PREREQUISITE FLOW CHART **ALL PREREQUISITES MUST BE COMPLETED WITH GRADES OF AT LEAST C MINUS** PHY 336K Classical Dynamics W ASE 320 ASE 330M ASE 366K Low-Speed Aerodynamics Linear System Analysis Spacecraft Dynamics S S S F W M 427L Adv Calculus for Apps II W PHY 355 Mod Phy & Thermodynamics ASE 362K ASE 367K ASE 370C ASE 366L Viscous Fluid Flow Compressible Flow Flight Dynamics Feedback Control Systems Applied Orbital Mechanics F ASE 346 ASE 372K F F Attitude Dynamics ASE 372N Propulsion Satellite-Based Navigation F ASE 376K ASE 364 Applied Aerodynamics ASE 374K Space Systems Engr Design F = Fall Only, S = Spring Only W = Request Prerequisite Waiver by Email: (Include EID and your intended course)