PIOT'SOPERATING HANDBOOK A*l9n Skyhawk CESSNAMODELI72N N1 3 1 1 1 L= *,rF 11e67l(? PERFORUANCESPEcIFICATIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS S PEED: llarrmum at Sea Lcvel Cnrise, ?Stc Pwer at 8000 Ft . CRL-ISE: Recommended l-ean Mixture with fuel allowance for engine start, taxi, takeoff, climb and 45 minutes reserve at 45acpower. ?5]r Pover at 80O0 Ft . Range {O Gallms Us$le F\el Time ?Str Pcner at 8000 Ft . Range 5OGallons Usable l\rel Time llaximum Range at 10,000 Ft Range {O Gallms Usable F\rel Time Ilarimum Range at 10,000 Ft Range 5OGallons Us$le F\el Time RATE OF CLIMB AT SEA LEVEL SERVTCECEXLII,TG TAKEOFF PERFORMANCE: Grqrnd Roll Totd Distance Over 50-Ft Obstacle IA:fDb|3 PENFORMANCE: Grourd Roll Total Distance Over 50-Ft Obstacle S TAL L S P E E D ( CA S ) : PleFs Up, Power Off fhps Dwn, Power Off . }IATTMUM WEXGHT STAh-DARDEMPTY WEIGHT : Sk3rha*k. Sk-vhawkII . }TAXIML'M I,'SEFUL LOAD: Skyhawk . Skyhavk II . BArcAGE ALLOWANCE tffIIG LOADING: Pounds/Sq Ft PWER I,OADING: Pounds/HP Ft'EL CAPACITY: Total Standard Tanks L-org Rarge Tanks orl- CAPACTTY E!{GII\-E: Avco Lycoming 160 BHP at 2700 RPM PROPELLER: Fixed Pitch. Diameter o r6 2 -r 3 125 KNOTS L22 KNOTS 485 NM 4. 1 HRS 630 NM 5.3 HRS 575 NM 5.7 HRS ?50 NM ?.4 HRS ??O FPM 14,200 FT 80b FT 1440 FT 520 FT 1250 FT 50 KNOTS 44 KNOTS 23OOLBS 1379 LBS 1403 LBS 921 LBS 897 LBS 120 LBS 13.2 14. 4 43 GAL. 54 GAL. 6 QTS O-320-H2AD ?5 IN. N13171 PILOT'S HANDBOOK OPERATING \ n \.- LESSNA. S K Y H AWK 1977 MODEL172N S e ri o l N o . Regis lr olion 17e6716? No. M7 3?tt T H ISH A N D BOOK IN C L UD E 5 T HE IU A TE R IA T REOU IR E O T O B E F U R N ISH EDTO TH E P ITOT B Y C A RP AR T3 C ES SN A AIR C R AF T C O ' UP A N Y W IC H IT A , K AN SA S, U S A 3., .c, xi* r*;q1'1 *&il * I CONGRATUI,ATIONST :' lt, *) CESSNA MOD E L 1?2N . . S. . C O N C RA T ULATI ON and constructed hasbeendesigned owners! Your Cessna Welcometo the ranksof Cessna to giveyou the mostin performance, economy,and comfort. lt is our desirethat you will find a pleasant andprofitableexperience. or pleasure, flyingit, eitherfor business This Pilot'sOperatingHandbookhasbeenpreparedasa guideto helpyou get the most equippleasure and utility from your airplane.lt containsinformationaboutyour Cessna's for its servicingand care. We and performance; and suggestions ment, operatingprocedures, urgeyou to readit from coverto cover,and to referto it frequently. of a Cessna.Worldwith your purchase hasnot ceased Our interestin your flying pleasure CustomerServicesDepartment backedby the Cessna wide,the CessnaDealerOrganization are offeredby most CessnaDealers: standsreadyto serveyou. The followingservices for partsand labor,is available THE CESSNAWARRANTY,which providescoverage at CessnaDealersworldwide. Specificbenefitsand provisionsof warranty,plus other importantbenefitsfor you, are containedin your CustomerCareProgrambook,supplied with your airplane.Warrantyserviceis availableto you at authorizedGessna of your CustomerCareCardwhich Dealersthroughoutthe world upon presentation your eligibilityunderthe warranty. establishes expertservice. to provideyou with courteous FACTORYTRAINED PERSONNEL t n da c c u r a t e t o pr ov idey o u e f f i c i e n a F A CT ORYAPPROVEDS ERVI CEEO UI PM ENT workmanship. A S T OCKOF GENUINECESSNASERVI CEPARTSon han dw h e ny o u n e e dt h e m . . T HE LATESTAUTHORI TATI VEI NFO RM ATI O NFO R SER V I C I N GC E S S N A haveall of the ServiceManualsand Parts Dealers AIRPLANES,sinceCessna kept currentby ServiceLettersand ServiceNewsLetters,publishedby Catalogs, Aircraft Company. Cessna to the fullest. ownersto usethe CessnaDealerOrganization We urgeall Cessna your new airplane.The Directoryis A currentCessnaDealerDirectoryaccompanies revisedfrequently,and a currentcopy can be obtainedfrom your CessnaDealer. Make your Directoryone of your cross-country flight planningaids;a warm welcomeawaitsyou at everyCessnaDealer. 11 CESSNA MODEL 1?2N TABLE OF CONTEI.ITS TABLEOF CONTENTS SECTION CENERAL . 1 LIMITATIONS . 2 EMERCENCY PROCEDURES . . . . . . . . . . 3 N O R M A L P R OC E D U R E S .. .. .... 4 PE R F O RMA N C E .. .. 5 wErcHT & BALANCE/ EQUTPMENT LIST.. . . . . 6 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS D E S C R IP T ION S . .....7 AIRPLANE HANDLINC, S E R V IC E & MA IN T E N A N C E. .. SUPPLEMENTS (OptionalSystems Description &OperatingProcedures) B . . . 9 This handbook will be kept current by Service Letters published by CessnaAircraft Company. These are distributed to CessnaDealers and to those who subscribe t hr o u g h t h e O w n e r Fo llo w- Up Syste m . lf yo u a r e n o t r e cei vi ngsubscri pti onservi ce, you will want to keep in touch with your CessnaDealer for information concerning t he c h a n g es t a t u s o f th e h a n d b o o k. Su b se q u e n tch a n g e sw i l l be made i n the form of stickers. These should be examined and attached to the appropriate page in the ha n d b o o k i m m e d i a t ely a fte r r e ce ip t; th e h a n d b o o k sh o u l d not be used for operational purposes until it has been updated to a current status. iiil(iv blank) S E C TION 1 GENERAL C ESSN A MODEL 172N o N1 SECT CENERAL T A B TE OF CON IE N TS Page Three View Introduction Descriptive Data Engine Propeller Fuel oil Murimum Certificated Weights Standard A irplane Weights Cabin and Entrv Dimensions . Baggage Space and Entry Dimensions . Specific Loadings. Symbols, Abbreviations and Terminology General Airspeed Terminology and Symbols . Meteorological Terminology . Engine Power Terminology Airplane Performance and Flight Planning Terminology Weight and Balance Terminology . l-2 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 1-3 l -4 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 1-6 L-7 l-7 l-7 1-1 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 1 GENERAL rflAX. '1. Wing span shown wtth strobe lights Installed. 2. Maxrmum herght shown wrth nose gear depressed,all trres and nose strut properly Inflated,and flashrng beaconInstalled. 3. Wheelbaselength ts 65" 4. Propellerground clearances 11 3/4" 5. Wing areats 174 squarefeet. 6. Minrmumturntng radius(*ptvot polnt to outboard wtng ttp) rs 27' 5lz" * PIVOT POINT l-.- ,, F i g u re 1 -1 . Three View 1-2 C ESSN A MODEL 172N S E C TION 1 GENERAL I NT R O D U C T I ON This handbook contains 9 sections, and includes the material required to be furnished to the pilot by CAR Part 3. It also contains supplemental data supplied by Cessna Aircraft Company. Section 1 provides basic data and information of general interest. It also contains definitions or explanations of symbols, abbreviations, and terminology commonly used. DES CRI PTI VDEA T A ENGINE Number of Engines: 1. Engine Manufacturer: Avco Lycoming. Engine Model Number: O-320-HZAD. Engine Type: Normally-aspirated, direct-drive, air-cooled, horizontally- opposed, carburetor equipped, four-cylinder engine with 320 cu. in. displacement. Horsepower Rating and Engine Speed: 160 rated BHP at 27O0RPM. PR OPET LE R Propeller Manufacturer: McCauley Accessory Division. Propeller Model Number: 1C160/DTM7557. Number of Blades: 2. Propeller Diameter, Maximum: 75 inches. Minimum: 74 inches. Propeller Type: Fixed pitch. FUEL Approved FueI Grades (and Colors): 100LL Grade Aviation Fuel (Blue). 100/ 130) Grade Aviation 100 (Formerly Fuel (Green). 1-3 SEC TION 1 GENERAL CESSNA MODEL 172N FueI Capacity: Standard Tanks: Total Capacity: 43 gallons. Total Capacity Each Tank: 21.5 gallons. Total Usable: 40 gallons. Long Range Tanks: Total Capacity: 54 gallons. Total Capacity Each Tank: 27 gallons. Total Usable: 50 gallons. NOTE To ensure maximum fuel capacity when refueling, place the fuel selector valve in either LEFT or RIGHT position to prevent cross-feeding. or t Oil Grade (Specification): MIL-L-6082 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Oil: Use to replenish supply furing first 25 hours and at the first 25-hour oil change. Continue to use until a total of 50 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized. NOTE The airplane was delivered from the factory with a corrosion preventive aircraft engine oil. This oil should be drained after the first 25 hours of operation. MIL-L-22851 Ashless Dispersant Oil: This oil must be used after first 50 hours or oil consumption has stabifZ6.Recommended Viscosity For Temperature Range: MIL-L-6082 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral OiI: SAE 50 above 16oC (60oF) SAE 40 between -1oC (30'F) and 32oC (90"F). SAE 30 between -18oC (0"F) and 21oC (70oF). SAE 20 below -LzoC(10"F). MIL-L-22851 Ashless Dispersant Oil: SAE 40 or SAE 50 above 16oC (60'F). SAE 40 between -1oC (30'F) and 32oC (90"F). SAE 30 or SAE 40 between -18oC (0"F) and 21oC (70"F). SAE 30 below -12oC (10"F). Oil Capacity: Sump: 6 Quarts. Total: 7 Quarts (if oil filter installed). L- 4 SECTION 1 GENERAL C ESSN A MODEL 172N fi TAXIft I U f r T CE RT I F IC AT E DWE IG H IS Takeoff, Normal Category: 2300 lbs. Utility Category: 2000 lbs. Landing, Normal Category: 2300 lbs. Utility Category: 2000 lbs. Weight in Baggage Compartment, Normal Category: BaggageArea 1 (or passenger on childrs seat)-station 82 to 108: 120 lbs. See note below. BaggageArea 2 -Station 108 to 142: 50 lbs. See note below. NOTE capacity for baggageareas weight The murimum combined 1 and 2 is 120 lbs. Weight in Baggage Compartment, Utility Category: In this category, baggage compartment and rear seat must not be occupied. STAN DA R, D A I RP T A N E WE IG H T S Standard Empty Weight, Skyhawk: Skyhawk II: Maximum Useful Load: Normal. Categor Skyhawk: Skyhawk 1379 lbs. 1403 lbs. II: @ 897 lbs. 621 lbs. 597 lbs. C ABIN A ND E NT R Y D Ifrl EN SION S Detailed dimensions of the cabin interior and entry door openings are illustrated in Section 6. BAGG A G E S P A CE A N D EN IR Y D Iftl EN SION S Dimensions of the baggagearea and baggagedoor opening are illustrated in detail in Section 6. SPECI F I C LO A DI NG S Wing Loading: 13.2 lbs./sq. ft. Power Loading: 14.4lbs./hp. 1-5 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 1 GENERAL SYMB O L S , AB B R ,E V IA T ION S A N D TERMINOTOGY GENER ,A LA I RS P E E D I E R frl IN O L OGY AN D SY ft TB OI.S KCAS Knots Calibrated Airspeed is indicated airspeed corrected emor and expressed in knots. Knots calibrated airspeed is equal to KTAS in standard atmosphere at sea level. KIAS Knots Indicated Airspeed is the speed shown on the airspeed in knots. KTAS Knots True Airspeed is the airspeed expressed in knots relwhich is KCAS corrected for altitude ffiir and temperature. VA Maleuvering Speedis the maximum speed at which you may use abrupt control travel. vrn Ma:<imuLFlap E-xtendedSpeedis the highest speed permissible with wing flaps in a prescribed extended position. vNo Ma:<imum Struchrral Cruising Speed is the speed that should , then only with caution. VNE Never Exce-gdSpeed is the speed limit that may not be exceededat any time. vs Stalling Speedor tlgminimum the airplane is controllable. uto Stalling Speedor the nginimum steady flight speed at which the airplane is controllable in the landing configuration at the most forward center of gravity. Vy. z1 Best Angle-of-CLmb Speedis the speed which results in the greatest gain of altitude in a given horizontal distance. Vy Best Rate-of-Cliqb Speedis the speed which results in the greatest gain in altitude in a given time. steady.lJight :peed at which , N ETEOR Ot O G I C A L T ER ' N IN OT OGY OAT 1-6 Outside Air Temperature is the free air static temperature. r degrees Celsius (formerly Centigrade) or degrees Fahrenheit. CESSNA MODEL 172N is 15"C at sea level pressure altitude for each 1000 feet of altihrde. Standard Temperature Pressure Altitude SECTION 1 GENERAL Pressure Altitude is the altitude read from an altimeter when the altimeter's barometric scale has been set to 29.92 inches of mercury (1013 mb). ENGINE P O W E R TER fi IIN O tOGY BHP BraEe Horsepower is the power developedby the engine. RPM Revolutions Per Minute is engine speed. Static RPM Static RPM is ergine speed attained during a full-throttle engii.e mnup when the airplane is on the ground and stationary. AIR PtA N E P E RF O R ' VIA N C EAN D F T IG H TP T AN N IN G TE R ' U IN OLOGY Demonstrated Crosswind Velocitv Demonstrated Crosswind Velocitv is the velocitv of the crosse control of the airplane during takeoff and landing was acfually demonstrated during certification tests. The value shown in not considered to be Iimiting. Usable Fuel Usable F\rel is the fuel available for flight planning. Unusable Fuel is the quantity of fuel that can not be safely Unusable Fbel Titrfri. GaA-in GPH Gallons Per Hour is the amount of fuel (in gallons) consumed ffi NMPG Nautical Miles Per Gallon is the distance (in nautical miles) gallon of fuel consumed at a specific engine power setting and/or flight configuration. g g is acceleration due to gravity. WEIGHT A ND B A L A N C E T ER ' V IIN OL OGY Reference Datum Reference Datum is an imaginary vertical plane from which are measured for balance purposes. ffitances Station Station is a location along the airplane fuselage given in Tffis of the distance from the reference datum. t-7 SECTION 1 GENERAL CESSNA MODEL 172N Arm Arm is the horizontal distance from the reference dahrm to Tfre-centerof gravity (C. G. ) of an item. Moment Moment is the product of the weight of an item multiplied by iis arrn- (Moment divided by the constant 1000 is used in this handbookto simplify balance calculations by reducing the number of digits. ) Center of Gravity (C. G. ) Center of Gravity is the point at which an airplane, or equipif suspended. Its distance from the @ce reference datum is found by dividing the total moment by the total weight of the airplane. C. G. Arm Center of Gravity Arm is the arm obtained by adding the and dividing the sum by the @oments total weight. C. G. Limits C"nt"-" of G"*ityli are the extreme center of gravity airplane must be operated at a given weight. S t a n d a rd S t @is t heweig h to fa s ta n d a rd a i rp Ia n e , Empty fuII operating fluids and full engine @ Weight oil. Basic Empty Basic Empty Weight is the standard empty weight plus the Weight weight of optional equipment. Useful Load Useful Load is the difference between takeoff weight and the Effipitweight. Gross (Loaded) Weight Gross (Loaded) Weight is the loaded weight of the airplane. Maximum Takeoff Weight Maximum Takeoff Weight is the maximum weight approved run. Maximum Landing Weight Ma.lcimum Landing Weight is the ma:<imum weight approved Tare Tare is the weight of chocks, blocks, stands, etc. used iffiin weighing an airplane, and is included in the scale readings. Tare is deductedfrom the scale reading to obtain the achral (net) airplane weight. 1- 8 C ESSN A MODEL 172N SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS 2 SECTION LIMITATIONS T A B LE OF C ON TE N TS Page Introduction Airspeed Limitations Airspeed Indicator IMarkings Power Plant Limitations Power Plant Instnrment Markings Weight Limits Normal Cbtegory . Utility Ch.tegory Center of Gravity Limits Normal Cbtegory . Utility Category Maneuver Limits Normal Ca.tegory . Utitity Category Flight Load Factor Limits Normal Category Utility Category Kinds of Operation Limits . FueI Limitations Placards 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6 2-6 2-6 z- 7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-8 2-8 2-8 2-9 2-9 2-LO 2-t/ (2-2 blank) C ESSN A MODEL 172N SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS I NT R O D U C T I ON Section 2 includes operating limitations, instrument markings, and basic placards necessary for the safe operation of the airplane, its engine, standard systems and standard equipment. The limitations included in this section have been approved by the Federal Aviation Administration. When applicable, limitations associated with optional systems or equipment are included in Section 9. NOTE The airspeeds listed in the Airspeed Limitations chart (figure 2-1) and the Airspeed Indicator Markings chart (figure 2-2) are based on Airspeed Calibration data shown in Section 5 with the normal static source. If the alternate static source is being used, ample margins should be observed to allow for the airspeed calibration variations between the normal and alternate static sources as shown in Section 5. Your Cessna is certificated under FAA Type Certificate No. 3,4.12as Cessna Model No. 172N. 2-3 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS CESSNI MODEL 172} A I R , S PEED TIM IT A TION S Airspeed limitations and their operational significance are shown in figure 2-1. SPEED KCAS KlAS REMARKS Vl te Never Exceed Speed 158 160 Do not exceed this speed in any operation. Vruo MaximumStructural CruisingSpeed 126 128 Do not exceedthis speed exceptin smoothair, and then only with caution. V4 Maneuvering Speed: 2300 Pounds 1950Pounds 1600Pounds 96 88 80 97 89 80 Do not make full or abrupt control movements above this speed. MaximumFlap Extended Speed 86 85 Do not exceed this speed with flaps down. MaximumWindowOpen Speed 158 160 Do not exceed this speed with windows open. Vre Figure 2-1. Airspeed Limitations 2-4 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS CESSN A MODEL 172N A I RS P E E D I N DIC A T OR MA R K IN GS Airspeed indicator markings and their color code significance are shown in figure 2-2. MARKING KI AS VALUE O R RANG E White Arc 41 - 85 Full Flap OperatingRange. Lower lirnit is maximumweightVgo in landingconfiguration.Upperlimit is maximumspeedpermissible with flaps extended. GreenArc 47 - 128 Normal OperatingRange. Lower limit is maximumweightVg at most forward C.G. with flaps retracted. Upper limit is maximumstructuralcruisingspeed. Yellow Arc 128- 160 Red Line 160 SIGNIFICANCE Operations must be gonducted with ca u tio n a n d onl y i n smooth ai r. Maximumspeedfor all operations. Figure 2-2. Airspeed Indicator Markings P OWER PL AN T TIMITA TIO N S Engine Manufacturer: Avco Lycoming. Engine Model Number: O-320-HZAD. Engine Operating Limits for Takeoff and Continuous Operations: Maximum Power: 160 BHP. Maximum Engine Speed: 2700 RPM. NOTE The static RPM range at full throttle (carburetor heat off and full rich mixture) is 2280 to 2400 RPM. Maximum Oil Temperature: 118oC (245"F) Oil Pressure, Minimum: 25 psi. Maximum: 100 psi. Propeller Manufacturer: .McCauley Accessory Di.vision. Propeller Model Number: 1C160/DTM7557. Propeller Diameter, Maximum: 75 inches. 74 inches. Minimum: 2-5 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N P OW E R PL ANT IN S TR ,U ME N T MA R K I NG S Power plant instrument markings and their color code significance are shown in figure 2-3. IN S T RUMENT RE D LI NE G REENARC M I N IM UM LIM IT NO RM AL O PERATI NG Tachometer YELLOWA R C RED LINE CAU T I O N RA N G E MAXIMUM LIMIT 2200 27OORPM Oil Temperature Oil Pressure 27OORPM 10oo-2450F 25 psi 100 psi 60-90 psi Carburetor Air Temperature Figure 2-3. 2450F - 1 5 0 to 5oC Power Plant Instrument Markings W EIG HT L IM ITS N O Rfrl AI CA T E G O RY Maximum Takeoff Weight: 2300 lbs. Ma.:<imumLanding Weight: 2300 lbs. Maximum Weight in Baggage Compartment: BaggageArea 1 (or passenger on child's seat)-Station82 to 108: 120 lbs. See note below. BaggageArea 2 -Station 108 to 142:50 lbs. See note below. NOTE The maximum combined weight capacity for baggage areas 1 and 2 is 120 lbs. 2- 6 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS UTIIITY CA T E G O RY _ Maximum Takeoff Weight: 2000 lbs. Maximum Landing Weight: 2000 lbs. Maximum Weight in BaggageCompartment: In the utility category, the baggagecompartment and rear seat must not be occupied. CE N TEROF GRA V ITY TIMITS NON ,i AA L CA I E G O N ,Y Center of Gravity Range: Forward: 35. 0 inches aft of dah.rmat 1950 lbs. or less, with straight line variation to 38. 5 inches aft of datum at 2300 lbs. Aft: 47.3 inches aft of datum at all weights. Reference Datum: Lower portion of front face of firewall. UTIIITY CA T E G O RY Center of Gravity Range: Forward: 35. 0 inches aft of datum at 1950 lbs. or less, with straight line variation to 35. 5 inches aft of datum at 2000 lbs. Aft: 40. 5 inches aft of datum at all weights. Reference Datum: Lower portion of front face of firewall. MA N EU VER L IMITS NOR,IUA t CA T E G O R ,Y This airplane is certificated in both the normal and utility category. The normal category is applicable to aircraft intended for nonaerobatic operations. These include any maneuvers incidental to normal flying, stalls (except whip stalls), Lazy eights, chandelles, and turns in which the angle of bank is not more than 60o. Aerobatic maneuvers, including spins, are not approved. U TIIIIY CA T E G O R, Y This airplane is not designed for purely aerobatic flight. However, in the acquisition of various certificates such as commercial pilot, instrument pilot and flight instructor, certain maneuvers are required by the FAA. A11 of these maneuvers are permitted in this airplane when operated in the utility category. 2-7 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N In the utility category, the baggagecompartment and rear seat must not be occupied. No aerobatic maneuvers are approved except those listed below: IVIANEWER RECOMMENDED ENTRY SPEED* Chandelles. Lazy Eights SteepTurns Spins Stalls (Except Whip Stalls). 105 knots . 105 knots 95 lmots Slow Deceleration SIow Deceleration *Abrupt use of the controls is prohibited above 97 knots. Aerobatics that may impose high loads should not be attempted. The important thing to bear in mind in flight maneuvers is that the airplane is clean in aerodynamic design and will build up speed quickly with the nose down. Proper speed control is an essential requirement for execution of any maneuver, and care should always be exercised to avoid excessive speed which in turn can impose excessive loads. In the execution of all maneuvers, avoid abrupt use of controls. Intentional spins with flaps extended are prohibited. FLI G HT L O AD F A C T OR L IMIT S N O R'Y\At CA T E G O RY Flight Load Factors (Gross Weight - 2300 lbs. ): * Fl a ps Up . *Flaps Down . + 3.8g, -L.52g +3.0g *The design load factors are l50vo of the above, and in aII cases, the struch.rre meets or exceeds design loads. U TITITY CA T E G O RY Flight Load Factors (Gross Weight - 2000 lbs. ): +Fl a ps Up *Flaps Down . + 4.49, -1.?69 +3.0g *The design load factors are L50Voof the above, and in all cases, the structure meets or exceeds design loads. 2- B SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS CESSNA N.CDEL 172N K I ND S O F O PE R ,A T ION T IMIT S The airplane is equippedfor day VFR and may be equipped for night VFR and,/or IFR operations. FAR Part 91 establishes the minimum required instrumentation and equipment for these operations. The reference to types of flight operations on the operating limitations placard reflects equipment installed at the time of Airworthiness Certificate issuance Flight into known icing conditions is prohibited. F U EL TIM ITATION S 2 Standard Tanks: 2I.5 U.S. gallons each. Total FueI: 43 U.S. gallons. Usable Fuel (all flight conditions): 40 U.S. gallons. Unusable Fuel: 3 U.S. gallons. 2 Long Range Tanks: 27 U.S. gallons each. Total Fuel: 54 U. S. gallons Usable Fuel (a11flight conditions): 50 U.S. gallons. U nus able F uel: 4 U . S. g a l l o n s . NOTE To ensure maximum fuel capacity when refueling, place the fuel selector valve in either LEFT or RIGHT position to prevent cross-feeding. NOTE Takeoff and land with the fuel selector valve handle in the BOTH position. Approved FueI Grades (and Colors): 100LL Grade Aviation Fuel (Blue). 100 (Formerly 100/ 130) Grade Aviation Fuel (Green). 2-9 SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N PT A C AR D S The following information is displayed in the form of composite or individual placards. (1) In fuII view of the pilot: (The "DAY-NIGHT-VFR-IFR" entry, shown on the example below, will vary as the airplane is equipped.) This airplane must be operated in compliance with the operating limitations as stated in the form of placards, markings, and manual.s. -IUAXIMUMS IvIANEWERING SPEED (IAS) GROSSWEIGHT FLIGHT LOAD FACTOR F lap s U p F lap s D o w n Normal Category 9? knots . 2300 lbs. Utitity Category 97 knots 2000 Ibs. + 3 . 8 , -1 . 5 2 + 3 .0 4,4, -1. ?6 + 3.0 Normal Category - No acrobatic maneuvers including spins approved. Utility Category - Baggage compartment and rear seat must not be occupied. NO ACROBATIC MANEWERS APPROVED EXCEPT THOSE LISTED BELOW Maneuver Recm. Entry Speed G 6 i i d [es.r c Lazy Eights Steep Turns Maneuver Recm. Entry Speed S pins...ffi . 105 knots 95 knots Stalls (except whip stalls) Slow Deceleration Altitude loss in stall recovery -- 180 feet. Abrupt use of the controls prohibited above 9? knots. Spin Recovery: opposite rudder - forward elevator - neutralize controls. Intentional spins with flaps extended are prohibited. Flight into known icing conditions prohibited. This airplane is certified for the following flight operations as of date of original airworthiness certificate : D AY -N IGH T -VF R -IF R 2-10 C ESSN A MODEL 172N S E C TION 2 LIMITATIONS (2) Forward of fuel selector valve: BOTH TANKS ON FOR TAKEOFF & LANDING (3) On the fuel selector valve (standard tanks): BOTH - 40 GAL. ALL FLIGHT ATTITUDES LEFT - 20 GAL. LEVEL FLIGHT ONLY RIGHT - 20 GAL. LEVEL FLIGHT ONLY OFF On the fuel selector valve (long range tanks): BOTH - 50 GAL. ALL FLIGHT ATTITUDES LEFT - 25 GAL. LEVEL FLIGHT ONLY RIGHT - 25 GAL. LEVEL FLIGHT ONLY OFF (4) Near fuel tank filler cap (standard tanks): FUEL 1OO/130 MIN. GRADE AVIATION GASOLINE C AP . 2 1 .5 U .S . G A L . Near fuel tank filler cap (long range tanks): FUEL 1OO/130 MIN. GRADE AVIATION CAP. 27 U.S. GAL. GASOLINE 2-tL SECTION 2 LIMITATIONS (5) CESSNA MODEL 172N Near flap indicator: AVOID SLIPS WITH FLAPS EXTENDED (6) In baggagecompartment: 120 POUNDSIVIAXIMUM BAGGAGE AND/OR ATIXIIJARY PA SSENGER FORWARD OF BAGC.AGEDOOR I,ATCH 50 POUNDSMAXIMUM BAGGAGE AFT OF BAGGAGE DOOR I"ATCH MAXIMUM 120 POUNDS COMBINED FOR ADDITIONAL LOADING INSTRUCTIONS SEE WEIGHT AND BAI,ANCE DATA (7) On the instrument panel near over-voltage light: HIGH VOLTAGE 2-t2 SECTION 3 EMEN,GENCY PR,OCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N 3 SECTION PROCEDURES EMERGENCY T A BL E OF C O N TE N TS Page Introduction Airspeeds For Emergency Operation 3-3 3-3 OPERATIONAL CHECKLISIS Engine Failures Engine Failure During Takeoff Rrn . Engine Failure Immediately After Takeoff . Engine Failure During Flight Forced Landings . Emergency Landing Without Engine Power Precautionary Landing With Ergrne Power Ditching . Fi re s During Start On Ground. Engine Fire In Flight . Electrical Fire In Flight Cabin Fire Wing Fire Icing Inadvertent Icing Encounter Static Source Blockage (Erroneous Instrument Reading Suspected). Landing With A Flat Main Tire Electrical Power Supply System Malfunctions Over-Voltage Light Illuminates Ammeter ShowsDischarge 3-3 3'3 3-3 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-4 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-6 3-6 3-6 3-? 3-? 3-7 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-8 3-8 AMPLIFIED PROCEDURES Engine Failure . Forced Landings . 3-9 3-10 3-1 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDUF,ES CESSNA MODEL 172N TAB L E OF C O N T EN T S (C o n ti n u e d ) Page Landing Without Elevator Control Fires Emergency Operation In Clouds (Vacuum System Failure). Executing A 180' T\rrn In Clouds . Emergency Descent Through Clouds Recovery From A Spira1 Dive Flight In Icing Conditions Static Source Bloeked Spins Rough Engine Operation Or Loss Of Power Carburetor Icing Spark Plug Fouling . Magneto Malfunction Low Oil Pressure Electrical Power Supply System Malfunctions Excessive Rate Of Charge . Insufficient Rate Of Charge 3-2 3-10 3- 10 3-11 3- 11 3-11 3-L2 3-12 3-t2 3- 13 3 -14 3 -14 3-14 3-14 3- 14 3- 15 3-15 3-15 CESS NA MODEL 172N S E C TION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES I NT R O D U C T I ON Section 3 provides checklist and amplified procedures for coping with emergencies that may occur. Emergencies caused by airplane or engine malfunctions are extremely rare if proper preflight inspections and maintenance are practiced. Enroute weather emergencies can be minimized or eliminated by careful flight planning and good judgement when unexpect' ed weather is encountered. However, should an emergency arise the basic guidelines described in this section should be considered and applied as necessary to correct the problem. Emergency procedures associated with the ELT and other optional systems can be found in section g. A IR SPEED S FO R E ME R GE N C YOP E RA T I O N Engine Failure After Takeoff: Wing Flaps Up Wing Flaps Down Maneuvering Speed: 2300 Lbs 1950 Lbs 1600 Lbs Maximum Glide: 2300 Lbs Precautionary Landing With Engine Power Landing Without Engine Power: Wing Flaps Up Wing Flaps Down 65 KIAS 60 KIAS 97 KIAS 89 KIAS 80 KIAS 65 KIAS 60 KIAS 65 KIAS 60 KIAS OP E R A TIO N A LC H E C K T I S T S E N G INE FAIL UR ,E S EN GINE I A I LURE D U R IN G T AK EOF F R ,U N (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Throttle -- IDLE. Brakes -- Appl,y. Wing Flaps -- RETRACT. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. Ignition Switch -- OFF. Master Switch -- OFF. EN GINE F A I T URE I ' VI' } IED IAT E T YA F T ER T AK EOFF (1) Airspeed -- 65 KIAS (ftaps Up). 60 KLAS (flaps DOWN). 3-3 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) CESSNA MODEL 172N Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. Fuel Selector Valve -- OFF. Ignition Switch -- OFF. Wing Flaps -- AS REQUTREb. Master Switch -- OFF. E N GINE F A I t UR, EDUR IN G F T IG H T (1) (2) (3) (4) (?) (6) Airspeed -- 65 KIAS. Carbr.rretor Heat -- ON. Fuel Selector Valve -- B0IH. Mixture -- RICH. Ignition Switch -- BOTH (or START if prope[er is stopped). Primer -- IN and LOCKED. F O RCEDL AN D ING S E f tTER GE NCYT A NDI NG WIIH O U T E N GIN E POW E R , (1) Airspeed -- 65 KIAS (flaps UP). 60 I(IAS (flaps DOWN). Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. F\rel Selector Valve -- OFF. Ignition Switch -- OFF. Wing Flaps -- AS REQUIRED (40" recommended). Master Switch -- OFF. Doors -. UNI,ATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOIWN. Touchdorvn-- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY. PR EC AU I I O NA RY LA N D IN G WIT H E N GIN E POW E R (1) Wing Ftaps -- 20o. Q\ AirsPeed -- 60 KIAS. (3) SelectedField -- FLY OVER, noting terrain and obstructions, then retract flaps upon reaching a safe altitude and airspeed. (4) Radio and Electrical Switches -^ OFF. (5) Wing Flaps -- 40o (on final approach). (6) Airspeed -- 60 I(IAS. (7) Master Switch -- OFF. (8) Doors -- UNLATCH PRIOR TO TOUCHDOWN. (9) Touchdown -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOTW. (10) Ignition Switch -- OFF. (11) Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY. 3-4 S E C TION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES C ESSN A MODEL 172N DITCHI NG (1) Radio -- TRANSMIT MAYDAY on LZI.5 MHz, givinglocation and intentions. (2) Heavy Objects (in baggage area) -- SECURE OR JETTISON. (3) Approach -- High Winds, Heavy Seas -- INTO THE WIND. Light Winds, Heavy Swells -- PARALLEL TO SWELLS. (4) Wing Flaps -- 20o - 40o. (5) Power -- ESTABLISH 300 FT/MIN DESCENT at 55 KIAS. NOTE If no power is available, approach at 65 KIAS with flaps up or at 60 KIAS with 10o flaps. (6) Cabin Doors -- UNLATCH. (7) Touchdown -- LEVEL ATTITUDE AT ESTABLISHED RATE OF DE S CE NT . (8) Face -- CUSHION at touchdown with folded coat. (9) Airplane EVACUATE through cabin doors. If necessary, open window and flood cabin to equalize pressure so doors can be opened. (10) Life Vests and Raft -- INFLATE. F I RE S D URING S T A RI O N GR O U N D (1) Cranking -- CONTINUE, to get a start which would suck the flames and accumulated fuel through the carburetor and into the engine. If engine starts: (2) Power -- 1700 RPM for a few minutes. (3) Engine -- SHUTDOWN and inspect for damage. If engine fails to start: (4) (5) (6) (7) not (8) Throttle -- FULL OPEN. Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. Cranking -- CONTINUE. Fire Extinguisher -- OBTAIN (have ground attendants obtain if installed). Engine -- SECURE. a. Master Switch -- OFF. 3-5 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N b. Ignition Switch -- OFF. c. FueI Selector Valve -- OFF. (9) Fire -- EXTINGUISH using fire extinguisher, wool blanket, or dirt. (10) Fire Damage -- INSPECT, repair damage or replace damaged components or wiring before conducting another flight. EN GINE FI R, EI N F T I G H T (1) Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF. (2) F\rel Selector Valve -- OFF. (3) Master Switch -- OFF. (4) Cabin Heat and Air -- OFF (except overhead vents). (5) Airspeed -- 100 KIAS (If fire is not extinguished, increase glide speed to find an airspeed which will provide an incombustible mixture). (6) Forced Landing -- EXECUTE (as described in Emergency Landing Without Engine Power). E TEC IRICA TF I RE I N F L IG H I (1) (2) (3) (4) Master Switch -- OFF. All Other Switches (except ignition switch) -- OFF. Yents/Cabin Air,/Heat -- CLOSED. Fire Extinguisher -- ACTWATE (if available). W A R N IN G After discharging an extinguisher within a closed cabin, ventilate the cabin. If fire appears out and electrical power is necessary for continuance of flight: (5) Master Switch -- ON. (6) Circuit Breakers -- CHECK for faulty circuit, do not reset. (7) Raaio/Electrical Switches -- ON one at a time, with delay after each until short circuit is localized. (8) Vents/Cabin Air/Heat -- OPEN when it is ascertained that fire is completely extinguished. CABIN FI RE (1) Master Switch -- OFF. (2) Vents/Cabin Air,/Heat -- CLOSED (to avoid drafts). (3) Fire Extinguisher -- ACTMTE (if available). 3-6 S E C TION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES C ESSN A MODEL 172N W A R N IN G After discharging an extinguisher within a closed cabin, ventilate the cabin. (4) Land the airplane as soon as possible to inspect for damage. WING F I R, E (1 ) Navigation Light Switch -- OFF. (2) Pitot Heat Switch (if installed) -- OFF. (3) Strobe Light Switch (if installed) -- OFF. NOTE Perform a sideslip to keep the flames away from the fuel tank and cabin, and land as soon as possible using flaps only as required for final approach and touchdown. IC I NG INAD V E R, T E NTI CI N G EN C OU N T E R (1) Turn pitot heat switch ON (if installed). (2) Turn back or change altitude to obtain an outside air temperature that is less condtrciveto icing. (3) PuIl cabin heat control full out and open defroster outlet to obtain murimum windshield defroster airflovv. Adjust cabin air control to get ma><imumdefroster heat and airflow. (4) Open the throttle to increase engine speed and minimize ice build-up on propeller blades. (5) Watch for signs of carburetor air filter ice and apply carburetor heat as required. An unexplained loss in engine speed could be caused by carburetor ice or air intake filter ice. Lean the mixture for ma:rimum RPM if carburetor heat is used continuously. (6) Plan a landing at the nearest airport. With an extremely rapid ice build-up, select a suitable "off airport" landing site. (7) With an ice accumulation of l/4 inch or more on the wing leading edges, be prepared for significantly higher stall speed. (8) Leave wing flaps retracted. With a severe ice biuild-up on the horizontal tail, the change in wing wake airflow direction caused by wing flap extension corld result in a loss of elevator effectiveness. 3-7 SEC TION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N (9) Open left window and, if practical, scrape ice from a portion of the windshield for visibility in the landing approach. (10) Perform a landing approach using a forward slip, if necessary, for improved visibility. (11) Approach at 65 to ?5 KIAS, depending upon the amornt of the accurnulation. (12) Perform a landing in level attitude. S TAIIC S O UR, CEB T O C K AGE ( Erro n e o us I ns t r um enl R e o d i n g S u s p e c te d ) (1) Alternate Static Source Valve -- PULL ON. (2) Airspeed -- Consutt appropriate calibration tables in Section 5. LA N DING WITH A FLA T MA IN TIR E (1) Approach -- NORI\{AL. (2) Touchdown -- GOOD TIRE FIRST, hold airplane off flat tire as long as possible. ELE C TR ,ICPOWE AL RS U P P LYS Y S TE MM A L F UNCT I O NS OVER ,.V O t I A G E T I G H T IttU ,N IN AT E S (1) Master Switch -- OFF (both sides). (2) Master Switch -- ON. (3) Over-Voltage Light -- OFF. If over-voltage light illuminates again: (4) Flight -- TERMINATE as soon as possible. A,U'VIET E R,S H O W S D IS C H A R G E (1) Alternator -- OFF. (2) Nonessential Electrical Equipment -- OFF. (3) Flight -- TERMINATE as soon as practical. 3-8 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 3 EMEITGENCY PROCEDURES A MP T IF IE D P R OC E D URES E N G INE FAIL U R E If an engine failure occurs during the takeoff nrr5 the most important thing to do is stop the airplane on the remaining runway. Those extra items on the checklist will provide added safety drring a fallure of this type. Prompt lowering of the nose to maintain airspeed and establish a glide attitude is the first response to an engine failure after takeoff. In most cases, the landing shonld be planned straight ahead with only small changes in direction to avoid obstmctions. Altitude and airspeed are seldom sufficient to execute a 180" gliding furn necessary to return to the runway. The checklist procedures assume that adequate time exists to secure the fuel and ignition systems prior to touchdown. After an engine failure in flight, the best glide speed as shown in Figure 3-1 should be established as quickly as possible. While gliding toward a suitable landing area, an effort should be made to identify the cause of the failure. If time permits, an engine restart should be attempted as shown in the checklist. If the engine cannot be restarted, a forced landing without power must be completed. 1 2,0 00 1- ...r.1.:I .l,.....r.i.::'j a! 10,000 I z d 8000 uJ F ur o (I) 6000 : 4ooo F 1 t I ..."rj:f 2ooo ,rii l.'.'.::':'."' I I * SP EE D6 5 K IA S * P R OP EItE R W IN D ' V l II.TIN G * F T A PSU P * ZE R O W IN D l l tr 10 't2 14 16 18 G RO UNDDI STANCE- NAUTI C A LM I L E S Figure 3-1. Mzurimum Glide 3-9 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N F O RC EDL AND ING S If all attempts to restart the engine fail and a forced landing is imminent, select a suitable field and prepare for the landing as discussed in the checklist for engine-off emergency landings. Before attempting an "off airport" landing with engine power available, one should drag the landing area at a safe but low altitude to inspect the terrain for obstructions and surface conditions, proceeding as discussed under the Precautionary Landing With Engine Power checklist. Prepare for ditching by securing or jettisoning heavy objects located in the baggage area and collect folded coats for protection of occupants' face at touchdown. Transmit Mayday message on 121.5MHz giving location and intentions. Avoid a landing flare because of difficulty in judging height over a water surface. L A ND IN G WITHOU T E LE V A TORC, O NT R, O L Trim for horizontal flight(with an airspeed of approximately 60 KIAS and flaps set to 20") by using throttle and elevator trim control. Then do not change the elevatoi trim control settingl control the glide angle by adjusting power exclusively. At flareout, the nose-down moment resulting from power reduction is an adverse factor and the airplane may hit on the nose wheel. Consequently, at flareout, the elevator trim control should be adjusted toward the full nose-up position and the power adjusted so that the airplane will rotate to the horizontal attitude for touchdown. Close the throttle at touchdown. FIRE S Although engine fires are extremely rare in flight, the steps of the appropriate checklist should be followed if one is encountered. After completion of this procedure, execute a forced landing. Do not attempt to restart the engine. The initial indication of an electrical fire is usually the odor of burning insulation. The checklist for this problem should result in elimination of the fire, 3- 1 0 CESSN A MODEL 172N SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PR,OCEDUR,ES EME R G EN C Y OP E R ,A T IONIN C T OUDS (V o c u u m S y s t e m F q i l u re ) In the event of a vacuum system failure during flight in marginal weather, the directional indicator and attitude indicator will be disabled, and the pilot will have to rely on the turn coordinator or the turn and bank indicator if he inadvertently flies into clouds. The following instnrctions assume that only the electrically-powered turn coordinator or the turn and bank indicator is operative, and that the pilot is not completely proficient in instnrment flying. EXECUT I NG A I S O O T U R N IN C T O U D S Upon inadvertently entering the clouds, an immediate plan should be made to turn back as follows: (1) Note the time of the minute hand and observe the position of the sweep second hand on the clock. (2) When the sweep second hand indicates the nearest half-minute, initiate a standard rate left turn, holding the turn coordinator symbolic airplane wing opposite the lower left index mark for 60 seconds. Then roll back to level flight by leveling the miniature airpIane. (3) Check accuracy of the turn by observing the compass heading which should be the reciprocal of the original heading. (4) If necessary, adjust heading primarily with skidding motions rather than rolling motions so that the compass will read more accurately. (5) Maintain altitude and airspeed by cautious application of elevator control. Avoid overcontrolling by keeping the hands off the control wheel as much as possible and steering only with rudder. E'N ER G E NCY DE S C EN TIH R OU GH C tO U D S If conditions preclude reestablishment of VFR flight by a 180" turn, a descent through a cloud deck to VFR conditions may be appropriate, If possible, obtain radio clearance for an emergency descent through clouds. To guard against a spiral dive, choose an easterly or westerly heading to minimize compass card swings due to changing bank angles. In addition, keep hands off the control wheel and steer a straight course with nrdder control by monitoring the turn coordinator. Occasionally check the compass heading and make minor corrections to hold an approximate course. Before descending into the clouds, set up a stabilized let-down condition as follows: (1) Apply tull rich mixture. (2) Use full carburetor heat. 3-11 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES (3) Reduce power to set up a 500 to 800 ftlmin rate of descent. (4) Adjust the elevator trim and rudder trim (if installed) for a stabilized descent at 70-80 KIAS. (5) Keep hands off the control wheel. (6) Monitor turn coordinator and make conections by rudder alone. (7) Check trend of compass card movement and make cautious corrections with rudder to stop the turn. (8) Upon breaking out of clouds, resume normal cruising ftight. R , EC OVE RYF RO ' V I A SP IR A T D IV E If a spiral is encountered, proceed as follows: (1) Close the throttle. (2) Stop the turn by using coordinated aileron and rudder control to align the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator with the horizon reference line. (3) Cautiously apply elevator back pressure to slowly reduce the airspeed to 80 KIAS. (4) Adjust the elevator trim control to maintain an 80 KIAS gtide. (5) Keep hands off the control wheel, using rudder control to hold a straight heading. Adjust rudder trim (if installed) to relieve unbalanced rudder force. (6) Apply carburetor heat. (7) Clear engine occasionally, but avoid using enough power to disturb the trimmed glide. (8) Upon breaking out of clouds, resume normal cruising flight. FLIGH TIN IC ING C O N D ITION S Flight into icing conditions is prohibited. An inadvertent encounter with these conditions can best be handled using the checklist procedures. The best procedure, of course, is to turn back or change altitude to escape icing conditions. S TATIC SO URCE B I O C K ED If erroneous readings of the static source instmments (airspeed, altimeter and rate-of-climb) are suspected, the alternate static source valve should be pulled on, thereby supplying static pressure to these instruments from the cabin. NOTE In an emergency on airplanes not equipped with an alternate static source, cabin pressure can be supplied to the 3-12 S E C TION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N static pressure instruments by breaking the glass in the face of the rate-of-climb indicator. With the alternate static source on, adjust indicated airspeed slightly during climb or approach according to the alternate static source airspeed catibiation table in Section 5, appropriate to vent/window(s) configuration, causing the airplane to be flown at the normal operating speeds. Maximum airspeed and altimeter variation from normal is 4 knots and 30 feet over the normal operating range with the window(s) closed. With window(s) open, larger variations occur near stall speed. However, maximum altimeter variation remains within 50 feet of normal. S PI N S Should an inadvertent spin occur, the following recovery procedure should be used: (1) RETARD THROTTLE TO IDLE POSITION. (2) PLACE AILERONS IN NEUTRAL PGTTION. (3) APPLY AND HOLD FULL RUDDER OPPOSITE TO THE DIRECTION OF ROTATI6.(4) JUST AFTER THE RUDDER REACHES THE STOP, MOVE THE CONTROL.WEEEL BRISKLY FORWARD FAR ENOUGH TO BREAK THE STALL. FuU Effii&ator may be required at aft center of gravity loadings to assure optimum recoveries, (5) HOLD THESE CONTROL TNPUTSUlrrrl. ROTATTONSTOPS. Prerffie rela:<ation of the control inputs may extend the recovery. (6) AS ROTATTON STOPS, NEUTRATTZE.RUDDER, AND TVIAKEA SMOOTH RECOVERY FROM THE RESULTING DIVE. NOTE If disorientation precludes a visual determination of the direction of rotation, the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator or the needle of the turn and bank indicator may be referred to for this information. For additional information on spins and spin recovery, see the discussion under SPINS in Normal Procedures (Section 4). 3- 13 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PR,OCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N RO UG H EN G I N E OP E R A T ION OR L OSS OF POW ER C A R BU RE T O RI CI NG A gradual loss of RPM and evenhral engine roughness may result from the formation of carbruretor ice. To clear the ice, apply full throttle and pull the carburetor heat knob fulI out until the engine runs smoothly; then remove carburetor heat and readjust the throttle. If conditions require the continued use of carburetor heat in cnrise flight, use the minimum amount of heat necessary to prevent ice from forming and lean the mixture for smoothest engine operation. SPARK PtUG F O ULI NG A slight engine roughness in flight may be caused by one or more spark plugs becoming fouled by carbon or lead deposits. This may be verified by turning the ignition switch momentarily from BOTH to either L or R position. An obvious power loss in single ignition operation is evidence of spark plug or magneto trouble. Assuming that spark plugs are the more likely cause, lean the mixbure to the recommended lean setting for cruising flight. If the problem does not clear up in several minutes, determine if a richer mixh.rre setting will produce smoother operation. If not, proceed to the nearest airport for repairs using the BOTH position of the ignition switch unless extreme roughness dictates the use of a single ignition position. T VI A G N ET O ' V TA I F U NC T IO N A sudden engine roughness or misfiring is usually evidence of magneto problems. Switching from BOTH to either L or R ignition switch position will identify which magneto is maUunctioning. Select different power settings and enrichen the mixture to determine if continued operation on BOTH magnetos is practicable. If not, switch to the good magneto and proceed to the nearest airport for repairs. LO W OIT P RE S S URE If low oil pressure is accompanied by normal oil temperature, there is a possibility the oil pressure gage or relief valve is maLfunctioning. A leak in the line to the gage is not necessarily cause for an immediate precautionary landing because an orifice in this line will prevent a sudden loss of oil from the engine sump. However, a landing at the nearest airport would be advisable to inspect the source of trouble. If a total loss of oil pressure i:s accompanied by a rise in oil temperature, there is good reason to suspect an engine failure is imminent. Re3- 14 C ESSN A MODEL 172N S E C TION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES duce engine power immediately and select a suitable forced landing field. Use only the minimum power required to reach the desired touchdown spot. E LE CTR .ICPO AT W E RS U P P LYS Y S TEMM A L F UNCT I O NS Malfunctions in the electrical power supply system can be detected by periodic monitoring of the ammeter and over-voltage warning light; however, the cause of these malfunctions is usually difficult to determine. A broken alternator drive belt or wiring is most likely the cause of alternator failures, although other factors cotrld cause the problem. A damaged or improperly adjusted voltage regulator can also cause maUunctions. Problems of this nafure constitute an electrical emergency and should be dealt with immediately. Electrical power malfunctions usually fall into two categories: excessive rate of charge and insufficient rate of charge. The following paragraphs describe the recommended remedy for each situation. EXCESS I V ERA T E O F C H A R ,GE After engine starting and heavy electrical usage at low engine speeds (such as extended tarciing) the battery condition will be low enough to accept above normal charging during the initial part of a flight. However, after thirty minutes of cnrising flight, the ammeter should be indicating Iess than two needle widths of charging current. If the charging rate were to remain above this value on a long flight, the battery would overheat and evaporate the electrolyte at an excessive rate. Electronic components in the electrical system could be adversely affected by higher than normal voltage if a faulty voltage regulator setting is causing the overchar$ng. To preclude these possibilities, an over-voltage sensor will automatically shut down the alternator and the over-voltage warning light will illuminate if the charge voltage reaches approximately 16 volts. Assuming that the maUunction was only momentary, an attempt should be made to reactivate the alternator system. To do this, turn both sides of the master switch off and then on again. If the problem no longer exists, normal alternator charging will resume and the warning light will go off. If the light comes on again, a malfunction is confirmed. In this event, the flight should be terminated and/or the current drain on the battery minimized because the battery can supply the electrical system for only a limited period of time. If the emergency occurs at night, power must be conserved for later use of landing lights and flaps during landing. INSU F F I CI E NI RA I E O F C H A R GE If the ammeter indicates a continuous discharge rate in flight, the 3-1 5 SECTION 3 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N alternator is not supplying power to the system and should be shut down since the alternator field circuit may be placing an unnecessary load on the system. All nonessential equipment should be furned off and the flight terminated as soon as practical. 3-16 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 4 NORMALPROCEDURES T A B TE OF CONTE N TS Page Introduction Speeds For Normal Operation 4-3 4-3 CHECKLIST PROCEDURES 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-5 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-7 4-7 4-7 4-8 4-8 4-8 4-8 4-8 4-9 4-9 4-9 4-9 4-9 4-9 Preflight Inspection Cabin Empennage Right Wing, Trailing Edge Right Wing Nose Left Wing Left Wing, Leading Edge Left Wing, Trailing Edge Before Starting Engine Starting Engine Before Takeoff Takeoff Normal Takeoff Short Field Takeoff Enroute Climb Cruise Descent Before Landing Landing Normal Landing Short Field Landing Balked Landing After Landing Securing Airplane AMPLIFIED Starting Engine PROCEDURES .4-LL 4-7 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N TA BLE O F C O N T E N IS (C o n ti n u e d ) Page T axi i n g Before Takeoff Warm-Up Magneto Check Al te rnat or O hec k Takeoff Po wer Chec k Wing Flap Settings Short Field Takeoff Crosswind Takeoff Enroute Ctimb Cruise St a l l s Spins La n d i n g Normal Landing Short Field Landing Crosswind Landing Balked Landing CoId Weather Operation Starting Flight Operations Hot Weather Operation Noise Abatement 4-2 , . . .4-LI .4-13 . 4-13 .4-13 .4-LB .4-18 .4-13 .4-L4 .4-L4 .4-15 .4-L5 .4-I5 .4-LT .4-tz .4-19 .4-19 .4-2O .4-2O .4-2O .4-20 .4-2O .4-22 .4-23 .4-23 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 4 NORMAL PR,OCEDURES I NT R , O D U C T I ON Section 4 provides checklist and amplified procedures for the conduct of normal operation. Normal procedures associated with Optional Systems can be found in Section 9. SP EE D SF O R N OR MA T OP E R A T ION Unless otherwise noted, the following speeds are based on a maximum weight of 23T0 pounds and may be used for any lesser weight. However, to achieve the performance specified in Section 5 for takeoff distance, the speed appropriate to the particular weight must be used. Takeoff, Flaps Up: Normal Climb Out Short Fietd Takeoff, Flaps Up, Speed at 50 Feet Enroute Climb, Flaps Up: 70-80 KIAS 59 KIAS 75.85 KIAS Sea Level Normal, 10,000Feet 70-80 KIAS Best Rate of Climb, Sea Level 73 KIAS Best R,ate of Climb, 10,000Feet Best Angle of Climb, Sea Level Best Angle of Climb, 10,000Feet Landing Approach: Normal Approach, Flaps Up 60-70 KIAS Normal Approach, Flaps 40o 55-65 KIAS 60 KIAS Short Field Approach, Flaps 40o Balked Landing: Maximum Power, Flaps 20o 55 KIAS Maximum Recommended Turbulent Air Penetration Speed: 2300 Lbs 97 KIAS 1950 Lbs 89 KIAS 1600 Lbs 80 KIAS Maximum Demonstrated Crosswind Velocity: Takeoff or Landing 15 KNOTS Normal, :::::::: ::: :i[it: 4-3 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N NOTE Visually check airplane for general condition during walk-around inspection. In cold weather, remove even small accumulations of frost, ice or snow from wing, tail and control surfaces. Also, make sure that eontrol surfaces contain no internal accumulations of ice or de!ris. If a night flight is planned, check operation of all lights, and make sure a flashlight is avaiUfte. Figure 4- 1. Preflight Inspection 4-4 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N C HE C K L IS T P R .OC E D URES _ P RE FIIGH TIN S P E C TION . ' u cABtN - _ (1) Control Wheel Lock -- REMOVE. (2) Ignition Switch -- OFF. (3) Master Switch -' ON. (4) fuet Quantity Indicators -- CHECI( QUAMITY. (5) Master Switch -- OFF. (6) Baggage Door -- CHECK, lock with key if childrs seat is to be occupied. @ Tm PEN N AG E (1) Rudder Gust Lock -- REMOVE. (2) Tail Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT. (3) Control Surfaces -- CHECK freedom of movement and searrity. @ nIGHT wtNG Troilins Edse (1) Aileron -- CHECK freedom of movement and security. @ nr G H Tw r N G (1) Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT. (2) Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation. (3) Before first ffight of the day and after each refueling, use sampler cup and drain small quantity of fuel from fuel tank sump quick-drain valve to check for water, sediment, and proper fuel grade. (4) FueI Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY for desired level. (5) Fuel Filler Cap -- SECURE. @ nosr (1) Engine Oil Level -- CHECK. Do not operate with less than four quarts. F1II to six quarts for extended flight. (2) Before first flight of the day and after each refueling, pull out strainer drain knob for about four seconds to clear fuel strainer of possible water and sediment. Check strainer drain closed. If water is observed, the fuel system may contain additional water, and further draining of the system at the strainer, fuel tank sumps, and 4-5 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N fuel selector valve drain plug will be necessary. (3) Propeller and Spinner -- CHECK for nicks and security. (4) Landing Light(s) -- CHECK for condition and cleanliness. (5) Carburetor Air Filter -- CHECK for restrictions by dust or other foreign matter. (6) Nose Wheel Strut and Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation. (7) Nose Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT. (8) Static Source Opening (Ieft side of fuselage) -- CHECK for stoppage. (! r EFTw tN G (1) Main Wheel Tire -- CHECK for proper inflation. (2) Before first flight of the day and after each refueling, use sampler cup and drain small quantity of fuel from fuel tank sump quick-drain valve to check for water, sediment and proper fuel grade. (3) Fuel Quantity -- CHECK VISUALLY for desired level (4) Fuel FiIIer Cap -- SECURE. Q) tEFr wtNG Leodins Edge (1) Pitot Tube Cover -- REMOVE and check opening for stoppage. (2) Fuel Tank Vent Opening -- CHECK for stoppage. (3) Stall Warning Opening -- CHECK for stoppage. To check the system, place a clean handkerchief over the vent opening and apply zuction; a sound from the warning horn will confirm system operation. (4) Wing Tie-Down -- DISCONNECT. (f tEFT w ING Iroilins Edee (1) Aileron -- CHECK for freedom of movement and security. BE F ORESTAR,T IN GE N GIN E (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Preflight Inspection -- COMPLETE. Seats, Belts, Shorlder Harnesses -- ADJUST and LOCK. FueI Selector Valve -- BOTH. Radios, Autopilot, Electrical Equipment -- OFF. Brakes -- TEST and SET. Circuit Breakers -- CHECK IN. ST AR, T I N G EN G IN E (1) Mixture -- RICH. 4- 6 CESSNA MODEL 172N (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) SECTION 4 NOR,MAL PR,OCEDURES Carburetor Heat -- COLD. Master Switch -- ON. Prime -- AS REQUIRED (2 to 6 strokes; none if engine is warm). Throttle -- OPEN 1/8 INCH. Propeller Area -- CLEAR. Ignition Switch -- START (release when engine starts). OiI Pressure -- CHECK. BE F ORETAKEO FF - (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Parking Brake -- SET. Cabin Doors and Window(s) -- CLOSED and LOCKED. Flight Controls -- FREE and CORRECT. Flight Instruments -- SET. Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH. Mixture -- RICH (below 3000 feet). Elevator Trim and Rudder Trim (if installed) -- TAKEOFF. Throttle -- 1700 RPM. a. Magnetos -- CHECK (RPM drop should not exceed 125 RPM on either magneto or 50 RPM differential between magnetos). b. Carburetor Heat -- CHECK (for RPM drop). c. Engine Instruments and Ammeter -- CHECK. d. Suction Gage -- CHECK. (9) Radios -- SET. (10) Autopilot (if installed) -- OFF. (11) Flashing Beacon, Navigation Lights and/or Strobe Lights -- ON as required. (12) Throttle Friction Lock -- ADJUST. (13) Brakes -- RELEASE. T A K EOFF NORfi l A L T A K E O F F (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Wing Flaps -- UP. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. Throttle -- FULL OPEN. Elevator Control -- LIFT NOSE WHEEL (at b5 KIAS). Climb Speed -- 70-80KIAS. 4-7 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES SH O RT FIE LD T A K E O T F (1) Wing Flaps -- UP. (2) Carburetor Heat -- COLD. (3) Brakes -- APPLY. (4) Throttle -- FULL OPEN. (5) Mixture -- RICH (above 3000 feet, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM). (6) Brakes -- RELEASE. (7) Elevator Control -- SLIGHTLY TAIL LOW. (8) Climb Speed -- 59 KIAS (until aII obstailes are cleared). E NR , OU TE C tI M B (1) Airspeed -- 70-85 KIAS. NCITE If a murimum performance climb is necess€[yr use speeds shown in the Rate Of Climb chart in Section 5. (2) Throttle -- FULL OPEN. (3) Mixture -- RICH (above 3000 feet, LEAN to obtain maximum RPM). cRurs E (1) Power -- }ZOO-2200RPM (no more than ?SVois recommended). (2) Elevator and Rudder Trim (if installed) -- ADJUST. (3) Mixture -- LEAN. DE S C ENT (1) Mixture -- ADJUST for smooth operation (full rich for idle power). (2) Power -- AS DESIRED. (3) Carburetor Heat -- AS REQUIRED (to prevent carburetor icing). BE F O REL AND ING (t) Seats, Belts, Harnesses -- SECURE. (2) Fuel Selector Valve -- BOTH. 4= 8 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES (3) Mixture -- RICH. (4) Carburetor Heat -- ON (appty full heat before closing throttle). LA N DIN G N OR frlA L T A N DI N G (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) - Airspeed -- 60-70 KIAS (flaps UP). Wing Flaps -- AS DESIRED (below 85 KIAS). Airspeed -- 55-65 KIAS (flaps DOWN). Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST. Landing Roll -- LOWER NOSE WHEEL GENTLY. Braking -- MINIMUM REQUIRED. SHORT F I E LD T A NDIN G (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) _ Airspeed -- 60-70 KIAS (flaps UP). Wing Flaps -- FULL DOWN (40"). Airspeed -- 60 KIAS (until flare). Power -- REDUCE to idle after clearing obstacle. Touchdown -- MAIN WHEELS FIRST. Brakes -- APPLY HEAVILY. tittU Flaps -- RETRACT. BATKE D T A NDI NG (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Throttle -- FULL OPEN. Carburetor Heat -- COLD. Wing Flaps -- 20o (immediately). Climb Speed -- 55 KIAS. Wing Flaps -- 10o (until obstacles are cleared). RETRACT (after reaching a safe altitude and 60 K rAS ). A F T ERL AN D ING (1) Wing Flaps -- UP. (2') Carburetor Heat -- COLD. AIRP LA N E S E C U R ,IN G (1) Parking Brale -- SET. (2) Radios, Electrical Equipment, Autopilot -- OFF. 4-9 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDIIRES (3) (4) (5) (6) 4- 1 0 Mixture -- IDLE CUT-OFF (prlled tuIl out). Ignition Switch -- OFF. Master Switch -- OFF. Control Lock -- INSTALL. CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N A MP T IF IE D P R OC E D URES S T A R,TINGENG IN E During ergine starting, open the throttle approximately f/g inch. In warm temperatures, one or hvo strokes of the primer should be zufficient. In cold weather, up to six strokes of the primer may be necessary. If the engine is warm, no primirg will be required. In extremely cold temperatures, it may be necessary to continue priming while cranking the engine. Weak intermittent firing followed by puffs of black smoke from the exhaust stack indicate overpriming or flooding. Excess fuel can be cleared from the combiustion chambers by the following procedure: Set the mixfure control full lean and the throttle full open; then crank the engine through several revolutions with the starter. Repeat the starting procedure without any additional priming. If the engine is underprimed (most likely in cold weather with a cold engine) i+'will not fire at all, and additional priming will be necessary. As soon as the cylinders begin to fire, open the throttle slightly to keep it running. After starting, if the oil gage does not begin to show pressure within 30 seconds in the zummertime and about twice that long in very cold weather, stop engine and investigate, I-ack of oil pressure can cause seriors ergine damage. After starting, avoid the use of carbretor heat unless icing conditions prevail. NOTE Additional details concerning cold weather starting and operation may be found under COLD WEATHER OPERATION paragraphs in this section. T A XIING When taxiing, it is important that speed and use of brakes be held to a minimum and that all controls be utilized (see Taxiing Diagram, figure 4-2\ to maintain directional control and balance. The carburetor heat control lcrob should be pushed full in during all ground operations unless heat is absolutely necessary. When the lmob is 4-17 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES USE UP AILERON ON LH WING AND NEUTRAL ELEVATOR USE UP AILERON ON RH WING AND NEUTRAL ELEVATOR USE DOWN AILERON ON LH WING AND DOWN ELEVATOR USE DOWN AILERON ON RH WING AIVD DOWN ELEVATOR NOTE CODE wrNDDmECrroN ) Figure 4'2. 4-12 CESSNA MODEL 172N Strong quartering tail winds require caution. Avoid sudden bursts of the throttle and sharp braking when the airplane is in thip attitude. Use the steerable nose wheel and rudder to maintain direction. Taxiing Diagrarn CESSN A MODEL 172N SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES prlled out to the heat position, air entering the engine is not filtered. Tzu<iing over loose gravel or cinders should be done at low engine speed to avoid abrasion and stone damage to the propeller tips. B E F O R ETAKEO FF WAR fr l- UP If the engine accelerates smoothly, the airplane is ready for takeoff. Since the engine is closely cowled for efficient in-flight engine cooling, precautions should be taken to avoid overheating during prolonged engine operation on the ground. Also, long periods of idling may cause fouled spark plugs. frl AGN E T O CHE CK The magneto check should be made at 1700 RPM as follows. Move ignition switch first to R position and note RPM. Next move switch back to BOTH to clear the other set of plugs. Then move switch to the L position, note RPM and refurn the switch to the BOTH position. RPM drop should not exceed 125 RPM on either magneto or show greater than 50 RPM differential between magnetos. If there is a doubt concerning operation of the ignition system, RPM checks at higher engine speeds will usually confirm whether a deficiency exists. An absence of RPM drop may be an indication of faulty grounding of one side of the ignition system or should be cause for suspicion that the magneto timing is set in advance of the setting specified. ATTER NA T O RCHE C K Prior to flights where verification of proper alternator and voltage regulator operation is essential (such as night or instrument flights), a positive verification can be made by loading the electrical system momentarily (3 to 5 seconds) with the optional landing light (if so equipped), or by operating the wing flaps during the engine runup (1700 RPM). The ammeter will remain within a needle width of its initial reading if the alternator and voltage regulator are operating properly. T A KEOFF POWE R CHE CK It is important to check full-throttle engine operation early in the 4-t3 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N takeoff nrn. Any sign of rough engine operation or sluggish engine acceleration is good cause for discontinuing the takeoff. If this occurs, you are justified in malcing a thorough full-throttle, static runup before another takeoff is attempted. The engine should run smoothly and turn approximately 2280 to 2400 RPM with carburetor heat off and mixture tull rich. NOTE Carhrretor heat should not be used dunng takeoff unless it is absolutely necessary for obtaining smooth engine acceleration. Full-throttle runups over loose gravel are especially harmful to propeller tips. When takeoffs must be made over a gravel surface, it is very important that the throttle be advanced slowly. This allows the airplane to start rolling before high RPM is developed, and the gravel will be blown back of the propeller rather than pulled into it. When unavoidable small dents appear in the propeller blades, they should be immediately corrected as described in Section 8 under Propeller Care. Prior to takeoff from fields above 3000 feet elevation, the mixture shotrld be leaned to give mardmum RPM in a full-throttle, static runup. After full throttle is applied, adjust the throttle friction lock clockwise to prevent the throttle from creeping back from a maximum power position. Similar friction lock adjustments should be made as required in other flight conditions to maintain a fixed throttle setting. WIN G Ft A P S E I T I NG S Normal and short field takeoffs are performed with flaps up. Flap settings greater than 10" are not approved for takeoff. Use of 10o flaps is reserved for minimum ground runs or for takeoff from soft or rough fields. Use of 10o flaps allows safe use of slightty lower takeoff speeds than with flaps up. The lower speeds result in shortening the ground run and total distance over a 50 foot obstacle by approximately 10Vo. However, this advantage will be lost if flaps up speeds are used, or in high altitude takeoffs in hot weather at maximum weight where climb would be marginal with 10o flaps. Therefore, use of 10" flaps is not recommended for takeoff over an obstacle at high altitude in hot weather. SHORI F I E LDT A K E O F F If an obstruction dictates the use of a steep climb angle, after liftoff 4-t4 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES accelerate to and climb out at an obstacle clearance speed of 59 KIAS with flaps retracted. This speed provides the best overall climb speed to clear obstacles when taking into account the turbulence often found near ground level. The takeoff performance data provided in Section 5 is based on the flaps up configuration. Minimum ground run takeoffs are accomplished using 10o flaps. If 10o of flaps are used on soft or rough fields with obstacles ahead, it is normally preferable to leave them extended rather than retract them in the climb to the obstacle. With 10o flaps, use an obstacle clearance speed of 55 KIAS. As soon as the obstacle is cleared, the flaps may be retracted as the airplane accelerates to the normal flaps-up climb-out speed. C ROS S W I ND I A K E O F F Takeoffs into strong crosswinds normally are performed with the minimum flap setting necessary for the field length to minimize the drift angle immediately after takeoff. The airplane is accelerated to a speed slightty higher than normal, then pulled off abruptly to prevent possible settling back to the runway while drifting. When clear of the ground, make a coordinated furn into the wind to correct for drift. E NROUTECL IM B Normal climbs are performed with flaps up and full throttle and at speeds for the best speeds 5 to 10 knots higher than best rate-of-climb The mixand engine cooling. combination of performance, visibility ture should be full rich below 3000 feet and may be leaned above 3000 feet for smoother operation or to obtain maximum RPM. For maximum rate of climb, use the best rate-of-climb speeds shown in the Rateof-Climb chart in Section 5. If an obstruction dictates the use of a steep speed should be used with flaps up climb angle, the best angle-of-climb power. Climbs at speeds lower than the best rate-ofand maximum climb speed should be of short duration to improve engine cooling. CR UISE Normal cruising is performed between 55Voand ?570power. The engine RPM and corresponding fuel consumption for various altitudes can be deter4-1 5 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N mined by using your Cessna Power Computer or the data in Section 5. NOTE Cmising should be done at 65Voto 75Vopower until a totat of 50 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized. This is to ensure proper seating of the rings and is applicable to new engines, and engines in service following cylinder replacement or top overhaul of one or more cylinders. The Cruise Performance Table, Figure 4-3, illustrates the true airspeed and nautical miles per gallon during cruise for various altitudes and percent po\ryer. This table should be used as a guide, along with the available winds aloft information, to determine the most favorable altifude and power setting for a given trip. The selection of cruise altitude on the basis of the most favorable wind conditions and the use of low power settings are significant factors that should be considered on every trip to reduce fuel consumption. To achieve the recommended shown in Section 5, the mixture peaks and drops 25-50 RPM. At enrichen the mixture slightly to lean mixture fuel consumption figures should be leaned until engine RPM lower powers it may be necessary to obtain smooth operation. Should it be necessary to cruise at higher than 75Vo power, the mixture should not be leaned more than is required to provide peak RPM. Carbr.rretor ice, as evidenced by an unexplained drop in RPM, can be removed by application of full cartmretor heat. Upon regaining the original RPM (with heat off), use the minimum amount of heat (by trial and 55%POWER 65%POWER 75 %POW ER KTAS NM PG KTAS 1 3 .5 107 1 4 .8 100 16.1 11 8 1 4 .O 111 1 5 .3 103 16.6 12 2 1 4 .5 115 1 5 .8 106 17.1 ALT IT U DE KTAS SeaLevel 11 4 4000 Feet 8000 Feet NM PG ZeroWind Standard Conditions Figure 4-3. 4-16 NMPG Cruise Performance Table CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES error) to prevent ice from forming. since the heated air causes a richer mixfure, readjust the mixfure setling when carn retor heat is to be used continuously in cruise flight. The use of fulr carburetor heat heavy rain to avoid the possib'ity water ingestion or carburetor ice. adjusted for smoothest operation. ItJ$"1il;llllowed is recommended during flight in due to excessive 91 rne"rgi"; frixture"topp"ge setting should be re_ power changes shourd be made cau_ ov prorf,pt*ai""t*""t "itn! mixtureror smoothest 5 TAtt5 The stall characteristics are conventional and aural warning is provided by a stall warning horn which sounds u"t,o""n b and 10 }rrots above the stall in all configurations. Power-off statl speeds at ma:rimum_weight for both forward and aft c. g, lnsitions are presented in Section b. S PI NS Intentional spins are approvej i1. this airplane within certain restrictspinswith baggase ;iri"fft' loadineso"-J".,rpiedrear ,"JG) are not However' before attempting to perfor_m spins several items should be be caretully considered b;";;". a tempted withcmt first ta"ing receivedqafe fiight. No spins shourd be at_ auar instruction both in spin entries and spin recoveries fr93 a-qualifiea insimc-tir wno is farniliar with the spin characteristics of the C'essna l?ZN. The cabin sho'ld be clean and loqse equipment (including the mi_ crophone and rear seat belts) shourd -a,rl ne stowed or secured. For a soro flight in which spins will be 6onau:1e0, ttr" seat belt and shqrlder harness should also be "iiuot's The seat berG and shq.rlder harnesses should be adjusted to provide "".,r""d.p"op"" restraint during all anticipated flight conditions. However, care shourd be taken easily reach the flight contrors and produ"" io "r,ro"" that the p10t can control lravers. -*i-um 4-17 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N It is recommended that, where feasible, entries be accomplished at high enough altitude that recoveries are completed 4000 feet or more above ground level. At least 1000 feet of altitude loss should be allorred for a 1- turn spin and recovery, while a 6- turn spin and recovery may require somewhat more than twice that amount. For e>q.mple, the recommended entry altitude for a 6- turn spin would be 6000 feet above ground level. In any caser entries should be planned so that recoveries are completed well above the minimum 1500 feet above ground level required by FAR 91. ?1. Another reason for using high altitudes for practicing spins is that a greater field of view is provided which will assist in maintaining pilot orientation. The normal entry is made from a power-off stall. As the stall is approached, the elevator control should be smoothly pulled to the fuil aft position. Just prior to reaching the stall rbreak", rudder control in the desired direction of the spin rotation should be applied so that fulI mdder deflection is reached almost simultaneously with reaching fulI aft elevator. A slightly greater rate of deceleration than for normal stall entries, application of ailerons in the direction of the desired spin, and the use of power at the entry will assure more consistent and positive entries to the spin. As the airplane begins to spin, reduce the power to idle and return the ailerons to neutral. Both elevator and rudder- controls should be held full with the spin until the spin recovery is initiated. An inadvertent reluration of either of these controls could result in the development of a nosedown spiral. For the purpose of training in spins and spin recoveries, a 1 or 2 furn spin is adequate and should be used. Up to 2 furns, the spin will progress to a fairly rapid rate of rotation ard a steep attitude. Application of recovery controls will produce prompt recoveries (withtn l/4 hrrn). Durirg extended spins of two to three turns or more, the spin will tend to charge into a spiral, particularly to the right. This wiU be accompanied by an increase in airspeed and gravity loads on the airplane. If this occurs, recovery should be accomplished quickly by leveling the wings and recovering from the resulting dive. Regardless of how many furns the spin is held or how it is entered, the following recovery technique should be used: (1) VERIFY THAT THROTTLE Is IN IDLE PoSITIoN AND AILERoNS ARE NEIITRAL. (2) APPLY AND HOLD FULL RUDDER OPPOSITE TO THE DIRECTION OF ROTATIOJI(3) JUsr AFTER TIm RUDDER REAcHES THE srop, MovE THE CONTROTifrE.EE.I, BRISKLY FoRwARD FAR ENcIJGH To BREAK THE STALL. 4- 1 8 SECTION 4 NOR,MAL PF,OCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N (4) HOLD THESE CO}ITROL INPUTS UIVIIL ROTATION STOPS. (5) rn-OrreTloN sTops, NELITRA LIZF- RUDDER, AND MAKE A SMOOTH RECOVERY FROM THE RESULTING DryE. NOTE If disorientation precludes a visual determination of the direction of rotation, the symbolic airplane in the turn coordinator or the needle of the furn and bank indicator may be referred to for this information. Variation in basic airplane r€ging or in weight and balance due to installed equipment or right seat occupancy can cause differences in behavior, particularly in extended spins. These differences itre normal and will result in variations in the spin characteristics and in the spiraling tendencies for spins of more than 2 turns. However, the recovery technique should always be used and will result in the most expeditious recovery from any spin. Intentional spins with flaps extended are prohibited, since the high speeds which may occur during recovery are potentially damaging to the flap/wing stmcture. L AND I N G NOR,UA t T A NDI NG Normal landing approaches can be made with power-on or power-off with any flap setting desired. Surface winds and air turbulence are usually the primary factors in determining the most comfortable approach speeds. Steep slips should be avoided with flap settings greater than 20o due to a slight tendency for the elevator to oscillate under certain combinations of airspeed, sideslip angle, and center of gravity loadings. NgTE Carburetor heat should be applied prior to any significant reduction or closing of the throttle. Achral touchdown should be made with power-off and on the main wheels first to reduce the landing speed and subsequent need for braking in the landing roll. The nose wheel is lowered to the runway gently after the speed has diminished to avoid unnecessary nose gear loads. This procedure is especially important in rough or soft field landings. 4-19 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N SH ORT FIE T DT A NDI NG For a short field landing in smooth air conditions, make an approach at the minimum recommended airspeed with full flaps using enough power to control the glide path. (Slightly higher approach speeds should be used under turbulent air conditions.) After all approach obstacles are cleared, progressively reduce power and maintain the approach speed by lowering the nose of the airplane. Touchdown should be made with power off and on the main wheels first. Immediately after touchdown, Iower the nose wheel and apply heavy braking as required. For maximum brake effectiveness, retract the flaps, hold the control wheel full back, and apply maximum brake pressure without sliding the tires. C R,OSSW I ND T A NDI NG When landing in a strong crosswind, use the minimum flap setting required for the field length. If flap settings greater than 20o are used in sideslips with full rudder deflection, some elevator oscillation may be felt at normal approach speeds. However, this does not affect control of the airplane. Although the crab or combination method of drift correction may be used, the wing-Iow method gives the best control. After touchdown, hold a straight course with the steerable nose wheel and occasional braking if necessary. The ma:<imumallowable crosswind velocity is dependentupon pilot capability as well as aircraft limitations. With average pilot technique, direct crosswinds of 15 knots can be handled with safety. BAL KED LA NDI NG In a balked landing (go-around) climb, reduce the wing flap setting to 20" immediately after full power is applied. If obstacles must be cleared during the go-around climb, reduce the wing flap setting to 10o and maintain a safe airspeed until the obstacles are cleared. Above 3000 feet, lean the mixture to obtain maximum RPM. After clearing any obstacles, the flaps may be retracted as the airplane accelerates to the normal flaps-up climb speed. N COLD WEATH ER OP E R ,A TIO SI AR .IING Prior to starting on a cold morning, it is advisable to pull the propel4-20 C ESSN A MODEL 172N S E C TION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES ler through several times by hand to "break loose" or "Iimber" the oil. thus conserving battery energy. NOTE When pulling the propeller through by hand, treat it as if the ignition switch is turned on. A loose or broken ground wire on either magneto could cause the engine to fire. In extremely cold (-18"C and lower) weather, the use of an external preheater and an external power source are recommended whenever posliUle to obtain positive starting and to reduce wear and abuse to the engine and electrical system. Pre-heat will thaw the oil trapped in the oil cboler, which probably will be congealedprior to starting in extremely cold temperatures. When using an external power source, the position of the master switch is important. Refer to Section 7 under Ground Seryice plug Receptacle for operating details. Cold weather starting procedures are as foll.ows: With Preheat: (tl with ignition switch oFF and throtile closed, prime the engine four to eight strokes as the propeller is being turned over by hind. NOTE use heavy strokes of primer for best atomization of fuel. After priming, push primer all the way in and turn to locked position to avoid possibility of engine drawing fuel through the primer. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (?) (8) Propeller Area -- CLEAR. Master Switch -- ON. Mixture -- FULL RICH. Throtile -- OPEN 1/8 rNCH. Ignition Switch -- START. Release ignition switch to BorH when engine starts. Oil Pressure -- CHECK. I/ithout Preheflf (1) Prime the engine six to ten strokes while the propeller is being turned by hand with throttle closed. Leave primei chbrged and ready for stroke. 4-21 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N (2) Propeller Area -- CLEAR. (3) Master Switch -- ON. (4) Mixture -- FULL RICH. (5) Ignition Switch -- START. (6) Rrmp throttle rapidly to tulI open twice. Rehrrn to 1/8.inch open position. (?) Release ignition switch to BOTH wtren engine starts. (8) Continue to prime engine until it is running smoothly, or alternately Frmp throttle rapidly over first L/4 ot total travel. (9) Oil Preszure -- CHECK. (10) RrlI carburetor heat knob tuIl on after engine has started. Leave on until engine is running smoothly. (11) Lock primer. NOTE If the engine does not start during the first few attempts, or if the engine firing diminishes in strength, it is probable that the sprk plugs have been frosted over. Preheat must be used before another start is attempted. Pumping the throttle may cause raw fuel to accumulate in the intake air duct, creating a fire hazard in the event of a bacldire. If this occurs, maintain a cranking action to suck flames into the engine. An outside attendant with a fire extinguisher is advised for cold starts without preheat. During cold weather operations, no indication will be apparent on the oil temperafure gage prior to takeoff if outside air temperatures are very cold. After a zuitable warm-up period (2 to 5 minutes at 1000 RPM), accelerate the engine several times to higher engine RPM. If the engine accelerates smoothly and the oil pressure remains normal and steady, the airplane is ready for takeoff . F TIGH T O P E RA T I O NS Takeoff is made normally with carburetor heat off. leaning in cnrise. Avoid excessive Carhrretor heat may be used to overcome any occasional engine roughness due to ice. When operating in temperafures below -18"C, avoid using partial car4-22 SECTION 4 NORMAL PROCEDURES CESSNA MODEL 172N buretor heat. Partial heat may increase the carburetor air temperature to the 0o to 2L"C range, where icing is critical under eertain atmospheric conditions. HOT WEATH E ROP E R ,A TIO N Refer to the general warm temperature starting information under Starting Engine in this section. Avoid prolonged engine operation on the ground. NOISEABATEME N T Increased emphasis on improving the quality of our environment requires renewed effort on the part of all pilots to minimize the effect of airplane noise on the public. We, as pilots, can demonstrate our concern for environmental improvement, by application of the following suggested procedures, and thereby tend bo build public zupport for aviation: (1) Pilots operating aircraft under VFR over outdoor assemblies of persons, recreational and park areas, and other noise-sensitive areas should make every effort to fly not less tlwn 2,000 feet above the surface, weather permitting, even though flight at a lower level may be consistent with the provisions of government regulations. (2) During deprfure from or approach to an airport, climb after taleoff and descent for landing should be made so as to avoid prolonged flight at low altihde near noise-sensitive areas. NOTE The above recommended procedures do not apply where they would conflict with Air Traffic Control clearances or instmctions, or where, in the pilotfs judgement, an altifude of less than 2,000 feet is necessary for him to adequately exercise his duty to see and avoid other aircraft, The certificated noise level for the Model 172N at 2300 pounds maximum weight is 73.8 dB(A). No determination has been made by the Federal Aviation Administration that the noise levels of this airplane are or should be acceptable or unacceptable for operation at, into, or out of, any airport. 4-23/(4-24 blank) CESS NA MODEL 172N SECTION 5 PERFOITMANCE 5 SECTION PERFORMANCE T A BL E OF CO N TE N TS Page In tro d uc t ion. . . . . . . . Use of Performance Charts Sample Probl em Takeoff Cruise FueI Required Landing Figure 5-1, Airspeed Calibration - Normal Static Source . . Airspeed Calibration - Alternate Static Source . . Figure 5-2, Temperature Conversion Chart . Figure 5-3, Stall Speeds Figure 5-4, Takeoff Distance - 2300Lbs Takeoff Distance - 2100Lbs and 1900Lbs Figure 5-5, Rate of Climb Figure 5-6, Time, Fuel, and Distance to Climb . Figure 5-7, Cnr is eP e rfo rma n c e . .. Figure 5-8, Range Profile - 40 Gallons FueI . . . . Range Profile - 50 Gallons Fuel , . Figure 5-9, Endurance Profile - 40 Gallons Fuel Endurance Profile - 50 Gallons Fuel Figure 5-10, Landing Distance 5-3 5-3 . 5-3 5-4 5-5 5-5 5-7 5-8 5-9 5-10 5- 11 5-L2 5-13 5-14 5-15 5-16 5-17 5-18 5-19 5-20 5-2r 5-L/(5-2 blank) SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N INTRO DUCT I O N Performance data charts on the following pages are presented so that you may know what to expect from the airplane under various conditions, and also, to facilitate the planning of flights in detail and with reasonable accuracy. The data in the charts has been computed from actual flight tests with the airplane and engine in good condition and using average piloting techniques. It should be noted that the performance information presented in the range and endurance profile charts allows for 45 minutes reserve fuel based on 45Vo power. Fuel flow data for cruise is based on the recommended lean mixture setting. Some indeterminate variables such as mixture leaning technique, fuel metering characteristics, engine and propeller condition, and air turbulence may account for variations of. LOVoor more in range and endurance. Therefore, it is important to utilize aII available information to estimate the fuel required for the particular flight. USE O F PERF O R M A N C EC H A R TS Performance data is presented in tabular or graphical form to illusdetailed information trate the effect of different variables. Sufficiently is provided in the tables so that conservative values can be selected performance figure with reasonaand used to determine the particular ble accuracy. SAM P LEP ROB L E M from the The following sample flight problem utilizes information various charts to determine the predicted performance data for a typiis known: cal flight. The following information AIRPLANE CONFIGURATION Takeoff weight Usable fuel 2250 Pounds 40 Gallons TAKEOFF CONDITIONS F ield pressure altitude Temperature Wind component along runway Fietd length 1500 Feet 28oC (16oC above standard) 12 Knot Headwind 3500 Feet 5-3 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CRUISE CONDITIONS Total distance Pressure altitude Temperature Expected wind enroute 460 Nautical Miles 5500 Feet 20oC (16"C above standard) 10 Knot Headwind LANDING CONDITIONS Field pressure altitude Temperature Field length 2000 Feet 25oC 3000 Feet TAKEO FF The takeoff distance chart, figure 5-4, should be consulted, keeping in mind that the distances shown are based on the short field technique. Conservative distances can be established by reading the chart For exat the next higher value of weight, altitude and temperature. ample, in this particular sample problem, the takeoff distance information presented for a weight of 2300 pounds, pressure altitude of 2000 feet and a temperature of 30oC should be used and results in the following: Ground roll Total distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle 1075 Feet 1915 Feet These distances are well within the available takeoff field length. However, a correction for the effect of wind may be made based on Note 3 of the takeoff chart. The correction for a 12 knot headwind is: 12 Knots , rovo =LBvoDecrease 9 Knots This results in the following distances, corrected for wind: Ground roll, zero wind Decrease in ground roll (1075 feet " lSVo) Corrected ground roll Total distance to clear a 50-foot obstacle, zero wind Decrease in total distance (1915 feet * L3Vo) Corrected total distance to clear a 5O-foot obstacle 5-4 IO75 140 ffi tr'eet 1915 249 1666 Feet C ESS NA MODEL 172N S E C TION 5 PER,FORMANCE CR UISE The cruising altitude should be selected based on a consideration of trip length, winds aloft, and the airplane's performanee. A typical cruising altitude and the expected wind enroute have been given for this sample problem. However, the power setting selection for cruise must be determined based on several considerations. These include the cruise performance characteristics presented in figure 5-7, the range profile chart presented in figure 5-8, and the endurance profile chart presented in figure 5-9. The relationship between power and range is illustrated by the range profile chart. Considerable fuel savings and longer range result when lower power settings are used. The range profile chart indicates that use of. 65Vo power at 5500 feet yields a predicted range of 523 nautical miles with no wind. The enduranee profile chart, figure 5-9, shows a corresponding 4.2 hours. The range figure of 523 nautical miles is corrected to account for the expected 10 knot headwind at 5500 feet. Range, zero wind Decrease in range due to wind (4.7 hours " 10 knot headwind) Corrected range 523 47 476 Nautical Miles This indicates that the trip can be made without proximately 65Vo power. a fuel stop using ap- The cruise performance chart, figure 5-7, is entered at G000 feet altitude and 20oC above standard temperature. These values most nearly correspond to the pianned aititude and expected temperature conditions. The engine speed chosen is 2500 RPM, which results in the following: Power True airspeed Cruise fuel flow 647o 114 Knots 7 .1 GP H The power computer may be used to determine sumption more accurately during the fllght. power and fuel con- F U E LR EO U IRED The total fuel requirement for the flight may be estimated using the 5-5 CESSNA MODEL 172N SEC TION 5 PERFORMANCE performance information in figure 5-6 and 5-7. For ths sample probIem, figure 5-6 shows that a climb from 2000 feet to 6000 feet requires distance during the climb is I 1.3 gallons of fuel. The corresponding nautical miles. These values are for a standard temperature and are However, a accurate for most flight planning purposes. sufficiently further correction for the effect of temperature may be made as noted effect of a non-standard temperaon the climb chart. The approximate ture is to increase the time, fuel, and distance by IOVo for each 10'C In this above standard temperature, due to the lower rate of climb. case, assuming a temperature 16oC above standard, the correction would be: rovo= l6vo Increase +9;9 100c ^ With this factor included. the fuel estimate would be calculated as folIows: 1.3 Fuel to climb, standard temperature Increase due to non-standard temperature (1.3 ' tGVo ) Corrected fuel to climb Using a similar c a l miles. The resultant procedure O.2 1'5 Gallons for the distance to climb results in 10 nauti- cruise distance is: 460 -10 4ffi-Nautical Total distance Climb distance Cruise distanee With an expected 10 knot headwind, predicted to be: the ground Miles speed for cruise is Lt4 - 10 104 Knots Therefore, the time required for the eruise portion 450 Nautical 104 Knots The fuel required for cruise Miles is: 4.3 ho urs ' 7 .1 gallons / hour 5 -6 = 4.3 Hours = 30. 5 G allons of the trip is: CESS NA MODEL 172N SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE The total estimated fuel required is as follows: Engine start, taxi, and takeoff Climb Cruise Total fuel required 1.1 1.5 30.5 33.1 GaIIons This will leave a fuel reserve of: 40.0 -3 3 .1 6.9 Gallons Once the flight is underway, ground speed checks will provide a more accurate basis for estimating the time enroute and the corresponding fuel required to complete the trip with ample reserve. L AN DI NG A procedure similar to takeoff should be used for estimating the landing distance at the destination airport. Figure 5-10 presents landing distance information for the short field technique. The distances corresponding to 2000 feet and 30oC are as follows: Ground roll Total distance to clear a 5O-foot obstacle 590 Feet 1370 Feet A correction for the effect of wind may be made based on Note 2 of the landing chart using the same procedure as outlined for takeoff. 5-7 SEC TION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N A I R SP E E D C A L IB R A IION N O R AA AL S T AT IC S O U R C E FLAPS UP KIAS KCAS 40 49 50 55 60 62 70 70 80 80 90 89 40 49 50 55 60 62 70 71 80 80 85 85 40 50 60 70 47 54 62 71 8186 80 85 100 99 110 108 120 118 FLA P S1OO KIAS KCAS FLAPS 4OO K IA S KCAS Figure 5-1. Airspeed Calibration (Sheet1 of 2) 5-8 130 128 140 138 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE C ESSN A MODEL 172N AIR S P E E D C A T IB R A TION A T T ER N A T ES T AT IC SOU R C E HEATER/VENTS CLOSED ANDWINDOWS F LA P SUP NOR M ALKIAS A LT ERNATEKIAS 40 39 50 51 60 61 70 71 80 82 90 91 40 40 50 51 60 61 70 71 80 81 85 85 405060708085 38 50 60 70 79 83 100 101 110 111 120 121 130 131 140 141 F LA P S1 OO NOR M ALKIAS A LT E RNATEKIAS F LAPS4OO NOR M ALKIAS A LT E RNATEKIAS HEATER/VENTS OPENAND WINDOWS CLOSED FLAPSUP N O RMALKIAS A LT ERNATEKIAS 40 36 50 60 70 80 48 59 70 80 40 38 50 49 40 34 50 60 70 47 57 67 90 89 100 110 120 130 140 99 108 118 128 139 F LA PS1 OO N O RMALKIAS A LT ERNATEKIAS 70 69 60 59 80 79 85 84 FLAPS4OO N O RMALKIAS A LT ERNATEKIAS 80 85 77 81 WINDOWS OPEN F LA PSUP NOR M ALKIAS A LT ERNATEKIAS 40 26 50 43 60 57 70 70 80 82 90 93 40 25 50 43 60 57 70 69 80 80 85 85 405060708085 25 41 54 67 78 84 100 103 110 113 120 123 130 133 140 143 F LA PS1 OO NOR M ALK]AS A LT ERNATEKIAS FLAPS4OO NOR M ALKIAS A LT ERNATEKIAS Figure 5-1. Airspeed Calibration (Sheet2 of.2) 5-9 S ECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N TEM PERA TURECONV E RS ION CHA RT L LU I z LIJ E I fl40 @ LU LU t tn t! o20 -20 0 20 40 DEG REES - CELSI US Figure 5-2. 5- 10 Temperature Conversion Chart SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSN A MODEL 172N STATL SPEEDS CON DITIONS: PowerOff NOTES: 1. Maximumaltitude lossduringa stall recoverymay be as much as 180 feet. 2. KIAS valuesare approximate. frlOSTREARWARD CENTEROF GRAVITY ANG LE OF B A N K FLAP WE I GHT D E F L E C T I ON LBS oo 450 300 600 KI AS KCAS KI AS KCAS K I A S KCAS K I A S KCAS 2300 UP 42 50 45 54 50 59 59 71 lo o 38 47 40 51 45 56 54 66 400 36 M 38 47 43 52 51 62 , V I O S I F O R WA R D C EN T EROF GR A V IIY ANG LE OF B A N K WE I GHT FLAP LBS DEFLECTI O N go 3oo KI AS KCAS KI AS 2300 450 600 KCAS K I A S KCAS K I A S KCAS UP 47 53 51 57 56 63 66 75 1 00 44 51 47 55 52 61 62 72 400 41 47 M 51 49 56 58 66 Figure 5-3. Stall Speeds 5- 11 cJl I TA K E O F F DI S T A NCE N? lnAxt,uurn wEIGHT 2300 !BS '0 cD HH 5c) ,:t Fl az !ur S H OR T FIE TD CONDITIONS : FlapsUp Full ThrottlePriorto BrakeRelease Paved,Levef,Dry Runway Zero Wind z o NOTES: 1. Short field techniqueas specifiedin Section4. 2. Prior to takeoff from fieldsabove3000 feet elevation,the mixture shouldbe leanedto give maximumRPM in a full throttle, static runup. distancesby 1Oo/o distances1oo/oforeach9 knots headwind. For operationwith tailwindsup to 10 knots, increase 3. Decrease for each2 knots. by 15%of the "ground roll" figure. 4. For operationon a dry, grassrunway,increasedistances TAK EO FF 4ooc 100c 2ooc 300c 00c SPEED PRESS WEIGHT K I AS ALT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL LBS FT G RND TO CLEAR G R N D T O C L E A R G R N D T O C L E A R G R N D T O C L E A RG R N D T O C L EAR L I FT AT RO LL 50 FT O BS R O L L 50 FT OBS R O L L 50 FT OBS R O L L 5 0 F T O B S R O L L 50 FT OBS OFF 50 FT 2300 52 59 SL. 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 720 790 865 950 1045 1 150 1265 1400 1550 1300 1420 1555 1710 1880 2075 2305 2565 2870 775 850 930 1025 1 125 1240 13 6 5 1510 16 7 5 Figure 5-4. 1390 1525 1670 18 3 5 2025 2240 2485 2770 3110 835 915 1000 1100 1210 1335 1475 1630 1805 1490 1630 1790 1970 2175 2410 2680 3000 3375 895 980 1075 11 8 5 1300 14 3 5 15 8 5 1755 1945 Takeoff Distance (Sheet 1 of 2) 1590 1745 1915 2115 2335 2595 2895 3245 3670 960 1050 11 5 5 1270 1400 1540 1705 1890 2095 1700 18 6 5 2055 2265 25 10 2795 3125 35 15 3990 o x oL'J ts 'm tm NZ z> F8 Xu) T AKEOFF DISTANCE 2t00 tBs AND 1900 tBs E2 SHORI FIETD -> il z AND NOTES. EO N D I T I O N S REFERTO SHEET1 F O RA P P R O P R I A TC TAK EO FF 400c 200c 300c 100c ooc SP EED PRESS WEIGHT K I AS TOTAL TOTAL ALT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL LBS FT G RND TO CLEAF G R N D T O C L E A R G R N D T O C L E A R G R N D T O C L E A R G R N D T O C L EAR L I FT AT RO LL 50 FT OBS R O L L 50 FT OBS R O L L 50 FT OBS R O L L 50 FT OBS R O L L 50 FT OBS OFF 50 FT 2100 50 56 S.L . 585 1000 640 2000 700 3000 770 4000 845 5000 930 6000 1025 7000 1 130 8000 1245 1070 11 6 5 1270 1390 15 2 5 1680 1850 2050 2275 630 690 755 830 910 1000 11 0 0 1215 1345 1140 1245 1360 1490 1640 1805 1990 2210 2460 680 740 810 890 980 1075 11 8 5 1310 1450 1220 1330 1455 1595 17 5 5 1935 2140 2380 2655 725 795 870 955 1050 11 5 5 1275 1410 1560 1300 1420 15 5 5 1710 1880 2075 2300 2560 2865 780 850 935 1025 11 3 0 1240 1370 1515 1080 1390 1520 1665 1830 2015 2230 2475 2755 3090 1900 47 54 S.L 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 865 940 1025 1115 1220 1340 1470 1620 1790 505 550 605 660 725 795 875 965 1065 920 1005 1095 1195 1305 1435 1575 1740 1925 540 590 645 710 780 855 940 1035 11 4 5 985 1070 1170 1275 1400 1535 1690 18 6 5 2065 580 635 695 760 835 920 1010 1115 1230 1045 11 4 0 1245 1365 1495 1640 1810 2000 2220 620 680 745 815 895 985 1085 11 9 5 1320 11 1 5 1215 1330 1455 15 9 5 17 5 5 1940 2145 2385 470 515 560 615 670 740 810 895 985 15 Et da xr { =g :-D io CJr I cto Fd Figure 5-4. Takeoff Distance (Sheet 2 ot 2) l-{ dz trl cn S ECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N R A T EOF C T IMB C ON DIT IONS: F l a psU p Full Throttle NOTE: Mixtureleanedabove3000 feet for maximumRPM. WEIGHT L BS 2300 PRESS AL T FT CLI M B SPEED KI AS S.L 2000 4000 6000 BOOO 10, 000 12, 000 73 72 71 7Q 69 68 67 RATE O F C L I M B- F P M -200c 875 765 655 545 440 335 230 00c 815 705 600 495 390 285 180 Figure 5-5. Rate of Climb 5- 1 4 200c 400c 755 650 545 440 335 230 695 590 485 385 280 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE T I M E , FU E L ,A N D D IS T A N CETO CLIM B tnAxt,vlurvt RATEoF cltl B _ CON DITIONS: F lapsUp Full Throttle StandardTemperature NOTES: 1. Add 1.1 gallonsof fuel for enginestart,taxi and takeoffallowance. 2. Mixture leanedabove3000 feet for maximum RPM. 3. Increasetime, fuet and distancebV 1O%for each 10oCabovestandardtemperature. 4. Distances shownare basedon zero wind. F R O MS E A L E V E L PRESSURE CLI M B RATEO F TEM P WE I GHT AL TITUDE SPEED CLI M B oc LBS TI M E F U E LU S E D DISTANCE FT KI AS FPM MIN GALLONS NM 2300 15 73 770 o 0.0 0 1000 13 73 725 1 0.3 2 2000 11 72 675 3 0.6 3 3000 9 72 630 4 0.9 5 4000 7 71 580 6 1.2 8 5000 5 71 535 8 1.6 10 6000 3 70 485 10 1.9 12 7000 1 69 440 12 2.3 15 8000 -1 69 390 15 2.7 19 9000 -3 68 345 17 3.2 22 10,000 -5 68 295 21 3.7 27 11, 000 -7 67 250 24 4.2 32 12, 000 -9 67 200 29 4.9 38 S . L. Figure 5-6. Time, Fuel, and Distance to Climb 5- 15 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N C R UIS E P E R F OR MA N CE C O ND I T I ONS: 2300 Pounds Recommended LeanMixture PRE S S URE RPM ALT I T UDE FT 2OOC BELOW STAND ARDTEM P oL KTAS G PH 72 64 56 50 111 106 101 95 8. 0 7. 1 6. 3 5. 8 2550 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 76 68 60 54 48 116 111 105 100 94 6000 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 72 64 57 51 46 STANDARD TEM PERATURE o/o 2OOC ABOVE STANDARDTEMP oa KTAS G P H BHP KTAS GPH 75 67 60 53 47 116 111 105 100 94 8.4 7.5 6.7 6.1 5.6 71 63 56 50 45 115 110 105 99 93 7.9 7.1 6.3 5.8 5.4 8. 5 7. 6 6, 8 6. 1 5. 6 75 71 64 57 51 46 118 115 110 105 99 93 8.4 LO 71 6.4 5.9 5.5 71 67 60 54 48 44 118 115 109 104 98 92 7.9 7.5 6.7 6.1 5.7 5.3 116 110 105 99 93 8. 1 7. 2 6. 5 5. 9 5. 5 75 67 60 54 49 44 120 ' t 15 109 104 98 92 8. 4 7. 6 6.8 6.2 5.7 5.4 71 64 57 52 47 42 120 114 109 103 97 91 7.9 71 6.4 5.9 5.5 5.2 76 68 61 55 49 120 115 110 104 98 8. 6 7. 7 6. 9 6. 2 5. 7 75 71 64 58 52 47 122 120 114 109 103 97 8. 4 8. 0 7. 2 6.5 6.O 5.5 71 67 60 55 50 45 122 119 113 108 102 96 7.9 7.5 6.8 6.2 5.8 5.4 10,ooo 2650 76 72 65 58 52 47 122 120 114 109 103 97 8. 5 8. 1 7. 3 6. 5 6. 0 5. 6 71 68 61 55 50 45 122 119 114 108 102 96 8.O 7.6 6.8 6.2 5.8 5.4 67 64 58 52 48 44 121 118 112 107 101 95 7.5 71 6.5 6,0 5.6 5.3 1 2 ,0 0 0 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 68 62 56 50 46 119 114 108 102 96 7. 7 6. 9 6. 3 5. 8 5. 5 64 58 53 48 44 118 113 107 101 95 7.2 6.5 6.0 5.6 5.4 61 55 51 46 43 117 111 106 100 94 6.8 6.2 5.8 5.5 5.3 2000 2500 2400 2300 2200 2100 4000 8000 2650 2600 2500 2400 2300 2200 2600 2500 2400 2300 22AO BHP BHP Figure 5-?. Cruise Performance 5- 16 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N R ,A N G EP R OFIT E 45 frTINUTES R,ESERVE 40 GAttONS USABLEFUEI C O ND ITIONS: 2300 Pounds RecommendedLean Mixture for Cruise StandardTemperature Zero Wind NOTES. 1. This chart allows for the fuel used for engine start, taxi, takeoffand climb, and the dis tan cedu rrngclim b as s hown r n f igur e 5- 6. 2. Reservefuel is based on 45 minutes al 45o/oBHP and rs 4.1 gallons. 12,OOO 11 TASr 1 ' Og z t4 l KTAS LYT F'9\'f',- r11 5 -J ;94 KTAS :1OG KTAS tttl l8A 10,ooo _t_ I 1q tf 8000 llll 1 )? F uJ t.u KTAS_ . KTAS ttl ttl tf IL I ur 6000 o :) F F #rI'r i'ii r ]I d 4ooo 2000 -0 >'t11ttt L'E Itu ffi rI llt r I I l^e-s r.c i 450 llil ;103 KTAS I I ls l-3 -ft-to l -o ;t S . L. 1111I I LO -s lllll zlqo,KTAp- ''ol-l3l ;90 ; KTASI I KTAS* 500 550 600 RANG E- NAUTI CALM I LE S Figure 5-8. Range Profile 650 (Sheet 1 of 2) 5-1? SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNMODEL 172N R A N GE P R OF IL E 45 ftlINUTESRES ERVE 5O GAttONS USABLEFUEt C O ND I T I O NS. 2300 Pounds Recornmended Lean Mixture for Crurse S t a ndardT emp era ture Ze r o Wind NOTES. 1. Thrs chart allows for the fuel usedfor engrnestart,taxr,takeoffand climb,and the dist ancedu rrng climb as s hown r n f igur e 5- 6. 2. Reservefuel rs basedon 45 mtnutesat 45% BHP and rs 4.1 gallons. 12, 000 T-J,/ ffc +Jff 10,ooo 96 KTAS KTAS tltl 1 18 KTAS lt t l llll 94 KTAS 8000 , 1Oer 1122 KTAS 115 KTAS ttttl tttt IIJ ut lJ- 106 KTAS llll I H 6000 3 t tlr rltll t- >*/ lC -a -)e _ro, (ol 2000 S . L. 1 4 Figure 5-8. 103 KTAS E 'Lr-l -fFl -lNl = o o- \gz rtRS t t ll be rol sfl rttl 1OOKTAS lt l >1Q7 KTAS_ ;90 KTAS 650 700 750 800 RANG E- NAUTI CALM I LES l ff *ii'i 600 5-1 8 lllr 118 KTAS 1 1 KTAS € la -T-=ui Range Profile r ttl (Sheet 2 ot 2) CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE EN D U R A N C EP R O F I T E 45 ftTINUTES RESERVE 40 GAIIONS USABI.E FUEt CONDITIONS: 23OOPounds RecommendedLean Mixture for Cruise StandardTemperature NOTES: 1 This chart allows for the fuel used for engine start,taxi, takeoffand climb, and the tim e d urin g climb as s hown r n f igur e 5- 6. 2. Reservefuel is based on 45 mrnutes at 45o/oBHP and is 4.1 gallons. 12,OOO 10,000 F SOOO UJ UJ l! I H 6000 l tr F 2000 sr 5 456 ENDURANCE - HO URS Figure 5-9. Endurance Profile (Sheet I of 2) 5-19 SECTION 5 PERFORMANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N END U R A N C E P R O FIT E 45 frlINUTE5RESERVE 50 GAI.LONSUSABLEFUEL C ON DIT IONS. 2300 Pounds RecommendedLean Mixture for Crurse StandardTemperature N OT E S : 1 Thts chart allows for the f uel usedfor engtne start,taxi, takeoffand climb,and the trme durrngclimb a s shown in f igur e b- 6. 2. Reservef uel rs basedon 45 minutes al 4s% BHp and rs 4.1 gallons. 12 ,OOO 10,ooo F 8000 uJ t! t 3 6000 l F F +Jl Jt --1-;[ -* -t- ir H +'d I l-Ill J _LE lo -to- --+>R &) --T-(o --t-;< 1|o --1--.d 2000 s.L .r rr1 rt r ll l tt tl l l b6 78 9 ENDURANCE - HO URS Figure 5-20 5-9. Endurance profile (Sheet Z ot Z\ F8 Ya DISTANCE L A NDING YU) '3zl S H OR T FIE TD :> il z CONDITIONS: F l a p s4 0 o Power Off M a x i m u m B r a k in g Paved, Level, Dry Runway Zero Wind NOTES: 1. Short field technique as specified in Section 4. tor each 9 knots headwind. For operation with tailwinds up to 10 knots, increasedistances by 10% 2. Decreasedistances 1Oo/o for each 2 knots 3. For operation on a dry, grassrunway, increasedistancesby 45% of the "ground roll" figure. 400c 300c 200c 100c 00c SP EED PRESS WEIGHT AT ALT TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL LBS 50 FT FT G RND TO CLEAR G R N D TO CLEAR G R N D T O C L E A R G R N D TO CLEAR G R N D TO CLEAR KI AS RO LL 50 FT OBS R O L L 50 FT OBS R O L L 50 FT OBS R O L L 50 FTOBS R O L L 50 FT OBS 2300 ctl I N? CJI I t\, t9 60 S.L . 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 495 510 530 550 570 590 615 640 665 1205 1235 1265 r300 1335 1370 1415 1455 1500 510 530 550 570 590 615 640 660 690 1235 1265 1300 1335 1370 1415 1455 1495 1540 530 550 570 590 615 635 660 685 710 1265 1300 1335 1370 1410 1450 1490 1535 1580 FJ p F Figure 5-10. Landing Distance 545 565 590 610 635 655 685 710 735 1295 1330 1370 1405 1445 1485 1535 1575 1620 565 585 610 630 655 680 705 730 760 1330 1365 1405 1440 1480 1525 1570 1615 1665 t4 F EI rirn xE gs b Fi >o 6Z trl ur CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST SECTION6 WEICHT& BALANCE/ LIST EQUIPMENT T A BL E OF CON TE N TS Introduction Airplane Weighing Procedures . Weight and Balance . Equipment List. Page 6-3 6-3 6-6 6-13 6-r/(a-z blank) CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST I NTR O D U C T I O N This section describes the procedure for establishing the basic empty weight and moment of the airplane. Sample forms are provided for reference. Procedures for calculating the weight and moment for variors operations are also provided. A comprehensive list of all Cessna equipment available for this airplane is included at the back of this section. It should be noted that specific information regarding the weight, arm, moment and installed equipment list for this airplane can only be found in the appropriate weight and balance records carried in the airplane. AI RP L AN E W EIGH IN G P R ,OC E D URES (1) Preparation: Inflate tires to recommended operating pressures. u b. Remove the fuel tank sump quick-drain fittings and fuel selector valve drain plug to drain all fuel. c. Remove oil sump drain plug to drain all oil, d. Move sliding seats to the most forward position. e. Raise flaps to the fully retracted position. f. Place all control surfaces in neutral position. (2) Leveling: a- Place scales under each wheel (minimum scale capacity, 500 pounds nose, 1000 pounds each main). b. Deflate the nose tire and/or lower or raise the nose strut to properly center the bubble in the level (see Figure 6-1). (3) Weighing: a. With the airplane level and brakes released, record the weight shown on each scale. Deduct the tare, if any, from each reading. (4) Measuring: a- Obtain measurement A by measuring horizontally (along the airplane center line) from a line stretched between the main wheel centers to a plumb bob dropped from the firewall b. Obtain measurement B by measuring horizontally and parallel to the airplane center line, from center of nose wheel urle, Ieft side, to a plumb bob dropped from the line between the main wheel centers. Repeat on right side and average the measurements. 6-3 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST Datum Sta.0.0 (Fire wal l, Front Face, LowerPortion) Level at upper door sill or leveling screwson left side of tailcone. L &R Scale Posrtion Scale Reading Symbol Tare Left Wheel L Right Wheel R Nose Wheel N Sum of Net Werghts(As Werghed) W X =A R M = ( A ) - ( N ) x ( B ) ,X= ( N et W er ght ) tN . ) x( W W eight( Lbs . ) X C. G .A r m ( l n . ) = Item Ai rplane W e i g h t ( F r o m l t e m 5, p a g e 6 - 6 ) Add oit: No Oil Filter (6 Ots at 7.5 Lbs/Gal) With Oil Filter (7 Qts at 7.5 Lbs/Gal) -'t4.0 14.O Add Unusable Fuel: Std. Tanks(3 Gal at 6 Lbs/Gal) 46.0 L.R. Tanks(4 Gal at 6 Lbs/Gal) 46.0 EquipmentChanges Airplane Basic Empty Weight Figure 6-1. 6-4 Sample Airplane Weighing Moment/1000 (Lbs.-ln.) S A MP L E WE IGHT AND BALANCE F8 )ig1 RECORD (Continuous History of Changesin Structure or Equipment Affecting Weight and Balance) x(,] t-J A I R P L A N EMODEL WE IGH TC H A N GE I T E M NO, A D D E D(+} DESCRIPT ION DATE OF ART ICL EOR M ODIF ICA TION ln Out wt. (rb.) Arm (l n.) Moment /1000 R E MOV E D I wt. fib.) Arm (l n.) Moment /1000 s z R U N N IN GB A S IC E MP TYW E IGH T wt. ilb.) ry *> P A GEN U MB E R SER IAL N U M BER Moment /1000 { trl -h dE t-| EF - KEds) E{>H t'o zFJ>t s Ot I ctl Figure 6-2. ;{O; -ZA Sample Weight and Balance Record AB4 E\Ct) CESSNA MODEL T72N SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST (5) Usurg weights from (3) and measurements from (4) the airplane weight and C. G. can be determined. (6) Basic Empty weight may be determined by completing Figure 6-1. W E I G HT AND BA LA N C E The following information will enable you to operate your Cessna within the prescribed weight and center of gravity limitations. To figure weight and balance, use the Sample Prob1em, Loading Graph, and Center of Gravity Moment Envelope as follows: Take the basic empty weight and moment from appropriate weight and balance records carried in your airplane, and enter them in the column titled YOUR AIRPLANE on the Sample Loading Problem. NOTE In addition to the basic empty weight and moment noted on these records, the c. g. arm (fuselage station) is also shown, but need not be used on the Sample Loading Problem. The moment which is shown must be divided by 1000 and this value used as the moment/1000 on the loading problem. Use the Loading Graph to determine the moment/1000 for each additional item to be carried; then list these on the loading problem. NOTE Loading Graph information for the pilot, p:uisengers, and baggage is based on seats positioned for average occupants and baggage loaded in the center of the baggage areas as shown on the Loading Arrangements diagram. For loadings which may differ from these, the Sample Loading Problem lists fuselage stations for these items to indicate their forward and aft c. g. range limitations (seat travel and baggagearea limitation. ). Additional moment calculations, based on the actual weight and c. g. arm (fuselage station) of the item being loaded, must be made if the position of the load is different from that shown on the Loading Graph. 6-6 SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST CESSNA MODEL 172N Total the weights and moments/1000 and plot these values on the Center of Gravity Moment Envelope to determine whether the point falls within the envelope, and if the loading is acceptable. S TATIO N (c.G. A R M ST AT ION ( c.G. ARM LOADING A RR AN GEM E N TS * **. NOTE: * 37 center of gravity Pilot o" passenger for seats positloned on adjustable Numbers rn pareDavetage occupant. ard aJt Umits theses rndicate forward range. of occupant center of gravity arm measued areas shown. to the center of the (appronmate station 108) The rear cabin vall stauon 142) or aJt baggage wall (appro:omate tntenor reference can be uged as convenent pornts for determrrung the location of baggage uea fuselage stations. Figure 6-3. *97 (34 rO {6} (3. ro 4r) 73 73 **9 5 r08 **1 2 3 96 108 **123 r42 STAND AR D SEATI N G OP TION A L S E A TIN G Loading Arrangements 6-7 SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST CESSNA MODEL 172N CA B IN H EIGH T M EA SU R E M EN TS AFI B AG G AG E AR EA DO O R O P EN IN G D IME N S IO N S W IDT H ( r o P) C AB IN OOOR B A GGA GE DOOR WIDT H I HEIGHI ( Bor r oil) I ( r RoNr ) 37" 32" | stA" oo" I | st/t" 22" | -wtDlHo rwR wlNDow HEIGHI ( R EAR) IIN E * C ABIN F LO O R 4 t" 21" CA BIN WID IH M EA SU R ,E M EN TS I I N S I RU' IlENIPANET -t REARDOORP OS TB U LK H E A D lt- r /ri'i;, ) | .. o 37 ,t/t" xZ9Vt" |l,'"i _,{ i I I I TIJ. \tL l*3 c ABrN I SIAIIONS O (c . G . A R ' r S) lr20 30 tl 40 \\i'' , 1 , 1 t I 80 tl 9 0 lo o llo 6 5.3 Figure 6-4. 6-B 50 __ _ _^.....- Internal Cabin Dimensions T l 21Y2" ll lt42 120 130 t40 S A MP LE A IR P LA N E SAMPLE L O A D I N G P R O B LEM Weight (l bs.) Basic Empty Weight (Use the data pertaining to your a i r p l a n ea s it is p r e se n tlye q u ip p e d . ln clu d es unusabl e f u e l a n d fu ll o il) 1. Moment (l b. -i ns. /1000) 145/. 57.6 240 11.5 U s a b leF u e l ( At 6 L b s./Ga l.) Sta n d a r dT a n ks ( 4 0 Ga l. M a xim u m ) E 8 Ya Y OU R A IR P LANE Weight (l bs.) Moment (lb. - ins. /1000) fl2 sz-> L o n g Ra n g eT a n ks ( 5 0 Ga l. M a xim u m) 3. Pilot and Front Passenger(Station 34 to 46) 340 12.6 4. Rear Passengers 170 12.4 96 9.1 5. * BaggageArea 1 or Passengeron Child's Seat ( S t a t i o n 8 2 to 1 0 8 ) 1 2 0 L b s. M a x. 6. * Bagg"g" Area 2 (Station 108 to 142}50 Lbs. Max. 7. TOTA L W EI G HTAND M O M ENT 8. Locatethis point (2300 at 103.2)on the Centerof Gravity Moment Envelope, and sincethis point falls within the envelope,the loadingis acceptable. 2300 103.2 NOTE * Th" maximumatlowable combinedweight capacityfor baggage areas1 and 2 is 120 lbs. or I c0 Figure 6-5. Sample Loading Problem € trt xQ d E n4 Etr Sw u r r{>r! zt o 'iD+ a- ZgF 'z E\O) SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST CESSNA MODEL 172N * r\ bo Fl I t{ a ho h 6- 10 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST q) a o +) d F{ r\ (f.( k O tI o h t bD ft. 6-1 1 O) ! d9a EFE 19 F.1 trj 2300 a A zp o A 5H 9 2 r .", F IH 2200 r {> u?> nz o 2100 e E-{ o )-l 2000 F{ ts1900 Fr rI{ 1800 U ? 1?00 1600 1500 34 35 36 3? 38 AIRCRAFT 39 40 4t 42 43 44 45 LOCATION - INCHES AFT OF DATUM 46 47 HO Htr' 'g) -1 tu l Figure 6-8. Center of Gravity Limits sz>z CESSNA MODEL 172N S E C TION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST LIST EQUIPMENT Th e f o l l o w i n g e q u i p me n t list is a co m p r e h e n sivelist o f a ll C essnaequi pment avai l abl e for this airplane. A separateequipment list of items installed in your specific airplane is p r o v i d e d i n y o u r air cr a ft file . T h e fo llo win g list a n d th e speci fi cl i st for your ai rpl ane ha v ea s i m i l a r o r d e r of listin g . Th i s e q u i p m e n t l i s t pr o vid e sth e fo llo win g in fo r m a tio n : A n i t e m n u m b er g ive sth e id e n tifica tio nn u m b e r fo r the i tem. E ach number i s p r e I i f f i t e t t e r w h ich id e n tifie sth e d e scr ip tive g r o u p in g(exampl e: A. Powerplant & Accessories)under which it is listed. Suffix letters identify the equipment as a required item, a standard item or an optional item. Suffix letters are as follows: -H = required items of equipment for FAA certification -S = standard equipment items -O = optional equipment items replacing required or standard items - A = o p t i o n a l e q u ip m e n t ite m s wh ich a r e in a d di ti on to requi redor standard items A referencedrawing column providesthe drawing number for the item. NOT E l f a d d i t i o n a l e q u ip m e n t is to b e in sta lle d ,it m u st be done i n accordance with the referencedrawing, accessorykit instructions, or a separateFAA approval. C o l u m n s s h o w in g we ig h t ( in p o u n d s) a n d a r m { in in c hes)provi de the w ei ght and center of gravity location for the equipment. NOT E Unlessotherwise indicated, true values (not net changevalues) for the weight and arm are shown. Positivearms are distancesaft of the airplane datum; negativearms are distancesforward of the datum. NOT E Asterisks (*) after the item weight and arm indicate complete assembly installations. Some major components of the assemblyare listed o n t h e l i n es im m e d ia te lyfo llo win g . T h e su m mati on of these mai or c o m p o n e ntsd o e s n o t n e ce ssa r ilye q u a l th e co mpl ete assembl yi nstal lation. 6-1 3 OJ I ITEMNO EQUTPMENT L|STDESCRTPTTON RETDRAIVII{G IYTLBS ARirr]{s EEH ;i O'-l F DriH 'f z, '10 A. AOT-R AO5 .R A O9 -R AI7 -R A2 I-A A3 3.R A 3 3-O A{?l-R A6 1 -S A 7 0-A A7 3-A ENG I NEI I YCO M I NG O - 32O - H z A O ( I N C L U D E S ELEETRI C STAR. TERTVA C U U HP U I , I PP A D T SPARK PLUG S t CARBU R E T O R FI LTERT CARSUREr O EAI 8 a[ Tent Ar on L4 v oLT, 60 A l {P T B E L T D R t v E l O I L CO O TER I NSTALLATI O N CI I L CO O TER (SPIN-ON ELEMENTI O I L TiI iCN- iNSTATI A' t O N NET CHANG E pRoPEt lEn ( FI x Eo P I TCH-LANOPLANEI aSs v . ( I I CCAULE YI PRO PELL ER pRoP s PAc ER A D A P T q R - | U E 9 A u L F Y I 3. t t NeH pRopEt As s v . I FI x ED ? I T C H - F L O A T P L A N E I - PROleCPELLER ( I . I CCAULE Y I 3; 5 iFEH. PRO P-SPI EEN A D A P T O RI T C C A U F E Y , SPI NNER I NSTALLATI O NT P R O P E t t E R SPI NNER DO M E FTI D SPI NNER EULKHEA D AFT SPI NNER BULKHEA D ION VACUUH ' - DnV SYSTEI I II NSTALLAT Vaeu0u PUt t P ( Av | l r o F 4 T Y P E S I F I L TER VACUUI {G AUG E REL I EF VALVE- REG ULA T O R PRI M ER SYSTEI I ' €NG I NE T H R E E C Y L I N D E R (NET CHANGEI O I L Q UTCK DRAI N VALVE 8. B OI - R nnz 2P. POHERPL AN T 6 A C C E S S OR IE S L ANOING 'j bd o55031) 269.5* a.5 10.8 c2e45 t0-030 I c 6l t 501-0102 o5503t3 I 05994 050t060 c t6 t oor -0310 lc r 60/o Tvt1557 c45 16 c 16toot-031 I I A t 75l E Tt{8044 c4516 o550320 o550216-8 o550t2L-4 0550321-r0 o50l o54 g43LOO3c2e4502-020| c 668509-010I c482001-040I 0501056-l 170r015 35.9* 30.1 1.6 tl .5+ 31.8 3.6 2.01 1.2' 0.3 o.4 4.t| 2.8 c 163 015 -o20 t c 163003-0 t0 I c 163032-0105 c 163032-0106 c262003-010 I 4 1.7* 6.4 1.9 I.9 8.5 2.51 2.1 2.5 o.2 0.1 o.5 0.5 0.o -19 F> (r?> nz o u -2 6 .O - 2 9 .o - 2 .5 * - 2 .5 - 6 .5 E - 3 8 .5 r -39. I - 3 5 .4 - 3 8 .6 * -39. I -3 5 .4 - 4 L .4 j -43. L - 4 0 .8 - 1 7 .3 -3. 0* -6, 3 4 .7 16. 2 4 .5 - 1 2 .0 -I GE A R 6 A C C E S S OR IE S l{ HEELT BRAKE 6 T I RE ASsY r 6 'o o x 6 I I HEEL ASSY I . I CCAULE Y ' r I . I CCAUL EY ERAKE ASSY. EY BRAKE ASSY. T I ' I CCAUL TI REr 4- PLY BLACKI J A I t MA Ii l I2I ( L E F TI I R TGHTT ( EA C H I 5 7 .9 t 5 9 .2 5 4 .5 5 4 .5 5 8 .2 | | | | o H xo Ht{ to ilz z> ITEMNO EQU IPMENT LISTDESCRIPTION REFDRATYING 39 WTLBS ARMIt{S 9fi V2 d 04 -R Bl0-s ( EACHI TUBE } I HEEL 6 TTRE ASSY. . 5. O O X 5 N O S E I { HEEL ASSY. T ilCCAUL E Y TI RET 4- PLY BLACKI dA L L TUBE FAI R I NG I NSTALLATI O NT h I H E E L { SET OF 3} NO SE } I HEEL FAI RI NG ( EACHI M AI i{ hI HEEL FAI RI NG C. c 0 1- R c o4-R c o7- A c I 6-0 c 22 -A c 25 -A c 28 -S c 3 t-A c40 -A c 43-A c46 -A c49 -S c49 -O crJ I gr EL ECTR IC A L c262023-OLO2 c t6 30 t8-0 t0 I c 163005-020r c262003-0to2 c262023-0t0 I o54L225-t 1.8 8.7f 2.4 4.7 L.2 I 7.gr 4.O 5.7 5 8 .2 -6. g - 6 .8 - 6 .8 -6. I 4 T .l - 4 .9 60. 3 o5l1319 c6lloor-0201 o50 lo53 4422t5.5 051 30e4 23.O 0.5 2.7 0.6 0.5 0 .0 t.5 - 2 .6 2 4 .4 1 6 .5 o.2 0.3 2 1 .5 3 2 .O 0.5 NE GL 2.L| 0.4 0.8 0.3 3.4* 2.t o.2 6l -g -> s z S Y S TE M BATTERYT LZ VO LTt 25 Af 'l P H O U R REG ULATO RT14 VO LTr 60 A l 't P A L T E R N A T O R G RO UNDSERVI CE PLUG REC E P T A C L E HEATI NG SYSTEHT PI TO f IN E T C H A N G E I L I G HTS, I NSTRUI , I ENTPO ST ( R E O U I R E S I N S T A L L ATTO N O F E3+ - O O ELU X E G L A R E S H I E L D T LI G HTT l' lAP I CO NTRO LhJ H E E Ll 'l 0 U N T E D l PANEL FTOOD L I G HTr M AP 6 I NSTRUT' I E N T I . I O UNTED I O O O RPO ST ENTRA N EE LI G HTST CO URTESY TSET OF 2I DETECTO RS' NAVI G ATI CI' N L I G H T ( S E T O F 2 ' t O Nr O lil NI F L A S H 8 E A C 0 N L I G HT TNSTALLAT BEACO NLI G HT O N FI N T I P FLASHER PO HER SUPPL Y RESI STO R ( } TEHCOIR LTG HT I NSTATLATI O NI I { I N G T T P S T R O E E I {I N G I FLASHER PO TER SUPPL Y ( S E T O F 2 I N STRO BE LI G HTT I { I NG T I P ( S E T O F 2 I L I G HT I NSTALLATI O NT CO I {L H O U N I E D L A N DI N G L Al' lP' 25O |, ATT l G . E . I L I G HTST DUAL CO T{ LI , I O UN T E DL A N D I N G (EACH, LAHPr 250 HATT ( G . E. t 0 570087 0 ?00 l4e o52tl ol 0701013-1, -2 0 506003 c62L00l -0106 c594502-OLO2 0R 95-1.5 o501027 c622007-0t 01 c622A06 0570102 4522 o552L4L 4509 l.gt 0.8 t.z* 0.5 184. 2{ 2 +3. O 2 05. 9 2 08. I 41. 3r 47. 0 43. 5 - 27. Lr -29. O - 23. 0{ - 29. O { t{ |nQ 6E c F1 ER SEdca E{>trt z?a > .'i 'iaZA a8z r-\ o) O) I o) ITEM NO LISTDESCRIPTI0N EQUTPMENT RETDRAWIf{G IYT LBS ARMI1{S EFE triH F+O a-z D. DOl-R D0 l-o DO+.A DO7 -R D0 7-O-t DO7-O-2 DIO-A Dl6 -A-l D1 6-A-2 0 l6 -A-3 D I9 -R D2 2-A D2 5-S D2 8.R D38 -R D4 l-R 0 64 -S D5+-O-1. D6+-O-2 D6 7-A 0 82 -S D8 5-R ZRt INS TR U I.IE N TS c66 l 064-O102 I NDI CATO R' AI RSPEED o5L327e I NO I CATO R' TRUE ATRSPE E O 050r017 STATI C AI R ATTERNATESOU R C E c66l o7l -0101 ALTI f { ETER ( SENSI TI VE c66 I O7l -Or02 ALTI I I €TER' SENSI TI VE I 5O F T . I {A R K I N G S I ( FEET ANO . HI LL I BABS I -_ c66 I O25-0 t0 2 z O F T . I . {A R K I N G S ALTI I { ETER ( SENSI TI VE I AND I . I I LLI EARSI "I FEET ( DUALI 2001o15 ALTI I , TETERTz ND UNI T I NS T A L L A T I O N 0501o+ e ENCO DI NGALTI I I ETER TREO UI RESRELO CATI ONO F R E G U L A R ALT I M ETERI 050l o+ 9 ENc DIRES NGALTTM ETERTFEE T 6 I . I I L L I B A E S {R E . - - QT]UI RELO CATI O NO F R E G U T A BA L I I U E T E B T enc O ot NG ALTI I I ETERT us F D t {I T H T R A N S P o N D E B T o50 I o59 ( I NSTRUilENT PANEL I { O U N T I N GN O T R E Q U I R E O BECAUSEO F NO VI SUA L R E A D O U T I c ?44001-010 I ENCO DER s-1320-5 R AI { M ETE 051333e TE T , I P E R A T U R E ATR G AG ET CARBURETO R c 6 6 +5 0 8 - 0 1 0 I CLO CKT ELECTRI C o5L3262-L I C- I NSTA L L A T I O N CO I , I PAS S, HAG NET c6695 I l-O102 I NSTRUI { ENTCLUSTERT LH 6 R H F U E L Q U A N T IT Y PRESST OIL TEMP. c6695 t 2-Ot02 I NSTRUHENTCLUSTERI O I L 050 to54-l G YRO STATTI TUDE E DI REC T I O N A L I N D I C A T O R S { NO N- NAV- O - XAII C (AV. OF 4I c 66lo75 DI RECTI O NAL I NDTCATOR ' R (AV. OF 3} c661076 ATTI TUDE I NDI CATO G YRO I NSTALTATI O N T S I 14II A R T O D 6 4 - S E X C E P T t . 2 0 1 1 2 6 - r DI RECTI O NAL I NDI CATOR H A S A I 4 O V E A B L E HEADI NG PO I NTER' I I NDIC A T O R N E T C H A N G E I o 50 Io 54-2 G YRO I NSTALTATI BN FO R 3 O O A N A V - O - M A T I C 40760 DI RECTI O T. I ALI NDI CATOR ( A R C I o50 1052 RECO RDERTNSTALLATI O NT F L I G H T H O U R c668507-010 I G AG ET O UTSI O E AI R TEI { PE R A T U R E o506004 TACHO I ' I ETER I NSTALLATI O N T E N G I N E Fl tr o.6 o.7 o.2 1.0 1.0 1.0 16. 2 1 6 .3 15. 5 1 4 .0 1 4 .0 l.O 3.O L 4 .5 l +.0 3.O 1 4 .0 I 5* 1.4 1t 1.3 o.3 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 5.8* L +.6 16. 5 1 4 .0 1 6 .3 1 4 .0 16. 5 L 6 .5 1 4 .0 * 2.7 2.2 6.3* 0.5 L3. Z I3 .4 13. g* L 3 .2 6.9* 3.3 0.8 0.1 l.o* 1 3 .4 * 13. 3 L 2 .3 2 8 .6 l 2 .l r r,.D E'E o trt 1 4 .0 o E9 L.J 'm t c,) F sz z> SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ ESUIPMENT LIST CESSNA MODEL 172N at) = ooc0€ rft E €fnlns $f UTOlf\()UlU\lf\F.@@OOO attaatatoa.aa c$\t-. \f-.C'r O +dOOFF F$f s$FFOO()FlfftO 11'aA Fm(no oo t lr \€ o € o o o { @ F o € o o aa laaa G - q, o (\l OOr-r aaf -. Fcto) fnFF €oN oao laaaalataaaaa dNfnNf{1(vtrlcoor!)doN FTNFaNNN at t aaa oclo nl FaNfn ooooooooor oalaraiaa -{(\tFFC)s1F€l.\ N€+$roF.{l O-. OO.nOtn..{FFfrl taaraatal F.NNOF.OOOCt C9 = -Ecl lrl G @s FaO Fl lt\$ OOOr l -rl O o I F.tO Nlno I oQo o o€-r(v € ra € m € t€ N Qrltu|s o o zo o fnofn -fOO \? '-. ;l€-a l€F U'l dO<t-. !n | .{(V I oillnl l€ o€otnu\c ocoFFo F{ F+ NNd lntFlt|n oqQqvlo F CL G, CJ ct) trl o F ct) -t F = lrl = CL a lJ.t UJ ln ln J CD r{ z o !- &, ooIrc) o cf Y-(J = 0 () e, d,e9)cf, oooo F F T IZ F lJ uzzc)- x |-l-*.t-aZl OIIOO<Z J Z <d d <-9 , H ro o <o (J HIJL Y|QQO I L)qJOqJFO (JI N< <r)Z Z Zf l! F <d d rJd I F F :>>H>o < (, F F F F Ig < ztu tsJ.i:El<l o(Ddd | /zd. dF.(f(focf o OXFF I I-IF ()u,t<<><tF< tlJJr)L)<(JEu d.l!HF.ZEIH HHHH = l^l - ll .aA ll fu\rooN(nrqra(\l TIIF.OONNFF-. O-.OOilOOOf(l ltl I Fa-.OF.lAUrO F.Qadr.elOdF.(> tnUJlfilnFtnNNul OL)OOOO'{F.C) tlJ llJ >.tt o oo o zzzz o | I u\ -r| u\ F€F N+N d z O- - 3UJ o frlfqo .\IFN I | -. 3nVrV, OF.FaGJC{O vt()o I F = 1<?, r-4.-a | | fOt{ NI O | cOcO O co@@C,r ooocf, vt | F. z FI (o L) I IJJ Fl<J JUJ F (lfJ@ JO^a> < FO Fl-aJZZ4 tt'r)OOo.Hclc)T > tn JJ Ztn lo'Hx4 HFO F > I:EI tt, ufo cJ-< -o!o,(Jlclt U|tf m J Ju, JN (J(r)(f tr1 F. FUJ() | | tl-F F I ll* OUJ<_O,l!i y! JdJur c)r&ut|.|. I cfu, F. O,(9C, <J<UJ(J!)(/| Z F(oJ<<tOq-<UTzlJFCZCUJUJ gJ09<(,,cOcO(oJ dd:< llJ< (9(9 ZZ << If (,UJU.I uJ{.vv (,I l.< Ze < IF ott F L)LlJ urt) << *vd.Z4 |nF< YuJ(,|uFuJtlJI Y >d |(J 2Z(906&, 33 tftw d,f drr(J(.)LJ > >qz)-b6 uJlQ rd IO-tOptrJUr r UI<HOUJ( ,IO<OdI Qu- Ot!- txx tuJ d< llf uJ< <FJcf,ouJ 4!t)u)av o> dftntu> (rrro, g uJc)Fr, OJ J c) Ec} DUJ(aOddE l..uru, I r/ruJo:rtIL)oI>r zcouJcourzlFv) > c{<tF<1.-oF<< w&,th Fo JzzQvroz.rlol}1 l-HFHvvJ >Uldc(L)ulJcv dUJF(9UJ 4./rZ* qt d,<Z>ZlrN< Jl-Y)@<< Z= I vrztttz r O {U J x OO L) U, :EIr ,tdO =4) - &&< JV' (']-I!-il!<<FUJ<CL H ..d <T>r-zJ./rZ <&d)--trtltJN(9 ,-OZAZtJJuJtrcO q<..4<Hdez qW -FtlJFF o FJUJUTO & otr,4rJt/ttt1 xO.< UJ OOJOqr<6dU r t!!3J <U J tl r d d r r r o r r < UJbJJHZ O XfOO H d.d.d.O <F FF ll=l-OOFllJ O()d FFF FF FF Jtr(fSSC Joc) = <<<<<<< J <z z z ><<g, JJ< guJuJuJuiBJuJu, h.It tlluju., tuuJFEllJuJtlJtlH <vt.nta.a.nvrtn Lvtt, ccrrp(/l oJl->(nIEf vrd.CJttrottlo<a r r lr tr ll Nlnll\FF(IrO-. OOOOOOOi ujttutujtlrlujuJ d,vrc] lll 6tJ\or FaF{F. ujtuu, 6vro lf l ffiFF N(\c{ tuuJr! c)<<<<<<<< lllllllll \l'r\Fo\no\O-.(rl mmrcrn$$rt\U1lt.| uJuJlllu|llJuruJuIlJ 6-1? OJ I @ ITEM NO LISTDESCRIPTIoN EQUTPMENT RETDRAIVII{G IVTLBS ARMII{S EEH l-'! trj E Fft*{H ts +o e-z E5 5-S E5 7-A E6 5-S E? I-A E7 5-A E8 5-A E8 7-A E 9 3-R I SET O F 2I SUN VI SO RS { r T I NT ED FR0NTI S I O E 6 R E A R t { I NDO IS ( NET CHANG EI BAG G AG ENET I ( U S E A R I{ A S RI NG ST CARG OTI E- DO HN t S T O X E D t I NSTALLEO } I I TH CARG O . B O X E O ( U S E A C TU A L I O N STRETCHERI NSTALLAT I I ETG HT ANO ARH CHAN GE I CO NTRO LSI NSTALLATI O NT D U A T RUDDERTRI H SYSTEI ' I HEATI NG SYSTET' lrCABt N 6 C AR B U RE T O R A IR T I NCLUDES EXHAUST SYS T E I 'II F. FOI-R F0l-o -t F0l-o -2 F0 l-o -3 FOI-U-4 F0 l-o-5 FO4 -R Ft3 -S 0500040 0500267 0.9 0.0 33.: 201 500e 0 5 0 0 0 +2 0.5 1.0 e:'9 4.9 1.9 L7.5 L 2 .4 9 .4 eE H -2r.o PL ACAR D S 6 hA R N IN G 0505053 -l L It IIIA I!8N S -D A I V r8 P L AC AR D0, P ER AT ION AL i r[A eAR D ; d p E n AT Io N ALL I l .l ITA TIoN S -D A YN IGH T o50ro53-? NEGL NEGL 0505 053-3 NEGL o505053 -16 NEGL 0505053-1 7 NEGL o505053-18 NEGL o523LL2 o.2 NEGL VFR PLACI iiO , O PERATI O NALL II I T T A T I O N S - D A Y N T G H T VFR I FR PLAEARD; O PERATI O NALLI 1 4 I T A T I O N S . D A Y V F R FLOATPLANE PLACARO ' dPENATI O NAL LI T T I T A T I O N S - D A Y N I G H T VFR FLO ATPLANE PLA. hiiO ' . 6FENATTO I , I AIL I I , I I T A T I O N S - D A Y N I 6 H T VFR I FR FLO ATPLANE lx e ABO VE PLACAR 0 S A R E I N S T A L L E D NO TE ACEO RDiNGTO AI R C R A F T E Q U I P H E N T I NO I CATO nT- lUDI 6le PNEU I , I A T I e S T A L L t {A R N I N G O VENVO I T I iARNI NG LI G HTI A L T E R N A T O R G. Ed r .> o 0700L6+-4 0 5l 3335 05l3zeo-I 0550333 0506004 Z FF] 2 8 .5 3 o Ho AUXt L I A R y € e U I p r , t E N T ( IN S T AL LE D I { s T o rd E)D GO4 -A T O} ' H OOK GO7-A GI3 -A RINGSI AIRPL ANE HOT ST T NE {C A B IN C0 RROSION PROOF INGT INT E R N A L T O PI o500228 05+ r115 o500036 0.5 o.5 l.l I O.0 229.O 95. O 49. I 77.O xH '(n t(n NZ z> ITEM NO G T6-A GI9-A G22-S G25-S G25 -O 63 l-A 65 5-A G58 -A G88 -A- I G88 -A-2 G92 -O EQUTPMENT L|STDESCR|PTToN STATI C DI SCHARG ERS STABTLI ZER ABRASI O N BOO T S TO H BAR I I STO T' ED PAI NT' O VERALL EXTERI O R C O V E R O VERALL I { HI TE EASE CO TO R STRTPE PAI NT SCHEI . I E- SKYHAI {K I I CAELESI CO RRO SI O NRESIS T A N T C O N T R O L ( NET CHANG EI FTRE EXTI NG UI SHER I NST A I L A T I O N FI RE EXTI NG UI SHER F TRE EXTI NG UI SHER iIO U N T I N G B R A C K E T STEPS 6 HANO LESTREFUE L I N G A S S I S T I N G HI NTERI ZATI O N KI T TNST A L L A T I O N ' E N G I N E BREATHERTUBE I NSUL A T I O N TT{ O CO I I L I NLET AI R C O V E R S I I N S T A L T E D I ( S T O I {E D I I { I NTERI ZATI O N KTT I NST L . I F L O A T P L A N EO N L Y BREATHERTUBE I NSUL A T I O N (INSTALLEDI CO TI L O UTLET CO VER I I I ( sT0rED I FUEL SYSTEI I T LO NG RANGE }I I N G T A N K S ( NET CHANG EI H. HOI-A HO4-A HC7-A OJ :l (0 REFDRAIYING o50 I 048 0 5 0 0 0 +1 050101e 0504032 0504032 0500036 F8 Xs) IYTLBS ARMI1{S o.4 ?.7 1.6 ll.lr [0.8 0.3 I l.l o.0 050101I c42t ool -01 0 l c42 l o0l -0t o2 0513+ t5 0501008 055201I O552L32-Lt -2 o552132-t r -2 055201I 3.0t 2.6 0.3 1.7 0.9* 0.4 0.3 0.3 1.0* o520013 0.6 0.6 9.5 39lOt59-2 7 41240-O l0t 40980-1 001 o 5 7 0 +o 0 - 6 3 2 3960104-l 2.4 0.9 0.2 1.4 2.2 ?.5+ 4.9 0.6 0.2 4.3t 2.1 o.+ E2 *> L 4 3 .2 2 0 6 .0 95. 0 9 [.6 { 9 0 .5 136. 3 -l t9 z el -g 43. gt 4 4 .O 4 2 .2 1 7 .8 - 2 2 .7 1 -13. I - 3 2 .O 9 5 .o - 7 .2 1 - 1 2 .0 - 4 .0 9 5 .0 4 9 .0 AVTO NIC S E A U T O P I L O T S CESSNA 3O O ADF I NSTALL A T I O N c oNs t s Ts oF RECEI VER I I I TH BFO ( R - 5 4 6 8 I I NO I CATO R { I N- 346AI SENSE ANTENNA I NSTA L L A T I O N LO O P ANTENNA I NSTAL L A T I O N RECEI VER TJ I O UNT,HI RE S A N O I , I I S C I T E H S DI { E I N STALLAT I O NT NARC O RECEM R { D, ' lE-l90l M O UNTI NGBO X ANTENNAT CESSNA 4O O G LI DESLO PE RECEI VER ( R- + 438 I 3el o 166-1 UDA.3 3 9 l OL 5 7 - 2 4210(F0000 or 21. 0r 12. I 1 4 .0 1 o 8 .6 39. 3 13. 7 [8 .5 t l [.3 l l .3 86. I 8 2 .6 r Ll?r 3 € t{ HC) O "ri d4 EF StEo t{>E{ zl"o Fl > Fl rv6 aliz E\ O) SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST U' = r rt**i * CJFfu\{ {ONNU\-.9'\(\lcO€ln{ttlc''tcOOOf laa aa - 3t) o (t'lFFa.{-a 4,1 f rnCD taattaaatf t r t t at t f \tF.+F(\l€Fc)coO(\l\t OOOGJ.t E CESSNA MODEL 172N i{rriF.t{F{l\JF.td@Fa'aFa r{ | tt\@Ocog\OCO-.O aata a ta r a f c)Fr.tNN+ct+FN | \t,{i6.{.{d\tu10o 11 /1 aar $-t€Orn€u'\F.€ anF.dlortr1N'.r\ .4A,1j1 J Fl -f-a .r****** niCDGll\lln llaat O o+$f f\J rr)In(\lr{1('\-r-.-.NN(\tnF.!nrOOc'\U\€loFO aatatataaaaaaratrao.tt ONOOF.O'{-.O.f +cOONON+cg$O(rlN t\J N mFFFatJ\FOFfO .aaaf arta GlOOmrO+NO N C9 = = r-l N-a-a eroo € FIFaN r{CO()Oo| Nt{-l er ooou'\ r{U1 a\l dr{t\Jr{ €F.\t-,t'-.F.O-.Oo|OOF G ct lrllr C)€fn(\fil OtnoOO lrl OFarllnr{ \tFlF{r{FarafnFaFaFalnd\t ooNoN O':{cOqCO cgoulu\ln F{.Q()u|J o o o o o O€OON91^JO f\U1FFF$OfO-aCOcO@F u10l\oooo\u\oou\ulu\u1 o(r1((1fnmmL)fn(tl(JL)(Jo e, rttf ttttttttl O{!rn{-acs+NOrr|(\lFtO ONNN(\I.tOlnu\OOOO )FFr{F1..tr(j)ZtslJ z, o lCL G, <) ct) lrl o F ct) -l F z. lrl = CL O r! oF Jt/t llJ'.L)vl r ttrd our tl ll o@o€ c,| n 0 tn +-.oNo\f | -r o o oct,.co€o ra F-.o€€F | -. lnoooorrn o o\ fn rrl offtoooo r.aoOF.Ft€d()O O- .O O O O O nJ m .{{'F-{9FF.+!n ONFOor\Fch-,.-. trf \tO|r1fnOfn$.t z-t o vt F z o z lll = u z oz z= NOOg:^-d. &, uJ -Jcf = rN z (, z o J (O.-.ON z 5 lCl a x uJ r cr r rc!<tn< zQ.Ll I aiF>:a r-t Z>'^ UJ H !. D >r^ H t sC)Z h O& Ol l JE -l d ..l Z !. (] E :UJUJ UJ|IJ UJF. Ul I Ul I '-,tllJ (JF (.J)F o. In | lfi> FrnoL,I>I qZ -UJO t.tlx (] H e.hZ Z, fl1 ZJ Z$Ztn (f t!z: oQ > (J ) Hg .lJ o.<O r <Ul|il|lltz <O J cJ-tt, O a Ogt -CJ o-c(f Z Z)-tco duJZ.ZVrg.tsvr.-O O < 03 r O O<Z >F lUJ JOZ F ddO &.a Our)-)-rZH!) -[r-u)Z6 xJO v(v{ J J uJ uJu\ dIcOH< I J OJHd (:|'|.uJ qhJ(J tl-Ui yc'<Fd FoF d, ur^OZ{6Orn tt.lJr-iu(nuJ<tr<< uJ:lZ4 tn E(J<I-XuIZ<III-FF(D<UJOFIUZ | F <O>Z l -Ju rJF t.D < -2}< { { cco -l x(n J{J.h z r <ZLzd O <<G J <O.dO <6.oJ JJ( !@vO,J E<J<ZE y{|Jaoftrf ((9Or U)Oll'|\tIUJ | lr/rvO C A. r€d! 11 O F. Oq F JF co F HId ,I.LZ' { Oo.dZF O> FUJ' - i Yl Vl @ - ./r Z .n A .V , r J[lVF (, J I d€3x I Oln odd <d I ld<fur or r ur <- lC,r al yl- $f Or^ Z t 1 Z.UZ U|-F < JFlu Jd LlJ< Cft/'FF. Z NO o' uJZ L)l-it NZ€ v Jd o,>J =<avr'-zHJuJoo'>J uJ I t-}v JytH-{jo->FForN-{NH C, t/, OIECIO F. CF. E D F. l)r | 4 I < /, uJ< uJF ru < < F E r, tl rn L) ta tu < uJ tt rJ < 6 < v, vt < t 6.hco (n o uJ<-!c: d uJ < o uJ < u rCL z |)Qz-ta d .Z u( JzlB ztttz L) z.nr ) < .a<o>z <>z aQz H < zlvrzQa<zuJrrc|cftJ,Jzot>.tltzowdz<zd.qz ,JJZZUJO. urJAd-grrFalltucoutD uJurzuJ|Jzu tlj uJu, uluJ 2t! I F O<F HIFdF- < F|/) O=d= <( ) FXQF <<F F (o <QOtsd]C) O<F I Z cx 4 Z V tI Z <t uJH = O < < t, & Z\LO O Z x Z O ar 2 ;< d.4 a 4 2 trz!r|4J Z Z e Z <F F< I F <L)I f < Z(Jdt-]vtvrd,<A d < v't|- < < I Zo.<<<d F< o = 2 Z zvr zth -l-tr< 3< ! I I .'a Fa o 6-20 '{ u\ rar{F.(\l-l I l-rO I l l -{-'lFaO l ,{l co +|l'|-.C|J\-{F.-rO ln €l €F c ooN l I €r €F a atgtrOH> CO. - Ff {t l a?ad l- 20 z lrl o€ tlt cL .n |J 00 tr) rg f.'l S F. t\l 'l Fa ?1 I tl tlllr l tlr ttl .{AFafnm€ -,1 !l-l!:E -l ITEM NO r I 6-A-2 itl9-A { 20 -A H 22-A-L 12 2-A-2 122-A-3 O) I t€ LISTDESCRIPTI0N EQUTPMENT ESSNA 4O O TRANSPO NDE RI U S E D F O R E X P O R T I TRANSCEI VER{ RT- 459A I ANT€NNA I A- 1094) ESSNA 3O O YHF TRANSCE I V E R ' I S T U N I T TRANSCEI VER( RT- 524A 1 I ST UNTT I NSTALLATI ON I T E H S ( A S L I S T E D BELO Hl- RADI O CO O LI NG ANTENNATL. H. VHF COl t . AUO I O CO NTRO LPANEL ' S I I I T C H E S 6 T J I R T N G CABI N SPEAKER I { I CRO PHO NEI NSTALLA TI O N HEAO SET I NSTALLATTO T I I ESSNA 3O O VHF CO I , I TRA N S C E I V E R - z N O U I {I T TRANSCEI VER I RT- 524A 1 R, H CO I ( ANTENNACABT E ANTENNAr R. H. VHF COI {. HI SC I TEI TI S6 I { I RI NG ESSNA 300 NAV/ CO t ' lr 160 C H r F I R S T U N I T I { I TH VO R/ LO C RECETVER- TRANSI ,TTE II R IRT-3O8CI ' VO R/ LO C I NDI CATO R I T N - 5 I 4 B I NO TE- . I ST UNI T I NSTA L L A T I O N C O I , I P O N E T {T S ARE AS LI STED AUDI O CO NTRO LSYSTE 1 4 HEADPHO NETNSTALLAT I O N I . I CRO PHO NEI NSTALLA TI O N I H A N D - H E L DI NO TSE F TLTER ( AUO I OI ( O N A T T E R N A T OIR RADI O CO O LI NG SPEAKER I NSTALLATI O N CO M } I UN I CAT I O N ANTEN N AC A B LE ( C ( F A X I O M NT ANTENNACAELE O I { NI ANTENNA I NSTAL L A T I O N CO HTUNI CATI O NSSPI KE A N T E N N AI N S T L . ESSNA 300 NAV/CO I ' I ' 720 C Hr F I R S T U N I T I I TTH VO R/ LO C R, (RT.328Tt RECE I VER- TRANSI . ITTE I VO R/ LO C I NDI CATO R I T N - 5 I 4 8 I I NSTL. CO I , I PO NEN T S I H T L A R T O H 2 Z . A . I ESSNA 30O NAV/ CO f ' lr ?20 C Hr F I R S T U N I T I { TTH VO R/ I LS RTFDRAWING 3el 0128-21 41470-l t t 4 +1 5 3 0 - o o o l 391 055-7 31390-l 114 3e3 0152-t 3960lt3-t 3970121-l 39? 0123-5 3970124-l 797 0t25-+ 39lOl55-8 3 139O-l I lT 3950L22-2 396011.3-2 3el0l5l-7 +2 4 5 0 - l l t 4 450 lo-1000 F8 ts o WTLBS ARMINS 1.2t 2.9 o.3 I l.9r 5.7 6.2 l.l 0.4 1.9 l.l 0.3 7.6t 5.1 0.4 0.4 l.l 14.0r 6.4 o.6 l l .5 16. 3 1.9 397012 t 3970L25-4 3 9 7 0 1 2 {- l 3e40148-t 3930152-l 397 0L23-2 3e50t22-3 3950L22-4 3 e60l02-10 3960113-t 3el o 150-20 l .l 1.2 0.4 0.6 o.8 o.4 14.5+ L 2 .5 L +.2 1 7 .2 -26. I lo. 2 3 7 .9 2 7 .8 tl 6 . 0 220. 8 6 2 .4 3 1 .3 43340-LL24 +5 0 1 o - 1 0 0 0 6.9 0-6 l l .5 1 6 .3 3el0 L52-20 1.4 6* ,1 .2 o.2 o.3 0.1 { 25. lr 11. I [2 6 . 0 16. 3r l l .o 2 L .2 l l .4 6 2 .4 1 2 .5 3 7 .9 17. g L 4 .2 1 4 .9 r l r .0 2 T .8 6 2 .4 l l .g 3 2 .0 r o.2 a2 :> t\? z { L-l t{E O'r i t-t 4 EF SEUo E{>rd zF] >rF]{o *r 2A Ld; | o F! ' 4 E\ O) o, I h9 t\9 ITEM NO LISTDESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT REFDRAIYII{G IYTL8S ARMINS EEH E O ': F*O rt.'*H {2 5 -A- 1 I 25-A-2 R E CE Iv E R -T R AI{ S lT{ IT E B l 8f:9?8T t Vd -- F l It-5 IN D Ic A T o R ( I N :5258 t co tl Po TSS Il l Il = A R -IA H 3?-A -r i-ll tStt-. -6 0 -t' ta v /c o l {N' EN 1 .60 cH r S E C oN DuNIT cEssNA } I IT H VOR /L O C n Ec EIV ER -i R AN Stl IT TE t8IB 98C I VOi l L o e IN D Ie Afo n _ ( I N :5!$ | N O T E -2 [O -U [It IN S IALI.A TtOt{ C 0I' IP ON E N TS AR E AS L IS T EO C OI,II,IU i .i i E AT AOON NUIE NNE-E AR A E !-E :B X S IqE - . -CT PI= IS IGN A L 5?LITTE R I d T N I-T Ii E' Ii N A A N T E NN 4!-8 o ru tctl r- sIQE d c i ri n u n i c l rf r4 i 5 d ;' [AV l e d i rt{ s I! - IfF.ns: IN QI= -t{ g!JU I. c E s i s ri l -5 o i i -.N IVZ C o H7,-2 o cH r sE coN DU N IT T 'I T H VOR/L Ef ffEiEriEH:Tilitsur rrEB.( Br:3?BrI { 2 8-A- I { 28-A-2 { 3 1-A-l rl 3l-A-2 it43-A rf55-A ( I NS: 5 L t B l VdFlLO e I NDI - eOCAToB r lpot t ENT - - - iNSit -. 5IX!!AR ro H25-A-t CATO N I EANS i , I I I E R EI ERG ENCY - . . ,-IiFANSTI T'I O ER S H A R C- 7 I I LEI G H ANTENNA Er { Eii6e[ CY. - t - oc lr oR TRAN s 1 4 l r r E R l u s E D t N CANADAI TTER TRANSI I T ANTENNA lc 2004 {AV-O-|,iAT ""ogs-ai:t-rUnn +?t40-LL24 +5 0 l o - 2 0 0 0 o.7 6.9 l l .5 16. 3 391Ol5l. -8 g.5l t 4 4r 42450-LLL4 450 I O-t 000 6.4 0.6 1 1 .5 1 6 .3 3950t22-Z 3e60l t I -t 3960113-2 3910150-21 43140-t124 45010-l 000 o.4 0.2 0,4 1.5 I O.Ot 2 7 .8 ? .0 6 2 .4 10. 7 l +.3 r 6.9 0.6 l l .5 16. 3 0401008-a c5895r0-0209 c58e5l o-o203 o+ 0l ooS -5 c58e5to-o212 c5895t0-010? 39l O162-l 3930144-6 I tr{ArQR(trEI_c{ANqE cooRo (NEr cHNGI(G-300Al + 232(FOOl 4 Tlnn-cdoRDlNAToR o522632-L T O T { IN ST A L L AT I' IN--s G EHVo " -ll2ttO | P A -2e58| [i l l T 9t O163-t 3 l AF qlA N- A-c Y-O-i o n tnloAlT tEtcR3-A n PL I 3 9 5t cA -3954 EIE R -a-[quN f-- qU N E E t 0tl 33eE 6 6 1 J A= 2 _ 6 V N 6IR - S T AfLA IION IN E I 6 s d -i t-I i 0 R n e o d n o IN A ToR tN E T cH A N GE I !+212A-OOL+ o5226t2-L IN S T AL L A T IO i { IIT N G " --Se F V d l+2rtO tP A -ze5B l U N tr- I B e40l 5l -l R E L AYIN S T AL L A T IO N 45226t2-2 Av Ia i [IC S 6 F i l o [ D N AY :o :fl A TIE !IN E ?B QV :. 99?Ol t2-t i 'i-i K-(s E:it6 HiEi E6 Ao-A s Ei !Nl (s rr tttE A D S FItrgl E pl R-e ,Fo-sreHoo.l n IN cLuoE s A tL P U R P oS E IH E EL I C ON T R OL 2.0r 1.8 o.l 1.8* I 1 6 .6 r ll 6 .+ 1 2 2 .O I 16. 6r 1.6 116. 4 L2 2 .O 5 1 .9 r 13. I 1 2 .0 68. 3r 68. 9 4 6 .5 r 13. I lo. 2 12. 0 6 8 .3 { 6 8 .9 o.l I l.7t 1.6 0.6 g.0f 5.E I 3.4t 1.8 l.l 0.6 g.0t 5.4 0.+ 1.7 o.3 +.0 6 8 .2 1 3 .0 anz 2F FJtr r.D sz F.{ F o t{ K o 9o FEI{ F: g) sz z> ITEMNO EQUIPMENT LISTDESCRIPTION J. JO I-A JO4 -A JIO-A J13 -A JI 5 -A J2 7-A OJ I t9 c, REFDRAIVII{G F8 iio IYTLBS ARMII{S E2 SPECI AL O P T I O N P A C K A G E S KYHAI { K I I EQ UI PI . I ENTCO N S T S T SO F I T E }T S TRUE AI RSPE F D I N D . ( N E T C H A N G E I DO I - O HEATED P TTO T S Y S T E I , I C 16. 0 DUAL CO NTRO L S E85- A C4O - A NAV L I G HT DE T E C T O R S C3I . A CO URTESYLI GH T S FLASHI NG BEA C O NL I G H T C43- A DO 4- A STATI C ALTE R N A T E A I R S O U R C E H28- A EI { ERG ET, J CY LO C A T O R X i I T R I E L T I G 25. 0 SKYHA} I K I I PA I N T {N E T C H A I '{G E I H22- A- L NAV/ CO H 308C V O R / L o C AV- PAC I NSTALLATI O N I S K Y H A I 'K I I O N L Y T H22- A- 2 328T NAV/ CO I '| V O R / L O C t S T U N I T H22- A- L 3O 8C NAV/ CO M I S T U N I T D E L E T E D H25- A- 1 308C NAV/ CoH V O R / L O C A D O E D H01- A 300 ADF ( 546 E t (RT-359I HT. 6- A- I 30O TRANSPO N O E R F LO ATPLANE FUSETAG EST R U C T U R A LI . I O D TIFC A TI O NS 6 FI TTI NG S ( OP T I O N C I F LO ATPLANECO I { TO ECK V BRACE (INSTALLEDT { sTol{EDI F LO ATPLANEAI LERO N- RUO D E RI N T E R C O N N E C T FLO ATPLANEO NLY I INSTALTEDI ( s T o r {E Dt I TETS J I O - A 6 J I 3. A ARE A L S O A P P R O V E DF O R LANO PLANEO PERATI ON S . H O O EL 89A2O O OFLO ATS E 5 0 2 A T T A C H I . {E N T S NET CHANG EBETh' EEN S I A N D A R D L A N D I N G G EAR ( I TEI { NO S. BO I - R r 8 O 4 - R r B I O - S ANO BRAKE 6 NO SE I J H E E T S T E E R T N G SYSTEI . IIS AND FLO ATP L A N EK I T ( I T F }I N O . J 3O - A- I ) I S APPRO XI H A T E L YI 5 5 L B S . A T 58. 3 I N. THE CO RREC TV A L U E S O F T {T 6 A R i { CHANG EFO R I { T 6 BALA N C E C A L C U L A T I O N S s HguLD Q E_Q ETERI |I NE DF R O r , tT H E A C T U A L TNSTATLATI O N. -> d 105005t.0 lo5L327e lo+22355 10513335 l 070l ol 3 1052[rot 10506003 l 050l ol 7 10401008 o504032 3910r51-? 39l 0l 6l o500083 o513003 o560012 E D O-36335 24.4| 0.1 0.6 4.9 NEGL 0.5 2.L 0.2 2.O o.0 14.0 2 l.or L4.5 - 14.0 9.5 7.0 4.0 6.1 z 48. 3i 1 6 .7 2 4 .4 L 2 .4 61. O l 8 +.2 L 5 .5 116. 6 3 2 .O 1 8 .7 r 3 1 .3 3 2 .0 1 4 .4 zl. o {.r.5 26. I l.l 1.1 0.4 2 6 .2 9 5 .0 6 9 .6 0.4 95. 0 € trt sQ o/i -{ -t EF Suoo l{>rd Z?a "l D 'l -.ZF' bigz E\ O) SECTION 6 WEIGHT & BALANCE/ EQUIPMENT LIST v) = F tfl l ( ' - r o mN€ 1 6 a N Itt a i| Y T F a ,a GI *T 6DC}OO-F--$JC .aa lr.r ooeira FaOOOI{-{€-JO||IO Fa ZN E - v) o $l CESSNA MODEL 172N a troat |F OF 6€O|.l F *+{f.V€ I | f ( ) - to u \o o l& d cornN ol tattaa | |FoFu\tlltttl- . FS' .+O$r € OOCtr.Fd.r$Jf rr a raot ()O()dFt€-aOUJg ,, o S aa aaa or F r n€U \| $- .$ At!r ' rcra -F-d+J t aa..(9 Zra -{.{€-aOUJ z C9 = = e o (r.l G : 9o99rnu\(n(r.|NNfn NU'l|fl(fldrr00Or.€@ zl u Jrra D -- o 9_E ZZtJ ts q aox.{ F = o lCL E, (.) cta lrl o F ct) -l F = lrl = CL a Lll = txu,< UJJ H uE z F J< F I Xa .c' -E,J}-uJE ! urEl:$rtl!2O<ozo 9J .OrrZE>. Uvt>ZZ-tl- q- F llJ J q J | Qi,-tt-117 UJ< r/)uJc:|>r rlx Z. ..!,1 <IUJS iHJ>rvf(F tuJd, le-gOl|-lO G<<ZIUJ<urFO-< uCutrJurFa. E:Jox<>< <o.!$UJ .{tcv)o . ,. ^OE!?QZ t-vtJ<9O<urH(O JF xftr'QddJJO I FlJ.r-r Vur Jqa-o,Og>U| t g.ZF rllcl rlJ r (Jer!{ yz>Fvr FF{gr - 6-24 r Ze c|*J xuJ{ F z < .cr a:FUJ(j| uJraFZg) ulu\firoNN d-.Oet'{6 .{f 06o; -.lfiorrlolY $do-€u'l urur6n6u.r crcrooec! ('t (9 = Cf-(J irt't -Oo O & -oluro ur>d Ujc)ZL) IFy- ot.ZaZ O(/, J Ot/,alaTF-tu€ uJ t^lQq Zz UJO( .h.UJ.ry:E{cl q9O>F ut-.tut Z <ZZ-1!<SJFO,F uJ(.JtJ)yrFz JoH AFI!uJdH<><>r >qqZ1tLd,.no {clCt<urxrp JO OC(JJO I Ftl-Z Jda'o,cto>(J tto uJ r! d.Z(Jz-< tz>)- (9(' zZ UJO JurF Jrur AOz FF- )-JZZJW -;qan.t7 uruJoz EJrr--< O|lF tuJ tur<UJFA d(JotalllJ xiF{ Z -n-Ei,aOJ itjJrcO JJ() | Ft! O,OC'>[J 4;z- -xz>ul r Ei ..?oEUEAgi 6,r5d.goEUH6n6fid '.UH6g rr.!<tO(J( .tlior.l< ttr.<Clu)<f)-dur/,A G-9 r<u (3 9 -J d, g,F<t!o( a o- ( ' J & C, J -QJS,On (,(9O_urJUrJ uJd('o.uJJluJ !:|/lq(llg(9o.ujJurJH f F e, <t@ q: ZuJta I F I 2 lL < aod Z lrl t ! l- !F Z 7|tu,ltt > t gtrqt JA QiF :) OZ Cf,CIOJ{c, rrF DOZOHFxF TOZO uJHO. o' U| (J}C utr! lJr.(JuJ Cltlr.r C ta|J. O- Oy s g.r[, OFE sa V ro ttt! lrrF uro a < ( J 9 0 { < < < < << J- Q l l f L l l l ll $ <fllOfrl'{OtJl-a-a'-a F -Qna6FcoQmu\ a <l|.t9('(,(9'"-t? oc'(f I I lrl olr uoJu)c) --UJIZ o JJJ ll o I frl€€u\nrnnNNfn U\fnfQ'{r{@OdOO ooc)d€octo:O 9 Q999-aOoOro 9 crrr\OGtdFICTrnONO u\OO'{fnOffi()NO ooct$'{crd€dto I{'r 499Qf nqd€|oq U\Ulrt\UI^U\tAu\nu\6 |^u\lfttf\tft|nrl|n||\u\ o ()0000000000 00000000cro a (p o (fl -' z.a ) ttttttlttttt a.ZF.-.tnF@Ofnu\ F OOfn raOU\r.rr.{ <Lrrto(,o('.?."? z&, J ttttl OZFCDOfiU\ F (JOt(\-'{-l <r..(9(9-r-r- t! t! a\| I fo I I o fi - I o fi ? CESSN A MODEL 172N SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS 7 SECTION & SYSTEMS AIRPLANE DESCRIPTIONS T A BTEOF C ONTE N TS Introduction Airframe Flight Controls Trim S y s t em . Instmment Panel . Ground Control. Wing FIap System Landing Gear System Baggage Compartment Seats Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses Seat Belts Shoulder Harnesses. Integrated Seat Belt/Shoulder Harnesses With Inertia Reels . Entrance Doors and Cabin Windows . Control Locks Engine Engine Controls Engine Instmments . New Engine Break-in and Operation Engine Oil System Ignition-Starter System Air Induction System Exhaust System Carburetor and Priming System Cooling System PropeIIer Fuel System Brake System Electrical System Master Switch Ammeter 7-3 7-3 7-8 7-8 7-8 ?-9 ?-o 7-10 ?-1i0 7-tl 7-t2 7-L2 7-r2 7 -14 1-14 ? -15 ? -16 ? -16 7 -16 7 -11 ? -18 ? -18 7 -19 ? -19 ? -19 7 -20 7 -20 7 -20 7 -23 1-23 7 -25 7 -25 ?-1 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N TABLE O F C O N T E N T S (C o n ti n u e d ) Page Over-Voltage Sensor and Warning Light . Circuit Breakers and Fuses Ground Service Plug Receptable Lig h ti n g S y s t em s . Exterior Lighting. Interior Lighting Cabin Heating, Ventilating and Defrosting System Pitot-Static System and Instruments Airspeed Indicator Rate-of-Climb Indicator Altimeter Vacuum System and Instruments Attitude Indicator . Directional Indicator Suction Gage . Stall Warning System Avionics Support Equipment Audio Control Panel. Transmitter Selector Switch . Automatic Audio Selector Switch Audio Selector Switches . Microphone - Headset. Static Dischargers 7-2 7 -25 1-26 7 -26 7-27 7-27 1-21 7 -29 ?-30 ?-31 ?-31 ? -31 ?-31 ?-33 ?-33 ?-33 7 -33 7 -34 7 -34 7 -34 7 -34 7-36 ?-36 7 -37 CESSNA MODEL 172N S E C TION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS I NT R O D U C T I ON This section provides description and operation of the airplane and its systems. Some equipment described herein is optional and may not be installed in the airplane. Refer to Section 9, Supplements, for detaits of other optional systems and equipment. A I R,F R AM E The constmction of the fuselage is a conventional formed sheet metal bulkhead, stringer, and skin design referred to as semi-monocoque. Major items of stmcture are the front and rear carry-through spars to which the wings are attached, a bulkhead and forgings for main landing gear attachment at the base of the rear doorposts, and a bulkhead with attaching plates at the base of the forward doorposts for the lower attachment of the wing stmts. Four engine mount stringers are also attached to the forward doorposts and extend forward to the firewall. The externally braced wings, containing the fuel tanks, are constructed of a front and rear spar with formed sheet metal ribs, doublers, and stringers. The entire structure is covered with aluminum skin. The front spars are equipped with wing-to-fuselage and wing-to-strut attach fittings. The aft spars are equipped with wing-to-fuselage attach fittings, and are partial-span spars. Conventional hinged ailerons and single-slot type flaps are attached to the trailing edge of the wings. The ailerons are constructed of a forward spar containing a balance weight, formed sheet metal ribs and "V" type corrugated aluminum skin joined together at the trai.ling edge. The flaps are constructed basically the same as the ailerons, with the exception of the balance weight and the addition of a formed sheet metal leading edge section. The empennage (tail assembly) consists of a conventional vertical stabilizer, rudder, horizontal stabilizer, and elevator. The vertical stabilizer consists of a spar, formed sheet metal ribs and reinforcements, a wrap-around skin panel, formed leading edge skin, and a dorsal. The rudder is constnrcted of a formed leading edge skin containing hinge halves, a center wrap-around skin panel, ribs, an aft wrap-around skin panel which is joined at the trailing edge of the rudder by a filler strip, and a grcund adjustable trim tab at the base of the trailing edge. The top of the rudder incorporates a leading edge extension which contains a balance weight. The horizontal stabilizer is constructed of a forward and aft spar, ribs and sti-ffeners, center, left, and right wrap-around skin panels, airo ' formed leading edge skins. The horizontal stabilizer also contains the elevator trim tab actuator. Constnrction of the elevator consists of formed leading edge skins, a forward spar, aft channel, ribs, torque tube and 7-3 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N AILERON COI.IITROLSYSTEM RUDDER AND RUDDER TRIM CONTROL SYSTEMS Figure 7-1. 7-4 Flight Control and Trim Systems (Sheet 1 of 2) AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS ELEVATOR CONTROL SYSTEM ELEVATOR TRIM CONIROL SYSTEM ..1:;\ : i C:q; -... .!' 1. . '.. ..r :: l/h , Figure 7-1. Flight Control and Trim Systems (Sheet 2 ot 2) 7-5 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCR,IPTIONS (! GI c''lt C! <: 6a C\ |'t (\l et, N (1, G' cl) GC, ct <\l ctlt N er r:, CE lt"' -l' c,lt GI C.CI c':t 6a ct, CE ar:t CE' c.c, -r 6a Figure ?-2. Instrument Panel (Sheet I of 2) ?-6 C'':l 6,1 6a F 8 Xm Ycn ,JZ t:d og F FJ o {t I 19 a F il t H o -F o a o o t9 l+r N9 1. Ammeter 2. Suction Gage 3. Oil Temperature, Oil Pressure, and Left and Right Fuel Quantity Indicators Clock Tachometer Flight Instrument Group Airplane Registration Number Secondary Altimeter Encoding Altimeter ADF Bearing Indicator Omni Course Indicators Transponder Magnetic Compass Marker Beacon Indicator Lights and Switches Rear View Mirror Audio Control Panel Radios Autopilot Control Unit Additional Instrument Space ADF Radio Flight Hour Recorder Additional Radio Space 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Map Compartment Cabin Heat and Air Control Knobs Cigar Lighter Wing Flap Switch and Position Indicator Mixture Control Knob Throttle (With Friction Lock) Static Pressure Alternate Source Valve Instrument and Radio DiaI Light Rheostats Microphone Fuel Selector Valve Handle Rudder Trim Control Lever Elevator Trim Control Wheel Carburetor Heat Control Knob ElectricalSwitches Circuit Breakers Parking Brake Handle Ignition Switch Master Switch Auxiliary Mike Jack Primer Phone Jg,ck -> I9 -l z F "d ri z t3l R a u) -l r{ 3 a F'! f! a Qrn dt5 f,o j'l F: l-{ .i O -fI \r >z m \f SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N bellcrank, Ieft upper and Iower "V" type corrugated skins, and right upper and lower "V" type corrugated skins incorporating a trailing edge cut-out for the trim tab. The elevator trim tab consists of a spar, rib, and upper and lower 'V" type corrugated skins" The leading edge of both left and right elevator tips incorporate extensions which contain balance weights. FTI G HT C O N T R OL S The airplane's flight control system consists of conventional aileron, rudder, and elevator control surfaces (see figure ?-1). The control surfaces are manually operated through mechanical linkage using a control wheel for the ailerons and elevator, and nrdder/brake pedals for the rudder. TR I ' I I S Y STEIU A manually-operated elevator trim system is provided; a rudder trim system may also be installed (see figure 7-1). Elevator trimming is accomplished through the elevator trim tab by utilizing the vertically mounted trim control wheel. Forward rotation of the trim wheel will trim nose-down; conversely, aft rotation wiII trim nose-up. Rudder trimming is accomplished through a bungee connected to the rudder control system and a trim lever, mounted on the control pedestal. Rudder trimming is accomplished by lifting the trim lever up to clear a detent, then moving it either left or right to the desired trim position. Moving the trim lever to the right wiII trim the airplane nose-right; conversely, moving the lever to the left will trim the airplane nose-Ieft. I N S T RU M ENTPA N E L The i,nstrument panel (see figure 7-2) is designed around the basic "T"configuration. The gyros are located immediately in front of the pilot, and arranged vertically The airspeed over the control column. indicator and altimeter are Iocated to the left and right of the gyros, respectively. The remainder of the flight instruments are located around the basic "T". Engine instruments and fuel quantity indicators are near the left edge of the panel. Avionics equipment is stacked approximately on the centerline of the panel, with the right side of the panel containing space for additional instruments and avionics equipment. A subpanel under the primary instrument panel contains the primer, master and ignition switches, circuit breakers, and electrical switches on the Ieft side, with the engine controls, light intensity controls, and alternate static air control in the center, over the control 7 -8 CESSNA MODEL 172N AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS pedestal. The right side of the subpanel contains the wing flap switch Iever and position indicator, cabin heat and vent controls, cigar lighter, and map compartment. A pedestal, installed below the subpanel, contains the elevator trim control wheel and position indicator, and provides a bracket for the microphone. A rudder trim control lever may be installed below the trim wheel and microphone bracket, and the fuel selector valve handle is located at the base of the pedestal. A parking brake handle is mounted below the subpanel in front of the pilot. For details concerning the instruments, switches, circuit brealers, and controls on this panel, refer in this section to the description of the systems to which these items are related. GR OU N D C ON TR OL Effective ground control while taxiing is accomplished through nose wheel steering by using the rudder pedals; left rudder pedal to steer left and right mdder pedal to steer right. When a rudder pedal is depressed, a spring-loaded steering bungee (which is connectedto the nose gear and to the mdder bars) will turn the nose wheel through an arc of approximately 10" each side of center. By applying either left or rightbrake, the degree of turn may be increased up to 30" each side of center. Moving the airplane by hand is most easily accomplished by attaching a tow bar to the nose gear stnrt. If a tow bar is not available, or pushing is required, use the wing struts as pu.shpoints. Do not use the vertical or horizontal surfaces to move the airplane. If the airplane is to be towed by vehicle, never turn the nose wheel more than 30' either side of center or stnrctural damage to the nose gear could result. The minimum turning radius of the airplane, using differential braking and nose wheel steering during taxi, is approximately 2T feet 5 L/z inches. To obtain a minimum radius turn during grornd handling, the airplane may be rotated around either main landing gear by pressing dorpn on a tailcone bulkhead just forward of the.horizontal stabitizer to raise the nose wheel off the ground. W IN G FtAP S Y S TE M The wing flaps are of the single-slot type (see figure Z-3), and are extended or retracted by positioning the wing flap switch lever on the instrument panel to the desired flap deflection position. The switch lever is moved up or down in a slotted panet that provides mechanical stops at the 10" and 20o positions. For flap settings greater than 10o. 7-9 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N .----".1t !.::i:":"'! \''.. - .'/ t.\ '" t-. "') ---...::-/ i 'i ti itt ! .!f..: ,i .. "' Figure ?-3. Wing Flap System move the switch lever to the right to clear the stop and position it as clesired. A scale and pointer on the left side of the switch lever indicates flap travel in degrees. The wing flap system circuit is protected by a 15 ampere circuit breaker, Iabeled FLAP, on the left side of the instrument panel. TA N DING GEAR ,S Y S TE M The landing gear is of the tricycle type with a steerable nose wheel, two main wheels, and wheel fairings. Shock absorption is provided by the tubular spring-steel main landing gear struts and the air/oil nose gear shock stntt. Each main gear wheel is equipped with a hydraulically actuated disc'type bral<e on the inboard side of each wheel, and an aerodynamic fairing over each brake. B A G GAGE C OM P A R TME N T The baggage compartment consists of two areas, one extending from the back of the rear passenger seats to the aft cabin bulkhead, and an additional area aft of the bulkhead. Access to both baggage areas is gained through a lockable baggage door on the left side of the airplane, or from within the airplane cabin. A baggage net with eight tie-down straps is pro?-1 0 CESS NA MODE L 172N S E C TION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS vided for securing baggage and is attached by tying the straps to tie-down rings provided in the airplane. When loading the airplane, children should not be placed or permitted in the baggage compartment, unless a childf s seat is installed, and any material that might be hazardous to the airplane or oceupants should not be placed anywhere in the airplane. For baggage area and door dimensions. refer to Section 6. S E A TS The seating arrangement consists of two separate adjustable seats for the pilot and front passenger, a split-backed fixed seat in the rear, and a child?s seat (if installed) aft of the rear seats. The pilot's and front passengerrs seats are available in two different designs: four-way and sixway adjustable. Four-way seats may be moved forward or aft, and the seat back angle changed. To position either seat, lift the tubular handle under the center of the seat, slide the seat into position, release the handle, and check that the seat is locked in place. The seat back is spring-Ioaded to the vertical position. To adjust its position, lift the lever under the right front corner of the seat, reposition the back, release the lever, and check that the back is locked in place. The seat backs will also fold full forward. The six-way seats may be moved fonvard or aft, adjusted for height, and the seat back angle is infinitely adjustable. Position the seat by lifting the tubular handle, under the center of the seat bottom, and slide the seat into position; then release the lever and check that the seat is locked in place. Raise or lower the seat by rotating a large crank under the right corner of the left seat and the left corner of the right seat. Seat back angle is adjustable by rotating a small crank under the left corner of the left seat and the right corner of the right seat. The seat bottom angle will change as the seat back angle changes, providing proper support. The seat backs will also fold fuIl forward. The rear passenger's seats consist of a fixed one-piece seat bottom with individually adjustable seat backs. Two adjustment levers, under the left and right corners of the seat bottom, are used to adjust the angle of the respective seat backs. To adjust either seat back, liJt the adjustment lever and reposition the back. The seat backs are spring-loaded to the vertical position. A childrs seat may be installed aft of the rear passenger seats, and is held in place by two brackets mounted on the floorboard. The seat is designed to swing upward into a stowed position against the aft cabin bulkhead when not in use. To stow the seat, rotate the seat bottom up and aft 7- 11 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N as far as it will go. When not in use, the seat shotrld be stowed. Headrests are available for any of the seat configurations except the child's seat. To adjust the headrest, apply enoughpressure to it to raise or lower it to the desired level. The headrest may be removed at any time by raising it until it disengages from the top of the seat back. SEA I B EL T S AN D S H OU L D E R , H A R ,NESSES AII seat positions are equippedwith seat belts (see figureT-4). The pilot's and front passenger's seats are also equipped with separate shoulder harnesses; shoulder harnesses are available for the rear seat positions. Integrated seat belt/shoulder harnesses with inertia reels can be furnished for the pilot's and front passengerts seat positions, if desired. S EAT BETI S AII of the seat belts are attached to fittings on the floorboard. The buckle half is inboard of each seat and the link half is outboard of each seat. To use the seat belts for the front seats, position the seat as desired, and then lengthen the link half of the belt as needed by grasping the sides of the link and pulling against the belt. Insert and lock the belt Iink into the buckle. Tighten the belt to a snug fit. Seat belts for the rear seats and the child's seat (if installed) are used in the same manner as the belts for the front seats. To release the seat belts, grasp the top of the buckle opposite the link and pull outward. S H OU[DE R HA RNE S S E S Each front seat shoulder harness (see figure 7-4) is attached to a rear door post above the window line and is stowed behind a stowage sheath above the cabin door. To stow the harness, fold it and place it behind the sheath. The rear seat shoulder harnesses are attached adjacent to the lower corners of the rear window. Each rear seat harness is stowed behind a stowage sheath above an aft side window. No harness is available for the child's seat. To use a front or rear seat shoulder harness fasten and adjust the seat belt first. Lengthen the harness as required by pulling on the connecting link on the end of the harness and the narrow release strap. Snap the connecting link firmly onto the retaining stud on the seat belt link half. Then adjust to length. A properly adjusted harness will permit the occupant to lean forward enough to sit completely erect, 'l-12 CESSN A MODEL 172N AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS S T A N DARD SHOUT DER HARNESS NARROW RELEASE STNAP (Pull up when lengthening har ness) (P t[oT' ssE A TS H OW N ) FREE END OF HARNESS (PuII down to tighten) SHOULDER HARNESS CONNECTING LINK (Snap onto retaining stud on sea t b el t link t o at t ac h bar nes s ) SEAT B ELT BUCKLE HALF- (Nonadjustable, 1 S E A T B E tT/S H OU tD E R H A R N E S S WITH IN E R TIA REEt SEAT BELT LINK HALF AND SHOULDERHARNESS RETAINING STI,ID FREE END OF SEAT BELT (PuU to tighten) SEAT BELT/SHOULDER HARNESS ADJUSTABLE LINK (Position tink Just below shoulder level; pull link and harness downward to connectto seat belt buckle) SEAT BELT BUCKLE (Non adjustable) Figure ?-4. Seat Belts and Shoulder Harnesses 7-13 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N but prevent excessive forward movement and contact with objects during sudden deceleration. Also, the pilot will want the freedom to reach all controls easily. Removing the shoulder harness is accomplished by pulling upward on the narrow release strap, and removing the harness connecting link from the stud on the seat belt link. In an emergency, the shoulder harness may be removed by releasing the seat belt first, and allowing the harness, still attached to the link half of the seat belt, to drop to the side of the seat. I N IEGRAIE D S E A I B E L T /SH O U tD E R H AR N E SS ESW tTH IN E R ,TIAR E E LS Integra.tedseat belt/shoulder harnesses with inertia reels are available for the pilot and front seat passenger. The seat belt/shoulder harnesses extend from inertia reels located in the cabin ceiling to attach points inboard of the two front seats. A selnrate seat belt half and buckle is located outboard of the seats. Inertia reels allow complete freedom of body movement. However, in the event of a sudden deceleration, they will lock automatically to protect the occupants. NOTE The inertia reels are located for maximum shoulder harness comfort and safe retention of the seat occupants. This location requires that the shoulder harnesses cross near the top so that the right hand inertia reel serves the pilot and the left hand reel serves the front passenger. When fastening the harness, check to ensure the proper harness is being used. To use the seat belt/shoulder harness, position the adjustable metal link on the harness just below shoulder level, pull the link and harness downward, and insert the link into the seat belt buckle. Adjust belt tension across the lap by pulting upward on the shoulder harness. Removal is accomplished by releasing the seat belt buckle, which will allow the inertia reel to puII the harness inboard of the seat. E NT R,ANC EDOO R S A N D C A B IN W I NDO W S Entry to, and exit from the airplane is accomplished throrgh either of two entry doors, one on each side of the cabin at the front seat positions (refer to Section 6 for cabin and cabin door dimensions). The doors incorporate a recessed exterior door handle, a conventional interior door handle, a key-operated door lock (left door only), a door stop mechanism, 7-r4 CESSNA MODEL 172N S E C TION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS and an openable window in the left door. An openable right door window is also arm.ilable. To open the doors from outside the airplane, utilize the recessed door handle near the aft edge of either door by grasping the forward edge of the handle and pulling outboard. To close or open the doors from inside the airplane, use the combination door handle and arm rest. The inside door handle has three positions and a placard at its base which reads OPEN, CLOSE, and LOCK. The handle is springloaded to the CLOSE (up) position. When the door has been pulled shut and latched, lock it by rotating the door handle forward to the LOCK position (flush with the arm rest). When the handle is rotated to the LOCK position, an over-center action will hold it in that position. Both cabin doors should be locked prior to flight, and should not be opened intentionally during flight. NOTE Accidental opening of a cabin door proper closing does not constitute a plane. The best procedure is to set trimmed condition at approximately ily shove the door outward slightly, and lock the door. in flight due to imneed to land the airup the airplane in a 75 knots, momentarand forcefully close Exit from the airplane is accomplished by rotating the door handle from the LOCK position, past the CLOSE position, aft to the OPEN position and pushing the door open. To lock the airplane, Iock the right cabin door with the inside handle, close the left cabin door, and using the ignition key, Iock the door. The left cabin door is equippedwith an openable window which is held in the closed position by a lock button equipped over-center latch on the lower edge of the window frame. To open the window, depress the lock button and rotate the latch upward. The window is equipped with a springloaded retaining arm which will help rotate the window outward and hold it there. An openable window is also available for the right door, and functions in the same manner as the left window. If required, either window may be opened at any speed up to 160 knots. The cabin top windows (if installed), rear side windows, and rear windows are of the fixed type and cannot be opened. c oNTR Ot L O C K S A control lock is provided to lock the ailerons and elevator control 7 -15 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N surfaces in a neutral position and prevent damage to these systems by wind-buffeting while the airpl4ne ii parked. The lock consists of a shaped steel rod with a red metal flag attached to it. The ftag is labeled CONTR9l LOCK' REMOVE BEFORE STARTING ENGINE: To instalt the control lock, align the hole in the top of the pilot's control wheel shaft with the hole in the top of the shaft coUar on t-he instnrment panel and insert the rod into the aligned holes. Proper installation of the lock will place the red flag over the ignition switch. In areas where high or gusty winds occur' a control surface lock should be installed over th-e vert--icalstabilizer and rudder' The control lock and any other type of locking deviee should be removed prior to starting the engine. ENG I N E The airplane is pow_eredby a horizontally-opposed, four-cylinder, overhead-valve, air-cooled, carbureted engine wittr a wet sump oil sys_ 1"*. The engine is a Lycoming Model O-320-HZAD and is raied at iOO horsepower at 27OORPM. Major accessories include a starter and beltdriven alternator mounted on the front of the engine, and dual magnetos and a vacuum pump which are mounted on an accessory drivJpad on the rear of the engine. Provisions are also made for a full flow oil filter. EN GINE C O NI RO T S Engine power is controlled by a throttle located on the lower center portion of the instnrment panel. The throttle operates in a conventional manner; in the fuIl forward position, the throttle is open, and in the full aft position, it is closed. A friction lock, which is a round knurled disk, is located at the base of the throttle and is operated by rotating the lock cloe"kwiseto increase friction or counterclockwise to-decreasJit. The mixture control, mounted above the right corner of the control pedestal, is a red knob with raised points around the circumference and is equipped with a lock button in th-e end of the knob. The rich position is full forward, and fuII aft is the idle cut-off position. For small adjustments, the control may be moved forwarilby rotating the knob clockwise, and a.tt !v rotaling the knob counterclockwise. For rapid or l3,rge adjustmenj, tle knob m1y be moved forward or aft by depressing the lock button in the end of the control, and then positionlng the control as desired. EN GINE I NS T RUf r T E N T S Engine operation is monitored by the following instruments: 7 -1 6 oil CESSNA MODEL 172N S E C TION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS pressure gage, oil temperature gage, and a tachometer. air temperature gage is also available. A carburetor The oil pressure gager located on the left side of the instmment panel, is operated by oil pressure. A direct pressure oil line from the engine delivers oil at engine operating pressure to the oil pressure gage. Gage markings indicate that minimum idling pressure is 25 PSI (red line), the normal operating range is 60 to 90 PSI (green arc), and murimum pressure is 100 PSI (red line). Oil temperature is indicated by a gage adjacent to the oil pressure gage. The gage is operated by an electrical-resistance type temperature sensor which receives power from the airplane electrical system. Oil temperature limitations are the normal operating range (green arc) which is 38'C (100"F) to 118"C (245"F), and the mzu<imum(red line) which is 1 1 8 'C ( 245" F ) . The engine-driven mechanical tachometer is located near the lower portion of the instrument panel to the left of the pilot's control wheel. The instrument is calibrated in increments of 100 RPM and indicates both engine and propeller speed. An hour meter below the center of the tachometer dial records elapsed engine time in hours and tenths. Instrument markings include a normal operating range (green arc) of 2200 to 27OORPM, and a maximum (red line) of 2700 RPM. A carburetor air temperature gage may be installed on the right side of the instnrment panel to help detect carburetor icing conditions. The gage is marked in 5o increments from -30"C to +30oC, and has a yellow arc between -15'C and +5"C which indicates the temperature range most conducive to icing in the carburetor. A placard on the lower half of the gage face reads KEEP NEEDLE OUT OF YELLOW ARC DURING POSSIBLE CARBURETOR ICING COI{DITIONS. NEW ENG I NE B RE A K -IN AN D O P ER AT ION The engine underwent a nrn-in at the factory and is ready for the full range of use. It is, however, suggestedthat cmising be accomplished at 65Voto75Vopower until a total of 50 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized. This will ensure proper seating of the rings. The airplane is delivered from the factory with corrosion preventive oil in the engine. If, during the first 25 hours, oil must be added, use only aviation grade straight mineral oil cordorming to Specification No. MIL -L - 6082. 7 -77 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS E N GI NE OIt CESSNA MODEL 172N SY5 TEfrl Oil for engine lubrication is supplied from a sump on the bottom of the engine. The capacity of the engine sump is six quarts (one addiOiI is tional quart is required if a full flow oil filter is installed). drawn from the sump through an oil suction strainer screen into the From the pump, oil is routed to a bypass engine-driven oil pump. valve. If the oil is cold, the bypass valve allows the oil to bypass the oil cooler and go directly from the pump to the oil pressure screen (full flow oil filter if installed). If the oil is hot, the bypass valve routes the oil out of the accessory housing and into a flexible hose leading to the Pressure oil from the oil cooler on the lower right side of the firewall. cooler returns to the accessory housing where it passes through the The filtered pressure strainer screen (fuII flow oil filter, if installed). oil then enters a pressure relief valve which regulates engine oil pressure by allowing excessive oil to return to the sump, while the balance of the pressure oil is circulated to various engine parts for lubrication. Residual oil is returned to the sump by gravity flow. An oil filler caploil dipstick is located at the rear of the engine is accessible through an access near the center. The filler cap/dipstick door in the engine cowling. The engine should not be operated on less than four quarts of oil. To minimize loss of oil through the breather, fill to five quarts for normal flights of less than three hours. For extended flight, fill to six quarts (dipstick indication only). For engine oil grade and specifications, refer to Section 8 of this handbook. An oil quick-drain valve is available to replace the drain plug on the bottom of the oil sump, and provides quicker, cleaner draining of the engine oil. To drain the oil with this valve, slip a hose over the end of the valve and push upward on the end of the valve until it snaps into the open position. Spring clips wiII hold the valve open. After draining, use a suitable tool to snap the valve into the extended (closed) position and remove the drain hose. I G N I T I O N-STARIER SYSTEf r T Engine ignition is provided by an engine-driven dual magneto, and two spark plpgs in each cylinder. The right magneto fires the lower right and upper left spark plugs, and the left magneto fires the lower Ieft and upper right spark plugs. Normal operation is conducted with both magnetos due to the more complete burning of the fuel-air mixture with dual ignition. Ignition and starter operation is controlled by a rotary type switeh located on the left switch and control panel. The switch is labeled cloek7 -1 8 CESSN A MODEL 172N AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS lryise, OFF, R, L, BOTH, and START. The engine should be operated on both magnetos (BOTH position) except for magneto checks. The R and L positions are for checking purposes and emergency use only. When the switch is rotated to the spring-Ioaded START position, (with the master switch in the ON position), the starter contactor is energized and the starter will crank the engine. When the switch is released, it wiII automaticalIy return to the BOTH position. AIR , IN DUCT I O N SY SIE ' } I The engine air induction system receives ram air through an intake in the lower front portion of the engine cowling. The intake is covered by an air filter which removes dust and other foreign matter from the induction air. Airflow passing through the filter enters an air box. After passing through the airbox, induction air enters the inlet in the carburetor which is under the engine, and is then ducted to the engine cylinders through intake manifold tubes. In the event carburetor ice is encountered or the intake filter becomes blocked, alternate heated air can be obtained from a shroud around an exhaust riser through a duct to a valve, in the airbox, operated by the carburetor heat control on the instrument panel. Heated air from the shroud is obtained from an unfiltered outside source. Use of full carburetor heat at full throttle will result in a loss of approximately 100 to 225 RPM. EXH A US TS Y S T E f t l Exhaust gas from each cylinder passes through riser assemblies to a muffler and tailpipe. The muffler is constmcted with a shroud around the outside which forms a heating chamber for cabin heater air. CAR .B URE T O RA ND P R I' VIIN GSY ST E ftl The engine is equipped with an up-draft, float-type, fixed jet carbr.rretor mounted on the bottom of the engine. The carbtrretor is equipped with an enclosed accelerator pump, simplified fuel passages to prevent vapor locking, an idle cut-off mechanism, and a manual mixture control. Fuel is delivered to the carburetor by gravity flow from the fuel system. In the carburetor, fuel is atomized, proportionally mixed with intake air, and delivered to the cylinders through intake manifold tubes. The proportion of atomized fuel to air is controlled, within limits, by the mixture control on the instrument panel. For easy starting in eold weather, the engine is equipped with a manual primer. The primer is actually a small pump which draws fuel from the fuel strainer when the plunger is pulled out, and injects it into the cylinder intal<e ports when the plunger is pushed back in. The plunger knob, on ? -19 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N the instrument panel, is equippedwith a Iock and, after being pushed full in, must be rotated either left or right until the knob cannot be pulled out. C O OL IN G S Y S I E f t T Ram air for engine cooling enters through two intalce openings in the front of the engine cowling. The cooling air is directed around the cylinders and other areas of the engine by baffling, and is then exhausted through an opening at the bottom aft edge of the cowling. No manual cooling system control is provided. A winterization kit is available and consists of two baffles which attach to the air intakes in the cowling nose cap, a restrictive cover plate for the oil cooler air inlet in the right rear vertical engine baffle, insulation for the crankcase breather line, and a placard to be installed on the instrument panel. This equipment should be installed for operations in temperatures consistently below -7"C (20"F). Once installed, the crankcase breather insulation is approved for permanent use in both hot and cold weather. P R O PEL TER The airplane is equipped with a two-oladed, fixed-pitch, one-piece forged aluminum alloy propeller which is anodized to retard corrosion. The propeller is ?5 inches in diameter. FUEt S Y S T E M The airpl,ane may be equipped with either a standard fuel system or a FUE LO UANTI TYDATA ( U. S. G ALLO N S ) T ANKS TOTAL U SABLEFUEL ALL FLI G HT CO NDI TI O NS TOTAL UNUSABLE FUEL TOTAL F U EL VOLUME S T A NDARD (21. 5Ga l.Ea ch ) 40 3 43 LON GRANGE (27G al.Eachl 50 4 54 Figure ?-5. 7 -20 F\rel Quantity Data C ESSN A MODEL 172N SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS LEFT FUEL TANK SELECTOR VALVE t ,#?*, -----@]ffi{x \\'M:l:[l \\-. /:.\ r__r---r:H t2 CODE Effi tl TO ENGINE MIXTURE CONTROL KNOB FUEL SUPPLY VENT TO ENSURE MAXIMI'M FUEL CAPACITY WHEN REFUELING, PLACE THE FUEL SELECTORVALVE IN EITIIER LEFT OR RIGHT PGITION TO PREVENT CROSS-TEEDING. Figure 7-6. Fuel System (Standard and Long Range) 7 -21 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N Iong range system (see figure 7-6). Both systems consist of two vented fuel tanks (one in each wing), a four-position selector valve, fuel strainer, manual primer, and carburetor. Refer to figure 7-5 for fuel quantity data for both systems. FueI flows by gravity from the two wing tanks to a four-position selector valve, labeled BOTH, RIGHT, LEFT, and OFF. With the selector valve in either the BOTH, LEFT, or RIGHT position, fuel flows through a strainer to the carburetor. From the carburetor, mixed fuel and air flows to the cylinders through intake manifold tubes. The manual primer draws its fuel from the fuel strainer and injects it into the cylinder intake ports. FueI system venting is essential to system operation. Blockage of the system will result in decreasing fuel flow and eventual engine stoppage. Venting is accomplished by an interconnecting line from the right fuel tank to the left tank. The left fuel tank is vented overboard through a vent line, equipped with a check valve, which protrudes from the bottom surface of the left wing near the wing strut. The right fuel tank filler cap is also vented. Fuel quantity is measured by two float-type fuel quantity transmitters (one in each tank) and indicated by two electrically-operated fuel quantity indicators on the left side of the instrument panel. An empty tank is indicated by a red line and the letter E. When an indicator shows an empty tank, approximately 1.5 gallons remain in a standard tank, and 2 gallons remain in a long range tank as unusable fuel. The indicators cannot be relied upon for accurate readings during skids, slips, or unusual attitudes. The fuel selector valve should be in the BOTH position for takeoff, climb, Ianding, and maneuvers that involve prolonged slips or skids. Operation from either LEFT or RIGHT tank is reserved for cruising flight. NOTE When the fuel selector valve handle is in the BOTH position in cruising flight, unequal fuel flow from each tank may occur if the wings are not maintained exactly level. Resulting wing heaviness can be alleviated gradually by turning the selector valve handle to the tank in the "heavy" wing. NOTE It is not practical to measure the time required to consume all of the fuel in one tank, and, after switching to the opposite tank, expect an equal duration from the remaining fuel. The airspace in both fuel tanks is inter- 7 -22 CESSN A MODEL 172N S E C TION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS connectedby a vent line and, therefore, some sloshing of fuel between tanks can be expected when the tanks are nearly fuIl and the wings are not level. The fuel system is equippedwith drain valves to provide a means for the examination of fuel in the system for contamination and grade. The system should be examined before the first flight of every day and after each refueling, by using the sampler cup provided to drain fuel from the wing tank sumps, and by utilizing the fuel strainer drain under an access panel on the right side of the engine cowling. The fueI tanks shorltd be filled after each flight to prevent condensation. B RAKE SYSTE M brake on each The airplane has a single-disc, hydraulically-actuated main landing gear wheel. Each brake is connected, by a hydraulic line, to a master cylinder attached to each of the pilotts rudder pedals. The brakes are operated by applying pressure to the top of either the left (pilotts) or right (copilot?s) set of rudder pedals, which are interconnected. When the airplane is parked, both main wheel brakes may be set by utilizing the parking brake which is operated by a handle under the left side of the instrument panel. To apply the parking brake, set the bral<es with the mdder pedals, prll the handle aft, and rotate it 90' down. For maximum brake life, keep the brake system properly maintained, and minirnize brake usage during taxi operations and landings. Some of the symptoms of impending brake failure are: gradual decrease in braking action after brake application, noisy or dragging brakes, soft or spong'y pedals, and excessive travel and weak braking action. If any of these symptoms appear, the brake system is in need of immediate attention. If, during taxi or landing roII, braking action decreases, let up on the pedals and then re-apply the brakes with heavy pressure. If the brakes become spongy or pedal travel increases, pumping the pedals should build braking pressure. If one brake becomes weak or fails, use the other brake sparingly while using opposite rudder, as required, to offset the good brake. E LEC TR ICAT SY S TE M Electrical enerry (see figure 7-7) is supplied by a 14-volt, directcurrent system powered by an engine-driven, 60-amp alternator. The 12-volt, 25-amp hour battery is located on the left side of the firewall. Power is supplied to all electrical circuits through a split bus bar, one side containing electronic system circuits and the other side having general electrical svstem circuits. Both sides of the bus are on at all times 7 -23 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N R EGULATOR TO OVER-VOLTAGE WARNING LIGHT ALTERNATOR F IELD TO OVEB.VOLTAGE SENSOR AND MASTERSWITCH UV E h - TO AUTOMATICPILOT VOLTAGE WARNING LIGHT AUTO PILOT TO ALT FIELD CTRCUIT BREAKER TO RADIO OVERVOLTAGE SENSOR MASTEB SWITCH TO RADIO TO ALT FIELD CIRCUIT BBEAKER TO RADIO TO RADIOOR TRANSPONDER ANO ENCODINGALTIMETER STARTER CONTACTOR AMMETER GBOUNOSERVICE PLUG RECEPTACLE TO RADIO TO AUOIOAMPLIFIER 8 EVERSE POLARITY CONTACTOR TO FUEL OUANTITYINDICATORS TO OIL TEMPERATUR€ GAGE SPLITBUS CONTACTOB (NOBMALLY at TO CARBURETOR AIR TEMPERATUREGAGE nqEnl TO WING FLAP SYSTEM FLIGHT HOUR RECORDEB STARTEB TO TUBN COORDINATOR OR TURN AND BANK INDICATOR FOM ALTEBNATOR8US TO DOORPOSTMAP LIGHT TO DOMEAND COURT€SYLIGHTS BATTERY CONTACTOR TO INT LT LIGHT CIRCUTT BREAKER TO IGNITIONSWITCH TO COMPASS, INSTRUMENT, ANO POSTLIGHTING TO CIGAR LIGHTER {WITHCIRCUITBREAKER} TO LANDINGLIGHT(S} TO STROBELIGHTS BATTERY IGNITION S WI T C H TO NAVIGATIONLIGHTSAND CONTROLWHEELMAP LIGHT C ODE c r R c u t TSR E A K E(P RU S H-T O.R ESETI o FUsE .f- DroDE {f,,! nrsrsron G Fil.TERl {NO|SE JF C^PAC|TOR Figure ?-7. 7 -24 TO FLASHINGBEACON TO AUDIO MUTINGBELAY TO PITOT HEAT SYSTEM Electrical System C ESSN A MODEL 172N S E C TION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS except when either an external power source is connected or the starter switch is turned on; then a power contactor is automatically actirated to open the circuit to the electronic bus. Isolating the electronic circuits in this marmer prevents harmful transient voltages from damaging the transistors in the electronic equipment. IUA STE R S W I I CH The master switch is a split-rocker type switch labeled IVIASTER,and is ON in the up position and OFF in the down position. The right haU of the switch, labeled BAT, controls all electrical power to the airplane. The left half, Iabeled ALT, controls the alternator. Normally, both sides of the master switch should be used simultaneously; however, the BAT side of the switch cotrld be turned ON separately to check equipment while on the ground. The ALT side of the switch, when placed in the OFF position, removes the alternator from the electrical system. With this switch in the OFF position, the entire electrical load is placed on the battery. Continued operation with the alternator switch in the OFF position will reduce battery power low enough to open the battery contactor, remove power from the alternator field, and prevent alternator restart. A ETER 'N 'N The ammeter indicates the flow of current, in amperes, from the alternator to the battery or from the battery to the airplane electrical system. When the engine is operating and the master switch is turned on, the ammeter indicates the charging rate applied to the battery. In the event the alternator is not functioning or the electrical load exceeds the output of the alternator, the ammeter indicates the battery discharge rate. OVER. V O T T A G E SE N S O R AN D WA R N IN G L IGH T The airplane is equipped with an automatic over-voltage protection system consisting of an over-voltage sensor behind the instrument panel and a red warning light, labeled HIGH VOLTAGE, adjacent to the ammeter. In the event an over-voltage condition occurs, the over-voltage sensor automatically removes alternator field current and shuts down the alternator. The red warning light will then turn on, indicating to the pilot that the alternator is not operating and the battery is supplying all electrical power. The over-voltage sensor may be reset by turning the master switch off and back on again. If the warning light does not illuminate, normal 7 -25 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N alternator charging has resumed; however, if the light does illuminate again, a maHunction has occurred, and the flight should be terminated as soon as practical. The warning light may be tested by momentarily turning off the ALT portion of the master switch and leaving the BAT portion furned on. C I RCUII B RE A K E RS A N D F U S ES Most of the electrical circuits in the airplane are protected by "pushto-reset" circuit breakers mounted on the left side of the instnrment panel. Exceptions to this are the battery contactor closing (external power) circuit, clock, and flight hour recorder circuits which have fuses mounted near the battery. The control wheel map light is protected by the NAV LT circuit breaker on the instnrment panel, and a fuse behind the panel. The cigar lighter is protected by a manually reset circuit breaker on the back of the lighter, and by the LAND LT circuit breaker. GR OUND S E RV I CE P tU G R EC EP T AC T E A ground service plug receptacle may be installed to permit the use of an external power source for cold weather starting and during tengthy maintenance work on the airplane electrical system (with the exception of electronic equipment). The receptacle is located behind a door on the left side of the fuselage near the aft edge of the cowling. NOTE Electrical power for the airplane electrical circuits is provided through a split bus bar having all electronic circuits on one side of the bus and other electrical circuits on the other side of the bus. When an external power source is connected, a contactor automatically opens the circuit to the electronic portion of the split bus bar as a protection against damage to the transistors in the electronic equipment by transient voltages from the power source. Therefore, the external power source can not be used as a source of power when checking electronic components. Just before connecting an external power source (generator type or battery cart), the master switch should be turned on. The ground service plug receptacle circuit incorporates a polarity reversal protection. Power from the external power source will flow only if the ground service plug is correctly connected to the airplane. If the plug is accidentally connected backwards, no power will flow to the electrical system, thereby preventing any damage to electrical equipment. 7 -26 CESSNA MODEL 172N AIRPLANE S E C TION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCR,IPTIONS The battery and external power circuits have been designed to completely eliminate the need to ?'jumper" across the battery contactor to close it for charging a completely "dead" battery. A special fused circuit in the external power system supplies the needed "iumper" across the contacts so that with a "dead" battery and an external power source appliedt turning on the master switch will close the battery contactor. MS tIG HTING SYS TE EXTER I O R t I G HI I N G Conventional navigation lights are located on the wing tips and top of the rudder. A single landing light or dual landing/taxi lights are installed in the cowl nose cap, and a flashing beacon is mounted on top of the vertical fin. Additional lighting is available and includes a strobe light on each wing tip and two courtesy lights, one under each wing, just outboard of the cabin door. The courtesy lights are operated by the dome light switch on the overhead console. A11exterior lights, except the courtesy lights, are controlled by rocker type switches on the left switch and control panel. The switches are ON in the up position and OFF in the down position. The flashing beacon should not be used when flying throtgh clouds or overcast; the flashing light reflected from water droplets or particles in the atmosphere, particularly at night, can produce vertigo and loss of orientation. The two high intensity strobe lights wiII enhance anti-collision protection. However, the lights shotrld be turned off when taniing in the vicinity of other aircraft, or during night flight through clouds, fog or baze. INTER I O R T I G HI I N G Instmment and control panel lighting is provided by flood lighting, integral lighting, and post lighting (if installed). Two concentric rheostat control knobs below the engine controls, labeled PANEL LT and RADIO LT' control intensity of the instmment and control panel lighting. A slide-type switch (if instatled) on the overhead console, labeled PANEL LTS, is used to select flood lighting in the FLOOD position, post lighting in the POST position, or a combination of post and flood lighting in the BOTH position. Instnrment and control panel flood lighting consists of a single red flood light in the forward part of the overhead console. To use the flood Iighting, rotate the PANEL LT rheostat control knob clockwise to the desired intensity. The instnrment panel may be equipped with post lights which are 7 -27 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N mounted at the edge of each instmment or control and provide direct lighting. The lights are operated by placing the PANEL LTS selector switch in the POST position and adjusting light intensity with the PANEL LT rheostat control knob. By placing the PANEL LTS selector switch in the BOTH position, the post lights can be used in combination with the standard flood lighting. 'The engine instruments, fuel quantity indicators, radio equipment, and magnetic compass have integral lighting and operate independently of post or flood lighting. Light intensity of the engine instmments, fuel quantity indicators, and radio lighting is controlled by the RADIO LT rheostat control knob. The integral compass light intensity is controlled by the PANEL LT rheostat control knob. A cabin dome light, in the aft part of the overhead co4tsole,is operated by a switch near the light. To turn the light on, move the switch to the right. A control wheel map light is arailable and is mounted on the bottom of the pilotrs control wheel. The light illuminates the lower portion of the cabin just forward of the pilot and is helpfuI when checking maps and other flight data during night operations. To operate the light, first turn on the NAV LT switch; then adjust the map lightrs intensity with the knurled disk type rheostat control located at the bottom of the control wheel. A doorpost map light is available, and is located on the left forward doorpost. It contains both red and white bulbs and may be positioned to illuminate any area desired by the pilot. The light is controlled by a switch, below the light, which is labeled RED, OFF, and WHITE. Placing the switch in the top position will provide a red light. In the bottom position, standard white lighting is provided. In the center position, the map light is turned off. The most probable cause of a light failure is a burned out bulb; however, in the event any of the tighting systems fail to illuminate when turned on, check the appropriate circuit breaker. If the circuit breaker has opened (white button popped out), and there is no obvious indication of a short circuit (smoke or odor), turn off the light switch of the affected lights, reset the breaker, and turn the switch on again. If the breaker opens again, do not reset it. C A B I N H EATING, V E N TITA TIN G AND DE F ROSTIN GSY S TE M The temperature and volume of airflow into the cabin can be regulated to any degree desired by manipulation of the push-pull CABIN HT and 7 -28 CESSNA MODEL 172N AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS I E)GIAUST MUFFLER SHROI]D FRONT CABIN AIR OUTLET HEATER VALVE ADJUSTABLE DEFROSTER OUTLET I I I CABIN HEAT CONTROL {-} VENTILATING AIR DOOR \ \ CABIN AIR CONTROL I *7 \ )D REAR CABIN AIR OUTLETS v ADJUSTABLE VENTILATORS CODE A tl Figure 7-8. Cabin Heating, Ventilating, RAM AIR FLOW € VENIILATING <- HEATED AIR {o SLENDED AIR --- MECHAMCAL CONNECTION AIR and Defrosting System 7 -29 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N CABIN AIR control knobs (see figure 7-8). For cabin ventilation, pull the CABIN AIR knob out. To raise the air temperature, pull the CABIN HT knob ort approximately t/4 to L/2 inch for a small amount of cabin heat. Additional heat is available by pulling the knob out farther; ma:rimum heat is a'railable with the CABIN HT knob pulled out and the CABIN AIR knob pushed full in. When no heat is desired in the cabin, the CABIN HT knob is pushed full in. Front cabin heat and ventilating air is supplied by outlet holes spaced across a cabin manifold just forward of the pilot's and copilot's feet. Rear cabin heat and air is supplied by two ducts from the manifold, one extending down each side of the cabin to an outlet at the front door post at floor level. Windshield defrost air is also supplied by a duct leading from the cabin manifold. Two knobs control sliding valves in the defroster outlet and permit regulation of defroster air{low. Separate adjustable ventilators supply additional air; one near each upper corner of the windshield supplies air for the pilot and copilot, and two ventilators are available for the rear cabin area to supply air to the rear seat passengers. P IT O T -STATICSY S TE M A N D IN S TRU M ENI S The pitot-static system supplies ram air pressure to the airspeed indicator and static pressure to the airspeed indicator, rate-of-climb indicator and altimeter. The system is composed of either an unheated or heated pitot tube mounted on the lower surface of the left wing, an external static port, on the lower left side of the forward fuselage, and the associated plumbing necessary to connect the instruments to the soulces. The heated pitot system consists of a heating element in the pitot tube, a rocker-type switch labeled PITOT HT on the lower left side of the instrument panel, a 10-amp circuit breaker on the switch and control panel, and associated wiring. When the pitot heat switch is turned on, the element in the pitot tube is heated electrically to maintain proper operation in possible icing conditions. Pitot heat should be used only as required. A static pressure alternate source valve may be installed adjacent to the throttle for use when the external static source is malfunctioning. This valve supplies static pressure from inside the cabin instead of the external static port. If erroneous instrument readings are suspected due to water or ice in the pressure line going to the standard external static pressure source. 7- 3 0 CESSNA MODEL 172N AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS the alternate static source valve shorrld be prlled on. Pressures within the cabin will vary with open cabin ventilators and windows. Refer to Sections 3 and 5 for the effect of 'uarying cabin pressures on airspeed and altimeter readings. AIR SPE E D I NDI CA T O R The airspeed indicator is calibrated in knots and miles per horr. Limitation and range markings include the white arc (41 to 85 knots), green arc (47 to 128 knots), yellow arc (128 to 160 knots), and a red line (160 knots). If a true airspeed indicator is installed, it is equipped with a rotatable ring which works in conjunction with the airspeed indicator dial in a manner similar to the operation of a flight computer. To operate the indicator, first rotate the ring until pressure altitude is aligned with outside air temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. Pressure altitude should not be cordused with indicated altitude. To obtain pressure altitude, momentarily set the barometric scale on the altimeter to 29.92 and read pressure altitude on the altimeter. Be sure to return the altimeter barometric scale to the original barometric setting after pressure altitude has been obtained. Having set the ring to correct for altitude and temperature, then read the airspeed shown on the rotatable ring by the indicator pointer. For best accuracy, this indication should be corrected to calibrated airspeed by referring to the Airspeed Calibration chart in Section 5. Knowing the calibrated airspeed, read true airspeed on the ring opposite the calibrated airspeed. R,AIE - O F - CI I ' Y TB I N D IC A T O R The rate-of-climb indicator depicts airplane rate of climb or descent in feet per minute. The pointer is actuated by atmospheric pressure resulting from changes of altitude as supplied by the static :::1"-":. AL II'Y I E I E R Airplane altitude is depicted by a barometric type altimeter. A knob near the lower left portion of the indicator provides adjustment of the instrument's barometric scale to the current altimeter setting. V A CU U M SYS TE MA N D IN S TR U M E NT S An engine-driven vacuum system (see figure 7-9) provides the suction necessary to operate the attitude indicator and directional indicator. The 7 -31 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N CODE l-l OVERBOARD V E N TL I N E TNLETAtR mffif vAcuuM n Dt s c HA RGAEt R VACU U MR E L I E FV A L V E ATTI TUDE INDICATO R S U CT ION GA G E o0c ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo '/l\ oco DIRECTI O NAL INDIC ATO R Figure 7-9. 7 -32 VACUUMSYSTEM AIR FILTER Vacuum System CESS NA MODEL 172N AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS system consists of a vacuum pump mounted on the engine, a vacuum relief valve and vacuum system air filter on the aft side of the firewall below the instmment panel, and instruments (including a suction gage) on the left side of the instmment panel. ATTITUDE I NDI CA TOR The attitude indicator gives a visual indication of flight attitude. Bank attitude is presented by a pointer at the top of the indicator relative to the bank scale which has index marks at 10", 20o, 30o, 60o, and 90o either side of the center mark. Pitch and roll attitudes are presented by a miniature airplane in relation to the horizon bar. A knob at the bottom of the instrument is provided for in-flight adjustment of the miniature airplane to the horizon bar for a more accurate flight attitude indication. D IREC T I O NA T I NDI C AT OR A directional indicator displays airplane heading on a compass card in relation to a fixed simulated airplane image and index. The indicator will precess slightly over a period of time. Therefore, the compass card should be set in accordance with the magnetic compass just prior to takeoff, and occasionally re-adjusted on extended flights. A knob on the lower left edge of the instmment is used to adjust the compass card to correct for precession. SU CT I O N G A G E The suction gage is located on the left side of the instnrment panel and indicates, in inches of mercury, the amount of suction available for operation of the attitude indicator and directional indicator. The desired suction range is 4.6 to 5.4 inches of mercury. A suction reading below this range may indicate a system malfunction or improper adjustment, and in this case, the indicators should not be considered reliable. S T ATL WAR N IN G S Y S TE M The airplane is equipped with a pneumatic-type stall warning system consisting of an inlet in the leading edge of the left wing, an airoperated horn near the upper left corner of the windshield, and associated plumbing. As the airplane approaches a stall, the low pressure on the upper surface of the wings moves forward around the leading edge of the wings. This low pressure creates a differential pressure in the stall warning system which draws air through the warning horn, resulting in an audible warning at 5 to 10 knots above stall in all flight conditions. 7 -33 SEC TION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N The stall warning system should be checked during the preflight inspection by placing a clean handkerchief over the vent opening and applying suction. A sound from the warning horn will confirm that the system is operative. E QU IP ME N T A V IONICS SUPP O R ,T The airplane may, at the ownerts discretion, be equippedwith varioiavionics zupport equipment such as an audio control panel, types ous micropnone-headset, and static dischargers. The following paragraphs discuss these items. AUD I O C ONTR O LP A N E L Operation of ra.dio equipment is covered in Section 9 of this handbook. when one or more radios are installed, a transmitter,/audio switching system is provided (see figure ?-10). The operation of this switching system is described in the following paragraphs. T R AN Sftl I T T E R,S E T E C T O RS WIIC H A rotary type transmitter selector switch, labeled XMTR SEL, is provided to connect the microphone to the transmitter the pilot desires lo use. To select a transmitter, rotate the switch to the number corresponding to that transmitter. The numbers 1, 2 and 3 above the switch correspond to the top, second and third transceivers in the avionics stack. An audio amplifier is required for speaker operation, and is automatically selected, along with the transmitter, by the transmitter selector switch. As an example, if the number 1 transmitter is selected, the audio amplifier in the associated NAV/COM receiver is also selected, and functions as the amplifier for ALL speaker audio. In the event the audio amplifier in use fails, as evidenced by loss of all speaker audio, select This should re-establish speaker audio. Headset another transmitter. audio is not affected by audio amplifier operation. AU TOfi TA T I C A UDI O SE L EC T O R SIV IIC H A toggle switch, labeled AUTO, can be used to automatically match the apprdfriate NAV /COV| receiver audio to the transmitter being selected. To utilize this automatic feature, leave all NAV/COM receiver switches in the OFF (center) position, and place the AUTO selector switch in either the SPEAKER or pllOttg position, as desired. Once the AUTO selector switch is positioned, the pilot may then select any transmitter 7 -34 CESSNA MODEL 172N AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS A U T O ' VIA T IC A U D IO SE IEC TION SP E AK E R- l NAV/ CO ' Vl ,ADFI 3 | 2 O o o @I PHON T R A NSMITTER S E LECTOR SWITCH AUTO M ATI CAUDI O SELECTO R SW I TCH A U D I OS E L E C T O R SWITCH(TYPICAL) the AUTO selectorswitchis in As illustrated,the number1 transmitteris selected, the SPEAKER position,andthe NAViCOM1,2 and3 andADF 1 and2 audio selectorswitchesare in the OFF position.With the switchessetasshown,the pilot will transmiton the number1 transmitterand hearthe number1 NAV/COMreceiverthroughthe airplanespeaker. INDIVIDUATAUDIO SEIECTION SP E A KE R- l N A V /C Orfr'ADFI 3 o P H ON E A U 2 o @I I T R A NSMITTER S E LE CTOR swlTcH AUTO M ATI CAUDI O SWITCH SELECTOR A U D l OS E L E C T O R SWITCH(TYPICAL) the AUTO selectorswitchis As illustrated,the number1 transmitteris selected, in the OFF position,the number1 NAV/COMreceiveris in the PHONEposition, andthe number1 ADF is in the SPEAKERposition.With the switchessetas shown,the pilot will transmiton the number1 transmitterand hearthe number while the passengers are listeningto the ADF 1 NAV/COMreceiver on a headset, audiothroughthe airplanespeaker.lf anotheraudioselectorslritchis placedin with eitherthe PHONEor SPEAKERposition,it will be heardsimultaneously eitherthe number1 NAV/COMor number1 ADF respectively. Figure ?-10. Audio Control Panel 7 -35 SECTION 7 AIRPLANE & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS CESSNA MODEL 172N and its associated NAV/COM receiver audio simultaneously with the transmitter selector switch, If automatic audio selection is not desired, the Auro selector switch should be placed in the oFF (center) position. AUDIO S E T E CI O R S W IIC H E S The audio selector switches, labeled NAv/coM 1, a and 3 and ADF 1 and 2, allow the pilot to initiaily pre-tune all NAv/iou and ADF re_ceivers, and then individually select and listen to any receiver or combination of receivers. To listen to a specific receiver, first check that the AUTO selector switch is in the OFF (center) positibn, then place the audio selector switch corresponding to that receiver in either the SpEAKEp (up) or PHONE (dourn)position. To turn off the audio of the selected receiver, place that switch in the oFF (center) position. If desired, the audio selector switches can be positioned to-pbrmit the pilot to listen to one receiver on a headset while the passengers listen to another receiver on the airplane speaker. The ADF 1 and 2 switches may be used anytime ADF audio is desired. If the pilot wants only ADF audio, for station identiJication or other reasotls' the AUTO selector switch (if in use) and all other audio selector switches should be in the OFF position. If simuttaneous ADF and NAV/ coM audio is acceptable to the pilot, no change in the existing switch positions is required. Place the ADF 1 or 2 switch in either Ine SpneKER or PHoNE position and adjust radio volume as desired. NOTE rf the NAv/coM audio selector switch corresponding to the selected transmitter is in the pHoNE position with the Allro selector switch in the SPEAI(ER position, all audio selector switches placed in the pHoNE position will automatically be connected to both the airplane speaker and any headsets in use. MIC ROPHONE-H E A D S E T _The microphone-headset combination consists of the microphone and headset combined in a single unit and a microphone keying switch located on the left side of the pilotts control wheel. the micr-ophone-headset permits the pilot to conduct radio communications withotrt internrpting otfier control operations to handle a hand-held microphone. Also, frssenge"s need not listen to all communieations. The mi-crophoneand triaaset-jacks are located near the lower left corner of the instrriment panel. 7 -36 C ESS NA MODEL 172N AIRPLANE SECTION 7 & SYSTEMS DESCRIPTIONS S TAT I C D I S C H A R ,GE R S If frequent IFR, flights are planned, installation of wick-type static dischargers is recommended to improve radio conununications during flight through dust or various forms of precipitation (rain, snow or ice crystals). Under these conditions, the build-up and discharge of static electricity from the trailing edges of the wings, rudder, elevator, propeller tips and radio antennas can result in loss of usable radio signals on all communications and navigation radio equipment. Usually the ADF is first to be affected and VHF communication eguipment is the Iast to be affected. Instaltation of static dischargers reduces interference from precipitation static, but it is possible to encounter severe precipitation static conditions which might cause the loss of radlo siglrls, even with static dischargers installed. Whenever possible, avoid Fnown severe precipitation areas to prevent loss of dependable radio-signa1s. If avoidance is impractical, minimize airspeed and anticipate temporary loss of radio signals while in these areas. 7 -37/(7 -38 blank) CESSNA MODEL 172N S E C TION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE SECTION B HANDLINC, AIRPLANE SERVICE & MAINTENANCE T A BL E OF C ON TE N TS Page Introduction Identification Plate Owner Follow-Up System trublications Airplane File Airplane Inspection Periods FAA Required Inspections . Cessna Progressive Care Cessna Customer Care Program . Pilot ConductedPreventive Maintenance Alterations or Repairs Ground Handling Towing Parking Tie-Down Jacking Leveling. Flyable Storage Servicing Engine Oil . Fuel Landing Gear Cleaning and Care Windshield-Windows Painted Surfaces Propeller Care Engine Care Interior Care 8-3 8-3 8-3 8-3 8-4 8-5 8-5 8-6 8-6 8-? 8-7 8-? 8-7 8-? 8-8 8-8 8-9 8-9 8-10 8-10 I -1r 8-12 8-12 8-r2 8-12 8-13 8-13 8-14 8-r/ (8-Z blank) CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 8 }IANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE I NT R O D U C T I ON This section contains factory-recommended procedures for proper ground handling and routine care and servicing of your Cessna. It also identifies certain inspection and maintenance requirements which must be followed if your airplane is to retain that new-plane performance and dependability. It is wise to follow a planned schedule of lubrication and preventive maintenance based on climatic and flying conditions encountered in your locality. Keep in touch with your Cessna Dealer and take advantageof his knowledge and experience. He knows your airplane and how to maintain it. He will remind you when lubrications and oil changes are necessary, and about other seasonal and periodic services. I DEN T I F I C A T ION P L A T E All correspondence regarding your airplane should include the SERLAL NUMBER. The Serial Number, Model Number, Production Certificate Number (PC) and Type Certificate Number (TC) can be found on the Identification Plate, located on the lower part of the left forward doorpost. Located adjacent to the Hentification Plate is a Finish and Trim. Plate which contains a code describing the interior color scheme and exterior paint combination of the airplane. The code may be used in conjunction with an applicable Parts Catalog if finish and trim information is needed. OW NER FOttO W -U P S Y S TE M Your Cessna Dealer has an Ovner Follow-Up System to notify you when he receives information that applies to your Cessna. In addition, il you wish, you may choose to receive similar notification, in the form of Senrice Letters, directly from the Cessna Customer Services Department. A subscription form is supplied in your Customer Care Program book for your use, should you choose to request this service. Your Cessna Dealer wiII be glad to supply you with details concerning these follow-up programs, and stands ready, through his Service Department, to supply you with fast, efficient, low-cost service. PUBTI CA I I O NS Various publications and flight operation aids are furnished in the 8-3 SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE airplane when delivered from the factory. O CESSNA MODEL 172N These items are Iisted below. CUSTOMER CARE PROGRAM BOOK PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK/ SUPPLEMENTS FOR YOUR AIRPLANE AVIONICS AND AUTOPILOT PILOT'S CHECKLISTS POWER COMPUTER, SALES AND SERVICE DEALER DIRECTORY The following additional publications, plus many other supplies that are applicable to your airplane, are available from your Cessna Dealer. O SERVICE MANUALS AND PARTS CATALOGS FOR YOUR AIRPLANE ENGINE AND ACCESSORIES AVIONICS AND AUTOPILOT Your Cessna Dealer has a Customer Care Supplies Catalog covering aII available items, many of which he keeps on hand. He wiII be happy to place an order for any item which is not in stock. AI RP L AN E F I L E There are miscellaneous data, information and licenses that are a part of the airplane file. The following is a checklist for that file. In addition, a periodic check should be made of the latest Federal Aviation Regulations to ensure that aII data requirements are met. A. To be displayed in the airplane at aII times: (1) Aircraft Airworthiness Certificate (FAA Form 8100-2). (2) Aircraft Registration Certificate (FAA Form 8050-3). (3) Airc,raft Radio Station License, if transmitter installed (FCC Fo rm 556) . B. To be carried in the airplane at aII times: (1) Weight and Batance, and associated papers (Iatest copy of the Repair and Alteration Form, FAA Form 33?, if applicable). (2) Equipment List. 8-4 CESSN A MODEL 172N C. SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE To be made available upon request: (1) Airplane Log Book. (2) Engine Log Book. Most of the items listed are required by the United States Federal Aviation Regulations. Since the Regulations of other nations may require other documents and data, owners of airplanes not registered in the United States should check with their own aviation officials to determine their individual requirements. Cessna recommends that these items, plus the Pilot's Operating Handbook, Pilot's Checklists, Power Computer, Customer Care Program book and Customer Care Card, be carried in the airplane at all times. AI R. P L AN E I N S P E C T ION P E R IODS FAA RE OUI R, E D I NS PE C T ION S As required by Federal Aviation Regulations, aII civil aircraft of U. S. registry must undergo a complete inspection (annuat) each twelve calendar months. In addition to the required ANNUAL inspection, aircraft operated commercially (for hire) must have a complete inspection every 100 hours of operation. The FAA may require other inspections by the issuance of airworthiness directives applicable to the airplane, engine, propeller and components. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to ensure compliance with all applicable airworthiness directives and, when the inspections are repetitive, to take appropriate steps to prevent inadvertent noncompliance. In lieu of the 100 HOIIR and ANNUAL inspection requirements, an airplane may be inspected in accordance with a progressive inspection schedule, which allows the work load to be divided into smaller operations that can be accomplished in shorter time periods. The CESSNA PROGRESSM CARE PROGRAM has been developed to provide a modern progressive inspection schedule that satisfies the complete airplane inspection requirements of both the 100 HOUR and ANNUAL inspections as applicable to Cessna airplanes. The program assists the owner in his responsibility to comply with all FAA inspection requirements, while ensuring timely replacement of life-limited parts and adherence to factory- recommended inspection intervals and maintenance procedures. 8-5 SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N C ESSN A P RO G RE S S IV EC AR E The Cessna hogressive Care Program has been designed to help you realize maximum utilization of your airplane at a minimum cost and downtime. Under this program, your airplane is inspected and maintained in four operations at 50-hour intervals during a 20O-hour period. The opera_tignsare recycled each 200 hours and are recorded in a specially provided Aircraft Inspection Log as each operation is conducted. The Cessna Aircraft Company recommends Progressive Care for airplanes that are being flown 200 hours or more per year, and the 100-hour inspection for all other airplanes. The procedures for the Progressive 9*" Program and the 100-hour inspection have been carefully worked out by the factory and are followed by the Cessna Dealer Organization. The complete familiarity of Cessna Dealers with Cessna equipment and factoryapproved procedures provides the highest level of service possible at lower cost to Cessna owners. Regardless of the inspection method selected by the owner, he should keep in mind that FAR Part 43 and FAR Part 91 establishes the requirernent that properly certified agencies or personnel accomplish all required FAA inspections ard most of the manufacturer recommended inspections. C ESSN A CUS I O f ilE R C A R E P R ,OGR Affl Specific benefits and provisions of the CESSNAWARRANTY plus other imlrcrtant benefits for you are contained in your cusToMER CARE pRoGRAM book supplied with your airplane. Ybu wiII want to thoroughly review your Customer Care Program book and keep it in your airplane at all times. Coupons attached to the Program book entitle you to an initial inspection and either a hogressive Care Operation No. 1 or the first 100-hour inspection within the first G months of ownership at no charge to you. If you-take delivery from your Dealer, the initial inspection wiU have been performed before delivery of the airplane to you. If you pick up your airplane at the factory, plan to take it to your DLaler reisonably sbon after you take delivery, so the initial inspection may be performed allowing the Dealer to make any minor adjustments which may be necessary. You will also want to return to your Dealer either at 50 hours for your first Progressive Care Operation, or at 100 hours for your first 100-hour inspection depending on which program you choose to establish for your airplane. While these important inspections will be performed for you by any Cessna Dealer, in most cases you wiII prefer to have the Dealer from whom you purchased the airplane accomplistr ttris work. 8- 6 SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N P ILOT C OND U C TE DP R E V E N TIV EM A I NT E NA NCE A certified pilot who owns or operates an airplane not used as an air carrier is authorized by FAR Part 43 to perform limited maintenance on his airplane. Refer to FAR Part 43 for a list of the specific maintenance operations which are allowed. NOTE Pilots operating airplanes of other than U.S. registry should refer to the regulations of the country of certification for information on preventive maintenance that may be performed by pilots. A Service Manual should be obtained prior to performing any preventive maintenance to ensure that proper procedures are follo'wed. Your Cessna Dealer should be contacted for further information or for required maintenance which must be accomplished by appropriately licensed personnel. A LT ER ATION SOR R E P A IR S It is essential that the FAA be contacted prior to any alterations on the airplane to ensure that airworthiness of the airplane is not violated. Alterations or repairs to the airplane must be accomplished by licensed personnel. G R,OU N D H AN D TIN G TOW ING The airplane is most easily and safely maneuvered by hand with the tow-bar attached to the nose wheel. When towing with a vehicle, do not exceed the nose gear turning angle of 30o either side of center, or damage to the gear wiII result. If the airplane is towed or pushed over a rough surface during hangaring, watch that the normal cushioning action of the nose stn t does not cause excessive vertical movement of the tail and the resulting contact with low hangar doors or structure. A flat nose tire or deflated strut will also increase tail height. PAR K I NG When parking the airplane, head into the wind and set the parking brakes. Do not set the parking brakes during cold weather when accumuIated moisfure may freeze the brakes, or when the brakes are overheated. 8-7 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE Install the control wheel lock and chock the wheels. In severe weather and high wind conditions, tie the airplane down as outlined in the following paragraph. T I E.DOWN Proper tie-down procedure is the best precaution against damage to the parked airplane by gusty or strong winds. To tie-down the airplane securely, proceed as follows: (1) Set the parking brake and install the control wheel lock. (2) Install a surface control lock over the fin and mdder. (3) Tie sufficiently strong ropes or chains (700 pounds tensile strength) to the wing, tail, and nose tie -down fittings and secure each rope to a ramp tie-down. (4) Install a pitot tube cover. JAC KIN G When a requirement exists to jack the entire airplane off the ground, or when wing jack points are used in the jacking operation, refer to the Service Manual for specific procedures and equipment required. Individual main gear may be jacked by using the jack pad which is incorporated in the main landing gear strut step bracket. When using the individual gear strut jack pad, flexibility of the gear strut will cause the main wheel to slide inboard as the wheel is raised, tilting the jack. The jack must then be lowered for a second jacking operation. Do not jack both main wheels simultaneously rrsing the individual main gear jack pads. If nose gear maintenance is required, the nose wheel may be raised off the ground by pressing down on a tailcone bulkhead, just forward of the horizontal stabilizer, and allowing the tail to rest on the tail tie-down ring. NOTE Do not apply pressure on the elevator or outboard stabilizer surfaces. When pushing on the tailcone, always apply pressure at a bulkhead to avoid buckling the skin. To assist in raising and holding the nose wheel off the ground, weight down the tail by placing sand-bags, or suitable weights, on each side of the horizontal stabilizer, next to the fuselage. If ground anchors are 8-B CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE available, the tail should be securely tied down. NOTE Ensure that the nose will be held off the ground under all conditions by means of suitable stands or supports under weight supporting bulkheads near the nose of the airplane. t EV ELI NG Longitudinal leveling of the airplane is accomplished by placing a level on leveling screws located on the left side of the Lailcone. Deflate the nose tfte and/or lower or raise the nose strut to properly center the bubble in the level. Corresponding points on both upper door sills may be used to level the airplane laterally. FL YABT E S T O R. A G E Airplanes placed in non-operational storage for a maximum of 30 days or those which receive only intermittent operational use for the first 25 hours are considered in flyable storage status. Every seventh day durirg these periods, the propeller should be rotated by hand through five revolutions. This action "limbers" the oil and prevents any accumulation of corrosion on engine cylinder walls. W A R N IN G For maximum safety, check that the ignition switch is OFF, the throttle is closed, the mixture control is in the idle cut-off position, and the airplane is secured before rotating the propeller by hand. Do not stand within the arc of the propeller blades while turning the propeller. After 30 days, the airplane should be flown for 30 minutes or a ground runup should be made just long enoughto produce an oil temperafure within the lower green arc range. Excessive ground runup should be avoided. Engine runup also helps to eliminate excessive accumulations of water in the fuql system and other air spaces in the engine. Keep fuel tanks fulI to minim\i.ze condensation in the tanks. Keep the battery fully charged to prevent the electrolyte from freezing in cold weather. If the airplane is to be stored temporarily, or indefinitely, refer to the Service Manual for proper storage procedures. B -9 SECTION S HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N SER, V I C I N G In addition to the PREFLIGHT INSPECTION covered in Section 4, COMPLETE servicing, inspection, and test requirements for your airplane are detailed in the Service Manual. The Service Manual outlines all items which require attention at 50, 100, and 200 hour intervals plus those items which require servicing, inspection, and/or testing at speciat intervals. Since Cessna Dealers conduct all service, inspection, and test procedures in accordance with applicable Service Manuals, it is recommended that you contact your Cessna Dealer concerning these requirements and begin scheduling your airplane for service at the recolnmended intervals. Cessna Progressive Care ensures that these requirements are accomplished at the required intervals to comply with ttre fOO-trouror ANNUAL inspection as previously covered. Depending on various flight operations, your local Government Aviation Agency may require additional service, inspections, or tests. For these regulatory requirements, owners should check with local aviation officials where the airplane is being operated. For quick and ready reference, quantities, materials, and specifications for frequently used service items are as follows. E N GINE O I I GRADE AND VISCOSITY FOR TEMPERATURE RANGE -The airplane was delivered from the factory with a corrosion preventive aircraft engine oil. This oil should be drained after the first 25 hours of operation, and the following oils used as specified for the average ambient air temperature in the operating irea. MIL-L-6082 Aviation Grade Straight Mineral Oil: Use to replenish -change. lupply during the first 25 hours and at the first Z5-hour oil Continue to use until a total of 50 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized. SAE 50 above 16oC (60.F) SAE 40 between -1oC (80"F) and B2oC (90"F). SAE 30 between -18oC (0.F) and ploO (?0"F). SAE 20 below -tZ"C (10oF). 8- 1 0 SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N Oil: This oil must bg used after the ill[IL-L-22851 Ashless Dispersant has stabilized. first 50 hours or oil consumption SAE 40 or SAE 50 above 16oC (60oF). SAE 40 between -1"C (30"F) and 32"C (90.F). SAE 30 or SAE 40 between -18oC (0"F) and 21oC (?0.F). SAE 30 below -12oC (10oF). CAPACITY OF ENGINE SUMP -- 6 Quarts. Do not operate on less than 4 quarts. To minimize loss of oil through breather, fill to 5 quart level for normal flights of less than 3 hours. For extended flight, fill to 6 quarts. These quantities refer to oil dipstick level readings. During oil and oil filter changes, one quart is required when the filter element is changed. additional OIL AND OIL FILTER, CHANGE -After the first 25 hours of operation, drain engine oil sump and oil cooler and clean the oil pressure screen. If an oil filter is installed, change filter at this time. Refill sump with straight mineral oil and use until a total of 50 hours has accumulated or oil consumption has stabilized; then change to dispersant oil. On airplanes not equipped with an oil filter, driin the engine oil sump and oil cootF and. clean the oil pressure screen each 50 hours thereafter. On airplanes which have an oil filter, the oil change interval may be providing extended to 100-hour intervals, the oil filter is changed at 50-hour intervals. Change engine oil at least every 6 months even though less than the recommended hours have accumulated. Reduce intervals for prolonged operation in dusty areas, cold climates, or when short ftights and long idle periods result in sludging conditions. FUEt AppRovED FUEL GRADES (AND COLORS)-100LL Grade Aviation FueI (Blue). 100 (Formerly 100/ 130) Grade Aviation Fuel (Green). CAPACITY EACH STANDARD TANK -- 21.5 Gallons. CAPACITY EACH LONG RANGE TANK -- 27 Gallons. NOTE To ensure murimum fuel capacity when refueling, place the fuel selector valve in either LEFT or RIGHT position to prevent cross-feeding. 8-11 SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N T AN DING G E A R NOSEWHEEL TIBE PRESSURE-- 31 PSI on 5.00-5, 4-Ply Rated Tire. 2 6 P SI o n 6 .0 0 -6 , 4-Ply Rated Tire. MAIN WHEEL TIRE PRESSIJRE-- 29 PSI on 6. 00-6, 4-Plv Rated Tires. NOSE GEAR SHOCK STRUT -Keep filled with MIL-H-5606 hydraulic fluid and inflated with air to 45 PSI. C T E A NINGAND C A R ,E wr N D s H tEr D - w tNDows The plastic windshield and windows should be cleaned with an aircraft windshield cleaner. Apply the cleaner sparingly with soft cloths, and rub with moderate pressure until all dirt, oil scum and bug stains are removed. Allow the cleaner to dry, then wipe it off with soft flannel cloths. If a windshield cleaner is not available, the plastic can be cleaned with soft cloths moistened with Stoddard solvent to remove oil and grease. NOTE Never r1g gasoline, benzine, alcohol, acetone, carbon TEracFioride, fire extinguisher or anti-ice fluid, lacquer thinner or glass cleaner to clean the plastic. These materials will attack the plastic and may cause it to craze. Follow by carefully washing with a mild detergent and plenty of water. Rinse thoroughly, then dry with a elean moist chamois. Do not rub the plastic with a dry cloth since this builds up an electrostat-iE@which attracts dust. Waxing with a good commercial wur will finish the cleaning job. A thin, even coat of wa:<polished out by hand with clean soft flannel cloths, will fill in minor scratches and help prevent further scratching. Do not use a canvas cover on the windshield unless freezing rain or steet-is dlicipated since the cover may scratch the plastic surface. PAIN TED S URF A CE S The painted exterior surfaces of your new Cessna have a durable, long lasting finish and, under normal conditions, require no polishing or buffing. Approximately 15 days are required for the paint to cure completely; in mosb c&ses',thqcuring period will have been completed prior to delivery of the airplane. In the event that polishing or buffing is re8-t2 SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N quired within the curing period, it is recommended that the work be done by someone experienced in handling uncured paint. Any Cessna Dealer can accomplish this work. Generally, the painted surfaces can be kept bright by washing with water and mild soap, followed by a rinse with water and drying with cloths or a chamois. Harsh or abrasive soaps or detergents which cause corrosion or scratches should never be used. Remove stubborn oil and grease with a cloth moistened with Stoddard solvent. Waxing is unnecessary to keep the painted surfaces bright. However, if desired, the airplane may be waxed with a good automotive wax. A heavier coating of wur on the leadirg edges of the wings and tail and on the engine nose cap and propeller spinner will help reduce the abrasion encountered in these areas. When the airpLane is parked outside in cold climates and it is necessary to remove ice before flight, care should be taken to protect the painted surfaces during ice removal with chemical liquids. A 50-50 solution of isopropyl alcohol and water will satisfactorily remove ice accumulations without damaging the paint. A solution with more than 50Voalcohol is harmful and should be avoided. While applying the de-icing solution, keep it away from the windshield and cabin windows since the alcohol will attack the plastic and may cause it to craze. PR ,OP E t t E R,CA R. E Preflight inspection of propeller blades for nicks, and wiping them occasionally with an oily cloth to clean off grass and bug stains will assure long, trouble-free service. Small nicks on the propeller, particuIarly near the tips and on the leading edges, should be dressed out as soon as possible since these nicks produce stress concentrations, and if ignored, may result in cracks. Never use an alkaline cleaner on the blades; remove grease and dirt with carbon tetrachloride or Stoddard solvent. EN GINE CA RE The engine may be cleaned with Stoddard solvent, or equivalent, then dried thoroughly. CAUTION Particular care should be given to electrical equipment before cleaning. Cleaning fluids should not be allowed to enter magnetos, starter, alternator and the like. Protect these components before safurating the engine 8-13 SECTION 8 HANDLING, SERVICE & MAINTENANCE CESSNA MODEL 172N with solvents. All other openings should also be covered before cleaning the engine assembly. Caustic cleaning solutions should be used cautiously and should always be properly neutralized after their use. I NIER ,IOR CA RE To remove dust and loose dirt from the upholstery and carpet, clean the interior regularly with a vacuum cleaner. Blot up any spilled liquid promptly with cleansing tiszue or rags. Donrt pat the spot; press the blotting material firmly and hold it for several seconds. Continue blotting until no more liquid is taken up. Scrape off sticky materials with a dull knife, then spot-clean the area. Oil spots may be cleaned with household spot removers, used sparingly. Before using any solvent, read the instructions on the container and test it on an obscure place on the fabric to be cleaned. Never saturate the fabric with a volatile solvent; it may damage the padding and backing materials. Soiled upholstery and carpet may be cleaned with foam-type detergent, used according to the manufacturerts instructions. To minimize wetting the fabric, keep the foam as dry as possible and remove it with a vacuum cleaner. If your airplane is equipped with leather seating, cleanirg of the seats is accomplished using a soft cloth or slpnge dipped in mild soap suds. The soap zuds, used sparingly, will remove traces of dirt and grease. The soap should be removed with a clean damp cloth. The plastic trim, headliner, instrument panel and control knobs need only be wiped off with a damp cloth. Oil and grease on the control wheel and control loobs can be removed with a cloth moistened with Stoddard solvent. Volatile solvents, such as mentioned in paragraphs on care of the windshield, must never be used since they soften and craze the plastic. 8-1 4 CESSNA MODEL 172N SECTION 9 SUPPLEMENTS 9 SECTION SUPPLEMENTS (OptionalSystems Description & OperatingProcedures ) T A BL E OF C ON TE N TS Introduction Supplements: Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) (4 pages) UpdatedSupplements SAF-T-STOP "auxiliaryfront seat stops (2 pages) GarminGMA 340Audio Panel(12 pages) GarminGTN550 GPS(35 pages) GarminSL30NAV/COM(2 pages) GarminGTX327Transponder(8 pages) STEC Autopilot "referenceautopilot POH" 9-1 SECTION 9 SUPPLEMEI.ITS CESSNA MODEL 172N I NT RODU C TION This section consists of a series of supplements, each covering a single optional system wNch may be installed in the airplane. Each zupplement contains a brief description, and when applicable, operating limitations, emergency and normal procedures, and performance. Other routinely installed items of optional equipment, whose function and operational procedures do not require detailed instmctions, are discussed in Section ?. 9-2 PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT EMERGENCY LOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT) SUPPTEMENT E M E R G ENCY TO CATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT) S E C TtO N I G E N E R ,A L The ELT consists of a self-contained dual-frequency radio transmitter and battery po\trer supply, and is activated by an impact of 5g or more as may be experienced in a crash landing. The ELT emits an omni-directional signal on the international distress frequencies of LZt.5 and 243.0 MHz. (Some ELT units in export aireraft transmit only on 121.5 MHz. ) General aviation and commercial aircraft, the FAA, and CAP monitor 12L.5 MHz, and 243.0 MHz is monitored by the military. Following a crash landing, the ELT will provide line-of-sight transmission up to 100 miles at 10,000 feet. The duration of ELT transmissions is affected by ambient temperature. At temperahrres sf +21" to +5r4og(+70" to o130"F), continuous transmission for 115 hours can be expected; a temperature qf -40"C (-40"F) will shorten the duration to 70 hours. The ELT is readily identified as a bright orange unit mounted behind the baggage compartment wall in the tailcone. To gain access to the unit, remove the baggage compartment wall. The ELT is operated by a control panel at the fonvard facing end of the unit (see figure 1). sEcTt oN 2 LIMITA TION S There is no chalge to the airplane limitations when this equipment is installed. 1of4 EMERGENCY IOCATOR TRANSMITTER (ELT) PILOT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT 1. COVER - Removable for access to battery. 2. FUNCTION SELECTOR SWITCH (3-position toggle switch): ON - Activates transmitter instantly. and if "9" switch is inoperative. OFF - Deactivates transmitter. and following rescue. Used for test purposes Used during shipping, storage ARM- Activates transmitter only when "g" switch receives 5g or more impact. 3. Af.ITENNA RECEPTACLE - Connection to antenna mounted on top of the tailcone. Figure 1. ELT Control Panel sEcTtoN 3 EM ER ,G E N C Y P R OC E D URE S Immediately after a forced landing where emergency assistance is required, the ELT should be utilized as follows, (1) ENSURE ELT ACTIVATION: T\un a radio transceiver ON and select 121.5 MHz. If the ELT can be heard transmitting, it was activated by the "g" switch and is functioning properly. If no emergency tone is audible, gain access to the ELT and place the function se2 PII,OT'S OPERATING HANDBOOK SUPPLEMENT EMERGENCY LOCATOR (ELT) TRANSTVTTTTER lector switch in the ON position. (2) PRIOR TO SIGHTING RESCUE AIRCRAFT: battery. Do not activate radio transceiver. Conserve airplane (3) AFTER SIGHTING RESCUE AIRCRAFT: Place ELT tunction selector switch in the OFF position, preventing radio interference. Attempt contact with rescue aircraft with the radio transceiver set to a frequency of t21.5 MHz. If no contact is established, rehrrn the function selector switch to ON immediately. (4) FOLLOTtrING RESCUE: Place ELT function selector switch in the OFF position, terminating emergency transmissions. sEcTlo N 4 NO R MA T P R OC E D URE S As long as the function selector switch remains in the ARM position, the ELT automatically activates following an impact of 5g or more over a short period of time. Following a lightning strike, or an exceptionally hard landing, the ELT may activate although no emergency exists. To check your ELT for inadvertent activation, select 121.5 MHz on your radio transceiver and listen for an emergency tone transmission. If the ELT can be heard transmitting, place the function selector switch in the OFF position and the tone should cease. Immediately place the function selector switch in the ARM position to re-set the ELT for normal operation. sEcTr oN 5 P E R ,FO R ,MA NCE There is no change to the airplane performance data when this equipment is installed. 3/(4 blank) A e r o T e c h n o l o g i e s ,I n c. P. 0. Box 191l'1t. C le m e n s M , I 4 9 04 6 - 0 1 9 i FAA Appr oveo Ai r pl ane F1ight l,lanual Suppl ement for c e s s niaT e N s e ri e s wiih Aer o Technologies SAF_T_STOp REGrsiRArroil ila. N 7377'1 SERTAL No.17)67,74q rc theF J:;;.i'if;l;'iil: I::: beartached I:!'il":il;l:"' ' i'[husrc,*+i*qdii:itli"i1i::;i+6'^?3"1;:i'f areas,isted r;"iffiir:ilr,;i,'.ffiji"i!il!]il:f,!iT;?,,yl,lf,laai, il,"ir,is supprement:;;;;;r;'ih:'8.3i:t;il;i:;.iFio.'ation il::,:?:r;i;.0 Cer tificat.i on Offi c e OAT E:SEP 2 2 1987 REVISED: FEB lC lg88 Page I of 2 A e ro T e ch n o l o g i es, lnc. P .0 . B o x 1 9 1 Mt. Cl e me n s, h l 48046- 0191 sE cT l 0 N I. AFH Suool em ent for Cessna / 7141 Ser i es R/N.t,1'n7s/N t 7e(,776q t.ti ' ltTAii0t' ls Re q ui re d P l acar c: ATTTNTI ON Thjs is equipped with an auxil iary s eat air cr aft stcp -iocated on the seat tr ack aft of thjs s eat. T 0 RlLtASi: Tur n scr ew counter c l c c k w is e . I{A RNING: The stop device js } l0T a subsi.itu !e s eaL Io ck. l,/henadjust i ng always i eave l,/4 i,o 1/Z .inc h sp a ce between seat and the stoo. S i CT ION II. NORI4AL PROCIDURES (;o t huiib be affixeC l) Loc s en Z) Soar d air c ; ' af t , a d j 'J s t anc O r ov idgc i c , r i , i r c ! e a i " c i 5 e i i i i i . screw t-he anci slide to P i i o t 's SAF-T-ST0P rearyari. lock using seat llandbock) 0peratin-o l o cki n g a i r c r a f i 's the m e ch a n j sm 3) lns ur e ' ioc k ed 4) Slide SAF- T- S T O P u p t o a p p r o x i n a t e i y ( se e i n c h o f th e se a t r cl l e r l/ b !/? FiguTe 2) . D O N O T H A V E T H E S E A T R O L L I R O R A H Y P A R T O F T HE SEAT STR U C TU R E C C I: I I I CO NTACi I . I I T H T H g S A F . I - s i O P . 5) Tighien t hunb 6) io air c r a f t , ex it I ' lARlllNG : t hat ac c c r d i n - o a i r c r a f t 's seat he.hanism locking is to the aircraft manufacture:s directicns. screw to secure loosen screw the SAt-T-STOP and slide SAF- T- 5T 0 P i s i l O f a s u b s i i t u t e r ear c ar d mction of the seat c ec hanis m s h o u l d f a i l . ir se cu r e l y and plac:. S A F - 'i - S i O P seai lcck, it in the event aHa/ fron se a '.. i s d e s i g ne d o n l y the a i r cr a ft's tc r e str i c., l o cki n c se a i F A A A P P ROV i D Da te : S E P ? 2 1987 vi d o R EV T sE D : F E g l o l g g g properiy / df / GMA 34O Audio Panel pilot's guide ridt r.l c!.r!& lclnrlrot E nt Pul 6tur (cI|| x0 ol.| rDO P r| r4o@MvNDrf-Fosu loarrsrrFq cry r{!(lt^w1^vloqrw|. ({YFouiia'q0Etrio* 6t ir a y rtlq({Fv,qqr qws+d' 6r@tl(0-Rdai n fiD n rr 4{:PfiJE4r|qix) ; 3 $4'€Fqw{xxrariF,rd'J .st0^dlrtqmnlr|o,u)r-\pitld,riglqdo Fq'f,rh5uM40o^JF'qqq\tq/ ue$ury'q{ 0{0n6aqq\d!-{q9e4q{{5 r 0 j ll d r Ea [l wl'41{sl|Fqelei'l'.{qI4t} ,Gtr6!F44r$4aFia'eqq4r qrTw6qv*lgErq{ d q 'rcq.r l !r|l0roig@F dcl}iErFHru ^ dmd hrhoFddd ftGr.u no!FMrldorfti'lt ehocdd!rcyrundFrmdEwFft !iftrcpl@dftlrcoM hc ' hhm ooh6 r 6nkdiiLf @tutrLded dErE M ahier4d@ hdn4lddrrmsifrdilr lprx!ied'r rrD&!olt@d,nEroleoibipbuuryft d l]ldrMMbrrb!L!r !l'r{idndr ftonFad Nffi LMh{ldS!l86tontoLdb'lxelid!r!Et6 o aNb httt tt @d.d tt tc t l4td cot B6o$\m.und I coM, ocofi I0rG,lrhriErdntoffi *kMddlEcoM 6(dipLh.d blF6a.L'kcoMIYlc.cor2Mlc.rcoMr Lco, ixdN@&ilE,laldd qoMr ldMrnalrlio,jreorld&dbdq.id.dlblpe{@u'.d, 0, si6JddhrlrqtidqtMdca tr hliriehnBrari.!r.*rtleL6sMc|ohr$i6,f P'e{dicoM nlffi0td'%$.*lt @M'si.ddder.tbrt.Frd{sMrolldoshrcoM !d! ft rindoeLrrtrmr,*dgt!ffi ptutcEF Ld.ddadrirqddl{Mo vrsi tli,r k dlrM.|J 'rd fublt'!61{'lr@Mnhum.frnh $ton&lPh@MDod'lIFFldqd!A3ltMlnjtd'FtiM u{coM l ndFnddi! wia!rPAhnmBFlsd,[.rdrsprr@r ftrr;dEn4h qld3ffibdliMlrIolnspa'r'!,l'nhFiA*udFd&Ahmffik itEtL, tliin 3 -tMt |tui@@t ''?i6 @i€db.hitt6tue slttuftedditsdpsnn hEtad. tu, tE th c0$ 8.1.}/rJ. kt ttodp^n07 w atdEtdfra]''t h.M inz sia rri&irdiicld'chdrrrh'{tta5cori &cal-rXd![n qF.iydieib)bd! dt r.n6rl rE4ft Ea'rd ^*F'!'r]hdttykdn:t rdo hd 3 fl''!d.d 4 tt t &d MY t'do t&n dd. rHtMv l.Mv 2,Diic.llrLAD!2(16) drno(:rlnld,roqr€3) hdditrlro lr0td*rllr"unrdradrhflErt€el.'d. uErd.lerddel,iroi{r*lr!0 hitdrsaahn'0D'rd-i'd.GJ*n r*a ft r.'brsr. ddrr':dndd'drlrtt{ nrol^110r.&'csrb'dob4r.dtrE ft .nndlrd.dtFirdlf ibr'(rD nq Jbdrft darh.bid.rhdrrcirn'd'.HG&d+& &4dE.t'M+5.6rdi*ft !4c.lq'!d kdLr.bhFdrdttr*58Iri{ird rkdd.r {.16r'*-rqdi&trddri?q lrl[tE--lt *rlr.qrd u'[.sRhmi ILstdttu r4c DCtrIiltulrlE r ritc l.ldrnrddrrtaMld'drrnudr d!4rldtq r,iJscI.rftddlst IlElv!r.q.Ird[FFrrtdd tudBrdrdB.dcDdFr ft lEdRds!d'lEdd6! b!r&dn' MJtmleCat*.n 'Edrdi€dtuirmrdMnlc, tubdtrtuF@ r[Ilc rrnYt,'srl|irdMadrft&ddbrtlt uttl l|ffidlrdqndroooddun&r|ll6,n*4idFdt . IIFt$a|Ir md-Unn $( oN/orFp.M ond !d P$rICSydw tun . tI' lrlcEriot-hldlC9mr.lloxrqs|rhlrd :|ldolturnbn/0xtrD@irdbbEl.lddr . alctrt9url|r{ot-lNtqdio c1rl'mi'@l|l FlllcclrvisrhldM' cophlcsDtn. Ornpo6tun . Ilcrnurcl [vor- copibrrndF*ng., hr vox {eLi lel c1t o{nt {dDoox |tl) EquEdtohurquth Fllly Bdi6 ntl$&'llM [dd*. gr+c|9aLrd't d\oxddJildrcJytLd lErfid,)iriadiE4dd!ffi IL46d4m6'LF. r:rildreii.ddhdsrdnrhhc4rGd44cdE |6i|I'ft.F&lEl.F.d*'&lc'fuffiffii'@blld l'l0r,$}0Fid6dG!!!d'.ddnol Erdd.dqd,Midowh,6 PEiirdr*hMtu|lid,rdllbrr6E d. Ae{4ndde&'!.d. ft oFtufl Md'dm!ft fr aLoTbcirvrdfimcrMbmortyFer&d rn&h1h ft[Eod.6&dq|dt crEwbrnm:6'liEnLm^iLlD r rlolroi. i5.hksrb.piLor ircn srrm..ls trd d€diar61h.itroi ndhsb fit p'brtrLusi*t It€ op'lorandl{sFsshE.ommuncnd hd'*n rhrrob6 h'tr dmL.ommutrnt slhrtu p'Lor orh.rt dr innlr ndb . cxlrvir&pLrts pLld,ndqiloronr6nmrlcsmnnu.utionctunftl ft FAinsF.E oi rhardr mrc@h.haii.ldd onlonmuiidt Mh rd dbrr bur aimladhuhok$tbiht.wdhdlht,jrbtlnl]6 . ,{[ ror' aLLDB tuLlrtr(on mnnunitu.n tt$raft'pn . iruslc I od uUsrc2 n.ao pLuisditrb rtu6M,{ ord5.E,[rd.d b] rhrhkmm nodr -knann-r lkd'fumnll!flrdble LM (Lo i:1" iliJ (oF, q' Mt!. tbilmlllm'ddm{tc*$iy @16LnduridM TkMUncr d!frl ) r*nx'.l V NM f uUT dM bM o * **a Hdehielnm.Fm6n'hbrrhdoF Gd 6,qutuihbrl|trdjLrFs rb rE€ ;^6 od d e' bF, l'r r tti.ttda M; t; tut aammat;aa 'r,,@rcaat-,ftat;d eni@ktsk @atin. Ms 61@aMd hee4tnppkt\jath6l bi awid *1h a tbbdl'w tatdt ardt n6. br et b dp nm Biti' db€rudr ortu hr",d1\Nr6rlltrlr ra irDula,h46d6FioJuibry@\lrdham!@bent4ry cMHp'g,d54ln!m!'96!fuft lIrFiil@.odr;gqnnr..dd6riad uMRl]dhEer.n ddsNr@t ftrrrpfdfudIk.P{(auap!.EhlFBb&5imia]hhL ft@dhlmudohtl6,!gtdrehqbPlduGdld3udl0dlpuHote. ,r{u'F,rrrr 6,!drb!rrrrundu@!r{,sq ]d:dff&ll'jd!!r&FdFrl{] IrisNshibo*&'dElrdqLoytur.Did'ldhr,rr Hr6touD 'lwBh4) rff&h hdqEnnmL+F@\6rb!hdtffidr MoFdoft 6ruy nkEtbelsali4!]d@ofEqfuiGnE*4d'mg4leFi:h ft MrcadDieMdthrFqhMtutua) [Ddd6i4,n gsdEIqtdllbP65igg9[delnlllDulqnrd!r1soFdrcDE9m}'h nwialbanjgdbetrdlhiilmdcad r]tcM r!0!9'tfl!.tflrfudEtu'ltMrfilllds@!itM '|t.ul'o$lmdftdi{rldsgdBDbielhng@\d Unn€dW.nanlv (MNcleldmffifuFldnbLiE'@dd*b!fti|I5{is|r4llpin 4rh'tdtdpld,a 61irN$drft nr.oljdiFtr*rprenrydipqxfu llld,hrhlreLr &d,nFBdndsd$r!.hddDdi:,sbdrtffirdFrt ft {llm&hMq6p,rillrllryirErodc6tuwndrd6d 'hhcb,luGdrb|he.tu,.dgrtruurrr4!.drtd6(EF6 ffi E€ Lr$oNSCf n :Dsfr aorslll:'fuuMr5omANUMrurl)aseY !trdlll'fuor@7m)hr !i!D.drsi5d:dr4ru,s. nrm+did!*4tpdcdliidrft h{!!D!o cbltn rcdm'l'06d,.rrrxpd|g.!dd@F@rntulldb,(trmtrmq, .redn ar.eyol,r.oisder6,!.dprq&d5utFltotF$rwlfftrmry rFB G4M ndd!oduiE.drb'tprusnpl,rdrmdsh*rs.fi d,tulrd ordrrlrhaq!acer.d$M $rll rlll fiGf,Rllllt od'G^M6!dl rro&Ers@4ordqxl6 h' tuald:d crrmG|qdud ^jr,rb}hd@rE 66062,uJ . rrElsorqa Lr N. 63.Ji{$nrrrorj,$FTiedco!+rtu c'ftiGTN625'635'550'715'ol'50 Ce's.,q lla N - r"e*u r,,*. N?39?? s.,r,r\"",b". 17,?(7769 rhis lrxu'qr 3c $ a /riDlIE ni3ll M{u.l ssd.ftd e B r sulpr.fu.br Ande Frilhr Msd rrH dE .imn n equierd ii fuelim]d@dimoflnccmh GKSBAS NNisltm sFn FM nEh Msd ^D!6v!d ^itnE flisbr Mdut. srspLtud ^nFlrE f povid.d a D FA a!@nn - a9frcvld an/dFlish' Mdd. Ftrriribd@.Feduar tordiryud p.dl)n''d iifodid mr .omisd i. tht! dffir rcfd b 6.IAA appr.vd ade n$t Mrrul, fl Dlu'ns. 'D!*i@ - F*^ppbdBv -tu4/L- hn t?-4rc- /\rMs, cmi ?4't3 GTNGPS/SBI3SJ,h tu:31!!1!! arMs. cmii ON GPgsBAssy.b :lcmkpilR.ftdecud! 2.r2 2.13 2r4 ?.15 (^n uri6) r.mf Pbrlnit Furchon TAws Fumrioi(oprldirl) D.hrink€dw4rr's Dkpr'y(op'iomD TEmc Dkphy (opnoirl) ,.r6 sroms.op.Di$r4(orrid6D 4 , r H s d Et s s Io '.n ']o i 1.5 Conpriig d'. atrbpirdd!i4 aDprcrhes 1.6 T.r.prdf& sMsrdl (olrionat) 7 , r Al b I L s c D Ic'p b r r.r c.nh crN N.ri.rbu sFrn (sB^s)..mr $r ^urdrion Gm 62r,5rr, 610,725,dr750ri3ft(t rd d. n cmin 'm in&6d'G 'pp@wd cPesBAsdrdn o. rh. crN m4lioD r*n k h$[.d ! s Ep F leI.'r0 d'h H'ldd ' dei .fu |bsd 4 fuGP rP 9 T|'.cPsnNigltioii'didnsmdoplhi'lvFcmruigbnaduis,ion ndiofudioB!Eop.edbyd.d,*dhfdk.yqIdu|€Egticrc6ry hndirfu ;" Afucd46J6l6/c@'3y w@'l'd.ha|]f!fu (nntol .id DqLy br'trr rEun t - cm 615/530 ri! cn qq.m ad ssia.d Bvta coc nd,itud6n dnp|rysplhirity E/ Prinrq GPsNrvie'rid (Emft) rnd Appmehcaprbiliiy(LP/LNA, , Et Prina cPs ADp6&hG6bility rirh lcnhal cuidm (LNAv/u!Av, O TsGcl5lb Tmh alrmms nd cPsas^sM{l{ccLa]op{nbn navisrionuiry cPs r.d sBAs(! hh r0)iorIrR s Ddq ^nq (ieludiry risr Dn .lprerrr^o o!!6bB cPs.Id RN v (aPsf 4prceh"t rh! orAco.l6adn@t6.euipnldFro locoiddRNPhid&tsdEUdn pmedms *irhdu s (6di!! b rii) kg 9rl.r00A, Pd er opiEbr (qept shpd x) rollowiis rhc drcnn $d "iiiig pfued[*,Pd9|$btsnK'|,1'|,5 qtu (tu /M b *d i.tddn drtji|' 6^5sr'r'ft.cminaNssDvi]rdd9tbhabctr caic rd Emr i.vtni.i (iNF,r0) *irhoi rir rdd,E|iredottd'o.,.m|!Mvi3di.tr.,*m Inn d..r mr odft u 4dirr {rbrd. TLc'rincNssuvi.ri['jmhahdfu'db 6.d' {i| dEqirrir 6r cPs cra rr 4nffi adk tn tu Dritio. (NP4) n sd||s d Dtr3rb 3yb 6 b. tlrnn E|ilc m oit'.r hq-mF Rtib. l,tu'&d A&iioi.l quiptu q ,qriEd b ohr.ii op.dionr .rrdnt b diln. rM4 rnk id o8i@ tslfoffia oldtdxr 'bd - b. Ih.c.mhcNssdjglidly6@liBwittdE|..iry.ifuaity'Jn sriiuitr of fint4 rld 6niB ri. iidM ry6 hrdN 4ljrln .dd''lh|6*dimrso cll&cb344..rrdhGTNMvi.jms'rftrn.cdiaNss 0vild6r'jad0|;6,isdl-!!q'id.'iv'.n6n'Ii'yof It'.ton qiEd6&N !!l In c-ritrcNs fo. v nvitir *ill'Ac$%^cHGl,ni!dG! a.mh libdioni (rr^) i' rFrd' o F A T}'.2 L.Got^k.pbe ifu'iiy,qdi'y'r'ddd..c nu..m.drdi6fud.wi|liold&b&'Fli.h.R]nafu'd id fi. Lo rer r FrFmii.df d6 Nni'rb.h6'dfuncfo!'..db|hrvcs.lFcllE'lh' Nd dd rb. sr DF ot|irnn qdi!. !n fr,rwic ir dtsu.s. riRF, rrr* oFdi6rrrrfE(n niy t qunld h:ddirior b .{0.'6|idd|dn.r'ddMniiE!sFri| AFMS, Gmii cnr cPNaE^ssyM n'.an{750,:leoDd'iioM|lyqjbb|eadsrfudtrm.TyFB Tn fdlrdwiBrmiDbs Arc: n ud srii rn doclumr: AircEfrEsrurioi cDup (FAA) DME:DifueM{suilgEqui'nffl cNss: cbhn NalFrio! errlirr syiq LN^v+v:Ln.61Nlvicilidi*ilh'dvi MrMr REd{ aft@ruc rftsn9 Moiionis simp|ifi.dDiEdiondFeiIily T^c^N:T&lkrlA'N'vigdiotrs}sh T.mPoryF|ightR.fidiotr wA^s:vidlAdAugmftlioisy:tm ^FMs'GmincTNcPs/sBAssysllh l l c e kDitR .f.d ccd& ocbn R.ftme clide prn numb( rd rcvrion risrd h.ro (or rderEvisioB) 'righ'cd{h!RqMvigiidnnrcdi .clxTxxcekpilRdiErc.cuid. hiAwqpp|lnddo4rc'@1.! Rlqund Equplu' fq rFRoFd6s diL4 aPs mvigrioi sid. atx ReqniftrEnipmdr for rFRop.nrid6 diliuid3cps DiFrion siBl! cN i.vig&lioiIn.$p,d.surc.ofvHr ii .6 i!.E 36^s 6F.rF i3d rn|$k. ft Fd flidn phoi{ r.,!.s rdbilitY. ctry |d dr.r RI|M ai.h il|hillty 6 [. idmiid 6iB dr (idudd in cm lriid) sfrrh rn d ih. t c'mii .rw.d stnr 'i$ rw.'rinFdi.io..rr rldictiF *t!!: d byffihlr Flldt .w i 6 n hF'R^r .t|.Ebii''o T@|!hiP/qJie-i.v'@'.!9/r,p.4$e' nd Tii! i^IM Inil$irit qqitu otllidl TrEd! ttnni4 5'd 6iam.d b h. sn$! rrig dr dtiF 'M dy b. doblod.d iu rh. cflii {idti. d ln. rvm€ r.didim Fs$ rDEPEddtrAqmtcb ''.dirmb4's{o6r3{,.'\VFDE P4djdidi Pb3m In'M6B' Folfliglpl'niigPuo.IcffioFdio }n6 sB^s dsrL c Dr Milrbk, srh d rNP d iN^v !.rc.d6 6. t[. ib'd.d M ortlrtr lll .Eirrbirit oacts i^lM idl h. dnEn hd ri rrr .d of r rdi.bd ddfiru ro,uy pd ord* hrid.d d orniC'{ d' niCr cirr b. d.by.d..:Erd i'ffa 6 b. d. Ttu ii.li uy *o oFsi|nilr &.lodl r& nui prmitr3 eu'Pos to, oFdid siqli.nin.ldLbi|i'ofGBu or. rdi.td ddrla lor olr IMor [isit (l* rn fitr,. ri ft d im rix fiE niM rorlrr ldr.filr id.id.d frid! dE flirn dirl t ,N!tc,u. to ttrc htunrnM ontatq oltu Gtu GNts tdb: Fdlli.ll'buii.pw4ft'oldnioB*rmdrEeE@6 c|c|lNilrio..tftnn!.Ffus||i!h.Rfuedl c.ni,'rvm€PEni6|!..'Mb'}lMd{dla&D dltlEd|ll.tDeifi.n|sddw|d'.tdln.c,hjicNss Nirdio. t}'h b p..vid. aPs cla rr Evisdo il €ah lld rt RNProq rNr.!r$ilit.lf 'd.|E.top.dimduiq idisb fi!rr .x.ru,ion(FDE) tu' mE fis 3a nir *ill b. urBihlh ^'1,|s.c'rncTNcPssB^ss}fi uiEn.fu'lhslhtop.diol adGmhcPsEvigtlioileiEBn cN 6vie'ioo 4i6c ior oFdios Nod' Arrsric (NAT) Miiinh Nawnion't Pldom.B sp*iff..ho$ (MNPS)Ainp4. oPdd lfolrcuGsftquiiryollyo.k4R$g! rc|'di$lay6hPdd0!d!Fnd{lmvigdion D.FtuEs (SrDt, S6dfd Tmii,r Arid (srlR), ad drcu& RNAV'a" ii'6d!nigi'e|a6!nu!d:!bs.ii d.n.dlEty.nlhn$[|ordingme19 nid' prDi,rividurt s.t.dinsudiBn 'tisfudMoE|{tyofwy?oints RNAV(CPS)LP[pv or LNAV/aNAv ',€ni.airnmunbeflight dshii. d'b 'nd *bMiir ci4) i.il Iirdturion Publinion (idldig o Ii ii$llarioB wiri M GN3 rnd an d.rol cPs aourciaor G4 rabk ,) rE ortapPrced soues oicouE.ru sifuliom|i*fiso|yadrcnol{ ThkAFMS/AFMk,pplk!6|.bllE3o dilphy.!mlh.sn{''e!. inn.di.b|ytndldftklAl|siie tat hb r4 lqaEdwiw tq kb sr) 0dtnh'|Evi3.io!tprchjhile! poii'fedfuybyE'ddeb i.'righl.rt*wilis,idnsih. DiqqDcicddinn|i&t&F.c.iuft ha b..i cordd. N.vtrrion Frycmr rcn by sLd4" a|.8'F|'aimii'cmd4!]d.N'vDe^Lis." Yn'bn lcb,{!dui'\rnidr .tlid'fl md lrdtwt|tb.dd.-.crd.r de da-.|ry orut.nim dd. iEr'|di'|aibhiri'y orntrih b d.6r dEmB !n r!.!dB r.. frid". lrr |,Hdd cl'd rairi'jd ',.d rlr.diili|vi8liotrd.kFb|i.d'o Do mr u* srr.ldi d cbdi.{ tud s:r.T&i rn chdis tudioB do mt 6nply lid' rh. M!sd'{, i$ di.Dlry(^MMD).$ftIqirn cidid Eb t c.d br ni nirh.B l b o'id riaEEB o e i4d on . b ii'roE n4ii gw:idji .utEgfui43d.Fdba' r) Itu |ppfthB ri'r GPsru (LN^v, LNAVIV. L,ANAV.LPv, rp!ft b) whd @iducdrg$tu.d AllL or rlE synm -uiin pa. run b. cr 6 Tn. joii od,rya iM' |pFar' o 1r w{ibo lqlipid '.qJiEd,o rdmkiidi.I.dby|kti||.o''|, ftw Ir firl .l'.n. Ndant'! dE 6rl +Fxlr !.errt ($d !.sd !o,nh fx b ft nigd .,Pl*h Fior, ILs. r,o(. Lo(.Ec' LD^. sDF.MLs.voR TACIN rrer e rry ots ryF or*Fwt br 6FsAt!fuFl|r*cP1 aid.Edo|yku!.ifij.$Pm.|'!.GduBribcPsdRN^vI ritL. vh.r Biil c.m rl. rddft '. 'i.fir|{'runl.@'{voRn-oc/ rd e'lgtd on,E cDI or d. lild flYiis. d) dvisry v.nier pid@ d.ei.idtr LNAVrv v iql$idre. idordioi dndryldm rIEwr ii d'n mod. $l'o i3od u rid b h.rDflidr cM.adrt {h irbtld.6160,'! 6ii. dvirry 6ici suid,t., dE rlidr .a nd E dEFiiry lffi aDD'th A&.d'E tlAP) & h d'. .) k rll rvi!/n 'rld'.n d.!t6.. rtdr c's rtd4 b fiy r N^v ilffi @relhfd.unmidEr,it,jo RN^v ltu A.p'*i ft!..d,. ti di +t'lat F..!d@ |d b. cn s}1h nth pls by iE rod.d filr dE micri' ddr.. ii6 "r 4rm*L F|I' dd 6trlii3 id.. U$ & pmhititd fFm flyiia r,ly n lrR 4ereehcs n p'.hibir.d *r'.EEr ry phydsl oi vk Gucl'aIihmw{syok ) Edidt piror ^rMs'c.6incNcPsso^ss}fi oh.'ddFn rh. rilh' cw hry 'ry 'r pr'd4 ofris ii Gedi. (ocN). Eircrt IEMI rDd E Ltul ouplin! oily rorcPs lppl@h.s. cNrlins b rt! {nical F$ ror 2.tt T.mh Phinrry Fuftd'n (al U'l!) htd tn ldvjsry e oit ^ircnn bwmingspmvid.dbyTAws. l,idlioml'Mcmsbolotr|yBy i'sl',hm.yiolpmvidc.ilhadEr€[&y ex.r6iv.. rf 'raws B k 3h.m oi'|E botun 3hrofii! ,.'3 r m Fondion(oprbDD siBbl|.dinl|'.aircmfr.lhis ir dcdd pr nui r. r,rb irdreE !E 4utftdn6ddmuu|ly .xc|usirc'Ir''rAwsB..kshosond]ebohn!i8hoI'i! A'Ms'adhcncPgsBAsSys.m t.'r Dn.d .d wotLq Dblhy (opdolrr) nryrc'adntlyd.piddrtdwll'doidilids Erh.' 'l'. in,bmion rho{ h dF d" m'yh.signifigd|yo|ddd''Ilh.indicil.!wdhgrdud4 Do d Et Fkry lFn dna rik kMe (m) q Ndie b ai'ffi (NorAM) infomiidn. Nd,ll rF& Rdido! ,.r3 Tnft Dlprry (oprbMD bftnighl.w.TEscslsnml|'! 2-16 soms.op.' Dtphy (oprbni) p. dlyasddbm|'resiNdiom| iolxfud'.fligrcE*t Esponsibi|ilybzbidhmfl,ouswii! for h''do6 whft d *db hr-D Gud.Bbm) 'id 2'|Tlt.br|rnrrcI|..|rbr'rxd.I Tl'. Frl F3! e' FEI oi 8di d FEI Flor ! Eirgl ft6 D q bold lid 'briit 6dizr. a !d.En ry dr rlld . rrh tulr, r: !e,rJ hr d: ,rcrnidn *dtulobo'nbddenl6coit!!.d Pls nl r6s.. th. ixl Eqrind 6 d.iidioi i. dt r r.(tlttEl rd pEdi*n -ldled hor mEh fi.r rh. |ircrn Ri[ hM rpo llt clov. Ur / cov.E{ n!t.6 cbE odifiqsu PM.drc ro.Ld ii rh. Pilr! criddco.krl R.ftEift Grd. ha b6 *e!fillr onptkn Tft clov! Qul$dor prud@ tr D.tEtrlod.qd!.'!.dhlli'h!nd$y.irl!fu' n|dritcded|qog!/rnikhvdnd crN 7$?5 ir'h @ t.Ed b @r' ' onsE dr net rdi.e iEr,liial e d oFd e d oFo lltoft ucd,q idr rr L,dr ti.nnt of aturi{ rnik Ft$d w*d. E it rh yicn r (tFqidt ro | fr 'j r ty6 kid d |.d'i|.ffimidlsE hodit iijl|'. Do d q* u. d.r.{uir*d dirp bE d 4inly 6uoral ri. rftt rlldion an ituhB'r.d h d! sla ida e. nd lror !ihr! rd.'ho(|udioNydh.d'ftb''.d cdrh arN aPsaB^s$rh ^FMs. :{t ro lrr^) ruoD'puor|D qoo:s |m3q !r trt&?do wh.ilh"cPs/sB^s'eitli!i'FF|lieda}sr;idoiftndims dlnh.|.diidid'dl6n*infuoForeiEd.]D..dRrto4 (m, c La ofrtu*ity nod. (LoD. TL iod. n iidiard 6 rtr GrN 'd lr'lr L6 of ld!'r' at id i,',q* ffidar L di3rl|rtd. Ed b r b dr D& rd phr offlid\r. !dlB.r rf .i. Dod rardij,r ffiili.! i dndqd. n n4 rin diEb t dnrLr.d ii$ x uhd DR'.l!tririi3 rlr Md r is. core pid.r. lil b. o {r cDr. Ainrn B cPsF 'Ebvd ioi, do did.l byDal| r*ko nr mriod. ciqd iitu .iur4d, rhitud..h€di4, or {iidt noi cu rrrEr ri. dimild pirion trLbri|lry. Dad R*roiins n onlyrvnLth h Emd. xd ostric md6. Tmimr $d Ddd dod sppon D.rd R6ro di, ^ppbri n ^lhn.r. N.rjlrtu sd.e (trs rrc. vo& DM& e ^Do rN.^r.tl*nrri!frs..c^F^'.bt..: DE D RICXONM (MI MO': iifonnioi ^ll LO6SOFi\lEery 'x)mlly NOTI &nEd filn cPs will h.€h. 16 Gort MODE: 'lEjl'|e'to|kEn.dn.irl ndo66!djdE|atrDh'di'ioi'flocPs POSmON rin |. rll8iad ii dE mh ofrtr iio. ^FMs.cnhclNofssB^ssyi' !q m.nts csm, b. nd hy dE cPS B.i,( d; cN .iI do*igdd. ,i* b.sdinl.dsiigli.LNAVdly tyts'lh€cTNqi||a4.IcDI hr0EF'lionilegityns6blhs. coM RMrxFRr.y (iridarhd).. NcTloNs(cM^33o y) r.2.5 rAws carnroN cr.mh q si&m. (FLTA)rnr Prcnatuc (PDA) D6*d Ald5 ftrcriom tuy bc HoEH{dk' aalnd.iddbdisPhydl.l|'.qd.n o!ho,rdlnlltc!)d!nonlh.n'iinrp l]l.dldicildhfncpq"oi$.fil13}sl h.mdlroDdi.playThlfl{h'cEl nu'Mb.d.oi.,l.dsrcf\op.o4 tq+qn' !t u rqress.u e $ q.'qa nr''u{J!n6:pu|r68uu'trbat o.nd !d'cEr!d68.ni. mgos.dd'|'.dFm.ofbsicbsrumdlfly,'gjlIMc'id[Ghcdd 'militilybabidb..omiiglo AFMS.cminc,INcPs€B^ss'*m d Dsr.d:nsr 6.nd.. I'aHsI*'!.dbditpbyni,riddo dl6rFidl!e@|.dq'|EoTN' I'-EHSIj''!.dbdj{L'Ni.riotr aiir 6DS di.diotr *]lm 6ii3 vloc [visnior rlr .or. roiid rirr d ddrd nd b. &d.d b rl; 'fu oMffibylfupildFol,.!il.dinfo limrhodlh.i'did[|ilydf lh.EHSIq&n.Efubli.P^^$pE rh. rihr md siry 0'r &riw €uM rrd *ryp.id for.!h ntih plb le rlr rllor rd vrlt pn 4h ri4 rti. cor ss. n ch6r.n fion cPsb \rl-cr. ft aTN my !. dp|.d b x optifl| |e,ibl ..wjtEaFjb.nn'dtL|M if iidjl.d i,' lh. !n.n'q o.! 6'd.d b dr crN rn . n n h. N^v' mod!su brh ^dorc vlf mldoi r!i6R a dq wlrd qid' di"r voi EiEB cPs ^dq.lnd.trnGPss'GPsi0||ski'lhjdilidbdld.g dE' * *in |ad @ d.i{4 nr eiB r'lcdllE !nh.ldi''.'dfrir6''|.diiaPss,bd., Dd.dn lllL fo li.dii!|.'soddP i|o!doE 'rl|of|lre d ' Fq dqill oFni4 ir{dio6. Eftr b ri. F^^ |prond Fridf MrEr d aish tu'n srrDh@r tu d'. .!61110.. ^FMt.-rr'crN cPsiB^ssrs .'5cj!|t|clh^thD||dd!n'lrppm.ha F|igl' lM ' h|diP |i g | ' l o ftu idrh,ion ponp,. ,h. fligj'' . ouFdsjat pnd b .rgrsins tl' +rei ' 'Esh h APRoutpd..B ufun'..'.''. o Ti s iisr.rion $pF6 coupliisb ri! lubliror D apl|wh nod. om. 6{S IIIAOltrIY WI SYSS/SdO |{l,O quo Sruv tpdrrqlo d!*lEm rc6 dq'oN u a sns, lF. noqdqu@r rro opqrq tu.d ru llb5dd . esu qm (sop{4) prplrp 4 @ 9r rs9 ro mr qFY r{d qpo !.rr![ m( €ros r@.r 4 |ql:!r @$4 19rso .a u.| q9nv 0too.ducrsnstdqd||.r tr r.fr G!i&, Fi ndrq !d Elind q,niit 6rN rtu d.gir4 fu|tnfidjmIr.Pi|o.!cui|6d.d...dbh.iirb.dj&lyrEil$|. rh. GTN $lfonr .IINC 4:4 Lr q0.., Cdin ks r)T.r Equircrfiid. irpr ii ordq b sqrE {6m! b.hitjd.. lor.rnph). It r h|lffii. oftr.d sw. n d ii!'f...d b ri. cTN. I porupli $por 'rtid. dE ffish cw b rourry Gqed* rlll kg oE dF rxihd. rlmr.i! rc*dh.d h d. pB.nuE ir Eerd o Tni, itubirdiotr/slr h.sdic trlb.udolly*qEErlliii.|l' <d t/ r,r, i-"ru-*.'-,r,*.r.*r nthr .R Nint. Fqq..d b ru r '.cIG jr.h|d. kgs. ^ftllscDlc4.jFgi||drlldi..j|,r*ilchfiDnaPsb\lnc6. o rh' ,nrurh,oni /r ruorhrl fo cPs Mtrlld Appmrh" bltui i3pEed l' riir infDniotr,/r d &br*icr nm vloc b cPslrEr ri.'^cnw! ,ntpi|d'ddDuj|ysibh filmv|-dbGA'cPs3U,d|Eitd.]i'!d.idEmis.d&tsDfi Cmii Gft cPVSaaSSy*n ^FMS, a5 Tdriri P"nhrq rd TAs sbB ad Euop.. ad i udi.d C/ Thk r"'6l|nr* 'oFi' r"-t s ft P-'- 76 cMA 15 audo rrld ckrk tor Preln,D d@.4d €Fb m( E Thk ift6lhii0n $ppons r,119, - it \o tu ct u wd A (oprbhD bypEsingdE''^udioPild..bdonon byprcsinglfu'Intrcon..bftnoi 7.7 Tnrfq Sftua tqliml) fimlioi,|ilyof$.mdicd.vic.. - ta Nobfric rlh r rkr*.d b rh. GIN. t tumc rydm k iftlncld rodE Gn o A TAS/TCAS O A Tls ft6c artu L i o A crmh 6DL 3r ADS-Bhtfrc !r*n ^FMs'c4nincncP9sBAssFl.m n intrfasd rori! Gm rh. o*i|1b.dkph}tJdlh.sdsop.! pE$rtd.1$euled'ighloft!o'0'. idhd.dby'h.1.b.|'}D<rUP. pmvid.dbylh"9on$oFE'n4i!d jrcnn.id,trdbnii.i|lynbtdbth h,no... L ' e\orb!.!.yrF fi h g l ' ' .o m.i o ' ' | .c ^d* p| ,JL in omdon emvid.d b' ' Efit sdBd4.dilelr m'ig||ydtdblh.oftdR|d'E . Po w'bl|'.o p ti om LcTNcoMisp &n $rcud a cnoi' bE,kerhberd AFMS'clmincTNcPysBAssJsl.n U+issrassd'Nr|)ululrosh]v {rrd .$pr 3,{rqa eh,pu nq uramr sqo u.!o.. :8frq|oJ r{ rlh prptrld EloEo 3' s,pul t.dror,@r t@ s|II'.4'@Dtld:{'q'no$dnsiaol t|futr8J u@Fudn'']'no''udFqddl hp4dq!'Dlml.pql.q&u Ti!aTNaids'|F'lighcFwinMidi b .i8nr cEw $. .ircnn\ cm 'nd 'b ai6pe.lytsddbhgnlhctdfor.|.nig 7.rr GDLs ^DsB rnrtr. stn.n rirr..s (opriouD lEffib4*EbliBbd].om|'ipft b4dEf4ic.dloli.smudAi,bb abisrb!\.hn0'3Ee1iddi.'h$dhm.hab.eismuFdTh. histri Fiorit rrffi. Elgd ii rhegmlp fi .b e l d b !i .w a| l 6gdi i i Fq.d64d.\rhd!gmlp.deBdi dlfu3lal6n!dindd.prcxinilyb xl.cwx70lvalb.rfudrr(o.{dnr|| llbukEindic|6lh.po$ibililyo ?.r5 chrn, (opl|otrrr) Tk cTN7r0r25@ dlprly brh prec.duE ck lEdudbhdisP|ry.ia,o[sd. ?,16 rndpoldrcd ( roeoEs).coB ftr (oprbni) yor rNpone dsu !d rcriq d:r or n. F D09De !i iii ---.E**--.8-" ! I t a ---€* * -* 'E * o---- o^-- E-. ;;l 's:., s E ,l!t F!!!:l :tl !i 'H$fi$ * .ctro ..ooq-t r.tdo ||trS o odv F \* Y*\ oc'p,!gh''999m3 Anfo&Lrlad Eet * dp,ajr prDlrd.dlld\ D Fd or $5 m!,r ryy h! Ep,!d@d coprld rnifld. dtrdld. dunlqdld tr nond u u' noq! ndm. fn 4, purpd RM|Nc^RMlNltdlgmp.m6b dMLqdtshgt.opy.f'h!roMldd.lI nb mmNl s #h Joretrwc Ei!( r r0. lod E e' ai$L 6' adia erMr ffihc hrotuia h dB dmd{ t rhF b ltn8e qbd rcria r\sr $. GRM|Nwb !r (rwFmrn 6m) ktrdftd uFl:r6,trd {lpr.ndhr hr.m,im dwrN FDr r l rinikd riac b E ! lrME mb.dd.d u r[6 d.ia (l|t 'kr'r41b hruy .]@"br! 6n n & mmLor.n'DD ot tu p'odud nrk. omEhLp nsiB aadirLLc",r PDFrr ddr n tu b Yd&lno .ds!dlrri.so(qrisd.prcp€ryolcsN.ndiip@&dun}lrlr ud.d 5c olAi.do oprnsh hs nd nr rhNr.ds. rid,li intuE. o1piEdoh,id ftd. or!r. sohhr E urubL rnd. 5ir ol(NN od d! 50iw h euc @d.romrDE r alubL hd. si, iJ(NN Y@4e d'l{ b d@mpik,dlenbrq !Edr]} wE embk wE dd]E o ndE b htutr uuble lom tu soJMr dr) lli rrrtrol d ek m, dddkwkbldm rsorMr Yo .3E u' b.Ipon or r!+oi rk sohutr b dy rtmri h whb d $! uTonqbl hs ol Un&d5c ol^dio 'l! @ aUrA* o tlE 6rx t27 tl('tu banh.d ofrhak€ ntni.g d 4nmhg tL,r[: cMacffik 4rdaned&./d b eftN. qdzt6 d.I!c h tudr5 u ul!6hp for d btd, phLiild & rubm' slltLt 'td ituEd* brbk Bpdblr, ri, ry d tu*ninrd6d Est 'lepda,@ 3ihM d tleE nilr rci& surufirod oRM[|moRsl^uofr'lNctLDlNc oRcoNstammrDmcrs.wrrHr G^$rrN dm ,tt .x.][rft nd, b rpttr oi tpl,a str d ef'wE o orls 1tutr '|! dlid ol tu pud,* pia a $k db.dim 'b dote tkilp E@ftill!/o of tt 6lx 32/ M tiwirgt€'@6i.4dE'dj'a.d.'. rodrak pno.t llE.osage e4atedl'MtlE GA 327k li^lt dblift ofsght. 'JoIE Lw *in\k q N.nfr Ntqw lElding btthe *eft lE lf iEt Bth in'drrsl anqa najj4e@ beinvrq.d rt.lir$irg toa Md dollr.. ftn4 h.ltxihlebnininh. mshjddia 6y ldatirgfie eEM stae d.adtp6 d. drt Mi.d.fuitg *.tutu|Mr ^fi$*t fudn'l@P,4!FeddhP6{]Ls 1r{rrdrr lJtr,N4i !tu{4!rp!}d*!rr6!ts'lrriid r..di ir & (@ ddrr +[ ,N ar.D hn{rc{,ros 6nir€kd\' J/es'e$d kp!sFsr(El h ALrnod.fthBFiddtrpLsb akd&llt&plrtrLol(Ei Lh.Arrnri(c Frtud?'&rurFt.n(Arcru5) rtrrhqidq*oqriMs aatr- a-- d .<.'ld l!'h'3 1''- trltl0iid'sLsdkldkq'lt0r lqhd6'kfue'|i*bLkPflI6d]$' edr5 a a a |DEMP6ngfuDmLar|l*$!sFoihtrm uF$Bdu'mpddt.odtb'h.pnpm dumBiMr,,!D cm[anm (hi 5 a, b rrN Lhr k,oe) h$i8 Bred mc $ dsbrld OependlduFn,MLhLo adsdiq, dries 'rx p:s.$om m r wR nshrrd. orri. d,sp4Drsphy 'h. I c.hlDMmdfLrghl I I auhlm c]ods' k t a Fedk6h*.idDRe]ithghh6vli.i'llts!.dtfitlds r drplrrd (drFidri, nFi dfsuhmi) 'tuullr'.i q $d srHi. hctrz$ 6rd lDd Drd4 hd'G5 &drpl,,!d(d.ra& !!oDGbn,,hcm[p'Eo)mdsrE'lI c r $rE lra6,d1ddqt'B N M.lY ar.t in ofi$1aL/n. Ft drl96 o dF 6firl p{e|dr ol,a Bt Gsmn n,d'dlr.d rrfsswd, Dsrrr: ft:ll[!* dr $p$d b,!t drrDr.d L!d!* olLn {..lrrh !.iri dm6 &FJaiu|.eets I ruGin re DEpr+||t a,!h rn dilutrd d!d! d,rbn q^cclnuuft (arE qdoi rdd.o'r) !u\Lrr.cr* (rr !$ fti d''runi t nB 6 drmr|dr h' rffi,lror,id '& (i)Nufl&cff'n||.db}sr^rislo|ndork}! r I corN DosNnxll 6nn !db,srM/'ror, or ndcrsr t coMusl: rhr rrg. b d r d {r4d ,rmur06 F NuttuFF!d tudq'ij:rbntdhris hFfunlfu|6s'DMIGhntdq'6IrI0'k,5 r4o ,. russur! 'ft ,N*. d.M'oLt erhL! ndshsdn no& r r dlFFd mlj rrddc4 hod!r 'r krldq E@'irl.d br 'lf. b r]I nin ol Fr 6dqbFd r m, rq b.d6el4rd ^fr:k,tud! !rc6 .drkIi!gNinryoJftcrlrw69' ak d dEbF sft ofrudrd rn dE d twd b 'ftFrd.r n | l}t4 iD 6 er (&Er*d ^lcm! ur fi. cft rr EB rL lF$nl t iri lror:[d t idi! rk r rul,ld D.p.i&i, rR,rhE.r@.dd llD$r Riht 6'implG runi D?IJEtid|l'!l''gflqsrh^6{oFil|lgpc'|bidqa'rrdlEidn! N umndt b d|x| nnnr md sDund$tutu tucnnr 'ihmirci 'nlnrld uifBrlqrs thR.R, (i nd.hhr - b or.Er dE nitnrmi l P afufor c1 4 lil||uGFnmld'|4td' 2 ' 6!cnn 7 r &hin ' rfffeud*A begr:umatt|lrod.r n e'] ihtirctrA&,.mhE ilmlbhs rim r rrbfi r nr may b.($r b 'b b.omnrdmmury (kcuxuuro, d r''y oAruLr. - 3 td€iE4F$9r m6r0|b - 'j|6d].ru*h'!ni(o!{ruld4|4!d 3PElsu/s|bb.li@U'qq _ i b5 d,!ruM 4 !fli .ohr DMr 5d$hFd 2 tur cM:id !! bf b hd Andrts &.d.d (!s 'a 'h. 'ur 'h.0.e 'h. tuor.rbrsr.d4.6) ] 8 6'm ,m r b .qh boui'4dowi , i6tr4 rxtrim,.'n dr!lmei.dE @d 4 !r GARMIN. o rr99)osa'mntd driEehrdiro rlm rr Dr h. olrlq {'B 6.a61, us ^ c.rir c!EF) rrd u!ry rier BurL coF.rdn,Hdu5dori rui6 Pr r.dbfd. lo10cs, u i can'CdD..rn M d.!lFr! ri I'd. stlr hro (brr Trh M-731'?? \ iltilililil