A COMPARISON BETWEEN TWO LEADING Programming Languages LET'S COMPARE TWO OF THE MOST POPULAR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES RIGHT NOW. JAVA PYTHON Differences It is mostly regarded as a compiled language, but some sources consider it as both compiled and interpreted language. It is an interpreted language. It is a statically-typed language, performing type checking at compile time, thus faster than Python. It is a dynamically-typed language, performing type checking at runtime, thus, slower than Java. It is more portable. Its programs can run on any computer or mobile device which is able to run the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It is portable but less portable than Java. Its programs need an interpreter installed on the target machine to translate Python code. It offers stable connectivity when it comes to database support. It offers weak connectivity when it comes to database support. It is more secured than Python due to its advanced authentication and access control functionalities for web application security. It is less secured than Java. Python also has advanced security measures, but falls short compared to Java. Supports AI and Machine learning with limitation. Actively supports AI and machine learning. Multiple inheritances is not supported/partially done through interfaces. It offers both single and multiple inheritances. It is best for Desktop GUI apps, Embed Systems, Web application services, etc. Python is excellent for scientific & numeric computing, Machine learning apps, more. It has a complex learning curve. Its syntax is difficult to read and remember. It is easy to learn and use. Its syntax is almost similar to human language. Codes are verbose, using more line of code (takes 10 lines of code to read from a file). Codes are concise, using less line of code (takes 10 lines of code to read from a file). Ignores whitespaces and uses curly braces to define the beginning and end of each function and class definition. Whitespaces are part of syntax and uses indentation to separate code into code blocks. Statements in Java always end with a semicolon (;). It is possible for a statement to run over more than one line, or to have multiple statements on a single line. Python is line-oriented: statements end at the end of a line unless the line break is explicitly escaped with \. There is no way to put more than one statement on a single line. Java conditional statements have the form ifif(condition) condition and an optional else else part has else (no colon). There is no elif the form else elif formelse if is used directly. else Python conditional statements have the form if condition : and an optional else part has if condition else The form elif the form else:. elif condition condition : is allowed as an alternative to an else else: immediately followed by an if. if. The scope of a Java conditional or looping statement is normally just the next statement. Indentation is ignored by the compiler. The scope of a Python conditional or looping statement is denoted by indentation. A Java function definition always occurs in the context of some class. It has the form type function-name(formal-parameterlist) { body } A Python function definition has the form def function-name(formaldef parameter-list): body BRIAN HARVEY M. TAGUSTOS BSCE 2-1 202101453 CENG 21A A COMPARISON BETWEEN TWO LEADING Programming Languages LET'S COMPARE TWO OF THE MOST POPULAR PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES RIGHT NOW. JAVA PYTHON Similarities Python and Java are both members of the Algol family, using syntax and concepts that originated with the AlgolLanguage (a portable language for scientific computations often credited with introducing many of the common syntax and structured programming conventions found in most modern programming languages.) Python and Java are both object-oriented programming languages, using objects to define fields pertaining to the object and operations that may access or manipulate its state. Python and Java both have strong cross-platform support and extensive standard libraries. Python and Java are both open-source, the source code is open for any user to make changes and customize to their needs. Because of this, there’s a huge community behind both programming languages. Python and Java both compile to bytecode. Python and Java are both case sensitive. (Y is not the same as y). In Python and Java, it is common to have one class definition per file. Both use class reserved to create a class program Python and Java both have variables and methods in their classes. Python and Java both use .(dot) operator to access the methods. Python and Java both have garbage collection for memory management objects. Python and Java both support multiple paradigms. Python and Java are both among the most popular/used programming languages (4th and 5th respectively) in the world (Stack Overflow, 2020). BRIAN HARVEY M. TAGUSTOS BSCE 2-1 202101453 CENG 21A