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Medieval Fighters: Illustrated Guide to Arms & Garb (600-1500 AD)

Fighters in the
Medieval Era
An illustrated examination of fighting men,
their arms and garb, from 600AD to 1500AD
This document was created to provide a large variety of illustrated examples of fighter’s garb and
equipment for reenactors and wargamers. The concept is that the reader can conveniently sift through the
images and learn the look and style of differing historical troop types and cultures.
Each image was carefully researched and drawn based upon period art, literature and archeological
evidence. Each figure depicted is an example of what one type of these troops probably looked like and
the weapons they carried. It should not be assumed that all soldiers in the troop type looked the same or
that others looked significantly different.
Images are labeled with a description of their military culture, troop type, and year. The military cultures
listed are those that fielded significant armies during the period. The military cultures are abbreviated to
save space (ie. Byzantine represents a member of the Byzantine Empire). A military culture may have
several troop types displayed. These troop types represented major distinguished formations within the
army of the military culture and these troops should be expected to be found in each of their armies. These
troop types should not be assumed to be in equal proportions in an army. For instance, only 10% of a late
feudal English army might be made up of knights and their retinues while longbowmen would easily take
up 60% of the manpower. The troop type is also a description of how they fought and sometimes their
weaponry. For instance, a troop type labeled as “Archer” would mean the the depicted soldier would
normally fight as a member of closely packed organized formations of archers armed primarily with bow
and shooting indirectly for mass effect rather directly at their targets. The troop types are explained
below. The last label is a date in “AD” (anno domine). This should be considered a guide to the depiction
of the figure and its appropriate garb for that time.
Maps have been provided as a rough guide to show the rise and fall, ebb and flow, of historical empires.
Impact Horse: Knight, Lancer, Cataphract – these troops primary weapon is a lance or similar polearm
and they ride warhorses. They are trained to charge into the enemy using the shock of impact and
momentum to disrupt their formations. Cataphracts differ from knights and lancers in that they ride closer
together and charge slower, relying more on the ensuing melee to push the enemy back. Both knights and
cataphracts tend to wear heavy armour. They are effective against most other horsemen and infantry
except spears and pikes but tend to get worn down by skirmishing horse.
Cavalry – these are horseman that ride close (like knights) and use a variety of methods to destroy their
enemy in addition to charging. Not typically lance-armed, they might be equipped with missile weapons
like javelin or bow, so they are able to “soften up” their enemies before charging in to cut them down with
swords or maces.
Elephant – some armies have trained elephants. Since most horses are terrified of elephants these are an
effective anti-cavalry weapon.
Close Order Foot: Spear, Pike, Polearm, Swordsman, Axeman – these troops fight in close organized
formations so that adjacent friends can protect each other. With spears, pikes and polarms, troops in the
second or even third ranks can strike at enemies from between or over their friends in the front rank. Pikes
particularly can have many ranks deep engaging the enemy in a literal hedgehog of long spears. Not
surprisingly, historical Impact Horse or Warband charging frontally into pikes died horribly.
Auxiliary – these are looser formation foot more easily able to enter forests and rough terrain. They deal
with Skirmishers well but are susceptible to Close Order Foot and horsemen out in the open.
Impact Foot: Warband – either close or looser formation foot who consider their main attack as an
aggressive charge toward the enemy.
Missile Foot: Archer, Longbow, Crossbow – either close or looser formation foot whose main attack is
massed arrows or bolts. They are trained to fire together in volleys or individually to deliver maximum
numbers of missiles to wear down and enemy until they are gone. They do more damage firing at
horseman than infantry but can be themselves swept away by determined Impact Horse, Warband and
Skirmish Troops: Light Horse, Horse Archer, Skirmisher – these troops are always in a very loose
spread-out formation so they can move fast through intervening terrain. They might be armed with missile
weapons and use hit and run tactics to come close enough to fire and then run off to reload. If not carrying
missiles they will only attack weak points to wear down an enemy and still run from heavier troops. They
are useful as scouts, to harry the enemy, and be an annoyance.
Artillery – are slow to reload and heavy missile weapons. They are most useful during a siege but have
limited battlefield use or effectiveness otherwise.
Other troop types labelled might be specialized or famous troops for that military culture.
All figure images remain the Copyright © Wargaming.net 1999-2006
and the maps Copyright ©Colin McEvedy 1988. See Bibliography for details.
The Roman Empire becomes Byzantine from 600AD
Frankish Swordsman 630AD
Frankish Cavalry 630AD
Bavarian Swordsman 650AD
Bavarian Warband 650AD
Frankish Skirmisher 630AD
Bavarian Skirmisher 650AD
Frankish Warband 630AD
Pictish Auxiliary 650AD
Pictish Cavalry 650AD
Pictish Chariot 650AD
Pictish Light Horse 650AD
Pictish Warband 650AD
Pictish Crossbowman 650AD
British Auxiliary 650AD
British Cavalry 650AD
British Lancer 650AD
British Warband 650AD
British Skirmisher 650AD
Scots-Irish Chariot 650AD
Scots-Irish Warband 650AD Scots-Irish Skirmisher 650AD Visigothic Cavalry 650AD
Visigothic Lancer 650AD
British Light Horse 650AD
Visigothic Auxiliary 650AD Visigothic Warband 650AD Visigothic Spearman 650AD Visigothic Skirmisher 650AD
Byzantine Cavalry 650AD
Byzantine Lancer 650AD
Byzantine Horse Archer 650AD Byzantine Skirmisher 650AD
Byzantine Spearman 650AD
Alan Cavalry 650AD
Alan Skirmisher 650AD
Slavic Cavalry 650AD
SlavicAuxiliary 650AD
Slavic Skirmisher 650AD
Avar Horse Archer 650AD
Avar Auxiliary 650AD
Avar Skirmisher 650AD
Persian Elephant 630AD
Persian Horse Archer 630AD
Avar Cavalry 650AD
Persian Cavalry 630AD
Alan Horse Archer 650AD
Alan Axeman 650AD
Persian Spearman 630AD
Persian Skirmisher 630AD
Arab Archer 650AD
Moorish Skirmisher 650AD
Arab Cavalry 650AD
Arab Skirmisher 650AD
African Cavalry 650AD
Arab Light Horse 650AD
Moorish Cavalry 650AD
African Auxiliary 650AD
Arab Warband 650AD
Moorish Light Horse 650AD
African Spearman 650AD
African Skirmisher 650AD
The Rise of Islam 700AD
Anglo-Saxon Warband 800AD Anglo-Saxon Spearman 800AD Anglo-Saxon Skirmisher 800AD
Breton Light Horse 800AD
Breton Spearman 800AD
Breton Skirmisher 800AD
Breton Cavalry 800AD
Viking Warband 800AD
Viking Swordsman 800AD Viking Skirmisher 800AD
Nordic Archer 800AD
Carolingian Cavalry 800AD
Carolingian Skirmisher 800AD Lombard Swordsman 800AD
Lombard Warband 800AD
Byzantine Light Horse 800AD
Lombard Archer 800AD
Nordic Warband 800AD
Carolingian Knight 800AD
Lombard Lancer 800AD
Lombard Skirmisher 800AD
Byzantine Spearman 800AD Byzantine Skirmisher 800AD
Nordic Swordsman 800AD
Carolingian Spearman 800AD
Lombard Spearman 800AD
Byzantine Cavalry 800AD
Bulgar Cavalry 800AD
Bulgar Horse Archer 800AD
Bulgar Spearman 800AD
Khazar Horse Archer 800AD
Khazar War Wagon 800AD
Khazar Spearman 800AD
Khazar Skirmisher 800AD
Magyar Horse Archer 800AD
Magyar Spearman 800AD
Magyar Auxiliary 800AD
Magyar Cavalry 800AD
Bulgar Skirmisher 800AD
Khazar Cavalry 800AD
Magyar Skirmisher 800AD
Umayyad Cavalry 800AD Umayyad Light Horse 800AD Umayyad Archer 800AD
Umayyad Spearman 800AD
Umayyad Warband 800AD
Umayyad Auxiliary 800AD
Umayyad Skirmisher 800AD
Charlemayne,the First Holy Roman Emperor 800AD
Ghuzz Cavalry 900AD
Rus Cavalry 900AD
Ghuzz Horse Archer 900AD
Rus Swordsman 900AD
Ghuzz Archer 900AD
Rus Spearman 900AD
Ghuzz Skirmisher 900AD
Rus Skirmisher 900AD
Patzinak Cavalry 900AD
Patzinak Horse Archer 900AD Patzinak Skirmisher 900AD Patzinak War Wagon 900AD
The Rise of the Normans 1000AD
Norman Cavalry 1000AD
Norman Knight 1000AD
Norman Light Horse 1000AD Norman Spearman 1000AD
Norman Crossbowman 1000AD Norman Skirmisher 1000AD Norse-Irish Spearman 1000AD Norse-Irish Auxiliary 1000AD
Norse-Irish GallGaedhil 1000AD Norse-Irish Warband 1000AD Norse-Irish Ostman 1000AD Norse-Irish Skirmisher 1000AD
Scots Cavalry 1000AD
Scots Light Horse 1000AD
Scots Spearman 1000AD
Scots Warband 1000AD
Scots Javelinman 1000AD
Scots Skirmisher 1000AD
Welsh Cavalry 1000AD
Welsh Swordsman 1000AD
Welsh Auxiliary 1000AD
Welsh Warband 1000AD
Welsh Longbowman 1000AD
Welsh Skirmisher 1000AD
Serbian Knight 1000AD
Serbian Archer 1000AD
Serbian Auxiliary 1000AD
Serbian Skirmisher 1000AD
Byzantine Cataphract 1000AD
Byzantine Cavalry 1000AD Byzantine Spearman 1000AD Byzantine Swordsman 1000AD
Byzantine Varangian 1000AD Byzantine Skirmisher 1000AD Andalusian Knight 1000AD
Andalusian Light Horse 1000AD
Spearman 1000AD
Andalusian Cavalry 1000AD
Crossbowman 1000AD Andalusian Skirmisher 1000AD
The First Crusaders 1100AD
Anglo-Norman Knight 1100AD Anglo-Norman Swordsman 1100AD Spearman 1100AD Anglo-Norman Crossbow 1100AD
Auxiliary 1100AD
Anglo-Norman Skirmisher 1100AD Anglo-Irish Cavalry 1100AD Anglo-Irish Axeman 1100AD
Anglo-Irish Spearman 1100AD Anglo-Irish Skirmisher 1100AD Spanish Knight 1100AD
Spanish Cavalry 1100AD
Spanish Light Horse 1100AD Spanish Spearman 1100AD Spanish Crossbow 1100AD Spanish Skirmisher 1100AD
Hungarian Knight 1100AD
Hungarian Skirmisher 1100AD
Crusader Auxiliary 1100AD
Hungarian Cavalry 1100AD Hungarian Horse Archer 1100AD Hungarian Spearman 1100AD
Crusader Knight 1100AD
Crusader Skirmisher 1100AD
Crusader Knight 1100AD
Crusader Spearman 1100AD
Fatamid Cavalry 1100AD Fatamid Light Horse 1100AD
Fatamid Swordsman 1100AD Fatamid Archer 1100AD
Fatamid Skirmisher 1100AD
Ghaznavid Cavalry 1100AD
Ghaznavid Horse Archer 1100AD Ghaznavid Elephant 1100AD Ghaznavid Warband 1100AD Ghaznavid Auxiliary 1100AD
Ghaznavid Archer 1100AD
Ghaznavid Skirmisher 1100AD
The Rise of the Feudal Knights 1200AD
Byzantine Knight 1200AD
Byzantine Cavalry 1200AD Byzantine Light Horse 1200AD Byzantine Swordsman 1200AD
Byzantine Spearman 1200AD Byzantine Varangian 1200AD Byzantine Auxiliary 1200AD Byzantine Skirmisher 1200AD
Sicilian Knight 1200AD
Sicilian Auxiliary 1200AD
Sicilian Cavalry 1200AD
Sicilian Horse Archer 1200AD
Sicilian Crossbowman 1200AD Sicilian Skirmisher 1200AD
Polish Light Horse 1200AD Polish Spearman 1200AD
Polish Archer 1200AD
Sicilian Spearman 1200AD
Polish Cavalry 1200AD
Polish Skirmisher 1200AD
Russian Cavalry 1200AD
Russian Horse Archer 1200AD
Russian Spearman 1200AD
Russian Skirmisher 1200AD
Cuman Cavalry 1200AD
Cuman Horse Archer 1200AD
Cuman Auxiliary 1200AD
Cuman Skirmisher 1200AD
Georgian Knight 1200AD
Georgian Light Horse 1200AD Georgian Spearman 1200AD
Georgian Skirmisher 1200AD
Khwarizmian_Cavalry 1200AD Horse Archer 1200AD
Khwarizmian_Spearman 1200AD Seljuq Turk Cavalry 1200AD
Horse Archer 1200AD
Seljuq Turk Skirmisher 1200AD Syrian Cavalry 1200AD Syrian Horse Archer 1200AD
Syrian Auxiliary 1200AD
Syrian Skirmishers 1200AD Ayyubid Cavalry 1200AD
Georgian Archer 1200AD
Khwarizmian_Archer 1200AD
Seljuq Turk Auxiliary 1200AD
Syrian Spearman 1200AD
Ayyubid Horse Archer 1200AD
Ayyubid Spearman 1200AD
Ayyubid Auxiliary 1200AD
Ayyubid Archer 1200AD
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde 1225AD
English Knight 1250AD
English Spearman 1250AD English Longbowman 1250AD
English Archer 1250AD
English Crossbowman 1250AD
English Auxiliary 1250AD
Imperial Knight 1250AD
Imperial Knight 1250AD
Imperial Horse Archer 1250AD Imperial Swordsman 1250AD Imperial Crossbowman 1250AD Imperial Skirmisher 1250AD
Crusader Knight 1250AD
Crusader Skirmisher 1250AD
Mongol Archer 1250AD
Crusader Cavalry 1250AD
Crusader Spearman 1250AD Crusader Crossbowman 1250AD
Mongol Cavalry 1250AD
Mongol Horse Archer 1250AD
Mongol Artillery 1250AD
Mongol Skirmisher 1250AD
Mongol Spearman 1250AD
The Beginning of Plate-Mail Armour 1300AD
Scots Common Knight 1300AD Scots Common Spearman 1300AD Warband 1300AD
Scots Common Skirmisher 1300AD Highlander Swordsman 1300AD Warband 1300AD
Scots Common Archer 1300AD
Highlander Auxiliary 1300AD
Highlander Archer 1300AD
French Spearman 1300AD
Highlander Skirmisher 1300AD
French Auxiliary 1300AD French Crossbowman 1300AD
Scandanavian Knight 1300AD Scandanavian Cavalry 1300AD
Prussian Cavalry 1300AD
French Knight 1300AD
Prussian Warband 1300AD
Axeman 1300AD
French Cavalry 1300AD
French Skirmisher 1300AD
Scandanavian Skirmisher 1300AD
Prussian Auxiliary 1300AD
Prussian Skirmisher 1300AD
Papal Italian Knight 1300AD Papal Italian Swordsman 1300AD Italian Spearman 1300AD
Italian Crossbowman 1300AD
Italian Skirmisher 1300AD
Hospitallar Knight 1300AD Hospitallar Cavalry 1300AD Hospitallar Crossbowman 1300AD
Hospitallar Skirmisher 1300AD Romanian Knight 1300AD
Romanian Cavalry 1300AD Romanian Horse Archer 1300AD
Romanian Spearman 1300AD Romanian Crossbowman 1300AD Romanian Skirmisher 1300AD
Bulgar Horse Archer 1300AD
Spearman 1300AD
Bulgar Knight 1300AD
Bulgar Spearman 1300AD Bulgar Skirmisher 1300AD Cicilian Armenian Cavalry 1300AD
Cicilian Armenian Archer 1300AD Persian Ilkhan Cavalry 1300AD Ilkhan Horse Archer 1300AD
Persian Ilkhan Auxiliary 1300AD Persian Ilkhanid Artillery 1300AD
Low Countries Knight 1350AD
Swordsman 1350AD Low Countries Crossbow 1350AD Low Countries Artillery 1350AD
Low Countries Pike 1350AD Low Countries Skirmisher 1350AD Navarrese Knight 1350AD
Navarrese Longbowman 1350AD Navarrese Auxiliary 1350AD Navarrese Skirmisher 1350AD
Italian Spearman 1350AD
Italian Skirmisher 1350AD
Catalan Auxiliary 1350AD
Italian Auxiliary 1350AD
Catalan Knight 1350AD
Catalan Skirmisher 1350AD
Italian Crossbowman 1350AD
Navarrese Polearm 1350AD
Italian Knight 1350AD
Italian War Wagon 1350AD
Catalan Light Horse 1350AD Catalan Horse Archer 1350AD
Hungarian Knight 1350AD Hungarian Horse Archer 1350AD
Hungarian Spearman 1350AD Hungarian Skirmisher 1350AD Hungarian War Wagon 1350AD
Ottoman Horse Archer 1350AD Ottoman Auxiliary 1350AD
Ottoman Cavalry 1350AD
Ottoman Skirmisher 1350AD
Gunpowder, and the Scourges of Tamerlane 1400AD
Anglo-Irish Knight 1400AD Anglo-Irish Cavalry 1400AD
Horse Skirmisher 1400AD
Anglo-Irish Auxiliary 1400AD Anglo-Irish Longbow 1400AD Anglo-Irish Skirmisher 1400AD
Anglo-Irish Polearm 1400AD
Irish Cavalry 1400AD
Irish Light Horse 1400AD
English Knight 1400AD
English Auxiliary 1400AD
French Knight 1400AD
Irish Swordsman 1400AD
English Knight 1400AD
English Longbow 1400AD
French Spear 1400AD
Irish Auxiliary 1400AD
English Cavalry 1400AD
English Artillery 1400AD
French Auxiliary 1400AD
Irish Skirmisher 1400AD
English Polearm 1400AD
French Knight 1400AD
French Crossbow 1400AD
French Artillery 1300AD Free Company Knight 1400AD Free Company Knight 1400AD Free Company Polearm 1400AD
Free Company Longbow Free Company Skirmisher 1400AD
Swiss Skirmisher 1400AD
Swiss Polearm 1400AD
Swiss Light Horse 1400AD
Scandanavian Knight 1400AD Scandanavian Knight 1400AD Scandanavian Axeman 1400AD
Scandanavian Pike 1400AD Scandanavian Spear 1400AD Scandanavian Crossbow 1400AD Scandanavian Artillery 1400AD
Scandanavian Skirmisher 1400AD Teutonic Knight 1400AD Teutonic Knight 1400AD
Teutonic Auxiliary 1400AD
Teutonic Crossbow 1400AD
Italian Knight 1400AD
Teutonic Light Horse 1400AD
Italian Light Horse 1400AD
Italian Pike 1400AD
Italian Spear 1400AD
Italian Auxiliary 1400AD
Spanish Light Horse 1400AD
Italian Crossbow 1400AD
Italian Skirmisher 1400AD
Spanish Knight 1400AD
Spanish Spear 1400AD
Spanish Auxiliary 1400AD
Spanish Crossbow 1400AD
Spanish Skirmisher 1400AD
Serbian Knight 1400AD
Serbian Horse Archer 1400AD
Serbian Spear 1400AD
Serbian Auxiliary 1400AD
Serbian Archer 1400AD
Serbian Skirmisher 1400AD
Byzantine Knight 1400AD
Byzantine Cavalry 1400AD Byzantine Horse Archer 1400AD
Byzantine Spear 1400AD
Byzantine Skirmisher 1400AD
Granadine Knight 1400AD
Granadine Cavalry 1400AD
Granadine Horse Skirmisher 1400AD Granadine Spear 1400AD Granadine Crossbow 1400AD Granadine Skirmisher 1400AD
Lithuanian Knight 1400AD
Polish Knight 1400AD
Russian Cavalry 1400AD
Lithuanian Light Horse 1400AD Lithuanian Auxiliary 1400AD Lithuanian Skirmisher 1400AD
Polish Cavalry 1400AD
Russian Light Horse 1400AD
Polish Light Horse 1400AD
Russian Spear 1400AD
Polish Skirmisher 1400AD
Russian Skirmisher 1400AD
Golden Horde Cavalry 1400AD Golden Horde Horse Archer
Ottoman Cavalry 1400AD
Ottoman Horse Archer 1400AD
Ottoman Skirmisher 1400AD
Mamluk Skirmisher 1400AD
Timurid Archer 1400AD
Golden Horde Archer Golden Horde Skirmisher 1400AD
Ottoman Janissary 1400AD
Ottoman Artillery 1400AD
Mamluk Cavalry 1400AD Mamluk Horse Archer 1400AD Mamluk Auxiliary 1400AD
Timurid Cavalry 1400AD
Timurid Auxiliary 1400AD
Timurid Horse Archer 1400AD
Timurid Elephant 1400AD
Timurid Skirmisher 1400AD Timurid Artillery 1400AD
The Infantry Fight Back, Knights Decline 1430AD
Hussite Knight 1430AD
Hussite Artillery 1430AD
Hussite Cavalry 1430AD
Hussite War Wagon 1430AD
Hussite Light Horse 1430AD
Albanian Light Horse 1445AD
Hussite Polearm 1430AD
Albanian Polearm 1445AD
Albanian Auxiliary 1445AD
Albanian Skirmisher 1445AD Burgundian Knight 1450AD
Burgundian Knight 1450AD
Burgundian Pike 1450AD
Burgundian Longbow 1450AD Burgundian Crossbow 1450AD
Hospitallar Knight 1450AD
Hospitallar Spear 1450AD
Hospitallar Crossbow 1450AD Hospitallar Artillery 1450AD Hospitallar Skirmisher 1450AD
Burgundian Pike 1475AD Burgundian Light Horse 1475AD Burgundian Polearm 1475AD
Burgundian Longbow 1475AD Burgundian Artillery 1475AD English Knight 1480AD
Burgundian Pike 1475AD
English Knight 1480AD
English Polearm 1480AD
English Longbow 1480AD
English Artillary 1480AD
English Skirmisher 1480AD
French Light Horse 1480AD
French Skirmisher 1480AD
Imperial Pike 1490AD
French Pike 1480AD
English Archer 1480AD
French Knight 1480AD
English Auxiliary 1480AD
French Knight 1480AD
French Longbow 1480AD
French Artillery 1480AD
Imperial Knight 1490AD
Imperial Knight 1490AD
Imperial Light Horse 1490AD
Imperial Crossbow 1490AD
Imperial Skirmisher 1490AD
Swiss Knight 1500AD
Swiss Light Horse 1500AD
Swiss Polearm 1500AD
Swiss Pike 1500AD
Swiss Skirmisher 1500AD
Images culled from http://www.dbaol.com, Online Armies, Copyright © Wargaming.net 1999-2006 on 1st
September 2010 EST +10.
Maps culled from The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History by Colin McEvedy, published by Penguin
Books, London. 1988