarters, Department of the Air Force (1) High Resolution; (2) Humanitarian Relief Service Hour Human Readable/Machine Readable (Data) Human Resources Committee High-Resolution Camera System Human Intelligence Requirements Management System High-Resolution Picture Transmissions High-Resolution Radar (1) Hours; (2) Humanitarian Relief Service High-Resolution Television Hardcopy Reconstruction Unit High-Resolution Visible Range Instruments (1) Helicopter Squadron; (2) Home Station HUMINT Support Detachment HUMINT Support Element HSE-Europe HSE-USSOCOM (1) Human Systems Integration; (2) Hyperspectral Imagery H-Camera Spectral Improvement Program High Speed Low Level Aerial Delivery System Human Sources Management System Health Service Support Hardened Tactical Air Control Center Hard-Target Kill Potential High-Technology Light Division Horizontal Take-off and Horizontal Landing Hypertext Markup Language Heads-Up Display 94 HULTEC HUMINT HUMMV HUMRO HUS HUSK hv HVA HVAC HVAP HVAPFSDS HVAT HVF HVIT HVT HW HWAS HWC HW/SW HWY Hz Hull-to-Emitter Correlation Human Resources Intelligence High Utility Mobile Mechanized Vehicle Humanitarian Relief Operations Hardened Unique Storage Hardened Unique Storage Key Heavy High Value Asset High-Voltage Air Conditioning High-Velocity Armor-Piercing High Velocity Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot High-Velocity Antitank Highly Volatile Fuel High Volume Information Transfer High-Value Target (1) High Water; (2) Hardware High Wycombe Air Station Hobart Walk-in Cooler Hardware/Software Highway Hertz 95 I i I2 IA IAA I&A IAB IAC IAD IADB IADS IAEA IAG IAGC IAGS IAIPS IAM IAMP IAMS IAN IAP IAPF IAR IAS IAS WS IASSA IAT IATA IAW IAWG IAWS IBAC IBs IBBS IBD IBDTF IBE IBERLANT IBIS IBM Inclination Intelligence Information (1) Imagery Analyst; (2) Intelligence Assistant; (3) Initial Assessment; (4) Intelligence Analyst; (5) Intelligence Agent Interagency Agreement (1) Imagery and Analysis; (2) Identifcation and Authentication Imagery Analysis Branch (1) Intelligence Analysis Center; (2) Intelligence Advisory Committee; (3) Intelligence Analyst Course (DIA); (4) Information Analysis Centers (1) Intelligence Analysis Division; (2) Integrated Air Defense Inter-American Defense Board Integrated Air Defense System International Atomic Energy Agency (1) Intelligence Analysis Group (formerly ITAD); (2) Imagery Analysis Group Instantaneous Automatic Gain Control Inter-American Geodetic Survey Integrated Automated Intelligence Processing System Imagery Analysis Memorandum Imagery Acquisition and Management Plan Individual Aerial Mobility System Imagery Analysis Notice International Airport Inter-American Peace Force Imagery Analysis Report (1) Intelligence Access System; (2) Interactive Applications System; (3) Intelligence Analysis System IAS Work Station INSCOM Automated Systems Support Activity Intelligence Augmentation Team International Air Transport Association In Accordance With Interagency Working Group Improved Analyst Workstation Identity-Based Access Control Issue Books Interim Brigade/Battalion Simulation Intelligence Baseline Document IBD Transaction Format Field-Initiated BE Number Iberian Atlantic Area Imaging Background Limited Infrared System International Business Machines 96 IBO IBOS IBS IBSSIR IBTA IBUR IC IC/EC ICA ICAF ICAO ICAP ICARIS ICBM ICC ICCC ICD ICDP ICE ICEDEFOR ICES ICF ICFTU ICIG ICITAP ICL ICM ICMC ICOD ICOM ICON ICP ICPS ICR ICRC ICRS Intelligence Baseline Overview Intelligence Battlefield Operating System (1) Interactive Beacon System; (2) Integrable Base Station; (3) Integrated Broadcast Service; (4) Intelsat Business Service; (5) Integrated Bridge System Background Signature Survey Integrated Battlefield Targeting Architecture Intelligence Bottom-Up Review (1) Intelligence Community; (2) Intelligence Collection; (3) Integrated Circuit; (4) Intelligence Center; (5) Irish Concern Intelligence Community/Executive Committee Intelligence Center Atlantic Industrial College of the Armed Forces International Civil Aviation Organization Improved Capabilities Program Intelligence Communications Architecture and Requirements Information System Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (1) Integrated Communications Center; (2) Intelligence Continuity Cell; (3) IMlNT Coordination Cell; (4) Intelligence Coordination Center (Coast Guard); (5) Initial Connectivity Capability International Council for Computer Communication (1) Interface Control Document; (2) Intelligence Collection Division; (3) Initiative Communications Deception Intelligence Career Development Program (1) Independent Cost Estimate; (2) Interface Control Element Iceland Defense Forces International Cooperation in Ocean Exploration (1) Intelligence Collection Flight; (2) Intelligence Contingency Funds; (3) Interconnect Facility International Confederation of Free Trade Unions IDHSS CSSR Interface Guard International Criminal Investigative Training and Assistance Program Intelligence Coordination Cell (1) Improved Conventional Munitions; (2) Intelligence Correlation Module; (3) Integrated Common Modules Intelligence Collection Management Course Intelligence/Information Cut-Off Date Integrated COMSEC (SINCGARS) Image Communications and Operations Node (1) Intelligence Collection Platform; (2) Interface Change Proposals; (3) Incremental Change Packages Intelligence Communications Processing Shelter Intelligence Collection Requirement (1) Intelligence Contingency Readiness Center; (2) International Committee of the Red Cross Imagery Collection Requirements Subcommittee (COMIREX) 97 ICS ICTF ICTT ICU ICV ICW ICWG ID IDA IDAD IDB IDB-II IDBM IDBR IDBTF IDC IDCSP IDEAS IDES IDEX IDEX II IDF IDHS IDHS IDHS-2000 IDHS-II IDHSC IDHSC-II IDIMS IDIQ IDIRA IDL IDM IDMS IDN IDNX IDP IDPS IDS IDSCS IDSCP (1) Intercommunications System; (2) Intelligence Community Staff Interagency Crisis Task Force (1) Improved Commander’s Tactical Terminal; (2) Interim Commander’s Tactical Terminal Interface Control Unit Infantry Combat Vehicle In Coordination With (1) Interface Control Working Group; (2) Imagery Coordination Working Group (1) Identification; (2) Infantry Division; (3) Intelligence Division Institute for Defense Analysis Internal Defense and Development (1) Integrated Data Base; (2) Inter-American Development Bank PC-Based Integrated Data Base Integrated Data Base Maintenance Integrated Data Base Retrieval Intelligence Data Base Transaction Format Interagency Defector Committee Initial Defense Communications Satellite Program Intelligence Data Element Authorization Standards Installation Damage Expectancy Summary Imagery Data Exploitation System Imagery Data Exploitation System II (1) Israeli Defense Force; (2) Installation Data File Intelligence Data Handling System IDHS for the mid-1990s Intelligence Data Handling System for the Year 2000 Intelligence Data Handling System, Second Iteration Intelligence Data Handling System Communications Intelligence Data Handling System Communications, Version II Interactive Digital Image Manipulation System Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity Introduction to Defense Intelligence Research and Analysis (DIA) Interoperable Data Link Improved Data Modem IPAC Document Management System Integrated Data Network Integrated Digital Network Exchange Intelligence Data Processor (1) Imagery Data Processing System; (2) Integrated Deployable Processing System; (3) Interim Deployable Processing System (1) Intrusion Detection System; (2) Infrared Detection Set Initial Defense Satellite Communications System Initial Defense Satellite Communication Program 98 IDSF IDTT IDZ IEA IEBL IEC IED IEG IEMATS IEP IEPG IEPR IER IES IESS IEW IEWCS IEWD IEWFAM IEWSE IEWTAC IEWTPT IF IFAC IFF IFFN IFOR IFOV IFPS IFR IFRB IFS IFTE IFV IG IGCP IGD IGR IGRV IGS IGSM IGT Intelligence Defector Source File Inactive Duty Training Travel Inner Defense Zone International Energy Agreement Inter-Entity Boundary Line (1) Imagery Exploitation Center; (2) Intelligence Exchange Conference (1) Improvised Explosive Device; (2) Imitative Electronic Deception Imagery Exploitation Group Improved Emergency Message Automated Transmission System Independent Evaluation Plan Independent European Program Group Information Exchange and Processing Requirements Report Independent Evaluation Report Imagery Exploitation System Imagery Exploitation Support Segment Intelligence and Electronic Warfare IEW Common Sensor Intelligence and Electronic Warfare Directorate IEW Functional Area Model IEW Support Element IEW Technology Assessment Center IEW Tactical Proficiency Trainer (1) Interrogation Facility; (2) Identification Frequency; (3) Intermediate Frequency International Federation of Automatic Control Identification, Friend or Foe Identification, Friend, Foe or Neutral Implementation Force (Operation JOINT ENDEAVOR) Instantaneous Field-of-View Interformation Position System Instrument Flight Rules International Frequency Registration Board Imagery File Server Integrated Family Test Equipment Infantry Fighting Vehicle (1) Interagency Group; (2) Inspector General; (3) Intelligence Group (Air Force) Intelligence Guidance for COMINT Programming Intelligence Guidance Document Improved GUARDRAIL Improved GUARDRAlL V Image Generation System Interim Ground Station Module Interdepartmental Group on Terrorism 99 IGY IHC IHE IHFR IHO IHR II IIC IICT IID IIDP IIE IIF IIG IIM IIN IINCOMNET IINS IIPL IIR IIRES IIRK IIRS IIS IISE IISS IITLPC IITS IIU IJMS ILAM ILC ILD ILE ILEA ILO ILP ILS ILSA IM IM/GD International Geophysical Year Intelligence Information Handling Committee Insensitive High Explosive Improved High Frequency Radio (1) International Hydrographic Organization; (2) In Honor of In-Extremis Hostage Rescue (1) Imagery Interpretation; (2) Imagery Interpreter Imagery Interpretation Center Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism Integrated Information Display Integrated Intelligence Development Plan (USCINCEUR) Installation Identification Element Imagery Interpretation Facility (1) Imagery Intelligence Group (formerly USAlIC); (2) Intelligence Inspector General Interagency Intelligence Memorandum Imagery Interpretation Note Intratheater Intelligence Community Network Imagery Information Need Statement Integrated Intelligence Priority List (1) Imaging Infrared; (2) Intelligence Information Report; (3) Imagery Interpretation Report Imagery Interpretation, Reporting, and Exploitation System Interarea Interswitch Rekeying Key Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale (1) Indirect Identification System; (2) IPAC Intelligence Summary; (3) Imagery Interpretation Segment Intelligence Information System Enhancement Intelligence Information Subsystem Inter/Intra Team Low Power Communications (1) Intra-Theater Imagery Transmission System; (2) Installation Information Transfer Systems (1) Imagery Interpretation Unit; (2) Imagery Interface Unit Interim JTIDS Message Standard Improved Limpet Assembly Modular International Lines of Communication Injection Laser Diode Intelligence Liaison Element International Law Enforcement Academy Intelligence Liaison Officer Intelligence Liaison Party (1) Instrument Landing System; (2) Integrated Logistic Support Improved Lightweight Satellite Antenna (1) Information Management; (2) Intermodulation Intelligence Management/Guidance Document 100 IMA I-MAE IMAF IMAP IMB IMC IMCO IMD IMEF IMET IMETS IMF IMINT IMIS IMLETT IMMP IMNET IMOM IMOC IMP IMPs IMS IMSAT IMSE IMSO IMTT IN INA INCA INCOLLNOM INCOMNET INCSEA INDICOM INDICOMM INEWS inf INF INFIL INFLIGHTREP INFLTRPT (1) Institute for Military Assistance; (2) Intelligence Mobilization Augmentee; (3) Information Mission Area Interim Medium Altitude Endurance UAV (formerly Tier I) 1st Marine Amphibious Force Interim Mission Assessment Program (USCENTCOM) Intelligence Management Board The International Medical Corps Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization Intelligence Management Document First Marine Expeditionary Force (1) International Military Education and Training; (2) Integrated Management Evaluation Team Integrated Meteorological System International Monetary Fund Imagery Intelligence (1) Intelligence Management Information System; (2) Integrated Management Information System International Maritime Law Enforcement Training Team Information Management Master Plan Imagery Network Intelligence Many-on-Many International Maritime Officer Course (1) Interface Message Processor; (2) Input Message Processor; (3) Image Product; (4) Information Management Program Imagery Products International Military Staff (NATO) Imagery Satellite Imagery Management Support Element International Maritime Satellite Organization Intelligence Mobile Training Team (1) International Negotiations; (2) Intelligence; (3) Infantry; (4) Director of Intelligence (Air Force Component) (also A2) Information Not Available (1) Intelligence Communications Architecture; (2) Integrated Nuclear Communications Assessment Intelligence Collection Requirement Nomination Intratheater Intelligence Communications Network Incidents at Sea (1) Indications Communication Network; (2) Indications and Warning Communications Indications Intelligence Communications Integrated Electronic Warfare System Infantry Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Infiltration Inflight Reports Inflight Reports 101 INFO INFOSEC INGO INI INL INMARSAT INMS INR INS INSAT INSICOM INSCOM INST INSTA INSTAL instl INSUM INT/INTEL INTACS INTCP INTEL INTELCAST INTELCOM INTELDATA INTELINK INTELSAT Intelink INTELNET Internet INTI intg INTRA Intranet INTREP INREQ INTSUM INUT IO I/O IOA Information (1) Information Security; (2) Information Systems Security International Nongovernmental Organizations Initiation International Narcotics and Law International Maritime Satellite Integrated Network Management System Bureau of Intelligence and Research (State Department) (1) Inertial Navigation System; (2) Immigration and Naturalization Service Indian Satellite Integrated Special Intelligence Communications U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command Instruction Automated Installations File (DIAOLS) Installation Installation Intelligence Summary Intelligence (1) Integrated Tactical Communications System; (2) Integrated Tactical Communications Study Intercept Intelligence Intelligence Broadcast Worldwide Intelligence Communication Intelligence Data Proper Name of System International Telecommunications Satellite Organization Command server/client system that allows secure SCI connectivity to all commands on the network, and access to available files without additional log-on. Intelligence Network International Network CI database Interrogation International Travel by Selected Foreign Officials Internet with local scope Intelligence Report Intelligence Request Intelligence Summary Indian Nuclear Underground Test (1) Indian Ocean; (2) Intelligence Officer; (3) Information Objectives; (4) Intelligence Objective; (5) Intelligence Operations (Division); (6) Information Operations; (7) Information Objectives Input/Output Indian Ocean Area 102 IOB Intelligence Oversight Board IOC (1) Initial Operational Capability; (2) Intelligence Operations Center IOCTL Indian Ocean Conventional Target List IOD Intelligence Operations Division (USEUCOM) IOF Intelligence Operations Facility IOIC Integrated Operational Intelligence Center IOM Input/Output Module IOMDWG Interagency Offensive Missile Deployment Working Group IONDS Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System IOR Individualized Operational Ration IONDS Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System IOS (1) Intelligence Operations Specialist; (2) International Organization for Standards IOSS (1) Integrated Operational Support Study; (2) Intelligence Organization Stationing Study IOT&E Initial Operational Test and Evaluation IP (1) Initial Point; (2) Imagery Processing; (3) Intelligence Problem; (4) Instrumentation Point; (5) Immediate Permanent Incapacitation Dose; (6) Internet Protocol IP/MP Inphase/Midphase IPA (1) Intelligence Production Activity; (2) Imagery Product Archive IPAT Intelligence Planning/Programming Analysis Tool IPB Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield/Battlespace IPC (1) Industrial Planning Committee; (2) Intelligence Producers’ Council; (3) Intelligence Production Center IPCP Intelligence Production Campaign Plan IPCS Intelligence Producers Council Staff IPD (1) Intelligence Planning Document; (2) Intelligence Plans Division (USEUCOM); (3) Intelligence Production Division IPDB Intelligence Production Data Base IPDS Imagery Processing and Dissemination System IPE Intelligence Production Element IPF (1) Integrated Processing Facility; (2) Intelligence Processing Facility (Guardrail) IPG Implementation Planning Group IPIR (1) Immediate Photo Interpretation Report; (2) Initial Photographic Interpretation Report; (3) Initial Programmed Interpretation Report; (4) Initial Phase Interpretation Report IPR Integrated Personal Armor IPIX Interface Processor for Imagery Exchange 103 IPM (1) Interface Processor for Imagery Exchange; (2) Intelligence Programs Management IPMA Intelligence Production Management Activity IPMO Intelligence Program Management Office IPL Integrated Priority List IPM Interpersonal Messaging IPOIC Interagency Prisoner of War Ad Hoc Committee IPOM Intelligence Program Objective Memorandum IPP (1) Intelligence Producer Profile; (2) Impact Point Prediction IPR (1) Intelligence Production Requirement; (2) In Process Review; (3) Impulse Response; (4) Internet Protocol Route IPRG (1) Intelligence Priorities Review Group; (2) Intelligence Program Review Board IPS (1) Integrated Program Summary; (2) Intelligence Production System; (3) Imagery Processing Segment (CARS); (4) Intelligence Production Section; (5) Instructions Per Second; (6) Imagery Processing System IPSC Information Processing Standards for Computers IPSG Intelligence Program Support Group (now CISA) IPSO Internet Protocol Security Option IPSP Intelligence Priorities for Strategic Planning IPT Integrated Product Team IPU Inter-Parliamentary Union IPW Interrogation of Prisoners of War IPWG Intelligence Priorities Working Group IPX Internet Packet Exchange IR (1) Infrared; (2) Intelligence Information Report; (3) Illumination Rate; (4) Impulse Response; (5) Information Requirement; (6) Intelligence Requirement; (7) Initial Radiation; (8) Induced Radiation; (9) Information Ratio I2R Imaging Infrared IRA Intelligence-Related Activities IRAC Interdepartmental Radio Advisory Committee IRBM Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missile IRC (1) International Red Cross; (2) International Rescue Committee IRCM Infrared Countermeasures IRCS Improved Radar Calibration System IR&D Independent Research & Development 104 IRD (1) Independent Research & Development; (2) Intelligence Resources Division; (3) Intelligence Reserve Detachment IRDB Integrated Requirements Data Base IRDC Intelligence Research and Development Council IRDHS Imagery-Related Data Handling System (see AIRES) IREMBASS Improved Remotely Monitored Battlefield Surveillance System IRDS Infrared Detection System IREMBASS Improved-Remotely Monitored Battlefield Sensor System IREPS Integrated Refractive Effects Prediction System IRF (1) Imagery Readiness Facility; (2) Intelligence Readiness Facility IRG Interdepartmental Regional Group IRGM Infrared Guidance Module IRINT Infrared Intelligence IRIS Infrared Imaging System IRISA Imagery Report Index Summary IRISF Intelligence Report Index Summary File IRK Interswitch Rekeying Key IRLS Infrared Line Scanner IRM (1) Intelligence Requirements Management; (2) Information Resource Management IRMS Imagery Requirements Management System IROF Imagery Reconnaissance Objectives File IROL Imagery Reconnaissance Objectives List IROP (1) Imagery Reconnaissance Objectives Plan; (2) Infrared Optical Intelligence; (3) Imagery Requirements Objectives Program IRPG Installation Reference Points Graphics IRPIA Intelligence Information Report Photo Index IRR (1) Individual Ready Reserve; (2) Intelligence Requirement Request; (3) Intelligence Readiness Report IRS (1) Intelligence Research Specialist; (2) Internal Revenue Service; (3) Interface Requirements Specification; (4) Intelligence Requirements Subcommittee IRSCOM Imagery Requirements Subcommittee IS (1) Information Systems; (2) Intelligence Specialists; (3) Intelligence Squadron I&S (1) Intelligence and Security; (2) Intelligence and Surveillance 105 ISA ISAF ISAR ISARC ISB ISC ISCO ISC/SC ISD ISDB ISDN ISEMS ISEW ISF ISG ISHMRS ISIC ISID ISIDS ISINT ISIP ISIS ISLES ISM ISMB ISO ISOFAC ISOPREP ISOS ISP ISP DCS ISP CPE ISPER ISPO ISPR ISPS ISPT (1) International Security Affairs; (2) Interservice Support Agreement; (3) Intelligence Support Activity; (4) Integration Support Activity; (5) International Support Agreement Israeli Air Force Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Cell (1) Initial Staging Base; (2) Intermediate Staging Base; (3) Intelligence Systems Board; (4) Intelligence Support Base (1) Information Systems Command; (2) Information Science Center; (3) Intelligence Support Cell Intelligence Support to Combined Operations Intelligence Specialist Chief/Senior Chief (1) Intelligence Support Detachment; (2) Intelligence Security Division; (3) Intelligence Support Division Integrated Satellite Data Base (1) Integrated Services Data Network; (2) Intelligence Services Digital Network ISEIntelligence Support Element Improved Spectrum Efficiency Modeling and Simulation Intelligence, Security, and Electronic Warfare Intelligence Support Facility (U.S. Navy) Intelligence Support Group (U.S. Navy) Improved SOF High Frequency Manpack Radio System Intelligence Support and Indications Center Interim Secondary Imagery Dissemination System Improved SIDS Instrumentation Signals Intelligence Intelligence Support Interface Program (1) Integrated Signals Intelligence System; (2) Interim SOCOM Intelligence Threat Data System Information Systems for Law Enforcement Support Industrial Security Manual Intelligence Systems Management Board (1) Information Systems Office; (2) International Standards Organization Isolation Facility Isolated Personnel Report Intelligence System of Systems (1) Intelligence Support Plan; (2) Industrial Security Program; (3) Intelligence Support Processor; (4) Integrated Survey Program; (5) Intelligence Survey Program Integrated Survey Program Data Collection System Integrated Survey Program Central Production Element IPAC Special Reports Intelligence Support Program Office Information Systems Processing Request (1) ISP Server; (2) Improved SOF Power Sources Intelligence Support Processor Tool 106 ISR ISRD ISS I&SS ISSA ISSM ISSO ISST IST ISTA ISWG ISYSCON IT ITA ITAAS ITAC ITACIES ITACS ITAR ITAS ITC ITCT ITD ITDB ITDN ITEP ITF ITFN ITG ITIBS ITIC-PAC ITII ITL ITO ITOC ITP ITS (1) Imagery Support Requirement; (2) Inter-Agency Source Registry; (3) Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Information Systems Requirement Document (1) Intelligence Support System; (2) Intelligence Support Subsystem; (3) Intelligence Support Staff; (4) Information Security System; (5) Information Systems Security Intelligence and Security Service (1) Information Systems Support Activity; (2) Inter-service Support Agreement Information Systems Security Manager (1) Information Systems Security Officer; (2) Intelligence Systems Support Office ICBM SHF Satellite Terminal (1) Imagery Support Terminal; (2) Intelligence Support Team; (3) Intelligence System Team Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition Intelligence Support Working Group Integrated System Control Immediate Transient Incapacitation Dose (1) Intelligence Terrain Analyzer; (2) International Telegraph Alphabet Intelligence Training Army Area Schools (1) Intelligence and Threat Analysis Center (U.S. Army); (2) Intelligence Tracking Analysis and Correlation Interim Tactical Imagery Exploitation System (U.S. Army) Integrated Tactical Air Control System International Traffic in Arms Regulations Improved Target Acquisition System Interagency Training Center Improved Tactical Commander’s Terminal (1) Interim Terrain Data; (2) Individual Training Directorate; (3) International Training Division Intercept Tasking Data Base Integrated Tactical Data Network (1) Interim Tactical ELINT Processor (U.S. Army); (2) Integrated Threat Evaluation Program Intelligence Task Force Intra-Task Force Network Interdiction Target Graphic Improved TIBS INSCOM Theater Intelligence Center-Pacific Internal-to-Internal Interface Interagency Telephone Laboratory (1) International Trade Organization; (2) Integrated Tasking Order Interrogation Translation Operations Center (1) Intelligence Town Plan; (2) Interrogation/Translation Platoon Imagery Transmission System 107 ITSS ITT ITU ITUT ITW ITW&AA IU lUG IUS IUSS IVAN IVCS IVD IVIS IVSN IW I&W IWC IWD IWG IWO IWS IWSDB IWST IWT IWTS IWW IX Integrated Tactical Surveillance System Interrogator Translator Team (1) Interrogator-Translator Unit; (2) International Telecommunications Union Interim Tactical Users Terminal (1) International Targeting Workstation; (2) Integrated Threat Warning Integrated Tactical Warning and Attack Assessment (1) Interface Unit; (2) Image Understanding Intelligence Users’ Guide Inertial Upper Stage Integrated Undersea Surveillance System Intelligence Van Integrated Vehicle Communications System Interactive Video Disk Inter-Vehicle Information System Initial Voice Switched Network (1) Information Warfare; (2) Intelligence Wing (1) Indications and Warning; (2) Intelligence & Warning Information Warfare Center Intermediate Water Depth Intelligence Working Group Intelligence Watch Officer (1) Intelligence Work Station; (2) Information Warfare Squadron Integrated Weapon System Data Base Information Warfare Support Team Intelligence Watch Team Indications and Warning Training System Inland Waterway Unclassified Miscellaneous Ship 108 J J3 J4 J5 J6 J7 J8 JA JAADS JAAT JAC JACC/CP JAD JAEIC JAG JAI JAIEG JAIS JAIS-PAC JAMIP JAN JANAF JANAP JAO JAOC JAOP JAPC JAR JARCC JARIC JAROC JARP JASDF JASORS JASPO JASS JAST JATCCCS JAWS JBS J2C Director(ate) of Operations Logistics Directorate Director(ate) of Plans, Policy, and Programs (1) Director(ate) of Command, Control, Communications; (2) Director(ate) of Command, Control, Communications, and Computer Systems Joint Operational Plans Staff Director(ate) of Resource Management Judge Advocate (General) Joint Allied Air Defense System Joint Air Attack Team Joint Analysis Center Joint Airborne Communications Center/Command Post Joint Assessment Data Joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee Judge Advocate General Joint Administrative Instruction Joint Atomic Information Exchange Group Japan Air Intelligence System Joint Area Information system-USPACOM Joint Analytic Model Improvement Program Joint Army-Navy Joint Army, Navy, Air Force Publication Joint Army/Navy Publication Joint Area of Operations Joint Air Operations Center Joint Air Operations Plan Joint Attrition and Penetration Committee JIC Analysis Report Joint Air Reconnaissance Control Center (1) Joint Aerial Reconnaissance Intelligence Center; (2) Joint Air Reconnaissance Interpretation Center (UK) (B) Joint Allied Refugee Operations Center (Berlin) Joint Aerospace Reserve Program Japanese Air Self-Defense Forces Joint Advanced Special Operations Radio System Joint Airborne SIGINT Program Office Joint Airborne SIGINT System Joint Advanced Strike Technology Program Joint Advanced Tactical C3 System (1) Joint Analytical Workstation; (2) Joint Advanced Weapons System; (3) JDISS-Army Workstation (1) Joint Base Station; (2) Joint Broadcast Service CIA Liaison 109 JC2WC JCAT JCC JCCC JCCOC JCCWC JCET JCEOI JCF JCISB JCISOC JCMC JCMEC JCMO JCMOTF JCMPO JCMST JCMT JCNJSIC JCNICC JCP JCPES JCPX JCRC JCS JCSAN JCSAR JCSE JCSM JCSS JCTG-ME J2D JDA JDAC JDAL JDAM JDC J-DEC JDEC JDF JDGW JDIA Joint C2 Warfare Center (1) Joint Crisis Action Team; (2) Joint Crisis Analysis Tool Joint Coordination Center Joint Communications Control Center Joint Communications & Control Operational Concept Joint Command and Control Warfare Center Joint/Combined Exercises for Training Joint CEOI Joint Communications Facility Joint Counterintelligence Support Branch Joint CI Staff Officer’s Course (1) Joint Crisis Management Capability; (2) Joint Crisis Management Center Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Center Joint Collection Management Office Joint Civil Military Operations Task Force Joint Cruise Missile Project Office Joint Collection Management Support Tool (renamed JCMT) Joint Collection Management Tool Center Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base (CMAFB) Node Joint Counternarcotics Intelligence Coordination Center Joint Congressional Committee on Printing Joint Chiefs Planning and Execution System Joint Command Post Exercise Joint Casualty Resolution Center Joint Chiefs of Staff JCS Alert Network Joint Combat Search and Rescue (1) Joint Communications Support Element; (2) Joint Contingency Support Element Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum (1) Japan Combat Support System; (2) Joint Communications Support Squadron Joint Technical Coordinating Group for Munitions Effectiveness DIA Liaison (1) Joint Deployment Agency; (2) Japan Defense Agency; (3) Joint Duty Assignment Joint District Area Command Joint Duty Assignment List Joint Direct Attack Munition Joint Debriefing Center JICPAC-Detachment Japan Joint Document Exploitation Center Joint Development Facility Joint Digital Geopositioning Workstation Joint Digital Intelligence Assessment 110 JDIPC JDISS JDISS-C JDISS-E JDISS-S JDIVS JDMAG JDS JDSS JDSIR JDSSC JEAP JEC JECC(G) JECG JECM JEEP JEIO JEFPROS JEIR JEL JEM JES JESS JET JETDS JEWC JFACC JFC JFFC JFFSC JFI JFIC JFITL JFK CTRMA JFLCC JLOTS JFM JFMCC JFMO JFSOCC JGITSS Joint Deployable Imagery Production Center (1) Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System; (2) Joint Defense Intelligence Support Services Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System-CENTCOM JDISS-EUCOM Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System-SOCOM or SOCRATES Joint Deployable Intelligence Video/Data System Joint Deployable Maintenance Analysis Group Joint Deployment System Joint Decision Support System Joint Deployment System Incident Reporting System Joint Data System Support Center (1) Joint Electronic Analysis Program; (2) Joint Electronic Analysis Position Joint Economic Committee Joint Exercise Control Center (Group) Joint Exercise Control Group Joint Electronic Countermeasures Joint Emergency Evacuation Plan Joint Engineering and Interoperability Organization JAC EUCOM Force Protection Summary JAC EUCOM Intelligence Review Joint Electronic Library Joint Exercise Manual JDISS Embedded Support Joint Exercise Support System JWICS Earth Terminal Joint Electronics Designation System Joint Electronic Warfare Center Joint Force Air Component Commander (1) Joint Fusion Center; (2) Joint Force Commander Joint Force Fires Coordinator Joint Force Fire Support Coordinator Joint Force Integrator Joint Force Interdiction Coordinator Joint Force Integrator Task List John F. Kennedy Center for Military Assistance Joint Force Land Component Commander Joint Logistics Over the Shore Joint Force Memorandum Joint Force Maritime Component Commander Joint Frequency Management Office Joint Force Special Operations Component Commander Joint General Intelligence Training System Subarchitecture 111 JGSDF JIATF JIATF-E JIATF-W JIB JIC JIC-E JIC-SOUTH JIC-2000 JICEUR JICPAC JICREP JICTRANS JIEO JIEP JIF JIFF JIIKS JIIM JILE JIM JINTACCS JINTC JIO JIOC JIPC JIPTL JISA JISAD JISC JISE JISI JISS JITAP JITC JITF JIVA JLA JLARG JL-COE JLD JLE JLMIS Japanese Ground Self-Defense Forces Joint InterAgency Task Force Joint InterAgency Task Force - East Joint InterAgency Task Force - West Joint Intelligence Bureau (Commonwealth Countries) (1) Joint Intelligence Center; (2) Joint Interrogation Center; (3) Joint Intelligence Cell Joint Intelligence Center-Europe Joint Intelligence Center-U.S. SOUTHCOM Designation of JICSOUTH upon movement to CONUS Joint Intelligence Center Europe Joint Intelligence Center Pacific Joint Intelligence Center Report Joint Intelligence Center for Transportation Joint Interoperability Engineering Organization (DISA) Joint Intelligence Estimate for Planning Joint Interrogation Facility Joint Interdiction of Follow-on Forces Joint Imagery Interpretation Key Structure Joint Intelligence Information Management Joint Intelligence Liaison Element JESS Intelligence Model Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems Joint Intelligence Task Force Joint Intelligence Organization Joint Intelligence Operations Center Joint Imagery Production Center Joint Integrated Prioritized Target List Joint Intelligence Support Architecture JTF Intelligence Support Architecture Document (1) Joint Intelligence Support Center; (2) Joint Intelligence Support Concept Joint Intelligence Support Element Joint Intelligence System Integration Japan Intelligence Support System Joint Intelligence Training Activity Pacific Joint Interoperability Test Center (DISA) Joint Integration Testing Facility Joint Intelligence Virtual Architecture Joint Logistics Assessment Joint Logistics Assessment Review Group Joint Logistics Center of Excellence Joint Liaison Detachment Jammer Locator Electronics Joint Logistics Management Information System 112 JLOTS JLPPG JLRC J4/LRC JLREID JLRSA JLSP JM JMA JMAT JMC JMCC JMCIS JMEM JMENS JMETL JMI JMIC JMICS JMIE JMIE/JEM JMINI JMIP JMISE JMITC JMNS JMO JMOCC JMP JMPAB JMPP JMRR JMSDF JMSIP JMSNS JMST JMTB JMTG JMTK JNACC JNAF JNC Joint Logistics Over the Shore Joint Logistics and Personnel Policy and Guidance Joint Logistics Readiness Center Joint Logistics Readiness Center Joint Long-Range Estimating Intelligence Document (JSPS) Joint Long-Range Strategic Appraisal Joint Logistics Steering Panel Joint Mission (1) Joint Mobilization Augmentation; (2) Joint Mission Analysis Joint Mobility Assistance Team Joint Movement Center (1) Joint MC&G Coordination Center; (2) Joint Mobile Command Center Joint Maritime Command Information System Joint Munitions Effectiveness Manual Joint Mission Element Needs Statement (1) Joint Mission Essential Target List; (2) Joint Mission Essential Task List JTIDS Modular AOC Integration System Joint Military Intelligence College JWICS Mobile Integrated Communications System Joint Maritime Information Element JMIE Support System and Modernization Joint UHF MILSATCOM Network Integrated Joint Military Intelligence Program Joint Military Intelligence Support Element Joint Military Intelligence Training Center Joint Mission Needs Statement Joint Management Office Joint Mobile Operations Command Center (1) Joint Manpower Program; (2) Joint Mobilization Program Joint Material Priorities Allocation Board Joint Munitions Production Panel Joint Military Readiness Review Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force Joint Modeling and Simulation Integration Program Justification for Major System New Start Joint Management Support Tool Joint Military Transportation Board (1) Joint Military Terminology Group; (2) Joint Master Training Guide Joint Mapping Tool Kit Joint Nuclear Accident Coordinating Center Yugoslavia National Air Force Jet Navigation Chart 113 JNC-A JNIDS JNPE JOA JOC JOC/INT JOG JOG-A JOG-C JOG-G JOG-R JOIC JOIN JOINT REDTRAIN Joint STARS JOP JOPES JOPS JOS JOSE JOTS JP JPAM JPAT JPD JPEA JPEC JPL JPM JPMIE JPMO JPN JPO JPOTF JPOTG JPPR JPRS JPSD JPSS JPSIO JRA JRB JRC JRCB Jet Navigation Chart-Air (1) Joint National Intelligence Dissemination System; (2) Joint National Intelligence Development Staff Joint Nuclear Planning Element Joint Operations Area Joint Operations Center Joint Operations Center/Intelligence Team Joint Operations Graphic Joint Operations Graphic-Air Joint Operations Graphic-Combined Joint Operations Graphic-Ground Joint Operations Graphic-Radar Joint Operational Intelligence Center/Cell Joint Operations Intelligence Network Joint Readiness Training Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System Joint Operating Procedure Joint Operations Planning and Execution System Joint Operational Planning System Joint Operational Stocks Joint Operations Support Element Joint Operational Tactical System (1) Jet Petroleum; (2) Joint Publication Joint Program Assessment Memorandum Joint Planning and Assistance Team Joint Planning Document Joint Planning and Exercise Activity Joint Planning and Execution Community Jet Propulsion Laboratory Joint Program Manager Joint Program for Military Intelligence Education Joint Program Management Office JSIC Peterson Node Joint Project Office Joint Psychological Operations Task Force Joint Psychological Operations Task Group Joint Planning and Program Review Joint Publications Research Service Joint Precision Strike Demonstration Joint Planning Staff for Space Joint Precision Strike Integration Office Joint Rear Area Joint Reconnaissance Board (1) Joint Reconnaissance Center; (2) Joint Recovery Center Joint Reconnaissance Coordination Board 114 JRCC JRCP JRDC JRDOD JRFL JRIP JRMB JRO JROC JROC-B JRS JRSC JRTC JRTC-IS JRX JRX MILES JS J/S JSAJAC JSAC JSAM JSAMSA JSB JSC JSCP JSCS JSDF JSEAD JSFC JSIC JSIMS JSIOC JSIOPC JSIP JSIPS JSIPS-N JSMB JSO JSOA JSOACC JSOC Joint Rescue Coordination Center Joint Readiness Command Program Joint Regional Defense Command Joint Research and Development Objectives Document Joint Restricted Frequency List Joint Reserve Intelligence Program Joint Requirements and Management Board Joint Reconnaissance Office Joint Requirements Oversight Council Joint Refugee Center, Berlin Joint Reporting System/Structure Jam-Resistant Secure Communications (1) Joint Readiness Training Center; (2) Joint Regional Training Center JRTC Instrumentation System Joint Readiness Exercise JRX Milestone System Joint Staff Ratio of received power level of a jamming signal and a desired signal Security Activity Joint State Area Command Joint Security Assistance Memorandum Joint Security Assistance Memorandum Supporting Analysis Joint Synthetic Battlespace (1) Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center; (2) Joint Spectrum Center Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan Joint Strategic Connectivity Staff Japanese Self-Defense Forces (1) Joint Surveillance Enemy Air Defense; (2) Joint Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses Joint Space Fundamentals Course Joint SPACECOM Intelligence Center Joint Simulation System Joint Space Intelligence Operations Course Joint Space Intelligence Operations Policy Course Joint Services Imagery Processor Joint Service Imagery Processing System Joint Service Imagery Processing System-Navy Joint Space Management Board (1) Joint Staff Office; (2) Joint Support Office (1) Joint Special Operations Agency; (2) Joint Special Operations Area Joint Special Operations Air Component Commander (1) Joint Special Operations Center; (2) Joint Strategic Operations Center; (3) Joint Special Operations Command 115 JSODC JSOFI JSOIC JSOIT JSOIO JSOP JSOPW JSOR JSOSOC JSOTF JSOTFSO JSOTP JSOW JSPD JSPDSA JSPO JSPS JSR JSRC JSS JSST JSTARS JSTPS JSWG JT JTA JTAGS JTAO JTARS JTASC JTB JTC JTC3A JTCAE JTCB JTCG JTCG(ME) JTC/SIL JTD JTDA JTEB J-TENS Joint Special Operations Deception Course Joint Special Operations Forces Institute Joint Special Operations Intelligence Course Joint Special Operations Intelligence Training Joint Special Operations Intelligence Orientation Joint Strategic Objectives Plan Joint Special Operations Planning Workshop Joint Service Operational Requirement Joint Special Operations Staff Officer Course Joint Special Operations Task Force Joint Special Operations Task Force South Joint Special Operations Training Project Joint Standoff Weapon Joint Strategic Planning Document Joint Strategic Planning Document Supporting Analysis Joint System Program Office Joint Strategic Planning System (1) Joint Strategy Review; (2) Joint Special Reports Joint Search and Rescue Center (1) Joint Surveillance System; (2) JMIE Support System (1) Joint Space Support Team; (2) Joint Special Support Team Joint Surveillance and Target Attack Radar System Joint Strategic Target Planning Staff (1) J-TENS Special Working Group; (2) Joint Service Working Group Joint (1) Joint Task Analysis; (2) Joint Table of Allowances Joint Tactical Ground Station Joint Tactical Air Operations Joint Tactical Aerial Reconnaissance System Joint Training, Analysis and Simulation Center (1) Joint Transportation Board; (2) Joint Targets Board (1) Joint Target Committee; (2) Joint Technology Center; (3) JFACC Target Cell Joint Tactical Command, Control, and Communications Agency Joint Tactical Control and Analysis Element Joint Targets Coordination Board Joint Technical Coordinating Group Joint Technical Coordinating Group (For Munitions Effectiveness) Joint Technology Center/ Systems Integration Laboratory Joint Table of Distribution (Manning Authorization for a Joint Organization) Joint Table of Distribution and Allowances Joint Test and Evaluation Board Joint Tactical Exploitation of National Systems 116 JTENS JTF JTF-6 JTF-B JTFCEM JTF-FA JTF-LOCE JTF-PM JTFPO JTF-PP JTF-SWA JTFHQ JTFP JTFPMO JTFSO JTG JTIC JTID JTIDS JTL JTMD JTN JTOSS JTP JTR JTRU JTSC JTSG JTT JTTP JTWS JTX JUAVTC JUDI JULL JULLS JUMPS JUSMAG JUWC JUWTF JVIDS JWAC JWARS JWBCA Joint-Service Tactical Exploitation of National Systems (1) Joint Tactical Fusion; (2) Joint Task Force Joint Task Force-6 USSOUTHCOM JTF in Honduras Joint Task Force Contingency Engineer Manager Joint Task Force-Full Accounting Joint Tactical Fusion-Limited Operational Capability Europe Joint Task Force-Panama Joint Tactical Fusion Program Office Joint Task Force PROVIDE PROMISE Joint Task Force-South West Asia Joint Task Force Headquarters Joint Tactical Fusion Program Joint Tactical Fusion Program Management Office Joint Task Force South Joint Task Group Joint Transportation Intelligence Center Joint Digital Team Information Device Joint Tactical Information Distribution System Joint Target List (1) Joint Theater Missile Defense; (2) Joint Table of Mobilization and Distribution Joint Targeting Network Joint Task-Organized Software Subsystem Joint Training Plan Joint Travel Regulation Joint Transportation Reserve Unit Joint Technology Steering Committee Joint Targets Steering Group Joint Tactics Terminal Joint Tactics, Techniques and Procedures Joint Threat Warning System Joint Training Exercise Joint UAV Training Center Joint Universal Data Interpreter Joint Universal Lessons Learned Joint Universal Lessons Learned System Joint Uniform Military Pay System Joint United States Military Advisory Group Joint Unconventional Warfare Command Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Joint Visual Integrated Display System Joint Warfare Analysis Center Joint Warfare Simulation Joint Whole Blood Control Agency 117 JWC JWCA JWFC JWG JWICS JWID J2X (1) Joint Warfare Center; (2) Joint Working Group Joint Warfighting Capability Assessment Joint Warfighting Center Joint Working Group (1) Joint Warning Indications Communications System; (2) Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System Joint Worldwide Interoperability Demonstration JTF J2 Support Element 118 K K KAC KADIZ KAIS KAK KAL KALCC KAPP KAWS KB Kbps KBS KBYTES KCG KCIA KCOIC KCSS KDC KDEI KDIA KDII KE KEK KELP KEW KG KGB KH KHA KHz KIA KIA-BNR KIAS KIES KIEWS KILLREP KILLSUM KILOD KIP KIPPL KISS KIWS KJ Kelvin (absolute temperature scale) Korea Analysis Center Korean Air Defense Identification Zone Korean Air Intelligence System Key-Auto-Key Key Asset List Korean Airlift Control Center Key Asset Protection Program Korean Analyst Workstation (1) Kilobyte; (2) Knowledgeability Brief Kilobits Per Second (also KPS) Knowledge-Based System Kilobytes Korean Consultative Group Korean Central Intelligence Agency Korean Combat/Combined Operations Intelligence Center Korean Combat Support System Key Distribution Center Key Defense Estimates Issues Korean Defense Intelligence Agency Key Defense Intelligence Issues Kinetic Energy Key Encryption Key Kaleidoscope Elint Processor Kinetic Energy Weapon (1) Kilogram; (2) Key Generator Committee for State Security (FSU) Keyhole Killed by Hostile Action Kilohertz Killed in Action Killed in Action, Body Not Recovered Knots Indicated Air Speed Kodak Imagery Exploitation System Kodak Imagery Edit Workstation Kill Report Kill Summary Killed in the Line of Duty (1) Key Intelligence Position; (2) Key Indigenous Personnel Key Intelligence Program Priorities List Korean Intelligence Support System KISS Intelligence Workstation (1) Kilojoules; (2) Key Judgments 119 KM KMASE KMC KM/HR KMODC KMID KMP KMPDU KMR KMS KMSA KMUA KN knots KP KPH KPK KS KSA KSC KSOS KT KTAS KTO KTTP Ku KUSLO KW KWH KVG Kilometer Key Management Application Service Element Key Management Center Kilometers Per Hour Key Management Ordering and Distribution Center Key Management Identification Number Key Management Protocol Key Management Protocol Data Unit Kwajalein Missile Range Key Management System Key Management System Agent Key Management User Agent Knot Nautical Miles per hour Key Processor Kilometers Per Hour Key Production Key South Korea (ROK) Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities Kennedy Space Center Kernelized Secure Operating System (1) Kiloton; (2) Knot Knots True Airspeed Kuwait Theater of Operations Korean Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures A Satellite Frequency Band U.S. Liaison Office-Kenya Kilowatt Kilowatt Hours Key Variable Generator 120 L LAAIB LAAM LAB LABS LAD LADD LAEO LAEWWING LAF LAFTA LAGEOS LAI LAL LALO LAM LAMM LAMP LAN LANDCENT LANDSAT LANDSOUTH LANFORSIXTHFLT LANL LANT LANTAF LANTAREA LANTCOM LANTCOMDIS LANTCOM JIC LANTDAC LANTDIS LANTFLT LANTIRN LANTIS LANUP LANWAN LAR Latin American Air Intelligence Brief Light Anti-Aircraft Missile Laboratory Laboratories Launch Assist Device Low Angle Drogue Delivery Low-Altitude Electro-Optical Light-Airborne Early Warning Wing Launch Alert Folder Latin America Free Trade Association Laser Geodynamic Satellite (1) Light Armored Infantry; (2) Look-Down Air Intercept Library Accessions List Low-Altitude Low-Opening Louisiana Maneuvers Land Armament and Manpower Model Lockwood Analytical Method for Prediction LAMPS (1) Light Airborne Multipurpose System; (2) LANTCOM Message Processing System Local Area Network Land Forces Central Region Land Satellite (Commercial Multi-Spectral) Land Forces Southern Region Landing Force Sixth Fleet Los Alamos National Laboratory Atlantic Atlantic Command Air Forces Atlantic Area Atlantic Command (now ACOM) Atlantic Command Deployable Intelligence System Atlantic Command Joint Intelligence Center (AIC) Atlantic Command Defense Analysis Center USACOM Deployable Intelligence System U.S. Atlantic Fleet Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared System for Night Atlantic Intelligence Supplement Local Area Network Upgrades Local Area Network/Wide Area Network Laser-Aided Rocket 121 LARB LARS LAS LASA LASER LASERFAX LASH LASINT LASTE LAT LATAM LATIN LATS LATWING LAV LAW LAWS LB Lb L-BAND LBR lbs (LB) LBSR LC LCAC LCC LCC-IC LCD LCE LCF LCM LCP LCPR LCS LCSMM LCSR LCU LCW LCWS LD LDC Light Amphibious Reconnaissance Battalion Light Artillery Rocket System Land Analysis System Light Armed Surveillance Attack Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Secure System for Transmitting Photos Lighter Aboard Ship Laser Intelligence Low-Altitude Safety Targeting Enhancement Latitude Latin America Atlantic Command Theater Intelligence Network Large Aperture Tracking System Light Attack Wing Light Armored Vehicle (non-tactical) Light Antitank Weapon Long-Range Cruise Missile Analysis and Warning System Live Broadcast Pound 1 to 2 GHz Laser Beam Recorder Pounds Lightweight Battlefield Surveillance Radar (1) Library of Congress; (2) Line of Contact Landing Craft, Air Cushion (1) Amphibious Command Ship; (2) Logistics Coordination Center; (3) Launch Control Center; (4) Land Component Commander Amphibious Command Ship-Intelligence Center Liquid Crystal Display Liaison Coordination Element (Special Operations Liaison Team in Coalition Operations) Launch Control Facility (1) Medium Landing Craft; (2) Life Cycle Management (1) Personnel Landing Craft; (2) Launching Control Post Ramped Personnel Landing Craft Low-Cost Satellite Life Cycle Support Management Model Swimmer Reconnaissance Landing Craft (1) Utility Landing Craft; (2) Launch Correlation Unit Special Warfare Support Craft Low-Cost Workstation (1) Line of Departure; (2) Laser Defense (1) Less-Developed Country; (2) Local Data Concentrator; (3) Light-Weight Deployable Communication; (4) Land Defense of CONUS 122 LDEF LDF LDIS LDM LDMX LDR LDS LDSD LDT LDX LEA LEAD LEAF LEASAT LED LEDS LEM LEN LENSCE LEP LEPCU LEO LEO COM LERTCON LES LEW LEXIS LF LF6F LFC LFICS LFM LFOC LFOV LFR LFRSV LFS LG LGB LHA LHA-IC LHD L-HOUR Long Duration Exposure Facility Lightweight Digital Facsimile Library Document Inventory System Limited Distance Modems Local Digital Message Exchange Low Data Rate Laser Detection System Lookdown/Shootdown Large Diameter Target Long-Distance XEROX Law Enforcement Agency (1) Low-Cost Encryption/Authentication Device; (2) List of Emerging Activations and Dispositions Law Enforcement Access Field (1) Leased Satellite; (2) Leased System Light Emitting Diode Link 11 Display System Land Engagement Model Large Extension Node Limited Enemy Situation Correlation Element Linear Error Probable Lightweight Environmental Protection Combat Uniform Low Earth Orbit Low Earth Orbit Data Communications Alert Condition (1) Leading Edge Services; (2) Land Earth Station; (3) Limited Effects Submunition Limited Effects Weapons Meade Data Central Legal Service (1) Low Frequency; (2) Launch Facility; (3) Landing Force Landing Force 6th Feet Large Format Camera Landing Force Integrated Communications System Landing Force Manual Landing Force Operations Center Limited Field of View Inshore Fire Support Ship Launch-Fly-Recover Space Vehicle Amphibious Warfare Fire Support Ship ACC Director of Logistics Laser-Guided Bomb Amphibious Assault Ship (General Purpose) Amphibious Assault Ship (General Purpose)-Intelligence Center Multi-Purpose Amphibious Assault Ship Hour on C-Day when deployment begins 123 LHR LHW LHX LIC LIDAR LIGHTSAT LIMDIS LIME LIMMER LIN LINCS LIR LISS LITE LITES LITINT LIVID LIWA LJ LKA LKG LL LLLTV/IR LLSO LLTV LLNL LLO LLW LLVI LMBB LMCC LMD LMD-KP LME LMI LMR LMRDFS LMS LMSR LNA LNE LNG LNIS LNO Low Hop Rate Lower High Water Lightweight Helicopter Low-Intensity Conflict Light Detection and Ranging Lightweight Satellite (1) Limited Dissemination; (2) Limited Distribution Laser-Induced Magnetic Emissions Limited Control of Merchant Shipping LANTCOM Intelligence Network Long-Range Intelligence Networked Communications Service Launch and Impact Report LANTCOM Intelligence Support System Laptop Imagery Transmission Equipment Laser Intercept and Technical Exploitation System Literature Intelligence Language Identification and Voice Identification Land Information Warfare Activity Laser Jet Amphibious Cargo Ship Loop Key Generator (1) Landline; (2) Latent Lethal Dose Low-Light-Level TV/Infrared Low-Level Source Operations (CI/HUMINT) Low-Light-Level Television Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Land Liaison Office Lower Low Water Low-Level Voice Intercept GENSER Intelligence Broadcast LOCE Mobile Correlation Center Local Management Device Local Management Device/Key Processor Layer Management Entry Layer Management Interface Land Mobile Radio Lightweight Man-Transportable Radio Direction Finding System (1) Local Monitor Station; (2) Least Means Squared Large Medium Speed RO/RO Low Noise Amplifier Liaison Element Liquefied Natural Gas Atlantic Command Naval Intelligence Summary (1) Limited Nuclear Option; (2) Liaison Officer 124 LNU LO LO/LO LOA LOAC LOB LOC(S) LOCD LOCE LOCK LOD LOFAR LOG LOGCAP LOGEX LOGS LOI LON LONG LORAD LORAN LOROP LOROPS LOS LOTS LOW LOX LP LPA LPAR LPC LPD LPD/I LPF LPG LPH LPI LPO LPR LPS Last Name Unknown (1) Liaison Officer; (2) Low Observables Lift-On/Lift-Off (1) Letter of Agreement; (2) Lead Operational Authority; (3) Letter of Assist Law of Armed Conflict Line of Bearing (1) Line(s) of Communication; (2) Library of Congress; (3) Launch Operations Center; (4) Liaison Officer Coordinator; (5) Location; (6) ILS Localizer Lines of Communication Designators (1) Limited Operational Capability, Europe; (2) Linked Operations-Intelligence Centers Europe Logical Co-Processing Kernel Low-Observable Demonstrations Low-Frequency Analysis and Recording Logistics Logistics Civil Augmentation Program Logistics Exercise Logistics (1) Letter of Instruction; (2) Location of Interest Longitude Longitude Long-Range Air Defense Long-Range Navigation Long-Range Oblique Photography (1) Long-Range Optical System; (2) Long-Range Oblique Photographic Sensor (1) Line of Sight; (2) Law of the Sea (1) Lighter Over the Shore; (2) Logistics Over the Shore (1) Laws of War; (2) Launch on Warning Liquid Oxygen Listening Post Amphibious Personnel Transport Large Phased-Array Radar Linear Predictive Coding (1) Amphibious Assault Transport Dock; (2) Low Probability of Detection Low Probability of Detection/Intercept Low Pass Filter Liquefied Natural Gas Amphibious Assault Ship (Helicopter) (1) Low Probability Intercept; (2) Lines per Inch Leading Petty Officer Amphibious Transport (Small) (1) Logistics Planning Study; (2) Large Processing Station 125 LPSS LPT LRA LRAA LRAACA LRAAM LRC LRCM LRCS LRE LREO LRINF LRIP LRL LRM LRP LRR LRRP LRSC LRSO LRSP LRSPRAC LRSTIA LRSU LRTNF LRU LSA LSB LSC LSCS LSD LSDV LSE LSG LSI LSM LSP LSS LSSA LSSC LST LST-5C Amphibious Transport Submarine Logistics Preparation of the Theater Long-Range Aviation (FSU) Long-Range Air Army (FSU) Long-Range Air-ASW Capable Aircraft Long-Range Air-to-Air Missile (1) Logistics Readiness Center; (2) Logistics Resupply Center; (3) Lesser Regional Contingency; (4) Limited Regional Conflict; (5) Limited Regional Contingency Long-Range Cruise Missile Light-Reaction Communications System Launch and Recovery Element Long Range Electro-Optical Longer Range Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Limited/Low-Rate Initial Production Low-Cost Receive Location Low-Rate Multiplexer (1) Low-Rate Production; (2) Long-Range Plan; (3) Limited Response Package Long-Range Reconnaissance Long-Range Reconnaissance Patrol Long-Range Surveillance Company Long-Range Surveillance Out-Post (1) Long-Range Surveillance Plan; (2) Long-Range Systems Plan Long-Range Special Reporting and Coordination Long-Range Scientific and Technical Intelligence Assessment Long-Range Surveillance Unit Long-Range Theater Nuclear Forces Line-Replaceable Unit (1) Logistics Support Analysis; (2) LAN Systems Administrator Lower Sideband Linear Shaped Charge Logistics Support Command, Somalia (1) Landing Ship, Dock; (2) Lease Separation Distance Swimmer Delivery Vehicle Logistic Support Element Large-Scale Graphics Large-Scale Integration Medium Amphibious Assault Landing Ship Launch Sequence Plan Library Support System Logistic System Support Activity Light Seal Support Craft (1) Amphibious Vehicle Landing Ship; (2) Local Standard Time Deployable Satellite Terminal 126 LSV LT LTAC LTAS LTBT Ltd LTDP LTDS LTI LTID LTIOV LTMS LTOE LUA LUT LVDS LW LWA LWIR LWM LWOP LWR LWT LZ LZCT Light Strike Vehicle (1) Light Table (2) Light Land Terminal Access Control Lightweight Tactical Army Satellite Communications System Limited Test Ban Treaty Limited NATO Long-Term Defense Program Laser Target Designator System Lightweight Thermal Imager Laser Target Interface Device Latest Time Information of Value Light Table Mensuration System Living Table of Organization and Equipment Launch Under Attack Limited User Test Low-Volume Dissemination System Low Water Light Weight Aircraft Long-Wavelength Infrared Lightweight Motor Leave Without Pay Lutheran World Relief, Inc Amphibious Warping Tug Landing Zone Landing Zone Control Team 127 M 3M M M1A1 MA MAA MAAG MAAP MAB MAC MAC-IN MACA MACCOM MACCS MACDIS MACLO MACOM MACSAT MAD MADP MAE MAEO MAE-UAV MAF MAFC MAG MAGIC MAGIIC MAGIS MAGR MAG Tape MAGTF MAINT MAIS MAISRC MAJCOM MAMS MAN Material, Maintenance, Management (1) Meter; (2) Mach; (3) Mega (Million) M1A1 ABRAMS Tank Mission Assessment Mission Area Analysis Military Assistance Advisory Group Master Air Attack Plan Marine Amphibious Brigade (1) Military Airlift Command (now AMC); (2) Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Attack Craft; (3) Multi-Array Correlator; (4) Missile Analysis Center; (5) Mandatory Access Control; (6) Message Authentication Code; (7) Military Areas of Coordination Military Airlift Command-Director of Intelligence Military Assistance to Civil Authorities MAC Communications (Network) Marine Aviation Command and Control System Military Assistance to Civil Disturbances MAC Liaison Officer (1) Major Army Command; (2) Major Command Multiple Access Communications Satellite (1) Magnetic Anomaly Detector; (2) Mutual Assured Destruction Military Attache for Defense Programs (1) Mean Area of Effectiveness; (2) Medium Altitude Endurance UAV (formerly Tier II) Medium-Altitude Electro-Optical Medium-Altitude Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Marine Amphibious Force MAGTF All-Source Fusion Center (1) Marine Aircraft Group; (2) Military Assistance Group; (3) Military Advisory Group; (4) Magnetic Maritime Air-Ground Intelligence Cell Mobile Army Ground Imagery Interpretation Center Marine Air-Ground Intelligence System Miniature Airborne GPS Receiver Magnetic Tape (1) Marine Air-Ground Task Force; (2) Marine Amphibious Ground Task Force Maintenance Military Airlift Intelligence System Major Automated Information System Review Council (1) Major Air Force Command; (2) Major Command MASINT Automated Management System (1) Mandatory Modification; (2) Metropolitan Area Network 128 MANPADS MANPRINT MAO MAOC MAP MAPREQ MARAD MARC MARCENT MARCORSYSCOM MARE MARECS MARDEZ MARDEZLANT MARDIV MARFOR MARFOREUR MARFOR-K MARFORCENT MARFORLANT MARFORPAC MARFORSOUTH MARG MARINETERP MARINTSUM MARISAT Mark-Up MARPAC MARREP MARS MART MARV MAS MASDR MASH MASINT MASS MASST MAST Manportable Air Defense System Manpower and Personnel Integration Major Attack Option Modular Air Operations Center (1) Military Assistance Program; (2) Ministry of Aviation Industry (USSR); (3) Multiple Aim Point; (4) Master Attack Plan; (5) Materiel Acquisition Process Map Requisition System Maritime Administration MAC ALCE Reaction Communications System Marine Forces Central Command Marine Corps Systems Command Mission Analysis Report-Electrical Maritime European Communications Satellite Maritime Defense Zone Maritime Defense Zone, Altantic Marine Division Marine Forces Marine Forces Europe Marine Forces Korea Marine Forces, Central Command Marine Forces Atlantic Marine Forces Pacific Marine Forces, Southern Command (1) Marine Amphibious Readiness Group; (2) Marginal Westlant Maritime Intelligence Report Maritime Intelligence Summary Maritime Satellite (COMSAT) Detailed Budget Recommendation from a Congressional Committee Marine Forces Pacific Maritime Report (1) Man-hour Accounting and Reporting System; (2) Military Affiliate Radio System; (3) Monthly Aerial Reconnaissance Summary Mobile Autodin Record/Remote Terminal Maneuverable Reentry Vehicle (1) Military Airlift Squadron; (2) Measurement and Signature; (3) Message Analysis Server; (4) Military Agency for Standardization Measurement and Signature Data Requirements Mobile Army Surgical Hospital Measurement and Signature Intelligence (1) Matrix Analysis Subsystem; (2) Missile and Space Summary Major Ship Satellite Terminal (1) Mobile Ashore Support Terminal; (2) Manual Acquisition Satellite Track; (4) MILSTAR Advanced Satellite Terminals 129 MAT MATB MATC MATDEV MATRIX MATS MATSYM MATT MATWING MAU MAVUS MAW MAWTS MAXI MB Mb MBA MBB MBC MBFR MBITR MBO MBMR MBPS MBRADIO MBT MBYTES/Mbyte MC MCA MCAR MCAS MC ASI MCB MCC MCCB MCCC MCCP MCCS MCCT MCDN Medium Assault Transport Multi-Spectral Analyst Test Bed Armored Troop Carrier, Mini Materiel Developer Multi-source Automatic Target Recognition with Interactive Exploitation Mobile Automatic Telephone System Material Symbol Multi-Mission Advanced Tactical Terminal Medium Attack Wing Marine Amphibious Unit Maritime Vertical Takeoff and Landing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System (1) Military Airlift Wing; (2) Marine Aircraft Wing Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron Modular Architecture for the Exchange of Intelligence (1) Megabit; (2) Meteor Burst; (3) Megabits Megabyte (1) Main Battle Area; (2) Multiple Beam Antennae Modular Building Block (of EIF/ECMC) Meteor Burst Communications Mutual and Balanced Force Reduction Multiband Inter Team Radio Management by Objective Multiband Multimode Radio Megabytes per Second Multiband Radio Main Battle Tank Megabytes (1) Military Committee; (2) Mobility Corridor; (3) Joint Military Intelligence College; (4) Multi-Channel MC&G Mapping, Charting and Geodesy (1) Maritime Collection Assets; (2) Military Capabilities Assessment; (3) Military Civil Action; (4) Mission Concept Approval Multi-Channel Acoustic Relay Marine Corps Air Station Marine Corps Assistant Chief of Staff Intelligence (1) Markings Center Brief; (2) Marine Corps Base (1) Mobile Command Center; (2) Movement Control Center; (3) Mission Control Complex; (4) Military Coordination Center; (5) Mission Control Cell; (6) Mission Control Center Modification/Configuration Control Board Mobile Consolidated Command Center (USSPACECOM) Marine Corps Campaign Plan Mobile Command and Control System Mobile Command Communications Team Marine Corps Data Network 130 MCDS MCE MCEB MCG MCG&I MCIA MCM MCMIP MCO MCOO MCP MCR MCRB MCRC MCRD MCRP MCS MCSF MCSFBN MCSP MCST MCT MCTL MCU MCW MD MDA MDAP MDC M-Day MDI MDCI MDCISUM MDDS MDID M-DITDS MDJCS MDLX Multilateral Counterterrorism Data System (1) Mission Control Element; (2) Modular Control Equipment Military Communications Electronics Board (1) Magneto Cumulative Generator; (2) Minimum Character Grid; (3) Monitor Control Group; (3) Mapping, Charting, and Geodesy Mapping, Charting, Geodesy, and Imagery Marine Corps Intelligence Activity (1) Mine Countermeasures; (2) Military Committee Memorandum; (3) Multi-Command Manual; (4) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum (Designator) Marine Corps Master Intelligence Plan MASINT Control Officer Modified Combined Obstacles Overlay Mobile Command Post Military Command Region Military Costing Review Board Master Control and Reporting Center Marine Corps Recruit Depot Mobilization Command Readiness Program (1) Mine Countermeasures Support Ship; (2) Military Capabilities Study; (3) Maneuver Control System; (4) Master Control Station; (5) Mission Control Segment Mobile Cryptologic Support Facility Marine Corps Security Force Battalion Mobile Communications Support Package Magnetic Card Selectric Typewriter (IBM) Mobile Communications Terminal (1) Mediterranean Contingency Target List; (2) Military Critical Technologies List Mobile Communications/Command Unit Modulated Continuous Wave (1) Military District; (2) Map Distance; (3) Mission Director Missile Defense Act of 1991 Major Defense Acquisition Program (1) Manipulation Detection Code; (2) Message Distribution Center Day on which mobilization begins Multidiscipline Interaction Multidisciplinary Counterintelligence Multidisciplinary Counterintelligence Summary Modular Digital Dissemination System MSE Data Interface Device Migration Defense Intel Threat Data System Memorandum by the Director, Joint Staff for the Joint Chiefs of Staff Military Demarcation Line Extended 131 MDPS MDO JAPAN MDR MDS MDT MDU MDW MDZ ME MEA MEAP MEB MEBE MEC MECD MECH MECL MECO MECS Med MED MED-RES MEDCAP MEDCOM MEDEVAC MEDRETE MEDINT MEECN MEF MEFCG MEFTL MEIF MECL MELOS MELT MEM MENA MENS MEO MEP MER Mission Data Preparation System Military Defense Office, Japan (1) MASINT Data Request; (2) Medium Data Rate (1) Mission Dependent Segment; (2) Modular Dissemination System Message Distribution Terminal (1) Mine Disposal Unit; (2) Mission Data Update Military District of Washington Maritime Defense Zone (1) Middle East; (2) Munitions Effectiveness Munitions Effectiveness Assessment Military Economic Advisory Panel Marine Expeditionary Brigade Middle East Basic Encyclopedia Main Evaluation Center Military Equipment Characteristics Document (NATO) Mechanized Mission Essential Circuits List Main Engine Cutoff (Shuttle and Expendable Launch Vehicles) Manual ELINT Collection System Mediterranean (1) Message Element Dictionary (JINTACCS); (2) Manipulative Electronic Deception; (3) Medical Medium Resolution Medical Civic Action Project Medical Command Medical Evacuation Medical Readiness Training Exercises Medical Intelligence Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network (1) Marine Expeditionary Force; (2) Maximum Elevation Figure MEF Command Group Middle East Force Target List Master ELINT Intercept File Mission Essential Circuits List Mediterranean Littoral OPINTEL Summary Maximum Efficiency Language Training Mission Effectiveness Model Middle East (and) North Africa Mission Element Needs Statement Medium Earth Orbit (1) Ministry of Electronics Industry (FSU); (2) Mission Enhancement Program (AWACS); (3) Management Engineering Plan (1) Maximum Effective Range; (2) Minimum Essential Requirements 132 MERADCOM MERCAST MERCO MERCOSUR/MERCOSUL MERIT MERSHIP MESA MET METCOM METEOSAT METL METOC METSAT METT-T MEU MEU(SOC) MEWSS MEWSS PIP MF MFC MF IDB MFLOPS MFO MFP MFP2 MFR MFS MFT MG MGID MGMT MGPS MGR MGRS MGS MGT MHC MHD MHE MHOP MHS Mobility Equipment Research and Development Command (U.S. Army) Merchant Ship Broadcast System Merchant Ship Reporting and Control Common Market of the South (South American Southern Cone Customs Union) Military Exploitation of Reconnaissance and Intelligence Technology Merchant Ship Mechanically Steered Antenna (1) Mobile Exploitation Team; (2) Meteorology; (3) MILSTAR Engineering Development Model Terminal Control of Meteorological Information Meteorological Satellite Mission Essential Task List Meteorological and Oceanographic Meteorology Satellite Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops and Time Available Marine Expeditionary Unit Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) Mobile Electronic Warfare Support System Marine Electronic Warfare Support System-Product Medium Frequency Multinational Force Commander Mainframe Integrated Data Base Millions of Floating Point Operations per Second Multinational Force and Observers Major Force Program Major Force Program 2 (1) Memorandum for Record; (2) Mutual Force Reduction (1) Ministry of State Security (East German); (2) Multifunction Switch Mission, Functions and Tasks Machinegun Military Geographic Information and Documentation Management Mobile Ground Processing System Manager Military Grid References System (1) Mission Ground Station; (2) Mobile Ground Station (1) Mobile Ground Terminal; (2) Management Coastal Mine Hunter Magnet-to-Hydrodynamic (1) Mechanized Handling Equipment; (2) Message Handling Enhancement; (3) Materiel Handling Equipment Multiple-Hop Message Handling System 133 MHV MHW MHz mi MI MIA MIB MIBNLI MIBWG MIC MICEP MICNS MICOM MICON micro MICFAC MICS MICV MID MID(S) MIDAS MIDE MIDEASTFOR MI DET MIDL MIDLANT MIDPAC MIDMS MIEF MIERS MIES MIFASS MIG MIGP MIIA MIIDS MIIDS/IDB MIIPS MIJI Miniature Homing Vehicle Mean High Water Megahertz Miles (1) Military Intelligence; (2) Message Indicator Missing in Action (1) Military Intelligence Board; (2) Military Intelligence Battalion; (3) Management Information Base Military Intelligence Battalion, Low Intensity Military Intelligence Board Working Group (1) Mid-Intensity Conflict; (2) Multinational Intelligence Cell; (3) Monolithic Integrated Circuit; (4) Maritime Intelligence Center Military Intelligence Civilian Excepted Career Program Modular Integrated Communications and Navigation System Missile Command (U.S. Army) Military ICON one millionth Mobile Integrated Command Facility Ashore Center MIIDS/IDB Interface to Client/Server Mechanized Infantry Combat Vehicle (1) Military Intelligence Detachment (2) Military Intelligence Digest MIDB Modernized Integrated Data Base; Migratory Integrated Data Base (1) Military Intelligence Detachments (Strategic); (2) Mobile Imagery Dissemination System MAXI Intelligence Desktop Application Software Mean Installation Damage Expectancy Middle East Force Military Intelligence Detachment Miniature Interoperable Data Link Mid-Atlantic Mid-Pacific Machine Independent Data Management System Master Imagery Exchange Format Modernized Imagery Exploitation & Reporting System Modernized Imagery Exploitation System Marine Integrated Fire and Air Support System (1) Mikoyan (FSU) Aircraft; (2) Military Intelligence Guide; (3) Military Intelligence Group Military Intelligence Group Medical Intelligence Information Agency (now AFMIC) Military Intelligence Integrated Data System Military Intelligence Integrated Data System/Integrated Database Military Intelligence Information Processor Subsystem Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference 134 MIJIFEEDER MIL MILAN MILCOM MILCOMSAT MILCON MILDEP MILGP MILGRPS mili MILNET MILOBS MILPERS MILSAT(COM) MILSPEC MILSTAR MILSTD MIMES MIMI MIMIC MIMS min MIN-O MINI-DISE MINTERM MINURSO MINX MIPE MIO MIP MIPE MIPIR MIPR MIPS MIR MIRA MIRACL MIRADCOM MIRE MIRF MIRGS MIRS Meaconing, Intrusion, Jamming, and Interference Report Feeder Military International Antitank Guided-Missile System Military Communications Military Communications Satellite Military Construction Military Department Military Group Military Advisory Groups one thousandths (1) Military Logistics Equipment; (2) Military Network Military Observer(s) Military Personnel Military Satellite (Communications) Military Specification (1) U.S. Military Communications Satellite Program; (2) Military Strategic and Tactical Relay Military Standard Multi-Spectral Imagery Materials Exploitation System Multi-Level Interactive Man/Machine Interface Monolithic Microwave/Millimeter Wave Integrated Circuit Multiple Independent Maneuvering Submissile Minutes Minimum Weapon for Damage Compact Version of Deployable Intelligence Support Element Miniature Terminal United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara Multi-Media Information Exchange Mobile Intelligence Processing Element (1) Missile Intelligence Officer; (2) Counter-Terrorism Database (1) Management Implementation Plan; (2) Message Input Processor Mobile Intelligence Processing Element (1) Multi-Mission Imagery Photographic Interpretation Report; (2) Multi-Source Photo Interpretation Report Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request Million Instructions per Second (1) Mission Intercept Report; (2) Morning Intelligence Report Medium-Wave Infrared Acquisition Array Mid-Infra-Red Advanced Chemical Laser United States Army Missile Research & Development Command Mission Intercept Report-Electrical Mission Information Recording Facility Multi-Intelligence Reconnaissance Ground Station Miniaturized Imagery Receive System 135 MIRV MIS MISE MISREP MISSI MIST MISTE MIT MITASK MITS MITT MITTS MIUW MIW MJCS MK-5O MK V MLA MLBM MLE MLLW MLM MLNIS MLO MLP MLPP MLRP MLRS MLS MLSATCOM MLST MLW MM MMB MMI MMIC MMIS MMP MMS MMU Multiple Independently-Targetable Reentry Vehicle (1) Management Information System; (2) Military/Monthly Intelligence Summary; (3) Mission Integration Segment Military Information Support Element Mission Report Multilevel Information System Security Initiative (1) MCCS Intelligence Support Team; (2) Modular Interoperable Support Terminal; (3) Military Information Support Team Miniature Integrated Satellite Terminal Equipment Mobile Interrogation Team (HUMINT) Mission Tasking (1) Monthly International Terrorism Summary; (2) MAC Imagery Transmission System; (3) Multimedia-Intelligence Tracking Subsystem Mobile Integrated Tactical Terminal Mobile Intelligence Tactical Transmission (System) Mobile Inshore Undersea Warfare Mine Warfare Memorandum for the Joint Chiefs of Staff Advance Lightweight Torpedo Mark V Special Operations Craft Multispectral Linear Array Modern Large Ballistic Missile Mobile Logistics Element Mean Lower Low Water Military Liaison Mission Modified Atlantic Naval Intelligence Summary Military Liaison Office Multi-Line Phone Multilevel Precedence Preemption Marine Corps Long-Range Plan Multiple Launch Rocket System (1) Microwave Landing System; (2) Multi-Level Security; (3) Multi-Level Simulcast Military Satellite Communications Mobile Logistics Support Team Mean Low Water (1) Millimeter; (2) Million; (3) Manual Morse; (4) Minelayer Miniature Multiband Beacon Man/Machine Interface Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit Military Man in Space MAGTF Master Plan Multimission Modular Spacecraft Manned Maneuvering Unit 136 MMW MN MNAS MNC MND MNF MNIC MNMIC MNS MNTHS MNU MO MOA MOAF MOB MOBDES MOBEX MOBS MOBSTA MOBTDA MOC MOD MODA MODCOM MODEMS MODS MOE MOGAS MOICPAC MOJT MOL MOLINK MOLNIYA MOM MOMCOMS MOOTW MOP MOPOT MOPP MOPS MORL mort Millimeter Wave Multinational MAXI Network Access System Major NATO Command (NATO) Multi-National Division Multi-National Force Multinational Intelligence Cell Modernized NMIC Mission Needs Statement Months Middle Name Unknown Counter-Terrorism Database (1) Memorandum of Agreement; (2) Military Operating Area Mission-Oriented Assessment Framework (1) Main Operating Base; (2) Missile Order of Battle; (3) Mobilization Mobilization Designee (now IMA) Mobilization Exercise Multiple-Orbit Bombardment System Mobilization Station Mobilization Table of Distribution and Allowances (1) Minister of Communications; (2) Mission Operations Center; (3) Mission Operations Chief (1) Ministry of Defense; (2) Mobile Obstacle Detachment Ministry of Defense and Aviation Modular Communications Modulation/Demodulation Equipment Multiple Object Data System Measure of Effectiveness Motor Gasoline Maritime Operational Intelligence Center, Pacific Managed On-the-Job Training Manned Orbital Laboratory Moscow/Washington Emergency Communications Link Soviet (FSU) satellite Ministry of General Machine Building (FSU) Man-on-the-Move Communications System Military Operations Other Than War (1) JCS Memorandum of Policy; (2) Ministry of Defense Industry (FSU) Mobile PSYOP Transmitter Mission-Oriented Protective Posture Million Operations per Second Manned Orbital Research Laboratory Mortar 137 MORTREP MOS MOSFET MOSS MOST MOSW MOT MOTIF MOU MOUT MOV MP MP&B MPA MPARE MPC MPDS MPDT MPEG MPF MPF-E MPI MPM MPN MPP MPRS MPS MPSOC MPSS MPWS MQS MR MRB MRBM MRC MRCA MRCS Mortar Bombing Report (1) Military Occupational Specialty; (2) Maritime Operational Intelligence Summary; (3) Marine Observation Satellite Metal-Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor Manned Orbital Space Station Mosaic Optical Sensor Technology Military Operations Short of War Military Ocean Terminal Maui Optical Tracking and Identification Facility Memorandum of Understanding Military Operations in Urban Terrain Military Owned Vehicle (1) Military Police; (2) Military Personnel Mission Planning and Briefing (1) Maritime Patrol Aircraft; (2) Mission and Payload Assessment; (3) Mission Planning Agent Mission Planning, Analysis, Rehearsal, and Execution System (1) Mobile Processing Center; (2) Manpower and Personnel Center; (3) Message Processing Center; (4) Media Production Center Message Processing and Distribution System Message Processing Distribution Terminal Motion Picture Experts Group (1) Maritime Prepositioned Force; (2) Message Processing Facility; (3) Mission Planning Folder; (4) Media Production Center Maritime Prepositioning Force Enhanced Mean Point of Impact Mission Planning Module MSE Packet Network Massively Parallel Processing Mission Planning and Rehearsal Segment (1) Maritime Prepositioned Ships; (2) Message Processing System; (3) Master Personnel System; (4) Modular Printing System Multi-Purpose Satellite Operations Center Ministry of Communications Equipment Industry (FSU) Mobile Protected Weapon System Military Qualification and Standards System (1) Military Region; (2) Medium Range; (3) Motorized Rifle Motorized Rifle Battalion Medium-Range Ballistic Missile (1) Movement Report Center; (2) Military Region Command; (3) Motorized Rifle Company; (4) Major Regional Contingencies; (5) Major Regional Conflict Multirole Combat Aircraft Medium-Resolution Camera System 138 MRD MRDBS MRDFS MRDC MRF MRI MRK MRL MRLS MRLOGAEUR MROC MRP MRPE MRR MRS MRT MR-UAV MRV MRVC ms MS M&S m/s MS-DOS MSA MSAM MSB MSC MSCD MSCS MSCT MSD MSDF MSE MSEL MSF MSG Msg MSGGEN MSH (1) Mission Rehearsal Device; (2) Motorized Rifle Division (1) MASINT Requirements Data Base System; (2) Measurement and Signature Intelligence Requirements Database Man-Transportable Radio Direction-Finding System Missile Research and Development Command (U.S. Army) Ministry of Radio Industry (FSU) Military-Related Intelligence Manual Remote (re)Keying (1) Multiple Rocket Launcher; (2) Master Requirements List Multiple Rocket Launcher System Minimum Required Logistics Augmentation Europe (1) Multiple-Command Required Operational Capability; (2) Minimum Required Operational Capabilities Mobilization Readiness Project Mobile Receive Processing and Exploitation Motorized Rifle Regiment Movement and Reinforcement Study (1) Mobile Remote Terminal; (2) Miniature Receiver Terminal Medium-Range Unmanned Airborne Vehicle Multiple Reentry Vehicle Multi-Rate Voice Card (Red Switch) Millisecond (1) Multispectral; (2) Mobilization Station Modeling and Simulation Meters per Second Microsoft Disk Operating System (1) Military Strength Assessment; (2) Minimum Safe Altitude Medium Surface-to-Air Missile Minesweeping Boat (1) Military Sealift Command; (2) Coastal Minesweeper; (3) Major Subordinate Command (NATO); (4) Military Staff Committee Military Support to Civil Defense Multiple Source Correlation System Training Coastal Minesweeper (1) Minesweeping Drone; (2) Mensuration Support Data Maritime Self-Defense Force (Japan) Mobile/Multi Subscriber Equipment (Network) (U.S. Army) Master Scenario Events List (1) Fleet Minesweeper; (2) Mobile Strike Force; (3) Medicines Sans Frontiers (1) Marine Security Guard; (2) Military Support Group Message Message Generator Mine Hunter 139 MSI MSIC MSID MSIP MSK MSL MSM MSN MSO MSP MSPB MSPF MSR MSRT MSS MSSC MSSI MSSP MSSS MST MSTS MSU MSW MT MT-LB MTA MTACCS MTAS MTB MTBF MTBSP MTCACS MTCR MTDS MTF (1) Inshore Minesweeper; (2) Multi-Spectral Imagery; (3) Multisensor Interpretation Missile and Space Intelligence Center Message Identifier (1) Multi-Spectral Image Processor; (2) Multisensored Intelligence Processor Minimum Shift Keying (1) Missile; (2) Mean Sea Level (1) Minesweeper (River); (2) Ministry of Medium Machine Building (FSU) Mission (1) Ocean Minesweeper; (2) Marine Safety Office; (3) MILSATCOM Systems Office Ministry of Shipbuilding Industry (FSU) Merit System Protection Board Marine Special Purpose Forces (1) Patrol Minesweeper; (2) Main Supply Route; (3) Missile Site Radar (1) Mobile Subscriber Radio Telephone; (2) Mobile Subscriber Remote Terminal (1) Message Support Subsystem; (2) Specialized Minesweeper; (3) Moored Sonobuoy System; (4) Mission-Management Support System; (5) Mission Support System; (6) Multispectral Scanner (1) Medium SEAL Support Craft; (2) Specialized Coastal Minesweeper; (3) MEU Service Support Group Master of Science of Strategic Intelligence Multi-Functional Smart Sensor Packages Maui Space Surveillance System (1) Mutual Security Treaty; (2) Maintenance Support Team; (3) Miniature Satellite Transceiver; (4) Multiband Satellite Terminal (1) Multisource Tactical System; (2) Multisource Transceiver System (1) Major Subordinate Unit; (2) Ministry of the Soviet Union MASINT Server/Workstation (1) Metric Ton; (2) Megaton; (3) Motor Transport; (4) Maintenance Trainer; (5) Machine Translation Soviet (FSU) Tracked Vehicle Maritime Threat Analysis (1) Marine Tactical Command and Control System; (2) Marine Tactical Air Command Center System Multisensor Target Acquisition System Motor Torpedo Boat Mean Time Between Failures Mobilization Troop Basis Stationing Plan Marine Corps Tactical Command and Control System Missile Technology Control Regime Military Tactical Data System Message Test Format 140 MTG MTH MTI MTIB MTIC MTIMS MTIT MTL MTLR MTL(S) MTMC MTN MTO MTO&E MTP Mtr MTS MTST MTT MTTR MTZ MULE MUSARC MUSIC MUSE MUTES MUX Mvr MV MVS MVS/XA MW MW/AA MWC MWDS MWHQ MWIR MWL MWR MWS MWTGM MX Master Training Guide Memorandum To Holder Moving Target Indicator Soviet (FSU) Amphibious Armored Tractor Military Target Intelligence Committee Military Target Intelligence Management Structure Military Technical Intelligence Team Mean Tide Level Moving Target-Locating Radar Material(s) Military Traffic Management Command (1) Mountain; (2) M22 Tactical Network Mission Type Order Modified Table of Organization & Equipment (1) Mission Training Plan; (2) Master Training Plan Motor (1) Maritime Tactical Schools (NATO); (2) Man-Transportable SOCRATES; (3) Masked Target Sensor Magnetic Tape Selectric Typewriter (IBM) (1) Military Training Team; (2) Mobile Training Team Mean Time To Repair Motorized Infantry Modular Universal Laser Equipment Major United States Army Reserve Command Multi-User Special Intelligence Communications MC&G Utility Software Environment Multiple Threat Emitter System Multiplexer Maneuver Magnetic Variation Multiple Virtual Storage Multiple Virtual System/Extended Architecture (1) Mine Warfare; (2) Millimeter Wave; (3) Microwave; (4) Missile Wing Missile Warning/Attack Assessment Missile Warning Center Missile Warning Display Subsystem Mobile War Headquarters Medium Wavelength Infrared Mean Water Level Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Missile Warning System Millimeter Wave Terminal Guided Missile (1) Missile, Experimental; (2) Peacekeeper Ballistic Missile; (3) Mechanized; (4) Mexico; (5) Mission; (6) Maintenance 141 N N N2 N/A NA NAA NAADM NAASW NAAWS NAB NAC NACA NACAA NACAM NACC NACDF NACIC NACIPB NACOB NACSI NACSIM NADGE NADS NAEW NAF NAFI NAFIS NAI NAIC NAK NALE NAM NAMSO nano NAOB NAOC NAOS NARA NARRS North (1) Director of Intelligence (Naval Component); (2) Navy Staff Intellligence Officer Not Applicable Navy North Atlantic Alliance North American Air Defense Modernization Nonacoustic Antisubmarine Warfare NATO Antiair Warfare System (1) NATO Air Base Satellite (System); (2) Naval Amphibious Base; (3) Naval Air Base (1) North Atlantic Council (NATO); (2) No Apparent Change; (3) National Agency Check; (4) Network Access Controller National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics and Astronautics National COMSEC Advisory Memorandum Net Assessment Coordinating Committee National Area Coverage Data File National CI Center National CI Policy Board National CI Operations Board National COMSEC Instruction National COMSEC Information Memorandum NATO Air Defense Ground Environment North Atlantic Defense System NATO Airborne Early Warning (System) (1) Numbered Air Force; (2) Naval Air Facility Non-Appropriated Fund Instrumentality Naval Forces Intelligence Study Named Areas of Interest National Aerospace Intelligence Center Negative Acknowledge Naval Liaison Element (1) Non-Aligned Movement; (2) Naval Armaments Model NATO Maintenance and Supply Organization one billionth Naval Air Order of Battle National Airborne Operations Center North Atlantic Ocean Station National Archives and Records Administration NORTHAG Reconnaissance Reporting System 142 NAS NASA NASACOM NASF NASIC NASP NAT NAT’L NATO NATO ASWCS NAV NAVAIR NAVAL AIRSHIP NAVASTROGRU NAVATAC NAVCAMS NAVCENT NAVCOMDET NAVCOMPARS NAVCOMTELCOM NAVCOMSTA NAVDAC NAVELEX NAVEUR NAVFAC NAVFOR NAVFORK NAVIDS/SIS NAVINTCOM NAVLGRU NAVMACS NAVMIC NAVMAP NAVMARINTCEN NAVMAT NAVNET NAVOCEANCOMDET NAVOCEANO NAVOCFORMED NAVOPINTCEN NAVPGSCHOOL NAVRADSTA NAVRES NAVS (1) Naval Air Station; (2) Network Access System; (3) National Academy of Science National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA Communications Network NIC Analyst Support Facility North American Air Sovereignty Intelligence Capability National Aerospace Plane Not Air-Transportable National North Atlantic Treaty Organization Anti-Surface Warfare Combat System (1) Navigation; (2) Navy Naval Air Systems Command Naval AIRSHIP Radar Surveillance System Naval Astronautics Group Navy Antiterrorist Alert Center Naval Communications Area Master Station U.S. Naval Forces Central Command Naval Communications Detachment Naval Communications Processing and Routing System Naval Computer and Telecommunications Command Naval Communication Station Naval Data Automation Command Naval Electronic Systems Command U.S. Naval Forces, Europe (1) Naval Facility; (2) Naval Shore Facilities Naval Forces Naval Forces Korea Navigational Aids/Selective Identification System Naval Intelligence Command Naval Liaison Group Navy Modular Automated Communications System Naval Maritime Intelligence Command Navy Missile Analysis Program Naval Maritime Intelligence Center Naval Material Command Navy Data Network Naval Oceanography Command Detachment Naval Oceanographic Office Naval On-Call Force for the Mediterranean (NATO) Naval Operations Intelligence Center Naval Postgraduate School Naval Radio Station Naval Reserve Navigators 143 NAVSAT NAVSATCOMFAC NAVSEA NAVSEC NAVSECGRU NAVSECGRUACT NAVSECGRUCOM NAVSECSTA NAVSO NAVSOC NAVSOF NAVSOUTH NAVSPACECOM NAVSPASUR NAVSPAWAR NAVSPECWARCEN NAVSPECBOATRON NAVSPECWARCOM NAVSPECWARDEVGRU NAVSPECWARGRU NAVSPECWARUNIT NAVSPOC NAVSTA NAVSTAR NAVSTAR USER EQUIP NAVSUPACT NAVTECHINTCEN NAVTELCOM NAVWARCOL NAWAS NAWC-AD NAWS NB NBC NBCE NBCWRS NBK NBRG NBS NC NCA NCAPS NCB Navigation Satellite Naval Satellite Communications Facility Naval Sea Systems Command Naval Ship Engineering Center Naval Security Group Naval Security Group Activity Naval Security Group Command Naval Security Station Naval Forces, South Naval Special Operations Command Naval Special Operations Forces Naval Forces, Southern Command Naval Space Command Naval Space Surveillance Activity Naval Space and Warfare Systems Command Navy Special Warfare Center Navy Special Boat Squadron Naval Special Warfare Command Naval Special Warfare Development Group Naval Special Warfare Group Naval Special Warfare Unit Naval Space Operations Center Naval Station Navigation and Satellite Timing and Ranging NAVSTAR User Equipment Naval Support Activity Naval Technical Intelligence Center Naval Telecommunications Command Naval War College National Attack Warning System Naval Air Warfare Center-Aircraft Division NORAD Attack Warning System Naval Base (1) Nuclear/Biological/Chemical; (2) National Broadcasting Corporation Nuclear, Biological, Chemical Element NORAD - Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warning Reporting Non-Battle Killed National Basic Reference Graphic National Bureau of Standards (1) No Change; (2) Node Center; (3) Narrow Coverage National Command Authority(ies) Naval Controls and Protection of Shipping Nuclear Contingency Branch 144 NCC NCCD NCCOSC NCCS NCDU NCEUR NCIC NCIS NCIS-E NCISFO NCISRA NCISRU NCMA NCMC NCMP NCO NCOA NCOC NCOES NCOIC NCOS NCP NCPS NCR NCS NCSC NCSE NCSO NCSRT NCTAMS NCTC NCTR NCTS NCWA NCWG NCWR ND (1) Naval Component Command; (2) Navy Command Center; (3) Net Control Center Nuclear Command and Control Document Naval Command, Control, and Ocean Surveillance Center Naval Command and Control System Naval Combat Demolition Unit NSA/CSS Europe National Crime Information Center (1) Non-Communications Intercept System; (2) National Counterintelligence Strategy; (3) Naval Criminal Investigative Service NCIS-Europe NCIS Field Office NCIS Resident Agent NCIS Resident Unit National Command and Military Authority National Collection Management Cell Navy Capabilities and Mobilization Plan Non-Commissioned Officer (1) Non-Commissioned Officers’ Academy; (2) Non-Commissioned Officers’ Association NORAD Combat Operations Center Non-Commissioned Officers’ Educational System Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge Naval Control of Shipping Nuclear Contingency Plan Nuclear Contingency Planning System (1) National Capital Region; (2) NSA/Cryptologic Support Service Representative; (3) National Cryptologic Representative; (4) NSA/Central Security Service Representative (1) National Communications System; (2) NMIC Control Subsystem; (3) Naval Control of Shipping; (4) Network Control Station; (5) Node Center Switch; (6) National Cryptologic School; (7) Net Control Station (1) Navy Command Support Center; (2) National Computer Security Center NIST Communications Support Element Naval Control of Shipping Office Non-Communications Signal Recognition Trainer Navy Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station Naval Computer and Telecommunications Center Non-Cooperative Target Recognition Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station NATO Civil Wartime Agency National Correlation Working Group Non-Codeword Reporting Deputy CINCNORAD 145 NDA NDAA N-Day NDB NDCDB NDCP NDD NDDS NDGZ NDHQ NDI NDIC NDL NDOC NDP NDPC NDPO NDRF NDS NDU NEA NEACP NEADS NEANMCC NEC NEIC NEMVAC/NISH NEL NEO NEOPACK NEPA NEREP NES NESDIS NESEA NESN NESP NET NETS NETT NEXIS NF Nondisclosure Agreement Non-Developmental Airlift Aircraft Days Before D-Day Non-Direction Beacon National Digital Cartographic Database Navy Decision Coordinating Paper Nuclear Detection Device Nuclear Detonation Detection System National Desired Ground Zero National Defense Headquarters (Canada) Non-Developmental Item National Drug Intelligence Center (1) Network Data Language; (2) National DGZ List National Defense Operations Center (1) National Disclosure Policy; (2) Naval Doctrine Publication National Disclosure Policy Committee National Disclosure Policy Office(r) National Defense Reserve Fleet (1) Nuclear Detection Satellite; (2) NPIC Data System; (3) Nuclear Detection System National Defense University (1) Northeast Asia; (2) National Education Association National Emergency Airborne Command Post Northeast Air Defense Sector Navy Element Alternate National Military Command Center (1) Naval Enlisted Code; (2) Northern European Countries; (3) Navy Enlisted Classification USAFE NATO Equipment Interpretation Course Non-combatant Emergency Evacuation/NEO Intelligence Support Handbook National Exploitation Laboratory Noncombatant Evacuation Operation NEO Package National Environmental Policy Act Nuclear Execution and Reporting Plan Network Encryption System National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Activity NATO English-Speaking Nations Navy EHF SATCOM Program (1) Not Earlier Than; (2) New Equipment Training Nationwide Emergency Telecommunications Service New Equipment Training Team Meade Data Center News Service No Foreign Dissemination, NOFORN 146 NFA NFAC NFCS NFD NFDP NFE NFI NFIB NFIC NFIP NFL NFM NFS NFSN NFWS NFZ NG NGA NGAZ NGB NGF NGFS NGIC NGL NGO NGS NHCD NHCP NHO NHRTC NIA NIAC NIAG NIC NICCIA NICKA NICOLS NICS NICSCOA NID NIDS (1) New Fighter Aircraft; (2) No Forwarding Address; (3) No-Fire Area National Foreign Assessment Center Nuclear Forces Communications Satellite No Foreign Dissemination National Foreign Disclosure Policy Network Front End (1) Not Further Identified; (2) No Further Information National Foreign Intelligence Board (formerly USIB) National Foreign Intelligence Council National Foreign Intelligence Program New Foreign Launch Near-Full-Motion Network File System NATO French-Speaking Nations Navy Fighter Weapons School Nuclear Free Zone National Guard NATO Guidelines Area NATO Gazetteer National Guard Bureau Northern Group of Forces (Soviet Forces in Poland) Naval Gunfire Support National Ground Intelligence Center Natural Gas Liquids Non-Governmental Organization(s) National Ground Site National HUMINT Collection Directive(s) National HUMINT Collection Plan Naval Hydrographic Office National HUMINT Requirements Tasking Center National Imagery Agency (1) National Information & Analysis Center; (2) Naval Intelligence Automation Command NATO Industrial Advisory Group (1) Naval Intelligence Command; (2) National Intelligence Council; (4) Naval Intelligence Cell; (5) National Intelligence Cell/Community National CI Coordinating Authority Nickname and Exercise Term System NIC On-Line System NATO Integrated Communications System NATO Integrated Communications System Central Operating Authority National Intelligence Daily NMCC Information Display System 147 NIE NIEO NIETB NIETS NIEX NIG NIHS NII NIIC NIIDTS NIIRS NILS NIM NIMA NIO NIP NIPIR NIPRNET NIPS NIPSSA NIPSTRAFAC NIS NISAC NISAM NISC NISCOM NISHQ NISO NISP NISR NIST NIT NITF NITFS NIU NKIL NKSR NLC NLI National Intelligence Estimate New International Economic Order National Imagery Exploitation Target Base National Imagery Exploitation Tasking Study No-notice Interoperability Exercise National Input Group NAVEUR Intelligence Highlights Summary National Information Infrastructure NORAD Intelligence Indications Center Naval Intelligence Imagery Data Transmission System National Imagery Interpretability Rating Scale Naval Intelligence Locating Summary NORAD Intelligence Memorandum National Imagery and Mapping Agency National Intelligence Officer (1) Notice of Intelligence Potential; (2) National Intelligence Priorities; (3) NATO Interoperability Plan Nuclear Immediate Photo Interpretation Report Unclassified-but Sensitive (N) Internet Protocol Router Network (1) NMCC Information Processing System; (2) Naval Intelligence Processing System Naval Intelligence Processing Systems Support Activity Naval Intelligence Processing Systems Training Facility (1) National Intelligence Summary; (2) National Intelligence Survey; (3) Naval Investigative Service; (4) NATO Identification System; (5) NPIC Information System (former NDS); (6) Newly Independent States; (7) National Imagery Segment; (8) National Input Segment; (9) NIPCImagery System; (10) Network Information System National Industrial Security Advisory Committee Naval Intelligence Systems Architecture Manual Naval Intelligence Support Center (U.S. Navy) (now NIC) Naval Investigative Service Command Naval Investigative Service Headquarters Naval Investigative Service Office Nuclear Weapons Intelligence Support Plan National Intelligence Situation Report (1) National Intelligence Support Team; (2) National Institute of Standards and Technology National Intelligence Topic National Imagery Transmission Format NITF Standard Network Interface Unit North Korea Installation List Nonkernel Security Related Software National Logistical Command Natural Language Interface 148 NLM NLP NLOS NLS NLT NLZ NM NMC NMCC NMCC(A) NMCS NMCSSC NMD NMI NMIC NMICC NMICSS NMIS NMIST NMITC NMJCC NMJIC NMN NMOSS NMRL NMS NMSD NMIC NMICC NMJIC NN NNA NNAG NNBIS NNICP NNWS NOAA NOB NOBS NOBTS Netware Loadable Module Natural Language Processing Non-Line-of-Sight Weapon System Non-Lethal Submunitions Not Later Than No-Loan Zone Nautical Mile (1) Naval Materiel Command; (2) NATO Military Council National Military Command Center National Military Command Center (Alternate) National Military Command System National Military Command Systems Support Center National Military Defense No Middle Initial (1) National Military Intelligence Center (archaic, now NMJIC); (2) National Maritime Intelligence Center NATO Maritime Intelligence Coordination Center NMIC Support System National Military Intelligence Support National Military Intelligence Support Team (1) Navy-Marine Corps Intelligence Training Center; (2) National Military Intelligence Training Center National Military Joint Command Center National Military Joint Intelligence Center No Middle Name NATO Maritime Operational Support System National MASINT Requirements List National Military Strategy National Military Strategy Document National Military Intelligence Center National Military Intelligence Collection Center National Military Joint Intelligence Center Neural Network Neutral and Non-Aligned NATO Naval Armaments Group National Narcotics Border Interdiction System National Nuclear Intelligence Collection Plan Non-Nuclear Weapons States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1) Naval Order of Battle; (2) Nuclear Order of Battle Naval Operations Bases Naval Order of Battle Textual Summary 149 NOC NOD NOE NOFORN NOIAN NOIC NOIWON NOK NOMS NOPF NOR NORAD NORD NORIP NORLANT NORMIB NORSAR NORSIB NORTHAG NORTIC NOSC NOSG NOSIC NOTAL NPA NPB NPE NPES NPGS NPHR NPIC NPR NPS NPT NR NRAD NRC NRCC NRDL NRF NRFI NRI (1) Naval Operations Center; (2) Network Operations Center NOCONTRACT Not Releasable to Contractors or Contractor Consultants Night Observation Device Nap-of-the-Earth Not Releasable to Foreign Nationals National Operations and Intelligence Analysts Net Naval Operational Intelligence Center National Operations and Intelligence Watch Officers Network Next Of Kin Nuclear Operations Monitoring System Naval Ocean Processing Facility Norway North American Aerospace Defense Command Nordic NORAD Intelligence For Planning Document North Atlantic NORAD Missile Intelligence Bulletin Norwegian Seismic Array NORAD Weekly Space Intelligence Bulletin Northern Army Group NORAD Tactical Intelligence Cell Naval Ocean Systems Center Naval Operations Support Group Naval Ocean Surveillance Information Center Not To All (message distribution restriction) New People’s Army Neutral Particle Beam Nuclear Planning and Execution Nuclear Planning and Execution System Naval Postgraduate School National Foreign Intelligence Plan for Human Resources National Photographic Interpretation Center Nuclear Posture Review Nuclear Planning System Non-Proliferation (of Nuclear Weapons) Treaty (1) Research Submarine (Nuclear); (2) Naval Reserve; (3) Non-Recurring; (4) Number NCCOSC Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Division National Research Council NORAD Region Combat Center Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory Naval Reserve Force Non-Recurring Finished Intelligence Net Radio Interference 150 NRIP NRIS NR JOIC NRL NRO NROSS NRP NRT NRTEM NRTI NRTS NSA NSAD NSA/CSS NSAM NSARC NSC NSC/DC NSCID NSCIG NSD NSDD NSDM NSE nsec NSEP NSF NSFS NSG NSGA NSGC NSGD NSI NSIC NSN NSNF NSO NSOC NSOF NSP NISPC NSPG Naval Reserve Intelligence Program National Radar Interpretability Scale Northwestern Region Joint Operational Intelligence Cell (1) Naval Research Laboratory; (2) NUWEP Reconnaissance List; (3) National Receive Location National Reconnaissance Office Navy Remote Ocean Surveillance Satellite (1) National Reconnaissance Program; (2) Net Radio Protocol (1) Near Real Time; (2) Net Registered Tonnage Near-Real-Time Exploitation Module Near-Real-Time Information Naval Reconnaissance and Technical Support (1) National Security Agency; (2) National Shipping Authority; (3) National Standards Association; (4) Naval Support Activity Network Security Architecture and Design National Security Agency/Central Security Service National Security Action Memorandum Navy Systems Acquisition Review Council (1) National Security Council; (2) Naval Supply Center Deputies Committee of the NSC National Security Council Intelligence Directive National Security Council Interdepartmental Group National Security Directive National Security Decision Directive National Security Decision Memorandum (1) Naval Support Element; (2) National Support Element Nanosecond National Security Emergency Preparedness National Science Foundation National Surface Fire Support Naval Security Group Naval Security Group Activity Naval Security Group Command Naval Security Group Detachment National Security Information Naval Security and Investigative Command National Stock Number Non-Strategic Nuclear Forces (1) Non-SlOP Option; (2) Network Security Officer (1) National Security Operations Center (formerly National SIGINT Operations Center); (2) Naval Special Operations Command Naval Status of Forces NORAD/USSPACECOM National In-Service Production Centers National Security Planning Group 151 NSRB NSRDB NSRDC NSRL NSRS NSS NSSD NSSM NSST NSTAC NSTD NSTG NSTGFE NSTISSAM NSTISSC/D/I/P NSTL NSTS NSV NSVN NSW NSWC NSWDG NSWG NSWP NSWTG NSWTG/U NSWTU NSWU NTA NTB NTBS NTC NTCB NTCC NTCS-A NTDI NTDS NTF National Security Resources Board National SIGINT Requirements Data Base Naval Ship Research and Development Center National SIGINT Requirements List National SIGINT Requirements System (1) NMIC Support System; (2) National Seismic Station; (3) National Security Strategy; (4) Network Support Server National Security Study Directive (1) Navy Spread Spectrum Modem; (2) National Security Study Memorandum (1) Navy Space Command Space Support Team; (2) National Special Support Teams National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee (1) National Strategic Target Database; (2) Non-System Training Device Nuclear Strike Target Graphic Naval Scientific and Technical Group, Far East National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory/information Memorandum National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee/Directive/Instruction/Policy National Strategic Target List NSA/CSS Secure Telephone System Netted Secure Voice NATO Secure Voice Network Naval Special Warfare (1) Navy Surface Weapons Center; (2) Navy Special Warfare Command Naval Special Warfare Development Group Naval Special Warfare Group Non-Soviet Warsaw Pact Naval Special Warfare Task Group Naval Special Warfare Task Group/Unit or (Unconventional) Naval Special Warfare Task Unit Naval Special Warfare Unit National Tasking Authority (1) National Targeting Base; (2) Nuclear Test Ban National Target Base Server (1) National Territorial Command; (2) National Tasking Center; (3) Naval Training Center; (4) Network Terminal Concentrator; (5) National Training Center Network Trusted Computing Base Naval Telecommunications Center Naval Tactical Communications System-Afloat NATO Target Data Inventory Naval Tactical Data System National Test Facility 152 NTI NTIA NTIB NTIC NTIS NTISSAM NTISSC/D/I/P NTM NTMWG NTP NTPC NTPR NTPS NTS NTSC NTSDS NTSS NTU NTZ NUAC NUCAP NUCDEF NUCDETS NUCINT NUCREP NUCWPN NUICCS NUDET NUIS NURAD NUREP NUSC NUT NUTEX NUWEAMP NUWEP NVDEP NVDET NVG NVIS NVS (1) National Tactical Interface; (2) Near-Term Initiative National Telecommunications & Information Administration/ Agency NATO Tactical Intelligence Broadcast Naval Technical Intelligence Center National Technical Information Service National Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Advisory/information Memorandum National Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee/Directive/Instruction/Policy National Technical Means Nuclear Test Monitoring Working Group National Tasking Plan National Telemetry Processing Center Nuclear Targeting Policy Review Near-Term Maritime Pre-Positioning Ships (1) Nuclear Test Site; (2) Naval Telecommunications System National Television Standard Code/Committee National Target/Threat Signatures Data System National Time-Sensitive System New Threat Upgrade No Transgression Zone Nicaragua Analysis Cell Nuclear Capabilities Data Base Nuclear Defense Nuclear Detonation Detection & Reporting System Nuclear Intelligence Nuclear Damage Report Nuclear Weapon(s) NORAD/USSPACECOM Integrated Command and Control System (1) Nuclear Detection; (2) Nuclear Detonation NORAD/USSPACECOM Intelligence Systems Nuclear Radiation Detection Nuclear Weapons Report Naval Underwater Systems Center Naval Upper Tier Nuclear Tactical Exercise Nuclear Weapons Employment and Acquisition Master Plan Nuclear Weapons Employment Policy/Plan (NCA) Network Virtual Data Entry Protocol Network Virtual Data Entry Terminal Night Vision Goggles (1) Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave; (2) Night Vision Imaging System Night Vision System 153 NW NWB NWC NWFZ NWIP NWIS NWL NWP NWR NWRS NWS NWSS NWWCSS NX (1) Nuclear Warfare; (2) Northwest (region) Nuclear Weapons Branch (1) National War College; (2) Naval War College; (3) Naval Weapons Center; (4) NORAD Weather Center Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Naval Warfare Information Publication Naval Weaponeering Information Sheet Naval Weapons Laboratory Naval Warfare Publication Northwest Region Nuclear Weapons Requirement Study (1) Nuclear Weapons State; (2) North Warning System; (3) National Weather Service Nuclear Weapons Storage Site Naval Worldwide Command Support System Non-Expendable 154 O O/A OA OAC OAD OAD-2 OADR OALAN OAMP OAP OAPEC OAS OASA(RDA) OASD OASD(C3I) OASIS OATS OAU OB OBC OBE OBI OBI-OC OBIS Obj OBP OBO OBS OBSS OBSUM OBU OC O&C OCA OCAC OCAM On or About (1) Office Automation; (2) Operations Analysis; (3) Operational Area Objective Architecture Center (1) Operational Availability Date; (2) Objective Architecture Document Objective Architecture Document, 2nd Iteration Originating Agency’s Determination Required Office Automation Local Area Network Optical Airborne Measurements Program (1) Organizational Assessment Package; (2) Offset Aim Point Organization of Arab Petroleum-Exporting Countries (1) Organization of American States; (2) Offensive Air Support Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Research, Development, and Acquisition) Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense OASD (Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence) (1) Operational Application of Special Intelligence Systems; (2) Office Automation System for Intelligence Support (1) Operations Analysis for Tactical Support; (2) Online AIF Transaction System Organization of African Unity Order of Battle Optical Bar Camera Overtaken By Events Observable Human Resources Intelligence OBI Operations Center Order of Battle Intelligence System Object On-Board Processing Official Business Only (1) Ocean Baseline System; (2) Orders of Battle System; (3) Observations (Optical Tracking) (1) Off-Board Sensor Systems; (2) Operational Briefing Support System Order of Battle Summary OSIS Baseline Upgrade (1) Dissemination and extraction of Information Controlled; (2) Optical Carrier Operations & Control (1) Ocean Control Authority; (2) Operational Control Authority; (3) Offensive Counterair Operational Control and Analysis Center Afro-Malagasy and Mauritian Common Organization 155 OCAR OCCIS OCCULT OCEANLANT OCJCS OCM OCMA OCMC OCNO OCOKA OCONUS OCR OCS OCS3 OCSA OCSURV OCU OD ODA ODC ODCSINT ODCSLOG ODCSPER ODECA ODIN ODISC4 ODJS ODP ODRP ODS OE OECD OEE OEF OEG OEIC OER OET OFC OFCO Off Office, Chief of Army Reserve Operational Command and Control Information System Optical Covert Communications Using Laser Transceivers Ocean Atlantic Area (NATO) Office of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Operational Coordination Message Objective Collection Management Architecture Overhead Collection Management Center Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Observation and Fields of Fire, Concealment and Cover, Obstacles, Key terrain, Avenues of Approach, and Mobility Corridors Outside CONUS (1) Office of Collateral Responsibility; (2) Optical Character Reader (1) Officer Candidate School; (2) Offensive Counterspace Optical Carrier 3 Communications Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army Ocean Surveillance Operational Conversion Unit Operating Directive(s) Operational Detachment Alpha Office of Defense Cooperation Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence Office of Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics Office of Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel Organization of Central American States Operations Dedicated Imagery Network (LOCE) Office of Director Information Systems Command, Control, Communications, Computers Office of the Director, Joint Staff (1) Officer Distribution Plan; (2) Office of Defense Planning Office of the Defense Representative - Pakistan (1) Open Data Server; (2) Operation DESERT STORM; (3) Output Data Server Operational Effectiveness Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Operational ELINT Exploitation Operational Exploitation Facility Operational Exposure Guide Overseas Economic Intelligence Committee (1) Officer Evaluation Report; (2) Officer Efficiency Report; (3) Operational ELINT Requirements Office of Emergency Transportation Office Offensive Counterintelligence Operation Officer 156 OFM OGOOI OGS OGSI OHD OHD-B OI O&I OIA OIC OICC OICS OII OILO OIP OIR OISS OIW OJCS OJT OL OLC OM O&M OMA OMAR OMAT OMB OMC OMC-K OMG OMNG OMOB OMV ON ONA ONC ONI ONIR ONLEXKED ONOO Office of Foreign Mission Operations Group Operations Officer Intelligence (Air Force) Overseas Ground Station Operations Group Support Intelligence (Air Force) Over-the-Horizon Detection Radar Over-the-Horizon Detection Radar-Backscatter (1) Operating Instruction; (2) Operational Interest Operations & Intelligence (1) Office of Imagery Analysis; (2) Operations Intelligence Automation Officer in Charge (1) Operational Intelligence Crisis Center; (2) Operational Intelligence Coordination Center Operational Intelligence Collection System Operations-Intelligence Interface Operations Intelligence Liaison Officer (1) Offset Instrumentation Point; (2) Operator Interface Processor Operational Intelligence Requirement Operational Intelligence Support System OII Workstation (1) Organization of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; (2) Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff On-the-Job Training Operating Location Oak Leaf Cluster Operations Module Operation and Maintenance (1) Office of Military Affairs (CIA); (2) Operations and Maintenance, Army Operations and Maintenance Army Reserve Ocean Measurements and Array Technology Office of Management and Budget Office of Military Cooperation Office of Military Cooperation-Kuwait Operational Maneuver Group (FSU) Operation and Maintenance, National Guard Offensive Missile Order of Battle Orbital Maneuvering Vehicle Original Negative (film) Australia Office of National Assessments Operational Navigation Chart Office of Naval Intelligence Overhead Non-Imaging Infrared On-Line Five Year Exercise Schedule System Outline NATO Operational Objective 157 ONPG ONR ONS ONUC ONUMOZ ONUSAL OOA OOB OODA OOK OOP OOTW OP OPA OP3 OPCC OPCEN OPCODES OPCOM OPCON OPDEC OPEC OPELINT OPF OPFAC OPFIS OPFOR OPG OPI OPIC OPIC-A OPINT OPINTEL OPLAN OPM Opn(s) OPNAV OPNAVINST OPNOTES OPORDER/OPORD OPPAR OPR OPREP OPREPS Operational Nuclear Planning Group Office of Naval Research Operational Needs Statement United Nations Operations in the Congo United Nations Operations in Mozambique United Nations Observer Mission in El Salvador Out of Area Order of Battle Observation, Orientation, Decision and Action On/Off Keying Object Oriented Programming Operations Other Than War (1) Observation Post; (2) Operation; (3) Operational Other Procurement Activity Overt Peacetime PSYOP Program Offutt Processing and Correlation Center Operations Center Operational Codes Operational Command Operational Control Operational Deception Organization of Petroleum-Exporting Countries Operational Electronic Intelligence Orbiter Processing Facility Operational Facilities Operational Foreign Instrumentation Signals Opposing Forces Operations Planning Group Office of Primary Interest (1) Overseas Processing and Interpretation Center; (2) Overseas Private Investment Corporation Overseas Processing and Interpretation Center - Asia Optical Intelligence Operational Intelligence Operations Plan Office of Personnel Management Operation(s) Office of the Chief of Naval Operations OPNAV Instruction Operational Notes Operations Order Opposing Army Office(r) of Primary Responsibility; Officer Performance Report Operations Report Operational Reporting System 158 OPS/OPNS/OP OPS/INTEL OPSDEPS OPSCO OPSCOM OPSCOMM OPSEC OPSKAN OPSNOTE OPT OPTEMPO OPTEVFOR OPTINT OPTIR OPUS OR ORBINT ORBIT ORCON ORD ORE ORF Org ORI OS O&S OSA OSAP OSAS OSC OSCAR OSCARCP OSD OSD(C) OSF OSI OSIA OSINT OSIS OSP Operations Operations Intelligence Operations Deputies (JCS) Operations Coordinator Operations Committee Operations Secure Communications Operations Security Open Skies Advanced Notice Operations Note (1) Optional Modification; (2) Operations Planning Team Tempo of Operations Operational Test and Evaluation Force Optical Intelligence Optical Infrared OBU Program Upgrade System (1) Operational Requirements; (2) Operationally Ready Orbital Intelligence System Development Corporation Data Search Service (1) Dissemination and Extraction of Information Controlled by Originator; (2) Originator Controlled Operational Requirements Document Operational Readiness Exercise Official Representation Fund Organization Operational Readiness Inspection (1) Operating System; (2) Cryptologic Officer Operations & Support Open Systems Architecture Ocean Surveillance Assessment Program Operational Space Application System (1) Office of the Security Council; (2) Operational Support Company; (3) Operations Support Center; (4) On-Scene Commander Optical Submarine Communications by Aerospace Relay Operations Support Center and Rear Command Post (Korea) Office of the Secretary of Defense OSD (Comptroller) Open Systems Foundation (1) Operating Systems Incorporated (Contractor); (2) On-Site Inspection; (3) Off-Shore Islands; (4) Office of Special Investigations; (5) Open System Interconnect; (6) Office of Special Investigations; (7) Open System Interconnect On Site Inspection Agency Open Source Intelligence (1) Ocean Surveillance Information System; (2) Open Source Information Service (1) Ocean Surveillance Product; (2) Operational Support Package 159 OSPRA Ocean Surveillance Pattern Recognition Algorithm OSO Operational Support Office OSP Operational Support Packages OSS (1) Operational Storage Site; (2) Operations Support Squadron; (3) Operations Support System OSSC On-Line System Support Center OST Outer Space Treaty OSTP Office of Science and Technology Policy OT (1) Overseas Territories; (2) Overtime; (3) Operational Test; (4) One Time; (5) Operations Team OT&E Operational Test and Evaluation OTA (1) Operational Tasking Authority; (2) Office of Technology Assessment OTAD Over-The-Air Key Distribution OTAR Over-The-Air Rekeying OTAT Over-The-Air Transmission/Transfer OTAU Over-The-Air Updating OTC (1) Officer in Tactical Command; (2) Over-the-Counter OTCIXS (1) Officer in Tactical Command Information Exchange Subsystem; (2) OTC Information Exchange System OTE See OT&E OTEA Operational Test and Evaluation Agency (U.S. Army) OTH Over-the-Horizon OTH-B Over-the-Horizon Backscatter OTH-R Over-the-Horizon Radar OTH-T Over-the-Horizon Targeting OTIS Operational Targeting Intelligence System OTM On the Move OTP One-Time Pad OTS (1) One-Time Source; (2) Officer Training School; (3) Oahu Telecommunications System OTT One-Time Tape OTU Operational Training Unit OUO Official Use Only OUSDRE Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Research & Engineering OUTS Operational Unit Transportable System OVOP Overt Operational Proposal OVPF Object-Oriented Vector Product Format 160 P P P2E2I P-3H P3I PA PAA PA ANG PAATS PABX PAC PACAF PACCAAT PACCS PACE PACFAST PACFLT PACOM PACOPS PACTAIS PACTIDS PACVTCN PAD PADAR PA&E PAE PAF PAI PAIDS PAIS PAL PALAPA PALS PAM PAMIS PANAMSAT PANMAN PAO PAOC Peacetime Pre-Planned Essential Elements of Information Land-Based Anti-Submarine Warfare Patrol Aircraft (re-engined) Pre-Planned Product Improvement (1) Pulse Amplitude; (2) Probability of Arrival; (3) Public Affairs; (4) Preliminary Assessment; (5) Proper Authority (1) Primary Aircraft Authorized; (2) Peer Access Approval Pennsylvania Air National Guard Precision Approach Area Tracking System Private Access Branch Exchange Pacific Pacific Air Forces USPACOM Command and Control AUTODIN Access Terminal Post-Attack Command and Control System Portable Acoustic Collection Equipment Pacific Forward Area Support Team Pacific Fleet U.S. Pacific Command Pacific Air Force Operations Pacific Theater Air Intelligence System PACOM Theater Intelligence Data System Pacific Video Teleconferencing Network Program Action Directive Passive Airborne Detection & Ranging Program Analysis and Evaluation Peer Access Enforcement Production Analysis and Fusion Project Assignment Instruction PACOM Area Imagery Distribution System (1) Personnel Authentication Identification System; (2) Prototype Advanced Indicator System; (3) Pacific Air Intelligence System Permissive Action Link Indonesian Satellite Photo Area & Location System (1) Payload Assist Module; (2) Penetration Augmented Munition Psychological Operations Automated Management Information System PAN American Satellite (Communications System) Panama Metropolitan Area Network (1) Product Activity/Operational Code; (2) Public Affairs Officer PACAF Air Operations Center 161 PAR PARCS PARINT PARIS PARMIS PARPRO PAS PASEP PASS PASS-E PASSEX PASS-H PASS-J PASS-K PAT PATREP PATRIOT PATRIOT PAC III PATRON PATWING PAVE PAWS PAX PB PB(A)(H) PBAC PBC PBD PBEIST PBL PBN PBOS PBR PBTN PBV PBW (1) Precision Approach Radar; (2) Perimeter Acquisition Radar; (3) Phased-Array Radar; (4) Population at Risk; (5) Program Assessment Review (1) Perimeter Acquisition Radar Attack; (2) Perimeter Acquisition Characterization System Partial Intercept Pacific Army Intelligence System Peacetime Airborne Reconnaissance Management Information System (1) Peacetime Aerial Reconnaissance Program; (2) Preplanned Application of Reconnaissance Programs (1) Plans and analysis Staff; (2) Pan American Satellite Passed Separately (1) Photo Interpretation Analyst Support System; (2) PACOM IPAC Intelligence Computer System Analyst Support System; (3) PACOM ADP Server Site USPACOM ADP Server Site-EASTPAC Passing Exercise (Naval) USPACOM ADP Server Site, Hawaii USPACOM ADP Server Site, Japan USPACOM ADP Server Site, Korea (1) Payload Associated Transporter; (2) Planning Assistance Team; (3) Process Action Team Patrol Report Phased Array Tracking to Intercept of Target Phased Array Tracking to Intercept of Target Advanced Capability III Patrol Squadron (Navy) Patrol Wing USAF Programs Connected (Night) Avionics, Target Designators, Vision (1) Portable Analyst Work Station; (2) Prototype Analytical Workstation; (3) Portable ASAS Workstation Passengers (1) Particle Beam; (2) Patrol Boat Patrol Boat (Air Cushion) (Hydrofoil) Program Budget Activity Committee Program and Budget Committee (1) Program Budget Decision; (2) Patrol Boat Drone Planning Board for European Inland Surface Transport Patrol Boat, Light Public Broadcasting Network Planning Board for Ocean Shipping (1) River/Roadstead Patrol Boat (Navy); (2) Precision Bombing Range Panama Backbone Transport Network Post-Boost Vehicle Particle Beam Weapon 162 PBX PC PCA PCAC PCC PCD PCE PCF(A)(H) PCFS PCH PC II PCL PCM PCMCIA PCN PCP PCR PCS PCS/UPT PCSF PCT PCTN PCTCS PCZ PD PDA PDB PDC PDD PDI PDF PDL PDM PDMS PDMT PDOP Private Branch Exchanges (1) Patrol Craft; (2) Positive Control; (3) Production Control; (4) Personal Computer; (5) Project Coordinator; (6) Parallel Computing; (7) Provide Comfort; (8) Patrol Coastal Point of Closest Approach Primary Collection and Analysis Center (1) POADS Computer Center; (2) Program Coordinating Committee (1) Program Change Decision; (2) Positive Control Document Patrol Escort Fast Patrol Craft (Air Cushion) (Hydrofoil) Fire Support Patrol Craft Patrol Craft (Hydrofoil) PROVIDE COMFORT II Parallel Communications Link Pulse Code Modulation Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (1) Production Control Number; (2) Packet Switching Node; (3) Personal Communications Networking (1) Project Concept Proposal; (2) Program Change Proposal (1) Performance and Cost Report; (2) Program Change Request (1) Publication Control Sheet; (2) Permanent Change of Station; (3) Submarine Chaser; (4) Personal Communications System; (5) Primary Control Station Personal Communications Services/Universal Personal Telecommunications Fire Support Patrol Craft Training Patrol Craft Pacific Consolidated Telecommunications Network Pentagon Center Telecommunications System Protected Communications Zone (1) Probability of Damage; (2) Presidential Directive; (3) Pulse Duration; (4) Passive Detection; (5) Point Detonation (Fuse) Personal Digital Assistant PSYOP Dissemination Battalion Propaganda Development Center Presidential Decision Directive Principal Deputy for Intelligence Panamanian Defense Force Program Design Language (1) Program Decision Memorandum; (2) Pulse Duration Modulation Point Defense Missile Systems Pursuit Deterrent Munition Trainer Position Dilution of Precision 163 PDP PDR PDS PDSS PDU PDUSD(A&T) PE PEAD PEAS PEC PEG PEH PEI PEILS PEM PEO PEOC4I PEP PER PERIGEE PERINTREP PERINTSUM PERM PERMCERT PERSCON PEO PEO-CCS PERSEC PERT PES PESM PF PFADS PFD PFIAB PFLP PFM (1) Program Decision Paper; (2) Programmable Data Processor Preliminary Design Review (1) Passive Detection System; (2) Power Distribution System; (3) Production Deconfliction System; (4) Protected Distribution System PDSC PACOM Data Systems Center Post-Deployment Software Support Protocol Data Unit Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Technology) (1) Probable Error; (2) Personnel Equipment; (3) Program Element; (4) Preliminary Exploitation; (5) Peace Enforcement Presidential Emergency Affairs Documents (1) Psychological Operations Effectiveness Analysis Subsystem; (2) PSYOP Effects Analysis System (1) Pacific Command Electronic Intelligence Center; (2) Program Element Code (1) Photo Exploitation Group; (2) Priority Exploitation Group; (3) Priorities for ELINT Guidance; (4) Program Element Group Probable Error in Height Production Enhancement Initiative PACOM Executive Intelligence Summary (1) Purchased Equipment Maintenance; (2) Program Element Monitor Peace Enforcement Operation Program Executive Officer for Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence Photographic Exploitation Products Personnel Perspective Image Generation and Exploitation System Periodic Intelligence Report Periodic Intelligence Summary Processless Electron Recording Media Permanent Certification Personal Contact Program Executive Officer PEO Command and Control Systems Personnel Security Program Evaluation and Review Technique Positive Enable System Passive Electronic Support Measures Protection Factor Psychological Operations Foreign Area Data Subsystem Power Flux Density President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Production Functional Manager 164 PFOD Presumptive Finding of Death PG (1) Patrol Combatant; (2) Persian Gulf; (3) Precision Guidance PGDR Portable Data Reduction System PGF Patrol Ship PGG Guided-Missile Patrol Combatant PGH Patrol Gunboat (Hydrofoil) PGIP Postgraduate Intelligence Program PGM Precision-Guided Munitions PGR Reconnaissance Patrol Combatant PGW Precision Guided Weapon PGSS Publications and Graphics Subsystem PHD Phase History Data PHIBGRU Amphibious Group PHIBRON Amphibious Squadron PHIGS Programmer’s Hierarchical Interactive Graphics PHM Patrol Combatant Missile (Hydrofoil) PHOTOINT Photographic Intelligence PHOTORECON Photographic Reconnaissance PHS Public Health Service PHYSEC Physical Security PI (1) Photographic Interpretation/Interpreter; (2) Principal Investigator PIAC PACOM Intelligence Architecture Committee PIB (1) PACOM Intelligence Board; (2) Photo Interpretation Brief PIC (1) Pacific Imagery Processing and Interpretation Center; (2) Parent Indicator Code; (3) Processing and Interpretation Center PICON Portable ICON PIF (1) Processing and Interpretation Facility; (2) Project Investment Fund PIGS Passive Infrared Guidance System PIICS PACOM - Intelligence Computer System PILOT Phased Integrated Laser Optics Technology PIM Path of Intended Movement PIN (1) Preliminary Imagery Nomination File; (2) Photographic Intelligence Note; (3) Personal Increment Number; (4) Plan Identification Number; (5) Personal Identification Number; (6) PACOM Intelligence Net PINES PACAF Interim National Exploitation Segment/System 165 PIP PIR PIRATE PIREP Pixel PJ PK PKA PKC PKK PKO PKSD PL PLA PLARS PLGR PLL PLNG PLRS PLO PLP PLS PLSDU PLSS PLT/Plt PM PMATS PMB PME PMF PMGM PMIS PMO P Model PMP PMPTS PMR PMRP (1) Project Implementation Plan; (2) Product Improvement Package (1) Photo Interpretation Report; (2) Priority Intelligence Requirement Portable Imagery Receive and Transmission Equipment Pilot Report Picture Element Pararescue Jumper (1) Probability of Kill; (2) Soviet (FSU) Light Machinegun; (3) Peacekeeping Public Key Algorithm Public Key Cryptography Kurdistan Worker’s Party Peace-Keeping Operation Programmable Key Storage Device (1) Phase Line; (2) Plans and Operations Division; (3) Public Law (1) Plain Language Address; (2) People’s Liberation Army (China) Position Locating and Reporting System Precision Lightweight GPS Receiver Prescribed Load List Planning Position Location Reporting System Palestinian Liberation Organization PSYOP Leaflet Payload Pre-Launch Survivability Physical Layer Service Data Unit U.S. Precision Location Strike System Platoon (1) Preventive Maintenance; (2) Post Meridian (after noon); (3) Prime Mover; (4) Preventive Medicine; (5) Program Manager; (6) Prime Minister; (7) Provost Marshall; Project Manager; (8) Production Manager; (9) Peacemaking Program Management Automated Tool Set Program Management Board Professional Military Education Project Management File Program Manager’s Guidance Memorandum (1) Personnel Management Information System; (2) PSYOP Management Information Subsystem (1) Program Management Office; (2) Project Management Office Preproduction Model Program Management Plan Program Management Performance Tracking System Primary Mission Readiness Program Manager’s Recommended Program 166 PMS PMSP PMTC PN PNAF PNCC PNEK PNE(T) PNG PNL PNUTS PNVS PO POA&M POADS POAS POB POC POC/ET POCS POD POE POES POG POI POL POL-MIL POLAD POM POMCUS POOS POP POR PORTS (JOPES) PORTS-1N PORTSREP Pos POSIX Pos-Nav POST (1) Project Management System; (2) Preventive Maintenance System; (3) Precision Mensuration Software Preliminary Message Security Protocol Pacific Missile Test Center (Navy) Packet Network Prime Nuclear Airlift Force PASS Network Control Center Post-Nuclear-Event Key Peaceful Nuclear Explosion (Treaty) Persona Non Grata Prescribed Nuclear Load Possible Nuclear Underground Test Site Pilot Night Vision System (1) Petty Officer; (2) Peace Operations (1) Plan of Action and Milestones; (2) Plan of Attack and Milestones Psychological Operations Automated Data System Psychological Operations Automation System (1) Place of Birth; (2) Psychological Operations Battalion (1) Point of Contact; (2) Program of Cooperation; (3) Psychological Operations Company Proof of Concept/Experimental Testbed Portable Oxygen Charging System Port of Debarkation (1) Plan of Execution; (2) Point of Entry; (3) Port of Embarkation Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite Psychological Operations Group Program of Instruction (1) Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants; (2) Political Political-Military Political Advisor (1) Program Objective Memorandum; (2) Preparation for Overseas Movement Prepositioned Organizational Materiel Configured in Unit Sets Parachute Offset Oxygen System Point of Presence Preparation for Oversees Replacement (1) Portable Remote Telecommunications System; (2) Seaports Files; (3) Portable Receive and Transmit System Portable Receive and Transmit System - 1N Ports Report File (JCS/J-3) Position Preliminary Open System Interface Standard Positioning and Navigation Prototype Ocean Surveillance Terminal 167 POTBI POTF POV POW POWERR PP PPO PPBES PPBS PPC PPDB PPF PPGM PPI PPIF PPL PPM PPMS PPS PR PRA PRAM PRB PRBAC PRC PRC(I) PRCSO PRD PRDA PREMSS PREP/RAMP PRF PRG PRGB PRI PRIMAC PRM PROC PROCOMM PROD PROG PROM Places, Organizations, Things, Biographics, Intangibles Psychological Operations Task Force Privately Owned Vehicle Prisoner of War Prototype Workstation for Electronic Warfare and Radio Preprogramed Pilot and Payload Operator Planning, Programming, and Budgeting Execution System Planning, Programming, and Budgeting System Printing and Publications Center Point Positioning Data Base Photographic Processing Facility Planning and Programming Guidance Memorandum Pulse Position Indicator Photographic Processing and Interpretation Facility Preferred Products List (1) Parts Per Million; (2) Pulse Position Modulation Power Pattern Measurement System Precision and Positioning Service (1) Production Requirement; (2) Personnel Recover (1) Permanent Restricted Area; (2) Population Reception Area (NATO) Allied Mine Program Review Board Partition Rule Base Access Control (1) Policy Review Committee; (2) People’s Republic of China Policy Review Committee (Intelligence) (now SIG(I)) Peacetime Reconnaissance and Certain Sensitive Operations (1) Production Responsibilities Document; (2) Presidential Review Directive Photo Reconnaissance Damage Assessment Photo Reconnaissance and Exploitation Management Support System Pre-Edit Processor/Report and Message Processor Pulse Repetition Frequency Program Review Group Point Reference Guild Book (1) Pulse Repetition Interval; (2) Primary Rate Interface Production and Inventory Management and Control System Presidential Review Memorandum Processing/Process Terminal Emulation Software for DOS Workstations Production Program Programmable Read-Only Memory 168 PROPIN PRP PRPG PRS PRSCO PRT PRTB PRU PS Ps PSAA PSAC PSB PSC PSDU PSI PSK PSL PSN Psns PSO PSP PSPS PSR PSRC PSS PST PSTN PSYOP PSYOPGP PSYWAR PT Pt PTADB PTG PTGP PTIAP PTL Ptl PTN PTP PTR/P Caution — Proprietary Information Involved Portable Radio Program Preliminary Reference Point Graphic PACOM Remote System Peacetime Reconnaissance and Sensitive Collection Operations Personal Rapid Transit Soviet (FSU) Mobile Rocket Technical Base Photographic Reconnaissance Unit (1) Processing Station; (2) Processing Segmext; (3) Policy Support Permanent snowfields Pacific Special Activities Area President’s Scientific Advisory Committee Harbor Patrol Boat Principal Subordinate Command (NATO) Physical Layer Service Data Unit (1) Pounds Per Square Inch; (2) Personnel Security Investigation Phase Shift Keying Protected Services List (1) Packet Switching Node; (2) Public Switched Network; (3) Packet Switched Network Positions (1) Protective Structure Only; (2) Personnel Security Office; (3) Post Security Officer (1) Pierced Steel Planking; (2) Planning Support Package PSYOP Studies Program Subsystem (1) Post-Attack Status Report; (2) Periodic Status Report Presidential Selected Reserve Call-Up Packet Switched Service Pacific Standard Time Public Switched Telecommunications Network Psychological Operations Psychological Operations Group Psychological Warfare (1) Torpedo Boat; (2) Part Time; (3) Physical Training Peat Planning Terrain Analysis Data Base Missile Attack Boat Part-Time Graduate Program PACOM Theater Intelligence Architecture Program Small Torpedo Boat Patrol Pacific Tributary Network (1) Probability to Penetrate; (2) Point-to-Point Paper Tape Reader/Punch 169 PTS PTSR PTSS PTT PTTP PTTDS PTTP Pub PUG PUP PV PVDS PVITS PVST PVO PVTM PW PWDS PWHQ PWI PWIPS PWRS PZ Predicasts Terminal System Postmobilization Training Support Requirement Passive Thermal Suppression Suit (1) Training Torpedo Boat; (2) Postal, Telephone, and Telegraph; (3) Push to talk USPACOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Projected Target Trends Data Sheet (FTL) USPACOM Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Publication Partially Underground (1) Performance Upgrade Program; (2) Pop-Up Point Physical Vulnerability Physical Vulnerability Data Sheets Portable Video Imagery Transmission System Port Visit (1) Air Defense (FSU); (2) Private Voluntary Organization Physical Vulnerability Technical Memorandum (1) Prisoner(s) of War; (2) Pulse Width Protected Wireline Distribution System Primary War Headquarters PACOM Warning Intelligence Pre-Launch Warning Intelligence Processing System Prepositioned War Reserve Stock Pick-Up Zone 170 Q QA Q&A QBE QC QEA QM Q-MESSAGE QOL QPQ QPSK Q/R QRA QRC QRF QRG QRLS QRMP QRP QRRC QRT QRSA QRSP QSR QSTAG QUICKSAT QUIP Quality Assessment Question and Answer Query by Example Quality Control Quick Erect Antenna Quartermaster Classified Message on Navigational Hazard Quality of Life Quid Pro Quo Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Query/Response Quick Reaction Alert Quick Reaction Capability Quick Response Force Quick Response Graphic Quick Reaction Launch System Quick Response Multicolor Printer Quick Reaction Package Quarterly Readiness Report to Congress (1) Quick Reaction Task; (2) Quick Reaction Terminal Quick Reaction Satellite Antennae Quick Reaction Shuttle Payload Quick Strike Reconnaissance Quadripartite Standardization Agreement Modified AN/FSC-78 Quarterly Intelligence Production Listing 171 R R RA RAAF RAAP RAC RACE RAF RABFAC RAC RACO RAD RADAR RADAREXREP RADAY RADBN RADC RADCM RADCOM RADCON RADIAC RADINT RADREL RAF RAG RAIDS RAILS RAM RAMP RAMPART RAOC RAOWG RAP RAPIDE RAPIER RAPTOR RAS RASC (1) Rock Outcrops; (2) Receiver (1) Restricted Area; (2) Responsible Agency; (3) Resident Agent Royal Australian Air Force Rapid Application of Air Power Resident Agent in Charge Rapid Automatic Cryptographic Equipment Royal Air Force Radar Beacon Forward Air Controller Research and Analysis Company Rear Area Combat Operations Radiation Absorbed Dose Radio Detection and Ranging Radar Exploitation Report Radio Day Radio Battalion Rome Air Development Center Radar Countermeasures Radio Communications Radiological Control Radioactive Detection, Indication, and Computation Radar Intelligence Radio Relay Royal Air Force (U.K.) (1) River Assault Group; (2) Regimental Artillery Group (FSU) Rapid Access Imagery Dissemination System Relational Analyses of Internetted Linkages System (1) Rolling Airframe Missile; (2) Random Access Memory; (3) Radar Absorbing Materials; (4) Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability Rating Maintenance Program Radar Advanced Measurement Program for Analysis of Reentry Techniques (1) Rear Area Operations Center; (2) Regional Air Operations Center Radar and Optical Intelligence Working Group (1) Rocket Assisted Projectile; (2) Remedial Action Projects Relocatable Army Processors for IntelligenceData-Europe Rapid Emergency Reconstitution Responsive Aircraft Program for Theater Operations (1) Record Assigned Systems; (2) Replenishmest at Sea; (3) Regional Analysis Section; (4) Rear Area Security; (5) Remote Access Support Required Automated Services Center 172 RASS RAST RATO RATT RATV RAU RAWS RAWSII RB/ER RBIF RBS RC RCA RCAF RCAS RCC RCF RCM RCOC RCMP RCP RCS RCSS RCST RCU RCV RCW RCZ RD R&D RD&A RDA RDAISA RDB RDBMS RDC RDD RDE RDEC RDF RDI RDIT Random Access Storage System Regional Analyst Support Team Rocket-Assisted Takeoff Radio Teletypewriter/Teleprinter Rescue All Terrain Vehicle Radio Access Unit RAPIDE Analyst Workstation Raw Statement of Intelligence Interest Reduced Blast/Enhanced Radiation Red Basic Intelligence File (1) Regional Broadcast System; (2) Remote Base Server (1) Radio-Controlled; (2) Required Capability; (3) Reserve Component; (4) Riverine Craft (1) Riot Control Agent; (2) Royal Canadian Army; (3) Requirements Control Authority Royal Canadian Air Force Reserve Component Automated System (1) Regional Control Center; (2) Rescue Coordination Center Remote Collection facility Radar Countermeasures Regional Communications Operations Center Royal Canadian Mounted Police Remote Communications Processor (1) Radar Cross Section; (2) Remote Collection System (1) Reconnaissance Cargo; (2) RC-135 Support Service RC-135 Support Team Reserve Component Unit Receive Reconfigurable Workstation Rear Combat Zone (1) Restricted Data; (2) Radius of Damage; (3) Replacement Detachment; (4) Readiness Division Research and Development Research, Development, and Acquisition Research, Development, Acquisition United States Army Research, Development & Acquisition Information Systems Agency Requirements Data Base Relational Data Base Management System Rapid Deployment Capability Required Delivery Date Radiation Detection Experiment Research Development Engineering Center (1) Radio Direction Finding; (2) Rapid Deployment Force Reconnaissance, Detection & Identification Rapid Deployment Imagery Terminals 173 RDJTF RDL RDMSS RDS RDSS RDT&E RDV RE READ READYCAP REC RECA RECA(T) RECAP RECAS RECC RECCE RECCEXREP RECI RECLAU RECON RECONBN RECONT REDCOM REDCON RED Cell RED FLAG RED HORSE REDTRAIN REFORGER RFC REG REGT/Regt REL RELCAN RELROK REM REMAB REMBASS REMS REMT RENS REP Rapid Deployment Joint Task Force Recurring Document Listing Rapidly Deployable Mobile SIGINT Systems (1) Remote Display System; (2) Rapid Dissemination System Rapidly Deployed Surveillance System Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Rapid Deployment Vehicles Receive Element Readiness Fighter Aircraft in Standby Condition Radio-Electronic Combat Residual Capabilities Assessment Residual Capability Assessment (Team) Requirements and Capabilities System Residual Capabilities Assessment System Regional Emergency Communications Coordinator Reconnaissance Reconnaissance Exploitation Report Radar Emitter Classification Identification Reconnaissance Launch Report Reconnaissance Reconnaissance Battalion Reconnaissance Intentions Report Readiness Command Readiness Condition Rapid Exploitation and Dissemination Cell ACC Combat Flying Exercise at Nellis AFB Deployable Civil Engineering Group Readiness Training Return of Forces to Germany (Exercise) Request for Collection Regulation Regiment Releasable Releasable to Canada Releasable to the Republic of Korea Route Evaluation Module Remote Marshalling Base Remotely Emplaced Battlefield Surveillance System Remote Employed Sensors Regional Emergency Management Team Reconnaissance, Electronic Warfare & Naval Intelligence System (1) Range Error Probable; (2) Reserve Exploitation Program; (3) Representative 174 RES Res RESDAT RESTA RETRANS RETS REUTERS REW(S) REWSON RF RF-4 RFA RFC RFD RFE/RL RFI RFIS RFL RFMETS RFP RFPI RFPW RFR RFS RFTB RFTL RGB RGR RGS RGT RHAW RHIB RI RIB RIC RIF RII RIM RIMPAC RIMS RINT RIO Remote Earth Sensing Reserve Restricted Data Reconnaissance, Surveillance & Target Acquisition Retransmission Remoted Target System A News Service Radio Electronic Warfare (Service) Reconnaissance, Electronic Warfare, Special Operations & Naval Intelligence Processing System (1) Radio Frequency; (2) Representative Fraction Designator for Reconnaissance Aircraft (USAF/USMC) Restricted Fire Area Request for Collection Radio Frequency Distribution Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (1) Radio Frequency Interference; (2) Request for Information Reserve Forces Intelligence School Restrictive Fire Line Radio Frequency Mobile Electronics Test Set (1) Remaining Force Potential; (2) Radio Frequency Pulse; (3) Request for Proposal; (4) Request for Production Rapid Force Projection Initiative Radio Frequency Pulse Weapon Request for Requirements Request for Service Reserve Force Target Base Reserve Forces Target List Red-Green-Blue (1) Ranger; (2) Roger Relay Ground Station Regiment Radar Homing and Warning Rubber Hull Inflatable Boat Routing Indicator Rigid Inflatable Boat (1) Regional Intelligence Center; (2) Resource Identification Code Reduction in Force Request for Intelligence Information ROTHR Interface Module U.S. Naval Exercise Requirements Inventory Management System Unintentional Radiation Intelligence Radar Intercept Officer 175 RIP RIPL RIPSO RISC RISOP RISP RIT RITS RJITF RL RLG RM RMBUX RMEC RMG RMO RMS RNAV RNO RNP RO RO/RO ROB ROC ROCC ROD RODCA ROE ROF ROFA ROIPB ROK ROKA ROKAF ROKN ROKUSCFC ROM RON ROP RORSAT (1) Register of Intelligence Publications; (2) Reconnaissance Information Point Reconnaissance and Interdiction Planning Line (NATO) Revised IP Security Option Reduced Instruction Set Computer Red Integrated Strategic Operations Plan Reserve Intelligence Support Project Remote Imagery Transceiver Remote Imagery Transceiver System Regional Joint Intelligence Training Facility (1) Rocket Launcher; (2) Radio Liberty; (3) Receive Location Ring Laser Gyro (1) Requirements Management; (2) Resource Management Rocky Mountain Basic UNIX Regional Military Emergency Coordinator Resource Management Group (1) Records Management Officer; (2) Requirements Management Office (1) Requirements Management System; (2) Remote Monitoring System Area Navigation Regional Nuclear Option (1) Radio Navigation Point; (2) Remote Network Processor (1) Reporting Officer; (2) Radar Operation; (3) Receive Only; (4) Resident Office Roll-On/Roll-Off (Ship) Radar Order of Battle (1) Required Operational Capability; (2) Republic of China; (3) Reconnaissance Operations Center; (4) Required Operational Capability; (5) Regional Operations Center Regional Operations Control Center Reconnaissance Operations Division (1) Reporting of DoD HUMINT Collection Activities; (2) Message Caveat Rules of Engagement (1) Rate of Fire; (2) Remote Operating Facility Remote Operating Facility Airborne Rear Operations Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield Republic of Korea Republic of Korea Army Republic of Korea Air Force Republic of Korea Navy Republic of Korea and U.S. Combined Forces Command Read Only Memory Remain Overnight Remote Operating Position Soviet (FSU) Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite 176 ROSE ROSS ROT ROTC ROTHR ROU ROW RP RPA RPB RPC RPE RPG RPK RPM RPT RPTG RPV RQS RQT RQMTS RR R&R RRC RRDB RRF RRG RRI RRICS RRII RRM RRP RRS RRT RRTP RS R&S RSB RSBN RSDN RSC R&SC Remote Optical Sensing of the Environment Refinement of SIGINT Support Rotating Position Reserve Officer Training Corps Relocatable Over-the-Horizon Radar Radius of Uncertainty Rest-of-World (1) Reference Point; (2) Release Point Reserve Personnel Allotment Regional Preparedness Board (1) Regional Preparedness Committee; (2) Regional Reporting Center; (3) Remote Procedure Calls; (4) Rapid Positioning Capability Reconnaissance Planning Element (1) Soviet (FSU) Shoulder-Fired Antitank Grenade Launcher; (2) Report Program Generator Soviet (FSU) Light Machinegun (similar in design to the AK rifle) (1) Revolutions per Minute; (2) Rounds per Minute Report Reporting Remotely Piloted Vehicle Rescue Squadron (1) Reliability Qualification Tests; (2) Requirement Requirements (1) Railroad; (2) Radio Relay Rest and Recreation Regional Reporting Center Rapidly Reconfigurable Data Base (1) Ready Reserve Force; (2) Rapid Reaction Force (ACE) Remote Receive Group Response to Request for Information Rapid Response Imagery Capability System Response to Request for Intelligence Information Red Resource Monitoring Rapid Reinforcement Plan Remote Receive Station Radio Receive/Transmitter Rail-to-Road Transfer Point Reconnaissance/Surveillance Reconnaissance and Surveillance PSYOP Regional Support Battalion Short-Range Navigation System (FSU) Long-Range Navigation System (FSU) (1) Regional Support Commands; (2) PSYOP Regional Support Company Reconnaissance and Surveillance Center 177 RSE RSI, R/S/I RSN RSO RSOC RSOD RSOG RSR RSSC RSSP RST RSTA RSW RT RTA RTAPS RTASS RTCE RTG RTIC RTIP RTM RTOS RTP RTS RTS-I RTSP RU RUNT RURPOP RV RVT RW RWH RWI RWO RWR RWS RX RZ Ranger Support Element Rationalization, Standardization and Interoperability Red Switched Network (1) Reconnaissance & Survey Officer; (2) Regional Security Officer Regional SIGINT Operations Center Remote Satellite Operations Demonstration Reserve Special Operations Group (1) Resource Status Report; (2) Required Supply Rate; (3) Radar Service Request Regional Space Support Centers Reconnaissance Support Survivability Program (1) Recovery Support Team; (2) Regional Survey Team Reconnaissance, Surveillance, & Target Acquisition Reflected Shockwave (1) Real Time; (2) Radio Telephone; (3) Relocatable Target; (4) Radius of Target Residual Threat Assessment Relocatable Target Adaptive Planning Support Remote Tactical Airborne SIGINT System Rapid Targeting Capability Europe Reconnaissance Technical Group (TAC, USAFE, PACAF) (1) Regional Threat Information Cell; (2) Real-Time Information to the Cockpit Real-Time Interactive Processor Receiver/Transmitter/Modem Real-Time Optical System Rail Transfer Point (1) Reconnaissance Technical Squadron; (2) Real-Time Simulator Regional Training Site(s)-Intelligence Real-Time Signal Processor (1) Roundup; (2) Resident Unit Russian Underground Nuclear Test Rural Population File (1) Reentry Vehicle; (2) Radius of Vulnerability; (3) Reconnaissance Vehicle Remote Video Terminal (1) Radiological Warfare; (2) Rotary Wing; (3) Reconnaissance Wing Radar Warning & Homing Radio Wireline Interface/Integration Reconnaissance Watch Officer Radar Warning Receiver Remote Workstation Receive Recovery Zone 178 S S /s/ S-1 S-2 S-3 SA SAA SAAC SAAM SAASE SACC SACCS SACS SAE SAB SAC SACDIN SACEUR SACLANT SACLANTREPEUR SACOM SACOS SACWARNS SADARM SADF SADO SADT SAEDA SAF SAFE SAFF SAF/O/T SAG Secret Signature Personnel Staff Officer Intelligence Staff Officer; Brigade, Battalion, and Armored Cavalry Operations Staff Officer (1) Logistics Staff Officer; (2) Special Access; (3) Situational Awareness (4) Signals Analysis; (5) Surface-to-Air; used to identify FSU Surface-to-Air Missiles, e.g., SA-7/GRAIL; (6) Situation Assessment; (7) Security Assistance; (8) Special Agent; (9) Stand Alone; (10) Secretary of the Army; (11) Systems Administrator; (12) Strategic Attack (1) Special Area Assessments; (2) Strategic Air Army Strategic Analysis Applications Center Special Assignment Airlift Mission Standard Data Element-Based Automated Architecture Support Environment Supporting Arms Coordination Center Strategic Air Command Automated Command & Control System (1) Secure Access Control System; (2) STU-III Access Control System Service Acquisition Executive Subject as Above (1) Strategic Air Command; (2) Scientific Advisory Committee; (3) Senate Appropriations Committee SAC Digital Network Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (NATO) Supreme Allied Commander, Atlantic (NATO) SACLANT Representative in Europe Southern Area Command SAC Operational Staff (1) Strategic Air Command Indications and Warning; (2) SAC Warning System Sense and Destroy Armor South African Defense Force Senior Air Defense Officer Structured Analysis Design Technique Subversion and Espionage Directed Against the Army (1) Soviet (FSU) Air Force; (2) Source Acquisitions File; (3) Secretary of the Air Force; (4) US Air Force Staff (1) Support for the Analysts’ File Environment; (2) Selected Area for Evasion Safing, Arming, Fuzing, and Firing Security Assistance Force/Organization/Team (1) Study Advisory Group; (2) Surface Action Group; (3) Strategic Advisory Group 179 SAGE SAI SAIB SAID SAIS SAL SALT SALUTE SAM SAMOB SAMSO SAMT SAO SAOB SAOC SAOCS SAP SAPAS SAR SARC SARDA SARP SARPF SARSAT SART SARV SAS SASC SASM SASS SAT SATCOM SATCOMA SATKA SATRAN SATS SATVUL Semiautomatic Ground Environment (Radar) Strategic Command Administrative Instruction Safe Area Intelligence Brief Safe Area Intelligence Description Strategic Aerospace Intelligence System (1) Strategic Arms Limitation; (2) Submarine Alerting and Locating (1) Strategic Arms Limitation Talks; (2) Supporting Arms Liaison Team Size, Activity, Location, Unit, Time, Equipment (spot report format) (1) Surface-to-Air Missile; (2) Summary Assessment Matrix Surface-to-Air Missile Order of Battle Space And Missile System Organization State of the Art Medium Terminals (1) Special Access/Activities Office; (2) Select Attack Option; (3) Special Access Only; (4) Security Assistance Organization; (5) Security Assistance Office FSU Air Order of Battle (1) Space Actions Officers Course; (2) Sector Air Operations Center Submarine/Aircraft Optical Communications System (1) Special Access Program; (2) System Acquisition Plan Semiautomatic Population Analysis System (1) Search and Rescue; (2) Synthetic Aperture Radar; (3) Special Access Required; (4) Sea-Air Rescue Surveillance and Reconnaissance Center Secretary of the Army for Research, Development and Acquisition Storage and Retrieval Processor Strategic Air Relocatable Processing Facility Search and Rescue Satellite-Aided Tracking Strategic Aircraft Recovery Team Strategic Aerospace Reconnaissance Vehicle (1) Strategic Area Study; (2) Strategic Aerospace Summary; (3) Special Activities Squadron; (4) Support to Analyst Subsystem; (5) Survivable Adaptive Systems Senate Armed Services Committee Strategic Air-to-Surface Missile (1) Small Aerostat Surveillance System; (2) Systems Acquisition Support Services (1) Satellite; (2) Staff Augmentation Team; (3) Satisfactory Satellite Communications Satellite Communications Agency (U.S. Army) Surveillance, Acquisition, Tracking, and Kill Assessment (1) Satellite Reconnaissance Advanced Notice; (2) Satellite Transmission Southwest Asia Telecommunications System Satellite Vulnerability 180 SAVE SAVI SAWC SAWG SAWIC SAWS SAWVS SB S-BAND SBB SBI SBIRS SBIS SBKKV SBL SBM SBR SBS SBSS SBU SBWASS SC SCA SCAD SCAMP SCAMPI SCARE SCATANA SCC SC CAT SCC(I) SCCP SCCS-R SCCTV SCDL SCE SCF SCF-UK SCG Situation Analysis and Vulnerability Estimate Systems Analysis of Vulnerability to Intrusion Special Air Warfare Center Simulation and Analysis Working Group Strike and Amphibious Warfare Intelligence Center Submarine Analyst Work Station Satellite Attack Warning and Verification System Sentinel Byte 2 to 4 GHz Sustained Bare Base (1) Special Background Investigation; (2) Space-Based Interceptor Space-based Infrared Radar System Sustaining Base Information Services Space-Based Kinetic Kill Vehicle Space-Based Laser Single-Point Mooring Buoy (1) Special Boat Squadron; (2) Space-Based Radar Site Backbone Segment Space-Based Surveillance System (1) Special Boat Unit; (2) Sensitive but Unclassified Space-Based Wide-Area Surveillance System (1) Science Committee (NATO); (2) Signal Corps; (3) Security Code; (4) Signal Company; (5) System Center; (6) Structural Category; (7) Screen Commander or Coordinator; (8) Air Force Communications-Computers Directorate; (9) Submarine Conversion Service Cryptologic Agency Subsonic Cruise Armed Decoy Sensor Control and Management Platoon SOF C3I Telecommunications System Standard Collection Asset Request Format Security Control of Air Traffic and Air Navigation Aids (1) Special Coordination Committee; (2) Standing Consultative Commission (SALT); (3) Surveillance Coordination Center; (4) System Control Center; (5) Space Control Center; (6) Service Component Commander SOUTHCOM Crisis Action Team Special Coordination Committee (Intelligence) Single-Channel Command Post Single-Channel Collection System - Rear Secure Closed-Circuit Television Surveillance and Control Data Link (JSTARS) Service Cryptologic Element Satellite Control Facility Save the Children Federation-UK Special Consultative Group (NATO) 181 SCI SCIBS SCIC SCIF SCIM SCIMITAR SCINET SCIP SCIPMIS SCIPS SCIS SCISS SCI-VTC SC J2 SCL SCLNO SCM SCN SCO SCOLA SCORE SCOTT SCP SCPC SCS SCSC SCSI SCT SCUBA SCUD SD SDA S&DA SDB SDC SDD SDF SDHS SDI SDIE (1) Sensitive Compartmented Information or Information Programs; (2) Source Code Indicator Sensitive Compartmented Information Billet System State Crime Information Center Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility Subject Codes for Intelligence Management System for Countering Interdiction Missiles and Target Radars Sensitive Compartmented Information Network (DoDIIS) Special Communications Intelligence Package Standard Civilian Personnel Management Information System Sensitive Compartmented Information Processing System Survivable Communication Information System SOUTHCOM Intelligence Support System Sensitive Compartmented Information-Video Teleconferencing USSOUTHCOM J2 Standard Conventional Load SOUTHCOM Liaison Officer Security Countermeasures Satellite Control Network (1) Service Cryptologic Organizations; (2) Sub-Control Office Satellite Communications for Learning Signal Communications by Orbiting Relay Equipment Single-Channel Objective Tactical Terminal Secure Conferencing Project Single Channel per Carrier (1) Signal Collection System; (2) Satellite Control Squadron SOUTHCOM Support Center Small Computer Systems Interface (1) Single-Channel Terminal; (2) Single-Channel Transponder Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus Nickname of a Missile System (1) Space Director; (2) Standard Displacement; (3) Senior Director; (4) Security Division; (5) Strategic Command Directive (1) Ships Destination Authority; (2) Strike Damage Assessment Strike and Damage Assessment Space Data Base (1) Strategic Dissemination Company; (2) Strategic Defense Command Secure Data Device Structured Data Fields Satellite Data Handling System Strategic Defense Initiative Special Defense Intelligence Estimate 182 SDIN SDIO SDIS SDLC SDM SDMA SDMS SDNRIU SDNS SDO SDOB SDR SDS SDV SDVT SDYS SE SEA SEABEE SEALANCE SEAD SEADS SEAGA SEAL SEASTAG SEATO SEAWATCH SEC SECAF SECARMY SECC SECCLEAR SECDEF SECNAV SECOM SECS SECSTATE SECTY SED SEDSCAF (1) Secure Digital Information Network; (2) Special Defense Intelligence Notice Strategic Defense Initiative Organization Switched Digital Integrated Service Synchronous Data Link Control Standoff Destructive Munition Spaced Division Multiple Access SINET Data Management System Secure Digital Network Radio Interface Unit Secure Data Network System System Development Office Scaled Depth of Burst (1) Source-Directed Requirements; (2) System Design Review (1) Satellite Data System; (2) SIGINT Direct Support; (3) Satellite Dissemination System; (4) Secondary Dissemination System; (5) Strategic Defense System; (6) Switched Data Services; (7) Spatial Data Server; (8) Small Digital Switch (1) Swimmer Delivery Vehicle; (2) SEAL Delivery Vehicle SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team Studies Southeastern (1) Southeast Asia; (2) Senior Enlisted Advisor Navy Construction Battalion Personnel Anti-Submarine Warfare Standoff Weapons (ASW/SOW) Suppression of Enemy Air Defense Southeast Air Defense Sector Selective Employment Air Ground Alert Forces Sea/Air/Land SEATO Standardization Agreement Southeast Asia Treaty Organization NOSIC On-Line Computer System (1) Second; (2) Section; (3) Submarine Element Coordinator Secretary of the Air Force Secretary of the Army Survivable Enduring Command Center Security Clearance (Management System) Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Navy Security Committee Survivable and Enduring Communications System Secretary of State Security Simulated Electronic Deception Standard ELINT Data System Codes and Formats 183 SEE SEEI SEEK SEI SEIP SEIS SELA SELORS SELMON SEMA SEMEC SEN SEOS SEP SEPA SEPS SERE SERER SERNO SES SESOCC SESS SET SETAF SEVOCCS SEVOX SEWC SEWCC SEWS SF SFA SFAT SFD SFEM SFG SFG-A SFG(A) SFOA SFOB SFOD (1) System Engineering and Evaluation; (2) Softcopy Exploitation Environment Special Essential Elements of Information Soviet Emigre Exploitation Kit Specific Emitter Identification Senior Enlisted Intelligence Program Survivable and Enduring Intelligence System Latin American Economic System Ship Emitter Locating Reports Selective Monitoring Special Electronic Mission Aircraft SOF Enhanced Moldable Explosive Change (1) Small Extension Node; (2) Space Engagement Node SIGINT/Electronic Warfare Operating System (1) Selective Employment Plan (NATO); (2) Separate FSU Extended Planning Annex NATO Selective Employment Plan Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape, and Recovery Serial Number (1) Surface Effects Ship; (2) Systems Engineering Study; (3) Senior Executive Service; (4) Sensor Employment Squadron; (5) Softcopy Exploitation System; (6) Societe European Des Satellites Southeastern Sector Operations Control Center Space Environment Sensor Suite Sensor Employment Teams Southern European Task Force Secure Voice Command and Control System Secure Voice Space and Electronic Warfare Commander SIGINT/Electronic Warfare Coordination Center (1) Satellite Early Warning System; (2) SIGINT Electronic Warfare Subsystem (1) Special Forces; (2) Standard Form Security Fault Analysis Strategic Forces Advisory Team Saturated Flux Density Space Forces Engagement Model Special Forces Group Special Forces Group-A Special Forces Group (Airborne) Special Forces Operations Area (1) Special Forces Operating Base; (2) Soviet (FSU) Forces Order of Battle Special Forces Operational Detachment 184 SFODA SFOD-D SFOS SFQC SFR SFRD SFT SFTL SFUG SGB SGDPS SGEMP SGF SGS SGT SHA SHAPE SHARES SHC SHF SHED SHELREP SHF SHOP SHORAD SI S&IA SIAB SIAD SIAP SIB SIC SICAM SICR SID SID(S) SIDA SIDAC SIDPAC SIDS SIE SIF Special Forces Operational Detachments-A First Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta Special Forces Operating System Special Forces Qualification Course Statement of Functional Requirement Safe Functional Requirements Document Secure Fault Tolerant Strategic Future Targets List Security Features Users Guide SOUTHCOM Ground Order of Battle Second Generation Data Processing System System Generated Electromagnetic Pulse (1) Southern Group of Forces (Soviet Forces in Hungary); (2) Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Facility (1) Secretary to the General Staff; (2) Squadron Ground Station (1) Satellite Ground Terminal; (2) Sergeant Secure Hast Algorithm Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (NATO) Shared HF Resources Supreme High Command Super High Frequency Special Handling and Evaluation Detachment Shell Report Super High Frequency Special Handling for Operations Purposes Short-Range Air Defense (1) Special Intelligence; (2) Special Instructions Security and Investigative Activities Senior Imagery Advisory Board Strategic Imagery Analysis Detachment Strategic Intelligence Architecture Program Special Intelligence Brief (1) Subject Indicator Code (NATO message code); (2) System Integration Configuration SIGINT Control and Analysis Module Specific Intelligence Collection Requirement (1) Secondary Imagery Dissemination; (2) Subscriber Identification Selective Imagery Dissemination (System) Single Integrated Data Base Single Integrated Damage Assessment Code Strategic Imagery Detachment Pacific Secondary Imagery Dissemination System Space Intelligence Element Special Interrogation Facility 185 SIFR Sig SIGCEN SIG-I SIGINT SIGSEC SIGSUM SII SIIR SIL SIM SIMIR SIMM SIMNET SIMO SIMP SIMS SOUTHCOM SINCGARS SINET SINTER SIO SIOP SIORI SIPE SIPRNET SIR SIRADS SIRCS SIREP SIRVES SIS SISOCS SISR SISS SISUM SIT SITAS SITDEV SITMAP Special Intelligence Functional Requirement Signal U.S. Army Signal Center Senior Interagency Group for Intelligence Signals Intelligence Signals Security SIGINT Summary Statement of Intelligence Interest Special Imagery Interpretation Report Systems Integration Laboratory (1) Sensor Interface Module; (2) Systems Integration Management USSTRATCOM IDHS Monthly Integration Review Single Inline Memory Module Single Channel Ground/Airborne Radio Sub-Systems SIM Office Space Intelligence Master Plan Intelligence Management System (1) Single Integrated Channel Ground and Airborne Radio Subsystems; (2) Single Channel Ground-to-Air Radio System Strategic Intelligence Network SIGINT/IMINT Interaction (1) Senior Intelligence Officer; (2) Space Intelligence Officer; (3) Ship’s Intelligence Officer Single Integrated Operational Plan Self-Initiated Operational Readiness Inspection Strategic Intelligence Processing Element Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (1) Shuttle Imaging Radar; (2) Specific Information Requirements; (3) Spectrum Interferance Resolution Shared Imagery Repository and Dissemination System Shipborne Intermediate-Range Combat System Sensitive Information Report SIGINT Requirements Validation and Evaluation Subcommittee (of SIGINT Committee) (1) Significant Indications Summary; (2) Space Intelligence System; (3) Special Intelligence Support; (4) Selective Inquiry System; (5) Special Information System Army Logistics/Maintenance Depot Data Network SIGINT Security Regulation (1) Survivable Intelligence Support to SlOP; (2) Subcommittee on Information Systems Security of the NSTISSC Sensitive Information Summary Specialized Investigations Team Strategic Industrial Target Analysis Systems Situation Development Situation Map 186 SITREP SITS SITSUM SITTP SIW SJA SJCS SKCATL SKE SKYLINK SKYNET SL SLA SLAM SLAR SLAT SLBM SLC SLCM SLDCOM SLED SLEP SLF SLFCS SLGR SLIP SLMM SLO SLOC SLOC(S) SLR SLS SLSSM SLV SM SMAA S/MANCO SMANCO SMART-T SMCC SMDPS SME Situation Report Secondary Imagery Transmission System Situation Summary (US)STRATCOM Intelligence Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Strategic Operations Strategic Intelligence Wing Staff Judge Advocate Secretary, Joint Chiefs of Staff South Korea Conventional Air Target List Station-Keeping Equipment Communications System Provided by the Diplomatic Telecommunications System United Kingdom Military Communications Satellite Sea Level Special U.S. Liaison Advisor Standoff Land Attack Missile (Navy) Side-Looking Airborne Radar Surface-Launched Air-Targeted Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile Space Launch Complex (1) Submarine-Launched Cruise Missile; (2) Sea-Launched Cruise Missile Satellite Launch Dispenser Communications Safe Low-Energy Detonators Service Life Extension Program Super Low Frequency Survivable Low Frequency Communications System Small Lightweight Global Positioning System Receiver Serial Line Interface Protocol U.S. Submarine-Launched Mobile Mine Space Liaison Officer Sea Lines of Communication Sea Line(s) of Communication Side-Looking Radar Space Launch Squadrons Submerged-Launched Surface-to-Surface Missile Space Launch Vehicle (1) Memorandum by the Secretary, JCS; (2) Statute Mile; (3) Service Member; (4) Security Monitor; (5) Smart Modules Submarine Movement Advisory Authority Space/Missile Analyst NCO Space/Missile Analyst NCO Secure Mobile Antijam Reliable Tactical Terminal Survivable Mobile Command Center Strategic Mission Data Preparation System Subject Matter Expert 187 SMEB S/MEO SMG SMIOC SMLM SMM SMO SMOB SMOTEC SMP SMPAS SMR SMS SMTP SMU SNA SNAP SNCCDIPP SNDV S/NF SNF SNI SNIE SNIP SNM SNMS SNO SNR SNS SNUTR SO SO/LIC SOA SOAB SOAC SOAD SOADS SOAE SOAG SOAR Significant Military Exercise Brief Space/Missile Event Office Standard Mail Guard Senior Military Intelligence Officers’ Conference Soviet (FSU) Military Liaison Mission (1) Spatial Model Matching; (2) Special Mission Mandatory Modification (1) Support to Military Operations; (2) Senior METOC Officer; (3) Special Mission Optional Modification Strategic Missile Order of Battle Special Missions Operational Test and Evaluation Center Soviet Military Power (the publication) Space Mission Payload Assessment System Sources, Methods, and Rationale Stand-Alone Analysis Subsystems Single Mail Transfer Protocol Secure Mobile Unit (1) Soviet Naval Aviation; (2) System Network Architecture Soviet (FSU) Nuclear Artillery Projectile Selected Non-Communist Countries DIPP Strategic Nuclear Delivery Vehicles Secret/NOFORN (1) Short-Range Nuclear Forces; (2) Secret NOFORN Soviet (FSU) Naval Infantry Special National Intelligence Estimate Soviet (FSU) Naval Imagery Panel Special Nuclear Materials Security and Network Management Segment Special Naval Operations Signal-to-Noise Shared Network Server SIGINT Numerical Tasking Register Special Operations Special Operations/Low Intensity Conflict (1) Special Operations Aviation; (2) Special Operations Area; (3) Speed of Advance (1) Special Operations Aviation Battalion; (2) Special Operations Aviation Brigade (1) Special Operations Aviation Command; (2) Special Operations Aviation Company; (3) Special Operations Acquisition Center Special Operations Aviation Detachment Special Operations Automated Data System Deputy for Acquisition and Acquisition Executive Special Operations Aviation Group (1) Special Operations Aviation Regiment; (2) Special Operations Analytical Reports 188 SOARS SOB SOC SOCACOM SOCC SOCCE SOCCENT SOCCMO SOCCS SOCCT SOCDSS SOCET SOCEUR SOCJIC SOCKOR SOC-K SOCLANT SOCLITE SOCOM SOCOORD SOCOS SOCPAC SOCRATES SOCSIDS SOCSO SOCSOUTH SOD SODARS SOEAID SOF SOF-IV SOF C4I SOF-MOSS SOFA SOFATS SOFCOM SOF EW SOFPAC SOFI Satellite On-Board Attack Reporting System Space Order of Battle (1) Special Operations Command; (2) Special Operations Capable; (3) Sector Operations Center; (4) Special Operations Craft Special Operations Command-Atlantic Command (1) Sector Operational Control Center; (2) Special Operations Control Center (1) Special Operations Command Communications Element; (2) Special Operations Command and Control Element (1) Special Operations Command Center; (2) Special Operations Command Component, CENTCOM Special Operations Command Collection Management Office Special Operations Combat Control Squadron Special Operations Combat Control Team Special Operations Command Deployable Support Set Special Operations Command Extraction Tool Special Operations Command, Europe United States Special Operations Command Joint Intelligence Center Special Operations Command, Korea Special Operations Command, Korea Special Operations Command, Atlantic Special Operations Command Laptop Special Operations Command Special Operations Coordination Element Special Operations Command Operating Staff Special Operations Command, Pacific Special Operations Command Research, Analysis, and Threat Evaluation System Special Operations Command - Secondary Imagery Dissemination System Special Operations Command, South Special Operations Command, South Special Operations Detachment Special Operations Debriefing and Retrieval System Special Operations Executive Aide Special Operations Forces Special Operations Forces-Intelligence Vehicle Special Operations Forces Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence SOF Modular Remote Sensing System Status of Forces Agreement Special Operations Forces Aircrew Training System Special Operations Forces Command Special Operations Forces Enhanced Weapons Special Operating Forces, Pacific Special Operations Forces Improvements 189 SOF IRIS SOFIST SOFLAM SOFPARS SOF PLD SOFPREP SOF PSA SOFSA SOFTACS SOG SOH SOHFRAD SOHI SOI SOIC SOICS SOIF SOIN SOINT SOIPS SOIS SOISUM SOIT SOIWSD SOJ SOJTF SOLANT SOLARS SOLE SOLIS SOLL SOLOG SOMA SOME SOMOB SOMPF SOMS SON SONAR SONET Special Operations Forces Imagery Receiver and Intelligence System Foreign Instrumentation Signals Requirement (a collection management software application) Special Operations Forces Laser Acquisition Marker Special Operations Forces Planning and Rehearsal System Special Operations Forces Protection Laser Defense Special Operations Forces Planning, Rehearsal and Execution Preparation Special Operations Forces Power Supply Assembly Special Operations Forces Support Activity Special Operations Forces Tactical Assured Connectivity System Special Operations Group SOF Offensive Handgun Special Operations HF Radio Seminar on Human Intelligence (1) Signal Operating Instructions; (2) Signal of Interest; (3) Space Object Identification (1) Space Operational Intelligence Center; (2) Senior Official of the Intelligence Community; (3) Special Operations Intelligence Center Special Operations Improved Cryptographic System Special Operational Intelligence Folders Special Operations Intelligence Notes Staff Officer Intelligence Special Operations Imagery Production System Special Operations Intelligence System Space Object Identification Summary Seminar on International Terrorism Special Operations Information Warfare Support Demonstration (1) Sea of Japan; (2) Stand-Off Jamming Special Operations Joint Task Force South Atlantic SAC On-Line Analysis and Retrieval System Special Operations Liasion Element SIGINT On-Line Intelligence (or Information) System Special Operations Low Level Special Operations Logistics System Status of Mission Agreement Satellite Orbit Mission Evaluation Strategic Offensive Missile Order of Battle Special Operations Mission Planning Folder Special Operations Media System Statement of Need Sound Navigation and Ranging Synchronous Optical Network 190 SONI SONMET SOO SOP SOPE SOPEO SOPIF SOPM SOPPC SOPPREP SOPS SOR SORD SORDAC SORFMS SORS SORTIEALOT SORTIC SORTS SOS SOSC SOSS SOSST SOST SOSTI SOSOS SOT-A SOTA SOTAS SOT-B SOTF SOTSE SOTVS SOTW SOUTHAM SOUTHCOM SOVPACFLT SOW SOW/TE SOWG Seminar on National Intelligence Special Operations Naval Mobile Environmental Teams Space Operations Officer (1) Standard Operating Procedure(s); (2) Senior Officer Present Special Operations Planning Exercise Special Operations Program Executive Officer Special Operations Photographic Interpretation Facility Special Operations Program Manager Special Operations Photo Processing Cell Special Operation Forces Planning, Rehearsal, and Execution System (1) Space Operations Squadron; (2) Special Operations Power Sources (1) Specific Orders and Requests; (2) Statement of Requirements System Operational Requirements Document Special Operations Research, Development and Acquisition Center Special Operations Radio Frequency Management System (1) Specific Order or Requests; (2) SIGINT Overhead Reconnaissance Subcommittee Sortie Allotment Seminar on Reconnaissance and Technical Information Collection Status of Resources and Training System (1) International Distress Signal (2) Squadron Officers’ School; (3) Special Operations Squadron Special Operations Support Command Satellite Ocean Surveillance System Special Operations Small Secure Transceiver Special Operations Special Technology Seminar on Scientific and Technical Intelligence U.S. Sound Surveillance System Special or Support Operations Team-Alpha SIGINT Operational Tasking Authority Standoff Target Acquisition System Special or Support Operations Team-Bravo (1) Special Operations Task Force; (2) Security Operations Training Facility Special Operations Theater Support Element Special Operations Tactical Video System Special Operations Training Wing South America Southern Command Soviet Pacific Fleet (1) Statement of Work; (2) Special Operations Wing Special Operations Weather/Technical Element Special Operations Working Group 191 SOWT SP SPA SPACDEFENSE SPACC SPACEAF SPACECOM SPACING SPAD SPADATS SPADCCS SPADOC SPADVOS SPAF SPAIS SPAN SPATS SPB SPC SPCL SPD SPEAR SPEC Spec Nav SPECAT SPECBOATRON SPECBOATUNIT Spectre SPECWAR SPETSNAZ SPF SPG SPIES SPIN SPINS SPINTCOM SPIREP SPIRES SPIRIT SPK SPO SPOC SPOD Special Operations Weather Team (1) Self-Propelled; (2) Shore Patrol; (3) Security Police (1) Special PSYOP Analysis; (2) Special PSYOP Assessment Space Defense and Operations/Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Missile System Space Command Center Space Air Force (14 AF) Space Command (See AFSPACECOM and USSPACECOM) Space Processing and Collection Internals Group Special Advisor Space Detection and Tracking System Space Defense Command and Control System Space Defense Operations Center Spaceborne Direct View Optical Scanner Special Airfield File South Pacific Air Intelligence System Security Policy Automation Network Strategic Posture and Aerospace Threat Summary Special Projects Branch (NATO) SIGINT Processing Center Special Purpose Communications Link Strategic Posture Display (1) Signal Processing, Evaluation, Alert and Reporting; (2) SOF Personal Equipment Advanced Requirements Counterterrorism Database Special Navy Program Special Category (Pneumatic Tube Message Precedence) Special Boat Squadron Special Boat Unit AC-130 H/U Gunship Special Warfare Soviet (FSU) Special Purpose Forces (1) Special Purpose Forces; (2) Single Point of Failure (1) Self-Propelled Gun; (2) Softcopy Products Group Special Insertion and Extraction System Space Intelligence Notes Special Instructions Special Intelligence Communications (Network) Spot Intelligence Report Special Intelligence Reports Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal Single Point Key(ing) Special Project Officer Space Operations Center Sea Ports of Debarkation 192 SPOE SPOT SPOTREP SPP SPR SPRAA SPS SPS SPSS SPT SPTCONF SPTD SPTG SPTREQ SQ SQD SQDN SQL SQN SR SRBM SRF SRHIT SRIG SRIS SROC SRIG SRJOIC SRAM SRAMII SRAM-T SRB SRBM SRC SRCU SRD SRF SRFTL SRI SRIG Sea Ports of Embarkation Satellite Pour l’Observation de la Terre (French) Spot Report Shared Production Program Strategic Petroleum Reserve Strategic Plans and Research Analysis Agency Scratch Pad Store Special PSYOP Study Secured Packet Switched Service Support Support Confirmation Supported Supporting Support Request (1) Square; (2) Squadron Squad Squadron (1) Standard Query Language; (2) Structured Query Language Squadron (1) Special Reconnaissance; (2) Short Range; (3) Southern Region; (4) Senior Short-Range Ballistic Missile SIGINT Readiness Facility Small Radar-Homing Intercept Technology (BMD Missile) Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Intelligence Group Surface Range Imaging System Southern Region Operations Center Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Intelligence Group Southern Region Joint Operations Intelligence Center U.S. Short-Range Attack Missile U.S. Short-Range Attack Missile (XAGM-131A; formerly AASM) Short Range Attack Missile - Tactical Senior Review Board Short-Range Ballistic Missile Strategic Reconnaissance Center SINCGARS Remote Control Unit (1) System Requirements Document; (2) Special Research Detachment (U.S. Army) (1) Strategic Rocket Forces (USSR); (2) Strategic Reserve Forces; (3) Secure Reserve Force (U.S.); (4) Selected Reserve Force; (5) SIGINT Readiness Facility; (6) SPIRIT Remote Facility (TROJAN) Secure Reserve Force Target List Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Intelligence Surveillance/Reconnaissance Intelligence Group 193 SRINF SRJOIC SRMIS SRO SROE SRP SRR SRS SRSG SRT SRW SRWG SS SSA SSAN SSB SSB SSBN SSBSC SSC SSCC SSCI SSD SSE SSES SSF SSG SSGN SSI SSIXS SSJ SSLP SSLSM SSM SSM/I SSM/T SSMA SSME Short-Range, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Southern Region Joint Operational Intelligence Center Southern Region Maritime Intelligence Summary Sensitive Reconnaissance Operations Standing Rules of Engagement (1) Sealift Readiness Program; (2) SIOP Reconnaissance Plan (1) Survival, Recovery and Reconstitution; (2) Security Requirements Review (1) Strategic Reconnaissance Squadron; (2) Software Requirements Specification Special Representative to the Secretary-General (1) Strategic Relocatable Target; (2) Standard Remote Terminals Strategic Reconnaissance Wing Standing Requirements Working Group Attack Submarine (1) Security Supporting Assistance; (2) Diesel-Powered Auxiliary Submarine; (3) Special Support Activity; (4) SIGINT Support Activity; (5) Soviet (FSU) Strategic Aviation (1) Social Security Account Number; (2) Nuclear-Powered Auxiliary Submarine (1) Ballistic Missile Submarine; (2) Standard Software Base; (3) Single Sideband Ballistic Missile Submarine Nuclear-Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine Single Sideband, Suppress Carrier (1) Coastal Submarine; (2) Space Surveillance Center; (3) Surface Support Craft Special Security Communications Center Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Strategic Studies Detachment Special Security Element Ships Signal Exploitation Space (1) Software Support Facility; (2) Special Service Force (1) Cruise Missile Attack Submarine; (2) Special Security Group Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile Attack Submarine (1) Specialty Skill Identifier; (2) Safety, Security and Intelligence Submarine Satellite Information Exchange Subsystem Self-Screening Jamming Transport Submarine Single-Source Logistics Support Manager (1) Surface-to-Surface Missile; (2) Midget Submarine Sensor System Microwave Imager Sensor System Microwave/Temperature Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Spread Spectrum Modulation Equipment 194 SSMO SSMOB SSMP SSN SSO SSO-INT SSP SSP-S SSQ SSQN SSR SSS SSSP SST SSTO SSTS SSUS ST S&T S&TI ST&E STA STACCS STAMIS STAMP STAMPS STANAG STANAVFORLANT STAN-EVAL STANS STAP STAR STARC STARS STAR-T START SIGINT Support to Military Operations Surface-to-Surface Missile Order of Battle Security System Management Plan (1) Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine; (2) Social Security Number; (3) Space Surveillance Network (1) Special Security Office; (2) Special Security Office(r) Senior Staff Officer-Intelligence (Canadian) (1) SIGINT Support Plan; (2) Scheduled Strike Program (NATO); (3) Single-Shot Probability of Damage; (4) Single-Source Processor; (5) SIOP Support Program Single Source Processor-SIGINT Auxiliary Submarine, Communications Nuclear-Powered Auxiliary Submarine, Communications (1) Radar Picket Submarine; (2) Secondary Surveillance Radar; (3) Special Security SSRS Representative SIGINT Surveillance and Reporting System (1) Staff Summary Sheet; (2) Systems Science and Software; (3) System Support Segment; (4) Special Support Section Single-Source SIGINT Processor (1) Training Submarine; (2) System Specific Threat; (3) Supersonic Transport; (4) Single Subscriber Terminal; (5) Safe Secure Transport; (6) Strategic Support Team; (7) Space Support Team Single-Stage-To-Orbit Space Surveillance and Tracking System Spin-Stabilized Upper Stage (1) SEAL Team; (2) Strategic Task; (3) Short Tons Scientific and Technical Scientific and Technical Intelligence Security Test and Evaluation Surveillance and Target Acquisition Standard Theater Army Command and Control System Standard Army Management Information System SOUTHCOM Topographic Augmentation Program Stand-Alone Message Processing System Standardization Agreement (NATO) Standing Naval Force, Atlantic (NATO) Standardization and Evaluation (1) Soviet Tactical Nuclear Study; (2) Space Target Analysis and Networking System Science and Technology Advisory Panel (1) Surface-to-Air Recovery; (2) System Threat Assessment Report State Area Command Surveillance, Target Acquisition & Reporting System SHF Tri-Band Advanced Range Extension Tactical Terminal Strategic Arms Reduction Talks/Treaty 195 STARTEX STASS STATDM Static RI STATS STATSIONAR STC STCFE STD STEL STEP STEPS STEPS II STG STEL S&TI STIC STICS STIFF STIISP STINT STIR STITEUR STK STO STOL STON STOPS STOVL STP Str STRAM STRAT STRATCOM STRATJIC STRATLAT STRATMAS STRATPAT STRED STRIKFORSOUTH S-TRED STRUM Start Date of an Exercise Submarine-Towed Array Surveillance System Statistical Time Division Multiplex Static Infrared Workstation Strategic Target Analysis and Tracking System USSR/Russian COMSAT System (1) Sensitivity Time Control; (2) Short Time Constant (ECCM); (3) SHAPE Technical Center Science and Technology Center Far East (1) SIGINT Technical Data; (2) Standard Stanford Telecommunications Standardized Technical Entry Point Scientific and Technical ELINT Processing System Scientific and Technical ELINT Processing System II Special Tactical Group Secure Telephone Scientific and Technical Intelligence (1) Scientific and Technical Intelligence Committee; (2) Scientific and Technical Intelligence Center Scalable Transportable Intelligence Communications System Strategic Intelligence Forecast File Scientific and Technical Intelligence Information Services Program Science and Technology (S&T) Intelligence Scientific and Technical Intelligence Register Scientific and Technical Information Team, Europe (1) Satellite Took Kit; (2) Strike Science and Technology Objectives Short Takeoff and Landing Short Ton Stand-Off Optical System Short Takeoff, Vertical Landing (1) Space Test Program; (2) Site Transition Plan Strength Static Random Access Memory Strategic Strategic Command USSTRATCOM Joint Intelligence Center Strategic Command Liaison Assistance Team Strategic Message Analysis Server Strategic Planning and Analysis Tool Standard-Tactical Receive Equipment Display STRICOM Simulations, Training, and Instrumentation Command Strike Force South Standard Tactical Receive Equipment Display Standard Technical Reporting Using Modules 196 STS STT STU STU-III STUR STVD STW STWC STX SUAWACS SUBACS SUBLANT SUBOPAUTH SUBORD SUBPAC SUCCESS SUG SUM SUMS SUPCOM SUPINTREP SUPIR SUPNAVFOR SUPPLOT SUPREMS SUPT SURAN SURFSHIP SURFWARDEVGRU SURTASS SURV SUSLAK SUSLO SV SVC SVCN SVD SVGA SVIP SVOD SVS SVTC (1) Special Training Standard; (2) Special Tactics Squadron; (3) Subcommittee on Telecommunications Security of the NSTISSC (1) Small Tactical Terminal; (2) Special Tactics Teams; (3) Shore Targeting Terminal Secure Telephone Unit (STU II & III) Secure Telephone Unit III Secure Telephone Unit/Remote Southern Theater of Military Operations (FSU) Strike Warfare Strike Warfare Commander Situational Training Exercise Soviet (FSU) AWACS Submarine Advanced Combat System Submarine Forces, Atlantic Submarine Operating Authority Subordinate Submarine Forces, Pacific Secure UHF Computer Controlled Equipment Subsystems SAFE Users Group (1) Surface-to-Underwater Missile; (2) Structural Usage Monitor Structural Usage Monitor System Support Command Supplementary Intelligence Report (1) Supplemental Photographic Interpretation Report; (2) Supplemental Phase Interpretation Report Supporting Naval Force Supplemental Plot Supplemental Preliminary Mission Summary Superintendent Southeastern Universities Surface Ship Surface Warfare Development Group Surveillance Towed Array Sonar System (U.S.) Surveillance Special U.S. Liaison Activity Korea Special U.S. Liaison Officer (1) Secure Voice; (2) Special View Service Secure Voice Conferencing Network Soviet Sniper Rifle Super Video Graphics Adapter Secure Voice Improvement Program Soviet Aircraft Navigation and Landing System Secure Voice System Secure Voice Teleconferencing 197 SVTS SW S&W SWA SWADII SWAL SWAM SWAT SWB SWC S&WC SWCL SWCM SWCS SWE SWHQ SWI SWIR SWIRTERCAT SWIS SWO SWORD SWP SWPS SWR SWRS SWSC SWTMO SYBASE SYDET SYDP SYG SYNCOM SYRACUSE SYRUP SYS SYSADM SYSADMIN SYSCON SYSOPR Secure Video Teleconferencing System (1) Short Wave; (2) Surface Warfare; (3) Software; (4) Strategic Wing Surveillance and Warning (1) Southwest Asia; (2) Southwest Africa; (3) Standoff Weapons Assembly; (4) Senior Warning Analyst; (5) Senior Weather Analyst; (6) Secure Work Area Southwest Asia Defense Information Infrastructure Shallow-Water Attack Craft, Light Shallow-Water Attack Craft, Medium SOCRATES WS/LAN Analysis Testbed Southwest Border (1) Special Warfare Center (U.S. Army); (2) Special Warfare Craft; (3) Strategic Warfare Center; (4) Strategic Warning Center; (5) Space Warfare Center Surveillance and Warning Center/Control Special Warfare Craft, Light Special Warfare Craft, Medium Special Warfare Center and School Sweden Static War Headquarters Special Weather Intelligence Short Wave Infrared SWIR Terrain Categorization Survivable Wartime Intelligence System (1) Special Weapons Officer; (2) Staff Weather Officer; (3) Senior Watch Officer Submarine Warfare Operations Research Department Standing Warning Program Space & Weapons Systems SIGINT Working Group Southwest Region Slow-Walker Reporting System Space Warning Systems Center SW Theater of Military Operations A Collection Requirements Database Sympathetic Detonator Six-Year Defense Plan Secretary General Synchronous Communications Satellite Systeme de Radio Communication Utilisant un Satellite System Resource Utilization Package System(s) System Administrator Systems Administration Technical Assistant Systems Control System Operator 198 T T T1 T2 T3 TA T&A TAA TAACOM TAB TABNR TABS TAC TACAC-D TACAIR TACAMO TACAN TACAWS TACC TACC(A) TACCIMS TACCP TACCS TACCSIMS TACCS-K TACCTA TAC-D TACE TACELINT TACFAST TACFIRE TACIES TACINTEL TACIT RAINBOW (1) Tank; (2) Training; (3) Transmitter 1.54 Megabits per Second Throughput Technology Transfer 44.3 Megabits per Second Throughput (1) Traffic Analysis; (2) Tank Army; (3) Terrain Avoidance; (4) Theater Army; (5) Target Acquisition; (6) Target Analysis Transcription and Analysis (1) Tactical Air Army (FSU); (2) Total Army Analysis; (3) Tactical Assembly Area; (4) Theatre Army Area Theater Army Area Command (1) Target Acquisition Battery; (2) Theatre Air Base Table Number Threat Assement Briefing System (1) Tactical Air Command; (2) Terrain Analysis Center (U.S. Army); (3) Tactical Access Controller; (4) Tri-Service Tactical Digital Communication System; (5) Technology Assessment Center; (6) Terminal Access Control; (7) Tactical Command Post Technical Control and Analysis Center-Division Tactical Air (1) U.S. Air Relay Communication System; (2) Take Charge and Move Out Ultrahigh-Frequency Tactical Air Navigation The Army Combined Arms Weapons System (1) Tactical Air Control Center; (2) Tanker Airlift Control Center; (3) Theater Army Communications Command Tactical Air Control Center (Afloat) (1) Theater Army Command and Control Information Management System; (2) Tactical Command and Control Information Management System Tactical Command Post (1) Tactical Airborne Command and Control and Surveillance; (2) Tactical Air Control Center System Theater Area Command and Control Information Management System Tactical Automated Command and Control Systems-Korea Tactical Commander’s Terrain Analysis Tactical Deception (1) Technical Analysis Cost Estimate; (2) Tactical Air Coordination Element Tactical Electronic Intelligence (Report) Tactical Forward Analysis Support Terminal Tactical Artillery Fire Control Tactical Imagery Exploitation System Tactical Intelligence Anti-Radiation Missile 199 TACM TACO TACO-2 TACOMM TACOMSIM TACON TACOPS TACP TACRECCE TACREP TACRON TACS TACS/TADS TACSAM TACSAT TACSATCOM TACSIM TACTAS TACTASS TACTED TACTEL TACTERM TACW TACWINGSLANT TAD TADIL TADIL-J TADIX-B TADIXS TADIXS-B TADS TADSS TADMS TAE TAF TAFIC TAFIES TAFIIS TAFLC TAFSM TAG TAGS Tactical Amphibious Collection Management Tactical Command Post Tactical Communications-Two Tactical Communications Tactical Communications Simulator Tactical Control Tactical Air Combat Operations Staff Tactical Air Control Party Tactical Reconnaissance Tactical Report Tactical Air Control Squadron (1) Tactical Air Control System; (2) Technology Acquisition Coordination Subcommittee; (3) Theater Air Control System Tactical Air Control System/Tacticai Air Defense System Tactical Surface-to-Air Missile Tactical Satellite Tactical Satellite Communications Tactical Simulation (Simulator) Tactical Towed Array System (U.S. Surface Warship) Tactical Towed-Array Surveillance System (USN) Tactical Trunk Encryption Device Tactical Telecommunications Tactical Terminal Tactical Air Control Wing Tactical Wings Atlantic (1) Temporary Additional Duty; (2) Theater Air Defense Tactical Data Information Link Tactical Digital Interface Link-Joint Tactical Data Exchange System-B Tactical Data Information Exchange Subsystem Tactical Data Information Exchange System Broadcast (1) Tactical Air Defense System; (2) Target Acquisition and Designation System Training Aids, Devices, Simulations and Simulators TRS ASARS-2 Data Manipulation System Transportable Applications Executive Tactical Air Forces Tactical Air Forces Intelligence Center Tactical Air Force Intelligence Exploitation System Tactical Air Forces Integrated Information System Tactical Air Force Limited Operational Capabilities Europe Tactical Fire Support Model (1) Target Actions Group; (2) The Adjutant General; (3) Theater Army Group; (4) Target Aimpoint Graphic; (5) TEMPEST Advisory Group Theater Air Ground System 200 TAH TAI TAISS TALM TALO TALON TAOS TALP TAMPS TANGO TAO TAOC TAOR TAP TAPA TAPCOMP TAPS TAR TARBUL TARDEV TARE TAREX TARM TARPS TARRRS TARS TAS TASE TASES TASM TASMO TASO TASOC TASOSC TASS TAT TATERS TAV TAVR TAW Tactical Aviation Headquarters Target Areas of Interest Telecommunication and Automated Information Systems Security Tactical Air-Launched Missile Tactical Airlift Liaison Officer Theater Applicatiaon-Launch on Notice Thrust-Assisted Orbiter System Total Army Linguist Program (1) Threat Avoidance Mission Planning System; (2) Tactical Aircraft Mission Planning System Tactical Air, Naval, Ground Operations Tactical Air Operations Tactical Air Operations Center Tactical Area of Responsibility (1) Terrain Analysis Program; (2) Theater Analysis and Planning Target Analysis Pacific Area Targeting and Analysis Program Computers Technical Analysis Processing System Terrain Avoidance Radar Target Bulletin Target Development Telegraph Automation Relay Equipment Target Exploitation Tactical Antiradiation Missile Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod System (USN) Tactical Air Reconnaissance Results Reporting System Tactical Air Reconnaissance System (1) Tactical Airlift Squadron; (2) Traffic Analysis Survey; (3) Terminal Access System; (4) True Air Speed; (5) Timeline Analysis System; (6) Temporal Analysis System Tactical Air Support Element Tactical Airborne Signals Exploitation System Tactical Air-to-Surface Missile Tactical Air Support of Maritime Operations Terminal Area Security Officer Theater Army Special Operations Command Theater Army Special Operations Support Command (1) Towed Array Surveillance System; (2) Official News Agency of the FSU; (3) Tactical Air Support Squadron; (4) Tactical Automatic Switching System (1) Terrorist Action Team; (2) Tactical Analysis Team; (3) Target Area Tactics TROJAN Air Transportable Electronic Reconnaissance System (1) Total Asset Visibility; (2) Trans-Atmospheric Vehicle Territorial and Army Volunteer Reserve Tactical Airlift Wing 201 TAWC TAWDS TAXIS-A TB TBA TBD TBM TBP TC TC3 TCA TCAC TCAC-C TCAC PIP TCAE TCAE C/D/B TC-AIMS II TCB TCC TCCC TCCE/CA TCCS TCD TCICA TCIM TCJ2 TCM TCMS TCO TCOS TCP TCP/IP TCR TCS TCSEC TCT TCU Tactical Air Warfare Center Transportable Automated Weather Distribution System Tactical Data Information Exchange Subsystem A (1) Tank Battalion; (2) Tuberculosis To Be Announced To Be Determined (1) Tactical Ballistic Missile; (2) Theater Battle Management; (3) Theater Ballistic Missile To be published (1) Tank Company; (2) Transportation Corps; (3) Transport Cradles Theater Command, Control, and Communications (1) Theater Collection Assets; (2) Theater Communications Architecture; (3) Tactical Communication Augmentation Technical Control and Analysis Center Technical Control and Analysis Center - Corps Technical Control and Analysis Center-Product (1) Technical Control and Analysis Element; (2) Tactical Control and Analysis Element Technical Control and Analysis Element Corps/Division/Brigade Transportation Coordinator Automated Information For Movements Systems II Trusted Computing Base (1) Telecommunications Center; (2) Tactical Command Center Theater Communications Control Center Theater Contingency Communications Equipment, Central Area Theater Command and Control System Time Compliance Data Theater Counterintelligence Coordinating Authority Tactical Communications Interface Module TRANSCOM J2 Tactical Cruise Missile Tactical Communications Management System (1) Test Control Officer; (2) Telecommunications Control Officer; (3) Telecommunications Contracting Office Tactical Combat Operations System (1) Technological Coordinating Paper; (2) Tactical Cryptologic Program; (3) Transmission Control Protocol; (4) Traditional CINC Programs Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol Time Critical Requirements (1) Tactical Computer System; (2) Test/Crisis Service DOD Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria (1) Tactical Commanders Terminal; (2) Tactical Computer Terminal(s) Tactical Computer Unit 202 TD TDA TDAD TDAR TDC TDD TDDP TDDS TDES TDF TDFD TDI TDM TDMA TDOA TDP TDRSS TDS TDSS TDT TDY TE T&E TEA TEAMS TEARR TEB TEC TECCE TECH TECHELINT TECHINT TECHLIB TECHSUM TECRAS TED TEDB TEDS TEG (1) Tank Destroyer; (2) Tank Division; (3) Time Dominant (imagery); (4) Tactical Deception; (5) Training Detachment; (6) Target Designator; (7) Transfer Device (1) Table of Distribution and Allowances; (2) Target Damage Assessment; (3) Tactical Decision Aids Training Development and Analysis Directorate Tactical Defense Alert Radar (1) Tactical Digital Computer; (2) Theater Deployable Communications Target DBZ Designator Tactical Defense Dissemination Program (1) Tactical Defense/Data Dissemination System; (2) TRAP Data Dissemination System Theater Document Exploitation System (1) Tactical Data Facsimile; (2) Tactical Digital Facsimile Time Delay Firing Device (1) Target Data Inventory; (2) Target Data Inventory; (3) ETIBS Datalink Interface Time Division Multiplex Time Division Multiple Access Time Difference of Arrival (1) Threat Display & Projection; (2) Tactical Display Programmer; (3) Tactical Data Processor Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (1) Target Data Sheet; (2) Training Device System; (3) Target Development System Theater Display Support System Tactical Data Terminal Temporary Duty (1) Tactical Exploitation; (2) Table of Equipment Test & Evaluation Tactical Exploitation Assessment Trend and Error Analysis Methodology System Time, Elevation, Azimuth, Range, Range Rate Tactical Exploitation Battalion Topographic Engineering Center Tactical Exploitation Collection and Coordination Element Technical Technical ELINT Technical Intelligence Technical Library Technical Summary Technical Reconnaissance and Surveillance Trunk Encryption Device Technical ELINT Data Base Tactical Expendable Drone System Tactical Exploitation Group (JSIPS) 203 TEK TEL TELAR TELCON TELECOM TELEFAC TELINT TELNET TEMP TEMPEST TENCAP TEOC TEP TEPP TERCAT TERCOM TEREC TERPES TERS TES TESAR TESS TET TEWS TEXAS TF TFAS TFC TFCICA TFCC TFJ2 TFM TFR TFS TFT TF/TA TFU TFW TFWC Traffic Encryption Key Transporter-Erector-Launcher Transporter-Erector-Launcher and Radar Telephone Conversation Telecommunications Telecommunications Facilities Vulnerability Study Telemetry Intelligence Telecommunications Network Test and Evaluation Master Plan (1) Unclassified Name for Compromising Emanations; (2) Compromising Electronic Emission Control Program; (3) Transient Electromagnetic Pulse Emanations Tactical Exploitation of National Capabilities Technical Objective Camera (1) Tactical ELINT Processor; (2) TEMPEST Endorsement Program Tomahawk Employment Planning Package Terrain Categorization Terrain Contour Matching (1) Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance; (2) Tactical ELINT Receiver Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance Processing and Evaluation System (1) Tactical Electronic Reconnaissance System; (2) Tactical ELINT Reporting System; (3) Tactical Event Reporting System (1) Tactical Electronic Squadron; (2) Tactical Event System Tactical Endurance Synthetic Aperture Radar Tactical Engagement Simulation System Transportable Electronic Tower Tactical Electronic Warfare System Tactical Exchange Automation System (1) Task Force; (2) Transaction Format Task Force Able Sentry Tactical Fusion Center Task Force CI Coordinating Authority Tactical Flag Command Center Task Force Director of Intelligence Trusted Facility Manual Terrain Following Radar (1) Tactical Fighter Squadron; (2) Terrain and Feature Server; (3) Traffic Flow Security (1) Tri-Band Field Terminal; (2) Tactical Facsimile Terminal Terrian Following/Terrain Avoidance Tactical Forecast Unit Tactical Fighter Wing Tactical Fighter Weapons Center 204 TG T&G TGA TGCF TGIF TGPF TGS TGT TGTINT TGTINFOREP TGW THAAD THAAD/GBR THEC THMT THREATCON THz TI TI/TTR TIA TIAP TIAPCO TIARA TIARRA TIAS TIB TIBS TIC TICANA TICC TICON TID TIDL TIDY TIEC TIES TIF(S) TIFA TIFF TIG TIHB TIIF TIIMS TILO (1) Task Group; (2) Training Group Tracking and Guidance Target Analysis Tactical Ground Control Facility Transportable/Tactical Ground Intercept Facility Transportable Ground Processing Facility (1) Transportable Ground Station; (2) Turkish General Staff Target Targeting Intelligence Target Information Report Terminal-Guidance Warhead Theater High-Altitude Area Defense Theater High-Altitude Area Defense/Ground Based Radar Theater HUMINT Exploitation Center Tactical High Mobility Terminal JCS Terrorist Threat Condition Terahertz (1) Technical Intelligence (TECHINT); (2) Target Intelligence; (3) Transition Increment Target Illumination/Target Tracking Radar Target Implications Annex Theater Intelligence Architecture Program TIAP Communications Overlay Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities Target Identification And Recognition Radar Target Identification & Acquisition System Target Intelligence Branch Tactical Information Broadcast System (1) Theater Intelligence Center; (2) Technical Information Center Tactical Imagery Communications and Network Alternatives Tactical Information Communications Center Tight Control Theater Intelligence Digest Tactical Imagery Data Link Teletype Integrated Display System Theater Imagery Exploitation Capability Tactical Information Exchange System Theater Interrogation Facility(ies) Theater Intelligence Fusion Architecture Tagged Image File Format Tactical Intelligence Group Target Intelligence Handbook Tactical Imagery Interpretation Facility Text and Image Information Management System Transportation Intelligence Liaison Officer 205 TIM TIM-DIS TIMS TIO TIP TIPE TIPI TIPP TIPS TIR TIROS TIROS-N TIRS TIRSAG TIRSS TIS TISD TISEO TISL TISO TISP TISS TITF TIU TJS TK Tk TKR TLAM TLAR TLC TLCF TLE TLS TLST TM TMA TMB TMCN Target Intelligence Material Time & Distance (1) Tactical Information Management System; (2) TFCC Information Management System Target Intelligence Officer (1) Target Intelligence Package; (2) Theater Intelligence Plan; (3) Tracking and Impact Prediction; (4) Tactical Imagery Program Tactical Intelligence Product Enhancement Tactical Information Processing and Interpretation System Target Intelligence Production Plan (1) Terrorist Incident Profile System; (2) Tactical Intelligence Processing System; (3) Target Intelligence Packages Terminal Imaging Radar Television Infrared Observation Satellite Television Infrared Observation Satellite-National Thermal Infrared Scanner Tactical Intelligence, Reconnaissance, Surveillance Action Group Theater Intelligence, Reconnaissance & Surveillance Study (1) Tactical Intelligence Squadron; (2) Thermal Imaging Sight; (3) Tactical Input Segment Tactical (Air Forces) Integrated Situation Display Target Identification System, Electro-Optical Target Identification System, Laser Theater Intelligence Support Officer Transition Implementation Support Plan Tactical Intelligence Support Staff Theater Intelligence Training Facility ETIBS Interface Unit Tactical Jamming System Talent-Keyhole Tank Tanker Tomahawk Land Attack Missile Transporter-Launcher and Radar (1) Telecommunication Link Controller; (2) Teleconferencing (1) TACINTEL Link Control Facility; (2) Teleconferencing Target Location Error Top-Level Specification TACAMO Logistics Support Team (1) Tactical Missile; (2) Threat Manager; (3) Target Material; (4) Landsat Thematic Mapper; (5) Technical Manual; (6) Team Materials; (7) Team Theater of Military Action Technical Management Board Tactical Target Materials Change Notice 206 TMD TMDE TMD/GBR TMET TMFU TMMRS TMO TMP TMPC TMPG TMPO TMPS TMRG TMSR TMS TMT TMUG TMWG TMWS TNAPS+ TNET TNF Tng TNI TNIEG TNK TNL TNT TNO T/O TO&E TOA TOC TOE TOF TOPCAT TOPINS TOPO TOPS TOR TORP (1) Theater Missile Defense; (2) Tactical Map Depot Test Measurement and Diagnostic Equipment Theater Missile Defense/Ground-Based Radar Transportable Medium Earth Terminal Theater METOC Forecasting Unit Trojan Mobile Remote Receiver System (1) Technical Management Office; (2) Theater of Military Operations Training Management Plan Theater Mission Planning Center Target Materials Producers Group Target Materials Program Office Theater Mission Planning System Terrain-Masked Radar Graphics Tactical Meteorological Satellite Receiver Target Materials Squadron Target Marking Technologies Target Materials Users Group Target Materials Working Group Target Materials Workstation Tactical Network Analysis and Planning System Plus Teletraining Network Theater Nuclear Forces Training Trusted Network Interpretation Trusted Network Interpretation Environment Guideline Tanker Target Nomination List Tunnel Neutralization Team Theater Nuclear Option Take Off Tables of Organization and Equipment (1) Total Obligational Authority; (2) Time of Arrival; (3) Transportation Operation Agency; (4) Time of Attack; (5) Transfer of Authority; (6) Table of Organic Allowance (1) Tactical Operations Center; (2) Theater of Operations Command (1) Table of Organization and Equipment; (2) Time of Entry Time of Flight Tactical Operations Planner for Collection, Analysis, and Tasking Theater Operational Intelligence System Topographic Tactical Operations Support (1) Terms of Reference; (2) Tactical Operations Room; (3) Tentative Operational Requirement; (4) Time of Receipt Torpedo 207 TORPCM TOS TOSP TOSS TOT TOVS TOW T/P TPA TPAS TPC TPCS TPEP TPF TPFD TPFDD TPFD(L) TPI TPL TPN TPP TPS TPSD TPU TPV TQL TQM T/R TR TRA TRAC TRADOC TRAINS TRAM TRANSCOM TRANSEC TRANSIT TRANSNAT TRAP TRAP-I Torpedo Countermeasures & Deception (1) Tactical Ocean Surveillance; (2) Theater Operating System Tailored Ocean Surveillance Product (1) Tactical Operations Support System; (2) Technical Oriented Support System (1) Time over Target; (2) Time of Transmission TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder Tube-Launched Optically-Tracked Wire-Guided Missile Terminal/Printer Theater Production Assets Target Planning and Scheduling (1) Tactical Pilotage Chart; (2) Tempest Personal Computer; (3) Two-Person Control Team Portable COMINT System (1) TEREC Portable Exploitation Processor; (2) Trusted Products Evaluation Program Topographic Production Facility Time-Phased Force Deployment Time-Phased Force Deployment Data Time-Phased Force Deployment (List) Two-Person Integrity Time-Phased Line Tactical Packet Network Thermal Powerplant (1) Thermal Protection System; (2) Telecommunications Prioritization System (1) Theater Planning Support Division (J-5); (2) Theater Planning Support Document Troop Programs Units Terrain Perspective Viewing Total Quality Leadership Total Quality Management Transmit-Receive (1) Tank Regiment; (2) Transportation Request Temporary Restricted Areas (1) Tactical Radar Correlator; (2) TRADOC Analysis Center U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command Interactive Video Teletraining System Target Recognition and Attack-Multisensor Transportation Command Transmission Security Navy Navigation Satellite System Transnational (1) Threat Research and Analysis Program; (2) TRE and Related Applications; (3) Terrorist Research and Analysis Project; (4) Tactical Related Applications TRAP-Improved 208 TRAPS TRB TRDL TRE TRED TREDS TREE TRF TRICOMS TRI-MEF TRI-MEFO TRITAC TRI-TAC TRIES TRIGS TRIMSS TRITAF TRIX(S) TRL TRML TRN TROFA TROJAN TROJAN SPIRIT TROKA TROPO TROSCOM TRP Trp TRRIP TRS TRSS TRT TRUS TRV TRW TS TSAR TSART TSB TRE & Related Applications Technical Review Board Tactical Reconnaissance Data Link Tactical Receive Equipment Tactical Receive Equipment Display (1) Tactical Reconnaissance Exploitation Demonstration System; (2) Tactical Receive Equipment (TRE) Display System Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics Topographic Readiness Facility Triad Computer System Tri-Marine Expeditionary Force Tri-Marine Expeditionary Force Order Tri-Service Tactical Communications System (1) U.S. Joint Tactical Communications Program; (2) Tri-Service Tactical Communications Tactical Radar Imagery Exploitation System TR-1 Ground Station TRANSCOM Imagery Management Support System Tactical Air Forces of TAC, USAFE and PACAF Tactical Reconnaissance Intelligence Exchange System Target Recommendation List USAFE Target Reference Material List (1) Target Reference Number; (2) Target Reference Point Temporary Remote Operating Facility, Airborne (NSA) Name of Technical Training System TROJAN Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal Third ROK Army Tropospheric Scatter Radio United States Army Troop Support Command (1) Target Reporting Parameters; (2) Theater Response Package Troops (1) Theater Rapid Response Intelligence Package; (2) Tactical Rapid Reaction Intelligence (1) Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron; (2) Tactical Reconnaissance System; (3) Trunked Radio System; (4) Telecommunications Service Request Tactical Remote Sensor System TEREC Remote Terminal Tilting Wing/Rotor UAV System Tank Recovery Vehicle Tactical Reconnaissance Wing (1) Top Secret; (2) Transaction Services; (3) Target Spotting; (3) TROJAN SPIRIT Transmission Security Analysis Report Test Support and Analysis Report Terminal PSYOP Tactical Support Battalion 209 TSC TSC2 TSCA TSCE TSCIF TSCIXS TSCM TSCO TSCR TSCS TS/SCI TSCSI TSCW TSDS TSE TSEC TSF TSG TSIT TSK TSM TSMA TSOC TSOR TSP TSR TSRS TSS TSSAM TSSR TSSS (TS3) TSSTM TST T-STAR TS/TM TSWA TSWG TT (1) Tactical Support Center; (2) Top Secret Control; (3) Technical Support Center; (4) Tactical Support Company; (5) TROJAN Switching Center; (6) Training Support Center Tactical/Strategic Command & Control Time-Sensitive Collection Actions Time-Sensitive Collection Emphasis Tactical/Temporary Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility Tactical Support Center Information Exchange System Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Top Secret Control Officer Time-Sensitive Collection Requirement Transportable Satellite Communications System Top Secret/Sensitive Compartmented Information Temporary Surface Cryptologic Support Installation Top Secret Codeword Tactical SIGINT Data Support Target Support Element Telecommuncations Security Technical Support Facility Threat Steering Group Technical Service Intelligence Team Transmission Security Key Threat Spectrum Model Theater of Strategic/Military Action Theater Support Operations Cell Technical Standards of Readiness (1) Transshipment Point; (2) Training Support Base; (3) Tactical Sensor Planner (1) Time-Sensitive Requirement; (2) Telecommunications Support Request; (3) Trans-Siberian Railroad Tactical Support Reconnaissance System (1) Telecommunications Security System; (2) Time-Sharing System; (3) Target Summary Sheets; (4) Target Selection Standards Tri-Service Standoff Attack Missile Tropo Satellite Support Radio (1) Tactical Simulator Study Support; (2) Time-Sensitive Support System Tactical SIGINT Systems Training Module (1) Tactical Surveillance Technology; (2) Theater Support Team; (3) Tactical Support Team TRANSCOM Situation Transportation Analysis Review Target Support/Target Materials Temporary Secure Working Area Technical Support Working Group Of IG/T (1) Technology Transfer; (2) Target Track 210 TT&C TTAC TTADB TTAP TTBT TTC TTD TTG TTI TTIC TTM TTMC TTMP TTMPD TTP TTPI TTR TTSB TTU TTY TU TUDE TUHTKP TUSA TUT TUV TV TVA TVD TVITS TVSSC TW TW/AA TWAC TWCS TWG TWI TWRL TWS/IPS TWT TWTA TYC TX Telemetry Tracking and Command Technology Transfer Analysis Center Tactical Terrain Analysis Data Base Telemetry Technical Analysis Position Threshold Test Ban Treaty (1) Transportation Terminal Command; (2) Tactical Telephone Central Tactical Terrain Data Technical Training Group Tactical Target Illustration Technology Transfer Intelligence Committee Tactical Target Materials Tactical Target Materials Catalogue Tactical Target Materials Program Tactical Target Material Production Document Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands Target Tracking Radar Theater Tactical Selection Board (1) Transportation Terminal Unit; (2) Tape Transport Unit (1) Teletypewriter; (2) Teletype Task Unit Teletype User Display Equipment Time Urgent Hard Target Kill Potential Third U.S. Army Tactical User’s Terminal Task Unit Van (1) Television; (2) Theater of War (FSU); (3) Target Vulnerability Target Value Analysis Theater of Military Operations (FSU) Tactical Video Imagery Transmission System TACCIMS VTC Support System Targeting and Weaponeering Tactical Warning/Attack Assessment Tactical Weather Analysis Center (1) Tomahawk Weapon Control System; (2) Tactical Warfare Control System (1) Threat Working Group; (2) Technology Working Group Training With Industry Two-Way Radio Link Topographic Workstation/Imagery Processing System Traveling Wave Tube Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier Tactical Message Central (1) Technology Exploitation; (2) Transmission 211 U U U-2 UA UAAF UAE UAM UAMP UARR UATP UAV UAV-CR UAV-E UAV-H UAVJPO UAV-M UAV-SR UBA UBR UC UCAB UCC UCG UCIB UCIRF UCMJ UCP UD UDEAC UDF UDIR UDT UE UEAC UEC UFO UFR UGM UGS UHF UI Unclassified (1) Designator for a Military Reconnaissance Aircraft; (2) AF Reconnaissance Aircraft User Agent Unified Action Armed Forces United Arab Emirates Underwater-to-Air-Missile USIS Architecture Migration Plan Universal Aerial Refueling Receptical UNIX Advanced Tracking Prototype Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Close Range Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-HUNTER Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Joint Program Office Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Maneuver Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Short Range Underwater Breathing Apparatus Unassigned Bit Rate Under Construction USIS Customer Advisory Board ULTRA-Compact Camera Universal Communications Gateway USAFE Command Intelligence Brief USAREUR Combat Intelligence Readiness Facility Uniform Code of Military Justice Unified Command Plan Deputy USCINCSPACE Economic and Customs Union of Central Africa United Democratic Front USAREUR Daily Intelligence Report Underwater Demolition Team Unit Equipment Union of Central African States USAREUR Exploitation Center (1) Unidentified Flying Object; (2) UHF Follow-On Satellites Unfunded Requirements Underwater Guided Missile Unattended Ground Sensors Ultra High Frequency (1) Unidentified; (2) Unit of Issue 212 UIC UIES UIR UIRK UIS UJTL UK UKADGE UKAGE UKAIR UKLF Ukn ULAN ULANA ULCC ULCS ULF ULO ULV UMD UMF UMIES UMO UMOP UN UNAAF UNAMIR UNAVEM UNC UNCIVPOL UNCLAS UNDERSEC UNDHA UN-DMT UNDOF UNDP UNEF UNESCO UNFICYP UNGA UNHCR UNHQ UNICEF UNIFIL (1) USAREUR Interrogation Center; (2) Unit Identification Code USAREUR Imagery Exploitation System User Interface Requirements Unique Interswitch Rekeying Key User Interface System Universal Joint Task List United Kingdom United Kingdom Air Defense Ground Environment United Kingdom Air Defense Ground Environment United Kingdom Air Forces United Kingdom Land Forces Unknown Unit Local Area Network Universal Location Area Network Architecture Ultra Large Crude Carrier Unit-Level Circuit Switch Ultra Low Frequency USAREUR Liaison Office Unmanned Launch Vehicle Unit Manning Document Unconventional Military Forces (NATO) USAREUR Modernized Imagery Exploitation System Unconventional Military Operations Unintentional Modulation on Pulse United Nations Unified Action Armed Forces United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda United Nations Angola Verification Mission United Nations Command United Nations Civilian Police Unclassified Under Secretary United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs United Nations Disaster Management Team United Nations Disengagement Observer Force United Nations Development Program United Nations Emergency Forces United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus United Nations General Assembly United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees United Nations Headquarters United Nations Childrens’ Fund United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon 213 UNIKOM UNITA UNITAF UNITAS UNITREP UNITSITREP UNIX UNMIH UNMO UNMOGIP UNOMIG UNOMIL UNOMUR UNOSOM UNMSC UNODIR UNPROFOR UNPP UNSAT UNSC UNTSO UQL UNREF UNRWA UO UPI UPP UPS U2R URBBO URBPOP URD URG URS US U&S US MLO US/AIA USA USAABMDA USAADASCH USACAPOC United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observer Mission National Union for the Total Independence of Angola Unified Task Force United International Antisubmarine Warfare Exercise (Joint U.S.-Latin American Naval Exercise) Unit Report Unit Situation Report Orginally UNICS, for Uniplex Information and Computing System United Nations Mission in Haiti United Nations Military Observers United Nations Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan United Nations Mission in Georgia United Nations Observer Mission in Liberia United Nations Mission for Uganda-Rwanda United Nations Operations in Somalia United Nations Military Staff Committee Unless Otherwise Directed United Nations Protection Force UN Peace Plan Unsatisfactory United Nations Security Council United Nations Truce Supervision Organization Universal Query Language United Nations Refugee Fund United Nations Relief & Works Agency Using Organization United Press International User Partnership Program (1) Uninterruptible Power Supply; (2) Universal Polar Stereographic Reconnaissance Aircraft (U.S. Air Force) Urban Area Boundary File Urban Population File User Requirements Document Underway Replenishment Group User Readout Simulator United States Unified and Specified (Archaic, now Unified) Commands U.S. Military Liaison Office USEUCOM/ACE Interface Architecture (1) U.S. Army; (2) United States of America United States Army Advanced Ballistic Missile Defense Agency U.S. Army Air Defense Artillery School U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command 214 USACC USACE USACID USACSLA USACOM USAEIS USAF USAFE USAFE/CC USAFINTEL USAFISA USAFJ USAFK USAFLANT USAFR USAFRED USAFSO USAFSOC USAFSOS USAFSS USAFTAC USAFWTC USAIA USAICE USAIC USAICS USAID USAIIA USAINSCOM USAISC USAISD USAITAC USAITFG USAJFKWCS USAKA USAOG USAR USARAK USARC USARCENT USARCO USAREUR USARJ USARLANT U.S. Army Communications Command U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Army Criminal Investigative Division Command United States Army Communications Security Logistics Agency U.S. Atlantic Command United States Army Electronic Intelligence & Security U.S. Air Force U.S. Air Forces, Europe Commander, U.S. Air Forces Europe United States Air Force Intelligence U.S. Army Force Integration Support Agency U.S. Air Forces, Japan U.S. Air Forces, Korea U.S. Air Force, Atlantic U.S. Air Force Reserve U.S. Air Force Readiness Command U.S. Air Force Southern Command U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command U.S. Air Force Special Operations School United States Air Force Security Service (1) U.S. Air Force Technical Applications Center; (2) U.S. Air Force Tactical Air Command U.S. Air Force Weapons and Tactics Center U.S. Army Intelligence Agency U.S. Army Intelligence Center, Europe U.S. Army Intelligence Center U.S. Army Intelligence Center and School U.S. Agency for International Development United States Army Imagery Interpretation Agency U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command U.S. Army Information Systems Command U.S. Intelligence School, Fort Devens U.S. Army Intelligence Threat Analysis Center United States Army Intelligence Threats & Forecasts Group U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School U.S. Army Kwajalein Atoll U.S. Army Operational Group U.S. Army Reserve U.S. Army Alaska U.S. Army Reserve Command U.S. Army Forces, Central Command U.S. Army Commercial Communications Office U.S. Army, Europe U.S. Army, Japan U.S. Army, Atlantic 215 USARPAC USARSO USARSOC USARSPACE USARSPACECOM USASAALA USASACDA USASACDSA USASAE USASAPAC USASASA USASASSA USASATCOMA USASATEC USASEXC USASFC USASOA USASOC USASOF USASOSC USASSDC USASSG USATAC USATACOM USATC USATEC USATSC USB USC USCENTAF USCENTCOM USCG USCG INT USCGNET USCINCACOM USCINCARRED USCINCCENT USCINCEUR USCINCFOR USCINCLANT USCINCMEAFSA USCINCPAC U.S. Army, Pacific (1) U.S. Army, South; (2) U.S. Army Forces, South U.S. Army Reserve, Special Operations Command U.S. Army Space Command U.S. Army Space Command US Army Security Assistance Agency Latin America United States Army Security Agency Combat Development Activity United States Army Security Agency Command Data Systems Activity United States Army Security Agency, Europe United States Army Security Agency, Pacific United States Army Security Agency Systems Activity United States Army Security Agency Signal Security Activity United States Army Satellite Communications Agency United States Army Security Agency Test & Evaluation Center United States Army Services Exploitation Center U.S. Army Special Forces Command U.S. Army School of the Americas U.S. Army, Special Operations Command U.S. Army, Special Operations Forces U.S. Army Special Operations Support Command U.S. Army Space and Strategic Defense Command U.S. Army Special Security Group U.S. Army Terrain Analysis Center U.S. Army Tank Command United States Air Target Chart U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center U.S. Army Training Support Center Upper Sideband (1) Under Secretaries Committee; (2) United States Code U.S. Air Forces Central Command U.S. Central Command U.S. Coast Guard U.S. Coast Guard Intelligence U.S. Communications Grid Network Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command Commander in Chief, United States Army Forces, Readiness Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Central Command Commander in Chief, U.S. European Command United States Commander in Chief, US Forces Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Atlantic Command United States Commander in Chief Middle East, Southern Asia, & Africa South of the Sahara Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command 216 USCINCPACFLT USCINCRED USCINCSO USCINCSOC USCINCSOINT USCINCSPACE USCINSTRAT USCINCTRANS USCMA USCOB USCOMEASTLANT USCS USD USD(A&T) USD(P) USDA USDAO USDE USDR USELEMNORAD USEMB USEUCOM USFJ USFK USFORAZ USFORCARIB USFORDOMREP USFORSCOM USFORSOM USG USGS USI USIA USIS USIC USILO USIS USJTF USLANTCOM USLO USM USMAAG USMARCENT Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet United States Commander in Chief, US Readiness Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Southern Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Special Operations Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Special Operations Intelligence Commander in Chief, U.S. Space Command Commander in Chief, Strategic Command Commander in Chief, U.S. Transportation Command United States Court of Military Appeals United States Command Berlin U.S. Commander, Eastern Atlantic (1) U.S. Customs Service; (2) Unified Soils Classification System; (3) U.S. Cryptologic System Under Secretary of Defense Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Technology) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy U.S. Department of Agriculture U.S. Defense Attache Office Undesired Signal Data Emanations United States Defense Representative U.S. Element NORAD United States Embassy U.S. European Command U.S. Forces, Japan U.S. Forces, Korea U.S. Forces, Azores U.S. Forces, Caribbean U.S. Forces, Dominican Republic U.S. Forces Command U.S. Forces, Somalia United States Government U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Intelligence U.S. Information Agency (1) U.S. Information Service (USIA abroad); (2) U.S. Imagery System U.S. Intelligence Community U.S. Imagery Liaison Officer (1) U.S. Information Service; (2) U.S. Imagery System United States Joint Task Force U.S. Atlantic Command United States Liaison Officer Underwater-to-Surface Missile U.S. Military Assistance Advisory Group U.S. Marine Forces Central Command 217 USMARDEZLANT USMARFORK USMARFORLANT USMC USMILGP USMLM USMOG-W USMS USMTF USMTM USN USNAVAK USNAVCENT USNAVEUR USNAVFORJAPAN USNAVFORKOREA USNAVSO USNI USNR USNS USO USODC USOMC USOUTHAF USOS USP&FO USPACOM USR USREDCOM USREPMILCOMUN USRNMC USS USSID USSIS USSOCOM USSOCPAC USSOUTHAF USSOUTHCOM USSPACECOM USSR USSS USSTRATCOM USTRANSCOM USTS U.S. Maritime Defense Zone, Atlantic U.S. Marine Forces, Korea U.S. Marine Forces, Atlantic U.S. Marine Corps U.S. Military Group U.S. Military Liaison Mission U.S. Military Observer Group-Washington U.S. Marshal Service (1) U.S. Message Text Formats; (2) U.S. Message Text Formatter U.S. Military Training Mission U.S. Navy U.S. Navy Alaska U.S. Naval Forces, Central Command U.S. Naval Forces, Europe U.S. Naval Forces, Japan (also USNAVFORJ) U.S. Naval Forces, Korea (also USNAVFORK) U.S. Naval Forces, Southern Command U.S. Naval Institute U.S. Naval Reserve U.S. Naval Ship (1) United Service Organization; (2) Unit Security Officer U.S. Office of Defense Cooperation U.S. Office of Military Cooperation United States Southern Command Air Forces USAF Special Operations School U.S. Property and Fiscal Officer U.S. Pacific Command Unit Status Report U.S. Readiness Command United States Representative, UN Military Staff Committee United States Representative To NATO Military Committee (1) User Support System; (2) U.S. Ship U.S. Signals Intelligence Directive U.S. Signals Intelligence System U.S. Special Operations Command U.S. Special Operations Command Pacific U.S. Southern Command Air Forces U.S. Southern Command U.S. Space Command (1) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (now FSU); (2) Union of Soviet Sovereign Republics (1) U.S. SIGINT System; (2) U.S. Secret Service U.S. Strategic Command U.S. Transportation Command UHF Satellite Terminal System 218 USW USYG UT UTAIN UTAIS UTC UTCB UTH UTIC UTM UTTAS UV UW UWB UWOA Undersea Warfare Under-Secretary General Users’ Terminal USAFE Tactical Air Intelligence Network USAFE Tactical Air Intelligence System (1) Unit Type Code; (2) Universal Coordinated Time USCENTCOM Transportable Communications Backbone USAREUR Transportable Host USAREUR Tactical Intelligence Center Universal Transverse Mercator (Grid) Utility Tactical Transport Aircraft System Ultra Violet (1) Unconventional Warfare; (2) Underwater Ultra Wide Band Unconventional Warfare Operational Area 219 V V-22 OSPREY VA VAAP VAB VAC VAN VAR VAX VBR VCA VCINCNORAD VCJCS VCR VCS VCSA VDL VDP VDS VDT VDU VDV veh VERT VF VFR VGA VGK VGW VHF VHS VHSIC vic VICE VID VIDINT VIDS VIN VIP VISINT VISTA Joint Advanced Vertical-Lift Aircraft (Formerly JVX) Veterans Administration Vulnerability Analysis and Assistance Program French Front Armored Vehicle Volts, Alternating Current Value-Added Networks Variable Virtual Address Extension Variable Bit Rate Virginia Contracting Activity Vice Commander in Chief, NORAD Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Video Cassette Recorder (1) Video Conference Server; (2) VLAN Common Server; (3) Voice Communications Services Vice Chief of Staff, Army Video Down Link Video Disk Player Variable Depth Sonar Video Display Terminal (1) Video Display Unit (TV Monitor); (2) Video Docking Unit Soviet (FSU) Airborne Forces Vehicle Vertical Voice Frequency Visual Flight Rules Virtual Graphics Array Supreme High Command (FSU) Variable-Geometry Wing Very High Frequency Video Home System Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Vicinity Voice Interceptor Comprehensive Evaluation Visual Identification (Canadian) Video Intelligence Visually Integrated Display System Vehicle Identification Number (1) Very Important Person; (2) Variable Incentive Payment; (3) Visual Input Processor Visual Intelligence Very Intelligent Surveillance & Target Acquisition 220 VIXS VLAN VLAR VLCC VLDS VLF VLS VLSI VM VMAP VMAQ VMFP VMO V Model VMS VN VO V/O VOA VOCOM VOD VOL VOR VORTAC VP VPCN VPF VPH VPK VPN VQ VR VRD VRBM VRHS VRIT VSAT VSO VSS V/STOL VSWING VT Video Information Exchange System Very Local Area Network Vertical Launch and Recovery Very Large Crude Carrier Very Large Data Storage Very Low Frequency Vertical Launch System Very Large-Scale Integration Virtual Memory Vector Product Format Marine Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron Marine Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron (1) Marine Observation Squadron; (2) Tactical Operations Squadron Advanced Development Model Virtual Memory System Vulnerability Number Validation Office Vertical/Oblique Voice of America Voice Communications Vertical On-Board Delivery Volume Very High Frequency Omnidirectional Range Collocated VOR and TACAN (1) Patrol Aircraft (Navy); (2) U.S. Naval Patrol Squadron; (3) Maritime Patrol Squadron Virtual Personal Communications Networking Vector Product Format Video Phase History Military Industrial Commission (FSU) Voice Product Net U.S. Naval Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron Virtual Reality Virtual Retinal Display Variable-Range Ballistic Missile VIDMAR Robotic Hoist System Volume Reduced Imagery Transmission (1) Very Small Aperture Satellite Terminal; (2) Very Small Aperture Terminals Vault Security Officer VIDMAR STAK System Vertical/Short Takeoff & Landing Anti-Submarine Wing (1) Variable Time (Fuse); (2) Video Terminal 221 VTA VTB VTC VTOL VTR VTS VTT VULREP VVS Military Transport Aviation (FSU) Video Telebroadcasting (1) Video Teleconferencing; (2) Video Telegraph Vertical Takeoff and Landing Tracked Recovery Vehicle Vandenberg Tracking Station Video Teletraining Vulnerability Report FSU Air Forces 222 W W WABNRES WAC WADS WAG W-CIOC WAM WAN WARC WARLOG WARM WAS WASAS WASHFAX WASP WARSIM WASS WASSO WATCHCON WATS WAWS WB WBIS WBMS WBST WC WCCS WCG WDCS WE WEBE WECON WEFAX WES WESS WESTLANT WESTPAC/WPAC WESTLCF WETM WEU WFC (1) A W prefix to any ship type designates it as subordinated to a quasi-military force; (2) Watt WWMCCS Airborne Resources (1) World Aeronautical Chart; (2) World Area Code West Air Defense Sector World Area Grid Wartime Combined Intelligence Operations Center WWMCCS ADP Modernization Wide-Area Network World Administrative Radio Conference Wartime Logistics Wartime Reserve Mode Wide-Area Search Weekly All-Source Algerian Situation Report Washington Area Secure Facsimile System War Air Service Program War Simulation Wide-Area Surveillance System WWMCCS ADP System Security Officer Watch Condition Wide Area Telecommunications System Washington Area Wideband System Wideband Wideband Intercept System Wideband Measurement System Wideband Subscriber Terminals (1) Weather Center; (2) Weapon Control Wing Command and Control System Workstation Computer Graphics Weapons Data Correlation System Weather Element Western European Basic Encyclopedia Weather Control Weather Facsimile WWMCCS Entry System Weather Environmental Support System Western Atlantic Area (NATO) Western Pacific WES Teleconferencing System Cadre Weather Team West European Union World Food Council 223 WFOV WFP WG WGS WH WHCA WHD WHO WHQ WHSR WIA WIC WICP WICS WIDARSURV WIFC WIG WIMS WIN WINCO WINCS WINE WINK WINTEX WIP WIR WIS WISE WISP WISS WMD WMTR WN WNA WN/WNINTEL WNY WO W/OAP WOC WORM WP WPAC Wide Field of View World Food Program (1) Wing; (2) Working Group World Geodetic System White House White House Communications Agency Western Hemisphere Defense World Health Organization War Headquarters White House Situation Room Wounded in Action Worldwide Intelligence Conference Wing Initial Communications Package Worldwide Intelligence Communications System Wide-Area Surveillance Wallops Island Flight Center Wing-in-Ground Effect Warning and Indications Monitoring System (1) WWMCCS Intercomputer Network; (2) WWMCCS Interconnected Network Warning Intelligence Non-Commissioned Officer WWMCCS Information Network Communications System Warning and Indications in Europe Warning in Korea Winter Exercise Weekly Intelligence Production Listing Weekly Intelligence Review (1) Weekly Intelligence Summary; (2) WWMCCS Information System; (3) Weaponeering Information Sheet Warning Indicators System Europe (1) Warning Improvement Study Plan; (2) Wartime Information Security Program; (3) Worldwide Intelligence Support Program WESTCOM Intelligence Support System (1) Western Military District; (2) Weapons of Mass Destruction Western Missile Test Range Warning-Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved Would Not Answer Warning Notice-Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved Washington Navy Yard (1) Washington Office; (2) Warrant Officer With Offset Aim Point Wing Operations Center Write Once/Read Many (1) Warsaw Pact; (2) Word Processing West PAC 224 WPC (1) Warsaw Pact Countries; (2) Word Processing Center; (3) World Peace Council WPM Words Per Minute Wpn Weapon WPNS Weapons WPNVG Waterproof Night Vision Goggles WPRS War Powers Reporting System WR (1) Weapon Radius; (2) Western Range WRA Weapon Release Authority WRM War Reserve Materiel WRMS War Reserve Materiel Stocks WRNC Washington National Records Center WRS (1) Weapons Recommendation Sheet; (2) War Reserve Stocks WRSA War Reserve Stocks for Allies WRSK War Readiness Spares Kits WS (1) Workstation; (2) Weather Squadron; (3) Weapons School WSAP Weapons System Acquisition Program WSEP Weapon System Evaluation Program WSI Weapons School of Intelligence WSI/L War Supporting Industries and Logistics WSMC Western Space and Missile Center WSMR White Sands Missile Range WSS Workfile Support System WSSIC Weapon and Space Systems Intelligence Committee WTM World Target Mosaic WTO Warsaw Treaty Organization WVRD World Vision Relief and Development, Inc. WWABNCP Worldwide Airborne Command Post WWCT Worldwide Color TV WWDMS WWMCCS Data Base Management System WWHFIBSN Worldwide High Frequency Interlocking Base Station Network WWIMS Worldwide Warning Indicator Monitoring System WWMCCS Worldwide Military Command and Control System(s) WWSVCS Worldwide Secure Voice Conferencing System WWW Worldwide Web WX Weather WXFCST Weather Forecast 225 X XDM/X Model Xfer XIDB XMIT XMTR XO XOI XOIN XOIX XP XRL XTR XVIII ABC Experimental Development Model/Exploratory Development Model Transfer Extended Integrated Database Transmit Transmitter Executive Officer USAFE Director of Intelligence USAFE Combat Operations Division USAFE Plans & Systems Division Director(ate) of Plans X-Ray Laser Transmitter XVIII Airborne Corps 226 Y YAG YAGE YAM YAMM YC YCF YCK YCV YD YDG YDT YE YEN YF YFB YFDB YFDL YFDM YFL YFN YFNB YFND YFP YFR YFRN YFU YG YGN YGS YGT YGTN YH YM YMN YNC YNG YO YON YOS YOSR YOSS YPD YPL Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Experimental Service Craft Missile Support Craft Missile Support Barge Open Barge Car Barge Lighter Open Cargo Lighter Aircraft Transport Floating Crane Deperming/Degaussing Barge Diving Tender Ammunition Lighter Ammunition Barge Covered Lighter Ferry Large Floating Drydock Small Floating Drydock Medium Floating Drydock Launch Covered Barge Large Covered Barge Drydock Companion Barge Floating Power Barge Refrigerated Lighter Refrigerated Barge Harbor Utility Transport Garbage Lighter Garbage Barge Survey Craft Target Service Craft Target Barge Ambulance Craft Dredge Non-Self-Propelled Dredge Net Cargo Craft Gate Craft Fuel Lighter Fuel Barge Oil Storage Barge Nuclear Waste Disposal Barge Submersible Oil Storage Barge Floating Pile Driver Barracks Barge 227 YPT YR yr YRC YRD YRG YRRN YRS YSR YSS YTB YTL YTM YTR YTS YVS YW YWN YXR YXT Torpedo Retriever Floating Workshop Barge Year Cable Tender Auxiliary Repair Dock Tank Cleaning Craft Radiological Repair Barge Salvage Craft Sludge Removal Craft Service Submersible Large Harbor Tug Small Harbor Tug Medium Harbor Tug Fireboat Sail Training Craft Seaplane Service Craft Water Lighter Water Barge Hulk or Relic Training Craft 228 Z Z ZBB ZF ZG ZI ZICON ZOS ZPU ZSU ZU ZULU Zulu Time (Greenwich Mean Time) Zero-Based Budget Zone of Fire Zero Gravity Zone of the Interior (1) Zone of the Interior Consumers’ Network; (2) Zone of Interior Communication Network Zone of Separation Soviet (FSU) Antiaircraft Machinegun Soviet (FSU) Self-Propelled Antiaircraft Gun Soviet (FSU) Towed Antiaircraft Gun Greenwich Mean Time 229 CODES FOR GEOPOLITICAL AREAS Abkhazia Adriatic Sea Aegean Sea Afghanistan Albania Algeria American Samoa Andaman Islands Andorra Angola Anguilla Annobon (Pagulu) Antarctica Antigua and Barbuda Arabian Peninsula Arabian Sea Arctic Ocean Argentina Armenia Aruba Ashmore and Cartier Islands Asia Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean, North Atlantic Ocean, South Australia Austria Azerbaijan Azores Islands Bahamas Bahrain Baker Island Balearic Islands Baltic Sea Bangladesh Barbados Barents Sea AB 8D 8G AF AL AG AQ ZQ AN AO AV YR AY AC A4 6R 5A AR AM AA AT A Z8 1A 2A AS AU AJ AZ BF BA FQ BI 7B BG BB 5B 230 Bassas Da India Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bering Sea Bering Strait Bermuda Bhutan Black Sea Bolivia Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil British Indian Ocean Territory British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) Burma Burundi Belarus Cabinda Cambodia (now Kampuchea) Cameroon Canada Canary Islands Cape Verde Caribbean Islands Caribbean Sea Caroline Islands Caspian Sea Cayman Islands Central African Republic Central America Chad Chile China (Peoples Republic of) Christmas Island Chukchi Sea BS BO BE BH BN 5D 5R BD BT 8B BL BK BC BV BR I0 VI BX BU UV BM BY BO VK CB CM CA ZZ CV N5 1X ZL 8C CJ CT N4 CD CI CH KT 5C 231 Clipperton Island Cocos (Keeling Islands) Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Coral Sea Islands Corsica Costa Rica Crete Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czechoslovakia (former) Czech Republic Denmark Diego Garcia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Easter Island Eastern Europe Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Elobey, Islas de Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Europa Island Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gabon Gambia IP CK CO CN CF CW CR VP CS VJ HR CU CY CZ EZ DA YL DJ DO DR XZ E5 EC EG ES YU EK ER EN ET EU FK FO FJ Fl FR FG FP FS GB GA 232 Gaza Strip Georgia Germany Germany, Democratic Republic of (former) Germany, Federal Republic of Ghana Gibraltar Glorioso Islands Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea Guinea-Bissau Gulf of Mexico Guyana Haiti Heard Island and McDonald Islands Holy See Honduras Hong Kong Howland Island Hungary Iceland India Indian Ocean Indian Ocean Islands Indonesia Iran Iraq Iraq/Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone Ireland Israel Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Jan Mayen Japan GZ GG GM GC GE GH GI GO GR GL GJ GP GQ GT GK GV PU 1M GY HA HM VT HO HK HQ HU IC IN 6A V2 ID IR IZ IY El IS IT IV JM JN JA 233 Japan, Sea of Jarvis Island Jersey Johnston Atoll Jordan Juan De Nova Island Juan Fernandez Archipelago Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia) Kazakhstan Kenya Kingman Reef Kiribati Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of (North Korea) Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Lakshadweep Islands (Laccadive Islands) Laos Latin America Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia Madagascar Madeira Islands Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Man, Isle of Marshall Islands Marshall Islands, Republic of Martinique Mauritania 234 3J DQ JE JQ JO JU YV CB KZ KE KQ KR KN KS KU KG LD LA L7 LG LE LT LI LY LS LH LU MC MK MA VD MI MY MV ML MT IM VH RM MB MR Mauritius Mayotte Mediterranean, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Mediterranean Sea Mexico Micronesia, Federated States of Middle East Midway Islands Moldova Monaco Mongolia Montenegro Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Namibia NATO Countries Nauru Navassa Island Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Hebrides (now Vanuatu) New Zealand Nicaragua Nicobar Island Niger Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Africa North Africa and Middle East Northern Island Northern Mariana Islands Norway Norwegian Sea Okhotsk, Sea of Okinawa Oman MP MF 8E 8W Z9 MX FM F8 MQ MD MN MG MW MH MO MZ WA N2 NR BQ NP NL NT NC NH NZ NU YZ NG NI NE NF F1 F9 WN CQ NO 5N 3Q XG MU 235 Pacific Islands (Palau), Trust Territory of the Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Islands Pacific Ocean, North Pacific Ocean, South Pakistan Palmyra Atoll Panama Papua New Guinea Paracel Islands Paraguay Pemba Island Persian Gulf Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar Red Sea Reunion Romania Russia Rwanda Sala y Gomez Island San Ambrosio, Isla San Felix, Isla San Marino Sao Tome and Principe Sardinia (Sardegna) Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia Socotra Solomon Islands PS Z7 V1 3A 4A PK LQ PM PP PF PA PB 6P PE RP PC PL PO RQ QA 6E RE RO RS RW WC YX YK SM TP SD SA SG SR SE SL SN LO SI SJ BP 236 Somalia South Africa South America South Asia South China Sea Southeast Asia South Orkney Islands South Shetland Islands Southwest Asia Spain Spratly Islands Sri Lanka St. Christopher (Kitts) and Nevis St. Helena St. Lucia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Vincent and the Grenadines Sub-Saharan Africa Sudan Suriname Svalbard Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Togo Tokelau Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Tromelin Island Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine SO SF S A5 3U A6 WG WH A7 SP PG CE SC SH ST SB VC F7 SU NS SV WZ SW SZ SY TW TI TZ TH TO TL TN TD TE TS TU TX TK TV UG UP 237 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics UR United Arab Emirates TC United Kingdom UK United Nations UN United States US United States (Miscellaneous Pacific Islands) IQ Upper Volta (now Burkina Faso) UV Uruguay UY Uzbekistan UZ Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) NH Vatican City (Holy See) VT Venezuela VE Vietnam VM Virgin Islands VQ Wake Island WQ Wallis and Futuna WF Walvis Baai YA West Bank WE Western Europe E6 Western Sahara WI Western Samoa WS Worldwide W Yellow Sea 3Y Yemen YM Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen, arch.) YE Yemen, Peoples Democratic Republic of (South Yemen, arch) YS Yugoslavia (former) YO Zaire CG Zambia ZA Zanzibar ZY Zimbabwe ZI 238 GEOPOLITICAL AREAS BY CODE A4 A5 A6 A7 1A 1M 1X 2A 3A 3J 3Q 3U 3Y 4A 5A 5B 5C 5D 5N 5R 6A 6E 6P 6R 7B 8C 8D 8E 8W 8G A AA AB AC AF AG AL AM AN AO Arabian Peninsula South Asia Southeast Asia Southwest Asia Atlantic Ocean, North Gulf of Mexico Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, North Sea of Japan Sea of Okhotsk South China Sea Yellow Sea Pacific Ocean, South Arctic Ocean Barents Sea Chukchi Sea Bering Sea Norwegian Sea Bering Strait Indian Ocean Red Sea Persian Gulf Arabian Sea Baltic Sea Caspian Sea Adriatic Sea Mediterranean, Eastern Mediterranean, Western Aegean Sea Asia Aruba Abkhazia Antigua and Barbuda Afghanistan Algeria Albania Armenia Andorra Angola 239 AQ AR AS AT AU AV AY AZ BA BB BC BD BE BF BG BH BI BK BM BN BO BP BQ BR BS BT BU BV BX BY CA CB CD CE CF CG CH CI CJ CK CM American Samoa Argentina Australia Ashmore and Cartier Islands Austria Anguilla Antarctica Azores Islands Bahrain Barbados Botswana Bermuda Belgium Bahamas Bangladesh Belize Balearic Islands Bosnia and Herzegovina Burma Benin Belarus Solomon Islands Navassa Island Brazil Bassas Da India Bhutan Bulgaria Bouvet Island Brunei Burundi Canada Kampuchea (formerly Cambodia) Chad Sri Lanka Congo Zaire China (Peoples Republic ofl Chile Cayman Islands Cocos (Keeling Islands) Cameroon 240 CN CO CQ CR CS CT CU CV CW CY CZ DA DJ DO DQ DR E5 E6 EC EG El EK EN ER ES ET EU EZ F1 F7 F8 F9 FK FG FI FJ FM FO FP FQ FR Comoros Colombia Northern Mariana Islands Coral Sea Islands Costa Rica Central African Republic Cuba Cape Verde Cook Islands Cyprus Czechoslovakia Denmark Djibouti Dominica Jarvis Island Dominican Republic Eastern Europe Western Europe Ecuador Egypt Ireland Equatorial Guinea Estonia Eritrea El Salvador Ethiopia Europa Island Czech Republic North Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Middle East North Africa and Middle East Falkland Islands French Guiana Finland Fiji Micronesia, Federated States of Faroe Islands French Polynesia Baker Island France 241 FS GA GB GC GE GG GH Gl GJ GK GL GM GO GP GQ GR GT GV GY GZ HA HK HM HO HQ HR HU IC ID IM IN IO IP IQ IR IS IT IV IY IZ JA JE French Southern and Antarctic Lands Gambia Gabon Germany, Democratic Republic of (arch.) Germany, Federal Republic of Georgia Ghana Gibraltar Grenada Guernsey Greenland Germany Glorioso Islands Guadeloupe Guam Greece Guatemala Guinea Guyana Gaza Strip Haiti Hong Kong Heard Island and McDonald Islands Honduras Howland Island Croatia Hungary Iceland Indonesia Man, Isle of India British Indian Ocean Territory Clipperton Island United States (Miscellaneous Pacific Islands) Iran Israel Italy Ivory Coast Iraq/Saudi Arabia Neutral Zone Iraq Japan Jersey 242 JM JN JO JQ JU KE KG KN KQ KR KS KT KU KZ L7 LA LD LE LG LH LI LO LQ LS LT LU LY MA MB MC MD MF MG MH MI MK ML MN MO MP MQ Jamaica Jan Mayen Jordan Johnston Atoll Juan De Nova Island Kenya Kyrgyzstan Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic of (North Korea) Kingman Reef Kiribati Korea, Republic of (South Korea) Christmas Island Kuwait Kazakhstan Latin America Laos Lakshadweep Islands (Laccadive Islands) Lebanon Latvia Lithuania Liberia Slovak Republic Palmyra Atoll Liechtenstein Lesotho Luxembourg Libya Madagascar Martinique Macau Moldova Mayotte Mongolia Montserrat Malawi Macedonia Mali Monaco Morocco Mauritius Midway Islands 243 MR MT MU MV MW MX MY MZ N2 N4 N5 NC NE NF NG NH NI NL NO NP NR NS NT NU NZ PA PB PC PE PF PG PK PL PM PO PP PS PU QA RE RM Mauritania Malta Oman Maldives Montenegro Mexico Malaysia Mozambique NATO countries Central America Caribbean Islands New Caledonia Niue Norfolk Island Niger Vanuatu (formerly New Hebrides) Nigeria Netherlands Norway Nepal Nauru Suriname Netherlands Antilles Nicaragua New Zealand Paraguay Pemba Island Pitcairn Islands Peru Paracel Islands Spratly Islands Pakistan Poland Panama Portugal Papua New Guinea Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (Palau) Guinea-Bissau Qatar Reunion Marshall Islands, Republic of 244 RO RP RQ RS RW S SA SB SC SD SE SF SG SH SI SJ SL SM SN SO SP SR ST SU SV SW SY SZ TC TD TE TH TI TK TL TN TO TP TS TU TV Romania Philippines Puerto Rico Russia Rwanda South America Saudi Arabia St. Pierre and Miquelon St. Christopher (Kitts) and Nevis Sardinia (Sardegna) Seychelles South Africa Senegal St. Helena Slovenia Socotra Sierra Leone San Marino Singapore Somalia Spain Serbia St. Lucia Sudan Svalbard Sweden Syria Switzerland United Arab Emirates Trinidad & Tobago Tromelin Island Thailand Tajikistan Turks and Caicos Islands Tokelau Tonga Togo Sao Tome and Principe Tunisia Turkey Tuvalu 245 TW TX TZ UG UK UN UP UR US UV UY UZ V1 V2 VC VD VE VH VI VJ VK VM VP VQ VT W WA WC WE WF WG WH WI WN WQ WS WZ XG XZ YA YE Taiwan Turkmenistan Tanzania Uganda United Kingdom United Nations Ukraine Union of Soviet Socialist Republics United States Burkina Faso (formerly Upper Volta) Uruguay Uzbekistan Pacific Ocean Islands Indian Ocean Islands St. Vincent and the Grenadines Madeira Islands Venezuela Marshall Islands British Virgin Islands Crete Cabinda Vietnam Corsica Virgin Islands Vatican City (Holy See) Worldwide Namibia Sala y Gomez Island West Bank Wallis and Futuna South Orkney Islands South Shetland Islands Western Sahara Northern Island Wake Island Western Samoa Swaziland Okinawa Easter Island Walvis Baai Yemen Arab Republic (North Yemen, arch.) 246 YK YL YM YO YR YS YU YV YX YZ Z7 Z8 Z9 ZA ZI ZL ZQ ZY ZZ San Felix, Isla Diego Garcia Yemen Yugoslavia Annobon (Pagulu) Yemen, Peoples Democratic Republic of (South Yemen, arch.) Eloby, Islas de Juan Fernandez Archipelago San Ambrosio, Isla Nicobar Island Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Mediterranean Sea Zambia Zimbabwe Caroline Islands Andaman Islands Zanzibar Canary Islands 247 Joint Military Intelligence College November 1997 DVP-2600-1828-97 DEFENSE AND INTELLIGENCE ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS DEFENSE AND INTELLIGENCE ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS INT E LLI GE I JO E C O L L E GE LIG TEL ENCE IN IT UN RI CA ENCY AG DEFENS E 1962 ED PCN 28034 RY NC N T M I L I TA Occasional Paper Number Two STA ME TES OF A