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Peter Kirkpatrick Publications List 2007-2022

Publications for Peter Kirkpatrick
Kirkpatrick, P. (2022). Corrosive Littoral: On the Beach with
Kenneth Slessor. Modernism/Modernity, 7(Cycle 2). <a
href="https://modernismmodernity.org/articles/kirkpatrickcorrosive-littoral-slessor">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2022). Review: Toby Davidson. 'Good for the
Soul: John Curtin's Life with Poetry'. JASAL, 21(2). <a
view/15554">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2022). Subterranean arteries: Peter Kirkpatrick
launches 'Off Limits' by Louise Wakeling. Rochford Street
Review, 34. <a
-arteries-peter-kirkpatrick-launches-off-limits-by-louisewakeling/">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2022). The lasting legacy of Andrew Arestides'
Continental Cafe in Sydney. The Greek Herald. <a
href="https://greekherald.com.au/community/1-peoplecommunity/featured/the-lasting-legacy-of-andrew-arestidescontinental-cafe-in-sydney/">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2021). The Hard Word, (pp. 1 - 92). Waratah,
NSW, Australia: Puncher and Wattmann.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2020). 'Trouble on the Rocks': ON Getting
Down and Dirty in Dorothy Porter's Verse Novels. JASAL,
20(1), 1-16. <a
AL/article/view/14325">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2019). Bird is the Word. Soft Serve: Newcastle
Poetry Prize Anthology 2019, (pp. 48 - 49). Newcastle, NSW,
Australia: Hunter Writers Centre.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2018). Guide to the Classics: the poetry of
Rosemary Dobson. The Conversation. <a
href="https://theconversation.com/guide-to-the-classics-thepoetry-of-rosemary-dobson-100581">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2018). Mr Horrible. Southerly, 78.3, (pp. 203 205). Sydney, NSW, Australia: English Association, Sydney
Branch. <a
href="https://southerlyjournal.com.au/project/violence-783/">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P., Callaway, A. (2018). Rare Books: Bookstall
Company Exhibition. Sydney, Australia: Fisher Library Rare
Books and Special Collections. <a
href="https://news.library.sydney.edu.au/bookstall-companyexhibition/">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2018). Versities: Building X. Buying Online:
Newcastle Poetry Prize Anthology 2018, (pp. 93 - 95).
Newcastle, Australia: Hunter Writers Centre.
Paula Rabinowitz (Eds.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of
Literature, (pp. 1-46). Oxford: Oxford University Press. <a
4">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2017). Dear Nightmare: Chloe Hooper's The
Engagement as Gothic Romance. Southerly, 77(3), 85-105. <a
More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2017). Introduction. Flat Exit, (pp. xiii-xiv).
Mlebourne: Cordite Press Inc. <a
href="https://cordite.org.au/guncotton/kirkpatrickcarmody/">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2016). An Imaginative Renewal: Peter
Kirkpatrick Launches "Pachinko Sunset" by David Gilbey.
Rochford Street Review, 17.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2016). From Massacre Creek to Slaughter Hill:
The tracks of Mystery Road. Studies in Australasian Cinema,
10(1), 143-155. <a
e Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2016). Late Show. Meanjin, 75(1), Carlton,
VIC, Australia: Meanjin Company Ltd.
Kirkpatrick, P., Foyle, L. (2016). Laugh Lines and Other
Distractions. Sydney, Australia: Fisher Library, University of
Kirkpatrick, P. (2016). Literary Vaudeville: Lennie Lower's
Comic Journalism. JASAL, 16(1), 1-14.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2016). Robinson, Roland Edward (1912-1992).
In Melanie Nolan (Eds.), Australian Dictionary of Biography.
Online: National Centre of Biography, Australian National
University. <a href="http://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/robinsonroland-edward-16981">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2016). Tear Here. Contemporary Australian
Poetry, (pp. 332 - 333). Glebe, Australia: Puncher and
Kirkpatrick, P. (2016). The Russian Poet's Visit: Yevtushenko
in Australia. In Peter Morgan (Eds.), Text, Translation,
Transnationalism: World Literature in 21st Century Australia,
(pp. 152-172). Melbourne: Australian Scholarly Publishing.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2015), "The Sydney Launch of Harkin, Gibson,
Loney and Hawke", Cordite: Gun Cotton 28 June 2015. <a
href="http://cordite.org.au/guncotton/kirkpatricksydney/">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2015). 'Are you for Magic?': Patrick White and
Camp. Australian Literary Studies, 29(4), 1-18. <a
Kirkpatrick, P. (2015). Australian Bush Ballads Keep Galloping
On. The Conversation. <a
href="http://theconversation.com/australian-bush-ballads-keepgalloping-on-35955">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2017). Australian Poetry, 1940s-1960s. In
Kirkpatrick, P. (2015). Dress Rehearsal. Snorkel, 21, Sydney,
Australia: Snorkel. <a
Kirkpatrick, P. (2015). Review of Mervyn O'Hara 'Songs of
Darlinghurst'. Southerly, 75(2), 240-242.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2015), Slessor: Selected Poems: Copyright
Agency. <a href="http://readingaustralia.com.au/essays/slessorselected-poems/">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2014). 1. Dream Jobs 2. Versity. Text: A
Journal of Writing and Writing Courses, Vol 18 No 2, Sydney,
Australia: Australian Association of Writing Programs.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2014). 1. Edmund Spenser, Amoretti LXX 2.
Edmund Spenser, Amoretti LXXV 3. Looks. Snorkel, 19,
Sydney, Australia: Snorkel. <a
Kirkpatrick, P. (2014). Hellbound for Snowy River. Meanjin,
73(2), 32-41. <a
More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2014). Lose Weight Now, Ask Me How: On
Light Verse. Australian Poetry Journal, 4(1), 56-63.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2014). Smith's Weekly. In Bridget GriffenFoley (Eds.), A Companion to the Australian Media. (pp. 428429). Australian Scholarly Publishing.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2014). Surreal Inventiveness: Peter Kirkpatrick
Launches 'brush' by joanne burns. Rochford Street Review,
November 28, 2014. <a
href="http://rochfordstreetreview.com/2014/11/28/surrealinventiveness-peter-kirkpatrick-launches-brush-by-joanneburns/">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2013). 'Fearful Affinity': Jindyworobak
Primitivism. In Philip Butterss (Eds.), Adelaide: A Literary
City, (pp. 125-146). Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2012). Australian Gothic and Other Poems.
Warners Bay, Australia: Picaro Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2011). A One-Man Writers' Festival. Overland,
204, 55-62. <a
Kirkpatrick, P. (2011). John Thompson, The Poet as
Broadcaster. JASAL, 11(2), 1-13.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2010). Life and Love and 'Lasca'. Sydney
Studies in English, 36(2010), 127-149.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2010). The Venerable Boote: 'The Worker'
Building, Castlereagh Street. In Terry Irving and Rowan Cahill
(Eds.), Radical Sydney: Places, Portraits and Unruly Episodes,
(pp. 181-185). Sydney: University of New South Wales
(UNSW) Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2009). "Texas, Queensland", "Wally, Wally".
The Puncher Wattmann Anthology of Australian Poetry, (pp. 59
- 60). Glebe, Australia: Puncher & Wattmann.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2009). "We Are but Dust, Add Water and We
Are Mud": The Comic Language of "Here's luck". In Fran De
Groen, Peter Kirkpatrick (Eds.), Serious Frolic: Essays on
Australian Humour, (pp. 97-109). St Lucia, QLD: University of
Queensland Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2009). 'New words come tripping slowly':
poetry, popular culture and modernity 1890-1950. In Peter
Pierce (Eds.), The Cambridge History of Australian Literature,
(pp. 199-222). Australia: Cambridge University Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2009). Introduction. In A.B Paterson (Eds.),
The Man from Snowy River and Other Verses, (pp. vii-xi).
Sydney: Sydney University Press.
De Groen, F., Kirkpatrick, P. (2009). Introduction: A saucer of
vinegar. In Fran De Groen, Peter Kirkpatrick (Eds.), Serious
Frolic: Essays on Australian Humour, (pp. xv-xxviii). St Lucia,
QLD: University of Queensland Press.
De Groen, F., De Groen, F., Kirkpatrick, P., Kirkpatrick, P.
(2009). Serious Frolic: Essays on Australian Humour. St Lucia,
QLD: University of Queensland Press. <a
href="https://www.uqp.com.au/books/serious-frolic-essays-onaustralian-humour">[More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P., Dixon, R. (2012). Introduction: Republics of
Letters and Literary Communities. In Peter Kirkpatrick and
Robert Dixon (Eds.), Republics of Letters: Literary
Communities in Australia, (pp. v-xix). Sydney: Sydney
University Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2009). The Bad News. Snorkel, Sydney,
Australia: Snorkel.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2012). Jindy Modernist: The Jindyworobaks as
Avant-Garde. In Peter Kirkpatrick and Robert Dixon (Eds.),
Republics of Letters: Literary Communities in Australia, (pp.
99-112). Sydney: Sydney University Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2012). Jindyworobak. In Roland Greene et al.
(Eds.), The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, 4th
ed. (pp. 763-763). Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University
Kirkpatrick, P. (2012). Pura, Annie Helen (1894 - 1982).
Australian Dictionary of Biography, Volume 18: 1981-1990, LZ. (pp. 315). Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Kirkpatrick, P., Dixon, R. (2012). Republics of Letters: Literary
Communities in Australia. Sydney: Sydney University Press. <a
More Information]</a>
Kirkpatrick, P. (2009). The Magic Pudding's 90th Birthday.
Metaphor, 1, 3-6.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2008). Henry Lawson. In Peter Cochrane
(Eds.), Australian Greats, (pp. 49-52). North Sydney:
Kirkpatrick, P. (2007). Hunting the Wild Reciter: Elocution and
Art of Recitation. In Joy Damousi and Desley Deacon (Eds.),
Talking and Listening in the Age of Modernity - Essays on the
History of Sound, (pp. 59-71). Canberra: ANU E Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2007). The Sea Coast of Bohemia: Literary Life
in Sydney's Roaring Twenties. Perth: API Network.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2007). The Strange Death of Australian
Literature. Australian Author, 39(1), 20-23.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2006). Because She Would Ask Me Why Not.
Five Bells, Australia: Poets' Union.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2006). Hunting the Wild Reciter: Elocution and
the Art of Recitation. Journal of Australian Studies, 88, 27-39.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2006). Late Summer Light. Southerly, 66 (1),
14-18, issue 66.1, (pp. 1 - 18). Sydney, Australia: English
Association, Sydney Branch.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2006). Westering (Book of poetry). Westering,
(pp. 1 - 64). Sydney, Australia: Puncher & Wattmann.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2005). Badly Hurt and Beautifully Loved: The
Poetry of John Laws. HEAT, 10, 55-72.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2004). Bucolic Plague; or, This Eco-Lodge My
Prison. Newcastle Poetry Prize Anthology 2004: The Cool
Breath Burn (CD), Newcastle, Australia: Hunter Writers Centre.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2004). Road Music, Princess of this Toyota,
Westering, Whaleroad. Writing Macao 2, Issue 2, Macao,
Afghanistan: University of Macao.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2003). The Wanderer and the "Flâneur":
Christopher Brennan as Modernist. Southerly, 63(2), 63-77.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2002). Opera Ghost to Christine Daaé. fourW of
Booranga Writers' Centre, Wagga Wagga, Australia: Charles
Sturt University.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2002). Thompson, John Joseph Meagher (1907 1968). In John Ritchie, Diane Langmore (Eds.), Australian
Dictionary of Biography, Volume 16: 1940-1980, , Pik-Z. (pp.
383-384). Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2002). Traveller’s Palm. Southerly, issue 62.3,
(pp. 121 - 121). Sydney, Australia: English Association, Sydney
Kirkpatrick, P. (2002). Westering (poem). (pp. 13 - 15).
Balmain, Australia: Poets' Union.
Kirkpatrick, P. (2001). The Mango Suckers, Tailing the Q. New
Music: An Anthology of Contemporary Australian Poetry,
Woollongong, Australia: Five Islands Press.