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DO.070 User Guide -Absence Management V1.0

Absence Management
AppsPro HCM Team
Preparation Date:
Last Updated:
Document Version:
Document Control
Change Record
Change Reference
Mohammed Ragab
Sara Fakhri
Oracle HCM Portfolio Leader
Senior HCM Consultant
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Document Control
Document Control .................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 4
How to assign Accrual Plans and run Balance to the User ................................................. 5
How to Submit Absence Type as an Employee................................................................... 11
How to Submit Absence Type as an Admin ........................................................................ 17
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Document Control
This manual guides the user how to assign accrual plan, Calculate Balance for each employee, and submit
absence transactions.
2.1 Objectives
How to assign Accrual Plan and run balance to the User.
How to submit Absence Type as an employee.
How to submit Absence Type as an admin.
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How to assign Accrual Plans and run Balance to the User
Path – Sign In → Navigator/Springboard → Client Group → Person Management → Search for Person
Click on Action Button.
From Absences menu, choose Absence Records.
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How to assign Accrual Plans and run Balance to the User
From Plan Participation area, click on Enrollments and Adjustments.
Then, choose Add Enrollments.
Selece Plan: Add Annual Leave Plan & Casual Leave.
Start Date: should be the hire date of the employee.
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How to assign Accrual Plans and run Balance to the User
From Accruals button, Choose Run Accruals for All Active Plan.
Note: the second value Run Accruals for Selected plan, means you will run the Accrual Balance for the selected
Select Date: the balance will be calculated at the end of each month; this means you have to choose
the last day each month.
Note: You can make this step automatically for ALL employees by scheduling a scheduled process
called Calculate Accrual and Balances.
The path is: Springboard/Navigator → My Client Group → Absences → Schedule and Monitor Absence
Processes → Calculate Accrual and Balances
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How to assign Accrual Plans and run Balance to the User
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How to assign Accrual Plans and run Balance to the User
Then, press Submit.
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How to assign Accrual Plans and run Balance to the User
As you can see the Balance now is calculated and prorated based on hire date of the employee.
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How to assign Accrual Plans and run Balance to the User
How to Submit Absence Type as an Employee
Path – Sign In → Springboard/Navigator → Personal Information → More Information →Manage Absence
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Employee
Click on Add Button.
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Employee
Absence Type: Annual Leave.
Start Date: Identify start date of your request.
End Date: Identify end date of your request.
Start Time: Identify start time of your request.
End Time: Identify end time of your request.
Duration: As you can see the employee submitted 17 days, although his annual balance is 13.929, but
the system will take form the casual leave balance as illustrated bellow.
Then, press Submit.
Once the request is submitted, an Approval Cycle is triggered as bellow:
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Employee
The approval Cycle will go to 1st Manager, 2nd Manager, and 3rd Manager, as explained bellow:
Press on the link of the notification.
As you can see, all Ahmed’s request details is explained.
Note: Any approver is able to take an action for any absence request by email, the system, or from the
notification details page.
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Employee
The 2nd manager will receive an action required notfication after the 1st manager approved the request.
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Employee
The 3rd manager will receive an action required notfication after the 2nd manager approved the request.
Note: If all approvers approved the request, the FYI will be sent to all of them + the requester.
After the Request for Ahmed is Approved, the updated balance is 0 for Annual Leave and 4 Days for
Casual Leave.
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Employee
How to Submit Absence Type as an Admin
Path – Springboard/Navigator → Person Management → Search Person
Search for a person that you want to sumbit a request for him/her.
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Admin
Press Actions button, from Absences menu, choose Absence Records.
Press Add button.
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Admin
Absence Type: choose Exceptional Annual Leave.
Start Date: Identify start date of your request.
End Date: Identify end date of your request.
Start Time: Identify start time of your request.
End Time: Identify end time of your request.
Duration: The duration is 1 Day and it will be deducted from Annual Leave Balance.
Then, press Submit.
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Admin
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How to Submit Absence Type as an Admin